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Here I have used the shape tool to create my layout of the contents page.

I also used the Bebas Neue font for my title to keep the theme of my magazine flowing.

Here I have added the footer section to my magazine and a black and white picture of Mickel with a sharp red rectangle underneath it with the Exclusive written in it. This contrasts the white and grey background and makes it stand out.

Here I have added another picture of my mystery celebrity. I have used a pixelate feature on the picture with the colour halftone effect on it. This makes the picture hard to see which adds to the who element of mystery.

Here I have added two more picture which are both .png files. The WIN pug and the picture of the shoes. I have used the magic wand tool to get rid of the white background for the pug.

Here I have added the page numbers and the text to complete my contenst page. Throuhout the contens page I have used the Bebas Neue font and the regular Arial font for my text next to the page numbers. Most of my font colours were dark brownish to contrast the pure background.

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