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GREENFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Discovery School at Four Corners First Grade !rs" Barisano and !

s" Duchar#e #au$ar%&'(s)%*"or' #arduc%&'(s)%*"or'

March 3, 2014 Dear First Grade Families, Here we are, starting yet another busy month. he cold weather is still here but than!"ully s#ring is $ust around the corner% &emember to turn your cloc!s ahead this wee!end "or Daylight 'a(ings time. Grand#arents Day was a big success last wee!. )e had many grand#arents (isit and the students had a *Grand+ old time with them. he students got to show o"" their reading, writing, and math s!ills. hey also en$oyed a s#ecial snac! together. han!s to all o" you who donated goodies "or this s#ecial occasion. his month we will be starting a new ,-. unit on * reasures.+ 'tudents will be reading stories about things that are (aluable, cherished, or im#ortant. .t home we encourage you to s#ea! with your child about what things they treasure. /0hildren should be thin!ing o" things that don1t come "rom a store, such as a s#ecial memory, hand made gi"t "rom a lo(ed one, etc.2 334lease do not ha(e your child bring in toys or stu""ed animals "or share. )e are wor!ing on *tal!ing shares+ to de(elo# their oral language s!ills. here is no need "or anything to come to school "rom home, e5ce#t ideas that students can tal! about. 6n math we are "ocusing on strategies "or addition and subtraction, "or one and two digit numbers. 4lease continue to wor! with your child at home on learning their math "acts so they can be "luent and not rely on counting on their "ingers. Important Dates: March 14th is the deadline "or any #arents a##lying "or 'chool 0ouncil membershi#. 3March 14th and 27th 8 .ll 'chool Meetings9 7:4; a.m. in the library March 21st and 27th are early dismissal days /11:;0 a.m.2 "or #arent9teacher con"erences. ,(ening 0on"erences will be held on March 1<th. 4lease sign and return con"erence sli# as soon as #ossible.

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