Team - 4 - Model and Framework

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Team 4 Voting Intentions of the Coimbatore Electorate in the next General Elections

Objectives 1. To identify the factors that most affect the voting intentions of the Coimbatore electorate. 2. To determine how factors like age, gender and occupation affects the voting behaviour.

Concepts : IMC : Integrated Marketing Communication

Brand Identity , Celebrity Appeal , Consumer Decision Making Process . Segmentation , Positioning

Theoretical Framework of Research Proposal

- Dependent Variable - Independent Variable


Brand Awareness

Time-of-Voting Recall

- Attributes of Independent variable Media(Advertisinng) ,Managing The IMC Events & Experiences Incumbency of ruling party

Place of Voting

Economic Development Voting Intention 1. Infrastructure 2. Transport & Utilities (sales promotion ,Direct and interactive marketing) Election Manifesto

Brand Relationship Social

1. Caste 2. Religion

Influencers Public Relation and Publicity Party ( Brand image) Candidate Characterstics

Word of Mouth

1. Free Schemes 2. Govt. Policies

1.Family 2.Group

!. Party recognition 2.Supremo

1.Appearance 2.Charisma

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