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Care Needs

Working in small groups identify all the needs that we have!

Those aiming for an A or a B also explain how your needs change through the life-stages!!

Maslow, a psychologist, suggested that we all have needs and that we often dont realise we have these needs until we have met them. He developed a hierarchy of human needs and believed that we cannot reach the top unless all our needs are fulfilled.

From this list of needs that every person has put them in the order that you feel is most important (at the top) to the least important (at the bottom)
Love and emotional needs Physical needs Self esteem needs Safety and security needs

1. 2. 3. 4.

Basic Physical Needs

#4. Basic Physical Needs

This includes the need for Food Drink Oxygen Sleep Warmth Sensory pleasure Maternal behaviour and Sexual Desire. If people are denied any of these needs, they may spend long periods of time looking for them.

Safety and Security Needs

#6. Safety and Security Needs

Basic Physical Needs

Once a persons basic needs have been met, their next concern is usually for safety and security, freedom from pain, threat from physical attack and protection from danger.

Love and Social Needs

#8. Love and Social needs

Safety and Security Needs

Basic Physical Needs

These include: a sense of belonging the need for social activities friendships and the giving and receiving of love.

Esteem needs
#10. Esteem needs

Love and emotional needs Safety and Security Needs

Basic Physical Needs

This includes the need to have self respect (involves the desire to have strength, confidence, independence, freedom and achievement) and esteem of others (involves having prestige, status, attention, recognition, reputation and appreciation from other people).

Self actualisation needs

#12. Self actualisation needs


Self-esteem needs

Love and emotional needs Safety and Security Needs

Basic Physical Needs

This is the development of and realisation of a persons full potential. all the other needs in the pyramid have to be achieved before a person can reach this stage.

Abraham Maslow was a psychologist who created a pyramid that represented the basic needs of every individual. The idea is that the lower the need on the pyramid, the more an individual needs it and you cant get to the ones above until you have the ones below.

You have 10 mins to answer the questions in your booklet!

For every need a person has there is a service provided in each sector. Think of 6 different health services in your tables!!

Now in tables think of 6 social care services!

Now in tables think of 6 early year services!

Fill in the table below. In the first column, identify the life stage of the person pictured and then fill in the rest of the table to identify the types of services they might use. The first line has been filled in to start you off.

This worksheet requires you to do some primary research in the form of an interview with an individual. Ask your interviewee to think about a time they have used a health, social care or early years service. Did it meet their needs? Use the information gathered from your interview to fill in the table below. Remember, your interviewee may not understand what physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs are, so you may need to explain these carefully to get the information that you need. You may find that the individuals needs were not adequately met.

Read the case study and the questions that follow. All of the answers can be found in the case so make sure u read it carefully!

Design a brochure advertising your own nursery. You must make sure that you offer brilliant services and care. Describe the services, facilities, meals, location, staff, qualifications etc.

Explore their own environment Self- Esteem More advanced toys Laughter Protection Dignity Meet other people Use social facilities Good hygiene New experiences

Develop Routines Stimulation

Fresh Air Role Modelling Sleep Television Exercise Education

Balanced diet Be valued Books Love Encouragement Play and learn with others

Learn Independence
Warmth Play Respect

Physical needs

Intellectual needs
Play Stimulation More advanced toys New experiences Books

Emotional needs
Respect Love Encouragement Laughter Be valued

Social needs

Warmth Shelter Balanced Diet Protection Good Hygiene

Develop routines Meet other people Play and learn with others Explore their own environment Use social facilities

Sleep Exercise
Fresh Air

Television Education
Role modelling

Dignity Learn independence


Create a Profile of Me Use the body template diagram to design a profile of you: D.O.B., Place of birth, Star sign, Hobbies, Clothes, music, colour Friends, Favourite food, Favourite drink, How many hours do you sleep? Favourite place Favourite season? Beach or pool? Personality - happy? Moody?

Examples of Needs

Use the list below to categorise Adolescents needs in this life stage. Include your own from the Profile of Me above to extend your list.

Services that can be provided to meet the needs

Health Needs

Developm ent Needs

Social Care Needs

OBJECTIVESTo identify the needs of early adulthood & middle adulthood. To assess the needs of a person in early & middle adulthood and suggest services to help them.

Warmth Stimulating work

Money to access activities Shelter Learn new skills for home, work and leisure Love Opportunities to meet other people

Encouragement Learn with others Safe Surroundings New experience Laughter Travel Good hygiene Books Feel valued Leisure facilities Sleep Media Dignity Free time Exercise Education

Balanced diet

Independence Information about available activities Fresh air Role models Self-esteem and selfawareness Health facilities Job Security Stable relationships Menopause Preparation for parenthood, children leaving home, retirement and death of loved ones Financial security

Physical Needs
Warmth Shelter

Intellectual Needs
Stimulating work Learn new skills for home, work and leisure Conversations New experiences Books Media Education Role models Job Security

Emotional Needs
Respect Love

Social Needs
Money to access activities Opportunities to meet other people Learn with others Travel Leisure facilities Free time Information about available activities

Balanced diet Safe Surroundings Good hygiene Sleep Exercise Fresh air Health facilities Menopause

Encouragement Laughter Feel valued Dignity Independence Self-esteem and self-awareness Stable relationships Preparation for parenthood, children leaving home, retirement and death of loved ones Financial security.

Read the case study below and highlight the key words


Love and emotion

Safety and security

Physical Favourite food, drink, how many sleep?

Lisas needs

Met or unmet?

Who/what service (s) could help Lisa?

Objectives: To be able to describe PIES needs of service users in Later Adulthood. To be able to create a poster that explains how a service meets their individuals needs.

Below is some of the health, development and social care needs of a service user in Later Adulthood. Your job is to create a poster about a luxury residential home, include the needs of the service user and the services that can be provided at this home.

OBJECTIVES: To be able to identify and explain the care needs of individuals with specific needs. To be able to identify the services available to meet their needs.

List all the services that you think could meet the needs of the individuals in the pictures.

OBJECTIVES: To identity how health, social care and early years services respond to the needs and demands of different groups. To explain using examples key terms in meeting social policy.

Universal services are: An example of this is: .

Targeted services are: ........ An example of this is: ..................................................................................

AFTER YOU HAVE DONE THIS: TASKUse the information on page 73 to find out the following information. Hint- Remember to read the information first, do not just copy it, you need to be able to put it into your own words.

Use the information on page 73 to find out the following information. Hint- Remember to read the information first, do not just copy it, you need to be able to put it into your own words.

TASKCreate 2 case studies that show the difference between Universal services and targeted services.
You need to include: A name, age and life stage. Their PIES needs Service that they need to use to meet their needs. Why it is a universal or targeted service. Remember that you need to complete 1 of each!

Objectives: To explain the difference between temporary and permanent access to services

Place ideas around this thought cloud as to the reasons why services users will need to access services. For example, a broken leg.

TASK- Now using two different colours, highlight which services will be used on a temporary or permanent basis.

TASKBelow are the four areas of providing services. Your mission is to identify why a service user may need each form of service and give examples of how it meet a service users individual needs. Hint- Think of more than two examples for each service. To go even further, use examples that are services for different life stages.




There are FOUR different reasons why we provide services.

Medical Treatment

Read through the case study and highlight all of the key words, then answer all of the questions!


TASK- As a final summary of this topic use these pages in your booklet and complete the examples of services for each life stage.

Objectives: To reflect on the care needs topic. To produce examples of services for assessment of care needs.

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