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Presented by
NIKHILKUMAR. A. JAIN nikhil_jain !"redi##$ail.%&$ VISHAL.K.DHARAMDASANI 'ishal_( )"yah&&.%&$




Abstract 1.0 Introd ct!on 1.1 "#at !s F!b$r O%t!cs Co&& n!cat!on' 1.( In)$nt!on o* F!b$r O%t!cs 1.+ Pr!nc!%a, (.0 T-%$s o* O%t!ca, F!b$rs +.0 T#$ F!b$r O%t!cs .ata Co&& n!cat!ons ,!n/0 End1to1End 2.0 F!b$r O%t!cs Co&& n!cat!on N$t3or/s 2.1 As-nc#rono s Trans*$r Mod$ 4ATM5 2.( Int$6rat$d S$r)!c$s .!6!ta, N$t3or/ 4IS.N5 2.+ Et#$rn$t 7.0 Ar$as o* a%%,!cat!on 8.0 M$r!ts 9.0 .$&$r!ts :.0 F!6 r$s ;.0 Conc, s!on 10.0 R$*$r$nc$s

,7r %7rrent 8a9e &# te%hn&l&9y: is the res7lt &# $any brilliant in'enti&ns and dis%&'eries2 b7t it is &7r ability t& trans$it in#&r$ati&n2 and the $edia ;e 7se t& d& it2 that is <erha<s $&st res<&nsible #&r its e'&l7ti&n. Pr&9ressin9 #r&$ the %&<<er ;ire &# a %ent7ry a9& t& t&day=s #iber &<ti% %able2 &7r in%reasin9 ability t& trans$it $&re in#&r$ati&n2 $&re >7i%kly and &'er l&n9er distan%es has e?<anded the b&7ndaries &# &7r te%hn&l&9i%al de'el&<$ent in all areas. An &<ti%al #iber %&$$7ni%ati&n is a trans$issi&n $edi7$ desi9ned t& trans$it di9ital si9nals in the #&r$ &# <7lses &# li9ht 7sin9 &<ti%al #ibers. In its si$<lest ter$s2 #iber &<ti%s is a $edi7$ #&r %arryin9 in#&r$ati&n #r&$ &ne <&int t& an&ther in the #&r$ &# li9ht. Unlike the %&<<er #&r$ &# trans$issi&n2 #iber &<ti%s is n&t ele%tri%al in nat7re. +&day=s l&;3l&ss 9lass #iber &<ti% %able &##ers al$&st 7nli$ited band;idth and 7ni>7e ad'anta9es &'er all <re'i&7sly de'el&<ed trans$issi&n $edia. In &7r treatise ;e e?<lain the %&n%e<t &# #iber &<ti%s2 it:s <rin%i<le2 #iber &<ti%s data %&$$7ni%ati&n link2 end3t&3end. +his arti%le dis%7sses these standards and <r&t&%&ls2 in%l7din9 A+M @Asyn%hr&n&7s +rans#er M&deA *thernet2 ISDN @Inte9rated Ser'i%e Data Inter#a%eA and areas &# a<<li%ati&n.

B&rd %&7ntC !D

1.0 INTRO.UCTION< 1.1 "#at !s F!b$r O%t!cs Co&& n!cat!on' A trans$issi&n $edi7$ desi9ned t& trans$it di9ital si9nals in the #&r$ &# <7lses &# li9ht. +hese <7lses &# li9ht are trans#erred thr&79h the &<ti%al #ibers. +he trans$issi&n $edia is the #iber &<ti%s itsel#. +hey 97ide 'isible and in#rared li9ht &'er l&n9 distan%es. +he &<ti%al #iber $ade 7< &# an ins7latin9 $aterial like 9lass2 <lasti% et%. -iber ,<ti%s d&esn=t s7##er #r&$ either line &# si9ht &r abs&r<ti&n 7nder n&r$al %ir%7$stan%es. -iber &<ti% syste$s 7se a laser bea$ #ired int& a s<e%ial 9lass &r <lasti% #iber ;ith a trans<arent %&re. +he #iber is desi9ned t& all&; li9ht t& be trans$itted al&n9 its len9th. It is s<e%ially $ade t& re#le%t li9ht that rea%hes the &7ter ed9e &# its %&re2 and 9ently de#le%t the li9ht ;a'e ba%k t& the %enter &# the #iber. +h7s2 the li9ht si9nal %an be bent ar&7nd %&rners. +he #iber is sealed2 th7s <re'entin9 ;ater #r&$ 9ettin9 in the ;ay. +hese #ibers are tiny. Se'eral #ibers t&9ether are the ;idth &# a h7$an hair2 and ea%h #iber %an %arry th&7sands &# %&nne%ti&ns @re#er #i97re . aA. +ele%&$$7ni%ati&ns %&$<anies 7se #iber &<ti%s $&st #re>7ently. M&st #iber &<ti% %able is b7ried in the 9r&7nd2 s& ;ater s&$eti$es %ree<s in and %a7ses atten7ati&n2 b7t this is in%reasin9ly rare. 1e%a7se #iber &<ti%s are s& reliable2 and di##i%7lt t& disr7<t @it <ra%ti%ally takes a ba%kh&e t& st&< itA2 they are the $&st <&<7lar #&r$ &# l&n9 distan%e %&$$7ni%ati&n in 7se t&day. +he &<ti%al #iber %&nstr7%ti&nC @re#er #i97re . bA

.,R* E it:s $ade &# 9lass. .LADDIN/ 3 $ade &# 9lass. Plasti% %&atin9.

1.( In)$nt!on o* o%t!ca, *!b$r 1ritish <hysi%s J&hn +yndall nearly (5 years a9& de$&nstrated e?<eri$entally that li9ht %&7ld be 97ided al&n9 a %7r'ed stea$ &# ;ater e$<l&yin9 &<ti%al <hen&$ena &# t&tal internal re#le%ti&n. 1ased &n this %&n%e<t the #irst 9lass #ibers ;ere $ade in !(5:s b7t the %&n%e<t &# %laddin9 $ade 97idin9 &# li9ht <ra%ti%al ;ith li$ited s7%%ess in !45. It is the in'enti&n &# lasers in !)5 by Mai$an2 ;hi%h %reated a sensati&n in &<ti%al %&$$7ni%ati&n be%a7se &# its hi9h %&heren%e <r&<erty. +he &<ti%al #re>7en%ies are &# &rder &# 4? 5 DHF2as %&$<ared t& the #re>7en%ies &# 7< t& 5 5 HF e$<l&yed in ele%tri% %&$$7ni%ati&n s7%h as +V2 radar2 and $i%r&;a'e links. +his indi%ates an in%rease &# in#&r$ati&n %a<a%ity 5D ti$es in &<ti%al ran9e. In re%ent years it has be%&$e a<<arent that #iber &<ti%s are steadily re<la%in9 %&<<er ;ire as an a<<r&<riate $eans &# %&$$7ni%ati&n si9nal trans$issi&n. +hey s<an the l&n9 distan%es bet;een l&%al <h&ne syste$s as ;ell as <r&'idin9 the ba%kb&ne #&r $any net;&rk syste$s. ,ther syste$ 7sers in%l7de %able tele'isi&n ser'i%es2 7ni'ersity %a$<7ses2 &##i%e b7ildin9s2 ind7strial <lants2 and ele%tri% 7tility %&$<anies.

.G Pr!nc!%,$ +hink &# a #iber %able in ter$s &# 'ery l&n9 %ardb&ard r&ll @#r&$ the inside r&ll &# <a<er t&;elA that is %&ated ;ith a $irr&r. I# y&7 shine a #lashli9ht in &ne y&7 %an see li9ht at the #ar end 3 e'en i# bent the r&ll ar&7nd a %&rner. Li9ht <7lses $&'e easily d&;n the #iber3&<ti% line be%a7se &# a <rin%i<le kn&;n as 8t&tal internal re#le%ti&n:(. +his <rin%i<le &# t&tal internal re#le%ti&n states 8that ;hen the an9le &# in%iden%e e?%eeds a %riti%al 'al7e2 li9ht %ann&t 9et &7t &# the 9lassH instead2 the li9ht b&7n%es ba%k in:. Bhen this <rin%i<le is a<<lied t& the %&nstr7%ti&n &# the #iber3 &<ti% strand2 it is <&ssible t& trans$it in#&r$ati&n d&;n #iber lines in the #&r$ &# li9ht <7lses. @Re#er #i97re .GaA. (.0 T-%$s o* o%t!ca, *!b$r 1.St$% Ind$= M ,t!&od$ F!b$r @re#er #i97re (.5aA

o o

1and;idth 3 (5 MHF .&re dia$eter 3 553(45 $i%r&ns

(./raded Inde? M7lti$&de -iber @re#er -i97re(.5%A o 1and;idth 3 655 MHF o .&re dia$eter 3 453 55 $i%r&ns G.Ste< Inde? Sin9le M&de -iber @re#er -i97re (.5bA

o o

1and;idth 3 4 /HF .&re dia$eter 3 43I $i%r&ns

+.0 T#$ F!b$r O%t!c .ata Co&& n!cat!ons L!n/0 End1to1End +his sh&;s the si$<le #iber &<ti% data link #&r the <re$ises en'ir&n$ent. +his is the basi% b7ildin9 bl&%k #&r a #iber &<ti% based net;&rk.

M&del &# si$<le #iber &<ti% data link -iber &<ti% trans$issi&n 7ses the sa$e basi% ele$ents as %&<<er3based trans$issi&n syste$sC A trans$itter2 a re%ei'er2 and a $edi7$ by ;hi%h the si9nal is <assed #r&$ &ne t& the &ther2 in this %ase2 &<ti%al #iber.

TRANSMITTER< +he trans$itter 7ses an ele%tri%al inter#a%e t& en%&de the 7se in#&r$ati&n thr&79h AM2 -M &r di9ital $&d7lati&n. A laser di&de &r an L*D d&es the en%&din9 t& all&; an &<ti%al &7t<7t &# 645 n$2 G 5 n$2 &r 445 n$ @ty<i%allyA. Li9ht S&7r%es

+here are t;& $ain li9ht s&7r%es 7sed in the #ield &# #iber &<ti%s. E . @LD:sA Li9ht *$ittin9 di&des @L*D:sA (. Laser Di&des

L!6#t E&!tt!n6 .!od$s< An L*D is a <3n j7n%ti&n di&de in a trans<arent %a<s7le 7s7ally ;ith a lens t& let the li9ht es%a<e and t& #&%7s it. L*D=s %an be $an7#a%t7red t& &<erate at 645 n$2 G55 n$2 &r 455 n$. +hese ;a'elen9ths are all in the in#rared re9i&n. L*D=s ha'e a ty<i%al res<&nse ti$e &# 6 ns2 a line ;idth &# D5 n$2 and an &7t<7t <&;er &# tens &# $i%r&;atts.

F!6 r$ o* LE.

Laser Di&desC A laser di&de is an L*D ;ith t;& i$<&rtant di##eren%es A +he &<eratin9 %7rrent is $7%h hi9her in &rder t& <r&d7%e &<ti%al 9ain. (A +;& &# the ends &# the LD are %lea'ed <arallel t& ea%h &ther. +hese ends a%t as <er#e%tly ali9ned $irr&rs ;hi%h re#le%t the li9ht ba%k and #&rth thr&79h the 89ain $edi7$: in &rder t& 9et as $7%h a$<li#i%ati&n as <&ssible. +he ty<i%al res<&nse ti$e &# a laser di&de is 5.4 ns. +he line ;idth is ar&7nd ( n$ ;ith a ty<i%al laser <&;er &# 5=s &# $ill ;atts. +he ;a'elen9th &# a laser di&de %an be 645 n$2 G55 n$2 &r 455 n$.

F!6 r$ o* Las$r .!od$ RECEI>ER< +he re%ei'er 7ses either a PIN <h&t&di&de &r an APD t& re%ei'e the &<ti%al si9nal and %&n'ert it ba%k int& an ele%tri%al si9nal. A data de$&d7lat&r %&n'erts the data ba%k int& its &ri9inal ele%tri%al #&r$. +hese ele$ents %&$<rise the si$<lest link2 b7t &ther ele$ents $ay als& a<<ear in a #iber &<ti% trans$issi&n L&n9 distan%e #iber &<ti% trans$issi&n leads t& #7rther syste$ %&$<le?ity. Many l&n93ha7l trans$issi&n syste$s re>7ire si9nal re9enerat&rs2 si9nal re<eaters2 &r &<ti%al a$<li#iers s7%h as *D-As in &rder t& $aintain si9nal >7ality. Syste$ dr&<Jre<eatJadd re>7ire$ents2 s7%h as th&se in $7lti%hannel br&ad%ast net;&rks2 #7rther add t& the #iber &<ti% syste$2 in%&r<&ratin9 $7lti<le?es2 %&7<lersJs<litters2 si9nal #an &7ts2 dis<ersi&n $ana9e$ent e>7i<$ent2 re$&te $&nit&rin9 inter#a%es2 and err&r3%&rre%ti&n %&$<&nents. 2.0 F!b$r O%t!c Co&& n!cat!ons N$t3or/s All net;&rks in'&l'e the sa$e basi% <rin%i<leC in#&r$ati&n %an be sent t&2 shared ;ith2 <assed &n2 &r by<assed ;ithin a n7$ber &# %&$<7ter stati&ns @n&desA and a $aster

%&$<7ter @ser'erA. In additi&n t& 'ari&7s t&<&l&9ies #&r net;&rks a n7$ber &# standards and <r&t&%&ls ha'e been de'el&<ed2 ea%h ;ith their &;n ad'anta9es2 t&<&l&9ies2 and $edi7$ re>7ire$ents. +his dis%7sses these standards and <r&t&%&ls2 in%l7din9C A+M2 *thernet K ISDN. 2.1 As-nc#rono s Trans*$r Mod$ 4ATM5 Asyn%hr&n&7s trans#er $&de @A+MA is ;idely de<l&yed as a net;&rk ba%kb&ne te%hn&l&9y. +his te%hn&l&9y inte9rates easily ;ith &ther te%hn&l&9ies2 and &##ers s&<histi%ated net;&rk $ana9e$ent #eat7res that all&; si9nal %arriers t& 97arantee L7ality ,# Ser'i%e @L,SA. A+M $ay als& be re#erred t& as %ell relay be%a7se the net;&rk 7ses sh&rt2 #i?ed len9th <a%kets &r %ells #&r data trans<&rt. +he in#&r$ati&n is di'ided int& di##erent %ells2 trans$itted2 and re3asse$bled at the re%ei'in9 end. *a%h %ell %&ntains D6 bytes &# data <ayl&ad as ;ell as a 43byte %ell header. +his #i?ed siFe ens7res that ti$e %riti%al '&i%e &r 'ide& data ;ill n&t be ad'ersely a##e%ted by l&n9 data #ra$es &r <a%kets. A+M &r9aniFes di##erent ty<es &# data int& se<arate %ells2 all&;in9 net;&rk 7sers and the net;&rk itsel# t& deter$ine h&; band;idth is all&%ated. +his a<<r&a%h ;&rks es<e%ially ;ell ;ith net;&rks handlin9 b7rst data trans$issi&ns. Data strea$s are then $7lti<le?ed and trans$itted bet;een end 7ser and net;&rk ser'er and bet;een net;&rk s;it%hes. +hese data strea$s %an be trans$itted t& $any di##erent destinati&ns2 red7%in9 the re>7ire$ent #&r net;&rk inter#a%es and net;&rk #a%ilities2 and 7lti$ately2 &'erall %&st &# the net;&rk itsel#.

.&nne%ti&ns #&r A+M net;&rks in%l7de Virt7al Path .&nne%ti&ns @VP.sA2 ;hi%h %&ntain $7lti<le Virt7al .ir%7it .&nne%ti&ns @V..sA. Virt7al %ir%7its are n&thin9 $&re than end3t&3end %&nne%ti&ns ;ith de#ined end<&ints and r&7tes2 b7t n& de#ined band;idth all&%ati&n. 1and;idth is all&%ated &n de$and as re>7ired by the net;&rk. V..s %arry a sin9le strea$ &# %&nti97&7s data %ells #r&$ 7ser t& 7ser. V..s $ay be %&n#i97red as stati%2 Per$anent Virt7al .&nne%ti&ns @PV.sA &r as dyna$i%ally %&ntr&lled S;it%hed Virt7al .ir%7its @SV.sA. Bhen V..s are %&$bined int& VP.s2 all %ells in the VP. are r&7ted the sa$e ;ay2 all&;in9 #&r #aster re%&'ery &# the net;&rk in the e'ent &# a $aj&r #ail7re. Bhile A+M still d&$inates BAN ba%kb&ne %&n#i97rati&ns2 an e$er9in9 te%hn&l&9y2 /i9abit *thernet2 $ay s&&n re<la%e A+M in s&$e net;&rk s%enari&s2 es<e%ially in LAN and deskt&< s%enari&s. A dis%7ssi&n &# *thernet #&ll&;s.

2.( Int$6rat$d S$r)!c$s .!6!ta, N$t3or/ 4IS.N5 ISDN has been desi9ned t& re<la%e the standard tele<h&ne syste$ and <r&'ide 9reater n7$bers &# di9ital ser'i%es t& tele<h&ne %7st&$ers2 s7%h as di9ital a7di&2 intera%ti'e in#&r$ati&n ser'i%es2 #a?2 e3$ail2 and di9ital 'ide&. ISDN 7ses asyn%hr&n&7s trans#er $&de2 ;hi%h %an handle data trans$issi&n in b&th %&nne%ti&n3&riented2 and <a%ket s%he$es. As ;ith re97lar tele<h&ne lines2 the 7ser $7st <ay a #ee #&r 7se &# the line. 1asi% rate ISDN &##ers t;& si$7ltane&7s )D kbJs data %hannels as ;ell as a ) kbJs

%arrier %hannel #&r si9nalin9 and %&ntr&l in#&r$ati&n. +he %&$bined data rate2 (6 kbJs2 all&;s #&r 'ide&%&n#eren%in9 %a<abilities. M7lti<le ISDN31 %&nne%ti&ns #7rther in%rease the data rate and the trans$issi&n >7ality. Pri$ary rate ISDN @PRIA &##ers G5 %hannels @&# )D kbJs ea%hA2 9i'in9 a t&tal &# !(5 kbJs. As ;ith 1RI2 ea%h %hannel %an be %&nne%ted t& a di##erent destinati&n2 &r they %an be %&$bined t& 9i'e a lar9er band;idth. +hese %hannels2 kn&;n as 8bearer: &r 81: %hannels2 9i'e ISDN tre$end&7s #le?ibility. +he &ri9inal 'ersi&n &# ISDN e$<l&ys base band trans$issi&n. An&ther 'ersi&n2 %alled 13ISDN2 7ses base band trans$issi&n and is able t& s7<<&rt trans$issi&n rates &# .4 MbJs. 13ISDN re>7ires #iber &<ti% %ables and is n&t yet ;idely a'ailable. 2.+ Et#$rn$t *thernet be9an as a lab&rat&ry e?<eri$ent #&r Mer&? .&r<&rati&n in the !I5:s. Desi9ners intended *thernet t& be%&$e a <art &# the 8,##i%e &# the #7t7re:2 ;hi%h ;&7ld in%l7de <ers&nal %&$<7ter ;&rkstati&ns. 1y !652 #&r$al *thernet s<e%i#i%ati&ns had been de'ised by a $7lti3'end&r %&ns&rti7$. Bidely 7sed in t&day:s LANs2 *thernet trans$its at 5 MbJs 7sin9 t;isted3<air %&a? %able andJ&r &<ti%al #iber. -ast *thernet2 trans$its at 55 MbJs2 and the latest de'el&<in9 standard2 9i9abit *thernet2 trans$its at 2555 MbJs &r net;&rk. /bJs. -i97re sh&;n bel&; ill7strates the basi% lay&7t &# an *thernet

-i97reC basi% lay&7t &# an *thernet Net;&rk +he #&r$al *thernet standard kn&;n as I***.65(.G 7ses a <r&t&%&l %alled .arrier Sense M7lti<le A%%ess ;ith %&llisi&n dete%ti&n @.SMAJ.DA4. +his <r&t&%&l des%ribes the #7n%ti&n &# the three basi% <arts &# an *thernet syste$C the <hysi%al $edi7$ that %arries the si9nal2 the $edi7$ a%%ess %&ntr&l r7les2 and the *thernet #ra$e2 ;hi%h %&nsists &# a standardiFed set &# bits 7sed t& %arry the si9nal. *thernet2 #ast *thernet2 and 9i9abit *thernet all 7se the sa$e <lat#&r$ and #ra$e str7%t7re. *thernet 7sers ha'e three %h&i%es #&r <hysi%al $edi7$. At t& 5 MbJs2 the

net;&rk $ay trans$it &'er thi%k %&a?ial %able2 t;isted3<air %&a? %able &r &<ti%al #iber. -ast 55 MbJs *thernet ;ill n&t trans$it &'er thi%k %&a?2 b7t %an 7se t;isted <air &r &<ti%al #iber as ;ell. /i9abit *thernet2 ;ith 9reater data rate and l&n9er trans$issi&n distan%e2 7ses &<ti%al #iber links #&r the l&n9 s<ans2 b7t %an als& 7se t;isted3<air #&r sh&rt %&nne%ti&ns. .SMAJ.D re<resents the se%&nd ele$ent2 the a%%ess %&ntr&l r7les. In this <r&t&%&l2 all stati&ns $7st re$ain >7iet #&r a ti$e t& 'eri#y n& stati&n in the net;&rk is

trans$ittin9 be#&re be9innin9 a trans$issi&n. I# an&ther stati&n be9ins t& si9nal2 the re$ainin9 stati&ns ;ill sense the <resen%e &# the si9nal %arrier and re$ain >7iet. All stati&ns share this $7lti<le a%%ess <r&t&%&l. H&;e'er2 be%a7se n&t all stati&ns ;ill re%ei'e a trans$issi&n si$7ltane&7sly2 it is <&ssible #&r a stati&n t& be9in si9nalin9 at the sa$e ti$e an&ther stati&n d&es. +his %a7ses a %&llisi&n &# si9nals2 ;hi%h is dete%ted by the stati&n s<eakin9 &7t &# t7rn2 %a7sin9 the stati&n t& be%&$e >7iet 7ntil a%%ess is a;arded2 at ;hi%h ti$e the data #ra$e is resent &'er the net;&rk. +he #inal ele$ent2 the *thernet #ra$e2 deli'ers data bet;een ;&rkstati&ns based &n a D63bit s&7r%e and destinati&n address #ield. +he *thernet #ra$e als& in%l7des a data #ield2 ;hi%h 'aries in siFe de<endin9 &n the trans$issi&n2 and an err&r3%he%kin9 #ield2 ;hi%h 'eri#ies the inte9rity &# the re%ei'ed data. As a #ra$e is sent2 ea%h ;&rkstati&n *thernet inter#a%e reads en&79h &# the #ra$e t& learn the D63bit address #ield and %&$<ares it ;ith its &;n address. I# the addresses $at%h2 the ;&rkstati&n reads the entire #ra$e2 b7t i# the addresses d& n&t $at%h2 the inter#a%e st&<s readin9 the #ra$e. *thernet at all data rates has be%&$e a ;idely installed net;&rk #&r L&%al Area Net;&rk @LANA2 MAN2 and Bide Area Net;&rk @BANA a<<li%ati&ns. Its ability t& inter#a%e ;ith Syn%hr&n&7s ,<ti%al Net;&rk @S,N*+A and A+M net;&rks ;ill %&ntin7e t& s7<<&rt this <&<7lar net;&rk. In LANs2 *thernet links &##er a s%alable ba%kb&ne2 and a hi9h3s<eed %a$<7s data %enter ba%kb&ne ;ith inter3s;it%h e?tensi&ns. As a $etr& ba%kb&ne in MANs2 9i9abit *thernet ;ill inter#a%e in DBDM syste$s2 all&;in9 l&n9 ha7l2 hi9h3s<eed br&adband %&$$7ni%ati&ns net;&rks. -inally2 *thernet s7<<&rts all

ty<es &# data tra##i% in%l7din9 data2 '&i%e2 and 'ide& &'er IP. -i97re ill7strates a ty<i%al *thernet de<l&y$ent s%enari&.

-i97reC E S;it%hed2 R&7ted /i9abit *thernet Net;&rk /i9abit *thernet has e$er9ed as a %&st3e##e%ti'e alternati'e t& A+M net;&rk str7%t7res. A+M has a 9reater %&st2 and he standards and <r&d7%ts 7sed t& trans$it A+M are still in #l7?2 7nlike the <r&'en <aradi9$ &# *thernet. In additi&n2 syste$ %&$<le?ity is red7%ed in 9i9abit *thernet2 and be%a7se it ;&rks ;ith e?istin9 *thernet #&r$ats2 the syste$ d&es n&t re>7ire e$7lati&n s&#t;are t& a%t as a 9ate;ay bet;een an *thernet LAN and an A+M net;&rk. +able. &7tlines h&; *thernet and 9i9abit *thernet &##er the sa$e bene#its &# A+M. Ar$as o* a%%,!cat!on< +ele %&$$7ni%ati&nC

,<ti%al #ibers are n&; the standard <&int3t&3<&int %able link bet;een tele<h&ne s7b stati&ns. It is said that %7rrently2 the #astest #ibers %ir%7its 7sed in tr7nk %&nne%ti&ns bet;een %ities and %&7ntries %arry in#&r$ati&n at 7< t& (.4 9i9a bytes <er se%&nd2 en&79h t& %arry D52555 tele<h&ne %&n'ersati&ns. *?<erts <redi%t lar9er band;idths than this as li9ht #re>7en%ies s7<<ressi&n be%&$es a'ailable. L&%al area net;&rks @LAN:sAC M7lti$&de #iber is %&$$&nly 7sed as the ba%kb&ne t& %arry si9nals bet;een the h7bs &# a LAN:s #r&$ ;here %&<<er %&a?ial %able takes the data t& the deskt&<. -iber links t& the deskt&<2 h&;e'er2 are als& %&$$&n. .able +VC +he d&$esti% %able +V net;&rks 7se &<ti%al #iber be%a7se &# its 'ery l&; <&;er %&ns7$<ti&n. +he #astest #iber %ir%7its %arry in#&r$ati&n at 7< t& (45 tele'isi&n %hannels. ..+VC .l&sed .ir%7it +ele'isi&n se%7rity syste$s 7se &<ti%al #iber be%a7se &# its inherent se%7rity2 as ;ell as the &ther ad'anta9es $enti&ned ab&'e. ,<ti%al #iber sens&rsC Many ad'an%es ha'e been $ade in re%ent years in the 7se &# &<ti%al #iber sens&rs. /as %&n%entrati&n2 %he$i%al %&n%entrati&n2 <ress7re2 te$<erat7re and rate &# r&tati&n %an all be sensed 7sin9 &<ti%al #iber.

7.0 M$r!ts

. I$$7nity t& ele%tr&$a9neti% inter#eren%e and %r&ss;alk. (. N& ele%tri%al 9r&7nd l&&< &r sh&rt %ir%7it <r&ble$s. G. S$all siFe and li9ht;ei9ht. D. Lar9e band;idth #&r siFe and ;ei9ht. 4. Sa#e in %&$b7stible areas @n& ar%hin9A. ). I$$7nity t& li9htnin9 and ele%tri%al dis%har9es. I. L&n9er %able r7ns bet;een re<eaters. 6. -le?ibility and hi9h stren9th. !. P&tential hi9h te$<erat7re &<erati&n. 5. Resistant t& n7%lear radiati&n. . Se%7re a9ainst si9nal leaka9e and inter#eren%e. (. N& ele%tri%al haFard ;hen %7t &r da$a9ed. G. .&$<atible ;ith #7t7re band;idth re>7ire$ents and #7t7re LAN standards. @-DDI2 A+MA D. +he diele%tri% nat7re &# &<ti%al #iber %an eli$inate the dan9ers #&7nd in areas &# hi9h li9htnin9 strike in%ident 4.N&n3.&nd7%ti'ityC An&ther ad'anta9e &# &<ti%al #ibers is their diele%tri% nat7re. Sin%e &<ti%al #iber has n& $etalli% %&$<&nents2 it %an be installed in areas ;ith

ele%tr&$a9neti% inter#eren%e @*MIA2 in%l7din9 Radi& -re>7en%y Inter#eren%e @R-IA. Areas ;ith hi9h *MI in%l7de 7tility lines2 <&;er3%arryin9 lines2 and railr&ad tra%ks. All3diele%tri% %ables are als& ideal #&r areas &# hi9h li9htnin93strike in%iden%e.

).Se%7rityC Unlike $etalli%3based syste$s2 the diele%tri% nat7re &# &<ti%al #iber $akes it i$<&ssible t& re$&tely dete%t the si9nal bein9 trans$itted ;ithin the %able. ,nly ;ay t& d& s& is by a%t7ally a%%essin9 the &<ti%al #iber itsel#. A%%essin9 #iber re>7ires inter'enti&n that is easily dete%table by se%7rity s7r'eillan%e. +hese %ir%7$stan%es $ake #iber e?tre$ely attra%ti'e t& 9&'ern$ental b&dies2 banks2 and &thers ;ith se%7rity %&n%erns. I.Desi9ned #&r -7t7re A<<li%ati&ns NeedsC -iber &<ti%s is a##&rdable t&day2 as ele%tr&ni%s <ri%es #all and &<ti%al %able <ri%in9 re$ains l&;. In $any %ases2 #iber s&l7ti&ns are less %&stly than %&<<er. 8.0 .$&$r!ts . Relati'ely e?<ensi'e %able %&st and installati&n %&st. (. Re>7ires s<e%ialist kn&;led9e and test e>7i<$ent. G. N& I*** 65(.4 standard <7blished yet. D. Relati'ely s$all installed base.


@-i97re . aA

@-i97re . bA



@-i97re .GaA
+,+AL IN+*RNAL R*-L*.+I,N

@-I/UR*S (.5a2 (.5b2 (.5%A T-%$s o* o%t!ca, *!b$rs

+he de'el&<$ent &# 7ltra3hi9h %a<a%ity l&%al3 and ;ide3area %&$<7ter net;&rks is als& &# interest t& address the e?<&nential 9r&;th &# Internet tra##i%. +he de'el&<$ent &# hi9h3s<eed $7lti$edia net;&rks <7ts in%reasin9 de$and #&r hi9her band;idth %hannels and net;&rks. S7%h de$ands $ay re>7ire trans$issi&n &# in#&r$ati&n at an 7ltra3hi9h bit rate &# terabitsJse% &'er #iber &<ti%s. +h7s -iber ,<ti%s ;ill <lay a <i'&tal r&le in this ra%e sin%e the band;idth needed #&r <r&'idin9 an all in3&ne ser'i%e ;ith tele'isi&n2 tele<h&ne2 intera%ti'e $7lti$edia2 and Internet a%%ess is n&t a'ailable in $7%h &# the ;irin9.

. 8,<ti%al +rans$issi&n Medi7$:2 by Pradee< Atria2 <<. )3( 2 Makers: J7ne (55D ed. (. ;;;.#iber3&<ti%s.%&$ G. ;;;.en9ineerin9lab.%&$J#iber &<ti%).ht$ D. ;;;.&<ti%s(55 .%&$ 4. ;;;.#iber3&< 8*le%tr&ni%s

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