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By Tucker Johnson ! What is a sneeze?! What are the causes and facts of a sneeze?

Firstly, one of the causes of when you sneeze is when you have allergies. If you have the u or a cold that will also make you sneeze. When your mucus is tickled you will sneeze. When you sneeze you say bless you. Secondly, a sneeze can be so deadly even though it's just a little thing and it also can speed up to 100 miles per hour. Did you know that 18:35% of the population sneeze every day. When you have viruses it will make you sneeze like the u. Plus if your sneezing when your cat or dog is around you might have allergies. Lastly, bright sunshine might make you sneeze for some odd reason. These are the causes and facts of a sneeze.!

What are the facts and effects about sneezing? Firstly,did you know that if our mucus is tickled you sneeze.A sneeze can kill you because it can give you a heart attack. Plus you might get cramps in your hands and you might have brain damage when you sneeze. You also die for a sneeze from brain damage and headaches. Secondly, sneezing has killed people over the years. When you hold in a sneeze you lose a brain cell. Your body when you sneeze gets a Little bit weird. You might get cracked ribs or a damaged spine. Lastly, sneezing is dangerous and it's a little weird that it is. Sneezing is a weird thing but it's a part of life.!

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