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Huntersville Police Department


Safe etyTo own 2014

Safety Town is a 4-day program for children entering kindergarten in August 2014 that teaches life-saving lessons on strangers, traffic, fire, pedestrians, guns, poisons, drugs, playground, us, and icycle safety! The child-si"ed town includes working traffic lights, miniature street signs #stop, pedestrian crossing, railroad crossing, etc!$, crosswalks and eight colorful little uildings representing our town%

&irst session week of 'une 1(th -1)th Second session week of 'une 2*rd -2(th
A+ and ,+ Sessions availa le%

-.*0 a!m! - 11.*0 a!m! 1.00 p!m! - 4.00 p!m!

Sessions will e held at /lythe 0lementary School Applications will e posted on the ,olice 1epartment2s we site www!huntersvillepd!org or 3ontact: Sergeant Tom Seifert at safetytown4huntersville!org

5egistration Starts +onday +arch 24th at ).00am at the 6untersville ,olice 1epartment )(*0 'ulian 3lark Ave in the 6untersville /usiness ,ark
3hecks ,aya le to Town of 6untersville 789!00 Safety Town &ee is 789!00 includes. Safety Town t-shirt, class photo, icycle helmet, 3hild :1 kit, arts and crafts pro;ects daily snacks and drinks

<pen to 6untersville 5esidents <nly

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