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Emma Petrochko Mrs.

Phelps LAH 10 2/25/14

Petrochko 1

Gods Views On Womens Roles In Society And The Home

Feminism and the roles and equality of women are big issues in the world today. People are quick to attack any literature that they deem derogatory towards women; a major example being the Bible. Critics and radical feminists, such as those on, use verses like 1 Corinthians 11:3 (But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ God.) to argue that the Bible puts women in a place of inferiority. But in reality, the Bible does the exact opposite. There are many examples of respected women in high places in the Word of God.

Deborah was a woman who is praised heavily in the Bible. She was the Judge of Israel circa 1047 B.C., before the people had a male king. She led her people triumphantly into battle,

when a grown man was too weak to do so. Considering that the United States, and many other countries, have never even had a female president, God was definitely a step ahead, and more progressively-thinking than the people who claim to be so progressive in modern times. Deborahs brilliant mind for battle and unmatched leadership qualities brought the people of Israel together and fulfilled Gods wishes. Therefore, the Lord obviously has no problems with women in places of power and leadership.

God has used brilliant women to fulfill his plans for centuries. One outstanding woman was Esther, who, through clever politics, saved her people from complete genocide. Not only was she beautiful, but she was clever and brave. She had a hard life; she was an orphan, and was being watched over by her loving cousin Mordecai. She even had the backbone to stand up against the system: the law of the land was that you could not see the king unless he authorized beforehand. If a person were to burst inside unexpected, he would be instantly executed, unless the king had mercy on the person and lowered his royal scepter. That law even applied to the Queen, his wife. Esther knew she had something important to tell her husband, so she walked in unannounced, braving the possibility of death because of a foolish, patristic law. With the help and divine intervention of God, she exposed a plotting courtier and saved her people.

Many individuals tend to believe that the Gods expectations for women are simply to be sweet little homemakers, frowning on women entering the workforce. While women are expected to be wives and mothers, there is nothing wrong with women working, as evidenced in Proverbs 31:13-14: She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships

of a merchant; she brings her food from afar. Lydia was a woman who did just that. Lydia sold purple dye and purple cloth in the city of Thyatira. She was a well-off business mogul, and the boss of her own business.

People are quick to pounce upon the Bible for many reasons: claims of sexism, racism, and homophobia abound. But by digging deeper and giving the book a thorough, unbiased reading, its evident that Gods will is perfect and offers equality and salvation for all. God has determined a place for women, just as he has determined a place for all things, and its just as noble a place as any. The Lord loves all of His creations equally, and is proud of all the strong, faithful women abiding in his perfect law.

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