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At the end of the lesson

You should be able to: State when informal letters are used State the various components that forms an informal letter List out some useful introductions, different ways to stop writing, alternatives to say goodbye and other ways to close an informal letter

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You are advised to write between 250 and 350 words for this section You should read the information carefully and plan your answer before beginning to write.

Informal Letter
ho do you write informal letters to)
* peers or adults whom you feel close to+

* Your best friend * Your sister * Your babysitter * Your cousin

ho else)


Sender's Address
Top left Your own address/ writer's address Leave a line before date

-./ address:

How to write addresses

Block 49 Bedok Avenue 3 !4"#$ %&n'a(ore !3)449 Private estate address: * +endr&ck Lane %&n'a(ore !9,$#* Note: NO punctuation in address

hat else)
/loc0 1111 11111 Singapore 234567 28 9ebruary 3828 .ear 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 Love 'ailuo

Saying :hello; Something about the last letter

<seful introductions
"han0s for your last letter+ It was interesting reading it= I really en>oyed reading it+ It was great to hear from you+ I am sorry that I have not written for so long as I was busy preparing for e,ams=I was away on holiday+ -ow are you) I hope everything is going well for you+ I was happy= delighted= surprised=sorry to

Rea/on for 0r&t&n'
* W1ere 2ou are * W1at 2ou are do&n' * Ne0/ a3out 2our/elf or /&tuat&on

An e4cu/e to /to( 0r&t&n'

I really must= have to go now+ #y mother is nagging at me to clean up my room+ I had better sign off now because I have a ma>or science test tomorrow+ ell, I must finish because #ust dash= rush now,

%a2&n' 'ood32e
rite bac0 soon+ ?lease, write soon+ Loo0ing forward to seeing you+ I can;t wait to hear from you+

Lot/ of love Love Be/t 0&/1e/ Re'ard/ Take care

?ractice @uestion
You are away from home visiting a relative+ You have decided to write a letter to a friend+ You should:
* /riefly describe where you are * Say why you are there * #ention something pleasant or unpleasant that has happened so far, * $utline your plans for the ne,t day * &,plain the arrangements for your >ourney home

rite the letter to your friend, ma0ing sure that you cover all 6 points+

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