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Directions: Answer all questions in workbook, this is due at the end of the period.

Geologic Time Webquest

Use the blue highlighted websites to answer the questions that follow. Include the questions in your answers. Geologic Time Scale 1. In order from oldest to present, what are the three eras of geologic time? . !hich era do we li"e in? #. !hen you were born, which era was it? $answers may "ary% &. 'uring which era did the first fish de"elop? (. 'uring which era did the first humans de"elop? ). !hich era is *nown as the +,ge of the 'inosaur?+ -. !hich era is *nown as the +,ge of .ammals?+ /. 0ame the 11 $or 1 % periods on the Geologic Time Scale, in order from oldest to present. 1aleo2oic 3ra 4. !hen did the 1aleo2oic 3ra ta*e place? 15. !here was ,frica located during the 1aleo2oic 3ra? 11. 3arth6s greatest mass e7tinction $that we *now about% too* place at the end of the 1aleo2oic 3ra. !hat percent of 3arth6s species died off? .eso2oic 3ra 1 . 'id ca"emen li"e during the .eso2oic 3ra? 37plain why or why not. 1#. !hat did the South 1ole loo* li*e during the .eso2oic 3ra? 0orth 1ole? 1&. 8ow did the .eso2oic end? 9ist three hypotheses which may e7plain what happened at the end of the .eso2oic 3ra. 1(. The three periods in the .eso2oic 3ra are the :retaceous, ;urassic, and Triassic. :hoose one to answer questions 1),1-,1/. :retaceous 1eriod ;urassic 1eriod Triassic 1eriod 1). When did this period ta*e place? 1-. 0ame fi"e li"ing things from this period. $your list can include plants, animals, or a combination of both% 1/. Where ha"e fossils from this period been found? $localities% :eno2oic 3ra 14. Identify the time period co"ered by the :eno2oic. 5. 'escribe has happened during the :eno2oic in terms of a. :ontinents b. :limate c. ,nimals d. 8umanity 1recambrian 3on 1. ,bout how much of 3arth6s history too* place during the 1recambrian 3on? . <rom !here and when do we find the earliest e"idence of life on 3arth? #. 8ow did life forms change before the end of the 1recambrian 3on? &. 8ow did the atmosphere change before the end of the 1recambrian?

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