Philosophy Final Draft

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Zaynah Myrick Period: H 2-26-13 The truth is everyone is going to hurt you.

You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. People will always hurt you no matter how much they love you, but part of growing up is realizing that. Those are the words of the late and great Bob Marley. Three ways that people have hurt me are very different from each other, but it all still hurts. You have to realize though that people are not all bad, and you cant let one bad situation ruin relationships forever. I have been hurt by my best friend, a guy that I really cared about, and my family. My best friend has hurt me many times, but that is what happens when you are very close to someone. There is a lot of misconception in high school about friendships. She and I have had many ups and downs in our friend ship. She has said terrible things about me, and that is proof that many people would hurt you. The people that are the closest to you can be the people ending up hurting you the most. You cannot let bad experiences with people. Even though we are no longer friends anymore that doesnt mean that all people are bad. I have made many new and amazing friends, which have also hurt me before, but they are people worth suffering for. You have to decide if the people who you are friends with are worth all of the stuff that they put you through, if the good outweighs the bad, than it is pretty obvious that they are worth being in your life. There are times though when the bad outweighs the good, and those are the moments when you have to make the choice if you want them in your life. For me once I see that the bad is out weighing the good times with them, I see that as proof that I should walk away from the friendship.

There was someone that I really cared about who hurt me many times. As a teenage girl you think that having a boyfriend is the most important thing, but I had to realize that, that makes things more difficult sometimes. Especially when they hurt you, it makes you just want to curl up in a ball and cry. It was very hard for me to see that someone who made me so happy at one time could end up making me feel so bad now. Even though this might sound clich you have to just get up, and try again. It isnt easy by any means to trust someone else after that happens, but if you find someone who would be worth the pain, than it will be worth it. There are good people out there you just have to find them. You cant let getting hurt stop you from being with people. Yes, that experience did make me miserable for quite a while, but the way that I got through it was with my friends, the friends of mine that I could trust. I had to learn that everything is not always as great as it first seems. Through that experience I saw the people that truly cared about me, even when I was moody and upset. Some people were there for me through the whole thing. That is how I learned which people that I should be there for when ever they needed me. There is my family; I have been through a lot of things with my family ever since I was about 13. No families are perfect, but mine is very far from it. The people who you feel like you should be able to trust no matter what, through thick and thin. I found out that, which is not always the case. Family, just like friends can hurt and backstab you in ways you never thought. They can lie about you, and make people believe things that arent true. It is very immature, and hurtful, but it happens to people every day. You cannot just start to hate your whole family that would not be very wise. You should just know that no one is perfect, and people make mistakes. No, you might not trust them again but, you do know that they are still your family. I also had to

keep in mind that just because they are my family does not mean that I have to trust them, and always love them. I am saying that everyone will hurt you sometime in your life, but there are people that are worth the pain. It is not always easy to move on from those experiences, but it is something that you have to do to be successful in life. You cant just cut everyone out of your life in fear of being hurt. You have to put yourself back out there no matter how much it hurts. Trust me you will find some people out there that really do care about you. Not many people actually do, but there are some people who love and truly care. It was very hard for me to trust, and love people after all of these things that have happened. But, people came around and taught me that not everyone is the same, and that some people actually do want to be there for you. For awhile I just wanted to cut everyone out of my life and just keep to myself, but then I met some really great people. People who are always there for me and those are the kind of people that are worth going through some pain, and suffering for, because those are the people that would go through it for me as well.

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