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Anniversary of Guru Garab Dorje

February 23rd, 2005, at the Anniversary of Garab Dorje at 8.00 o'cloc !ddiyana"ti#e, there $ill be a collective %ractice of Guruyo&a $ith Guru Garab Dorje. At the very sa#e ti#e, 'hoe&yal (a# hai (orbu )in%oche $ill start to %lay a video ta%e. *i#ultaniously $ith this ta%e )in%oche $ill trans#it the Guruyo&a $ith Garab Dorje, that is on this video ta%e. +his ,-ive".#%o$er#ent, is s%ecially i#%ortant for those ne$co#ers, $ho had obstacles in #eetin& the +eacher yet, but $ant to start %racticin& to&ether $ith the /nternational D0o&chen 'o##unity.

+o be in front of this runnin& video ta%e at the %recise hour of the Anniversary in your %lace, and bein& instructed, so you can follo$ the rite, is essential. (e$ interested %eo%le should therefore have e1%lanations

a:\anniversary of guru garab dorje.doc

of this %ractice fro# the video"ta%e and fro# so#e older students in advance.

/nfor#ation about the video ta%es are available fro# the local Ga yils.

+he ti#etable for this collective %ractice can be found belo$, but also in the calender of the 2ood"3on ey"4ear by *han& *hun& .di0ioni. 5lease note, that the ti#etables for each of the Anniversaries re#ain al$ays the sa#e as $ritten in the little boo lets, that co#e $ith the video"ta%e. !nly the dates chan&e each year, accordin& to the +ibetan calendar.

For further clarifications %lease contact your local blue Ga yil, the blue Ga yil of your Gar or

the blue /nternatioanl Ga yil

6arin 6o%%ensteiner".isene&&er at the

follo$in& adress7

a:\anniversary of guru garab dorje.doc


+uesday, February 22nd 2005

9:.00 ;a$ai

98.00 Fairban s

9<.00 *an Francisco

20.00 Denver

29.00 'hica&o

a:\anniversary of guru garab dorje.doc

22.00 (e$ 4or

23.00 'aracas


8uenos Aires, )io de =aneiro

2ednesday, February 23rd 2005

03.00 G3+ -ondon

0>.00 )o#e, 3adrid, ?ienna, 2arsa$

05.00 ;elsin i, Athens

0@.00 3osco$, 8a&hdad

08.00 !DD/4A(A

08.30 Dehli

08.>5 6ath#andu

a:\anniversary of guru garab dorje.doc

0<.00 Dha a

90.00 8an& o

99.00 *in&a%ore, 8eijin&, 5erth

92.00 +o yo, *eoul

93.00 8risbane, ?ladivosto

9>.00 Adelaine

95.00 6a#chath a, *ydney

95.00 Fiji

9@.00 2ellin&ton

a:\anniversary of guru garab dorje.doc

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