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Nicholas Maloy MusEd 376

Chapter 11: Organizing Performances Kenneth H. Phillips 2004

Chapter 11 discusses the importance of organizing concerts and performances, which is obviously very important for music teachers to consider. Concerts take a lot of preparation and should be planned for well in advance. Dates for performances should be decided before the school year starts, and should be well advertised to parents and community members. The very last part of the chapter discusses competition. Competing with musical ensembles is something that Im very familiar with and comfortable with as long as the aspect of competition is kept in perspective. Competition should not be the soul focus of a music program, and should merely be one aspect of it, in my opinion. These events need to be planned for well in advance, but preparation should not hinder learning of musical content. If used effectively, contests can be a great motivational and learning tool for students as well as a booster for recruitment to your music program.

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