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YAHWEHs Restored Name version of the Book of Yasher (Jasher) Done by YAHWEHs S ord !"s not this ritten in the Book of Yasher#!$$Yah%sh%a ben N%n& '()'*+ !Beho,d it is ritten in the Book of Yasher+!-.nd Sam%e,& ')'/


CONTENTS With Short Summery Of Each Chapter

Section 1
0HA12ER '$$2he 0reation of Adam and Eve+ 2he 3a,,+ Birth of 0ain and Abe,+ Abe, a 4ee5er of Shee5+ 0ain a 2i,,er of the Soi,+ 2he 6%arre, Bet een the Brothers and the Res%,t+ 0ain& the 3irst 7%rderer& 0%rsed of YAHWEH+ 0HA12ER .$$Seth is Born+ 1eo5,e be8in to 7%,ti5,y and Be9ome "do,atro%s+ 2hird 1art of the Earth Destroyed+ Earth 9%rsed and be9omes 9orr%5t thro%8h the Wi9kedness of 7en+ 0ainan& a Wise and Ri8hteo%s 4in8& 3orete,,s the 3,ood+ Eno9h is Born+ 0HA12ER *$$Eno9h Rei8ns over the Earth+ Eno9h Estab,ishes Ri8hteo%sness %5on the Earth& and after Rei8nin8 2 o H%ndred and 3orty Years is 2rans,ated+ 0HA12ER :$$2he 1eo5,e of the Earth A8ain Be9ome 0orr%5t+ Noah is Born+ 0HA12ER ;$$Noah and 7eth%se,ah 1rea9h Re5entan9e for <ne H%ndred and 2 enty Years+ Noah B%i,ds the Ark+ Death of 7eth%se,ah+ 0HA12ER =$$Anima,s& Beasts& and 3o ,s 1reserved in the Ark+ Noah and his Sons& and their Wives are Sh%t in+ When the 3,oods 9ome the 1eo5,e ant to 8et in+ Noah <ne Year in the Ark+ 0HA12ER >$$2he ?enerations of Noah+ 2he ?arments of Skin made for Adam Sto,en by Ham and they Des9end to Nimrod the 7i8hty H%nter& ho Be9omes the 4in8 of the Who,e Earth+ 2he Birth of Abram+

Section 2
0HA12ER /$$2he Wise 7en of Nimrod& by their Divination& 3orete,, the Evi, that Abram i,, do to Nimrod@s 4in8dom& and they seek to ki,, the 0hi,d+ Abram& ith his 7other and N%rse are Hid in a 9ave for 2en Years+ 0HA12ER A$$When 2en Years <,d& Abram 8oes to Noah and Shem& Remains ith them for 2hirty$ nine Years& and is 2a%8ht in a,, the Ways of YAHWEH+ 2he Wi9kedness of Nimrod and his 1eo5,e+ 2hey 1ro5ose to B%i,d a 2o er to Heaven and Dethrone YAHWEH+ 2he 9onf%sion of 2on8%es+ 0HA12ER '($$2he Des9endants of Noah& S9attered over the ho,e earth& b%i,d themse,ves 0ities+ 0HA12ER ''$$Nimrod@s Wi9ked Rei8n+ 2he "do,atry of 2erah& Abram@s 3ather+ When 3ifty Years o,d& Abram ret%rns to his 3ather@s Ho%se and Dis9overs his "do,s+ 7akes a 5reteBt to destroy them+ After makin8 Savory 7eat for the 8ods& Abram takes a Hat9het and destroys them& ,eavin8 the Hat9het in the hands of the ,ar8er one& here it is dis9overed by his 3ather& ho is to,d by Abram that the ?reat YAHWEH had risen %5 in an8er and Destroyed his 3e,,o s+ 2erah in his rath betrays Abram to the 4in8& ho brin8s him %5 before the 2hrone for J%d8ment+ Abram Warns his 3ather and the 4in8& before a,, the 1rin9es& of the Evi,s of "do,atry+ 0HA12ER '.$$Abram 5,a9ed in 1rison& and is 9ondemned after ten days to be 9ast into a 3iery 3%rna9e+ His Brother Haran bein8 3a,se,y A99%sed is 9ondemned to the same 3ate+ As Haran@s heart as not ri8ht before YAHWEH& he 5erished& b%t Abram is De,ivered and is bro%8ht forth A,ive+ "s 1resented ith 7any ?ifts+ 2he 4in8 Dreams of Abram& and a8ain Seeks his Cife+ Abram f,ees to the Ho%se of Noah+

Section 3
0HA12ER '*$$<n Abram@s a99o%nt 2erah and a,, his Ho%se& ith Abram& Ceave Dr 0asdim to 8o to the Cand of 0anaan+ 2hey tarry in Haran& here YAHWEH A55ears to Abram& and %5on 9ondition of 3aithf%,ness& 1romises many B,essin8s+ Abram& 9ommanded of YAHWEH& takes his Wife and a,, be,on8in8 to him and 8oes to the Cand of 0anaan& here YAHWEH a8ain a55ears to him and 1romises the Cand of 0anaan as an Ever,astin8 "nheritan9e+ After 3ifteen Years& Abram ret%rns to Haran to Eisit his 3ather+ 2ea9hes many to Wa,k in the Ways of YAHWEH+ A8ain 9ommanded to 8o to 0anaan& here he B%i,ds an A,tar+ YAHWEH rene s his 0ovenant ith him+ *

0HA12ER ':$$Rikayon@s 9%nnin8 Devi9e to make 7oney of the E8y5tians+ 0HA12ER ';$$<n A99o%nt of 3amine in 0anaan& Abram 8oes to E8y5t+ 2e,,s the 1eo5,e that Sarah is his Sister& on a99o%nt of her Bea%ty+ 1haraoh Desires to take her& b%t is 1revented by an Heaven,y 7essen8er of YAHWEH+ 2he 2r%th is made kno n& and Sarah is Restored to Abram& ith many 1resents+ Abram ret%rns to his Home+ 2ro%b,e bet een Cot and Abram on a99o%nt of Cot@s 9att,e+ Cot Removes to Sodom+ 0HA12ER '=$$3o%r 4in8s ith Ei8ht H%ndred 2ho%sand 7en War a8ainst Sodom and the 0ities of the 1,ain& and destroy and 5,%nder their 5eo5,e+ Abram& Hearin8 that Cot is taken 9a5tive& 8athers to8ether abo%t 2hree H%ndred 7en and 1%rs%es the 4in8s& retakes the 9a5tives& and smites the ho,e Army of the 9onfederate Rin8s+ <n his Ret%rn& Abram meets AdoniFedek& 4in8 of Jer%sa,em& the same as Shem+ Abram 8ives 2ithin8 of a,, he had taken to AdoniFedek& and is B,essed of Him+ Abram Restores to every 7an his 5ro5erty hi9h he had retaken in the War& and ret%rns to Hebron+ YAHWEH a8ain a55ears to Abram and 5romises to b,ess him ith a N%mber,ess 1osterity+ Sarah bein8 9hi,d,ess 8ives Ha8ar to Abram for a Wife& and be9omin8 Gea,o%s of her& aff,i9ts her+ An Heaven,y 7essen8er 9omforts Ha8ar+ "shmae, is Born+ 0HA12ER '>$$YAHWEH A55ears to Abram and Estab,ishes the 0ovenant of 0ir9%m9ision& and 9a,,s his name Abraham& and Sarai& He 9a,,s Sarah+ 0HA12ER '/$$Abraham Entertains 2hree Heaven,y 7essen8ers& ho eat ith him+ Sarah is 5romised a Son+ 2he 1eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah& and of a,, the 0ities of the 1,ain be9ome very Wi9ked+ 0HA12ER 'A$$2he Abominations of the 5eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah+ 2 o Heaven,y 7essen8ers sent to Save Cot+ 2he 0ities of the 1,ain and a,, their "nhabitants Destroyed by 3ire+ 0HA12ER .($$Abraham 8oes to the ,and of the 1hi,istines& and a8ain te,,s the 1eo5,e that Sarah is his Sister+ Abime,e9h the 4in8 desires her for a Wife+ An Heaven,y 7essen8er arns him& and 9ommands him to ret%rn her to her H%sband+ 2he ho,e ,and aff,i9ted on a99o%nt of the matter+ Sarah Restored to Abraham& ho entreats YAHWEH to hea, the 1eo5,e of Abime,e9h+ 0HA12ER .'$$Yits9haH is Born& 9a%sin8 m%9h ReGoi9in8 amon8 the 3riends of Abraham+ "shmae, Attem5ts to ki,, Yits9haH& and on that a99o%nt is sent a ay ith his 7other+ "shmae, is b,essed ith Ri9hes and 1osterity+ 0HA12ER ..$$"shmae, ret%rns to his 3ather& ith his Wives and 0hi,dren+ Abraham Ret%rns to 0anaan and makes his Home in Beersheba& here he Hos5itab,y Entertains a,, stran8ers and tea9hes them the ay of YAHWEH+ Yits9haH and "shmae,@s 9onversation+ 2he <fferin8 of Yits9haH 3oreto,d+ Satan@s o5inion of the 3ather of the 3aithf%,+ 0HA12ER .*$$Abraham 9ommanded to <ffer %5 Yits9haH& in the Cand 7oriah+ Abraham@s <bedien9e+ Sarah@s Aff,i9tion+ What Ha55ened on the Way+ Satan attem5ts to hinder them+ Yits9haH an A99e5tab,e <fferin8+ 3ather and Son a,one+ 2he i,,in8ness of Yits9haH+ He Assists his 3ather in B%i,din8 the A,tar+ Whi,e they both ee5 bitter,y& they yet ReGoi9e to be 9o%nted orthy before YAHWEH+ Yits9haH bo%nd and 5,a9ed %5on the A,tar+ 2he Heaven,y 7essen8ers of YAHWEH inter9ede for Yits9haH& ho is re,eased at the 9ommand of YAHWEH& and a Ram is offered in his 5,a9e+ Satan& by his de9e5tion and Evi,s& 9a%ses the Death of Sarah+

Section 4
0HA12ER .:$$Abraham 1%r9hases a B%ria, 1,a9e+ Yits9haH sent to the Ho%se of Shem and Eber to Cearn the Way of YAHWEH+ E,ieFer is sent to 8et a Wife for Yits9haH+ ?oes to the Ho%se of Beth%e, and brin8s Rebe99a+ 0HA12ER .;$$Abraham takes 4et%rah for a Wife& by hom he has SiB Sons+ 2he ?enerations of the Sons of 4et%rah& and of "shmae,+ 0HA12ER .=$$Yits9haH and Rebe99a 5ray for 9hi,dren+ 2heir 1rayers ans ered& and Esa% and Ya9ob are Born+ Abraham& after re9o%ntin8 a,, the Wonderf%, Works of YAHWEH& enGoins his Son to Wa,k in His ay and kee5 His 0ommandments+ "n the 3ifteenth Year of Ya9ob and Esa%@s ,ives& Abraham Dies and is B%ried by a,, the 4in8s of the ,and+ A,, the 1eo5,e and even the 9hi,dren mo%rn for Abraham for a :

3%,,+ 0HA12ER .>$$Esa% s,ays Nimrod and 2 o of his 7i8hty 7en+ Ret%rns Home eary from the 3i8ht& and se,,s his Birthri8ht for Ea,%e+ 0HA12ER ./$$<n a99o%nt of 3amine& Yits9haH 8oes to ?erar& the Cand of the 1hi,istines+ After the 3amine he Ret%rns at the 0ommand of YAHWEH to Hebron+ Ya9ob is sent to the Ho%se of Shem here he Remains 2hirty$t o Years to ,earn the Way of YAHWEH& b%t Esa% o%,d not 8o+ Esa% marries a 0anaanitish Woman+ 0HA12ER .A$$Ya9ob by de9eit obtains his Brother@s B,essin8+ Ya9ob fearin8 his Brother@s an8er& f,ees to the Ho%se of Eber& here he remains for 3o%rteen Years+ Esa% a8ain marries a Woman of the Cand+ Ya9ob ret%rns to his 3ather& b%t bein8 sti,, threatened by Esa%& is advised by his 7other to 8o to her Brother Caban& in Haran+ Ya9ob 8oes to Haran& bein8 0ommanded by his 3ather not to 7arry any of the Da%8hters of 0anaan+ Ya9ob is Way,aid on the Road& by the Son of Esa%& and is Robbed of a,, he 1ossessed+ 0HA12ER *($$When he Arrives at 7o%nt 7oriah& YAHWEH a55ears to Ya9ob and estab,ishes His 0ovenant ith him+ Arrivin8 at his Dn9,e@s Ho%se he En8a8es to Serve Seven Years for Ra9he,+ 0HA12ER *'$$Ya9ob is De9eived and is 8iven Ceah in 1,a9e of Ra9he,& b%t is ?iven Ra9he, for Seven Years@ more Servi9e+ Ya9ob serves Caban siB years ,on8er for Wa8es and be9omes very Ri9h& hen YAHWEH A55ears to him and 9ommands him to Ret%rn to the Cand of 0anaan+ Ya9ob <beys and 8oes from Caban+ Ra9he, Stea,s her 3ather@s 8ods& that he may not kno here Ya9ob has f,ed+ Caban 1%rs%es him& b%t estab,ishes a 9ovenant of 5ea9e+ Caban breaks his 0ovenant by sendin8 his Son se9ret,y to Esa% that Ya9ob may 3a,, in his Hands+ Esa%& ith 3o%r H%ndred 7en& seek to Destroy Ya9ob+ 0HA12ER *.$$Ya9ob sends a 7essa8e of 1ea9e to his Brother& ho reGe9ts it ith 9ontem5t& and Advan9es to Destroy him+ Hosts of Heaven,y 7essen8ers 9a%se the 3ear of Ya9ob to 9ome %5on Esa%& and he 8oes to meet him in 5ea9e& in ans er to Ya9ob@s 1rayer+ Ya9ob Wrest,es ith an Heaven,y 7essen8er of YAHWEH+ 0HA12ER **$$Ya9ob 8oes to She9hem+ 1rin9e She9hem defi,es Dinah the Da%8hter of Ya9ob+ She9hem desires her for a Wife+ 0HA12ER *:$$2he 1erfidy of She9hem+ Simeon and Cevi& Sons of Ya9ob& aven8e the Honor of their Sister Dinah& Destroy a,, the 7en of the 0ity& and S5oi, it+ 2he 1eo5,e of 0anaan 9ons5ire to aven8e the 9a%se of She9hem+ Yits9haH and Ya9ob 1ray for S%99or+ 0HA12ER *;$$2he 3ear of YAHWEH 9ome %5on the 0anaanites& and they do not 3i8ht ith Ya9ob+ 0HA12ER *=$$Ya9ob and his Ho%se 8oes to Bethe,& here YAHWEH a55ears to him& 9a,,s his name Yisrae,& and B,esses him+ 2he ?enerations of Ya9ob and Esa%+ 0HA12ER *>$$Ya9ob Ret%rns to She9hem+ 2he 4in8s of 0anaan a8ain assemb,e a8ainst Ya9ob+ Ya9ob@s 2en Sons ith <ne H%ndred and 2 o of their servants 3i8ht a8ainst the 0anaanites and Amorites& and are s%99essf%,+ 0HA12ER */ and *A$$2he Sons of Ya9ob Destroy many 0ities of 0anaan and a,, their 5eo5,e+

Section 5
0HA12ER :($$2he Remainin8 2 enty$one 4in8s of 0anaan& fearin8 the Sons of Ya9ob& make a 5ermanent 1ea9e ith them+ 0HA12ER :'$$Yose5h& the Son of Ya9ob& Dreams of his 3%t%re EBa,tation over his Brethren+ Bein8 his 3ather@s 3avorite& his Brethren be9ome Jea,o%s+ Yose5h is sent to Eisit his Brethren+ 2hey 9ons5ire a8ainst him& and at the S%88estion of Re%ben 1,a9e him in a 1it+ 0HA12ER :.$$Yose5h is so,d to a 9om5any of 7idianites& ho in 2%rn so,d him to the "shmae,ites& ho take him do n to E8y5t+ An a99o%nt of his Jo%rney thither& and of his Aff,i9tion on the Road+ 0HA12ER :*$$Re%ben@s An8%ish at not 3indin8 Yose5h in the 1it+ 2he Brothers 9ontrive to De9eive their 3ather by Di55in8 his 9oat in B,ood+ Ya9ob@s An8%ish at the ,oss of his Son+ 0HA12ER ::$$Yose5h is so,d to 1oti5har& an <ffi9er of 1haraoh+ Ie,i9ah& the Wife of 1oti5har& seeks to enti9e Yose5h to do Evi,& b%t a,, her advan9es are ReGe9ted+ "s 3a,se,y A99%sed by her and is bro%8ht ;

to J%d8ment+ "s A9H%itted by his J%d8es& b%t for the Sake of the Re5ort a8ainst 1oti5har@s Wife& he is 9ast into 1rison+ 0HA12ER :;$$An A99o%nt of the 3ami,ies of Ya9ob@s Sons+ 0HA12ER :=$$Yose5h "nter5rets the Dreams of his 3e,,o $1risoners+ 0HA12ER :>$$Yits9haH B,esses his t o Sons and Dies+ His 1ro5erty is Divided+ Esa% takes a,, the 5ersona, 1ro5erty and Ya9ob 9hooses the "nheritan9e of the Cand of 0anaan& ith the 0ave of 7a9h5e,ah for a B%ryin8 1,a9e+ 0HA12ER :/$$1haraoh@s Dreams+ Not Re9eivin8 a Satisfa9tory "nter5retation from the 7a8i9ians& he orders the Wise 7en to be S,ain+ 2he 4in8@s B%t,er makes Yose5h@s ?ifts kno n to 1haraoh+ Yose5h is Bro%8ht before the 4in8& ho Re,ates his Dreams to him+ Yose5h& by the ?ift of YAHWEH& "nter5rets them+ A 8reat 3amine 1redi9ted+ 0HA12ER :A$$1haraoh Assemb,es a,, the ?reat 7en of the 4in8dom& and desires to a55oint Yose5h to ?overn E8y5t+ 2hey <bGe9t be9a%se he 9annot s5eak a,, the Seventy Can8%a8es of the Earth+ An Heaven,y 7essen8er visits Yose5h and tea9hes him a,, the Can8%a8es of the Earth+ When bro%8ht before the 4in8& Yose5h@s Wisdom and 4no ,ed8e 5,ease 1haraoh and a,, the 1rin9es of E8y5t& and he is a55ointed the Se9ond to the 4in8& and a,, a%thority is 8iven him+ Yose5h is made Wea,thy and 9,othed in 1rin9e,y a55are, and 5ro9,aimed ?overnor of E8y5t+ "s 8iven the Da%8hter of 1oti5har for a Wife+ 0HA12ER ;($$Yose5h 8oes to he,5 the "shmae,ites a8ainst their Enemies+ ?reat 1,enty 5revai,s in E8y5t as Yose5h 5redi9ted+ Yose5h@s 2 o Sons& 7anasseh and E5hraim+ Yose5h stores %5 3ood thro%8ho%t E8y5t+ 2hat stored by the E8y5tians is s5oi,ed+ 2he 3amine 5revai,s over a,, the Cand and Yose5h se,,s 9orn to a,, the E8y5tians and the s%rro%ndin8 Nations+ 4no in8 that his Brethren i,, have to 9ome to E8y5t for 0orn& he arran8es to meet them hen they 9ome+ 0HA12ER ;'$$Ya9ob sends his 2en <,dest Sons to E8y5t for 3ood+ 2e,,s them not to enter in at one 8ate b%t to 8o in Se5arate,y+ <n the ay they 0ovenant to8ether to seek for Yose5h& and if they 9annot ransom him they reso,ve to take him by for9e+ 2hey enter in at ten 8ates& and s5read themse,ves to seek for Yose5h three days+ Yose5h& in the meantime& has his men Seekin8 them+ When fo%nd they are bro%8ht before Yose5h ho a99%ses them of bein8 S5ies+ Yose5h sends his Brethren home ith 9orn& hi,e Simeon is ke5t as a hosta8e ti,, they sha,, a8ain 9ome to E8y5t ith their Yo%n8er Brother+ 2hey are astonished to find their 7oney in their sa9ks of 9orn+ 0HA12ER ;.$$Ya9ob@s sorro at the absen9e of SimeonJ Ref%ses to ,et BenGamin 8o+ B%t hen he and his Ho%seho,d be9ome 5in9hed ith h%n8er& Yah%dah 5,eads for BenGamin+ 2e,,s his 3ather of the 8reat s5,endor and A%thority of the ?overnor of E8y5t and offers himse,f as Se9%rity for his Yo%n8er Brother+ Ya9ob 9onsents and sends his Sons a8ain to E8y5t ith a 9on9i,iatory Cetter and 1resent to the ?overnor+

Section 6
0HA12ER ;*$$Ya9ob@s Sons a8ain 8o to E8y5t for Bread+ BenGamin is 5resented before Yose5h+ Yose5h@s 0%5+ Yose5h@s 9ond%9t to ards BenGamin by hi9h he makes himse,f kno n to him+ Reso,ves to 5rove his Brethren by takin8 a ay BenGamin from them& and 5%ts his 0%5 in BenGamin@s sa9k of 9orn and sends them Home to their 3ather+ An <ffi9er is sent after them ho a99%ses them of 5%r,oinin8 his 7aster@s 0%5+ Brin8s them ba9k to Yose5h+ BenGamin is taken from them by for9e& and they are to,d to 8o on their ay+ 0HA12ER ;:$$Yah%dah breaks thro%8h the Door to 8et to Yose5h and BenGamin+ He re9o%nts the many 7i8hty Deeds of his Brethren and threatens to destroy a,, E8y5t if BenGamin be not re,eased+ Yose5h ran8,es ith his Brethren and a99%ses them of Se,,in8 their Brother+ 2hey 9ommen9e to ar %5on the E8y5tians& and fri8hten the ho,e Cand+ After satisfyin8 himse,f of their re5entan9e for se,,in8 their Brother& Yose5h makes himse,f kno n to them& and besto s 5resents %5on them+ 2hey are 5resented before 1haraoh& ho 9ommands Yose5h to brin8 a,, his 3ather@s Ho%seho,d Do n to E8y5t+ He sends 0hariots for this 1%r5ose& ,aden ith 1resents& C%B%ries and 0,othin8+ Ya9ob@s Goy on Cearnin8 that Yose5h is sti,, A,ive+ =

0HA12ER ;;$$YAHWEH 9ommands Ya9ob to 8o do n to E8y5t& here He i,, make him a ?reat Nation+ Yose5h and a,, E8y5t 8o to meet Ya9ob to do him Honor hen he arrives+ 2he Cand of ?oshen is 8iven to him and his 0hi,dren+ 0HA12ER ;=$$After Seventeen Years@ D e,,in8 in E8y5t& Ya9ob dies& after B,essin8 his 0hi,dren and 9ommandin8 them to 8o in the Way of YAHWEH+ Yose5h and his Brethren and a,, the 7i8hty 7en of E8y5t 8o %5 to 0anaan to B%ry Ya9ob+ Esa%& 9,aimin8 the Cand of 0anaan as his& i,, not A,,o Yose5h to B%ry his 3ather+ After Esa% and many of his 1eo5,e are s,ain& Ya9ob is B%ried by 3or9e+ A,, the 4in8s of 0anaan 9ome %5 to do him Honor+ 0HA12ER ;>$$2he Sons of Esa% make ar ith the Sons of Ya9ob and are smitten+ Some are taken 9a5tive to E8y5t+ 2he 0hi,dren of Esa% en,ist the 1eo5,e of Seir to A99om5any them to E8y5t to De,iver their Brethren+ Yose5h and his Brethren and the E8y5tians s,ay SiB H%ndred 2ho%sand+ Near,y a,, the 7i8hty 7en of Seir bein8 S,ain& they make ar ith the 0hi,dren of Esa% to Drive them from their Cand+ Esa% 5revai,s and %tter,y annihi,ates the 0hi,dren of Seir+ 0HA12ER ;/$$1haraoh dies and the ho,e ?overnment of E8y5t devo,ves %5on Yose5h& 1haraoh the Yo%n8er bein8 b%t a nomina, R%,er+ 2he 0hi,dren of Esa% a8ain 9ome A8ainst the Yisrae,ites& and are a8ain smitten+ 0HA12ER ;A$$Ya9ob@s 1osterity in E8y5t+ After 1ro5hesyin8 that YAHWEH o%,d De,iver his Brethren from E8y5t& Yose5h dies and is b%ried& and the Yisrae,ites are r%,ed over by the E8y5tians ';( 0HA12ER =($$Ie5ho& the Son of E,i5haF& the Son of Esa%& ho as taken 0a5tive by Yose5h here he B%ried his 3ather& Es9a5es from E8y5t ith a,, his 7en+ 0HA12ERS ='& =.& and =*$$1etty Wars and 9ontentions of the Nations of Afri9a ith Ie5ho+ 0HA12ER =:$$Ie5ho Ceads a ?reat Army of 0hittimites& Edomites& and "shmae,ites a8ainst E8y5t+ 2hree H%ndred 2ho%sand E8y5tians 5%t to 3,i8ht& b%t <ne H%ndred and 3ifty 7en of Yisrae, 5revai, a8ainst Ie5ho+ 0HA12ER =;$$2he E,ders of E8y5t 9ons5ire ith 1haraoh and 9%nnin8,y brin8 Yisrae, into Bonda8e to them+ Bein8 afraid of their 5o er& they aff,i9t them in order to ,essen the N%mber of the 0hi,dren of Yisrae,+ 0HA12ER ==$$1haraoh De9rees that every 7a,e 0hi,d born in Yisrae, sha,, be 4i,,ed& and sti,, they in9rease+ 0HA12ER =>$$Aaron is Born+ <n A99o%nt of 1haraoh@s de9ree& many of the Sons of Yisrae, ,ive a5art from their Wives+ 2he 4in8@s 9o%nse,,ors devise another 5,an to ,essen the n%mber of Yisrae, by dro nin8 them+ YAHWEH finds a means of 5reservin8 the 7a,e 0hi,dren+

Section 7
0HA12ER =/$$7osheh& a 0hi,d of 1romise& is born+ 2he E8y5tian Women a9tin8 as S5ies+ 7osheh is dis9overed& and 5,a9ed by his 7other in an Ark of B%,r%shes+ "s 3o%nd and Ado5ted by the Da%8hter of 1haraoh& and 8ro s %5 amon8 the 4in8@s 0hi,dren+ 0HA12ER =A$$1haraoh 1ro9,aims& that if any of the Yisrae,ites are short in their Cabor& either in Bri9ks or 7ortar& his Yo%n8est Son sha,, be 5%t in their 1,a9e+ 0HA12ER >($$7osheh 5%ts the 4in8@s 9ro n %5on his o n head+ Baa,am and the Wise 7en make this a 1reteBt a8ainst him+ When 8ro n %5& 7osheh visits his Brethren& and ,earns of their ?rievan9es+ 7osheh obtains a day@s rest on the Sabbath for a,, Yisrae,+ 0HA12ER >'$$7osheh s,ays an E8y5tian and bein8 Dis9overed f,ees from E8y5t+ Aaron 1ro5he9ies+ 0HA12ER >.$$7osheh f,ees to 0%sh+ At the Death of the kin8& he is 9hosen in his Stead+ He Rei8ns 3orty Years in 0%sh+ 0HA12ER >*$$2he Rei8n of 7osheh& and his Strate8i9 Warfare+ 0HA12ER >:$$War in Afri9a+ 0HA12ER >;$$2hirty 2ho%sand E5hraimites think it 2ime to 8et o%t of E8y5t& Rise %5 to 8o to 0anaan& b%t are S,ain by the 1hi,istines+ 0HA12ER >=$$7osheh ,eaves 0%sh and 8oes to the Cand of 7idian+ Re%e,& takin8 him for a Ref%8ee& >

kee5s him in 5rison for 2en Years+ "s fed by Ii55orah& the Da%8hter of Re%e,+ 1haraoh smitten of the 1,a8%e+ S,ays a 9hi,d of the Yisrae,ites every day+ He dies of the Rot& and his Son& Adikam& Rei8ns in his Stead+ 0HA12ER >>$$Adikam 1haraoh Aff,i9ts Yisrae, more than ever+ 7osheh is Re,eased by Re%e,& and 7arries his Da%8hter Ii55orah+ 7osheh obtains 5ossession of YAHWEH@s Sti9k+ 0HA12ER >/$$7osheh has 2 o Sons+ 1haraoh ithho,ds Stra from the Yisrae,ites+ 0HA12ER >A$$YAHWEH a55ears to 7osheh and 9ommands him to 8o do n to E8y5t to De,iver Yisrae,+ Aaron meets him+ Yisrae, on hearin8 of his 7ission 8reat,y reGoi9es+ 7osheh and Aaron 8o to 1haraoh& ho 9a,,s a,, the 7a8i9ians to meet 7osheh+ 2hey 1erform 7ira9,es as e,, as 7osheh& and th%s De9eive the 4in8+ 1haraoh& not findin8 the Name of YAHWEH on any of the Books of Re9ords& says he does not kno ho He is& and i,, not ,et his 1eo5,e 8o+ 7osheh and Aaron tea9h 1haraoh& b%t he i,, not hearken& b%t 9a%ses the ,abor of the 0hi,dren of Yisrae, to be in9reased+ 7osheh bein8 dis9o%ra8ed is to,d by YAHWEH that ith an o%tstret9hed hand and heavy 1,a8%es& Yisrae, sha,, be De,ivered+ 0HA12ER /($$After 2 o Years& 7osheh and Aaron a8ain 8o to 1haraoh& b%t 1haraoh i,, not Hearken+ YAHWEH aff,i9ts E8y5t ith a,, manner of 1,a8%es and Aff,i9tions+ 2he 3irst$born of a,, the E8y5tians is S,ain+ 1haraoh sends the 0hi,dren of Yisrae, a ay& and a,, the E8y5tians rise %5 to %r8e their De5art%re& b%t they i,, not 8o in the Ni8ht+ 0HA12ER /'$$2he De5art%re of the Yisrae,ites from E8y5t ith ?reat Ri9hes and 3,o9ks and Herds+ After the E8y5tians b%ry their 3irst$born& many of them 8o after the Yisrae,ites to ind%9e them to ret%rn+ B%t they ref%se to ret%rn& and fi8ht the Nob,es of E8y5t and drive them home+ 1haraoh reso,ves ith the E8y5tians to 5%rs%e Yisrae, and 9om5e, them to Ret%rn+ 2he 0hi,dren of Yisrae, are divided$$some antin8 to 8o ba9k+ 7osheh 5rays for de,iveran9e+ YAHWEH te,,s him not to 9ry to him& b%t 5ro9eed+ 2he aters of the Red Sea are Divided+ 2he Yisrae,ites 5ass 2hro%8h in Safety& b%t the E8y5tians are %tter,y Destroyed+ 2he Yisrae,ites 5ro9eed on their Jo%rney& and are fed ith 7anna+ 2he 0hi,dren of Esa% fi8ht Yisrae,& b%t the Catter 1revai,+ 0HA12ER /.$$2he 2en 0ommandments are ?iven+ Whi,e 7osheh is in the 7o%nt& Aaron makes a ?o,den 0a,f& and Yisrae, Worshi5s it+ 0ivi, War+ YAHWEH has a San9t%ary B%i,t for His Worshi5 in the Wi,derness+

Section 8
0HA12ER /*$$Aaron and his Sons are 1,a9ed in 9har8e of YAHWEH@s Servi9e+ 2he Sa9rifi9es and <fferin8s+ 2he 1assover is 0e,ebrated+ 2he 1eo5,e ,%st for 3,esh to eat+ 2heir 5%nishment+ 7osheh sends 2 e,ve 7en to eB5,ore the Cand of 0anaan+ 2en of them brin8 an Evi, Re5ort& and the 1eo5,e ant to Ret%rn to E8y5t+ 3or their Ca9k of 3aith that ?eneration sha,, not Cive to obtain their 1ossessions+ 0HA12ER /:$$2he Earth S a,,o s %5 the Rebe,,io%s+ 2he 0hi,dren of Yisrae, 9ommanded not to War ith the 0hi,dren of Esa%& or 7oab+ 2he Edomites i,, not ,et Yisrae, 5ass thro%8h their Cand+ 0HA12ER /;$$Some of the 0anaanites rise %5 to fi8ht Yisrae,& ho are fri8htened and r%n a ay+ B%t the Sons of Cevi 9om5e, them to Ret%rn+ 2hey 5revai, over their Enemies+ 2hey m%st not to%9h Ammon+ <8& 4in8 of Bashan+ Ba,aam is 9a,,ed %5on to 9%rse Yisrae,& b%t i,, not+ Yisrae, 9ommits Whoredom ith the 7oabites& and they are Smitten ith 1esti,en9e+ 0HA12ER /=$$A,, over t enty years of a8e at the time of Ceavin8 E8y5t die at the EB5iration of 3orty Years+ Yisrae, is N%mbered+ 2he 7idianites are destroyed& and their S5oi, is Divided amon8 the 1eo5,e+ 0HA12ER />$$7osheh a55oints Yoh%sh%a his s%99essor+ YAHWEH en9o%ra8es Yoh%sh%a+ 7osheh tea9hes the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to Wa,k in the Way of YAHWEH+ He 8oes %5 to 7o%nt Abarim and dies there+ 0HA12ER //$$YAHWEH 9ommands Yoh%sh%a to 5re5are the 1eo5,e to 5ass over Yardan to 5ossess the Cand+ Jeri9ho is Besie8ed& 2aken& and Destroyed+ A9han brin8s evi, %5on the 9am5 by 1%r,oinin8 the 9%rsed thin8& and Brin8s Destr%9tion %5on Himse,f+ A,, is taken and Destroyed+ 2he ?ibeonites 9%nnin8,y save themse,ves+ 3ive 4in8s rise %5 a8ainst Yisrae, and are destroyed+ 2he S%n and 7oon /

stand sti,, at Yoh%sh%a@s 0ommand+ 0HA12ER /A$$Yoh%sh%a@s Son8 of 1raise+ 2he Wars of Yisrae,+ 0HA12ER A($$2he Edomites are Smitten by 0hittim+ 2he Cand is Divided& and the 5eo5,e have Rest+ Yoh%sh%a bein8 Advan9ed in Years EBhorts the 5eo5,e to <bserve a,, the Ca s of 7osheh& and then Dies+ 0HA12ER A'$$2he E,ders J%d8e Yisrae,+ 2hey drive o%t a,, the 0anaanites and "nherit the 1romised Cand+



Secion 1
0HA12ER '$$2he 0reation of Adam and Eve+ 2he 3a,,+ Birth of 0ain and Abe,+ Abe, a 4ee5er of Shee5+ 0ain a 2i,,er of the Soi,+ 2he 6%arre, Bet een the Brothers and the Res%,t+ 0ain& the 3irst 7%rderer& 0%rsed of YAHWEH+

' And YAHWEH said& Cet %s make man in o%r ima8e& after o%r ,ikeness& and YAHWEH 9reated man in his o n ima8e+ . And YAHWEH formed man from the 8ro%nd& and he b,e into his nostri,s the breath of ,ife& and man be9ame a ,ivin8 so%, endo ed ith s5ee9h+ * And YAHWEH said& "t is not 8ood for man to be a,oneJ " i,, make %nto him a he,5meet+ : And YAHWEH 9a%sed a dee5 s,ee5 to fa,, %5on Adam& and he s,e5t& and he took a ay one of his ribs& and he b%i,t f,esh %5on it& and formed it and bro%8ht it to Adam& and Adam a oke from his s,ee5& and beho,d a oman as standin8 before him+ ; And he said& 2his is a bone of my bones and it sha,, be 9a,,ed oman& for this has been taken from manJ and Adam 9a,,ed her name Eve& for she as the mother of a,, ,ivin8+ = And YAHWEH b,essed them and 9a,,ed their names Adam and Eve in the day that he 9reated them& and YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y said& Be fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,y and fi,, the earth+ > And YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y took Adam and his ife& and he 5,a9ed them in the 8arden of Eden to dress it and to kee5 itJ and he 9ommanded them and said %nto them& 3rom every tree of the 8arden yo% may eat& b%t from the tree of the kno ,ed8e of 8ood and evi, yo% sha,, not eat& for in the day that yo% eat thereof yo% sha,, s%re,y die+ / And hen YAHWEH had b,essed and 9ommanded them& he ent from them& and Adam and his ife d e,t in the 8arden a99ordin8 to the 9ommand hi9h YAHWEH had 9ommanded them+ A And the ser5ent& hi9h YAHWEH had 9reated ith them in the earth& 9ame to them to in9ite them to trans8ress the 9ommand of YAHWEH hi9h he had 9ommanded them+ '( And the ser5ent enti9ed and 5ers%aded the oman to eat from the tree of kno ,ed8e& and the oman hearkened to the voi9e of the ser5ent& and she trans8ressed the ord of YAHWEH& and took from the tree of the kno ,ed8e of 8ood and evi,& and she ate& and she took from it and 8ave a,so to her h%sband and he ate+ '' And Adam and his ife trans8ressed the 9ommand of YAHWEH hi9h he 9ommanded them& and YAHWEH kne it& and his an8er as kind,ed a8ainst them and he 9%rsed them+ '. And YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y drove them that day from the 8arden of Eden& to ti,, the 8ro%nd from hi9h they ere taken& and they ent and d e,t at the east of the 8arden of EdenJ and Adam kne his ife Eve and she bore t o sons and three da%8hters+ '* And she 9a,,ed the name of the first born 0ain& sayin8& " have obtained a man from YAHWEH& and the name of the other she 9a,,ed Abe,& for she said& "n vanity e 9ame into the earth& and in vanity e sha,, be taken from it+ ': And the boys 8re %5 and their father 8ave them a 5ossession in the ,andJ and 0ain as a ti,,er of the 8ro%nd& and Abe, a kee5er of shee5+ '; And it as at the eB5iration of a fe years& that they bro%8ht an a55roBimatin8 offerin8 to YAHWEH& and 0ain bro%8ht from the fr%it of the 8ro%nd& and Abe, bro%8ht from the first,in8s of his f,o9k from the fat thereof& and YAHWEH t%rned and in9,ined to Abe, and his offerin8& and a fire 9ame do n from YAHWEH from heaven and 9ons%med it+ '(

'= And %nto 0ain and his offerin8 YAHWEH did not t%rn& and he did not in9,ine to it& for he had bro%8ht from the inferior fr%it of the 8ro%nd before YAHWEH& and 0ain as Gea,o%s a8ainst his brother Abe, on a99o%nt of this& and he so%8ht a 5reteBt to s,ay him+ '> And in some time after& 0ain and Abe, his brother& ent one day into the fie,d to do their orkJ and they ere both in the fie,d& 0ain ti,,in8 and 5,o%8hin8 his 8ro%nd& and Abe, feedin8 his f,o9kJ and the f,o9k 5assed that 5art hi9h 0ain had 5,o%8hed in the 8ro%nd& and it sore,y 8rieved 0ain on this a99o%nt+ '/ And 0ain a55roa9hed his brother Abe, in an8er& and he said %nto him& What is there bet een me and yo%& that yo% 9ome to d e,, and brin8 yo%r f,o9k to feed in my ,and# 'A And Abe, ans ered his brother 0ain and said %nto him& What is there bet een me and yo%& that yo% sha,, eat the f,esh of my f,o9k and 9,othe thyse,f ith their oo,# .( And no therefore& 5%t off the oo, of my shee5 ith hi9h yo% hast 9,othed thyse,f& and re9om5ense me for their fr%it and f,esh hi9h yo% hast eaten& and hen yo% sha,, have done this& " i,, then 8o from yo%r ,and as yo% hast said# .' And 0ain said to his brother Abe,& S%re,y if " s,ay yo% this day& ho i,, reH%ire yo%r b,ood from me# .. And Abe, ans ered 0ain& sayin8& S%re,y YAHWEH ho has made %s in the earth& he i,, aven8e my 9a%se& and he i,, reH%ire my b,ood from yo% sho%,dst yo% s,ay me& for YAHWEH is the G%d8e and arbiter& and it is he ho i,, reH%ite man a99ordin8 to his evi,& and the i9ked man a99ordin8 to the i9kedness that he may do %5on earth+ .* And no & if yo% sho%,dst s,ay me here& s%re,y YAHWEH kno s yo%r se9ret vie s& and i,, G%d8e yo% for the evi, hi9h yo% didst de9,are to do %nto me this day+ .: And hen 0ain heard the ords hi9h Abe, his brother had s5oken& beho,d the an8er of 0ain as kind,ed a8ainst his brother Abe, for de9,arin8 this thin8+ .; And 0ain hastened and rose %5& and took the iron 5art of his 5,o%8hin8 instr%ment& ith hi9h he s%dden,y smote his brother and he s,e him& and 0ain s5i,t the b,ood of his brother Abe, %5on the earth& and the b,ood of Abe, streamed %5on the earth before the f,o9k+ .= And after this 0ain re5ented havin8 s,ain his brother& and he as sad,y 8rieved& and he e5t over him and it veBed him eB9eedin8,y+ .> And 0ain rose %5 and d%8 a ho,e in the fie,d& herein he 5%t his brother@s body& and he t%rned the d%st over it+ ./ And YAHWEH kne hat 0ain had done to his brother& and YAHWEH a55eared to 0ain and said %nto him& Where is Abe, yo%r brother that as ith yo%# .A And 0ain dissemb,ed& and said& " do not kno & am " my brother@s kee5er# And YAHWEH said %nto him& What hast yo% done# 2he voi9e of yo%r brother@s b,ood 9ries %nto me from the 8ro%nd here yo% hast s,ain him+ *( 3or yo% hast s,ain yo%r brother and hast dissemb,ed before me& and didst ima8ine in yo%r heart that " sa yo% not& nor kne a,, yo%r a9tions+ *' B%t yo% didst this thin8 and didst s,ay yo%r brother for na%8ht and be9a%se he s5oke ri8ht,y to yo%& and no & therefore& 9%rsed be yo% from the 8ro%nd hi9h o5ened its mo%th to re9eive yo%r brother@s b,ood from yo%r hand& and herein yo% didst b%ry him+ *. And it sha,, be hen yo% sha,, ti,, it& it sha,, no more 8ive yo% its stren8th as in the be8innin8& for thorns and thist,es sha,, the 8ro%nd 5rod%9e& and yo% sha,, be movin8 and anderin8 in the earth %nti, the day of yo%r death+ ** And at that time 0ain ent o%t from the 5resen9e of YAHWEH& from the 5,a9e here he as& and he ent movin8 and anderin8 in the ,and to ard the east of Eden& he and a,, be,on8in8 to him+ *: And 0ain kne his ife in those days& and she 9on9eived and bare a son& and he 9a,,ed his name Eno9h& sayin8& "n that time YAHWEH be8an to 8ive him rest and H%iet in the earth+ *; And at that time 0ain a,so be8an to b%i,d a 9ity) and he b%i,t the 9ity and he 9a,,ed the name of the 9ity Eno9h& a99ordin8 to the name of his sonJ for in those days YAHWEH had 8iven him rest %5on the earth& and he did not move abo%t and ander as in the be8innin8+ *= And "rad as born to Eno9h& and "rad be8at 7e9h%yae, and 7e9h%yae, be8at 7eth%sae,+ ''

0HA12ER .$$Seth is Born+ 1eo5,e be8in to 7%,ti5,y and Be9ome "do,atro%s+ 2hird 1art of the Earth Destroyed+ Earth 9%rsed and be9omes 9orr%5t thro%8h the Wi9kedness of 7en+ 0ainan& a Wise and Ri8hteo%s 4in8& 3orete,,s the 3,ood+ Eno9h is Born+

' And it as in the h%ndred and thirtieth year of the ,ife of Adam %5on the earth& that he a8ain kne Eve his ife& and she 9on9eived and bare a son in his ,ikeness and in his ima8e& and she 9a,,ed his name Seth& sayin8& Be9a%se YAHWEH has a55ointed me another seed in the 5,a9e of Abe,& for 0ain has s,ain him+ . And Seth ,ived one h%ndred and five years& and he be8at a sonJ and Seth 9a,,ed the name of his son Enosh& sayin8& Be9a%se in that time the sons of men be8an to m%,ti5,y& and to aff,i9t their so%,s and hearts by trans8ressin8 and rebe,,in8 a8ainst YAHWEH+ * And it as in the days of Enosh that the sons of men 9ontin%ed to rebe, and trans8ress a8ainst YAHWEH& to in9rease the an8er of YAHWEH a8ainst the sons of men+ : And the sons of men ent and they served other 8ods& and they for8ot YAHWEH ho had 9reated them in the earth) and in those days the sons of men made ima8es of brass and iron& ood and stone& and they bo ed do n and served them+ ; And every man made his 8od and they bo ed do n to them& and the sons of men forsook YAHWEH a,, the days of Enosh and his 9hi,drenJ and the an8er of YAHWEH as kind,ed on a99o%nt of their orks and abominations hi9h they did in the earth+ = And YAHWEH 9a%sed the aters of the river ?ihon to over he,m them& and he destroyed and 9ons%med them& and he destroyed the third 5art of the earth& and not ithstandin8 this& the sons of men did not t%rn from their evi, ays& and their hands ere yet eBtended to do evi, in the si8ht of YAHWEH+ > And in those days there as neither so in8 nor rea5in8 in the earthJ and there as no food for the sons of men and the famine as very 8reat in those days+ / And the seed hi9h they so ed in those days in the 8ro%nd be9ame thorns& thist,es and briersJ for from the days of Adam as this de9,aration 9on9ernin8 the earth& of the 9%rse of YAHWEH& hi9h he 9%rsed the earth& on a99o%nt of the sin hi9h Adam sinned before YAHWEH+ A And it as hen men 9ontin%ed to rebe, and trans8ress a8ainst YAHWEH& and to 9orr%5t their ays& that the earth a,so be9ame 9orr%5t+ '( And Enosh ,ived ninety years and he be8at 0ainanJ '' And 0ainan 8re %5 and he as forty years o,d& and he be9ame ise and had kno ,ed8e and ski,, in a,, isdom& and he rei8ned over a,, the sons of men& and he ,ed the sons of men to isdom and kno ,ed8eJ for 0ainan as a very ise man and had %nderstandin8 in a,, isdom& and ith his isdom he r%,ed over s5irits and demonsJ '. And 0ainan kne by his isdom that YAHWEH o%,d destroy the sons of men for havin8 sinned %5on earth& and that YAHWEH o%,d in the ,atter days brin8 %5on them the aters of the f,ood+ '* And in those days 0ainan rote %5on tab,ets of stone& hat as to take 5,a9e in time to 9ome& and he 5%t them in his treas%res+ ': And 0ainan rei8ned over the ho,e earth& and he t%rned some of the sons of men to the servi9e of YAHWEH+ '; And hen 0ainan as seventy years o,d& he be8at three sons and t o da%8hters+ '= And these are the names of the 9hi,dren of 0ainanJ the name of the first born 7ah,a,,e,& the se9ond Enan& and the third 7ered& and their sisters ere Adah and Ii,,ahJ these are the five 9hi,dren of 0ainan that ere born to him+ '> And Came9h& the son of 7eth%sae,& be9ame re,ated to 0ainan by marria8e& and he took his t o da%8hters for his ives& and Adah 9on9eived and bare a son to Came9h& and she 9a,,ed his name Jaba,+ '/ And she a8ain 9on9eived and bare a son& and 9a,,ed his name J%ba,J and Ii,,ah& her sister& as barren in those days and had no offs5rin8+ 'A 3or in those days the sons of men be8an to tres5ass a8ainst YAHWEH& and to trans8ress the 9ommandments hi9h he had 9ommanded to Adam& to be fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,y in the earth+ .( And some of the sons of men 9a%sed their ives to drink a dra%8ht that o%,d render them barren& in '.

order that they mi8ht retain their fi8%res and hereby their bea%tif%, a55earan9e mi8ht not fade+ .' And hen the sons of men 9a%sed some of their ives to drink& Ii,,ah drank ith them+ .. And the 9hi,d$bearin8 omen a55eared abominab,e in the si8ht of their h%sbands as ido s& hi,e their h%sbands ,ived& for to the barren ones on,y they ere atta9hed+ .* And in the end of days and years& hen Ii,,ah be9ame o,d& YAHWEH o5ened her omb+ .: And she 9on9eived and bare a son and she 9a,,ed his name 2%ba, 0ain& sayin8& After " had ithered a ay have " obtained him from the A,mi8hty YAHWEH+ .; And she 9on9eived a8ain and bare a da%8hter& and she 9a,,ed her name Naamah& for she said& After " had ithered a ay have " obtained 5,eas%re and de,i8ht+ .= And Came9h as o,d and advan9ed in years& and his eyes ere dim that he 9o%,d not see& and 2%ba, 0ain& his son& as ,eadin8 him and it as one day that Came9h ent into the fie,d and 2%ba, 0ain his son as ith him& and hi,e they ere a,kin8 in the fie,d& 0ain the son of Adam advan9ed to ards themJ for Came9h as very o,d and 9o%,d not see m%9h& and 2%ba, 0ain his son as very yo%n8+ .> And 2%ba, 0ain to,d his father to dra his bo & and ith the arro s he smote 0ain& ho as yet far off& and he s,e him& for he a55eared to them to be an anima,+ ./ And the arro s entered 0ain@s body a,tho%8h he as distant from them& and he fe,, to the 8ro%nd and died+ .A And YAHWEH reH%ited 0ain@s evi, a99ordin8 to his i9kedness& hi9h he had done to his brother Abe,& a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH hi9h he had s5oken+ *( And it 9ame to 5ass hen 0ain had died& that Came9h and 2%ba, ent to see the anima, hi9h they had s,ain& and they sa & and beho,d 0ain their 8randfather as fa,,en dead %5on the earth+ *' And Came9h as very m%9h 8rieved at havin8 done this& and in 9,a55in8 his hands to8ether he str%9k his son and 9a%sed his death+ *.+ And the ives of Came9h heard hat Came9h had done& and they so%8ht to ki,, him+ ** And the ives of Came9h hated him from that day& be9a%se he s,e 0ain and 2%ba, 0ain& and the ives of Came9h se5arated from him& and o%,d not hearken to him in those days+ *: And Came9h 9ame to his ives& and he 5ressed them to ,isten to him abo%t this matter+ *; And he said to his ives Adah and Ii,,ah& Hear my voi9e < ives of Came9h& attend to my ords& for no yo% have ima8ined and said that " s,e a man ith my o%nds& and a 9hi,d ith my stri5es for their havin8 done no vio,en9e& b%t s%re,y kno that " am o,d and 8rey$headed& and that my eyes are heavy thro%8h a8e& and " did this thin8 %nkno in8,y+ *= And the ives of Came9h ,istened to him in this matter& and they ret%rned to him ith the advi9e of their father Adam& b%t they bore no 9hi,dren to him from that time& kno in8 that YAHWEH@s an8er as in9reasin8 in those days a8ainst the sons of men& to destroy them ith the aters of the f,ood for their evi, doin8s+ *> And 7ah,a,,e, the son of 0ainan ,ived siBty$five years and he be8at JaredJ and Jared ,ived siBty$t o years and he be8at Eno9h+

0HA12ER *$$Eno9h Rei8ns over the Earth+ Eno9h Estab,ishes Ri8hteo%sness %5on the Earth& and after Rei8nin8 2 o H%ndred and 3orty Years is 2rans,ated+

' And Eno9h ,ived siBty$five years and he be8at 7eth%se,ahJ and Eno9h a,ked ith YAHWEH after havin8 be8ot 7eth%se,ah& and he served YAHWEH& and des5ised the evi, ays of men+ . And the so%, of Eno9h as ra55ed %5 in the instr%9tion of YAHWEH& in kno ,ed8e and in %nderstandin8J and he ise,y retired from the sons of men& and se9reted himse,f from them for many days+ * And it as at the eB5iration of many years& hi,e he as servin8 YAHWEH& and 5rayin8 before him in his ho%se& that an heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH 9a,,ed to him from Heaven& and he said& Here am "+ : And he said& Rise& 8o forth from yo%r ho%se and from the 5,a9e here yo% dost hide thyse,f& and a55ear to the sons of men& in order that yo% may tea9h them the ay in hi9h they sho%,d 8o and the ork hi9h '*

they m%st a99om5,ish to enter in the ays of YAHWEH+ ; And Eno9h rose %5 a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH& and ent forth from his ho%se& from his 5,a9e and from the 9hamber in hi9h he as 9on9ea,edJ and he ent to the sons of men and ta%8ht them the ays of YAHWEH& and at that time assemb,ed the sons of men and a9H%ainted them ith the instr%9tion of YAHWEH+ = And he ordered it to be 5ro9,aimed in a,, 5,a9es here the sons of men d e,t& sayin8& Where is the man ho ishes to kno the ays of YAHWEH and 8ood orks# ,et him 9ome to Eno9h+ > And a,, the sons of men then assemb,ed to him& for a,, ho desired this thin8 ent to Eno9h& and Eno9h rei8ned over the sons of men a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH& and they 9ame and bo ed to him and they heard his ord+ / And the s5irit of YAHWEH as %5on Eno9h& and he ta%8ht a,, his men the isdom of YAHWEH and his ays& and the sons of men served YAHWEH a,, the days of Eno9h& and they 9ame to hear his isdom+ A And a,, the kin8s of the sons of men& both first and ,ast& to8ether ith their 5rin9es and G%d8es& 9ame to Eno9h hen they heard of his isdom& and they bo ed do n to him& and they a,so reH%ired of Eno9h to rei8n over them& to hi9h he 9onsented+ '( And they assemb,ed in a,,& one h%ndred and thirty kin8s and 5rin9es& and they made Eno9h kin8 over them and they ere a,, %nder his 5o er and 9ommand+ '' And Eno9h ta%8ht them isdom& kno ,ed8e& and the ays of YAHWEHJ and he made 5ea9e amon8st them& and 5ea9e as thro%8ho%t the earth d%rin8 the ,ife of Eno9h+ '. And Eno9h rei8ned over the sons of men t o h%ndred and forty$three years& and he did G%sti9e and ri8hteo%sness ith a,, his 5eo5,e& and he ,ed them in the ays of YAHWEH+ '* And these are the 8enerations of Eno9h& 7eth%se,ah& E,isha& and E,ime,e9h& three sonsJ and their sisters ere 7e,9a and Nahmah& and 7eth%se,ah ,ived ei8hty$seven years and he be8at Came9h+ ': And it as in the fifty$siBth year of the ,ife of Came9h hen Adam diedJ nine h%ndred and thirty years o,d as he at his death& and his t o sons& ith Eno9h and 7eth%se,ah his son& b%ried him ith 8reat 5om5& as at the b%ria, of kin8s& in the 9ave hi9h YAHWEH had to,d him+ '; And in that 5,a9e a,, the sons of men made a 8reat mo%rnin8 and ee5in8 on a99o%nt of AdamJ it has therefore be9ome a 9%stom amon8 the sons of men to this day+ '= And Adam died be9a%se he ate of the tree of kno ,ed8eJ he and his 9hi,dren after him& as YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y had s5oken+ '> And it as in the year of Adam@s death hi9h as the t o h%ndred and forty$third year of the rei8n of Eno9h& in that time Eno9h reso,ved to se5arate himse,f from the sons of men and to se9ret himse,f as at first in order to serve YAHWEH+ '/ And Eno9h did so& b%t did not entire,y se9ret himse,f from them& b%t ke5t a ay from the sons of men three days and then ent to them for one day+ 'A And d%rin8 the three days that he as in his 9hamber& he 5rayed to& and 5raised YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y& and the day on hi9h he ent and a55eared to his s%bGe9ts he ta%8ht them the ays of YAHWEH& and a,, they asked him abo%t YAHWEH he to,d them+ .( And he did in this manner for many years& and he after ard 9on9ea,ed himse,f for siB days& and a55eared to his 5eo5,e one day in sevenJ and after that on9e in a month& and then on9e in a year& %nti, a,, the kin8s& 5rin9es and sons of men so%8ht for him& and desired a8ain to see the fa9e of Eno9h& and to hear his ordJ b%t they 9o%,d not& as a,, the sons of men ere 8reat,y afraid of Eno9h& and they feared to a55roa9h him on a99o%nt of the ?od,ike a e that as seated %5on his 9o%ntenan9eJ therefore no man 9o%,d ,ook at him& fearin8 he mi8ht be 5%nished and die+ .' And a,, the kin8s and 5rin9es reso,ved to assemb,e the sons of men& and to 9ome to Eno9h& thinkin8 that they mi8ht a,, s5eak to him at the time hen he sho%,d 9ome forth amon8st them& and they did so+ .. And the day 9ame hen Eno9h ent forth and they a,, assemb,ed and 9ame to him& and Eno9h s5oke to them the ords of YAHWEH and he ta%8ht them isdom and kno ,ed8e& and they bo ed do n before him and they said& 7ay the kin8 ,iveK 7ay the kin8 ,iveK .* And in some time after& hen the kin8s and 5rin9es and the sons of men ere s5eakin8 to Eno9h& and ':

Eno9h as tea9hin8 them the ays of YAHWEH& beho,d an heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH then 9a,,ed %nto Eno9h from heaven& and ished to brin8 him %5 to heaven to make him rei8n there over the sons of YAHWEH& as he had rei8ned over the sons of men %5on earth+ .: When at that time Eno9h heard this he ent and assemb,ed a,, the inhabitants of the earth& and ta%8ht them isdom and kno ,ed8e and 8ave them divine instr%9tions& and he said to them& " have been reH%ired to as9end into heaven& " therefore do not kno the day of my 8oin8+ .; And no therefore " i,, tea9h yo% isdom and kno ,ed8e and i,, 8ive yo% instr%9tion before " ,eave yo%& ho to a9t %5on earth hereby yo% may ,iveJ and he did so+ .= And he ta%8ht them isdom and kno ,ed8e& and 8ave them instr%9tion& and he re5roved them& and he 5,a9ed before them stat%tes and G%d8ments to do %5on earth& and he made 5ea9e amon8st them& and he ta%8ht them ever,astin8 ,ife& and d e,t ith them some time tea9hin8 them a,, these thin8s+ .> And at that time the sons of men ere ith Eno9h& and Eno9h as s5eakin8 to them& and they ,ifted %5 their eyes and the ,ikeness of a 8reat horse des9ended from heaven& and the horse 5a9ed in the airJ ./ And they to,d Eno9h hat they had seen& and Eno9h said to them& <n my a99o%nt does this horse des9end %5on earthJ the time is 9ome hen " m%st 8o from yo% and " sha,, no more be seen by yo%+ .A And the horse des9ended at that time and stood before Eno9h& and a,, the sons of men that ere ith Eno9h sa him+ *( And Eno9h then a8ain ordered a voi9e to be 5ro9,aimed& sayin8& Where is the man ho de,i8hts to kno the ays of YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y& ,et him 9ome this day to Eno9h before he is taken from %s+ *' And a,, the sons of men assemb,ed and 9ame to Eno9h that dayJ and a,, the kin8s of the earth ith their 5rin9es and 9o%nse,,ors remained ith him that dayJ and Eno9h then ta%8ht the sons of men isdom and kno ,ed8e& and 8ave them divine instr%9tionJ and he bade them serve YAHWEH and a,k in his ays a,, the days of their ,ives& and he 9ontin%ed to make 5ea9e amon8st them+ *. And it as after this that he rose %5 and rode %5on the horseJ and he ent forth and a,, the sons of men ent after him& abo%t ei8ht h%ndred tho%sand menJ and they ent ith him one day@s Go%rney+ ** And the se9ond day he said to them& Ret%rn home to yo%r tents& hy i,, yo% 8o# 5erha5s yo% may dieJ and some of them ent from him& and those that remained ent ith him siB day@s Go%rneyJ and Eno9h said to them every day& Ret%rn to yo%r tents& ,est yo% may dieJ b%t they ere not i,,in8 to ret%rn& and they ent ith him+ *: And on the siBth day some of the men remained and 9,%n8 to him& and they said to him& We i,, 8o ith yo% to the 5,a9e here yo% 8oestJ as YAHWEH ,ives& death on,y sha,, se5arate %s+ *; And they %r8ed so m%9h to 8o ith him& that he 9eased s5eakin8 to themJ and they ent after him and o%,d not ret%rnJ *= And hen the kin8s ret%rned they 9a%sed a 9ens%s to be taken& in order to kno the n%mber of remainin8 men that ent ith Eno9hJ and it as %5on the seventh day that Eno9h as9ended into heaven in a hir, ind& ith horses and 9hariots of fire+ *> And on the ei8hth day a,, the kin8s that had been ith Eno9h sent to brin8 ba9k the n%mber of men that ere ith Eno9h& in that 5,a9e from hi9h he as9ended into heaven+ */ And a,, those kin8s ent to the 5,a9e and they fo%nd the earth there fi,,ed ith sno & and %5on the sno ere ,ar8e stones of sno & and one said to the other& 0ome& ,et %s break thro%8h the sno and see& 5erha5s the men that remained ith Eno9h are dead& and are no %nder the stones of sno & and they sear9hed b%t 9o%,d not find him& for he had as9ended into heaven+

0HA12ER :$$2he 1eo5,e of the Earth A8ain Be9ome 0orr%5t+ Noah is Born+

' And a,, the days that Eno9h ,ived %5on earth& ere three h%ndred and siBty$five years+ . And hen Eno9h had as9ended into heaven& a,, the kin8s of the earth rose and took 7eth%se,ah his son and anointed him& and they 9a%sed him to rei8n over them in the 5,a9e of his father+ * And 7eth%se,ah a9ted %5ri8ht,y in the si8ht of YAHWEH& as his father Eno9h had ta%8ht him& and he ';

,ike ise d%rin8 the ho,e of his ,ife ta%8ht the sons of men isdom& kno ,ed8e and the fear of YAHWEH& and he did not t%rn from the 8ood ay either to the ri8ht or to the ,eft+ : B%t in the ,atter days of 7eth%se,ah& the sons of men t%rned from YAHWEH& they 9orr%5ted the earth& they robbed and 5,%ndered ea9h other& and they rebe,,ed a8ainst YAHWEH and they trans8ressed& and they 9orr%5ted their ays& and o%,d not hearken to the voi9e of 7eth%se,ah& b%t rebe,,ed a8ainst him+ ; And YAHWEH as eB9eedin8,y roth a8ainst them& and YAHWEH 9ontin%ed to destroy the seed in those days& so that there as neither so in8 nor rea5in8 in the earth+ = 3or hen they so ed the 8ro%nd in order that they mi8ht obtain food for their s%55ort& beho,d& thorns and thist,es ere 5rod%9ed hi9h they did not so + > And sti,, the sons of men did not t%rn from their evi, ays& and their hands ere sti,, eBtended to do evi, in the si8ht of YAHWEH& and they 5rovoked YAHWEH ith their evi, ays& and YAHWEH as very roth& and re5ented that he had made man+ / And he tho%8ht to destroy and annihi,ate them and he did so+ A "n those days hen Came9h the son of 7eth%se,ah as one h%ndred and siBty years o,d& Seth the son of Adam died+ '( And a,, the days that Seth ,ived& ere nine h%ndred and t e,ve years& and he died+ '' And Came9h as one h%ndred and ei8hty years o,d hen he took Ashm%a& the da%8hter of E,ishaa the son of Eno9h his %n9,e& and she 9on9eived+ '. And at that time the sons of men so ed the 8ro%nd& and a ,itt,e food as 5rod%9ed& yet the sons of men did not t%rn from their evi, ays& and they tres5assed and rebe,,ed a8ainst YAHWEH+ '* And the ife of Came9h 9on9eived and bare him a son at that time& at the revo,%tion of the year+ ': And 7eth%se,ah 9a,,ed his name Noah& sayin8& 2he earth as in his days at rest and free from 9orr%5tion& and Came9h his father 9a,,ed his name 7ena9hem& sayin8& 2his one sha,, 9omfort %s in o%r orks and miserab,e toi, in the earth& hi9h YAHWEH had 9%rsed+ '; And the 9hi,d 8re %5 and as eaned& and he ent in the ays of his father 7eth%se,ah& 5erfe9t and %5ri8ht ith YAHWEH+ '= And a,, the sons of men de5arted from the ays of YAHWEH in those days as they m%,ti5,ied %5on the fa9e of the earth ith sons and da%8hters& and they ta%8ht one another their evi, 5ra9ti9es and they 9ontin%ed sinnin8 a8ainst YAHWEH+ '> And every man made %nto himse,f a 8od& and they robbed and 5,%ndered every man his nei8hbor as e,, as his re,ative& and they 9orr%5ted the earth& and the earth as fi,,ed ith vio,en9e+ '/ And their G%d8es and r%,ers ent to the da%8hters of men and took their ives by for9e from their h%sbands a99ordin8 to their 9hoi9e& and the sons of men in those days took from the 9att,e of the earth& the beasts of the fie,d and the fo ,s of the air& and ta%8ht the miBt%re of anima,s of one s5e9ies ith the other& in order there ith to 5rovoke YAHWEHJ and YAHWEH sa the ho,e earth and it as 9orr%5t& for a,, f,esh had 9orr%5ted its ays %5on earth& a,, men and a,, anima,s+ 'A And YAHWEH said& " i,, b,ot o%t man that " 9reated from the fa9e of the earth& yea from man to the birds of the air& to8ether ith 9att,e and beasts that are in the fie,d for " re5ent that " made them+ .( And a,, men ho a,ked in the ays of YAHWEH& died in those days& before YAHWEH bro%8ht the evi, %5on man hi9h he had de9,ared& for this as from YAHWEH& that they sho%,d not see the evi, hi9h YAHWEH s5oke of 9on9ernin8 the sons of men+ .' And Noah fo%nd free %nmerited ,ove and favor in the si8ht of YAHWEH& and YAHWEH 9hose him and his 9hi,dren to raise %5 seed from them %5on the fa9e of the ho,e earth+ 5 NOAH & METHUSELAH
0HA12ER ;$$Noah and 7eth%se,ah 1rea9h Re5entan9e for <ne H%ndred and 2 enty Years+ Noah B%i,ds the Ark+ Death of 7eth%se,ah+

' And it

as in the ei8hty$fo%rth year of the ,ife of Noah& that Eno9h the son of Seth died& he '=

as nine

h%ndred and five years o,d at his death+ . And in the one h%ndred and seventy ninth year of the ,ife of Noah& 0ainan the son of Enosh died& and a,, the days of 0ainan ere nine h%ndred and ten years& and he died+ * And in the t o h%ndred and thirty fo%rth year of the ,ife of Noah& 7ah,a,,e, the son of 0ainan died& and the days of 7ah,a,,e, ere ei8ht h%ndred and ninety$five years& and he died+ : And Jared the son of 7ah,a,,e, died in those days& in the three h%ndred and thirty$siBth year of the ,ife of NoahJ and a,, the days of Jared ere nine h%ndred and siBty$t o years& and he died+ ; And a,, ho fo,,o ed YAHWEH died in those days& before they sa the evi, hi9h YAHWEH de9,ared to do %5on earth+ = And after the ,a5se of many years& in the fo%r h%ndred and ei8htieth year of the ,ife of Noah& hen a,, those men& ho fo,,o ed YAHWEH had died a ay from amon8st the sons of men& and on,y 7eth%se,ah as then ,eft& YAHWEH said %nto Noah and 7eth%se,ah& sayin8& > S5eak ye& and 5ro9,aim to the sons of men& sayin8& 2h%s saith YAHWEH& ret%rn from yo%r evi, ays and forsake yo%r orks& and YAHWEH i,, re5ent of the evi, that he de9,ared to do to yo%& so that it sha,, not 9ome to 5ass+ / 3or th%s saith YAHWEH& Beho,d " 8ive yo% a 5eriod of one h%ndred and t enty yearsJ if yo% i,, t%rn to me and forsake yo%r evi, ays& then i,, " a,so t%rn a ay from the evi, hi9h " to,d yo%& and it sha,, not eBist& saith YAHWEH+ A And Noah and 7eth%se,ah s5oke a,, the ords of YAHWEH to the sons of men& day after day& 9onstant,y s5eakin8 to them+ '( B%t the sons of men o%,d not hearken to them& nor in9,ine their ears to their ords& and they ere stiffne9ked+ '' And YAHWEH 8ranted them a 5eriod of one h%ndred and t enty years& sayin8& "f they i,, ret%rn& then i,, YAHWEH re5ent of the evi,& so as not to destroy the earth+ '. Noah the son of Came9h refrained from takin8 a ife in those days& to be8et 9hi,dren& for he said& S%re,y no YAHWEH i,, destroy the earth& herefore then sha,, " be8et 9hi,dren# '* And Noah as a G%st man& he as 5erfe9t in his 8eneration& and YAHWEH 9hose him to raise %5 seed from his seed %5on the fa9e of the earth+ ': And YAHWEH said %nto Noah& 2ake %nto yo% a ife& and be8et 9hi,dren& for " have seen yo% ri8hteo%s before me in this 8eneration+ '; And yo% sha,, raise %5 seed& and yo%r 9hi,dren ith yo%& in the midst of the earthJ and Noah ent and took a ife& and he 9hose Naamah the da%8hter of Eno9h& and she as five h%ndred and ei8hty years o,d+ '= And Noah as fo%r h%ndred and ninety$ei8ht years o,d& hen he took Naamah for a ife+ '> And Naamah 9on9eived and bare a son& and he 9a,,ed his name Ja5heth& sayin8& YAHWEH has en,ar8ed me in the earthJ and she 9on9eived a8ain and bare a son& and he 9a,,ed his name Shem& sayin8& YAHWEH has made me a remnant& to raise %5 seed in the midst of the earth+ '/ And Noah as five h%ndred and t o years o,d hen Naamah bare Shem& and the boys 8re %5 and ent in the ays of YAHWEH& in a,, that 7eth%se,ah and Noah their father ta%8ht them+ 'A And Came9h the father of Noah& died in those daysJ yet veri,y he did not 8o ith a,, his heart in the ays of his father& and he died in the h%ndred and ninety$fifth year of the ,ife of Noah+ .( And a,, the days of Came9h ere seven h%ndred and seventy years& and he died+ .' And a,, the sons of men ho kne YAHWEH& died in that year before YAHWEH bro%8ht evi, %5on themJ for YAHWEH i,,ed them to die& so as not to beho,d the evi, that YAHWEH o%,d brin8 %5on their brothers and re,atives& as he had so de9,ared to do+ .. "n that time& YAHWEH said to Noah and 7eth%se,ah& Stand forth and 5ro9,aim to the sons of men a,, the ords that " s5oke to yo% in those days& 5eradvent%re they may t%rn from their evi, ays& and " i,, then re5ent of the evi, and i,, not brin8 it+ .* And Noah and 7eth%se,ah stood forth& and said in the ears of the sons of men& a,, that YAHWEH had s5oken 9on9ernin8 them+ .: B%t the sons of men o%,d not hearken& neither o%,d they in9,ine their ears to a,, their de9,arations+ '>

.; And it as after this that YAHWEH said to Noah& 2he end of a,, f,esh is 9ome before me& on a99o%nt of their evi, deeds& and beho,d " i,, destroy the earth+ .= And do yo% take %nto yo% 8o5her ood& and 8o to a 9ertain 5,a9e and make a ,ar8e ark& and 5,a9e it in that s5ot+ .> And th%s sha,, yo% make itJ three h%ndred 9%bits its ,en8th& fifty 9%bits broad and thirty 9%bits hi8h+ ./ And yo% sha,, make %nto yo% a door& o5en at its side& and to a 9%bit yo% sha,, finish above& and 9over it ithin and itho%t ith 5it9h+ .A And beho,d " i,, brin8 the f,ood of aters %5on the earth& and a,, f,esh be destroyed& from %nder the heavens a,, that is %5on earth sha,, 5erish+ *( And yo% and yo%r ho%seho,d sha,, 8o and 8ather t o 9o%5,e of a,, ,ivin8 thin8s& ma,e and fema,e& and sha,, brin8 them to the ark& to raise %5 seed from them %5on earth+ *' And 8ather %nto yo% a,, food that is eaten by a,, the anima,s& that there may be food for yo% and for them+ *. And yo% sha,, 9hoose for yo%r sons three maidens& from the da%8hters of men& and they sha,, be ives to yo%r sons+ ** And Noah rose %5& and he made the ark& in the 5,a9e here YAHWEH had 9ommanded him& and Noah did as YAHWEH had ordered him+ *: "n his five h%ndred and ninety$fifth year Noah 9ommen9ed to make the ark& and he made the ark in five years& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded+ *; 2hen Noah took the three da%8hters of E,iakim& son of 7eth%se,ah& for ives for his sons& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded Noah+ *= And it as at that time 7eth%se,ah the son of Eno9h died& nine h%ndred and siBty years o,d as he& at his death+ 6 THE ARK
0HA12ER =$$Anima,s& Beasts& and 3o ,s 1reserved in the Ark+ Noah and his Sons& and their Wives are Sh%t in+ When the 3,oods 9ome the 1eo5,e ant to 8et in+ Noah <ne Year in the Ark+

' At that time& after the death of 7eth%se,ah& YAHWEH said to Noah& ?o yo% ith yo%r ho%seho,d into the arkJ beho,d " i,, 8ather to yo% a,, the anima,s of the earth& the beasts of the fie,d and the fo ,s of the air& and they sha,, a,, 9ome and s%rro%nd the ark+ . And yo% sha,, 8o and seat thyse,f by the doors of the ark& and a,, the beasts& the anima,s& and the fo ,s& sha,, assemb,e and 5,a9e themse,ves before yo%& and s%9h of them as sha,, 9ome and 9ro%9h before yo%& sha,, yo% take and de,iver into the hands of yo%r sons& ho sha,, brin8 them to the ark& and a,, that i,, stand before yo% yo% sha,, ,eave+ * And YAHWEH bro%8ht this abo%t on the neBt day& and anima,s& beasts and fo ,s 9ame in 8reat m%,tit%des and s%rro%nded the ark+ : And Noah ent and seated himse,f by the door of the ark& and of a,, f,esh that 9ro%9hed before him& he bro%8ht into the ark& and a,, that stood before him he ,eft %5on earth+ ; And a ,ioness 9ame& ith her t o he,5s& ma,e and fema,e& and the three 9ro%9hed before Noah& and the t o he,5s rose %5 a8ainst the ,ioness and smote her& and made her f,ee from her 5,a9e& and she ent a ay& and they ret%rned to their 5,a9es& and 9ro%9hed %5on the earth before Noah+ = And the ,ioness ran a ay& and stood in the 5,a9e of the ,ions+ > And Noah sa this& and ondered 8reat,y& and he rose and took the t o he,5s& and bro%8ht them into the ark+ / And Noah bro%8ht into the ark from a,, ,ivin8 9reat%res that ere %5on earth& so that there as none ,eft b%t hi9h Noah bro%8ht into the ark+ A 2 o and t o 9ame to Noah into the ark& b%t from the 9,ean anima,s& and 9,ean fo ,s& he bro%8ht seven 9o%5,es& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded him+ '( And a,, the anima,s& and beasts& and fo ,s& ere sti,, there& and they s%rro%nded the ark at every 5,a9e& '/

and the rain had not des9ended ti,, seven days after+ '' And on that day& YAHWEH 9a%sed the ho,e earth to shake& and the s%n darkened& and the fo%ndations of the or,d ra8ed& and the ho,e earth as moved vio,ent,y& and the ,i8htnin8 f,ashed& and the th%nder roared& and a,, the fo%ntains in the earth ere broken %5& s%9h as as not kno n to the inhabitants beforeJ and YAHWEH did this mi8hty a9t& in order to terrify the sons of men& that there mi8ht be no more evi, %5on earth+ '. And sti,, the sons of men o%,d not ret%rn from their evi, ays& and they in9reased the an8er of YAHWEH at that time& and did not even dire9t their hearts to a,, this+ '* And at the end of seven days& in the siB h%ndredth year of the ,ife of Noah& the aters of the f,ood ere %5on the earth+ ': And a,, the fo%ntains of the dee5 ere broken %5& and the indo s of heaven ere o5ened& and the rain as %5on the earth forty days and forty ni8hts+ '; And Noah and his ho%seho,d& and a,, the ,ivin8 9reat%res that ere ith him& 9ame into the ark on a99o%nt of the aters of the f,ood& and YAHWEH sh%t him in+ '= And a,, the sons of men that ere ,eft %5on the earth& be9ame eBha%sted thro%8h evi, on a99o%nt of the rain& for the aters ere 9omin8 more vio,ent,y %5on the earth& and the anima,s and beasts ere sti,, s%rro%ndin8 the ark+ '> And the sons of men assemb,ed to8ether& abo%t seven h%ndred tho%sand men and omen& and they 9ame %nto Noah to the ark+ '/ And they 9a,,ed to Noah& sayin8& <5en for %s that e may 9ome to yo% in the ark$$and herefore sha,, e die# 'A And Noah& ith a ,o%d voi9e& ans ered them from the ark& sayin8& Have yo% not a,, rebe,,ed a8ainst YAHWEH& and said that he does not eBist# and therefore YAHWEH bro%8ht %5on yo% this evi,& to destroy and 9%t yo% off from the fa9e of the earth+ .( "s not this the thin8 that " s5oke to yo% of one h%ndred and t enty years ba9k& and yo% o%,d not hearken to the voi9e of YAHWEH& and no do yo% desire to ,ive %5on earth# .' And they said to Noah& We are ready to ret%rn to YAHWEHJ on,y o5en for %s that e may ,ive and not die+ .. And Noah ans ered them& sayin8& Beho,d no that yo% see the tro%b,e of yo%r so%,s& yo% ish to ret%rn to YAHWEHJ hy did yo% not ret%rn d%rin8 these h%ndred and t enty years& hi9h YAHWEH 8ranted yo% as the determined 5eriod# .* B%t no yo% 9ome and te,, me this on a99o%nt of the tro%b,es of yo%r so%,s& no a,so YAHWEH i,, not ,isten to yo%& neither i,, he 8ive ear to yo% on this day& so that yo% i,, not no s%99eed in yo%r ishes+ .: And the sons of men a55roa9hed in order to break into the ark& to 9ome in on a99o%nt of the rain& for they 9o%,d not bear the rain %5on them+ .; And YAHWEH sent a,, the beasts and anima,s that stood ro%nd the ark+ And the beasts over5o ered them and drove them from that 5,a9e& and every man ent his ay and they a8ain s9attered themse,ves %5on the fa9e of the earth+ .= And the rain as sti,, des9endin8 %5on the earth& and it des9ended forty days and forty ni8hts& and the aters 5revai,ed 8reat,y %5on the earthJ and a,, f,esh that as %5on the earth or in the aters died& hether men& anima,s& beasts& 9ree5in8 thin8s or birds of the air& and there on,y remained Noah and those that ere ith him in the ark+ .> And the aters 5revai,ed and they 8reat,y in9reased %5on the earth& and they ,ifted %5 the ark and it as raised from the earth+ ./ And the ark f,oated %5on the fa9e of the aters& and it as tossed %5on the aters so that a,, the ,ivin8 9reat%res ithin ere t%rned abo%t ,ike 5otta8e in a 9a%,dron+ .A And 8reat anBiety seiFed a,, the ,ivin8 9reat%res that ere in the ark& and the ark as ,ike to be broken+ *( And a,, the ,ivin8 9reat%res that ere in the ark ere terrified& and the ,ions roared& and the oBen ,o ed& and the o,ves ho ,ed& and every ,ivin8 9reat%re in the ark s5oke and ,amented in its o n ,an8%a8e& so that 'A

their voi9es rea9hed to a 8reat distan9e& and Noah and his sons 9ried and e5t in their tro%b,esJ they ere 8reat,y afraid that they had rea9hed the 8ates of death+ *' And Noah 5rayed %nto YAHWEH& and 9ried %nto him on a99o%nt of this& and he said& < YAHWEH he,5 %s& for e have no stren8th to bear this evi, that has en9om5assed %s& for the aves of the aters have s%rro%nded %s& mis9hievo%s torrents have terrified %s& the snares of death have 9ome before %sJ ans er %s& < YAHWEH& ans er %s& ,i8ht %5 yo%r 9o%ntenan9e to ard %s and be 8ra9io%s to %s& redeem %s and de,iver %s+ *. And YAHWEH hearkened to the voi9e of Noah& and YAHWEH remembered him+ ** And a ind 5assed over the earth& and the aters ere sti,, and the ark rested+ *: And the fo%ntains of the dee5 and the indo s of heaven ere sto55ed& and the rain from heaven as restrained+ *; And the aters de9reased in those days& and the ark rested %5on the mo%ntains of Ararat+ *= And Noah then o5ened the indo s of the ark& and Noah sti,, 9a,,ed o%t to YAHWEH at that time and he said& < YAHWEH& ho didst form the earth and the heavens and a,, that are therein& brin8 forth o%r so%,s from this 9onfinement& and from the 5rison herein yo% hast 5,a9ed %s& for " am m%9h earied ith si8hin8+ *> And YAHWEH hearkened to the voi9e of Noah& and said to him& When tho%8h sha,, have 9om5,eted a f%,, year yo% sha,, then 8o forth+ */ And at the revo,%tion of the year& hen a f%,, year as 9om5,eted to Noah@s d e,,in8 in the ark& the aters ere dried from off the earth& and Noah 5%t off the 9overin8 of the ark+ *A At that time& on the t enty$seventh day of the se9ond month& the earth as dry& b%t Noah and his sons& and those that ere ith him& did not 8o o%t from the ark %nti, YAHWEH to,d them+ :( And the day 9ame that YAHWEH to,d them to 8o o%t& and they a,, ent o%t from the ark+ :' And they ent and ret%rned every one to his ay and to his 5,a9e& and Noah and his sons d e,t in the ,and that YAHWEH had to,d them& and they served YAHWEH a,, their days& and YAHWEH b,essed Noah and his sons on their 8oin8 o%t from the ark+ :. And he said to them& Be fr%itf%, and fi,, a,, the earthJ be9ome stron8 and in9rease ab%ndant,y in the earth and m%,ti5,y therein+ 7 GENERATIONS OF NOAH
0HA12ER >$$2he ?enerations of Noah+ 2he ?arments of Skin made for Adam Sto,en by Ham and they Des9end to Nimrod the 7i8hty H%nter& ho Be9omes the 4in8 of the Who,e Earth+ 2he Birth of Abram+

' And these are the names of the sons of Noah) Ja5heth& Ham and ShemJ and 9hi,dren ere born to them after the f,ood& for they had taken ives before the f,ood+ . 2hese are the sons of Ja5hethJ ?omer& 7a8o8& 7adai& Javan& 2%ba,& 7eshe9h& and 2iras& seven sons+ * And the sons of ?omer ere AskinaF& Re5hath and 2e8armah+ : And the sons of 7a8o8 ere E,i9hanaf and C%ba,+ ; And the 9hi,dren of 7adai ere A9hon& Iee,o& 0haFoni and Cot+ = And the sons of Javan ere E,isha& 2arshish& 0hittim and D%donim+ > And the sons of 2%ba, ere Ari5hi& 4esed and 2aari+ / And the sons of 7eshe9h ere Dedon& Iaron and Shebashni+ A And the sons of 2iras ere Benib& ?era& C%5irion and ?i,akJ these are the sons of Ja5heth a99ordin8 to their fami,ies& and their n%mbers in those days ere abo%t fo%r h%ndred and siBty men+ '( And these are the sons of HamJ 0%sh& 7itFraim& 1h%t and 0anaan& fo%r sonsJ and the sons of 0%sh ere Seba& Havi,ah& Sabta& Raama and Sate9ha& and the sons of Raama ere Sheba and Dedan+ '' And the sons of 7itFraim ere C%d& Anom and 1athros& 0has,oth and 0ha5htor+ '. And the sons of 1h%t ere ?eb%,& Hadan& Benah and Adan+ '* And the sons of 0anaan ere Iidon& Heth& Amori& ?er8ashi& Hivi& Arkee& Seni& Arodi& Iimodi and 0hamothi+ .(

': 2hese are the sons of Ham& a99ordin8 to their fami,ies& and their n%mbers in those days ere abo%t seven h%ndred and thirty men+ '; And these are the sons of ShemJ E,am& Ash%r& Ar5a9hshad& C%d and Aram& five sonsJ and the sons of E,am ere Sh%shan& 7a9h%, and Harmon+ '= And the sons of Ashar ere 7ir%s and 7oki,& and the sons of Ar5a9hshad ere She,a9h& Anar and Ash9o,+ '> And the sons of C%d ere 1ethor and BiFayon& and the sons of Aram ere DF& 0h%,& ?ather and 7ash+ '/ 2hese are the sons of Shem& a99ordin8 to their fami,iesJ and their n%mbers in those days ere abo%t three h%ndred men+ 'A 2hese are the 8enerations of ShemJ Shem be8at Ar5a9hshad and Ar5a9hshad be8at She,a9h& and She,a9h be8at Eber and to Eber ere born t o 9hi,dren& the name of one as 1e,e8& for in his days the sons of men ere divided& and in the ,atter days& the earth as divided+ .( And the name of the se9ond as Yoktan& meanin8 that in his day the ,ives of the sons of men ere diminished and ,essened+ .' 2hese are the sons of YoktanJ A,modad& She,af& 0haFarmoveth& Yera9h& Had%rom& <Fe,& Dik,ah& <ba,& Abimae,& Sheba& <5hir& Havi,ah and JobabJ a,, these are the sons of Yoktan+ .. And 1e,e8 his brother be8at Yen& and Yen be8at Ser%8& and Ser%8 be8at Nahor and Nahor be8at 2erah& and 2erah as thirty$ei8ht years o,d& and he be8at Haran and Nahor+ .* And 0%sh the son of Ham& the son of Noah& took a ife in those days in his o,d a8e& and she bare a son& and they 9a,,ed his name Nimrod& sayin8& At that time the sons of men a8ain be8an to rebe, and trans8ress a8ainst YAHWEH& and the 9hi,d 8re %5& and his father ,oved him eB9eedin8,y& for he as the son of his o,d a8e+ .: And the 8arments of skin hi9h YAHWEH made for Adam and his ife& hen they ent o%t of the 8arden& ere 8iven to 0%sh+ .; 3or after the death of Adam and his ife& the 8arments ere 8iven to Eno9h& the son of Jared& and hen Eno9h as taken %5 to YAHWEH& he 8ave them to 7eth%se,ah& his son+ .= And at the death of 7eth%se,ah& Noah took them and bro%8ht them to the ark& and they ere ith him %nti, he ent o%t of the ark+ .> And in their 8oin8 o%t& Ham sto,e those 8arments from Noah his father& and he took them and hid them from his brothers+ ./ And hen Ham be8at his first born 0%sh& he 8ave him the 8arments in se9ret& and they ere ith 0%sh many days+ .A And 0%sh a,so 9on9ea,ed them from his sons and brothers& and hen 0%sh had be8otten Nimrod& he 8ave him those 8arments thro%8h his ,ove for him& and Nimrod 8re %5& and hen he as t enty years o,d he 5%t on those 8arments+ *( And Nimrod be9ame stron8 hen he 5%t on the 8arments& and YAHWEH 8ave him mi8ht and stren8th& and he as a mi8hty h%nter in the earth& yea& he as a mi8hty h%nter in the fie,d& and he h%nted the anima,s and he b%i,t a,tars& and he offered %5on them the anima,s before YAHWEH+ *' And Nimrod stren8thened himse,f& and he rose %5 from amon8st his brethren& and he fo%8ht the batt,es of his brethren a8ainst a,, their enemies ro%nd abo%t+ *. And YAHWEH de,ivered a,, the enemies of his brethren in his hands& and YAHWEH 5ros5ered him from time to time in his batt,es& and he rei8ned %5on earth+ ** 2herefore it be9ame 9%rrent in those days& hen a man %shered forth those that he had trained %5 for batt,e& he o%,d say to them& Cike YAHWEH did to Nimrod& ho as a mi8hty h%nter in the earth& and ho s%99eeded in the batt,es that 5revai,ed a8ainst his brethren& that he de,ivered them from the hands of their enemies& so may YAHWEH stren8then %s and de,iver %s this day+ *: And hen Nimrod as forty years o,d& at that time there as a ar bet een his brethren and the 9hi,dren of Ja5heth& so that they ere in the 5o er of their enemies+ *; And Nimrod ent forth at that time& and he assemb,ed a,, the sons of 0%sh and their fami,ies& abo%t fo%r h%ndred and siBty men& and he hired a,so from some of his friends and a9H%aintan9es abo%t ei8hty men& .'

and be 8ave them their hire& and he ent ith them to batt,e& and hen he as on the road& Nimrod stren8thened the hearts of the 5eo5,e that ent ith him+ *= And he said to them& Do not fear& neither be a,armed& for a,, o%r enemies i,, be de,ivered into o%r hands& and yo% may do ith them as yo% 5,ease+ *> And a,, the men that ent ere abo%t five h%ndred& and they fo%8ht a8ainst their enemies& and they destroyed them& and s%bd%ed them& and Nimrod 5,a9ed standin8 offi9ers over them in their res5e9tive 5,a9es+ */ And he took some of their 9hi,dren as se9%rity& and they ere a,, servants to Nimrod and to his brethren& and Nimrod and a,, the 5eo5,e that ere ith him t%rned home ard+ *A And hen Nimrod had Goyf%,,y ret%rned from batt,e& after havin8 9onH%ered his enemies& a,, his brethren& to8ether ith those ho kne him before& assemb,ed to make him kin8 over them& and they 5,a9ed the re8a, 9ro n %5on his head+ :( And he set over his s%bGe9ts and 5eo5,e& 5rin9es& G%d8es& and r%,ers& as is the 9%stom amon8st kin8s+ :' And he 5,a9ed 2erah the son of Nahor the 5rin9e of his host& and he di8nified him and e,evated him above a,, his 5rin9es+ :. And hi,e he as rei8nin8 a99ordin8 to his heart@s desire& after havin8 9onH%ered a,, his enemies aro%nd& he advised ith his 9o%nse,ors to b%i,d a 9ity for his 5a,a9e& and they did so+ :* And they fo%nd a ,ar8e va,,ey o55osite to the east& and they b%i,t him a ,ar8e and eBtensive 9ity& and Nimrod 9a,,ed the name of the 9ity that he b%i,t Shinar& for YAHWEH had vehement,y shaken his enemies and destroyed them+ :: And Nimrod d e,t in Shinar& and he rei8ned se9%re,y& and he fo%8ht ith his enemies and he s%bd%ed them& and he 5ros5ered in a,, his batt,es& and his kin8dom be9ame very 8reat+ :; And a,, nations and ton8%es heard of his fame& and they 8athered themse,ves to him& and they bo ed do n to the earth& and they bro%8ht him offerin8s& and he be9ame their ,ord and kin8& and they a,, d e,t ith him in the 9ity at Shinar& and Nimrod rei8ned in the earth over a,, the sons of Noah& and they ere a,, %nder his 5o er and 9o%nse,+ := And a,, the earth as of one ton8%e and ords of %nion& b%t Nimrod did not 8o in the ays of YAHWEH& and he as more i9ked than a,, the men that ere before him& from the days of the f,ood %nti, those days+ :> And he made 8ods of ood and stone& and he bo ed do n to them& and he rebe,,ed a8ainst YAHWEH& and ta%8ht a,, his s%bGe9ts and the 5eo5,e of the earth his i9ked aysJ and 7ardon his son as more i9ked than his father+ :/ And every one that heard of the a9ts of 7ardon the son of Nimrod o%,d say& 9on9ernin8 him& 3rom the i9ked 8oes forth i9kednessJ therefore it be9ame a 5roverb in the ho,e earth& sayin8& 3rom the i9ked 8oes forth i9kedness& and it as 9%rrent in the ords of men from that time to this+ :A And 2erah the son of Nahor& 5rin9e of Nimrod@s host& as in those days very 8reat in the si8ht of the kin8 and his s%bGe9ts& and the kin8 and 5rin9es ,oved him& and they e,evated him very hi8h+ ;( And 2erah took a ife and her name as Amthe,o the da%8hter of 0orneboJ and the ife of 2erah 9on9eived and bare him a son in those days+ ;' 2erah as seventy years o,d hen he be8at him& and 2erah 9a,,ed the name of his son that as born to him Abram& be9a%se the kin8 had raised him in those days& and di8nified him above a,, his 5rin9es that ere ith him+


Section 2 8 NIMROD & ABRAM

0HA12ER /$$2he Wise 7en of Nimrod& by their Divination& 3orete,, the Evi, that Abram i,, do to Nimrod@s 4in8dom& and they seek to ki,, the 0hi,d+ Abram& ith his 7other and N%rse are Hid in a 9ave for 2en Years+

' And it as in the ni8ht that Abram as born& that a,, the servants of 2erah& and a,, the ise men of Nimrod& and his 9onG%rors 9ame and ate and drank in the ho%se of 2erah& and they reGoi9ed ith him on that ni8ht+ . And hen a,, the ise men and 9onG%rors ent o%t from the ho%se of 2erah& they ,ifted %5 their eyes to ard heaven that ni8ht to ,ook at the stars& and they sa & and beho,d one very ,ar8e star 9ame from the east and ran in the heavens& and he s a,,o ed %5 the fo%r stars from the fo%r sides of the heavens+ * And a,, the ise men of the kin8 and his 9onG%rors ere astonished at the si8ht& and the sa8es %nderstood this matter& and they kne its im5ort+ : And they said to ea9h other& 2his on,y betokens the 9hi,d that has been born to 2erah this ni8ht& ho i,, 8ro %5 and be fr%itf%,& and m%,ti5,y& and 5ossess a,, the earth& he and his 9hi,dren for ever& and he and his seed i,, s,ay 8reat kin8s& and inherit their ,ands+ ; And the ise men and 9onG%rors ent home that ni8ht& and in the mornin8 a,, these ise men and 9onG%rors rose %5 ear,y& and assemb,ed in an a55ointed ho%se+ = And they s5oke and said to ea9h other& Beho,d the si8ht that e sa ,ast ni8ht is hidden from the kin8& it has not been made kno n to him+ > And sho%,d this thin8 8et kno n to the kin8 in the ,atter days& he i,, say to %s& Why have yo% 9on9ea,ed this matter from me& and then e sha,, a,, s%ffer deathJ therefore& no ,et %s 8o and te,, the kin8 the si8ht hi9h e sa & and the inter5retation thereof& and e sha,, then remain 9,ear+ / And they did so& and they a,, ent to the kin8 and bo ed do n to him to the 8ro%nd& and they said& 7ay the kin8 ,ive& may the kin8 ,ive+ A We heard that a son as born to 2erah the son of Nahor& the 5rin9e of yo%r host& and e yesterni8ht 9ame to his ho%se& and e ate and drank and reGoi9ed ith him that ni8ht+ '( And hen yo%r servants ent o%t from the ho%se of 2erah& to 8o to o%r res5e9tive homes to abide there for the ni8ht& e ,ifted %5 o%r eyes to heaven& and e sa a 8reat star 9omin8 from the east& and the same star ran ith 8reat s5eed& and s a,,o ed %5 fo%r 8reat stars& from the fo%r sides of the heavens+ '' And yo%r servants ere astonished at the si8ht hi9h e sa & and ere 8reat,y terrified& and e made o%r G%d8ment %5on the si8ht& and kne by o%r isdom the 5ro5er inter5retation thereof& that this thin8 a55,ies to the 9hi,d that is born to 2erah& ho i,, 8ro %5 and m%,ti5,y 8reat,y& and be9ome 5o erf%,& and ki,, a,, the kin8s of the earth& and inherit a,, their ,ands& he and his seed forever+ '. And no o%r ,ord and kin8& beho,d e have tr%,y a9H%ainted yo% ith hat e have seen 9on9ernin8 this 9hi,d+ '* "f it seems 8ood to the kin8 to 8ive his father va,%e for this 9hi,d& e i,, s,ay him before he sha,, 8ro %5 and in9rease in the ,and& and his evi, in9rease a8ainst %s& that e and o%r 9hi,dren 5erish thro%8h his evi,+ ': And the kin8 heard their ords and they seemed 8ood in his si8ht& and he sent and 9a,,ed for 2erah& and 2erah 9ame before the kin8+ '; And the kin8 said to 2erah& " have been to,d that a son as yesterni8ht born to yo%& and after this manner as observed in the heavens at his birth+ '= And no therefore 8ive me the 9hi,d& that e may s,ay him before his evi, s5rin8s %5 a8ainst %s& and " i,, 8ive yo% for his va,%e& yo%r ho%se f%,, of si,ver and 8o,d+ '> And 2erah ans ered the kin8 and said to him) 7y ,ord and kin8& " have heard yo%r ords& and yo%r servant sha,, do a,, that his kin8 desires+ '/ B%t my ,ord and kin8& " i,, te,, yo% hat ha55ened to me yesterni8ht& that " may see hat advi9e the .*

kin8 i,, 8ive his servant& and then " i,, ans er the kin8 %5on hat he has G%st s5okenJ and the kin8 said& S5eak+ 'A And 2erah said to the kin8& Ayon& son of 7ored& 9ame to me yesterni8ht& sayin8& .( ?ive %nto me the 8reat and bea%tif%, horse that the kin8 8ave yo%& and " i,, 8ive yo% si,ver and 8o,d& and stra and 5rovender for its va,%eJ and " said to him& Wait ti,, " see the kin8 9on9ernin8 yo%r ords& and beho,d hatever the kin8 saith& that i,, " do+ .' And no my ,ord and kin8& beho,d " have made this thin8 kno n to yo%& and the advi9e hi9h my kin8 i,, 8ive %nto his servant& that i,, " fo,,o + .. And the kin8 heard the ords of 2erah& and his an8er as kind,ed and he 9onsidered him in the ,i8ht of a foo,+ .* And the kin8 ans ered 2erah& and he said to him& Art yo% so si,,y& i8norant& or defi9ient in %nderstandin8& to do this thin8& to 8ive yo%r bea%tif%, horse for si,ver and 8o,d or even for stra and 5rovender# .: Art yo% so short of si,ver and 8o,d& that yo% sho%,dst do this thin8& be9a%se yo% 9anst not obtain stra and 5rovender to feed yo%r horse# and hat is si,ver and 8o,d to yo%& or stra and 5rovender& that yo% sho%,dst 8ive a ay that fine horse hi9h " 8ave yo%& ,ike hi9h there is none to be had on the ho,e earth# .; And the kin8 ,eft off s5eakin8& and 2erah ans ered the kin8& sayin8& Cike %nto this has the kin8 s5oken to his servantJ .= " besee9h yo%& my ,ord and kin8& hat is this hi9h yo% didst say %nto me& sayin8& ?ive yo%r son that e may s,ay him& and " i,, 8ive yo% si,ver and 8o,d for his va,%eJ hat sha,, " do ith si,ver and 8o,d after the death of my son# ho sha,, inherit me# s%re,y then at my death& the si,ver and 8o,d i,, ret%rn to my kin8 ho 8ave it+ .> And hen the kin8 heard the ords of 2erah& and the 5arab,e hi9h he bro%8ht 9on9ernin8 the kin8& it 8rieved him 8reat,y and he as veBed at this thin8& and his an8er b%rned ithin him+ ./ And 2erah sa that the an8er of the kin8 as kind,ed a8ainst him& and he ans ered the kin8& sayin8& A,, that " have is in the kin8@s 5o erJ hatever the kin8 desires to do to his servant& that ,et him do& yea& even my son& he is in the kin8@s 5o er& itho%t va,%e in eB9han8e& he and his t o brothers that are o,der than he+ .A And the kin8 said to 2erah& No& b%t " i,, 5%r9hase yo%r yo%n8er son for a 5ri9e+ *( And 2erah ans ered the kin8& sayin8& " besee9h yo% my ,ord and kin8 to ,et yo%r servant s5eak a ord before yo%& and ,et the kin8 hear the ord of his servant& and 2erah said& Cet my kin8 8ive me three days@ time ti,, " 9onsider this matter ithin myse,f& and 9ons%,t ith my fami,y 9on9ernin8 the ords of my kin8J and he 5ressed the kin8 8reat,y to a8ree to this+ *' And the kin8 hearkened to 2erah& and he did so and he 8ave him three days@ time& and 2erah ent o%t from the kin8@s 5resen9e& and he 9ame home to his fami,y and s5oke to them a,, the ords of the kin8J and the 5eo5,e ere 8reat,y afraid+ *. And it as in the third day that the kin8 sent to 2erah& sayin8& Send me yo%r son for a 5ri9e as " s5oke to yo%J and sho%,dst yo% not do this& " i,, send and s,ay a,, yo% hast in yo%r ho%se& so that yo% sha,, not even have a do8 remainin8+ ** And 2erah hastened& (as the thin8 as %r8ent from the kin8)& and he took a 9hi,d from one of his servants& hi9h his handmaid had born to him that day& and 2erah bro%8ht the 9hi,d to the kin8 and re9eived va,%e for him+ *: And YAHWEH as ith 2erah in this matter& that Nimrod mi8ht not 9a%se Abram@s death& and the kin8 took the 9hi,d from 2erah and ith a,, his mi8ht dashed his head to the 8ro%nd& for he tho%8ht it had been AbramJ and this as 9on9ea,ed from him from that day& and it as for8otten by the kin8& as it as the i,, of 1roviden9e not to s%ffer Abram@s death+ *; And 2erah took Abram his son se9ret,y& to8ether ith his mother and n%rse& and he 9on9ea,ed them in a 9ave& and he bro%8ht them their 5rovisions month,y+ *= And YAHWEH as ith Abram in the 9ave and he 8re %5& and Abram as in the 9ave ten years& and the kin8 and his 5rin9es& soothsayers and sa8es& tho%8ht that the kin8 had ki,,ed Abram+ .:


0HA12ER A$$When 2en Years <,d& Abram 8oes to Noah and Shem& Remains ith them for 2hirty$nine Years& and is 2a%8ht in a,, the Ways of YAHWEH+ 2he Wi9kedness of Nimrod and his 1eo5,e+ 2hey 1ro5ose to B%i,d a 2o er to Heaven and Dethrone YAHWEH+ 2he 9onf%sion of 2on8%es+

' And Haran& the son of 2erah& Abram@s o,dest brother& took a ife in those days+ . Haran as thirty$nine years o,d hen he took herJ and the ife of Haran 9on9eived and bare a son& and he 9a,,ed his name Cot+ * And she 9on9eived a8ain and bare a da%8hter& and she 9a,,ed her name 7i,9aJ and she a8ain 9on9eived and bare a da%8hter& and she 9a,,ed her name Sarai+ : Haran as forty$t o years o,d hen he be8at Sarai& hi9h as in the tenth year of the ,ife of AbramJ and in those days Abram and his mother and n%rse ent o%t from the 9ave& as the kin8 and his s%bGe9ts had for8otten the affair of Abram+ ; And hen Abram 9ame o%t from the 9ave& he ent to Noah and his son Shem& and he remained ith them to ,earn the instr%9tion of YAHWEH and his ays& and no man kne here Abram as& and Abram served Noah and Shem his son for a ,on8 time+ = And Abram as in Noah@s ho%se thirty$nine years& and Abram kne YAHWEH from three years o,d& and he ent in the ays of YAHWEH %nti, the day of his death& as Noah and his son Shem had ta%8ht himJ and a,, the sons of the earth in those days 8reat,y trans8ressed a8ainst YAHWEH& and they rebe,,ed a8ainst him and they served other 8ods& and they for8ot YAHWEH ho had 9reated them in the earthJ and the inhabitants of the earth made %nto themse,ves& at that time& every man his 8odJ 8ods of ood and stone hi9h 9o%,d neither s5eak& hear& nor de,iver& and the sons of men served them and they be9ame their 8ods+ > And the kin8 and a,, his servants& and 2erah ith a,, his ho%seho,d ere then the first of those that served 8ods of ood and stone+ / And 2erah had t e,ve 8ods of ,ar8e siFe& made of ood and stone& after the t e,ve months of the year& and he served ea9h one month,y& and every month 2erah o%,d brin8 his meat offerin8 and drink offerin8 to his 8odsJ th%s did 2erah a,, the days+ A And a,, that 8eneration ere i9ked in the si8ht of YAHWEH& and they th%s made every man his 8od& b%t they forsook YAHWEH ho had 9reated them+ '( And there as not a man fo%nd in those days in the ho,e earth& ho kne YAHWEH for they served ea9h man his o n 8od eB9e5t Noah and his ho%seho,d& and a,, those ho ere %nder his 9o%nse, kne YAHWEH in those days+ '' And Abram the son of 2erah as aBin8 8reat in those days in the ho%se of Noah& and no man kne it& and YAHWEH as ith him+ '. And YAHWEH 8ave Abram an %nderstandin8 heart& and he kne a,, the orks of that 8eneration ere vain& and that a,, their 8ods ere vain and ere of no avai,+ '* And Abram sa the s%n shinin8 %5on the earth& and Abram said %nto himse,f S%re,y no this s%n that shines %5on the earth is YAHWEH& and him i,, " serve+ ': And Abram served the s%n in that day and he 5rayed to him& and hen evenin8 9ame the s%n set as %s%a,& and Abram said ithin himse,f& S%re,y this 9annot be YAHWEH# '; And Abram sti,, 9ontin%ed to s5eak ithin himse,f& Who is he ho made the heavens and the earth# ho 9reated %5on earth# here is he# '= And ni8ht darkened over him& and he ,ifted %5 his eyes to ard the est& north& so%th& and east& and he sa that the s%n had vanished from the earth& and the day be9ame dark+ '> And Abram sa the stars and moon before him& and he said& S%re,y this is the AC7"?H2Y ho 9reated the ho,e earth as e,, as man& and beho,d these his servants are 8ods aro%nd him) and Abram served the moon and 5rayed to it a,, that ni8ht+ '/ And in the mornin8 hen it as ,i8ht and the s%n shone %5on the earth as %s%a,& Abram sa a,, the thin8s that YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y had made %5on earth+ 'A And Abram said %nto himse,f S%re,y these are not 8ods that made the earth and a,, mankind& b%t these .;

are the servants of YAHWEH& and Abram remained in the ho%se of Noah and there kne YAHWEH and his ays@ and he served YAHWEH a,, the days of his ,ife& and a,, that 8eneration for8ot YAHWEH& and served other 8ods of ood and stone& and rebe,,ed a,, their days+ .( And kin8 Nimrod rei8ned se9%re,y& and a,, the earth as %nder his 9ontro,& and a,, the earth as of one ton8%e and ords of %nion+ .' And a,, the 5rin9es of Nimrod and his 8reat men took 9o%nse, to8etherJ 1h%t& 7itFraim& 0%sh and 0anaan ith their fami,ies& and they said to ea9h other& 0ome ,et %s b%i,d o%rse,ves a 9ity and in it a stron8 to er& and its to5 rea9hin8 heaven& and e i,, make o%rse,ves famed& so that e may rei8n %5on the ho,e or,d& in order that the evi, of o%r enemies may 9ease from %s& that e may rei8n mi8hti,y over them& and that e may not be9ome s9attered over the earth on a99o%nt of their ars+ .. And they a,, ent before the kin8& and they to,d the kin8 these ords& and the kin8 a8reed ith them in this affair& and he did so+ .* And a,, the fami,ies assemb,ed 9onsistin8 of abo%t siB h%ndred tho%sand men& and they ent to seek an eBtensive 5ie9e of 8ro%nd to b%i,d the 9ity and the to er& and they so%8ht in the ho,e earth and they fo%nd none ,ike one va,,ey at the east of the ,and of Shinar& abo%t t o days@ a,k& and they Go%rneyed there and they d e,t there+ .: And they be8an to make bri9ks and b%rn fires to b%i,d the 9ity and the to er that they had ima8ined to 9om5,ete+ .; And the b%i,din8 of the to er as %nto them a trans8ression and a sin& and they be8an to b%i,d it& and hi,e they ere b%i,din8 a8ainst YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of heaven& they ima8ined in their hearts to ar a8ainst him and to as9end into heaven+ .= And a,, these 5eo5,e and a,, the fami,ies divided themse,ves in three 5artsJ the first said We i,, as9end into heaven and fi8ht a8ainst himJ the se9ond said& We i,, as9end to heaven and 5,a9e o%r o n 8ods there and serve themJ and the third 5art said& We i,, as9end to heaven and smite him ith bo s and s5earsJ and YAHWEH kne a,, their orks and a,, their evi, tho%8hts& and he sa the 9ity and the to er hi9h they ere b%i,din8+ .> And hen they ere b%i,din8 they b%i,t themse,ves a 8reat 9ity and a very hi8h and stron8 to erJ and on a99o%nt of its hei8ht the mortar and bri9ks did not rea9h the b%i,ders in their as9ent to it& %nti, those ho ent %5 had 9om5,eted a f%,, year& and after that& they rea9hed to the b%i,ders and 8ave them the mortar and the bri9ksJ th%s as it done dai,y+ ./ And beho,d these as9ended and others des9ended the ho,e dayJ and if a bri9k sho%,d fa,, from their hands and 8et broken& they o%,d a,, ee5 over it& and if a man fe,, and died& none of them o%,d ,ook at him+ .A And YAHWEH kne their tho%8hts& and it 9ame to 5ass hen they ere b%i,din8 they 9ast the arro s to ard the heavens& and a,, the arro s fe,, %5on them fi,,ed ith b,ood& and hen they sa them they said to ea9h other& S%re,y e have s,ain a,, those that are in heaven+ *( 3or this as from YAHWEH in order to 9a%se them to err& and in orderJ to destroy them from off the fa9e of the 8ro%nd+ *' And they b%i,t the to er and the 9ity& and they did this thin8 dai,y %nti, many days and years ere e,a5sed+ *. And YAHWEH said to the seventy heaven,y messen8ers ho stood foremost before him& to those ho ere near to him& sayin8& 0ome ,et %s des9end and 9onf%se their ton8%es& that one man sha,, not %nderstand the ,an8%a8e of his nei8hbor& and they did so %nto them+ ** And from that day fo,,o in8& they for8ot ea9h man his nei8hbor@s ton8%e& and they 9o%,d not %nderstand to s5eak in one ton8%e& and hen the b%i,der took from the hands of his nei8hbor ,ime or stone hi9h he did not order& the b%i,der o%,d 9ast it a ay and thro it %5on his nei8hbor& that he o%,d die+ *: And they did so many days& and they ki,,ed many of them in this manner+ *; And YAHWEH smote the three divisions that ere there& and he 5%nished them a99ordin8 to their orks and desi8nsJ those ho said& We i,, as9end to heaven and serve o%r 8ods& be9ame ,ike a5es and e,e5hantsJ and those ho said& We i,, smite the heaven ith arro s& YAHWEH ki,,ed them& one man .=

thro%8h the hand of his nei8hborJ and the third division of those ho said& We i,, as9end to heaven and fi8ht a8ainst him& YAHWEH s9attered them thro%8ho%t the earth+ *= And those ho ere ,eft amon8st them& hen they kne and %nderstood the evi, hi9h as 9omin8 %5on them& they forsook the b%i,din8& and they a,so be9ame s9attered %5on the fa9e of the ho,e earth+ *> And they 9eased b%i,din8 the 9ity and the to erJ therefore he 9a,,ed that 5,a9e Babe,& for there YAHWEH 9onfo%nded the Can8%a8e of the ho,e earthJ beho,d it as at the east of the ,and of Shinar+ */ And as to the to er hi9h the sons of men b%i,t& the earth o5ened its mo%th and s a,,o ed %5 one third 5art thereof& and a fire a,so des9ended from heaven and b%rned another third& and the other third is ,eft to this day& and it is of that 5art hi9h as a,oft& and its 9ir9%mferen9e is three days@ a,k+ *A And many of the sons of men died in that to er& a 5eo5,e itho%t n%mber+ 10 DESCENDANTS OF NOAH
0HA12ER '($$2he Des9endants of Noah& S9attered over the ho,e earth& b%i,d themse,ves 0ities+

' And 1e,e8 the son of Eber died in those days& in the forty$ei8hth year of the ,ife of Abram son of 2erah& and a,, the days of 1e,e8 ere t o h%ndred and thirty$nine years+ . And hen YAHWEH had s9attered the sons of men on a99o%nt of their sin at the to er& beho,d they s5read forth into many divisions& and a,, the sons of men ere dis5ersed into the fo%r 9orners of the earth+ * And a,, the fami,ies be9ame ea9h a99ordin8 to its ,an8%a8e& its ,and& or its 9ity+ : And the sons of men b%i,t many 9ities a99ordin8 to their fami,ies& in a,, the 5,a9es here they ent& and thro%8ho%t the earth here YAHWEH had s9attered them+ ; And some of them b%i,t 9ities in 5,a9es from hi9h they ere after ard eBtir5ated& and they 9a,,ed these 9ities after their o n names& or the names of their 9hi,dren& or after their 5arti9%,ar o99%rren9es+ = And the sons of Ja5heth the son of Noah ent and b%i,t themse,ves 9ities in the 5,a9es here they ere s9attered& and they 9a,,ed a,, their 9ities after their names& and the sons of Ja5heth ere divided %5on the fa9e of the earth into many divisions and ,an8%a8es+ > And these are the sons of Ja5heth a99ordin8 to their fami,ies& ?omer& 7a8o8& 7edai& Javan& 2%ba,& 7eshe9h and 2irasJ these are the 9hi,dren of Ja5heth a99ordin8 to their 8enerations+ / And the 9hi,dren of ?omer& a99ordin8 to their 9ities& ere the 3ran9%m& ho d e,, in the ,and of 3ranFa& by the river 3ranFa& by the river Senah+ A And the 9hi,dren of Re5hath are the Bartonim& ho d e,, in the ,and of Bartonia by the river Cedah& hi9h em5ties its aters in the 8reat sea ?ihon& that is& o9ean%s+ '( And the 9hi,dren of 2%8arma are ten fami,ies& and these are their names) B%Far& 1arF%na9& Ba,8ar& E,i9an%m& Ra8bib& 2arki& Bid& Ieb%9& <n8a, and 2i,maFJ a,, these s5read and rested in the north and b%i,t themse,ves 9ities+ '' And they 9a,,ed their 9ities after their o n names& those are they ho abide by the rivers Hith,ah and "ta,a9 %nto this day+ '. B%t the fami,ies of An8o,i& Ba,8ar and 1arF%na9& they d e,, by the 8reat river D%bneeJ and the names of their 9ities are a,so a99ordin8 to their o n names+ '* And the 9hi,dren of Javan are the Javanim ho d e,, in the ,and of 7akdonia& and the 9hi,dren of 7edaiare are the <re,%m that d e,, in the ,and of 0%rson& and the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, are those that d e,, in the ,and of 2%skanah by the river 1ashiah+ ': And the 9hi,dren of 7eshe9h are the Shibashni and the 9hi,dren of 2iras are R%shash& 0%shni& and <n8o,isJ a,, these ent and b%i,t themse,ves 9itiesJ those are the 9ities that are sit%ate by the sea Jab%s by the river 0%ra& hi9h em5ties itse,f in the river 2ra8an+ '; And the 9hi,dren of E,ishah are the A,manim& and they a,so ent and b%i,t themse,ves 9itiesJ those are the 9ities sit%ate bet een the mo%ntains of Job and ShibathmoJ and of them ere the 5eo5,e of C%mbardi ho d e,, o55osite the mo%ntains of Job and Shibathmo& and they 9onH%ered the ,and of "ta,ia and remained there %nto this day+ .>

'= And the 9hi,dren of 0hittim are the Romim ho d e,, in the va,,ey of 0ano5ia by the river 2ibre%+ '> And the 9hi,dren of D%donim are those ho d e,, in the 9ities of the sea ?ihon& in the ,and of Bordna+ '/ 2hese are the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Ja5heth a99ordin8 to their 9ities and ,an8%a8es& hen they ere s9attered after the to er& and they 9a,,ed their 9ities after their names and o99%rren9esJ and these are the names of a,, their 9ities a99ordin8 to their fami,ies& hi9h they b%i,t in those days after the to er+ 'A And the 9hi,dren of Ham ere 0%sh& 7itFraim& 1h%t and 0anaan a99ordin8 to their 8eneration and 9ities+ .( A,, these ent and b%i,t themse,ves 9ities as they fo%nd fit 5,a9es for them& and they 9a,,ed their 9ities after the names of their fathers 0%sh& 7itFraim& 1h%t and 0anaan+ .' And the 9hi,dren of 7itFraim are the C%dim& Anamim& Cehabim& Na5ht%9him& 1athr%sim& 0as,%9him and 0a5ht%rim& seven fami,ies+ .. A,, these d e,, by the river Sihor& that is the brook of E8y5t& and they b%i,t themse,ves 9ities and 9a,,ed them after their o n names+ .* And the 9hi,dren of 1athros and 0as,o9h intermarried to8ether& and from them ent forth the 1e,ishtim& the AFathim& and the ?erarim& the ?ithim and the Ekronim& in a,, five fami,iesJ these a,so b%i,t themse,ves 9ities& and they 9a,,ed their 9ities after the names of their fathers %nto this day+ .: And the 9hi,dren of 0anaan a,so b%i,t themse,ves 9ities& and they 9a,,ed their 9ities after their names& e,even 9ities and others itho%t n%mber+ .; And fo%r men from the fami,y of Ham ent to the ,and of the 5,ainJ these are the names of the fo%r men& Sodom& ?omorrah& Admah and Ieboyim+ .= And these men b%i,t themse,ves fo%r 9ities in the ,and of the 5,ain& and they 9a,,ed the names of their 9ities after their o n names+ .> And they and their 9hi,dren and a,, be,on8in8 to them d e,t in those 9ities& and they ere fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,ied 8reat,y and d e,t 5ea9eab,y+ ./ And Seir the son of H%r& son of Hivi& son of 0anaan& ent and fo%nd a va,,ey o55osite to 7o%nt 1aran& and he b%i,t a 9ity there& and he and his seven sons and his ho%seho,d d e,t there& and he 9a,,ed the 9ity hi9h he b%i,t Seir& a99ordin8 to his nameJ that is the ,and of Seir %nto this day+ .A 2hese are the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Ham& a99ordin8 to their ,an8%a8es and 9ities& hen they ere s9attered to their 9o%ntries after the to er+ *( And some of the 9hi,dren of Shem son of Noah& father of a,, the 9hi,dren of Eber& a,so ent and b%i,t themse,ves 9ities in the 5,a9es herein they ere s9attered& and they 9a,,ed their 9ities after their names+ *' And the sons of Shem ere E,am& Ash%r& Ar5a9hshad& C%d and Aram& and they b%i,t themse,ves 9ities and 9a,,ed the names of a,, their 9ities after their names+ *. And Ash%r son of Shem and his 9hi,dren and ho%seho,d ent forth at that time& a very ,ar8e body of them& and they ent to a distant ,and that they fo%nd& and they met ith a very eBtensive va,,ey in the ,and that they ent to& and they b%i,t themse,ves fo%r 9ities& and they 9a,,ed them after their o n names and o99%rren9es+ ** And these are the names of the 9ities hi9h the 9hi,dren of Ash%r b%i,t& Ninevah& Resen& 0a,a9h and RehobotherJ and the 9hi,dren of Ash%r d e,, there %nto this day+ *: And the 9hi,dren of Aram a,so ent and b%i,t themse,ves a 9ity& and they 9a,,ed the name of the 9ity DF after their e,dest brother& and they d e,, thereinJ that is the ,and of DF to this day+ *; And in the se9ond year after the to er a man from the ho%se of Ash%r& hose name as Be,a& ent from the ,and of Ninevah to soGo%rn ith his ho%seho,d herever he 9o%,d find a 5,a9eJ and they 9ame %nti, o55osite the 9ities of the 5,ain a8ainst Sodom& and they d e,t there+ *= And the man rose %5 and b%i,t there a sma,, 9ity& and 9a,,ed its name Be,a& after his nameJ that is the ,and of Ioar %nto this day+ *> And these are the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Shem a99ordin8 to their ,an8%a8e and 9ities& after they ere s9attered %5on the earth after the to er+ */ And every kin8dom& 9ity& and fami,y of the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Noah b%i,t themse,ves many 9ities after this+ ./

*A And they estab,ished 8overnments in a,, their 9ities& in order to be re8%,ated by their ordersJ so did a,, the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Noah forever+ 11 NIMROD'S WICKED REIGN
0HA12ER ''$$Nimrod@s Wi9ked Rei8n+ 2he "do,atry of 2erah& Abram@s 3ather+ When 3ifty Years o,d& Abram ret%rns to his 3ather@s Ho%se and Dis9overs his "do,s+ 7akes a 5reteBt to destroy them+ After makin8 Savory 7eat for the 8ods& Abram takes a Hat9het and destroys them& ,eavin8 the Hat9het in the hands of the ,ar8er one& here it is dis9overed by his 3ather& ho is to,d by Abram that the ?reat YAHWEH had risen %5 in an8er and Destroyed his 3e,,o s+ 2erah in his rath betrays Abram to the 4in8& ho brin8s him %5 before the 2hrone for J%d8ment+ Abram Warns his 3ather and the 4in8& before a,, the 1rin9es& of the Evi,s of "do,atry+

' And Nimrod son of 0%sh as sti,, in the ,and of Shinar& and he rei8ned over it and d e,t there& and he b%i,t 9ities in the ,and of Shinar+ . And these are the names of the fo%r 9ities hi9h he b%i,t& and he 9a,,ed their names after the o99%rren9es that ha55ened to them in the b%i,din8 of the to er+ * And he 9a,,ed the first Babe,& sayin8& Be9a%se YAHWEH there 9onfo%nded the ,an8%a8e of the ho,e earthJ and the name of the se9ond he 9a,,ed Ere9h& be9a%se from there YAHWEH dis5ersed them+ : And the third he 9a,,ed E9hed& sayin8 there as a 8reat batt,e at that 5,a9eJ and the fo%rth he 9a,,ed 0a,nah& be9a%se his 5rin9es and mi8hty men ere 9ons%med there& and they veBed YAHWEH& they rebe,,ed and trans8ressed a8ainst him+ ; And hen Nimrod had b%i,t these 9ities in the ,and of Shinar& he 5,a9ed in them the remainder of his 5eo5,e& his 5rin9es and his mi8hty men that ere ,eft in his kin8dom+ = And Nimrod d e,t in Babe,& and he there rene ed his rei8n over the rest of his s%bGe9ts& and he rei8ned se9%re,y& and the s%bGe9ts and 5rin9es of Nimrod 9a,,ed his name Amra5he,& sayin8 that at the to er his 5rin9es and men fe,, thro%8h his means+ > And not ithstandin8 this& Nimrod did not ret%rn to YAHWEH& and he 9ontin%ed in i9kedness and tea9hin8 i9kedness to the sons of menJ and 7ardon& his son& as orse than his father& and 9ontin%ed to add to the abominations of his father+ / And he 9a%sed the sons of men to sin& therefore it is said& 3rom the i9ked 8oes forth i9kedness+ A At that time there as ar bet een the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Ham& as they ere d e,,in8 in the 9ities hi9h they had b%i,t+ '( And 0hedor,aomer& kin8 of E,am& ent a ay from the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Ham& and he fo%8ht ith them and he s%bd%ed them& and he ent to the five 9ities of the 5,ain and he fo%8ht a8ainst them and he s%bd%ed them& and they ere %nder his 9ontro,+ '' And they served him t e,ve years& and they 8ave him a year,y taB+ '. At that time died Nahor& son of Ser%8& in the forty$ninth year of the ,ife of Abram son of 2erah+ '* And in the fiftieth year of the ,ife of Abram son of 2erah& Abram 9ame forth from the ho%se of Noah& and ent to his father@s ho%se+ ': And Abram kne YAHWEH& and he ent in his ays and instr%9tions& and YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y as ith him+ '; And 2erah his father as in those days& sti,, 9a5tain of the host of kin8 Nimrod& and he sti,, fo,,o ed stran8e 8ods+ '= And Abram 9ame to his father@s ho%se and sa t e,ve 8ods standin8 there in their tem5,es& and the an8er of Abram as kind,ed hen he sa these ima8es in his father@s ho%se+ '> And Abram said& As YAHWEH ,ives these ima8es sha,, not remain in my father@s ho%seJ so sha,, YAHWEH ho 9reated me do %nto me if in three days@ time " do not break them a,,+ '/ And Abram ent from them& and his an8er b%rned ithin him+ And Abram hastened and ent from the 9hamber to his father@s o%ter 9o%rt& and he fo%nd his father sittin8 in the 9o%rt& and a,, his servants ith him& and Abram 9ame and sat before him+ 'A And Abram asked his father& sayin8& 3ather& te,, me here is YAHWEH ho 9reated heaven and earth& and a,, the sons of men %5on earth& and ho 9reated yo% and me+ And 2erah ans ered his son Abram and .A

said& Beho,d those ho 9reated %s are a,, ith %s in the ho%se+ .( And Abram said to his father& 7y adon& she them to me " 5ray yo%J and 2erah bro%8ht Abram into the 9hamber of the inner 9o%rt& and Abram sa & and beho,d the ho,e room as f%,, of 8ods of ood and stone& t e,ve 8reat ima8es and others ,ess than they itho%t n%mber+ .' And 2erah said to his son& Beho,d these are they hi9h made a,, yo% seest %5on earth& and hi9h 9reated me and yo%& and a,, mankind+ .. And 2erah bo ed do n to his 8ods& and he then ent a ay from them& and Abram& his son& ent a ay ith him+ .* And hen Abram had 8one from them he ent to his mother and sat before her& and he said to his mother& Beho,d& my father has sho n me those ho made heaven and earth& and a,, the sons of men+ .: No & therefore& hasten and fet9h a kid from the f,o9k& and make of it savory meat& that " may brin8 it to my father@s 8ods as an offerin8 for them to eatJ 5erha5s " may thereby be9ome a99e5tab,e to them+ .; And his mother did so& and she fet9hed a kid& and made savory meat thereof& and bro%8ht it to Abram& and Abram took the savory meat from his mother and bro%8ht it before his father@s 8ods& and he dre ni8h to them that they mi8ht eatJ and 2erah his father& did not kno of it+ .= And Abram sa on the day hen he as sittin8 amon8st them& that they had no voi9e& no hearin8& no motion& and not one of them 9o%,d stret9h forth his hand to eat+ .> And Abram mo9ked them& and said& S%re,y the savory meat that " 5re5ared has not 5,eased them& or 5erha5s it as too ,itt,e for them& and for that reason they o%,d not eatJ therefore tomorro " i,, 5re5are fresh savory meat& better and more 5,entif%, than this& in order that " may see the res%,t+ ./ And it as on the neBt day that Abram dire9ted his mother 9on9ernin8 the savory meat& and his mother rose and fet9hed three fine kids from the f,o9k& and she made of them some eB9e,,ent savory meat& s%9h as her son as fond of& and she 8ave it to her son AbramJ and 2erah his father did not kno of it+ .A And Abram took the savory meat from his mother& and bro%8ht it before his father@s 8ods into the 9hamberJ and he 9ame ni8h %nto them that they mi8ht eat& and he 5,a9ed it before them& and Abram sat before them a,, day& thinkin8 5erha5s they mi8ht eat+ *( And Abram vie ed them& and beho,d they had neither voi9e nor hearin8& nor did one of them stret9h forth his hand to the meat to eat+ *' And in the evenin8 of that day in that ho%se Abram as 9,othed ith the s5irit of YAHWEH+ *. And he 9a,,ed o%t and said& Woe %nto my father and this i9ked 8eneration& hose hearts are a,, in9,ined to vanity& ho serve these ido,s of ood and stone hi9h 9an neither eat& sme,,& hear nor s5eak& ho have mo%ths itho%t s5ee9h& eyes itho%t si8ht& ears itho%t hearin8& hands itho%t fee,in8& and ,e8s hi9h 9annot moveJ ,ike them are those that made them and that tr%st in them+ ** And hen Abram sa a,, these thin8s his an8er as kind,ed a8ainst his father& and he hastened and took a hat9het in his hand& and 9ame %nto the 9hamber of the 8ods& and he broke a,, his father@s 8ods+ *: And hen he had done breakin8 the ima8es& he 5,a9ed the hat9het in the hand of the 8reat 8od hi9h as there before them& and he ent o%tJ and 2erah his father 9ame home& for he had heard at the door the so%nd of the strikin8 of the hat9hetJ so 2erah 9ame into the ho%se to kno hat this as abo%t+ *; And 2erah& havin8 heard the noise of the hat9het in the room of ima8es& ran to the room to the ima8es& and he met Abram 8oin8 o%t+ *= And 2erah entered the room and fo%nd a,, the ido,s fa,,en do n and broken& and the hat9het in the hand of the ,ar8est& hi9h as not broken& and the savory meat hi9h Abram his son had made as sti,, before them+ *> And hen 2erah sa this his an8er as 8reat,y kind,ed& and he hastened and ent from the room to Abram+ */ And he fo%nd Abram his son sti,, sittin8 in the ho%seJ and he said to him& What is this ork yo% hast done to my 8ods# *A And Abram ans ered 2erah his father and he said& Not so my adonay& for " bro%8ht savory meat before them& and hen " 9ame ni8h to them ith the meat that they mi8ht eat& they a,, at on9e stret9hed forth their hands to eat before the 8reat one had 5%t forth his hand to eat+ *(

:( And the ,ar8e one sa their orks that they did before him& and his an8er as vio,ent,y kind,ed a8ainst them& and he ent and took the hat9het that as in the ho%se and 9ame to them and broke them a,,& and beho,d the hat9het is yet in his hand as yo% seest+ :' And 2erah@s an8er as kind,ed a8ainst his son Abram& hen he s5oke thisJ and 2erah said to Abram his son in his an8er& What is this ta,e that yo% hast to,d# Yo% s5eak ,ies to me+ :. "s there in these 8ods s5irit& so%, or 5o er to do a,, yo% hast to,d me# Are they not ood and stone& and have " not myse,f made them& and 9anst yo% s5eak s%9h ,ies& sayin8 that the ,ar8e 8od that as ith them smote them# "t is yo% that didst 5,a9e the hat9het in his hands& and then say he smote them a,,+ :* And Abram ans ered his father and said to him& And ho 9anst yo% then serve these ido,s in hom there is no 5o er to do any thin8# 0an those ido,s in hi9h yo% tr%st de,iver yo%# 9an they hear yo%r 5rayers hen yo% 9a,, %5on them# 9an they de,iver yo% from the hands of yo%r enemies& or i,, they fi8ht yo%r batt,es for yo% a8ainst yo%r enemies& that yo% sho%,dst serve ood and stone hi9h 9an neither s5eak nor hear# :: And no s%re,y it is not 8ood for yo% nor for the sons of men that are 9onne9ted ith yo%& to do these thin8sJ are yo% so si,,y& so foo,ish or so short of %nderstandin8 that yo% i,, serve ood and stone& and do after this manner# :; And for8et YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y ho made heaven and earth& and ho 9reated yo% in the earth& and thereby brin8 a 8reat evi, %5on yo%r so%,s in this matter by servin8 stone and ood# := Did not o%r fathers in days of o,d sin in this matter& and YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of the %niverse bro%8ht the aters of the f,ood %5on them and destroyed the ho,e earth# :> And ho 9an yo% 9ontin%e to do this and serve 8ods of ood and stone& ho 9annot hear& or s5eak& or de,iver yo% from o55ression& thereby brin8in8 do n the an8er of YAHWEH of the %niverse %5on yo%# :/ No therefore my father refrain from this& and brin8 not evi, %5on yo%r so%, and the so%,s of yo%r ho%seho,d+ :A And Abram hastened and s5ran8 from before his father& and took the hat9het from his father@s ,ar8est ido,& ith hi9h Abram broke it and ran a ay+ ;( And 2erah& seein8 a,, that Abram had done& hastened to 8o from his ho%se& and he ent to the kin8 and he 9ame before Nimrod and stood before him& and he bo ed do n to the kin8J and the kin8 said& What dost yo% ant# ;' And he said& " besee9h yo% my ,ord& to hear me& No fifty years ba9k a 9hi,d as born to me& and th%s has he done to my 8ods and th%s has he s5okenJ and no therefore& my ,ord and kin8& send for him that he may 9ome before yo%& and G%d8e him a99ordin8 to the ,a & that e may be de,ivered from his evi,+ ;. And the kin8 sent three men of his servants& and they ent and bro%8ht Abram before the kin8+ And Nimrod and a,, his 5rin9es and servants ere that day sittin8 before him& and 2erah sat a,so before them+ ;* And the kin8 said to Abram& What is this that yo% hast done to yo%r father and to his 8ods# And Abram ans ered the kin8 in the ords that he s5oke to his father& and he said& 2he ,ar8e 8od that as ith them in the ho%se did to them hat yo% hast heard+ ;: And the kin8 said to Abram& Had they 5o er to s5eak and eat and do as yo% hast said# And Abram ans ered the kin8& sayin8& And if there be no 5o er in them hy dost yo% serve them and 9a%se the sons of men to err thro%8h yo%r fo,,ies# ;; Dost yo% ima8ine that they 9an de,iver yo% or do anythin8 sma,, or 8reat& that yo% sho%,dst serve them# And hy i,t yo% not sense the AC7"?H2Y of the ho,e %niverse& ho 9reated yo% and in hose 5o er it is to ki,, and kee5 a,ive# ;= < foo,ish& sim5,e& and i8norant kin8& oe %nto yo% forever+ ;> " tho%8ht yo% o%,dst tea9h yo%r servants the %5ri8ht ay& b%t yo% hast not done this& b%t hast fi,,ed the ho,e earth ith yo%r sins and the sins of yo%r 5eo5,e ho have fo,,o ed yo%r ays+ ;/ Dost yo% not kno & or hast yo% not heard& that this evi, hi9h yo% doest& o%r an9estors sinned therein in days of o,d& and the eterna, YAHWEH bro%8ht the aters of the f,ood %5on them and destroyed them a,,& and a,so destroyed the ho,e earth on their a99o%nt# And i,t yo% and yo%r 5eo5,e rise %5 no and do ,ike %nto this ork& in order to brin8 do n the an8er of YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of the %niverse& and to *'

brin8 evi, %5on yo% and the ho,e earth# ;A No therefore 5%t a ay this evi, deed hi9h yo% doest& and serve YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of the %niverse& as yo%r so%, is in his hands& and then it i,, be e,, ith yo%+ =( And if yo%r i9ked heart i,, not hearken to my ords to 9a%se yo% to forsake yo%r evi, ays& and to serve the eterna, YAHWEH& then i,t yo% die in shame in the ,atter days& yo%& yo%r 5eo5,e and a,, ho are 9onne9ted ith yo%& hearin8 yo%r ords or a,kin8 in yo%r evi, ays+ =' And hen Abram had 9eased s5eakin8 before the kin8 and 5rin9es& Abram ,ifted %5 his eyes to the heavens& and he said& YAHWEH sees a,, the i9ked& and he i,, G%d8e them+ 1 ABRAM DELI!ERED
0HA12ER '.$$Abram 5,a9ed in 1rison& and is 9ondemned after ten days to be 9ast into a 3iery 3%rna9e+ His Brother Haran bein8 3a,se,y A99%sed is 9ondemned to the same 3ate+ As Haran@s heart as not ri8ht before YAHWEH& he 5erished& b%t Abram is De,ivered and is bro%8ht forth A,ive+ "s 1resented ith 7any ?ifts+ 2he 4in8 Dreams of Abram& and a8ain Seeks his Cife+ Abram f,ees to the Ho%se of Noah+

' And hen the kin8 heard the ords of Abram he ordered him to be 5%t into 5risonJ and Abram as ten days in 5rison+ . And at the end of those days the kin8 ordered that a,, the kin8s& 5rin9es and 8overnors of different 5rovin9es and the sa8es sho%,d 9ome before him& and they sat before him& and Abram as sti,, in the ho%se of 9onfinement+ * And the kin8 said to the 5rin9es and sa8es& Have yo% heard hat Abram& the son of 2erah& has done to his father# 2h%s has he done to him& and " ordered him to be bro%8ht before me& and th%s has he s5okenJ his heart did not mis8ive him& neither did he stir in my 5resen9e& and beho,d no he is 9onfined in the 5rison+ : And therefore de9ide hat G%d8ment is d%e to this man ho revi,ed the kin8J ho s5oke and did a,, the thin8s that yo% heard+ ; And they a,, ans ered the kin8 sayin8& 2he man ho revi,es the kin8 sho%,d be han8ed %5on a treeJ b%t havin8 done a,, the thin8s that he said& and havin8 des5ised o%r 8ods& he m%st therefore be b%rned to death& for this is the ,a in this matter+ = "f it 5,eases the kin8 to do this& ,et him order his servants to kind,e a fire both ni8ht and day in yo%r bri9k f%rna9e& and then e i,, 9ast this man into it+ And the kin8 did so& and he 9ommanded his servants that they sho%,d 5re5are a fire for three days and three ni8hts in the kin8@s f%rna9e& that is in 0asdimJ and the kin8 ordered them to take Abram from 5rison and brin8 him o%t to be b%rned+ > And a,, the kin8@s servants& 5rin9es& ,ords& 8overnors& and G%d8es& and a,, the inhabitants of the ,and& abo%t nine h%ndred tho%sand men& stood o55osite the f%rna9e to see Abram+ / And a,, the omen and ,itt,e ones 9ro ded %5on the roofs and to ers to see hat as doin8 ith Abram& and they a,, stood to8ether at a distan9eJ and there as not a man ,eft that did not 9ome on that day to beho,d the s9ene+ A And hen Abram as 9ome& the 9onG%rors of the kin8 and the sa8es sa Abram& and they 9ried o%t to the kin8& sayin8& <%r soverei8n ,ord& s%re,y this is the man hom e kno to have been the 9hi,d at hose birth the 8reat star s a,,o ed the fo%r stars& hi9h e de9,ared to the kin8 no fifty years sin9e+ '( And beho,d no his father has a,so trans8ressed yo%r 9ommands& and mo9ked yo% by brin8in8 yo% another 9hi,d& hi9h yo% didst ki,,+ '' And hen the kin8 heard their ords& he as eB9eedin8,y roth& and he ordered 2erah to be bro%8ht before him+ '. And the kin8 said& Hast yo% heard hat the 9onG%rors have s5oken# No te,, me tr%,y& ho didst yo%J and if yo% sha,, s5eak tr%th yo% sha,, be a9H%itted+ '* And seein8 that the kin8@s an8er as so m%9h kind,ed& 2erah said to the kin8& 7y ,ord and kin8& yo% hast heard the tr%th& and hat the sa8es have s5oken is ri8ht+ And the kin8 said& Ho 9o%,dst yo% do this thin8& to trans8ress my orders and to 8ive me a 9hi,d that yo% didst not be8et& and to take va,%e for him# ': And 2erah ans ered the kin8& Be9a%se my tender fee,in8s ere eB9ited for my son& at that time& and " took a son of my handmaid& and " bro%8ht him to the kin8+ *.

'; And the kin8 said Who advised yo% to this# 2e,, me& do not hide a%8ht from me& and then yo% sha,, not die+ '= And 2erah as 8reat,y terrified in the kin8@s 5resen9e& and he said to the kin8& "t as Haran my e,dest son ho advised me to thisJ and Haran as in those days that Abram as born& t o and thirty years o,d+ '> B%t Haran did not advise his father to anythin8& for 2erah said this to the kin8 in order to de,iver his so%, from the kin8& for he feared 8reat,yJ and the kin8 said to 2erah& Haran yo%r son ho advised yo% to this sha,, die thro%8h fire ith AbramJ for the senten9e of death is %5on him for havin8 rebe,,ed a8ainst the kin8@s desire in doin8 this thin8+ '/ And Haran at that time fe,t in9,ined to fo,,o the ays of Abram& b%t he ke5t it ithin himse,f+ 'A And Haran said in his heart& Beho,d no the kin8 has seiFed Abram on a99o%nt of these thin8s hi9h Abram did& and it sha,, 9ome to 5ass& that if Abram 5revai, over the kin8 " i,, fo,,o him& b%t if the kin8 5revai, " i,, 8o after the kin8+ .( And hen 2erah had s5oken this to the kin8 9on9ernin8 Haran his son& the kin8 ordered Haran to be seiFed ith Abram+ .' And they bro%8ht them both& Abram and Haran his brother& to 9ast them into the fireJ and a,, the inhabitants of the ,and and the kin8@s servants and 5rin9es and a,, the omen and ,itt,e ones ere there& standin8 that day over them+ .. And the kin8@s servants took Abram and his brother& and they stri55ed them of a,, their 9,othes eB9e5tin8 their ,o er 8arments hi9h ere %5on them+ .* And they bo%nd their hands and feet ith ,inen 9ords& and the servants of the kin8 ,ifted them %5 and 9ast them both into the f%rna9e+ .: And YAHWEH ,oved Abram and he had 9om5assion over him& and YAHWEH 9ame do n and de,ivered Abram from the fire and he as not b%rned+ .; B%t a,, the 9ords ith hi9h they bo%nd him ere b%rned& hi,e Abram remained and a,ked abo%t in the fire+ .= And Haran died hen they had 9ast him into the fire& and he as b%rned to ashes& for his heart as not 5erfe9t ith YAHWEHJ and those men ho 9ast him into the fire& the f,ame of the fire s5read over them& and they ere b%rned& and t e,ve men of them died+ .> And Abram a,ked in the midst of the fire three days and three ni8hts& and a,, the servants of the kin8 sa him a,kin8 in the fire& and they 9ame and to,d the kin8& sayin8& Beho,d e have seen Abram a,kin8 abo%t in the midst of the fire& and even the ,o er 8arments hi9h are %5on him are not b%rned& b%t the 9ord ith hi9h he as bo%nd is b%rned+ ./ And hen the kin8 heard their ords his heart fainted and he o%,d not be,ieve themJ so he sent other faithf%, 5rin9es to see this matter& and they ent and sa it and to,d it to the kin8J and the kin8 rose to 8o and see it& and he sa Abram a,kin8 to and fro in the midst of the fire& and he sa Haran@s body b%rned& and the kin8 ondered 8reat,y+ .A And the kin8 ordered Abram to be taken o%t from the fireJ and his servants a55roa9hed to take him o%t and they 9o%,d not& for the fire as ro%nd abo%t and the f,ame as9endin8 to ard them from the f%rna9e+ *( And the kin8@s servants f,ed from it& and the kin8 reb%ked them& sayin8& 7ake haste and brin8 Abram o%t of the fire that yo% sha,, not die+ *' And the servants of the kin8 a8ain a55roa9hed to brin8 Abram o%t& and the f,ames 9ame %5on them and b%rned their fa9es so that ei8ht of them died+ *. And hen the kin8 sa that his servants 9o%,d not a55roa9h the fire ,est they sho%,d be b%rned& the kin8 9a,,ed to Abram& < servant of YAHWEH ho is in heaven& 8o forth from amidst the fire and 9ome hither before meJ and Abram hearkened to the voi9e of the kin8& and he ent forth from the fire and 9ame and stood before the kin8+ ** And hen Abram 9ame o%t the kin8 and a,, his servants sa Abram 9omin8 before the kin8& ith his ,o er 8arments %5on him& for they ere not b%rned& b%t the 9ord ith hi9h he as bo%nd as b%rned+ *: And the kin8 said to Abram& Ho is it that yo% ast not b%rned in the fire# *; And Abram said to the kin8& YAHWEH of heaven and earth in hom " tr%st and ho has a,, in his **

5o er& He de,ivered me from the fire into hi9h yo% didst 9ast me+ *= And Haran the brother of Abram as b%rned to ashes& and they so%8ht for his body& and they fo%nd it 9ons%med+ *> And Haran as ei8hty$t o years o,d hen he died in the fire of 0asdim+ And the kin8& 5rin9es& and inhabitants of the ,and& seein8 that Abram as de,ivered from the fire& they 9ame and bo ed do n to Abram+ */ And Abram said to them& Do not bo do n to me& b%t bo do n to YAHWEH of the or,d ho made yo%& and serve him& and 8o in his ays for it is he ho de,ivered me from o%t of this fire& and it is he ho 9reated the so%,s and s5irits of a,, men& and formed man in his mother@s omb& and bro%8ht him forth into the or,d& and it is he ho i,, de,iver those ho tr%st in him from a,, 5ain+ *A And this thin8 seemed very onderf%, in the eyes of the kin8 and 5rin9es& that Abram as saved from the fire and that Haran as b%rnedJ and the kin8 8ave Abram many 5resents and he 8ave him his t o head servants from the kin8@s ho%seJ the name of one as <ni and the name of the other as E,ieFer+ :( And a,, the kin8s& 5rin9es and servants 8ave Abram many 8ifts of si,ver and 8o,d and 5ear,& and the kin8 and his 5rin9es sent him a ay& and he ent in 5ea9e+ :' And Abram ent forth from the kin8 in 5ea9e& and many of the kin8@s servants fo,,o ed him& and abo%t three h%ndred men Goined him+ :. And Abram ret%rned on that day and ent to his father@s ho%se& he and the men that fo,,o ed him& and Abram served YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y a,, the days of his ,ife& and he a,ked in his ays and fo,,o ed his ,a + :* And from that day for ard Abram in9,ined the hearts of the sons of men to serve YAHWEH+ :: And at that time Nahor and Abram took %nto themse,ves ives& the da%8hters of their brother HaranJ the ife of Nahor as 7i,9a and the name of Abram@s ife as Sarai+ And Sarai& ife of Abram& as barrenJ she had no offs5rin8 in those days+ :; And at the eB5iration of t o years from Abram@s 8oin8 o%t of the fire& that is in the fifty$se9ond year of his ,ife& beho,d kin8 Nimrod sat in Babe, %5on the throne& and the kin8 fe,, as,ee5 and dreamed that he as standin8 ith his troo5s and hosts in a va,,ey o55osite the kin8@s f%rna9e+ := And he ,ifted %5 his eyes and sa a man in the ,ikeness of Abram 9omin8 forth from the f%rna9e& and that he 9ame and stood before the kin8 ith his dra n s ord& and then s5ran8 to the kin8 ith his s ord& hen the kin8 f,ed from the man& for he as afraidJ and hi,e he as r%nnin8& the man thre an e88 %5on the kin8@s head& and the e88 be9ame a 8reat river+ :> And the kin8 dreamed that a,, his troo5s sank in that river and died& and the kin8 took f,i8ht ith three men ho ere before him and he es9a5ed+ :/ And the kin8 ,ooked at these men and they ere 9,othed in 5rin9e,y dresses as the 8arments of kin8s& and had the a55earan9e and maGesty of kin8s+ :A And hi,e they ere r%nnin8& the river a8ain t%rned to an e88 before the kin8& and there 9ame forth from the e88 a yo%n8 bird hi9h 9ame before the kin8& and f,e at his head and 5,%9ked o%t the kin8@s eye+ ;( And the kin8 as 8rieved at the si8ht& and he a oke o%t of his s,ee5 and his s5irit as a8itatedJ and he fe,t a 8reat terror+ ;' And in the mornin8 the kin8 rose from his 9o%9h in fear& and he ordered a,, the ise men and ma8i9ians to 9ome before him& hen the kin8 re,ated his dream to them+ ;. And a ise servant of the kin8& hose name as An%ki& ans ered the kin8& sayin8& 2his is nothin8 e,se b%t the evi, of Abram and his seed hi9h i,, s5rin8 %5 a8ainst my ,ord and kin8 in the ,atter days+ ;* And beho,d the day i,, 9ome hen Abram and his seed and the 9hi,dren of his ho%seho,d i,, ar ith my kin8& and they i,, smite a,, the kin8@s hosts and his troo5s+ ;: And as to hat yo% hast said 9on9ernin8 three men hi9h yo% didst see ,ike %nto thyse,f& and hi9h did es9a5e& this means that on,y yo% i,t es9a5e ith three kin8s from the kin8s of the earth ho i,, be ith yo% in batt,e+ ;; And that hi9h yo% sa of the river hi9h t%rned to an e88 as at first& and the yo%n8 bird 5,%9kin8 o%t yo%r eye& this means nothin8 e,se b%t the seed of Abram hi9h i,, s,ay the kin8 in ,atter days+ *:

;= 2his is my kin8@s dream& and this is its inter5retation& and the dream is tr%e& and the inter5retation hi9h yo%r servant has 8iven yo% is ri8ht+ ;> No therefore my kin8& s%re,y yo% kno that it is no fifty$t o years sin9e yo%r sa8es sa this at the birth of Abram& and if my kin8 i,, s%ffer Abram to ,ive in the earth it i,, be to the inG%ry of my ,ord and kin8& for a,, the days that Abram ,ives neither yo% nor yo%r kin8dom i,, be estab,ished& for this as kno n former,y at his birthJ and hy i,, not my kin8 s,ay him& that his evi, may be ke5t from yo% in ,atter days# ;/ And Nimrod hearkened to the voi9e of An%ki& and he sent some of his servants in se9ret to 8o and seiFe Abram& and brin8 him before the kin8 to s%ffer death+ ;A And E,ieFer& Abram@s servant hom the kin8 had 8iven him& as at that time in the 5resen9e of the kin8& and he heard hat An%ki had advised the kin8& and hat the kin8 had said to 9a%se Abram@s death+ =( And E,ieFer said to Abram& Hasten& rise %5 and save yo%r so%,& that yo% may not die thro%8h the hands of the kin8& for th%s did he see in a dream 9on9ernin8 yo%& and th%s did An%ki inter5ret it& and th%s a,so did An%ki advise the kin8 9on9ernin8 yo%+ =' And Abram hearkened to the voi9e of E,ieFer& and Abram hastened and ran for safety to the ho%se of Noah and his son Shem& and he 9on9ea,ed himse,f there and fo%nd a 5,a9e of safetyJ and the kin8@s servants 9ame to Abram@s ho%se to seek him& b%t they 9o%,d not find him& and they sear9hed thro%8h o%t the 9o%ntry and he as not to be fo%nd& and they ent and sear9hed in every dire9tion and he as not to be met ith+ =. And hen the kin8@s servants 9o%,d not find Abram they ret%rned to the kin8& b%t the kin8@s an8er a8ainst Abram as sti,,ed& as they did not find him& and the kin8 drove from his mind this matter 9on9ernin8 Abram+ =* And Abram as 9on9ea,ed in Noah@s ho%se for one month& %nti, the kin8 had for8otten this matter& b%t Abram as sti,, afraid of the kin8J and 2erah 9ame to see Abram his son se9ret,y in the ho%se of Noah& and 2erah as very 8reat in the eyes of the kin8+ =: And Abram said to his father& Dost yo% not kno that the kin8 thinks to s,ay me& and to annihi,ate my name from the earth by the advi9e of his i9ked 9o%nse,,ors# =; No hom hast yo% here and hat hast yo% in this ,and# Arise& ,et %s 8o to8ether to the ,and of 0anaan& that e may be de,ivered from his hand& ,est yo% 5erish a,so thro%8h him in the ,atter days+ == Dost yo% not kno or hast yo% not heard& that it is not thro%8h ,ove that Nimrod 8ives yo% a,, this honor& b%t it is on,y for his benefit that he besto s a,, this 8ood %5on yo%# => And if he do %nto yo% 8reater 8ood than this& s%re,y these are on,y vanities of the or,d& for ea,th and ri9hes 9annot avai, in the day of rath and an8er+ =/ No therefore hearken to my voi9e& and ,et %s arise and 8o to the ,and of 0anaan& o%t of the rea9h of inG%ry from NimrodJ and serve yo% YAHWEH ho 9reated yo% in the earth and it i,, be e,, ith yo%J and 9ast a ay a,, the vain thin8s hi9h yo% 5%rs%est+ =A And Abram 9eased to s5eak& hen Noah and his son Shem ans ered 2erah& sayin8& 2r%e is the ord hi9h Abram hath said %nto yo%+ >( And 2erah hearkened to the voi9e of his son Abram& and 2erah did a,, that Abram said& for this as from YAHWEH& that the kin8 sho%,d not 9a%se Abram@s death+


Secion 3
0HA12ER '*$$<n Abram@s a99o%nt 2erah and a,, his Ho%se& ith Abram& Ceave Dr 0asdim to 8o to the Cand of 0anaan+ 2hey tarry in Haran& here YAHWEH A55ears to Abram& and %5on 9ondition of 3aithf%,ness& 1romises many B,essin8s+ Abram& 9ommanded of YAHWEH& takes his Wife and a,, be,on8in8 to him and 8oes to the Cand of 0anaan& here YAHWEH a8ain a55ears to him and 1romises the Cand of 0anaan as an Ever,astin8 "nheritan9e+ After 3ifteen Years& Abram ret%rns to Haran to Eisit his 3ather+ 2ea9hes many to Wa,k in the Ways of YAHWEH+ A8ain 9ommanded to 8o to 0anaan& here he B%i,ds an A,tar+ YAHWEH rene s his 0ovenant ith him+

' And 2erah took his son Abram and his 8randson Cot& the son of Haran& and Sarai his da%8hter$in$,a & the ife of his son Abram& and a,, the so%,s of his ho%seho,d and ent ith them from Dr 0asdim to 8o to the ,and of 0anaan+ And hen they 9ame as far as the ,and of Haran they remained there& for it as eB9eedin8,y 8ood ,and for 5ast%re& and of s%ffi9ient eBtent for those ho a99om5anied them+ . And the 5eo5,e of the ,and of Haran sa that Abram as 8ood and %5ri8ht ith YAHWEH and men& and that YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y as ith him& and some of the 5eo5,e of the ,and of Haran 9ame and Goined Abram& and he ta%8ht them the instr%9tion of YAHWEH and his aysJ and these men remained ith Abram in his ho%se and they adhered to him+ * And Abram remained in the ,and three years& and at the eB5iration of three years YAHWEH a55eared to Abram and said to himJ " am YAHWEH ho bro%8ht yo% forth from Dr 0asdim& and de,ivered yo% from the hands of a,, yo%r enemies+ : And no therefore if yo% i,t hearken to my voi9e and kee5 my 9ommandments& my stat%tes and my ,a s& then i,, " 9a%se yo%r enemies to fa,, before yo%& and " i,, m%,ti5,y yo%r seed ,ike the stars of heaven& and " i,, send my b,essin8 %5on a,, the orks of yo%r hands& and yo% sha,, ,a9k nothin8+ ; Arise no & take yo%r ife and a,, be,on8in8 to yo% and 8o to the ,and of 0anaan and remain there& and " i,, there be %nto yo% for a 3ather& and " i,, b,ess yo%+ And Abram rose and took his ife and a,, be,on8in8 to him& and he ent to the ,and of 0anaan as YAHWEH had to,d himJ and Abram as fifty five years o,d hen he ent from Haran+ = And Abram 9ame to the ,and of 0anaan and d e,t in the midst of the 9ity& and he there 5it9hed his tent amon8st the 9hi,dren of 0anaan& inhabitants of the ,and+ > And YAHWEH a55eared to Abram hen he 9ame to the ,and of 0anaan& and said to him& 2his is the ,and hi9h " 8ave %nto yo% and to yo%r seed after yo% forever& and " i,, make yo%r seed ,ike the stars of heaven& and " i,, 8ive %nto yo%r seed for an inheritan9e a,, the ,ands hi9h yo% seest+ / And Abram b%i,t an a,tar in the 5,a9e here YAHWEH had s5oken to him& and Abram there 9a,,ed %5on the name of YAHWEH+ A At that time& at the end of three years of Abram@s d e,,in8 in the ,and of 0anaan& in that year Noah died& hi9h as the fifty$ei8hth year of the ,ife of AbramJ and a,, the days that Noah ,ived ere nine h%ndred and fifty years and he died+ '( And Abram d e,t in the ,and of 0anaan& he& his ife& and a,, be,on8in8 to him& and a,, those that a99om5anied him& to8ether ith those that Goined him from the 5eo5,e of the ,andJ b%t Nahor& Abram@s brother& and 2erah his father& and Cot the son of Haran and a,, be,on8in8 to them d e,t in Haran+ '' "n the fifth year of Abram@s d e,,in8 in the ,and of 0anaan the 5eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah and a,, the 9ities of the 5,ain revo,ted from the 5o er of 0hedor,aomer& kin8 of E,amJ for a,, the kin8s of the 9ities of the 5,ain had served 0hedor,aomer for t e,ve years& and 8iven him a year,y taB& b%t in those days in the thirteenth year& they rebe,,ed a8ainst him+ '. And in the tenth year of Abram@s d e,,in8 in the ,and of 0anaan there as ar bet een Nimrod kin8 of Shinar and 0hedor,aomer kin8 of E,am& and Nimrod 9ame to fi8ht ith 0hedor,aomer and to s%bd%e him+ '* 3or 0hedor,aomer as at that time one of the 5rin9es of the hosts of Nimrod& and hen a,, the 5eo5,e at the to er ere dis5ersed and those that remained ere a,so s9attered %5on the fa9e of the earth& *=

0hedor,aomer ent to the ,and of E,am and rei8ned over it and rebe,,ed a8ainst his ,ord+ ': And in those days hen Nimrod sa that the 9ities of the 5,ain had rebe,,ed& he 9ame ith 5ride and an8er to ar ith 0hedor,aomer& and Nimrod assemb,ed a,, his 5rin9es and s%bGe9ts& abo%t seven h%ndred tho%sand men& and ent a8ainst 0hedor,aomer& and 0hedor,aomer ent o%t to meet him ith five tho%sand men& and they 5re5ared for batt,e in the va,,ey of Babe, hi9h is bet een E,am and Shinar+ '; And a,, those kin8s fo%8ht there& and Nimrod and his 5eo5,e ere smitten before the 5eo5,e of 0hedor,aomer& and there fe,, from Nimrod@s men abo%t siB h%ndred tho%sand& and 7ardon the kin8@s son fe,, amon8st them+ '= And Nimrod f,ed and ret%rned in shame and dis8ra9e to his ,and& and he as %nder s%bGe9tion to 0hedor,aomer for a ,on8 time& and 0hedor,aomer ret%rned to his ,and and sent 5rin9es of his host to the kin8s that d e,t aro%nd him& to Ario9h kin8 of E,asar& and to 2ida, kin8 of ?oyim& and made a 9ovenant ith them& and they ere a,, obedient to his 9ommands+ '> And it as in the fifteenth year of Abram@s d e,,in8 in the ,and of 0anaan& hi9h is the seventieth year of the ,ife of Abram& and YAHWEH a55eared to Abram in that year and he said to him& " am YAHWEH ho bro%8ht yo% o%t from Dr 0asdim to 8ive yo% this ,and for an inheritan9e+ '/ No therefore a,k before me and be 5erfe9t and kee5 my 9ommands& for to yo% and to yo%r seed " i,, 8ive this ,and for an inheritan9e& from the river 7itFraim %nto the 8reat river E%5hrates+ 'A And yo% sha,, 9ome to yo%r fathers in 5ea9e and in 8ood a8e& and the fo%rth 8eneration sha,, ret%rn here in this ,and and sha,, inherit it foreverJ and Abram b%i,t an a,tar& and he 9a,,ed %5on the name of YAHWEH ho a55eared to him& and he bro%8ht %5 sa9rifi9es %5on the a,tar to YAHWEH+ .( At that time Abram ret%rned and ent to Haran to see his father and mother& and his father@s ho%seho,d& and Abram and his ife and a,, be,on8in8 to him ret%rned to Haran& and Abram d e,t in Haran five years+ .' And many of the 5eo5,e of Haran& abo%t seventy$t o men& fo,,o ed Abram and Abram ta%8ht them the instr%9tion of YAHWEH and his ays& and he ta%8ht them to kno YAHWEH+ .. "n those days YAHWEH a55eared to Abram in Haran& and he said to him& Beho,d& " s5oke %nto yo% these t enty years ba9k sayin8& .* ?o forth from yo%r ,and& from yo%r birth$5,a9e and from yo%r father@s ho%se& to the ,and hi9h " have sho n yo% to 8ive it to yo% and to yo%r 9hi,dren& for there in that ,and i,, " b,ess yo%& and make yo% a 8reat nation& and make yo%r name 8reat& and in yo% sha,, the fami,ies of the earth be b,essed+ .: No therefore arise& 8o forth from this 5,a9e& yo%& yo%r ife& and a,, be,on8in8 to yo%& a,so every one born in yo%r ho%se and a,, the so%,s yo% hast made in Haran& and brin8 them o%t ith yo% from here& and rise to ret%rn to the ,and of 0anaan+ .; And Abram arose and took his ife Sarai and a,, be,on8in8 to him and a,, that ere born to him in his ho%se and the so%,s hi9h they had made in Haran& and they 9ame o%t to 8o to the ,and of 0anaan+ .= And Abram ent and ret%rned to the ,and of 0anaan& a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH+ And Cot the son of his brother Haran ent ith him& and Abram as seventy$five years o,d hen he ent forth from Haran to ret%rn to the ,and of 0anaan+ .> And he 9ame to the ,and of 0anaan a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH to Abram& and he 5it9hed his tent and he d e,t in the 5,ain of 7amre& and ith him as Cot his brother@s son& and a,, be,on8in8 to him+ ./ And YAHWEH a8ain a55eared to Abram and said& 2o yo%r seed i,, " 8ive this ,andJ and he there b%i,t an a,tar to YAHWEH ho a55eared to him& hi9h is sti,, to this day in the 5,ains of 7amre+ 1# RIKAYON
0HA12ER ':$$Rikayon@s 9%nnin8 Devi9e to make 7oney of the E8y5tians+

' "n those days there as in the ,and of Shinar a ise man ho had %nderstandin8 in a,, isdom& and of a bea%tif%, a55earan9e& b%t he as 5oor and indi8entJ his name as Rikayon and he as hard set to s%55ort himse,f+ . And he reso,ved to 8o to E8y5t& to <s iris the son of Anom kin8 of E8y5t& to sho the kin8 his isdomJ for 5erha5s he mi8ht find favor in his si8ht& to raise him %5 and 8ive him maintenan9eJ and Rikayon did so+ *>

* And hen Rikayon 9ame to E8y5t he asked the inhabitants of E8y5t 9on9ernin8 the kin8& and the inhabitants of E8y5t to,d him the 9%stom of the kin8 of E8y5t& for it as then the 9%stom of the kin8 of E8y5t that he ent from his roya, 5a,a9e and as seen abroad on,y one day in the year& and after that the kin8 o%,d ret%rn to his 5a,a9e to remain there+ : And on the day hen the kin8 ent forth he 5assed G%d8ment in the ,and& and every one havin8 a s%it 9ame before the kin8 that day to obtain his reH%est+ ; And hen Rikayon heard of the 9%stom in E8y5t and that he 9o%,d not 9ome into the 5resen9e of the kin8& he 8rieved 8reat,y and as very sorro f%,+ = And in the evenin8 Rikayon ent o%t and fo%nd a ho%se in r%ins& former,y a bake ho%se in E8y5t& and he abode there a,, ni8ht in bitterness of so%, and 5in9hed ith h%n8er& and s,ee5 as removed from his eyes+ > And Rikayon 9onsidered ithin himse,f hat he sho%,d do in the to n %nti, the kin8 made his a55earan9e& and ho he mi8ht maintain himse,f there+ / And he rose in the mornin8 and a,ked abo%t& and met in his ay those ho so,d ve8etab,es and vario%s sorts of seed ith hi9h they s%55,ied the inhabitants+ A And Rikayon ished to do the same in order to 8et a maintenan9e in the 9ity& b%t he as %na9H%ainted ith the 9%stom of the 5eo5,e& and he as ,ike a b,ind man amon8 them+ '( And he ent and obtained ve8etab,es to se,, them for his s%55ort& and the rabb,e assemb,ed abo%t him and ridi9%,ed him& and took his ve8etab,es from him and ,eft him nothin8+ '' And he rose %5 from there in bitterness of so%,& and ent si8hin8 to the bake ho%se in hi9h he had remained a,, the ni8ht before& and he s,e5t there the se9ond ni8ht+ '. And on that ni8ht a8ain he reasoned ithin himse,f ho he 9o%,d save himse,f from starvation& and he devised a s9heme ho to a9t+ '* And he rose %5 in the mornin8 and a9ted in8enio%s,y& and ent and hired thirty stron8 men of the rabb,e& 9arryin8 their ar instr%ments in their hands& and he ,ed them to the to5 of the E8y5tian se5%,9hre& and he 5,a9ed them there+ ': And he 9ommanded them& sayin8& 2h%s saith the kin8& Stren8then yo%rse,ves and be va,iant men& and ,et no man be b%ried here %nti, t o h%ndred 5ie9es of si,ver be 8iven& and then he may be b%riedJ and those men did a99ordin8 to the order of Rikayon to the 5eo5,e of E8y5t the ho,e of that year+ '; And in ei8ht months time Rikayon and his men 8athered 8reat ri9hes of si,ver and 8o,d& and Rikayon took a 8reat H%antity of horses and other anima,s& and he hired more men& and he 8ave them horses and they remained ith him+ '= And hen the year 9ame ro%nd& at the time the kin8 ent forth into the to n& a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t assemb,ed to8ether to s5eak to him 9on9ernin8 the ork of Rikayon and his men+ '> And the kin8 ent forth on the a55ointed day& and a,, the E8y5tians 9ame before him and 9ried %nto him& sayin8& '/ 7ay the kin8 ,ive forever+ What is this thin8 yo% doest in the to n to yo%r servants& not to s%ffer a dead body to be b%ried %nti, so m%9h si,ver and 8o,d be 8iven# Was there ever the ,ike %nto this done in the ho,e earth& from the days of former kin8s yea even from the days of Adam& %nto this day& that the dead sho%,d not be b%ried on,y for a set 5ri9e# 'A We kno it to be the 9%stom of kin8s to take a year,y taB from the ,ivin8& b%t yo% dost not on,y do this& b%t from the dead a,so yo% eBa9t a taB day by day+ .( No & < kin8& e 9an no more bear this& for the ho,e 9ity is r%ined on this a99o%nt& and dost yo% not kno it# .' And hen the kin8 heard a,, that they had s5oken he as very roth& and his an8er b%rned ithin him at this affair& for he had kno n nothin8 of it+ .. And the kin8 said& Who and here is he that dares to do this i9ked thin8 in my ,and itho%t my 9ommand# S%re,y yo% i,, te,, me+ .* And they to,d him a,, the orks of Rikayon and his men& and the kin8@s an8er as aro%sed& and he ordered Rikayon and his men to be bro%8ht before him+ .: And Rikayon took abo%t a tho%sand 9hi,dren& sons and da%8hters& and 9,othed them in si,k and */

embroidery& and he set them %5on horses and sent them to the kin8 by means of his men& and he a,so took a 8reat H%antity of si,ver and 8o,d and 5re9io%s stones& and a stron8 and bea%tif%, horse& as a 5resent for the kin8& ith hi9h he 9ame before the kin8 and bo ed do n to the earth before himJ and the kin8& his servants and a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t ondered at the ork of Rikayon& and they sa his ri9hes and the 5resent that he had bro%8ht to the kin8+ .; And it 8reat,y 5,eased the kin8 and he ondered at itJ and hen Rikayon sat before him the kin8 asked him 9on9ernin8 a,, his orks& and Rikayon s5oke a,, his ords ise,y before the kin8& his servants and a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t+ .= And hen the kin8 heard the ords of Rikayon and his isdom& Rikayon fo%nd favor in his si8ht& and he met ith favor and kindness from a,, the servants of the kin8 and from a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t& on a99o%nt of his isdom and eB9e,,ent s5ee9hes& and from that time they ,oved him eB9eedin8,y+ .> And the kin8 ans ered and said to Rikayon& Yo%r name sha,, no more be 9a,,ed Rikayon b%t 1haraoh sha,, be yo%r name& sin9e yo% didst eBa9t a taB from the deadJ and he 9a,,ed his name 1haraoh+ ./ And the kin8 and his s%bGe9ts ,oved Rikayon for his isdom& and they 9ons%,ted ith a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t to make him 5refe9t %nder the kin8+ .A And a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t and its ise men did so& and it as made a ,a in E8y5t+ *( And they made Rikayon 1haraoh 5refe9t %nder <s iris kin8 of E8y5t& and Rikayon 1haraoh 8overned over E8y5t& dai,y administerin8 G%sti9e to the ho,e 9ity& b%t <s iris the kin8 o%,d G%d8e the 5eo5,e of the ,and one day in the year& hen he ent o%t to make his a55earan9e+ *' And Rikayon 1haraoh 9%nnin8,y %s%r5ed the 8overnment of E8y5t& and he eBa9ted a taB from a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t+ *. And a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t 8reat,y ,oved Rikayon 1haraoh& and they made a de9ree to 9a,, every kin8 that sho%,d rei8n over them and their seed in E8y5t& 1haraoh+ ** 2herefore a,, the kin8s that rei8ned in E8y5t from that time for ard ere 9a,,ed 1haraoh %nto this day+ 15 ABRAM TO EGY$T
0HA12ER ';$$<n A99o%nt of 3amine in 0anaan& Abram 8oes to E8y5t+ 2e,,s the 1eo5,e that Sarah is his Sister& on a99o%nt of her Bea%ty+ 1haraoh Desires to take her& b%t is 1revented by an Heaven,y 7essen8er of YAHWEH+ 2he 2r%th is made kno n& and Sarah is Restored to Abram& ith many 1resents+ Abram ret%rns to his Home+ 2ro%b,e bet een Cot and Abram on a99o%nt of Cot@s 9att,e+ Cot Removes to Sodom+

' And in that year there as a heavy famine thro%8ho%t the ,and of 0anaan& and the inhabitants of the ,and 9o%,d not remain on a99o%nt of the famine for it as very 8rievo%s+ . And Abram and a,, be,on8in8 to him rose and ent do n to E8y5t on a99o%nt of the famine& and hen they ere at the brook 7itFraim they remained there some time to rest from the fati8%e of the road+ * And Abram and Sarai ere a,kin8 at the border of the brook 7itFraim& and Abram behe,d his ife Sarai that she as very bea%tif%,+ : And Abram said to his ife Sarai& Sin9e YAHWEH has 9reated yo% ith s%9h a bea%tif%, 9o%ntenan9e& " am afraid of the E8y5tians ,est they sho%,d s,ay me and take yo% a ay& for the fear of YAHWEH is not in these 5,a9es+ ; S%re,y then yo% sha,, do this& Say yo% are my sister to a,, that may ask yo%& in order that it may be e,, ith me& and that e may ,ive and not be 5%t to death+ = And Abram 9ommanded the same to a,, those that 9ame ith him to E8y5t on a99o%nt of the famineJ a,so his ne5he Cot he 9ommanded& sayin8& "f the E8y5tians ask yo% 9on9ernin8 Sarai say she is the sister of Abram+ > And yet ith a,, these orders Abram did not 5%t 9onfiden9e in them& b%t he took Sarai and 5,a9ed her in a 9hest and 9on9ea,ed it amon8st their vesse,s& for Abram as 8reat,y 9on9erned abo%t Sarai on a99o%nt of the i9kedness of the E8y5tians+ / And Abram and a,, be,on8in8 to him rose %5 from the brook 7itFraim and 9ame to E8y5tJ and they had s9ar9e,y entered the 8ates of the 9ity hen the 8%ards stood %5 to them sayin8& ?ive tithe to the kin8 from hat yo% have& and then yo% may 9ome into the to nJ and Abram and those that ere ith him did so+ *A

A And Abram ith the 5eo5,e that ere ith him 9ame to E8y5t& and hen they 9ame they bro%8ht the 9hest in hi9h Sarai as 9on9ea,ed and the E8y5tians sa the 9hest+ '( And the kin8@s servants a55roa9hed Abram& sayin8& What hast yo% here in this 9hest hi9h e have not seen# No o5en yo% the 9hest and 8ive tithe to the kin8 of a,, that it 9ontains+ '' And Abram said& 2his 9hest " i,, not o5en& b%t a,, yo% demand %5on it " i,, 8ive+ And 1haraoh@s offi9ers ans ered Abram& sayin8& "t is a 9hest of 5re9io%s stones& 8ive %s the tenth thereof+ '. Abram said& A,, that yo% desire " i,, 8ive& b%t yo% m%st not o5en the 9hest+ '* And the kin8@s offi9ers 5ressed Abram& and they rea9hed the 9hest and o5ened it ith for9e& and they sa & and beho,d a bea%tif%, oman as in the 9hest+ ': And hen the offi9ers of the kin8 behe,d Sarai they ere str%9k ith admiration at her bea%ty& and a,, the 5rin9es and servants of 1haraoh assemb,ed to see Sarai& for she as very bea%tif%,+ And the kin8@s offi9ers ran and to,d 1haraoh a,, that they had seen& and they 5raised Sarai to the kin8J and 1haraoh ordered her to be bro%8ht& and the oman 9ame before the kin8+ '; And 1haraoh behe,d Sarai and she 5,eased him eB9eedin8,y& and he as str%9k ith her bea%ty& and the kin8 reGoi9ed 8reat,y on her a99o%nt& and made 5resents to those ho bro%8ht him the tidin8s 9on9ernin8 her+ '= And the oman as then bro%8ht to 1haraoh@s ho%se& and Abram 8rieved on a99o%nt of his ife& and he 5rayed to YAHWEH to de,iver her from the hands of 1haraoh+ '> And Sarai a,so 5rayed at that time and said& < YAHWEH my AC7"?H2Y yo% didst te,, my ,ord Abram to 8o from his ,and and from his father@s ho%se to the ,and of 0anaan& and yo% didst 5romise to do e,, ith him if he o%,d 5erform yo%r 9ommandsJ no beho,d e have done that hi9h yo% didst 9ommand %s& and e ,eft o%r ,and and o%r fami,ies& and e ent to a stran8e ,and and to a 5eo5,e hom e have not kno n before+ '/ And e 9ame to this ,and to avoid the famine& and this evi, a99ident has befa,,en meJ no therefore& < YAHWEH my AC7"?H2Y& de,iver %s and save %s from the hand of this o55ressor& and do e,, ith me for the sake of yo%r mer9y+ 'A And YAHWEH hearkened to the voi9e of Sarai& and YAHWEH sent an heaven,y messen8er to de,iver Sarai from the 5o er of 1haraoh+ .( And the kin8 9ame and sat before Sarai and beho,d an heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH as standin8 over them& and he a55eared to Sarai and said to her& Do not fear& for YAHWEH has heard yo%r 5rayer+ .' And the kin8 a55roa9hed Sarai and said to her& What is that man to yo% ho bro%8ht yo% hither# and she said& He is my brother+ .. And the kin8 said& "t is in9%mbent %5on %s to make him 8reat& to e,evate him and to do %nto him a,, the 8ood hi9h yo% sha,, 9ommand %sJ and at that time the kin8 sent to Abram si,ver and 8o,d and 5re9io%s stones in ab%ndan9e& to8ether ith 9att,e& men servants and maid servantsJ and the kin8 ordered Abram to be bro%8ht& and he sat in the 9o%rt of the kin8@s ho%se& and the kin8 8reat,y eBa,ted Abram on that ni8ht+ .* And the kin8 a55roa9hed to s5eak to Sarai& and he rea9hed o%t his hand to to%9h her& hen the heaven,y messen8er smote him heavi,y& and he as terrified and he refrained from rea9hin8 to her+ .: And hen the kin8 9ame near to Sarai& the heaven,y messen8er smote him to the 8ro%nd& and a9ted th%s to him the ho,e ni8ht& and the kin8 as terrified+ .; And the heaven,y messen8er on that ni8ht smote heavi,y a,, the servants of the kin8& and his ho,e ho%seho,d& on a99o%nt of Sarai& and there as a 8reat ,amentation that ni8ht amon8st the 5eo5,e of 1haraoh@s ho%se+ .= And 1haraoh& seein8 the evi, that befe,, him& said& S%re,y on a99o%nt of this oman has this thin8 ha55ened to me& and he removed himse,f at some distan9e from her and s5oke 5,easin8 ords to her+ .> And the kin8 said to Sarai& 2e,, me " 5ray yo% 9on9ernin8 the man ith hom yo% 9ame hereJ and Sarai said& 2his man is my h%sband& and " said to yo% that he as my brother for " as afraid& ,est yo% sho%,dst 5%t him to death thro%8h i9kedness+ ./ And the kin8 ke5t a ay from Sarai& and the 5,a8%es of the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH 9eased from him and his ho%seho,dJ and 1haraoh kne that he as smitten on a99o%nt of Sarai& and the kin8 as :(

8reat,y astonished at this+ .A And in the mornin8 the kin8 9a,,ed for Abram and said to him& What is this yo% hast done to me# Why didst yo% say& She is my sister& o in8 to hi9h " took her %nto me for a ife& and this heavy 5,a8%e has therefore 9ome %5on me and my ho%seho,d+ *( No therefore here is yo%r ife& take her and 8o from o%r ,and ,est e a,, die on her a99o%nt+ And 1haraoh took more 9att,e& men servants and maid servants& and si,ver and 8o,d& to 8ive to Abram& and he ret%rned %nto him Sarai his ife+ *' And the kin8 took a maiden hom he be8at by his 9on9%bines& and he 8ave her to Sarai for a handmaid+ *. And the kin8 said to his da%8hter& "t is better for yo% my da%8hter to be a handmaid in this man@s ho%se than to be mistress in my ho%se& after e have behe,d the evi, that befe,, %s on a99o%nt of this oman+ ** And Abram arose& and he and a,, be,on8in8 to him ent a ay from E8y5tJ and 1haraoh ordered some of his men to a99om5any him and a,, that ent ith him+ *: And Abram ret%rned to the ,and of 0anaan& to the 5,a9e here he had made the a,tar& here he at first had 5it9hed his tent+ *; And Cot the son of Haran& Abram@s brother& had a heavy sto9k of 9att,e& f,o9ks and herds and tents& for YAHWEH as bo%ntif%, to them on a99o%nt of Abram+ *= And hen Abram as d e,,in8 in the ,and the herdsmen of Cot H%arre,,ed ith the herdsmen of Abram& for their 5ro5erty as too 8reat for them to remain to8ether in the ,and& and the ,and 9o%,d not bear them on a99o%nt of their 9att,e+ *> And hen Abram@s herdsmen ent to feed their f,o9k they o%,d not 8o into the fie,ds of the 5eo5,e of the ,and& b%t the 9att,e of Cot@s herdsmen did other ise& for they ere s%ffered to feed in the fie,ds of the 5eo5,e of the ,and+ */ And the 5eo5,e of the ,and sa this o99%rren9e dai,y& and they 9ame to Abram and H%arre,,ed ith him on a99o%nt of Cot@s herdsmen+ *A And Abram said to Cot& What is this yo% are doin8 to me& to make me des5i9ab,e to the inhabitants of the ,and& that yo% order yo%r herdsman to feed yo%r 9att,e in the fie,ds of other 5eo5,e# Dost yo% not kno that " am a stran8er in this ,and amon8st the 9hi,dren of 0anaan& and hy i,t yo% do this %nto me# :( And Abram H%arre,,ed dai,y ith Cot on a99o%nt of this& b%t Cot o%,d not ,isten to Abram& and he 9ontin%ed to do the same and the inhabitants of the ,and 9ame and to,d Abram+ :' And Abram said %nto Cot& Ho ,on8 i,t yo% be to me for a st%mb,in8 b,o9k ith the inhabitants of the ,and# No " besee9h yo% ,et there be no more H%arre,,in8 bet een %s& for e are kinsmen+ :. B%t " 5ray yo% se5arate from me& 8o and 9hoose a 5,a9e here yo% may d e,, ith yo%r 9att,e and a,, be,on8in8 to yo%& b%t 4ee5 thyse,f at a distan9e from me& yo% and yo%r ho%seho,d+ :* And be not afraid in 8oin8 from me& for if any one do an inG%ry to yo%& ,et me kno and " i,, aven8e yo%r 9a%se from him& on,y remove from me+ :: And hen Abram had s5oken a,, these ords to Cot& then Cot arose and ,ifted %5 his eyes to ard the 5,ain of Yardan+ :; And he sa that the ho,e of this 5,a9e as e,, atered& and 8ood for man as e,, as affordin8 5ast%re for the 9att,e+ := And Cot ent from Abram to that 5,a9e& and he there 5it9hed his tent and he d e,t in Sodom& and they ere se5arated from ea9h other+ :> And Abram d e,t in the 5,ain of 7amre& hi9h is in Hebron& and he 5it9hed his tent there& and Abram remained in that 5,a9e many years+ 16 WAR WITH KINGS
0HA12ER '=$$3o%r 4in8s ith Ei8ht H%ndred 2ho%sand 7en War a8ainst Sodom and the 0ities of the 1,ain& and destroy and 5,%nder their 5eo5,e+ Abram& Hearin8 that Cot is taken 9a5tive& 8athers to8ether abo%t 2hree H%ndred 7en and 1%rs%es the 4in8s& retakes the 9a5tives& and smites the ho,e Army of the 9onfederate Rin8s+ <n his Ret%rn& Abram meets AdoniFedek (7e,9hiFedek or 7e,9hisede9)& 4in8 of Jer%sa,em& the same as Shem+ Abram 8ives 2ithin8 of a,, he had taken to AdoniFedek& and is B,essed of Him+ Abram Restores to every 7an his 5ro5erty hi9h he had retaken in the War& and ret%rns to Hebron+ YAHWEH a8ain a55ears to Abram and 5romises to b,ess


him ith a N%mber,ess 1osterity+ Sarah bein8 9hi,d,ess 8ives Ha8ar to Abram for a Wife& and be9omin8 Gea,o%s of her& aff,i9ts her+ An Heaven,y 7essen8er 9omforts Ha8ar+ "shmae, is Born+

' At that time 0hedor,aomer kin8 of E,am sent to a,, the nei8hborin8 kin8s& to Nimrod& kin8 of Shinar ho as then %nder his 5o er& and to 2ida,& kin8 of ?oyim& and to Ario9h& kin8 of E,asar& ith hom he made a 9ovenant& sayin8& 0ome %5 to me and assist me& that e may smite a,, the to ns of Sodom and its inhabitants& for they have rebe,,ed a8ainst me these thirteen years+ . And these fo%r kin8s ent %5 ith a,, their 9am5s& abo%t ei8ht h%ndred tho%sand men& and they ent as they ere& and smote every man they fo%nd in their road+ * And the five kin8s of Sodom and ?omorrah& Shinab kin8 of Admah& Shemeber kin8 of Ieboyim& Bera kin8 of Sodom& Bersha kin8 of ?omorrah& and Be,a kin8 of Ioar& ent o%t to meet them& and they a,, Goined to8ether in the va,,ey of Siddim+ : And these nine kin8s made ar in the va,,ey of SiddimJ and the kin8s of Sodom and ?omorrah ere smitten before the kin8s of E,am+ ; And the va,,ey of Siddim as f%,, of ,ime 5its and the kin8s of E,am 5%rs%ed the kin8s of Sodom& and the kin8s of Sodom ith their 9am5s f,ed and fe,, into the ,ime 5its& and a,, that remained ent to the mo%ntain for safety& and the five kin8s of E,am 9ame after them and 5%rs%ed them to the 8ates of Sodom& and they took a,, that there as in Sodom+ = And they 5,%ndered a,, the 9ities of Sodom and ?omorrah& and they a,so took Cot& Abram@s brother@s son& and his 5ro5erty& and they seiFed a,, the 8oods of the 9ities of Sodom& and they ent a ayJ and Dni9& Abram@s servant& ho as in the batt,e& sa this& and to,d Abram a,, that the kin8s had done to the 9ities of Sodom& and that Cot as taken 9a5tive by them+ > And Abram heard this& and he rose %5 ith abo%t three h%ndred and ei8hteen men that ere ith him& and he that ni8ht 5%rs%ed these kin8s and smote them& and they a,, fe,, before Abram and his men& and there as none remainin8 b%t the fo%r kin8s ho f,ed& and they ent ea9h his o n road+ / And Abram re9overed a,, the 5ro5erty of Sodom& and he a,so re9overed Cot and his 5ro5erty& his ives and ,itt,e ones and a,, be,on8in8 to him& so that Cot ,a9ked nothin8+ A And hen he ret%rned from smitin8 these kin8s& he and his men 5assed the va,,ey of Siddim here the kin8s had made ar to8ether+ '( And Bera kin8 of Sodom& and the rest of his men that ere ith him& ent o%t from the ,ime 5its into hi9h they had fa,,en& to meet Abram and his men+ '' And AdoniFedek kin8 of Jer%sa,em& the same as Shem& ent o%t ith his men to meet Abram and his 5eo5,e& ith bread and ine& and they remained to8ether in the va,,ey of 7e,e9h+ '. And AdoniFedek b,essed Abram& and Abram 8ave him a tenth from a,, that he had bro%8ht from the s5oi, of his enemies& for AdoniFedek as a 5riest before YAHWEH+ '* And a,, the kin8s of Sodom and ?omorrah ho ere there& ith their servants& a55roa9hed Abram and be88ed of him to ret%rn them their servants hom he had made 9a5tive& and to take %nto himse,f a,, the 5ro5erty+ ': And Abram ans ered the kin8s of Sodom& sayin8& As YAHWEH ,ives ho 9reated heaven and earth& and ho redeemed my so%, from a,, aff,i9tion& and ho de,ivered me this day from my enemies& and 8ave them into my hand& " i,, not take anythin8 be,on8in8 to yo%& that yo% may not boast tomorro & sayin8& Abram be9ame ri9h from o%r 5ro5erty that he saved+ '; 3or YAHWEH my AC7"?H2Y in hom " tr%st said %nto me& Yo% sha,, ,a9k nothin8& for " i,, b,ess yo% in a,, the orks of yo%r hands+ '= And no therefore beho,d& here is a,, be,on8in8 to yo%& take it and 8oJ as YAHWEH ,ives " i,, not take from yo% from a ,ivin8 so%, do n to a shoetie or thread& eB9e5tin8 the eB5ense of the food of those ho ent o%t ith me to batt,e& as a,so the 5ortions of the men ho ent ith me& Anar& Ash9o,& and 7amre& they and their men& as e,, as those a,so ho had remained to at9h the ba88a8e& they sha,, take their 5ortion of the s5oi,+ '> And the kin8s of Sodom 8ave Abram a99ordin8 to a,, that he had said& and they 5ressed him to take of :.

hatever he 9hose& b%t he o%,d not+ '/ And he sent a ay the kin8s of Sodom and the remainder of their men& and he 8ave them orders abo%t Cot& and they ent to their res5e9tive 5,a9es+ 'A And Cot& his brother@s son& he a,so sent a ay ith his 5ro5erty& and he ent ith them& and Cot ret%rned to his home& to Sodom& and Abram and his 5eo5,e ret%rned to their home to the 5,ains of 7amre& hi9h is in Hebron+ .( At that time YAHWEH a8ain a55eared to Abram in Hebron& and he said to him& Do not fear& yo%r re ard is very 8reat before me& for " i,, not ,eave yo%& %nti, " sha,, have m%,ti5,ied yo%& and b,essed yo% and made yo%r seed ,ike the stars in heaven& hi9h 9annot be meas%red nor n%mbered+ .' And " i,, 8ive %nto yo%r seed a,, these ,ands that yo% see ith yo%r eyes& to them i,, " 8ive them for an inheritan9e forever& on,y be stron8 and do not fear& a,k before me and be 5erfe9t+ .. And in the seventy$ei8hth year of the ,ife of Abram& in that year died Re%& the son of 1e,e8& and a,, the days of Re% ere t o h%ndred and thirty$nine years& and he died+ .* And Sarai& the da%8hter of Haran& Abram@s ife& as sti,, barren in those daysJ she did not bear to Abram either son or da%8hter+ .: And hen she sa that she bare no 9hi,dren she took her handmaid Ha8ar& hom 1haraoh had 8iven her& and she 8ave her to Abram her h%sband for a ife+ .; 3or Ha8ar ,earned a,, the ays of Sarai as Sarai ta%8ht her& she as not in any ay defi9ient in fo,,o in8 her 8ood ays+ .= And Sarai said to Abram& Beho,d here is my handmaid Ha8ar& 8o to her that she may brin8 forth %5on my knees& that " may a,so obtain 9hi,dren thro%8h her+ .> And at the end of ten years of Abram@s d e,,in8 in the ,and of 0anaan& hi9h is the ei8hty$fifth year of Abram@s ,ife& Sarai 8ave Ha8ar %nto him+ ./ And Abram hearkened to the voi9e of his ife Sarai& and he took his handmaid Ha8ar and Abram 9ame to her and she 9on9eived+ .A And hen Ha8ar sa that she had 9on9eived she reGoi9ed 8reat,y& and her mistress as des5ised in her eyes& and she said ithin herse,f& 2his 9an on,y be that " am better before YAHWEH than Sarai my mistress& for a,, the days that my mistress has been ith my ,ord& she did not 9on9eive& b%t me YAHWEH has 9a%sed in so short a time to 9on9eive by him+ *( And hen Sarai sa that Ha8ar had 9on9eived by Abram& Sarai as Gea,o%s of her handmaid& and Sarai said ithin herse,f& 2his is s%re,y nothin8 e,se b%t that she m%st be better than " am+ *' And Sarai said %nto Abram& 7y ron8 be %5on yo%& for at the time hen yo% didst 5ray before YAHWEH for 9hi,dren hy didst yo% not 5ray on my a99o%nt& that YAHWEH sho%,d 8ive me seed from yo%# *. And hen " s5eak to Ha8ar in yo%r 5resen9e& she des5ises my ords& be9a%se she has 9on9eived& and yo% i,t say nothin8 to herJ may YAHWEH G%d8e bet een me and yo% for hat yo% hast done to me+ ** And Abram said to Sarai& Beho,d yo%r handmaid is in yo%r hand& do %nto her as it may seem 8ood in yo%r eyesJ and Sarai aff,i9ted her& and Ha8ar f,ed from her to the i,derness+ *: And an heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH fo%nd her in the 5,a9e here she had f,ed& by a e,,& and he said to her& Do not fear& for " i,, m%,ti5,y yo%r seed& for yo% sha,, bear a son and yo% sha,, 9a,, his name "shmae,J no then ret%rn to Sarai yo%r mistress& and s%bmit thyse,f %nder her hands+ *; And Ha8ar 9a,,ed the 5,a9e of that e,, Beer$,ahai$roi& it is bet een 4adesh and the i,derness of Bered+ *= And Ha8ar at that time ret%rned to her master@s ho%se& and at the end of days Ha8ar bare a son to Abram& and Abram 9a,,ed his name "shmae,J and Abram as ei8hty$siB years o,d hen he be8at him+ 17 CO!ENANT WITH ABRAM
0HA12ER '>$$YAHWEH A55ears to Abram and Estab,ishes the 0ovenant of 0ir9%m9ision& and 9a,,s his name Abraham& and Sarai& He 9a,,s Sarah+


' And in those days& in the ninety$first year of the ,ife of Abram& the 9hi,dren of 0hittim made ar ith the 9hi,dren of 2%ba,& for hen YAHWEH had s9attered the sons of men %5on the fa9e of the earth& the 9hi,dren of 0hittim ent and embodied themse,ves in the 5,ain of 0ano5ia& and they b%i,t themse,ves 9ities there and d e,t by the river 2ibre%+ . And the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, d e,t in 2%s9anah& and their bo%ndaries rea9hed the river 2ibre%& and the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, b%i,t a 9ity in 2%s9anan& and they 9a,,ed the name Sabinah& after the name of Sabinah son of 2%ba, their father& and they d e,t there %nto this day+ * And it as at that time the 9hi,dren of 0hittim made ar ith the 9hi,dren of 2%ba,& and the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, ere smitten before the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim 9a%sed three h%ndred and seventy men to fa,, from the 9hi,dren of 2%ba,+ : And at that time the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, s ore to the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& sayin8& Yo% sha,, not intermarry amon8st %s& and no man sha,, 8ive his da%8hter to any of the sons of 0hittim+ ; 3or a,, the da%8hters of 2%ba, ere in those days fair& for no omen ere then fo%nd in the ho,e earth so fair as the da%8hters of 2%ba,+ = And a,, ho de,i8hted in the bea%ty of omen ent to the da%8hters of 2%ba, and took ives from them& and the sons of men& kin8s and 5rin9es& ho 8reat,y de,i8hted in the bea%ty of omen& took ives in those days from the da%8hters of 2%ba,+ > And at the end of three years after the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, had s orn to the 9hi,dren of 0hittim not to 8ive them their da%8hters for ives& abo%t t enty men of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim ent to take some of the da%8hters of 2%ba,& b%t they fo%nd none+ / 3or the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, ke5t their oaths not to intermarry ith them& and they o%,d not break their oaths+ A And in the days of harvest the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, ent into their fie,ds to 8et in their harvest& hen the yo%n8 men of 0hittim assemb,ed and ent to the 9ity of Sabinah& and ea9h man took a yo%n8 oman from the da%8hters of 2%ba,& and they 9ame to their 9ities+ '( And the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, heard of it and they ent to make ar ith them& and they 9o%,d not 5revai, over them& for the mo%ntain as eB9eedin8,y hi8h from them& and hen they sa they 9o%,d not 5revai, over them they ret%rned to their ,and+ '' And at the revo,%tion of the year the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, ent and hired abo%t ten tho%sand men from those 9ities that ere near them& and they ent to ar ith the 9hi,dren of 0hittim+ '. And the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, ent to ar ith the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& to destroy their ,and and to distress them& and in this en8a8ement the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, 5revai,ed over the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& seein8 that they ere 8reat,y distressed& ,ifted %5 the 9hi,dren hi9h they had had by the da%8hters of 2%ba,& %5on the a,, hi9h had been b%i,t& to be before the eyes of the 9hi,dren of 2%ba,+ '* And the 9hi,dren of 0hittim said to them& Have yo% 9ome to make ar ith yo%r o n sons and da%8hters& and have e not been 9onsidered yo%r f,esh and bones from that time ti,, no # ': And hen the 9hi,dren of 2%ba, heard this they 9eased to make ar ith the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and they ent a ay+ '; And they ret%rned to their 9ities& and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim at that time assemb,ed and b%i,t t o 9ities by the sea& and they 9a,,ed one 1%rt% and the other AriFa+ '= And Abram the son of 2erah as then ninety$nine years o,d+ '> At that time YAHWEH a55eared to him and he said to him& " i,, make my 9ovenant bet een me and yo%& and " i,, 8reat,y m%,ti5,y yo%r seed& and this is the 9ovenant hi9h " make bet een me and yo%& that every ma,e 9hi,d be 9ir9%m9ised& yo% and yo%r seed after yo%+ '/ At ei8ht days o,d sha,, it be 9ir9%m9ised& and this 9ovenant sha,, be in yo%r f,esh for an ever,astin8 9ovenant+ 'A And no therefore yo%r name sha,, no more be 9a,,ed Abram b%t Abraham& and yo%r ife sha,, no more be 9a,,ed Sarai b%t Sarah+ .( 3or " i,, b,ess yo% both& and " i,, m%,ti5,y yo%r seed after yo% that yo% sha,, be9ome a 8reat nation& and kin8s sha,, 9ome forth from yo%+ ::


0HA12ER '/$$Abraham Entertains 2hree Heaven,y 7essen8ers& ho eat ith him+ Sarah is 5romised a Son+ 2he 1eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah& and of a,, the 0ities of the 1,ain be9ome very Wi9ked+

' And Abraham rose and did a,, that YAHWEH had ordered him& and he took the men of his ho%seho,d and those bo%8ht ith his money& and he 9ir9%m9ised them as YAHWEH had 9ommanded him+ . And there as not one ,eft hom he did not 9ir9%m9ise& and Abraham and his son "shmae, ere 9ir9%m9ised in the f,esh of their foreskinJ thirteen years o,d as "shmae, hen he as 9ir9%m9ised in the f,esh of his foreskin+ * And in the third day Abraham ent o%t of his tent and sat at the door to enGoy the heat of the s%n& d%rin8 the 5ain of his f,esh+ : And YAHWEH a55eared to him in the 5,ain of 7amre& and sent three of his ministerin8 heaven,y messen8ers to visit him& and he as sittin8 at the door of the tent& and he ,ifted his eyes and sa & and ,o three men ere 9omin8 from a distan9e& and he rose %5 and ran to meet them& and he bo ed do n to them and bro%8ht them into his ho%se+ ; And he said to them& "f no " have fo%nd favor in yo%r si8ht& t%rn in and eat a morse, of breadJ and he 5ressed them& and they t%rned in and he 8ave them ater and they ashed their feet& and he 5,a9ed them %nder a tree at the door of the tent+ = And Abraham ran and took a 9a,f& tender and 8ood& and he hastened to ki,, it& and 8ave it to his servant E,ieFer to dress+ > And Abraham 9ame to Sarah into the tent& and he said to her& 7ake ready H%i9k,y three meas%res of fine mea,& knead it and make 9akes to 9over the 5ot 9ontainin8 the meat& and she did so+ / And Abraham hastened and bro%8ht before them b%tter and mi,k& beef and m%tton& and 8ave it before them to eat before the f,esh of the 9a,f as s%ffi9ient,y done& and they did eat+ A And hen they had done eatin8 one of them said to him& " i,, ret%rn to yo% a99ordin8 to the time of ,ife& and Sarah yo%r ife sha,, have a son+ '( And the men after ard de5arted and ent their ays& to the 5,a9es to hi9h they ere sent+ '' "n those days a,, the 5eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah& and of the ho,e five 9ities& ere eB9eedin8,y i9ked and sinf%, a8ainst YAHWEH and they 5rovoked YAHWEH ith their abominations& and they stren8thened in a8in8 abominab,y and s9ornf%,,y before YAHWEH& and their i9kedness and 9rimes ere in those days 8reat before YAHWEH+ '. And they had in their ,and a very eBtensive va,,ey& abo%t ha,f a day@s a,k& and in it there ere fo%ntains of ater and a 8reat dea, of herba8e s%rro%ndin8 the ater+ '* And a,, the 5eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah ent there fo%r times in the year& ith their ives and 9hi,dren and a,, be,on8in8 to them& and they reGoi9ed there ith timbre,s and dan9es+ ': And in the time of reGoi9in8 they o%,d a,, rise and ,ay ho,d of their nei8hbor@s ives& and some& the vir8in da%8hters of their nei8hbors& and they enGoyed them& and ea9h man sa his ife and da%8hter in the hands of his nei8hbor and did not say a ord+ '; And they did so from mornin8 to ni8ht& and they after ard ret%rned home ea9h man to his ho%se and ea9h oman to her tentJ so they a, ays did fo%r times in the year+ '= A,so hen a stran8er 9ame into their 9ities and bro%8ht 8oods hi9h he had 5%r9hased ith a vie to dis5ose of there& the 5eo5,e of these 9ities o%,d assemb,e& men& omen and 9hi,dren& yo%n8 and o,d& and 8o to the man and take his 8oods by for9e& 8ivin8 a ,itt,e to ea9h man %nti, there as an end to a,, the 8oods of the o ner hi9h he had bro%8ht into the ,and+ '> And if the o ner of the 8oods H%arre,ed ith them& sayin8& What is this ork hi9h yo% have done to me& then they o%,d a55roa9h to him one by one& and ea9h o%,d sho him the ,itt,e hi9h he took and ta%nt him& sayin8& " on,y took that ,itt,e hi9h yo% didst 8ive meJ and hen he heard this from them a,,& he o%,d arise and 8o from them in sorro and bitterness of so%,& hen they o%,d a,, arise and 8o after him& and drive him o%t of the 9ity ith 8reat noise and t%m%,t+ '/ And there as a man from the 9o%ntry of E,am ho as ,eis%re,y 8oin8 on the road& seated %5on his :;

ass& hi9h 9arried a fine mant,e of divers 9o,ors& and the mant,e as bo%nd ith a 9ord %5on the ass+ 'A And the man as on his Go%rney 5assin8 thro%8h the street of Sodom hen the s%n set in the evenin8& and he remained there in order to abide d%rin8 the ni8ht& b%t no one o%,d ,et him into his ho%seJ and at that time there as in Sodom a i9ked and mis9hievo%s man& one ski,,f%, to do evi,& and his name as Hedad+ .( And he ,ifted %5 his eyes and sa the trave,er in the street of the 9ity& and he 9ame to him and said& When9e 9ome yo% and hither dost yo% 8o# .' And the man said to him& " am trave,in8 from Hebron to E,am here " be,on8& and as " 5assed the s%n set and no one o%,d s%ffer me to enter his ho%se& tho%8h " had bread and ater and a,so stra and 5rovender for my ass& and am short of nothin8+ .. And Hedad ans ered and said to him& A,, that yo% sha,, ant sha,, be s%55,ied by me& b%t in the street yo% sha,, not abide a,, ni8ht+ .* And Hedad bro%8ht him to his ho%se& and he took off the mant,e from the ass ith the 9ord& and bro%8ht them to his ho%se& and he 8ave the ass stra and 5rovender hi,e the trave,er ate and drank in Hedad@s ho%se& and he abode there that ni8ht+ .: And in the mornin8 the trave,er rose %5 ear,y to 9ontin%e his Go%rney& hen Hedad said to him& Wait& 9omfort yo%r heart ith a morse, of bread and then 8o& and the man did soJ and he remained ith him& and they both ate and drank to8ether d%rin8 the day& hen the man rose %5 to 8o+ .; And Hedad said to him& Beho,d no the day is de9,inin8& yo% hadst better remain a,, ni8ht that yo%r heart may be 9omfortedJ and he 5ressed him so that he tarried there a,, ni8ht& and on the se9ond day he rose %5 ear,y to 8o a ay& hen Hedad 5ressed him& sayin8& 0omfort yo%r heart ith a morse, of bread and then 8o& and he remained and ate ith him a,so the se9ond day& and then the man rose %5 to 9ontin%e his Go%rney+ .= And Hedad said to him& Beho,d no the day is de9,inin8& remain ith me to 9omfort yo%r heart and in the mornin8 rise %5 ear,y and 8o yo%r ay+ .> And the man o%,d not remain& b%t rose and sadd,ed his ass& and hi,e he as sadd,in8 his ass the ife of Hedad said to her h%sband& Beho,d this man has remained ith %s for t o days eatin8 and drinkin8 and he has 8iven %s nothin8& and no sha,, he 8o a ay from %s itho%t 8ivin8 anythin8# and Hedad said to her& Be si,ent+ ./ And the man sadd,ed his ass to 8o& and he asked Hedad to 8ive him the 9ord and mant,e to tie it %5on the ass+ .A And Hedad said to him& What say yo%# And he said to him& 2hat yo% my ,ord sha,, 8ive me the 9ord and the mant,e made ith divers 9o,ors hi9h yo% didst 9on9ea, ith yo% in yo%r ho%se to take 9are of it+ *( And Hedad ans ered the man& sayin8& 2his is the inter5retation of yo%r dream& the 9ord hi9h yo% didst see& means that yo%r ,ife i,, be ,en8thened o%t ,ike a 9ord& and havin8 seen the mant,e 9o,ored ith a,, sorts of 9o,ors& means that yo% sha,, have a vineyard in hi9h yo% i,t 5,ant trees of a,, fr%its+ *' And the trave,er ans ered& sayin8& Not so my ,ord& for " as a ake hen " 8ave yo% the 9ord and a,so a mant,e oven ith different 9o,ors& hi9h yo% didst take off the ass to 5%t them by for meJ and Hedad ans ered and said& S%re,y " have to,d yo% the inter5retation of yo%r dream and it is a 8ood dream& and this is the inter5retation thereof+ *. No the sons of men 8ive me fo%r 5ie9es of si,ver& hi9h is my 9har8e for inter5retin8 dreams& and of yo% on,y " reH%ire three 5ie9es of si,ver+ ** And the man as 5rovoked at the ords of Hedad& and he 9ried bitter,y& and he bro%8ht Hedad to Serak G%d8e of Sodom+ *: And the man ,aid his 9a%se before Serak the G%d8e& hen Hedad re5,ied& sayin8& "t is not so& b%t th%s the matter standsJ and the G%d8e said to the trave,er& 2his man Hedad te,,s yo% tr%th& for he is famed in the 9ities for the a99%rate inter5retation of dreams+ *; And the man 9ried at the ord of the G%d8e& and he said& Not so my ,ord& for it as in the day that " 8ave him the 9ord and mant,e hi9h as %5on the ass& in order to 5%t them by in his ho%seJ and they both dis5%ted before the G%d8e& the one sayin8& 2h%s the matter as& and the other de9,arin8 other ise+ :=

*= And Hedad said to the man& ?ive me fo%r 5ie9es of si,ver that " 9har8e for my inter5retations of dreamsJ " i,, not make any a,,o an9eJ and 8ive me the eB5ense of the fo%r mea,s that yo% didst eat in my ho%se+ *> And the man said to Hedad& 2r%,y " i,, 5ay yo% for hat " ate in yo%r ho%se& on,y 8ive me the 9ord and mant,e hi9h yo% didst 9on9ea, in yo%r ho%se+ */ And Hedad re5,ied before the G%d8e and said to the man& Did " not te,, yo% the inter5retation of yo%r dream# the 9ord means that yo%r days sha,, be 5ro,on8ed ,ike a 9ord& and the mant,e& that yo% i,t have a vineyard in hi9h yo% i,t 5,ant a,, kinds of fr%it trees+ *A 2his is the 5ro5er inter5retation of yo%r dream& no 8ive me the fo%r 5ie9es of si,ver that " reH%ire as a 9om5ensation& for " i,, make yo% no a,,o an9e+ :( And the man 9ried at the ords of Hedad and they both H%arre,ed before the G%d8e& and the G%d8e 8ave orders to his servants& ho drove them rash,y from the ho%se+ :' And they ent a ay H%arre,in8 from the G%d8e& hen the 5eo5,e of Sodom heard them& and they 8athered abo%t them and they eB9,aimed a8ainst the stran8er& and they drove him rash,y from the 9ity+ :. And the man 9ontin%ed his Go%rney %5on his ass ith bitterness of so%,& ,amentin8 and ee5in8+ :* And hi,e he as 8oin8 a,on8 he e5t at hat had ha55ened to him in the 9orr%5t 9ity of Sodom+ 19 SODOM & GOMORRAH
0HA12ER 'A$$2he Abominations of the 5eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah+ 2 o Heaven,y 7essen8ers sent to Save Cot+ 2he 0ities of the 1,ain and a,, their "nhabitants Destroyed by 3ire+

' And the 9ities of Sodom had fo%r G%d8es to fo%r 9ities& and these ere their names& Serak in the 9ity of Sodom& Sharkad in ?omorrah& Iabna9 in Admah& and 7enon in Ieboyim+ . And E,ieFer Abraham@s servant a55,ied to them different names& and he 9onverted Serak to Shakra& Sharkad to Shakr%ra& Iebna9 to 4eFobim& and 7enon to 7atF,odin+ * And by desire of their fo%r G%d8es the 5eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah had beds ere9ted in the streets of the 9ities& and if a man 9ame to these 5,a9es they ,aid ho,d of him and bro%8ht him to one of their beds& and by for9e made him to ,ie in them+ : And as he ,ay do n& three men o%,d stand at his head and three at his feet& and meas%re him by the ,en8th of the bed& and if the man as ,ess than the bed these siB men o%,d stret9h him at ea9h end& and hen he 9ried o%t to them they o%,d not ans er him+ ; And if he as ,on8er than the bed they o%,d dra to8ether the t o sides of the bed at ea9h end& %nti, the man had rea9hed the 8ates of death+ = And if he 9ontin%ed to 9ry o%t to them& they o%,d ans er him& sayin8& 2h%s sha,, it be done to a man that 9omes into o%r ,and+ > And hen men heard a,, these thin8s that the 5eo5,e of the 9ities of Sodom did& they refrained from 9omin8 there+ / And hen a 5oor man 9ame to their ,and they o%,d 8ive him si,ver and 8o,d& and 9a%se a 5ro9,amation in the ho,e 9ity not to 8ive him a morse, of bread to eat& and if the stran8er sho%,d remain there some days& and die from h%n8er& not havin8 been ab,e to obtain a morse, of bread& then at his death a,, the 5eo5,e of the 9ity o%,d 9ome and take their si,ver and 8o,d hi9h they had 8iven to him+ A And those that 9o%,d re9o8niFe the si,ver or 8o,d hi9h they had 8iven him took it ba9k& and at his death they a,so stri55ed him of his 8arments& and they o%,d fi8ht abo%t them& and he that 5revai,ed over his nei8hbor took them+ '( 2hey o%,d after that 9arry him and b%ry him %nder some of the shr%bs in the desertsJ so they did a,, the days to any one that 9ame to them and died in their ,and+ '' And in the 9o%rse of time Sarah sent E,ieFer to Sodom& to see Cot and inH%ire after his e,fare+ '. And E,ieFer ent to Sodom& and he met a man of Sodom fi8htin8 ith a stran8er& and the man of Sodom stri55ed the 5oor man of a,, his 9,othes and ent a ay+ '* And this 5oor man 9ried to E,ieFer and s%55,i9ated his favor on a99o%nt of hat the man of Sodom had done to him+ :>

': And he said to him& Why dost yo% a9t th%s to the 5oor man ho 9ame to yo%r ,and# '; And the man of Sodom ans ered E,ieFer& sayin8& "s this man yo%r brother& or have the 5eo5,e of Sodom made yo% a G%d8e this day& that yo% s5eak abo%t this man# '= And E,ieFer strove ith the man of Sodom on a99o%nt of the 5oor man& and hen E,ieFer a55roa9hed to re9over the 5oor man@s 9,othes from the man of Sodom& he hastened and ith a stone smote E,ieFer in the forehead+ '> And the b,ood f,o ed 9o5io%s,y from E,ieFer@s forehead& and hen the man sa the b,ood he 9a%8ht ho,d of E,ieFer& sayin8& ?ive me my hire for havin8 rid yo% of this bad b,ood that as in yo%r forehead& for s%9h is the 9%stom and the ,a in o%r ,and+ '/ And E,ieFer said to him& Yo% hast o%nded me and reH%ire me to 5ay yo% yo%r hireJ and E,ieFer o%,d not hearken to the ords of the man of Sodom+ 'A And the man ,aid ho,d of E,ieFer and bro%8ht him to Shakra the G%d8e of Sodom for G%d8ment+ .( And the man s5oke to the G%d8e& sayin8& " besee9h yo% my ,ord& th%s has this man done& for " smote him ith a stone that the b,ood f,o ed from his forehead& and he is %n i,,in8 to 8ive me my hire+ .' And the G%d8e said to E,ieFer& 2his man s5eaks tr%th to yo%& 8ive him his hire& for this is the 9%stom in o%r ,andJ and E,ieFer heard the ords of the G%d8e& and he ,ifted %5 a stone and smote the G%d8e& and the stone str%9k on his forehead& and the b,ood f,o ed 9o5io%s,y from the forehead of the G%d8e& and E,ieFer said& "f this then is the 9%stom in yo%r ,and 8ive yo% %nto this man hat " sho%,d have 8iven him& for this has been yo%r de9ision& yo% didst de9ree it+ .. And E,ieFer ,eft the man of Sodom ith the G%d8e& and he ent a ay+ .* And hen the kin8s of E,am had made ar ith the kin8s of Sodom& the kin8s of E,am 9a5t%red a,, the 5ro5erty of Sodom& and they took Cot 9a5tive& ith his 5ro5erty& and hen it as to,d to Abraham he ent and made ar ith the kin8s of E,am& and he re9overed from their hands a,, the 5ro5erty of Cot as e,, as the 5ro5erty of Sodom+ .: At that time the ife of Cot bare him a da%8hter& and he 9a,,ed her name 1a,tith& sayin8& Be9a%se YAHWEH had de,ivered him and his ho,e ho%seho,d from the kin8s of E,amJ and 1a,tith da%8hter of Cot 8re %5& and one of the men of Sodom took her for a ife+ .; And a 5oor man 9ame into the 9ity to seek a maintenan9e& and he remained in the 9ity some days& and a,, the 5eo5,e of Sodom 9a%sed a 5ro9,amation of their 9%stom not to 8ive this man a morse, of bread to eat& %nti, he dro55ed dead %5on the earth& and they did so+ .= And 1a,tith the da%8hter of Cot sa this man ,yin8 in the streets starved ith h%n8er& and no one o%,d 8ive him any thin8 to kee5 him a,ive& and he as G%st %5on the 5oint of death+ .> And her so%, as fi,,ed ith 5ity on a99o%nt of the man& and she fed him se9ret,y ith bread for many days& and the so%, of this man as revived+ ./ 3or hen she ent forth to fet9h ater she o%,d 5%t the bread in the ater 5it9her& and hen she 9ame to the 5,a9e here the 5oor man as& she took the bread from the 5it9her and 8ave it him to eatJ so she did many days+ .A And a,, the 5eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah ondered ho this man 9o%,d bear starvation for so many days+ *( And they said to ea9h other& 2his 9an on,y be that he eats and drinks& for no man 9an bear starvation for so many days or ,ive as this man has& itho%t even his 9o%ntenan9e 9han8in8J and three men 9on9ea,ed themse,ves in a 5,a9e here the 5oor man as stationed& to kno ho it as that bro%8ht him bread to eat+ *' And 1a,tith da%8hter of Cot ent forth that day to fet9h ater& and she 5%t bread into her 5it9her of ater& and she ent to dra ater by the 5oor man@s 5,a9e& and she took o%t the bread from the 5it9her and 8ave it to the 5oor man and he ate it+ *. And the three men sa hat 1a,tith did to the 5oor man& and they said to her& "t is yo% then ho hast s%55orted him& and therefore has he not starved& nor 9han8ed in a55earan9e nor died ,ike the rest+ ** And the three men ent o%t of the 5,a9e in hi9h they ere 9on9ea,ed& and they seiFed 1a,tith and the bread hi9h as in the 5oor man@s hand+ *: And they took 1a,tith and bro%8ht her before their G%d8es& and they said to them& 2h%s did she do& and it :/

is she ho s%55,ied the 5oor man ith bread& therefore did he not die a,, this timeJ no therefore de9,are to %s the 5%nishment d%e to this oman for havin8 trans8ressed o%r ,a + *; And the 5eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah assemb,ed and kind,ed a fire in the street of the 9ity& and they took the oman and 9ast her into the fire and she as b%rned to ashes+ *= And in the 9ity of Admah there as a oman to hom they did the ,ike+ *> 3or a trave,er 9ame into the 9ity of Admah to abide there a,, ni8ht& ith the intention of 8oin8 home in the mornin8& and he sat o55osite the door of the ho%se of the yo%n8 oman@s father& to remain there& as the s%n had set hen be had rea9hed that 5,a9eJ and the yo%n8 oman sa him sittin8 by the door of the ho%se+ */ And he asked her for a drink of ater and she said to him& Who are yo%# and he said to her& " as this day 8oin8 on the road& and rea9hed here hen the s%n set& so " i,, abide here a,, ni8ht& and in the mornin8 " i,, arise ear,y and 9ontin%e my Go%rney+ *A And the yo%n8 oman ent into the ho%se and fet9hed the man bread and ater to eat and drink+ :( And this affair be9ame kno n to the 5eo5,e of Admah& and they assemb,ed and bro%8ht the yo%n8 oman before the G%d8es& that they sho%,d G%d8e her for this a9t+ :' And the G%d8e said& 2he G%d8ment of death m%st 5ass %5on this oman be9a%se she trans8ressed o%r ,a & and this therefore is the de9ision 9on9ernin8 her+ :. And the 5eo5,e of those 9ities assemb,ed and bro%8ht o%t the yo%n8 oman& and anointed her ith honey from head to foot& as the G%d8e had de9reed& and they 5,a9ed her before a s arm of bees hi9h ere then in their hives& and the bees f,e %5on her and st%n8 her that her ho,e body as s e,,ed+ :* And the yo%n8 oman 9ried o%t on a99o%nt of the bees& b%t no one took noti9e of her or 5itied her& and her 9ries as9ended to heaven+ :: And YAHWEH as 5rovoked at this and at a,, the orks of the 9ities of Sodom& for they had ab%ndan9e of food& and had tranH%i,ity amon8st them& and sti,, o%,d not s%stain the 5oor and the needy& and in those days their evi, doin8s and sins be9ame 8reat before YAHWEH+ :; And YAHWEH sent for t o of the heaven,y messen8ers that had 9ome to Abraham@s ho%se& to destroy Sodom and its 9ities+ := And the heaven,y messen8ers rose %5 from the door of Abraham@s tent& after they had eaten and dr%nk& and they rea9hed Sodom in the evenin8& and Cot as then sittin8 in the 8ate of Sodom& and hen he sa them he rose to meet them& and he bo ed do n to the 8ro%nd+ :> And he 5ressed them 8reat,y and bro%8ht them into his ho%se& and he 8ave them vi9t%a,s hi9h they ate& and they abode a,, ni8ht in his ho%se+ :/ And the heaven,y messen8ers said to Cot& Arise& 8o forth from this 5,a9e& yo% and a,, be,on8in8 to yo%& ,est yo% be 9ons%med in the iniH%ity of this 9ity& for YAHWEH i,, destroy this 5,a9e+ :A And the heaven,y messen8ers ,aid ho,d %5on the hand of Cot and %5on the hand of his ife& and %5on the hands of his 9hi,dren& and a,, be,on8in8 to him& and they bro%8ht him forth and set him itho%t the 9ities+ ;( And they said to Cot& Es9a5e for yo%r ,ife& and he f,ed and a,, be,on8in8 to him+ ;' 2hen YAHWEH rained %5on Sodom and %5on ?omorrah and %5on a,, these 9ities brimstone and fire from YAHWEH o%t of heaven+ ;. And he overthre these 9ities& a,, the 5,ain and a,, the inhabitants of the 9ities& and that hi9h 8re %5on the 8ro%ndJ and Ado the ife of Cot ,ooked ba9k to see the destr%9tion of the 9ities& for her 9om5assion as moved on a99o%nt of her da%8hters ho remained in Sodom& for they did not 8o ith her+ ;* And hen she ,ooked ba9k she be9ame a 5i,,ar of sa,t& and it is yet in that 5,a9e %nto this day+ ;: And the oBen hi9h stood in that 5,a9e dai,y ,i9ked %5 the sa,t to the eBtremities of their feet& and in the mornin8 it o%,d s5rin8 forth afresh& and they a8ain ,i9ked it %5 %nto this day+ ;; And Cot and t o of his da%8hters that remained ith him f,ed and es9a5ed to the 9ave of Ad%,,am& and they remained there for some time+ ;= And Abraham rose %5 ear,y in the mornin8 to see hat had been done to the 9ities of SodomJ and he ,ooked and behe,d the smoke of the 9ities 8oin8 %5 ,ike the smoke of a f%rna9e+ ;> And Cot and his t o da%8hters remained in the 9ave& and they made their father drink ine& and they ,ay :A

ith him& for they said there as no man %5on earth that 9o%,d raise %5 seed from them& for they tho%8ht that the ho,e earth as destroyed+ ;/ And they both ,ay ith their father& and they 9on9eived and bare sons& and the first born 9a,,ed the name of her son 7oab& sayin8& 3rom my father did " 9on9eive himJ he is the father of the 7oabites %nto this day+ ;A And the yo%n8er a,so 9a,,ed her son BenamiJ he is the father of the 9hi,dren of Ammon %nto this day+ =( And after this Cot and his t o da%8hters ent a ay from there& and he d e,t on the other side of the Yardan ith his t o da%8hters and their sons& and the sons of Cot 8re %5& and they ent and took themse,ves ives from the ,and of 0anaan& and they be8at 9hi,dren and they ere fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,ied+ 0 ABRAHAM TO $HILISTINES
0HA12ER .($$Abraham 8oes to the ,and of the 1hi,istines& and a8ain te,,s the 1eo5,e that Sarah is his Sister+ Abime,e9h the 4in8 desires her for a Wife+ An Heaven,y 7essen8er arns him& and 9ommands him to ret%rn her to her H%sband+ 2he ho,e ,and aff,i9ted on a99o%nt of the matter+ Sarah Restored to Abraham& ho entreats YAHWEH to hea, the 1eo5,e of Abime,e9h+

' And at that time Abraham Go%rneyed from the 5,ain of 7amre& and he ent to the ,and of the 1hi,istines& and he d e,t in ?erarJ it as in the t enty$fifth year of Abraham@s bein8 in the ,and of 0anaan& and the h%ndredth year of the ,ife of Abraham& that he 9ame to ?erar in the ,and of the 1hi,istines+ . And hen they entered the ,and he said to Sarah his ife& Say yo% are my sister& to any one that sha,, ask yo%& in order that e may es9a5e the evi, of the inhabitants of the ,and+ * And as Abraham as d e,,in8 in the ,and of the 1hi,istines& the servants of Abime,e9h& kin8 of the 1hi,istines& sa that Sarah as eB9eedin8,y bea%tif%,& and they asked Abraham 9on9ernin8 her& and he said& She is my sister+ : And the servants of Abime,e9h ent to Abime,e9h& sayin8& A man from the ,and of 0anaan is 9ome to d e,, in the ,and& and he has a sister that is eB9eedin8 fair+ ; And Abime,e9h heard the ords of his servants ho 5raised Sarah to him& and Abime,e9h sent his offi9ers& and they bro%8ht Sarah to the kin8+ = And Sarah 9ame to the ho%se of Abime,e9h& and the kin8 sa that Sarah as bea%tif%,& and she 5,eased him eB9eedin8,y+ > And he a55roa9hed her and said to her& What is that man to yo% ith hom yo% didst 9ome to o%r ,and# and Sarah ans ered and said He is my brother& and e 9ame from the ,and of 0anaan to d e,, herever e 9o%,d find a 5,a9e+ / And Abime,e9h said to Sarah& Beho,d my ,and is before yo%& 5,a9e yo%r brother in any 5art of this ,and that 5,eases yo%& and it i,, be o%r d%ty to eBa,t and e,evate him above a,, the 5eo5,e of the ,and sin9e he is yo%r brother+ A And Abime,e9h sent for Abraham& and Abraham 9ame to Abime,e9h+ '( And Abime,e9h said to Abraham& Beho,d " have 8iven orders that yo% sha,, be honored as yo% desire on a99o%nt of yo%r sister Sarah+ '' And Abraham ent forth from the kin8& and the kin8@s 5resent fo,,o ed him+ '. As at evenin8 time& before men ,ie do n to rest& the kin8 as sittin8 %5on his throne& and a dee5 s,ee5 fe,, %5on him& and he ,ay %5on the throne and s,e5t ti,, mornin8+ '* And he dreamed that an heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH 9ame to him ith a dra n s ord in his hand& and the heaven,y messen8er stood over Abime,e9h& and ished to s,ay him ith the s ord& and the kin8 as terrified in his dream& and said to the heaven,y messen8er& "n hat have " sinned a8ainst yo% that yo% 9ome to s,ay me ith yo%r s ord# ': And the heaven,y messen8er ans ered and said to Abime,e9h& Beho,d yo% die on a99o%nt of the oman hi9h yo% didst yesterni8ht brin8 to yo%r ho%se& for she is a married oman& the ife of Abraham ho 9ame to yo%r ho%seJ no therefore ret%rn that man his ife& for she is his ifeJ and sho%,dst yo% not ret%rn her& kno that yo% i,t s%re,y die& yo% and a,, be,on8in8 to yo%+ '; And on that ni8ht there as a 8reat o%t9ry in the ,and of the 1hi,istines& and the inhabitants of the ,and sa the fi8%re of a man standin8 ith a dra n s ord in his hand& and he smote the inhabitants of the ,and ;(

ith the s ord& yea he 9ontin%ed to smite them+ '= And the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH smote the ho,e ,and of the 1hi,istines on that ni8ht& and there as a 8reat 9onf%sion on that ni8ht and on the fo,,o in8 mornin8+ '> And every omb as 9,osed& and a,, their iss%es& and the hand of YAHWEH as %5on them on a99o%nt of Sarah& ife of Abraham& hom Abime,e9h had taken+ '/ And in the mornin8 Abime,e9h rose ith terror and 9onf%sion and ith a 8reat dread& and he sent and had his servants 9a,,ed in& and he re,ated his dream to them& and the 5eo5,e ere 8reat,y afraid+ 'A And one man standin8 amon8st the servants of the kin8 ans ered the kin8& sayin8& < soverei8n kin8& restore this oman to her h%sband& for he is her h%sband& for the ,ike ha55ened to the kin8 of E8y5t hen this man 9ame to E8y5t+ .( And he said 9on9ernin8 his ife& She is my sister& for s%9h is his manner of doin8 hen he 9omes to d e,, in the ,and in hi9h he is a stran8er+ .' And 1haraoh sent and took this oman for a ife and YAHWEH bro%8ht %5on him 8rievo%s 5,a8%es %nti, he ret%rned the oman to her h%sband+ .. No therefore& < soverei8n kin8& kno hat ha55ened yesterni8ht to the ho,e ,and& for there as a very 8reat 9onsternation and 8reat 5ain and ,amentation& and e kno that it as on a99o%nt of the oman hi9h yo% didst take+ .* No & therefore& restore this oman to her h%sband& ,est it sho%,d befa,, %s as it did to 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t and his s%bGe9ts& and that e may not dieJ and Abime,e9h hastened and 9a,,ed and had Sarah 9a,,ed for& and she 9ame before him& and he had Abraham 9a,,ed for& and he 9ame before him+ .: And Abime,e9h said to them& What is this ork yo% have been doin8 in sayin8 yo% are brother and sister& and " took this oman for a ife# .; And Abraham said& Be9a%se " tho%8ht " sho%,d s%ffer death on a99o%nt of my ifeJ and Abime,e9h took f,o9ks and herds& and men servants and maid servants& and a tho%sand 5ie9es of si,ver& and he 8ave them to Abraham& and he ret%rned Sarah to him+ .= And Abime,e9h said to Abraham& Beho,d the ho,e ,and is before yo%& d e,, in it herever yo% sha,, 9hoose+ .> And Abraham and Sarah& his ife& ent forth from the kin8@s 5resen9e ith honor and res5e9t& and they d e,t in the ,and& even in ?erar+ ./ And a,, the inhabitants of the ,and of the 1hi,istines and the kin8@s servants ere sti,, in 5ain& thro%8h the 5,a8%e hi9h the heaven,y messen8er had inf,i9ted %5on them the ho,e ni8ht on a99o%nt of Sarah+ .A And Abime,e9h sent for Abraham& sayin8& 1ray no for yo%r servants to YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y& that he may 5%t a ay this morta,ity from amon8st %s+ *( And Abraham 5rayed on a99o%nt of Abime,e9h and his s%bGe9ts& and YAHWEH heard the 5rayer of Abraham& and he hea,ed Abime,e9h and a,, his s%bGe9ts+ 1 YITSCHA% IS BORN
0HA12ER .'$$Yits9haH is Born& 9a%sin8 m%9h ReGoi9in8 amon8 the 3riends of Abraham+ "shmae, Attem5ts to ki,, Yits9haH& and on that a99o%nt is sent a ay ith his 7other+ "shmae, is b,essed ith Ri9hes and 1osterity+

' And it as at that time at the end of a year and fo%r months of Abraham@s d e,,in8 in the ,and of the 1hi,istines in ?erar& that YAHWEH visited Sarah& and YAHWEH remembered her& and she 9on9eived and bare a son to Abraham+ . And Abraham 9a,,ed the name of the son hi9h as born to him& hi9h Sarah bare to him& Yits9haH+ * And Abraham 9ir9%m9ised his son Yits9haH at ei8ht days o,d& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded Abraham to do %nto his seed after himJ and Abraham as one h%ndred& and Sarah ninety years o,d& hen Yits9haH as born to them+ : And the 9hi,d 8re %5 and he as eaned& and Abraham made a 8reat feast %5on the day that Yits9haH as eaned+ ; And Shem and Eber and a,, the 8reat 5eo5,e of the ,and& and Abime,e9h kin8 of the 1hi,istines& and his ;'

servants& and 1hi9o,& the 9a5tain of his host& 9ame to eat and drink and reGoi9e at the feast hi9h Abraham made %5on the day of his son Yits9haH@s bein8 eaned+ = A,so 2erah& the father of Abraham& and Nahor his brother& 9ame from Haran& they and a,, be,on8in8 to them& for they 8reat,y reGoi9ed on hearin8 that a son had been born to Sarah+ > And they 9ame to Abraham& and they ate and drank at the feast hi9h Abraham made %5on the day of Yits9haH@s bein8 eaned+ / And 2erah and Nahor reGoi9ed ith Abraham& and they remained ith him many days in the ,and of the 1hi,istines+ A At that time Ser%8 the son of Re% died& in the first year of the birth of Yits9haH son of Abraham+ '( And a,, the days of Ser%8 ere t o h%ndred and thirty$nine years& and he died+ '' And "shmae, the son of Abraham as 8ro n %5 in those daysJ he as fo%rteen years o,d hen Sarah bare Yits9haH to Abraham+ '. And YAHWEH as ith "shmae, the son of Abraham& and he 8re %5& and he ,earned to %se the bo and be9ame an ar9her+ '* And hen Yits9haH as five years o,d he as sittin8 ith "shmae, at the door of the tent+ ': And "shmae, 9ame to Yits9haH and seated himse,f o55osite to him& and he took the bo and dre it and 5%t the arro in it& and intended to s,ay Yits9haH+ '; And Sarah sa the a9t hi9h "shmae, desired to do to her son Yits9haH& and it 8rieved her eB9eedin8,y on a99o%nt of her son& and she sent for Abraham& and said to him& 0ast o%t this bond oman and her son& for her son sha,, not be heir ith my son& for th%s did he seek to do %nto him this day+ '= And Abraham hearkened to the voi9e of Sarah& and he rose %5 ear,y in the mornin8& and he took t e,ve ,oaves and a bott,e of ater hi9h he 8ave to Ha8ar& and sent her a ay ith her son& and Ha8ar ent ith her son to the i,derness& and they d e,t in the i,derness of 1aran ith the inhabitants of the i,derness& and "shmae, as an ar9her& and he d e,t in the i,derness a ,on8 time+ '> And he and his mother after ard ent to the ,and of E8y5t& and they d e,t there& and Ha8ar took a ife for her son from E8y5t& and her name as 7eribah+ '/ And the ife of "shmae, 9on9eived and bare fo%r sons and t o da%8hters& and "shmae, and his mother and his ife and 9hi,dren after ard ent and ret%rned to the i,derness+ 'A And they made themse,ves tents in the i,derness& in hi9h they d e,t& and they 9ontin%ed to trave, and then to rest month,y and year,y+ .( And YAHWEH 8ave "shmae, f,o9ks and herds and tents on a99o%nt of Abraham his father& and the man in9reased in 9att,e+ .' And "shmae, d e,t in deserts and in tents& trave,in8 and restin8 for a ,on8 time& and he did not see the fa9e of his father+ .. And in some time after& Abraham said to Sarah his ife& " i,, 8o and see my son "shmae,& for " have a desire to see him& for " have not seen him for a ,on8 time+ .* And Abraham rode %5on one of his 9ame,s to the i,derness to seek his son "shmae,& for he heard that he as d e,,in8 in a tent in the i,derness ith a,, be,on8in8 to him+ .: And Abraham ent to the i,derness& and he rea9hed the tent of "shmae, abo%t noon& and he asked after "shmae,& and he fo%nd the ife of "shmae, sittin8 in the tent ith her 9hi,dren& and "shmae, her h%sband and his mother ere not ith them+ .; And Abraham asked the ife of "shmae,& sayin8& Where has "shmae, 8one# and she said& He has 8one to the fie,d to h%nt& and Abraham as sti,, mo%nted %5on the 9ame,& for he o%,d not 8et off to the 8ro%nd as he had s orn to his ife Sarah that he o%,d not 8et off from the 9ame,+ .= And Abraham said to "shmae,@s ife& 7y da%8hter& 8ive me a ,itt,e ater that " may drink& for " am fati8%ed from the Go%rney+ .> And "shmae,@s ife ans ered and said to Abraham& We have neither ater nor bread& and she 9ontin%ed sittin8 in the tent and did not noti9e Abraham& neither did she ask him ho he as+ ./ B%t she as beatin8 her 9hi,dren in the tent& and she as 9%rsin8 them& and she a,so 9%rsed her h%sband "shmae, and re5roa9hed him& and Abraham heard the ords of "shmae,@s ife to her 9hi,dren& and he as ;.

very an8ry and dis5,eased+ .A And Abraham 9a,,ed to the oman to 9ome o%t to him from the tent& and the oman 9ame and stood o55osite to Abraham& for Abraham as sti,, mo%nted %5on the 9ame,+ *( And Abraham said to "shmae,@s ife& When yo%r h%sband "shmae, ret%rnshome say these ords to him& *' A very o,d man from the ,and of the 1hi,istines 9ame hither to seek yo%& and th%s as his a55earan9e and fi8%reJ " did not ask him ho he as& and seein8 yo% ast not here he s5oke %nto me and said& When "shmae, yo%r h%sband ret%rns te,, him th%s did this man say& When yo% 9ome home 5%t a ay this nai, of the tent hi9h yo% hast 5,a9ed here& and 5,a9e another nai, in its stead+ *. And Abraham finished his instr%9tions to the oman& and he t%rned and ent off on the 9ame, home ard+ ** And after that "shmae, 9ame from the 9hase he and his mother& and ret%rned to the tent& and his ife s5oke these ords to him& *: A very o,d man from the ,and of the 1hi,istines 9ame to seek yo%& and th%s as his a55earan9e and fi8%reJ " did not ask him ho he as& and seein8 yo% ast not at home he said to me& When yo%r h%sband 9omes home te,, him& th%s saith the o,d man& 1%t a ay the nai, of the tent hi9h yo% hast 5,a9ed here and 5,a9e another nai, in its stead+ *; And "shmae, heard the ords of his ife& and he kne that it as his father& and that his ife did not honor him+ *= And "shmae, %nderstood his father@s ords that he had s5oken to his ife& and "shmae, hearkened to the voi9e of his father& and "shmae, 9ast off that oman and she ent a ay+ *> And "shmae, after ard ent to the ,and of 0anaan& and he took another ife and he bro%8ht her to his tent to the 5,a9e here he then d e,t+ */ And at the end of three years Abraham said& " i,, 8o a8ain and see "shmae, my son& for " have not seen him for a ,on8 time+ *A And he rode %5on his 9ame, and ent to the i,derness& and he rea9hed the tent of "shmae, abo%t noon+ :( And he asked after "shmae,& and his ife 9ame o%t of the tent and she said& He is not here my ,ord& for he has 8one to h%nt in the fie,ds& and to feed the 9ame,s& and the oman said to Abraham& 2%rn in my ,ord into the tent& and eat a morse, of bread& for yo%r so%, m%st be earied on a99o%nt of the Go%rney+ :' And Abraham said to her& " i,, not sto5 for " am in haste to 9ontin%e my Go%rney& b%t 8ive me a ,itt,e ater to drink& for " have thirstJ and the oman hastened and ran into the tent and she bro%8ht o%t ater and bread to Abraham& hi9h she 5,a9ed before him and she %r8ed him to eat& and he ate and drank and his heart as 9omforted and he b,essed his son "shmae,+ :. And he finished his mea, and he b,essed YAHWEH& and he said to "shmae,@s ife& When "shmae, 9omes home say these ords to him& :* A very o,d man from the ,and of the 1hi,istines 9ame hither and asked after yo%& and yo% ast not hereJ and " bro%8ht him o%t bread and ater and he ate and drank and his heart as 9omforted+ :: And he s5oke these ords to me) When "shmae, yo%r h%sband 9omes home& say %nto him& 2he nai, of the tent hi9h yo% hast is very 8ood& do not 5%t it a ay from the tent+ :; And Abraham finished 9ommandin8 the oman& and he rode off to his home to the ,and of the 1hi,istinesJ and hen "shmae, 9ame to his tent his ife ent forth to meet him ith Goy and a 9heerf%, heart+ := And she said to him& An o,d man 9ame here from the ,and of the 1hi,istines and th%s as his a55earan9e& and he asked after yo% and yo% ast not here& so " bro%8ht o%t bread and ater& and he ate and drank and his heart as 9omforted+ :> And he s5oke these ords to me& When "shmae, yo%r h%sband 9omes home say to him& 2he nai, of the tent hi9h yo% hast is very 8ood& do not 5%t it a ay from the tent+ :/ And "shmae, kne that it as his father& and that his ife had honored him& and YAHWEH b,essed "shmae,+


ISHMAEL RETURNS 0HA12ER ..$$"shmae, ret%rns to his 3ather& ith his Wives and 0hi,dren+ Abraham Ret%rns to 0anaan and makes his Home in Beersheba& here he Hos5itab,y Entertains a,, stran8ers and tea9hes them the ay of YAHWEH+ Yits9haH and "shmae,@s 9onversation+ 2he <fferin8 of Yits9haH 3oreto,d+ Satan@s o5inion of the 3ather of the 3aithf%,+ ' And "shmae, then rose %5 and took his ife and his 9hi,dren and his 9att,e and a,, be,on8in8 to him& and he Go%rneyed from there and he ent to his father in the ,and of the 1hi,istines+ . And Abraham re,ated to "shmae, his son the transa9tion ith the first ife that "shmae, took& a99ordin8 to hat she did+ * And "shmae, and his 9hi,dren d e,t ith Abraham many days in that ,and& and Abraham d e,t in the ,and of the 1hi,istines a ,on8 time+ : And the days in9reased and rea9hed t enty siB years& and after that Abraham ith his servants and a,, be,on8in8 to him ent from the ,and of the 1hi,istines and removed to a 8reat distan9e& and they 9ame near to Hebron& and they remained there& and the servants of Abraham d%8 e,,s of ater& and Abraham and a,, be,on8in8 to him d e,t by the ater& and the servants of Abime,e9h kin8 of the 1hi,istines heard the re5ort that Abraham@s servants had d%8 e,,s of ater in the borders of the ,and+ ; And they 9ame and H%arre,ed ith the servants of Abraham& and they robbed them of the 8reat e,, hi9h they had d%8+ = And Abime,e9h kin8 of the 1hi,istines heard of this affair& and he ith 1hi9o, the 9a5tain of his host and t enty of his men 9ame to Abraham& and Abime,e9h s5oke to Abraham 9on9ernin8 his servants& and Abraham reb%ked Abime,e9h 9on9ernin8 the e,, of hi9h his servants had robbed him+ > And Abime,e9h said to Abraham& As YAHWEH ,ives ho 9reated the ho,e earth& " did not hear of the a9t hi9h my servants did %nto yo%r servants %nti, this day+ / And Abraham took seven e e ,ambs and 8ave them to Abime,e9h& sayin8& 2ake these& " 5ray yo%& from my hands that it may be a testimony for me that " d%8 this e,,+ A And Abime,e9h took the seven e e ,ambs hi9h Abraham had 8iven to him& for he had a,so 8iven him 9att,e and herds in ab%ndan9e& and Abime,e9h s ore to Abraham 9on9ernin8 the e,,& therefore he 9a,,ed that e,, Beersheba& for there they both s ore 9on9ernin8 it+ '( And they both made a 9ovenant in Beersheba& and Abime,e9h rose %5 ith 1hi9o, the 9a5tain of his host and a,, his men& and they ret%rned to the ,and of the 1hi,istines& and Abraham and a,, be,on8in8 to him d e,t in Beersheba and he as in that ,and a ,on8 time+ '' And Abraham 5,anted a ,ar8e 8rove in Beersheba& and he made to it fo%r 8ates fa9in8 the fo%r sides of the earth& and he 5,anted a vineyard in it& so that if a trave,er 9ame to Abraham he entered any 8ate hi9h as in his road& and remained there and ate and drank and satisfied himse,f and then de5arted+ '. 3or the ho%se of Abraham as a, ays o5en to the sons of men that 5assed and re5assed& ho 9ame dai,y to eat and drink in the ho%se of Abraham+ '* And any man ho had h%n8er and 9ame to Abraham@s ho%se& Abraham o%,d 8ive him bread that he mi8ht eat and drink and be satisfied& and any one that 9ame naked to his ho%se he o%,d 9,othe ith 8arments as he mi8ht 9hoose& and 8ive him si,ver and 8o,d and make kno n to him YAHWEH ho had 9reated him in the earthJ this did Abraham a,, his ,ife+ ': And Abraham and his 9hi,dren and a,, be,on8in8 to him d e,t in Beersheba& and he 5it9hed his tent as far as Hebron+ '; And Abraham@s brother Nahor and his father and a,, be,on8in8 to them d e,t in Haran& for they did not 9ome ith Abraham to the ,and of 0anaan+ '= And 9hi,dren ere born to Nahor hi9h 7i,9a the da%8hter of Haran& and sister to Sarah& Abraham@s ife& bare to him+ '> And these are the names of those that ere born to him& DF& B%F& 4em%e,& 4esed& 0haFo& 1i,dash& ;:

2id,af& and Beth%e,& bein8 ei8ht sons& these are the 9hi,dren of 7i,9a hi9h she bare to Nahor& Abraham@s brother+ '/ And Nahor had a 9on9%bine and her name as Re%mah& and she a,so bare to Nahor& Ieba9h& ?a9hash& 2a9hash and 7aa9ha& bein8 fo%r sons+ 'A And the 9hi,dren that ere born to Nahor ere t e,ve sons besides his da%8hters& and they a,so had 9hi,dren born to them in Haran+ .( And the 9hi,dren of DF the first born of Nahor ere Abi& 0heref& ?adin& 7e,%s& and Deborah their sister+ .' And the sons of B%F ere Bera9he,& Naamath& Sheva& and 7adon%+ .. And the sons of 4em%e, ere Aram and Re9hob+ .* And the sons of 4esed ere Anam,e9h& 7eshai& Benon and YifiJ and the sons of 0haFo ere 1i,dash& 7e9hi and <5her+ .: And the sons of 1i,dash ere Ar%d& 0ham%m& 7ered and 7o,o9h+ .; And the sons of 2id,af ere 7%shan& 0%shan and 7%tFi+ .= And the 9hi,dren of Beth%e, ere Se9har& Caban and their sister Rebe99a+ .> 2hese are the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Nahor& that ere born to them in HaranJ and Aram the son of 4em%e, and Re9hob his brother ent a ay from Haran& and they fo%nd a va,,ey in the ,and by the river E%5hrates+ ./ And they b%i,t a 9ity there& and they 9a,,ed the name of the 9ity after the name of 1ethor the son of Aram& that is Aram Naherayim %nto this day+ .A And the 9hi,dren of 4esed a,so ent to d e,, here they 9o%,d find a 5,a9e& and they ent and they fo%nd a va,,ey o55osite to the ,and of Shinar& and they d e,t there+ *( And they there b%i,t themse,ves a 9ity& and they 9a,,ed the name at the 9ity 4esed after the name of their father& that is the ,and 4asdim %nto this day& and the 4asdim d e,t in that ,and and they ere fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,ied eB9eedin8,y+ *' And 2erah& father of Nahor and Abraham& ent and took another ife in his o,d a8e& and her name as 1e,i,ah& and she 9on9eived and bare him a son and he 9a,,ed his name Ioba+ *. And 2erah ,ived t enty$five years after he be8at Ioba+ ** And 2erah died in that year& that is in the thirty$fifth year of the birth of Yits9haH son of Abraham+ *: And the days of 2erah ere t o h%ndred and five years& and he as b%ried in Haran+ *; And Ioba the son of 2erah ,ived thirty years and he be8at Aram& A9h,is and 7erik+ *= And Aram son of Ioba son of 2erah& had three ives and he be8at t e,ve sons and three da%8htersJ and YAHWEH 8ave to Aram the son of Ioba& ri9hes and 5ossessions& and ab%ndan9e of 9att,e& and f,o9ks and herds& and the man in9reased 8reat,y+ *> And Aram the son of Ioba and his brother and a,, his ho%seho,d Go%rneyed from Haran& and they ent to d e,, here they sho%,d find a 5,a9e& for their 5ro5erty as too 8reat to remain in HaranJ for they 9o%,d not sto5 in Haran to8ether ith their brethren the 9hi,dren of Nahor+ */ And Aram the son of Ioba ent ith his brethren& and they fo%nd a va,,ey at a distan9e to ard the eastern 9o%ntry and they d e,t there+ *A And they a,so b%i,t a 9ity there& and they 9a,,ed the name thereof Aram& after the name of their e,dest brotherJ that is Aram Ioba to this day+ :( And Yits9haH the son of Abraham as 8ro in8 %5 in those days& and Abraham his father ta%8ht him the ay of YAHWEH to kno YAHWEH& and YAHWEH as ith him+ :' And hen Yits9haH as thirty$seven years o,d& "shmae, his brother as 8oin8 abo%t ith him in the tent+ :. And "shmae, boasted of himse,f to Yits9haH& sayin8& " as thirteen years o,d hen YAHWEH s5oke to my father to 9ir9%m9ise %s& and " did a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH hi9h he s5oke to my father& and " 8ave my so%, %nto YAHWEH& and " did not trans8ress his ord hi9h he 9ommanded my father+ :* And Yits9haH ans ered "shmae,& sayin8& Why dost yo% boast to me abo%t this& abo%t a ,itt,e bit of yo%r f,esh hi9h yo% didst take from yo%r body& 9on9ernin8 hi9h YAHWEH 9ommanded yo%# :: As YAHWEH ,iveth& the AC7"?H2Y of my father Abraham& if YAHWEH sho%,d say %nto my father& ;;

2ake no yo%r son Yits9haH and brin8 him %5 an offerin8 before me& " o%,d not refrain b%t " o%,d Goyf%,,y a99ede to it+ :; And YAHWEH heard the ord that Yits9haH s5oke to "shmae,& and it seemed 8ood in the si8ht of YAHWEH& and he tho%8ht to try Abraham in this matter+ := And the day arrived hen the sons of YAHWEH 9ame and 5,a9ed themse,ves before YAHWEH& and Satan a,so 9ame ith the sons of YAHWEH before YAHWEH+ :> And YAHWEH said %nto Satan& When9e 9ome yo%# and Satan ans ered YAHWEH and said& 3rom 8oin8 to and fro in the earth& and from a,kin8 %5 and do n in it+ :/ And YAHWEH said to Satan& What is yo%r ord to me 9on9ernin8 a,, the 9hi,dren of the earth# and Satan ans ered YAHWEH and said& " have seen a,, the 9hi,dren of the earth ho serve yo% and remember yo% hen they reH%ire anythin8 from yo%+ :A And hen yo% 8ive them the thin8 hi9h they reH%ire from yo%& they sit at their ease& and forsake yo% and they remember yo% no more+ ;( Hast yo% seen Abraham the son of 2erah& ho at first had no 9hi,dren& and he served yo% and ere9ted a,tars to yo% herever he 9ame& and he bro%8ht %5 offerin8s %5on them& and he 5ro9,aimed yo%r name 9ontin%a,,y to a,, the 9hi,dren of the earth+ ;' And no that his son Yits9haH is born to him& he has forsaken yo%& he has made a 8reat feast for a,, the inhabitants of the ,and& and YAHWEH he has for8otten+ ;. 3or amidst a,, that he has done he bro%8ht yo% no offerin8J neither b%rnt offerin8 nor 5ea9e offerin8& neither oB& ,amb nor 8oat of a,, that he ki,,ed on the day that his son as eaned+ ;* Even from the time of his son@s birth ti,, no & bein8 thirty$seven years& he b%i,t no a,tar before yo%& nor bro%8ht any offerin8 to yo%& for he sa that yo% didst 8ive hat he reH%ested before yo%& and he therefore forsook yo%+ ;: And YAHWEH said to Satan& Hast yo% th%s 9onsidered my servant Abraham# for there is none ,ike him %5on earth& a 5erfe9t and an %5ri8ht man before me& one that fears YAHWEH and avoids evi,J as " ,ive& ere " to say %nto him& Brin8 %5 Yits9haH yo%r son before me& he o%,d not ithho,d him from me& m%9h more if " to,d him to brin8 %5 a b%rnt offerin8 before me from his f,o9k or herds+ ;; And Satan ans ered YAHWEH and said& S5eak then no %nto Abraham as yo% hast said& and yo% i,t see hether he i,, not this day trans8ress and 9ast aside yo%r ords+



0HA12ER .*$$Abraham 9ommanded to <ffer %5 Yits9haH& in the Cand 7oriah+ Abraham@s <bedien9e+ Sarah@s Aff,i9tion+ What Ha55ened on the Way+ Satan attem5ts to hinder them+ Yits9haH an A99e5tab,e <fferin8+ 3ather and Son a,one+ 2he i,,in8ness of Yits9haH+ He Assists his 3ather in B%i,din8 the A,tar+ Whi,e they both ee5 bitter,y& they yet ReGoi9e to be 9o%nted orthy before YAHWEH+ Yits9haH bo%nd and 5,a9ed %5on the A,tar+ 2he Heaven,y 7essen8ers of YAHWEH inter9ede for Yits9haH& ho is re,eased at the 9ommand of YAHWEH& and a Ram is offered in his 5,a9e+ Satan& by his de9e5tion and Evi,s& 9a%ses the Death of Sarah+

' At that time the ord of YAHWEH 9ame to Abraham& and he said %nto him& Abraham& and he said& Here " am+ . And he said to him& 2ake no yo%r son& yo%r on,y son hom yo% ,ovest& even Yits9haH& and 8o to the ,and of 7oriah& and offer him there for a b%rnt offerin8 %5on one of the mo%ntains hi9h sha,, be sho n to yo%& for there i,t yo% see a 9,o%d and the s5,endor of YAHWEH+ * And Abraham said ithin himse,f& Ho sha,, " se5arate my son Yits9haH from Sarah his mother& in order to brin8 him %5 for a b%rnt offerin8 before YAHWEH# : And Abraham 9ame into the tent& and he sat before Sarah his ife& and he s5oke these ords to her& ; 7y son Yits9haH is 8ro n %5 and he has not for some time st%died the servi9e of YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y& no tomorro " i,, 8o and brin8 him to Shem& and Eber his son& and there he i,, ,earn the ays of YAHWEH& for they i,, tea9h him to kno YAHWEH as e,, as to kno that hen he 5rays 9ontin%a,,y before YAHWEH& he i,, ans er him& therefore there he i,, kno the ay of servin8 YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y+ = And Sarah said& Yo% hast s5oken e,,& 8o my ,ord and do %nto him as yo% hast said& b%t remove him not at a 8reat distan9e from me& neither ,et him remain there too ,on8& for my so%, is bo%nd ithin his so%,+ > And Abraham said %nto Sarah& 7y da%8hter& ,et %s 5ray to YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y that he may do 8ood ith %s+ / And Sarah took her son Yits9haH and he abode a,, that ni8ht ith her& and she kissed and embra9ed him& and 8ave him instr%9tions ti,, mornin8+ A And she said to him& < my son& ho 9an my so%, se5arate itse,f from yo%# And she sti,, kissed him and embra9ed him& and she 8ave Abraham instr%9tions 9on9ernin8 him+ '( And Sarah said to Abraham& < my ,ord& " 5ray yo% take heed of yo%r son& and 5,a9e yo%r eyes over him& for " have no other son nor da%8hter b%t him+ '' < forsake him not+ "f he be h%n8ry 8ive him bread& and if he be thirsty 8ive him ater to drinkJ do not ,et him 8o on foot& neither ,et him sit in the s%n+ '. Neither ,et him 8o by himse,f in the road& neither for9e him from hatever he may desire& b%t do %nto him as he may say to yo%+ '* And Sarah e5t bitter,y the ho,e ni8ht on a99o%nt of Yits9haH& and she 8ave him instr%9tions ti,, mornin8+ ': And in the mornin8 Sarah se,e9ted a very fine and bea%tif%, 8arment from those 8arments hi9h she had in the ho%se& that Abime,e9h had 8iven to her+ '; And she dressed Yits9haH her son there ith& and she 5%t a t%rban %5on his head& and she en9,osed a 5re9io%s stone in the to5 of the t%rban& and she 8ave them 5rovision for the road& and they ent forth& and Yits9haH ent ith his father Abraham& and some of their servants a99om5anied them to see them off the road+ '= And Sarah ent o%t ith them& and she a99om5anied them %5on the road to see them off& and they said to her& Ret%rn to the tent+ '> And hen Sarah heard the ords of her son Yits9haH she e5t bitter,y& and Abraham her h%sband e5t ith her& and their son e5t ith them a 8reat ee5in8J a,so those ho ent ith them e5t 8reat,y+ '/ And Sarah 9a%8ht ho,d of her son Yits9haH& and she he,d him in her arms& and she embra9ed him and 9ontin%ed to ee5 ith him& and Sarah said& Who kno s if after this day " sha,, ever see yo% a8ain# ;>

'A And they sti,, e5t to8ether& Abraham& Sarah and Yits9haH& and a,, those that a99om5anied them on the road e5t ith them& and Sarah after ard t%rned a ay from her son& ee5in8 bitter,y& and a,, her men servants and maid servants ret%rned ith her to the tent+ .( And Abraham ent ith Yits9haH his son to brin8 him %5 as an offerin8 before YAHWEH& as He had 9ommanded him+ .' And Abraham took t o of his yo%n8 men ith him& "shmae, the son of Ha8ar and E,ieFer his servant& and they ent to8ether ith them& and hi,e they ere a,kin8 in the road the yo%n8 men s5oke these ords to themse,ves& .. And "shmae, said to E,ieFer& No my father Abraham is 8oin8 ith Yits9haH to brin8 him %5 for a b%rnt offerin8 to YAHWEH& as He 9ommanded him+ .* No hen he ret%rns he i,, 8ive %nto me a,, that he 5ossesses& to inherit after him& for " am his first born+ .: And E,ieFer ans ered "shmae, and said& S%re,y Abraham did 9ast yo% a ay ith yo%r mother& and s ear that yo% sho%,dst not inherit any thin8 of a,, he 5ossesses& and to hom i,, he 8ive a,, that he has& ith a,, his treas%res& b%t %nto me his servant& ho has been faithf%, in his ho%se& ho has served him ni8ht and day& and has done a,, that he desired me# 2o me i,, he beH%eath at his death a,, that he 5ossesses+ .; And hi,e Abraham as 5ro9eedin8 ith his son Yits9haH a,on8 the road& Satan 9ame and a55eared to Abraham in the fi8%re of a very a8ed man& h%mb,e and of 9ontrite s5irit& and he a55roa9hed Abraham and said to him& Art yo% si,,y or br%tish& that yo% 8o to do this thin8 this day to yo%r on,y son# .= 3or YAHWEH 8ave yo% a son in yo%r ,atter days& in yo%r o,d a8e& and i,t yo% 8o and s,a%8hter him this day be9a%se he 9ommitted no vio,en9e& and i,t yo% 9a%se the so%, of yo%r on,y son to 5erish from the earth# .> Dost yo% not kno and %nderstand that this thin8 9annot be from YAHWEH# for YAHWEH 9annot do %nto man s%9h evi, %5on earth to say to him& ?o s,a%8hter yo%r 9hi,d+ ./ And Abraham heard this and kne that it as the ord of Satan ho endeavored to dra him aside from the ay of YAHWEH& b%t Abraham o%,d not hearken to the voi9e of Satan& and Abraham reb%ked him so that he ent a ay+ .A And Satan ret%rned and 9ame to Yits9haHJ and he a55eared %nto Yits9haH in the fi8%re of a yo%n8 man 9ome,y and e,, favored+ *( And he a55roa9hed Yits9haH and said %nto him& Dost yo% not kno and %nderstand that yo%r o,d si,,y father brin8s yo% to the s,a%8hter this day for na%8ht# *' No therefore& my son& do not ,isten nor attend to him& for he is a si,,y o,d man& and ,et not yo%r 5re9io%s so%, and bea%tif%, fi8%re be ,ost from the earth+ *. And Yits9haH heard this& and said %nto Abraham& Hast yo% heard& my father& that hi9h this man has s5oken# even th%s has he s5oken+ ** And Abraham ans ered his son Yits9haH and said to him& 2ake heed of him and do not ,isten to his ords& nor attend to him& for he is Satan& endeavorin8 to dra %s aside this day from the 9ommands of YAHWEH+ *: And Abraham sti,, reb%ked Satan& and Satan ent from them& and seein8 he 9o%,d not 5revai, over them he hid himse,f from them& and he ent and 5assed before them in the roadJ and he transformed himse,f to a ,ar8e brook of ater in the road& and Abraham and Yits9haH and his t o yo%n8 men rea9hed that 5,a9e& and they sa a brook ,ar8e and 5o erf%, as the mi8hty aters+ *; And they entered the brook and 5assed thro%8h it& and the aters at first rea9hed their ,e8s+ *= And they ent dee5er in the brook and the aters rea9hed %5 to their ne9ks& and they ere a,, terrified on a99o%nt of the aterJ and hi,e they ere 8oin8 over the brook Abraham re9o8niFed that 5,a9e& and he kne that there as no ater there before+ *> And Abraham said to his son Yits9haH& " kno this 5,a9e in hi9h there as no brook nor ater& no therefore it is this Satan ho does a,, this to %s& to dra %s aside this day from the 9ommands of YAHWEH+ */ And Abraham reb%ked him and said %nto him& YAHWEH reb%ke yo%& < Satan& be8one from %s for e ;/

8o by the 9ommands of YAHWEH+ *A And Satan as terrified at the voi9e of Abraham& and he ent a ay from them& and the 5,a9e a8ain be9ame dry ,and as it as at first+ :( And Abraham ent ith Yits9haH to ard the 5,a9e that YAHWEH had to,d him+ :' And on the third day Abraham ,ifted %5 his eyes and sa the 5,a9e at a distan9e hi9h YAHWEH had to,d him of+ :. And a 5i,,ar of fire a55eared to him that rea9hed from the earth to heaven& and a 9,o%d of s5,endor %5on the mo%ntain& and the s5,endor of YAHWEH as seen in the 9,o%d+ :* And Abraham said to Yits9haH& 7y son& dost yo% see in that mo%ntain& hi9h e 5er9eive at a distan9e& that hi9h " see %5on it# :: And Yits9haH ans ered and said %nto his father& " see and ,o a 5i,,ar of fire and a 9,o%d& and the s5,endor of YAHWEH is seen %5on the 9,o%d+ :; And Abraham kne that his son Yits9haH as a99e5ted before YAHWEH for a b%rnt offerin8+ := And Abraham said %nto E,ieFer and %nto "shmae, his son& Do yo% a,so see that hi9h e see %5on the mo%ntain hi9h is at a distan9e# :> And they ans ered and said& We see nothin8 more than ,ike the other mo%ntains of the earth+ And Abraham kne that they ere not a99e5ted before YAHWEH to 8o ith them& and Abraham said to them& Abide ye here ith the ass hi,e " and Yits9haH my son i,, 8o to yonder mo%nt and orshi5 there before YAHWEH and then ret%rn to yo%+ :/ And E,ieFer and "shmae, remained in that 5,a9e& as Abraham had 9ommanded+ :A And Abraham took ood for a b%rnt offerin8 and 5,a9ed it %5on his son Yits9haH& and he took the fire and the knife& and they both ent to that 5,a9e+ ;( And hen they ere 8oin8 a,on8 Yits9haH said to his father& Beho,d& " see here the fire and ood& and here then is the ,amb that is to be the b%rnt offerin8 before YAHWEH# ;' And Abraham ans ered his son Yits9haH& sayin8& YAHWEH has made 9hoi9e of yo% my son& to be a 5erfe9t b%rnt offerin8 instead of the ,amb+ ;. And Yits9haH said %nto his father& " i,, do a,, that YAHWEH s5oke to yo% ith Goy and 9heerf%,ness of heart+ ;* And Abraham a8ain said %nto Yits9haH his son& "s there in yo%r heart any tho%8ht or 9o%nse, 9on9ernin8 this& hi9h is not 5ro5er# te,, me my son& " 5ray yo%& < my son 9on9ea, it not from me+ ;: And Yits9haH ans ered his father Abraham and said %nto him& < my father& as YAHWEH ,ives and as yo%r so%, ,iveth& there is nothin8 in my heart to 9a%se me to deviate either to the ri8ht or to the ,eft from the ord that he has s5oken to yo%+ ;; Neither ,imb nor m%s9,e has moved or stirred at this& nor is there in my heart any tho%8ht or evi, 9o%nse, 9on9ernin8 this+ ;= B%t " am of Goyf%, and 9heerf%, heart in this matter& and " say& B,essed is YAHWEH ho has this day 9hosen me to be a b%rnt offerin8 before Him+ ;> And Abraham 8reat,y reGoi9ed at the ords of Yits9haH& and they ent on and 9ame to8ether to that 5,a9e that YAHWEH had s5oken of+ ;/ And Abraham a55roa9hed to b%i,d the a,tar in that 5,a9e& and Abraham as ee5in8& and Yits9haH took stones and mortar %nti, they had finished b%i,din8 the a,tar+ ;A And Abraham took the ood and 5,a9ed it in order %5on the a,tar hi9h he had b%i,t+ =( And he took his son Yits9haH and bo%nd him in order to 5,a9e him %5on the ood hi9h as %5on the a,tar& to s,ay him for a b%rnt offerin8 before YAHWEH+ =' And Yits9haH said to his father& Bind me se9%re,y and then 5,a9e me %5on the a,tar ,est " sho%,d t%rn and move& and break ,oose from the for9e of the knife %5on my f,esh and thereof 5rofane the b%rnt offerin8J and Abraham did so+ =. And Yits9haH sti,, said to his father& < my father& hen yo% sha,, have s,ain me and b%rnt me for an offerin8& take ith yo% that hi9h sha,, remain of my ashes to brin8 to Sarah my mother& and say to her& 2his is the s eet sme,,in8 savor of Yits9haHJ b%t do not te,, her this if she sho%,d sit near a e,, or %5on ;A

any hi8h 5,a9e& ,est she sho%,d 9ast her so%, after me and die+ =* And Abraham heard the ords of Yits9haH& and he ,ifted %5 his voi9e and e5t hen Yits9haH s5ake these ordsJ and Abraham@s tears 8%shed do n %5on Yits9haH his son& and Yits9haH e5t bitter,y& and he said to his father& Hasten yo%& < my father& and do ith me the i,, of YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y as He has 9ommanded yo%+ =: And the hearts of Abraham and Yits9haH reGoi9ed at this thin8 hi9h YAHWEH had 9ommanded themJ b%t the eye e5t bitter,y hi,e the heart reGoi9ed+ =; And Abraham bo%nd his son Yits9haH& and 5,a9ed him on the a,tar %5on the ood& and Yits9haH stret9hed forth his ne9k %5on the a,tar before his father& and Abraham stret9hed forth his hand to take the knife to s,ay his son as a b%rnt offerin8 before YAHWEH+ == At that time the heaven,y messen8ers of mer9y 9ame before YAHWEH and s5ake to him 9on9ernin8 Yits9haH& sayin8& => < YAHWEH& yo% are a mer9if%, and 9om5assionate 4in8 over a,, that yo% hast 9reated in heaven and in earth& and yo% s%55ort them a,,J 8ive therefore ransom and redem5tion instead of yo%r servant Yits9haH& and 5ity and have 9om5assion %5on Abraham and Yits9haH his son& ho are this day 5erformin8 yo%r 9ommands+ =/ Hast yo% seen& < YAHWEH& ho Yits9haH the son of Abraham yo%r servant is bo%nd do n to the s,a%8hter ,ike an anima,# no therefore ,et yo%r 5ity be ro%sed for them& < YAHWEH+ =A At that time YAHWEH a55eared %nto Abraham& and 9a,,ed to him& from heaven& and said %nto him& Cay not yo%r hand %5on the ,ad& neither do yo% any thin8 %nto him& for no " kno that yo% fear YAHWEH in 5erformin8 this a9t& and in not ithho,din8 yo%r son& yo%r on,y son& from me+ >( And Abraham ,ifted %5 his eyes and sa & and beho,d& a ram as 9a%8ht in a thi9ket by his hornsJ that as the ram hi9h YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y had 9reated in the earth in the day that he made earth and heaven+ >' 3or YAHWEH had 5re5ared this ram from that day& to be a b%rnt offerin8 instead of Yits9haH+ >. And this ram as advan9in8 to Abraham hen Satan 9a%8ht ho,d of him and entan8,ed his horns in the thi9ket& that he mi8ht not advan9e to Abraham& in order that Abraham mi8ht s,ay his son+ >* And Abraham& seein8 the ram advan9in8 to him and Satan ithho,din8 him& fet9hed him and bro%8ht him before the a,tar& and he ,oosened his son Yits9haH from his bindin8& and he 5%t the ram in his stead& and Abraham ki,,ed the ram %5on the a,tar& and bro%8ht it %5 as an offerin8 in the 5,a9e of his son Yits9haH+ >: And Abraham s5rink,ed some of the b,ood of the ram %5on the a,tar& and he eB9,aimed and said& 2his is in the 5,a9e of my son& and may this be 9onsidered this day as the b,ood of my son before YAHWEH+ >; And a,, that Abraham did on this o99asion by the a,tar& he o%,d eB9,aim and say& 2his is in the room of my son& and may it this day be 9onsidered before YAHWEH in the 5,a9e of my sonJ and Abraham finished the ho,e of the servi9e by the a,tar& and the servi9e as a99e5ted before YAHWEH& and as a99o%nted as if it had been Yits9haHJ and YAHWEH b,essed Abraham and his seed on that day+ >= And Satan ent to Sarah& and he a55eared to her in the fi8%re of an o,d man very h%mb,e and meek& and Abraham as yet en8a8ed in the b%rnt offerin8 before YAHWEH+ >> And he said %nto her& Dost yo% not kno a,, the ork that Abraham has made ith yo%r on,y son this day# for he took Yits9haH and b%i,t an a,tar& and ki,,ed him& and bro%8ht him %5 as a sa9rifi9e %5on the a,tar& and Yits9haH 9ried and e5t before his father& b%t he ,ooked not at him& neither did he have 9om5assion over him+ >/ And Satan re5eated these ords& and he ent a ay from her& and Sarah heard a,, the ords of Satan& and she ima8ined him to be an o,d man from amon8st the sons of men ho had been ith her son& and had 9ome and to,d her these thin8s+ >A And Sarah ,ifted %5 her voi9e and e5t and 9ried o%t bitter,y on a99o%nt of her sonJ and she thre herse,f %5on the 8ro%nd and she 9ast d%st %5on her head& and she said& < my son& Yits9haH my son& < that " had this day died instead of yo%+ And she 9ontin%ed to ee5 and said& "t 8rieves me for yo%& < my son& my son Yits9haH& < that " had died this day in yo%r stead+ /( And she sti,, 9ontin%ed to ee5& and said& "t 8rieves me for yo% after that " have reared yo% and have =(

bro%8ht yo% %5J no my Goy is t%rned into mo%rnin8 over yo%& " that had a ,on8in8 for yo%& and 9ried and 5rayed to YAHWEH ti,, " bare yo% at ninety years o,dJ and no hast yo% served this day for the knife and the fire& to be made an offerin8+ /' B%t " 9onso,e myse,f ith yo%& my son& in its bein8 the ord of YAHWEH& for yo% didst 5erform the 9ommand of yo%r AC7"?H2YJ for ho 9an trans8ress the ord of o%r YAHWEH& in hose hands is the so%, of every ,ivin8 9reat%re# /. Yo% are G%st& < YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y& for a,, yo%r orks are 8ood and ri8hteo%sJ for " a,so am reGoi9ed ith yo%r ord hi9h yo% didst 9ommand& and hi,e mine eye ee5s bitter,y my heart reGoi9eth+ /* And Sarah ,aid her head %5on the bosom of one of her handmaids& and she be9ame as sti,, as a stone+ /: She after ard rose %5 and ent abo%t makin8 inH%iries ti,, she 9ame to Hebron& and she inH%ired of a,, those hom she met a,kin8 in the road& and no one 9o%,d te,, her hat had ha55ened to her son+ /; And she 9ame ith her maid servants and men servants to 4ireath$arba& hi9h is Hebron& and she asked 9on9ernin8 her Son& and she remained there hi,e she sent some of her servants to seek here Abraham had 8one ith Yits9haHJ they ent to seek him in the ho%se of Shem and Eber& and they 9o%,d not find him& and they so%8ht thro%8ho%t the ,and and he as not there+ /= And beho,d& Satan 9ame to Sarah in the sha5e of an o,d man& and he 9ame and stood before her& and he said %nto her& " s5oke fa,se,y %nto yo%& for Abraham did not ki,, his son and he is not deadJ and hen she heard the ord her Goy as so eB9eedin8,y vio,ent on a99o%nt of her son& that her so%, ent o%t thro%8h GoyJ she died and as 8athered to her 5eo5,e+ /> And hen Abraham had finished his servi9e he ret%rned ith his son Yits9haH to his yo%n8 men& and they rose %5 and ent to8ether to Beersheba& and they 9ame home+ // And Abraham so%8ht for Sarah& and 9o%,d not find her& and he made inH%iries 9on9ernin8 her& and they said %nto him& She ent as far as Hebron to seek yo% both here yo% had 8one& for th%s as she informed+ /A And Abraham and Yits9haH ent to her to Hebron& and hen they fo%nd that she as dead they ,ifted %5 their voi9es and e5t bitter,y over herJ and Yits9haH fe,, %5on his mother@s fa9e and e5t over her& and he said& < my mother& my mother& ho hast yo% ,eft me& and here hast yo% 8one# < ho & ho hast yo% ,eft meK A( And Abraham and Yits9haH e5t 8reat,y and a,, their servants e5t ith them on a99o%nt of Sarah& and they mo%rned over her a 8reat and heavy mo%rnin8+ Section 4 # YITSCHA% LEARNS THE WAY
0HA12ER .:$$Abraham 1%r9hases a B%ria, 1,a9e+ Yits9haH sent to the Ho%se of Shem and Eber to Cearn the Way of YAHWEH+ E,ieFer is sent to 8et a Wife for Yits9haH+ ?oes to the Ho%se of Beth%e, and brin8s Rebe99a+

' And the ,ife of Sarah as one h%ndred and t enty$seven years& and Sarah diedJ and Abraham rose %5 from before his dead to seek a b%ria, 5,a9e to b%ry his ife SarahJ and he ent and s5oke to the 9hi,dren of Heth& the inhabitants of the ,and& sayin8& . " am a stran8er and a soGo%rner ith yo% in yo%r ,andJ 8ive me a 5ossession of a b%ria, 5,a9e in yo%r ,and& that " may b%ry my dead from before me+ * And the 9hi,dren of Heth said %nto Abraham& beho,d the ,and is before yo%& in the 9hoi9e of o%r se5%,9hers b%ry yo%r dead& for no man sha,, ithho,d yo% from b%ryin8 yo%r dead+ : And Abraham said %nto them& "f yo% are a8reeab,e to this 8o and entreat for me to E5hron& the son of Io9har& reH%estin8 that he may 8ive me the 9ave of 7a9h5e,ah& hi9h is in the end of his fie,d& and " i,, 5%r9hase it of him for hatever he desire for it+ ; And E5hron d e,t amon8 the 9hi,dren of Heth& and they ent and 9a,,ed for him& and he 9ame before Abraham& and E5hron said %nto Abraham& Beho,d a,, yo% reH%ire yo%r servant i,, doJ and Abraham said& No& b%t " i,, b%y the 9ave and the fie,d hi9h yo% hast for va,%e& "n order that it may be for a 5ossession of a b%ria, 5,a9e for ever+ ='

= And E5hron ans ered and said& Beho,d the fie,d and the 9ave are before yo%& 8ive hatever yo% desirestJ and Abraham said& <n,y at f%,, va,%e i,, " b%y it from yo%r hand& and from the hands of those that 8o in at the 8ate of yo%r 9ity& and from the hand of yo%r seed for ever+ > And E5hron and a,, his brethren heard this& and Abraham ei8hed to E5hron fo%r h%ndred sheke,s of si,ver in the hands of E5hron and in the hands of a,, his brethrenJ and Abraham rote this transa9tion& and he rote it and testified it ith fo%r itnesses+ / And these are the names of the itnesses& Ami8a, son of Abishna the Hittite& Adi9horom son of Ash%na9h the Hivite& Abdon son of A9hiram the ?omerite& Bakdi, the son of Ab%dish the Iidonite+ A And Abraham took the book of the 5%r9hase& and 5,a9ed it in his treas%res& and these are the ords that Abraham rote in the book& name,y) '( 2hat the 9ave and the fie,d Abraham bo%8ht from E5hron the Hittite& and from his seed& and from those that 8o o%t of his 9ity& and from their seed for ever& are to be a 5%r9hase to Abraham and to his seed and to those that 8o forth from his ,oins& for a 5ossession of a b%ria, 5,a9e for everJ and he 5%t a si8net to it and testified it ith itnesses+ '' And the fie,d and the 9ave that as in it and a,, that 5,a9e ere made s%re %nto Abraham and %nto his seed after him& from the 9hi,dren of HethJ beho,d it is before 7amre in Hebron& hi9h is in the ,and of 0anaan+ '. And after this Abraham b%ried his ife Sarah there& and that 5,a9e and a,, its bo%ndary be9ame to Abraham and %nto his seed for a 5ossession of a b%ria, 5,a9e+ '* And Abraham b%ried Sarah ith 5om5 as observed at the interment of kin8s& and she as b%ried in very fine and bea%tif%, 8arments+ ': And at her bier as Shem& his sons Eber and Abime,e9h& to8ether ith Anar& Ash9o, and 7amre& and a,, the 8randees of the ,and fo,,o ed her bier+ '; And the days of Sarah ere one h%ndred and t enty$seven years and she died& and Abraham made a 8reat and heavy mo%rnin8& and he 5erformed the rites of mo%rnin8 for seven days+ '= And a,, the inhabitants of the ,and 9omforted Abraham and Yits9haH his son on a99o%nt of Sarah+ '> And hen the days of their mo%rnin8 5assed by Abraham sent a ay his son Yits9haH& and he ent to the ho%se of Shem and Eber& to ,earn the ays of YAHWEH and his instr%9tions& and Abraham remained there three years+ '/ At that time Abraham rose %5 ith a,, his servants& and they ent and ret%rned home ard to Beersheba& and Abraham and a,, his servants remained in Beersheba+ 'A And at the revo,%tion of the year Abime,e9h kin8 of the 1hi,istines died in that yearJ he as one h%ndred and ninety$three years o,d at his deathJ and Abraham ent ith his 5eo5,e to the ,and of the 1hi,istines& and they 9omforted the ho,e ho%seho,d and a,, his servants& and he then t%rned and ent home+ .( And it as after the death of Abime,e9h that the 5eo5,e of ?erar took Benma,i9h his son& and he as on,y t e,ve years o,d& and they made him ,yin8 in the 5,a9e of his father+ .' And they 9a,,ed his name Abime,e9h after the name of his father& for th%s as it their 9%stom to do in ?erar& and Abime,e9h rei8ned instead of Abime,e9h his father& and he sat %5on his throne+ .. And Cot the son of Haran a,so died in those days& in the thirty$ninth year of the ,ife of Yits9haH& and a,, the days that Cot ,ived ere one h%ndred and forty years and he died+ .* And these are the 9hi,dren of Cot& that ere born to him by his da%8hters& the name of the first born as 7oab& and the name of the se9ond as Benami+ .: And the t o sons of Cot ent and took themse,ves ives from the ,and of 0anaan& and they bare 9hi,dren to them& and the 9hi,dren of 7oab ere Ed& 7ayon& 2ars%s& and 4anvi,& fo%r sons& these are fathers to the 9hi,dren of 7oab %nto this day+ .; And a,, the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Cot ent to d e,, herever they sho%,d ,i8ht %5on& for they ere fr%itf%, and in9reased ab%ndant,y+ .= And they ent and b%i,t themse,ves 9ities in the ,and here they d e,t& and they 9a,,ed the names of the 9ities hi9h they b%i,t after their o n names+ .> And Nahor the son of 2erah& brother to Abraham& died in those days in the fortieth year of the ,ife of =.

Yits9haH& and a,, the days of Nahor ere one h%ndred and seventy$t o years and he died and as b%ried in Haran+ ./ And hen Abraham heard that his brother as dead he 8rieved sad,y& and he mo%rned over his brother many days+ .A And Abraham 9a,,ed for E,ieFer his head servant& to 8ive him orders 9on9ernin8 his ho%se& and he 9ame and stood before him+ *( And Abraham said to him& Beho,d " am o,d& " do not kno the day of my deathJ for " am advan9ed in daysJ no therefore rise %5& 8o forth and do not take a ife for my son from this 5,a9e and from this ,and& from the da%8hters of the 0anaanites amon8st hom e d e,,+ *' B%t 8o to my ,and and to my birth5,a9e& and take from then9e a ife for my son& and YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of Heaven and earth ho took me from my father@s ho%se and bro%8ht me to this 5,a9e& and said %nto me& 2o yo%r seed i,, " 8ive this ,and for an inheritan9e for ever& he i,, send his heaven,y messen8er before yo% and 5ros5er yo%r ay& that yo% may obtain a ife for my son from my fami,y and from my father@s ho%se+ *. And the servant ans ered his master Abraham and said& Beho,d " 8o to yo%r birth5,a9e and to yo%r father@s ho%se& and take a ife for yo%r son from thereJ b%t if the oman be not i,,in8 to fo,,o me to this ,and& sha,, " take yo%r son ba9k to the ,and of yo%r birth5,a9e# ** And Abraham said %nto him& 2ake heed that yo% brin8 not my son hither a8ain& for YAHWEH before hom " have a,ked he i,, send his heaven,y messen8er before yo% and 5ros5er yo%r ay+ *: And E,ieFer did as Abraham ordered him& and E,ieFer s ore %nto Abraham his master %5on this matterJ and E,ieFer rose %5 and took ten 9ame,s of the 9ame,s of his master& and ten men from his master@s servants ith him& and they rose %5 and ent to Haran& the 9ity of Abraham and Nahor& in order to fet9h a ife for Yits9haH the son of AbrahamJ and hi,e they ere 8one Abraham sent to the ho%se of Shem and Eber& and they bro%8ht from then9e his son Yits9haH+ *; And Yits9haH 9ame home to his father@s ho%se to Beersheba& hi,e E,ieFer and his men 9ame to HaranJ and they sto55ed in the 9ity by the aterin8 5,a9e& and he made his 9ame,s to knee, do n by the ater and they remained there+ *= And E,ieFer& Abraham@s servant& 5rayed and said& < YAHWEH of Abraham my masterJ send me " 5ray yo% 8ood s5eed this day and sho kindness %nto my master& that yo% sha,, a55oint this day a ife for my master@s son from his fami,y+ *> And YAHWEH hearkened to the voi9e of E,ieFer& for the sake of his servant Abraham& and he ha55ened to meet ith the da%8hter of Beth%e,& the son of 7i,9ah& the ife of Nahor& brother to Abraham& and E,ieFer 9ame to her ho%se+ */ And E,ieFer re,ated to them a,, his 9on9erns& and that he as Abraham@s servant& and they 8reat,y reGoi9ed at him+ *A And they a,, b,essed YAHWEH ho bro%8ht this thin8 abo%t& and they 8ave him Rebe99a& the da%8hter of Beth%e,& for a ife for Yits9haH+ :( And the yo%n8 oman as of very 9ome,y a55earan9e& she as a vir8in& and Rebe99a as ten years o,d in those days+ :' And Beth%e, and Caban and his 9hi,dren made a feast on that ni8ht& and E,ieFer and his men 9ame and ate and drank and reGoi9ed there on that ni8ht+ :. And E,ieFer rose %5 in the mornin8& he and the men that ere ith him& and he 9a,,ed to the ho,e ho%seho,d of Beth%e,& sayin8& Send me a ay that " may 8o to my masterJ and they rose %5 and sent a ay Rebe99a and her n%rse Deborah& the da%8hter of DF& and they 8ave her si,ver and 8o,d& men servants and maid servants& and they b,essed her+ :* And they sent E,ieFer a ay ith his menJ and the servants took Rebe99a& and he ent and ret%rned to his master to the ,and of 0anaan+ :: And Yits9haH took Rebe99a and she be9ame his ife& and he bro%8ht her into the tent+ :; And Yits9haH as forty years o,d hen he took Rebe99a& the da%8hter of his %n9,e Beth%e,& for a ife+ =*


0HA12ER .;$$Abraham takes 4et%rah for a Wife& by hom he has SiB Sons+ 2he ?enerations of the Sons of 4et%rah& and of "shmae,+

' And it as at that time that Abraham a8ain took a ife in his o,d a8e& and her name as 4et%rah& from the ,and of 0anaan+ . And she bare %nto him Iimran& Jokshan& 7edan& 7idian& "shbak and Sh%a9h& bein8 siB sons+ And the 9hi,dren of Iimran ere Abihen& 7o,i9h and Narim+ * And the sons of Jokshan ere Sheba and Dedan& and the sons of 7edan ere Amida& Joab& ?o9hi& E,isha and Notha9hJ and the sons of 7idian ere E5hah& E5her& 0hano9h& Abida and E,daah+ : And the sons of "shbak ere 7akiro& Beyod%a and 2ator+ ; And the sons of Sh%a9h ere Bi,dad& 7amdad& 7%nan and 7ebanJ a,, these are the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of 4et%rah the 0anaanitish oman hi9h she bare %nto Abraham the Hebre + = And Abraham sent a,, these a ay& and he 8ave them 8ifts& and they ent a ay from his son Yits9haH to d e,, herever they sho%,d find a 5,a9e+ > And a,, these ent to the mo%ntain at the east& and they b%i,t themse,ves siB 9ities in hi9h they d e,t %nto this day+ / B%t the 9hi,dren of Sheba and Dedan& 9hi,dren of Jokshan& ith their 9hi,dren& did not d e,, ith their brethren in their 9ities& and they Go%rneyed and en9am5ed in the 9o%ntries and i,dernesses %nto this day+ A And the 9hi,dren of 7idian& son of Abraham& ent to the east of the ,and of 0%sh& and they there fo%nd a ,ar8e va,,ey in the eastern 9o%ntry& and they remained there and b%i,t a 9ity& and they d e,t therein& that is the ,and of 7idian %nto this day+ '( And 7idian d e,t in the 9ity hi9h he b%i,t& he and his five sons and a,, be,on8in8 to him+ '' And these are the names of the sons of 7idian a99ordin8 to their names in their 9ities& E5hah& E5her& 0hano9h& Abida and E,daah+ '. And the sons of E5hah ere 7etha9h& 7eshar& Avi and 2Fan%a& and the sons of E5her ere E5hron& I%r& A,ir%n and 7edin& and the sons of 0hano9h ere Re%e,& Rekem& AFi& A,yosh%b and A,ad+ '* And the sons of Abida ere 0h%r& 7e,%d& 4er%ry& 7o,9hiJ and the sons of E,daah ere 7iker& and Reba& and 7a,9hiyah and ?abo,J these are the names of the 7idianites a99ordin8 to their fami,iesJ and after ard the fami,ies of 7idian s5read thro%8ho%t the ,and of 7idian+ ': And these are the 8enerations of "shmae, the son Abraham& hom Ha8ar& Sarah@s handmaid& bare %nto Abraham+ '; And "shmae, took a ife from the ,and of E8y5t& and her name as Ribah& the same is 7eribah+ '= And Ribah bare %nto "shmae, Nebayoth& 4edar& Adbee,& 7ibsam and their sister Bosmath+ '> And "shmae, 9ast a ay his ife Ribah& and she ent from him and ret%rned to E8y5t to the ho%se of her father& and she d e,t there& for she had been very bad in the si8ht of "shmae,& and in the si8ht of his father Abraham+ '/ And "shmae, after ard took a ife from the ,and of 0anaan& and her name as 7a,9h%th& and she bare %nto him Nishma& D%mah& 7asa& 0hadad& 2ema& Yet%r& Na5hish and 4edma+ 'A 2hese are the sons of "shmae,& and these are their names& bein8 t e,ve 5rin9es a99ordin8 to their nationsJ and the fami,ies of "shmae, after ard s5read forth& and "shmae, took his 9hi,dren and a,, the 5ro5erty that he had 8ained& to8ether ith the so%,s of his ho%seho,d and a,, be,on8in8 to him& and they ent to d e,, here they sho%,d find a 5,a9e+ .( And they ent and d e,t near the i,derness of 1aran& and their d e,,in8 as from Havi,ah %nto Sh%r& that is before E8y5t as yo% 9ome to ard Assyria+ .' And "shmae, and his sons d e,t in the ,and& and they had 9hi,dren born to them& and they ere fr%itf%, and in9reased ab%ndant,y+ .. And these are the names of the sons of Nebayoth the first born of "shmae,J 7end& Send& 7ayonJ and the sons of 4edar ere A,yon& 4eFem& 0hamad and E,i+ .* And the sons of Adbee, ere 0hamad and JabinJ and the sons of 7ibsam ere <badiah& Ebedme,e9h =:

and Ye%shJ these are the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Ribah the ife of "shmae,+ .: And the sons of 7ishma the son of "shmae, ere Sham%a& Ie9aryon and <bedJ and the sons of D%mah ere 4eFed& E,i& 7a9hmad and Amed+ .; And the sons of 7asa ere 7e,on& 7%,a and EbidadonJ and the sons of 0hadad ere AF%r& 7inFar and Ebedme,e9hJ and the sons of 2ema ere Seir& Sadon and Yako,+ .= And the sons of Yet%r ere 7erith& Yaish& A,yo& and 1a9hothJ and the sons of Na5hish ere Ebed$ 2amed& Abiyasa5h and 7irJ and the sons of 4edma ere 0a,i5& 2a9hti& and <mirJ these ere the 9hi,dren of 7a,9h%th the ife of "shmae, a99ordin8 to their fami,ies+ .> A,, these are the fami,ies of "shmae, a99ordin8 to their 8enerations& and they d e,t in those ,ands herein they had b%i,t themse,ves 9ities %nto this day+ ./ And Rebe99a the da%8hter of Beth%e,& the ife of Abraham@s son Yits9haH& as barren in those days& she had no offs5rin8J and Yits9haH d e,t ith his father in the ,and of 0anaanJ and YAHWEH as ith Yits9haHJ and Ar5a9hshad the son of Shem the son of Noah died in those days& in the forty$ei8hth year of the ,ife of Yits9haH& and a,, the days that Ar5a9hshad ,ived ere fo%r h%ndred and thirty$ei8ht years& and he died+ 6 YITSCHA% & REBECCA
0HA12ER .=$$Yits9haH and Rebe99a 5ray for 9hi,dren+ 2heir 1rayers ans ered& and Esa% and Ya9ob are Born+ Abraham& after re9o%ntin8 a,, the Wonderf%, Works of YAHWEH& enGoins his Son to Wa,k in His ay and kee5 His 0ommandments+ "n the 3ifteenth Year of Ya9ob and Esa%@s ,ives& Abraham Dies and is B%ried by a,, the 4in8s of the ,and+ A,, the 1eo5,e and even the 9hi,dren mo%rn for Abraham for a 3%,,+

' And in the fifty$ninth year of the ,ife of Yits9haH the son of Abraham& Rebe99a his ife as sti,, barren in those days+ . And Rebe99a said %nto Yits9haH& 2r%,y " have heard& my ,ord& that yo%r mother Sarah as barren in her days %nti, my ,ord Abraham& yo%r father& 5rayed for her and she 9on9eived by him+ * No therefore stand %5& 5ray yo% a,so to YAHWEH and he i,, hear yo%r 5rayer and remember %s thro%8h his mer9ies+ : And Yits9haH ans ered his ife Rebe99a& sayin8& Abraham has a,ready 5rayed for me to YAHWEH to m%,ti5,y his seed& no therefore this barrenness m%st 5ro9eed to %s from yo%+ ; And Rebe99a said %nto him& B%t arise no yo% a,so and 5ray& that YAHWEH may hear yo%r 5rayer and 8rant me 9hi,dren& and Yits9haH hearkened to the ords of his ife& and Yits9haH and his ife rose %5 and ent to the ,and of 7oriah to 5ray there and to seek YAHWEH& and hen they had rea9hed that 5,a9e Yits9haH stood %5 and 5rayed to YAHWEH on a99o%nt of his ife be9a%se she as barren+ = And Yits9haH said& < YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of heaven and earth& hose 8oodness and mer9ies fi,, the earth& yo% ho didst take my father from his father@s ho%se and from his birth5,a9e& and didst brin8 him %nto this ,and& and didst say %nto him& 2o yo%r seed i,, " 8ive the ,and& and yo% didst 5romise him and didst de9,are %nto him& " i,, m%,ti5,y yo%r seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the sea& no may yo%r ords be verified hi9h yo% didst s5eak %nto my father+ > 3or yo% are YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y& o%r eyes are to ard yo% to 8ive %s seed of men& as yo% didst 5romise %s& for yo% are YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y and o%r eyes are dire9ted to ard yo% on,y+ / And YAHWEH heard the 5rayer of Yits9haH the son of Abraham& and YAHWEH as entreated of him and Rebe99a his ife 9on9eived+ A And in abo%t seven months after the 9hi,dren str%88,ed to8ether ithin her& and it 5ained her 8reat,y that she as earied on a99o%nt of them& and she said to a,, the omen ho ere then in the ,and& Did s%9h a thin8 ha55en to yo% as it has to me# and they said %nto her& No+ '( And she said %nto them& Why am " a,one in this amon8st a,, the omen that ere %5on earth# and she ent to the ,and of 7oriah to seek YAHWEH on a99o%nt of thisJ and she ent to Shem and Eber his son to make inH%iries of them in this matter& and that they sho%,d seek YAHWEH in this thin8 res5e9tin8 her+ '' And she a,so asked Abraham to seek and inH%ire of YAHWEH abo%t a,, that had befa,,en her+ '. And they a,, inH%ired of YAHWEH 9on9ernin8 this matter& and they bro%8ht her ord from YAHWEH =;

and to,d her& 2 o 9hi,dren are in yo%r omb& and t o nations sha,, rise from themJ and one nation sha,, be stron8er than the other& and the 8reater sha,, serve the yo%n8er+ '* And hen her days to be de,ivered ere 9om5,eted& she kne,t do n& and beho,d there ere t ins in her omb& as YAHWEH had s5oken to her+ ': And the first 9ame o%t red a,, over ,ike a hairy 8arment& and a,, the 5eo5,e of the ,and 9a,,ed his name Esa%& sayin8& 2hat this one as made 9om5,ete from the omb+ '; And after that 9ame his brother& and his hand took ho,d of Esa%@s hee,& therefore they 9a,,ed his name Ya9ob+ '= And Yits9haH& the son of Abraham& as siBty years o,d hen he be8at them+ '> And the boys 8re %5 to their fifteenth year& and they 9ame amon8st the so9iety of men+ Esa% as a desi8nin8 and de9eitf%, man& and an eB5ert h%nter in the fie,d& and Ya9ob as a man 5erfe9t and ise& d e,,in8 in tents& feedin8 f,o9ks and ,earnin8 the instr%9tions of YAHWEH and the 9ommands of his father and mother+ '/ And Yits9haH and the 9hi,dren of his ho%seho,d d e,t ith his father Abraham in the ,and of 0anaan& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded them+ 'A And "shmae, the son of Abraham ent ith his 9hi,dren and a,, be,on8in8 to them& and they ret%rned there to the ,and of Havi,ah& and they d e,t there+ .( And a,, the 9hi,dren of Abraham@s 9on9%bines ent to d e,, in the ,and of the east& for Abraham had sent them a ay from his son& and had 8iven them 5resents& and they ent a ay+ .' And Abraham 8ave a,, that he had to his son Yits9haH& and he a,so 8ave him a,, his treas%res+ .. And he 9ommanded him sayin8& Dost yo% not kno and %nderstand YAHWEH is AC7"?H2Y in heaven and in earth& and there is no other beside him# .* And it as he ho took me from my father@s ho%se& and from my birth 5,a9e& and 8ave me a,, the de,i8hts %5on earthJ ho de,ivered me from the 9o%nse, of the i9ked& for in him did " tr%st+ .: And he bro%8ht me to this 5,a9e& and he de,ivered me from Dr 0asdimJ and he said %nto me& 2o yo%r seed i,, " 8ive a,, these ,ands& and they sha,, inherit them hen they kee5 my 9ommandments& my stat%tes and my G%d8ments that " have 9ommanded yo%& and hi9h " sha,, 9ommand them+ .; No therefore my son& hearken to my voi9e& and kee5 the 9ommandments of YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y& hi9h " 9ommanded yo%& do not t%rn from the ri8ht ay either to the ri8ht or to the ,eft& in order that it may be e,, ith yo% and yo%r 9hi,dren after yo% forever+ .= And remember the onderf%, orks of YAHWEH& and his kindness that he has sho n to ard %s& in havin8 de,ivered %s from the hands of o%r enemies& and YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y 9a%sed them to fa,, into o%r handsJ and no therefore kee5 a,, that " have 9ommanded yo%& and t%rn not a ay from the 9ommandments of yo%r AC7"?H2Y& and serve none beside him& in order that it may be e,, ith yo% and yo%r seed after yo%+ .> And tea9h yo% yo%r 9hi,dren and yo%r seed the instr%9tions of YAHWEH and his 9ommandments& and tea9h them the %5ri8ht ay in hi9h they sho%,d 8o& in order that it may be e,, ith them forever+ ./ And Yits9haH ans ered his father and said %nto him& 2hat hi9h my ,ord has 9ommanded that i,, " do& and " i,, not de5art from the 9ommands of YAHWEH my AC7"?H2Y& " i,, kee5 a,, that he 9ommanded meJ and Abraham b,essed his son Yits9haH& and a,so his 9hi,drenJ and Abraham ta%8ht Ya9ob the instr%9tion of YAHWEH and his ays+ .A And it as at that time that Abraham died& in the fifteenth year of the ,ife of Ya9ob and Esa%& the sons of Yits9haH& and a,, the days of Abraham ere one h%ndred and seventy$five years& and he died and as 8athered to his 5eo5,e in 8ood o,d a8e& o,d and satisfied ith days& and Yits9haH and "shmae, his sons b%ried him+ *( And hen the inhabitants of 0anaan heard that Abraham as dead& they a,, 9ame ith their kin8s and 5rin9es and a,, their men to b%ry Abraham+ *' And a,, the inhabitants of the ,and of Haran& and a,, the fami,ies of the ho%se of Abraham& and a,, the 5rin9es and 8randees& and the sons of Abraham by the 9on9%bines& a,, 9ame hen they heard of Abraham@s death& and they reH%ited Abraham@s kindness& and 9omforted Yits9haH his son& and they b%ried Abraham in ==

the 9ave hi9h he bo%8ht from E5hron the Hittite and his 9hi,dren& for the 5ossession of a b%ria, 5,a9e+ *. And a,, the inhabitants of 0anaan& and a,, those ho had kno n Abraham& e5t for Abraham a ho,e year& and men and omen mo%rned over him+ ** And a,, the ,itt,e 9hi,dren& and a,, the inhabitants of the ,and e5t on a99o%nt of Abraham& for Abraham had been 8ood to them a,,& and be9a%se he had been %5ri8ht ith YAHWEH and men+ *: And there arose not a man ho feared YAHWEH ,ike %nto Abraham& for he had feared his AC7"?H2Y from his yo%th& and had served YAHWEH& and had 8one in a,, his ays d%rin8 his ,ife& from his 9hi,dhood to the day of his death+ *; And YAHWEH as ith him and de,ivered him from the 9o%nse, of Nimrod and his 5eo5,e& and hen he made ar ith the fo%r kin8s of E,am he 9onH%ered them+ *= And he bro%8ht a,, the 9hi,dren of the earth to the servi9e of YAHWEH& and he ta%8ht them the ays of YAHWEH& and 9a%sed them to kno YAHWEH+ *> And he formed a 8rove and he 5,anted a vineyard therein& and he had a, ays 5re5ared in his tent meat and drink to those that 5assed thro%8h the ,and& that they mi8ht satisfy themse,ves in his ho%se+ */ And YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y de,ivered the ho,e earth on a99o%nt of Abraham+ *A And it as after the death of Abraham that YAHWEH b,essed his son Yits9haH and his 9hi,dren& and YAHWEH as ith Yits9haH as he had been ith his father Abraham& for Yits9haH ke5t a,, the 9ommandments of YAHWEH as Abraham his father had 9ommanded himJ he did not t%rn to the ri8ht or to the ,eft from the ri8ht 5ath hi9h his father had 9ommanded him+ 7 ESAU SLAYS NIMROD
0HA12ER .>$$Esa% s,ays Nimrod and 2 o of his 7i8hty 7en+ Ret%rns Home eary from the 3i8ht& and se,,s his Birthri8ht for Ea,%e+

' And Esa% at that time& after the death of Abraham& freH%ent,y ent in the fie,d to h%nt+ . And Nimrod kin8 of Babe,& the same as Amra5he,& a,so freH%ent,y ent ith his mi8hty men to h%nt in the fie,d& and to a,k abo%t ith his men in the 9oo, of the day+ * And Nimrod as observin8 Esa% a,, the days& for a Gea,o%sy as formed in the heart of Nimrod a8ainst Esa% a,, the days+ : And on a 9ertain day Esa% ent in the fie,d to h%nt& and he fo%nd Nimrod a,kin8 in the i,derness ith his t o men+ ; And a,, his mi8hty men and his 5eo5,e ere ith him in the i,derness& b%t they removed at a distan9e from him& and they ent from him in different dire9tions to h%nt& and Esa% 9on9ea,ed himse,f for Nimrod& and he ,%rked for him in the i,derness+ = And Nimrod and his men that ere ith him did not kno him& and Nimrod and his men freH%ent,y a,ked abo%t in the fie,d at the 9oo, of the day& and to kno here his men ere h%ntin8 in the fie,d+ > And Nimrod and t o of his men that ere ith him 9ame to the 5,a9e here they ere& hen Esa% started s%dden,y from his ,%rkin8 5,a9e& and dre his s ord& and hastened and ran to Nimrod and 9%t off his head+ / And Esa% fo%8ht a des5erate fi8ht ith the t o men that ere ith Nimrod& and hen they 9a,,ed o%t to him& Esa% t%rned to them and smote them to death ith his s ord+ A And a,, the mi8hty men of Nimrod& ho had ,eft him to 8o to the i,derness& heard the 9ry at a distan9e& and they kne the voi9es of those t o men& and they ran to kno the 9a%se of it& hen they fo%nd their kin8 and the t o men that ere ith him ,yin8 dead in the i,derness+ '( And hen Esa% sa the mi8hty men of Nimrod 9omin8 at a distan9e& he f,ed& and thereby es9a5edJ and Esa% took the va,%ab,e 8arments of Nimrod& hi9h Nimrod@s father had beH%eathed to Nimrod& and ith hi9h Nimrod 5revai,ed over the ho,e ,and& and he ran and 9on9ea,ed them in his ho%se+ '' And Esa% took those 8arments and ran into the 9ity on a99o%nt of Nimrod@s men& and he 9ame %nto his father@s ho%se earied and eBha%sted from fi8ht& and he as ready to die thro%8h 8rief hen he a55roa9hed his brother Ya9ob and sat before him+ =>

'. And he said %nto his brother Ya9ob& Beho,d " sha,, die this day& and herefore then do " ant the birthri8ht# And Ya9ob a9ted ise,y ith Esa% in this matter& and Esa% so,d his birthri8ht to Ya9ob& for it as so bro%8ht abo%t by YAHWEH+ '* And Esa%@s 5ortion in the 9ave of the fie,d of 7a9h5e,ah& hi9h Abraham had bo%8ht from the 9hi,dren of Heth for the 5ossession of a b%ria, 8ro%nd& Esa% a,so so,d to Ya9ob& and Ya9ob bo%8ht a,, this from his brother Esa% for va,%e 8iven+ ': And Ya9ob rote the ho,e of this in a book& and he testified the same ith itnesses& and he sea,ed it& and the book remained in the hands of Ya9ob+ '; And hen Nimrod the son of 0%sh died& his men ,ifted him %5 and bro%8ht him in 9onsternation& and b%ried him in his 9ity& and a,, the days that Nimrod ,ived ere t o h%ndred and fifteen years and he died+ '= And the days that Nimrod rei8ned %5on the 5eo5,e of the ,and ere one h%ndred and ei8hty$five yearsJ and Nimrod died by the s ord of Esa% in shame and 9ontem5t& and the seed of Abraham 9a%sed his death as he had seen in his dream+ '> And at the death of Nimrod his kin8dom be9ame divided into many divisions& and a,, those 5arts that Nimrod rei8ned over ere restored to the res5e9tive kin8s of the ,and& ho re9overed them after the death of Nimrod& and a,, the 5eo5,e of the ho%se of Nimrod ere for a ,on8 time ens,aved to a,, the other kin8s of the ,and+ 8 FAMINE& YITSCHA%
0HA12ER ./$$<n a99o%nt of 3amine& Yits9haH 8oes to ?erar& the Cand of the 1hi,istines+ After the 3amine he Ret%rns at the 0ommand of YAHWEH to Hebron+ Ya9ob is sent to the Ho%se of Shem here he Remains 2hirty$t o Years to ,earn the Way of YAHWEH& b%t Esa% o%,d not 8o+ Esa% marries a 0anaanitish Woman+

' And in those days& after the death of Abraham& in that year YAHWEH bro%8ht a heavy famine in the ,and& and hi,e the famine as ra8in8 in the ,and of 0anaan& Yits9haH rose %5 to 8o do n to E8y5t on a99o%nt of the famine& as his father Abraham had done+ . And YAHWEH a55eared that ni8ht to Yits9haH and he said to him& Do not 8o do n to E8y5t b%t rise and 8o to ?erar& to Abime,e9h kin8 of the 1hi,istines& and remain there ti,, the famine sha,, 9ease+ * And Yits9haH rose %5 and ent to ?erar& as YAHWEH 9ommanded him& and he remained there a f%,, year+ : And hen Yits9haH 9ame to ?erar& the 5eo5,e of the ,and sa that Rebe99a his ife as of a bea%tif%, a55earan9e& and the 5eo5,e of ?erar asked Yits9haH 9on9ernin8 his ife& and he said& She is my sister& for he as afraid to say she as his ife ,est the 5eo5,e of the ,and sho%,d s,ay him on a99o%nt of her+ ; And the 5rin9es of Abime,e9h ent and 5raised the oman to the kin8& b%t he ans ered them not& neither did he attend to their ords+ = B%t he heard them say that Yits9haH de9,ared her to be his sister& so the kin8 reserved this ithin himse,f+ > And hen Yits9haH had remained three months in the ,and& Abime,e9h ,ooked o%t at the indo & and he sa & and beho,d Yits9haH as s5ortin8 ith Rebe99a his ife& for Yits9haH d e,t in the o%ter ho%se be,on8in8 to the kin8& so that the ho%se of Yits9haH as o55osite the ho%se of the kin8+ / And the kin8 said %nto Yits9haH& What is this yo% hast done to %s in sayin8 of yo%r ife& She is my sister# ho easi,y mi8ht one of the 8reat men of the 5eo5,e have ,ain ith her& and yo% o%,dst then have bro%8ht 8%i,t %5on %s+ A And Yits9haH said %nto Abime,e9h& Be9a%se " as afraid ,est " die on a99o%nt of my ife& therefore " said& She is my sister+ '( At that time Abime,e9h 8ave orders to a,, his 5rin9es and 8reat men& and they took Yits9haH and Rebe99a his ife and bro%8ht them before the kin8+ '' And the kin8 9ommanded that they sho%,d dress them in 5rin9e,y 8arments& and make them ride thro%8h the streets of the 9ity& and 5ro9,aim before them thro%8ho%t the ,and& sayin8& 2his is the man and this is his ifeJ hoever to%9hes this man or his ife sha,, s%re,y die+ And Yits9haH ret%rned ith his ife to the kin8@s ho%se& and YAHWEH as ith Yits9haH and he 9ontin%ed to aB 8reat and ,a9ked nothin8+ =/

'. And YAHWEH 9a%sed Yits9haH to find favor in the si8ht of Abime,e9h& and in the si8ht of a,, his s%bGe9ts& and Abime,e9h a9ted e,, ith Yits9haH& for Abime,e9h remembered the oath and the 9ovenant that eBisted bet een his father and Abraham+ '* And Abime,e9h said %nto Yits9haH& Beho,d the ho,e earth is before yo%J d e,, herever it may seem 8ood in yo%r si8ht %nti, yo% sha,, ret%rn to yo%r ,andJ and Abime,e9h 8ave Yits9haH fie,ds and vineyards and the best 5art of the ,and of ?erar& to so and rea5 and eat the fr%its of the 8ro%nd %nti, the days of the famine sho%,d have 5assed by+ ': And Yits9haH so ed in that ,and& and re9eived a h%ndred$fo,d in the same year& and YAHWEH b,essed him+ '; And the man aBed 8reat& and he had 5ossession of f,o9ks and 5ossession of herds and 8reat store of servants+ '= And hen the days of the famine had 5assed a ay YAHWEH a55eared to Yits9haH and said %nto him& Rise %5& 8o forth from this 5,a9e and ret%rn to yo%r ,and& to the ,and of 0anaanJ and Yits9haH rose %5 and ret%rned to Hebron hi9h is in the ,and of 0anaan& he and a,, be,on8in8 to him as YAHWEH 9ommanded him+ '> And after this She,a9h the son at Ar5a9hshad died in that year& hi9h is the ei8hteenth year of the ,ives of Ya9ob and Esa%J and a,, the days that She,a9h ,ived ere fo%r h%ndred and thirty$three years and he died+ '/ At that time Yits9haH sent his yo%n8er son Ya9ob to the ho%se of Shem and Eber& and he ,earned the instr%9tions of YAHWEH& and Ya9ob remained in the ho%se of Shem and Eber for thirty$t o years& and Esa% his brother did not 8o& for he as not i,,in8 to 8o& and he remained in his father@s ho%se in the ,and of 0anaan+ 'A And Esa% as 9ontin%a,,y h%ntin8 in the fie,ds to brin8 home hat he 9o%,d 8et& so did Esa% a,, the days+ .( And Esa% as a desi8nin8 and de9eitf%, man& one ho h%nted after the hearts of men and invei8,ed them& and Esa% as a va,iant man in the fie,d& and in the 9o%rse of time ent as %s%a, to h%ntJ and he 9ame as far as the fie,d of Seir& the same is Edom+ .' And he remained in the ,and of Seir h%ntin8 in the fie,d a year and fo%r months+ .. And Esa% there sa in the ,and of Seir the da%8hter of a man of 0anaan& and her name as Jeh%dith& the da%8hter of Beeri& son of E5her& from the fami,ies of Heth the son of 0anaan+ .* And Esa% took her for a ife& and he 9ame %nto herJ forty years o,d as Esa% hen he took her& and he bro%8ht her to Hebron& the ,and of his father@s d e,,in8 5,a9e& and he d e,t there+ .: And it 9ame to 5ass in those days& in the h%ndred and tenth year of the ,ife of Yits9haH& that is in the fiftieth year of the ,ife of Ya9ob& in that year died Shem the son of NoahJ Shem as siB h%ndred years o,d at his death+ .; And hen Shem died Ya9ob ret%rned to his father to Hebron hi9h is in the ,and of 0anaan+ .= And in the fifty$siBth year of the ,ife of Ya9ob& 5eo5,e 9ame from Haran& and Rebe99a as to,d 9on9ernin8 her brother Caban the son of Beth%e,+ .> 3or the ife of Caban as barren in those days& and bare no 9hi,dren& and a,so a,, his handmaids bare none to him+ ./ And YAHWEH after ard remembered Adinah the ife of Caban& and she 9on9eived and bare t in da%8hters& and Caban 9a,,ed the names of his da%8hters& the name of the e,der Ceah& and the name of the yo%n8er Ra9he,+ .A And those 5eo5,e 9ame and to,d these thin8s to Rebe99a& and Rebe99a reGoi9ed 8reat,y that YAHWEH had visited her brother and that he had 8ot 9hi,dren+ 9 YACOB GETS BIRTHRIGHT
0HA12ER .A$$Ya9ob by de9eit obtains his Brother@s B,essin8+ Ya9ob fearin8 his Brother@s an8er& f,ees to the Ho%se of Eber& here he remains for 3o%rteen Years+ Esa% a8ain marries a Woman of the Cand+ Ya9ob ret%rns to his 3ather& b%t bein8 sti,, threatened by Esa%& is advised by his 7other to 8o to her Brother Caban& in Haran+ Ya9ob 8oes to


Haran& bein8 0ommanded by his 3ather not to 7arry any of the Da%8hters of 0anaan+ Ya9ob is Way,aid on the Road& by the Son of Esa%& and is Robbed of a,, he 1ossessed+

' And Yits9haH the son of Abraham be9ame o,d and advan9ed in days& and his eyes be9ame heavy thro%8h a8eJ they ere dim and 9o%,d not see+ . At that time Yits9haH 9a,,ed %nto Esa% his son& sayin8& ?et " 5ray yo% yo%r ea5ons& yo%r H%iver and yo%r bo & rise %5 and 8o forth into the fie,d and 8et me some venison& and make me savory meat and brin8 it to me& that " may eat in order that " may b,ess yo% before my death& as " have no be9ome o,d and 8ray$ headed+ * And Esa% did soJ and he took his ea5on and ent forth into the fie,d to h%nt for venison& as %s%a,& to brin8 to his father as he had ordered him& so that he mi8ht b,ess him+ : And Rebe99a heard a,, the ords that Yits9haH had s5oken %nto Esa%& and she hastened and 9a,,ed her son Ya9ob& sayin8& 2h%s did yo%r father s5eak %nto yo%r brother Esa%& and th%s did " hear& no therefore hasten yo% and make that hi9h " sha,, te,, yo%+ ; Rise %5 and 8o& " 5ray yo%& to the f,o9k and fet9h me t o fine kids of the 8oats& and " i,, 8et the savory meat for yo%r father& and yo% sha,, brin8 the savory meat that he may eat before yo%r brother sha,, have 9ome from the 9hase& in order that yo%r father may b,ess yo%+ = And Ya9ob hastened and did as his mother had 9ommanded him& and he made the savory meat and bro%8ht it before his father before Esa% had 9ome from his 9hase+ > And Yits9haH said %nto Ya9ob& Who are yo%& my son# And he said& " am yo%r first born Esa%& " have done as yo% didst order me& no therefore rise %5 " 5ray yo%& and eat of my h%nt& in order that yo%r so%, may b,ess me as yo% didst s5eak %nto me+ / And Yits9haH rose %5 and he ate and he drank& and his heart as 9omforted& and he b,essed Ya9ob and Ya9ob ent a ay from his fatherJ and as soon as Yits9haH had b,essed Ya9ob and he had 8one a ay from him& beho,d Esa% 9ame from his h%nt from the fie,d& and he a,so made savory meat and bro%8ht it to his father to eat thereof and to b,ess him+ A And Yits9haH said %nto Esa%& And ho as he that has taken venison and bro%8ht it me before yo% 9ame and hom " did b,ess# And Esa% kne that his brother Ya9ob had done this& and the an8er of Esa% as kind,ed a8ainst his brother Ya9ob that he had a9ted th%s to ard him+ '( And Esa% said& "s he not ri8ht,y 9a,,ed Ya9ob# for he has s%55,anted me t i9e& he took a ay my birthri8ht and no he has taken a ay my b,essin8J and Esa% e5t 8reat,yJ and hen Yits9haH heard the voi9e of his son Esa% ee5in8& Yits9haH said %nto Esa%& What 9an " do& my son& yo%r brother 9ame ith s%bt,ety and took a ay yo%r b,essin8J and Esa% hated his brother Ya9ob on a99o%nt of the b,essin8 that his father had 8iven him& and his an8er as 8reat,y ro%sed a8ainst him+ '' And Ya9ob as very m%9h afraid of his brother Esa%& and he rose %5 and f,ed to the ho%se of Eber the son of Shem& and he 9on9ea,ed himse,f there on a99o%nt of his brother& and Ya9ob as siBty$three years o,d hen he ent forth from the ,and of 0anaan from Hebron& and Ya9ob as 9on9ea,ed in Eber@s ho%se fo%rteen years on a99o%nt of his brother Esa%& and he there 9ontin%ed to ,earn the ays of YAHWEH and his 9ommandments+ '. And hen Esa% sa that Ya9ob had f,ed and es9a5ed from him& and that Ya9ob had 9%nnin8,y obtained the b,essin8& then Esa% 8rieved eB9eedin8,y& and he as a,so veBed at his father and motherJ and he a,so rose %5 and took his ife and ent a ay from his father and mother to the ,and of Seir& and he d e,t thereJ and Esa% sa there a oman from amon8st the da%8hters of Heth hose name as Bosmath& the da%8hter of E,on the Hittite& and he took her for a ife in addition to his first ife& and Esa% 9a,,ed her name Adah& sayin8 the b,essin8 had in that time 5assed from him+ '* And Esa% d e,t in the ,and of Seir siB months itho%t seein8 his father and mother& and after ard Esa% took his ives and rose %5 and ret%rned to the ,and of 0anaan& and Esa% 5,a9ed his t o ives in his father@s ho%se in Hebron+ ': And the ives of Esa% veBed and 5rovoked Yits9haH and Rebe99a ith their orks& for they a,ked not in the ays of YAHWEH& b%t served their father@s 8ods of ood and stone as their father had ta%8ht them& >(

and they ere more i9ked than their father+ '; And they ent a99ordin8 to the evi, desires of their hearts& and they sa9rifi9ed and b%rnt in9ense to the Baa,im& and Yits9haH and Rebe99a be9ame eary of them+ '= And Rebe99a said& " am eary of my ,ife be9a%se of the da%8hters of HethJ if Ya9ob take a ife of the da%8hters of Heth& s%9h as these hi9h are of the da%8hters of the ,and& hat 8ood then is ,ife %nto me# '> And in those days Adah the ife of Esa% 9on9eived and bare him a son& and Esa% 9a,,ed the name of the son that as born %nto him E,i5haF& and Esa% as siBty$five years o,d hen she bare him+ '/ And "shmae, the son of Abraham died in those days& in the siBty$forth year of the ,ife of Ya9ob& and a,, the days that "shmae, ,ived ere one h%ndred and thirty$seven years and he died+ 'A And hen Yits9haH heard that "shmae, as dead he mo%rned for him& and Yits9haH ,amented over him many days+ .( And at the end of fo%rteen years of Ya9ob@s residin8 in the ho%se of Eber& Ya9ob desired to see his father and mother& and Ya9ob 9ame to the ho%se of his father and mother to Hebron& and Esa% had in those days for8otten hat Ya9ob had done to him in havin8 taken the b,essin8 from him in those days+ .' And hen Esa% sa Ya9ob 9omin8 to his father and mother he remembered hat Ya9ob had done to him& and he as 8reat,y in9ensed a8ainst him and he so%8ht to s,ay him+ .. And Yits9haH the son of Abraham as o,d and advan9ed in days& and Esa% said& No my father@s time is dra in8 ni8h that he m%st die& and hen he sha,, die " i,, s,ay my brother Ya9ob+ .* And this as to,d to Rebe99a& and she hastened and sent and 9a,,ed for Ya9ob her son& and she said %nto him& Arise& 8o and f,ee to Haran to my brother Caban& and remain there for some time& %nti, yo%r brother@s an8er be t%rned from yo% and then sha,, yo% 9ome ba9k+ .: And Yits9haH 9a,,ed %nto Ya9ob and said %nto him& 2ake not a ife from the da%8hters of 0anaan& for th%s did o%r father Abraham 9ommand %s a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH hi9h he had 9ommanded him& sayin8& Dnto yo%r seed i,, " 8ive this ,andJ if yo%r 9hi,dren kee5 my 9ovenant that " have made ith yo%& then i,, " a,so 5erform to yo%r 9hi,dren that hi9h " have s5oken %nto yo% and " i,, not forsake them+ .; No therefore my son hearken to my voi9e& to a,, that " sha,, 9ommand yo%& and refrain from takin8 a ife from amon8st the da%8hters of 0anaanJ arise& 8o to Haran to the ho%se of Beth%e, yo%r mother@s father& and take %nto yo% a ife from there from the da%8hters of Caban yo%r mother@s brother+ .= 2herefore take heed ,est yo% sho%,dst for8et YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y and a,, his ays in the ,and to hi9h yo% 8oest& and sho%,dst 8et 9onne9ted ith the 5eo5,e of the ,and and 5%rs%e vanity and forsake YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y+ .> B%t hen yo% 9ome to the ,and serve there YAHWEH& do not t%rn to the ri8ht or to the ,eft from the ay hi9h " 9ommanded yo% and hi9h yo% didst ,earn+ ./ And may the A,mi8hty YAHWEH 8rant yo% favor in the si8ht of the 5eo5,e of the earth& that yo% may take there a ife a99ordin8 to yo%r 9hoi9eJ one ho is 8ood and %5ri8ht in the ays of YAHWEH+ .A And may YAHWEH 8ive %nto yo% and yo%r seed the b,essin8 of yo%r father Abraham& and make yo% fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,y yo%& and may yo% be9ome a m%,tit%de of 5eo5,e in the ,and hither yo% 8oest& and may YAHWEH 9a%se yo% to ret%rn to this ,and& the ,and of yo%r father@s d e,,in8& ith 9hi,dren and ith 8reat ri9hes& ith Goy and ith 5,eas%re+ *( And Yits9haH finished 9ommandin8 Ya9ob and b,essin8 him& and he 8ave him many 8ifts& to8ether ith si,ver and 8o,d& and he sent him a ayJ and Ya9ob hearkened to his father and motherJ he kissed them and arose and ent to 1adan$aramJ and Ya9ob as seventy$seven years o,d hen he ent o%t from the ,and of 0anaan from Beersheba+ *' And hen Ya9ob ent a ay to 8o to Haran Esa% 9a,,ed %nto his son E,i5haF& and se9ret,y s5oke %nto him& sayin8& No hasten& take yo%r s ord in yo%r hand and 5%rs%e Ya9ob and 5ass before him in the road& and ,%rk for him& and s,ay him ith yo%r s ord in one of the mo%ntains& and take a,, be,on8in8 to him and 9ome ba9k+ *. And E,i5haF the son of Esa% as an a9tive man and eB5ert ith the bo as his father had ta%8ht him& and he as a noted h%nter in the fie,d and a va,iant man+ >'

** And E,i5haF did as his father had 9ommanded him& and E,i5haF as at that time thirteen years o,d& and E,i5haF rose %5 and ent and took ten of his mother@s brothers ith him and 5%rs%ed Ya9ob+ *: And he 9,ose,y fo,,o ed Ya9ob& and he ,%rked for him in the border of the ,and of 0anaan o55osite to the 9ity of She9hem+ *; And Ya9ob sa E,i5haF and his men 5%rs%in8 him& and Ya9ob stood sti,, in the 5,a9e in hi9h he as 8oin8& in order to kno hat this as& for he did not kno the thin8J and E,i5haF dre his s ord and he ent on advan9in8& he and his men& to ard Ya9obJ and Ya9ob said %nto them& What is to do ith yo% that yo% have 9ome hither& and hat means it that yo% 5%rs%e ith yo%r s ords+ *= And E,i5haF 9ame near to Ya9ob and he ans ered and said %nto him& 2h%s did my father 9ommand me& and no therefore " i,, not deviate from the orders hi9h my father 8ave meJ and hen Ya9ob sa that Esa% had s5oken to E,i5haF to em5,oy for9e& Ya9ob then a55roa9hed and s%55,i9ated E,i5haF and his men& sayin8 to him& *> Beho,d a,, that " have and hi9h my father and mother 8ave %nto me& that take %nto yo% and 8o from me& and do not s,ay me& and may this thin8 be a99o%nted %nto yo% a ri8hteo%sness+ */ And YAHWEH 9a%sed Ya9ob to find favor in the si8ht of E,i5haF the son of Esa%& and his men& and they hearkened to the voi9e of Ya9ob& and they did not 5%t him to death& and E,i5haF and his men took a,, be,on8in8 to Ya9ob to8ether ith the si,ver and 8o,d that he had bro%8ht ith him from BeershebaJ they ,eft him nothin8+ *A And E,i5haF and his men ent a ay from him and they ret%rned to Esa% to Beersheba& and they to,d him a,, that had o99%rred to them ith Ya9ob& and they 8ave him a,, that they had taken from Ya9ob+ :( And Esa% as indi8nant at E,i5haF his son& and at his men that ere ith him& be9a%se they had not 5%t Ya9ob to death+ :' And they ans ered and said %nto Esa%& Be9a%se Ya9ob s%55,i9ated %s in this matter not to s,ay him& o%r 5ity as eB9ited to ard him& and e took a,, be,on8in8 to him and bro%8ht it %nto yo%J and Esa% took a,, the si,ver and 8o,d hi9h E,i5haF had taken from Ya9ob and he 5%t them by in his ho%se+ :. At that time hen Esa% sa that Yits9haH had b,essed Ya9ob& and had 9ommanded him& sayin8& Yo% sha,, not take a ife from amon8st the da%8hters of 0anaan& and that the da%8hters of 0anaan ere bad in the si8ht of Yits9haH and Rebe99a& :* 2hen he ent to the ho%se of "shmae, his %n9,e& and in addition to his o,der ives he took 7a9h,ath the da%8hter of "shmae,& the sister of Nebayoth& for a ife+ "0 CO!ENANT WITH YACOB
0HA12ER *($$When he Arrives at 7o%nt 7oriah& YAHWEH a55ears to Ya9ob and estab,ishes His 0ovenant ith him+ Arrivin8 at his Dn9,e@s Ho%se he En8a8es to Serve Seven Years for Ra9he,+

' And Ya9ob ent forth 9ontin%in8 his road to Haran& and he 9ame as far as mo%nt 7oriah& and he tarried there a,, ni8ht near the 9ity of C%FJ and YAHWEH a55eared there %nto Ya9ob on that ni8ht& and he said %nto him& " am YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of Abraham and the AC7"?H2Y of Yits9haH yo%r fatherJ the ,and %5on hi9h yo% ,ie " i,, 8ive %nto yo% and yo%r seed+ . And beho,d " am ith yo% and i,, kee5 yo% herever yo% 8oest& and " i,, m%,ti5,y yo%r seed as the stars of Heaven& and " i,, 9a%se a,, yo%r enemies to fa,, before yo%J and hen they sha,, make ar ith yo% they sha,, not 5revai, over yo%& and " i,, brin8 yo% a8ain %nto this ,and ith Goy& ith 9hi,dren& and ith 8reat ri9hes+ * And Ya9ob a oke from his s,ee5 and he reGoi9ed 8reat,y at the vision hi9h he had seenJ and he 9a,,ed the name of that 5,a9e Bethe,+ : And Ya9ob rose %5 from that 5,a9e H%ite reGoi9ed& and hen he a,ked his feet fe,t ,i8ht to him for Goy& and he ent from there to the ,and of the 9hi,dren of the East& and he ret%rned to Haran and he set by the she5herd@s e,,+ ; And he there fo%nd some menJ 8oin8 from Haran to feed their f,o9ks& and Ya9ob made inH%iries of them& and they said& We are from Haran+ >.

= And he said %nto them& Do yo% kno Caban& the son of Nahor# and they said& We kno him& and beho,d his da%8hter Ra9he, is 9omin8 a,on8 to feed her father@s f,o9k+ > Whi,st he as yet s5eakin8 ith them& Ra9he, the da%8hter of Caban 9ame to feed her father@s shee5& for she as a she5herdess+ / And hen Ya9ob sa Ra9he,& the da%8hter of Caban& his mother@s brother& he ran and kissed her& and ,ifted %5 his voi9e and e5t+ A And Ya9ob to,d Ra9he, that he as the son of Rebe99a& her father@s sister& and Ra9he, ran and to,d her father& and Ya9ob 9ontin%ed to 9ry be9a%se he had nothin8 ith him to brin8 to the ho%se of Caban+ '( And hen Caban heard that his sister@s son Ya9ob had 9ome& he ran and kissed him and embra9ed him and bro%8ht him into the ho%se and 8ave him bread& and he ate+ '' And Ya9ob re,ated to Caban hat his brother Esa% had done to him& and hat his son E,i5haF had done to him in the road+ '. And Ya9ob resided in Caban@s ho%se for one month& and Ya9ob ate and drank in the ho%se of Caban& and after ard Caban said %nto Ya9ob& 2e,, me hat sha,, be yo%r a8es& for ho 9anst yo% serve me for no%8ht# '* And Caban had no sons b%t on,y da%8hters& and his other ives and handmaids ere sti,, barren in those daysJ and these are the names of Caban@s da%8hters hi9h his ife Adinah had borne %nto himJ the name of the e,der as Ceah and the name of the yo%n8er as Ra9he,J and Ceah as tender$eyed& b%t Ra9he, as bea%tif%, and e,, favored& and Ya9ob ,oved her+ ': And Ya9ob said %nto Caban& " i,, serve yo% seven years for Ra9he, yo%r yo%n8er da%8hterJ and Caban 9onsented to this and Ya9ob served Caban seven years for his da%8hter Ra9he,+ '; And in the se9ond year of Ya9ob@s d e,,in8 in Haran& that is in the seventy ninth year of the ,ife of Ya9ob& in that year died Eber the son of Shem& he as fo%r h%ndred and siBty$fo%r years o,d at his death+ '= And hen Ya9ob heard that Eber as dead he 8rieved eB9eedin8,y& and he ,amented and mo%rned over him many days+ '> And in the third year of Ya9ob@s d e,,in8 in Haran& Bosmath& the da%8hter of "shmae,& the ife of Esa%& bare %nto him a son& and Esa% 9a,,ed his name Re%e,+ '/ And in the fo%rth year of Ya9ob@s residen9e in the ho%se of Caban& YAHWEH visited Caban and remembered him on a99o%nt of Ya9ob& and sons ere born %nto him& and his first born as Beor& his se9ond as A,ib& and the third as 0horash+ 'A And YAHWEH 8ave Caban ri9hes and honor& sons and da%8hters& and the man in9reased 8reat,y on a99o%nt of Ya9ob+ .( And Ya9ob in those days served Caban in a,, manner of ork& in the ho%se and in the fie,d& and the b,essin8 of YAHWEH as in a,, that be,on8ed to Caban in the ho%se and in the fie,d+ .' And in the fifth year died Jeh%dith& the da%8hter of Beeri& the ife of Esa%& in the ,and of 0anaan& and she had no sons b%t da%8hters on,y+ .. And these are the names of her da%8hters hi9h she bare to Esa%& the name of the e,der as 7arFith& and the name of the yo%n8er as 1%ith+ .* And hen Jeh%dith died& Esa% rose %5 and ent to Seir to h%nt in the fie,d& as %s%a,& and Esa% d e,t in the ,and of Seir for a ,on8 time+ .: And in the siBth year Esa% took for a ife& in addition to his other ives& Ah,ibamah& the da%8hter of Iebeon the Hivite& and Esa% bro%8ht her to the ,and of 0anaan+ .; And Ah,ibamah 9on9eived and bare %nto Esa% three sons& Ye%sh& Yaa,an& and 4orah+ .= And in those days& in the ,and of 0anaan& there as a H%arre, bet een the herdsmen of Esa% and the herdsmen of the inhabitants of the ,and of 0anaan& for Esa%@s 9att,e and 8oods ere too ab%ndant for him to remain in the ,and of 0anaan& in his father@s ho%se& and the ,and of 0anaan 9o%,d not bear him on a99o%nt of his 9att,e+ .> And hen Esa% sa that his H%arre,in8 in9reased ith the inhabitants of the ,and of 0anaan& he rose %5 and took his ives and his sons and his da%8hters& and a,, be,on8in8 to him& and the 9att,e hi9h he 5ossessed& and a,, his 5ro5erty that he had a9H%ired in the ,and of 0anaan& and he ent a ay from the >*

inhabitants of the ,and to the ,and of Seir& and Esa% and a,, be,on8in8 to him d e,t in the ,and of Seir+ ./ B%t from time to time Esa% o%,d 8o and see his father and mother in the ,and of 0anaan& and Esa% intermarried ith the Horites& and he 8ave his da%8hters to the sons of Seir& the Horite+ .A And he 8ave his e,der da%8hter 7arFith to Anah& the son of Iebeon& his ife@s brother& and 1%ith he 8ave to AFar& the son of Bi,han the HoriteJ and Esa% d e,t in the mo%ntain& he and his 9hi,dren& and they ere fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,ied+ "1 YACOB IS DECEI!ED
0HA12ER *'$$Ya9ob is De9eived and is 8iven Ceah in 1,a9e of Ra9he,& b%t is ?iven Ra9he, for Seven Years@ more Servi9e+ Ya9ob serves Caban siB years ,on8er for Wa8es and be9omes very Ri9h& hen YAHWEH A55ears to him and 9ommands him to Ret%rn to the Cand of 0anaan+ Ya9ob <beys and 8oes from Caban+ Ra9he, Stea,s her 3ather@s 8ods& that he may not kno here Ya9ob has f,ed+ Caban 1%rs%es him& b%t estab,ishes a 9ovenant of 5ea9e+ Caban breaks his 0ovenant by sendin8 his Son se9ret,y to Esa% that Ya9ob may 3a,, in his Hands+ Esa%& ith 3o%r H%ndred 7en& seek to Destroy Ya9ob+

' And in the seventh year& Ya9ob@s servi9e hi9h he served Caban as 9om5,eted& and Ya9ob said %nto Caban& ?ive me my ife& for the days of my servi9e are f%,fi,,edJ and Caban did so& and Caban and Ya9ob assemb,ed a,, the 5eo5,e of that 5,a9e and they made a feast+ . And in the evenin8 Caban 9ame to the ho%se& and after ard Ya9ob 9ame there ith the 5eo5,e of the feast& and Caban eBtin8%ished a,, the ,i8hts that ere there in the ho%se+ * And Ya9ob said %nto Caban& Wherefore dost yo% do this thin8 %nto %s# and Caban ans ered& S%9h is o%r 9%stom to a9t in this ,and+ : And after ard Caban took his da%8hter Ceah& and he bro%8ht her to Ya9ob& and he 9ame to her and Ya9ob did not kno that she as Ceah+ ; And Caban 8ave his da%8hter Ceah his maid Ii,5ah for a handmaid+ = And a,, the 5eo5,e at the feast kne hat Caban had done to Ya9ob& b%t they did not te,, the thin8 to Ya9ob+ > And a,, the nei8hbors 9ame that ni8ht to Ya9ob@s ho%se& and they ate and drank and reGoi9ed& and 5,ayed before Ceah %5on timbre,s& and ith dan9es& and they res5onded before Ya9ob& He,eah& He,eah+ / And Ya9ob heard their ords b%t did not %nderstand their meanin8& b%t he tho%8ht s%9h mi8ht be their 9%stom in this ,and+ A And the nei8hbors s5oke these ords before Ya9ob d%rin8 the ni8ht& and a,, the ,i8hts that ere in the ho%se Caban had that ni8ht eBtin8%ished+ '( And in the mornin8& hen day,i8ht a55eared& Ya9ob t%rned to his ife and he sa & and beho,d it as Ceah that had been ,yin8 in his bosom& and Ya9ob said& Beho,d no " kno hat the nei8hbors said ,ast ni8ht& He,eah& they said& and " kne it not+ '' And Ya9ob 9a,,ed %nto Caban& and said %nto him& What is this that yo% didst %nto me# S%re,y " served yo% for Ra9he,& and hy didst yo% de9eive me and didst 8ive me Ceah# '. And Caban ans ered Ya9ob& sayin8& Not so is it done in o%r 5,a9e to 8ive the yo%n8er before the e,der no therefore if yo% desire to take her sister ,ike ise& take her %nto yo% for the servi9e hi9h yo% i,t serve me for another seven years+ '* And Ya9ob did so& and he a,so took Ra9he, for a ife& and he served Caban seven years more& and Ya9ob a,so 9ame to Ra9he,& and he ,oved Ra9he, more than Ceah& and Caban 8ave her his maid Bi,hah for a handmaid+ ': And hen YAHWEH sa that Ceah as hated& YAHWEH o5ened her omb& and she 9on9eived and bare Ya9ob fo%r sons in those days+ '; And these are their names& Re%ben Simeon& Cevi& and Yah%dah& and she after ard ,eft bearin8+ '= And at that time Ra9he, as barren& and she had no offs5rin8& and Ra9he, envied her sister Ceah& and hen Ra9he, sa that she bare no 9hi,dren to Ya9ob& she took her handmaid Bi,hah& and she bare Ya9ob t o sons& Dan and Na5hta,i+ '> And hen Ceah sa that she had ,eft bearin8& she a,so took her handmaid Ii,5ah& and she 8ave her to >:

Ya9ob for a ife& and Ya9ob a,so 9ame to Ii,5ah& and she a,so bare Ya9ob t o sons& ?ad and Asher+ '/ And Ceah a8ain 9on9eived and bare Ya9ob in those days t o sons and one da%8hter& and these are their names& "ssa9har& Ieb%,on& and their sister Dinah+ 'A And Ra9he, as sti,, barren in those days& and Ra9he, 5rayed %nto YAHWEH at that time& and she said& < YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y remember me and visit me& " besee9h yo%& for no my h%sband i,, 9ast me off& for " have borne him no 9hi,dren+ .( No < YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y& hear my s%55,i9ation before yo%& and see my aff,i9tion& and 8ive me 9hi,dren ,ike one of the handmaids& that " may no more bear my re5roa9h+ .' And YAHWEH heard her and o5ened her omb& and Ra9he, 9on9eived and bare a son& and she said& YAHWEH has taken a ay my re5roa9h& and she 9a,,ed his name Yose5h& sayin8& 7ay YAHWEH add to me another sonJ and Ya9ob as ninety$one years o,d hen she bare him+ .. At that time Ya9ob@s mother& Rebe99a& sent her n%rse Deborah the da%8hter of DF& and t o of Yits9haH@s servants %nto Ya9ob+ .* And they 9ame to Ya9ob to Haran and they said %nto him& Rebe99a has sent %s to yo% that yo% sha,, ret%rn to yo%r father@s ho%se to the ,and of 0anaanJ and Ya9ob hearkened %nto them in this hi9h his mother had s5oken+ .: At that time& the other seven years hi9h Ya9ob served Caban for Ra9he, ere 9om5,eted& and it as at the end of fo%rteen years that he had d e,t in Haran that Ya9ob said %nto Caban& 8ive me my ives and send me a ay& that " may 8o to my ,and& for beho,d my mother did send %nto me from the ,and at 0anaan that " sho%,d ret%rn to my father@s ho%se+ .; And Caban said %nto him& Not so " 5ray yo%J if " have fo%nd favor in yo%r si8ht do not ,eave meJ a55oint me yo%r a8es and " i,, 8ive them& and remain ith me+ .= And Ya9ob said %nto him& 2his is hat yo% sha,, 8ive me for a8es& that " sha,, this day 5ass thro%8h a,, yo%r f,o9k and take a ay from them every ,amb that is s5e9k,ed and s5otted and s%9h as are bro n amon8st the shee5& and amon8st the 8oats& and if yo% i,t do this thin8 for me " i,, ret%rn and feed yo%r f,o9k and kee5 them as at first+ .> And Caban did so& and Caban removed from his f,o9k a,, that Ya9ob had said and 8ave them to him+ ./ And Ya9ob 5,a9ed a,, that he had removed from Caban@s f,o9k in the hands of his sons& and Ya9ob as feedin8 the remainder of Caban@s f,o9k+ .A And hen the servants of Yits9haH hi9h he had sent %nto Ya9ob sa that Ya9ob o%,d not then ret%rn ith them to the ,and of 0anaan to his father& they then ent a ay from him& and they ret%rned home to the ,and of 0anaan+ *( And Deborah remained ith Ya9ob in Haran& and she did not ret%rn ith the servants of Yits9haH to the ,and of 0anaan& and Deborah resided ith Ya9ob@s ives and 9hi,dren in Haran+ *' And Ya9ob served Caban siB years ,on8er& and hen the shee5 bro%8ht forth& Ya9ob removed from them s%9h as ere s5e9k,ed and s5otted& as he had determined ith Caban& and Ya9ob did so at Caban@s for siB years& and the man in9reased ab%ndant,y and he had 9att,e and maid servants and men servants& 9ame,s& and asses+ *. And Ya9ob had t o h%ndred drove of 9att,e& and his 9att,e ere of ,ar8e siFe and of bea%tif%, a55earan9e and ere very 5rod%9tive& and a,, the fami,ies of the sons of men desired to 8et some of the 9att,e of Ya9ob& for they ere eB9eedin8,y 5ros5ero%s+ ** And many of the sons of men 9ame to 5ro9%re some of Ya9ob@s f,o9k& and Ya9ob 8ave them a shee5 for a man servant or a maid servant or for an ass or a 9ame,& or hatever Ya9ob desired from them they 8ave him+ *: And Ya9ob obtained ri9hes and honor and 5ossessions by means of these transa9tions ith the sons of men& and the 9hi,dren of Caban envied him of this honor+ *; And in the 9o%rse of time he heard the ords of Caban@s sons& sayin8& Ya9ob has taken a ay a,, that as o%r father@s& and of that hi9h as o%r father@s has he a9H%ired a,, this s5,endor and honor+ *= And Ya9ob behe,d the 9o%ntenan9e of Caban and of his 9hi,dren& and beho,d it as not to ard him in those days as it had been before+ >;

*> And YAHWEH a55eared to Ya9ob at the eB5iration of the siB years& and said %nto him& Arise& 8o forth o%t of this ,and& and ret%rn to the ,and of yo%r birth5,a9e and " i,, be ith yo%+ */ And Ya9ob rose %5 at that time and he mo%nted his 9hi,dren and ives and a,, be,on8in8 to him %5on 9ame,s& and he ent forth to 8o to the ,and of 0anaan to his father Yits9haH+ *A And Caban did not kno that Ya9ob had 8one from him& for Caban had been that day shee5$shearin8+ :( And Ra9he, sto,e her father@s ima8es& and she took them and she 9on9ea,ed them %5on the 9ame, %5on hi9h she sat& and she ent on+ :' And this is the manner of the ima8esJ in takin8 a man ho is the first born and s,ayin8 him and takin8 the hair off his head& and takin8 sa,t and sa,tin8 the head and anointin8 it in oi,& then takin8 a sma,, tab,et of 9o55er or a tab,et of 8o,d and ritin8 the name %5on it& and 5,a9in8 the tab,et %nder his ton8%e& and takin8 the head ith the tab,et %nder the ton8%e and 5%ttin8 it in the ho%se& and ,i8htin8 %5 ,i8hts before it and bo in8 do n to it+ :. And at the time hen they bo do n to it& it s5eaks to them in a,, matters that they ask of it& thro%8h the 5o er of the name hi9h is ritten in it+ :* And some make them in the fi8%res of men& of 8o,d and si,ver& and 8o to them in times kno n to them& and the fi8%res re9eive the inf,%en9e of the stars& and te,, them f%t%re thin8s& and in this manner ere the ima8es hi9h Ra9he, sto,e from her father+ :: And Ra9he, sto,e these ima8es hi9h ere her father@s& in order that Caban mi8ht not kno thro%8h them here Ya9ob had 8one+ :; And Caban 9ame home and he asked 9on9ernin8 Ya9ob and his ho%seho,d& and he as not to be fo%nd& and Caban so%8ht his ima8es to kno here Ya9ob had 8one& and 9o%,d not find them& and he ent to some other ima8es& and he inH%ired of them and they to,d him that Ya9ob had f,ed from him to his father@s& to the ,and of 0anaan+ := And Caban then rose %5 and he took his brothers and a,, his servants& and he ent forth and 5%rs%ed Ya9ob& and he overtook him in mo%nt ?i,ead+ :> And Caban said %nto Ya9ob& What is this yo% hast done to me to f,ee and de9eive me& and ,ead my da%8hters and their 9hi,dren as 9a5tives taken by the s ord# :/ And yo% didst not s%ffer me to kiss them and send them a ay ith Goy& and yo% didst stea, my 8ods and didst 8o a ay+ :A And Ya9ob ans ered Caban& sayin8& Be9a%se " as afraid ,est yo% o%,dst take yo%r da%8hters by for9e from meJ and no ith homsoever yo% find yo%r 8ods he sha,, die+ ;( And Caban sear9hed for the ima8es and he eBamined in a,, Ya9ob@s tents and f%rnit%re& b%t 9o%,d not find them+ ;' And Caban said %nto Ya9ob& We i,, make a 9ovenant to8ether and it sha,, be a testimony bet een me and yo%J if yo% sha,, aff,i9t my da%8hters& or sha,, take other ives besides my da%8hters& even YAHWEH sha,, be a itness bet een me and yo% in this matter+ ;. And they took stones and made a hea5& and Caban said& 2his hea5 is a itness bet een me and yo%& therefore he 9a,,ed the name thereof ?i,ead+ ;* And Ya9ob and Caban offered sa9rifi9e %5on the mo%nt& and they ate there by the hea5& and they tarried in the mo%nt a,, ni8ht& and Caban rose %5 ear,y in the mornin8& and he e5t ith his da%8hters and he kissed them& and he ret%rned %nto his 5,a9e+ ;: And he hastened and sent off his son Beor& ho as seventeen years o,d& ith Abi9horof the son of DF& the son of Nahor& and ith them ere ten men+ ;; And they hastened and ent and 5assed on the road before Ya9ob& and they 9ame by another road to the ,and of Seir+ ;= And they 9ame %nto Esa% and said %nto him& 2h%s saith yo%r brother and re,ative& yo%r mother@s brother Caban& the son of Beth%e,& sayin8& ;> Hast yo% heard hat Ya9ob yo%r brother has done %nto me& ho first 9ame to me naked and bare& and " ent to meet him& and bro%8ht him to my ho%se ith honor& and " made him 8reat& and " 8ave him my t o da%8hters for ives and a,so t o of my maids+ >=

;/ And YAHWEH b,essed him on my a99o%nt& and he in9reased ab%ndant,y& and had sons& da%8hters and maid servants+ ;A He has a,so an immense sto9k of f,o9ks and herds& 9ame,s and asses& a,so si,ver and 8o,d in ab%ndan9eJ and hen he sa that his ea,th in9reased& he ,eft me hi,e " ent to shear my shee5& and he rose %5 and f,ed in se9re9y+ =( And he ,ifted his ives and 9hi,dren %5on 9ame,s& and he ,ed a ay a,, his 9att,e and 5ro5erty hi9h he a9H%ired in my ,and& and he ,ifted %5 his 9o%ntenan9e to 8o to his father Yits9haH& to the ,and of 0anaan+ =' And he did not s%ffer me to kiss my da%8hters and their 9hi,dren& and he ,ed my da%8hters as 9a5tives taken by the s ord& and he a,so sto,e my 8ods and he f,ed+ =. And no " have ,eft him in the mo%ntain of the brook of Jab%k& him and a,, be,on8in8 to himJ he ,a9ks nothin8+ =* "f it be yo%r ish to 8o to him& 8o then and there i,t yo% find him& and yo% 9anst do %nto him as yo%r so%, desirethJ and Caban@s messen8ers 9ame and to,d Esa% a,, these thin8s+ =: And Esa% heard a,, the ords of Caban@s messen8ers& and his an8er as 8reat,y kind,ed a8ainst Ya9ob& and he remembered his hatred& and his an8er b%rned ithin him+ =; And Esa% hastened and took his 9hi,dren and servants and the so%,s of his ho%seho,d& bein8 siBty men& and he ent and assemb,ed a,, the 9hi,dren of Seir the Horite and their 5eo5,e& bein8 three h%ndred and forty men& and took a,, this n%mber of fo%r h%ndred men ith dra n s ords& and he ent %nto Ya9ob to smite him+ == And Esa% divided this n%mber into severa, 5arts& and he took the siBty men of his 9hi,dren and servants and the so%,s of his ho%seho,d as one head& and 8ave them in 9are of E,i5haF his e,dest son+ => And the remainin8 heads he 8ave to the 9are of the siB sons of Seir the Horite& and he 5,a9ed every man over his 8enerations and 9hi,dren+ =/ And the ho,e of this 9am5 ent as it as& and Esa% ent amon8st them to ard Ya9ob& and he 9ond%9ted them ith s5eed+ =A And Caban@s messen8ers de5arted from Esa% and ent to the ,and of 0anaan& and they 9ame to the ho%se of Rebe99a the mother of Ya9ob and Esa%+ >( And they to,d her sayin8& Beho,d yo%r son Esa% has 8one a8ainst his brother Ya9ob ith fo%r h%ndred men& for he heard that he as 9omin8& and he is 8one to make ar ith him& and to smite him and to take a,, that he has+ >' And Rebe99a hastened and sent seventy t o men from the servants of Yits9haH to meet Ya9ob on the roadJ for she said& 1eradvent%re& Esa% may make ar in the road hen he meets him+ >. And these messen8ers ent on the road to meet Ya9ob& and they met him in the road of the brook on the o55osite side of the brook Jab%k& and Ya9ob said hen he sa them& 2his 9am5 is destined to me from YAHWEH& and Ya9ob 9a,,ed the name of that 5,a9e 7a9hnayim+ >* And Ya9ob kne a,, his father@s 5eo5,e& and he kissed them and embra9ed them and 9ame ith them& and Ya9ob asked them 9on9ernin8 his father and mother& and they said& 2hey ere e,,+ >: And these messen8ers said %nto Ya9ob& Rebe99a yo%r mother has sent %s to yo%& sayin8& " have heard& my son& that yo%r brother Esa% has 8one forth a8ainst yo% on the road ith men from the 9hi,dren of Seir the Horite+ >; And therefore& my son& hearken to my voi9e and see ith yo%r 9o%nse, hat yo% i,t do& and hen he 9omes %5 to yo%& s%55,i9ate him& and do not s5eak rash,y to him& and 8ive him a 5resent from hat yo% 5ossessest& and from hat YAHWEH has favored yo% ith+ >= And hen he asks yo% 9on9ernin8 yo%r affairs& 9on9ea, nothin8 from him& 5erha5s he may t%rn from his an8er a8ainst yo% and yo% i,t thereby save yo%r so%,& yo% and a,, be,on8in8 to yo%& for it is yo%r d%ty to honor him& for he is yo%r e,der brother+ >> And hen Ya9ob heard the ords of his mother hi9h the messen8ers had s5oken to him& Ya9ob ,ifted %5 his voi9e and e5t bitter,y& and did as his mother then 9ommanded him+



0HA12ER *.$$Ya9ob sends a 7essa8e of 1ea9e to his Brother& ho reGe9ts it ith 9ontem5t& and Advan9es to Destroy him+ Hosts of Heaven,y 7essen8ers 9a%se the 3ear of Ya9ob to 9ome %5on Esa%& and he 8oes to meet him in 5ea9e& in ans er to Ya9ob@s 1rayer+ Ya9ob Wrest,es ith an Heaven,y 7essen8er of YAHWEH+

' And at that time Ya9ob sent messen8ers to his brother Esa% to ard the ,and of Seir& and he s5oke to him ords of s%55,i9ation+ . And he 9ommanded them& sayin8& 2h%s sha,, ye say to my ,ord& to Esa%& 2h%s saith yo%r servant Ya9ob& Cet not my ,ord ima8ine that my father@s b,essin8 ith hi9h he did b,ess me has 5roved benefi9ia, to me+ * 3or " have been these t enty years ith Caban& and he de9eived me and 9han8ed my a8es ten times& as it has a,, been a,ready to,d %nto my ,ord+ : And " served him in his ho%se very ,aborio%s,y& and YAHWEH after ard sa my aff,i9tion& my ,abor and the ork of my hands& and he 9a%sed me to find free %nmerited ,ove and favor and favor in his si8ht+ ; And " after ard thro%8h YAHWEH@s 8reat mer9y and kindness a9H%ired oBen and asses and 9att,e& and men servants and maid servants+ = And no " am 9omin8 to my ,and and my home to my father and mother& ho are in the ,and of 0anaanJ and " have sent to ,et my ,ord kno a,, this in order to find favor in the si8ht of my ,ord& so that he may not ima8ine that " have of myse,f obtained ea,th& or that the b,essin8 ith hi9h my father b,essed me has benefited me+ > And those messen8ers ent to Esa%& and fo%nd him on the borders of the ,and of Edom 8oin8 to ard Ya9ob& and fo%r h%ndred men of the 9hi,dren of Seir the Horite ere standin8 ith dra n s ords+ / And the messen8ers of Ya9ob to,d Esa% a,, the ords that Ya9ob had s5oken to them 9on9ernin8 Esa%+ A And Esa% ans ered them ith 5ride and 9ontem5t& and said %nto them& S%re,y " have heard and tr%,y it has been to,d %nto me hat Ya9ob has done to Caban& ho eBa,ted him in his ho%se and 8ave him his da%8hters for ives& and he be8at sons and da%8hters& and ab%ndant,y in9reased in ea,th and ri9hes in Caban@s ho%se thro%8h his means+ '( And hen he sa that his ea,th as ab%ndant and his ri9hes 8reat he f,ed ith a,, be,on8in8 to him& from Caban@s ho%se& and he ,ed Caban@s da%8hters a ay from the fa9e of their father& as 9a5tives taken by the s ord itho%t te,,in8 him of it+ '' And not on,y to Caban has Ya9ob done th%s b%t a,so %nto me has he done so and has t i9e s%55,anted me& and sha,, " be si,ent# '. No therefore " have this day 9ome ith my 9am5s to meet him& and " i,, do %nto him a99ordin8 to the desire of my heart+ '* And the messen8ers ret%rned and 9ame to Ya9ob and said %nto him& We 9ame to yo%r brother& to Esa%& and e to,d him a,, yo%r ords& and th%s has he ans ered %s& and beho,d he 9omes to meet yo% ith fo%r h%ndred men+ ': No then kno and see hat yo% sha,, do& and 5ray before YAHWEH to de,iver yo% from him+ '; And hen he heard the ords of his brother hi9h he had s5oken to the messen8ers of Ya9ob& Ya9ob as 8reat,y afraid and he as distressed+ '= And Ya9ob 5rayed to YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y& and he said& < YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of my fathers& Abraham and Yits9haH& yo% didst say %nto me hen " ent a ay from my father@s ho%se& sayin8& '> " am YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of yo%r father Abraham and the AC7"?H2Y of Yits9haH& %nto yo% do " 8ive this ,and and yo%r seed after yo%& and " i,, make yo%r seed as the stars of heaven& and yo% sha,, s5read forth to the fo%r sides of heaven& and in yo% and in yo%r seed sha,, a,, the fami,ies of the earth be b,essed+ '/ And yo% didst estab,ish yo%r ords& and didst 8ive %nto me ri9hes and 9hi,dren and 9att,e& as the %tmost ishes of my heart didst yo% 8ive %nto yo%r servantJ yo% didst 8ive %nto me a,, that " asked from yo%& so that " ,a9ked nothin8+ 'A And yo% didst after ard say %nto me& Ret%rn to yo%r 5arents and to yo%r birth 5,a9e and " i,, sti,, do e,, ith yo%+ >/

.( And no that " have 9ome& and yo% didst de,iver me from Caban& " sha,, fa,, in the hands of Esa% ho i,, s,ay me& yea& to8ether ith the mothers of my 9hi,dren+ .' No therefore& < YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y& de,iver me& " 5ray yo%& a,so from the hands of my brother Esa%& for " am 8reat,y afraid of him+ .. And if there is no ri8hteo%sness in me& do it for the sake of Abraham and my father Yits9haH+ .* 3or " kno that thro%8h kindness and mer9y have " a9H%ired this ea,thJ no therefore " besee9h yo% to de,iver me this day ith yo%r kindness and to ans er me+ .: And Ya9ob 9eased 5rayin8 to YAHWEH& and he divided the 5eo5,e that ere ith him ith the f,o9ks and 9att,e into t o 9am5s& and he 8ave the ha,f to the 9are of Damesek& the son of E,ieFer& Abraham@s servant& for a 9am5& ith his 9hi,dren& and the other ha,f he 8ave to the 9are of his brother E,ian%s the son of E,ieFer& to be for a 9am5 ith his 9hi,dren+ .; And he 9ommanded them& sayin8& 4ee5 yo%rse,ves at a distan9e ith yo%r 9am5s& and do not 9ome too near ea9h other& and if Esa% 9ome to one 9am5 and s,ay it& the other 9am5 at a distan9e from it i,, es9a5e him+ .= And Ya9ob tarried there that ni8ht& and d%rin8 the ho,e ni8ht he 8ave his servants instr%9tions 9on9ernin8 the for9es and his 9hi,dren+ .> And YAHWEH heard the 5rayer of Ya9ob on that day& and YAHWEH then de,ivered Ya9ob from the hands of his brother Esa%+ ./ And YAHWEH sent three heaven,y messen8ers of the heaven,y messen8ers of heaven& and they ent before Esa% and 9ame to him+ .A And these heaven,y messen8ers a55eared %nto Esa% and his 5eo5,e as t o tho%sand men& ridin8 %5on horses f%rnished ith a,, sorts of ar instr%ments& and they a55eared in the si8ht of Esa% and a,, his men to be divided into fo%r 9am5s& ith fo%r 9hiefs to them+ *( And one 9am5 ent on and they fo%nd Esa% 9omin8 ith fo%r h%ndred men to ard his brother Ya9ob& and this 9am5 ran to ard Esa% and his 5eo5,e and terrified them& and Esa% fe,, off the horse in a,arm& and a,, his men se5arated from him in that 5,a9e& for they ere 8reat,y afraid+ *' And the ho,e of the 9am5 sho%ted after them hen they f,ed from Esa%& and a,, the ar,ike men ans ered& sayin8& *. S%re,y e are the servants of Ya9ob& ho is the servant of YAHWEH& and ho then 9an stand a8ainst %s# And Esa% said %nto them& < then& my ,ord and brother Ya9ob is yo%r ,ord& hom " have not seen for these t enty years& and no that " have this day 9ome to see him& do yo% treat me in this manner# ** And the heaven,y messen8ers ans ered him sayin8& As YAHWEH ,iveth& ere not Ya9ob of hom yo% s5eaks yo%r brother& e had not ,et one remainin8 from yo% and yo%r 5eo5,e& b%t on,y on a99o%nt of Ya9ob e i,, do nothin8 to them+ *: And this 9am5 5assed from Esa% and his men and it ent a ay& and Esa% and his men had 8one from them abo%t a ,ea8%e hen the se9ond 9am5 9ame to ard him ith a,, sorts of ea5ons& and they a,so did %nto Esa% and his men as the first 9am5 had done to them+ *; And hen they had ,eft it to 8o on& beho,d the third 9am5 9ame to ard him and they ere a,, terrified& and Esa% fe,, off the horse& and the ho,e 9am5 9ried o%t& and said& S%re,y e are the servants of Ya9ob& ho is the servant of YAHWEH& and ho 9an stand a8ainst %s# *= And Esa% a8ain ans ered them sayin8& < then& Ya9ob my ,ord and yo%r ,ord is my brother& and for t enty years " have not seen his 9o%ntenan9e and hearin8 this day that he as 9omin8& " ent this day to meet him& and do yo% treat me in this manner# *> And they ans ered him& and said %nto him& As YAHWEH ,iveth& ere not Ya9ob yo%r brother as yo% didst say& e had not ,eft a remnant from yo% and yo%r men& b%t on a99o%nt of Ya9ob of hom yo% s5eak bein8 yo%r brother& e i,, not medd,e ith yo% or yo%r men+ */ And the third 9am5 a,so 5assed from them& and he sti,, 9ontin%ed his road ith his men to ard Ya9ob& hen the fo%rth 9am5 9ame to ard him& and they a,so did %nto him and his men as the others had done+ *A And hen Esa% behe,d the evi, hi9h the fo%r heaven,y messen8ers had done to him and to his men& he be9ame 8reat,y afraid of his brother Ya9ob& and he ent to meet him in 5ea9e+ >A

:( And Esa% 9on9ea,ed his hatred a8ainst Ya9ob& be9a%se he as afraid of his ,ife on a99o%nt of his brother Ya9ob& and be9a%se he ima8ined that the fo%r 9am5s that he had ,i8hted %5on ere Ya9ob@s servants+ :' And Ya9ob tarried that ni8ht ith his servants in their 9am5s& and he reso,ved ith his servants to 8ive %nto Esa% a 5resent from a,, that he had ith him& and from a,, his 5ro5ertyJ and Ya9ob rose %5 in the mornin8& he and his men& and they 9hose from amon8st the 9att,e a 5resent for Esa%+ :. And this is the amo%nt of the 5resent hi9h Ya9ob 9hose from his f,o9k to 8ive %nto his brother Esa%) and he se,e9ted t o h%ndred and forty head from the f,o9ks& and he se,e9ted from the 9ame,s and asses thirty ea9h& and of the herds he 9hose fifty kine+ :* And he 5%t them a,, in ten droves& and he 5,a9ed ea9h sort by itse,f& and he de,ivered them into the hands of ten of his servants& ea9h drove by itse,f+ :: And he 9ommanded them& and said %nto them& 4ee5 yo%rse,ves at a distan9e from ea9h other& and 5%t a s5a9e bet een the droves& and hen Esa% and those ho are ith him sha,, meet yo% and ask yo%& sayin8& Whose are yo%& and hither do yo% 8o& and to hom be,on8s a,, this before yo%& yo% sha,, say %nto them& We are the servants of Ya9ob& and e 9ome to meet Esa% in 5ea9e& and beho,d Ya9ob 9omes behind %s+ :; And that hi9h is before %s is a 5resent sent from Ya9ob to his brother Esa%+ := And if they sha,, say %nto yo%& Why doth he de,ay behind yo%& from 9omin8 to meet his brother and to see his fa9e& then yo% sha,, say %nto them& S%re,y he 9omes Goyf%,,y behind %s to meet his brother& for he said& " i,, a55ease him ith the 5resent that 8oes to him& and after this " i,, see his fa9e& 5eradvent%re he i,, a99e5t of me+ :> So the ho,e 5resent 5assed on in the hands of his servants& and ent before him on that day& and he ,od8ed that ni8ht ith his 9am5s by the border of the brook of Jab%k& and he rose %5 in the midst of the ni8ht& and he took his ives and his maid servants& and a,, be,on8in8 to him& and he that ni8ht 5assed them over the ford Jab%k+ :/ And hen he 5assed a,, be,on8in8 to him over the brook& Ya9ob as ,eft by himse,f& and a man met him& and he rest,ed ith him that ni8ht %nti, the breakin8 of the day& and the ho,,o of Ya9ob@s thi8h as o%t of Goint thro%8h rest,in8 ith him+ :A And at the break of day the man ,eft Ya9ob there& and he b,essed him and ent a ay& and Ya9ob 5assed the brook at the break of day& and he ha,ted %5on his thi8h+ ;( And the s%n rose %5on him hen he had 5assed the brook& and he 9ame %5 to the 5,a9e of his 9att,e and 9hi,dren+ ;' And they ent on ti,, midday& and hi,e they ere 8oin8 the 5resent as 5assin8 on before them+ ;. And Ya9ob ,ifted %5 his eyes and ,ooked& and beho,d Esa% as at a distan9e& 9omin8 a,on8 ith many men& abo%t fo%r h%ndred& and Ya9ob as 8reat,y afraid of his brother+ ;* And Ya9ob hastened and divided his 9hi,dren %nto his ives and his handmaids& and his da%8hter Dinah he 5%t in a 9hest& and de,ivered her into the hands of his servants+ ;: And he 5assed before his 9hi,dren and ives to meet his brother& and he bo ed do n to the 8ro%nd& yea he bo ed do n seven times %nti, he a55roa9hed his brother& and YAHWEH 9a%sed Ya9ob to find free %nmerited ,ove and favor in the si8ht of Esa% and his men& for YAHWEH had heard the 5rayer of Ya9ob+ ;; And the fear of Ya9ob and his terror fe,, %5on his brother Esa%& for Esa% as 8reat,y afraid of Ya9ob for hat the heaven,y messen8ers of YAHWEH had done to Esa%& and Esa%@s an8er a8ainst Ya9ob as t%rned into kindness+ ;= And hen Esa% sa Ya9ob r%nnin8 to ard him& he a,so ran to ard him and he embra9ed him& and he fe,, %5on his ne9k& and they kissed and they e5t+ ;> And YAHWEH 5%t fear and kindness to ard Ya9ob in the hearts of the men that 9ame ith Esa%& and they a,so kissed Ya9ob and embra9ed him+ ;/ And a,so E,i5haF& the son of Esa%& ith his fo%r brothers& sons of Esa%& e5t ith Ya9ob& and they kissed him and embra9ed him& for the fear of Ya9ob had fa,,en %5on them a,,+ ;A And Esa% ,ifted %5 his eyes and sa the omen ith their offs5rin8& the 9hi,dren of Ya9ob& a,kin8 behind Ya9ob and bo in8 a,on8 the road to Esa%+ =( And Esa% said %nto Ya9ob& Who are these ith yo%& my brother# are they yo%r 9hi,dren or yo%r /(

servants# and Ya9ob ans ered Esa% and said& 2hey are my 9hi,dren hi9h YAHWEH hath 8ra9io%s,y 8iven to yo%r servant+ =' And hi,e Ya9ob as s5eakin8 to Esa% and his men& Esa% behe,d the ho,e 9am5& and he said %nto Ya9ob& When9e didst yo% 8et the ho,e of the 9am5 that " met yesterni8ht# and Ya9ob said& 2o find favor in the si8ht of my ,ord& it is that hi9h YAHWEH 8ra9io%s,y 8ave to yo%r servant+ =. And the 5resent 9ame before Esa%& and Ya9ob 5ressed Esa%& sayin8& 2ake " 5ray yo% the 5resent that " have bro%8ht to my ,ord& and Esa% said& Wherefore is this my 5%r5ose# kee5 that hi9h yo% hast %nto thyse,f+ =* And Ya9ob said& "t is in9%mbent %5on me to 8ive a,, this& sin9e " have seen yo%r fa9e& that yo% sti,, ,ive in 5ea9e+ =: And Esa% ref%sed to take the 5resent& and Ya9ob said %nto him& " besee9h yo% my ,ord& if no " have fo%nd favor in yo%r si8ht& then re9eive my 5resent at my hand& for " have therefore seen yo%r fa9e& as tho%8h " had seen a 8od$,ike fa9e& be9a%se yo% ast 5,eased ith me+ =; And Esa% took the 5resent& and Ya9ob a,so 8ave %nto Esa% si,ver and 8o,d and bde,,i%m& for he 5ressed him so m%9h that he took them+ == And Esa% divided the 9att,e that ere in the 9am5& and he 8ave the ha,f to the men ho had 9ome ith him& for they had 9ome on hire& and the other ha,f he de,ivered %nto the hands of his 9hi,dren+ => And the si,ver and 8o,d and bde,,i%m he 8ave in the hands of E,i5haF his e,dest son& and Esa% said %nto Ya9ob& Cet %s remain ith yo%& and e i,, 8o s,o ,y a,on8 ith yo% %nti, yo% 9ome to my 5,a9e ith me& that e may d e,, there to8ether+ =/ And Ya9ob ans ered his brother and said& " o%,d do as my ,ord s5eaks %nto me& b%t my ,ord kno s that the 9hi,dren are tender& and the f,o9ks and herds ith their yo%n8 ho are ith me& 8o b%t s,o ,y& for if they ent s ift,y they o%,d a,, die& for yo% kno their b%rdens and their fati8%e+ =A 2herefore ,et my ,ord 5ass on before his servant& and " i,, 8o on s,o ,y for the sake of the 9hi,dren and the f,o9k& %nti, " 9ome to my ,ord@s 5,a9e to Seir+ >( And Esa% said %nto Ya9ob& " i,, 5,a9e ith yo% some of the 5eo5,e that are ith me to take 9are of yo% in the road& and to bear yo%r fati8%e and b%rden& and he said& What needs it my ,ord& if " may find free %nmerited favor in yo%r si8ht# >' Beho,d " i,, 9ome %nto yo% to Seir to d e,, there to8ether as yo% hast s5oken& 8o yo% then ith yo%r 5eo5,e for " i,, fo,,o yo%+ >. And Ya9ob said this to Esa% in order to remove Esa% and his men from him& so that Ya9ob mi8ht after ard 8o to his father@s ho%se to the ,and of 0anaan+ >* And Esa% hearkened to the voi9e of Ya9ob& and Esa% ret%rned ith the fo%r h%ndred men that ere ith him on their road to Seir& and Ya9ob and a,, be,on8in8 to him ent that day as far as the eBtremity of the ,and of 0anaan in its borders& and he remained there some time+ "" YACOB GOES TO SHECHEM
0HA12ER **$$Ya9ob 8oes to She9hem+ 1rin9e She9hem defi,es Dinah the Da%8hter of Ya9ob+ She9hem desires her for a Wife+

' And in some time after Ya9ob ent a ay from the borders of the ,and& and he 9ame to the ,and of Sha,em& that is the 9ity of She9hem& hi9h is in the ,and of 0anaan& and he rested in front of the 9ity+ . And he bo%8ht a 5ar9e, of the fie,d hi9h as there& from the 9hi,dren of Hamor the 5eo5,e of the ,and& for five sheke,s+ * And Ya9ob there b%i,t himse,f a ho%se& and he 5it9hed his tent there& and he made booths for his 9att,e& therefore he 9a,,ed the name of that 5,a9e S%99oth+ : And Ya9ob remained in S%99oth a year and siB months+ ; At that time some of the omen of the inhabitants of the ,and ent to the 9ity of She9hem to dan9e and reGoi9e ith the da%8hters of the 5eo5,e of the 9ity& and hen they ent forth then Ra9he, and Ceah the ives of Ya9ob ith their fami,ies a,so ent to beho,d the reGoi9in8 of the da%8hters of the 9ity+ /'

= And Dinah the da%8hter of Ya9ob a,so ent a,on8 ith them and sa the da%8hters of the 9ity& and they remained there before these da%8hters hi,e a,, the 5eo5,e of the 9ity ere standin8 by them to beho,d their reGoi9in8s& and a,, the 8reat 5eo5,e of the 9ity ere there+ > And She9hem the son of Hamor& the 5rin9e of the ,and as a,so standin8 there to see them+ / And She9hem behe,d Dinah the da%8hter of Ya9ob sittin8 ith her mother before the da%8hters of the 9ity& and the damse, 5,eased him 8reat,y& and he there asked his friends and his 5eo5,e& sayin8& Whose da%8hter is that sittin8 amon8st the omen& hom " do not kno in this 9ity# A And they said %nto him& S%re,y this is the da%8hter of Ya9ob the son of Yits9haH the Hebre & ho has d e,t in this 9ity for some time& and hen it as re5orted that the da%8hters of the ,and ere 8oin8 forth to reGoi9e she ent ith her mother and maid servants to sit amon8st them as yo% seest+ '( And She9hem behe,d Dinah the da%8hter of Ya9ob& and hen he ,ooked at her his so%, be9ame fiBed %5on Dinah+ '' And he sent and had her taken by for9e& and Dinah 9ame to the ho%se of She9hem and he seiFed her for9ib,y and ,ay ith her and h%mb,ed her& and he ,oved her eB9eedin8,y and 5,a9ed her in his ho%se+ '. And they 9ame and to,d the thin8 %nto Ya9ob& and hen Ya9ob heard that She9hem had defi,ed his da%8hter Dinah& Ya9ob sent t e,ve of his servants to fet9h Dinah from the ho%se of She9hem& and they ent and 9ame to the ho%se of She9hem to take a ay Dinah from there+ '* And hen they 9ame She9hem ent o%t to them ith his men and drove them from his ho%se& and he o%,d not s%ffer them to 9ome before Dinah& b%t She9hem as sittin8 ith Dinah kissin8 and embra9in8 her before their eyes+ ': And the servants of Ya9ob 9ame ba9k and to,d him& sayin8& When e 9ame& he and his men drove %s a ay& and th%s did She9hem do %nto Dinah before o%r eyes+ '; And Ya9ob kne moreover that She9hem had defi,ed his da%8hter& b%t he said nothin8& and his sons ere feedin8 his 9att,e in the fie,d& and Ya9ob remained si,ent ti,, their ret%rn+ '= And before his sons 9ame home Ya9ob sent t o maidens from his servants@ da%8hters to take 9are of Dinah in the ho%se of She9hem& and to remain ith her& and She9hem sent three of his friends to his father Hamor the son of 0hiddekem& the son of 1ered& sayin8& ?et me this damse, for a ife+ '> And Hamor the son of 0hiddekem the Hivite 9ame to the ho%se of She9hem his son& and he sat before him& and Hamor said %nto his son& She9hem& "s there then no oman amon8st the da%8hters of yo%r 5eo5,e that yo% i,t take an Hebre oman ho is not of yo%r 5eo5,e# '/ And She9hem said to him& Her on,y m%st yo% 8et for me& for she is de,i8htf%, in my si8htJ and Hamor did a99ordin8 to the ord of his son& for he as 8reat,y be,oved by him+ 'A And Hamor ent forth to Ya9ob to 9omm%ne ith him 9on9ernin8 this matter& and hen he had 8one from the ho%se of his son She9hem& before he 9ame to Ya9ob to s5eak %nto him& beho,d the sons of Ya9ob had 9ome from the fie,d& as soon as they heard the thin8 that She9hem the son of Hamor had done+ .( And the men ere very m%9h 8rieved 9on9ernin8 their sister& and they a,, 9ame home fired ith an8er& before the time of 8atherin8 in their 9att,e+ .' And they 9ame and sat before their father and they s5oke %nto him kind,ed ith rath& sayin8& S%re,y death is d%e to this man and to his ho%seho,d& be9a%se YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of the ho,e earth 9ommanded Noah and his 9hi,dren that man sha,, never rob& nor 9ommit ad%,teryJ no beho,d She9hem has both rava8ed and 9ommitted forni9ation ith o%r sister& and not one of a,, the 5eo5,e of the 9ity s5oke a ord to him+ .. S%re,y yo% kno and %nderstand that the G%d8ment of death is d%e to She9hem& and to his father& and to the ho,e 9ity on a99o%nt of the thin8 hi9h he has done+ .* And hi,e they ere s5eakin8 before their father in this matter& beho,d Hamor the father of She9hem 9ame to s5eak to Ya9ob the ords of his son 9on9ernin8 Dinah& and he sat before Ya9ob and before his sons+ .: And Hamor s5oke %nto them& sayin8& 2he so%, of my son She9hem ,on8s for yo%r da%8hterJ " 5ray yo% 8ive her %nto him for a ife and intermarry ith %sJ 8ive %s yo%r da%8hters and e i,, 8ive yo% o%r da%8hters& and yo% sha,, d e,, ith %s in o%r ,and and e i,, be as one 5eo5,e in the ,and+ /.

.; 3or o%r ,and is very eBtensive& so d e,, ye and trade therein and 8et 5ossessions in it& and do therein as yo% desire& and no one sha,, 5revent yo% by sayin8 a ord to yo%+ .= And Hamor 9eased s5eakin8 %nto Ya9ob and his sons& and beho,d She9hem his son had 9ome after him& and he sat before them+ .> And She9hem s5oke before Ya9ob and his sons& sayin8& 7ay " find favor in yo%r si8ht that yo% i,, 8ive me yo%r da%8hter& and hatever yo% say %nto me that i,, " do for her+ ./ Ask me for ab%ndan9e of do ry and 8ift& and " i,, 8ive it& and hatever yo% sha,, say %nto me that i,, " do& and hoever he be that i,, rebe, a8ainst yo%r orders& he sha,, dieJ on,y 8ive me the damse, for a ife+ .A And Simeon and Cevi ans ered Hamor and She9hem his son de9eitf%,,y& sayin8& A,, yo% have s5oken %nto %s e i,, do for yo%+ *( And beho,d o%r sister is in yo%r ho%se& b%t kee5 a ay from her %nti, e send to o%r father Yits9haH 9on9ernin8 this matter& for e 9an do nothin8 itho%t his 9onsent+ *' 3or he kno s the ays of o%r father Abraham& and hatever he says %nto %s e i,, te,, yo%& e i,, 9on9ea, nothin8 from yo%+ *. And Simeon and Cevi s5oke this %nto She9hem and his father in order to find a 5reteBt& and to seek 9o%nse, hat as to be done to She9hem and to his 9ity in this matter+ ** And hen She9hem and his father heard the ords of Simeon and Cevi& it seemed 8ood in their si8ht& and She9hem and his father 9ame forth to 8o home+ *: And hen they had 8one& the sons of Ya9ob said %nto their father& sayin8& Beho,d& e kno that death is d%e to these i9ked ones and to their 9ity& be9a%se they trans8ressed that hi9h YAHWEH had 9ommanded %nto Noah and his 9hi,dren and his seed after them+ *; And a,so be9a%se She9hem did this thin8 to o%r sister Dinah in defi,in8 her& for s%9h vi,eness sha,, never be done amon8st %s+ *= No therefore kno and see hat yo% i,, do& and seek 9o%nse, and 5reteBt hat is to be done to them& in order to ki,, a,, the inhabitants of this 9ity+ *> And Simeon said to them& Here is a 5ro5er advi9e for yo%) te,, them to 9ir9%m9ise every ma,e amon8st them as e are 9ir9%m9ised& and if they do not ish to do this& e sha,, take o%r da%8hter from them and 8o a ay+ */ And if they 9onsent to do this and i,, do it& then hen they are s%nk do n ith 5ain& e i,, atta9k them ith o%r s ords& as %5on one ho is H%iet and 5ea9eab,e& and e i,, s,ay every ma,e 5erson amon8st them+ *A And Simeon@s advi9e 5,eased them& and Simeon and Cevi reso,ved to do %nto them as it as 5ro5osed+ :( And on the neBt mornin8 She9hem and Hamor his father 9ame a8ain %nto Ya9ob and his sons& to s5eak 9on9ernin8 Dinah& and to hear hat ans er the sons of Ya9ob o%,d 8ive to their ords+ :' And the sons of Ya9ob s5oke de9eitf%,,y to them& sayin8& We to,d o%r father Yits9haH a,, yo%r ords& and yo%r ords 5,eased him+ :. B%t he s5oke %nto %s& sayin8& 2h%s did Abraham his father 9ommand him from AC7"?H2Y YAHWEH of the ho,e earth& that any man ho is not of his des9endants that sho%,d ish to take one of his da%8hters& sha,, 9a%se every ma,e be,on8in8 to him to be 9ir9%m9ised& as e are 9ir9%m9ised& and then e may 8ive him o%r da%8hter for a ife+ :* No e have made kno n to yo% a,, o%r ays that o%r father s5oke %nto %s& for e 9annot do this of hi9h yo% s5oke %nto %s& to 8ive o%r da%8hter to an %n9ir9%m9ised man& for it is a dis8ra9e to %s+ :: B%t herein i,, e 9onsent to yo%& to 8ive yo% o%r da%8hter& and e i,, a,so take %nto o%rse,ves yo%r da%8hters& and i,, d e,, amon8st yo% and be one 5eo5,e as yo% have s5oken& if yo% i,, hearken to %s& and 9onsent to be ,ike %s& to 9ir9%m9ise every ma,e be,on8in8 to yo%& as e are 9ir9%m9ised+ :; And if yo% i,, not hearken %nto %s& to have every ma,e 9ir9%m9ised as e are 9ir9%m9ised& as e have 9ommanded& then e i,, 9ome to yo%& and take o%r da%8hter from yo% and 8o a ay+ := And She9hem and his father Hamor heard the ords of the sons of Ya9ob& and the thin8 5,eased them eB9eedin8,y& and She9hem and his father Hamor hastened to do the ishes of the sons of Ya9ob& for She9hem as very fond of Dinah& and his so%, as riveted to her+ /*

:> And She9hem and his father Hamor hastened to the 8ate of the 9ity& and they assemb,ed a,, the men of their 9ity and s5oke %nto them the ords of the sons of Ya9ob& sayin8& :/ We 9ame to these men& the sons of Ya9ob& and e s5oke %nto them 9on9ernin8 their da%8hter& and these men i,, 9onsent to do a99ordin8 to o%r ishes& and beho,d o%r ,and is of 8reat eBtent for them& and they i,, d e,, in it& and trade in it& and e sha,, be one 5eo5,eJ e i,, take their da%8hters& and o%r da%8hters e i,, 8ive %nto them for ives+ :A B%t on,y on this 9ondition i,, these men 9onsent to do this thin8& that every ma,e amon8st %s be 9ir9%m9ised as they are 9ir9%m9ised& as YAHWEH their AC7"?H2Y 9ommanded them& and hen e sha,, have done a99ordin8 to their instr%9tions to be 9ir9%m9ised& then i,, they d e,, amon8st %s& to8ether ith their 9att,e and 5ossessions& and e sha,, be as one 5eo5,e ith them+ ;( And hen a,, the men of the 9ity heard the ords of She9hem and his father Hamor& then a,, the men of their 9ity ere a8reeab,e to this 5ro5osa,& and they obeyed to be 9ir9%m9ised& for She9hem and his father Hamor ere 8reat,y esteemed by them& bein8 the 5rin9es of the ,and+ ;' And on the neBt day& She9hem and Hamor his father rose %5 ear,y in the mornin8& and they assemb,ed a,, the men of their 9ity into the midd,e of the 9ity& and they 9a,,ed for the sons of Ya9ob& ho 9ir9%m9ised every ma,e be,on8in8 to them on that day and the neBt+ ;. And they 9ir9%m9ised She9hem and Hamor his father& and the five brothers of She9hem& and then every one rose %5 and ent home& for this thin8 as from YAHWEH a8ainst the 9ity of She9hem& and from YAHWEH as Simeon@s 9o%nse, in this matter& in order that YAHWEH mi8ht de,iver the 9ity of She9hem into the hands of Ya9ob@s t o sons+ "# $ERFIDY OF SHECHEM
0HA12ER *:$$2he 1erfidy of She9hem+ Simeon and Cevi& Sons of Ya9ob& aven8e the Honor of their Sister Dinah& Destroy a,, the 7en of the 0ity& and S5oi, it+ 2he 1eo5,e of 0anaan 9ons5ire to aven8e the 9a%se of She9hem+ Yits9haH and Ya9ob 1ray for S%99or+

' And the n%mber of a,, the ma,es that ere 9ir9%m9ised& ere siB h%ndred and forty$five men& and t o h%ndred and forty$siB 9hi,dren+ . B%t 0hiddekem& son of 1ered& the father of Hamor& and his siB brothers& o%,d not ,isten %nto She9hem and his father Hamor& and they o%,d not be 9ir9%m9ised& for the 5ro5osa, of the sons of Ya9ob as ,oathsome in their si8ht& and their an8er as 8reat,y ro%sed at this& that the 5eo5,e of the 9ity had not hearkened to them+ * And in the evenin8 of the se9ond day& they fo%nd ei8ht sma,, 9hi,dren ho had not been 9ir9%m9ised& for their mothers had 9on9ea,ed them from She9hem and his father Hamor& and from the men of the 9ity+ : And She9hem and his father Hamor sent to have them bro%8ht before them to be 9ir9%m9ised& hen 0hiddekem and his siB brothers s5ran8 at them ith their s ords& and so%8ht to s,ay them+ ; And they so%8ht to s,ay a,so She9hem and his father Hamor and they so%8ht to s,ay Dinah ith them on a99o%nt of this matter+ = And they said %nto them& What is this thin8 that yo% have done# are there no omen amon8st the da%8hters of yo%r brethren the 0anaanites& that yo% ish to take %nto yo%rse,ves da%8hters of the Hebre s& hom ye kne not before& and i,, do this a9t hi9h yo%r fathers never 9ommanded yo%# > Do yo% ima8ine that yo% i,, s%99eed thro%8h this a9t hi9h yo% have done# and hat i,, yo% ans er in this affair to yo%r brethren the 0anaanites& ho i,, 9ome tomorro and ask yo% 9on9ernin8 this thin8# / And if yo%r a9t sha,, not a55ear G%st and 8ood in their si8ht& hat i,, yo% do for yo%r ,ives& and me for o%r ,ives& in yo%r not havin8 hearkened to o%r voi9es# A And if the inhabitants of the ,and and a,, yo%r brethren the 9hi,dren of Ham& sha,, hear of yo%r a9t& sayin8& '( <n a99o%nt of a Hebre oman did She9hem and Hamor his father& and a,, the inhabitants of their 9ity& do that ith hi9h they had been %na9H%ainted and hi9h their an9estors never 9ommanded them& here then i,, yo% f,y or here 9on9ea, yo%r shame& a,, yo%r days before yo%r brethren& the inhabitants of the ,and of 0anaan# /:

'' No therefore e 9annot bear %5 a8ainst this thin8 hi9h yo% have done& neither 9an e be b%rdened ith this yoke %5on %s& hi9h o%r an9estors did not 9ommand %s+ '. Beho,d tomorro e i,, 8o and assemb,e a,, o%r brethren& the 0anaanitish brethren ho d e,, in the ,and& and e i,, a,, 9ome and smite yo% and a,, those ho tr%st in yo%& that there sha,, not be a remnant ,eft from yo% or them+ '* And hen Hamor and his son She9hem and a,, the 5eo5,e of the 9ity heard the ords of 0hiddekem and his brothers& they ere terrib,y afraid of their ,ives at their ords& and they re5ented of hat they had done+ ': And She9hem and his father Hamor ans ered their father 0hiddekem and his brethren& and they said %nto them& A,, the ords hi9h yo% s5oke %nto %s are tr%e+ '; No do not say& nor ima8ine in yo%r hearts that on a99o%nt of the ,ove of the Hebre s e did this thin8 that o%r an9estors did not 9ommand %s+ '= B%t be9a%se e sa that it as not their intention and desire to a99ede to o%r ishes 9on9ernin8 their da%8hter as to o%r takin8 her& eB9e5t on this 9ondition& so e hearkened to their voi9es and did this a9t hi9h yo% sa & in order to obtain o%r desire from them+ '> And hen e sha,, have obtained o%r reH%est from them& e i,, then ret%rn to them and do %nto them that hi9h yo% say %nto %s+ '/ We besee9h yo% then to ait and tarry %nti, o%r f,esh sha,, be hea,ed and e a8ain be9ome stron8& and e i,, then 8o to8ether a8ainst them& and do %nto them that hi9h is in yo%r hearts and in o%rs+ 'A And Dinah the da%8hter of Ya9ob heard a,, these ords hi9h 0hiddekem and his brothers had s5oken& and hat Hamor and his son She9hem and the 5eo5,e of their 9ity had ans ered them+ .( And she hastened and sent one of her maidens& that her father had sent to take 9are of her in the ho%se of She9hem& to Ya9ob her father and to her brethren& sayin8) .' 2h%s did 0hiddekem and his brothers advise 9on9ernin8 yo%& and th%s did Hamor and She9hem and the 5eo5,e of the 9ity ans er them+ .. And hen Ya9ob heard these ords he as fi,,ed ith rath& and he as indi8nant at them& and his an8er as kind,ed a8ainst them+ .* And Simeon and Cevi s ore and said& As YAHWEH ,iveth& the AC7"?H2Y of the ho,e earth& by this time tomorro & there sha,, not be a remnant ,eft in the ho,e 9ity+ .: And t enty yo%n8 men had 9on9ea,ed themse,ves ho ere not 9ir9%m9ised& and these yo%n8 men fo%8ht a8ainst Simeon and Cevi& and Simeon and Cevi ki,,ed ei8hteen of them& and t o f,ed from them and es9a5ed to some ,ime 5its that ere in the 9ity& and Simeon and Cevi so%8ht for them& b%t 9o%,d not find them+ .; And Simeon and Cevi 9ontin%ed to 8o abo%t in the 9ity& and they ki,,ed a,, the 5eo5,e of the 9ity at the ed8e of the s ord& and they ,eft none remainin8+ .= And there as a 8reat 9onsternation in the midst of the 9ity& and the 9ry of the 5eo5,e of the 9ity as9ended to heaven& and a,, the omen and 9hi,dren 9ried a,o%d+ .> And Simeon and Cevi s,e a,, the 9ityJ they ,eft not a ma,e remainin8 in the ho,e 9ity+ ./ And they s,e Hamor and She9hem his son at the ed8e of the s ord& and they bro%8ht a ay Dinah from the ho%se of She9hem and they ent from there+ .A And the sons of Ya9ob ent and ret%rned& and 9ame %5on the s,ain& and s5oi,ed a,, their 5ro5erty hi9h as in the 9ity and the fie,d+ *( And hi,e they ere takin8 the s5oi,& three h%ndred men stood %5 and thre d%st at them and str%9k them ith stones& hen Simeon t%rned to them and he s,e them a,, ith the ed8e of the s ord& and Simeon t%rned before Cevi& and 9ame into the 9ity+ *' And they took a ay their shee5 and their oBen and their 9att,e& and a,so the remainder of the omen and ,itt,e ones& and they ,ed a,, these a ay& and they o5ened a 8ate and ent o%t and 9ame %nto their father Ya9ob ith vi8or+ *. And hen Ya9ob sa a,, that they had done to the 9ity& and sa the s5oi, that they took from them& Ya9ob as very an8ry at them& and Ya9ob said %nto them& What is this that yo% have done to me# beho,d " obtained rest amon8st the 0anaanitish inhabitants of the ,and& and none of them medd,ed ith me+ /;

** And no yo% have done to make me obnoBio%s to the inhabitants of the ,and& amon8st the 0anaanites and the 1eriFFites& and " am b%t of a sma,, n%mber& and they i,, a,, assemb,e a8ainst me and s,ay me hen they hear of yo%r ork ith their brethren& and " and my ho%seho,d i,, be destroyed+ *: And Simeon and Cevi and a,, their brothers ith them ans ered their father Ya9ob and said %nto him& Beho,d e ,ive in the ,and& and sha,, She9hem do this to o%r sister# hy are yo% si,ent at a,, that She9hem has done# and sha,, he dea, ith o%r sister as ith a har,ot in the streets# *; And the n%mber of omen hom Simeon and Cevi took 9a5tives from the 9ity of She9hem& hom they did not s,ay& as ei8hty$five ho had not kno n man+ *= And amon8st them as a yo%n8 damse, of bea%tif%, a55earan9e and e,, favored& hose name as B%nah& and Simeon took her for a ife& and the n%mber of the ma,es hi9h they took 9a5tives and did not s,ay& as forty$seven men& and the rest they s,e + *> And a,, the yo%n8 men and omen that Simeon and Cevi had taken 9a5tives from the 9ity of She9hem& ere servants to the sons of Ya9ob and to their 9hi,dren after them& %nti, the day of the sons of Ya9ob 8oin8 forth from the ,and of E8y5t+ */ And hen Simeon and Cevi had 8one forth from the 9ity& the t o yo%n8 men that ere ,eft& ho had 9on9ea,ed themse,ves in the 9ity& and did not die amon8st the 5eo5,e of the 9ity& rose %5& and these yo%n8 men ent into the 9ity and a,ked abo%t in it& and fo%nd the 9ity deso,ate itho%t man& and on,y omen ee5in8& and these yo%n8 men 9ried o%t and said& Beho,d& this is the evi, hi9h the sons of Ya9ob the Hebre did to this 9ity in their havin8 this day destroyed one of the 0anaanitish 9ities& and ere not afraid of their ,ives of a,, the ,and of 0anaan+ *A And these men ,eft the 9ity and ent to the 9ity of 2a5na9h& and they 9ame there and to,d the inhabitants of 2a5na9h a,, that had befa,,en them& and a,, that the sons of Ya9ob had done to the 9ity of She9hem+ :( And the information rea9hed Jash%b kin8 of 2a5na9h& and he sent men to the 9ity of She9hem to see those yo%n8 men& for the kin8 did not be,ieve them in this a99o%nt& sayin8& Ho 9o%,d t o men ,ay aste s%9h a ,ar8e to n as She9hem# :' And the messen8ers of Jash%b 9ame ba9k and to,d him& sayin8& We 9ame %nto the 9ity& and it is destroyed& there is not a man thereJ on,y ee5in8 omenJ neither is any f,o9k or 9att,e there& for a,, that as in the 9ity the sons of Ya9ob took a ay+ :. And Jash%b ondered at this& sayin8& Ho 9o%,d t o men do this thin8& to destroy so ,ar8e a 9ity& and not one man ab,e to stand a8ainst them# :* 3or the ,ike has not been from the days of Nimrod& and not even from the remotest time& has the ,ike taken 5,a9eJ and Jash%b& kin8 of 2a5na9h& said to his 5eo5,e& Be 9o%ra8eo%s and e i,, 8o and fi8ht a8ainst these Hebre s& and do %nto them as they did %nto the 9ity& and e i,, aven8e the 9a%se of the 5eo5,e of the 9ity+ :: And Jash%b& kin8 of 2a5na9h& 9ons%,ted ith his 9o%nse,,ors abo%t this matter& and his advisers said %nto him& A,one yo% i,t not 5revai, over the Hebre s& for they m%st be 5o erf%, to do this ork to the ho,e 9ity+ :; "f t o of them ,aid aste the ho,e 9ity& and no one stood a8ainst them& s%re,y if yo% i,t 8o a8ainst them& they i,, a,, rise a8ainst %s and destroy %s ,ike ise+ := B%t if yo% i,t send to a,, the kin8s that s%rro%nd %s& and ,et them 9ome to8ether& then e i,, 8o ith them and fi8ht a8ainst the sons of Ya9obJ then i,t yo% 5revai, a8ainst them+ :> And Jash%b heard the ords of his 9o%nse,,ors& and their ords 5,eased him and his 5eo5,e& and he did soJ and Jash%b kin8 of 2a5na9h sent to a,, the kin8s of the Amorites that s%rro%nded She9hem and 2a5na9h& sayin8& :/ ?o %5 ith me and assist me& and e i,, smite Ya9ob the Hebre and a,, his sons& and destroy them from the earth& for th%s did he do to the 9ity of She9hem& and do yo% not kno of it# :A And a,, the kin8s of the Amorites heard the evi, that the sons of Ya9ob had done to the 9ity of She9hem& and they ere 8reat,y astonished at them+ ;( And the seven kin8s of the Amorites assemb,ed ith a,, their armies& abo%t ten tho%sand men ith dra n s ords& and they 9ame to fi8ht a8ainst the sons of Ya9obJ and Ya9ob heard that the kin8s of the /=

Amorites had assemb,ed to fi8ht a8ainst his sons& and Ya9ob as 8reat,y afraid& and it distressed him+ ;' And Ya9ob eB9,aimed a8ainst Simeon and Cevi& sayin8& What is this a9t that yo% did# hy have yo% inG%red me& to brin8 a8ainst me a,, the 9hi,dren of 0anaan to destroy me and my ho%seho,d# for " as at rest& even " and my ho%seho,d& and yo% have done this thin8 to me& and 5rovoked the inhabitants of the ,and a8ainst me by yo%r 5ro9eedin8s+ ;. And Yah%dah ans ered his father& sayin8& Was it for na%8ht my brothers Simeon and Cevi ki,,ed a,, the inhabitants of She9hem# S%re,y it as be9a%se She9hem had h%mb,ed o%r sister& and trans8ressed the 9ommand of o%r AC7"?H2Y to Noah and his 9hi,dren& for She9hem took o%r sister a ay by for9e& and 9ommitted ad%,tery ith her+ ;* And She9hem did a,, this evi, and not one of the inhabitants of his 9ity interfered ith him& to say& Why i,t yo% do this# s%re,y for this my brothers ent and smote the 9ity& and YAHWEH de,ivered it into their hands& be9a%se its inhabitants had trans8ressed the 9ommands of o%r AC7"?H2Y+ "s it then for na%8ht that they have done a,, this# ;: And no hy are yo% afraid or distressed& and hy are yo% dis5,eased at my brothers& and hy is yo%r an8er kind,ed a8ainst them# ;; S%re,y o%r YAHWEH ho de,ivered into their hand the 9ity of She9hem and its 5eo5,e& he i,, a,so de,iver into o%r hands a,, the 0anaanitish kin8s ho are 9omin8 a8ainst %s& and e i,, do %nto them as my brothers did %nto She9hem+ ;= No be tranH%i, abo%t them and 9ast a ay yo%r fears& b%t tr%st in YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y& and 5ray %nto him to assist %s and de,iver %s& and de,iver o%r enemies into o%r hands+ ;> And Yah%dah 9a,,ed to one of his father@s servants& ?o no and see here those kin8s& ho are 9omin8 a8ainst %s& are sit%ated ith their armies+ ;/ And the servant ent and ,ooked far off& and ent %5 o55osite 7o%nt Sihon& and sa a,, the 9am5s of the kin8s standin8 in the fie,ds& and he ret%rned to Yah%dah and said& Beho,d the kin8s are sit%ated in the fie,d ith a,, their 9am5s& a 5eo5,e eB9eedin8,y n%mero%s& ,ike %nto the sand %5on the sea shore+ ;A And Yah%dah said %nto Simeon and Cevi& and %nto a,, his brothers& Stren8then yo%rse,ves and be sons of va,or& for YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y is ith %s& do not fear them+ =( Stand forth ea9h man& 8irt ith his ea5ons of ar& his bo and his s ord& and e i,, 8o and fi8ht a8ainst these %n9ir9%m9ised menJ YAHWEH is o%r AC7"?H2Y& He i,, save %s+ =' And they rose %5& and ea9h 8irt on his ea5ons of ar& 8reat and sma,,& e,even sons of Ya9ob& and a,, the servants of Ya9ob ith them+ =. And a,, the servants of Yits9haH ho ere ith Yits9haH in Hebron& a,, 9ame to them eH%i55ed in a,, sorts of ar instr%ments& and the sons of Ya9ob and their servants& bein8 one h%ndred and t e,ve men& ent to ards these kin8s& and Ya9ob a,so ent ith them+ =* And the sons of Ya9ob sent %nto their father Yits9haH the son of Abraham to Hebron& the same is 4ireath$arba& sayin8& =: 1ray e besee9h yo% for %s %nto YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y& to 5rote9t %s from the hands of the 0anaanites ho are 9omin8 a8ainst %s& and to de,iver them into o%r hands+ =; And Yits9haH the son of Abraham 5rayed %nto YAHWEH for his sons& and he said& < YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y& yo% didst 5romise my father& sayin8& " i,, m%,ti5,y yo%r seed as the stars of heaven& and yo% didst a,so 5romise me& and estab,ish yo% yo%r ord& no that the kin8s of 0anaan are 9omin8 to8ether& to make ar ith my 9hi,dren be9a%se they 9ommitted no vio,en9e+ == No therefore& < YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y& YAHWEH of the ho,e earth& 5ervert& " 5ray yo%& the 9o%nse, of these kin8s that they may not fi8ht a8ainst my sons+ => And im5ress the hearts of these kin8s and their 5eo5,e ith the terror of my sons and brin8 do n their 5ride& and that they may t%rn a ay from my sons+ =/ And ith yo%r stron8 hand and o%tstret9hed arm de,iver my sons and their servants from them& for 5o er and mi8ht are in yo%r hands to do a,, this+ =A And the sons of Ya9ob and their servants ent to ard these kin8s& and they tr%sted in YAHWEH their AC7"?H2Y& and hi,e they ere 8oin8& Ya9ob their father a,so 5rayed %nto YAHWEH and said& < />

YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y& 5o erf%, and eBa,ted YAHWEH& ho has rei8ned from days of o,d& from then9e ti,, no and foreverJ >( Yo% are He ho stirs %5 ars and 9a%ses them to 9ease& in yo%r hand are 5o er and mi8ht to eBa,t and to brin8 do nJ < may my 5rayer be a99e5tab,e before yo% that yo% may t%rn to me ith yo%r mer9ies& to im5ress the hearts of these kin8s and their 5eo5,e ith the terror of my sons& and terrify them and their 9am5s& and ith yo%r 8reat kindness de,iver a,, those that tr%st in yo%& for it is yo% ho 9anst brin8 5eo5,e %nder %s and red%9e nations %nder o%r 5o er+ "5 FEAR OF YAHWEH
0HA12ER *;$$2he 3ear of YAHWEH 9ome %5on the 0anaanites& and they do not 3i8ht ith Ya9ob+

' And a,, the kin8s of the Amorites 9ame and took their stand in the fie,d to 9ons%,t ith their 9o%nse,,ors hat as to be done ith the sons of Ya9ob& for they ere sti,, afraid of them& sayin8& Beho,d& t o of them s,e the ho,e of the 9ity of She9hem+ . And YAHWEH heard the 5rayers of Yits9haH and Ya9ob& and he fi,,ed the hearts of a,, these kin8s@ advisers ith 8reat fear and terror that they %nanimo%s,y eB9,aimed& * Are yo% si,,y this day& or is there no %nderstandin8 in yo%& that yo% i,, fi8ht ith the Hebre s& and hy i,, yo% take a de,i8ht in yo%r o n destr%9tion this day# : Beho,d t o of them 9ame to the 9ity of She9hem itho%t fear or terror& and they ki,,ed a,, the inhabitants of the 9ity& that no man stood %5 a8ainst them& and ho i,, yo% be ab,e to fi8ht ith them a,,# ; S%re,y yo% kno that their YAHWEH is eB9eedin8,y fond of them& and has done mi8hty thin8s for them& s%9h as have not been done from days of o,d& and amon8st a,, the 8ods of nations& there is none 9an do ,ike %nto his mi8hty deeds+ = S%re,y he de,ivered their father Abraham& the Hebre & from the hand of Nimrod& and from the hand of a,, his 5eo5,e ho had many times so%8ht to s,ay him+ > He de,ivered him a,so from the fire in hi9h kin8 Nimrod had 9ast him& and YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y de,ivered him from it+ / And ho e,se 9an do the ,ike# s%re,y it as Abraham ho s,e the five kin8s of E,am& hen they had to%9hed his brother@s son ho in those days d e,t in Sodom+ A And took his servant that as faithf%, in his ho%se and a fe of his men& and they 5%rs%ed the kin8s of E,am in one ni8ht and ki,,ed them& and restored to his brother@s son a,, his 5ro5erty hi9h they had taken from him+ '( And s%re,y yo% kno the AC7"?H2Y of these Hebre s is m%9h de,i8hted ith them& and they are a,so de,i8hted ith him& for they kno that he de,ivered them from a,, their enemies+ '' And beho,d thro%8h his ,ove to ard his AC7"?H2Y& Abraham took his on,y and 5re9io%s son and intended to brin8 him %5 as a b%rnt offerin8 to his AC7"?H2Y& and had it not been for YAHWEH ho 5revented him from doin8 this& he o%,d then have done it thro%8h his ,ove to his YAHWEH+ '. And YAHWEH sa a,, his orks& and s ore %nto him& and 5romised him that he o%,d de,iver his sons and a,, his seed from every tro%b,e that o%,d befa,, them& be9a%se he had done this thin8& and thro%8h his ,ove to his AC7"?H2Y stif,ed his 9om5assion for his 9hi,d+ '* And have yo% not heard hat their AC7"?H2Y did to 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t& and to Abime,e9h kin8 of ?erar& thro%8h takin8 Abraham@s ife& ho said of her& She is my sister& ,est they mi8ht s,ay him on a99o%nt of her& and think of takin8 her for a ife# and YAHWEH did %nto them and their 5eo5,e a,, that yo% heard of+ ': And beho,d& e o%rse,ves sa ith o%r eyes that Esa%& the brother of Ya9ob& 9ame to him ith fo%r h%ndred men& ith the intention of s,ayin8 him& for he 9a,,ed to mind that he had taken a ay from him his father@s b,essin8+ '; And he ent to meet him hen he 9ame from Syria& to smite the mother ith the 9hi,dren& and ho de,ivered him from his hands b%t his AC7"?H2Y in hom he tr%sted# he de,ivered him from the hand of his brother and a,so from the hands of his enemies& and s%re,y he a8ain i,, 5rote9t them+ //

'= Who does not kno that it as their AC7"?H2Y ho ins5ired them ith stren8th to do to the to n of She9hem the evi, hi9h yo% heard of# '> 0o%,d it then be ith their o n stren8th that t o men 9o%,d destroy s%9h a ,ar8e 9ity as She9hem had it not been for YAHWEH their AC7"?H2Y in hom they tr%sted# he said and did %nto them a,, this to s,ay the inhabitants of the 9ity in their 9ity+ '/ And 9an yo% then 5revai, over them ho have 9ome forth to8ether from yo%r 9ity to fi8ht ith the ho,e of them& even if a tho%sand times as many more sho%,d 9ome to yo%r assistan9e# 'A S%re,y yo% kno and %nderstand that yo% do not 9ome to fi8ht ith them& b%t yo% 9ome to ar ith YAHWEH their AC7"?H2Y ho made 9hoi9e of them& and yo% have therefore a,, 9ome this day to be destroyed+ .( No therefore refrain from this evi, hi9h yo% are endeavorin8 to brin8 %5on yo%rse,ves& and it i,, be better for yo% not to 8o to batt,e ith them& a,tho%8h they are b%t fe in n%mbers& be9a%se their AC7"?H2Y is ith them+ .' And hen the kin8s of the Amorites heard a,, the ords of their advisers& their hearts ere fi,,ed ith terror& and they ere afraid of the sons of Ya9ob and o%,d not fi8ht a8ainst them+ .. And they in9,ined their ears to the ords of their advisers& and they ,istened to a,, their ords& and the ords of the 9o%nse,,ors 8reat,y 5,eased the kin8s& and they did so+ .* And the kin8s t%rned and refrained from the sons of Ya9ob& for they d%rst not a55roa9h them to make ar ith them& for they ere 8reat,y afraid of them& and their hearts me,ted ithin them from their fear of them+ .: 3or this 5ro9eeded from YAHWEH to them& for he heard the 5rayers of his servants Yits9haH and Ya9ob& for they tr%sted in himJ and a,, these kin8s ret%rned ith their 9am5s on that day& ea9h to his o n 9ity& and they did not at that time fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob+ .; And the sons of Ya9ob ke5t their station that day ti,, evenin8 o55osite mo%nt Sihon& and seein8 that these kin8s did not 9ome to fi8ht a8ainst them& the sons of Ya9ob ret%rned home+ "6 YACOB GOES TO BETHEL
0HA12ER *=$$Ya9ob and his Ho%se 8oes to Bethe,& here YAHWEH a55ears to him& 9a,,s his name Yisrae,& and B,esses him+ 2he ?enerations of Ya9ob and Esa%+

' At that time YAHWEH a55eared %nto Ya9ob sayin8& Arise& 8o to Bethe, and remain there& and make there an a,tar to YAHWEH ho a55eares %nto yo%& ho de,ivered yo% and yo%r sons from aff,i9tion+ . And Ya9ob rose %5 ith his sons and a,, be,on8in8 to him& and they ent and 9ame to Bethe, a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH+ * And Ya9ob as ninety$nine years o,d hen he ent %5 to Bethe,& and Ya9ob and his sons and a,, the 5eo5,e that ere ith him& remained in Bethe, in C%F& and he there b%i,t an a,tar to YAHWEH ho a55eared %nto him& and Ya9ob and his sons remained in Bethe, siB months+ : At that time died Deborah the da%8hter of DF& the n%rse of Rebe99a& ho had been ith Ya9obJ and Ya9ob b%ried her beneath Bethe, %nder an oak that as there+ ; And Rebe99a the da%8hter of Beth%e,& the mother of Ya9ob& a,so died at that time in Hebron& the same is 4ireath$arba& and she as b%ried in the 9ave of 7a9h5e,ah hi9h Abraham had bo%8ht from the 9hi,dren of Heth+ = And the ,ife of Rebe99a as one h%ndred and thirty$three years& and she died and hen Ya9ob heard that his mother Rebe99a as dead he e5t bitter,y for his mother& and made a 8reat mo%rnin8 for her& and for Deborah her n%rse beneath the oak& and he 9a,,ed the name of that 5,a9e A,,on$ba9h%th+ > And Caban the Syrian died in those days& for YAHWEH smote him be9a%se he trans8ressed the 9ovenant that eBisted bet een him and Ya9ob+ / And Ya9ob as a h%ndred years o,d hen YAHWEH a55eared %nto him& and b,essed him and 9a,,ed his name Yisrae,& and Ra9he, the ife of Ya9ob 9on9eived in those days+ A And at that time Ya9ob and a,, be,on8in8 to him Go%rneyed from Bethe, to 8o to his father@s ho%se& to /A

Hebron+ '( And hi,e they ere 8oin8 on the road& and there as yet b%t a ,itt,e ay to 9ome to E5hrath& Ra9he, bare a son and she had hard ,abor and she died+ '' And Ya9ob b%ried her in the ay to E5hrath& hi9h is Beth,ehem& and he set a 5i,,ar %5on her 8rave& hi9h is there %nto this dayJ and the days of Ra9he, ere forty$five years and she died+ '. And Ya9ob 9a,,ed the name of his son that as born to him& hi9h Ra9he, bare %nto him& BenGamin& for he as born to him in the ,and on the ri8ht hand+ '* And it as after the death of Ra9he,& that Ya9ob 5it9hed his tent in the tent of her handmaid Bi,hah+ ': And Re%ben as Gea,o%s for his mother Ceah on a99o%nt of this& and he as fi,,ed ith an8er& and he rose %5 in his an8er and ent and entered the tent of Bi,hah and he then9e removed his father@s bed+ '; At that time the 5ortion of birthri8ht& to8ether ith the kin8,y and 5riest,y offi9es& as removed from the sons of Re%ben& for he had 5rofaned his father@s bed& and the birthri8ht as 8iven %nto Yose5h& the kin8,y offi9e to Yah%dah& and the 5riesthood %nto Cevi& be9a%se Re%ben had defi,ed his father@s bed+ '= And these are the 8enerations of Ya9ob ho ere born to him in 1adan$aram& and the sons of Ya9ob ere t e,ve+ '> 2he sons of Ceah ere Re%ben the first born& and Simeon& Cevi& Yah%dah& "ssa9har& Ieb%,%n& and their sister DinahJ and the sons of Ra9he, ere Yose5h and BenGamin+ '/ 2he sons of Ii,5ah& Ceah@s handmaid& ere ?ad and Asher& and the sons of Bi,hah& Ra9he,@s handmaid& ere Dan and Na5hta,iJ these are the sons of Ya9ob hi9h ere born to him in 1adan$aram+ 'A And Ya9ob and his sons and a,, be,on8in8 to him Go%rneyed and 9ame to 7amre& hi9h is 4ireath$arba& that is in Hebron& here Abraham and Yits9haH soGo%rned& and Ya9ob ith his sons and a,, be,on8in8 to him& d e,t ith his father in Hebron+ .( And his brother Esa% and his sons& and a,, be,on8in8 to him ent to the ,and of Seir and d e,t there& and had 5ossessions in the ,and of Seir& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% ere fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,ied eB9eedin8,y in the ,and of Seir+ .' And these are the 8enerations of Esa% that ere born to him in the ,and of 0anaan& and the sons of Esa% ere five+ .. And Adah bare to Esa% his first born E,i5haF& and she a,so bare to him Re%e,& and Ah,ibamah bare to him Je%sh& Yaa,am and 4orah+ .* 2hese are the 9hi,dren of Esa% ho ere born to him in the ,and of 0anaanJ and the sons of E,i5haF the son of Esa% ere 2eman& <mar& Ie5ho& ?atam& 4enaF and Ama,eB& and the sons of Re%e, ere Na9hath& Iera9h& Shamah and 7iFFah+ .: And the sons of Je%sh ere 2imnah& A,vah& JethethJ and the sons of Yaa,am ere A,ah& 1hinor and 4enaF+ .; And the sons of 4orah ere 2eman& 7ibFar& 7a8die, and EramJ these are the fami,ies of the sons of Esa% a99ordin8 to their d%kedoms in the ,and of Seir+ .= And these are the names of the sons of Seir the Horite& inhabitants of the ,and of Seir& Cotan& Shoba,& Iibeon& Anah& Dishan& EFer and Dishon& bein8 seven sons+ .> And the 9hi,dren of Cotan ere Hori& Heman and their sister 2imna& that is 2imna ho 9ame to Ya9ob and his sons& and they o%,d not 8ive ear to her& and she ent and be9ame a 9on9%bine to E,i5haF the son of Esa%& and she bare to him Ama,ek+ ./ And the sons of Shoba, ere A,van& 7anahath& Eba,& She5ho& and <nam& and the sons of Iibeon ere AGah& and Anah& this as that Anah ho fo%nd the Yemim in the i,derness hen he fed the asses of Iibeon his father+ .A And hi,e he as feedin8 his father@s asses he ,ed them to the i,derness at different times to feed them+ *( And there as a day that he bro%8ht them to one of the deserts on the sea shore& o55osite the i,derness of the 5eo5,e& and hi,e he as feedin8 them& beho,d a very heavy storm 9ame from the other side of the sea and rested %5on the asses that ere feedin8 there& and they a,, stood sti,,+ *' And after ard abo%t one h%ndred and t enty 8reat and terrib,e anima,s 9ame o%t from the i,derness at the other side of the sea& and they a,, 9ame to the 5,a9e here the asses ere& and they 5,a9ed themse,ves A(

there+ *. And those anima,s& from their midd,e do n ard& ere in the sha5e of the 9hi,dren of men& and from their midd,e %5 ard& some had the ,ikeness of bears& and some the ,ikeness of the kee5has& ith tai,s behind them from bet een their sho%,ders rea9hin8 do n to the earth& ,ike the tai,s of the d%9hee5hath& and these anima,s 9ame and mo%nted and rode %5on these asses& and ,ed them a ay& and they ent a ay %nto this day+ ** And one of these anima,s a55roa9hed Anah and smote him ith his tai,& and then f,ed from that 5,a9e+ *: And hen he sa this ork he as eB9eedin8,y afraid of his ,ife& and he f,ed and es9a5ed to the 9ity+ *; And he re,ated to his sons and brothers a,, that had ha55ened to him& and many men ent to seek the asses b%t 9o%,d not find them& and Anah and his brothers ent no more to that 5,a9e from that day fo,,o in8& for they ere 8reat,y afraid of their ,ives+ *= And the 9hi,dren of Anah the son of Seir& ere Dishon and his sister Ah,ibamah& and the 9hi,dren of Dishon ere Hemdan& Eshban& "thran and 0heran& and the 9hi,dren of EFer ere Bi,han& Iaavan and Akan& and the 9hi,dren of Dishon ere DF and Aran+ *> 2hese are the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Seir the Horite& a99ordin8 to their d%kedoms in the ,and of Seir+ */ And Esa% and his 9hi,dren d e,t in the ,and of Seir the Horite& the inhabitant of the ,and& and they had 5ossessions in it and ere fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,ied eB9eedin8,y& and Ya9ob and his 9hi,dren and a,, be,on8in8 to them& d e,t ith their father Yits9haH in the ,and of 0anaan& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded Abraham their father+ "7 RETURN TO SHECHEM
0HA12ER *>$$Ya9ob Ret%rns to She9hem+ 2he 4in8s of 0anaan a8ain assemb,e a8ainst Ya9ob+ Ya9ob@s 2en Sons ith <ne H%ndred and 2 o of their servants 3i8ht a8ainst the 0anaanites and Amorites& and are s%99essf%,+

' And in the one h%ndred and fifth year of the ,ife of Ya9ob& that is the ninth year of Ya9ob@s d e,,in8 ith his 9hi,dren in the ,and of 0anaan& he 9ame from 1adan$aram+ . And in those days Ya9ob Go%rneyed ith his 9hi,dren from Hebron& and they ent and ret%rned to the 9ity of She9hem& they and a,, be,on8in8 to them& and they d e,t there& for the 9hi,dren of Ya9ob obtained 8ood and fat 5ast%re ,and for their 9att,e in the 9ity of She9hem& the 9ity of She9hem havin8 then been reb%i,t& and there ere in it abo%t three h%ndred men and omen+ * And Ya9ob and his 9hi,dren and a,, be,on8in8 to him d e,t in the 5art of the fie,d hi9h Ya9ob had bo%8ht from Hamor the father of She9hem& hen he 9ame from 1adan$aram before Simeon and Cevi had smitten the 9ity+ : And a,, those kin8s of the 0anaanites and Amorites that s%rro%nded the 9ity of She9hem& heard that the sons of Ya9ob had a8ain 9ome to She9hem and d e,t there+ ; And they said& Sha,, the sons of Ya9ob the Hebre a8ain 9ome to the 9ity and d e,, therein& after that they have smitten its inhabitants and driven them o%t# sha,, they no ret%rn and a,so drive o%t those ho are d e,,in8 in the 9ity or s,ay them# = And a,, the kin8s of 0anaan a8ain assemb,ed& and they 9ame to8ether to make ar ith Ya9ob and his sons+ > And Jash%b kin8 of 2a5na9h sent a,so to a,, his nei8hborin8 kin8s& to E,an kin8 of ?aash& and to "h%ri kin8 of Shi,oh& and to 1arathon kin8 of 0haFar& and to S%si kin8 of Sarton& and to Caban kin8 of Beth9horan& and to Shabir kin8 of <thnay$mah& sayin8& / 0ome %5 to me and assist me& and ,et %s smite Ya9ob the Hebre and his sons& and a,, be,on8in8 to him& for they are a8ain 9ome to She9hem to 5ossess it and to s,ay its inhabitants as before+ A And a,, these kin8s assemb,ed to8ether and 9ame ith a,, their 9am5s& a 5eo5,e eB9eedin8,y 5,entif%, ,ike the sand %5on the sea shore& and they ere a,, o55osite to 2a5na9h+ '( And Jash%b kin8 of 2a5na9h ent forth to them ith a,, his army& and he en9am5ed ith them o55osite to 2a5na9h itho%t the 9ity& and a,, these kin8s they divided into seven divisions& bein8 seven 9am5s a8ainst the sons of Ya9ob+ A'

'' And they sent a de9,aration to Ya9ob and his son& sayin8& 0ome yo% a,, forth to %s that e may have an intervie to8ether in the 5,ain& and reven8e the 9a%se of the men of She9hem hom yo% s,e in their 9ity& and yo% i,, no a8ain ret%rn to the 9ity of She9hem and d e,, therein& and s,ay its inhabitants as before+ '. And the sons of Ya9ob heard this and their an8er as kind,ed eB9eedin8,y at the ords of the kin8s of 0anaan& and ten of the sons of Ya9ob hastened and rose %5& and ea9h of them 8irt on his ea5ons of arJ and there ere one h%ndred and t o of their servants ith them eH%i55ed in batt,e array+ '* And a,, these men& the sons of Ya9ob ith their servants& ent to ard these kin8s& and Ya9ob their father as ith them& and they a,, stood %5on the hea5 of She9hem+ ': And Ya9ob 5rayed to YAHWEH for his sons& and he s5read forth his hands to YAHWEH& and he said& < YAHWEH& yo% are an A,mi8hty YAHWEH& yo% are o%r father& yo% didst form %s and e are the orks of yo%r handsJ " 5ray yo% de,iver my sons thro%8h yo%r mer9y from the hand of their enemies& ho are this day 9omin8 to fi8ht ith them and save them from their hand& for in yo%r hand is 5o er and mi8ht& to save the fe from the many+ '; And 8ive %nto my sons& yo%r servants& stren8th of heart and mi8ht to fi8ht ith their enemies& to s%bd%e them& and make their enemies fa,, before them& and ,et not my sons and their servants die thro%8h the hands of the 9hi,dren of 0anaan+ '= B%t if it seems 8ood in yo%r eyes to take a ay the ,ives of my sons and their servants& take them in yo%r 8reat mer9y thro%8h the hands of yo%r ministers& that they may not 5erish this day by the hands of the kin8s of the Amorites+ '> And hen Ya9ob 9eased 5rayin8 to YAHWEH the earth shook from its 5,a9e& and the s%n darkened& and a,, these kin8s ere terrified and a 8reat 9onsternation seiFed them+ '/ And YAHWEH hearkened to the 5rayer of Ya9ob& and YAHWEH im5ressed the hearts of a,, the kin8s and their hosts ith the terror and a e of the sons of Ya9ob+ 'A 3or YAHWEH 9a%sed them to hear the voi9e of 9hariots& and the voi9e of mi8hty horses from the sons of Ya9ob& and the voi9e of a 8reat army a99om5anyin8 them+ .( And these kin8s ere seiFed ith 8reat terror at the sons of Ya9ob& and hi,e they ere standin8 in their H%arters& beho,d the sons of Ya9ob advan9ed %5on them& ith one h%ndred and t e,ve men& ith a 8reat and tremendo%s sho%tin8+ .' And hen the kin8s sa the sons of Ya9ob advan9in8 to ard them& they ere sti,, more 5ani9 str%9k& and they ere in9,ined to retreat from before the sons of Ya9ob as at first& and not to fi8ht ith them+ .. B%t they did not retreat& sayin8& "t o%,d be a dis8ra9e to %s th%s t i9e to retreat from before the Hebre s+ .* And the sons of Ya9ob 9ame near and advan9ed a8ainst a,, these kin8s and their armies& and they sa & and beho,d it as a very mi8hty 5eo5,e& n%mero%s as the sand of the sea+ .: And the sons of Ya9ob 9a,,ed %nto YAHWEH and said& He,5 %s < YAHWEH& he,5 %s and ans er %s& for e tr%st in yo%& and ,et %s not die by the hands of these %n9ir9%m9ised men& ho this day have 9ome a8ainst %s+ .; And the sons of Ya9ob 8irt on their ea5ons of ar& and they took in their hands ea9h man his shie,d and his Gave,in& and they a55roa9hed to batt,e+ .= And Yah%dah& the son of Ya9ob& ran first before his brethren& and ten of his servants ith him& and he ent to ard these kin8s+ .> And Jash%b& kin8 of 2a5na9h& a,so 9ame forth first ith his army before Yah%dah& and Yah%dah sa Jash%b and his army 9omin8 to ard him& and Yah%dah@s rath as kind,ed& and his an8er b%rned ithin him& and he a55roa9hed to batt,e in hi9h Yah%dah vent%red his ,ife+ ./ And Jash%b and a,, his army ere advan9in8 to ard Yah%dah& and he as ridin8 %5on a very stron8 and 5o erf%, horse& and Jash%b as a very va,iant man& and 9overed ith iron and brass from head to foot+ .A And hi,e he as %5on the horse& he shot arro s ith both hands from before and behind& as as his manner in a,, his batt,es& and he never missed the 5,a9e to hi9h he aimed his arro s+ *( And hen Jash%b 9ame to fi8ht ith Yah%dah& and as dartin8 many arro s a8ainst Yah%dah& YAHWEH bo%nd the hand of Jash%b& and a,, the arro s that he shot rebo%nded %5on his o n men+ A.

*' And not ithstandin8 this& Jash%b ke5t advan9in8 to ard Yah%dah& to 9ha,,en8e him ith the arro s& b%t the distan9e bet een them as abo%t thirty 9%bits& and hen Yah%dah sa Jash%b dartin8 forth his arro s a8ainst him& he ran to him ith his rath$eB9ited mi8ht+ *. And Yah%dah took %5 a ,ar8e stone from the 8ro%nd& and its ei8ht as siBty sheke,s& and Yah%dah ran to ard Jash%b& and ith the stone str%9k him on his shie,d& that Jash%b as st%nned ith the b,o & and fe,, off from his horse to the 8ro%nd+ ** And the shie,d b%rst as%nder o%t of the hand of Jash%b& and thro%8h the for9e of the b,o s5ran8 to the distan9e of abo%t fifteen 9%bits& and the shie,d fe,, before the se9ond 9am5+ *: And the kin8s that 9ame ith Jash%b sa at a distan9e the stren8th of Yah%dah& the son of Ya9ob& and hat he had done to Jash%b& and they ere terrib,y afraid of Yah%dah+ *; And they assemb,ed near Jash%b@s 9am5& seein8 his 9onf%sion& and Yah%dah dre his s ord and smote forty$t o men of the 9am5 of Jash%b& and the ho,e of Jash%b@s 9am5 f,ed before Yah%dah& and no man stood a8ainst him& and they ,eft Jash%b and f,ed from him& and Jash%b as sti,, 5rostrate %5on the 8ro%nd+ *= And Jash%b seein8 that a,, the men of his 9am5 had f,ed from him& hastened and rose %5 ith terror a8ainst Yah%dah& and stood %5on his ,e8s o55osite Yah%dah+ *> And Jash%b had a sin8,e 9ombat ith Yah%dah& 5,a9in8 shie,d to ard shie,d& and Jash%b@s men a,, f,ed& for they ere 8reat,y afraid of Yah%dah+ */ And Jash%b took his s5ear in his hand to strike Yah%dah %5on his head& b%t Yah%dah had H%i9k,y 5,a9ed his shie,d to his head a8ainst Jash%b@s s5ear& so that the shie,d of Yah%dah re9eived the b,o from Jash%b@s s5ear& and the shie,d as s5,it in too+ *A And hen Yah%dah sa that his shie,d as s5,it& he hasti,y dre his s ord and smote Jash%b at his ank,es& and 9%t off his feet that Jash%b fe,, %5on the 8ro%nd& and the s5ear fe,, from his hand+ :( And Yah%dah hasti,y 5i9ked %5 Jash%b@s s5ear& ith hi9h he severed his head and 9ast it neBt to his feet+ :' And hen the sons of Ya9ob sa hat Yah%dah had done to Jash%b& they a,, ran into the ranks of the other kin8s& and the sons of Ya9ob fo%8ht ith the army of Jash%b& and the armies of a,, the kin8s that ere there+ :. And the sons of Ya9ob 9a%sed fifteen tho%sand of their men to fa,,& and they smote them as if smitin8 at 8o%rds& and the rest f,ed for their ,ives+ :* And Yah%dah as sti,, standin8 by the body of Jash%b& and stri55ed Jash%b of his 9oat of mai,+ :: And Yah%dah a,so took off the iron and brass that as abo%t Jash%b& and beho,d nine men of the 9a5tains of Jash%b 9ame a,on8 to fi8ht a8ainst Yah%dah+ :; And Yah%dah hastened and took %5 a stone from the 8ro%nd& and ith it smote one of them %5on the head& and his sk%,, as fra9t%red& and the body a,so fe,, from the horse to the 8ro%nd+ := And the ei8ht 9a5tains that remained& seein8 the stren8th of Yah%dah& ere 8reat,y afraid and they f,ed& and Yah%dah ith his ten men 5%rs%ed them& and they overtook them and s,e them+ :> And the sons of Ya9ob ere sti,, smitin8 the armies of the kin8s& and they s,e many of them& b%t those kin8s darin8,y ke5t their stand ith their 9a5tains& and did not retreat from their 5,a9es& and they eB9,aimed a8ainst those of their armies that f,ed from before the sons of Ya9ob& b%t none o%,d ,isten to them& for they ere afraid of their ,ives ,est they sho%,d die+ :/ And a,, the sons of Ya9ob& after havin8 smitten the armies of the kin8s& ret%rned and 9ame before Yah%dah& and Yah%dah as sti,, s,ayin8 the ei8ht 9a5tains of Jash%b& and stri55in8 off their 8arments+ :A And Cevi sa E,on& kin8 of ?aash& advan9in8 to ard him& ith his fo%rteen 9a5tains to smite him& b%t Cevi did not kno it for 9ertain+ ;( And E,on ith his 9a5tains a55roa9hed nearer& and Cevi ,ooked ba9k and sa that batt,e as 8iven him in the rear& and Cevi ran ith t e,ve of his servants& and they ent and s,e E,on and his 9a5tains ith the ed8e of the s ord+ "8 SONS DESTROY CITIES
0HA12ER */ and *A$$2he Sons of Ya9ob Destroy many 0ities of 0anaan and a,, their 5eo5,e+


' And "h%ri kin8 of Shi,oh 9ame %5 to assist E,on& and he a55roa9hed Ya9ob& hen Ya9ob dre his bo that as in his hand and ith an arro str%9k "h%ri hi9h 9a%sed his death+ . And hen "h%ri kin8 of Shi,oh as dead& the fo%r remainin8 kin8s f,ed from their station ith the rest of the 9a5tains& and they endeavored to retreat& sayin8& We have no more stren8th ith the Hebre s after their havin8 ki,,ed the three kin8s and their 9a5tains ho ere more 5o erf%, than e are+ * And hen the sons of Ya9ob sa that the remainin8 kin8s had removed from their station& they 5%rs%ed them& and Ya9ob a,so 9ame from the hea5 of She9hem from the 5,a9e here he as standin8& and they ent after the kin8s and they a55roa9hed them ith their servants+ : And the kin8s and the 9a5tains ith the rest of their armies& seein8 that the sons of Ya9ob a55roa9hed them& ere afraid of their ,ives and f,ed ti,, they rea9hed the 9ity of 0haFar+ ; And the sons of Ya9ob 5%rs%ed them to the 8ate of the 9ity of 0haFar& and they smote a 8reat smitin8 amon8st the kin8s and their armies& abo%t fo%r tho%sand men& and hi,e they ere smitin8 the army of the kin8s& Ya9ob as o99%5ied ith his bo 9onfinin8 himse,f to smitin8 the kin8s& and he s,e them a,,+ = And he s,e 1arathon kin8 of 0haFar at the 8ate of the 9ity of 0haFar& and he after ard smote S%si kin8 of Sarton& and Caban kin8 of Beth9horin& and Shabir kin8 of 7a9hnaymah& and he s,e them a,, ith arro s& an arro to ea9h of them& and they died+ > And the sons of Ya9ob seein8 that a,, the kin8s ere dead and that they ere broken %5 and retreatin8& 9ontin%ed to 9arry on the batt,e ith the armies of the kin8s o55osite the 8ate of 0haFar& and they sti,, smote abo%t fo%r h%ndred of their men+ / And three men of the servants of Ya9ob fe,, in that batt,e& and hen Yah%dah sa that three of his servants had died& it 8rieved him 8reat,y& and his an8er b%rned ithin him a8ainst the Amorites+ A And a,, the men that remained of the armies of the kin8s ere 8reat,y afraid of their ,ives& and they ran and broke the 8ate of the a,,s of the 9ity of 0haFar& and they a,, entered the 9ity for safety+ '( And they 9on9ea,ed themse,ves in the midst of the 9ity of 0haFar& for the 9ity of 0haFar as very ,ar8e and eBtensive& and hen a,, these armies had entered the 9ity& the sons of Ya9ob ran after them to the 9ity+ '' And fo%r mi8hty men& eB5erien9ed in batt,e& ent forth from the 9ity and stood a8ainst the entran9e of the 9ity& ith dra n s ords and s5ears in their hands& and they 5,a9ed themse,ves o55osite the sons of Ya9ob& and o%,d not s%ffer them to enter the 9ity+ '. And Na5hta,i ran and 9ame bet een them and ith his s ord smote t o of them& and 9%t off their heads at one stroke+ '* And he t%rned to the other t o& and beho,d they had f,ed& and he 5%rs%ed them& overtook them& smote them and s,e them+ ': And the sons of Ya9ob 9ame to the 9ity and sa & and beho,d there as another a,, to the 9ity& and they so%8ht for the 8ate of the a,, and 9o%,d not find it& and Yah%dah s5ran8 %5on the to5 of the a,,& and Simeon and Cevi fo,,o ed him& and they a,, three des9ended from the a,, into the 9ity+ '; And Simeon and Cevi s,e a,, the men ho ran for safety into the 9ity& and a,so the inhabitants of the 9ity ith their ives and ,itt,e ones& they s,e ith the ed8e of the s ord& and the 9ries of the 9ity as9ended %5 to heaven+ '= And Dan and Na5hta,i s5ran8 %5on the a,, to see hat 9a%sed the noise of ,amentation& for the sons of Ya9ob fe,t anBio%s abo%t their brothers& and they heard the inhabitants of the 9ity s5eakin8 ith ee5in8 and s%55,i9ations& sayin8& 2ake a,, that e 5ossess in the 9ity and 8o a ay& on,y do not 5%t %s to death+ '> And hen Yah%dah& Simeon& and Cevi had 9eased smitin8 the inhabitants of the 9ity& they as9ended the a,, and 9a,,ed to Dan and Na5hta,i& ho ere %5on the a,,& and to the rest of their brothers& and Simeon and Cevi informed them of the entran9e into the 9ity& and a,, the sons of Ya9ob 9ame to fet9h the s5oi,+ '/ And the sons of Ya9ob took the s5oi, of the 9ity of 0haFar& the f,o9ks and herds& and the 5ro5erty& and they took a,, that 9o%,d be 9a5t%red& and ent a ay that day from the 9ity+ 'A And on the neBt day the sons of Ya9ob ent to Sarton& for they heard that the men of Sarton ho had remained in the 9ity ere assemb,in8 to fi8ht ith them for havin8 s,ain their kin8& and Sarton as a very hi8h and fortified 9ity& and it had a dee5 ram5art s%rro%ndin8 the 9ity+ .( And the 5i,,ar of the ram5art as abo%t fifty 9%bits and its breadth forty 9%bits& and there as no 5,a9e A:

for a man to enter the 9ity on a99o%nt of the ram5art& and the sons of Ya9ob sa the ram5art of the 9ity& and they so%8ht an entran9e in it b%t 9o%,d not find it+ .' 3or the entran9e to the 9ity as at the rear& and every man that ished to 9ome into the 9ity 9ame by that road and ent aro%nd the ho,e 9ity& and he after ards entered the 9ity+ .. And the sons of Ya9ob seein8 they 9o%,d not find the ay into the 9ity& their an8er as kind,ed 8reat,y& and the inhabitants of the 9ity seein8 that the sons of Ya9ob ere 9omin8 to them ere 8reat,y afraid of them& for they had heard of their stren8th and hat they had done to 0haFar+ .* And the inhabitants of the 9ity of Sarton 9o%,d not 8o o%t to ard the sons of Ya9ob after havin8 assemb,ed in the 9ity to fi8ht a8ainst them& ,est they mi8ht thereby 8et into the 9ity& b%t hen they sa that they ere 9omin8 to ard them& they ere 8reat,y afraid of them& for they had heard of their stren8th and hat they had done to 0haFar+ .: So the inhabitants of Sarton s5eedi,y took a ay the brid8e of the road of the 9ity& from its 5,a9e& before the sons of Ya9ob 9ame& and they bro%8ht it into the 9ity+ .; And the sons of Ya9ob 9ame and so%8ht the ay into the 9ity& and 9o%,d not find it and the inhabitants of the 9ity ent %5 to the to5 of the a,,& and sa & and beho,d the sons of Ya9ob ere seekin8 an entran9e into the 9ity+ .= And the inhabitants of the 9ity re5roa9hed the sons of Ya9ob from the to5 of the a,,& and they 9%rsed them& and the sons of Ya9ob heard the re5roa9hes& and they ere 8reat,y in9ensed& and their an8er b%rned ithin them+ .> And the sons of Ya9ob ere 5rovoked at them& and they a,, rose and s5ran8 over the ram5art ith the for9e of their stren8th& and thro%8h their mi8ht 5assed the forty 9%bits@ breadth of the ram5art+ ./ And hen they had 5assed the ram5art they stood %nder the a,, of the 9ity& and they fo%nd a,, the 8ates of the 9ity en9,osed ith iron doors+ .A And the sons of Ya9ob 9ame near to break o5en the doors of the 8ates of the 9ity& and the inhabitants did not ,et them& for from the to5 of the a,, they ere 9astin8 stones and arro s %5on them+ *( And the n%mber of the 5eo5,e that ere %5on the a,, as abo%t fo%r h%ndred men& and hen the sons of Ya9ob sa that the men of the 9ity o%,d not ,et them o5en the 8ates of the 9ity& they s5ran8 and as9ended the to5 of the a,,& and Yah%dah ent %5 first to the east 5art of the 9ity+ *' And ?ad and Asher ent %5 after him to the est 9orner of the 9ity& and Simeon and Cevi to the north& and Dan and Re%ben to the so%th+ *. And the men ho ere on the to5 of the a,,& the inhabitants of the 9ity& seein8 that the sons of Ya9ob ere 9omin8 %5 to them& they a,, f,ed from the a,,& des9ended into the 9ity& and 9on9ea,ed themse,ves in the midst of the 9ity+ ** And "ssa9har and Na5hta,i that remained %nder the a,, a55roa9hed and broke the 8ates of the 9ity& and kind,ed a fire at the 8ates of the 9ity& that the iron me,ted& and a,, the sons of Ya9ob 9ame into the 9ity& they and a,, their men& and they fo%8ht ith the inhabitants of the 9ity of Sarton& and smote them ith the ed8e of the s ord& and no man stood %5 before them+ *: And abo%t t o h%ndred men f,ed from the 9ity& and they a,, ent and hid themse,ves in a 9ertain to er in the 9ity& and Yah%dah 5%rs%ed them to the to er and he broke do n the to er& hi9h fe,, %5on the men& and they a,, died+ *; And the sons of Ya9ob ent %5 the road of the roof of that to er& and they sa & and beho,d there as another stron8 and hi8h to er at a distan9e in the 9ity& and the to5 of it rea9hed to heaven& and the sons of Ya9ob hastened and des9ended& and ent ith a,, their men to that to er& and fo%nd it fi,,ed ith abo%t three h%ndred men& omen and ,itt,e ones+ *= And the sons of Ya9ob smote a 8reat smitin8 amon8st those men in the to er and they ran a ay and f,ed from them+ *> And Simeon and Cevi 5%rs%ed them& hen t e,ve mi8hty and va,iant men 9ame o%t to them from the 5,a9e here they had 9on9ea,ed themse,ves+ */ And those t e,ve men maintained a stron8 batt,e a8ainst Simeon and Cevi& and Simeon and Cevi 9o%,d not 5revai, over them& and those va,iant men broke the shie,ds of Simeon and Cevi& and one of them str%9k A;

at Cevi@s head ith his s ord& hen Cevi hasti,y 5,a9ed his hand to his head& for he as afraid of the s ord& and the s ord str%9k Cevi@s hand& and it anted b%t ,itt,e to the hand of Cevi bein8 9%t off+ *A And Cevi seiFed the s ord of the va,iant man in his hand& and took it for9ib,y from the man& and ith it he str%9k at the head of the 5o erf%, man& and he severed his head+ :( And e,even men a55roa9hed to fi8ht ith Cevi& for they sa that one of them as ki,,ed& and the sons of Ya9ob fo%8ht& b%t the sons of Ya9ob 9o%,d not 5revai, over them& for those men ere very 5o erf%,+ :' And the sons of Ya9ob seein8 that they 9o%,d not 5revai, over them& Simeon 8ave a ,o%d and tremendo%s shriek& and the e,even 5o erf%, men ere st%nned at the voi9e of Simeon@s shriekin8+ :. And Yah%dah at a distan9e kne the voi9e of Simeon@s sho%tin8& and Na5hta,i and Yah%dah ran ith their shie,ds to Simeon and Cevi& and fo%nd them fi8htin8 ith those 5o erf%, men& %nab,e to 5revai, over them as their shie,ds ere broken+ :* And Na5hta,i sa that the shie,ds of Simeon and Cevi ere broken& and he took t o shie,ds from his servants and bro%8ht them to Simeon and Cevi+ :: And Simeon& Cevi and Yah%dah on that day fo%8ht a,, three a8ainst the e,even mi8hty men %nti, the time of s%nset& b%t they 9o%,d not 5revai, over them+ :; And this as to,d %nto Ya9ob& and he as sore,y 8rieved& and he 5rayed %nto YAHWEH& and he and Na5hta,i his son ent a8ainst these mi8hty men+ := And Ya9ob a55roa9hed and dre his bo & and 9ame ni8h %nto the mi8hty men& and s,e three of their men ith the bo & and the remainin8 ei8ht t%rned ba9k& and beho,d& the ar a8ed a8ainst them in the front and rear& and they ere 8reat,y afraid of their ,ives& and 9o%,d not stand before the sons of Ya9ob& and they f,ed from before them+ :> And in their f,i8ht they met Dan and Asher 9omin8 to ard them& and they s%dden,y fe,, %5on them& and fo%8ht ith them& and s,e t o of them& and Yah%dah and his brothers 5%rs%ed them& and smote the remainder of them& and s,e them+ :/ And a,, the sons of Ya9ob ret%rned and a,ked abo%t the 9ity& sear9hin8 if they 9o%,d find any men& and they fo%nd abo%t t enty yo%n8 men in a 9ave in the 9ity& and ?ad and Asher smote them a,,& and Dan and Na5hta,i ,i8hted %5on the rest of the men ho had f,ed and es9a5ed from the se9ond to er& and they smote them a,,+ :A And the sons of Ya9ob smote a,, the inhabitants of the 9ity of Sarton& b%t the omen and ,itt,e ones they ,eft in the 9ity and did not s,ay them+ ;( And a,, the inhabitants of the 9ity of Sarton ere 5o erf%, men& one of them o%,d 5%rs%e a tho%sand& and t o of them o%,d not f,ee from ten tho%sand of the rest of men+ ;' And the sons of Ya9ob s,e a,, the inhabitants of the 9ity of Sarton ith the ed8e of the s ord& that no man stood %5 a8ainst them& and they ,eft the omen in the 9ity+ ;. And the sons of Ya9ob took a,, the s5oi, of the 9ity& and 9a5t%red hat they desired& and they took f,o9ks and herds and 5ro5erty from the 9ity& and the sons of Ya9ob did %nto Sarton and its inhabitants as they had done to 0haFar and its inhabitants& and they t%rned and ent a ay+ "9 SONS DESTROY CITIES
0HA12ER */ and *A$$2he Sons of Ya9ob Destroy many 0ities of 0anaan and a,, their 5eo5,e+

' And hen the sons of Ya9ob ent from the 9ity of Sarton& they had 8one abo%t t o h%ndred 9%bits hen they met the inhabitants of 2a5na9h 9omin8 to ard them& for they ent o%t to fi8ht ith them& be9a%se they had smitten the kin8 of 2a5na9h and a,, his men+ . So a,, that remained in the 9ity of 2a5na9h 9ame o%t to fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob& and they tho%8ht to retake from them the booty and the s5oi, hi9h they had 9a5t%red from 0haFar and Sarton+ * And the rest of the men of 2a5na9h fo%8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob in that 5,a9e& and the sons of Ya9ob smote them& and they f,ed before them& and they 5%rs%ed them to the 9ity of Arbe,an& and they a,, fe,, before the sons of Ya9ob+ : And the sons of Ya9ob ret%rned and 9ame to 2a5na9h& to take a ay the s5oi, of 2a5na9h& and hen they A=

9ame to 2a5na9h they heard that the 5eo5,e of Arbe,an had 8one o%t to meet them to save the s5oi, of their brethren& and the sons of Ya9ob ,eft ten of their men in 2a5na9h to 5,%nder the 9ity& and they ent o%t to ard the 5eo5,e of Arbe,an+ ; And the men of Arbe,an ent o%t ith their ives to fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob& for their ives ere eB5erien9ed in batt,e& and they ent o%t& abo%t fo%r h%ndred men and omen+ = And a,, the sons of Ya9ob sho%ted ith a ,o%d voi9e& and they a,, ran to ard the inhabitants of Arbe,an& and ith a 8reat and tremendo%s voi9e+ > And the inhabitants of Arbe,an heard the noise of the sho%tin8 of the sons of Ya9ob& and their roarin8 ,ike the noise of ,ions and ,ike the roarin8 of the sea and its aves+ / And fear and terror 5ossessed their hearts on a99o%nt of the sons of Ya9ob& and they ere terrib,y afraid of them& and they retreated and f,ed before them into the 9ity& and the sons of Ya9ob 5%rs%ed them to the 8ate of the 9ity& and they 9ame %5on them in the 9ity+ A And the sons of Ya9ob fo%8ht ith them in the 9ity& and a,, their omen ere en8a8ed in s,in8in8 a8ainst the sons of Ya9ob& and the 9ombat as very severe amon8st them the ho,e of that day ti,, evenin8+ '( And the sons of Ya9ob 9o%,d not 5revai, over them& and the sons of Ya9ob had a,most 5erished in that batt,e& and the sons of Ya9ob 9ried %nto YAHWEH and 8reat,y 8ained stren8th to ard evenin8& and the sons of Ya9ob smote a,, the inhabitants of Arbe,an by the ed8e of the s ord& men& omen and ,itt,e ones+ '' And a,so the remainder of the 5eo5,e ho had f,ed from Sarton& the sons of Ya9ob smote them in Arbe,an& and the sons of Ya9ob did %nto Arbe,an and 2a5na9h as they had done to 0haFar and Sarton& and hen the omen sa that a,, the men ere dead& they ent %5on the roofs of the 9ity and smote the sons of Ya9ob by sho erin8 do n stones ,ike rain+ '. And the sons of Ya9ob hastened and 9ame into the 9ity and seiFed a,, the omen and smote them ith the ed8e of the s ord& and the sons of Ya9ob 9a5t%red a,, the s5oi, and booty& f,o9ks and herds and 9att,e+ '* And the sons of Ya9ob did %nto 7a9hnaymah as they had done to 2a5na9h& to 0haFar and to Shi,oh& and they t%rned from there and ent a ay+ ': And on the fifth day the sons of Ya9ob heard that the 5eo5,e of ?aash had 8athered a8ainst them to batt,e& be9a%se they had s,ain their kin8 and their 9a5tains& for there had been fo%rteen 9a5tains in the 9ity of ?aash& and the sons of Ya9ob had s,ain them a,, in the first batt,e+ '; And the sons of Ya9ob that day 8irt on their ea5ons of ar& and they mar9hed to batt,e a8ainst the inhabitants of ?aash& and in ?aash there as a stron8 and mi8hty 5eo5,e of the 5eo5,e of the Amorites& and ?aash as the stron8est and best fortified 9ity of a,, the 9ities of the Amorites& and it had three a,,s+ '= And the sons of Ya9ob 9ame to ?aash and they fo%nd the 8ates of the 9ity ,o9ked& and abo%t five h%ndred men standin8 at the to5 of the o%ter$most a,,& and a 5eo5,e n%mero%s as the sand %5on the sea shore ere in amb%sh for the sons of Ya9ob from itho%t the 9ity at the rear thereof+ '> And the sons of Ya9ob a55roa9hed to o5en the 8ates of the 9ity& and hi,e they ere dra in8 ni8h& beho,d those ho ere in amb%sh at the rear of the 9ity 9ame forth from their 5,a9es and s%rro%nded the sons of Ya9ob+ '/ And the sons of Ya9ob ere en9,osed bet een the 5eo5,e of ?aash& and the batt,e as both to their front and rear& and a,, the men that ere %5on the a,,& ere 9astin8 from the a,, %5on them& arro s and stones+ 'A And Yah%dah& seein8 that the men of ?aash ere 8ettin8 too heavy for them& 8ave a most 5ier9in8 and tremendo%s shriek and a,, the men of ?aash ere terrified at the voi9e of Yah%dah@s 9ry& and men fe,, from the a,, at his 5o erf%, shriek& and a,, those that ere from itho%t and ithin the 9ity ere 8reat,y afraid of their ,ives+ .( And the sons of Ya9ob sti,, 9ame ni8h to break the doors of the 9ity& hen the men of ?aash thre stones and arro s %5on them from the to5 of the a,,& and made them f,ee from the 8ate+ .' And the sons of Ya9ob ret%rned a8ainst the men of ?aash ho ere ith them from itho%t the 9ity& and they smote them terrib,y& as strikin8 a8ainst 8o%rds& and they 9o%,d not stand a8ainst the sons of Ya9ob& for fri8ht and terror had seiFed them at the shriek of Yah%dah+ .. And the sons of Ya9ob s,e a,, those men ho ere itho%t the 9ity& and the sons of Ya9ob sti,, dre ni8h to effe9t an entran9e into the 9ity& and to fi8ht %nder the 9ity a,,s& b%t they 9o%,d not for a,, the A>

inhabitants of ?aash ho remained in the 9ity had s%rro%nded the a,,s of ?aash in every dire9tion& so that the sons of Ya9ob ere %nab,e to a55roa9h the 9ity to fi8ht ith them+ .* And the sons of Ya9ob 9ame ni8h to one 9orner to fi8ht %nder the a,,& the inhabitants of ?aash thre arro s and stones %5on them ,ike sho ers of rain& and they f,ed from %nder the a,,+ .: And the 5eo5,e of ?aash ho ere %5on the a,,& seein8 that the sons of Ya9ob 9o%,d not 5revai, over them from %nder the a,,& re5roa9hed the sons of Ya9ob in these ords& sayin8& .; What is the matter ith yo% in the batt,e that yo% 9annot 5revai,# 9an yo% then do %nto the mi8hty 9ity of ?aash and its inhabitants as yo% did to the 9ities of the Amorites that ere not so 5o erf%,# S%re,y to those eak ones amon8st %s yo% did those thin8s& and s,e them in the entran9e of the 9ity& for they had no stren8th hen they ere terrified at the so%nd of yo%r sho%tin8+ .= And i,, yo% no then be ab,e to fi8ht in this 5,a9e# S%re,y here yo% i,, a,, die& and e i,, aven8e the 9a%se of those 9ities that yo% have ,aid aste+ .> And the inhabitants of ?aash 8reat,y re5roa9hed the sons of Ya9ob and revi,ed them ith their 8ods& and 9ontin%ed to 9ast arro s and stones %5on them from the a,,+ ./ And Yah%dah and his brothers heard the ords of the inhabitants of ?aash and their an8er as 8reat,y ro%sed& and Yah%dah as Gea,o%s of YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y in this matter& and he 9a,,ed o%t and said& < YAHWEH& he,5& send he,5 to %s and o%r brothers+ .A And he ran at a distan9e ith a,, his mi8ht& ith his dra n s ord in his hand& and he s5ran8 from the earth and by dint of his stren8th& mo%nted the a,,& and his s ord fe,, from his hand+ *( And Yah%dah sho%ted %5on the a,,& and a,, the men that ere %5on the a,, ere terrified& and some of them fe,, from the a,, into the 9ity and died& and those ho ere yet %5on the a,,& hen they sa Yah%dah@s stren8th& they ere 8reat,y afraid and f,ed for their ,ives into the 9ity for safety+ *' And some ere embo,dened to fi8ht ith Yah%dah %5on the a,,& and they 9ame ni8h to s,ay him hen they sa there as no s ord in Yah%dah@s hand& and they tho%8ht of 9astin8 him from the a,, to his brothers& and t enty men of the 9ity 9ame %5 to assist them& and they s%rro%nded Yah%dah and they a,, sho%ted over him& and a55roa9hed him ith dra n s ords& and they terrified Yah%dah& and Yah%dah 9ried o%t to his brothers from the a,,+ *. And Ya9ob and his sons dre the bo from %nder the a,,& and smote three of the men that ere %5on the to5 of the a,,& and Yah%dah 9ontin%ed to 9ry and he eB9,aimed& < YAHWEH he,5 %s& < YAHWEH de,iver %s& and he 9ried o%t ith a ,o%d voi9e %5on the a,,& and the 9ry as heard at a 8reat distan9e+ ** And after this 9ry he a8ain re5eated to sho%t& and a,, the men ho s%rro%nded Yah%dah on the to5 of the a,, ere terrified& and they ea9h thre his s ord from his hand at the so%nd of Yah%dah@s sho%tin8 and his tremor& and f,ed+ *: And Yah%dah took the s ords hi9h had fa,,en from their hands& and Yah%dah fo%8ht ith them and s,e t enty of their men %5on the a,,+ *; And abo%t ei8hty men and omen sti,, as9ended the a,, from the 9ity and they a,, s%rro%nded Yah%dah& and YAHWEH im5ressed the fear of Yah%dah in their hearts& that they ere %nab,e to a55roa9h him+ *= And Ya9ob and a,, ho ere ith him dre the bo from %nder the a,,& and they s,e ten men %5on the a,,& and they fe,, be,o the a,,& before Ya9ob and his sons+ *> And the 5eo5,e %5on the a,, seein8 that t enty of their men had fa,,en& they sti,, ran to ard Yah%dah ith dra n s ords& b%t they 9o%,d not a55roa9h him for they ere 8reat,y terrified at Yah%dah@s stren8th+ */ And one of their mi8hty men hose name as Ar%d a55roa9hed to strike Yah%dah %5on the head ith his s ord& hen Yah%dah hasti,y 5%t his shie,d to his head& and the s ord hit the shie,d& and it as s5,it in t o+ *A And this mi8hty man after he had str%9k Yah%dah ran for his ,ife& at the fear of Yah%dah& and his feet s,i55ed %5on the a,, and he fe,, amon8st the sons of Ya9ob ho ere be,o the a,,& and the sons of Ya9ob smote him and s,e him+ :( And Yah%dah@s head 5ained him from the b,o of the 5o erf%, man& and Yah%dah had near,y died from it+ A/

:' And Yah%dah 9ried o%t %5on the a,, o in8 to the 5ain 5rod%9ed by the b,o & hen Dan heard him& and his an8er b%rned ithin him& and he a,so rose %5 and ent at a distan9e and ran and s5ran8 from the earth and mo%nted the a,, ith his rath$eB9ited stren8th+ :. And hen Dan 9ame %5on the a,, near %nto Yah%dah a,, the men %5on the a,, f,ed& ho had stood a8ainst Yah%dah& and they ent %5 to the se9ond a,,& and they thre arro s and stones %5on Dan and Yah%dah from the se9ond a,,& and endeavored to drive them from the a,,+ :* And the arro s and stones str%9k Dan and Yah%dah& and they had near,y been ki,,ed %5on the a,,& and herever Dan and Yah%dah f,ed from the a,,& they ere atta9ked ith arro s and stones from the se9ond a,,+ :: And Ya9ob and his sons ere sti,, at the entran9e of the 9ity be,o the first a,,& and they ere not ab,e to dra their bo a8ainst the inhabitants of the 9ity& as they 9o%,d not be seen by them& bein8 %5on the se9ond a,,+ :; And Dan and Yah%dah hen they 9o%,d no ,on8er bear the stones and arro s that fe,, %5on them from the se9ond a,,& they both s5ran8 %5on the se9ond a,, near the 5eo5,e of the 9ity& and hen the 5eo5,e of the 9ity ho ere %5on the se9ond a,, sa that Dan and Yah%dah had 9ome to them %5on the se9ond a,,& they a,, 9ried o%t and des9ended be,o bet een the a,,s+ := And Ya9ob and his sons heard the noise of the sho%tin8 from the 5eo5,e of the 9ity& and they ere sti,, at the entran9e of the 9ity& and they ere anBio%s abo%t Dan and Yah%dah ho ere not seen by them& they bein8 %5on the se9ond a,,+ :> And Na5hta,i ent %5 ith his rath$eB9ited mi8ht and s5ran8 %5on the first a,, to see hat 9a%sed the noise of sho%tin8 hi9h they had heard in the 9ity& and "ssa9har and Ieb%,%n dre ni8h to break the doors of the 9ity& and they o5ened the 8ates of the 9ity and 9ame into the 9ity+ :/ And Na5hta,i ,ea5ed from the first a,, to the se9ond& and 9ame to assist his brothers& and the inhabitants of ?aash ho ere %5on the a,,& seein8 that Na5hta,i as the third ho had 9ome %5 to assist his brothers& they a,, f,ed and des9ended into the 9ity& and Ya9ob and a,, his sons and a,, their yo%n8 men 9ame into the 9ity to them+ :A And Yah%dah and Dan and Na5hta,i des9ended from the a,, into the 9ity and 5%rs%ed the inhabitants of the 9ity& and Simeon and Cevi ere from itho%t the 9ity and kne not that the 8ate as o5ened& and they ent %5 from there to the a,, and 9ame do n to their brothers into the 9ity+ ;( And the inhabitants of the 9ity had a,, des9ended into the 9ity& and the sons of Ya9ob 9ame to them in different dire9tions& and the batt,e a8ed a8ainst them from the front and the rear& and the sons of Ya9ob smote them terrib,y& and s,e abo%t t enty tho%sand of them men and omen& not one of them 9o%,d stand %5 a8ainst the sons of Ya9ob+ ;' And the b,ood f,o ed 5,entif%,,y in the 9ity& and it as ,ike a brook of ater& and the b,ood f,o ed ,ike a brook to the o%ter 5art of the 9ity& and rea9hed the desert of Beth9horin+ ;. And the 5eo5,e of Beth9horin sa at a distan9e the b,ood f,o in8 from the 9ity of ?aash& and abo%t seventy men from amon8st them ran to see the b,ood& and they 9ame to the 5,a9e here the b,ood as+ ;* And they fo,,o ed the tra9k of the b,ood and 9ame to the a,, of the 9ity of ?aash& and they sa the b,ood iss%e from the 9ity& and they heard the voi9e of 9ryin8 from the inhabitants of ?aash& for it as9ended %nto heaven& and the b,ood as 9ontin%in8 to f,o ab%ndant,y ,ike a brook of ater+ ;: And a,, the sons of Ya9ob ere sti,, smitin8 the inhabitants of ?aash& and ere en8a8ed in s,ayin8 them ti,, evenin8& abo%t t enty tho%sand men and omen& and the 5eo5,e of 0horin said& S%re,y this is the ork of the Hebre s& for they are sti,, 9arryin8 on ar in a,, the 9ities of the Amorites+ ;; And those 5eo5,e hastened and ran to Beth9horin& and ea9h took his ea5ons of ar& and they 9ried o%t to a,, the inhabitants of Beth9horin& ho a,so 8irt on their ea5ons of ar to 8o and fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob+ ;= And hen the sons of Ya9ob had done smitin8 the inhabitants of ?aash& they a,ked abo%t the 9ity to stri5 a,, the s,ain& and 9omin8 in the innermost 5art of the 9ity and farther on they met three very 5o erf%, men& and there as no s ord in their hand+ ;> And the sons of Ya9ob 9ame %5 to the 5,a9e here they ere& and the 5o erf%, men ran a ay& and one AA

of them had taken Ieb%,%n& ho he sa as a yo%n8 ,ad and of short stat%re& and ith his mi8ht dashed him to the 8ro%nd+ ;/ And Ya9ob ran to him ith his s ord and Ya9ob smote him be,o his ,oins ith the s ord& and 9%t him in t o& and the body fe,, %5on Ieb%,%n+ ;A And the se9ond one a55roa9hed and seiFed Ya9ob to fe,, him to the 8ro%nd& and Ya9ob t%rned to him and sho%ted to him& hi,e Simeon and Cevi ran and smote him on the hi5s ith the s ord and fe,,ed him to the 8ro%nd+ =( And the 5o erf%, man rose %5 from the 8ro%nd ith rath$eB9ited mi8ht& and Yah%dah 9ame to him before he had 8ained his footin8& and str%9k him %5on the head ith the s ord& and his head as s5,it and he died+ =' And the third 5o erf%, man& seein8 that his 9om5anions ere ki,,ed& ran from before the sons of Ya9ob& and the sons of Ya9ob 5%rs%ed him in the 9ityJ and hi,e the 5o erf%, man as f,eein8 he fo%nd one of the s ords of the inhabitants of the 9ity& and he 5i9ked it %5 and t%rned to the sons of Ya9ob and fo%8ht them ith that s ord+ =. And the 5o erf%, man ran to Yah%dah to strike him %5on the head ith the s ord& and there as no shie,d in the hand of Yah%dahJ and hi,e he as aimin8 to strike him& Na5hta,i hasti,y took his shie,d and 5%t it to Yah%dah@s head& and the s ord of the 5o erf%, man hit the shie,d of Na5hta,i and Yah%dah es9a5ed the s ord+ =* And Simeon and Cevi ran %5on the 5o erf%, man ith their s ords and str%9k at him for9ib,y ith their s ords& and the t o s ords entered the body of the 5o erf%, man and divided it in t o& ,en8th$ ise+ =: And the sons of Ya9ob smote the three mi8hty men at that time& to8ether ith a,, the inhabitants of ?aash& and the day as abo%t to de9,ine+ =; And the sons of Ya9ob a,ked abo%t ?aash and took a,, the s5oi, of the 9ity& even the ,itt,e ones and omen they did not s%ffer to ,ive& and the sons of Ya9ob did %nto ?aash as they had done to Sarton and Shi,oh+


Secion 5 #0 KINGS MAKE $EACE

0HA12ER :($$2he Remainin8 2 enty$one 4in8s of 0anaan& fearin8 the Sons of Ya9ob& make a 5ermanent 1ea9e ith them+

' And the sons of Ya9ob ,ed a ay a,, the s5oi, of ?aash& and ent o%t of the 9ity by ni8ht+ . 2hey ere 8oin8 o%t mar9hin8 to ard the 9ast,e of Beth9horin& and the inhabitants of Beth9horin ere 8oin8 to the 9ast,e to meet them& and on that ni8ht the sons of Ya9ob fo%8ht ith the inhabitants of Beth9horin& in the 9ast,e of Beth9horin+ * And a,, the inhabitants of Beth9horin ere mi8hty men& one of them o%,d not f,ee from before a tho%sand men& and they fo%8ht on that ni8ht %5on the 9ast,e& and their sho%ts ere heard on that ni8ht from afar& and the earth H%aked at their sho%tin8+ : And a,, the sons of Ya9ob ere afraid of those men& as they ere not a99%stomed to fi8ht in the dark& and they ere 8reat,y 9onfo%nded& and the sons of Ya9ob 9ried %nto YAHWEH& sayin8& ?ive he,5 to %s < YAHWEH& de,iver %s that e may not die by the hands of these %n9ir9%m9ised men+ ; And YAHWEH hearkened to the voi9e of the sons of Ya9ob& and YAHWEH 9a%sed 8reat terror and 9onf%sion to seiFe the 5eo5,e of Beth9horin& and they fo%8ht amon8st themse,ves the one ith the other in the darkness of ni8ht& and smote ea9h other in 8reat n%mbers+ = And the sons of Ya9ob& kno in8 that YAHWEH had bro%8ht a s5irit of 5erverseness amon8st those men& and that they fo%8ht ea9h man ith his nei8hbor& ent forth from amon8 the bands of the 5eo5,e of Beth9horin and ent as far as the des9ent of the 9ast,e of Beth9horin& and farther& and they tarried there se9%re,y ith their yo%n8 men on that ni8ht+ > And the 5eo5,e of Beth9horin fo%8ht the ho,e ni8ht& one man ith his brother& and the other ith his nei8hbor& and they 9ried o%t in every dire9tion %5on the 9ast,e& and their 9ry as heard at a distan9e& and the ho,e earth shook at their voi9e& for they ere 5o erf%, above a,, the 5eo5,e of the earth+ / And a,, the inhabitants of the 9ities of the 0anaanites& the Hittites& the Amorites& the Hivites and a,, the kin8s of 0anaan& and a,so those ho ere on the other side of the Yardan& heard the noise of the sho%tin8 on that ni8ht+ A And they said& S%re,y these are the batt,es of the Hebre s ho are fi8htin8 a8ainst the seven 9ities& ho 9ame ni8h %nto themJ and ho 9an stand a8ainst those Hebre s# '( And a,, the inhabitants of the 9ities of the 0anaanites& and a,, those ho ere on the other side of the Yardan& ere 8reat,y afraid of the sons of Ya9ob& for they said& Beho,d the same i,, be done to %s as as done to those 9ities& for ho 9an stand a8ainst their mi8hty stren8th# '' And the 9ries of the 0horinites ere very 8reat on that ni8ht& and 9ontin%ed to in9reaseJ and they smote ea9h other ti,, mornin8& and n%mbers of them ere ki,,ed+ '. And the mornin8 a55eared& and a,, the sons of Ya9ob rose %5 at daybreak and ent %5 to the 9ast,e& and they smote those ho remained of the 0horinites in a terrib,e manner& and they ere a,, ki,,ed in the 9ast,e+ '* And the siBth day a55eared& and a,, the inhabitants of 0anaan sa at a distan9e a,, the 5eo5,e of Beth9horin ,yin8 dead in the 9ast,e of Beth9horin& and stre ed abo%t as the 9ar9asses of ,ambs and 8oats+ ': And the sons of Ya9ob ,ed a,, the s5oi, hi9h they had 9a5t%red from ?aash and ent to Beth9horin& and they fo%nd the 9ity f%,, of 5eo5,e ,ike the sand of the sea& and they fo%8ht ith them& and the sons of Ya9ob smote them there ti,, evenin8 time+ '; And the sons of Ya9ob did %nto Beth9horin as they had done to ?aash and 2a5na9h& and as they had done to 0haFar& to Sarton and to Shi,oh+ '= And the sons of Ya9ob took ith them the s5oi, of Beth9horin and a,, the s5oi, of the 9ities& and on that day they ent home to She9hem+ '> And the sons of Ya9ob 9ame home to the 9ity of She9hem& and they remained itho%t the 9ity& and they then rested there from the ar& and tarried there a,, ni8ht+ '('

'/ And a,, their servants to8ether ith a,, the s5oi, that they had taken from the 9ities& they ,eft itho%t the 9ity& and they did not enter the 9ity& for they said& 1eradvent%re there may be yet more fi8htin8 a8ainst %s& and they may 9ome to besie8e %s in She9hem+ 'A And Ya9ob and his sons and their servants remained on that ni8ht and the neBt day in the 5ortion of the fie,d hi9h Ya9ob had 5%r9hased from Hamor for five sheke,s& and a,, that they had 9a5t%red as ith them+ .( And a,, the booty hi9h the sons of Ya9ob had 9a5t%red& as in the 5ortion of the fie,d& immense as the sand %5on the sea shore+ .' And the inhabitants of the ,and observed them from afar& and a,, the inhabitants of the ,and ere afraid of the sons of Ya9ob ho had done this thin8& for no kin8 from the days of o,d had ever done the ,ike+ .. And the seven kin8s of the 0anaanites reso,ved to make 5ea9e ith the sons of Ya9ob& for they ere 8reat,y afraid of their ,ives& on a99o%nt of the sons of Ya9ob+ .* And on that day& bein8 the seventh day& Ja5hia kin8 of Hebron sent se9ret,y to the kin8 of Ai& and to the kin8 of ?ibeon& and to the kin8 of Sha,em& and to the kin8 of Ad%,am& and to the kin8 of Ca9hish& and to the kin8 of 0haFar& and to a,, the 0anaanitish kin8s ho ere %nder their s%bGe9tion& sayin8& .: ?o %5 ith me& and 9ome to me that e may 8o to the sons of Ya9ob& and " i,, make 5ea9e ith them& and form a treaty ith them& ,est a,, yo%r ,ands be destroyed by the s ords of the sons of Ya9ob& as they did to She9hem and the 9ities aro%nd it& as yo% have heard and seen+ .; And hen yo% 9ome to me& do not 9ome ith many men& b%t ,et every kin8 brin8 his three head 9a5tains& and every 9a5tain brin8 three of his offi9ers+ .= And 9ome a,, of yo% to Hebron& and e i,, 8o to8ether to the sons of Ya9ob& and s%55,i9ate them that they sha,, form a treaty of 5ea9e ith %s+ .> And a,, those kin8s did as the kin8 of Hebron had sent to them& for they ere a,, %nder his 9o%nse, and 9ommand& and a,, the kin8s of 0anaan assemb,ed to 8o to the sons of Ya9ob& to make 5ea9e ith themJ and the sons of Ya9ob ret%rned and ent to the 5ortion of the fie,d that as in She9hem& for they did not 5%t 9onfiden9e in the kin8s of the ,and+ ./ And the sons of Ya9ob ret%rned and remained in the 5ortion of the fie,d ten days& and no one 9ame to make ar ith them+ .A And hen the sons of Ya9ob sa that there as no a55earan9e of ar& they a,, assemb,ed and ent to the 9ity of She9hem& and the sons of Ya9ob remained in She9hem+ *( And at the eB5iration of forty days& a,, the kin8s of the Amorites assemb,ed from a,, their 5,a9es and 9ame to Hebron& to Ja5hia& kin8 of Hebron+ *' And the n%mber of kin8s that 9ame to Hebron& to make 5ea9e ith the sons of Ya9ob& as t enty$one kin8s& and the n%mber of 9a5tains that 9ame ith them as siBty$nine& and their men ere one h%ndred and ei8hty$nine& and a,, these kin8s and their men rested by 7o%nt Hebron+ *. And the kin8 of Hebron ent o%t ith his three 9a5tains and nine men& and these kin8s reso,ved to 8o to the sons of Ya9ob to make 5ea9e+ ** And they said %nto the kin8 of Hebron& ?o yo% before %s ith yo%r men& and s5eak for %s %nto the sons of Ya9ob& and e i,, 9ome after yo% and 9onfirm yo%r ords& and the kin8 of Hebron did so+ *: And the sons of Ya9ob heard that a,, the kin8s of 0anaan had 8athered to8ether and rested in Hebron& and the sons of Ya9ob sent fo%r of their servants as s5ies& sayin8& ?o and s5y these kin8s& and sear9h and eBamine their men hether they are fe or many& and if they are b%t fe in n%mber& n%mber them a,, and 9ome ba9k+ *; And the servants of Ya9ob ent se9ret,y to these kin8s& and did as the sons of Ya9ob had 9ommanded them& and on that day they 9ame ba9k to the sons of Ya9ob& and said %nto them& We 9ame %nto those kin8s& and they are b%t fe in n%mber& and e n%mbered them a,,& and beho,d& they ere t o h%ndred and ei8hty$ ei8ht& kin8s and men+ *= And the sons of Ya9ob said& 2hey are b%t fe in n%mber& therefore e i,, not a,, 8o o%t to themJ and in the mornin8 the sons of Ya9ob rose %5 and 9hose siBty t o of their men& and ten of the sons of Ya9ob ent ith themJ and they 8irt on their ea5ons of ar& for they said& 2hey are 9omin8 to make ar ith %s& for '(.

they kne not that they ere 9omin8 to make 5ea9e ith them+ *> And the sons of Ya9ob ent ith their servants to the 8ate of She9hem& to ard those kin8s& and their father Ya9ob as ith them+ */ And hen they had 9ome forth& beho,d& the kin8 of Hebron and his three 9a5tains and nine men ith him ere 9omin8 a,on8 the road a8ainst the sons of Ya9ob& and the sons of Ya9ob ,ifted %5 their eyes& and sa at a distan9e Ja5hia& kin8 of Hebron& ith his 9a5tains& 9omin8 to ard them& and the sons of Ya9ob took their stand at the 5,a9e of the 8ate of She9hem& and did not 5ro9eed+ *A And the kin8 of Hebron 9ontin%ed to advan9e& he and his 9a5tains& %nti, he 9ame ni8h to the sons of Ya9ob& and he and his 9a5tains bo ed do n to them to the 8ro%nd& and the kin8 of Hebron sat ith his 9a5tains before Ya9ob and his sons+ :( And the sons of Ya9ob said %nto him& What has befa,,en yo%& < kin8 of Hebron# hy hast yo% 9ome to %s this day# hat dost yo% reH%ire from %s# and the kin8 of Hebron said %nto Ya9ob& " besee9h yo% my ,ord& a,, the kin8s of the 0anaanites have this day 9ome to make 5ea9e ith yo%+ :' And the sons of Ya9ob heard the ords of the kin8 of Hebron& and they o%,d not 9onsent to his 5ro5osa,s& for the sons of Ya9ob had no faith in him& for they ima8ined that the kin8 of Hebron had s5oken de9eitf%,,y to them+ :. And the kin8 of Hebron kne from the ords of the sons of Ya9ob& that they did not be,ieve his ords& and the kin8 of Hebron a55roa9hed nearer to Ya9ob& and said %nto him& " besee9h yo%& my ,ord& to be ass%red that a,, these kin8s have 9ome to yo% on 5ea9eab,e terms& for they have not 9ome ith a,, their men& neither did they brin8 their ea5ons of ar ith them& for they have 9ome to seek 5ea9e from my ,ord and his sons+ :* And the sons of Ya9ob ans ered the kin8 of Hebron& sayin8& Send yo% to a,, these kin8s& and if yo% s5eakest tr%th %nto %s& ,et them ea9h 9ome sin8,y before %s& and if they 9ome %nto %s %narmed& e sha,, then kno that they seek 5ea9e from %s+ :: And Ja5hia& kin8 of Hebron& sent one of his men to the kin8s& and they a,, 9ame before the sons of Ya9ob& and bo ed do n to them to the 8ro%nd& and these kin8s sat before Ya9ob and his sons& and they s5oke %nto them& sayin8& :; We have heard a,, that yo% did %nto the kin8s of the Amorites ith yo%r s ord and eB9eedin8,y mi8hty arm& so that no man 9o%,d stand %5 before yo%& and e ere afraid of yo% for the sake of o%r ,ives& ,est it sho%,d befa,, %s as it did to them+ := So e have 9ome %nto yo% to form a treaty of 5ea9e bet een %s& and no therefore 9ontra9t ith %s a 9ovenant of 5ea9e and tr%th& that yo% i,, not medd,e ith %s& inasm%9h as e have not medd,ed ith yo%+ :> And the sons of Ya9ob kne that they had rea,,y 9ome to seek 5ea9e from them& and the sons of Ya9ob ,istened to them& and formed a 9ovenant ith them+ :/ And the sons of Ya9ob s ore %nto them that they o%,d not medd,e ith them& and a,, the kin8s of the 0anaanites s ore a,so to them& and the sons of Ya9ob made them trib%tary from that day for ard+ :A And after this a,, the 9a5tains of these kin8s 9ame ith their men before Ya9ob& ith 5resents in their hands for Ya9ob and his sons& and they bo ed do n to him to the 8ro%nd+ ;( And these kin8s then %r8ed the sons of Ya9ob and be88ed of them to ret%rn a,, the s5oi, they had 9a5t%red from the seven 9ities of the Amorites& and the sons of Ya9ob did so& and they ret%rned a,, that they had 9a5t%red& the omen& the ,itt,e ones& the 9att,e and a,, the s5oi, hi9h they had taken& and they sent them off& and they ent a ay ea9h to his 9ity+ ;' And a,, these kin8s a8ain bo ed do n to the sons of Ya9ob& and they sent or bro%8ht them many 8ifts in those days& and the sons of Ya9ob sent off these kin8s and their men& and they ent 5ea9eab,y a ay from them to their 9ities& and the sons of Ya9ob a,so ret%rned to their home& to She9hem+ ;. And there as 5ea9e from that day for ard bet een the sons of Ya9ob and the kin8s of the 0anaanites& %nti, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 9ame to inherit the ,and of 0anaan+ #1 YOSE$H'S DREAMS
0HA12ER :'$$Yose5h& the Son of Ya9ob& Dreams of his 3%t%re EBa,tation over his Brethren+ Bein8 his 3ather@s


3avorite& his Brethren be9ome Jea,o%s+ Yose5h is sent to Eisit his Brethren+ 2hey 9ons5ire a8ainst him& and at the S%88estion of Re%ben 1,a9e him in a 1it+

' And at the revo,%tion of the year the sons of Ya9ob Go%rneyed from She9hem& and they 9ame to Hebron& to their father Yits9haH& and they d e,t there& b%t their f,o9ks and herds they fed dai,y in She9hem& for there as there in those days 8ood and fat 5ast%re& and Ya9ob and his sons and a,, their ho%seho,d d e,t in the va,,ey of Hebron+ . And it as in those days& in that year& bein8 the h%ndred and siBth year of the ,ife of Ya9ob& in the tenth year of Ya9ob@s 9omin8 from 1adan$aram& that Ceah the ife of Ya9ob diedJ she as fifty$one years o,d hen she died in Hebron+ * And Ya9ob and his sons b%ried her in the 9ave of the fie,d of 7a9h5e,ah& hi9h is in Hebron& hi9h Abraham had bo%8ht from the 9hi,dren of Heth& for the 5ossession of a b%ria, 5,a9e+ : And the sons of Ya9ob d e,t ith their father in the va,,ey of Hebron& and a,, the inhabitants of the ,and kne their stren8th and their fame ent thro%8ho%t the ,and+ ; And Yose5h the son of Ya9ob& and his brother BenGamin& the sons of Ra9he,& the ife of Ya9ob& ere yet yo%n8 in those days& and did not 8o o%t ith their brethren d%rin8 their batt,es in a,, the 9ities of the Amorites+ = And hen Yose5h sa the stren8th of his brethren& and their 8reatness& he 5raised them and eBto,,ed them& b%t he ranked himse,f 8reater than them& and eBto,,ed himse,f above themJ and Ya9ob& his father& a,so ,oved him more than any of his sons& for he as a son of his o,d a8e& and thro%8h his ,ove to ard him& he made him a 9oat of many 9o,ors+ > And hen Yose5h sa that his father ,oved him more than his brethren& he 9ontin%ed to eBa,t himse,f above his brethren& and he bro%8ht %nto his father evi, re5orts 9on9ernin8 them+ / And the sons of Ya9ob seein8 the ho,e of Yose5h@s 9ond%9t to ard them& and that their father ,oved him more than any of them& they hated him and 9o%,d not s5eak 5ea9eab,y to him a,, the days+ A And Yose5h as seventeen years o,d& and he as sti,, ma8nifyin8 himse,f above his brethren& and tho%8ht of raisin8 himse,f above them+ '( At that time he dreamed a dream& and he 9ame %nto his brothers and to,d them his dream& and he said %nto them& " dreamed a dream& and beho,d e ere a,, bindin8 sheaves in the fie,d& and my sheaf rose and 5,a9ed itse,f %5on the 8ro%nd and yo%r sheaves s%rro%nded it and bo ed do n to it+ '' And his brethren ans ered him and said %nto him& What means this dream that yo% didst dream# dost yo% ima8ine in yo%r heart to rei8n or r%,e over %s# '. And he sti,, 9ame& and to,d the thin8 to his father Ya9ob& and Ya9ob kissed Yose5h hen he heard these ords from his mo%th& and Ya9ob b,essed Yose5h+ '* And hen the sons of Ya9ob sa that their father had b,essed Yose5h and had kissed him& and that he ,oved him eB9eedin8,y& they be9ame Gea,o%s of him and hated him the more+ ': And after this Yose5h dreamed another dream and re,ated the dream to his father in the 5resen9e of his brethren& and Yose5h said %nto his father and brethren& Beho,d " have a8ain dreamed a dream& and beho,d the s%n and the moon and the e,even stars bo ed do n to me+ '; And his father heard the ords of Yose5h and his dream& and seein8 that his brethren hated Yose5h on a99o%nt of this matter& Ya9ob therefore reb%ked Yose5h before his brethren on a99o%nt of this thin8& sayin8& What means this dream hi9h yo% hast dreamed& and this ma8nifyin8 thyse,f before yo%r brethren ho are o,der than yo% are# '= Dost yo% ima8ine in yo%r heart that " and yo%r mother and yo%r e,even brethren i,, 9ome and bo do n to yo%& that yo% s5eakest these thin8s# '> And his brethren ere Gea,o%s of him on a99o%nt of his ords and dreams& and they 9ontin%ed to hate him& and Ya9ob reserved the dreams in his heart+ '/ And the sons of Ya9ob ent one day to feed their father@s f,o9k in She9hem& for they ere sti,, herdsmen in those daysJ and hi,e the sons of Ya9ob ere that day feedin8 in She9hem they de,ayed& and the time of 8atherin8 in the 9att,e as 5assed& and they had not arrived+ '(:

'A And Ya9ob sa that his sons ere de,ayed in She9hem& and Ya9ob said ithin himse,f& 1eradvent%re the 5eo5,e of She9hem have risen %5 to fi8ht a8ainst them& therefore they have de,ayed 9omin8 this day+ .( And Ya9ob 9a,,ed Yose5h his son and 9ommanded him& sayin8& Beho,d yo%r brethren are feedin8 in She9hem this day& and beho,d they have not yet 9ome ba9kJ 8o no therefore and see here they are& and brin8 me ord ba9k 9on9ernin8 the e,fare of yo%r brethren and the e,fare of the f,o9k+ .' And Ya9ob sent his son Yose5h to the va,,ey of Hebron& and Yose5h 9ame for his brothers to She9hem& and 9o%,d not find them& and Yose5h ent abo%t the fie,d hi9h as near She9hem& to see here his brothers had t%rned& and he missed his road in the i,derness& and kne not hi9h ay he sho%,d 8o+ .. And an heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH fo%nd him anderin8 in the road to ard the fie,d& and Yose5h said %nto the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH& " seek my brethrenJ hast yo% not heard here they are feedin8# and the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH said %nto Yose5h& " sa yo%r brethren feedin8 here& and " heard them say they o%,d 8o to feed in Dothan+ .* And Yose5h hearkened to the voi9e of the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH& and he ent to his brethren in Dothan and he fo%nd them in Dothan feedin8 the f,o9k+ .: And Yose5h advan9ed to his brethren& and before he had 9ome ni8h %nto them& they had reso,ved to s,ay him+ .; And Simeon said to his brethren& Beho,d the man of dreams is 9omin8 %nto %s this day& and no therefore 9ome and ,et %s ki,, him and 9ast him in one of the 5its that are in the i,derness& and hen his father sha,, seek him from %s& e i,, say an evi, beast has devo%red him+ .= And Re%ben heard the ords of his brethren 9on9ernin8 Yose5h& and he said %nto them& Yo% sho%,d not do this thin8& for ho 9an e ,ook %5 to o%r father Ya9ob# 0ast him into this 5it to die there& b%t stret9h not forth a hand %5on him to s5i,, his b,oodJ and Re%ben said this in order to de,iver him from their hand& to brin8 him ba9k to his father+ .> And hen Yose5h 9ame to his brethren he sat before them& and they rose %5on him and seiFed him and smote him to the earth& and stri55ed the 9oat of many 9o,ors hi9h he had on+ ./ And they took him and 9ast him into a 5it& and in the 5it there as no ater& b%t ser5ents and s9or5ions+ And Yose5h as afraid of the ser5ents and s9or5ions that ere in the 5it+ And Yose5h 9ried o%t ith a ,o%d voi9e& and YAHWEH hid the ser5ents and s9or5ions in the sides of the 5it& and they did no harm %nto Yose5h+ .A And Yose5h 9a,,ed o%t from the 5it to his brethren& and said %nto them& What have " done %nto yo%& and in hat have " sinned# hy do yo% not fear YAHWEH 9on9ernin8 me# am " not of yo%r bones and f,esh& and is not Ya9ob yo%r father& my father# hy do yo% do this thin8 %nto me this day& and ho i,, yo% be ab,e to ,ook %5 to o%r father Ya9ob# *( And he 9ontin%ed to 9ry o%t and 9a,, %nto his brethren from the 5it& and he said& < Yah%dah& Simeon& and Cevi& my brethren& ,ift me %5 from the 5,a9e of darkness in hi9h yo% have 5,a9ed me& and 9ome this day to have 9om5assion on me& ye 9hi,dren of YAHWEH& and sons of Ya9ob my father+ And if " have sinned %nto yo%& are yo% not the sons of Abraham& Yits9haH& and Ya9ob# if they sa an or5han they had 9om5assion over him& or one that as h%n8ry& they 8ave him bread to eat& or one that as thirsty& they 8ave him ater to drink& or one that as naked& they 9overed him ith 8armentsK *' And ho then i,, yo% ithho,d yo%r 5ity from yo%r brother& for " am of yo%r f,esh and bones& and if " have sinned %nto yo%& s%re,y yo% i,, do this on a99o%nt of my fatherK *. And Yose5h s5oke these ords from the 5it& and his brethren 9o%,d not ,isten to him& nor in9,ine their ears to the ords of Yose5h& and Yose5h as 9ryin8 and ee5in8 in the 5it+ ** And Yose5h said& < that my father kne & this day& the a9t hi9h my brothers have done %nto me& and the ords hi9h they have this day s5oken %nto me+ *: And a,, his brethren heard his 9ries and ee5in8 in the 5it& and his brethren ent and removed themse,ves from the 5it& so that they mi8ht not hear the 9ries of Yose5h and his ee5in8 in the 5it+ # YOSE$H SOLD
0HA12ER :.$$Yose5h is so,d to a 9om5any of 7idianites& ho in 2%rn so,d him to the "shmae,ites& ho take him


do n to E8y5t+ An a99o%nt of his Jo%rney thither& and of his Aff,i9tion on the Road+

' And they ent and sat on the o55osite side& abo%t the distan9e of a bo $shot& and they sat there to eat bread& and hi,e they ere eatin8& they he,d 9o%nse, to8ether hat as to be done ith him& hether to s,ay him or to brin8 him ba9k to his father+ . 2hey ere ho,din8 the 9o%nse,& hen they ,ifted %5 their eyes& and sa & and beho,d there as a 9om5any of "shmae,ites 9omin8 at a distan9e by the road of ?i,ead& 8oin8 do n to E8y5t+ * And Yah%dah said %nto them& What 8ain i,, it be to %s if e s,ay o%r brother# 5eradvent%re YAHWEH i,, reH%ire him from %sJ this then is the 9o%nse, 5ro5osed 9on9ernin8 him& hi9h yo% sha,, do %nto him) Beho,d this 9om5any of "shmae,ites 8oin8 do n to E8y5t& : No therefore& 9ome ,et %s dis5ose of him to them& and ,et not o%r hand be %5on him& and they i,, ,ead him a,on8 ith them& and he i,, be ,ost amon8st the 5eo5,e of the ,and& and e i,, not 5%t him to death ith o%r o n hands+ And the 5ro5osa, 5,eased his brethren and they did a99ordin8 to the ord of Yah%dah+ ; And hi,e they ere dis9o%rsin8 abo%t this matter& and before the 9om5any of "shmae,ites had 9ome %5 to them& seven tradin8 men of 7idian 5assed by them& and as they 5assed they ere thirsty& and they ,ifted %5 their eyes and sa the 5it in hi9h Yose5h as imm%red& and they ,ooked& and beho,d every s5e9ies of bird as %5on him+ = And these 7idianites ran to the 5it to drink ater& for they tho%8ht that it 9ontained ater& and on 9omin8 before the 5it they heard the voi9e of Yose5h 9ryin8 and ee5in8 in the 5it& and they ,ooked do n into the 5it& and they sa and beho,d there as a yo%th of 9ome,y a55earan9e and e,, favored+ > And they 9a,,ed %nto him and said& Who are yo% and ho bro%8ht yo% hither& and ho 5,a9ed yo% in this 5it& in the i,derness# and they a,, assisted to raise %5 Yose5h and they dre him o%t& and bro%8ht him %5 from the 5it& and took him and ent a ay on their Go%rney and 5assed by his brethren+ / And these said %nto them& Why do yo% do this& to take o%r servant from %s and to 8o a ay# s%re,y e 5,a9ed this yo%th in the 5it be9a%se he rebe,,ed a8ainst %s& and yo% 9ome and brin8 him %5 and ,ead him a ayJ no then 8ive %s ba9k o%r servant+ A And the 7idianites ans ered and said %nto the sons of Ya9ob& "s this yo%r servant& or does this man attend yo%# 5eradvent%re yo% are a,, his servants& for he is more 9ome,y and e,, favored than any of yo%& and hy do yo% a,, s5eak fa,se,y %nto %s# '( No therefore e i,, not ,isten to yo%r ords& nor attend to yo%& for e fo%nd the yo%th in the 5it in the i,derness& and e took himJ e i,, therefore 8o on+ '' And a,, the sons of Ya9ob a55roa9hed them and rose %5 to them and said %nto them& ?ive %s ba9k o%r servant& and hy i,, yo% a,, die by the ed8e of the s ord# And the 7idianites 9ried o%t a8ainst them& and they dre their s ords& and a55roa9hed to fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob+ '. And beho,d Simeon rose %5 from his seat a8ainst them& and s5ran8 %5on the 8ro%nd and dre his s ord and a55roa9hed the 7idianites and he 8ave a terrib,e sho%t before them& so that his sho%tin8 as heard at a distan9e& and the earth shook at Simeon@s sho%tin8+ '* And the 7idianites ere terrified on a99o%nt of Simeon and the noise of his sho%tin8& and they fe,, %5on their fa9es& and ere eB9essive,y a,armed+ ': And Simeon said %nto them& Eeri,y " am Simeon& the son of Ya9ob the Hebre & ho have& on,y ith my brother& destroyed the 9ity of She9hem and the 9ities of the AmoritesJ so sha,, YAHWEH moreover do %nto me& that if a,, yo%r brethren the 5eo5,e of 7idian& and a,so the kin8s of 0anaan& ere to 9ome ith yo%& they 9o%,d not fi8ht a8ainst me+ '; No therefore 8ive %s ba9k the yo%th hom yo% have taken& ,est " 8ive yo%r f,esh to the birds of the skies and the beasts of the earth+ '= And the 7idianites ere more afraid of Simeon& and they a55roa9hed the sons of Ya9ob ith terror and fri8ht& and ith 5atheti9 ords& sayin8& '> S%re,y yo% have said that the yo%n8 man is yo%r servant& and that he rebe,,ed a8ainst yo%& and therefore yo% 5,a9ed him in the 5itJ hat then i,, yo% do ith a servant ho rebe,s a8ainst his master# No therefore se,, him %nto %s& and e i,, 8ive yo% a,, that yo% reH%ire for himJ and YAHWEH as 5,eased to '(=

do this in order that the sons of Ya9ob sho%,d not s,ay their brother+ '/ And the 7idianites sa that Yose5h as of a 9ome,y a55earan9e and e,,$favoredJ they desired him in their hearts and ere %r8ent to 5%r9hase him from his brethren+ 'A And the sons of Ya9ob hearkened to the 7idianites and they so,d their brother Yose5h to them for t enty 5ie9es of si,ver& and Re%ben their brother as not ith them& and the 7idianites took Yose5h and 9ontin%ed their Go%rney to ?i,ead+ .( 2hey ere 8oin8 a,on8 the road& and the 7idianites re5ented of hat they had done& in havin8 5%r9hased the yo%n8 man& and one said to the other& What is this thin8 that e have done& in takin8 this yo%th from the Hebre s& ho is of 9ome,y a55earan9e and e,, favored+ .' 1erha5s this yo%th is sto,en from the ,and of the Hebre s& and hy then have e done this thin8# and if he sho%,d be so%8ht for and fo%nd in o%r hands e sha,, die thro%8h him+ .. No s%re,y hardy and 5o erf%, men have so,d him to %s& the stren8th of one of hom yo% sa this dayJ 5erha5s they sto,e him from his ,and ith their mi8ht and ith their 5o erf%, arm& and have therefore so,d him to %s for the sma,, va,%e hi9h e 8ave %nto them+ .* And hi,e they ere th%s dis9o%rsin8 to8ether& they ,ooked& and beho,d the 9om5any of "shmae,ites hi9h as 9omin8 at first& and hi9h the sons of Ya9ob sa & as advan9in8 to ard the 7idianites& and the 7idianites said to ea9h other& 0ome ,et %s se,, this yo%th to the 9om5any of "shmae,ites ho are 9omin8 to ard %s& and e i,, take for him the ,itt,e that e 8ave for him& and e i,, be de,ivered from his evi,+ .: And they did so& and they rea9hed the "shmae,ites& and the 7idianites so,d Yose5h to the "shmae,ites for t enty 5ie9es of si,ver hi9h they had 8iven for him to his brethren+ .; And the 7idianites ent on their road to ?i,ead& and the "shmae,ites took Yose5h and they ,et him ride %5on one of the 9ame,s& and they ere ,eadin8 him to E8y5t+ .= And Yose5h heard that the "shmae,ites ere 5ro9eedin8 to E8y5t& and Yose5h ,amented and e5t at this thin8 that he as to be so far removed from the ,and of 0anaan& from his father& and he e5t bitter,y hi,e he as ridin8 %5on the 9ame,& and one of their men observed him& and made him 8o do n from the 9ame, and a,k on foot& and not ithstandin8 this Yose5h 9ontin%ed to 9ry and ee5& and he said& < my father& my father+ .> And one of the "shmae,ites rose %5 and smote Yose5h %5on the 9heek& and sti,, he 9ontin%ed to ee5J and Yose5h as fati8%ed in the road& and as %nab,e to 5ro9eed on a99o%nt of the bitterness of his so%,& and they a,, smote him and aff,i9ted him in the road& and they terrified him in order that he mi8ht 9ease from ee5in8+ ./ And YAHWEH sa the ambition of Yose5h and his tro%b,e& and YAHWEH bro%8ht do n %5on those men darkness and 9onf%sion& and the hand of every one that smote him be9ame ithered+ .A And they said to ea9h other& What is this thin8 that YAHWEH has done to %s in the road# and they kne not that this befe,, them on a99o%nt of Yose5h+ And the men 5ro9eeded on the road& and they 5assed a,on8 the road of E5hrath here Ra9he, as b%ried+ *( And Yose5h rea9hed his mother@s 8rave& and Yose5h hastened and ran to his mother@s 8rave& and fe,, %5on the 8rave and e5t+ *' And Yose5h 9ried a,o%d %5on his mother@s 8rave& and he said& < my mother& my mother& < yo% ho didst 8ive me birth& a ake no & and rise and see yo%r son& ho he has been so,d for a s,ave& and no one to 5ity him+ *. < rise and see yo%r son& ee5 ith me on a99o%nt of my tro%b,es& and see the heart of my brethren+ ** Aro%se my mother& aro%se& a ake from yo%r s,ee5 for me& and dire9t yo%r batt,es a8ainst my brethren+ < ho have they stri55ed me of my 9oat& and so,d me a,ready t i9e for a s,ave& and se5arated me from my father& and there is no one to 5ity me+ *: Aro%se and ,ay yo%r 9a%se a8ainst them before YAHWEH& and see hom YAHWEH i,, G%stify in the G%d8ment& and hom he i,, 9ondemn+ *; Rise& < my mother& rise& a ake from yo%r s,ee5 and see my father ho his so%, is ith me this day& and 9omfort him and ease his heart+ *= And Yose5h 9ontin%ed to s5eak these ords& and Yose5h 9ried a,o%d and e5t bitter,y %5on his '(>

mother@s 8raveJ and he 9eased s5eakin8& and from bitterness of heart he be9ame sti,, as a stone %5on the 8rave+ *> And Yose5h heard a voi9e s5eakin8 to him from beneath the 8ro%nd& hi9h ans ered him ith bitterness of heart& and ith a voi9e of ee5in8 and 5rayin8 in these ords) */ 7y son& my son Yose5h& " have heard the voi9e of yo%r ee5in8 and the voi9e of yo%r ,amentationJ " have seen yo%r tearsJ " kno yo%r tro%b,es& my son& and it 8rieves me for yo%r sake& and ab%ndant 8rief is added to my 8rief+ *A No therefore my son& Yose5h my son& ho5e to YAHWEH& and ait for him and do not fear& for YAHWEH is ith yo%& he i,, de,iver yo% from a,, tro%b,e+ :( Rise my son& 8o do n %nto E8y5t ith yo%r masters& and do not fear& for YAHWEH is ith yo%& my son+ And she 9ontin%ed to s5eak ,ike %nto these ords %nto Yose5h& and she as sti,,+ :' And Yose5h heard this& and he ondered 8reat,y at this& and he 9ontin%ed to ee5J and after this one of the "shmae,ites observed him 9ryin8 and ee5in8 %5on the 8rave& and his an8er as kind,ed a8ainst him& and he drove him from there& and he smote him and 9%rsed him+ :. And Yose5h said %nto the men& 7ay " find free %nmerited 5ardon and favor in yo%r si8ht to take me ba9k to my father@s ho%se& and he i,, 8ive yo% ab%ndan9e of ri9hes+ :* And they ans ered him& sayin8& Art yo% not a s,ave& and here is yo%r father# and if yo% hadst a father yo% o%,dst not a,ready t i9e have been so,d for a s,ave for so ,itt,e va,%eJ and their an8er as sti,, ro%sed a8ainst him& and they 9ontin%ed to smite him and to 9hastise him& and Yose5h e5t bitter,y+ :: And YAHWEH sa Yose5h@s aff,i9tion& and YAHWEH a8ain smote these men& and 9hastised them& and YAHWEH 9a%sed darkness to enve,o5e them %5on the earth& and the ,i8htnin8 f,ashed and the th%nder roared& and the earth shook at the voi9e of the th%nder and of the mi8hty ind& and the men ere terrified and kne not here they sho%,d 8o+ :; And the beasts and 9ame,s stood sti,,& and they ,ed them& b%t they o%,d not 8o& they smote them& and they 9ro%9hed %5on the 8ro%ndJ and the men said to ea9h other& What is this that YAHWEH has done to %s# hat are o%r trans8ressions& and hat are o%r sins that this thin8 has th%s befa,,en %s# := And one of them ans ered and said %nto them& 1erha5s on a99o%nt of the sin of aff,i9tin8 this s,ave has this thin8 ha55ened this day to %sJ no therefore im5,ore him stron8,y to for8ive %s& and then e sha,, kno on hose a99o%nt this evi, befa,,s %s& and if YAHWEH sha,, have 9om5assion over %s& then e sha,, kno that a,, this 9omes to %s on a99o%nt of the sin of aff,i9tin8 this s,ave+ :> And the men did so& and they s%55,i9ated Yose5h and 5ressed him to for8ive themJ and they said& We have sinned to YAHWEH and to yo%& no therefore vo%9hsafe to reH%est of yo%r AC7"?H2Y that he sha,, 5%t a ay this death from amon8st %s& for e have sinned to him+ :/ And Yose5h did a99ordin8 to their ords& and YAHWEH hearkened to Yose5h& and YAHWEH 5%t a ay the 5,a8%e hi9h he had inf,i9ted %5on those men on a99o%nt of Yose5h& and the beasts rose %5 from the 8ro%nd and they 9ond%9ted them& and they ent on& and the ra8in8 storm abated and the earth be9ame tranH%i,iFed& and the men 5ro9eeded on their Go%rney to 8o do n to E8y5t& and the men kne that this evi, had befa,,en them on a99o%nt of Yose5h+ :A And they said to ea9h other& Beho,d e kno that it as on a99o%nt of his aff,i9tion that this evi, befe,, %sJ no therefore hy sha,, e brin8 this death %5on o%r so%,s# Cet %s ho,d 9o%nse, hat to do to this s,ave+ ;( And one ans ered and said& S%re,y he to,d %s to brin8 him ba9k to his fatherJ no therefore 9ome& ,et %s take him ba9k and e i,, 8o to the 5,a9e that he i,, te,, %s& and take from his fami,y the 5ri9e that e 8ave for him and e i,, then 8o a ay+ ;' And one ans ered a8ain and said& Beho,d this 9o%nse, is very 8ood& b%t e 9annot do so for the ay is very far from %s& and e 9annot 8o o%t of o%r road+ ;. And one more ans ered and said %nto them& 2his is the 9o%nse, to be ado5ted& e i,, not s erve from itJ beho,d e are this day 8oin8 to E8y5t& and hen e sha,, have 9ome to E8y5t& e i,, se,, him there at a hi8h 5ri9e& and e i,, be de,ivered from his evi,+ ;* And this thin8 5,eased the men and they did so& and they 9ontin%ed their Go%rney to E8y5t ith Yose5h+ '(/


0HA12ER :*$$Re%ben@s An8%ish at not 3indin8 Yose5h in the 1it+ 2he Brothers 9ontrive to De9eive their 3ather by Di55in8 his 9oat in B,ood+ Ya9ob@s An8%ish at the ,oss of his Son+

' And hen the sons of Ya9ob had so,d their brother Yose5h to the 7idianites& their hearts ere smitten on a99o%nt of him& and they re5ented of their a9ts& and they so%8ht for him to brin8 him ba9k& b%t 9o%,d not find him+ . And Re%ben ret%rned to the 5it in hi9h Yose5h had been 5%t& in order to ,ift him o%t& and restore him to his father& and Re%ben stood by the 5it& and he heard not a ord& and he 9a,,ed o%t Yose5hK Yose5hK and no one ans ered or %ttered a ord+ * And Re%ben said& Yose5h has died thro%8h fri8ht& or some ser5ent has 9a%sed his deathJ and Re%ben des9ended into the 5it& and he sear9hed for Yose5h and 9o%,d not find him in the 5it& and he 9ame o%t a8ain+ : And Re%ben tore his 8arments and he said& 2he 9hi,d is not there& and ho sha,, " re9on9i,e my father abo%t him if he be dead# and he ent to his brethren and fo%nd them 8rievin8 on a99o%nt of Yose5h& and 9o%nse,in8 to8ether ho to re9on9i,e their father abo%t him& and Re%ben said %nto his brethren& " 9ame to the 5it and beho,d Yose5h as not there& hat then sha,, e say %nto o%r father& for my father i,, on,y seek the ,ad from me+ ; And his brethren ans ered him sayin8& 2h%s and th%s e did& and o%r hearts after ard smote %s on a99o%nt of this a9t& and e no sit to seek a 5reteBt ho e sha,, re9on9i,e o%r father to it+ = And Re%ben said %nto them& What is this yo% have done to brin8 do n the 8rey hairs of o%r father in sorro to the 8rave# the thin8 is not 8ood& that yo% have done+ > And Re%ben sat ith them& and they a,, rose %5 and s ore to ea9h other not to te,, this thin8 %nto Ya9ob& and they a,, said& 2he man ho i,, te,, this to o%r father or his ho%seho,d& or ho i,, re5ort this to any of the 9hi,dren of the ,and& e i,, a,, rise %5 a8ainst him and s,ay him ith the s ord+ / And the sons of Ya9ob feared ea9h other in this matter& from the yo%n8est to the o,dest& and no one s5oke a ord& and they 9on9ea,ed the thin8 in their hearts+ A And they after ard sat do n to determine and invent somethin8 to say %nto their father Ya9ob 9on9ernin8 a,, these thin8s+ '( And "ssa9har said %nto them& Here is an advi9e for yo% if it seem 8ood in yo%r eyes to do this thin8& take the 9oat hi9h be,on8s to Yose5h and tear it& and ki,, a kid of the 8oats and di5 it in its b,ood+ '' And send it to o%r father and hen he sees it he i,, say an evi, beast has devo%red him& therefore tear ye his 9oat and beho,d his b,ood i,, be %5on his 9oat& and by yo%r doin8 this e sha,, be free of o%r father@s m%rm%rin8s+ '. And "ssa9har@s advi9e 5,eased them& and they hearkened %nto him and they did a99ordin8 to the ord of "ssa9har hi9h he had 9o%nse,,ed them+ '* And they hastened and took Yose5h@s 9oat and tore it& and they ki,,ed a kid of the 8oats and di55ed the 9oat in the b,ood of the kid& and then tram5,ed it in the d%st& and they sent the 9oat to their father Ya9ob by the hand of Na5hta,i& and they 9ommanded him to say these ords) ': We had 8athered in the 9att,e and had 9ome as far as the road to She9hem and farther& hen e fo%nd this 9oat %5on the road in the i,derness di55ed in b,ood and in d%stJ no therefore kno hether it be yo%r son@s 9oat or not+ '; And Na5hta,i ent and he 9ame %nto his father and he 8ave him the 9oat& and he s5oke %nto him a,, the ords hi9h his brethren had 9ommanded him+ '= And Ya9ob sa Yose5h@s 9oat and he kne it and he fe,, %5on his fa9e to the 8ro%nd& and be9ame as sti,, as a stone& and he after ard rose %5 and 9ried o%t ith a ,o%d and ee5in8 voi9e and he said& "t is the 9oat of my son Yose5hK '> And Ya9ob hastened and sent one of his servants to his sons& ho ent to them and fo%nd them 9omin8 a,on8 the road ith the f,o9k+ '/ And the sons of Ya9ob 9ame to their father abo%t evenin8& and beho,d their 8arments ere torn and d%st '(A

as %5on their heads& and they fo%nd their father 9ryin8 o%t and ee5in8 ith a ,o%d voi9e+ 'A And Ya9ob said %nto his sons& 2e,, me tr%,y hat evi, have yo% this day s%dden,y bro%8ht %5on me# and they ans ered their father Ya9ob& sayin8& We ere 9omin8 a,on8 this day after the f,o9k had been 8athered in& and e 9ame as far as the 9ity of She9hem by the road in the i,derness& and e fo%nd this 9oat fi,,ed ith b,ood %5on the 8ro%nd& and e kne it and e sent %nto yo% if yo% 9o%,dst kno it+ .( And Ya9ob heard the ords of his sons and he 9ried o%t ith a ,o%d voi9e& and he said& "t is the 9oat of my son& an evi, beast has devo%red himJ Yose5h is rent in 5ie9es& for " sent him this day to see hether it as e,, ith yo% and e,, ith the f,o9ks and to brin8 me ord a8ain from yo%& and he ent as " 9ommanded him& and this has ha55ened to him this day hi,e " tho%8ht my son as ith yo%+ .' And the sons of Ya9ob ans ered and said& He did not 9ome to %s& neither have e seen him from the time of o%r 8oin8 o%t from yo% %nti, no + .. And hen Ya9ob heard their ords he a8ain 9ried o%t a,o%d& and he rose %5 and tore his 8arments& and he 5%t sa9k9,oth %5on his ,oins& and he e5t bitter,y and he mo%rned and ,ifted %5 his voi9e in ee5in8 and eB9,aimed and said these ords& .* Yose5h my son& < my son Yose5h& " sent yo% this day after the e,fare of yo%r brethren& and beho,d yo% hast been torn in 5ie9esJ thro%8h my hand has this ha55ened to my son+ .: "t 8rieves me for yo% Yose5h my son& it 8rieves me for yo%J ho s eet ast yo% to me d%rin8 ,ife& and no ho eB9eedin8,y bitter is yo%r death to me+ .; < that " had died in yo%r stead Yose5h my son& for it 8rieves me sad,y for yo% my son& < my son& my son+ Yose5h my son& here are yo%& and here hast yo% been dra n# aro%se& aro%se from yo%r 5,a9e& and 9ome and see my 8rief for yo%& < my son Yose5h+ .= 0ome no and n%mber the tears 8%shin8 from my eyes do n my 9heeks& and brin8 them %5 before YAHWEH& that his an8er may t%rn from me+ .> < Yose5h my son& ho didst yo% fa,,& by the hand of one by hom no one had fa,,en from the be8innin8 of the or,d %nto this dayJ for yo% hast been 5%t to death by the smitin8 of an enemy& inf,i9ted ith 9r%e,ty& b%t s%re,y " kno that this has ha55ened to yo%& on a99o%nt of the m%,tit%de of my sins+ ./ Aro%se no and see ho bitter is my tro%b,e for yo% my son& a,tho%8h " did not rear yo%& nor fashion yo%& nor 8ive yo% breath and so%,& b%t it as YAHWEH ho formed yo% and b%i,t yo%r bones and 9overed them ith f,esh& and breathed in yo%r nostri,s the breath of ,ife& and then he 8ave yo% %nto me+ .A No tr%,y YAHWEH ho 8ave yo% %nto me& he has taken yo% from me& and s%9h then has befa,,en yo% *( And Ya9ob 9ontin%ed to s5eak ,ike %nto these ords 9on9ernin8 Yose5h& and he e5t bitter,yJ he fe,, to the 8ro%nd and be9ame sti,,+ *' And a,, the sons of Ya9ob seein8 their father@s tro%b,e& they re5ented of hat they had done& and they a,so e5t bitter,y+ *. And Yah%dah rose %5 and ,ifted his father@s head from the 8ro%nd& and 5,a9ed it %5on his ,a5& and he i5ed his father@s tears from his 9heeks& and Yah%dah e5t an eB9eedin8 8reat ee5in8& hi,e his father@s head as re9,inin8 %5on his ,a5& sti,, as a stone+ ** And the sons of Ya9ob sa their father@s tro%b,e& and they ,ifted %5 their voi9es and 9ontin%ed to ee5& and Ya9ob as yet ,yin8 %5on the 8ro%nd sti,, as a stone+ *: And a,, his sons and his servants and his servant@s 9hi,dren rose %5 and stood ro%nd him to 9omfort him& and he ref%sed to be 9omforted+ *; And the ho,e ho%seho,d of Ya9ob rose %5 and mo%rned a 8reat mo%rnin8 on a99o%nt of Yose5h and their father@s tro%b,e& and the inte,,i8en9e rea9hed Yits9haH& the son of Abraham& the father of Ya9ob& and he e5t bitter,y on a99o%nt of Yose5h& he and a,, his ho%seho,d& and he ent from the 5,a9e here he d e,t in Hebron& and his men ith him& and he 9omforted Ya9ob his son& and he ref%sed to be 9omforted+ *= And after this& Ya9ob rose %5 from the 8ro%nd& and his tears ere r%nnin8 do n his 9heeks& and he said %nto his sons& Rise %5 and take yo%r s ords and yo%r bo s& and 8o forth into the fie,d& and seek hether yo% 9an find my son@s body and brin8 it %nto me that " may b%ry it+ *> Seek a,so& " 5ray yo%& amon8 the beasts and h%nt them& and that hi9h sha,, 9ome the first before yo% seiFe and brin8 it %nto me& 5erha5s YAHWEH i,, this day 5ity my aff,i9tion& and 5re5are before yo% that ''(

hi9h did tear my son in 5ie9es& and brin8 it %nto me& and " i,, aven8e the 9a%se of my son+ */ And his sons did as their father had 9ommanded them& and they rose %5 ear,y in the mornin8& and ea9h took his s ord and his bo in his hand& and they ent forth into the fie,d to h%nt the beasts+ *A And Ya9ob as sti,, 9ryin8 a,o%d and ee5in8 and a,kin8 to and fro in the ho%se& and smitin8 his hands to8ether& sayin8& Yose5h my son& Yose5h my son+ :( And the sons of Ya9ob ent into the i,derness to seiFe the beasts& and beho,d a o,f 9ame to ard them& and they seiFed him& and bro%8ht him %nto their father& and they said %nto him& 2his is the first e have fo%nd& and e have bro%8ht him %nto yo% as yo% didst 9ommand %s& and yo%r son@s body e 9o%,d not find+ :' And Ya9ob took the beast from the hands of his sons& and he 9ried o%t ith a ,o%d and ee5in8 voi9e& ho,din8 the beast in his hand& and he s5oke ith a bitter heart %nto the beast& Why didst yo% devo%r my son Yose5h& and ho didst yo% have no fear of YAHWEH of the earth& or of my tro%b,e for my son Yose5h# :. And yo% didst devo%r my son for na%8ht& be9a%se he 9ommitted no vio,en9e& and didst thereby render me 9%,5ab,e on his a99o%nt& therefore YAHWEH i,, reH%ire him that is 5erse9%ted+ :* And YAHWEH o5ened the mo%th of the beast in order to 9omfort Ya9ob ith its ords& and it ans ered Ya9ob and s5oke these ords %nto him& :: As YAHWEH ,ives ho 9reated %s in the earth& and as yo%r so%, ,iveth& my ,ord& " did not see yo%r son& neither did " tear him to 5ie9es& b%t from a distant ,and " a,so 9ame to seek my son ho ent from me this day& and " kno not hether he be ,ivin8 or dead+ :; And " 9ame this day into the fie,d to seek my son& and yo%r sons fo%nd me& and seiFed me and in9reased my 8rief& and have this day bro%8ht me before yo%& and " have no s5oken a,, my ords to yo%+ := And no therefore& < son of man& " am in yo%r hands& and do %nto me this day as it may seem 8ood in yo%r si8ht& b%t by the ,ife of YAHWEH ho 9reated me& " did not see yo%r son& nor did " tear him to 5ie9es& neither has the f,esh of man entered my mo%th a,, the days of my ,ife+ :> And hen Ya9ob heard the ords of the beast he as 8reat,y astonished& and sent forth the beast from his hand& and she ent her ay+ :/ And Ya9ob as sti,, 9ryin8 a,o%d and ee5in8 for Yose5h day after day& and he mo%rned for his son many days+ ## YOSE$H SOLD TO $OTI$HAR
0HA12ER ::$$Yose5h is so,d to 1oti5har& an <ffi9er of 1haraoh+ Ie,i9ah& the Wife of 1oti5har& seeks to enti9e Yose5h to do Evi,& b%t a,, her advan9es are ReGe9ted+ "s 3a,se,y A99%sed by her and is bro%8ht to J%d8ment+ "s A9H%itted by his J%d8es& b%t for the Sake of the Re5ort a8ainst 1oti5har@s Wife& he is 9ast into 1rison+

' And the sons of "shmae, ho had bo%8ht Yose5h from the 7idianites& ho had bo%8ht him from his brethren& ent to E8y5t ith Yose5h& and they 9ame %5on the borders of E8y5t& and hen they 9ame near %nto E8y5t& they met fo%r men of the sons of 7edan the son of Abraham& ho had 8one forth from the ,and of E8y5t on their Go%rney+ . And the "shmae,ites said %nto them& Do yo% desire to 5%r9hase this s,ave from %s# and they said& De,iver him over to %s& and they de,ivered Yose5h over to them& and they behe,d him& that he as a very 9ome,y yo%th and they 5%r9hased him for t enty sheke,s+ * And the "shmae,ites 9ontin%ed their Go%rney to E8y5t and the 7edanim a,so ret%rned that day to E8y5t& and the 7edanim said to ea9h other& Beho,d e have heard that 1oti5har& an offi9er of 1haraoh& 9a5tain of the 8%ard& seeks a 8ood servant ho sha,, stand before him to attend him& and to make him overseer over his ho%se and a,, be,on8in8 to him+ : No therefore 9ome ,et %s se,, him to him for hat e may desire& if he be ab,e to 8ive %nto %s that hi9h e sha,, reH%ire for him+ ; And these 7edanim ent and 9ame to the ho%se of 1oti5har& and said %nto him& We have heard that yo% seekest a 8ood servant to attend yo%& beho,d e have a servant that i,, 5,ease yo%& if yo% 9anst 8ive %nto %s that hi9h e may desire& and e i,, se,, him %nto yo%+ '''

= And 1oti5har said& Brin8 him before me& and " i,, see him& and if he 5,ease me " i,, 8ive %nto yo% that hi9h yo% may reH%ire for him+ > And the 7edanim ent and bro%8ht Yose5h and 5,a9ed him before 1oti5har& and he sa him& and he 5,eased him eB9eedin8,y& and 1oti5har said %nto them& 2e,, me hat yo% reH%ire for this yo%th# / And they said& 3o%r h%ndred 5ie9es of si,ver e desire for him& and 1oti5har said& " i,, 8ive it yo% if yo% brin8 me the re9ord of his sa,e to yo%& and i,, te,, me his history& for 5erha5s he may be sto,en& for this yo%th is neither a s,ave& nor the son of a s,ave& b%t " observe in him the a55earan9e of a 8ood,y and handsome 5erson+ A And the 7edanim ent and bro%8ht %nto him the "shmae,ites ho had so,d him to them& and they to,d him& sayin8& He is a s,ave and e so,d him to them+ '( And 1oti5har heard the ords of the "shmae,ites in his 8ivin8 the si,ver %nto the 7edanim& and the 7edanim took the si,ver and ent on their Go%rney& and the "shmae,ites a,so ret%rned home+ '' And 1oti5har took Yose5h and bro%8ht him to his ho%se that he mi8ht serve him& and Yose5h fo%nd favor in the si8ht of 1oti5har& and he 5,a9ed 9onfiden9e in him& and made him overseer over his ho%se& and a,, that be,on8ed to him he de,ivered over into his hand+ '. And YAHWEH as ith Yose5h and he be9ame a 5ros5ero%s man& and YAHWEH b,essed the ho%se of 1oti5har for the sake of Yose5h+ '* And 1oti5har ,eft a,, that he had in the hand of Yose5h& and Yose5h as one that 9a%sed thin8s to 9ome in and 8o o%t& and everythin8 as re8%,ated by his ish in the ho%se of 1oti5har+ ': And Yose5h as ei8hteen years o,d& a yo%th ith bea%tif%, eyes and of 9ome,y a55earan9e& and ,ike %nto him as not in the ho,e ,and of E8y5t+ '; At that time hi,e he as in his master@s ho%se& 8oin8 in and o%t of the ho%se and attendin8 his master& Ie,i9ah& his master@s ife& ,ifted %5 her eyes to ard Yose5h and she ,ooked at him& and beho,d he as a yo%th 9ome,y and e,, favored+ '= And she 9oveted his bea%ty in her heart& and her so%, as fiBed %5on Yose5h& and she enti9ed him day after day& and Ie,i9ah 5ers%aded Yose5h dai,y& b%t Yose5h did not ,ift %5 his eyes to beho,d his master@s ife+ '> And Ie,i9ah said %nto him& Ho 8ood,y are yo%r a55earan9e and form& tr%,y " have ,ooked at a,, the s,aves& and have not seen so bea%tif%, a s,ave as yo% areJ and Yose5h said %nto her& S%re,y he ho 9reated me in my mother@s omb 9reated a,, mankind+ '/ And she said %nto him& Ho bea%tif%, are yo%r eyes& ith hi9h yo% hast daFF,ed a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t& men and omenJ and he said %nto her& Ho bea%tif%, they are hi,e e are a,ive& b%t sho%,dst yo% beho,d them in the 8rave& s%re,y yo% o%,dst move a ay from them+ 'A And she said %nto him& Ho bea%tif%, and 5,easin8 are a,, yo%r ordsJ take no & " 5ray yo%& the har5 hi9h is in the ho%se& and 5,ay ith yo%r hands and ,et %s hear yo%r ords+ .( And he said %nto her& Ho bea%tif%, and 5,easin8 are my ords hen " s5eak the 5raise of my YAHWEH and his s5,endorJ and she said %nto him& Ho very bea%tif%, is the hair of yo%r head& beho,d the 8o,den 9omb hi9h is in the ho%se& take it " 5ray yo%& and 9%r, the hair of yo%r head+ .' And he said %nto her& Ho ,on8 i,t yo% s5eak these ords# 9ease to %tter these ords to me& and rise and attend to yo%r domesti9 affairs+ .. And she said %nto him& 2here is no one in my ho%se& and there is nothin8 to attend to b%t to yo%r ords and to yo%r ishJ yet not ithstandin8 a,, this& she 9o%,d not brin8 Yose5h %nto her& neither did he 5,a9e his eye %5on her& b%t dire9ted his eyes be,o to the 8ro%nd+ .* And Ie,i9ah desired Yose5h in her heart& that he sho%,d ,ie ith her& and at the time that Yose5h as sittin8 in the ho%se doin8 his ork& Ie,i9ah 9ame and sat before him& and she enti9ed him dai,y ith her dis9o%rse to ,ie ith her& or ever to ,ook at her& b%t Yose5h o%,d not hearken to her+ .: And she said %nto him& "f yo% i,t not do a99ordin8 to my ords& " i,, 9hastise yo% ith the 5%nishment of death& and 5%t an iron yoke %5on yo%+ .; And Yose5h said %nto her& S%re,y YAHWEH ho 9reated man ,ooses the fetters of 5risoners& and it is he ho i,, de,iver me from yo%r 5rison and from yo%r G%d8ment+ ''.

.= And hen she 9o%,d not 5revai, over him& to 5ers%ade him& and her so%, bein8 sti,, fiBed %5on him& her desire thre her into a 8rievo%s si9kness+ .> And a,, the omen of E8y5t 9ame to visit her& and they said %nto her& Why are yo% in this de9,inin8 state# yo% that ,a9kest nothin8J s%re,y yo%r h%sband is a 8reat and esteemed 5rin9e in the si8ht of the kin8& sho%,dst yo% ,a9k anythin8 of hat yo%r heart desireth# ./ And Ie,i9ah ans ered them& sayin8& 2his day it sha,, be made kno n to yo%& hen9e this disorder s5rin8s in hi9h yo% see me& and she 9ommanded her maid servants to 5re5are food for a,, the omen& and she made a banH%et for them& and a,, the omen ate in the ho%se of Ie,i9ah+ .A And she 8ave them knives to 5ee, the 9itrons to eat them& and she 9ommanded that they sho%,d dress Yose5h in 9ost,y 8arments& and that he sho%,d a55ear before them& and Yose5h 9ame before their eyes and a,, the omen ,ooked on Yose5h& and 9o%,d not take their eyes from off him& and they a,, 9%t their hands ith the knives that they had in their hands& and a,, the 9itrons that ere in their hands ere fi,,ed ith b,ood+ *( And they kne not hat they had done b%t they 9ontin%ed to ,ook at the bea%ty of Yose5h& and did not t%rn their eye,ids from him+ *' And Ie,i9ah sa hat they had done& and she said %nto them& What is this ork that yo% have done# beho,d " 8ave yo% 9itrons to eat and yo% have a,, 9%t yo%r hands+ *. And a,, the omen sa their hands& and beho,d they ere f%,, of b,ood& and their b,ood f,o ed do n %5on their 8arments& and they said %nto her& this s,ave in yo%r ho%se has over9ome %s& and e 9o%,d not t%rn o%r eye,ids from him on a99o%nt of his bea%ty+ ** And she said %nto them& S%re,y this ha55ened to yo% in the moment that yo% ,ooked at him& and yo% 9o%,d not 9ontain yo%rse,ves from himJ ho then 9an " refrain hen he is 9onstant,y in my ho%se& and " see him day after day 8oin8 in and o%t of my ho%se# ho then 9an " kee5 from de9,inin8 or even from 5erishin8 on a99o%nt of this# *: And they said %nto her& the ords are tr%e& for ho 9an see this bea%tif%, form in the ho%se and refrain from him& and is he not yo%r s,ave and attendant in yo%r ho%se& and hy dost yo% not te,, him that hi9h is in yo%r heart& and s%fferest yo%r so%, to 5erish thro%8h this matter# *; And she said %nto them& " am dai,y endeavorin8 to 5ers%ade him& and he i,, not 9onsent to my ishes& and " 5romised him everythin8 that is 8ood& and yet " 9o%,d meet ith no ret%rn from himJ " am therefore in a de9,inin8 state as yo% see+ *= And Ie,i9ah be9ame very i,, on a99o%nt of her desire to ard Yose5h& and she as des5erate,y ,ovesi9k on a99o%nt of him& and a,, the 5eo5,e of the ho%se of Ie,i9ah and her h%sband kne nothin8 of this matter& that Ie,i9ah as i,, on a99o%nt of her ,ove to Yose5h+ *> And a,, the 5eo5,e of her ho%se asked her& sayin8& Why are yo% i,, and de9,inin8& and ,a9kest nothin8# and she said %nto them& " kno not this thin8 hi9h is dai,y in9reasin8 %5on me+ */ And a,, the omen and her friends 9ame dai,y to see her& and they s5oke ith her& and she said %nto them& 2his 9an on,y be thro%8h the ,ove of Yose5hJ and they said %nto her& Enti9e him and seiFe him se9ret,y& 5erha5s he may hearken to yo%& and 5%t off this death from yo%+ *A And Ie,i9ah be9ame orse from her ,ove to Yose5h& and she 9ontin%ed to de9,ine& ti,, she had s9ar9e stren8th to stand+ :( And on a 9ertain day Yose5h as doin8 his master@s ork in the ho%se& and Ie,i9ah 9ame se9ret,y and fe,, s%dden,y %5on him& and Yose5h rose %5 a8ainst her& and he as more 5o erf%, than she& and he bro%8ht her do n to the 8ro%nd+ :' And Ie,i9ah e5t on a99o%nt of the desire of her heart to ard him& and she s%55,i9ated him ith ee5in8& and her tears f,o ed do n her 9heeks& and she s5oke %nto him in a voi9e of s%55,i9ation and in bitterness of so%,& sayin8& :. Hast yo% ever heard& seen or kno n of so bea%tif%, a oman as " am& or better than myse,f& ho s5eak dai,y %nto yo%& fa,, into a de9,ine thro%8h ,ove for yo%& 9onfer a,, this honor %5on yo%& and sti,, yo% i,t not hearken to my voi9e# :* And if it be thro%8h fear of yo%r master ,est he 5%nish yo%& as the kin8 ,ives no harm sha,, 9ome to yo% ''*

from yo%r master thro%8h this thin8J no & therefore 5ray ,isten to me& and 9onsent for the sake of the honor hi9h " have 9onferred %5on yo%& and 5%t off this death from me& and hy sho%,d " die for yo%r sake# and she 9eased to s5eak+ :: And Yose5h ans ered her& sayin8& Refrain from me& and ,eave this matter to my masterJ beho,d my master kno s not hat there is ith me in the ho%se& for a,, that be,on8s to him he has de,ivered into my hand& and ho sha,, " do these thin8s in my master@s ho%se# :; 3or he hath a,so 8reat,y honored me in his ho%se& and he hath a,so made me overseer over his ho%se& and he hath eBa,ted me& and there is no one 8reater in this ho%se than " am& and my master hath refrained nothin8 from me& eB9e5tin8 yo% ho are his ife& ho then 9anst yo% s5eak these ords %nto me& and ho 9an " do this 8reat evi, and sin to YAHWEH and to yo%r h%sband# := No therefore refrain from me& and s5eak no more s%9h ords as these& for " i,, not hearken to yo%r ords+ B%t Ie,i9ah o%,d not hearken to Yose5h hen he s5oke these ords %nto her& b%t she dai,y enti9ed him to ,isten to her+ :> And it as after this that the brook of E8y5t as fi,,ed above a,, its sides& and a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t ent forth& and a,so the kin8 and 5rin9es ent forth ith timbre,s and dan9es& for it as a 8reat reGoi9in8 in E8y5t& and a ho,iday at the time of the in%ndation of the sea Sihor& and they ent there to reGoi9e a,, the day+ :/ And hen the E8y5tians ent o%t to the river to reGoi9e& as as their 9%stom& a,, the 5eo5,e of the ho%se of 1oti5har ent ith them& b%t Ie,i9ah o%,d not 8o ith them& for she said& " am indis5osed& and she remained a,one in the ho%se& and no other 5erson as ith her in the ho%se+ :A And she rose %5 and as9ended to her tem5,e in the ho%se& and dressed herse,f in 5rin9e,y 8arments& and she 5,a9ed %5on her head 5re9io%s stones of onyB stones& in,aid ith si,ver and 8o,d& and she bea%tified her fa9e and skin ith a,, sorts of omen@s 5%rifyin8 ,iH%ids& and she 5erf%med the tem5,e and the ho%se ith 9assia and frankin9ense& and she s5read myrrh and a,oes& and she after ard sat in the entran9e of the tem5,e& in the 5assa8e of the ho%se& thro%8h hi9h Yose5h 5assed to do his ork& and beho,d Yose5h 9ame from the fie,d& and entered the ho%se to do his master@s ork+ ;( And he 9ame to the 5,a9e thro%8h hi9h he had to 5ass& and he sa a,, the ork of Ie,i9ah& and he t%rned ba9k+ ;' And Ie,i9ah sa Yose5h t%rnin8 ba9k from her& and she 9a,,ed o%t to him& sayin8 What ai,s yo% Yose5h# 9ome to yo%r ork& and beho,d " i,, make room for yo% %nti, yo% sha,, have 5assed to yo%r seat+ ;. And Yose5h ret%rned and 9ame to the ho%se& and 5assed from then9e to the 5,a9e of his seat& and he sat do n to do his master@s ork as %s%a, and beho,d Ie,i9ah 9ame to him and stood before him in 5rin9e,y 8arments& and the s9ent from her 9,othes as s5read to a distan9e+ ;* And she hastened and 9a%8ht ho,d of Yose5h and his 8arments& and she said %nto him& As the kin8 ,ives if yo% i,t not 5erform my reH%est yo% sha,, die this day& and she hastened and stret9hed forth her other hand and dre a s ord from beneath her 8arments& and she 5,a9ed it %5on Yose5h@s ne9k& and she said& Rise and 5erform my reH%est& and if not yo% diest this day+ ;: And Yose5h as afraid of her at her doin8 this thin8& and he rose %5 to f,ee from her& and she seiFed the front of his 8arments& and in the terror of his f,i8ht the 8arment hi9h Ie,i9ah seiFed as torn& and Yose5h ,eft the 8arment in the hand of Ie,i9ah& and he f,ed and 8ot o%t& for he as in fear+ ;; And hen Ie,i9ah sa that Yose5h@s 8arment as torn& and that he had ,eft it in her hand& and had f,ed& she as afraid of her ,ife& ,est the re5ort sho%,d s5read 9on9ernin8 her& and she rose %5 and a9ted ith 9%nnin8& and 5%t off the 8arments in hi9h she as dressed& and she 5%t on her other 8arments+ ;= And she took Yose5h@s 8arment& and she ,aid it beside her& and she ent and seated herse,f in the 5,a9e here she had sat in her i,,ness& before the 5eo5,e of her ho%se had 8one o%t to the river& and she 9a,,ed a yo%n8 ,ad ho as then in the ho%se& and she ordered him to 9a,, the 5eo5,e of the ho%se to her+ ;> And hen she sa them she said %nto them ith a ,o%d voi9e and ,amentation& See hat a Hebre yo%r master has bro%8ht to me in the ho%se& for he 9ame this day to ,ie ith me+ ;/ 3or hen yo% had 8one o%t he 9ame to the ho%se& and seein8 that there as no 5erson in the ho%se& he 9ame %nto me& and 9a%8ht ho,d of me& ith intent to ,ie ith me+ '':

;A And " seiFed his 8arments and tore them and 9a,,ed o%t a8ainst him ith a ,o%d voi9e& and hen " had ,ifted %5 my voi9e he as afraid of his ,ife and ,eft his 8arment before me& and f,ed+ =( And the 5eo5,e of her ho%se s5oke nothin8& b%t their rath as very m%9h kind,ed a8ainst Yose5h& and they ent to his master and to,d him the ords of his i,e+ =' And 1oti5har 9ame home enra8ed& and his ife 9ried o%t to him& sayin8& What is this thin8 that yo% hast done %nto me in brin8in8 a He+ bre servant into my ho%se& for he 9ame %nto me this day to s5ort ith meJ th%s did he do %nto me this day+ =. And 1oti5har heard the ords of his ife& and he ordered Yose5h to be 5%nished ith severe stri5es& and they did so to him+ =* And hi,e they ere smitin8 him& Yose5h 9a,,ed o%t ith a ,o%d voi9e& and he ,ifted %5 his eyes to heaven& and he said& < YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y& yo% kno est that " am inno9ent of a,, these thin8s& and hy sha,, " die this day thro%8h fa,sehood& by the hand of these %n9ir9%m9ised i9ked men& hom yo% kno est# =: And hi,e 1oti5har@s men ere beatin8 Yose5h& he 9ontin%ed to 9ry o%t and ee5& and there as a 9hi,d there e,even months o,d& and YAHWEH o5ened the mo%th of the 9hi,d& and he s5ake these ords before 1oti5har@s men& ho ere smitin8 Yose5h& sayin8& =; What do yo% ant of this man& and hy do yo% do this evi, %nto him# my mother s5eaks fa,se,y and %tters ,iesJ th%s as the transa9tion+ == And the 9hi,d to,d them a99%rate,y a,, that ha55ened& and a,, the ords of Ie,i9ah to Yose5h day after day did he de9,are %nto them+ => And a,, the men heard the ords of the 9hi,d and they ondered 8reat,y at the 9hi,d@s ords& and the 9hi,d 9eased to s5eak and be9ame sti,,+ =/ And 1oti5har as very m%9h ashamed at the ords of his son& and he 9ommanded his men not to beat Yose5h any more& and the men 9eased beatin8 Yose5h+ =A And 1oti5har took Yose5h and ordered him to be bro%8ht to G%sti9e before the 5riests& ho ere G%d8es be,on8in8 to the kin8& in order to G%d8e him 9on9ernin8 this affair+ >( And 1oti5har and Yose5h 9ame before the 5riests ho ere the kin8@s G%d8es& and he said %nto them& De9ide " 5ray yo%& hat G%d8ment is d%e to a servant& for th%s has he done+ >' And the 5riests said %nto Yose5h& Why didst yo% do this thin8 to yo%r master# and Yose5h ans ered them& sayin8& Not so my ,ords& th%s as the matterJ and 1oti5har said %nto Yose5h& S%re,y " entr%sted in yo%r hands a,, that be,on8ed to me& and " ithhe,d nothin8 from yo% b%t my ife& and ho 9o%,dst yo% do this evi,# >. And Yose5h ans ered sayin8& Not so my ,ord& as YAHWEH ,iveth& and as yo%r so%, ,iveth& my ,ord& the ord hi9h yo% didst hear from yo%r ife is %ntr%e& for th%s as the affair this day+ >* A year has e,a5sed to me sin9e " have been in yo%r ho%seJ hast yo% seen any iniH%ity in me& or any thin8 hi9h mi8ht 9a%se yo% to demand my ,ife# >: And the 5riests said %nto 1oti5har& Send& e 5ray yo%& and ,et them brin8 before %s Yose5h@s torn 8arment& and ,et %s see the tear in it& and if it sha,, be that the tear is in front of the 8arment& then his fa9e m%st have been o55osite to her and she m%st have 9a%8ht ho,d of him& to 9ome to her& and ith de9eit did yo%r ife do a,, that she has s5oken+ >; And they bro%8ht Yose5h@s 8arment before the 5riests ho ere G%d8es& and they sa and beho,d the tear as in front of Yose5h& and a,, the G%d8in8 5riests kne that she had 5ressed him& and they said& 2he G%d8ment of death is not d%e to this s,ave for he has done nothin8& b%t his G%d8ment is& that he be 5,a9ed in the 5rison ho%se on a99o%nt of the re5ort& hi9h thro%8h him has 8one forth a8ainst yo%r ife+ >= And 1oti5har heard their ords& and he 5,a9ed him in the 5rison ho%se& the 5,a9e here the kin8@s 5risoners are 9onfined& and Yose5h as in the ho%se of 9onfinement t e,ve years+ >> And not ithstandin8 this& his master@s ife did not t%rn from him& and she did not 9ease from s5eakin8 to him day after day to hearken to her& and at the end of three months Ie,i9ah 9ontin%ed 8oin8 to Yose5h to the ho%se of 9onfinement day by day& and she enti9ed him to hearken to her& and Ie,i9ah said %nto Yose5h& Ho ,on8 i,t yo% remain in this ho%se# b%t hearken no to my voi9e& and " i,, brin8 yo% o%t of this '';

ho%se+ >/ And Yose5h ans ered her& sayin8& "t is better for me to remain in this ho%se than to hearken to yo%r ords& to sin a8ainst YAHWEHJ and she said %nto him& "f yo% i,t not 5erform my ish& " i,, 5,%9k o%t yo%r eyes& add fetters to yo%r feet& and i,, de,iver yo% into the hands of them hom yo% didst not kno before+ >A And Yose5h ans ered her and said& Beho,d YAHWEH of the ho,e earth is ab,e to de,iver me from a,, that yo% 9anst do %nto me& for he o5ens the eyes of the b,ind& and ,oosens those that are bo%nd& and 5reserves a,, stran8ers ho are %na9H%ainted ith the ,and+ /( And hen Ie,i9ah as %nab,e to 5ers%ade Yose5h to hearken to her& she ,eft off 8oin8 to enti9e himJ and Yose5h as sti,, 9onfined in the ho%se of 9onfinement+ And Ya9ob the father of Yose5h& and a,, his brethren ho ere in the ,and of 0anaan sti,, mo%rned and e5t in those days on a99o%nt of Yose5h& for Ya9ob ref%sed to be 9omforted for his son Yose5h& and Ya9ob 9ried a,o%d& and e5t and mo%rned a,, those days+ #5 ACCOUNT OF YACOB'S
0HA12ER :;$$An A99o%nt of the 3ami,ies of Ya9ob@s Sons+

' And it as at that time in that year& hi9h is the year of Yose5h@s 8oin8 do n to E8y5t after his brothers had so,d him& that Re%ben the son of Ya9ob ent to 2imnah and took %nto him for a ife E,i%ram& the da%8hter of Avi the 0anaanite& and he 9ame to her+ . And E,i%ram the ife of Re%ben 9on9eived and bare him Hano9h& 1a,%& 0hetFron and 0armi& fo%r sonsJ and Simeon his brother took his sister Dinah for a ife& and she bare %nto him 7em%e,& Yamin& <had& Ja9hin and Io9har& five sons+ * And he after ard 9ame to B%nah the 0anaanitish oman& the same is B%nah hom Simeon took 9a5tive from the 9ity of She9hem& and B%nah as before Dinah and attended %5on her& and Simeon 9ame to her& and she bare %nto him Sa%,+ : And Yah%dah ent at that time to Ad%,am& and he 9ame to a man of Ad%,am& and his name as Hirah& and Yah%dah sa there the da%8hter of a man from 0anaan& and her name as A,iyath& the da%8hter of Sh%a& and he took her& and 9ame to her& and A,iyath bare %nto Yah%dah& Er& <nan and Shi,ohJ three sons+ ; And Cevi and "ssa9har ent to the ,and of the east& and they took %nto themse,ves for ives the da%8hters of Jobab the son of Yoktan& the son of EberJ and Jobab the son of Yoktan had t o da%8htersJ the name of the e,der as Adinah& and the name of the yo%n8er as Aridah+ = And Cevi took Adinah& and "ssa9har took Aridah& and they 9ame to the ,and of 0anaan& to their father@s ho%se& and Adinah bare %nto Cevi& ?ershon& 4ehath and 7erariJ three sons+ > And Aridah bare %nto "ssa9har 2o,a& 1%vah& Job and Shomron& fo%r sonsJ and Dan ent to the ,and of 7oab and took for a ife A5h,a,eth& the da%8hter of 0ham%dan the 7oabite& and he bro%8ht her to the ,and of 0anaan+ / And A5h,a,eth as barren& she had no offs5rin8& and YAHWEH after ard remembered A5h,a,eth the ife of Dan& and she 9on9eived and bare a son& and she 9a,,ed his name 0h%shim+ A And ?ad and Na5hta,i ent to Haran and took from then9e the da%8hters of Am%ram the son of DF& the son of Nahor& for ives+ '( And these are the names of the da%8hters of Am%ramJ the name of the e,der as 7erimah& and the name of the yo%n8er DFithJ and Na5hta,i took 7erimah& and ?ad took DFithJ and bro%8ht them to the ,and of 0anaan& to their father@s ho%se+ '' And 7erimah bare %nto Na5hta,i Ya9hFee,& ?%ni& JaFer and Sha,em& fo%r sonsJ and DFith bare %nto ?ad Ie5hion& 0ha8i& Sh%ni& EFbon& Eri& Arodi and Ara,i& seven sons+ '. And Asher ent forth and took Adon the da%8hter of A5h,a,& the son of Hadad& the son of "shmae,& for a ife& and he bro%8ht her to the ,and of 0anaan+ '* And Adon the ife of Asher died in those days) she had no offs5rin8J and it as after the death of Adon that Asher ent to the other side of the river and took for a ife Had%rah the da%8hter of Abimae,& the son ''=

of Eber& the son of Shem+ ': And the yo%n8 oman as of a 9ome,y a55earan9e& and a oman of sense& and she had been the ife of 7a,kie, the son of E,am& the son of Shem+ '; And Had%rah bare a da%8hter %nto 7a,kie,& and he 9a,,ed her name Sera9h& and 7a,kie, died after this& and Had%rah ent and remained in her father@s ho%se+ '= And after the death of the ife at Asher he ent and took Had%rah for a ife& and bro%8ht her to the ,and of 0anaan& and Sera9h her da%8hter he a,so bro%8ht ith them& and she as three years o,d& and the damse, as bro%8ht %5 in Ya9ob@s ho%se+ '> And the damse, as of a 9ome,y a55earan9e& and she ent in the san9tified ays of the 9hi,dren of Ya9obJ she ,a9ked nothin8& and YAHWEH 8ave her isdom and %nderstandin8+ '/ And Had%rah the ife of Asher 9on9eived and bare %nto him Yimnah& Yishvah& Yishvi and BeriahJ fo%r sons+ 'A And Ieb%,%n ent to 7idian& and took for a ife 7erishah the da%8hter of 7o,ad& the son of Abida& the son of 7idian& and bro%8ht her to the ,and of 0anaan+ .( And 7er%shah bare %nto Ieb%,%n Sered& E,on and Ya9h,ee,J three sons+ .' And Ya9ob sent to Aram& the son of Ioba& the son of 2erah& and he took for his son BenGamin 7e9ha,ia the da%8hter of Aram& and she 9ame to the ,and of 0anaan to the ho%se of Ya9obJ and BenGamin as ten years o,d hen he took 7e9ha,ia the da%8hter of Aram for a ife+ .. And 7e9ha,ia 9on9eived and bare %nto BenGamin Be,a& Be9her& Ashbe,& ?era and Naaman& five sonsJ and BenGamin ent after ard and took for a ife Aribath& the da%8hter of Shomron& the son of Abraham& in addition to his first ife& and he as ei8hteen years o,dJ and Aribath bare %nto BenGamin A9hi& Eosh& 7%5im& 0h%5im& and <rdJ five sons+ .* And in those days Yah%dah ent to the ho%se of Shem and took 2amar the da%8hter of E,am& the son of Shem& for a ife for his first born Er+ .: And Er 9ame to his ife 2amar& and she be9ame his ife& and hen he 9ame to her he o%t ard,y destroyed his seed& and his ork as evi, in the si8ht of YAHWEH& and YAHWEH s,e him+ .; And it as after the death of Er& Yah%dah@s first born& that Yah%dah said %nto <nan& 8o to yo%r brother@s ife and marry her as the neBt of kin& and raise %5 seed to yo%r brother+ .= And <nan took 2amar for a ife and he 9ame to her& and <nan a,so did ,ike %nto the ork of his brother& and his ork as evi, in the si8ht of YAHWEH& and he s,e him a,so+ .> And hen <nan died& Yah%dah said %nto 2amar& Remain in yo%r father@s ho%se %nti, my son Shi,oh sha,, have 8ro n %5& and Yah%dah did no more de,i8ht in 2amar& to 8ive her %nto Shi,oh& for he said& 1eradvent%re he i,, a,so die ,ike his brothers+ ./ And 2amar rose %5 and ent and remained in her father@s ho%se& and 2amar as in her father@s ho%se for some time+ .A And at the revo,%tion of the year& A,iyath the ife of Yah%dah diedJ and Yah%dah as 9omforted for his ife& and after the death of A,iyath& Yah%dah ent %5 ith his friend Hirah to 2imnah to shear their shee5+ *( And 2amar heard that Yah%dah had 8one %5 to 2imnah to shear the shee5& and that Shi,oh as 8ro n %5& and Yah%dah did not de,i8ht in her+ *' And 2amar rose %5 and 5%t off the 8arments of her ido hood& and she 5%t a vai, %5on her& and she entire,y 9overed herse,f& and she ent and sat in the 5%b,i9 thoro%8hfare& hi9h is %5on the road to 2imnah+ *. And Yah%dah 5assed and sa her and took her and he 9ame to her& and she 9on9eived by him& and at the time of bein8 de,ivered& beho,d& there ere t ins in her omb& and he 9a,,ed the name of the first 1ereF& and the name of the se9ond Iarah+ #6 YOSE$H IN $RISON
0HA12ER :=$$Yose5h "nter5rets the Dreams of his 3e,,o $1risoners+

' "n those days Yose5h as sti,, 9onfined in the 5rison ho%se in the ,and of E8y5t+ . At that time the attendants of 1haraoh ere standin8 before him& the 9hief of the b%t,ers and the 9hief of ''>

the bakers hi9h be,on8ed to the kin8 of E8y5t+ * And the b%t,er took ine and 5,a9ed it before the kin8 to drink& and the baker 5,a9ed bread before the kin8 to eat& and the kin8 drank of the ine and ate of the bread& he and his servants and ministers that ate at the kin8@s tab,e+ : And hi,e they ere eatin8 and drinkin8& the b%t,er and the baker remained there& and 1haraoh@s ministers fo%nd many f,ies in the ine& hi9h the b%t,er had bro%8ht& and stones of nitre ere fo%nd in the baker@s bread+ ; And the 9a5tain of the 8%ard 5,a9ed Yose5h as an attendant on 1haraoh@s offi9ers& and 1haraoh@s offi9ers ere in 9onfinement one year+ = And at the end of the year& they both dreamed dreams in one ni8ht& in the 5,a9e of 9onfinement here they ere& and in the mornin8 Yose5h 9ame to them to attend %5on them as %s%a,& and he sa them& and beho,d their 9o%ntenan9es ere deGe9ted and sad+ > And Yose5h asked them& Why are yo%r 9o%ntenan9es sad and deGe9ted this day# and they said %nto him& We dreamed a dream& and there is no one to inter5ret itJ and Yose5h said %nto them& Re,ate& " 5ray yo%& yo%r dream %nto me& and YAHWEH sha,, 8ive yo% an ans er of 5ea9e as yo% desire+ / And the b%t,er re,ated his dream %nto Yose5h& and he said& " sa in my dream& and beho,d a ,ar8e vine as before me& and %5on that vine " sa three bran9hes& and the vine s5eedi,y b,ossomed and rea9hed a 8reat hei8ht& and its 9,%sters ere ri5ened and be9ame 8ra5es+ A And " took the 8ra5es and 5ressed them in a 9%5& and 5,a9ed it in 1haraoh@s hand and he drankJ and Yose5h said %nto him& 2he three bran9hes that ere %5on the vine are three days+ '( Yet ithin three days& the kin8 i,, order yo% to be bro%8ht o%t and he i,, restore yo% to yo%r offi9e& and yo% sha,, 8ive the kin8 his ine to drink as at first hen yo% ast his b%t,erJ b%t ,et me find favor in yo%r si8ht& that yo% sha,, remember me to 1haraoh hen it i,, be e,, ith yo%& and do kindness %nto me& and 8et me bro%8ht forth from this 5rison& for " as sto,en a ay from the ,and of 0anaan and as so,d for a s,ave in this 5,a9e+ '' And a,so that hi9h as to,d yo% 9on9ernin8 my master@s ife is fa,se& for they 5,a9ed me in this d%n8eon for na%8htJ and the b%t,er ans ered Yose5h& sayin8& "f the kin8 dea, e,, ith me as at first& as yo% ,ast inter5reted to me& " i,, do a,, that yo% desirest& and 8et yo% bro%8ht o%t of this d%n8eon+ '. And the baker& seein8 that Yose5h had a99%rate,y inter5reted the b%t,er@s dream& a,so a55roa9hed& and re,ated the ho,e of his dream to Yose5h+ '* And he said %nto him& "n my dream " sa and beho,d three hite baskets %5on my head& and " ,ooked& and beho,d there ere in the %55er$most basket a,, manner of baked meats for 1haraoh& and beho,d the birds ere eatin8 them from off my head+ ': And Yose5h said %nto him& 2he three baskets hi9h yo% didst see are three days& yet ithin three days 1haraoh i,, take off yo%r head& and han8 yo% %5on a tree& and the birds i,, eat yo%r f,esh from off yo%& as yo% sa est in yo%r dream+ '; "n those days the H%een as abo%t to be de,ivered& and %5on that day she bare a son %nto the kin8 of E8y5t& and they 5ro9,aimed that the kin8 had 8otten his first born son and a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t to8ether ith the offi9ers and servants of 1haraoh reGoi9ed 8reat,y+ '= And %5on the third day of his birth 1haraoh made a feast for his offi9ers and servants& for the hosts of the ,and of Ioar and of the ,and of E8y5t+ '> And a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t and the servants of 1haraoh 9ame to eat and drink ith the kin8 at the feast of his son& and to reGoi9e at the kin8@s reGoi9in8+ '/ And a,, the offi9ers of the kin8 and his servants ere reGoi9in8 at that time for ei8ht days at the feast& and they made merry ith a,, sorts of m%si9a, instr%ments& ith timbre,s and ith dan9es in the kin8@s ho%se for ei8ht days+ 'A And the b%t,er& to hom Yose5h had inter5reted his dream& for8ot Yose5h& and he did not mention him to the kin8 as he had 5romised& for this thin8 as from YAHWEH in order to 5%nish Yose5h be9a%se he had tr%sted in man+ .( And Yose5h remained after this in the 5rison ho%se t o years& %nti, he had 9om5,eted t e,ve years+ ''/

0HA12ER :>$$Yits9haH B,esses his t o Sons and Dies+ His 1ro5erty is Divided+ Esa% takes a,, the 5ersona, 1ro5erty and Ya9ob 9hooses the "nheritan9e of the Cand of 0anaan& ith the 0ave of 7a9h5e,ah for a B%ryin8 1,a9e+

' And Yits9haH the son of Abraham as sti,, ,ivin8 in those days in the ,and of 0anaanJ he as very a8ed& one h%ndred and ei8hty years o,d& and Esa% his son& the brother of Ya9ob& as in the ,and of Edom& and he and his sons had 5ossessions in it amon8st the 9hi,dren of Seir+ . And Esa% heard that his father@s time as dra in8 ni8h to die& and he and his sons and ho%seho,d 9ame %nto the ,and of 0anaan& %nto his father@s ho%se& and Ya9ob and his sons ent forth from the 5,a9e here they d e,t in Hebron& and they a,, 9ame to their father Yits9haH& and they fo%nd Esa% and his sons in the tent+ * And Ya9ob and his sons sat before his father Yits9haH& and Ya9ob as sti,, mo%rnin8 for his son Yose5h+ : And Yits9haH said %nto Ya9ob& Brin8 me hither yo%r sons and " i,, b,ess themJ and Ya9ob bro%8ht his e,even 9hi,dren before his father Yits9haH+ ; And Yits9haH 5,a9ed his hands %5on a,, the sons of Ya9ob& and he took ho,d of them and embra9ed them& and kissed them one by one& and Yits9haH b,essed them on that day& and he said %nto them& 7ay YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of yo%r fathers b,ess yo% and in9rease yo%r seed ,ike the stars of heaven for n%mber+ = And Yits9haH a,so b,essed the sons of Esa%& sayin8& 7ay YAHWEH 9a%se yo% to be a dread and a terror to a,, that i,, beho,d yo%& and to a,, yo%r enemies+ > And Yits9haH 9a,,ed Ya9ob and his sons& and they a,, 9ame and sat before Yits9haH& and Yits9haH said %nto Ya9ob& YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of the ho,e earth said %nto me& Dnto yo%r seed i,, " 8ive this ,and for an inheritan9e if yo%r 9hi,dren kee5 my stat%tes and my ays& and " i,, 5erform %nto them the oath hi9h " s ore %nto yo%r father Abraham+ / No therefore my son& tea9h yo%r 9hi,dren and yo%r 9hi,dren@s 9hi,dren to fear YAHWEH& and to 8o in the 8ood ay hi9h i,, 5,ease YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y& for if yo% kee5 the ays of YAHWEH and his stat%tes YAHWEH i,, a,so kee5 %nto yo% his 9ovenant ith Abraham& and i,, do e,, ith yo% and yo%r seed a,, the days+ A And hen Yits9haH had finished 9ommandin8 Ya9ob and his 9hi,dren& he 8ave %5 the 8host and died& and as 8athered %nto his 5eo5,e+ '( And Ya9ob and Esa% fe,, %5on the fa9e of their father Yits9haH& and they e5t& and Yits9haH as one h%ndred and ei8hty years o,d hen he died in the ,and of 0anaan& in Hebron& and his sons 9arried him to the 9ave of 7a9h5e,ah& hi9h Abraham had bo%8ht from the 9hi,dren of Heth for a 5ossession of a b%ria, 5,a9e+ '' And a,, the kin8s of the ,and of 0anaan ent ith Ya9ob and Esa% to b%ry Yits9haH& and a,, the kin8s of 0anaan sho ed Yits9haH 8reat honor at his death+ '. And the sons of Ya9ob and the sons of Esa% ent barefooted ro%nd abo%t& a,kin8 and ,amentin8 %nti, they rea9hed 4ireath$arba+ '* And Ya9ob and Esa% b%ried their father Yits9haH in the 9ave of 7a9h5e,ah& hi9h is in 4ireath$arba in Hebron& and they b%ried him ith very 8reat honor& as at the f%nera, of kin8s+ ': And Ya9ob and his sons& and Esa% and his sons& and a,, the kin8s of 0anaan made a 8reat and heavy mo%rnin8& and they b%ried him and mo%rned for him many days+ '; And at the death of Yits9haH& he ,eft his 9att,e and his 5ossessions and a,, be,on8in8 to him to his sonsJ and Esa% said %nto Ya9ob& Beho,d " 5ray yo%& a,, that o%r father has ,eft e i,, divide it in t o 5arts& and " i,, have the 9hoi9e& and Ya9ob said& We i,, do so+ '= And Ya9ob took a,, that Yits9haH had ,eft in the ,and of 0anaan& the 9att,e and the 5ro5erty& and he 5,a9ed them in t o 5arts before Esa% and his sons& and he said %nto Esa%& Beho,d a,, this is before yo%& 9hoose yo% %nto thyse,f the ha,f hi9h yo% i,t take+ '> And Ya9ob said %nto Esa%& Hear yo% " 5ray yo% hat " i,, s5eak %nto yo%& sayin8& YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of heaven and earth s5oke %nto o%r fathers Abraham and Yits9haH& sayin8& Dnto yo%r seed ''A

i,, " 8ive this ,and for an inheritan9e forever+ '/ No therefore a,, that o%r father has ,eft is before yo%& and beho,d a,, the ,and is before yo%J 9hoose yo% from them hat yo% desirest+ 'A "f yo% desirest the ho,e ,and take it for yo% and yo%r 9hi,dren forever& and " i,, take this ri9hes& and it yo% desirest the ri9hes take it %nto yo%& and " i,, take this ,and for me and for my 9hi,dren to inherit it forever+ .( And Nebayoth& the son of "shmae,& as then in the ,and ith his 9hi,dren& and Esa% ent on that day and 9ons%,ted ith him& sayin8+ .' 2h%s has Ya9ob s5oken %nto me& and th%s has he ans ered me& no 8ive yo%r advi9e and e i,, hear+ .. And Nebayoth said& What is this that Ya9ob hath s5oken %nto yo%# beho,d a,, the 9hi,dren of 0anaan are d e,,in8 se9%re,y in their ,and& and Ya9ob says he i,, inherit it ith his seed a,, the days+ .* ?o no therefore and take a,, yo%r father@s ri9hes and ,eave Ya9ob yo%r brother in the ,and& as he has s5oken+ .: And Esa% rose %5 and ret%rned to Ya9ob& and did a,, that Nebayoth the son of "shmae, had advisedJ and Esa% took a,, the ri9hes that Yits9haH had ,eft& the so%,s& the beasts& the 9att,e and the 5ro5erty& and a,, the ri9hesJ he 8ave nothin8 to his brother Ya9obJ and Ya9ob took a,, the ,and of 0anaan& from the brook of E8y5t %nto the river E%5hrates& and he took it for an ever,astin8 5ossession& and for his 9hi,dren and for his seed after him forever+ .; Ya9ob a,so took from his brother Esa% the 9ave of 7a9h5e,ah& hi9h is in Hebron& hi9h Abraham had bo%8ht from E5hron for a 5ossession of a b%ria, 5,a9e for him and his seed forever+ .= And Ya9ob rote a,, these thin8s in the book of 5%r9hase& and he si8ned it& and he testified a,, this ith fo%r faithf%, itnesses+ .> And these are the ords hi9h Ya9ob rote in the book& sayin8) 2he ,and of 0anaan and a,, the 9ities of the Hittites& the Hivites& the Jeb%sites& the Amorites& the 1eriFFites& and the ?er8ashites& a,, the seven nations from the river of E8y5t %nto the river E%5hrates+ ./ And the 9ity of Hebron 4ireath$arba& and the 9ave hi9h is in it& the ho,e did Ya9ob b%y from his brother Esa% for va,%e& for a 5ossession and for an inheritan9e for his seed after him forever+ .A And Ya9ob took the book of 5%r9hase and the si8nat%re& the 9ommand and the stat%tes and the revea,ed book& and he 5,a9ed them in an earthen vesse, in order that they sho%,d remain for a ,on8 time& and he de,ivered them into the hands of his 9hi,dren+ *( Esa% took a,, that his father had ,eft him after his death from his brother Ya9ob& and he took a,, the 5ro5erty& from man and beast& 9ame, and ass& oB and ,amb& si,ver and 8o,d& stones and bde,,i%m& and a,, the ri9hes hi9h had be,on8ed to Yits9haH the son of AbrahamJ there as nothin8 ,eft hi9h Esa% did not take %nto himse,f& from a,, that Yits9haH had ,eft after his death+ *' And Esa% took a,, this& and he and his 9hi,dren ent home to the ,and of Seir the Horite& a ay from his brother Ya9ob and his 9hi,dren+ *. And Esa% had 5ossessions amon8st the 9hi,dren of Seir& and Esa% ret%rned not to the ,and of 0anaan from that day for ard+ ** And the ho,e ,and of 0anaan be9ame an inheritan9e to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, for an ever,astin8 inheritan9e& and Esa% ith a,, his 9hi,dren inherited the mo%ntain of Seir+ #8 $HARAOH'S DREAM
0HA12ER :/$$1haraoh@s Dreams+ Not Re9eivin8 a Satisfa9tory "nter5retation from the 7a8i9ians& he orders the Wise 7en to be S,ain+ 2he 4in8@s B%t,er makes Yose5h@s ?ifts kno n to 1haraoh+ Yose5h is Bro%8ht before the 4in8& ho Re,ates his Dreams to him+ Yose5h& by the ?ift of YAHWEH& "nter5rets them+ A 8reat 3amine 1redi9ted+

' "n those days& after the death of Yits9haH& YAHWEH 9ommanded and 9a%sed a famine %5on the ho,e earth+ . At that time 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t as sittin8 %5on his throne in the ,and of E8y5t& and ,ay in his bed and dreamed dreams& and 1haraoh sa in his dream that he as standin8 by the side of the river of E8y5t+ '.(

* And hi,e he as standin8 he sa and beho,d seven fat f,eshed and e,, favored kine 9ame %5 o%t of the river+ : And seven other kine& ,ean f,eshed and i,, favored& 9ame %5 after them& and the seven i,, favored ones s a,,o ed %5 the e,, favored ones& and sti,, their a55earan9e as i,, as at first+ ; And he a oke& and he s,e5t a8ain and he dreamed a se9ond time& and he sa and beho,d seven ears of 9orn 9ame %5 %5on one sta,k& rank and 8ood& and seven thin ears b,asted ith the east ind s5ran8& %5 after them& and the thin ears s a,,o ed %5 the f%,, ones& and 1haraoh a oke o%t of his dream+ = And in the mornin8 the kin8 remembered his dreams& and his s5irit as sad,y tro%b,ed on a99o%nt of his dreams& and the kin8 hastened and sent and 9a,,ed for a,, the ma8i9ians of E8y5t& and the ise men& and they 9ame and stood before 1haraoh+ > And the kin8 said %nto them& " have dreamed dreams& and there is none to inter5ret themJ and they said %nto the kin8& re,ate yo%r dreams to yo%r servants and ,et %s hear them+ / And the kin8 re,ated his dreams to them& and they a,, ans ered and said ith one voi9e to the kin8& may the kin8 ,ive foreverJ and this is the inter5retation of yo%r dreams+ A 2he seven 8ood kine hi9h yo% didst see denote seven da%8hters that i,, be born %nto yo% in the ,atter days& and the seven kine hi9h yo% sa est 9ome %5 after them& and s a,,o ed them %5& are for a si8n that the da%8hters hi9h i,, be born %nto yo% i,, a,, die in the ,ife$time of the kin8+ '( And that hi9h yo% didst see in the se9ond dream of seven f%,, 8ood ears of 9orn 9omin8 %5 %5on one sta,k& this is their inter5retation& that yo% i,t b%i,d %nto thyse,f in the ,atter days seven 9ities thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5tJ and that hi9h yo% sa est of the seven b,asted ears of 9orn s5rin8in8 %5 after them and s a,,o in8 them %5 hi,e yo% didst beho,d them ith yo%r eyes& is for a si8n that the 9ities hi9h yo% i,t b%i,d i,, a,, be destroyed in the ,atter days& in the ,ife$time of the kin8+ '' And hen they s5oke these ords the kin8 did not in9,ine his ear to their ords& neither did he fiB his heart %5on them& for the kin8 kne in his isdom that they did not 8ive a 5ro5er inter5retation of the dreamsJ and hen they had finished s5eakin8 before the kin8& the kin8 ans ered them& sayin8& What is this thin8 that yo% have s5oken %nto me# s%re,y yo% have %ttered fa,sehood and s5oken ,iesJ therefore no 8ive the 5ro5er inter5retation of my dreams& that yo% may not die+ '. And the kin8 9ommanded after this& and he sent and 9a,,ed a8ain for other ise men& and they 9ame and stood before the kin8& and the kin8 re,ated his dreams to them& and they a,, ans ered him a99ordin8 to the first inter5retation& and the kin8@s an8er as kind,ed and he as very roth& and the kin8 said %nto them& S%re,y yo% s5eak ,ies and %tter fa,sehood in hat yo% have said+ '* And the kin8 9ommanded that a 5ro9,amation sho%,d be iss%ed thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5t& sayin8& "t is reso,ved by the kin8 and his 8reat men& that any ise man ho kno s and %nderstands the inter5retation of dreams& and i,, not 9ome this day before the kin8& sha,, die+ ': And the man that i,, de9,are %nto the kin8 the 5ro5er inter5retation of his dreams& there sha,, be 8iven %nto him a,, that he i,, reH%ire from the kin8+ And a,, the ise men of the ,and of E8y5t 9ame before the kin8& to8ether ith a,, the ma8i9ians and sor9erers that ere in E8y5t and in ?oshen& in Rameses& in 2a9h5an9hes& in Ioar& and in a,, the 5,a9es on the borders of E8y5t& and they a,, stood before the kin8+ '; And a,, the nob,es and the 5rin9es& and the attendants be,on8in8 to the kin8& 9ame to8ether from a,, the 9ities of E8y5t& and they a,, sat before the kin8& and the kin8 re,ated his dreams before the ise men& and the 5rin9es& and a,, that sat before the kin8 ere astonished at the vision+ '= And a,, the ise men ho ere before the kin8 ere 8reat,y divided in their inter5retation of his dreamsJ some of them inter5reted them to the kin8& sayin8& 2he seven 8ood kine are seven kin8s& ho from the kin8@s iss%e i,, be raised over E8y5t+ '> And the seven bad kine are seven 5rin9es& ho i,, stand %5 a8ainst them in the ,atter days and destroy themJ and the seven ears of 9orn are the seven 8reat 5rin9es be,on8in8 to E8y5t& ho i,, fa,, in the hands of the seven ,ess 5o erf%, 5rin9es of their enemies& in the ars of o%r ,ord the kin8+ '/ And some of them inter5reted to the kin8 in this manner& sayin8& 2he seven 8ood kine are the stron8 9ities of E8y5t& and the seven bad kine are the seven nations of the ,and of 0anaan& ho i,, 9ome a8ainst the seven 9ities of E8y5t in the ,atter days and destroy them+ '.'

'A And that hi9h yo% sa est in the se9ond dream& of seven 8ood and bad ears of 9orn& is a si8n that the 8overnment of E8y5t i,, a8ain ret%rn to yo%r seed as at first+ .( And in his rei8n the 5eo5,e of the 9ities of E8y5t i,, t%rn a8ainst the seven 9ities of 0anaan ho are stron8er than they are& and i,, destroy them& and the 8overnment of E8y5t i,, ret%rn to yo%r seed+ .' And some of them said %nto the kin8& 2his is the inter5retation of yo%r dreamsJ the seven 8ood kine are seven H%eens& hom yo% i,t take for ives in the ,atter days& and the seven bad kine denote that those omen i,, a,, die in the ,ifetime of the kin8+ .. And the seven 8ood and bad ears of 9orn hi9h yo% didst see in the se9ond dream are fo%rteen 9hi,dren& and it i,, be in the ,atter days that they i,, stand %5 and fi8ht amon8st themse,ves& and seven of them i,, smite the seven that are more 5o erf%,+ .* And some of them said these ords %nto the kin8& sayin8& 2he seven 8ood kine denote that seven 9hi,dren i,, be born to yo%& and they i,, s,ay seven of yo%r 9hi,dren@s 9hi,dren in the ,atter daysJ and the seven 8ood ears of 9orn hi9h yo% didst see in the se9ond dream& are those 5rin9es a8ainst hom seven other ,ess 5o erf%, 5rin9es i,, fi8ht and destroy them in the ,atter days& and aven8e yo%r 9hi,dren@s 9a%se& and the 8overnment i,, a8ain ret%rn to yo%r seed+ .: And the kin8 heard a,, the ords of the ise men of E8y5t and their inter5retation of his dreams& and none of them 5,eased the kin8+ .; And the kin8 kne in his isdom that they did not a,to8ether s5eak 9orre9t,y in a,, these ords& for this as from YAHWEH to fr%strate the ords of the ise men of E8y5t& in order that Yose5h mi8ht 8o forth from the ho%se of 9onfinement& and in order that he sho%,d be9ome 8reat in E8y5t+ .= And the kin8 sa that none amon8st a,, the ise men and ma8i9ians of E8y5t s5oke 9orre9t,y to him& and the kin8@s rath as kind,ed& and his an8er b%rned ithin him+ .> And the kin8 9ommanded that a,, the ise men and ma8i9ians sho%,d 8o o%t from before him& and they a,, ent o%t from before the kin8 ith shame and dis8ra9e+ ./ And the kin8 9ommanded that a 5ro9,amation be sent thro%8ho%t E8y5t to s,ay a,, the ma8i9ians that ere in E8y5t& and not one of them sho%,d be s%ffered to ,ive+ .A And the 9a5tains of the 8%ards be,on8in8 to the kin8 rose %5& and ea9h man dre his s ord& and they be8an to smite the ma8i9ians of E8y5t& and the ise men+ *( And after this 7erod& 9hief b%t,er to the kin8& 9ame and bo ed do n before the kin8 and sat before him+ *' And the b%t,er said %nto the kin8& 7ay the kin8 ,ive forever& and his 8overnment be eBa,ted in the ,and+ *. Yo% ast an8ry ith yo%r servant in those days& no t o years 5ast& and didst 5,a9e me in the ard& and " as for some time in the ard& " and the 9hief of the bakers+ ** And there as ith %s a Hebre servant be,on8in8 to the 9a5tain of the 8%ard& his name as Yose5h& for his master had been an8ry ith him and 5,a9ed him in the ho%se of 9onfinement& and he attended %s there+ *: And in some time after hen e ere in the ard& e dreamed dreams in one ni8ht& " and the 9hief of the bakersJ e dreamed& ea9h man a99ordin8 to the inter5retation of his dream+ *; And e 9ame in the mornin8 and to,d them to that servant& and he inter5reted to %s o%r dreams& to ea9h man a99ordin8 to his dream& did he 9orre9t,y inter5ret+ *= And it 9ame to 5ass as he inter5reted to %s& so as the eventJ there fe,, not to the 8ro%nd any of his ords+ *> And no therefore my ,ord and kin8 do not s,ay the 5eo5,e of E8y5t for na%8htJ beho,d that s,ave is sti,, 9onfined in the ho%se by the 9a5tain of the 8%ard his master& in the ho%se of 9onfinement+ */ "f it 5,eases the kin8 ,et him send for him that he may 9ome before yo% and he i,, make kno n to yo%& the 9orre9t inter5retation of the dream hi9h yo% didst dream+ *A And the kin8 heard the ords of the 9hief b%t,er& and the kin8 ordered that the ise men of E8y5t sho%,d not be s,ain+ :( And the kin8 ordered his servants to brin8 Yose5h before him& and the kin8 said %nto them& ?o to him and do not terrify him ,est he be 9onf%sed and i,, not kno to s5eak 5ro5er,y+ :' And the servants of the kin8 ent to Yose5h& and they bro%8ht him hasti,y o%t of the d%n8eon& and the '..

kin8@s servants shaved him& and he 9han8ed his 5rison 8arment and he 9ame before the kin8+ :. And the kin8 as sittin8 %5on his roya, throne in a 5rin9e,y dress 8irt aro%nd ith a 8o,den e5hod& and the fine 8o,d hi9h as %5on it s5ark,ed& and the 9arb%n9,e and the r%by and the emera,d& to8ether ith a,, the 5re9io%s stones that ere %5on the kin8@s head& daFF,ed the eye& and Yose5h ondered 8reat,y at the kin8+ :* And the throne %5on hi9h the kin8 sat as 9overed ith 8o,d and si,ver& and ith onyB stones& and it had seventy ste5s+ :: And it as their 9%stom thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5t& that every man ho 9ame to s5eak to the kin8& if he as a 5rin9e or one that as estimab,e in the si8ht of the kin8& he as9ended to the kin8@s throne as far as the thirty$first ste5& and the kin8 o%,d des9end to the thirty$siBth ste5& and s5eak ith him+ :; "f he as one of the 9ommon 5eo5,e& he as9ended to the third ste5& and the kin8 o%,d des9end to the fo%rth and s5eak to him& and their 9%stom as& moreover& that any man ho %nderstood to s5eak in a,, the seventy ,an8%a8es& he as9ended the seventy ste5s& and ent %5 and s5oke ti,, he rea9hed the kin8+ := And any man ho 9o%,d not 9om5,ete the seventy& he as9ended as many ste5s as the ,an8%a8es hi9h he kne to s5eak in+ :> And it as 9%stomary in those days in E8y5t that no one sho%,d rei8n over them& b%t ho %nderstood to s5eak in the seventy ,an8%a8es+ :/ And hen Yose5h 9ame before the kin8 he bo ed do n to the 8ro%nd before the kin8& and he as9ended to the third ste5& and the kin8 sat %5on the fo%rth ste5 and s5oke ith Yose5h+ :A And the kin8 said %nto Yose5h& " dreamed a dream& and there is no inter5reter to inter5ret it 5ro5er,y& and " 9ommanded this day that a,, the ma8i9ians of E8y5t and the ise men thereof& sho%,d 9ome before me& and " re,ated my dreams to them& and no one has 5ro5er,y inter5reted them to me+ ;( And after this " this day heard 9on9ernin8 yo%& that yo% are a ise man& and 9anst 9orre9t,y inter5ret every dream that yo% hearest+ ;' And Yose5h ans ered 1haraoh& sayin8& Cet 1haraoh re,ate his dreams that he dreamedJ s%re,y the inter5retations be,on8 to YAHWEHJ and 1haraoh re,ated his dreams to Yose5h& the dream of the kine& and the dream of the ears of 9orn& and the kin8 ,eft off s5eakin8+ ;. And Yose5h as then 9,othed ith the s5irit of YAHWEH before the kin8& and he kne a,, the thin8s that o%,d befa,, the kin8 from that day for ard& and he kne the 5ro5er inter5retation of the kin8@s dream& and he s5oke before the kin8+ ;* And Yose5h fo%nd favor in the si8ht of the kin8& and the kin8 in9,ined his ears and his heart& and he heard a,, the ords of Yose5h+ And Yose5h said %nto the kin8& Do not ima8ine that they are t o dreams& for it is on,y one dream& for that hi9h YAHWEH has 9hosen to do thro%8ho%t the ,and he has sho n to the kin8 in his dream& and this is the 5ro5er inter5retation of yo%r dream) ;: 2he seven 8ood kine and ears of 9orn are seven years& and the seven bad kine and ears of 9orn are a,so seven yearsJ it is one dream+ ;; Beho,d the seven years that are 9omin8 there i,, be a 8reat 5,enty thro%8ho%t the ,and& and after that the seven years of famine i,, fo,,o them& a very 8rievo%s famineJ and a,, the 5,enty i,, be for8otten from the ,and& and the famine i,, 9ons%me the inhabitants of the ,and+ ;= 2he kin8 dreamed one dream& and the dream as therefore re5eated %nto 1haraoh be9a%se the thin8 is estab,ished by YAHWEH& and YAHWEH i,, short,y brin8 it to 5ass+ ;> No therefore " i,, 8ive yo% 9o%nse, and de,iver yo%r so%, and the so%,s of the inhabitants of the ,and from the evi, of the famine& that yo% seek thro%8ho%t yo%r kin8dom for a man very dis9reet and ise& ho kno s a,, the affairs of 8overnment& and a55oint him to s%5erintend over the ,and of E8y5t+ ;/ And ,et the man hom yo% 5,a9est over E8y5t a55oint offi9ers %nder him& that they 8ather in a,, the food of the 8ood years that are 9omin8& and ,et them ,ay %5 9orn and de5osit it in yo%r a55ointed stores+ ;A And ,et them kee5 that food for the seven years of famine& that it may be fo%nd for yo% and yo%r 5eo5,e and yo%r ho,e ,and& and that yo% and yo%r ,and be not 9%t off by the famine+ =( Cet a,, the inhabitants of the ,and be a,so ordered that they 8ather in& every man the 5rod%9e of his fie,d& of a,, sorts of food& d%rin8 the seven 8ood years& and that they 5,a9e it in their stores& that it may be fo%nd '.*

for them in the days of the famine and that they may ,ive %5on it+ =' 2his is the 5ro5er inter5retation of yo%r dream& and this is the 9o%nse, 8iven to save yo%r so%, and the so%,s of a,, yo%r s%bGe9ts+ =. And the kin8 ans ered and said %nto Yose5h& Who says and ho kno s that yo%r ords are 9orre9t# And he said %nto the kin8& 2his sha,, be a si8n for yo% res5e9tin8 a,, my ords& that they are tr%e and that my advi9e is 8ood for yo%+ =* Beho,d yo%r ife sits this day %5on the stoo, of de,ivery& and she i,, bear yo% a son and yo% i,t reGoi9e ith himJ hen yo%r 9hi,d sha,, have 8one forth from his mother@s omb& yo%r first born son that has been born these t o years ba9k sha,, die& and yo% i,t be 9omforted in the 9hi,d that i,, be born %nto yo% this day+ =: And Yose5h finished s5eakin8 these ords to the kin8& and he bo ed do n to the kin8 and he ent o%t& and hen Yose5h had 8one o%t from the kin8@s 5resen9e& those si8ns hi9h Yose5h had s5oken %nto the kin8 9ame to 5ass on that day+ =; And the H%een bare a son on that day and the kin8 heard the 8,ad tidin8s abo%t his son& and he reGoi9ed& and hen the re5orter had 8one forth from the kin8@s 5resen9e& the kin8@s servants fo%nd the first born son of the kin8 fa,,en dead %5on the 8ro%nd+ == And there as 8reat ,amentation and noise in the kin8@s ho%se& and the kin8 heard it& and he said& What is the noise and ,amentation that " have heard in the ho%se# and they to,d the kin8 that his first born son had diedJ then the kin8 kne that a,, Yose5h@s ords that he had s5oken ere 9orre9t& and the kin8 as 9onso,ed for his son by the 9hi,d that as born to him on that day as Yose5h had s5oken+ #9 $HARAOH A$$OINTS YOSE$H
0HA12ER :A$$1haraoh Assemb,es a,, the ?reat 7en of the 4in8dom& and desires to a55oint Yose5h to ?overn E8y5t+ 2hey <bGe9t be9a%se he 9annot s5eak a,, the Seventy Can8%a8es of the Earth+ An Heaven,y 7essen8er visits Yose5h and tea9hes him a,, the Can8%a8es of the Earth+ When bro%8ht before the 4in8& Yose5h@s Wisdom and 4no ,ed8e 5,ease 1haraoh and a,, the 1rin9es of E8y5t& and he is a55ointed the Se9ond to the 4in8& and a,, a%thority is 8iven him+ Yose5h is made Wea,thy and 9,othed in 1rin9e,y a55are, and 5ro9,aimed ?overnor of E8y5t+ "s 8iven the Da%8hter of 1oti5har for a Wife+

' After these thin8s the kin8 sent and assemb,ed a,, his offi9ers and servants& and a,, the 5rin9es and nob,es be,on8in8 to the kin8& and they a,, 9ame before the kin8+ . And the kin8 said %nto them& Beho,d yo% have seen and heard a,, the ords of this Hebre man& and a,, the si8ns hi9h he de9,ared o%,d 9ome to 5ass& and not any of his ords have fa,,en to the 8ro%nd+ * Yo% kno that he has 8iven a 5ro5er inter5retation of the dream& and it i,, s%re,y 9ome to 5ass& no therefore take 9o%nse,& and kno hat yo% i,, do and ho the ,and i,, be de,ivered from the famine+ : Seek no and see hether the ,ike 9an be fo%nd& in hose heart there is isdom and kno ,ed8e& and " i,, a55oint him over the ,and+ ; 3or yo% have heard hat the Hebre man has advised 9on9ernin8 this to save the ,and there ith from the famine& and " kno that the ,and i,, not be de,ivered from the famine b%t ith the advi9e of the Hebre man& him that advised me+ = And they a,, ans ered the kin8 and said& 2he 9o%nse, hi9h the Hebre has 8iven 9on9ernin8 this is 8oodJ no therefore& o%r ,ord and kin8& beho,d the ho,e ,and is in yo%r hand& do that hi9h seems 8ood in yo%r si8ht+ > Him hom yo% 9hooses& and hom yo% in yo%r isdom kno est to be ise and 9a5ab,e of de,iverin8 the ,and ith his isdom& him sha,, the kin8 a55oint to be %nder him over the ,and+ / And the kin8 said to a,, the offi9ers) " have tho%8ht that sin9e YAHWEH has made kno n to the Hebre man a,, that he has s5oken& there is none so dis9reet and ise in the ho,e ,and as he isJ if it seem 8ood in yo%r si8ht " i,, 5,a9e him over the ,and& for he i,, save the ,and ith his isdom+ A And a,, the offi9ers ans ered the kin8 and said& B%t s%re,y it is ritten in the ,a s of E8y5t& and it sho%,d not be vio,ated& that no man sha,, rei8n over E8y5t& nor be the se9ond to the kin8& b%t one ho has kno ,ed8e in a,, the ,an8%a8es of the sons of men+ '.:

'( No therefore o%r ,ord and kin8& beho,d this Hebre man 9an on,y s5eak the Hebre ,an8%a8e& and ho then 9an he be over %s the se9ond %nder 8overnment& a man ho not even kno s o%r ,an8%a8e# '' No e 5ray yo% send for him& and ,et him 9ome before yo%& and 5rove him in a,, thin8s& and do as yo% see fit+ '. And the kin8 said& "t sha,, be done tomorro & and the thin8 that yo% have s5oken is 8oodJ and a,, the offi9ers 9ame on that day before the kin8+ '* And on that ni8ht YAHWEH sent one of his ministerin8 heaven,y messen8ers& and he 9ame into the ,and of E8y5t %nto Yose5h& and the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH stood over Yose5h& and beho,d Yose5h as ,yin8 in the bed at ni8ht in his master@s ho%se in the d%n8eon& for his master had 5%t him ba9k into the d%n8eon on a99o%nt of his ife+ ': And the heaven,y messen8er ro%sed him from his s,ee5& and Yose5h rose %5 and stood %5on his ,e8s& and beho,d the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH as standin8 o55osite to himJ and the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH s5oke ith Yose5h& and he ta%8ht him a,, the ,an8%a8es of man in that ni8ht& and he 9a,,ed his name Jehose5h+ '; And the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH ent from him& and Yose5h ret%rned and ,ay %5on his bed& and Yose5h as astonished at the vision hi9h he sa + '= And it 9ame to 5ass in the mornin8 that the kin8 sent for a,, his offi9ers and servants& and they a,, 9ame and sat before the kin8& and the kin8 ordered Yose5h to be bro%8ht& and the kin8@s servants ent and bro%8ht Yose5h before 1haraoh+ '> And the kin8 9ame forth and as9ended the ste5s of the throne& and Yose5h s5oke %nto the kin8 in a,, ,an8%a8es& and Yose5h ent %5 to him and s5oke %nto the kin8 %nti, he arrived before the kin8 in the seventieth ste5& and he sat before the kin8+ '/ And the kin8 8reat,y reGoi9ed on a99o%nt of Yose5h& and a,, the kin8@s offi9ers reGoi9ed 8reat,y ith the kin8 hen they heard a,, the ords of Yose5h+ 'A And the thin8 seemed 8ood in the si8ht of the kin8 and the offi9ers& to a55oint Yose5h to be se9ond to the kin8 over the ho,e ,and of E8y5t& and the kin8 s5oke to Yose5h& sayin8& .( No yo% didst 8ive me 9o%nse, to a55oint a ise man over the ,and of E8y5t& in order ith his isdom to save the ,and from the famineJ no therefore& sin9e YAHWEH has made a,, this kno n to yo%& and a,, the ords hi9h yo% hast s5oken& there is not thro%8ho%t the ,and a dis9reet and ise man ,ike %nto yo%+ .' And yo%r name no more sha,, be 9a,,ed Yose5h& b%t Ia5hnath 1aaneah sha,, be yo%r nameJ yo% sha,, be se9ond to me& and a99ordin8 to yo%r ord sha,, be a,, the affairs of my 8overnment& and at yo%r ord sha,, my 5eo5,e 8o o%t and 9ome in+ .. A,so from %nder yo%r hand sha,, my servants and offi9ers re9eive their sa,ary hi9h is 8iven to them month,y& and to yo% sha,, a,, the 5eo5,e of the ,and bo do nJ on,y in my throne i,, " be 8reater than yo%+ .* And the kin8 took off his rin8 from his hand and 5%t it %5on the hand of Yose5h& and the kin8 dressed Yose5h in a 5rin9e,y 8arment& and he 5%t a 8o,den 9ro n %5on his head& and he 5%t a 8o,den 9hain %5on his ne9k+ .: And the kin8 9ommanded his servants& and they made him ride in the se9ond 9hariot be,on8in8 to the kin8& that ent o55osite to the kin8@s 9hariot& and he 9a%sed him to ride %5on a 8reat and stron8 horse from the kin8@s horses& and to be 9ond%9ted thro%8h the streets of the ,and of E8y5t+ .; And the kin8 9ommanded that a,, those that 5,ayed %5on timbre,s& har5s and other m%si9a, instr%ments sho%,d 8o forth ith Yose5hJ one tho%sand timbre,s& one tho%sand me9ho,oth& and one tho%sand neba,im ent after him+ .= And five tho%sand men& ith dra n s ords 8,itterin8 in their hands& and they ent mar9hin8 and 5,ayin8 before Yose5h& and t enty tho%sand of the 8reat men of the kin8 8irt ith 8ird,es of skin 9overed ith 8o,d& mar9hed at the ri8ht hand of Yose5h& and t enty tho%sand at his ,eft& and a,, the omen and damse,s ent %5on the roofs or stood in the streets 5,ayin8 and reGoi9in8 at Yose5h& and 8aFed at the a55earan9e of Yose5h and at his bea%ty+ .> And the kin8@s 5eo5,e ent before him and behind him& 5erf%min8 the road ith frankin9ense and ith 9assia& and ith a,, sorts of fine 5erf%me& and s9attered myrrh and a,oes a,on8 the road& and t enty men '.;

5ro9,aimed these ords before him thro%8ho%t the ,and in a ,o%d voi9e) ./ Do yo% see this man hom the kin8 has 9hosen to be his se9ond# a,, the affairs of 8overnment sha,, be re8%,ated by him& and he that trans8resses his orders& or that does not bo do n before him to the 8ro%nd& sha,, die& for he rebe,s a8ainst the kin8 and his se9ond+ .A And hen the hera,ds had 9eased 5ro9,aimin8& a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t bo ed do n to the 8ro%nd before Yose5h and said& 7ay the kin8 ,ive& a,so may his se9ond ,iveJ and a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t bo ed do n a,on8 the road& and hen the hera,ds a55roa9hed them& they bo ed do n& and they reGoi9ed ith a,, sorts of timbre,s& me9ho, and neba, before Yose5h+ *( And Yose5h %5on his horse ,ifted %5 his eyes to heaven& and 9a,,ed o%t and said& He raises the 5oor man from the d%st& He ,ifts %5 the needy from the d%n8hi,,+ < YAHWEH of Hosts& ha55y is the man ho tr%sts in yo%+ *' And Yose5h 5assed thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5t ith 1haraoh@s servants and offi9ers& and they sho ed him the ho,e ,and of E8y5t and a,, the kin8@s treas%res+ *. And Yose5h ret%rned and 9ame on that day before 1haraoh& and the kin8 8ave %nto Yose5h a 5ossession in the ,and of E8y5t& a 5ossession of fie,ds and vineyards& and the kin8 8ave %nto Yose5h three tho%sand ta,ents of si,ver and one tho%sand ta,ents of 8o,d& and onyB stones and bde,,i%m and many 8ifts+ ** And on the neBt day the kin8 9ommanded a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t to brin8 %nto Yose5h offerin8s and 8ifts& and that he that vio,ated the 9ommand of the kin8 sho%,d dieJ and they made a hi8h 5,a9e in the street of the 9ity& and they s5read o%t 8arments there& and hoever bro%8ht anythin8 to Yose5h 5%t it into the hi8h 5,a9e+ *: And a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t 9ast somethin8 into the hi8h 5,a9e& one man a 8o,den ear$rin8& and the other rin8s and ear$rin8s& and different vesse,s of 8o,d and si,ver ork& and onyB stones and bde,,i%m did he 9ast %5on the hi8h 5,a9eJ every one 8ave somethin8 of hat he 5ossessed+ *; And Yose5h took a,, these and 5,a9ed them in his treas%ries& and a,, the offi9ers and nob,es be,on8in8 to the kin8 eBa,ted Yose5h& and they 8ave him many 8ifts& seein8 that the kin8 had 9hosen him to be his se9ond+ *= And the kin8 sent to 1oti5hera& the son of Ahiram 5riest of <n& and he took his yo%n8 da%8hter <snath and 8ave her %nto Yose5h for a ife+ *> And the damse, as very 9ome,y& a vir8in& one hom man had not kno n& and Yose5h took her for a ifeJ and the kin8 said %nto Yose5h& " am 1haraoh& and beside yo% none sha,, dare to ,ift %5 his hand or his foot to re8%,ate my 5eo5,e thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5t+ */ And Yose5h as thirty years o,d hen he stood before 1haraoh& and Yose5h ent o%t from before the kin8& and he be9ame the kin8@s se9ond in E8y5t+ *A And the kin8 8ave Yose5h a h%ndred servants to attend him in his ho%se& and Yose5h a,so sent and 5%r9hased many servants and they remained in the ho%se of Yose5h+ :( Yose5h then b%i,t for himse,f a very ma8nifi9ent ho%se ,ike %nto the ho%ses of kin8s& before the 9o%rt of the kin8@s 5a,a9e& and he made in the ho%se a ,ar8e tem5,e& very e,e8ant in a55earan9e and 9onvenient for his residen9eJ three years as Yose5h in ere9tin8 his ho%se+ :' And Yose5h made %nto himse,f a very e,e8ant throne of ab%ndan9e of 8o,d and si,ver& and he 9overed it ith onyB stones and bde,,i%m& and he made %5on it the ,ikeness of the ho,e ,and of E8y5t& and the ,ikeness of the river of E8y5t that aters the ho,e ,and of E8y5tJ and Yose5h sat se9%re,y %5on his throne in his ho%se and YAHWEH in9reased Yose5h@s isdom+ :. And a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t and 1haraoh@s servants and his 5rin9es ,oved Yose5h eB9eedin8,y& for this thin8 as from YAHWEH to Yose5h+ :* And Yose5h had an army that made ar& 8oin8 o%t in hosts and troo5s to the n%mber of forty tho%sand siB h%ndred men& 9a5ab,e of bearin8 arms to assist the kin8 and Yose5h a8ainst the enemy& besides the kin8@s offi9ers and his servants and inhabitants of E8y5t itho%t n%mber+ :: And Yose5h 8ave %nto his mi8hty men& and to a,, his host& shie,ds and Gave,ins& and 9a5s and 9oats of mai, and stones for s,in8in8+ '.=


0HA12ER ;($$Yose5h 8oes to he,5 the "shmae,ites a8ainst their Enemies+ ?reat 1,enty 5revai,s in E8y5t as Yose5h 5redi9ted+ Yose5h@s 2 o Sons& 7anasseh and E5hraim+ Yose5h stores %5 3ood thro%8ho%t E8y5t+ 2hat stored by the E8y5tians is s5oi,ed+ 2he 3amine 5revai,s over a,, the Cand and Yose5h se,,s 9orn to a,, the E8y5tians and the s%rro%ndin8 Nations+ 4no in8 that his Brethren i,, have to 9ome to E8y5t for 0orn& he arran8es to meet them hen they 9ome+

' At that time the 9hi,dren of 2arshish 9ame a8ainst the sons of "shmae,& and made ar ith them& and the 9hi,dren of 2arshish s5oi,ed the "shmae,ites for a ,on8 time+ . And the 9hi,dren of "shmae, ere sma,, in n%mber in those days& and they 9o%,d not 5revai, over the 9hi,dren of 2arshish& and they ere sore,y o55ressed+ * And the o,d men of the "shmae,ites sent a re9ord to the kin8 of E8y5t& sayin8& Send " 5ray yo% %nto yo%r servants offi9ers and hosts to he,5 %s to fi8ht a8ainst the 9hi,dren of 2arshish& for e have been 9ons%min8 a ay for a ,on8 time+ : And 1haraoh sent Yose5h ith the mi8hty men and host hi9h ere ith him& and a,so his mi8hty men from the kin8@s ho%se+ ; And they ent to the ,and of Havi,ah to the 9hi,dren of "shmae,& to assist them a8ainst the 9hi,dren of 2arshish& and the 9hi,dren of "shmae, fo%8ht ith the 9hi,dren of 2arshish& and Yose5h smote the 2arshishites and he s%bd%ed a,, their ,and& and the 9hi,dren of "shmae, d e,, therein %nto this day+ = And hen the ,and of 2arshish as s%bd%ed& a,, the 2arshishites ran a ay& and 9ame on the border of their brethren the 9hi,dren of Javan& and Yose5h ith a,, his mi8hty men and host ret%rned to E8y5t& not one man of them missin8+ > And at the revo,%tion of the year& in the se9ond year of Yose5h@s rei8nin8 over E8y5t& YAHWEH 8ave 8reat 5,enty thro%8ho%t the ,and for seven years as Yose5h had s5oken& for YAHWEH b,essed a,, the 5rod%9e of the earth in those days for seven years& and they ate and ere 8reat,y satisfied+ / And Yose5h at that time had offi9ers %nder him& and they 9o,,e9ted a,, the food of the 8ood years& and hea5ed 9orn year by year& and they 5,a9ed it in the treas%ries of Yose5h+ A And at any time hen they 8athered the food Yose5h 9ommanded that they sho%,d brin8 the 9orn in the ears& and a,so brin8 ith it some of the soi, of the fie,d& that it sho%,d not s5oi,+ '( And Yose5h did a99ordin8 to this year by year& and he hea5ed %5 9orn ,ike the sand of the sea for ab%ndan9e& for his stores ere immense and 9o%,d not be n%mbered for ab%ndan9e+ '' And a,so a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t 8athered a,, sorts of food in their stores in 8reat ab%ndan9e d%rin8 the seven 8ood years& b%t they did not do %nto it as Yose5h did+ '. And a,, the food hi9h Yose5h and the E8y5tians had 8athered d%rin8 the seven years of 5,enty& as se9%red for the ,and in stores for the seven years of famine& for the s%55ort of the ho,e ,and+ '* And the inhabitants of E8y5t fi,,ed ea9h man his store and his 9on9ea,ed 5,a9e ith 9orn& to be for s%55ort d%rin8 the famine+ ': And Yose5h 5,a9ed a,, the food that he had 8athered in a,, the 9ities of E8y5t& and he 9,osed a,, the stores and 5,a9ed sentine,s over them+ '; And Yose5h@s ife <snath the da%8hter of 1oti5hera bare him t o sons& 7anasseh and E5hraim& and Yose5h as thirty$fo%r years o,d hen he be8at them+ '= And the ,ads 8re %5 and they ent in his ays and in his instr%9tions& they did not deviate from the ay hi9h their father ta%8ht them& either to the ri8ht or ,eft+ '> And YAHWEH as ith the ,ads& and they 8re %5 and had %nderstandin8 and ski,, in a,, isdom and in a,, the affairs of 8overnment& and a,, the kin8@s offi9ers and his 8reat men of the inhabitants of E8y5t eBa,ted the ,ads& and they ere bro%8ht %5 amon8st the kin8@s 9hi,dren+ '/ And the seven years of 5,enty that ere thro%8ho%t the ,and ere at an end& and the seven years of famine 9ame after them as Yose5h had s5oken& and the famine as thro%8ho%t the ,and+ 'A And a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t sa that the famine had 9ommen9ed in the ,and of E8y5t& and a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t o5ened their stores of 9orn for the famine 5revai,ed over them+ '.>

.( And they fo%nd a,, the food that as in their stores& f%,, of vermin and not fit to eat& and the famine 5revai,ed thro%8ho%t the ,and& and a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t 9ame and 9ried before 1haraoh& for the famine as heavy %5on them+ .' And they said %nto 1haraoh& ?ive food %nto yo%r servants& and herefore sha,, e die thro%8h h%n8er before yo%r eyes& even e and o%r ,itt,e ones# .. And 1haraoh ans ered them& sayin8& And herefore do yo% 9ry %nto me# did not Yose5h 9ommand that the 9orn sho%,d be ,aid %5 d%rin8 the seven years of 5,enty for the years of famine# and herefore did yo% not hearken to his voi9e# .* And the 5eo5,e of E8y5t ans ered the kin8& sayin8& As yo%r so%, ,iveth& o%r ,ord& yo%r servants have done a,, that Yose5h ordered& for yo%r servants a,so 8athered in a,, the 5rod%9e of their fie,ds d%rin8 the seven years of 5,enty and ,aid it in the stores %nto this day+ .: And hen the famine 5revai,ed over yo%r servants e o5ened o%r stores& and beho,d a,, o%r 5rod%9e as fi,,ed ith vermin and as not fit for food+ .; And hen the kin8 heard a,, that had befa,,en the inhabitants of E8y5t& the kin8 as 8reat,y afraid on a99o%nt of the famine& and he as m%9h terrifiedJ and the kin8 ans ered the 5eo5,e of E8y5t& sayin8& Sin9e a,, this has ha55ened %nto yo%& 8o %nto Yose5h& do hatever he sha,, say %nto yo%& trans8ress not his 9ommands+ .= And a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t ent forth and 9ame %nto Yose5h& and said %nto him& ?ive %nto %s food& and herefore sha,, e die before yo% thro%8h h%n8er# for e 8athered in o%r 5rod%9e d%rin8 the seven years as yo% didst 9ommand& and e 5%t it in store& and th%s has it befa,,en %s+ .> And hen Yose5h heard a,, the ords of the 5eo5,e of E8y5t and hat had befa,,en them& Yose5h o5ened a,, his stores of the 5rod%9e and he so,d it %nto the 5eo5,e of E8y5t+ ./ And the famine 5revai,ed thro%8ho%t the ,and& and the famine as in a,, 9o%ntries& b%t in the ,and of E8y5t there as 5rod%9e for sa,e+ .A And a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t 9ame %nto Yose5h to b%y 9orn& for the famine 5revai,ed over them& and a,, their 9orn as s5oi,ed& and Yose5h dai,y so,d it to a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t+ *( And a,, the inhabitants of the ,and of 0anaan and the 1hi,istines& and those beyond the Yardan& and the 9hi,dren of the east and a,, the 9ities of the ,ands far and ni8h heard that there as 9orn in E8y5t& and they a,, 9ame to E8y5t to b%y 9orn& for the famine 5revai,ed over them+ *' And Yose5h o5ened the stores of 9orn and 5,a9ed offi9ers over them& and they dai,y stood and so,d to a,, that 9ame+ *. And Yose5h kne that his brethren a,so o%,d 9ome to E8y5t to b%y 9orn& for the famine 5revai,ed thro%8ho%t the earth+ And Yose5h 9ommanded a,, his 5eo5,e that they sho%,d 9a%se it to be 5ro9,aimed thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5t& sayin8& ** "t is the 5,eas%re of the kin8& of his se9ond and of their 8reat men& that any 5erson ho ishes to b%y 9orn in E8y5t sha,, not send his servants to E8y5t to 5%r9hase& b%t his sons& and a,so any E8y5tian or 0anaanite& ho sha,, 9ome from any of the stores from b%yin8 9orn in E8y5t& and sha,, 8o and se,, it thro%8ho%t the ,and& he sha,, die& for no one sha,, b%y b%t for the s%55ort of his ho%seho,d+ *: And any man ,eadin8 t o or three beasts sha,, die& for a man sha,, on,y ,ead his o n beast+ *; And Yose5h 5,a9ed sentine,s at the 8ates of E8y5t& and 9ommanded them& sayin8& Any 5erson ho may 9ome to b%y 9orn& s%ffer him not to enter %nti, his name& and the name of his father& and the name of his father@s father be ritten do n& and hatever is ritten by day& send their names %nto me in the evenin8 that " may kno their names+ *= And Yose5h 5,a9ed offi9ers thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5t& and he 9ommanded them to do a,, these thin8s+ *> And Yose5h did a,, these thin8s& and made these stat%tes& in order that he mi8ht kno hen his brethren sho%,d 9ome to E8y5t to b%y 9ornJ and Yose5h@s 5eo5,e 9a%sed it dai,y to be 5ro9,aimed in E8y5t a99ordin8 to these ords and stat%tes hi9h Yose5h had 9ommanded+ */ And a,, the inhabitants of the east and est 9o%ntry& and of a,, the earth& heard of the stat%tes and re8%,ations hi9h Yose5h had ena9ted in E8y5t& and the inhabitants of the eBtreme 5arts of the earth 9ame './

and they bo%8ht 9orn in E8y5t day after day& and then ent a ay+ *A And a,, the offi9ers of E8y5t did as Yose5h had 9ommanded& and a,, that 9ame to E8y5t to b%y 9orn& the 8ate kee5ers o%,d rite their names& and their fathers@ names& and dai,y brin8 them in the evenin8 before Yose5h+ 51 YACOB SEND SONS
0HA12ER ;'$$Ya9ob sends his 2en <,dest Sons to E8y5t for 3ood+ 2e,,s them not to enter in at one 8ate b%t to 8o in Se5arate,y+ <n the ay they 0ovenant to8ether to seek for Yose5h& and if they 9annot ransom him they reso,ve to take him by for9e+ 2hey enter in at ten 8ates& and s5read themse,ves to seek for Yose5h three days+ Yose5h& in the meantime& has his men Seekin8 them+ When fo%nd they are bro%8ht before Yose5h ho a99%ses them of bein8 S5ies+ Yose5h sends his Brethren home ith 9orn& hi,e Simeon is ke5t as a hosta8e ti,, they sha,, a8ain 9ome to E8y5t ith their Yo%n8er Brother+ 2hey are astonished to find their 7oney in their sa9ks of 9orn+

' And Ya9ob after ard heard that there as 9orn in E8y5t& and he 9a,,ed %nto his sons to 8o to E8y5t to b%y 9orn& for %5on them a,so did the famine 5revai,& and he 9a,,ed %nto his sons& sayin8& . Beho,d " hear that there is 9orn in E8y5t& and a,, the 5eo5,e of the earth 8o there to 5%r9hase& no therefore hy i,, yo% sho yo%rse,ves satisfied before the ho,e earth# 8o yo% a,so do n to E8y5t and b%y %s a ,itt,e 9orn amon8st those that 9ome there& that e may not die+ * And the sons of Ya9ob hearkened to the voi9e of their father& and they rose %5 to 8o do n to E8y5t in order to b%y 9orn amon8st the rest that 9ame there+ : And Ya9ob their father 9ommanded them& sayin8& When yo% 9ome into the 9ity do not enter to8ether in one 8ate& on a99o%nt of the inhabitants of the ,and+ ; And the sons of Ya9ob ent forth and they ent to E8y5t& and the sons of Ya9ob did a,, as their father had 9ommanded them& and Ya9ob did not send BenGamin& for he said& Cest an a99ident mi8ht befa,, him on the road ,ike his brotherJ and ten of Ya9ob@s sons ent forth+ = And hi,e the sons of Ya9ob ere 8oin8 on the road& they re5ented of hat they had done to Yose5h& and they s5oke to ea9h other& sayin8& We kno that o%r brother Yose5h ent do n to E8y5t& and no e i,, seek him here e 8o& and if e find him e i,, take him from his master for a ransom& and if not& by for9e& and e i,, die for him+ > And the sons of Ya9ob a8reed to this thin8 and stren8thened themse,ves on a99o%nt of Yose5h& to de,iver him from the hand of his master& and the sons of Ya9ob ent to E8y5tJ and hen they 9ame near to E8y5t they se5arated from ea9h other& and they 9ame thro%8h ten 8ates of E8y5t& and the 8ate kee5ers rote their names on that day& and bro%8ht them to Yose5h in the evenin8+ / And Yose5h read the names from the hand of the 8ate$kee5ers of the 9ity& and he fo%nd that his brethren had entered at the ten 8ates of the 9ity& and Yose5h at that time 9ommanded that it sho%,d be 5ro9,aimed thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5t& sayin8& A ?o forth a,, ye store 8%ards& 9,ose a,, the 9orn stores and ,et on,y one remain o5en& that those ho 9ome may 5%r9hase from it+ '( And a,, the offi9ers of Yose5h did so at that time& and they 9,osed a,, the stores and ,eft on,y one o5en+ '' And Yose5h 8ave the ritten names of his brethren to him that as set over the o5en store& and he said %nto him& Whosoever sha,, 9ome to yo% to b%y 9orn& ask his name& and hen men of these names sha,, 9ome before yo%& seiFe them and send them& and they did so+ '. And hen the sons of Ya9ob 9ame into the 9ity& they Goined to8ether in the 9ity to seek Yose5h before they bo%8ht themse,ves 9orn+ '* And they ent to the a,,s of the har,ots& and they so%8ht Yose5h in the a,,s of the har,ots for three days& for they tho%8ht that Yose5h o%,d 9ome in the a,,s of the har,ots& for Yose5h as very 9ome,y and e,, favored& and the sons of Ya9ob so%8ht Yose5h for three days& and they 9o%,d not find him+ ': And the man ho as set over the o5en store so%8ht for those names hi9h Yose5h had 8iven him& and he did not find them+ '; And he sent to Yose5h& sayin8& 2hese three days have 5assed& and those men hose names yo% didst 8ive %nto me have not 9omeJ and Yose5h sent servants to seek the men in a,, E8y5t& and to brin8 them '.A

before Yose5h+ '= And Yose5h@s servants ent and 9ame into E8y5t and 9o%,d not find them& and ent to ?oshen and they ere not there& and then ent to the 9ity of Rameses and 9o%,d not find them+ '> And Yose5h 9ontin%ed to send siBteen servants to seek his brothers& and they ent and s5read themse,ves in the fo%r 9orners of the 9ity& and fo%r of the servants ent into the ho%se of the har,ots& and they fo%nd the ten men there seekin8 their brother+ '/ And those fo%r men took them and bro%8ht them before him& and they bo ed do n to him to the 8ro%nd& and Yose5h as sittin8 %5on his throne in his tem5,e& 9,othed ith 5rin9e,y 8arments& and %5on his head as a ,ar8e 9ro n of 8o,d& and a,, the mi8hty men ere sittin8 aro%nd him+ 'A And the sons of Ya9ob sa Yose5h& and his fi8%re and 9ome,iness and di8nity of 9o%ntenan9e seemed onderf%, in their eyes& and they a8ain bo ed do n to him to the 8ro%nd+ .( And Yose5h sa his brethren& and he kne them& b%t they kne him not& for Yose5h as very 8reat in their eyes& therefore they kne him not+ .' And Yose5h s5oke to them& sayin8& 3rom hen9e 9ome ye# and they a,, ans ered and said& Yo%r servants have 9ome from the ,and of 0anaan to b%y 9orn& for the famine 5revai,s thro%8ho%t the earth& and yo%r servants heard that there as 9orn in E8y5t& so they have 9ome amon8st the other 9omers to b%y 9orn for their s%55ort+ .. And Yose5h ans ered them& sayin8& "f yo% have 9ome to 5%r9hase as yo% say& hy do yo% 9ome thro%8h ten 8ates of the 9ity# it 9an on,y be that yo% have 9ome to s5y thro%8h the ,and+ .* And they a,, to8ether ans ered Yose5h& and said& Not so my ,ord& e are ri8ht& yo%r servants are not s5ies& b%t e have 9ome to b%y 9orn& for yo%r servants are a,, brothers& the sons of one man in the ,and of 0anaan& and o%r father 9ommanded %s& sayin8& When yo% 9ome to the 9ity do not enter to8ether at one 8ate on a99o%nt of the inhabitants of the ,and+ .: And Yose5h a8ain ans ered them and said& 2hat is the thin8 hi9h " s5oke %nto yo%& yo% have 9ome to s5y thro%8h the ,and& therefore yo% a,, 9ame thro%8h ten 8ates of the 9ityJ yo% have 9ome to see the nakedness of the ,and+ .; S%re,y every one that 9omes to b%y 9orn 8oes his ay& and yo% are a,ready three days in the ,and& and hat do yo% do in the a,,s of har,ots in hi9h yo% have been for these three days# s%re,y s5ies do ,ike %nto these thin8s+ .= And they said %nto Yose5h& 3ar be it from o%r ,ord to s5eak th%s& for e are t e,ve brothers& the sons of o%r father Ya9ob& in the ,and of 0anaan& the son of Yits9haH& the son of Abraham& the Hebre & and beho,d the yo%n8est is ith o%r father this day in the ,and of 0anaan& and one is not& for he as ,ost from %s& and e tho%8ht 5erha5s he mi8ht be in this ,and& so e are seekin8 him thro%8ho%t the ,and& and have 9ome even to the ho%ses of har,ots to seek him there+ .> And Yose5h said %nto them& And have yo% then so%8ht him thro%8ho%t the earth& that there on,y remained E8y5t for yo% to seek him in# And hat a,so sho%,d yo%r brother do in the ho%ses of har,ots& a,tho%8h he ere in E8y5t# have yo% not said& 2hat yo% are from the sons of Yits9haH& the son of Abraham& and hat sha,, the sons of Ya9ob do then in the ho%ses of har,ots# ./ And they said %nto him& Be9a%se e heard that "shmae,ites sto,e him from %s& and it as to,d %nto %s that they so,d him in E8y5t& and yo%r servant& o%r brother& is very 9ome,y and e,, favored& so e tho%8ht he o%,d s%re,y be in the ho%ses of har,ots& therefore yo%r servants ent there to seek him and 8ive ransom for him+ .A And Yose5h sti,, ans ered them& sayin8& S%re,y yo% s5eak fa,se,y and %tter ,ies& to say of yo%rse,ves that yo% are the sons of AbrahamJ as 1haraoh ,ives yo% are s5ies& therefore have yo% 9ome to the ho%ses of har,ots that yo% sho%,d not be kno n+ *( And Yose5h said %nto them& And no if yo% find him& and his master reH%ires of yo% a 8reat 5ri9e& i,, yo% 8ive it for him# and they said& "t sha,, be 8iven+ *' And he said %nto them& And if his master i,, not 9onsent to 5art ith him for a 8reat 5ri9e& hat i,, yo% do %nto him on his a99o%nt# and they ans ered him& sayin8& "f he i,, not 8ive him %nto %s e i,, s,ay him& and take o%r brother and 8o a ay+ '*(

*. And Yose5h said %nto them& 2hat is the thin8 hi9h " have s5oken to yo%J yo% are s5ies& for yo% are 9ome to s,ay the inhabitants of the ,and& for e heard that t o of yo%r brethren smote a,, the inhabitants of She9hem& in the ,and of 0anaan& on a99o%nt of yo%r sister& and yo% no 9ome to do the ,ike in E8y5t on a99o%nt of yo%r brother+ ** <n,y hereby sha,, " kno that yo% are tr%e menJ if yo% i,, send home one from amon8st yo% to fet9h yo%r yo%n8est brother from yo%r father& and to brin8 him here %nto me& and by doin8 this thin8 " i,, kno that yo% are ri8ht+ *: And Yose5h 9a,,ed to seventy of his mi8hty men& and he said %nto them& 2ake these men and brin8 them into the ard+ *; And the mi8hty men took the ten men& they ,aid ho,d of them and 5%t them into the ard& and they ere in the ard three days+ *= And on the third day Yose5h had them bro%8ht o%t of the ard& and he said %nto them& Do this for yo%rse,ves if yo% be tr%e men& so that yo% may ,ive& one of yo%r brethren sha,, be 9onfined in the ard hi,e yo% 8o and take home the 9orn for yo%r ho%seho,d to the ,and of 0anaan& and fet9h yo%r yo%n8est brother& and brin8 him here %nto me& that " may kno that yo% are tr%e men hen yo% do this thin8+ *> And Yose5h ent o%t from them and 9ame into the 9hamber& and e5t a 8reat ee5in8& for his 5ity as eB9ited for them& and he ashed his fa9e& and ret%rned to them a8ain& and he took Simeon from them and ordered him to be bo%nd& b%t Simeon as not i,,in8 to be done so& for he as a very 5o erf%, man and they 9o%,d not bind him+ */ And Yose5h 9a,,ed %nto his mi8hty men and seventy va,iant men 9ame before him ith dra n s ords in their hands& and the sons of Ya9ob ere terrified at them+ *A And Yose5h said %nto them& SeiFe this man and 9onfine him in 5rison %nti, his brethren 9ome to him& and Yose5h@s va,iant men hastened and they a,, ,aid ho,d of Simeon to bind him& and Simeon 8ave a ,o%d and terrib,e shriek and the 9ry as heard at a distan9e+ :( And a,, the va,iant men of Yose5h ere terrified at the so%nd of the shriek& that they fe,, %5on their fa9es& and they ere 8reat,y afraid and f,ed+ :' And a,, the men that ere ith Yose5h f,ed& for they ere 8reat,y afraid of their ,ives& and on,y Yose5h and 7anasseh his son remained there& and 7anassah the son of Yose5h sa the stren8th of Simeon& and he as eB9eedin8,y roth+ :. And 7anassah the son of Yose5h rose %5 to Simeon& and 7anassah smote Simeon a heavy b,o ith his fist a8ainst the ba9k of his ne9k& and Simeon as sti,,ed of his ra8e+ :* And 7anassah ,aid ho,d of Simeon and he seiFed him vio,ent,y and he bo%nd him and bro%8ht him into the ho%se of 9onfinement& and a,, the sons of Ya9ob ere astonished at the a9t of the yo%th+ :: And Simeon said %nto his brethren& None of yo% m%st say that this is the smitin8 of an E8y5tian& b%t it is the smitin8 of the ho%se of my father+ :; And after this Yose5h ordered him to be 9a,,ed ho as set over the storeho%se& to fi,, their sa9ks ith 9orn as m%9h as they 9o%,d 9arry& and to restore every man@s money into his sa9k& and to 8ive them 5rovision for the road& and th%s did he %nto them+ := And Yose5h 9ommanded them& sayin8& 2ake heed ,est yo% trans8ress my orders to brin8 yo%r brother as " have to,d yo%& and it sha,, be hen yo% brin8 yo%r brother hither %nto me& then i,, " kno that yo% are tr%e men& and yo% sha,, traffi9 in the ,and& and " i,, restore %nto yo% yo%r brother& and yo% sha,, ret%rn in 5ea9e to yo%r father+ :> And they a,, ans ered and said& A99ordin8 as o%r ,ord s5eaks so i,, e do& and they bo ed do n to him to the 8ro%nd+ :/ And every man ,ifted his 9orn %5on his ass& and they ent o%t to 8o to the ,and of 0anaan to their fatherJ and they 9ame to the inn and Cevi s5read his sa9k to 8ive 5rovender to his ass& hen he sa and beho,d his money in f%,, ei8ht as sti,, in his sa9k+ :A And the man as 8reat,y afraid& and he said %nto his brethren& 7y money is restored& and ,o& it is even in my sa9k& and the men ere 8reat,y afraid& and they said& What is this that YAHWEH hath done %nto %s# ;( And they a,, said& And here is YAHWEH@s kindness ith o%r fathers& ith Abraham& Yits9haH& end '*'

Ya9ob& that YAHWEH has this day de,ivered %s into the hands of the kin8 of E8y5t to 9ontrive a8ainst %s# ;' And Yah%dah said %nto them& S%re,y e are 8%i,ty sinners before YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y in havin8 so,d o%r brother& o%r o n f,esh& and herefore do yo% say& Where is YAHWEH@s kindness ith o%r fathers# ;. And Re%ben said %nto them& Said " not %nto yo%& do not sin a8ainst the ,ad& and yo% o%,d not ,isten to me# no YAHWEH reH%ires him from %s& and ho dare yo% say& Where is YAHWEH@s kindness ith o%r fathers& hi,e yo% have sinned %nto YAHWEH# ;* And they tarried over ni8ht in that 5,a9e& and they rose %5 ear,y in the mornin8 and ,aded their asses ith their 9orn& and they ,ed them and ent on and 9ame to their father@s ho%se in the ,and of 0anaan+ ;: And Ya9ob and his ho%seho,d ent o%t to meet his sons& and Ya9ob sa and beho,d their brother Simeon as not ith them& and Ya9ob said %nto his sons& Where is yo%r brother Simeon& hom " do not see# and his sons to,d him a,, that had befa,,en them in E8y5t+ 5 YACOB'S SORROW
0HA12ER ;.$$Ya9ob@s sorro at the absen9e of SimeonJ Ref%ses to ,et BenGamin 8o+ B%t hen he and his Ho%seho,d be9ome 5in9hed ith h%n8er& Yah%dah 5,eads for BenGamin+ 2e,,s his 3ather of the 8reat s5,endor and A%thority of the ?overnor of E8y5t and offers himse,f as Se9%rity for his Yo%n8er Brother+ Ya9ob 9onsents and sends his Sons a8ain to E8y5t ith a 9on9i,iatory Cetter and 1resent to the ?overnor+

' And they entered their ho%se& and every man o5ened his sa9k and they sa and beho,d every man@s b%nd,e of money as there& at hi9h they and their father ere 8reat,y terrified+ . And Ya9ob said %nto them& What is this that yo% have done to me# " sent yo%r brother Yose5h to inH%ire after yo%r e,fare and yo% said %nto me+ A i,d beast did devo%r him+ * And Simeon ent ith yo% to b%y food and yo% say the kin8 of E8y5t hath 9onfined him in 5rison& and yo% ish to take BenGamin to 9a%se his death a,so& and brin8 do n my 8rey hairs ith sorro to the 8rave on a99o%nt of BenGamin and his brother Yose5h+ : No therefore my son sha,, not 8o do n ith yo%& for his brother is dead and he is ,eft a,one& and mis9hief may befa,, him by the ay in hi9h yo% 8o& as it befe,, his brother+ ; And Re%ben said %nto his father& Yo% sha,, s,ay my t o sons if " do not brin8 yo%r son and 5,a9e him before yo%J and Ya9ob said %nto his sons& Abide ye here and do not 8o do n to E8y5t& for my son sha,, not 8o do n ith yo% to E8y5t& nor die ,ike his brother+ = And Yah%dah said %nto them& refrain ye from him %nti, the 9orn is finished& and he i,, then say& 2ake do n yo%r brother& hen he i,, find his o n ,ife and the ,ife of his ho%seho,d in dan8er from the famine+ > And in those days the famine as sore thro%8ho%t the ,and& and a,, the 5eo5,e of the earth ent and 9ame to E8y5t to b%y food& for the famine 5revai,ed 8reat,y amon8st them& and the sons of Ya9ob remained in 0anaan a year and t o months %nti, their 9orn as finished+ / And it 9ame to 5ass after their 9orn as finished& the ho,e ho%seho,d of Ya9ob as 5in9hed ith h%n8er& and a,, the infants of the sons of Ya9ob 9ame to8ether and they a55roa9hed Ya9ob& and they a,, s%rro%nded him& and they said %nto him& ?ive %nto %s bread& and herefore sha,, e a,, 5erish thro%8h h%n8er in yo%r 5resen9e# A Ya9ob heard the ords of his son@s 9hi,dren& and he e5t a 8reat ee5in8& and his 5ity as ro%sed for them& and Ya9ob 9a,,ed %nto his sons and they a,, 9ame and sat before him+ '( And Ya9ob said %nto them& And have yo% not seen ho yo%r 9hi,dren have been ee5in8 over me this day& sayin8& ?ive %nto %s bread& and there is none# no therefore ret%rn and b%y for %s a ,itt,e food+ '' And Yah%dah ans ered and said %nto his father& "f yo% i,t send o%r brother ith %s e i,, 8o do n and b%y 9orn for yo%& and if yo% i,t not send him then e i,, not 8o do n& for s%re,y the kin8 of E8y5t 5arti9%,ar,y enGoined %s& sayin8& Yo% sha,, not see my fa9e %n,ess yo%r brother be ith yo%& for the kin8 of E8y5t is a stron8 and mi8hty kin8& and beho,d if e sha,, 8o to him itho%t o%r brother e sha,, a,, be 5%t to death+ '. Dost yo% not kno and hast yo% not heard that this kin8 is very 5o erf%, and ise& and there is not ,ike %nto him in a,, the earth# beho,d e have seen a,, the kin8s of the earth and e have not seen one ,ike that '*.

kin8& the kin8 of E8y5tJ s%re,y amon8st a,, the kin8s of the earth there is none 8reater than Abime,e9h kin8 of the 1hi,istines& yet the kin8 of E8y5t is 8reater and mi8htier than he& and Abime,e9h 9an on,y be 9om5ared to one of his offi9ers+ '* 3ather& yo% hast not seen his 5a,a9e and his throne& and a,, his servants standin8 before himJ yo% hast not seen that kin8 %5on his throne in his 5om5 and roya, a55earan9e& dressed in his kin8,y robes ith a ,ar8e 8o,den 9ro n %5on his headJ yo% hast not seen the honor and s5,endor hi9h YAHWEH has 8iven %nto him& for there is not ,ike %nto him in a,, the earth+ ': 3ather& yo% hast not seen the isdom& the %nderstandin8 and the kno ,ed8e hi9h YAHWEH has 8iven in his heart& nor heard his s eet voi9e hen he s5ake %nto %s+ '; We kno not& father& ho made him a9H%ainted ith o%r names and a,, that befe,, %s& yet he asked a,so after yo%& sayin8& "s yo%r father sti,, ,ivin8& and is it e,, ith him# '= Yo% hast not seen the affairs of the 8overnment of E8y5t re8%,ated by him& itho%t inH%irin8 of 1haraoh his ,ordJ yo% hast not seen the a e and fear hi9h he im5ressed %5on a,, the E8y5tians+ '> And a,so hen e ent from him& e threatened to do %nto E8y5t ,ike %nto the rest of the 9ities of the Amorites& and e ere eB9eedin8,y roth a8ainst a,, his ords hi9h he s5oke 9on9ernin8 %s as s5ies& and no hen e sha,, a8ain 9ome before him his terror i,, fa,, %5on %s a,,& and not one of %s i,, be ab,e to s5eak to him either a ,itt,e or a 8reat thin8+ '/ No therefore father& send e 5ray yo% the ,ad ith %s& and e i,, 8o do n and b%y yo% food for o%r s%55ort& and not die thro%8h h%n8er+ And Ya9ob said& Why have yo% dea,t so i,, ith me to te,, the kin8 yo% had a brother# hat is this thin8 that yo% have done %nto me# 'A And Yah%dah said %nto Ya9ob his father& ?ive the ,ad into my 9are and e i,, rise %5 and 8o do n to E8y5t and b%y 9orn& and then ret%rn& and it sha,, be hen e ret%rn if the ,ad be not ith %s& then ,et me bear yo%r b,ame forever+ .( Hast yo% seen a,, o%r infants ee5in8 over yo% thro%8h h%n8er and there is no 5o er in yo%r hand to satisfy them# no ,et yo%r 5ity be ro%sed for them and send o%r brother ith %s and e i,, 8o+ .' 3or ho i,, YAHWEH@s kindness to o%r an9estors be manifested to yo% hen yo% sayest that the kin8 of E8y5t i,, take a ay yo%r son# as YAHWEH ,ives " i,, not ,eave him %nti, " brin8 him and 5,a9e him before yo%J b%t 5ray for %s %nto YAHWEH& that he may dea, kind,y ith %s& to 9a%se %s to be re9eived favorab,y and kind,y before the kin8 of E8y5t and his men& for had e not de,ayed s%re,y no e had ret%rned a se9ond time ith yo%r son+ .. And Ya9ob said %nto his sons& " tr%st in YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y that he may de,iver yo% and 8ive yo% favor in the si8ht of the kin8 of E8y5t& and in the si8ht of a,, his men+ .* No therefore rise %5 and 8o to the man& and take for him in yo%r hands a 5resent from hat 9an be obtained in the ,and and brin8 it before him& and may the A,mi8hty YAHWEH 8ive yo% mer9y before him that he may send BenGamin and Simeon yo%r brethren ith yo%+ .: And a,, the men rose %5& and they took their brother BenGamin& and they took in their hands a ,ar8e 5resent of the best of the ,and& and they a,so took a do%b,e 5ortion of si,ver+ .; And Ya9ob stri9t,y 9ommanded his sons 9on9ernin8 BenGamin& Sayin8& 2ake heed of him in the ay in hi9h yo% are 8oin8& and do not se5arate yo%rse,ves from him in the road& neither in E8y5t+ .= And Ya9ob rose %5 from his sons and s5read forth his hands and he 5rayed %nto YAHWEH on a99o%nt of his sons& sayin8& < YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of heaven and earth& remember yo%r 9ovenant ith o%r father Abraham& remember it ith my father Yits9haH and dea, kind,y ith my sons and de,iver them not into the hands of the kin8 of E8y5tJ do it " 5ray yo% < YAHWEH for the sake of yo%r mer9ies and redeem a,, my 9hi,dren and res9%e them from E8y5tian 5o er& and send them their t o brothers+ .> And a,, the ives of the sons of Ya9ob and their 9hi,dren ,ifted %5 their eyes to heaven and they a,, e5t before YAHWEH& and 9ried %nto him to de,iver their fathers from the hand of the kin8 of E8y5t+ ./ And Ya9ob rote a re9ord to the kin8 of E8y5t and 8ave it into the hand of Yah%dah and into the hands of his sons for the kin8 of E8y5t& sayin8& .A 3rom yo%r servant Ya9ob& son of Yits9haH& son of Abraham the Hebre & the 5rin9e of YAHWEH& to the 5o erf%, and ise kin8& the revea,er of se9rets& kin8 of E8y5t& 8reetin8+ '**

*( Be it kno n to my ,ord the kin8 of E8y5t& the famine as sore %5on %s in the ,and of 0anaan& and " sent my sons to yo% to b%y %s a ,itt,e food from yo% for o%r s%55ort+ *' 3or my sons s%rro%nded me and " bein8 very o,d 9annot see ith my eyes& for my eyes have be9ome very heavy thro%8h a8e& as e,, as ith dai,y ee5in8 for my son& for Yose5h ho as ,ost from before me& and " 9ommanded my sons that they sho%,d not enter the 8ates of the 9ity hen they 9ame to E8y5t& on a99o%nt of the inhabitants of the ,and+ *. And " a,so 9ommanded them to 8o abo%t E8y5t to seek for my son Yose5h& 5erha5s they mi8ht find him there& and they did so& and yo% didst 9onsider them as s5ies of the ,and+ ** Have e not heard 9on9ernin8 yo% that yo% didst inter5ret 1haraoh@s dream and didst s5eak tr%,y %nto him# ho then dost yo% not kno in yo%r isdom hether my sons are s5ies or not# *: No therefore& my ,ord and kin8& beho,d " have sent my son before yo%& as yo% didst s5eak %nto my sonsJ " besee9h yo% to 5%t yo%r eyes %5on him %nti, he is ret%rned to me in 5ea9e ith his brethren+ *; 3or dost yo% not kno & or hast yo% not heard that hi9h o%r YAHWEH did %nto 1haraoh hen he took my mother Sarah& and hat he did %nto Abime,e9h kin8 of the 1hi,istines on a99o%nt of her& and a,so hat o%r father Abraham did %nto the nine kin8s of E,am& ho he smote them a,, ith a fe men that ere ith him# *= And a,so hat my t o sons Simeon and Cevi did %nto the ei8ht 9ities of the Amorites& ho they destroyed them on a99o%nt of their sister Dinah# *> And a,so on a99o%nt of their brother BenGamin they 9onso,ed themse,ves for the ,oss of his brother Yose5hJ hat i,, they then do for him hen they see the hand of any 5eo5,e 5revai,in8 over them& for his sake# */ Dost yo% not kno & < kin8 of E8y5t& that the 5o er of YAHWEH is ith %s& and that a,so YAHWEH ever hears o%r 5rayers and forsakes %s not a,, the days# *A And hen my sons to,d me of yo%r dea,in8s ith them& " 9a,,ed not %nto YAHWEH on a99o%nt of yo%& for then yo% o%,dst have 5erished ith yo%r men before my son BenGamin 9ame before yo%& b%t " tho%8ht that as Simeon my son as in yo%r ho%se& 5erha5s yo% mi8htest dea, kind,y ith him& therefore " did not this thin8 %nto yo%+ :( No therefore beho,d BenGamin my son 9omes %nto yo% ith my sons& take heed of him and 5%t yo%r eyes %5on him& and then i,, YAHWEH 5,a9e his eyes over yo% and thro%8ho%t yo%r kin8dom+ :' No " have to,d yo% a,, that is in my heart& and beho,d my sons are 9omin8 to yo% ith their brother& eBamine the fa9e of the ho,e earth for their sake and send them ba9k in 5ea9e ith their brethren+ :. And Ya9ob 8ave the re9ord to his sons into the 9are of Yah%dah to 8ive it %nto the kin8 of E8y5t+


Secion 6 5" SECOND TRI$ TO EGY$T

0HA12ER ;*$$Ya9ob@s Sons a8ain 8o to E8y5t for Bread+ BenGamin is 5resented before Yose5h+ Yose5h@s 0%5+ Yose5h@s 9ond%9t to ards BenGamin by hi9h he makes himse,f kno n to him+ Reso,ves to 5rove his Brethren by takin8 a ay BenGamin from them& and 5%ts his 0%5 in BenGamin@s sa9k of 9orn and sends them Home to their 3ather+ An <ffi9er is sent after them ho a99%ses them of 5%r,oinin8 his 7aster@s 0%5+ Brin8s them ba9k to Yose5h+ BenGamin is taken from them by for9e& and they are to,d to 8o on their ay+

' And the sons of Ya9ob rose %5 and took BenGamin and the ho,e of the 5resents& and they ent and 9ame to E8y5t and they stood before Yose5h+ . And Yose5h behe,d his brother BenGamin ith them and he sa,%ted them& and these men 9ame to Yose5h@s ho%se+ * And Yose5h 9ommanded the s%5erintendent of his ho%se to 8ive to his brethren to eat& and he did so %nto them+ : And at noon time Yose5h sent for the men to 9ome before him ith BenGamin& and the men to,d the s%5erintendent of Yose5h@s ho%se 9on9ernin8 the si,ver that as ret%rned in their sa9ks& and he said %nto them& "t i,, be e,, ith yo%& fear not& and he bro%8ht their brother Simeon %nto them+ ; And Simeon said %nto his brethren& 2he ,ord of the E8y5tians has a9ted very kind,y %nto me& he did not kee5 me bo%nd& as yo% sa ith yo%r eyes& for hen yo% ent o%t from the 9ity he ,et me free and dea,t kind,y ith me in his ho%se+ = And Yah%dah took BenGamin by the hand& and they 9ame before Yose5h& and they bo ed do n to him to the 8ro%nd+ > And the men 8ave the 5resent %nto Yose5h and they a,, sat before him& and Yose5h said %nto them& "s it e,, ith yo%& is it e,, ith yo%r 9hi,dren& is it e,, ith yo%r a8ed father# and they said& "t is e,,& and Yah%dah took the re9ord hi9h Ya9ob had sent and 8ave it into the hand of Yose5h+ / And Yose5h read the ,etter and kne his father@s ritin8& and he ished to ee5 and he ent into an inner room and he e5t a 8reat ee5in8J and he ent o%t+ A And he ,ifted %5 his eyes and behe,d his brother BenGamin& and he said& "s this yo%r brother of hom yo% s5oke %nto me# And BenGamin a55roa9hed Yose5h& and Yose5h 5,a9ed his hand %5on his head and he said %nto him& 7ay YAHWEH be 8ra9io%s %nto yo% my son+ '( And hen Yose5h sa his brother& the son of his mother& he a8ain ished to ee5& and he entered the 9hamber& and he e5t there& and he ashed his fa9e& and ent o%t and refrained from ee5in8& and he said& 1re5are food+ '' And Yose5h had a 9%5 from hi9h he drank& and it as of si,ver bea%tif%,,y in,aid ith onyB stones and bde,,i%m& and Yose5h str%9k the 9%5 in the si8ht of his brethren hi,e they ere sittin8 to eat ith him+ '. And Yose5h said %nto the men& " kno by this 9%5 that Re%ben the first born& Simeon and Cevi and Yah%dah& "ssa9har and Ieb%,%n are 9hi,dren from one mother& seat yo%rse,ves to eat a99ordin8 to yo%r births+ '* And he a,so 5,a9ed the others a99ordin8 to their births& and he said& " kno that this yo%r yo%n8est brother has no brother& and "& ,ike him& have no brother& he sha,, therefore sit do n to eat ith me+ ': And BenGamin ent %5 before Yose5h and sat %5on the throne& and the men behe,d the a9ts of Yose5h& and they ere astonished at themJ and the men ate and drank at that time ith Yose5h& and he then 8ave 5resents %nto them& and Yose5h 8ave one 8ift %nto BenGamin& and 7anasseh and E5hraim sa the a9ts of their father& and they a,so 8ave 5resents %nto him& and <snath 8ave him one 5resent& and they ere five 5resents in the hand of BenGamin+ '; And Yose5h bro%8ht them o%t ine to drink& and they o%,d not drink& and they said& 3rom the day on hi9h Yose5h as ,ost e have not dr%nk ine& nor eaten any de,i9a9ies+ '= And Yose5h s ore %nto them& and he 5ressed them hard& and they drank 5,entif%,,y ith him on that day& and Yose5h after ard t%rned to his brother BenGamin to s5eak ith him& and BenGamin as sti,, sittin8 '*;

%5on the throne before Yose5h+ '> And Yose5h said %nto him& Hast yo% be8otten any 9hi,dren# and he said& Yo%r servant has ten sons& and these are their names& Be,a& Be9her& Ashba,& ?era& Naaman& A9hi& Rosh& 7%5im& 0h%5im& and <rd& and " 9a,,ed their names after my brother hom " have not seen+ '/ And he ordered them to brin8 before him his ma5 of the stars& hereby Yose5h kne a,, the times& and Yose5h said %nto BenGamin& " have heard that the Hebre s are a9H%ainted ith a,, isdom& dost yo% kno anythin8 of this# 'A And BenGamin said& Yo%r servant is kno in8 a,so in a,, the isdom hi9h my father ta%8ht me& and Yose5h said %nto BenGamin& Cook no at this instr%ment and %nderstand here yo%r brother Yose5h is in E8y5t& ho yo% said ent do n to E8y5t+ .( And BenGamin behe,d that instr%ment ith the ma5 of the stars of heaven& and he as ise and ,ooked therein to kno here his brother as& and BenGamin divided the ho,e ,and of E8y5t into fo%r divisions& and he fo%nd that he ho as sittin8 %5on the throne before him as his brother Yose5h& and BenGamin ondered 8reat,y& and hen Yose5h sa that his brother BenGamin as so m%9h astonished& he said %nto BenGamin& What hast yo% seen& and hy are yo% astonished# .' And BenGamin said %nto Yose5h& " 9an see by this that Yose5h my brother sits here ith me %5on the throne& and Yose5h said %nto him& " am Yose5h yo%r brother& revea, not this thin8 %nto yo%r brethrenJ beho,d " i,, send yo% ith them hen they 8o a ay& and " i,, 9ommand them to be bro%8ht ba9k a8ain into the 9ity& and " i,, take yo% a ay from them+ .. And if they dare their ,ives and fi8ht for yo%& then sha,, " kno that they have re5ented of hat they did %nto me& and " i,, make myse,f kno n to them& and if they forsake yo% hen " take yo%& then sha,, yo% remain ith me& and " i,, ran8,e ith them& and they sha,, 8o a ay& and " i,, not be9ome kno n to them+ .* At that time Yose5h 9ommanded his offi9er to fi,, their sa9ks ith food& and to 5%t ea9h man@s money into his sa9k& and to 5%t the 9%5 in the sa9k of BenGamin& and to 8ive them 5rovision for the road& and they did so %nto them+ .: And on the neBt day the men rose %5 ear,y in the mornin8& and they ,oaded their asses ith their 9orn& and they ent forth ith BenGamin& and they ent to the ,and of 0anaan ith their brother BenGamin+ .; 2hey had not 8one far from E8y5t hen Yose5h 9ommanded him that as set over his ho%se& sayin8& Rise& 5%rs%e these men before they 8et too far from E8y5t& and say %nto them& Why have yo% sto,en my master@s 9%5# .= And Yose5h@s offi9er rose %5 and he rea9hed them& and he s5oke %nto them a,, the ords of Yose5hJ and hen they heard this thin8 they be9ame eB9eedin8,y roth& and they said& He ith hom yo%r master@s 9%5 sha,, be fo%nd sha,, die& and e i,, a,so be9ome s,aves+ .> And they hastened and ea9h man bro%8ht do n his sa9k from his ass& and they ,ooked in their ba8s and the 9%5 as fo%nd in BenGamin@s ba8& and they a,, tore their 8arments and they ret%rned to the 9ity& and they smote BenGamin in the road& 9ontin%a,,y smitin8 him %nti, he 9ame into the 9ity& and they stood before Yose5h+ ./ And Yah%dah@s an8er as kind,ed& and he said& 2his man has on,y bro%8ht me ba9k to destroy E8y5t this day+ .A And the men 9ame to Yose5h@s ho%se& and they fo%nd Yose5h sittin8 %5on his throne& and a,, the mi8hty men standin8 at his ri8ht and ,eft+ *( And Yose5h said %nto them& What is this a9t that yo% have done& that yo% took a ay my si,ver 9%5 and ent a ay# b%t " kno that yo% took my 9%5 in order to kno thereby in hat 5art of the ,and yo%r brother as+ *' And Yah%dah said& What sha,, e say to o%r ,ord& hat sha,, e s5eak and ho sha,, e G%stify o%rse,ves& YAHWEH has this day fo%nd the iniH%ity of a,, yo%r servants& therefore has he done this thin8 to %s this day+ *. And Yose5h rose %5 and 9a%8ht ho,d of BenGamin and took him from his brethren ith vio,en9e& and he 9ame to the ho%se and ,o9ked the door at them& and Yose5h 9ommanded him that as set over his ho%se '*=

that he sho%,d say %nto them& 2h%s saith the kin8& ?o in 5ea9e to yo%r father& beho,d " have taken the man in hose hand my 9%5 as fo%nd+ 5# YAHUDAH'S ANGER
0HA12ER ;:$$Yah%dah breaks thro%8h the Door to 8et to Yose5h and BenGamin+ He re9o%nts the many 7i8hty Deeds of his Brethren and threatens to destroy a,, E8y5t if BenGamin be not re,eased+ Yose5h ran8,es ith his Brethren and a99%ses them of Se,,in8 their Brother+ 2hey 9ommen9e to ar %5on the E8y5tians& and fri8hten the ho,e Cand+ After satisfyin8 himse,f of their re5entan9e for se,,in8 their Brother& Yose5h makes himse,f kno n to them& and besto s 5resents %5on them+ 2hey are 5resented before 1haraoh& ho 9ommands Yose5h to brin8 a,, his 3ather@s Ho%seho,d Do n to E8y5t+ He sends 0hariots for this 1%r5ose& ,aden ith 1resents& C%B%ries and 0,othin8+ Ya9ob@s Goy on Cearnin8 that Yose5h is sti,, A,ive+

' And hen Yah%dah sa the dea,in8s of Yose5h ith them& Yah%dah a55roa9hed him and broke o5en the door& and 9ame ith his brethren before Yose5h+ . And Yah%dah said %nto Yose5h& Cet it not seem 8rievo%s in the si8ht of my ,ord& may yo%r servant " 5ray yo% s5eak a ord before yo%# and Yose5h said %nto him& S5eak+ * And Yah%dah s5oke before Yose5h& and his brethren ere there standin8 before themJ and Yah%dah said %nto Yose5h& S%re,y hen e first 9ame to o%r ,ord to b%y food& yo% didst 9onsider %s as s5ies of the ,and& and e bro%8ht BenGamin before yo%& and yo% sti,, make s5ort of %s this day+ : No therefore ,et the kin8 hear my ords& and send " 5ray yo% o%r brother that he may 8o a,on8 ith %s to o%r father& ,est yo%r so%, 5erish this day ith a,, the so%,s of the inhabitants of E8y5t+ ; Dost yo% not kno hat t o of my brethren& Simeon and Cevi& did %nto the 9ity of She9hem& and %nto seven 9ities of the Amorites& on a99o%nt of o%r sister Dinah& and a,so hat they o%,d do for the sake of their brother BenGamin# = And " ith my stren8th& ho am 8reater and mi8htier than both of them& 9ome this day %5on yo% and yo%r ,and if yo% are %n i,,in8 to send o%r brother+ > Hast yo% not heard hat YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y ho made 9hoi9e of %s did %nto 1haraoh on a99o%nt of Sarah o%r mother& hom he took a ay from o%r father& that he smote him and his ho%seho,d ith heavy 5,a8%es& that even %nto this day the E8y5tians re,ate this onder to ea9h other# so i,, o%r YAHWEH do %nto yo% on a99o%nt of BenGamin hom yo% hast this day taken from his father& and on a99o%nt of the evi,s hi9h yo% this day hea5 over %s in yo%r ,andJ for o%r YAHWEH i,, remember his 9ovenant ith o%r father Abraham and brin8 evi, %5on yo%& be9a%se yo% hast 8rieved the so%, of o%r father this day+ / No therefore hear my ords that " have this day s5oken %nto yo%& and send o%r brother that he may 8o a ay ,est yo% and the 5eo5,e of yo%r ,and die by the s ord& for yo% 9annot a,, 5revai, over me+ A And Yose5h ans ered Yah%dah& sayin8& Why hast yo% o5ened ide yo%r mo%th and hy dost yo% boast over %s& sayin8& Stren8th is ith yo%# as 1haraoh ,iveth& if " 9ommand a,, my va,iant men to fi8ht ith yo%& s%re,y yo% and these yo%r brethren o%,d sink in the mire+ '( And Yah%dah said %nto Yose5h& S%re,y it be9omes yo% and yo%r 5eo5,e to fear meJ as YAHWEH ,ives if " on9e dra my s ord " sha,, not sheathe it a8ain %nti, " sha,, this day have s,ain a,, E8y5t& and " i,, 9ommen9e ith yo% and finish ith 1haraoh yo%r master+ '' And Yose5h ans ered and said %nto him& S%re,y stren8th be,on8s not a,one to yo%J " am stron8er and mi8htier than yo%& s%re,y if yo% dra yo%r s ord " i,, 5%t it to yo%r ne9k and the ne9ks of a,, yo%r brethren+ '. And Yah%dah said %nto him& S%re,y if " this day o5en my mo%th a8ainst yo% " o%,d s a,,o yo% %5 that yo% be destroyed from off the earth and 5erish this day from yo%r kin8dom+ And Yose5h said& S%re,y if yo% o5en yo%r mo%th " have 5o er and mi8ht to 9,ose yo%r mo%th ith a stone %nti, yo% sha,, not be ab,e to %tter a ordJ see ho many stones are before %s& tr%,y " 9an take a stone& and for9e it into yo%r mo%th and break yo%r Ga s+ '* And Yah%dah said& YAHWEH is itness bet een %s& that e have not hitherto desired to batt,e ith yo%& on,y 8ive %s o%r brother and e i,, 8o from yo%J and Yose5h ans ered and said& As 1haraoh ,iveth& '*>

if a,, the kin8s of 0anaan 9ame to8ether ith yo%& yo% sho%,d not take him from my hand+ ': No therefore 8o yo%r ay to yo%r father& and yo%r brother sha,, be %nto me for a s,ave& for he has robbed the kin8@s ho%se+ And Yah%dah said& What is it to yo% or to the 9hara9ter of the kin8& s%re,y the kin8 sends forth from his ho%se& thro%8ho%t the ,and& si,ver and 8o,d either in 8ifts or eB5enses& and yo% sti,, ta,k abo%t yo%r 9%5 hi9h yo% didst 5,a9e in o%r brother@s ba8 and saye that he has sto,en it from yo%# '; YAHWEH forbid that o%r brother BenGamin or any of the seed of Abraham sho%,d do this thin8 to stea, from yo%& or from any one e,se& hether kin8& 5rin9e& or any man+ '= No therefore 9ease this a99%sation ,est the ho,e earth hear yo%r ords& sayin8& 3or a ,itt,e si,ver the kin8 of E8y5t ran8,ed ith the men& and he a99%sed them and took their brother for a s,ave+ '> And Yose5h ans ered and said& 2ake %nto yo% this 9%5 and 8o from me and ,eave yo%r brother for a s,ave& for it is the G%d8ment of a thief to be a s,ave+ '/ And Yah%dah said& Why are yo% not ashamed of yo%r ords& to ,eave o%r brother and to take yo%r 9%5# S%re,y if yo% 8ive %s yo%r 9%5& or a tho%sand times as m%9h& e i,, not ,eave o%r brother for the si,ver hi9h is fo%nd in the hand of any man& that e i,, not die over him+ 'A And Yose5h ans ered& And hy did yo% forsake yo%r brother and se,, him for t enty 5ie9es of si,ver %nto this day& and hy then i,, yo% not do the same to this yo%r brother# .( And Yah%dah said& YAHWEH is itness bet een me and yo% that e desire not yo%r batt,esJ no therefore 8ive %s o%r brother and e i,, 8o from yo% itho%t H%arre,in8+ .' And Yose5h ans ered and said& "f a,, the kin8s of the ,and sho%,d assemb,e they i,, not be ab,e to take yo%r brother from my handJ and Yah%dah said& What sha,, e say %nto o%r father& hen he sees that o%r brother 9omes not ith %s& and i,, 8rieve over him# .. And Yose5h ans ered and said& 2his is the thin8 hi9h yo% sha,, te,, %nto yo%r father& sayin8& 2he ro5e has 8one after the b%9ket+ .* And Yah%dah said& S%re,y yo% are a kin8& and hy s5eak yo% these thin8s& 8ivin8 a fa,se G%d8ment# oe %nto the kin8 ho is ,ike %nto yo%+ .: And Yose5h ans ered and said& 2here is no fa,se G%d8ment in the ord that " s5oke on a99o%nt of yo%r brother Yose5h& for a,, of yo% so,d him to the 7idianites for t enty 5ie9es of si,ver& and yo% a,, denied it to yo%r father and said %nto him& An evi, beast has devo%red him& Yose5h has been torn to 5ie9es+ .; And Yah%dah said& Beho,d the fire of Shem b%rns in my heart& no " i,, b%rn a,, yo%r ,and ith fireJ and Yose5h ans ered and said& S%re,y yo%r sister$in$,a 2amar& ho ki,,ed yo%r sons& eBtin8%ished the fire of She9hem+ .= And Yah%dah said& "f " 5,%9k o%t a sin8,e hair from my f,esh& " i,, fi,, a,, E8y5t ith its b,ood+ .> And Yose5h ans ered and said& S%9h is yo%r 9%stom to do as yo% did to yo%r brother hom yo% so,d& and yo% di55ed his 9oat in b,ood and bro%8ht it to yo%r father in order that he mi8ht say an evi, beast devo%red him and here is his b,ood+ ./ And hen Yah%dah heard this thin8 he as eB9eedin8,y roth and his an8er b%rned ithin him& and there as before him in that 5,a9e a stone& the ei8ht of hi9h as abo%t fo%r h%ndred sheke,s& and Yah%dah@s an8er as kind,ed and he took the stone in one hand and 9ast it to the heavens and 9a%8ht it ith his ,eft hand+ .A And he 5,a9ed it after ard %nder his ,e8s& and he sat %5on it ith a,, his stren8th and the stone as t%rned into d%st from the for9e of Yah%dah+ *( And Yose5h sa the a9t of Yah%dah and he as very m%9h afraid& b%t he 9ommanded 7anassah his son and he a,so did ith another stone ,ike %nto the a9t of Yah%dah& and Yah%dah said %nto his brethren& Cet not any of yo% say& this man is an E8y5tian& b%t by his doin8 this thin8 he is of o%r father@s fami,y+ *' And Yose5h said& Not to yo% on,y is stren8th 8iven& for e are a,so 5o erf%, men& and hy i,, yo% boast over %s a,,# and Yah%dah said %nto Yose5h& Send " 5ray yo% o%r brother and r%in not yo%r 9o%ntry this day+ *. And Yose5h ans ered and said %nto them& ?o and te,, yo%r father& an evi, beast hath devo%red him as yo% said 9on9ernin8 yo%r brother Yose5h+ ** And Yah%dah s5oke to his brother Na5hta,i& and he said %nto him& 7ake haste& 8o no and n%mber a,, '*/

the streets of E8y5t and 9ome and te,, meJ and Simeon said %nto him& Cet not this thin8 be a tro%b,e to yo%J no " i,, 8o to the mo%nt and take %5 one ,ar8e stone from the mo%nt and ,eve, it at every one in E8y5t& and ki,, a,, that are in it+ *: And Yose5h heard a,, these ords that his brethren s5oke before him& and they did not kno that Yose5h %nderstood them& for they ima8ined that he kne not to s5eak Hebre + *; And Yose5h as 8reat,y afraid at the ords of his brethren ,est they sho%,d destroy E8y5t& and he 9ommanded his son 7anasseh& sayin8& ?o no make haste and 8ather %nto me a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t& and a,, the va,iant men to8ether& and ,et them 9ome to me no %5on horseba9k and on foot and ith a,, sorts of m%si9a, instr%ments& and 7anasseh ent and did so+ *= And Na5hta,i ent as Yah%dah had 9ommanded him& for Na5hta,i as ,i8htfooted as one of the s ift sta8s& and he o%,d 8o %5on the ears of 9orn and they o%,d not break %nder him+ *> And he ent and n%mbered a,, the streets of E8y5t& and fo%nd them to be t e,ve& and he 9ame hasti,y and to,d Yah%dah& and Yah%dah said %nto his brethren& Hasten yo% and 5%t on every man his s ord %5on his ,oins and e i,, 9ome over E8y5t& and smite them a,,& and ,et not a remnant remain+ */ And Yah%dah said& Beho,d& " i,, destroy three of the streets ith my stren8th& and yo% sha,, ea9h destroy one streetJ and hen Yah%dah as s5eakin8 this thin8& beho,d the inhabitants of E8y5t and a,, the mi8hty men 9ame to ard them ith a,, sorts of m%si9a, instr%ments and ith ,o%d sho%tin8+ *A And their n%mber as five h%ndred 9ava,ry and ten tho%sand infantry& and fo%r h%ndred men ho 9o%,d fi8ht itho%t s ord or s5ear& on,y ith their hands and stren8th+ :( And a,, the mi8hty men 9ame ith 8reat stormin8 and sho%tin8& and they a,, s%rro%nded the sons of Ya9ob and terrified them& and the 8ro%nd H%aked at the so%nd of their sho%tin8+ :' And hen the sons of Ya9ob sa these troo5s they ere 8reat,y afraid of their ,ives& and Yose5h did so in order to terrify the sons of Ya9ob to be9ome tranH%i,iFed+ :. And Yah%dah& seein8 some of his brethren terrified& said %nto them& Why are yo% afraid hi,e the free %nmerited 5ardon and favor of YAHWEH is ith %s# and hen Yah%dah sa a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t s%rro%ndin8 them at the 9ommand of Yose5h to terrify them& on,y Yose5h 9ommanded them& sayin8& Do not to%9h any of them+ :* 2hen Yah%dah hastened and dre his s ord& and %ttered a ,o%d and bitter s9ream& and he smote ith his s ord& and he s5ran8 %5on the 8ro%nd and he sti,, 9ontin%ed to sho%t a8ainst a,, the 5eo5,e+ :: And hen he did this thin8 YAHWEH 9a%sed the terror of Yah%dah and his brethren to fa,, %5on the va,iant men and a,, the 5eo5,e that s%rro%nded them+ :; And they a,, f,ed at the so%nd of the sho%tin8& and they ere terrified and fe,, one %5on the other& and many of them died as they fe,,& and they a,, f,ed from before Yah%dah and his brethren and from before Yose5h+ := And hi,e they ere f,eein8& Yah%dah and his brethren 5%rs%ed them %nto the ho%se of 1haraoh& and they a,, es9a5ed& and Yah%dah a8ain sat before Yose5h and roared at him ,ike a ,ion& and 8ave a 8reat and tremendo%s shriek at him+ :> And the shriek as heard at a distan9e& and a,, the inhabitants of S%99oth heard it& and a,, E8y5t H%aked at the so%nd of the shriek& and a,so the a,,s of E8y5t and of the ,and of ?oshen fe,, in from the shakin8 of the earth& and 1haraoh a,so fe,, from his throne %5on the 8ro%nd& and a,so a,, the 5re8nant omen of E8y5t and ?oshen mis9arried hen they heard the noise of the shakin8& for they ere terrib,y afraid+ :/ And 1haraoh sent ord& sayin8& What is this thin8 that has this day ha55ened in the ,and of E8y5t# and they 9ame and to,d him a,, the thin8s from be8innin8 to end& and 1haraoh as a,armed and he ondered and as 8reat,y afraid+ :A And his fri8ht in9reased hen he heard a,, these thin8s& and he sent %nto Yose5h& sayin8& Yo% hast bro%8ht %nto me the Hebre s to destroy a,, E8y5tJ hat i,t yo% do ith that thievish s,ave# send him a ay and ,et him 8o ith his brethren& and ,et %s not 5erish thro%8h their evi,& even e& yo% and a,, E8y5t+ ;( And if yo% desire not to do this thin8& 9ast off from yo% a,, my va,%ab,e thin8s& and 8o ith them to their ,and& if yo% de,i8ht in it& for they i,, this day destroy my ho,e 9o%ntry and s,ay a,, my 5eo5,eJ even a,, the omen of E8y5t have mis9arried thro%8h their s9reamsJ see hat they have done mere,y by their '*A

sho%tin8 and s5eakin8& moreover if they fi8ht ith the s ord& they i,, destroy the ,andJ no therefore 9hoose that hi9h yo% desirest& hether me or the Hebre s& hether E8y5t or the ,and of the Hebre s+ ;' And they 9ame and to,d Yose5h a,, the ords of 1haraoh that he had said 9on9ernin8 him& and Yose5h as 8reat,y afraid at the ords of 1haraoh and Yah%dah and his brethren ere sti,, standin8 before Yose5h indi8nant and enra8ed& and a,, the sons of Ya9ob roared at Yose5h& ,ike the roarin8 of the sea and its aves+ ;. And Yose5h as 8reat,y afraid of his brethren and on a99o%nt of 1haraoh& and Yose5h so%8ht a 5reteBt to make himse,f kno n %nto his brethren& ,est they sho%,d destroy a,, E8y5t+ ;* And Yose5h 9ommanded his son 7anasseh& and 7anasseh ent and a55roa9hed Yah%dah& and 5,a9ed his hand %5on his sho%,der& and the an8er of Yah%dah as sti,,ed+ ;: And Yah%dah said %nto his brethren& Cet no one of yo% say that this is the a9t of an E8y5tian yo%th for this is the ork of my father@s ho%se+ ;; And Yose5h seein8 and kno in8 that Yah%dah@s an8er as sti,,ed& he a55roa9hed to s5eak %nto Yah%dah in the ,an8%a8e of mi,dness+ ;= And Yose5h said %nto Yah%dah& S%re,y yo% s5eak tr%th and have this day verified yo%r assertions 9on9ernin8 yo%r stren8th& and may yo%r AC7"?H2Y ho de,i8hts in yo%& in9rease yo%r e,fareJ b%t te,, me tr%,y hy from amon8st a,, yo%r brethren dost yo% ran8,e ith me on a99o%nt of the ,ad& as none of them have s5oken one ord to me 9on9ernin8 him+ ;> And Yah%dah ans ered Yose5h& sayin8& S%re,y yo% m%st kno that " as se9%rity for the ,ad to his father& sayin8& "f " bro%8ht him not %nto him " sho%,d bear his b,ame forever+ ;/ 2herefore have " a55roa9hed yo% from amon8st a,, my brethren& for " sa that yo% ast %n i,,in8 to s%ffer him to 8o from yo%J no therefore may " find free %nmerited 5ardon and favor in yo%r si8ht that yo% sha,, send him to 8o ith %s& and beho,d " i,, remain as a s%bstit%te for him& to serve yo% in hatever yo% desirest& for heresoever yo% sha,, send me " i,, 8o to serve yo% ith 8reat ener8y+ ;A Send me no to a mi8hty kin8 ho has rebe,,ed a8ainst yo%& and yo% sha,, kno hat " i,, do %nto him and %nto his ,andJ a,tho%8h he may have 9ava,ry and infantry or an eB9eedin8 mi8hty 5eo5,e& " i,, s,ay them a,, and brin8 the kin8@s head before yo%+ =( Dost yo% not kno or hast yo% not heard that o%r father Abraham ith his servant E,ieFer smote a,, the kin8s of E,am ith their hosts in one ni8ht& they ,eft not one remainin8# and ever sin9e that day o%r father@s stren8th as 8iven %nto %s for an inheritan9e& for %s and o%r seed forever+ =' And Yose5h ans ered and said& Yo% s5eak tr%th& and fa,sehood is not in yo%r mo%th& for it as a,so to,d %nto %s that the Hebre s have 5o er and that YAHWEH their AC7"?H2Y de,i8hts m%9h in them& and ho then 9an stand before them# =. Ho ever& on this 9ondition i,, " send yo%r brother& if yo% i,, brin8 before me his brother the son of his mother& of hom yo% said that he had 8one from yo% do n to E8y5tJ and it sha,, 9ome to 5ass hen yo% brin8 %nto me his brother " i,, take him in his stead& be9a%se not one of yo% as se9%rity for him to yo%r father& and hen he sha,, 9ome %nto me& " i,, then send ith yo% his brother for hom yo% have been se9%rity+ =* And Yah%dah@s an8er as kind,ed a8ainst Yose5h hen he s5oke this thin8& and his eyes dro55ed b,ood ith an8er& and he said %nto his brethren& Ho doth this man this day seek his o n destr%9tion and that of a,, E8y5tK =: And Simeon ans ered Yose5h& sayin8& Did e not te,, yo% at first that e kne not the 5arti9%,ar s5ot to hi9h he ent& and hether he be dead or a,ive& and herefore s5eaks my ,ord ,ike %nto these thin8s# =; And Yose5h observin8 the 9o%ntenan9e of Yah%dah dis9erned that his an8er be8an to kind,e hen he s5oke %nto him& sayin8& Brin8 %nto me yo%r other brother instead of this brother+ == And Yose5h said %nto his brethren& S%re,y yo% said that yo%r brother as either dead or ,ost& no if " sho%,d 9a,, him this day and he sho%,d 9ome before yo%& o%,d yo% 8ive him %nto me instead of his brother# => And Yose5h be8an to s5eak and 9a,, o%t& Yose5h& Yose5h& 9ome this day before me& and a55ear to yo%r brethren and sit before them+ =/ And hen Yose5h s5oke this thin8 before them& they ,ooked ea9h a different ay to see from hen9e ':(

Yose5h o%,d 9ome before them+ =A And Yose5h observed a,, their a9ts& and said %nto them& Why do yo% ,ook here and there# " am Yose5h hom yo% so,d to E8y5t& no therefore ,et it not 8rieve yo% that yo% so,d me& for as a s%55ort d%rin8 the famine did YAHWEH send me before yo%+ >( And his brethren ere terrified at him hen they heard the ords of Yose5h& and Yah%dah as eB9eedin8,y terrified at him+ >' And hen BenGamin heard the ords of Yose5h he as before them in the inner 5art of the ho%se& and BenGamin ran %nto Yose5h his brother& and embra9ed him and fe,, %5on his ne9k& and they e5t+ >. And hen Yose5h@s brethren sa that BenGamin had fa,,en %5on his brother@s ne9k and e5t ith him& they a,so fe,, %5on Yose5h and embra9ed him& and they e5t a 8reat ee5in8 ith Yose5h+ >* And the voi9e as heard in the ho%se of Yose5h that they ere Yose5h@s brethren& and it 5,eased 1haraoh eB9eedin8,y& for he as afraid of them ,est they sho%,d destroy E8y5t+ >: And 1haraoh sent his servants %nto Yose5h to 9on8rat%,ate him 9on9ernin8 his brethren ho had 9ome to him& and a,, the 9a5tains of the armies and troo5s that ere in E8y5t 9ame to reGoi9e ith Yose5h& and a,, E8y5t reGoi9ed 8reat,y abo%t Yose5h@s brethren+ >; And 1haraoh sent his servants to Yose5h& sayin8& 2e,, yo%r brethren to fet9h a,, be,on8in8 to them and ,et them 9ome %nto me& and " i,, 5,a9e them in the best 5art of the ,and of E8y5t& and they did so+ >= And Yose5h 9ommanded him that as set over his ho%se to brin8 o%t to his brethren 8ifts and 8arments& and he bro%8ht o%t to them many 8arments bein8 robes of roya,ty and many 8ifts& and Yose5h divided them amon8st his brethren+ >> And he 8ave %nto ea9h of his brethren a 9han8e of 8arments of 8o,d and si,ver& and three h%ndred 5ie9es of si,ver& and Yose5h 9ommanded them a,, to be dressed in these 8arments& and to be bro%8ht before 1haraoh+ >/ And 1haraoh seein8 that a,, Yose5h@s brethren ere va,iant men& and of bea%tif%, a55earan9e& he 8reat,y reGoi9ed+ >A And they after ard ent o%t from the 5resen9e of 1haraoh to 8o to the ,and of 0anaan& to their father& and their brother BenGamin as ith them+ /( And Yose5h rose %5 and 8ave %nto them e,even 9hariots from 1haraoh& and Yose5h 8ave %nto them his 9hariot& %5on hi9h he rode on the day of his bein8 9ro ned in E8y5t& to fet9h his father to E8y5tJ and Yose5h sent to a,, his brothers@ 9hi,dren& 8arments a99ordin8 to their n%mbers& and a h%ndred 5ie9es of si,ver to ea9h of them& and he a,so sent 8arments to the ives of his brethren from the 8arments of the kin8@s ives& and he sent them+ /' And he 8ave %nto ea9h of his brethren ten men to 8o ith them to the ,and of 0anaan to serve them& to serve their 9hi,dren and a,, be,on8in8 to them in 9omin8 to E8y5t+ /. And Yose5h sent by the hand of his brother BenGamin ten s%its of 8arments for his ten sons& a 5ortion above the rest of the 9hi,dren of the sons of Ya9ob+ /* And he sent to ea9h fifty 5ie9es of si,ver& and ten 9hariots on the a99o%nt of 1haraoh& and he sent to his father ten asses ,aden ith a,, the ,%B%ries of E8y5t& and ten she asses ,aden ith 9orn and bread and no%rishment for his father& and to a,, that ere ith him as 5rovisions for the road+ /: And he sent to his sister Dinah 8arments of si,ver and 8o,d& and frankin9ense and myrrh& and a,oes and omen@s ornaments in 8reat 5,enty& and he sent the same from the ives of 1haraoh to the ives of BenGamin+ /; And he 8ave %nto a,, his brethren& a,so to their ives& a,, sorts of onyB stones and bde,,i%m& and from a,, the va,%ab,e thin8s amon8st the 8reat 5eo5,e of E8y5t& nothin8 of a,, the 9ost,y thin8s as ,eft b%t hat Yose5h sent of to his father@s ho%seho,d+ /= And he sent his brethren a ay& and they ent& and he sent his brother BenGamin ith them+ /> And Yose5h ent o%t ith them to a99om5any them on the road %nto the borders of E8y5t& and he 9ommanded them 9on9ernin8 his father and his ho%seho,d& to 9ome to E8y5t+ // And he said %nto them& Do not H%arre, on the road& for this thin8 as from YAHWEH to kee5 a 8reat 5eo5,e from starvation& for there i,, be yet five years of famine in the ,and+ ':'

/A And he 9ommanded them& sayin8& When yo% 9ome %nto the ,and of 0anaan& do not 9ome s%dden,y before my father in this affair& b%t a9t in yo%r isdom+ A( And Yose5h 9eased to 9ommand them& and he t%rned and ent ba9k to E8y5t& and the sons of Ya9ob ent to the ,and of 0anaan ith Goy and 9heerf%,ness to their father Ya9ob+ A' And they 9ame %nto the borders of the ,and& and they said to ea9h other& What sha,, e do in this matter before o%r father& for if e 9ome s%dden,y to him and te,, him the matter& he i,, be 8reat,y a,armed at o%r ords and i,, not be,ieve %s+ A. And they ent a,on8 %nti, they 9ame ni8h %nto their ho%ses& and they fo%nd Sera9h& the da%8hter of Asher& 8oin8 forth to meet them& and the damse, as very 8ood and s%bt,e& and kne ho to 5,ay %5on the har5+ A* And they 9a,,ed %nto her and she 9ame before them& and she kissed them& and they took her and 8ave %nto her a har5& sayin8& ?o no before o%r father& and sit before him& and strike %5on the har5& and s5eak these ords+ A: And they 9ommanded her to 8o to their ho%se& and she took the har5 and hastened before them& and she 9ame and sat near Ya9ob+ A; And she 5,ayed e,, and san8& and %ttered in the s eetness of her ords& Yose5h my %n9,e is ,ivin8& and he r%,es thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5t& and is not dead+ A= And she 9ontin%ed to re5eat and %tter these ords& and Ya9ob heard her ords and they ere a8reeab,e to him+ A> He ,istened hi,e she re5eated them t i9e and thri9e& and Goy entered the heart of Ya9ob at the s eetness of her ords& and the s5irit of YAHWEH as %5on him& and he kne a,, her ords to be tr%e+ A/ And Ya9ob b,essed Sera9h hen she s5oke these ords before him& and he said %nto her& 7y da%8hter& may death never 5revai, over yo%& for yo% hast revived my s5iritJ on,y s5eak yet before me as yo% hast s5oken& for yo% hast 8,addened me ith a,, yo%r ords+ AA And she 9ontin%ed to sin8 these ords& and Ya9ob ,istened and it 5,eased him& and he reGoi9ed& and the s5irit of YAHWEH as %5on him+ '(( Whi,st he as yet s5eakin8 ith her& beho,d his sons 9ame to him ith horses and 9hariots and roya, 8arments and servants r%nnin8 before them+ '(' And Ya9ob rose %5 to meet them& and sa his sons dressed in roya, 8arments and he sa a,, the treas%res that Yose5h had sent to them+ '(. And they said %nto him& Be informed that o%r brother Yose5h is ,ivin8& and it is he ho r%,es thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5t& and it is he ho s5oke %nto %s as e to,d yo%+ '(* And Ya9ob heard a,, the ords of his sons& and his heart 5a,5itated at their ords& for he 9o%,d not be,ieve them %nti, he sa a,, that Yose5h had 8iven them and hat he had sent him& and a,, the si8ns hi9h Yose5h had s5oken %nto them+ '(: And they o5ened o%t before him& and sho ed him a,, that Yose5h had sent& they 8ave %nto ea9h hat Yose5h had sent him& and he kne that they had s5oken the tr%th& and he reGoi9ed eB9eedin8,y an a99o%nt of his son+ '(; And Ya9ob said& "t is eno%8h for me that my son Yose5h is sti,, ,ivin8& " i,, 8o and see him before " die+ '(= And his sons to,d him a,, that had befa,,en them& and Ya9ob said& " i,, 8o do n to E8y5t to see my son and his offs5rin8+ '(> And Ya9ob rose %5 and 5%t on the 8arments hi9h Yose5h had sent him& and after he had ashed& and shaved his hair& he 5%t %5on his head the t%rban hi9h Yose5h had sent him+ '(/ And a,, the 5eo5,e of Ya9ob@s ho%se and their ives 5%t on the 8arments hi9h Yose5h had sent to them& and they 8reat,y reGoi9ed at Yose5h that he as sti,, ,ivin8 and that he as r%,in8 in E8y5t& '(A And a,, the inhabitants of 0anaan heard of this thin8& and they 9ame and reGoi9ed m%9h ith Ya9ob that he as sti,, ,ivin8+ ''( And Ya9ob made a feast for them for three days& and a,, the kin8s of 0anaan and nob,es of the ,and ate and drank and reGoi9ed in the ho%se of Ya9ob+ ':.

0HA12ER ;;$$YAHWEH 9ommands Ya9ob to 8o do n to E8y5t& here He i,, make him a ?reat Nation+ Yose5h and a,, E8y5t 8o to meet Ya9ob to do him Honor hen he arrives+ 2he Cand of ?oshen is 8iven to him and his 0hi,dren+

' And it 9ame to 5ass after this that Ya9ob said& " i,, 8o and see my son in E8y5t and i,, then 9ome ba9k to the ,and of 0anaan of hi9h YAHWEH had s5oken %nto Abraham& for " 9annot ,eave the ,and of my birth$5,a9e+ . Beho,d the ord of YAHWEH 9ame %nto him& sayin8& ?o do n to E8y5t ith a,, yo%r ho%seho,d and remain there& fear not to 8o do n to E8y5t for " i,, there make yo% a 8reat nation+ * And Ya9ob said ithin himse,f& " i,, 8o and see my son hether the fear of his YAHWEH is yet in his heart amidst a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t+ : And YAHWEH said %nto Ya9ob& 3ear not abo%t Yose5h& for he sti,, retains his inte8rity to serve me& as i,, seem 8ood in yo%r si8ht& and Ya9ob reGoi9ed eB9eedin8,y 9on9ernin8 his son+ ; At that time Ya9ob 9ommanded his sons and ho%seho,d to 8o to E8y5t a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH %nto him& and Ya9ob rose %5 ith his sons and a,, his ho%seho,d& and he ent o%t from the ,and of 0anaan from Beersheba& ith Goy and 8,adness of heart& and they ent to the ,and of E8y5t+ = And it 9ame to 5ass hen they 9ame near E8y5t& Ya9ob sent Yah%dah before him to Yose5h that he mi8ht sho him a sit%ation in E8y5t& and Yah%dah did a99ordin8 to the ord of his father& and he hastened and ran and 9ame to Yose5h& and they assi8ned for them a 5,a9e in the ,and of ?oshen for a,, his ho%seho,d& and Yah%dah ret%rned and 9ame a,on8 the road to his father+ > And Yose5h harnessed the 9hariot& and he assemb,ed a,, his mi8hty men and his servants and a,, the offi9ers of E8y5t in order to 8o and meet his father Ya9ob& and Yose5h@s mandate as 5ro9,aimed in E8y5t& sayin8& A,, that do not 8o to meet Ya9ob sha,, die+ / And on the neBt day Yose5h ent forth ith a,, E8y5t a 8reat and mi8hty host& a,, dressed in 8arments of fine ,inen and 5%r5,e and ith instr%ments of si,ver and 8o,d and ith their instr%ments of ar ith them+ A And they a,, ent to meet Ya9ob ith a,, sorts of m%si9a, instr%ments& ith dr%ms and timbre,s& stre in8 myrrh and a,oes a,, a,on8 the road& and they a,, ent after this fashion& and the earth shook at their sho%tin8+ '( And a,, the omen of E8y5t ent %5on the roofs of E8y5t and %5on the a,,s to meet Ya9ob& and %5on the head of Yose5h as 1haraoh@s re8a, 9ro n& for 1haraoh had sent it %nto him to 5%t on at the time of his 8oin8 to meet his father+ '' And hen Yose5h 9ame ithin fifty 9%bits of his father& he a,i8hted from the 9hariot and he a,ked to ard his father& and hen a,, the offi9ers of E8y5t and her nob,es sa that Yose5h had 8one on foot to ard his father& they a,so a,i8hted and a,ked on foot to ard Ya9ob+ '. And hen Ya9ob a55roa9hed the 9am5 of Yose5h& Ya9ob observed the 9am5 that as 9omin8 to ard him ith Yose5h& and it 8ratified him and Ya9ob as astonished at it+ '* And Ya9ob said %nto Yah%dah& Who is that man hom " see in the 9am5 of E8y5t dressed in kin8,y robes ith a very red 8arment %5on him and a roya, 9ro n %5on his head& ho has a,i8hted from his 9hariot and is 9omin8 to ard %s# and Yah%dah ans ered his father& sayin8& He is yo%r son Yose5h the kin8J and Ya9ob reGoi9ed in seein8 the s5,endor of his son+ ': And Yose5h 9ame ni8h %nto his father and he bo ed to his father& and a,, the men of the 9am5 bo ed to the 8ro%nd ith him before Ya9ob+ '; And beho,d Ya9ob ran and hastened to his son Yose5h and fe,, %5on his ne9k and kissed him& and they e5t& and Yose5h a,so embra9ed his father and kissed him& and they e5t and a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t e5t ith them+ '= And Ya9ob said %nto Yose5h& No " i,, die 9heerf%,,y after " have seen yo%r fa9e& that yo% are sti,, ,ivin8 and ith s5,endor+ '> And the sons of Ya9ob and their ives and their 9hi,dren and their servants& and a,, the ho%seho,d of Ya9ob e5t eB9eedin8,y ith Yose5h& and they kissed him and e5t 8reat,y ith him+ ':*

'/ And Yose5h and a,, his 5eo5,e ret%rned after ard home to E8y5t& and Ya9ob and his sons and a,, the 9hi,dren of his ho%seho,d 9ame ith Yose5h to E8y5t& and Yose5h 5,a9ed them in the best 5art of E8y5t& in the ,and of ?oshen+ 'A And Yose5h said %nto his father and %nto his brethren& " i,, 8o %5 and te,, 1haraoh& sayin8& 7y brethren and my father@s ho%seho,d and a,, be,on8in8 to them have 9ome %nto me& and beho,d they are in the ,and of ?oshen+ .( And Yose5h did so and took from his brethren Re%ben& "ssa9har Ieb%,%n and his brother BenGamin and he 5,a9ed them before 1haraoh+ .' And Yose5h s5oke %nto 1haraoh& sayin8& 7y brethren and my father@s ho%seho,d and a,, be,on8in8 to them& to8ether ith their f,o9ks and 9att,e have 9ome %nto me from the ,and of 0anaan& to soGo%rn in E8y5tJ for the famine as sore %5on them+ .. And 1haraoh said %nto Yose5h& 1,a9e yo%r father and brethren in the best 5art of the ,and& ithho,d not from them a,, that is 8ood& and 9a%se them to eat of the fat of the ,and+ .* And Yose5h ans ered& sayin8& Beho,d " have stationed them in the ,and of ?oshen& for they are she5herds& therefore ,et them remain in ?oshen to feed their f,o9ks a5art from the E8y5tians+ .: And 1haraoh said %nto Yose5h& Do ith yo%r brethren a,, that they sha,, say %nto yo%J and the sons of Ya9ob bo ed do n to 1haraoh& and they ent forth from him in 5ea9e& and Yose5h after ard bro%8ht his father before 1haraoh+ .; And Ya9ob 9ame and bo ed do n to 1haraoh& and Ya9ob b,essed 1haraoh& and he then ent o%tJ and Ya9ob and a,, his sons& and a,, his ho%seho,d d e,t in the ,and of ?oshen+ .= "n the se9ond year& that is in the h%ndred and thirtieth year of the ,ife of Ya9ob& Yose5h maintained his father and his brethren& and a,, his father@s ho%seho,d& ith bread a99ordin8 to their ,itt,e ones& a,, the days of the famineJ they ,a9ked nothin8+ .> And Yose5h 8ave %nto them the best 5art of the ho,e ,andJ the best of E8y5t had they a,, the days of Yose5hJ and Yose5h a,so 8ave %nto them and %nto the ho,e of his father@s ho%seho,d& 9,othes and 8arments year by yearJ and the sons of Ya9ob remained se9%re,y in E8y5t a,, the days of their brother+ ./ And Ya9ob a, ays ate at Yose5h@s tab,e& Ya9ob and his sons did not ,eave Yose5h@s tab,e day or ni8ht& besides hat Ya9ob@s 9hi,dren 9ons%med in their ho%ses+ .A And a,, E8y5t ate bread d%rin8 the days of the famine from the ho%se of Yose5h& for a,, the E8y5tians so,d a,, be,on8in8 to them on a99o%nt of the famine+ *( And Yose5h 5%r9hased a,, the ,ands and fie,ds of E8y5t for bread on the a99o%nt of 1haraoh& and Yose5h s%55,ied a,, E8y5t ith bread a,, the days of the famine& and Yose5h 9o,,e9ted a,, the si,ver and 8o,d that 9ame %nto him for the 9orn hi9h they bo%8ht thro%8ho%t the ,and& and he a99%m%,ated m%9h 8o,d and si,ver& besides an immense H%antity of onyB stones& bde,,i%m and va,%ab,e 8arments hi9h they bro%8ht %nto Yose5h from every 5art of the ,and hen their money as s5ent+ *' And Yose5h took a,, the si,ver and 8o,d that 9ame into his hand& abo%t seventy t o ta,ents of 8o,d and si,ver& and a,so onyB stones and bde,,i%m in 8reat ab%ndan9e& and Yose5h ent and 9on9ea,ed them in fo%r 5arts& and he 9on9ea,ed one 5art in the i,derness near the Red sea& and one 5art by the river 1erath& and the third and fo%rth 5art he 9on9ea,ed in the desert o55osite to the i,derness of 1ersia and 7edia+ *. And he took 5art of the 8o,d and si,ver that as ,eft& and 8ave it %nto a,, his brothers and %nto a,, his father@s ho%seho,d& and %nto a,, the omen of his father@s ho%seho,d& and the rest he bro%8ht to the ho%se of 1haraoh& abo%t t enty ta,ents of 8o,d and si,ver+ ** And Yose5h 8ave a,, the 8o,d and si,ver that as ,eft %nto 1haraoh& and 1haraoh 5,a9ed it in the treas%ry& and the days of the famine 9eased after that in the ,and& and they so ed and rea5ed in the ho,e ,and& and they obtained their %s%a, H%antity year by yearJ they ,a9ked nothin8+ *: And Yose5h d e,t se9%re,y in E8y5t& and the ho,e ,and as %nder his advi9e& and his father and a,, his brethren d e,t in the ,and of ?oshen and took 5ossession of it+ *; And Yose5h as very a8ed& advan9ed in days& and his t o sons& E5hraim and 7anasseh& remained 9onstant,y in the ho%se of Ya9ob& to8ether ith the 9hi,dren of the sons of Ya9ob their brethren& to ,earn the ays of YAHWEH and his ,a + '::

*= And Ya9ob and his sons d e,t in the ,and of E8y5t in the ,and of ?oshen& and they took 5ossession in it& and they ere fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,ied in it+ 56 YACOB DIES
0HA12ER ;=$$After Seventeen Years@ D e,,in8 in E8y5t& Ya9ob dies& after B,essin8 his 0hi,dren and 9ommandin8 them to 8o in the Way of YAHWEH+ Yose5h and his Brethren and a,, the 7i8hty 7en of E8y5t 8o %5 to 0anaan to B%ry Ya9ob+ Esa%& 9,aimin8 the Cand of 0anaan as his& i,, not A,,o Yose5h to B%ry his 3ather+ After Esa% and many of his 1eo5,e are s,ain& Ya9ob is B%ried by 3or9e+ A,, the 4in8s of 0anaan 9ome %5 to do him Honor+

' And Ya9ob ,ived in the ,and of E8y5t seventeen years& and the days of Ya9ob& and the years of his ,ife ere a h%ndred and forty seven years+ . At that time Ya9ob as atta9ked ith that i,,ness of hi9h he died and he sent and 9a,,ed for his son Yose5h from E8y5t& and Yose5h his son 9ame from E8y5t and Yose5h 9ame %nto his father+ * And Ya9ob said %nto Yose5h and %nto his sons& Beho,d " die& and YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of yo%r an9estors i,, visit yo%& and brin8 yo% ba9k to the ,and& hi9h YAHWEH s are to 8ive %nto yo% and %nto yo%r 9hi,dren after yo%& no therefore hen " am dead& b%ry me in the 9ave hi9h is in 7a9h5e,ah in Hebron in the ,and of 0anaan& near my an9estors+ : And Ya9ob made his sons s ear to b%ry him in 7a9h5e,ah& in Hebron& and his sons s ore %nto him 9on9ernin8 this thin8+ ; And he 9ommanded them& sayin8& Serve YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y& for he ho de,ivered yo%r fathers i,, a,so de,iver yo% from a,, tro%b,e+ = And Ya9ob said& 0a,, a,, yo%r 9hi,dren %nto me& and a,, the 9hi,dren of Ya9ob@s sons 9ame and sat before him& and Ya9ob b,essed them& and he said %nto them& YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of yo%r fathers sha,, 8rant yo% a tho%sand times as m%9h and b,ess yo%& and may he 8ive yo% the b,essin8 of yo%r father AbrahamJ and a,, the 9hi,dren of Ya9ob@s sons ent forth on that day after he had b,essed them+ > And on the neBt day Ya9ob a8ain 9a,,ed for his sons& and they a,, assemb,ed and 9ame to him and sat before him& and Ya9ob on that day b,essed his sons before his death& ea9h man did he b,ess a99ordin8 to his b,essin8J beho,d it is ritten in the book of the ,a of YAHWEH a55ertainin8 to Yisrae,+ / And Ya9ob said %nto Yah%dah& " kno my son that yo% are a mi8hty man for yo%r brethrenJ rei8n over them& and yo%r sons sha,, rei8n over their sons forever+ A <n,y tea9h yo%r sons the bo and a,, the ea5ons of ar& in order that they may fi8ht the batt,es of their brother ho i,, r%,e over his enemies+ '( And Ya9ob a8ain 9ommanded his sons on that day& sayin8& Beho,d " sha,, be this day 8athered %nto my 5eo5,eJ 9arry me %5 from E8y5t& and b%ry me in the 9ave of 7a9h5e,ah as " have 9ommanded yo%+ '' Ho beit take heed " 5ray yo% that none of yo%r sons 9arry me& on,y yo%rse,ves& and this is the manner yo% sha,, do %nto me& hen yo% 9arry my body to 8o ith it to the ,and of 0anaan to b%ry me& '. Yah%dah& "ssa9har and Ieb%,%n sha,, 9arry my bier at the eastern sideJ Re%ben& Simeon and ?ad at the so%th& E5hraim& 7anasseh and BenGamin at the est& Dan& Asher and Na5hta,i at the north+ '* Cet not Cevi 9arry ith yo%& for he and his sons i,, 9arry the ark of the 9ovenant of YAHWEH ith the Yisrae,ites in the 9am5& neither ,et Yose5h my son 9arry& for as a kin8 so ,et his s5,endor beJ ho beit& E5hraim and 7anasseh sha,, be in their stead+ ': 2h%s sha,, yo% do %nto me hen yo% 9arry me a ayJ do not ne8,e9t any thin8 of a,, that " 9ommand yo%J and it sha,, 9ome to 5ass hen yo% do this %nto me& that YAHWEH i,, remember yo% favorab,y and yo%r 9hi,dren after yo% forever+ '; And yo% my sons& honor ea9h his brother and his re,ative& and 9ommand yo%r 9hi,dren and yo%r 9hi,dren@s 9hi,dren after yo% to serve YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of yo%r an9estors a,, the days+ '= "n order that yo% may 5ro,on8 yo%r days in the ,and& yo% and yo%r 9hi,dren and yo%r 9hi,dren@s 9hi,dren for ever& hen yo% do hat is 8ood and %5ri8ht in the si8ht of YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y& to 8o in a,, his ays+ '> And yo%& Yose5h my son& for8ive " 5ray yo% the 5ron8s of yo%r brethren and a,, their misdeeds in the inG%ry that they hea5ed %5on yo%& for YAHWEH intended it for yo%r and yo%r 9hi,dren@s benefit+ ':;

'/ And < my son ,eave not yo%r brethren to the inhabitants of E8y5t& neither h%rt their fee,in8s& for beho,d " 9onsi8n them to the hand of YAHWEH and in yo%r hand to 8%ard them from the E8y5tiansJ and the sons of Ya9ob ans ered their father sayin8& <& o%r father& a,, that yo% hast 9ommanded %s& so i,, e doJ may YAHWEH on,y be ith %s+ 'A And Ya9ob said %nto his sons& So may YAHWEH be ith yo% hen yo% kee5 a,, his aysJ t%rn not from his ays either to the ri8ht or the ,eft in 5erformin8 hat is 8ood and %5ri8ht in his si8ht+ .( 3or " kno that many and 8rievo%s tro%b,es i,, befa,, yo% in the ,atter days in the ,and& yea yo%r 9hi,dren and 9hi,dren@s 9hi,dren& on,y serve YAHWEH and he i,, save yo% from a,, tro%b,e+ .' And it sha,, 9ome to 5ass hen yo% sha,, 8o after YAHWEH to serve him and i,, tea9h yo%r 9hi,dren after yo%& and yo%r 9hi,dren@s 9hi,dren& to kno YAHWEH& then i,, YAHWEH raise %5 %nto yo% and yo%r 9hi,dren a servant from amon8st yo%r 9hi,dren& and YAHWEH i,, de,iver yo% thro%8h his hand from a,, aff,i9tion& and brin8 yo% o%t of E8y5t and brin8 yo% ba9k to the ,and of yo%r fathers to inherit it se9%re,y+ .. And Ya9ob 9eased 9ommandin8 his sons& and he dre his feet into the bed& he died and as 8athered to his 5eo5,e+ .* And Yose5h fe,, %5on his father and he 9ried o%t and e5t over him and he kissed him& and he 9a,,ed o%t in a bitter voi9e& and he said& < my father& my father+ .: And his son@s ives and a,, his ho%seho,d 9ame and fe,, %5on Ya9ob& and they e5t over him& and 9ried in a very ,o%d voi9e 9on9ernin8 Ya9ob+ .; And a,, the sons of Ya9ob rose %5 to8ether& and they tore their 8arments& and they a,, 5%t sa9k9,oth %5on their ,oins& and they fe,, %5on their fa9es& and they 9ast d%st %5on their heads to ard the heavens+ .= And the thin8 as to,d %nto <snath Yose5h@s ife& and she rose %5 and 5%t on a sa9k and she ith a,, the E8y5tian omen ith her 9ame and mo%rned and e5t for Ya9ob+ .> And a,so a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t ho kne Ya9ob 9ame a,, on that day hen they heard this thin8& and a,, E8y5t e5t for many days+ ./ And a,so from the ,and of 0anaan did the omen 9ome %nto E8y5t hen they heard that Ya9ob as dead& and they e5t for him in E8y5t for seventy days+ .A And it 9ame to 5ass after this that Yose5h 9ommanded his servants the do9tors to emba,m his father ith myrrh and frankin9ense and a,, manner of in9ense and 5erf%me& and the do9tors emba,med Ya9ob as Yose5h had 9ommanded them+ *( And a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t and the e,ders and a,, the inhabitants of the ,and of ?oshen e5t and mo%rned over Ya9ob& and a,, his sons and the 9hi,dren of his ho%seho,d ,amented and mo%rned over their father Ya9ob many days+ *' And after the days of his ee5in8 had 5assed a ay& at the end of seventy days& Yose5h said %nto 1haraoh& " i,, 8o %5 and b%ry my father in the ,and of 0anaan as he made me s ear& and then " i,, ret%rn+ *. And 1haraoh sent Yose5h& sayin8& ?o %5 and b%ry yo%r father as he said& and as he made yo% s earJ and Yose5h rose %5 ith a,, his brethren to 8o to the ,and of 0anaan to b%ry their father Ya9ob as he had 9ommanded them+ ** And 1haraoh 9ommanded that it sho%,d be 5ro9,aimed thro%8ho%t E8y5t& sayin8& Whoever 8oes not %5 ith Yose5h and his brethren to the ,and of 0anaan to b%ry Ya9ob& sha,, die+ *: And a,, E8y5t heard of 1haraoh@s 5ro9,amation& and they a,, rose %5 to8ether& and a,, the servants of 1haraoh& and the e,ders of his ho%se& and a,, the e,ders of the ,and of E8y5t ent %5 ith Yose5h& and a,, the offi9ers and nob,es of 1haraoh ent %5 as the servants of Yose5h& and they ent to b%ry Ya9ob in the ,and of 0anaan+ *; And the sons of Ya9ob 9arried the bier %5on hi9h he ,ayJ a99ordin8 to a,, that their father 9ommanded them& so did his sons %nto him+ *= And the bier as of 5%re 8o,d& and it as in,aid ro%nd abo%t ith onyB stones and bde,,i%mJ and the 9overin8 of the bier as 8o,d oven ork& Goined ith threads& and over them ere hooks of onyB stones and bde,,i%m+ *> And Yose5h 5,a9ed %5on the head of his father Ya9ob a ,ar8e 8o,den 9ro n& and he 5%t a 8o,den s9e5ter ':=

in his hand& and they s%rro%nded the bier as as the 9%stom of kin8s d%rin8 their ,ives+ */ And a,, the troo5s of E8y5t ent before him in this array& at first a,, the mi8hty men of 1haraoh& and the mi8hty men of Yose5h& and after them the rest of the inhabitants of E8y5t& and they ere a,, 8irded ith s ords and eH%i55ed ith 9oats of mai,& and the tra55in8s of ar ere %5on them+ *A And a,, the ee5ers and mo%rners ent at a distan9e o55osite to the bier& 8oin8 and ee5in8 and ,amentin8& and the rest of the 5eo5,e ent after the bier+ :( And Yose5h and his ho%seho,d ent to8ether near the bier barefooted and ee5in8& and the rest of Yose5h@s servants ent aro%nd himJ ea9h man had his ornaments %5on him& and they ere a,, armed ith their ea5ons of ar+ :' And fifty of Ya9ob@s servants ent in front of the bier& and they stre ed a,on8 the road myrrh and a,oes& and a,, manner of 5erf%me& and a,, the sons of Ya9ob that 9arried the bier a,ked %5on the 5erf%mery& and the servants of Ya9ob ent before them stre in8 the 5erf%me a,on8 the road+ :. And Yose5h ent %5 ith a heavy 9am5& and they did after this manner every day %nti, they rea9hed the ,and of 0anaan& and they 9ame to the threshin8 f,oor of Atad& hi9h as on the other side of Yardan& and they mo%rned an eB9eedin8 8reat and heavy mo%rnin8 in that 5,a9e+ :* And a,, the kin8s of 0anaan heard of this thin8 and they a,, ent forth& ea9h man from his ho%se& thirty$ one kin8s of 0anaan& and they a,, 9ame ith their men to mo%rn and ee5 over Ya9ob+ :: And a,, these kin8s behe,d Ya9ob@s bier& and beho,d Yose5h@s 9ro n as %5on it& and they a,so 5%t their 9ro ns %5on the bier& and en9ir9,ed it ith 9ro ns+ :; And a,, these kin8s made in that 5,a9e a 8reat and heavy mo%rnin8 ith the sons of Ya9ob and E8y5t over Ya9ob& for a,, the kin8s of 0anaan kne the va,or of Ya9ob and his sons+ := And the re5ort rea9hed Esa%& sayin8& Ya9ob died in E8y5t& and his sons and a,, E8y5t are 9onveyin8 him to the ,and of 0anaan to b%ry him+ :> And Esa% heard this thin8& and he as d e,,in8 in mo%nt Seir& and he rose %5 ith his sons and a,, his 5eo5,e and a,, his ho%seho,d& a 5eo5,e eB9eedin8,y 8reat& and they 9ame to mo%rn and ee5 over Ya9ob+ :/ And it 9ame to 5ass& hen Esa% 9ame he mo%rned for his brother Ya9ob& and a,, E8y5t and a,, 0anaan a8ain rose %5 and mo%rned a 8reat mo%rnin8 ith Esa% over Ya9ob in that 5,a9e :A And Yose5h and his brethren bro%8ht their father Ya9ob from that 5,a9e& and they ent to Hebron to b%ry Ya9ob in the 9ave by his fathers+ ;( And they 9ame %nto 4ireath$arba& to the 9ave& and as they 9ame Esa% stood ith his sons a8ainst Yose5h and his brethren as a hindran9e in the 9ave& sayin8& Ya9ob sha,, not be b%ried therein& for it be,on8s to %s and to o%r father+ ;' And Yose5h and his brethren heard the ords of Esa%@s sons& and they ere eB9eedin8,y roth& and Yose5h a55roa9hed %nto Esa%& sayin8& What is this thin8 hi9h they have s5oken# s%re,y my father Ya9ob bo%8ht it from yo% for 8reat ri9hes after the death of Yits9haH& no five and t enty years a8o& and a,so a,, the ,and of 0anaan he bo%8ht from yo% and from yo%r sons& and yo%r seed after yo%+ ;. And Ya9ob bo%8ht it for his sons and his seed after him for an inheritan9e for ever& and hy s5eak yo% these thin8s this day# ;* And Esa% ans ered& sayin8& Yo% s5eak fa,se,y and %tter ,ies& for " so,d not anythin8 be,on8in8 to me in a,, this ,and& as yo% sayest& neither did my brother Ya9ob b%y a%8ht be,on8in8 to me in this ,and+ ;: And Esa% s5oke these thin8s in order to de9eive Yose5h ith his ords& for Esa% kne that Yose5h as not 5resent in those days hen Esa% so,d a,, be,on8in8 to him in the ,and of 0anaan to Ya9ob+ ;; And Yose5h said %nto Esa%& S%re,y my father inserted these thin8s ith yo% in the re9ord of 5%r9hase& and testified the re9ord ith itnesses& and beho,d it is ith %s in E8y5t+ ;= And Esa% ans ered& sayin8 %nto him& Brin8 the re9ord& a,, that yo% i,t find in the re9ord& so i,, e do+ ;> And Yose5h 9a,,ed %nto Na5hta,i his brother& and he said& Hasten H%i9k,y& stay not& and r%n " 5ray yo% to E8y5t and brin8 a,, the re9ordsJ the re9ord of the 5%r9hase& the sea,ed re9ord and the o5en re9ord& and a,so a,, the first re9ords in hi9h a,, the transa9tions of the birth$ri8ht are ritten& fet9h yo%+ ;/ And yo% sha,, brin8 them %nto %s hither& that e may kno from them a,, the ords of Esa% and his ':>

sons hi9h they s5oke this day+ ;A And Na5hta,i hearkened to the voi9e of Yose5h and he hastened and ran to 8o do n to E8y5t& and Na5hta,i as ,i8hter on foot than any of the sta8s that ere %5on the i,derness& for he o%,d 8o %5on ears of 9orn itho%t 9r%shin8 them+ =( And hen Esa% sa that Na5hta,i had 8one to fet9h the re9ords& he and his sons in9reased their resistan9e a8ainst the 9ave& and Esa% and a,, his 5eo5,e rose %5 a8ainst Yose5h and his brethren to batt,e+ =' And a,, the sons of Ya9ob and the 5eo5,e of E8y5t fo%8ht ith Esa% and his men& and the sons of Esa% and his 5eo5,e ere smitten before the sons of Ya9ob& and the sons of Ya9ob s,e of Esa%@s 5eo5,e forty men+ =. And 0h%shim the son of Dan& the son of Ya9ob& as at that time ith Ya9ob@s sons& b%t he as abo%t a h%ndred 9%bits distant from the 5,a9e of batt,e& for he remained ith the 9hi,dren of Ya9ob@s sons by Ya9ob@s bier to 8%ard it+ =* And 0h%shim as d%mb and deaf& sti,, he %nderstood the voi9e of 9onsternation amon8st men+ =: And he asked& sayin8& Why do yo% not b%ry the dead& and hat is this 8reat 9onsternation# and they ans ered him the ords of Esa% and his sonsJ and he ran to Esa% in the midst of the batt,e& and he s,e Esa% ith a s ord& and he 9%t off his head& and it s5ran8 to a distan9e& and Esa% fe,, amon8st the 5eo5,e of the batt,e+ =; And hen 0h%shim did this thin8 the sons of Ya9ob 5revai,ed over the sons of Esa%& and the sons of Ya9ob b%ried their father Ya9ob by for9e in the 9ave& and the sons of Esa% behe,d it+ == And Ya9ob as b%ried in Hebron& in the 9ave of 7a9h5e,ah hi9h Abraham had bo%8ht from the sons of Heth for the 5ossession of a b%ria, 5,a9e& and he as b%ried in very 9ost,y 8arments+ => And no kin8 had s%9h honor 5aid him as Yose5h 5aid %nto his father at his death& for he b%ried him ith 8reat honor ,ike %nto the b%ria, of kin8s+ =/ And Yose5h and his brethren made a mo%rnin8 of seven days for their father+ 57 ESAU WARS WITH YACOB
0HA12ER ;>$$2he Sons of Esa% make ar ith the Sons of Ya9ob and are smitten+ Some are taken 9a5tive to E8y5t+ 2he 0hi,dren of Esa% en,ist the 1eo5,e of Seir to A99om5any them to E8y5t to De,iver their Brethren+ Yose5h and his Brethren and the E8y5tians s,ay SiB H%ndred 2ho%sand+ Near,y a,, the 7i8hty 7en of Seir bein8 S,ain& they make ar ith the 0hi,dren of Esa% to Drive them from their Cand+ Esa% 5revai,s and %tter,y annihi,ates the 0hi,dren of Seir+

' And it as after this that the sons of Esa% a8ed ar ith the sons of Ya9ob& and the sons of Esa% fo%8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob in Hebron& and Esa% as sti,, ,yin8 dead& and not b%ried+ . And the batt,e as heavy bet een them& and the sons of Esa% ere smitten before the sons of Ya9ob& and the sons of Ya9ob s,e of the sons of Esa% ei8hty men& and not one died of the 5eo5,e of the sons of Ya9obJ and the hand of Yose5h 5revai,ed over a,, the 5eo5,e of the sons of Esa%& and he took Ie5ho& the son of E,i5haF& the son of Esa%& and fifty of his men 9a5tive& and he bo%nd them ith 9hains of iron& and 8ave them into the hand of his servants to brin8 them to E8y5t+ * And it 9ame to 5ass hen the sons of Ya9ob had taken Ie5ho and his 5eo5,e 9a5tive& a,, those that remained ere 8reat,y afraid of their ,ives from the ho%se of Esa%& ,est they sho%,d a,so be taken 9a5tive& and they a,, f,ed ith E,i5haF the son of Esa% and his 5eo5,e& ith Esa%@s body& and they ent on their road to 7o%nt Seir+ : And they 9ame %nto 7o%nt Seir and they b%ried Esa% in Seir& b%t they had not bro%8ht his head ith them to Seir& for it as b%ried in that 5,a9e here the batt,e had been in Hebron+ ; And it 9ame to 5ass hen the sons of Esa% had f,ed from before the sons of Ya9ob& the sons of Ya9ob 5%rs%ed them %nto the borders of Seir& b%t they did not s,ay a sin8,e man from amon8st them hen they 5%rs%ed them& for Esa%@s body hi9h they 9arried ith them eB9ited their 9onf%sion& so they f,ed and the sons of Ya9ob t%rned ba9k from them and 9ame %5 to the 5,a9e here their brethren ere in Hebron& and they remained there on that day& and on the neBt day %nti, they rested from the batt,e+ = And it 9ame to 5ass on the third day they assemb,ed a,, the sons of Seir the Horite& and they assemb,ed a,, ':/

the 9hi,dren of the east& a m%,tit%de of 5eo5,e ,ike the sand of the sea& and they ent and 9ame do n to E8y5t to fi8ht ith Yose5h and his brethren& in order to de,iver their brethren+ > And Yose5h and a,, the sons of Ya9ob heard that the sons of Esa% and the 9hi,dren of the east had 9ome %5on them to batt,e in order to de,iver their brethren+ / And Yose5h and his brethren and the stron8 men of E8y5t ent forth and fo%8ht in the 9ity of Rameses& and Yose5h and his brethren dea,t o%t a tremendo%s b,o amon8st the sons of Esa% and the 9hi,dren of the east+ A And they s,e of them siB h%ndred tho%sand men& and they s,e amon8st them a,, the mi8hty men of the 9hi,dren of Seir the HoriteJ there ere on,y a fe of them ,eft& and they s,e a,so a 8reat many of the 9hi,dren of the east& and of the 9hi,dren of Esa%J and E,i5haF the son of Esa%& and the 9hi,dren of the east a,, f,ed before Yose5h and his brethren+ '( And Yose5h and his brethren 5%rs%ed them %nti, they 9ame %nto S%99oth& and they yet s,e of them in S%99oth thirty men& and the rest es9a5ed and they f,ed ea9h to his 9ity+ '' And Yose5h and his brethren and the mi8hty men of E8y5t t%rned ba9k from them ith Goy and 9heerf%,ness of heart& for they had smitten a,, their enemies+ '. And Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF and his men ere sti,, s,aves in E8y5t to the sons of Ya9ob& and their 5ains in9reased+ '* And hen the sons of Esa% and the sons of Seir ret%rned to their ,and& the sons of Seir sa that they had a,, fa,,en into the hands of the sons of Ya9ob& and the 5eo5,e of E8y5t& on a99o%nt of the batt,e of the sons of Esa%+ ': And the sons of Seir said %nto the sons of Esa%& Yo% have seen and therefore yo% kno that this 9am5 as on yo%r a99o%nt& and not one mi8hty man or an ade5t in ar remaineth+ '; No therefore 8o forth from o%r ,and& 8o from %s to the ,and of 0anaan to the ,and of the d e,,in8 of yo%r fathersJ herefore sha,, yo%r 9hi,dren inherit the effe9ts of o%r 9hi,dren in ,atter days# '= And the 9hi,dren of Esa% o%,d not ,isten to the 9hi,dren of Seir& and the 9hi,dren of Seir 9onsidered to make ar ith them+ '> And the 9hi,dren of Esa% sent se9ret,y to An8eas kin8 of Afri9a& the same is Dinhabah& sayin8& '/ Send %nto %s some of yo%r men and ,et them 9ome %nto %s& and e i,, fi8ht to8ether ith the 9hi,dren of Seir the Horite& for they have reso,ved to fi8ht ith %s to drive %s a ay from the ,and+ 'A And An8eas kin8 of Dinhabah did so& for he as in those days friend,y to the 9hi,dren of Esa%& and An8eas sent five h%ndred va,iant infantry to the 9hi,dren of Esa%& and ei8ht h%ndred 9ava,ry+ .( And the 9hi,dren of Seir sent %nto the 9hi,dren of the east and %nto the 9hi,dren of 7idian& sayin8& Yo% have seen hat the 9hi,dren of Esa% have done %nto %s& %5on hose a99o%nt e are a,most a,, destroyed& in their batt,e ith the sons of Ya9ob+ .' No therefore 9ome %nto %s and assist %s& and e i,, fi8ht them to8ether& and e i,, drive them from the ,and and be aven8ed of the 9a%se of o%r brethren ho died for their sakes in their batt,e ith their brethren the sons of Ya9ob+ .. And a,, the 9hi,dren of the east ,istened to the 9hi,dren of Seir& and they 9ame %nto them abo%t ei8ht h%ndred men ith dra n s ords& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% fo%8ht ith the 9hi,dren of Seir at that time in the i,derness of 1aran+ .* And the 9hi,dren of Seir 5revai,ed then over the sons of Esa%& and the 9hi,dren of Seir s,e on that day of the 9hi,dren of Esa% in that batt,e abo%t t o h%ndred men of the 5eo5,e of An8eas kin8 of Dinhabah+ .: And on the se9ond day the 9hi,dren of Esa% 9ame a8ain to fi8ht a se9ond time ith the 9hi,dren of Seir& and the batt,e as sore %5on the 9hi,dren of Esa% this se9ond time& and it tro%b,ed them 8reat,y on a99o%nt of the 9hi,dren of Seir+ .; And hen the 9hi,dren of Esa% sa that the 9hi,dren of Seir ere more 5o erf%, than they ere& some men of the 9hi,dren of Esa% t%rned and assisted the 9hi,dren of Seir their enemies+ .= And there fe,, yet of the 5eo5,e of the 9hi,dren of Esa% in the se9ond batt,e fifty$ei8ht men of the 5eo5,e at An8eas kin8 of Dinhabah+ ':A

.> And on the third day the 9hi,dren of Esa% heard that some of their brethren had t%rned from them to fi8ht a8ainst them in the se9ond batt,eJ and the 9hi,dren of Esa% mo%rned hen they heard this thin8+ ./ And they said& What sha,, e do %nto o%r brethren ho t%rned from %s to assist the 9hi,dren of Seir o%r enemies# and the 9hi,dren of Esa% a8ain sent to An8eas kin8 of Dinhabah& sayin8& .A Send %nto %s a8ain other men that ith them e may fi8ht ith the 9hi,dren of Seir& for they have a,ready t i9e been heavier than e ere+ *( And An8eas a8ain sent to the 9hi,dren of Esa% abo%t siB h%ndred va,iant men& and they 9ame to assist the 9hi,dren of Esa%+ *' And in ten days@ time the 9hi,dren of Esa% a8ain a8ed ar ith the 9hi,dren of Seir in the i,derness of 1aran& and the batt,e as very severe %5on the 9hi,dren of Seir& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% 5revai,ed at this time over the 9hi,dren of Seir& and the 9hi,dren of Seir ere smitten before the 9hi,dren of Esa%& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% s,e from them abo%t t o tho%sand men+ *. And a,, the mi8hty men of the 9hi,dren of Seir died in this batt,e& and there on,y remained their yo%n8 9hi,dren that ere ,eft in their 9ities+ ** And a,, 7idian and the 9hi,dren of the east betook themse,ves to f,i8ht from the batt,e& and they ,eft the 9hi,dren of Seir and f,ed hen they sa that the batt,e as severe %5on them& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% 5%rs%ed a,, the 9hi,dren of the east %nti, they rea9hed their ,and+ *: And the 9hi,dren of Esa% s,e yet of them abo%t t o h%ndred and fifty men and from the 5eo5,e of the 9hi,dren of Esa% there fe,, in that batt,e abo%t thirty men& b%t this evi, 9ame %5on them thro%8h their brethren t%rnin8 from them to assist the 9hi,dren of Seir the Horite& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% a8ain heard of the evi, doin8s of their brethren& and they a8ain mo%rned on a99o%nt of this thin8+ *; And it 9ame to 5ass after the batt,e& the 9hi,dren of Esa% t%rned ba9k and 9ame home %nto Seir& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% s,e those ho had remained in the ,and of the 9hi,dren of SeirJ they s,e a,so their ives and ,itt,e ones& they ,eft not a so%, a,ive eB9e5t fifty yo%n8 ,ads and damse,s hom they s%ffered to ,ive& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% did not 5%t them to death& and the ,ads be9ame their s,aves& and the damse,s they took for ives+ *= And the 9hi,dren of Esa% d e,t in Seir in the 5,a9e of the 9hi,dren of Seir& and they inherited their ,and and took 5ossession of it+ *> And the 9hi,dren of Esa% took a,, be,on8in8 in the ,and to the 9hi,dren of Seir& a,so their f,o9ks& their b%,,o9ks and their 8oods& and a,, be,on8in8 to the 9hi,dren of Seir& did the 9hi,dren of Esa% take& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% d e,t in Seir in the 5,a9e of the 9hi,dren of Seir %nto this day& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% divided the ,and into divisions to the five sons of Esa%& a99ordin8 to their fami,ies+ */ And it 9ame to 5ass in those days& that the 9hi,dren of Esa% reso,ved to 9ro n a kin8 over them in the ,and of hi9h they be9ame 5ossessed+ And they said to ea9h other& Not so& for he sha,, rei8n over %s in o%r ,and& and e sha,, be %nder his 9o%nse, and he sha,, fi8ht o%r batt,es& a8ainst o%r enemies& and they did so+ *A And a,, the 9hi,dren of Esa% s ore& sayin8& 2hat none of their brethren sho%,d ever rei8n over them& b%t a stran8e man ho is not of their brethren& for the so%,s of a,, the 9hi,dren of Esa% ere embittered every man a8ainst his son& brother and friend& on a99o%nt of the evi, they s%stained from their brethren hen they fo%8ht ith the 9hi,dren of Seir+ :( 2herefore the sons of Esa% s ore& sayin8& 3rom that day for ard they o%,d not 9hoose a kin8 from their brethren& b%t one from a stran8e ,and %nto this day+ :' And there as a man there from the 5eo5,e of An8eas kin8 of DinhabahJ his name as Be,a the son of Beor& ho as a very va,iant man& bea%tif%, and 9ome,y and ise in a,, isdom& and a man of sense and 9o%nse,J and there as none of the 5eo5,e of An8eas ,ike %nto him+ :. And a,, the 9hi,dren of Esa% took him and anointed him and they 9ro ned him for a kin8& and they bo ed do n to him& and they said %nto him& 7ay the kin8 ,ive& may the kin8 ,ive+ :* And they s5read o%t the sheet& and they bro%8ht him ea9h man earrin8s of 8o,d and si,ver or rin8s or bra9e,ets& and they made him very ri9h in si,ver and in 8o,d& in onyB stones and bde,,i%m& and they made him a roya, throne& and they 5,a9ed a re8a, 9ro n %5on his head& and they b%i,t a 5a,a9e for him and he d e,t therein& and he be9ame kin8 over a,, the 9hi,dren of Esa%+ ';(

:: And the 5eo5,e of An8eas took their hire for their batt,e from the 9hi,dren of Esa%& and they ent and ret%rned at that time to their master in Dinhabah+ :; And Be,a rei8ned over the 9hi,dren of Esa% thirty years& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% d e,t in the ,and instead of the 9hi,dren of Seir& and they d e,t se9%re,y in their stead %nto this day+ 58 $HARAOH DIES
0HA12ER ;/$$1haraoh dies and the ho,e ?overnment of E8y5t devo,ves %5on Yose5h& 1haraoh the Yo%n8er bein8 b%t a nomina, R%,er+ 2he 0hi,dren of Esa% a8ain 9ome A8ainst the Yisrae,ites& and are a8ain smitten+

' And it 9ame to 5ass in the thirty$se9ond year of the Yisrae,ites 8oin8 do n to E8y5t& that is in the seventy$first year of the ,ife of Yose5h& in that year died 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t& and 7a8ron his son rei8ned in his stead+ . And 1haraoh 9ommanded Yose5h before his death to be a father to his son& 7a8ron& and that 7a8ron sho%,d be %nder the 9are of Yose5h and %nder his 9o%nse,+ * And a,, E8y5t 9onsented to this thin8 that Yose5h sho%,d be kin8 over them& for a,, the E8y5tians ,oved Yose5h as of heretofore& on,y 7a8ron the son of 1haraoh sat %5on& his father@s throne& and he be9ame kin8 in those days in his father@s stead+ : 7a8ron as forty$one years o,d hen he be8an to rei8n& and forty years he rei8ned in E8y5t& and a,, E8y5t 9a,,ed his name 1haraoh after the name of his father& as it as their 9%stom to do in E8y5t to every kin8 that rei8ned over them+ ; And it 9ame to 5ass hen 1haraoh rei8ned in his father@s stead& he 5,a9ed the ,a s of E8y5t and a,, the affairs of 8overnment in the hand of Yose5h& as his father had 9ommanded him+ = And Yose5h be9ame kin8 over E8y5t& for he s%5erintended over a,, E8y5t& and a,, E8y5t as %nder his 9are and %nder his 9o%nse,& for a,, E8y5t in9,ined to Yose5h after the death of 1haraoh& and they ,oved him eB9eedin8,y to rei8n over them+ > B%t there ere some 5eo5,e amon8st them& ho did not ,ike him& sayin8& No stran8er sha,, rei8n over %sJ sti,, the ho,e 8overnment of E8y5t devo,ved in those days %5on Yose5h& after the death of 1haraoh& he bein8 the re8%,ator& doin8 as he ,iked thro%8ho%t the ,and itho%t any one interferin8+ / And a,, E8y5t as %nder the 9are of Yose5h& and Yose5h made ar ith a,, his s%rro%ndin8 enemies& and he s%bd%ed themJ a,so a,, the ,and and a,, the 1hi,istines& %nto the borders of 0anaan& did Yose5h s%bd%e& and they ere a,, %nder his 5o er and they 8ave a year,y taB %nto Yose5h+ A And 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t sat %5on his throne in his father@s stead& b%t he as %nder the 9ontro, and 9o%nse, of Yose5h& as he as at first %nder the 9ontro, of his father+ '( Neither did he rei8n b%t in the ,and of E8y5t on,y& %nder the 9o%nse, of Yose5h& b%t Yose5h rei8ned over the ho,e 9o%ntry at that time& from E8y5t %nto the 8reat river 1erath+ '' And Yose5h as s%99essf%, in a,, his ays& and YAHWEH as ith him& and YAHWEH 8ave Yose5h additiona, isdom& and honor& and s5,endor& and ,ove to ard him in the hearts of the E8y5tians and thro%8ho%t the ,and& and Yose5h rei8ned over the ho,e 9o%ntry forty years+ '. And a,, the 9o%ntries of the 1hi,istines and 0anaan and Iidon& and on the other side of Yardan& bro%8ht 5resents %nto Yose5h a,, his days& and the ho,e 9o%ntry as in the hand of Yose5h& and they bro%8ht %nto him a year,y trib%te as it as re8%,ated& for Yose5h had fo%8ht a8ainst a,, his s%rro%ndin8 enemies and s%bd%ed them& and the ho,e 9o%ntry as in the hand of Yose5h& and Yose5h sat se9%re,y %5on his throne in E8y5t+ '* And a,so a,, his brethren the sons of Ya9ob d e,t se9%re,y in the ,and& a,, the days of Yose5h& and they ere fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,ied eB9eedin8,y in the ,and& and they served YAHWEH a,, their days& as their father Ya9ob had 9ommanded them+ ': And it 9ame to 5ass at the end of many days and years& hen the 9hi,dren of Esa% ere d e,,in8 H%iet,y in their ,and ith Be,a their kin8& that the 9hi,dren of Esa% ere fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,ied in the ,and& and they reso,ved to 8o and fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob and a,, E8y5t& and to de,iver their brother Ie5ho& the son of E,i5haF& and his men& for they ere yet in those days s,aves to Yose5h+ ';'

'; And the 9hi,dren of Esa% sent %nto a,, the 9hi,dren of the east& and they made 5ea9e ith them& and a,, the 9hi,dren of the east 9ame %nto them to 8o ith the 9hi,dren of Esa% to E8y5t to batt,e+ '= And there 9ame a,so %nto them of the 5eo5,e of An8eas& kin8 of Dinhabah& and they a,so sent %nto the 9hi,dren of "shmae, and they a,so 9ame %nto them+ '> And a,, this 5eo5,e assemb,ed and 9ame %nto Seir to assist the 9hi,dren of Esa% in their batt,e& and this 9am5 as very ,ar8e and heavy ith 5eo5,e& n%mero%s as the sand of the sea& abo%t ei8ht h%ndred tho%sand men& infantry and 9ava,ry& and a,, these troo5s ent do n to E8y5t to fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob& and they en9am5ed by Rameses+ '/ And Yose5h ent forth ith his brethren ith the mi8hty men of E8y5t& abo%t siB h%ndred men& and they fo%8ht ith them in the ,and of RamesesJ and the sons of Ya9ob at that time a8ain fo%8ht ith the 9hi,dren of Esa%& in the fiftieth year of the sons of Ya9ob 8oin8 do n to E8y5t& that is the thirtieth year of the rei8n of Be,a over the 9hi,dren of Esa% in Seir+ 'A And YAHWEH 8ave a,, the mi8hty men of Esa% and the 9hi,dren of the east into the hand of Yose5h and his brethren& and the 5eo5,e of the 9hi,dren of Esa% and the 9hi,dren of the east ere smitten before Yose5h+ .( And of the 5eo5,e of Esa% and the 9hi,dren of the east that ere s,ain& there fe,, before the sons of Ya9ob abo%t t o h%ndred tho%sand men& and their kin8 Be,a the son of Beor fe,, ith them in the batt,e& and hen the 9hi,dren of Esa% sa that their kin8 had fa,,en in batt,e and as dead& their hands be9ame eak in the 9ombat+ .' And Yose5h and his brethren and a,, E8y5t ere sti,, smitin8 the 5eo5,e of the ho%se of Esa%& and a,, Esa%@s 5eo5,e ere afraid of the sons of Ya9ob and f,ed from before them+ .. And Yose5h and his brethren and a,, E8y5t 5%rs%ed them a day@s Go%rney& and they s,e yet from them abo%t three h%ndred men& 9ontin%in8 to smite them in the roadJ and they after ard t%rned ba9k from them+ .* And Yose5h and a,, his brethren ret%rned to E8y5t& not one man as missin8 from them& b%t of the E8y5tians there fe,, t e,ve men+ .: And hen Yose5h ret%rned to E8y5t he ordered Ie5ho and his men to be additiona,,y bo%nd& and they bo%nd them in irons and they in9reased their 8rief+ .; And a,, the 5eo5,e of the 9hi,dren of Esa%& and the 9hi,dren of the east& ret%rned in shame ea9h %nto his 9ity& for a,, the mi8hty men that ere ith them had fa,,en in batt,e+ .= And hen the 9hi,dren of Esa% sa that their kin8 had died in batt,e they hastened and took a man from the 5eo5,e of the 9hi,dren of the eastJ his name as Jobab the son of Iara9h& from the ,and of BotFrah& and they 9a%sed him to rei8n over them instead of Be,a their kin8+ .> And Jobab sat %5on the throne of Be,a as kin8 in his stead& and Jobab rei8ned in Edom over a,, the 9hi,dren of Esa% ten years& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% ent no more to fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob from that day for ard& for the sons of Esa% kne the va,or of the sons of Ya9ob& and they ere 8reat,y afraid of them+ ./ B%t from that day for ard the 9hi,dren of Esa% hated the sons of Ya9ob& and the hatred and enmity ere very stron8 bet een them a,, the days& %nto this day+ .A And it 9ame to 5ass after this& at the end of ten years& Jobab& the son of Iara9h& from BotFrah& died& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% took a man hose name as 0h%sham& from the ,and of 2eman& and they made him kin8 over them instead of Jobab& and 0h%sham rei8ned in Edom over a,, the 9hi,dren of Esa% for t enty years+ *( And Yose5h& kin8 of E8y5t& and his brethren& and a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, d e,t se9%re,y in E8y5t in those days& to8ether ith a,, the 9hi,dren of Yose5h and his brethren& havin8 no hindran9e or evi, a99ident and the ,and of E8y5t as at that time at rest from ar in the days of Yose5h and his brethren+ 59 YACOB'S $OSTERITY
0HA12ER ;A$$Ya9ob@s 1osterity in E8y5t+ After 1ro5hesyin8 that YAHWEH o%,d De,iver his Brethren from E8y5t& Yose5h dies and is b%ried& and the Yisrae,ites are r%,ed over by the E8y5tians+


' And these are the names of the sons of Yisrae, ho d e,t in E8y5t& ho had 9ome ith Ya9ob& a,, the sons of Ya9ob 9ame %nto E8y5t& every man ith his ho%seho,d+ . 2he 9hi,dren of Ceah ere Re%ben& Simeon& Cevi& Yah%dah& "ssa9har and Ieb%,%n& and their sister Dinah+ * And the sons of Ra9he, ere Yose5h and BenGamin+ : And the sons of Ii,5ah& the handmaid of Ceah& ere ?ad and Asher+ ; And the sons of Bi,hah& the handmaid of Ra9he,& ere Dan and Na5hta,i+ = And these ere their offs5rin8 that ere born %nto them in the ,and of 0anaan& before they 9ame %nto E8y5t ith their father Ya9ob+ > 2he sons of Re%ben ere 0hano9h& 1a,,%& 0hetFron and 0armi+ / And the sons of Simeon ere Jem%e,& Jamin& <had& Ja9hin& Io9har and Sa%,& the son of the 0anaanitish oman+ A And the 9hi,dren of Cevi ere ?ershon& 4ehath and 7erari& and their sister Jo9hebed& ho as born %nto them in their 8oin8 do n to E8y5t+ '( And the sons of Yah%dah ere Er& <nan& She,ah& 1ereF and Iara9h+ '' And Er and <nan died in the ,and of 0anaanJ and the sons of 1ereF ere 0heFron and 0ham%,+ '. And the sons of "ssa9har ere 2o,a& 1%vah& Job and Shomron+ '* And the sons of Ieb%,%n ere Sered& E,on and Ja9h,ee,& and the son of Dan as 0h%shim+ ': And the sons of Na5hta,i ere Ja9hFee,& ?%ni& JetFer and Shi,am+ '; And the sons of ?ad ere Ii5hion& 0ha88i& Sh%ni& EFbon& Eri& Arodi and Are,i+ '= And the 9hi,dren of Asher ere Jimnah& Jishvah& Jishvi& Beriah and their sister Sera9hJ and the sons of Beriah ere 0heber and 7a,9hie,+ '> And the sons of BenGamin ere Be,a& Be9her& Ashbe,& ?era& Naaman& A9hi& Rosh& 7%5im& 0h%5im and <rd+ '/ And the sons of Yose5h& that ere born %nto him in E8y5t& ere 7anasseh and E5hraim+ 'A And a,, the so%,s that ent forth from the ,oins of Ya9ob& ere seventy so%,sJ these are they ho 9ame ith Ya9ob their father %nto E8y5t to d e,, there) and Yose5h and a,, his brethren d e,t se9%re,y in E8y5t& and they ate of the best of E8y5t a,, the days of the ,ife of Yose5h+ .( And Yose5h ,ived in the ,and of E8y5t ninety$three years& and Yose5h rei8ned over a,, E8y5t ei8hty years+ .' And hen the days of Yose5h dre ni8h that he sho%,d die& he sent and 9a,,ed for his brethren and a,, his father@s ho%seho,d& and they a,, 9ame to8ether and sat before him+ .. And Yose5h said %nto his brethren and %nto the ho,e of his father@s ho%seho,d& Beho,d " die& and YAHWEH i,, s%re,y visit yo% and brin8 yo% %5 from this ,and to the ,and hi9h he s ore to yo%r fathers to 8ive %nto them+ .* And it sha,, be hen YAHWEH sha,, visit yo% to brin8 yo% %5 from here to the ,and of yo%r fathers& then brin8 %5 my bones ith yo% from here+ .: And Yose5h made the sons of Yisrae, to s ear for their seed after them& sayin8& YAHWEH i,, s%re,y visit yo% and yo% sha,, brin8 %5 my bones ith yo% from here+ .; And it 9ame to 5ass after this that Yose5h died in that year& the seventy$first year of the Yisrae,ites 8oin8 do n to E8y5t+ .= And Yose5h as one h%ndred and ten years o,d hen he died in the ,and of E8y5t& and a,, his brethren and a,, his servants rose %5 and they emba,med Yose5h& as as their 9%stom& and his brethren and a,, E8y5t mo%rned over him for seventy days+ .> And they 5%t Yose5h in a 9offin fi,,ed ith s5i9es and a,, sorts of 5erf%me& and they b%ried him by the side of the river& that is Sihor& and his sons and a,, his brethren& and the ho,e of his father@s ho%seho,d made a seven day@s mo%rnin8 for him+ ./ And it 9ame to 5ass after the death of Yose5h& a,, the E8y5tians be8an in those days to r%,e over the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and 1haraoh& kin8 of E8y5t& ho rei8ned in his father@s stead& took a,, the ,a s of E8y5t and 9ond%9ted the ho,e 8overnment of E8y5t %nder his 9o%nse,& and he rei8ned se9%re,y over his 5eo5,e+ ';*

0HA12ER =($$Ie5ho& the Son of E,i5haF& the Son of Esa%& ho as taken 0a5tive by Yose5h here he B%ried his 3ather& Es9a5es from E8y5t ith a,, his 7en+

' And hen the year 9ame ro%nd& bein8 the seventy$se9ond year from the Yisrae,ites 8oin8 do n to E8y5t& after the death of Yose5h& Ie5ho& the son of E,i5haF& the son of Esa%& f,ed from E8y5t& he and his men& and they ent a ay+ . And he 9ame to Afri9a& hi9h is Dinhabah& to An8eas kin8 of Afri9a& and An8eas re9eived them ith 8reat honor& and he made Ie5ho the 9a5tain of his host+ * And Ie5ho fo%nd favor in the si8ht of An8eas and in the si8ht of his 5eo5,e& and Ie5ho as 9a5tain of the host to An8eas kin8 of Afri9a for many days+ : And Ie5ho enti9ed An8eas kin8 of Afri9a to 9o,,e9t a,, his army to 8o and fi8ht ith the E8y5tians& and ith the sons of Ya9ob& and to aven8e of them the 9a%se of his brethren+ ; B%t An8eas o%,d not ,isten to Ie5ho to do this thin8& for An8eas kne the stren8th of the sons of Ya9ob& and hat they had done to his army in their arfare ith the 9hi,dren of Esa%+ = And Ie5ho as in those days very 8reat in the si8ht of An8eas and in the si8ht of a,, his 5eo5,e& and he 9ontin%a,,y enti9ed them to make ar a8ainst E8y5t& b%t they o%,d not+ > And it 9ame to 5ass in those days there as in the ,and of 0hittim a man in the 9ity of 1%Fimna& hose name as DF%& and he be9ame de8enerate,y deified by the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and the man died and had no son& on,y one da%8hter hose name as Jania+ / And the damse, as eB9eedin8,y bea%tif%,& 9ome,y and inte,,i8ent& there as none seen ,ike %nto her for bea%ty and isdom thro%8ho%t the ,and+ A And the 5eo5,e of An8eas kin8 of Afri9a sa her and they 9ame and 5raised her %nto him& and An8eas sent to the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and he reH%ested to take her %nto himse,f for a ife& and the 5eo5,e of 0hittim 9onsented to 8ive her %nto him for a ife+ '( And hen the messen8ers of An8eas ere 8oin8 forth from the ,and of 0hittim to take their Go%rney& beho,d the messen8ers of 2%rn%s kin8 of Bibent% 9ame %nto 0hittim& for 2%rn%s kin8 of Bibent% a,so sent his messen8ers to reH%est Jania for him& to take %nto himse,f for a ife& for a,, his men had a,so 5raised her to him& therefore he sent a,, his servants %nto her+ '' And the servants of 2%rn%s 9ame to 0hittim& and they asked for Jania& to be taken %nto 2%rn%s their kin8 for a ife+ '. And the 5eo5,e of 0hittim said %nto them& We 9annot 8ive her& be9a%se An8eas kin8 of Afri9a desired her to take her %nto him for a ife before yo% 9ame& and that e sho%,d 8ive her %nto him& and no therefore e 9annot do this thin8 to de5rive An8eas of the damse, in order to 8ive her %nto 2%rn%s+ '* 3or e are 8reat,y afraid of An8eas ,est he 9ome in batt,e a8ainst %s and destroy %s& and 2%rn%s yo%r master i,, not be ab,e to de,iver %s from his hand+ ': And hen the messen8ers of 2%rn%s heard a,, the ords of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& they t%rned ba9k to their master and to,d him a,, the ords of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim+ '; And the 9hi,dren of 0hittim sent a memoria, to An8eas& sayin8& Beho,d 2%rn%s has sent for Jania to take her %nto him for a ife& and th%s have e ans ered himJ and e heard that he has 9o,,e9ted his ho,e army to 8o to ar a8ainst yo%& and he intends to 5ass by the road of Sard%nia to fi8ht a8ainst yo%r brother C%9%s& and after that he i,, 9ome to fi8ht a8ainst yo%+ '= And An8eas heard the ords of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim hi9h they sent to him in the re9ord& and his an8er as kind,ed and he rose %5 and assemb,ed his ho,e army and 9ame thro%8h the is,ands of the sea& the road to Sard%nia& %nto his brother C%9%s kin8 of Sard%nia+ '> And Nib,os& the son of C%9%s& heard that his %n9,e An8eas as 9omin8& and he ent o%t to meet him ith a heavy army& and he kissed him and embra9ed him& and Nib,os said %nto An8eas& When yo% ask my father after his e,fare& hen " sha,, 8o ith yo% to fi8ht ith 2%rn%s& ask of him to make me 9a5tain of his host& and An8eas did so& and he 9ame %nto his brother and his brother 9ame to meet him& and he asked him after his e,fare+ ';:

'/ And An8eas asked his brother C%9%s after his e,fare& and to make his son Nib,os 9a5tain of his host& and C%9%s did so& and An8eas and his brother C%9%s rose %5 and they ent to ard 2%rn%s to batt,e& and there as ith them a 8reat army and a heavy 5eo5,e+ 'A And he 9ame in shi5s& and they 9ame into the 5rovin9e of Ashtorash& and beho,d 2%rn%s 9ame to ard them& for he ent forth to Sard%nia& and intended to destroy it and after ard to 5ass on from there to An8eas to fi8ht ith him+ .( And An8eas and C%9%s his brother met 2%rn%s in the va,,ey of 0ano5ia& and the batt,e as stron8 and mi8hty bet een them in that 5,a9e+ .' And the batt,e as severe %5on C%9%s kin8 of Sard%nia& and a,, his army fe,,& and Nib,os his son fe,, a,so in that batt,e+ .. And his %n9,e An8eas 9ommanded his servants and they made a 8o,den 9offin for Nib,os and they 5%t him into it& and An8eas a8ain a8ed batt,e to ard 2%rn%s& and An8eas as stron8er than he& and he s,e him& and he smote a,, his 5eo5,e ith the ed8e of the s ord& and An8eas aven8ed the 9a%se of Nib,os his brother@s son and the 9a%se of the army of his brother C%9%s+ .* And hen 2%rn%s died& the hands of those that s%rvived the batt,e be9ame eak& and they f,ed from before An8eas and C%9%s his brother+ .: And An8eas and his brother C%9%s 5%rs%ed them %nto the hi8hroad& hi9h is bet een A,5han% and Romah& and they s,e the ho,e army of 2%rn%s ith the ed8e of the s ord+ .; And C%9%s kin8 of Sard%nia 9ommanded his servants that they sho%,d make a 9offin of brass& and that they sho%,d 5,a9e therein the body of his son Nib,os& and they b%ried him in that 5,a9e+ .= And they b%i,t %5on it a hi8h to er there %5on the hi8hroad& and they 9a,,ed its name after the name of Nib,os %nto this day& and they a,so b%ried 2%rn%s kin8 of Bibent% there in that 5,a9e ith Nib,os+ .> And beho,d %5on the hi8hroad bet een A,5han% and Romah the 8rave of Nib,os is on one side and the 8rave of 2%rn%s on the other& and a 5avement bet een them %nto this day+ ./ And hen Nib,os as b%ried& C%9%s his father ret%rned ith his army to his ,and Sard%nia& and An8eas his brother kin8 of Afri9a ent ith his 5eo5,e %nto the 9ity of Bibent%& that is the 9ity of 2%rn%s+ .A And the inhabitants of Bibent% heard of his fame and they ere 8reat,y afraid of him& and they ent forth to meet him ith ee5in8 and s%55,i9ation& and the inhabitants of Bibent% entreated of An8eas not to s,ay them nor destroy their 9ityJ and he did so& for Bibent% as in those days re9koned as one of the 9ities of the 9hi,dren of 0hittimJ therefore he did not destroy the 9ity+ *( B%t from that day for ard the troo5s of the kin8 of Afri9a o%,d 8o to 0hittim to s5oi, and 5,%nder it& and henever they ent& Ie5ho the 9a5tain of the host of An8eas o%,d 8o ith them+ *' And it as after this that An8eas t%rned ith his army and they 9ame to the 9ity of 1%Fimna& and An8eas took then9e Jania the da%8hter of DF% for a ife and bro%8ht her %nto his 9ity %nto Afri9a+ 61 $ETTY WARS 1
0HA12ERS ='& =.& and =*$$1etty Wars and 9ontentions of the Nations of Afri9a ith Ie5ho+

' And it 9ame to 5ass at that time 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t 9ommanded a,, his 5eo5,e to make for him a stron8 5a,a9e in E8y5t+ . And he a,so 9ommanded the sons of Ya9ob to assist the E8y5tians in the b%i,din8& and the E8y5tians made a bea%tif%, and e,e8ant 5a,a9e for a roya, habitation& and he d e,t therein and he rene ed his 8overnment and he rei8ned se9%re,y+ * And Ieb%,%n the son of Ya9ob died in that year& that is the seventy$se9ond year of the 8oin8 do n of the Yisrae,ites to E8y5t& and Ieb%,%n died a h%ndred and fo%rteen years o,d& and as 5%t into a 9offin and 8iven into the hands of his 9hi,dren+ : And in the seventy$fifth year died his brother Simeon& he as a h%ndred and t enty years o,d at his death& and he as a,so 5%t into a 9offin and 8iven into the hands of his 9hi,dren+ ; And Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF the son of Esa%& 9a5tain of the host to An8eas kin8 of Dinhabah& as sti,, dai,y enti9in8 An8eas to 5re5are for batt,e to fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob in E8y5t& and An8eas as ';;

%n i,,in8 to do this thin8& for his servants had re,ated to him a,, the mi8ht of the sons of Ya9ob& hat they had done %nto them in their batt,e ith the 9hi,dren of Esa%+ = And Ie5ho as in those days dai,y enti9in8 An8eas to fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob in those days+ > And after some time An8eas hearkened to the ords of Ie5ho and 9onsented to him to fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob in E8y5t& and An8eas 8ot a,, his 5eo5,e in order& a 5eo5,e n%mero%s as the sand hi9h is %5on the sea shore& and he formed his reso,%tion to 8o to E8y5t to batt,e+ / And amon8st the servants of An8eas as a yo%th fifteen years o,d& Ba,aam the son of Beor as his name and the yo%th as very ise and %nderstood the are of it9h9raft+ A And An8eas said %nto Ba,aam& 0onG%re for %s& " 5ray yo%& ith the it9h9raft& that e may kno ho i,, 5revai, in this batt,e to hi9h e are no 5ro9eedin8+ '( And Ba,aam ordered that they sho%,d brin8 him aB& and he made thereof the ,ikeness of 9hariots and horsemen re5resentin8 the army of An8eas and the army of E8y5t& and he 5%t them in the 9%nnin8,y 5re5ared aters that he had for that 5%r5ose& and he took in his hand the bo%8hs of myrt,e trees& and he eBer9ised his 9%nnin8& and he Goined them over the ater& and there a55eared %nto him in the ater the resemb,in8 ima8es of the hosts of An8eas fa,,in8 before the resemb,in8 ima8es of the E8y5tians and the sons of Ya9ob+ '' And Ba,aam to,d this thin8 to An8eas& and An8eas des5aired and did not arm himse,f to 8o do n to E8y5t to batt,e& and he remained in his 9ity+ '. And hen Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF sa that An8eas des5aired of 8oin8 forth to batt,e ith the E8y5tians& Ie5ho f,ed from An8eas from Afri9a& and he ent and 9ame %nto 0hittim+ '* And a,, the 5eo5,e of 0hittim re9eived him ith 8reat honor& and they hired him to fi8ht their batt,es a,, the days& and Ie5ho be9ame eB9eedin8,y ri9h in those days& and the troo5s of the kin8 of Afri9a sti,, s5read themse,ves in those days& and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim assemb,ed and ent to 7o%nt 0%5tiFia on a99o%nt of the troo5s of An8eas kin8 of Afri9a& ho ere advan9in8 %5on them+ ': And it as one day that Ie5ho ,ost a yo%n8 heifer& and he ent to seek it& and he heard it ,o in8 ro%nd abo%t the mo%ntain+ '; And Ie5ho ent and he sa and beho,d there as a ,ar8e 9ave at the bottom of the mo%ntain& and there as a 8reat stone there at the entran9e of the 9ave& and Ie5ho s5,it the stone and he 9ame into the 9ave and he ,ooked and beho,d& a ,ar8e anima, as devo%rin8 the oBJ from the midd,e %5 ard it resemb,ed a man& and from the midd,e do n ard it resemb,ed an anima,& and Ie5ho rose %5 a8ainst the anima, and s,e it ith his s ords+ '= And the inhabitants of 0hittim heard of this thin8& and they reGoi9ed eB9eedin8,y& and they said& What sha,, e do %nto this man ho has s,ain this anima, that devo%red o%r 9att,e# '> And they a,, assemb,ed to 9onse9rate one day in the year to him& and they 9a,,ed the name thereof Ie5ho after his name& and they bro%8ht %nto him drink offerin8s year after year on that day& and they bro%8ht %nto him 8ifts+ '/ At that time Jania the da%8hter of DF% ife of kin8 An8eas be9ame i,,& and her i,,ness as heavi,y fe,t by An8eas and his offi9ers& and An8eas said %nto his ise men& What sha,, " do to Jania and ho sha,, " hea, her from her i,,ness# And his ise men said %nto him& Be9a%se the air of o%r 9o%ntry is not ,ike the air of the ,and of 0hittim& and o%r ater is not ,ike their ater& therefore from this has the H%een be9ome i,,+ 'A 3or thro%8h the 9han8e of air and ater she be9ame i,,& and a,so be9a%se in her 9o%ntry she drank on,y the ater hi9h 9ame from 1%rmah& hi9h her an9estors had bro%8ht %5 ith brid8es+ .( And An8eas 9ommanded his servants& and they bro%8ht %nto him in vesse,s of the aters of 1%rmah be,on8in8 to 0hittim& and they ei8hed those aters ith a,, the aters of the ,and of Afri9a& and they fo%nd those aters ,i8hter than the aters of Afri9a+ .' And An8eas sa this thin8& and he 9ommanded a,, his offi9ers to assemb,e the he ers of stone in tho%sands and tens of tho%sands& and they he ed stone itho%t n%mber& and the b%i,ders 9ame and they b%i,t an eB9eedin8,y stron8 brid8e& and they 9onveyed the s5rin8 of ater from the ,and of 0hittim %nto Afri9a& and those aters ere for Jania the H%een and for a,, her 9on9erns& to drink from and to bake& ash and bathe there ith& and a,so to ater there ith a,, seed from hi9h food 9an be obtained& and a,, fr%it of ';=

the 8ro%nd+ .. And the kin8 9ommanded that they sho%,d brin8 of the soi, of 0hittim in ,ar8e shi5s& and they a,so bro%8ht stones to b%i,d there ith& and the b%i,ders b%i,t 5a,a9es for Jania the H%een& and the H%een be9ame hea,ed of her i,,ness+ .* And at the revo,%tion of the year the troo5s of Afri9a 9ontin%ed 9omin8 to the ,and of 0hittim to 5,%nder as %s%a,& and Ie5ho son of E,i5haF heard their re5ort& and he 8ave orders 9on9ernin8 them and he fo%8ht ith them& and they f,ed before him& and he de,ivered the ,and of 0hittim from them+ .: And the 9hi,dren of 0hittim sa the va,or of Ie5ho& and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim reso,ved and they made Ie5ho kin8 over them& and he be9ame kin8 over them& and hi,e he rei8ned they ent to s%bd%e the 9hi,dren of 2%ba,& and a,, the s%rro%ndin8 is,ands+ .; And their kin8 Ie5ho ent at their head and they made ar ith 2%ba, and the is,ands& and they s%bd%ed them& and hen they ret%rned from the batt,e they rene ed his 8overnment for him& and they b%i,t for him a very ,ar8e 5a,a9e for his roya, habitation and seat& and they made a ,ar8e throne for him& and Ie5ho rei8ned over the ho,e ,and of 0hittim and over the ,and of "ta,ia fifty years+ 6 $ETTY WARS
0HA12ERS ='& =.& and =*$$1etty Wars and 9ontentions of the Nations of Afri9a ith Ie5ho+

' "n that year& bein8 the seventy$ninth year of the Yisrae,ites 8oin8 do n to E8y5t& died Re%ben the son of Ya9ob& in the ,and of E8y5tJ Re%ben as a h%ndred and t enty$five years o,d hen he died& and they 5%t him into a 9offin& and he as 8iven into the hands of his 9hi,dren+ . And in the ei8htieth year died his brother DanJ he as a h%ndred and t enty years at his death& and he as a,so 5%t into a 9offin and 8iven into the hands of his 9hi,dren+ * And in that year died 0h%sham kin8 of Edom& and after him rei8ned Hadad the son of Bedad& for thirty$ five yearsJ and in the ei8hty$first year died "ssa9har the son of Ya9ob& in E8y5t& and "ssa9har as a h%ndred and t enty$t o years o,d at his death& and he as 5%t into a 9offin in E8y5t& and 8iven into the hands of his 9hi,dren+ : And in the ei8hty$se9ond year died Asher his brother& he as a h%ndred and t enty$three years o,d at his death& and he as 5,a9ed in a 9offin in E8y5t& and 8iven into the hands of his 9hi,dren+ ; And in the ei8hty$third year died ?ad& he as a h%ndred and t enty$five years o,d at his death& and he as 5%t into a 9offin in E8y5t& and 8iven into the hands of his 9hi,dren+ = And it 9ame to 5ass in the ei8hty$fo%rth year& that is the fiftieth year of the rei8n of Hadad& son of Bedad& kin8 of Edom& that Hadad assemb,ed a,, the 9hi,dren of Esa%& and he 8ot his ho,e army in readiness& abo%t fo%r h%ndred tho%sand men& and he dire9ted his ay to the ,and of 7oab& and he ent to fi8ht ith 7oab and to make them trib%tary to him+ > And the 9hi,dren of 7oab heard this thin8& and they ere very m%9h afraid& and they sent to the 9hi,dren of 7idian to assist them in fi8htin8 ith Hadad& son of Bedad& kin8 of Edom+ / And Hadad 9ame %nto the ,and of 7oab& and 7oab and the 9hi,dren of 7idian ent o%t to meet him& and they 5,a9ed themse,ves in batt,e array a8ainst him in the fie,d of 7oab+ A And Hadad fo%8ht ith 7oab& and there fe,, of the 9hi,dren of 7oab and the 9hi,dren of 7idian many s,ain ones& abo%t t o h%ndred tho%sand men+ '( And the batt,e as very severe %5on 7oab& and hen the 9hi,dren of 7oab sa that the batt,e as sore %5on them& they eakened their hands and t%rned their ba9ks& and ,eft the 9hi,dren of 7idian to 9arry on the batt,e+ '' And the 9hi,dren of 7idian kne not the intentions of 7oab& b%t they stren8thened themse,ves in batt,e and fo%8ht ith Hadad and a,, his host& and a,, 7idian fe,, before him+ '. And Hadad smote a,, 7idian ith a heavy smitin8& and he s,e them ith the ed8e of the s ord& he ,eft none remainin8 of those ho 9ame to assist 7oab+ '* And hen a,, the 9hi,dren of 7idian had 5erished in batt,e& and the 9hi,dren at 7oab had es9a5ed& Hadad made a,, 7oab at that time trib%tary to him& and they be9ame %nder his hand& and they 8ave a year,y ';>

taB as it as ordered& and Hadad t%rned and ent ba9k to his ,and+ ': And at the revo,%tion of the year& hen the rest of the 5eo5,e of 7idian that ere in the ,and heard that a,, their brethren had fa,,en in batt,e ith Hadad for the sake of 7oab& be9a%se the 9hi,dren of 7oab had t%rned their ba9ks in batt,e and ,eft 7idian to fi8ht& then five of the 5rin9es of 7idian reso,ved ith the rest of their brethren ho remained in their ,and& to fi8ht ith 7oab to aven8e the 9a%se of their brethren+ '; And the 9hi,dren of 7idian sent to a,, their brethren the 9hi,dren of the east& and a,, their brethren& a,, the 9hi,dren of 4et%rah 9ame to assist 7idian to fi8ht ith 7oab+ '= And the 9hi,dren of 7oab heard this thin8& and they ere 8reat,y afraid that a,, the 9hi,dren of the east had assemb,ed to8ether a8ainst them for batt,e& and they the 9hi,dren of 7oab sent a memoria, to the ,and of Edom to Hadad the son of Bedad& sayin8& '> 0ome no %nto %s and assist %s and e i,, smite 7idian& for they a,, assemb,ed to8ether and have 9ome a8ainst %s ith a,, their brethren the 9hi,dren of the east to batt,e& to aven8e the 9a%se of 7idian that fe,, in batt,e+ '/ And Hadad& son of Bedad& kin8 of Edom& ent forth ith his ho,e army and ent to the ,and of 7oab to fi8ht ith 7idian& and 7idian and the 9hi,dren of the east fo%8ht ith 7oab in the fie,d of 7oab& and the batt,e as very fier9e bet een them+ 'A And Hadad smote a,, the 9hi,dren of 7idian and the 9hi,dren of the east ith the ed8e of the s ord& and Hadad at that time de,ivered 7oab from the hand of 7idian& and those that remained of 7idian and of the 9hi,dren of the east f,ed before Hadad and his army& and Hadad 5%rs%ed them to their ,and& and smote them ith a very heavy s,a%8hter& and the s,ain fe,, in the road+ .( And Hadad de,ivered 7oab from the hand of 7idian& for a,, the 9hi,dren of 7idian had fa,,en by the ed8e of the s ord& and Hadad t%rned and ent ba9k to his ,and+ .' And from that day forth& the 9hi,dren of 7idian hated the 9hi,dren of 7oab& be9a%se they had fa,,en in batt,e for their sake& and there as a 8reat and mi8hty enmity bet een them a,, the days+ .. And a,, that ere fo%nd of 7idian in the road of the ,and of 7oab 5erished by the s ord of 7oab& and a,, that ere fo%nd of 7oab in the road of the ,and of 7idian& 5erished by the s ord of 7idianJ th%s did 7idian %nto 7oab and 7oab %nto 7idian for many days+ .* And it 9ame to 5ass at that time that Yah%dah the son of Ya9ob died in E8y5t& in the ei8hty$siBth year of Ya9ob@s 8oin8 do n to E8y5t& and Yah%dah as a h%ndred and t enty$nine years o,d at his death& and they emba,med him and 5%t him into a 9offin& and he as 8iven into the hands of his 9hi,dren+ .: And in the ei8hty$ninth year died Na5hta,i& he as a h%ndred and thirty$t o years o,d& and he as 5%t into a 9offin and 8iven into the hands of his 9hi,dren+ .; And it 9ame to 5ass in the ninety$first year of the Yisrae,ites 8oin8 do n to E8y5t& that is in the thirtieth year of the rei8n of Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF& the son of Esa%& over the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& the 9hi,dren of Afri9a 9ame %5on the 9hi,dren of 0hittim to 5,%nder them as %s%a,& b%t they had not 9ome %5on them for these thirteen years+ .= And they 9ame to them in that year& and Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF ent o%t to them ith some of his men and smote them des5erate,y& and the troo5s of Afri9a f,ed from before Ie5ho and the s,ain fe,, before him& and Ie5ho and his men 5%rs%ed them& 8oin8 on and smitin8 them %nti, they ere near %nto Afri9a+ .> And An8eas kin8 of Afri9a heard the thin8 hi9h Ie5ho had done& and it veBed him eB9eedin8,y& and An8eas as afraid of Ie5ho a,, the days+ 6" $ETTY WARS "
0HA12ERS ='& =.& and =*$$1etty Wars and 9ontentions of the Nations of Afri9a ith Ie5ho+

' And in the ninety$third year died Cevi& the son of Ya9ob& in E8y5t& and Cevi as a h%ndred and thirty$ seven years o,d hen he died& and they 5%t him into a 9offin and he as 8iven into the hands of his 9hi,dren+ . And it 9ame to 5ass after the death of Cevi& hen a,, E8y5t sa that the sons of Ya9ob the brethren of Yose5h ere dead& a,, the E8y5tians be8an to aff,i9t the 9hi,dren of Ya9ob& and to embitter their ,ives from ';/

that day %nto the day of their 8oin8 forth from E8y5t& and they took from their hands a,, the vineyards and fie,ds hi9h Yose5h had 8iven %nto them& and a,, the e,e8ant ho%ses in hi9h the 5eo5,e of Yisrae, ,ived& and a,, the fat of E8y5t& the E8y5tians took a,, from the sons of Ya9ob in those days+ * And the hand of a,, E8y5t be9ame more 8rievo%s in those days a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and the E8y5tians inG%red the Yisrae,ites %nti, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere earied of their ,ives on a99o%nt of the E8y5tians+ : And it 9ame to 5ass in those days& in the h%ndred and se9ond year of Yisrae,@s 8oin8 do n to E8y5t& that 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t died& and 7e,o, his son rei8ned in his stead& and a,, the mi8hty men of E8y5t and a,, that 8eneration hi9h kne Yose5h and his brethren died in those days+ ; And another 8eneration rose %5 in their stead& hi9h had not kno n the sons of Ya9ob and a,, the 8ood hi9h they had done to them& and a,, their mi8ht in E8y5t+ = 2herefore a,, E8y5t be8an from that day forth to embitter the ,ives of the sons of Ya9ob& and to aff,i9t them ith a,, manner of hard ,abor& be9a%se they had not kno n their an9estors ho had de,ivered them in the days of the famine+ > And this as a,so from YAHWEH& for the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& to benefit them in their ,atter days& in order that a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, mi8ht kno YAHWEH their AC7"?H2Y+ / And in order to kno the si8ns and mi8hty onders hi9h YAHWEH o%,d do in E8y5t on a99o%nt of his 5eo5,e Yisrae,& in order that the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, mi8ht fear YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of their an9estors& and a,k in a,, his ays& they and their seed after them a,, the days+ A 7e,o, as t enty years o,d hen he be8an to rei8n& and he rei8ned ninety$fo%r years& and a,, E8y5t 9a,,ed his name 1haraoh after the name of his father& as it as their 9%stom to do to every kin8 ho rei8ned over them in E8y5t+ '( At that time a,, the troo5s of An8eas kin8 of Afri9a ent forth to s5read a,on8 the ,and of 0hittim as %s%a, for 5,%nder+ '' And Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF the son of Esa% heard their re5ort& and he ent forth to meet them ith his army& and he fo%8ht them there in the road+ '. And Ie5ho smote the troo5s of the kin8 of Afri9a ith the ed8e of the s ord& and ,eft none remainin8 of them& and not even one ret%rned to his master in Afri9a+ '* And An8eas heard of this hi9h Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF had done to a,, his troo5s& that he had destroyed them& and An8eas assemb,ed a,, his troo5s& a,, the men of the ,and of Afri9a& a 5eo5,e n%mero%s ,ike the sand by the sea shore+ ': And An8eas sent to C%9%s his brother& sayin8& 0ome to me ith a,, yo%r men and he,5 me to smite Ie5ho and a,, the 9hi,dren of 0hittim ho have destroyed my men& and C%9%s 9ame ith his ho,e army& a very 8reat for9e& to assist An8eas his brother to fi8ht ith Ie5ho and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim+ '; And Ie5ho and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim heard this thin8& and they ere 8reat,y afraid and a 8reat terror fe,, %5on their hearts+ '= And Ie5ho a,so sent a ,etter to the ,and of Edom to Hadad the son of Bedad kin8 of Edom and to a,, the 9hi,dren of Esa%& sayin8& '> " have heard that An8eas kin8 of Afri9a is 9omin8 to %s ith his brother for batt,e a8ainst %s& and e are 8reat,y afraid of him& for his army is very 8reat& 5arti9%,ar,y as he 9omes a8ainst %s ith his brother and his army ,ike ise+ '/ No therefore 9ome yo% a,so %5 ith me and he,5 me& and e i,, fi8ht to8ether a8ainst An8eas and his brother C%9%s& and yo% i,, save %s o%t of their hands& b%t if not& kno ye that e sha,, a,, die+ 'A And the 9hi,dren of Esa% sent a ,etter to the 9hi,dren of 0hittim and to Ie5ho their kin8& sayin8& We 9annot fi8ht a8ainst An8eas and his 5eo5,e for a 9ovenant of 5ea9e has been bet een %s these many years& from the days of Be,a the first kin8& and from the days of Yose5h the son of Ya9ob kin8 of E8y5t& ith hom e fo%8ht on the other side of Yardan hen he b%ried his father+ .( And hen Ie5ho heard the ords of his brethren the 9hi,dren of Esa% he refrained from them& and Ie5ho as 8reat,y afraid of An8eas+ .' And An8eas and C%9%s his brother arrayed a,, their for9es& abo%t ei8ht h%ndred tho%sand men& a8ainst ';A

the 9hi,dren of 0hittim+ .. And a,, the 9hi,dren of 0hittim said %nto Ie5ho& 1ray for %s to YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of yo%r an9estors& 5eradvent%re he may de,iver %s from the hand of An8eas and his army& for e have heard that he is a 8reat AC7"?H2Y and that he de,ivers a,, ho tr%st in him+ .* And Ie5ho heard their ords& and Ie5ho so%8ht YAHWEH and he said& .: < YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of Abraham and Yits9haH my an9estors& this day " kno that yo% are a tr%e AC7"?H2Y& and a,, the 8ods of the nations are vain and %se,ess+ .; Remember no this day %nto me yo%r 9ovenant ith Abraham o%r father& hi9h o%r an9estors re,ated %nto %s& and do 8ra9io%s,y ith me this day for the sake of Abraham and Yits9haH o%r fathers& and save me and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim from the hand of the kin8 of Afri9a ho 9omes a8ainst %s for batt,e+ .= And YAHWEH hearkened to the voi9e of Ie5ho& and he had re8ard for him on a99o%nt of Abraham and Yits9haH& and YAHWEH de,ivered Ie5ho and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim from the hand of An8eas and his 5eo5,e+ .> And Ie5ho fo%8ht An8eas kin8 of Afri9a and a,, his 5eo5,e on that day& and YAHWEH 8ave a,, the 5eo5,e of An8eas into the hands of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim+ ./ And the batt,e as severe %5on An8eas& and Ie5ho smote a,, the men of An8eas and C%9%s his brother& ith the ed8e of the s ord& and there fe,, from them %nto the evenin8 of that day abo%t fo%r h%ndred tho%sand men+ .A And hen An8eas sa that a,, his men 5erished& he sent a ,etter to a,, the inhabitants of Afri9a to 9ome to him& to assist him in the batt,e& and he rote in the ,etter& sayin8& A,, ho are fo%nd in Afri9a ,et them 9ome %nto me from ten years o,d and %5 ardJ ,et them a,, 9ome %nto me& and beho,d if he 9omes not he sha,, die& and a,, that he has& ith his ho,e ho%seho,d& the kin8 i,, take+ *( And a,, the rest of the inhabitants of Afri9a ere terrified at the ords of An8eas& and there ent o%t of the 9ity abo%t three h%ndred tho%sand men and boys& from ten years %5 ard& and they 9ame to An8eas+ *' And at the end of ten days An8eas rene ed the batt,e a8ainst Ie5ho and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and the batt,e as very 8reat and stron8 bet een them+ *. And from the army of An8eas and C%9%s& Ie5ho sent many of the o%nded %nto his hand& abo%t t o tho%sand men& and Sosi5htar the 9a5tain of the host of An8eas fe,, in that batt,e+ ** And hen Sosi5htar had fa,,en& the Afri9an troo5s t%rned their ba9ks to f,ee& and they f,ed& and An8eas and C%9%s his brother ere ith them+ *: And Ie5ho and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim 5%rs%ed them& and they smote them sti,, heavi,y on the road& abo%t t o h%ndred men& and they 5%rs%ed AFdr%ba, the son of An8eas ho had f,ed ith his father& and they smote t enty of his men in the road& and AFdr%ba, es9a5ed from the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and they did not s,ay him+ *; And An8eas and C%9%s his brother f,ed ith the rest of their men& and they es9a5ed and 9ame into Afri9a ith terror and 9onsternation& and An8eas feared a,, the days ,est Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF sho%,d 8o to ar ith him+ 6# 'E$HO LEADS ARMY
0HA12ER =:$$Ie5ho Ceads a ?reat Army of 0hittimites& Edomites& and "shmae,ites a8ainst E8y5t+ 2hree H%ndred 2ho%sand E8y5tians 5%t to 3,i8ht& b%t <ne H%ndred and 3ifty 7en of Yisrae, 5revai, a8ainst Ie5ho+

' And Ba,aam the son of Beor as at that time ith An8eas in the batt,e& and hen he sa that Ie5ho 5revai,ed over An8eas& he f,ed from there and 9ame to 0hittim+ . And Ie5ho and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim re9eived him ith 8reat honor& for Ie5ho kne Ba,aam@s isdom& and Ie5ho 8ave %nto Ba,aam many 8ifts and he remained ith him+ * And hen Ie5ho had ret%rned from the ar& he 9ommanded a,, the 9hi,dren of 0hittim to be n%mbered ho had 8one into batt,e ith him& and beho,d not one as missed+ : And Ie5ho reGoi9ed at this thin8& and he rene ed his kin8dom& and he made a feast to a,, his s%bGe9ts+ ; B%t Ie5ho remembered not YAHWEH and 9onsidered not that YAHWEH had he,5ed him in batt,e& and '=(

that he had de,ivered him and his 5eo5,e from the hand of the kin8 of Afri9a& b%t sti,, a,ked in the ays of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim and the i9ked 9hi,dren of Esa%& to serve other 8ods hi9h his brethren the 9hi,dren of Esa% had ta%8ht himJ it is therefore said& 3rom the i9ked 8oes forth i9kedness+ = And Ie5ho rei8ned over a,, the 9hi,dren of 0hittim se9%re,y& b%t kne not YAHWEH ho had de,ivered him and a,, his 5eo5,e from the hand of the kin8 of Afri9aJ and the troo5s of Afri9a 9ame no more to 0hittim to 5,%nder as %s%a,& for they kne of the 5o er of Ie5ho ho had smitten them a,, at the ed8e of the s ord& so An8eas as afraid of Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF& and of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim a,, the days+ > At that time hen Ie5ho had ret%rned from the ar& and hen Ie5ho had seen ho he 5revai,ed over a,, the 5eo5,e of Afri9a and had smitten them in batt,e at the ed8e of the s ord& then Ie5ho advised ith the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& to 8o to E8y5t to fi8ht ith the sons of Ya9ob and ith 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t+ / 3or Ie5ho heard that the mi8hty men of E8y5t ere dead and that Yose5h and his brethren the sons at Ya9ob ere dead& and that a,, their 9hi,dren the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, remained in E8y5t+ A And Ie5ho 9onsidered to 8o to fi8ht a8ainst them and a,, E8y5t& to aven8e the 9a%se of his brethren the 9hi,dren of Esa%& hom Yose5h ith his brethren and a,, E8y5t had smitten in the ,and of 0anaan& hen they ent %5 to b%ry Ya9ob in Hebron+ '( And Ie5ho sent messen8ers to Hadad& son of Bedad& kin8 of Edom& and to a,, his brethren the 9hi,dren of Esa%& sayin8& '' Did yo% not say that yo% o%,d not fi8ht a8ainst the kin8 of Afri9a for he is a member of yo%r 9ovenant# beho,d " fo%8ht ith him and smote him and a,, his 5eo5,e+ '. No therefore " have reso,ved to fi8ht a8ainst E8y5t and the 9hi,dren of Ya9ob ho are there& and " i,, be reven8ed of them for hat Yose5h& his brethren and an9estors did to %s in the ,and of 0anaan hen they ent %5 to b%ry their father in Hebron+ '* No then if yo% are i,,in8 to 9ome to me to assist me in fi8htin8 a8ainst them and E8y5t& then sha,, e aven8e the 9a%se of o%r brethren+ ': And the 9hi,dren of Esa% hearkened to the ords of Ie5ho& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% 8athered themse,ves to8ether& a very 8reat 5eo5,e& and they ent to assist Ie5ho and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim in batt,e+ '; And Ie5ho sent to a,, the 9hi,dren of the east and to a,, the 9hi,dren of "shmae, ith ords ,ike %nto these& and they 8athered themse,ves and 9ame to the assistan9e of Ie5ho and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim in the ar %5on E8y5t+ '= And a,, these kin8s& the kin8 of Edom and the 9hi,dren of the east& and a,, the 9hi,dren of "shmae,& and Ie5ho the kin8 of 0hittim ent forth and arrayed a,, their hosts in Hebron+ '> And the 9am5 as very heavy& eBtendin8 in ,en8th a distan9e of three days@ Go%rney& a 5eo5,e n%mero%s as the sand %5on the sea shore hi9h 9an not be 9o%nted+ '/ And a,, these kin8s and their hosts ent do n and 9ame a8ainst a,, E8y5t in batt,e& and en9am5ed to8ether in the va,,ey of 1athros+ 'A And a,, E8y5t heard their re5ort& and they a,so 8athered themse,ves to8ether& a,, the 5eo5,e of the ,and of E8y5t& and of a,, the 9ities be,on8in8 to E8y5t& abo%t three h%ndred tho%sand men+ .( And the men of E8y5t sent a,so to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ho ere in those days in the ,and of ?oshen& to 9ome to them in order to 8o and fi8ht ith these kin8s+ .' And the men of Yisrae, assemb,ed and ere abo%t one h%ndred and fifty men& and they ent into batt,e to assist the E8y5tians+ .. And the men of Yisrae, and of E8y5t ent forth& abo%t three h%ndred tho%sand men and one h%ndred and fifty men& and they ent to ard these kin8s to batt,e& and they 5,a9ed themse,ves from itho%t the ,and of ?oshen o55osite 1athros+ .* And the E8y5tians be,ieved not in Yisrae, to 8o ith them in their 9am5s to8ether for batt,e& for a,, the E8y5tians said& 1erha5s the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, i,, de,iver %s into the hand of the 9hi,dren of Esa% and "shmae,& for they are their brethren+ .: And a,, the E8y5tians said %nto the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& Remain yo% here to8ether in yo%r stand and e i,, 8o and fi8ht a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Esa% and "shmae,& and if these kin8s sho%,d 5revai, over %s& then '='

9ome yo% a,to8ether %5on them and assist %s& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did so+ .; And Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF the son of Esa% kin8 of 0hittim& and Hadad the son of Bedad kin8 of Edom& and a,, their 9am5s& and a,, the 9hi,dren of the east& and 9hi,dren of "shmae,& a 5eo5,e n%mero%s as sand& en9am5ed to8ether in the va,,ey of 1athros o55osite 2a9h5an9hes+ .= And Ba,aam the son of Beor the Syrian as there in the 9am5 of Ie5ho& for he 9ame ith the 9hi,dren of 0hittim to the batt,e& and Ba,aam as a man hi8h,y honored in the eyes of Ie5ho and his men+ .> And Ie5ho said %nto Ba,aam& 2ry by divination for %s that e may kno ho i,, 5revai, in the batt,e& e or the E8y5tians+ ./ And Ba,aam rose %5 and tried the are of divination& and he as ski,,f%, in the kno ,ed8e of it& b%t he as 9onf%sed and the ork as destroyed in his hand+ .A And he tried it a8ain b%t it did not s%99eed& and Ba,aam des5aired of it and ,eft it and did not 9om5,ete it& for this as from YAHWEH& in order to 9a%se Ie5ho and his 5eo5,e to fa,, into the hand of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& ho had tr%sted in YAHWEH& the AC7"?H2Y of their an9estors& in their ar+ *( And Ie5ho and Hadad 5%t their for9es in batt,e array& and a,, the E8y5tians ent a,one a8ainst them& abo%t three h%ndred tho%sand men& and not one man of Yisrae, as ith them+ *' And a,, the E8y5tians fo%8ht ith these kin8s o55osite 1athros and 2a9h5an9hes& and the batt,e as severe a8ainst the E8y5tians+ *. And the kin8s ere stron8er than the E8y5tians in that batt,e& and abo%t one h%ndred and ei8hty men of E8y5t fe,, on that day& and abo%t thirty men of the for9es of the kin8s& and a,, the men of E8y5t f,ed from before the kin8s& so the 9hi,dren of Esa% and "shmae, 5%rs%ed the E8y5tians& 9ontin%in8 to smite them %nto the 5,a9e here as the 9am5 of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ ** And a,, the E8y5tians 9ried %nto the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& sayin8& Hasten to %s and assist %s and save %s from the hand of Esa%& "shmae, and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim+ *: And the h%ndred and fifty men of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ran from their station to the 9am5s of these kin8s& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 9ried %nto YAHWEH their AC7"?H2Y to de,iver them+ *; And YAHWEH hearkened to Yisrae,& and YAHWEH 8ave a,, the men of the kin8s into their hand& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, fo%8ht a8ainst these kin8s& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, smote abo%t fo%r tho%sand of the kin8s@ men+ *= And YAHWEH thre a 8reat 9onsternation in the 9am5 of the kin8s& so that the fear of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, fe,, %5on them+ *> And a,, the hosts of the kin8s f,ed from before the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 5%rs%ed them 9ontin%in8 to smite them %nto the borders of the ,and of 0%sh+ */ And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, s,e of them in the road yet t o tho%sand men& and of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, not one fe,,+ *A And hen the E8y5tians sa that the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had fo%8ht ith s%9h fe men ith the kin8s& and that the batt,e as so very severe a8ainst them& :( A,, the E8y5tians ere 8reat,y afraid of their ,ives on a99o%nt of the stron8 batt,e& and a,, E8y5t f,ed& every man hidin8 himse,f from the arrayed for9es& and they hid themse,ves in the road& and they ,eft the Yisrae,ites to fi8ht+ :' And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, inf,i9ted a terrib,e b,o %5on the kin8s@ men& and they ret%rned from them after they had driven them to the border of the ,and of 0%sh+ :. And a,, Yisrae, kne the thin8 hi9h the men of E8y5t had done to them& that they had f,ed from them in batt,e& and had ,eft them to fi8ht a,one+ :* So the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, a,so a9ted ith 9%nnin8& and as the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ret%rned from batt,e& they fo%nd some of the E8y5tians in the road and smote them there+ :: And hi,e they s,e them& they said %nto them these ords) :; Wherefore did yo% 8o from %s and ,eave %s& bein8 a fe 5eo5,e& to fi8ht a8ainst these kin8s ho had a 8reat 5eo5,e to smite %s& that yo% mi8ht thereby de,iver yo%r o n so%,s# := And of some hi9h the Yisrae,ites met on the road& they the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, s5oke to ea9h other& sayin8& Smite& smite& for he is an "shmae,ite& or an Edomite& or from the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and they stood '=.

over him and s,e him& and they kne that he as an E8y5tian+ :> And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did these thin8s 9%nnin8,y a8ainst the E8y5tians& be9a%se they had deserted them in batt,e and had f,ed from them+ :/ And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, s,e of the men of E8y5t in the road in this manner& abo%t t o h%ndred men+ :A And a,, the men of E8y5t sa the evi, hi9h the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had done to them& so a,, E8y5t feared 8reat,y the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& for they had seen their 8reat 5o er& and that not one man of them had fa,,en+ ;( So a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ret%rned ith Goy on their road to ?oshen& and the rest of E8y5t ret%rned ea9h man to his 5,a9e+ 65 YISRAEL IN BONDAGE
0HA12ER =;$$2he E,ders of E8y5t 9ons5ire ith 1haraoh and 9%nnin8,y brin8 Yisrae, into Bonda8e to them+ Bein8 afraid of their 5o er& they aff,i9t them in order to ,essen the N%mber of the 0hi,dren of Yisrae,+

' And it 9ame to 5ass after these thin8s& that a,, the 9o%nse,,ors of 1haraoh& kin8 of E8y5t& and a,, the e,ders of E8y5t assemb,ed and 9ame before the kin8 and bo ed do n to the 8ro%nd& and they sat before him+ . And the 9o%nse,,ors and e,ders of E8y5t s5oke %nto the kin8& sayin8& * Beho,d the 5eo5,e of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, is 8reater and mi8htier than e are& and yo% kno a,, the evi, hi9h they did to %s in the road hen e ret%rned from batt,e+ : And yo% hast a,so seen their stron8 5o er& for this 5o er is %nto them from their fathers& for b%t a fe men stood %5 a8ainst a 5eo5,e n%mero%s as the sand& and smote them at the ed8e of the s ord& and of themse,ves not one has fa,,en& so that if they had been n%mero%s they o%,d then have %tter,y destroyed them+ ; No therefore 8ive %s 9o%nse, hat to do ith them& %nti, e 8rad%a,,y destroy them from amon8st %s& ,est they be9ome too n%mero%s for %s in the ,and+ = 3or if the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, sho%,d in9rease in the ,and& they i,, be9ome an obsta9,e to %s& and if any ar sho%,d ha55en to take 5,a9e& they ith their 8reat stren8th i,, Goin o%r enemy a8ainst %s& and fi8ht a8ainst %s& destroy %s from the ,and and 8o a ay from it+ > So the kin8 ans ered the e,ders of E8y5t and said %nto them& 2his is the 5,an advised a8ainst Yisrae,& from hi9h e i,, not de5art& / Beho,d in the ,and are 1ithom and Rameses& 9ities %nfortified a8ainst batt,e& it behooves yo% and %s to b%i,d them& and to fortify them+ A No therefore 8o yo% a,so and a9t 9%nnin8,y to ard them& and 5ro9,aim a voi9e in E8y5t and in ?oshen at the 9ommand of the kin8& sayin8& '( A,, ye men of E8y5t& ?oshen& 1athros and a,, their inhabitantsK the kin8 has 9ommanded %s to b%i,d 1ithom and Rameses& and to fortify them for batt,eJ ho amon8st yo% of a,, E8y5t& of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, and of a,, the inhabitants of the 9ities& are i,,in8 to b%i,d ith %s& sha,, ea9h have his a8es 8iven to him dai,y at the kin8@s orderJ so 8o yo% first and do 9%nnin8,y& and 8ather yo%rse,ves and 9ome to 1ithom and Rameses to b%i,d+ '' And hi,e yo% are b%i,din8& 9a%se a 5ro9,amation of this kind to be made thro%8ho%t E8y5t every day at the 9ommand of the kin8+ '. And hen some of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, sha,, 9ome to b%i,d ith yo%& yo% sha,, 8ive them their a8es dai,y for a fe days+ '* And after they sha,, have b%i,t ith yo% for their dai,y hire& dra8 yo%rse,ves a ay from them dai,y one by one in se9ret& and then yo% sha,, rise %5 and be9ome their task$masters and offi9ers& and yo% sha,, ,eave them after ard to b%i,d itho%t a8es& and sho%,d they ref%se& then for9e them ith a,, yo%r mi8ht to b%i,d+ ': And if yo% do this it i,, be e,, ith %s to stren8then o%r ,and a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& for on a99o%nt of the fati8%e of the b%i,din8 and the ork& the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, i,, de9rease& be9a%se yo% i,, '=*

de5rive them from their ives day by day+ '; And a,, the e,ders of E8y5t heard the 9o%nse, of the kin8& and the 9o%nse, seemed 8ood in their eyes and in the eyes of the servants of 1haraoh& and in the eyes of a,, E8y5t& and they did a99ordin8 to the ord of the kin8+ '= And a,, the servants ent a ay from the kin8& and they 9a%sed a 5ro9,amation to be made in a,, E8y5t& in 2a9h5an9hes and in ?oshen& and in a,, the 9ities hi9h s%rro%nded E8y5t& sayin8& '> Yo% have seen hat the 9hi,dren of Esa% and "shmae, did to %s& ho 9ame to ar a8ainst %s and ished to destroy %s+ '/ No therefore the kin8 9ommanded %s to fortify the ,and& to b%i,d the 9ities 1ithom and Rameses& and to fortify them for batt,e& if they sho%,d a8ain 9ome a8ainst %s+ 'A Whosoever of yo% from a,, E8y5t and from the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, i,, 9ome to b%i,d ith %s& he sha,, have his dai,y a8es 8iven by the kin8& as his 9ommand is %nto %s+ .( And hen E8y5t and a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, heard a,, that the servants of 1haraoh had s5oken& there 9ame from the E8y5tians& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to b%i,d ith the servants of 1haraoh& 1ithom and Rameses& b%t none of the 9hi,dren of Cevi 9ame ith their brethren to b%i,d+ .' And a,, the servants of 1haraoh and his 5rin9es 9ame at first ith de9eit to b%i,d ith a,, Yisrae, as dai,y hired ,aborers& and they 8ave to Yisrae, their dai,y hire at the be8innin8+ .. And the servants of 1haraoh b%i,t ith a,, Yisrae,& and ere em5,oyed in that ork ith Yisrae, for a month+ .* And at the end of the month& a,, the servants of 1haraoh be8an to ithdra se9ret,y from the 5eo5,e of Yisrae, dai,y+ .: And Yisrae, ent on ith the ork at that time& b%t they then re9eived their dai,y hire& be9a%se some of the men of E8y5t ere yet 9arryin8 on the ork ith Yisrae, at that timeJ therefore the E8y5tians 8ave Yisrae, their hire in those days& in order that they& the E8y5tians their fe,,o $ orkmen& mi8ht a,so take the 5ay for their ,abor+ .; And at the end of a year and fo%r months a,, the E8y5tians had ithdra n from the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& so that the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere ,eft a,one en8a8ed in the ork+ .= And after a,, the E8y5tians had ithdra n from the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, they ret%rned and be9ame o55ressors and offi9ers over them& and some of them stood over the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, as task masters& to re9eive from them a,, that they 8ave them for the 5ay of their ,abor+ .> And the E8y5tians did in this manner to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, day by day& in order to aff,i9t in their ork+ ./ And a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere a,one en8a8ed in the ,abor& and the E8y5tians refrained from 8ivin8 any 5ay to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, from that time for ard+ .A And hen some of the men of Yisrae, ref%sed to ork on a99o%nt of the a8es not bein8 8iven to them& then the eBa9tors and the servants of 1haraoh o55ressed them and smote them ith heavy b,o s& and made them ret%rn by for9e& to ,abor ith their brethrenJ th%s did a,, the E8y5tians %nto the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, a,, the days+ *( And a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere 8reat,y afraid of the E8y5tians in this matter& and a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ret%rned and orked a,one itho%t 5ay+ *' And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, b%i,t 1ithom and Rameses& and a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did the ork& some makin8 bri9ks& and some b%i,din8& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, b%i,t and fortified a,, the ,and of E8y5t and its a,,s& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere en8a8ed in ork for many years& %nti, the time 9ame hen YAHWEH remembered them and bro%8ht them o%t of E8y5t+ *. B%t the 9hi,dren of Cevi ere not em5,oyed in the ork ith their brethren of Yisrae,& from the be8innin8 %nto the day of their 8oin8 forth from E8y5t+ ** 3or a,, the 9hi,dren of Cevi kne that the E8y5tians had s5oken a,, these ords ith de9eit to the Yisrae,ites& therefore the 9hi,dren of Cevi refrained from a55roa9hin8 to the ork ith their brethren+ *: And the E8y5tians did not dire9t their attention to make the 9hi,dren of Cevi ork after ard& sin9e they had not been ith their brethren at the be8innin8& therefore the E8y5tians ,eft them a,one+ '=:

*; And the hands of the men of E8y5t ere dire9ted ith 9ontin%ed severity a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in that ork& and the E8y5tians made the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ork ith ri8or+ *= And the E8y5tians embittered the ,ives of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ith hard ork& in mortar and bri9ks& and a,so in a,, manner of ork in the fie,d+ *> And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 9a,,ed 7e,o, the kin8 of E8y5t !7eror& kin8 of E8y5t&! be9a%se in his days the E8y5tians had embittered their ,ives ith a,, manner of ork+ */ And a,, the ork herein the E8y5tians made the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ,abor& they eBa9ted ith ri8or& in order to aff,i9t the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& b%t the more they aff,i9ted them& the more they in9reased and 8re & and the E8y5tians ere 8rieved be9a%se of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ 66 ALL MALES KILLED
0HA12ER ==$$1haraoh De9rees that every 7a,e 0hi,d born in Yisrae, sha,, be 4i,,ed& and sti,, they in9rease+

' At that time died Hadad the son of Bedad kin8 of Edom& and Sam,ah from 7esrekah& from the 9o%ntry of the 9hi,dren of the east& rei8ned in his 5,a9e+ . "n the thirteenth year of the rei8n of 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t& hi9h as the h%ndred and t enty$fifth year of the Yisrae,ites 8oin8 do n into E8y5t& Sam,ah had rei8ned over Edom ei8hteen years+ * And hen he rei8ned& he dre forth his hosts to 8o and fi8ht a8ainst Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& be9a%se they had made ar a8ainst An8eas kin8 of Afri9a& and they destroyed his ho,e army+ : B%t he did not en8a8e ith him& for the 9hi,dren of Esa% 5revented him& sayin8& He as their brother& so Sam,ah ,istened to the voi9e of the 9hi,dren of Esa%& and t%rned ba9k ith a,, his for9es to the ,and of Edom& and did not 5ro9eed to fi8ht a8ainst Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF+ ; And 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t heard this thin8& sayin8& Sam,ah kin8 of Edom has reso,ved to fi8ht the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and after ard he i,, 9ome to fi8ht a8ainst E8y5t+ = And hen the E8y5tians heard this matter& they in9reased the ,abor %5on the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& ,est the Yisrae,ites sho%,d do %nto them as they did %nto them in their ar ith the 9hi,dren of Esa% in the days of Hadad+ > So the E8y5tians said %nto the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& Hasten and do yo%r ork& and finish yo%r task& and stren8then the ,and& ,est the 9hi,dren of Esa% yo%r brethren sho%,d 9ome to fi8ht a8ainst %s& for on yo%r a99o%nt i,, they 9ome a8ainst %s+ / And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did the ork of the men of E8y5t day by day& and the E8y5tians aff,i9ted the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in order to ,essen them in the ,and+ A B%t as the E8y5tians in9reased the ,abor %5on the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& so did the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in9rease and m%,ti5,y& and a,, E8y5t as fi,,ed ith the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ '( And in the h%ndred and t enty$fifth year of Yisrae,@s 8oin8 do n into E8y5t& a,, the E8y5tians sa that their 9o%nse, did not s%99eed a8ainst Yisrae,& b%t that they in9reased and 8re & and the ,and of E8y5t and the ,and of ?oshen ere fi,,ed ith the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ '' So a,, the e,ders of E8y5t and its ise men 9ame before the kin8 and bo ed do n to him and sat before him+ '. And a,, the e,ders of E8y5t and the ise men thereof said %nto the kin8& 7ay the kin8 ,ive foreverJ yo% didst 9o%nse, %s the 9o%nse, a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and e did %nto them a99ordin8 to the ord of the kin8+ '* B%t in 5ro5ortion to the in9rease of the ,abor so do they in9rease and 8ro in the ,and& and beho,d the ho,e 9o%ntry is fi,,ed ith them+ ': No therefore o%r ,ord and kin8& the eyes of a,, E8y5t are %5on yo% to 8ive them advi9e ith yo%r isdom& by hi9h they may 5revai, over Yisrae, to destroy them& or to diminish them from the ,andJ and the kin8 ans ered them sayin8& ?ive yo% 9o%nse, in this matter that e may kno hat to do %nto them+ '; And an offi9er& one of the kin8@s 9o%nse,,ors& hose name as Job& from 7eso5otamia& in the ,and of DF& ans ered the kin8& sayin8& '=;

'= "f it 5,ease the kin8& ,et him hear the 9o%nse, of his servantJ and the kin8 said %nto him& S5eak+ '> And Job s5oke before the kin8& the 5rin9es& and before a,, the e,ders of E8y5t& sayin8& '/ Beho,d the 9o%nse, of the kin8 hi9h he advised former,y res5e9tin8 the ,abor of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, is very 8ood& and yo% m%st not remove from them that ,abor forever+ 'A B%t this is the advi9e 9o%nse,,ed by hi9h yo% may ,essen them& if it seems 8ood to the kin8 to aff,i9t them+ .( Beho,d e have feared ar for a ,on8 time& and e said& When Yisrae, be9omes fr%itf%, in the ,and& they i,, drive %s from the ,and if a ar sho%,d take 5,a9e+ .' "f it 5,ease the kin8& ,et a roya, de9ree 8o forth& and ,et it be ritten in the ,a s of E8y5t hi9h sha,, not be revoked& that every ma,e 9hi,d born to the Yisrae,ites& his b,ood sha,, be s5i,,ed %5on the 8ro%nd+ .. And by yo%r doin8 this& hen a,, the ma,e 9hi,dren of Yisrae, sha,, have died& the evi, of their ars i,, 9easeJ ,et the kin8 do so and send for a,, the Hebre mid ives and order them in this matter to eBe9%te itJ so the thin8 5,eased the kin8 and the 5rin9es& and the kin8 did a99ordin8 to the ord of Job+ .* And the kin8 sent for the Hebre mid ives to be 9a,,ed& of hi9h the name of one as She5hrah& and the name of the other 1%ah+ .: And the mid ives 9ame before the kin8& and stood in his 5resen9e+ .; And the kin8 said %nto them& When yo% do the offi9e of a mid ife to the Hebre omen& and see them %5on the stoo,s& if it be a son& then yo% sha,, ki,, him& b%t if it be a da%8hter& then she sha,, ,ive+ .= B%t if yo% i,, not do this thin8& then i,, " b%rn yo% %5 and a,, yo%r ho%ses ith fire+ .> B%t the mid ives feared YAHWEH and did not hearken to the kin8 of E8y5t nor to his ords& and hen the Hebre omen bro%8ht forth to the mid ife son or da%8hter& then did the mid ife do a,, that as ne9essary to the 9hi,d and ,et it ,iveJ th%s did the mid ives a,, the days+ ./ And this thin8 as to,d to the kin8& and he sent and 9a,,ed for the mid ives and he said to them& Why have yo% done this thin8 and have saved the 9hi,dren a,ive# .A And the mid ives ans ered and s5oke to8ether before the kin8& sayin8& *( Cet not the kin8 think that the Hebre omen are as the E8y5tian omen& for a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, are ha,e& and before the mid ife 9omes to them they are de,ivered& and as for %s yo%r handmaids& for many days no Hebre oman has bro%8ht forth %5on %s& for a,, the Hebre omen are their o n mid ives& be9a%se they are ha,e+ *' And 1haraoh heard their ords and be,ieved them in this matter& and the mid ives ent a ay from the kin8& and YAHWEH dea,t e,, ith them& and the 5eo5,e m%,ti5,ied and aBed eB9eedin8,y+ 67 AARON IS BORN
0HA12ER =>$$Aaron is Born+ <n A99o%nt of 1haraoh@s de9ree& many of the Sons of Yisrae, ,ive a5art from their Wives+ 2he 4in8@s 9o%nse,,ors devise another 5,an to ,essen the n%mber of Yisrae, by dro nin8 them+ YAHWEH finds a means of 5reservin8 the 7a,e 0hi,dren+

' 2here as a man in the ,and of E8y5t of the seed of Cevi& hose name as Amram& the son of 4ehath& the son of Cevi& the son of Yisrae,+ . And this man ent and took a ife& name,y Jo9hebed the da%8hter of Cevi his father@s sister& and she as one h%ndred and t enty$siB years o,d& and he 9ame %nto her+ * And the oman 9on9eived and bare a da%8hter& and she 9a,,ed her name 7iriam& be9a%se in those days the E8y5tians had embittered the ,ives of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ : And she 9on9eived a8ain and bare a son and she 9a,,ed his name Aaron& for in the days of her 9on9e5tion& 1haraoh be8an to s5i,, the b,ood of the ma,e 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ ; "n those days died Ie5ho the son of E,i5haF& son of Esa%& kin8 of 0hittim& and Janeas rei8ned in his stead+ = And the time that Ie5ho rei8ned over the 9hi,dren of 0hittim as fifty years& and he died and as b%ried in the 9ity of Nabna in the ,and of 0hittim+ > And Janeas& one of the mi8hty men of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& rei8ned after him and he rei8ned fifty years+ '==

/ And it as after the death of the kin8 of 0hittim that Ba,aam the son of Beor f,ed from the ,and of 0hittim& and he ent and 9ame to E8y5t to 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t+ A And 1haraoh re9eived him ith 8reat honor& for he had heard of his isdom& and he 8ave him 5resents and made him for a 9o%nse,,or& and a88randiFed him+ '( And Ba,aam d e,t in E8y5t& in honor ith a,, the nob,es of the kin8& and the nob,es eBa,ted him& be9a%se they a,, 9oveted to ,earn his isdom+ '' And in the h%ndred and thirtieth year of Yisrae,@s 8oin8 do n to E8y5t& 1haraoh dreamed that he as sittin8 %5on his kin8,y throne& and ,ifted %5 his eyes and sa an o,d man standin8 before him& and there ere s9a,es in the hands of the o,d man& s%9h s9a,es as are %sed by mer9hants+ '. And the o,d man took the s9a,es and h%n8 them before 1haraoh+ '* And the o,d man took a,, the e,ders of E8y5t and a,, its nob,es and 8reat men& and he tied them to8ether and 5%t them in one s9a,e+ ': And he took a mi,k kid and 5%t it into the other s9a,e& and the kid 5re5onderated over a,,+ '; And 1haraoh as astonished at this dreadf%, vision& hy the kid sho%,d 5re5onderate over a,,& and 1haraoh a oke and beho,d it as a dream+ '= And 1haraoh rose %5 ear,y in the mornin8 and 9a,,ed a,, his servants and re,ated to them the dream& and the men ere 8reat,y afraid+ '> And the kin8 said to a,, his ise men& "nter5ret " 5ray yo% the dream hi9h " dreamed& that " may kno it+ '/ And Ba,aam the son of Beor ans ered the kin8 and said %nto him& 2his means nothin8 e,se b%t a 8reat evi, that i,, s5rin8 %5 a8ainst E8y5t in the ,atter days+ 'A 3or a son i,, be born to Yisrae, ho i,, destroy a,, E8y5t and its inhabitants& and brin8 forth the Yisrae,ites from E8y5t ith a mi8hty hand+ .( No therefore& < kin8& take 9o%nse, %5on this matter& that yo% may destroy the ho5e of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, and their eB5e9tation& before this evi, arise a8ainst E8y5t+ .' And the kin8 said %nto Ba,aam& And hat sha,, e do %nto Yisrae,# s%re,y after a 9ertain manner did e at first 9o%nse, a8ainst them and 9o%,d not 5revai, over them+ .. No therefore 8ive yo% a,so advi9e a8ainst them by hi9h e may 5revai, over them+ .* And Ba,aam ans ered the kin8& sayin8& Send no and 9a,, yo%r t o 9o%nse,,ors& and e i,, see hat their advi9e is %5on this matter and after ard yo%r servant i,, s5eak+ .: And the kin8 sent and 9a,,ed his t o 9o%nse,,ors Re%e, the 7idianite and Job the DFite& and they 9ame and sat before the kin8+ .; And the kin8 said to them& Beho,d yo% have both heard the dream hi9h " have dreamed& and the inter5retation thereofJ no therefore 8ive 9o%nse, and kno and see hat is to be done to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& hereby e may 5revai, over them& before their evi, sha,, s5rin8 %5 a8ainst %s+ .= And Re%e, the 7idianite ans ered the kin8 and said& 7ay the kin8 ,ive& may the kin8 ,ive forever+ .> "f it seem 8ood to the kin8& ,et him desist from the Hebre s and ,eave them& and ,et him not stret9h forth his hand a8ainst them+ ./ 3or these are they hom YAHWEH 9hose in days of o,d& and took as the ,ot of his inheritan9e from amon8st a,, the nations of the earth and the kin8s of the earthJ and ho is there that stret9hed his hand a8ainst them ith im5%nity& of hom their AC7"?H2Y as not aven8ed# .A S%re,y yo% kno that hen Abraham ent do n to E8y5t& 1haraoh& the former kin8 of E8y5t& sa Sarah his ife& and took her for a ife& be9a%se Abraham said& She is my sister& for he as afraid& ,est the men of E8y5t sho%,d s,ay him on a99o%nt of his ife+ *( And hen the kin8 of E8y5t had taken Sarah then YAHWEH smote him and his ho%seho,d ith heavy 5,a8%es& %nti, he restored %nto Abraham his ife Sarah& then as he hea,ed+ *' And Abime,e9h the ?erarite& kin8 of the 1hi,istines& YAHWEH 5%nished on a99o%nt of Sarah ife of Abraham& in sto55in8 %5 every omb from man to beast+ *. When their AC7"?H2Y 9ame to Abime,e9h in the dream of ni8ht and terrified him in order that he mi8ht restore to Abraham Sarah hom he had taken& and after ard a,, the 5eo5,e of ?erar ere 5%nished '=>

on a99o%nt of Sarah& and Abraham 5rayed to YAHWEH for them& and he as entreated of him& and he hea,ed them+ ** And Abime,e9h feared a,, this evi, that 9ame %5on him and his 5eo5,e& and he ret%rned to Abraham his ife Sarah& and 8ave him ith her many 8ifts+ *: He did so a,so to Yits9haH hen he had driven him from ?erar& and YAHWEH had done onderf%, thin8s to him& that a,, the ater 9o%rses of ?erar ere dried %5& and their 5rod%9tive trees did not brin8 forth+ *; Dnti, Abime,e9h of ?erar& and Ah%FFath one of his friends& and 1i9ho, the 9a5tain of his host& ent to him and they bent and bo ed do n before him to the 8ro%nd+ *= And they reH%ested of him to s%55,i9ate for them& and he 5rayed to YAHWEH for them& and YAHWEH as entreated of him and he hea,ed them+ *> Ya9ob a,so& the 5,ain man& as de,ivered thro%8h his inte8rity from the hand of his brother Esa%& and the hand of Caban the Syrian his mother@s brother& ho had so%8ht his ,ifeJ ,ike ise from the hand of a,, the kin8s of 0anaan ho had 9ome to8ether a8ainst him and his 9hi,dren to destroy them& and YAHWEH de,ivered them o%t of their hands& that they t%rned %5on them and smote them& for ho had ever stret9hed forth his hand a8ainst them ith im5%nity# */ S%re,y 1haraoh the former& yo%r father@s father& raised Yose5h the son of Ya9ob above a,, the 5rin9es of the ,and of E8y5t& hen he sa his isdom& for thro%8h his isdom he res9%ed a,, the inhabitants of the ,and from the famine+ *A After hi9h he ordered Ya9ob and his 9hi,dren to 9ome do n to E8y5t& in order that thro%8h their virt%e& the ,and of E8y5t and the ,and of ?oshen mi8ht be de,ivered from the famine+ :( No therefore if it seem 8ood in yo%r eyes& 9ease from destroyin8 the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& b%t if it be not yo%r i,, that they sha,, d e,, in E8y5t& send them forth from here& that they may 8o to the ,and of 0anaan& the ,and here their an9estors soGo%rned+ :' And hen 1haraoh heard the ords of Jethro he as very an8ry ith him& so that he rose ith shame from the kin8@s 5resen9e& and ent to 7idian& his ,and& and took Yose5h@s sti9k ith him+ :. And the kin8 said to Job the DFite& What say yo% Job& and hat is yo%r advi9e res5e9tin8 the Hebre s# :* So Job said to the kin8& Beho,d a,, the inhabitants of the ,and are in yo%r 5o er& ,et the kin8 do as it seems 8ood in his eyes+ :: And the kin8 said %nto Ba,aam& What dost yo% say& Ba,aam& s5eak yo%r ord that e may hear it+ :; And Ba,aam said to the kin8& <f a,, that the kin8 has 9o%nse,,ed a8ainst the Hebre s i,, they be de,ivered& and the kin8 i,, not be ab,e to 5revai, over them ith any 9o%nse,+ := 3or if yo% think to ,essen them by the f,amin8 fire& yo% 9anst not 5revai, over them& for s%re,y their AC7"?H2Y de,ivered Abraham their father from Dr of the 0ha,deansJ and if yo% think to destroy them ith a s ord& s%re,y Yits9haH their father as de,ivered from it& and a ram as 5,a9ed in his stead+ :> And if ith hard and ri8oro%s ,abor yo% think to ,essen them& yo% i,t not 5revai, even in this& for their father Ya9ob served Caban in a,, manner of hard ork& and 5ros5ered+ :/ No therefore& < 4in8& hear my ords& for this is the 9o%nse, hi9h is 9o%nse,,ed a8ainst them& by hi9h yo% i,t 5revai, over them& and from hi9h yo% sho%,dst not de5art+ :A "f it 5,ease the kin8 ,et him order a,, their 9hi,dren hi9h sha,, be born from this day for ard& to be thro n into the ater& for by this 9anst yo% i5e a ay their name& for none of them& nor of their fathers& ere tried in this manner+ ;( And the kin8 heard the ords of Ba,aam& and the thin8 5,eased the kin8 and the 5rin9es& and the kin8 did a99ordin8 to the ord of Ba,aam+ ;' And the kin8 ordered a 5ro9,amation to be iss%ed and a ,a to be made thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5t& sayin8& Every ma,e 9hi,d born to the Hebre s from this day for ard sha,, be thro n into the ater+ ;. And 1haraoh 9a,,ed %nto a,, his servants& sayin8& ?o no and seek thro%8ho%t the ,and of ?oshen here the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, are& and see that every son born to the Hebre s sha,, be 9ast into the river& b%t every da%8hter yo% sha,, ,et ,ive+ ;* And hen the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, heard this thin8 hi9h 1haraoh had 9ommanded& to 9ast their ma,e '=/

9hi,dren into the river& some of the 5eo5,e se5arated from their ives and others adhered to them+ ;: And from that day for ard& hen the time of de,ivery arrived to those omen of Yisrae, ho had remained ith their h%sbands& they ent to the fie,d to brin8 forth there& and they bro%8ht forth in the fie,d& and ,eft their 9hi,dren %5on the fie,d and ret%rned home+ ;; And YAHWEH ho had s orn to their an9estors to m%,ti5,y them& sent one of his ministerin8 heaven,y messen8ers hi9h are in heaven to ash ea9h 9hi,d in ater& to anoint and s athe it and to 5%t into its hands t o smooth stones from one of hi9h it s%9ked mi,k and from the other honey& and he 9a%sed its hair to 8ro to its knees& by hi9h it mi8ht 9over itse,fJ to 9omfort it and to 9,eave to it& thro%8h his 9om5assion for it+ ;= And hen YAHWEH had 9om5assion over them and had desired to m%,ti5,y them %5on the fa9e of the ,and& he ordered his earth to re9eive them to be 5reserved therein ti,, the time of their 8ro in8 %5& after hi9h the earth o5ened its mo%th and vomited them forth and they s5ro%ted forth from the 9ity ,ike the herb of the earth& and the 8rass of the forest& and they ret%rned ea9h to his fami,y and to his father@s ho%se& and they remained ith them+ ;> And the babes of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere %5on the earth ,ike the herb of the fie,d& thro%8h YAHWEH@s free %nmerited 5ardon and favor to them+ ;/ And hen a,, the E8y5tians sa this thin8& they ent forth& ea9h to his fie,d ith his yoke of oBen and his 5,o%8hshare& and they 5,o%8hed it %5 as one 5,o%8hs the earth at seed time+ ;A And hen they 5,o%8hed they ere %nab,e to h%rt the infants of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& so the 5eo5,e in9reased and aBed eB9eedin8,y+ =( And 1haraoh ordered his offi9ers dai,y to 8o to ?oshen to seek for the babes of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ =' And hen they had so%8ht and fo%nd one& they took it from its mother@s bosom by for9e& and thre it into the river& b%t the fema,e 9hi,d they ,eft ith its motherJ th%s did the E8y5tians do to the Yisrae,ites a,, the days+



0HA12ER =/$$7osheh& a 0hi,d of 1romise& is born+ 2he E8y5tian Women a9tin8 as S5ies+ 7osheh is dis9overed& and 5,a9ed by his 7other in an Ark of B%,r%shes+ "s 3o%nd and Ado5ted by the Da%8hter of 1haraoh& and 8ro s %5 amon8 the 4in8@s 0hi,dren+

' And it as at that time the s5irit of YAHWEH as %5on 7iriam the da%8hter of Amram the sister of Aaron& and she ent forth and 5ro5hesied abo%t the ho%se& sayin8& Beho,d a son i,, be born %nto %s from my father and mother this time& and he i,, save Yisrae, from the hands of E8y5t+ . And hen Amram heard the ords of his da%8hter& he ent and took his ife ba9k to the ho%se& after he had driven her a ay at the time hen 1haraoh ordered every ma,e 9hi,d of the ho%se of Ya9ob to be thro n into the ater+ * So Amram took Jo9hebed his ife& three years after he had driven her a ay& and he 9ame to her and she 9on9eived+ : And at the end of seven months from her 9on9e5tion she bro%8ht forth a son& and the ho,e ho%se as fi,,ed ith 8reat ,i8ht as of the ,i8ht of the s%n and moon at the time of their shinin8+ ; And hen the oman sa the 9hi,d that it as 8ood and 5,easin8 to the si8ht& she hid it for three months in an inner room+ = "n those days the E8y5tians 9ons5ired to destroy a,, the Hebre s there+ > And the E8y5tian omen ent to ?oshen here the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere& and they 9arried their yo%n8 ones %5on their sho%,ders& their babes ho 9o%,d not yet s5eak+ / And in those days& hen the omen of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, bro%8ht forth& ea9h oman had hidden her son from before the E8y5tians& that the E8y5tians mi8ht not kno of their brin8in8 forth& and mi8ht not destroy them from the ,and+ A And the E8y5tian omen 9ame to ?oshen and their 9hi,dren ho 9o%,d not s5eak ere %5on their sho%,ders& and hen an E8y5tian oman 9ame into the ho%se of a Hebre oman her babe be8an to 9ry+ '( And hen it 9ried the 9hi,d that as in the inner room ans ered it& so the E8y5tian omen ent and to,d it at the ho%se of 1haraoh+ '' And 1haraoh sent his offi9ers to take the 9hi,dren and s,ay themJ th%s did the E8y5tians to the Hebre omen a,, the days+ '. And it as at that time& abo%t three months from Jo9hebed@s 9on9ea,ment of her son& that the thin8 as kno n in 1haraoh@s ho%se+ '* And the oman hastened to take a ay her son before the offi9ers 9ame& and she took for him an ark of b%,r%shes& and da%bed it ith s,ime and ith 5it9h& and 5%t the 9hi,d therein& and she ,aid it in the f,a8s by the river@s brink+ ': And his sister 7iriam stood afar off to kno hat o%,d be done to him& and hat o%,d be9ome of her ords+ '; And YAHWEH sent forth at that time a terrib,e heat in the ,and of E8y5t& hi9h b%rned %5 the f,esh of man ,ike the s%n in his 9ir9%it& and it 8reat,y o55ressed the E8y5tians+ '= And a,, the E8y5tians ent do n to bathe in the river& on a99o%nt of the 9ons%min8 heat hi9h b%rned %5 their f,esh+ '> And Bathia& the da%8hter of 1haraoh& ent a,so to bathe in the river& o in8 to the 9ons%min8 heat& and her maidens a,ked at the river side& and a,, the omen of E8y5t as e,,+ '/ And Bathia ,ifted %5 her eyes to the river& and she sa the ark %5on the ater& and sent her maid to fet9h it+ 'A And she o5ened it and sa the 9hi,d& and beho,d the babe e5t& and she had 9om5assion on him& and she said& 2his is one of the Hebre 9hi,dren+ .( And a,, the omen of E8y5t a,kin8 on the river side desired to 8ive him s%9k& b%t he o%,d not s%9k& '>(

for this thin8 as from YAHWEH& in order to restore him to his mother@s breast+ .' And 7iriam his sister as at that time amon8st the E8y5tian omen at the river side& and she sa this thin8 and she said to 1haraoh@s da%8hter& Sha,, " 8o and fet9h a n%rse of the Hebre omen& that she may n%rse the 9hi,d for yo%# .. And 1haraoh@s da%8hter said to her& ?o& and the yo%n8 oman ent and 9a,,ed the 9hi,d@s mother+ .* And 1haraoh@s da%8hter said to Jo9hebed& 2ake this 9hi,d a ay and s%9k,e it for me& and " i,, 5ay yo% yo%r a8es& t o bits of si,ver dai,yJ and the oman took the 9hi,d and n%rsed it+ .: And at the end of t o years& hen the 9hi,d 8re %5& she bro%8ht him to the da%8hter of 1haraoh& and he as %nto her as a son& and she 9a,,ed his name 7osheh& for she said& Be9a%se " dre him o%t of the ater+ .; And Amram his father 9a,,ed his name 0habar& for he said& "t as for him that he asso9iated ith his ife hom he had t%rned a ay+ .= And Jo9hebed his mother 9a,,ed his name Jek%thie,& Be9a%se& she said& " have ho5ed for him to the A,mi8hty& and YAHWEH restored him %nto me+ .> And 7iriam his sister 9a,,ed him Jered& for she des9ended after him to the river to kno hat his end o%,d be+ ./ And Aaron his brother 9a,,ed his name Abi Ian%9h& sayin8& 7y father ,eft my mother and ret%rned to her on his a99o%nt+ .A And 4ehath the father of Amram 9a,,ed his name Abi8dor& be9a%se on his a99o%nt did YAHWEH re5air the brea9h of the ho%se of Ya9ob& that they 9o%,d no ,on8er thro their ma,e 9hi,dren into the ater+ *( And their n%rse 9a,,ed him Abi So9ho& sayin8& "n his taberna9,e as he hidden for three months& on a99o%nt of the 9hi,dren of Ham+ *' And a,, Yisrae, 9a,,ed his name Shemaiah& son of Nethane,& for they said& "n his days has YAHWEH heard their 9ries and res9%ed them from their o55ressors+ *. And 7osheh as in 1haraoh@s ho%se& and as %nto Bathia& 1haraoh@s da%8hter& as a son& and 7osheh 8re %5 amon8st the kin8@s 9hi,dren+ 69 $HARAOH $ROCLAIMS
0HA12ER =A$$1haraoh 1ro9,aims& that if any of the Yisrae,ites are short in their Cabor& either in Bri9ks or 7ortar& his Yo%n8est Son sha,, be 5%t in their 1,a9e+

' And the kin8 of Edom died in those days& in the ei8hteenth year of his rei8n& and as b%ried in his tem5,e hi9h he had b%i,t for himse,f as his roya, residen9e in the ,and of Edom+ . And the 9hi,dren of Esa% sent to 1ethor& hi9h is %5on the river& and they fet9hed from there a yo%n8 man of bea%tif%, eyes and 9ome,y as5e9t& hose name as Sa%,& and they made him kin8 over them in the 5,a9e of Sam,ah+ * And Sa%, rei8ned over a,, the 9hi,dren of Esa% in the ,and of Edom for forty years+ : And hen 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t sa that the 9o%nse, hi9h Ba,aam had advised res5e9tin8 the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did not s%99eed& b%t that sti,, they ere fr%itf%,& m%,ti5,ied and in9reased thro%8ho%t the ,and of E8y5t& ; 2hen 1haraoh 9ommanded in those days that a 5ro9,amation sho%,d be iss%ed thro%8ho%t E8y5t to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& sayin8& No man sha,, diminish any thin8 of his dai,y ,abor+ = And the man ho sha,, be fo%nd defi9ient in his ,abor hi9h he 5erforms dai,y& hether in mortar or in bri9ks& then his yo%n8est son sha,, be 5%t in their 5,a9e+ > And the ,abor of E8y5t stren8thened %5on the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in those days& and beho,d if one bri9k as defi9ient in any man@s dai,y ,abor& the E8y5tians took his yo%n8est boy by for9e from his mother& and 5%t him into the b%i,din8 in the 5,a9e of the bri9k hi9h his father had ,eft antin8+ / And the men of E8y5t did so to a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, day by day& a,, the days for a ,on8 5eriod+ A B%t the tribe of Cevi did not at that time ork ith the Yisrae,ites their brethren& from the be8innin8& for the 9hi,dren of Cevi kne the 9%nnin8 of the E8y5tians hi9h they eBer9ised at first to ard the Yisrae,ites+ '>'


0HA12ER >($$7osheh 5%ts the 4in8@s 9ro n %5on his o n head+ Baa,am and the Wise 7en make this a 1reteBt a8ainst him+ When 8ro n %5& 7osheh visits his Brethren& and ,earns of their ?rievan9es+ 7osheh obtains a day@s rest on the Sabbath for a,, Yisrae,+

' And in the third year from the birth of 7osheh& 1haraoh as sittin8 at a banH%et& hen A,5aranith the H%een as sittin8 at his ri8ht and Bathia at his ,eft& and the ,ad 7osheh as ,yin8 %5on her bosom& and Ba,aam the son of Beor ith his t o sons& and a,, the 5rin9es of the kin8dom ere sittin8 at tab,e in the kin8@s 5resen9e+ . And the ,ad stret9hed forth his hand %5on the kin8@s head& and took the 9ro n from the kin8@s head and 5,a9ed it on his o n head+ * And hen the kin8 and 5rin9es sa the ork hi9h the boy had done& the kin8 and 5rin9es ere terrified& and one man to his nei8hbor eB5ressed astonishment+ : And the kin8 said %nto the 5rin9es ho ere before him at tab,e& What s5eak yo% and hat say yo%& < ye 5rin9es& in this matter& and hat is to be the G%d8ment a8ainst the boy on a99o%nt of this a9t# ; And Ba,aam the son of Beor the ma8i9ian ans ered before the kin8 and 5rin9es& and he said& Remember no & < my ,ord and kin8& the dream hi9h yo% didst dream many days sin9e& and that hi9h yo%r servant inter5reted %nto yo%+ = No therefore this is a 9hi,d from the Hebre 9hi,dren& in hom is the s5irit of YAHWEH& and ,et not my ,ord the kin8 ima8ine that this yo%n8ster did this thin8 itho%t kno ,ed8e+ > 3or he is a Hebre boy& and isdom and %nderstandin8 are ith him& a,tho%8h he is yet a 9hi,d& and ith isdom has he done this and 9hosen %nto himse,f the kin8dom of E8y5t+ / 3or this is the manner of a,, the Hebre s to de9eive kin8s and their nob,es& to do a,, these thin8s 9%nnin8,y& in order to make the kin8s of the earth and their men tremb,e+ A S%re,y yo% kno that Abraham their father a9ted th%s& ho de9eived the army of Nimrod kin8 of Babe,& and Abime,e9h kin8 of ?erar& and that he 5ossessed himse,f of the ,and of the 9hi,dren of Heth and a,, the kin8doms of 0anaan+ '( And that he des9ended into E8y5t and said of Sarah his ife& she is my sister& in order to mis,ead E8y5t and her kin8+ '' His son Yits9haH a,so did so hen he ent to ?erar and d e,t there& and his stren8th 5revai,ed over the army of Abime,e9h kin8 of the 1hi,istines+ '. He a,so tho%8ht of makin8 the kin8dom of the 1hi,istines st%mb,e& in sayin8 that Rebe99a his ife as his sister+ '* Ya9ob a,so dea,t trea9hero%s,y ith his brother& and took from his hand his birthri8ht and his b,essin8+ ': He ent then to 1adan$aram to the ho%se of Caban his mother@s brother& and 9%nnin8,y obtained from him his da%8hter& his 9att,e& and a,, be,on8in8 to him& and f,ed a ay and ret%rned to the ,and of 0anaan to his father+ '; His sons so,d their brother Yose5h& ho ent do n into E8y5t and be9ame a s,ave& and as 5,a9ed in the 5rison ho%se for t e,ve years+ '= Dnti, the former 1haraoh dreamed dreams& and ithdre him from the 5rison ho%se& and ma8nified him above a,, the 5rin9es in E8y5t on a99o%nt of his inter5retin8 his dreams to him+ '> And hen YAHWEH 9a%sed a famine thro%8ho%t the ,and he sent for and bro%8ht his father and a,, his brothers& and the ho,e of his father@s ho%seho,d& and s%55orted them itho%t 5ri9e or re ard& and bo%8ht the E8y5tians for s,aves+ '/ No therefore my ,ord kin8 beho,d this 9hi,d has risen %5 in their stead in E8y5t& to do a99ordin8 to their deeds and to trif,e ith every kin8& 5rin9e and G%d8e+ 'A "f it 5,ease the kin8& ,et %s no s5i,, his b,ood %5on the 8ro%nd& ,est he 8ro %5 and take a ay the 8overnment from yo%r hand& and the ho5e of E8y5t 5erish after he sha,, have rei8ned+ .( And Ba,aam said to the kin8& Cet %s moreover 9a,, for a,, the G%d8es of E8y5t and the ise men thereof& and ,et %s kno if the G%d8ment of death is d%e to this boy as yo% didst say& and then e i,, s,ay him+ '>.

.' And 1haraoh sent and 9a,,ed for a,, the ise men of E8y5t and they 9ame before the kin8& and an heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH 9ame amon8st them& and he as ,ike one of the ise men of E8y5t+ .. And the kin8 said to the ise men& S%re,y yo% have heard hat this Hebre boy ho is in the ho%se has done& and th%s has Ba,aam G%d8ed in the matter+ .* No G%d8e yo% a,so and see hat is d%e to the boy for the a9t he has 9ommitted+ .: And the heaven,y messen8er& ho seemed ,ike one of the ise men of 1haraoh& ans ered and said as fo,,o s& before a,, the ise men of E8y5t and before the kin8 and the 5rin9es) .; "f it 5,ease the kin8 ,et the kin8 send for men ho sha,, brin8 before him an onyB stone and a 9oa, of fire& and 5,a9e them before the 9hi,d& and if the 9hi,d sha,, stret9h forth his hand and take the onyB stone& then sha,, e kno that ith isdom has the yo%th done a,, that he has done& and e m%st s,ay him+ .= B%t if he stret9h forth his hand %5on the 9oa,& then sha,, e kno that it as not ith kno ,ed8e that he did this thin8& and he sha,, ,ive+ .> And the thin8 seemed 8ood in the eyes of the kin8 and the 5rin9es& so the kin8 did a99ordin8 to the ord of the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH+ ./ And the kin8 ordered the onyB stone and 9oa, to be bro%8ht and 5,a9ed before 7osheh+ .A And they 5,a9ed the boy before them& and the ,ad endeavored to stret9h forth his hand to the onyB stone& b%t the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH took his hand and 5,a9ed it %5on the 9oa,& and the 9oa, be9ame eBtin8%ished in his hand& and he ,ifted it %5 and 5%t it into his mo%th& and b%rned 5art of his ,i5s and 5art of his ton8%e& and he be9ame heavy in mo%th and ton8%e+ *( And hen the kin8 and 5rin9es sa this& they kne that 7osheh had not a9ted ith isdom in takin8 off the 9ro n from the kin8@s head+ *' So the kin8 and 5rin9es refrained from s,ayin8 the 9hi,d& so 7osheh remained in 1haraoh@s ho%se& 8ro in8 %5& and YAHWEH as ith him+ *. And hi,e the boy as in the kin8@s ho%se& he as robed in 5%r5,e and he 8re amon8st the 9hi,dren of the kin8+ ** And hen 7osheh 8re %5 in the kin8@s ho%se& Bathia the da%8hter of 1haraoh 9onsidered him as a son& and a,, the ho%seho,d of 1haraoh honored him& and a,, the men of E8y5t ere afraid of him+ *: And he dai,y ent forth and 9ame into the ,and of ?oshen& here his brethren the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere& and 7osheh sa them dai,y in shortness of breath and hard ,abor+ *; And 7osheh asked them& sayin8& Wherefore is this ,abor meted o%t %nto yo% day by day# *= And they to,d him a,, that had befa,,en them& and a,, the inG%n9tions hi9h 1haraoh had 5%t %5on them before his birth+ *> And they to,d him a,, the 9o%nse,s hi9h Ba,aam the son of Beor had 9o%nse,,ed a8ainst them& and hat he had a,so 9o%nse,,ed a8ainst him in order to s,ay him hen he had taken the kin8@s 9ro n from off his head+ */ And hen 7osheh heard these thin8s his an8er as kind,ed a8ainst Ba,aam& and he so%8ht to ki,, him& and he as in amb%sh for him day by day+ *A And Ba,aam as afraid of 7osheh& and he and his t o sons rose %5 and ent forth from E8y5t& and they f,ed and de,ivered their so%,s and betook themse,ves to the ,and of 0%sh to 4ikian%s& kin8 of 0%sh+ :( And 7osheh as in the kin8@s ho%se 8oin8 o%t and 9omin8 in& YAHWEH 8ave him favor in the eyes of 1haraoh& and in the eyes of a,, his servants& and in the eyes of a,, the 5eo5,e of E8y5t& and they ,oved 7osheh eB9eedin8,y+ :' And the day arrived hen 7osheh ent to ?oshen to see his brethren& that he sa the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in their b%rdens and hard ,abor& and 7osheh as 8rieved on their a99o%nt+ :. And 7osheh ret%rned to E8y5t and 9ame to the ho%se of 1haraoh& and 9ame before the kin8& and 7osheh bo ed do n before the kin8+ :* And 7osheh said %nto 1haraoh& " 5ray yo% my ,ord& " have 9ome to seek a sma,, reH%est from yo%& t%rn not a ay my fa9e em5tyJ and 1haraoh said %nto him& S5eak+ :: And 7osheh said %nto 1haraoh& Cet there be 8iven %nto yo%r servants the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ho are in ?oshen& one day to rest therein from their ,abor+ '>*

:; And the kin8 ans ered 7osheh and said& Beho,d " have ,ifted %5 yo%r fa9e in this thin8 to 8rant yo%r reH%est+ := And 1haraoh ordered a 5ro9,amation to be iss%ed thro%8ho%t E8y5t and ?oshen& sayin8& :> 2o yo%& a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& th%s says the kin8& for siB days yo% sha,, do yo%r ork and ,abor& b%t on the seventh day yo% sha,, rest& and sha,, not 5reform any ork& th%s sha,, yo% do a,, the days& as the kin8 and 7osheh the son of Bathia have 9ommanded+ :/ And 7osheh reGoi9ed at this thin8 hi9h the kin8 had 8ranted to him& and a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did as 7osheh ordered them+ :A 3or this thin8 as from YAHWEH to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& for YAHWEH had be8%n to remember the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to save them for the sake of their fathers+ ;( And YAHWEH as ith 7osheh and his fame ent thro%8ho%t E8y5t+ ;' And 7osheh be9ame 8reat in the eyes of a,, the E8y5tians& and in the eyes of a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& seekin8 8ood for his 5eo5,e Yisrae, and s5eakin8 ords of 5ea9e re8ardin8 them to the kin8+ 71 SLAYS AN EGY$TIAN
0HA12ER >'$$7osheh s,ays an E8y5tian and bein8 Dis9overed f,ees from E8y5t+ Aaron 1ro5he9ies+

' And hen 7osheh as ei8hteen years o,d& he desired to see his father and mother and he ent to them to ?oshen& and hen 7osheh had 9ome near ?oshen& he 9ame to the 5,a9e here the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere en8a8ed in ork& and he observed their b%rdens& and he sa an E8y5tian smitin8 one of his Hebre brethren+ . And hen the man ho as beaten sa 7osheh he ran to him for he,5& for the man 7osheh as 8reat,y res5e9ted in the ho%se of 1haraoh& and he said to him& 7y ,ord attend to me& this E8y5tian 9ame to my ho%se in the ni8ht& bo%nd me& and 9ame to my ife in my 5resen9e& and no he seeks to take my ,ife a ay+ * And hen 7osheh heard this i9ked thin8& his an8er as kind,ed a8ainst the E8y5tian& and he t%rned this ay and the other& and hen he sa there as no man there he smote the E8y5tian and hid him in the sand& and de,ivered the Hebre from the hand of him that smote him+ : And the Hebre ent to his ho%se& and 7osheh ret%rned to his home& and ent forth and 9ame ba9k to the kin8@s ho%se+ ; And hen the man had ret%rned home& he tho%8ht of re5%diatin8 his ife& for it as not ri8ht in the ho%se of Ya9ob& for any man to 9ome to his ife after she had been defi,ed+ = And the oman ent and to,d her brothers& and the oman@s brothers so%8ht to s,ay him& and he f,ed to his ho%se and es9a5ed+ > And on the se9ond day 7osheh ent forth to his brethren& and sa & and beho,d t o men ere H%arre,in8& and he said to the i9ked one& Why dost yo% smite yo%r nei8hbor# / And he ans ered him and said to him& Who has set yo% for a 5rin9e and G%d8e over %s# dost yo% think to s,ay me as yo% didst s,ay the E8y5tian# and 7osheh as afraid and he said& S%re,y the thin8 is kno n# A And 1haraoh heard of this affair& and he ordered 7osheh to be s,ain& so YAHWEH sent his heaven,y messen8er& and he a55eared %nto 1haraoh in the ,ikeness of a 9a5tain of the 8%ard+ '( And the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH took the s ord from the hand of the 9a5tain of the 8%ard& and took his head off ith it& for the ,ikeness of the 9a5tain of the 8%ard as t%rned into the ,ikeness of 7osheh+ '' And the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH took ho,d of the ri8ht hand of 7osheh& and bro%8ht him forth from E8y5t& and 5,a9ed him from itho%t the borders of E8y5t& a distan9e of forty days@ Go%rney+ '. And Aaron his brother a,one remained in the ,and of E8y5t& and he 5ro5hesied to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& sayin8& '* 2h%s says YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of yo%r an9estors& 2hro a ay& ea9h man& the abominations of his eyes& and do not defi,e yo%rse,ves ith the ido,s of E8y5t+ ': And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, rebe,,ed and o%,d not hearken to Aaron at that time+ '; And YAHWEH tho%8ht to destroy them& ere it not that YAHWEH remembered the 9ovenant hi9h he '>:

had made ith Abraham& Yits9haH and Ya9ob+ '= "n those days the hand of 1haraoh 9ontin%ed to be severe a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and he 9r%shed and o55ressed them %nti, the time hen YAHWEH sent forth his ord and took noti9e of them+ 7 MOSHEH FLEES TO CUSH
0HA12ER >.$$7osheh f,ees to 0%sh+ At the Death of the kin8& he is 9hosen in his Stead+ He Rei8ns 3orty Years in 0%sh+

' And it as in those days that there as a 8reat ar bet een the 9hi,dren of 0%sh and the 9hi,dren of the east and Aram& and they rebe,,ed a8ainst the kin8 of 0%sh in hose hands they ere+ . So 4ikian%s kin8 of 0%sh ent forth ith a,, the 9hi,dren of 0%sh& a 5eo5,e n%mero%s as the sand& and he ent to fi8ht a8ainst Aram and the 9hi,dren of the east& to brin8 them %nder s%bGe9tion+ * And hen 4ikian%s ent o%t& he ,eft Ba,aam the ma8i9ian& ith his t o sons& to 8%ard the 9ity& and the ,o est sort of the 5eo5,e of the ,and+ : So 4ikian%s ent forth to Aram and the 9hi,dren of the east& and he fo%8ht a8ainst them and smote them& and they a,, fe,, do n o%nded before 4ikian%s and his 5eo5,e+ ; And he took many of them 9a5tives and he bro%8ht them %nder s%bGe9tion as at first& and he en9am5ed %5on their ,and to take trib%te from them as %s%a,+ = And Ba,aam the son of Beor& hen the kin8 of 0%sh had ,eft him to 8%ard the 9ity and the 5oor of the 9ity& he rose %5 and advised ith the 5eo5,e of the ,and to rebe, a8ainst kin8 4ikian%s& not to ,et him enter the 9ity hen he sho%,d 9ome home+ > And the 5eo5,e of the ,and hearkened to him& and they s ore to him and made him kin8 over them& and his t o sons for 9a5tains of the army+ / So they rose %5 and raised the a,,s of the 9ity at the t o 9orners& and they b%i,t an eB9eedin8 stron8 b%i,din8+ A And at the third 9orner they d%8 dit9hes itho%t n%mber& bet een the 9ity and the river hi9h s%rro%nded the ho,e ,and of 0%sh& and they made the aters of the river b%rst forth there+ '( At the fo%rth 9orner they 9o,,e9ted n%mero%s ser5ents by their in9antations and en9hantments& and they fortified the 9ity and d e,t therein& and no one ent o%t or in before them+ '' And 4ikian%s fo%8ht a8ainst Aram and the 9hi,dren of the east and he s%bd%ed them as before& and they 8ave him their %s%a, trib%te& and he ent and ret%rned to his ,and+ '. And hen 4ikian%s the kin8 of 0%sh a55roa9hed his 9ity and a,, the 9a5tains of the for9es ith him& they ,ifted %5 their eyes and sa that the a,,s of the 9ity ere b%i,t %5 and 8reat,y e,evated& so the men ere astonished at this+ '* And they said one to the other& "t is be9a%se they sa that e ere de,ayed& in batt,e& and ere 8reat,y afraid of %s& therefore have they done this thin8 and raised the 9ity a,,s and fortified them so that the kin8s of 0anaan mi8ht not 9ome in batt,e a8ainst them+ ': So the kin8 and the troo5s a55roa9hed the 9ity door and they ,ooked %5 and beho,d& a,, the 8ates of the 9ity ere 9,osed& and they 9a,,ed o%t to the sentine,s& sayin8& <5en %nto %s& that e may enter the 9ity+ '; B%t the sentine,s ref%sed to o5en to them by the order of Ba,aam the ma8i9ian& their kin8& they s%ffered them not to enter their 9ity+ '= So they raised a batt,e ith them o55osite the 9ity 8ate& and one h%ndred and thirty men of the army at 4ikian%s fe,, on that day+ '> And on the neBt day they 9ontin%ed to fi8ht and they fo%8ht at the side of the riverJ they endeavored to 5ass b%t ere not ab,e& so some of them sank in the 5its and died+ '/ So the kin8 ordered them to 9%t do n trees to make rafts& %5on hi9h they mi8ht 5ass to them& and they did so+ 'A And hen they 9ame to the 5,a9e of the dit9hes& the aters revo,ved by mi,,s& and t o h%ndred men %5on ten rafts ere dro ned+ .( And on the third day they 9ame to fi8ht at the side here the ser5ents ere& b%t they 9o%,d not a55roa9h '>;

there& for the ser5ents s,e of them one h%ndred and seventy men& and they 9eased fi8htin8 a8ainst 0%sh& and they besie8ed 0%sh for nine years& no 5erson 9ame o%t or in+ .' At that time that the ar and the sie8e ere a8ainst 0%sh& 7osheh f,ed from E8y5t from 1haraoh ho so%8ht to ki,, him for havin8 s,ain the E8y5tian+ .. And 7osheh as ei8hteen years o,d hen he f,ed from E8y5t from the 5resen9e of 1haraoh& and he f,ed and es9a5ed to the 9am5 of 4ikian%s& hi9h at that time as besie8in8 0%sh+ .* And 7osheh as nine years in the 9am5 of 4ikian%s kin8 of 0%sh& a,, the time that they ere besie8in8 0%sh& and 7osheh ent o%t and 9ame in ith them+ .: And the kin8 and 5rin9es and a,, the fi8htin8 men ,oved 7osheh& for he as 8reat and orthy& his stat%re as ,ike a nob,e ,ion& his fa9e as ,ike the s%n& and his stren8th as ,ike that of a ,ion& and he as 9o%nse,,or to the kin8+ .; And at the end of nine years& 4ikian%s as seiFed ith a morta, disease& and his i,,ness 5revai,ed over him& and he died on the seventh day+ .= So his servants emba,med him and 9arried him and b%ried him o55osite the 9ity 8ate to the north of the ,and of E8y5t+ .> And they b%i,t over him an e,e8ant stron8 and hi8h b%i,din8& and they 5,a9ed 8reat stones be,o + ./ And the kin8@s s9ribes en8raved %5on those stones a,, the mi8ht of their kin8 4ikian%s& and a,, his batt,es hi9h he had fo%8ht& beho,d they are ritten there at this day+ .A No after the death of 4ikian%s kin8 of 0%sh it 8rieved his men and troo5s 8reat,y on a99o%nt of the ar+ *( So they said one to the other& ?ive %s 9o%nse, hat e are to do at this time& as e have resided in the i,derness nine years a ay from o%r homes+ *' "f e say e i,, fi8ht a8ainst the 9ity many of %s i,, fa,, o%nded or ki,,ed& and if e remain here in the sie8e e sha,, a,so die+ *. 3or no a,, the kin8s of Aram and of the 9hi,dren of the east i,, hear that o%r kin8 is dead& and they i,, atta9k %s s%dden,y in a hosti,e manner& and they i,, fi8ht a8ainst %s and ,eave no remnant of %s+ ** No therefore ,et %s 8o and make a kin8 over %s& and ,et %s remain in the sie8e %nti, the 9ity is de,ivered %5 to %s+ *: And they ished to 9hoose on that day a man for kin8 from the army of 4ikian%s& and they fo%nd no obGe9t of their 9hoi9e ,ike 7osheh to rei8n over them+ *; And they hastened and stri55ed off ea9h man his 8arments and 9ast them %5on the 8ro%nd& and they made a 8reat hea5 and 5,a9ed 7osheh thereon+ *= And they rose %5 and b,e ith tr%m5ets and 9a,,ed o%t before him& and said& 7ay the kin8 ,ive& may the kin8 ,iveK *> And a,, the 5eo5,e and nob,es s ore %nto him to 8ive him for a ife Adoniah the H%een& the 0%shite& ife of 4ikian%s& and they made 7osheh kin8 over them on that day+ */ And a,, the 5eo5,e of 0%sh iss%ed a 5ro9,amation on that day& sayin8& Every man m%st 8ive somethin8 to 7osheh of hat is in his 5ossession+ *A And they s5read o%t a sheet %5on the hea5& and every man 9ast into it somethin8 of hat he had& one a 8o,d earrin8 and the other a 9oin+ :( A,so of onyB stones& bde,,i%m& 5ear,s and marb,e did the 9hi,dren of 0%sh 9ast %nto 7osheh %5on the hea5& a,so si,ver and 8o,d in 8reat ab%ndan9e+ :' And 7osheh took a,, the si,ver and 8o,d& a,, the vesse,s& and the bde,,i%m and onyB stones& hi9h a,, the 9hi,dren of 0%sh had 8iven to him& and he 5,a9ed them amon8st his treas%res+ :. And 7osheh rei8ned over the 9hi,dren of 0%sh on that day& in the 5,a9e of 4ikian%s kin8 of 0%sh+ 7" REIGN OF MOSHEH
0HA12ER >*$$2he Rei8n of 7osheh& and his Strate8i9 Warfare+

' "n the fifty$fifth year of the rei8n of 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t& that is in the h%ndred and fifty$seventh year '>=

of the Yisrae,ites 8oin8 do n into E8y5t& rei8ned 7osheh in 0%sh+ . 7osheh as t enty$seven years o,d hen he be8an to rei8n over 0%sh& and forty years did he rei8n+ * And YAHWEH 8ranted 7osheh favor and free %nmerited 5ardon in the eyes of a,, the 9hi,dren of 0%sh& and the 9hi,dren of 0%sh ,oved him eB9eedin8,y& so 7osheh as favored by YAHWEH and by men+ : And in the seventh day of his rei8n& a,, the 9hi,dren of 0%sh assemb,ed and 9ame before 7osheh and bo ed do n to him to the 8ro%nd+ ; And a,, the 9hi,dren s5oke to8ether in the 5resen9e of the kin8& sayin8& ?ive %s 9o%nse, that e may see hat is to be done to this 9ity+ = 3or it is no nine years that e have been besie8in8 ro%nd abo%t the 9ity& and have not seen o%r 9hi,dren and o%r ives+ > So the kin8 ans ered them& sayin8& "f yo% i,, hearken to my voi9e in a,, that " sha,, 9ommand yo%& then i,, YAHWEH 8ive the 9ity into o%r hands and e sha,, s%bd%e it+ / 3or if e fi8ht ith them as in the former batt,e hi9h e had ith them before the death of 4ikian%s& many of %s i,, fa,, do n o%nded as before+ A No therefore beho,d here is 9o%nse, for yo% in this matterJ if yo% i,, hearken to my voi9e& then i,, the 9ity be de,ivered into o%r hands+ '( So a,, the for9es ans ered the kin8& sayin8& A,, that o%r ,ord sha,, 9ommand that i,, e do+ '' And 7osheh said %nto them& 1ass thro%8h and 5ro9,aim a voi9e in the ho,e 9am5 %nto a,, the 5eo5,e& sayin8& '. 2h%s says the kin8& ?o into the forest and brin8 ith yo% of the yo%n8 ones of the stork& ea9h man a yo%n8 one in his hand+ '* And any 5erson trans8ressin8 the ord of the kin8& ho sha,, not brin8 his yo%n8 one& he sha,, die& and the kin8 i,, take a,, be,on8in8 to him+ ': And hen yo% sha,, brin8 them they sha,, be in yo%r kee5in8& yo% sha,, rear them %nti, they 8ro %5& and yo% sha,, tea9h them to dart %5on& as is the ay of the yo%n8 ones of the ha k+ '; So a,, the 9hi,dren of 0%sh heard the ords of 7osheh& and they rose %5 and 9a%sed a 5ro9,amation to be iss%ed thro%8ho%t the 9am5& sayin8& '= Dnto yo%& a,, the 9hi,dren of 0%sh& the kin8@s order is& that yo% 8o a,, to8ether to the forest& and 9at9h there the yo%n8 storks ea9h man his yo%n8 one in his hand& and yo% sha,, brin8 them home+ '> And any 5erson vio,atin8 the order of the kin8 sha,, die& and the kin8 i,, take a,, that be,on8s to him+ '/ And a,, the 5eo5,e did so& and they ent o%t to the ood and they 9,imbed the fir trees and 9a%8ht& ea9h man a yo%n8 one in his hand& a,, the yo%n8 of the storks& and they bro%8ht them into the desert and reared them by order of the kin8& and they ta%8ht them to dart %5on& simi,ar to the yo%n8 ha ks+ 'A And after the yo%n8 storks ere reared& the kin8 ordered them to be h%n8ered for three days& and a,, the 5eo5,e did so+ .( And on the third day& the kin8 said %nto them& stren8then yo%rse,ves and be9ome va,iant men& and 5%t on ea9h man his armor and 8ird on his s ord %5on him& and ride ea9h man his horse and take ea9h his yo%n8 stork in his hand+ .' And e i,, rise %5 and fi8ht a8ainst the 9ity at the 5,a9e here the ser5ents areJ and a,, the 5eo5,e did as the kin8 had ordered+ .. And they took ea9h man his yo%n8 one in his hand& and they ent a ay& and hen they 9ame to the 5,a9e of the ser5ents the kin8 said to them& Send forth ea9h man his yo%n8 stork %5on the ser5ents+ .* And they sent forth ea9h man his yo%n8 stork at the kin8@s order& and the yo%n8 storks ran %5on the ser5ents and they devo%red them a,, and destroyed them o%t of that 5,a9e+ .: And hen the kin8 and 5eo5,e had seen that a,, the ser5ents ere destroyed in that 5,a9e& a,, the 5eo5,e set %5 a 8reat sho%t+ .; And they a55roa9hed and fo%8ht a8ainst the 9ity and took it and s%bd%ed it& and they entered the 9ity+ .= And there died on that day one tho%sand and one h%ndred men of the 5eo5,e of the 9ity& a,, that inhabited the 9ity& b%t of the 5eo5,e besie8in8 not one died+ .> So a,, the 9hi,dren of 0%sh ent ea9h to his home& to his ife and 9hi,dren and to a,, be,on8in8 to him+ '>>

./ And Ba,aam the ma8i9ian& hen he sa that the 9ity as taken& he o5ened the 8ate and he and his t o sons and ei8ht brothers f,ed and ret%rned to E8y5t to 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t+ .A 2hey are the sor9erers and ma8i9ians ho are mentioned in the book of the ,a & standin8 a8ainst 7osheh hen YAHWEH bro%8ht the 5,a8%es %5on E8y5t+ *( So 7osheh took the 9ity by his isdom& and the 9hi,dren of 0%sh 5,a9ed him on the throne instead of 4ikian%s kin8 of 0%sh+ *' And they 5,a9ed the roya, 9ro n %5on his head& and they 8ave him for a ife Adoniah the 0%shite H%een& ife of 4ikian%s+ *. And 7osheh feared YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of his fathers& so that he 9ame not to her& nor did he t%rn his eyes to her+ ** 3or 7osheh remembered ho Abraham had made his servant E,ieFer s ear& sayin8 %nto him& Yo% sha,, not take a oman from the da%8hters of 0anaan for my son Yits9haH+ *: A,so hat Yits9haH did hen Ya9ob had f,ed from his brother& hen he 9ommanded him& sayin8& Yo% sha,, not take a ife from the da%8hters of 0anaan& nor make a,,ian9e ith any of the 9hi,dren of Ham+ *; 3or YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y 8ave Ham the son of Noah& and his 9hi,dren and a,, his seed& as s,aves to the 9hi,dren of Shem and to the 9hi,dren of Ja5heth& and %nto their seed after them for s,aves& forever+ *= 2herefore 7osheh t%rned not his heart nor his eyes to the ife of 4ikian%s a,, the days that he rei8ned over 0%sh+ *> And 7osheh feared YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y a,, his ,ife& and 7osheh a,ked before YAHWEH in tr%th& ith a,, his heart and so%,& he t%rned not from the ri8ht ay a,, the days of his ,ifeJ he de9,ined not from the ay either to the ri8ht or to the ,eft& in hi9h Abraham& Yits9haH and Ya9ob had a,ked+ */ And 7osheh stren8thened himse,f in the kin8dom of the 9hi,dren of 0%sh& and he 8%ided the 9hi,dren of 0%sh ith his %s%a, isdom& and 7osheh 5ros5ered in his kin8dom+ *A And at that time Aram and the 9hi,dren of the east heard that 4ikian%s kin8 of 0%sh had died& so Aram and the 9hi,dren of the east rebe,,ed a8ainst 0%sh in those days+ :( And 7osheh 8athered a,, the 9hi,dren of 0%sh& a 5eo5,e very mi8hty& abo%t thirty tho%sand men& and he ent forth to fi8ht ith Aram and the 9hi,dren of the east+ :' And they ent at first to the 9hi,dren of the east& and hen the 9hi,dren of the east heard their re5ort& they ent to meet them& and en8a8ed in batt,e ith them+ :. And the ar as severe a8ainst the 9hi,dren of the east& so YAHWEH 8ave a,, the 9hi,dren of the east into the hand of 7osheh& and abo%t three h%ndred men fe,, do n s,ain+ :* And a,, the 9hi,dren of the east t%rned ba9k and retreated& so 7osheh and the 9hi,dren of 0%sh fo,,o ed them and s%bd%ed them& and 5%t a taB %5on them& as as their 9%stom+ :: So 7osheh and a,, the 5eo5,e ith him 5assed from there to the ,and of Aram for batt,e+ :; And the 5eo5,e of Aram a,so ent to meet them& and they fo%8ht a8ainst them& and YAHWEH de,ivered them into the hand of 7osheh& and many of the men of Aram fe,, do n o%nded+ := And Aram a,so ere s%bd%ed by 7osheh and the 5eo5,e of 0%sh& and a,so 8ave their %s%a, taB+ :> And 7osheh bro%8ht Aram and the 9hi,dren of the east %nder s%bGe9tion to the 9hi,dren of 0%sh& and 7osheh and a,, the 5eo5,e ho ere ith him& t%rned to the ,and of 0%sh+ :/ And 7osheh stren8thened himse,f in the kin8dom of the 9hi,dren of 0%sh& and YAHWEH as ith him& and a,, the 9hi,dren of 0%sh ere afraid of him+ 7# WAR IN AFRICA
0HA12ER >:$$War in Afri9a+

' "n the end of years died Sa%, kin8 of Edom& and Baa, 0hanan the son of A9hbor rei8ned in his 5,a9e+ . "n the siBteenth year of the rei8n of 7osheh over 0%sh& Baa, 0hanan the son of A9hbor rei8ned in the ,and of Edom over a,, the 9hi,dren of Edom for thirty$ei8ht years+ * "n his days 7oab rebe,,ed a8ainst the 5o er of Edom& havin8 been %nder Edom sin9e the days of Hadad the son of Bedad& ho smote them and 7idian& and bro%8ht 7oab %nder s%bGe9tion to Edom+ '>/

: And hen Baa, 0hanan the son of A9hbor rei8ned over Edom& a,, the 9hi,dren of 7oab ithdre their a,,e8ian9e from Edom+ ; And An8eas kin8 of Afri9a died in those days& and AFdr%ba, his son rei8ned in his stead+ = And in those days died Janeas kin8 of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and they b%ried him in his tem5,e hi9h he had b%i,t for himse,f in the 5,ain of 0ano5ia for a residen9e& and Catin%s rei8ned in his stead+ > "n the t enty$se9ond year of the rei8n of 7osheh over the 9hi,dren of 0%sh& Catin%s rei8ned over the 9hi,dren of 0hittim forty$five years+ / And he a,so b%i,t for himse,f a 8reat and mi8hty to er& and he b%i,t therein an e,e8ant tem5,e for his residen9e& to 9ond%9t his 8overnment& as as the 9%stom+ A "n the third year of his rei8n he 9a%sed a 5ro9,amation to be made to a,, his ski,f%, men& ho made many shi5s for him+ '( And Catin%s assemb,ed a,, his for9es& and they 9ame in shi5s& and ent therein to fi8ht ith AFdr%ba, son of An8eas kin8 of Afri9a& and they 9ame to Afri9a and en8a8ed in batt,e ith AFdr%ba, and his army+ '' And Catin%s 5revai,ed over AFdr%ba,& and Catin%s took from AFdr%ba, the aH%ed%9t hi9h his father had bro%8ht from the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& hen he took Janiah the da%8hter of DFi for a ife& so Catin%s overthre the brid8e of the aH%ed%9t& and smote the ho,e army of AFdr%ba, a severe b,o + '. And the remainin8 stron8 men of AFdr%ba, stren8thened themse,ves& and their hearts ere fi,,ed ith envy& and they 9o%rted death& and a8ain en8a8ed in batt,e ith Catin%s kin8 of 0hittim+ '* And the batt,e as severe %5on a,, the men of Afri9a& and they a,, fe,, o%nded before Catin%s and his 5eo5,e& and AFdr%ba, the kin8 a,so fe,, in that batt,e+ ': And the kin8 AFdr%ba, had a very bea%tif%, da%8hter& hose name as Dsh5eFena& and a,, the men of Afri9a embroidered her ,ikeness on their 8arments& on a99o%nt of her 8reat bea%ty and 9ome,y a55earan9e+ '; And the men of Catin%s sa Dsh5eFena& the da%8hter of AFdr%ba,& and 5raised her %nto Catin%s their kin8+ '= And Catin%s ordered her to be bro%8ht to him& and Catin%s took Dsh5eFena for a ife& and he t%rned ba9k on his ay to 0hittim+ '> And it as after the death of AFdr%ba, son of An8eas& hen Catin%s had t%rned ba9k to his ,and from the batt,e& that a,, the inhabitants of Afri9a rose %5 and took Aniba, the son of An8eas& the yo%n8er brother of AFdr%ba,& and made him kin8 instead at his brother over the ho,e ,and at Afri9a+ '/ And hen he rei8ned& he reso,ved to 8o to 0hittim to fi8ht ith the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& to aven8e the 9a%se of AFdr%ba, his brother& and the 9a%se of the inhabitants of Afri9a& and he did so+ 'A And he made many shi5s& and he 9ame therein ith his ho,e army& and he ent to 0hittim+ .( So Aniba, fo%8ht ith the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim fe,, o%nded before Aniba, and his army& and Aniba, aven8ed his brother@s 9a%se+ .' And Aniba, 9ontin%ed the ar for ei8hteen years ith the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and Aniba, d e,t in the ,and of 0hittim and en9am5ed there for a ,on8 time+ .. And Aniba, smote the 9hi,dren of 0hittim very severe,y& and he s,e their 8reat men and 5rin9es& and of the rest of the 5eo5,e he smote abo%t ei8hty tho%sand men+ .* And at the end of days and years& Aniba, ret%rned to his ,and of Afri9a& and he rei8ned se9%re,y in the 5,a9e of AFdr%ba, his brother+ 75 SOME DE$ART TO EARLY
0HA12ER >;$$2hirty 2ho%sand E5hraimites think it 2ime to 8et o%t of E8y5t& Rise %5 to 8o to 0anaan& b%t are S,ain by the 1hi,istines+

' At that time& in the h%ndred and ei8htieth year of the Yisrae,ites 8oin8 do n into E8y5t& there ent forth from E8y5t va,iant men& thirty tho%sand on foot& from the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& ho ere a,, of the tribe of Yose5h& of the 9hi,dren of E5hraim the son of Yose5h+ . 3or they said the 5eriod as 9om5,eted hi9h YAHWEH had a55ointed to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in the times of o,d& hi9h he had s5oken to Abraham+ '>A

* And these men 8irded themse,ves& and they 5%t ea9h man his s ord at his side& and every man his armor %5on him& and they tr%sted to their stren8th& and they ent o%t to8ether from E8y5t ith a mi8hty hand+ : B%t they bro%8ht no 5rovision for the road& on,y si,ver and 8o,d& not even bread for that day did they brin8 in their hands& for they tho%8ht of 8ettin8 their 5rovision for 5ay from the 1hi,istines& and if not they o%,d take it by for9e+ ; And these men ere very mi8hty and va,iant men& one man 9o%,d 5%rs%e a tho%sand and t o 9o%,d ro%t ten tho%sand& so they tr%sted to their stren8th and ent to8ether as they ere+ = And they dire9ted their 9o%rse to ard the ,and of ?ath& and they ent do n and fo%nd the she5herds of ?ath feedin8 the 9att,e of the 9hi,dren of ?ath+ > And they said to the she5herds& ?ive %s some of the shee5 for 5ay& that e may eat& for e are h%n8ry& for e have eaten no bread this day+ / And the she5herds said& Are they o%r shee5 or 9att,e that e sho%,d 8ive them to yo% even for 5ay# so the 9hi,dren of E5hraim a55roa9hed to take them by for9e+ A And the she5herds of ?ath sho%ted over them that their 9ry as heard at a distan9e& so a,, the 9hi,dren of ?ath ent o%t to them+ '( And hen the 9hi,dren of ?ath sa the evi, doin8s of the 9hi,dren of E5hraim& they ret%rned and assemb,ed the men of ?ath& and they 5%t on ea9h man his armor& and 9ame forth to the 9hi,dren of E5hraim for batt,e+ '' And they en8a8ed ith them in the va,,ey of ?ath& and the batt,e as severe& and they smote from ea9h other a 8reat many on that day+ '. And on the se9ond day the 9hi,dren of ?ath sent to a,, the 9ities of the 1hi,istines that they sho%,d 9ome to their he,5& sayin8& '* 0ome %5 %nto %s and he,5 %s& that e may smite the 9hi,dren of E5hraim ho have 9ome forth from E8y5t to take o%r 9att,e& and to fi8ht a8ainst %s itho%t 9a%se+ ': No the so%,s of the 9hi,dren of E5hraim ere eBha%sted ith h%n8er and thirst& for they had eaten no bread for three days+ And forty tho%sand men ent forth from the 9ities of the 1hi,istines to the assistan9e of the men of ?ath+ '; And these men ere en8a8ed in batt,e ith the 9hi,dren of E5hraim& and YAHWEH de,ivered the 9hi,dren of E5hraim into the hands of the 1hi,istines+ '= And they smote a,, the 9hi,dren of E5hraim& a,, ho had 8one forth from E8y5t& none ere remainin8 b%t ten men ho had r%n a ay from the en8a8ement+ '> 3or this evi, as from YAHWEH a8ainst the 9hi,dren of E5hraim& for they trans8ressed the ord of YAHWEH in 8oin8 forth from E8y5t& before the 5eriod had arrived hi9h YAHWEH in the days of o,d had a55ointed to Yisrae,+ '/ And of the 1hi,istines a,so there fe,, a 8reat many& abo%t t enty tho%sand men& and their brethren 9arried them and b%ried them in their 9ities+ 'A And the s,ain of the 9hi,dren of E5hraim remained forsaken in the va,,ey of ?ath for many days and years& and ere not bro%8ht to b%ria,& and the va,,ey as fi,,ed ith men@s bones+ .( And the men ho had es9a5ed from the batt,e 9ame to E8y5t& and to,d a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, a,, that had befa,,en them+ .' And their father E5hraim mo%rned over them for many days& and his brethren 9ame to 9onso,e him+ .. And he 9ame %nto his ife and she bare a son& and he 9a,,ed his name Beriah& for she as %nfort%nate in his ho%se+ 76 MOSHEH LEA!ES CUSH
0HA12ER >=$$7osheh ,eaves 0%sh and 8oes to the Cand of 7idian+ Re%e,& takin8 him for a Ref%8ee& kee5s him in 5rison for 2en Years+ "s fed by Ii55orah& the Da%8hter of Re%e,+ 1haraoh smitten of the 1,a8%e+ S,ays a 9hi,d of the Yisrae,ites every day+ He dies of the Rot& and his Son& Adikam& Rei8ns in his Stead+

' And 7osheh the son of Amram

as sti,, kin8 in the ,and of 0%sh in those days& and he 5ros5ered in his '/(

kin8dom& and he 9ond%9ted the 8overnment of the 9hi,dren of 0%sh in G%sti9e& in ri8hteo%sness& and inte8rity+ . And a,, the 9hi,dren of 0%sh ,oved 7osheh a,, the days that he rei8ned over them& and a,, the inhabitants of the ,and of 0%sh ere 8reat,y afraid of him+ * And in the fortieth year of the rei8n of 7osheh over 0%sh& 7osheh as sittin8 on the roya, throne hi,e Adoniah the H%een as before him& and a,, the nob,es ere sittin8 aro%nd him+ : And Adoniah the H%een said before the kin8 and the 5rin9es& What is this thin8 hi9h yo%& the 9hi,dren of 0%sh& have done for this ,on8 time# ; S%re,y yo% kno that for forty years that this man has rei8ned over 0%sh he has not a55roa9hed me& nor has he served the 8ods of the 9hi,dren of 0%sh+ = No therefore hear& < ye 9hi,dren of 0%sh& and ,et this man no more rei8n over yo% as he is not of o%r f,esh+ > Beho,d 7ena9r%s my son is 8ro n %5& ,et him rei8n over yo%& for it is better for yo% to serve the son of yo%r ,ord& than to serve a stran8er& s,ave of the kin8 of E8y5t+ / And a,, the 5eo5,e and nob,es of the 9hi,dren of 0%sh heard the ords hi9h Adoniah the H%een had s5oken in their ears+ A And a,, the 5eo5,e ere 5re5arin8 %nti, the evenin8& and in the mornin8 they rose %5 ear,y and made 7ena9r%s& son of 4ikian%s& kin8 over them+ '( And a,, the 9hi,dren of 0%sh ere afraid to stret9h forth their hand a8ainst 7osheh& for YAHWEH as ith 7osheh& and the 9hi,dren of 0%sh remembered the oath hi9h they s ore %nto 7osheh& therefore they did no harm to him+ '' B%t the 9hi,dren of 0%sh 8ave many 5resents to 7osheh& and sent him from them ith 8reat honor+ '. So 7osheh ent forth from the ,and of 0%sh& and ent home and 9eased to rei8n over 0%sh& and 7osheh as siBty$siB years o,d hen he ent o%t of the ,and of 0%sh& for the thin8 as from YAHWEH& for the 5eriod had arrived hi9h he had a55ointed in the days of o,d& to brin8 forth Yisrae, from the aff,i9tion of the 9hi,dren of Ham+ '* So 7osheh ent to 7idian& for he as afraid to ret%rn to E8y5t on a99o%nt of 1haraoh& and he ent and sat at a e,, of ater in 7idian+ ': And the seven da%8hters of Re%e, the 7idianite ent o%t to feed their father@s f,o9k+ '; And they 9ame to the e,, and dre ater to ater their father@s f,o9k+ '= So the she5herds of 7idian 9ame and drove them a ay& and 7osheh rose %5 and he,5ed them and atered the f,o9k+ '> And they 9ame home to their father Re%e,& and to,d him hat 7osheh did for them+ '/ And they said& An E8y5tian man has de,ivered %s from the hands of the she5herds& he dre %5 ater for %s and atered the f,o9k+ 'A And Re%e, said to his da%8hters& And here is he# herefore have yo% ,eft the man# .( And Re%e, sent for him and fet9hed him and bro%8ht him home& and he ate bread ith him+ .' And 7osheh re,ated to Re%e, that he had f,ed from E8y5t and that he rei8ned forty years over 0%sh& and that they after ard had taken the 8overnment from him& and had sent him a ay in 5ea9e ith honor and ith 5resents+ .. And hen Re%e, had heard the ords of 7osheh& Re%e, said ithin himse,f& " i,, 5%t this man into the 5rison ho%se& hereby " sha,, 9on9i,iate the 9hi,dren of 0%sh& for he has f,ed from them+ .* And they took and 5%t him into the 5rison ho%se& and 7osheh as in 5rison ten years& and hi,e 7osheh as in the 5rison ho%se& Ii55orah the da%8hter of Re%e, took 5ity over him& and s%55orted him ith bread and ater a,, the time+ .: And a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere yet in the ,and of E8y5t servin8 the E8y5tians in a,, manner of hard ork& and the hand of E8y5t 9ontin%ed in severity over the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in those days+ .; At that time YAHWEH smote 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t& and he aff,i9ted ith the 5,a8%e of ,e5rosy from the so,e of his foot to the 9ro n of his headJ o in8 to the 9r%e, treatment of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, as this 5,a8%e at that time from YAHWEH %5on 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t+ '/'

.= 3or YAHWEH had hearkened to the 5rayer of his 5eo5,e the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and their 9ry rea9hed him on a99o%nt of their hard ork+ .> Sti,, his an8er did not t%rn from them& and the hand of 1haraoh as sti,, stret9hed o%t a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and 1haraoh hardened his ne9k before YAHWEH& and he in9reased his yoke over the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and embittered their ,ives ith a,, manner of hard ork+ ./ And hen YAHWEH had inf,i9ted the 5,a8%e %5on 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t& he asked his ise men and sor9erers to 9%re him+ .A And his ise men and sor9erers said %nto him& 2hat if the b,ood of ,itt,e 9hi,dren ere 5%t into the o%nds he o%,d be hea,ed+ *( And 1haraoh hearkened to them& and sent his ministers to ?oshen to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to take their ,itt,e 9hi,dren+ *' And 1haraoh@s ministers ent and took the infants of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, from the bosoms of their mothers by for9e& and they bro%8ht them to 1haraoh dai,y& a 9hi,d ea9h day& and the 5hysi9ians ki,,ed them and a55,ied them to the 5,a8%eJ th%s did they a,, the days+ *. And the n%mber of the 9hi,dren hi9h 1haraoh s,e as three h%ndred and seventy$five+ ** B%t YAHWEH hearkened not to the 5hysi9ians of the kin8 of E8y5t& and the 5,a8%e ent on in9reasin8 mi8hti,y+ *: And 1haraoh as ten years aff,i9ted ith that 5,a8%e& sti,, the heart of 1haraoh as more hardened a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ *; And at the end of ten years YAHWEH 9ontin%ed to aff,i9t 1haraoh ith destr%9tive 5,a8%es+ *= And YAHWEH smote him ith a bad t%mor and si9kness at the stoma9h& and that 5,a8%e t%rned to a severe boi,+ *> At that time the t o ministers of 1haraoh 9ame from the ,and of ?oshen here a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere& and ent to the ho%se of 1haraoh and said to him& We have seen the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, s,a9ken in their ork and ne8,i8ent in their ,abor+ */ And hen 1haraoh heard the ords of his ministers& his an8er as kind,ed a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, eB9eedin8,y& for he as 8reat,y 8rieved at his bodi,y 5ain+ *A And he ans ered and said& No that the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, kno that " am i,,& they t%rn and s9off at %s& no therefore harness my 9hariot for me& and " i,, betake myse,f to ?oshen and i,, see the s9off of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ith hi9h they are deridin8 meJ so his servants harnessed the 9hariot for him+ :( And they took and made him ride %5on a horse& for he as not ab,e to ride of himse,fJ :' And he took ith him ten horsemen and ten footmen& and ent to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to ?oshen+ :. And hen they had 9ome to the border of E8y5t& the kin8@s horse 5assed into a narro 5,a9e& e,evated in the ho,,o 5art of the vineyard& fen9ed on both sides& the ,o & 5,ain 9o%ntry bein8 on the other side+ :* And the horses ran ra5id,y in that 5,a9e and 5ressed ea9h other& and the other horses 5ressed the kin8@s horse+ :: And the kin8@s horse fe,, into the ,o 5,ain hi,e the kin8 as ridin8 %5on it& and hen he fe,, the 9hariot t%rned over the kin8@s fa9e and the horse ,ay %5on the kin8& and the kin8 9ried o%t& for his f,esh as very sore+ :; And the f,esh of the kin8 as torn from him& and his bones ere broken and he 9o%,d not ride& for this thin8 as from YAHWEH to him& for YAHWEH had heard the 9ries of his 5eo5,e the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, and their aff,i9tion+ := And his servants 9arried him %5on their sho%,ders& a ,itt,e at a time& and they bro%8ht him ba9k to E8y5t& and the horsemen ho ere ith him 9ame a,so ba9k to E8y5t+ :> And they 5,a9ed him in his bed& and the kin8 kne that his end as 9ome to die& so A5aranith the H%een his ife 9ame and 9ried before the kin8& and the kin8 e5t a 8reat ee5in8 ith her+ :/ And a,, his nob,es and servants 9ame on that day and sa the kin8 in that aff,i9tion& and e5t a 8reat ee5in8 ith him+ :A And the 5rin9es of the kin8 and a,, his 9o%nse,ors advised the kin8 to 9a%se one to rei8n in his stead in the ,and& homsoever he sho%,d 9hoose from his sons+ '/.

;( And the kin8 had three sons and t o da%8hters hi9h A5aranith the H%een his ife had borne to him& besides the kin8@s 9hi,dren of 9on9%bines+ ;' And these ere their names& the firstborn <thri& the se9ond Adikam& and the third 7orion& and their sisters& the name of the e,der Bathia and of the other A9%Fi+ ;. And <thri the first born of the kin8 as an idiot& 5re9i5itate and h%rried in his ords+ ;* B%t Adikam as a 9%nnin8 and ise man and kno in8 in a,, the isdom of E8y5t& b%t of %nseem,y as5e9t& thi9k in f,esh& and very short in stat%reJ his hei8ht as one 9%bit+ ;: And hen the kin8 sa Adikam his son inte,,i8ent and ise in a,, thin8s& the kin8 reso,ved that he sho%,d be kin8 in his stead after his death+ ;; And he took for him a ife ?ed%dah da%8hter of Abi,ot& and he as ten years o,d& and she bare %nto him fo%r sons+ ;= And he after ard ent and took three ives and be8at ei8ht sons and three da%8hters+ ;> And the disorder 8reat,y 5revai,ed over the kin8& and his f,esh stank ,ike the f,esh of a 9ar9ass 9ast %5on the fie,d in s%mmer time& d%rin8 the heat of the s%n+ ;/ And hen the kin8 sa that his si9kness had 8reat,y stren8thened itse,f over him& he ordered his son Adikam to be bro%8ht to him& and they made him kin8 over the ,and in his 5,a9e+ ;A And at the end of three years& the kin8 died& in shame& dis8ra9e& and dis8%st& and his servants 9arried him and b%ried him in the se5%,9her of the kin8s of E8y5t in Ioan 7iFraim+ =( B%t they emba,med him not as as %s%a, ith kin8s& for his f,esh as 5%trid& and they 9o%,d not a55roa9h to emba,m him on a99o%nt of the sten9h& so they b%ried him in haste+ =' 3or this evi, as from YAHWEH to him& for YAHWEH had reH%ited him evi, for the evi, hi9h in his days he had done to Yisrae,+ =. And he died ith terror and ith shame& and his son Adikam rei8ned in his 5,a9e+ 77 YISRAEL AFFLICTED MORE
0HA12ER >>$$Adikam 1haraoh Aff,i9ts Yisrae, more than ever+ 7osheh is Re,eased by Re%e,& and 7arries his Da%8hter Ii55orah+ 7osheh obtains 5ossession of YAHWEH@s Sti9k+

' Adikam as t enty years o,d hen he rei8ned over E8y5t& he rei8ned fo%r years+ . "n the t o h%ndred and siBth year of Yisrae,@s 8oin8 do n to E8y5t did Adikam rei8n over E8y5t& b%t he 9ontin%ed not so ,on8 in his rei8n over E8y5t as his fathers had 9ontin%ed their rei8ns+ * 3or 7e,o, his father rei8ned ninety$fo%r years in E8y5t& b%t he as ten years si9k and died& for he had been i9ked before YAHWEH+ : And a,, the E8y5tians 9a,,ed the name of Adikam 1haraoh ,ike the name of his fathers& as as their 9%stom to do in E8y5t+ ; And a,, the ise men of 1haraoh 9a,,ed the name of Adikam Ah%F& for short is 9a,,ed Ah%F in the E8y5tian ,an8%a8e+ = And Adikam as eB9eedin8,y %8,y& and he as a 9%bit and a s5an and he had a 8reat beard hi9h rea9hed to the so,es of his feet+ > And 1haraoh sat %5on his father@s throne to rei8n over E8y5t& and he 9ond%9ted the 8overnment of E8y5t in his isdom+ / And hi,e he rei8ned he eB9eeded his father and a,, the 5re9edin8 kin8s in i9kedness& and he in9reased his yoke over the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ A And he ent ith his servants to ?oshen to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and he stren8thened the ,abor over them and he said %nto them& 0om5,ete yo%r ork& ea9h day@s task& and ,et not yo%r hands s,a9ken from o%r ork from this day for ard as yo% did in the days of my father+ '( And he 5,a9ed offi9ers over them from amon8st the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and over these offi9ers he 5,a9ed taskmasters from amon8st his servants+ '' And he 5,a9ed over them a meas%re of bri9ks for them to do a99ordin8 to that n%mber& day by day& and he t%rned ba9k and ent to E8y5t+ '/*

'. At that time the task$masters of 1haraoh ordered the offi9ers of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, a99ordin8 to the 9ommand of 1haraoh& sayin8& '* 2h%s says 1haraoh& Do yo%r ork ea9h day& and finish yo%r task& and observe the dai,y meas%re of bri9ksJ diminish not anythin8+ ': And it sha,, 9ome to 5ass that if yo% are defi9ient in yo%r dai,y bri9ks& " i,, 5%t yo%r yo%n8 9hi,dren in their stead+ '; And the task$masters of E8y5t did so in those days as 1haraoh had ordered them+ '= And henever any defi9ien9y as fo%nd in the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,@s meas%re of their dai,y bri9ks& the task$masters of 1haraoh o%,d 8o to the ives of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, and take infants of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to the n%mber of bri9ks defi9ient& they o%,d take them by for9e from their mother@s ,a5s& and 5%t them in the b%i,din8 instead of the bri9ksJ '> Whi,st their fathers and mothers ere 9ryin8 over them and ee5in8 hen they heard the ee5in8 voi9es of their infants in the a,, of the b%i,din8+ '/ And the task$masters 5revai,ed over Yisrae,& that the Yisrae,ites sho%,d 5,a9e their 9hi,dren in the b%i,din8& so that a man 5,a9ed his son in the a,, and 5%t mortar over him& hi,e his eyes e5t over him& and his tears ran do n %5on his 9hi,d+ 'A And the task$masters of E8y5t did so to the babes of Yisrae, for many days& and no one 5itied or had 9om5assion over the babes of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ .( And the n%mber of a,, the 9hi,dren ki,,ed in the b%i,din8 as t o h%ndred and seventy& some hom they had b%i,t %5on instead of the bri9ks hi9h had been ,eft defi9ient by their fathers& and some hom they had dra n o%t dead from the b%i,din8+ .' And the ,abor im5osed %5on the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in the days of Adikam eB9eeded in hardshi5 that hi9h they 5erformed in the days of his father+ .. And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, si8hed every day on a99o%nt of their heavy ork& for they had said to themse,ves& Beho,d hen 1haraoh sha,, die& his son i,, rise %5 and ,i8hten o%r orkK .* B%t they in9reased the ,atter ork more than the former& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, si8hed at this and their 9ry as9ended to YAHWEH on a99o%nt of their ,abor+ .: And YAHWEH heard the voi9e of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, and their 9ry& in those days& and YAHWEH remembered to them his 9ovenant hi9h he had made ith Abraham& Yits9haH and Ya9ob+ .; And YAHWEH sa the b%rden of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and their heavy ork in those days& and he determined to de,iver them+ .= And 7osheh the son of Amram as sti,, 9onfined in the d%n8eon in those days& in the ho%se of Re%e, the 7idianite& and Ii55orah the da%8hter of Re%e, did s%55ort him ith food se9ret,y day by day+ .> And 7osheh as 9onfined in the d%n8eon in the ho%se of Re%e, for ten years+ ./ And at the end of ten years hi9h as the first year of the rei8n of 1haraoh over E8y5t& in the 5,a9e of his father& .A Ii55orah said to her father Re%e,& No 5erson inH%ires or seeks after the Hebre man& hom yo% didst bind in 5rison no ten years+ *( No therefore& if it seem 8ood in yo%r si8ht& ,et %s send and see hether he is ,ivin8 or dead& b%t her father kne not that she had s%55orted him+ *' And Re%e, her father ans ered and said to her& Has ever s%9h a thin8 ha55ened that a man sho%,d be sh%t %5 in a 5rison itho%t food for ten years& and that he sho%,d ,ive# *. And Ii55orah ans ered her father& sayin8& S%re,y yo% hast heard that the AC7"?H2Y of the Hebre s is 8reat and a f%,& and does onders for them at a,, times+ ** He it as ho de,ivered Abraham from Dr of the 0ha,deans& and Yits9haH from the s ord of his father& and Ya9ob from the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH ho rest,ed ith him at the ford of Jabb%k+ *: A,so ith this man has he done many thin8s& he de,ivered him from the river in E8y5t and from the s ord of 1haraoh& and from the 9hi,dren of 0%sh& so a,so 9an he de,iver him from famine and make him ,ive+ *; And the thin8 seemed 8ood in the si8ht of Re%e,& and he did a99ordin8 to the ord of his da%8hter& and '/:

sent to the d%n8eon to as9ertain hat be9ame of 7osheh+ *= And he sa & and beho,d the man 7osheh as ,ivin8 in the d%n8eon& standin8 %5on his feet& 5raisin8 and 5rayin8 to YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of his an9estors+ *> And Re%e, 9ommanded 7osheh to be bro%8ht o%t of the d%n8eon& so they shaved him and he 9han8ed his 5rison 8arments and ate bread+ */ And after ard 7osheh ent into the 8arden of Re%e, hi9h as behind the ho%se& and he there 5rayed to YAHWEH his AC7"?H2Y& ho had done mi8hty onders for him+ *A And it as that hi,e he 5rayed he ,ooked o55osite to him& and beho,d a sa55hire sti9k as 5,a9ed in the 8ro%nd& hi9h as 5,anted in the midst of the 8arden+ :( And he a55roa9hed the sti9k and he ,ooked& and beho,d the name of YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of hosts as en8raved thereon& ritten and deve,o5ed %5on the sti9k+ :' And he read it and stret9hed forth his hand and he 5,%9ked it ,ike a forest tree from the thi9ket& and the sti9k as in his hand+ :. And this is the sti9k ith hi9h a,, the orks of o%r YAHWEH ere 5erformed& after he had 9reated heaven and earth& and a,, the host of them& seas& rivers and a,, their fishes+ :* And hen YAHWEH had driven Adam from the 8arden of Eden& he took the sti9k in his hand and ent and ti,,ed the 8ro%nd from hi9h he as taken+ :: And the sti9k 9ame do n to Noah and as 8iven to Shem and his des9endants& %nti, it 9ame into the hand of Abraham the Hebre + :; And hen Abraham had 8iven a,, he had to his son Yits9haH& he a,so 8ave to him this sti9k+ := And hen Ya9ob had f,ed to 1adan$aram& he took it into his hand& and hen he ret%rned to his father he had not ,eft it behind him+ :> A,so hen he ent do n to E8y5t he took it into his hand and 8ave it to Yose5h& one 5ortion above his brethren& for Ya9ob had taken it by for9e from his brother Esa%+ :/ And after the death of Yose5h& the nob,es of E8y5t 9ame into the ho%se of Yose5h& and the sti9k 9ame into the hand of Re%e, the 7idianite& and hen he ent o%t of E8y5t& he took it in his hand and 5,anted it in his 8arden+ :A And a,, the mi8hty men of the 4inites tried to 5,%9k it hen they endeavored to 8et Ii55orah his da%8hter& b%t they ere %ns%99essf%,+ ;( So that sti9k remained 5,anted in the 8arden of Re%e,& %nti, he 9ame ho had a ri8ht to it and took it+ ;' And hen Re%e, sa the sti9k in the hand of 7osheh& he ondered at it& and he 8ave him his da%8hter Ii55orah for a ife+ 78 MOSHEH TWO SONS
0HA12ER >/$$7osheh has 2 o Sons+ 1haraoh ithho,ds Stra from the Yisrae,ites+

' At that time died Baa, 0hannan son of A9hbor& kin8 of Edom& and as b%ried in his ho%se in the ,and of Edom+ . And after his death the 9hi,dren of Esa% sent to the ,and of Edom& and took from there a man ho as in Edom& hose name as Hadad& and they made him kin8 over them in the 5,a9e of Baa, 0hannan& their kin8+ * And Hadad rei8ned over the 9hi,dren of Edom forty$ei8ht years+ : And hen he rei8ned he reso,ved to fi8ht a8ainst the 9hi,dren of 7oab& to brin8 them %nder the 5o er of the 9hi,dren of Esa% as they ere before& b%t he as not ab,e& be9a%se the 9hi,dren of 7oab heard this thin8& and they rose %5 and hastened to e,e9t a kin8 over them from amon8st their brethren+ ; And they after ard 8athered to8ether a 8reat 5eo5,e& and sent to the 9hi,dren of Ammon their brethren for he,5 to fi8ht a8ainst Hadad kin8 of Edom+ = And Hadad heard the thin8 hi9h the 9hi,dren of 7oab had done& and as 8reat,y afraid of them& and refrained from fi8htin8 a8ainst them+ > "n those days 7osheh& the son of Amram& in 7idian& took Ii55orah& the da%8hter of Re%e, the 7idianite& '/;

for a ife+ / And Ii55orah a,ked in the ays of the da%8hters of Ya9ob& she as nothin8 short of the ri8hteo%sness of Sarah& Rebe99a& Ra9he, and Ceah+ A And Ii55orah 9on9eived and bare a son and he 9a,,ed his name ?ershom& for he said& " as a stran8er in a forei8n ,andJ b%t he 9ir9%m9ised not his foreskin& at the 9ommand of Re%e, his father$in$,a + '( And she 9on9eived a8ain and bare a son& b%t 9ir9%m9ised his foreskin& and 9a,,ed his name E,ieFer& for 7osheh said& Be9a%se the AC7"?H2Y of my fathers as my he,5& and de,ivered me from the s ord of 1haraoh+ '' And 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t 8reat,y in9reased the ,abor of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in those days& and 9ontin%ed to make his yoke heavier %5on the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ '. And he ordered a 5ro9,amation to be made in E8y5t& sayin8& ?ive no more stra to the 5eo5,e to make bri9ks ith& ,et them 8o and 8ather themse,ves stra as they 9an find it+ '* A,so the ta,e of bri9ks hi9h they sha,, make ,et them 8ive ea9h day& and diminish nothin8 from them& for they are id,e in their ork+ ': And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, heard this& and they mo%rned and si8hed& and they 9ried %nto YAHWEH on a99o%nt of the bitterness of their so%,s+ '; And YAHWEH heard the 9ries of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and sa the o55ression ith hi9h the E8y5tians o55ressed them+ '= And YAHWEH as Gea,o%s of his 5eo5,e and his inheritan9e& and heard their voi9e& and he reso,ved to take them o%t of the aff,i9tion of E8y5t& to 8ive them the ,and of 0anaan for a 5ossession+ 79 YAHWEH A$$EARS TO MOSHEH
0HA12ER >A$$YAHWEH a55ears to 7osheh and 9ommands him to 8o do n to E8y5t to De,iver Yisrae,+ Aaron meets him+ Yisrae, on hearin8 of his 7ission 8reat,y reGoi9es+ 7osheh and Aaron 8o to 1haraoh& ho 9a,,s a,, the 7a8i9ians to meet 7osheh+ 2hey 1erform 7ira9,es as e,, as 7osheh& and th%s De9eive the 4in8+ 1haraoh& not findin8 the Name of YAHWEH on any of the Books of Re9ords& says he does not kno ho He is& and i,, not ,et his 1eo5,e 8o+ 7osheh and Aaron tea9h 1haraoh& b%t he i,, not hearken& b%t 9a%ses the ,abor of the 0hi,dren of Yisrae, to be in9reased+ 7osheh bein8 dis9o%ra8ed is to,d by YAHWEH that ith an o%tstret9hed hand and heavy 1,a8%es& Yisrae, sha,, be De,ivered+

' And in those days 7osheh as feedin8 the f,o9k of Re%e, the 7idianite his father$in$,a & beyond the i,derness of Sin& and the sti9k hi9h he took from his father$in$,a as in his hand+ . And it 9ame to 5ass one day that a kid of 8oats strayed from the f,o9k& and 7osheh 5%rs%ed it and it 9ame to the mo%ntain of YAHWEH to Horeb+ * And hen he 9ame to Horeb& YAHWEH a55eared there %nto him in the b%sh& and he fo%nd the b%sh b%rnin8 ith fire& b%t the fire had no 5o er over the b%sh to 9ons%me it+ : And 7osheh as 8reat,y astonished at this si8ht& herefore the b%sh as not 9ons%med& and he a55roa9hed to see this mi8hty thin8& and YAHWEH 9a,,ed %nto 7osheh o%t of the fire and 9ommanded him to 8o do n to E8y5t& to 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t& to send the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, from his servi9e+ ; And YAHWEH said %nto 7osheh& ?o& ret%rn to E8y5t& for a,, those men ho so%8ht yo%r ,ife are dead& and yo% sha,, s5eak %nto 1haraoh to send forth the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, from his ,and+ = And YAHWEH sho ed him to do si8ns and onders in E8y5t before the eyes of 1haraoh and the eyes of his s%bGe9ts& in order that they mi8ht be,ieve that YAHWEH had sent him+ > And 7osheh hearkened to a,, that YAHWEH had 9ommanded him& and he ret%rned to his father$in$,a and to,d him the thin8& and Re%e, said to him& ?o in 5ea9e+ / And 7osheh rose %5 to 8o to E8y5t& and he took his ife and sons ith him& and he as at an inn in the road& and an heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH 9ame do n& and so%8ht an o99asion a8ainst him+ A And he ished to ki,, him on a99o%nt of his first born son& be9a%se he had not 9ir9%m9ised him& and had trans8ressed the 9ovenant hi9h YAHWEH had made ith Abraham+ '( 3or 7osheh had hearkened to the ords of his father$in$,a hi9h he had s5oken to him& not to 9ir9%m9ise his first born son& therefore he 9ir9%m9ised him not+ '/=

'' And Ii55orah sa the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH seekin8 an o99asion a8ainst 7osheh& and she kne that this thin8 as o in8 to his not havin8 9ir9%m9ised her son ?ershom+ '. And Ii55orah hastened and took of the shar5 ro9k stones that ere there& and she 9ir9%m9ised her son& and de,ivered her h%sband and her son from the hand of the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH+ '* And Aaron the son of Amram& the brother of 7osheh& as in E8y5t a,kin8 at the river side on that day+ ': And YAHWEH a55eared to him in that 5,a9e& and he said to him& ?o no to ard 7osheh in the i,derness& and he ent and met him in the mo%ntain of YAHWEH& and he kissed him+ '; And Aaron ,ifted %5 his eyes& and sa Ii55orah the ife of 7osheh and her 9hi,dren& and he said %nto 7osheh& Who are these %nto yo%# '= And 7osheh said %nto him& 2hey are my ife and sons& hi9h YAHWEH 8ave to me in 7idianJ and the thin8 8rieved Aaron on a99o%nt of the oman and her 9hi,dren+ '> And Aaron said to 7osheh& Send a ay the oman and her 9hi,dren that they may 8o to her father@s ho%se& and 7osheh hearkened to the ords of Aaron& and did so+ '/ And Ii55orah ret%rned ith her 9hi,dren& and they ent to the ho%se of Re%e,& and remained there %nti, the time arrived hen YAHWEH had visited his 5eo5,e& and bro%8ht them forth from E8y5t from the hand at 1haraoh+ 'A And 7osheh and Aaron 9ame to E8y5t to the 9omm%nity of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and they s5oke to them a,, the ords of YAHWEH& and the 5eo5,e reGoi9ed an eB9eedin8 8reat reGoi9in8+ .( And 7osheh and Aaron rose %5 ear,y on the neBt day& and they ent to the ho%se of 1haraoh& and they took in their hands the sti9k of YAHWEH+ .' And hen they 9ame to the kin8@s 8ate& t o yo%n8 ,ions ere 9onfined there ith iron instr%ments& and no 5erson ent o%t or 9ame in from before them& %n,ess those hom the kin8 ordered to 9ome& hen the 9onG%rors 9ame and ithdre the ,ions by their in9antations& and this bro%8ht them to the kin8+ .. And 7osheh hastened and ,ifted %5 the sti9k %5on the ,ions& and he ,oosed them& and 7osheh and Aaron 9ame into the kin8@s ho%se+ .* 2he ,ions a,so 9ame ith them in Goy& and they fo,,o ed them and reGoi9ed as a do8 reGoi9es over his master hen he 9omes from the fie,d+ .: And hen 1haraoh sa this thin8 he as astonished at it& and he as 8reat,y terrified at the re5ort& for their a55earan9e as ,ike the a55earan9e of the 9hi,dren of E,ohim+ .; And 1haraoh said to 7osheh& What do yo% reH%ire# and they ans ered him& sayin8& YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of the Hebre s has sent %s to yo%& to say& Send forth my 5eo5,e that they may serve me+ .= And hen 1haraoh heard their ords he as 8reat,y terrified before them& and he said to them& ?o today and 9ome ba9k to me tomorro & and they did a99ordin8 to the ord of the kin8+ .> And hen they had 8one 1haraoh sent for Ba,aam the ma8i9ian and to Jannes and Jambres his sons& and to a,, the ma8i9ians and 9onG%rors and 9o%nse,,ors hi9h be,on8ed to the kin8& and they a,, 9ame and sat before the kin8+ ./ And the kin8 to,d them a,, the ords hi9h 7osheh and his brother Aaron had s5oken to him& and the ma8i9ians said to the kin8& B%t ho 9ame the men to yo%& on a99o%nt of the ,ions hi9h ere 9onfined at the 8ate# .A And the kin8 said& Be9a%se they ,ifted %5 their rod a8ainst the ,ions and ,oosed them& and 9ame to me& and the ,ions a,so reGoi9ed at them as a do8 reGoi9es to meet his master+ *( And Ba,aam the son of Beor the ma8i9ian ans ered the kin8& sayin8& 2hese are none e,se than ma8i9ians ,ike o%rse,ves+ *' No therefore send for them& and ,et them 9ome and e i,, try them& and the kin8 did so+ *. And in the mornin8 1haraoh sent for 7osheh and Aaron to 9ome before the kin8& and they took the rod of YAHWEH& and 9ame to the kin8 and s5oke to him& sayin8& ** 2h%s said YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of the Hebre s& Send my 5eo5,e that they may serve me+ *: And the kin8 said to them& B%t ho i,, be,ieve yo% that yo% are the messen8ers of YAHWEH and that yo% 9ome to me by his order# '/>

*; No therefore 8ive a onder or si8n in this matter& and then the ords hi9h yo% s5eak i,, be be,ieved+ *= And Aaron hastened and thre the rod o%t of his hand before 1haraoh and before his servants& and the rod t%rned into a ser5ent+ *> And the sor9erers sa this and they 9ast ea9h man his rod %5on the 8ro%nd and they be9ame ser5ents+ */ And the ser5ent of Aaron@s rod ,ifted %5 its head and o5ened its mo%th to s a,,o the rods of the ma8i9ians+ *A And Ba,aam the ma8i9ian ans ered and said& 2his thin8 has been from the days of o,d& that a ser5ent sho%,d s a,,o its fe,,o & and that ,ivin8 thin8s devo%r ea9h other+ :( No therefore restore it to a rod as it as at first& and e i,, a,so restore o%r rods as they ere at first& and if yo%r rod sha,, s a,,o o%r rods& then sha,, e kno that the s5irit of YAHWEH is in yo%& and if not& yo% are on,y an artifi9er ,ike %nto o%rse,ves+ :' And Aaron hastened and stret9hed forth his hand and 9a%8ht ho,d of the ser5ent@s tai, and it be9ame a rod in his hand& and the sor9erers did the ,ike ith their rods& and they 8ot ho,d& ea9h man of the tai, of his ser5ent& and they be9ame rods as at first+ :. And hen they ere restored to rods& the rod of Aaron s a,,o ed %5 their rods+ :* And hen the kin8 sa this thin8& he ordered the book of re9ords that re,ated to the kin8s of E8y5t& to be bro%8ht& and they bro%8ht the book of re9ords& the 9hroni9,es of the kin8s of E8y5t& in hi9h a,, the ido,s of E8y5t ere ins9ribed& for they tho%8ht of findin8 therein the name of YAHWEH& b%t they fo%nd it not+ :: And 1haraoh said to 7osheh and Aaron& Beho,d " have not fo%nd the name of yo%r AC7"?H2Y ritten in this book& and his name " kno not+ :; And the 9o%nse,,ors and ise men ans ered the kin8& We have heard that the AC7"?H2Y of the Hebre s is a son of the ise& the son of an9ient kin8s+ := And 1haraoh t%rned to 7osheh and Aaron and said to them& " kno not YAHWEH hom yo% have de9,ared& neither i,, " send his 5eo5,e+ :> And they ans ered and said to the kin8& YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of 8ods is his name& and he 5ro9,aimed his name over %s from the days of o%r an9estors& and sent %s& sayin8& ?o to 1haraoh and say %nto him& Send my 5eo5,e that they may serve me+ :/ No therefore send %s& that e may take a Go%rney for three days in the i,derness& and there may sa9rifi9e to him& for from the days of o%r 8oin8 do n to E8y5t& he has not taken from o%r hands either b%rnt offerin8& ob,ation or sa9rifi9e& and if yo% i,t not send %s& his an8er i,, be kind,ed a8ainst yo%& and he i,, smite E8y5t either ith the 5,a8%e or ith the s ord+ :A And 1haraoh said to them& 2e,, me no his 5o er and his mi8htJ and they said to him& He 9reated the heaven and the earth& the seas and a,, their fishes& he formed the ,i8ht& 9reated the darkness& 9a%sed rain %5on the earth and atered it& and made the herba8e and 8rass to s5ro%t& he 9reated man and beast and the anima,s of the forest& the birds of the air and the fish of the sea& and by his mo%th they ,ive and die+ ;( S%re,y he 9reated yo% in yo%r mother@s omb& and 5%t into yo% the breath of ,ife& and reared yo% and 5,a9ed yo% %5on the roya, throne of E8y5t& and he i,, take yo%r breath and so%, from yo%& and ret%rn yo% to the 8ro%nd hen9e yo% ast taken+ ;' And the an8er of the kin8 as kind,ed at their ords& and he said to them& B%t ho amon8st a,, the ?ods of nations 9an do this# my river is mine o n& and " have made it for myse,f+ ;. And he drove them from him& and he ordered the ,abor %5on Yisrae, to be more severe than it as yesterday and before+ ;* And 7osheh and Aaron ent o%t from the kin8@s 5resen9e& and they sa the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in an evi, 9ondition for the task$masters had made their ,abor eB9eedin8,y heavy+ ;: And 7osheh ret%rned to YAHWEH and said& Why hast yo% i,, treated yo%r 5eo5,e# for sin9e " 9ame to s5eak to 1haraoh hat yo% didst send me for& he has eB9eedin8,y i,, %sed the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ ;; And YAHWEH said to 7osheh& Beho,d yo% i,t see that ith an o%tstret9hed hand and heavy 5,a8%es& 1haraoh i,, send the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, from his ,and+ '//

;= And 7osheh and Aaron d e,t amon8st their brethren the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in E8y5t+ ;> And as for the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, the E8y5tians embittered their ,ives& ith the heavy im5osed %5on them+


hi9h they



0HA12ER /($$After 2 o Years& 7osheh and Aaron a8ain 8o to 1haraoh& b%t 1haraoh i,, not Hearken+ YAHWEH aff,i9ts E8y5t ith a,, manner of 1,a8%es and Aff,i9tions+ 2he 3irst$born of a,, the E8y5tians is S,ain+ 1haraoh sends the 0hi,dren of Yisrae, a ay& and a,, the E8y5tians rise %5 to %r8e their De5art%re& b%t they i,, not 8o in the Ni8ht+

' And at the end of t o years& YAHWEH a8ain sent 7osheh to 1haraoh to brin8 forth the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and to send them o%t of the ,and of E8y5t+ . And 7osheh ent and 9ame to the ho%se of 1haraoh& and he s5oke to him the ords of YAHWEH ho had sent him& b%t 1haraoh o%,d not hearken to the voi9e of YAHWEH& and YAHWEH ro%sed his mi8ht in E8y5t %5on 1haraoh and his s%bGe9ts& and YAHWEH smote 1haraoh and his 5eo5,e ith very 8reat and sore 5,a8%es+ * And YAHWEH sent by the hand of Aaron and t%rned a,, the aters of E8y5t into b,ood& ith a,, their streams and rivers+ : And hen an E8y5tian 9ame to drink and dra ater& he ,ooked into his 5it9her& and beho,d a,, the ater as t%rned into b,oodJ and hen he 9ame to drink from his 9%5 the ater in the 9%5 be9ame b,ood+ ; And hen a oman kneaded her do%8h and 9ooked her vi9t%a,s& their a55earan9e as t%rned to that of b,ood+ = And YAHWEH sent a8ain and 9a%sed a,, their aters to brin8 forth fro8s& and a,, the fro8s 9ame into the ho%ses of the E8y5tians+ > And hen the E8y5tians drank& their be,,ies ere fi,,ed ith fro8s and they dan9ed in their be,,ies as they dan9e hen in the river+ / And a,, their drinkin8 ater and 9ookin8 ater t%rned to fro8s& a,so hen they ,ay in their beds their 5ers5iration bred fro8s+ A Not ithstandin8 a,, this the an8er of YAHWEH did not t%rn from them& and his hand as stret9hed o%t a8ainst a,, the E8y5tians to smite them ith every heavy 5,a8%e+ '( And he sent and smote their d%st to ,i9e& and the ,i9e be9ame in E8y5t to the hei8ht of t o 9%bits %5on the earth+ '' 2he ,i9e ere a,so very n%mero%s& in the f,esh of man and beast& in a,, the inhabitants of E8y5t& a,so %5on the kin8 and H%een YAHWEH sent the ,i9e& and it 8rieved E8y5t eB9eedin8,y on a99o%nt of the ,i9e+ '. Not ithstandin8 this& the an8er of YAHWEH did not t%rn a ay& and his hand as sti,, stret9hed o%t over E8y5t+ '* And YAHWEH sent a,, kinds of beasts of the fie,d into E8y5t& and they 9ame and destroyed a,, E8y5t& man and beast& and trees& and a,, thin8s that ere in E8y5t+ ': And YAHWEH sent fiery ser5ents& s9or5ions& mi9e& ease,s& toads& to8ether ith others 9ree5in8 in d%st+ '; 3,ies& hornets& f,eas& b%8s and 8nats& ea9h s arm a99ordin8 to its kind+ '= And a,, re5ti,es and in8ed anima,s a99ordin8 to their kind 9ame to E8y5t and 8rieved the E8y5tians eB9eedin8,y+ '> And the f,eas and f,ies 9ame into the eyes and ears of the E8y5tians+ '/ And the hornet 9ame %5on them and drove them a ay& and they removed from it into their inner rooms& and it 5%rs%ed them+ 'A And hen the E8y5tians hid themse,ves on a99o%nt of the s arm of anima,s& they ,o9ked their doors after them& and YAHWEH ordered the S%,an%th hi9h as in the sea& to 9ome %5 and 8o into E8y5t+ .( And she had ,on8 arms& ten 9%bits in ,en8th of the 9%bit of a man+ .' And she ent %5on the roofs and %n9overed the rafterin8 and f,oorin8 and 9%t them& and stret9hed forth her arm into the ho%se and removed the ,o9k and the bo,t& and o5ened the ho%ses of E8y5t+ .. After ard 9ame the s arm of anima,s into the ho%ses of E8y5t& and the s arm of anima,s destroyed the E8y5tians& and it 8rieved them eB9eedin8,y+ 'A(

.* Not ithstandin8 this the an8er of YAHWEH did not t%rn a ay from the E8y5tians& and his hand as yet stret9hed forth a8ainst them+ .: And YAHWEH sent the 5esti,en9e& and the 5esti,en9e 5ervaded E8y5t& in the horses and asses& and in the 9ame,s& in herds of oBen and shee5 and in man+ .; And hen the E8y5tians rose %5 ear,y in the mornin8 to take their 9att,e to 5ast%re they fo%nd a,, their 9att,e dead+ .= And there remained of the 9att,e of the E8y5tians on,y one in ten& and of the 9att,e be,on8in8 to Yisrae, in ?oshen not one died+ .> And YAHWEH sent a b%rnin8 inf,ammation in the f,esh of the E8y5tians& hi9h b%rst their skins& and it be9ame a severe it9h in a,, the E8y5tians from the so,es of their feet to the 9ro ns of their heads+ ./ And many boi,s ere in their f,esh& that their f,esh asted a ay %nti, they be9ame rotten and 5%trid+ .A Not ithstandin8 this the an8er of YAHWEH did not t%rn a ay& and his hand as sti,, stret9hed o%t over a,, E8y5t+ *( And YAHWEH sent a very heavy hai,& hi9h smote their vines and broke their fr%it trees and dried them %5 that they fe,, %5on them+ *' A,so every 8reen herb be9ame dry and 5erished& for a min8,in8 fire des9ended amidst the hai,& therefore the hai, and the fire 9ons%med a,, thin8s+ *. A,so men and beasts that ere fo%nd abroad 5erished of the f,ames of fire and of the hai,& and a,, the yo%n8 ,ions ere eBha%sted+ ** And YAHWEH sent and bro%8ht n%mero%s ,o9%sts into E8y5t& the 0hase,& Sa,om& 0har8o,& and 0ha8o,e& ,o9%sts ea9h of its kind& hi9h devo%red a,, that the hai, had ,eft remainin8+ *: 2hen the E8y5tians reGoi9ed at the ,o9%sts& a,tho%8h they 9ons%med the 5rod%9e of the fie,d& and they 9a%8ht them in ab%ndan9e and sa,ted them for food+ *; And YAHWEH t%rned a mi8hty ind of the sea hi9h took a ay a,, the ,o9%sts& even those that ere sa,ted& and thr%st them into the Red SeaJ not one ,o9%st remained ithin the bo%ndaries of E8y5t+ *= And YAHWEH sent darkness %5on E8y5t& that the ho,e ,and of E8y5t and 1athros be9ame dark for three days& so that a man 9o%,d not see his hand hen he ,ifted it to his mo%th+ *> At that time died many of the 5eo5,e of Yisrae, ho had rebe,,ed a8ainst YAHWEH and ho o%,d not hearken to 7osheh and Aaron& and be,ieved not in them that YAHWEH had sent them+ */ And ho had said& We i,, not 8o forth from E8y5t ,est e 5erish ith h%n8er in a deso,ate i,derness& and ho o%,d not hearken to the voi9e of 7osheh+ *A And YAHWEH 5,a8%ed them in the three days of darkness& and the Yisrae,ites b%ried them in those days& itho%t the E8y5tians kno in8 of them or reGoi9in8 over them+ :( And the darkness as very 8reat in E8y5t for three days& and any 5erson ho as standin8 hen the darkness 9ame& remained standin8 in his 5,a9e& and he that as sittin8 remained sittin8& and he that as ,yin8 9ontin%ed ,yin8 in the same state& and he that as a,kin8 remained sittin8 %5on the 8ro%nd in the same s5otJ and this thin8 ha55ened to a,, the E8y5tians& %nti, the darkness had 5assed a ay+ :' And the days of darkness 5assed a ay& and YAHWEH sent 7osheh and Aaron to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& sayin8& 0e,ebrate yo%r feast and make yo%r 1assover& for beho,d " 9ome in the midst of the ni8ht amon8st a,, the E8y5tians& and " i,, smite a,, their first born& from the first born of a man to the first born of a beast& and hen " see yo%r 1assover& " i,, 5ass over yo%+ :. And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did a99ordin8 to a,, that YAHWEH had 9ommanded 7osheh and Aaron& th%s did they in that ni8ht+ :* And it 9ame to 5ass in the midd,e of the ni8ht& that YAHWEH ent forth in the midst of E8y5t& and smote a,, the first born of the E8y5tians& from the first born of man to the first born of beast+ :: And 1haraoh rose %5 in the ni8ht& he and a,, his servants and a,, the E8y5tians& and there as a 8reat 9ry thro%8ho%t E8y5t in that ni8ht& for there as not a ho%se in hi9h there as not a 9or5se+ :; A,so the ,ikenesses of the first born of E8y5t& hi9h ere 9arved in the a,,s at their ho%ses& ere destroyed and fe,, to the 8ro%nd+ := Even the bones of their first born ho had died before this and hom they had b%ried in their ho%ses& 'A'

ere raked %5 by the do8s of E8y5t on that ni8ht and dra88ed before the E8y5tians and 9ast before them+ :> And a,, the E8y5tians sa this evi, hi9h had s%dden,y 9ome %5on them& and a,, the E8y5tians 9ried o%t ith a ,o%d voi9e+ :/ And a,, the fami,ies of E8y5t e5t %5on that ni8ht& ea9h man for his son and ea9h man for his da%8hter& bein8 the first born& and the t%m%,t of E8y5t as heard at a distan9e on that ni8ht+ :A And Bathia the da%8hter of 1haraoh ent forth ith the kin8 on that ni8ht to seek 7osheh and Aaron in their ho%ses& and they fo%nd them in their ho%ses& eatin8 and drinkin8 and reGoi9in8 ith a,, Yisrae,+ ;( And Bathia said to 7osheh& "s this the re ard for the 8ood hi9h " have done to yo%& ho have reared yo% and stret9hed yo% o%t& and yo% hast bro%8ht this evi, %5on me and my father@s ho%se# ;' And 7osheh said to her& S%re,y ten 5,a8%es did YAHWEH brin8 %5on E8y5tJ did any evi, a99r%e to yo% from any of them# did one of them affe9t yo%# and she said& No+ ;. And 7osheh said to her& A,tho%8h yo% are the first born to yo%r mother& yo% sha,, not die& and no evi, sha,, rea9h yo% in the midst of E8y5t+ ;* And she said& What advanta8e is it to me& hen " see the kin8& my brother& and a,, his ho%seho,d and s%bGe9ts in this evi,& hose first born 5erish ith a,, the first born of E8y5t# ;: And 7osheh said to her& S%re,y yo%r brother and his ho%seho,d& and s%bGe9ts& the fami,ies of E8y5t& o%,d not hearken to the ords of YAHWEH& therefore did this evi, 9ome %5on them+ ;; And 1haraoh kin8 of E8y5t a55roa9hed 7osheh and Aaron& and some of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ho ere ith them in that 5,a9e& and he 5rayed to them& sayin8& ;= Rise %5 and take yo%r brethren& a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ho are in the ,and& ith their shee5 and oBen& and a,, be,on8in8 to them& they sha,, ,eave nothin8 remainin8& on,y 5ray for me to YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y+ ;> And 7osheh said to 1haraoh& Beho,d tho%8h yo% are yo%r mother@s first born& yet fear not& for yo% i,t not die& for YAHWEH has 9ommanded that yo% sha,, ,ive& in order to sho yo% his 8reat mi8ht and stron8 stret9hed o%t arm+ ;/ And 1haraoh ordered the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to be sent a ay& and a,, the E8y5tians stren8thened themse,ves to send them& for they said& We are a,, 5erishin8+ ;A And a,, the E8y5tians sent the Yisrae,ites forth& ith 8reat ri9hes& shee5 and oBen and 5re9io%s thin8s& a99ordin8 to the oath of YAHWEH bet een him and o%r 3ather Abraham+ =( And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, de,ayed 8oin8 forth at ni8ht& and hen the E8y5tians 9ame to them to brin8 them o%t& they said to them& Are e thieves& that e sho%,d 8o forth at ni8ht# =' And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, asked of the E8y5tians& vesse,s of si,ver& and vesse,s of 8o,d& and 8arments& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, stri55ed the E8y5tians+ =. And 7osheh hastened and rose %5 and ent to the river of E8y5t& and bro%8ht %5 from then9e the 9offin of Yose5h and took it ith him+ =* 2he 9hi,dren of Yisrae, a,so bro%8ht %5& ea9h man his father@s 9offin ith him& and ea9h man the 9offins of his tribe+ 81 THE DE$ARTURE
0HA12ER /'$$2he De5art%re of the Yisrae,ites from E8y5t ith ?reat Ri9hes and 3,o9ks and Herds+ After the E8y5tians b%ry their 3irst$born& many of them 8o after the Yisrae,ites to ind%9e them to ret%rn+ B%t they ref%se to ret%rn& and fi8ht the Nob,es of E8y5t and drive them home+ 1haraoh reso,ves ith the E8y5tians to 5%rs%e Yisrae, and 9om5e, them to Ret%rn+ 2he 0hi,dren of Yisrae, are divided$$some antin8 to 8o ba9k+ 7osheh 5rays for de,iveran9e+ YAHWEH te,,s him not to 9ry to him& b%t 5ro9eed+ 2he aters of the Red Sea are Divided+ 2he Yisrae,ites 5ass 2hro%8h in Safety& b%t the E8y5tians are %tter,y Destroyed+ 2he Yisrae,ites 5ro9eed on their Jo%rney& and are fed ith 7anna+ 2he 0hi,dren of Esa% fi8ht Yisrae,& b%t the Catter 1revai,+

' And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, Go%rneyed from Rameses to S%99oth& abo%t siB h%ndred tho%sand men on foot& besides the ,itt,e ones and their ives+ . A,so a miBed m%,tit%de ent %5 ith them& and f,o9ks and herds& even m%9h 9att,e+ * And the soGo%rnin8 of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& ho d e,t in the ,and of E8y5t in hard ,abor& as t o 'A.

h%ndred and ten years+ : And at the end of t o h%ndred and ten years& YAHWEH bro%8ht forth the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, from E8y5t ith a stron8 hand+ ; And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, trave,ed from E8y5t and from ?oshen and from Rameses& and en9am5ed in S%99oth on the fifteenth day of the first month+ = And the E8y5tians b%ried a,, their first born hom YAHWEH had smitten& and a,, the E8y5tians b%ried their s,ain for three days+ > And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, trave,ed from S%99oth and en9am5ed in Ethom& at the end of the i,derness+ / And on the third day after the E8y5tians had b%ried their first born& many men rose %5 from E8y5t and ent after Yisrae, to make them ret%rn to E8y5t& for they re5ented that they had sent the Yisrae,ites a ay from their servit%de+ A And one man said to his nei8hbor& S%re,y 7osheh and Aaron s5oke to 1haraoh& sayin8& We i,, 8o a three days@ Go%rney in the i,derness and sa9rifi9e to YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y+ '( No therefore ,et %s rise %5 ear,y in the mornin8 and 9a%se them to ret%rn& and it sha,, be that if they ret%rn ith %s to E8y5t to their masters& then sha,, e kno that there is faith in them& b%t if they i,, not ret%rn& then i,, e fi8ht ith them& and make them 9ome ba9k ith 8reat 5o er and a stron8 hand+ '' And a,, the nob,es of 1haraoh rose %5 in the mornin8& and ith them abo%t seven h%ndred tho%sand men& and they ent forth from E8y5t on that day& and 9ame to the 5,a9e here the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere+ '. And a,, the E8y5tians sa and beho,d 7osheh and Aaron and a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere sittin8 before 1i$hahiroth& eatin8 and drinkin8 and 9e,ebratin8 the feast of YAHWEH+ '* And a,, the E8y5tians said to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& S%re,y yo% said& We i,, 8o a Go%rney for three days in the i,derness and sa9rifi9e to o%r YAHWEH and ret%rn+ ': No therefore this day makes five days sin9e yo% ent& hy do yo% not ret%rn to yo%r masters# '; And 7osheh and Aaron ans ered them& sayin8& Be9a%se YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y has testified in %s& sayin8& Yo% sha,, no more ret%rn to E8y5t& b%t e i,, betake o%rse,ves to a ,and f,o in8 ith mi,k and honey& as YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y had s orn to o%r an9estors to 8ive to %s+ '= And hen the nob,es of E8y5t sa that the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did not hearken to them& to ret%rn to E8y5t& they 8irded themse,ves to fi8ht ith Yisrae,+ '> And YAHWEH stren8thened the hearts of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, over the E8y5tians& that they 8ave them a severe beatin8& and the batt,e as sore %5on the E8y5tians& and a,, the E8y5tians f,ed from before the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& for many of them 5erished by the hand of Yisrae,+ '/ And the nob,es of 1haraoh ent to E8y5t and to,d 1haraoh& sayin8& 2he 9hi,dren of Yisrae, have f,ed& and i,, no more ret%rn to E8y5t& and in this manner did 7osheh and Aaron s5eak to %s+ 'A And 1haraoh heard this thin8& and his heart and the hearts of a,, his s%bGe9ts ere t%rned a8ainst Yisrae,& and they re5ented that they had sent Yisrae,J and a,, the E8y5tians advised 1haraoh to 5%rs%e the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to make them 9ome ba9k to their b%rdens+ .( And they said ea9h man to his brother& What is this hi9h e have done& that e have sent Yisrae, from o%r servit%de# .' And YAHWEH stren8thened the hearts of a,, the E8y5tians to 5%rs%e the Yisrae,ites& for YAHWEH desired to overthro the E8y5tians in the Red Sea+ .. And 1haraoh rose %5 and harnessed his 9hariot& and he ordered a,, the E8y5tians to assemb,e& not one man as ,eft eB9e5tin8 the ,itt,e ones and the omen+ .* And a,, the E8y5tians ent forth ith 1haraoh to 5%rs%e the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and the 9am5 of E8y5t as an eB9eedin8,y ,ar8e and heavy 9am5& abo%t ten h%ndred tho%sand men+ .: And the ho,e of this 9am5 ent and 5%rs%ed the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to brin8 them ba9k to E8y5t& and they rea9hed them en9am5in8 by the Red Sea+ .; And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ,ifted %5 their eyes& and behe,d a,, the E8y5tians 5%rs%in8 them& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere 8reat,y terrified at them& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 9ried to YAHWEH+ .= And on a99o%nt of the E8y5tians& the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, divided themse,ves into fo%r divisions& and they ere divided in their o5inions& for they ere afraid of the E8y5tians& and 7osheh s5oke to ea9h of 'A*

them+ .> 2he first division as of the 9hi,dren of Re%ben& Simeon& and "ssa9har& and they reso,ved to 9ast themse,ves into the sea& for they ere eB9eedin8,y afraid of the E8y5tians+ ./ And 7osheh said to them& 3ear not& stand sti,, and see the sa,vation of YAHWEH hi9h He i,, effe9t this day for yo%+ .A 2he se9ond division as of the 9hi,dren of Ieb%,%n& BenGamin and Na5hta,i& and they reso,ved to 8o ba9k to E8y5t ith the E8y5tians+ *( And 7osheh said to them& 3ear not& for as yo% have seen the E8y5tians this day& so sha,, yo% see them no more for ever+ *' 2he third division as of the 9hi,dren of Yah%dah and Yose5h& and they reso,ved to 8o to meet the E8y5tians to fi8ht ith them+ *. And 7osheh said to them& Stand in yo%r 5,a9es& for YAHWEH i,, fi8ht for yo%& and yo% sha,, remain si,ent+ ** And the fo%rth division as of the 9hi,dren of Cevi& ?ad& and Asher& and they reso,ved to 8o into the midst of the E8y5tians to 9onfo%nd them& and 7osheh said to them& Remain in yo%r stations and fear not& on,y 9a,, %nto YAHWEH that he may save yo% o%t of their hands+ *: After this 7osheh rose %5 from amidst the 5eo5,e& and he 5rayed to YAHWEH and said& *; < YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of the ho,e earth& save no yo%r 5eo5,e hom yo% didst brin8 forth from E8y5t& and ,et not the E8y5tians boast that 5o er and mi8ht are theirs+ *= So YAHWEH said to 7osheh& Why dost yo% 9ry %nto me# s5eak to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, that they sha,, 5ro9eed& and do yo% stret9h o%t yo%r rod %5on the sea and divide it& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, sha,, 5ass thro%8h it+ *> And 7osheh did so& and he ,ifted %5 his rod %5on the sea and divided it+ */ And the aters of the sea ere divided into t e,ve 5arts& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 5assed thro%8h on foot& ith shoes& as a man o%,d 5ass thro%8h a 5re5ared road+ *A And YAHWEH manifested to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, his onders in E8y5t and in the sea by the hand of 7osheh and Aaron+ :( And hen the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had entered the sea& the E8y5tians 9ame after them& and the aters of the sea res%med %5on them& and they a,, sank in the ater& and not one man as ,eft eB9e5tin8 1haraoh& ho 8ave thanks to YAHWEH and be,ieved in him& therefore YAHWEH did not 9a%se him to 5erish at that time ith the E8y5tians+ :' And YAHWEH ordered an heaven,y messen8er to take him from amon8st the E8y5tians& ho 9ast him %5on the ,and of Ninevah and he rei8ned over it for a ,on8 time+ :. And on that day YAHWEH saved Yisrae, from the hand of E8y5t& and a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, sa that the E8y5tians had 5erished& and they behe,d the 8reat hand of YAHWEH& in hat he had 5erformed in E8y5t and in the sea+ :* 2hen san8 7osheh and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, this son8 %nto YAHWEH& on the day hen YAHWEH 9a%sed the E8y5tians to fa,, before them+ :: And a,, Yisrae, san8 in 9on9ert& sayin8& " i,, sin8 to YAHWEH for He is 8reat,y eBa,ted& the horse and his rider has he 9ast into the seaJ beho,d it is ritten in the book of the ,a of YAHWEH+ :; After this the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 5ro9eeded on their Go%rney& and en9am5ed in 7arah& and YAHWEH 8ave to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, stat%tes and G%d8ments in that 5,a9e in 7arah& and YAHWEH 9ommanded the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to a,k in a,, his ays and to serve him+ := And they Go%rneyed from 7arah and 9ame to E,im& and in E,im ere t e,ve s5rin8s of ater and seventy date trees& and the 9hi,dren en9am5ed there by the aters+ :> And they Go%rneyed from E,im and 9ame to the i,derness of Sin& on the fifteenth day of the se9ond month after their de5art%re from E8y5t+ :/ At that time YAHWEH 8ave the manna to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to eat& and YAHWEH 9a%sed food to rain from heaven for the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, day by day+ :A And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ate the manna for forty years& a,, the days that they ere in the i,derness& 'A:

%nti, they 9ame to the ,and of 0anaan to 5ossess it+ ;( And they 5ro9eeded from the i,derness of Sin and en9am5ed in A,%sh+ ;' And they 5ro9eeded from A,%sh and en9am5ed in Re5hidim+ ;. And hen the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere in Re5hidim& Ama,ek the son of E,i5haF& the son of Esa%& the brother of Ie5ho& 9ame to fi8ht ith Yisrae,+ ;* And he bro%8ht ith him ei8ht h%ndred and one tho%sand men& ma8i9ians and 9onG%rers& and he 5re5ared for batt,e ith Yisrae, in Re5hidim+ ;: And they 9arried on a 8reat and severe batt,e a8ainst Yisrae,& and YAHWEH de,ivered Ama,ek and his 5eo5,e into the hands of 7osheh and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and into the hand of Yoh%sh%a& the son of N%n& the E5hrathite& the servant of 7osheh+ ;; And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, smote Ama,ek and his 5eo5,e at the ed8e of the s ord& b%t the batt,e as very sore %5on the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ ;= And YAHWEH said to 7osheh& Write this thin8 as a memoria, for yo% in a book& and 5,a9e it in the hand of Yoh%sh%a& the son of N%n& yo%r servant& and yo% sha,, 9ommand the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& sayin8& When yo% sha,, 9ome to the ,and of 0anaan& yo% sha,, %tter,y effa9e the remembran9e of Ama,ek from %nder heaven+ ;> And 7osheh did so& and he took the book and rote %5on it these ords& sayin8& ;/ Remember hat Ama,ek has done to yo% in the road hen yo% ent forth from E8y5t+ ;A Who met yo% in the road and smote yo%r rear& even those that ere feeb,e behind yo% hen yo% ast faint and eary+ =( 2herefore it sha,, be hen YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y sha,, have 8iven yo% rest from a,, yo%r enemies ro%nd abo%t in the ,and hi9h YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y 8ives yo% for an inheritan9e& to 5ossess it& that yo% sha,, b,ot o%t the remembran9e of Ama,ek from %nder heaven& yo% sha,, not for8et it+ =' And the kin8 ho sha,, have 5ity on Ama,ek& or %5on his memory or %5on his seed& beho,d " i,, reH%ire it of him& and " i,, 9%t him off from amon8st his 5eo5,e+ =. And 7osheh rote a,, these thin8s in a book& and he enGoined the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, res5e9tin8 a,, these matters+ 8 TEN COMMANDMENTS
0HA12ER /.$$2he 2en 0ommandments are ?iven+ Whi,e 7osheh is in the 7o%nt& Aaron makes a ?o,den 0a,f& and Yisrae, Worshi5s it+ 0ivi, War+ YAHWEH has a San9t%ary B%i,t for His Worshi5 in the Wi,derness+

' And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 5ro9eeded from Re5hidim and they en9am5ed in the i,derness of Sinai& in the third month from their 8oin8 forth from E8y5t+ . At that time 9ame Re%e, the 7idianite& the father$in$,a of 7osheh& ith Ii55orah his da%8hter and her t o sons& for he had heard of the onders of YAHWEH hi9h he had done to Yisrae,& that he had de,ivered them from the hand of E8y5t+ * And Re%e, 9ame to 7osheh to the i,derness here he as en9am5ed& here as the mo%ntain of YAHWEH+ : And 7osheh ent forth to meet his father$in$,a ith 8reat honor& and a,, Yisrae, as ith him+ ; And Re%e, and his 9hi,dren remained amon8st the Yisrae,ites for many days& and Re%e, kne YAHWEH from that day for ard+ = And in the third month from the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,@s de5art%re from E8y5t& on the siBth day thereof& YAHWEH 8ave to Yisrae, the ten 9ommandments on 7o%nt Sinai+ > And a,, Yisrae, heard a,, these 9ommandments& and a,, Yisrae, reGoi9ed eB9eedin8,y in YAHWEH on that day+ / And the s5,endor of YAHWEH rested %5on 7o%nt Sinai& and he 9a,,ed to 7osheh& and 7osheh 9ame in the midst of a 9,o%d and as9ended the mo%ntain+ A And 7osheh as %5on the mo%nt forty days and forty ni8htsJ he ate no bread and drank no ater& and YAHWEH instr%9ted him in the stat%tes and G%d8ments in order to tea9h the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ 'A;

'( And YAHWEH rote the ten 9ommandments hi9h he had 9ommanded the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, %5on t o tab,ets of stone& hi9h he 8ave to 7osheh to 9ommand the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ '' And at the end of forty days and forty ni8hts& hen YAHWEH had finished s5eakin8 to 7osheh on 7o%nt Sinai& then YAHWEH 8ave to 7osheh the tab,ets of stone& ritten ith the fin8er of YAHWEH+ '. And hen the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, sa that 7osheh tarried to 9ome do n from the mo%nt& they 8athered ro%nd Aaron& and said& As for this man 7osheh e kno not hat has be9ome of him+ '* No therefore rise %5& make %nto %s a 8od ho sha,, 8o before %s& so that yo% sha,, not die+ ': And Aaron as 8reat,y afraid of the 5eo5,e& and he ordered them to brin8 him 8o,d and he made it into a mo,ten 9a,f for the 5eo5,e+ '; And YAHWEH said to 7osheh& before he had 9ome do n from the mo%nt& ?et yo% do n& for yo%r 5eo5,e hom yo% didst brin8 forth from E8y5t have 9orr%5ted themse,ves+ '= 2hey have made to themse,ves a mo,ten 9a,f& and have bo ed do n to it& no therefore ,eave me& that " may 9ons%me them from off the earth& for they are a stiffne9ked 5eo5,e+ '> And 7osheh beso%8ht the 9o%ntenan9e of YAHWEH& and he 5rayed to YAHWEH for the 5eo5,e on a99o%nt of the 9a,f hi9h they had made& and he after ard des9ended from the mo%nt and in his hands ere the t o tab,ets of stone& hi9h YAHWEH had 8iven him to 9ommand the Yisrae,ites+ '/ And hen 7osheh a55roa9hed the 9am5 and sa the 9a,f hi9h the 5eo5,e had made& the an8er of 7osheh as kind,ed and he broke the tab,ets %nder the mo%nt+ 'A And 7osheh 9ame to the 9am5 and he took the 9a,f and b%rned it ith fire& and 8ro%nd it ti,, it be9ame fine d%st& and stre ed it %5on the ater and 8ave it to the Yisrae,ites to drink+ .( And there died of the 5eo5,e by the s ords of ea9h other abo%t three tho%sand men ho had made the 9a,f+ .' And on the morro 7osheh said to the 5eo5,e& " i,, 8o %5 to YAHWEH& 5eradvent%re " may make atonement for yo%r sins hi9h yo% have sinned to YAHWEH+ .. And 7osheh a8ain ent %5 to YAHWEH& and he remained ith YAHWEH forty days and forty ni8hts+ .* And d%rin8 the forty days did 7osheh entreat YAHWEH in beha,f of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and YAHWEH hearkened to the 5rayer of 7osheh& and YAHWEH as entreated of him in beha,f of Yisrae,+ .: 2hen s5ake YAHWEH to 7osheh to he t o stone tab,ets and to brin8 them %5 to YAHWEH& ho o%,d rite %5on them the ten 9ommandments+ .; No 7osheh did so& and he 9ame do n and he ed the t o tab,ets and ent %5 to 7o%nt Sinai to YAHWEH& and YAHWEH rote the ten 9ommandments %5on the tab,ets+ .= And 7osheh remained yet ith YAHWEH forty days and forty ni8hts& and YAHWEH instr%9ted him in stat%tes and G%d8ments to im5art to Yisrae,+ .> And YAHWEH 9ommanded him res5e9tin8 the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, that they sho%,d make a san9t%ary for YAHWEH& that his name mi8ht rest therein& and YAHWEH sho ed him the ,ikeness of the san9t%ary and the ,ikeness of a,, its vesse,s+ ./ And at the end of the forty days& 7osheh 9ame do n from the mo%nt and the t o tab,ets ere in his hand+ .A And 7osheh 9ame to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, and s5oke to them a,, the ords of YAHWEH& and he ta%8ht them ,a s& stat%tes and G%d8ments hi9h YAHWEH had ta%8ht him+ *( And 7osheh to,d the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, the ord of YAHWEH& that a san9t%ary sho%,d be made for him& to d e,, amon8st the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ *' And the 5eo5,e reGoi9ed 8reat,y at a,, the 8ood hi9h YAHWEH had s5oken to them& thro%8h 7osheh& and they said& We i,, do a,, that YAHWEH has s5oken to yo%+ *. And the 5eo5,e rose %5 ,ike one man and they made 8enero%s offerin8s to the san9t%ary of YAHWEH& and ea9h man bro%8ht the offerin8 of YAHWEH for the ork of the san9t%ary& and for a,, its servi9e+ ** And a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, bro%8ht ea9h man of a,, that as fo%nd in his 5ossession for the ork of the san9t%ary of YAHWEH& 8o,d& si,ver and brass& and every thin8 that as servi9eab,e for the san9t%ary+ *: And a,, the ise men ho ere 5ra9ti9ed in ork 9ame and made the san9t%ary of YAHWEH& a99ordin8 to a,, that YAHWEH had 9ommanded& every man in the ork in hi9h he had been 5ra9ti9edJ 'A=

and a,, the ise men in heart made the san9t%ary& and its f%rnit%re and a,, the vesse,s for the ho,y servi9e& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded 7osheh+ *; And the ork of the san9t%ary of the taberna9,e as 9om5,eted at the end of five months& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did a,, that YAHWEH had 9ommanded 7osheh+ *= And they bro%8ht the san9t%ary and a,, its f%rnit%re to 7oshehJ ,ike %nto the re5resentation hi9h YAHWEH had sho n to 7osheh& so did the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ *> And 7osheh sa the ork& and beho,d they did it as YAHWEH had 9ommanded him& so 7osheh b,essed them+


Secion ! 8" AARON AND SONS

0HA12ER /*$$Aaron and his Sons are 1,a9ed in 9har8e of YAHWEH@s Servi9e+ 2he Sa9rifi9es and <fferin8s+ 2he 1assover is 0e,ebrated+ 2he 1eo5,e ,%st for 3,esh to eat+ 2heir 5%nishment+ 7osheh sends 2 e,ve 7en to eB5,ore the Cand of 0anaan+ 2en of them brin8 an Evi, Re5ort& and the 1eo5,e ant to Ret%rn to E8y5t+ 3or their Ca9k of 3aith that ?eneration sha,, not Cive to obtain their 1ossessions+

' And in the t e,fth month& in the t enty$third day of the month& 7osheh took Aaron and his sons& and he dressed them in their 8arments& and anointed them and did %nto them as YAHWEH had 9ommanded him& and 7osheh bro%8ht %5 a,, the offerin8s hi9h YAHWEH had on that day 9ommanded him+ . 7osheh after ard took Aaron and his sons and said to them& 3or seven days sha,, yo% remain at the door of the taberna9,e& for th%s am " 9ommanded+ * And Aaron and his sons did a,, that YAHWEH had 9ommanded them thro%8h 7osheh& and they remained for seven days at the door of the taberna9,e+ : And on the ei8hth day& bein8 the first day of the first month& in the se9ond year from the Yisrae,ites@ de5art%re from E8y5t& 7osheh ere9ted the san9t%ary& and 7osheh 5%t %5 a,, the f%rnit%re of the taberna9,e and a,, the f%rnit%re of the san9t%ary& and he did a,, that YAHWEH had 9ommanded him+ ; And 7osheh 9a,,ed to Aaron and his sons& and they bro%8ht the b%rnt offerin8 and the sin offerin8 for themse,ves and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded 7osheh+ = <n that day the t o sons of Aaron& Nadab and Abih%& took stran8e fire and bro%8ht it before YAHWEH ho had not 9ommanded them& and a fire ent forth from before YAHWEH& and 9ons%med them& and they died before YAHWEH on that day+ > 2hen on the day hen 7osheh had 9om5,eted to ere9t the san9t%ary& the 5rin9es of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, be8an to brin8 their offerin8s before YAHWEH for the dedi9ation of the a,tar+ / And they bro%8ht %5 their offerin8s ea9h 5rin9e for one day& a 5rin9e ea9h day for t e,ve days+ A And a,, the offerin8s hi9h they bro%8ht& ea9h man in his day& one si,ver 9har8er ei8hin8 one h%ndred and thirty sheke,s& one si,ver bo , of seventy sheke,s after the sheke, of the san9t%ary& both of them f%,, of fine f,o%r& min8,ed ith oi, for a meat offerin8+ '( <ne s5oon& ei8hin8 ten sheke,s of 8o,d& f%,, of in9ense+ '' <ne yo%n8 b%,,o9k& one ram& one ,amb of the first year for a b%rnt offerin8+ '. And one kid of the 8oats for a sin offerin8+ '* And for a sa9rifi9e of 5ea9e offerin8& t o oBen& five rams& five he$8oats& five ,ambs of a year o,d+ ': 2h%s did the t e,ve 5rin9es of Yisrae, day by day& ea9h man in his day+ '; And it as after this& in the thirteenth day of the month& that 7osheh 9ommanded the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to observe the 1assover+ '= And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ke5t the 1assover in its season in the fo%rteenth day of the month& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded 7osheh& so did the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ '> And in the se9ond month& on the first day thereof& YAHWEH s5oke %nto 7osheh& sayin8& '/ N%mber the heads of a,, the ma,es of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, from t enty years o,d and %5 ard& yo% and yo%r brother Aaron and the t e,ve 5rin9es of Yisrae,+ 'A And 7osheh did so& and Aaron 9ame ith the t e,ve 5rin9es of Yisrae,& and they n%mbered the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, in the i,derness of Sinai+ .( And the n%mbers of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, by the ho%ses of their fathers& from t enty years o,d and %5 ard& ere siB h%ndred and three tho%sand& five h%ndred and fifty+ .' B%t the 9hi,dren of Cevi ere not n%mbered amon8st their brethren the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ .. And the n%mber of a,, the ma,es of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, from one month o,d and %5 ard& as t enty$ t o tho%sand& t o h%ndred and seventy$three+ .* And the n%mber of the 9hi,dren of Cevi from one month o,d and above& as t enty$t o tho%sand+ 'A/

.: And 7osheh 5,a9ed the 5riests and the Cevites ea9h man to his servi9e and to his b%rden to serve the san9t%ary of the taberna9,e& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded 7osheh+ .; And on the t entieth day of the month& the 9,o%d as taken a ay from the taberna9,e of testimony+ .= At that time the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 9ontin%ed their Go%rney from the i,derness of Sinai& and they took a Go%rney of three days& and the 9,o%d rested %5on the i,derness of 1aranJ there the an8er of YAHWEH as kind,ed a8ainst Yisrae,& for they had 5rovoked YAHWEH in askin8 him for meat& that they mi8ht eat+ .> And YAHWEH hearkened to their voi9e& and 8ave them meat hi9h they ate for one month+ ./ B%t after this the an8er of YAHWEH as kind,ed a8ainst them& and he smote them ith a 8reat s,a%8hter& and they ere b%ried there in that 5,a9e+ .A And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 9a,,ed that 5,a9e 4ebroth Hattaavah& be9a%se there they b%ried the 5eo5,e that ,%sted f,esh+ *( And they de5arted from 4ebroth Hattaavah and 5it9hed in HaFeroth& hi9h is in the i,derness of 1aran+ *' And hi,e the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere in HaFeroth& the an8er of YAHWEH as kind,ed a8ainst 7iriam on a99o%nt of 7osheh& and she be9ame ,e5ro%s& hite as sno + *. And she as 9onfined itho%t the 9am5 for seven days& %nti, she had been re9eived a8ain after her ,e5rosy+ ** 2he 9hi,dren of Yisrae, after ard de5arted from HaFeroth& and 5it9hed in the end of the i,derness of 1aran+ *: At that time& YAHWEH s5oke to 7osheh to send t e,ve men from the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& one man to a tribe& to 8o and eB5,ore the ,and of 0anaan+ *; And 7osheh sent the t e,ve men& and they 9ame to the ,and of 0anaan to sear9h and eBamine it& and they eB5,ored the ho,e ,and from the i,derness of Sin to Re9hob as yo% 9ome to 0hamoth+ *= And at the end of forty days they 9ame to 7osheh and Aaron& and they bro%8ht him ord as it as in their hearts& and ten of the men bro%8ht %5 an evi, re5ort to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& of the ,and hi9h they had eB5,ored& sayin8& "t is better for %s to ret%rn to E8y5t than to 8o to this ,and& a ,and that 9ons%mes its inhabitants+ *> B%t Yoh%sh%a the son of N%n& and 0a,eb the son of Je5h%neh& ho ere of those that eB5,ored the ,and& said& 2he ,and is eB9eedin8,y 8ood+ */ "f YAHWEH de,i8ht in %s& then he i,, brin8 %s to this ,and and 8ive it to %s& for it is a ,and f,o in8 ith mi,k and honey+ *A B%t the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, o%,d not hearken to them& and they hearkened to the ords of the ten men ho had bro%8ht %5 an evi, re5ort of the ,and+ :( And YAHWEH heard the m%rm%rin8s of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, and he as an8ry and s ore& sayin8& :' S%re,y not one man of this i9ked 8eneration sha,, see the ,and from t enty years o,d and %5 ard eB9e5tin8 0a,eb the son of Je5h%neh and Yoh%sh%a the son of N%n+ :. B%t s%re,y this i9ked 8eneration sha,, 5erish in this i,derness& and their 9hi,dren sha,, 9ome to the ,and and they sha,, 5ossess itJ so the an8er of YAHWEH as kind,ed a8ainst Yisrae,& and he made them ander in the i,derness for forty years %nti, the end of that i9ked 8eneration& be9a%se they did not fo,,o YAHWEH+ :* And the 5eo5,e d e,t in the i,derness of 1aran a ,on8 time& and they after ard 5ro9eeded to the i,derness by the ay of the Red Sea+ 8# EARTH SWALLOWS
0HA12ER /:$$2he Earth S a,,o s %5 the Rebe,,io%s+ 2he 0hi,dren of Yisrae, 9ommanded not to War ith the 0hi,dren of Esa%& or 7oab+ 2he Edomites i,, not ,et Yisrae, 5ass thro%8h their Cand+

' At that time 4orah the son of JetFer the son of 4ehath the son of Cevi& took many men of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and they rose %5 and H%arre,ed ith 7osheh and Aaron and the ho,e 9on8re8ation+ . And YAHWEH as an8ry ith them& and the earth o5ened its mo%th& and s a,,o ed them %5& ith their 'AA

ho%ses and a,, be,on8in8 to them& and a,, the men be,on8in8 to 4orah+ * And after this YAHWEH made the 5eo5,e 8o ro%nd by the ay of 7o%nt Seir for a ,on8 time+ : At that time YAHWEH said %nto 7osheh& 1rovoke not a ar a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Esa%& for " i,, not 8ive to yo% of any thin8 be,on8in8 to them& as m%9h as the so,e of the foot 9o%,d tread %5on& for " have 8iven 7o%nt Seir for an inheritan9e to Esa%+ ; 2herefore did the 9hi,dren of Esa% fi8ht a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Seir in former times& and YAHWEH had de,ivered the 9hi,dren of Seir into the hands of the 9hi,dren of Esa%& and destroyed them from before them& and the 9hi,dren of Esa% d e,t in their stead %nto this day+ = 2herefore YAHWEH said to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& 3i8ht not a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Esa% yo%r brethren& for nothin8 in their ,and be,on8s to yo%& b%t yo% may b%y food of them for money and eat it& and yo% may b%y ater of them for money and drink it+ > And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH+ / And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ent abo%t the i,derness& 8oin8 ro%nd by the ay of 7o%nt Sinai for a ,on8 time& and to%9hed not the 9hi,dren of Esa%& and they 9ontin%ed in that distri9t for nineteen years+ A At that time died Catin%s kin8 of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& in the forty$fifth year of his rei8n& hi9h is the fo%rteenth year of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,@s de5art%re from E8y5t+ '( And they b%ried him in his 5,a9e hi9h he had b%i,t for himse,f in the ,and of 0hittim& and Abimnas rei8ned in his 5,a9e for thirty$ei8ht years+ '' And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 5assed the bo%ndary of the 9hi,dren of Esa% in those days& at the end of nineteen years& and they 9ame and 5assed the road of the i,derness of 7oab+ '. And YAHWEH said to 7osheh& besie8e not 7oab& and do not fi8ht a8ainst them& for " i,, 8ive yo% nothin8 of their ,and+ '* And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 5assed the road of the i,derness of 7oab for nineteen years& and they did not fi8ht a8ainst them+ ': And in the thirty$siBth year of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,@s de5artin8 from E8y5t YAHWEH smote the heart of Sihon& kin8 of the Amorites& and he a8ed ar& and ent forth to fi8ht a8ainst the 9hi,dren of 7oab+ '; And Sihon sent messen8ers to Beor the son of Janeas& the son of Ba,aam& 9o%nse,,or to the kin8 of E8y5t& and to Ba,aam his son& to 9%rse 7oab& in order that it mi8ht be de,ivered into the hand of Sihon+ '= And the messen8ers ent and bro%8ht Beor the son of Janeas& and Ba,aam his son& from 1ethor in 7eso5otamia& so Beor and Ba,aam his son 9ame to the 9ity of Sihon and they 9%rsed 7oab and their kin8 in the 5resen9e of Sihon kin8 of the Amorites+ '> So Sihon ent o%t ith his ho,e army& and he ent to 7oab and fo%8ht a8ainst them& and he s%bd%ed them& and YAHWEH de,ivered them into his hands& and Sihon s,e the kin8 of 7oab+ '/ And Sihon took a,, the 9ities of 7oab in the batt,eJ he a,so took Heshbon from them& for Heshbon as one of the 9ities of 7oab& and Sihon 5,a9ed his 5rin9es and his nob,es in Heshbon& and Heshbon be,on8ed to Sihon in those days+ 'A 2herefore the 5arab,e s5eakers Beor and Ba,aam his son %ttered these ords& sayin8& 0ome %nto Heshbon& the 9ity of Sihon i,, be b%i,t and estab,ished+ .( Woe %nto yo% 7oabK yo% are ,ost& < 5eo5,e of 4emoshK beho,d it is ritten %5on the book of the ,a of YAHWEH+ .' And hen Sihon had 9onH%ered 7oab& he 5,a9ed 8%ards in the 9ities hi9h he had taken from 7oab& and a 9onsiderab,e n%mber of the 9hi,dren of 7oab fe,, in batt,e into the hand of Sihon& and he made a 8reat 9a5t%re of them& sons and da%8hters& and he s,e their kin8J so Sihon t%rned ba9k to his o n ,and+ .. And Sihon 8ave n%mero%s 5resents of si,ver and 8o,d to Beor and Ba,aam his son& and he dismissed them& and they ent to 7eso5otamia to their home and 9o%ntry+ .* At that time a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 5assed from the road of the i,derness of 7oab& and ret%rned and s%rro%nded the i,derness of Edom+ .: So the ho,e 9on8re8ation 9ame to the i,derness of Sin in the first month of the fortieth year from their de5art%re from E8y5t& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, d e,t there in 4adesh& of the i,derness of Sin& and 7iriam died there and she as b%ried there+ .((

.; At that time 7osheh sent messen8ers to Hadad kin8 of Edom& sayin8& 2h%s says yo%r brother Yisrae,& Cet me 5ass " 5ray yo% thro%8h yo%r ,and& e i,, not 5ass thro%8h fie,d or vineyard& e i,, not drink the ater of the e,,J e i,, a,k in the kin8@s road+ .= And Edom said to him& Yo% sha,, not 5ass thro%8h my 9o%ntry& and Edom ent forth to meet the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ith a mi8hty 5eo5,e+ .> And the 9hi,dren of Esa% ref%sed to ,et the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 5ass thro%8h their ,and& so the Yisrae,ites removed from them and fo%8ht not a8ainst them+ ./ 3or before this YAHWEH had 9ommanded the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& sayin8& Yo% sha,, not fi8ht a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Esa%& therefore the Yisrae,ites removed from them and did not fi8ht a8ainst them+ .A So the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, de5arted from 4adesh& and a,, the 5eo5,e 9ame to 7o%nt Hor+ *( At that time YAHWEH said to 7osheh& 2e,, yo%r brother Aaron that he sha,, die there& for he sha,, not 9ome to the ,and hi9h " have 8iven to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ *' And Aaron ent %5& at the 9ommand of YAHWEH& to 7o%nt Hor& in the fortieth year& in the fifth month& in the first day of the month+ *. And Aaron as one h%ndred and t enty$three years o,d hen he died in 7o%nt Hor+ 85 CANAANITES FIGHT
0HA12ER /;$$Some of the 0anaanites rise %5 to fi8ht Yisrae,& ho are fri8htened and r%n a ay+ B%t the Sons of Cevi 9om5e, them to Ret%rn+ 2hey 5revai, over their Enemies+ 2hey m%st not to%9h Ammon+ <8& 4in8 of Bashan+ Ba,aam is 9a,,ed %5on to 9%rse Yisrae,& b%t i,, not+ Yisrae, 9ommits Whoredom ith the 7oabites& and they are Smitten ith 1esti,en9e+

' And kin8 Arad the 0anaanite& ho d e,t in the so%th& heard that the Yisrae,ites had 9ome by the ay of the s5ies& and he arran8ed his for9es to fi8ht a8ainst the Yisrae,ites+ . And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere 8reat,y afraid of him& for he had a 8reat and heavy army& so the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, reso,ved to ret%rn to E8y5t+ * And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, t%rned ba9k abo%t the distan9e of three days@ Go%rney %nto 7aserath Beni Jaakon& for they ere 8reat,y afraid on a99o%nt of the kin8 Arad+ : And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, o%,d not 8et ba9k to their 5,a9es& so they remained in Beni Jaakon for thirty days+ ; And hen the 9hi,dren of Cevi sa that the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, o%,d not t%rn ba9k& they ere Gea,o%s for the sake of YAHWEH& and they rose %5 and fo%8ht a8ainst the Yisrae,ites their brethren& and s,e of them a 8reat body& and for9ed them to t%rn ba9k to their 5,a9e& 7o%nt Hor+ = And hen they ret%rned& kin8 Arad as sti,, arran8in8 his host for batt,e a8ainst the Yisrae,ites+ > And Yisrae, vo ed a vo & sayin8& "f yo% i,t de,iver this 5eo5,e into my hand& then " i,, %tter,y destroy their 9ities+ / And YAHWEH hearkened to the voi9e of Yisrae,& and he de,ivered the 0anaanites into their hand& and he %tter,y destroyed them and their 9ities& and he 9a,,ed the name of the 5,a9e Hormah+ A And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, Go%rneyed from 7o%nt Hor and 5it9hed in <both& and they Go%rneyed from <both and they 5it9hed at "Ge$abarim& in the border of 7oab+ '( And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, sent to 7oab& sayin8& Cet %s 5ass no thro%8h yo%r ,and into o%r 5,a9e& b%t the 9hi,dren of 7oab o%,d not s%ffer the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to 5ass thro%8h their ,and& for the 9hi,dren of 7oab ere 8reat,y afraid ,est the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, sho%,d do %nto them as Sihon kin8 of the Amorites had done to them& ho had taken their ,and and had s,ain many of them+ '' 2herefore 7oab o%,d not s%ffer the Yisrae,ites to 5ass thro%8h his ,and& and YAHWEH 9ommanded the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& sayin8& 2hat they sho%,d not fi8ht a8ainst 7oab& so the Yisrae,ites removed from 7oab+ '. And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, Go%rneyed from the border of 7oab& and they 9ame to the other side of Arnon& the border of 7oab& bet een 7oab and the Amorites& and they 5it9hed in the border of Sihon& kin8 of the Amorites& in the i,derness of 4edemoth+ '* And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, sent messen8ers to Sihon& kin8 of the Amorites& sayin8& .('

': Cet %s 5ass thro%8h yo%r ,and& e i,, not t%rn into the fie,ds or into the vineyards& e i,, 8o a,on8 by the kin8@s hi8h ay %nti, e sha,, have 5assed yo%r border& b%t Sihon o%,d not s%ffer the Yisrae,ites to 5ass+ '; So Sihon 9o,,e9ted a,, the 5eo5,e of the Amorites and ent forth into the i,derness to meet the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and he fo%8ht a8ainst Yisrae, in JahaF+ '= And YAHWEH de,ivered Sihon kin8 of the Amorites into the hand of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and Yisrae, smote a,, the 5eo5,e of Sihon ith the ed8e of the s ord and aven8ed the 9a%se of 7oab+ '> And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, took 5ossession of the ,and of Sihon from Aram %nto Jab%k& %nto the 9hi,dren of Ammon& and they took a,, the s5oi, of the 9ities+ '/ And Yisrae, took a,, these 9ities& and Yisrae, d e,t in a,, the 9ities of the Amorites+ 'A And a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, reso,ved to fi8ht a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Ammon& to take their ,and a,so+ .( So YAHWEH said to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& Do not besie8e the 9hi,dren of Ammon& neither stir %5 batt,e a8ainst them& for " i,, 8ive nothin8 to yo% of their ,and& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, hearkened to the ord of YAHWEH& and did not fi8ht a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Ammon+ .' And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, t%rned and ent %5 by the ay of Bashan to the ,and of <8& kin8 of Bashan& and <8 the kin8 of Bashan ent o%t to meet the Yisrae,ites in batt,e& and he had ith him many va,iant men& and a very stron8 for9e from the 5eo5,e of the Amorites+ .. And <8 kin8 of Bashan as a very 5o erf%, man& b%t Naaron his son as eB9eedin8,y 5o erf%,& even stron8er than he as+ .* And <8 said in his heart& Beho,d no the ho,e 9am5 of Yisrae, takes %5 a s5a9e of three 5arsa& no i,, " smite them at on9e itho%t s ord or s5ear+ .: And <8 ent %5 7o%nt JahaF& and took therefrom one ,ar8e stone& the ,en8th of hi9h as three 5arsa& and he 5,a9ed it on his head& and reso,ved to thro it %5on the 9am5 of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& to smite a,, the Yisrae,ites ith that stone+ .; And the heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH 9ame and 5ier9ed the stone %5on the head of <8& and the stone fe,, %5on the ne9k of <8 that <8 fe,, to the earth on a99o%nt of the ei8ht of the stone %5on his ne9k+ .= At that time YAHWEH said to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& Be not afraid of him& for " have 8iven him and a,, his 5eo5,e and a,, his ,and into yo%r hand& and yo% sha,, do to him as yo% did to Sihon+ .> And 7osheh ent do n to him ith a sma,, n%mber of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and 7osheh smote <8 ith a sti9k at the ank,es of his feet and s,e him+ ./ 2he 9hi,dren of Yisrae, after ard 5%rs%ed the 9hi,dren of <8 and a,, his 5eo5,e& and they beat and destroyed them ti,, there as no remnant ,eft of them+ .A 7osheh after ard sent some of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to s5y o%t JaaFer& for JaaFer as a very famo%s 9ity+ *( And the s5ies ent to JaaFer and eB5,ored it& and the s5ies tr%sted in YAHWEH& and they fo%8ht a8ainst the men of JaaFer+ *' And these men took JaaFer and its vi,,a8es& and YAHWEH de,ivered them into their hand& and they drove o%t the Amorites ho had been there+ *. And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, took the ,and of the t o kin8s of the Amorites& siBty 9ities hi9h ere on the other side of Yardan& from the brook of Arnon %nto 7o%nt Herman+ ** And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, Go%rneyed and 9ame into the 5,ain of 7oab hi9h is on this side of Yardan& by Jeri9ho+ *: And the 9hi,dren of 7oab heard a,, the evi, hi9h the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had done to the t o kin8s of the Amorites& to Sihon and <8& so a,, the men of 7oab ere 8reat,y afraid of the Yisrae,ites+ *; And the e,ders of 7oab said& Beho,d the t o kin8s of the Amorites& Sihon and <8& ho ere more 5o erf%, than a,, the kin8s of the earth& 9o%,d not stand a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& ho then 9an e stand before them# *= S%re,y they sent %s a messa8e before no to 5ass thro%8h o%r ,and on their ay& and e o%,d not s%ffer them& no they i,, t%rn %5on %s ith their heavy s ords and destroy %sJ and 7oab as distressed on a99o%nt of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and they ere 8reat,y afraid of them& and they 9o%nse,,ed to8ether .(.

hat as to be done to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ *> And the e,ders of 7oab reso,ved and took one of their men& Ba,ak the son of Ii55or the 7oabite& and made him kin8 over them at that time& and Ba,ak as a very ise man+ */ And the e,ders of 7oab rose %5 and sent to the 9hi,dren of 7idian to make 5ea9e ith them& for a 8reat batt,e and enmity had been in those days bet een 7oab and 7idian& from the days of Hadad the son of Bedad kin8 of Edom& ho smote 7idian in the fie,d of 7oab& %nto these days+ *A And the 9hi,dren of 7oab sent to the 9hi,dren of 7idian& and they made 5ea9e ith them& and the e,ders of 7idian 9ame to the ,and of 7oab to make 5ea9e in beha,f of the 9hi,dren of 7idian+ :( And the e,ders of 7oab 9o%nse,,ed ith the e,ders of 7idian hat to do in order to save their ,ives from Yisrae,+ :' And a,, the 9hi,dren of 7oab said to the e,ders of 7idian& No therefore the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ,i9k %5 a,, that are ro%nd abo%t %s& as the oB ,i9ks %5 the 8rass of the fie,d& for th%s did they do to the t o kin8s of the Amorites ho are stron8er than e are+ :. And the e,ders of 7idian said to 7oab& We have heard that at the time hen Sihon kin8 of the Amorites fo%8ht a8ainst yo%& hen he 5revai,ed over yo% and took yo%r ,and& he had sent to Beor the son of Janeas and to Ba,aam his son from 7eso5otamia& and they 9ame and 9%rsed yo%J therefore did the hand of Sihon 5revai, over yo%& that he took yo%r ,and+ :* No therefore send yo% a,so to Ba,aam his son& for he sti,, remains in his ,and& and 8ive him his hire& that he may 9ome and 9%rse a,, the 5eo5,e of hom yo% are afraidJ so the e,ders of 7oab heard this thin8& and it 5,eased them to send to Ba,aam the son of Beor+ :: So Ba,ak the son of Ii55or kin8 of 7oab sent messen8ers to Ba,aam& sayin8& :; Beho,d there is a 5eo5,e 9ome o%t from E8y5t& beho,d they 9over the fa9e of the earth& and they abide over a8ainst me+ := No therefore 9ome and 9%rse this 5eo5,e for me& for they are too mi8hty for me& 5eradvent%re " sha,, 5revai, to fi8ht a8ainst them& and drive them o%t& for " heard that he hom yo% b,ess is b,essed& and hom yo% 9%rse is 9%rsed+ :> So the messen8ers of Ba,ak ent to Ba,aam and bro%8ht Ba,aam to 9%rse the 5eo5,e to fi8ht a8ainst 7oab+ :/ And Ba,aam 9ame to Ba,ak to 9%rse Yisrae,& and YAHWEH said to Ba,aam& 0%rse not this 5eo5,e for it is b,essed+ :A And Ba,ak %r8ed Ba,aam day by day to 9%rse Yisrae,& b%t Ba,aam hearkened not to Ba,ak on a99o%nt of the ord of YAHWEH hi9h he had s5oken to Ba,aam+ ;( And hen Ba,ak sa that Ba,aam o%,d not a99ede to his ish& he rose %5 and ent home& and Ba,aam a,so ret%rned to his ,and and he ent from there to 7idian+ ;' And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, Go%rneyed from the 5,ain of 7oab& and 5it9hed by Yardan from Beth$ Gesimoth even %nto Abe,$shittim& at the end of the 5,ains of 7oab+ ;. And hen the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, abode in the 5,ain of Shittim& they be8an to 9ommit horedom ith the da%8hters of 7oab+ ;* And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, a55roa9hed 7oab& and the 9hi,dren of 7oab 5it9hed their tents o55osite to the 9am5 of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ ;: And the 9hi,dren of 7oab ere afraid of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and the 9hi,dren of 7oab took a,, their da%8hters and their ives of bea%tif%, as5e9t and 9ome,y a55earan9e& and dressed them in 8o,d and si,ver and 9ost,y 8arments+ ;; And the 9hi,dren of 7oab seated those omen at the door of their tents& in order that the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, mi8ht see them and t%rn to them& and not fi8ht a8ainst 7oab+ ;= And a,, the 9hi,dren of 7oab did this thin8 to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and every man 5,a9ed his ife and da%8hter at the door of his tent& and a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, sa the a9t of the 9hi,dren of 7oab& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, t%rned to the da%8hters of 7oab and 9oveted them& and they ent to them+ ;> And it 9ame to 5ass that hen a Hebre 9ame to the door of the tent of 7oab& and sa a da%8hter of 7oab and desired her in his heart& and s5oke ith her at the door of the tent that hi9h he desired& hi,e .(*

they ere s5eakin8 to8ether the men of the tent o%,d 9ome o%t and s5eak to the Hebre ,ike %nto these ords) ;/ S%re,y yo% kno that e are brethren& e are a,, the des9endants of Cot and the des9endants of Abraham his brother& herefore then i,, yo% not remain ith %s& and herefore i,, yo% not eat o%r bread and o%r sa9rifi9e# ;A And hen the 9hi,dren of 7oab had th%s over he,med him ith their s5ee9hes& and enti9ed him by their f,atterin8 ords& they seated him in the tent and 9ooked and sa9rifi9ed for him& and he ate of their sa9rifi9e and of their bread+ =( 2hey then 8ave him ine and he drank and be9ame intoBi9ated& and they 5,a9ed before him a bea%tif%, damse,& and he did ith her as he ,iked& for he kne not hat he as doin8& as he had dr%nk 5,entif%,,y of ine+ =' 2h%s did the 9hi,dren of 7oab to Yisrae, in that 5,a9e& in the 5,ain of Shittim& and the an8er of YAHWEH as kind,ed a8ainst Yisrae, on a99o%nt of this matter& and he sent a 5esti,en9e amon8st them& and there died of the Yisrae,ites t enty$fo%r tho%sand men+ =. No there as a man of the 9hi,dren of Simeon hose name as Iimri& the son of Sa,%& ho 9onne9ted himse,f ith the 7idianite 0osbi& the da%8hter of I%r& kin8 of 7idian& in the si8ht of a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ =* And 1hineas the son of E,aFer& the son of Aaron the 5riest& sa this i9ked thin8 hi9h Iimri had done& and he took a s5ear and rose %5 and ent after them& and 5ier9ed them both and s,e them& and the 5esti,en9e 9eased from the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ 86 O!ER TWENTY DIE
0HA12ER /=$$A,, over t enty years of a8e at the time of Ceavin8 E8y5t die at the EB5iration of 3orty Years+ Yisrae, is N%mbered+ 2he 7idianites are destroyed& and their S5oi, is Divided amon8 the 1eo5,e+

' At that time after the 5esti,en9e& YAHWEH said to 7osheh& and to E,aFer the son of Aaron the 5riest& sayin8& . N%mber the heads of the ho,e 9omm%nity of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& from t enty years o,d and %5 ard& a,, that ent forth in the army+ * And 7osheh and E,aFer n%mbered the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, after their fami,ies& and the n%mber of a,, Yisrae, as seven h%ndred tho%sand& seven h%ndred and thirty+ : And the n%mber of the 9hi,dren of Cevi& from one month o,d and %5 ard& as t enty$three tho%sand& and amon8st these there as not a man of those n%mbered by 7osheh and Aaron in the i,derness of Sinai+ ; 3or YAHWEH had to,d them that they o%,d die in the i,derness& so they a,, died& and not one had been ,eft of them eB9e5tin8 0a,eb the son of Je5h%neh& and Yoh%sh%a the son of N%n+ = And it as after this that YAHWEH said to 7osheh& Say %nto the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to aven8e %5on 7idian the 9a%se of their brethren the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ > And 7osheh did so& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 9hose from amon8st them t e,ve tho%sand men& bein8 one tho%sand to a tribe& and they ent to 7idian+ / And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, arred a8ainst 7idian& and they s,e every ma,e& a,so the five 5rin9es of 7idian& and Ba,aam the son of Beor did they s,ay ith the s ord+ A And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, took the ives of 7idian 9a5tive& ith their ,itt,e ones and their 9att,e& and a,, be,on8in8 to them+ '( And they took a,, the s5oi, and a,, the 5rey& and they bro%8ht it to 7osheh and to E,aFer to the 5,ains of 7oab+ '' And 7osheh and E,aFer and a,, the 5rin9es of the 9on8re8ation ent forth to meet them ith Goy+ '. And they divided a,, the s5oi, of 7idian& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had been reven8ed %5on 7idian for the 9a%se of their brethren the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+


0HA12ER />$$7osheh a55oints Yoh%sh%a his s%99essor+ YAHWEH en9o%ra8es Yoh%sh%a+ 7osheh tea9hes the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to Wa,k in the Way of YAHWEH+ He 8oes %5 to 7o%nt Abarim and dies there+

' At that time YAHWEH said to 7osheh& Beho,d yo%r days are a55roa9hin8 to an end& take no Yoh%sh%a the son of N%n yo%r servant and 5,a9e him in the taberna9,e& and " i,, 9ommand him& and 7osheh did so+ . And YAHWEH a55eared in the taberna9,e in a 5i,,ar of 9,o%d& and the 5i,,ar of 9,o%d stood at the entran9e of the taberna9,e+ * And YAHWEH 9ommanded Yoh%sh%a the son of N%n and said %nto him& Be stron8 and 9o%ra8eo%s& for yo% sha,, brin8 the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to the ,and hi9h " s ore to 8ive them& and " i,, be ith yo%+ : And 7osheh said to Yoh%sh%a& Be stron8 and 9o%ra8eo%s& for yo% i,t make the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, inherit the ,and& and YAHWEH i,, be ith yo%& he i,, not ,eave yo% nor forsake yo%& be not afraid nor disheartened+ ; And 7osheh 9a,,ed to a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, and said to them& Yo% have seen a,, the 8ood hi9h YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y has done for yo% in the i,derness+ = No therefore observe a,, the ords of this ,a & and a,k in the ay of YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y& t%rn not from the ay hi9h YAHWEH has 9ommanded yo%& either to the ri8ht or to the ,eft+ > And 7osheh ta%8ht the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, stat%tes and G%d8ments and ,a s to do in the ,and as YAHWEH had 9ommanded him+ / And he ta%8ht them the ay of YAHWEH and his ,a sJ beho,d they are ritten %5on the book of the ,a of YAHWEH hi9h he 8ave to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, by the hand of 7osheh+ A And 7osheh finished 9ommandin8 the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and YAHWEH said to him& sayin8& ?o %5 to the 7o%nt Abarim and die there& and be 8athered %nto yo%r 5eo5,e as Aaron yo%r brother as 8athered+ '( And 7osheh ent %5 as YAHWEH had 9ommanded him& and he died there in the ,and of 7oab by the order of YAHWEH& in the fortieth year from the Yisrae,ites 8oin8 forth from the ,and of E8y5t+ '' And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, e5t for 7osheh in the 5,ains of 7oab for thirty days& and the days of ee5in8 and mo%rnin8 for 7osheh ere 9om5,eted+ 88 $ASS O!ER YARDEN
0HA12ER //$$YAHWEH 9ommands Yoh%sh%a to 5re5are the 1eo5,e to 5ass over Yardan to 5ossess the Cand+ Jeri9ho is Besie8ed& 2aken& and Destroyed+ A9han brin8s evi, %5on the 9am5 by 1%r,oinin8 the 9%rsed thin8& and Brin8s Destr%9tion %5on Himse,f+ A,, is taken and Destroyed+ 2he ?ibeonites 9%nnin8,y save themse,ves+ 3ive 4in8s rise %5 a8ainst Yisrae, and are destroyed+ 2he S%n and 7oon stand sti,, at Yoh%sh%a@s 0ommand+

' And it as after the death of 7osheh that YAHWEH said to Yoh%sh%a the son of N%n& sayin8& . Rise %5 and 5ass the Yardan to the ,and hi9h " have 8iven to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and yo% sha,, make the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, inherit the ,and+ * Every 5,a9e %5on hi9h the so,e of yo%r feet sha,, tread sha,, be,on8 to yo%& from the i,derness of Cebanon %nto the 8reat river the river of 1erath sha,, be yo%r bo%ndary+ : No man sha,, stand %5 a8ainst yo% a,, the days of yo%r ,ifeJ as " as ith 7osheh& so i,, " be ith yo%& on,y be stron8 and of 8ood 9o%ra8e to observe a,, the ,a hi9h 7osheh 9ommanded yo%& t%rn not from the ay either to the ri8ht or to the ,eft& in order that yo% may 5ros5er in a,, that yo% doest+ ; And Yoh%sh%a 9ommanded the offi9ers of Yisrae,& sayin8& 1ass thro%8h the 9am5 and 9ommand the 5eo5,e& sayin8& 1re5are for yo%rse,ves 5rovisions& for in three days more yo% i,, 5ass the Yardan to 5ossess the ,and+ = And the offi9ers of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did so& and they 9ommanded the 5eo5,e and they did a,, that Yoh%sh%a had 9ommanded+ > And Yoh%sh%a sent t o men to s5y o%t the ,and of Jeri9ho& and the men ent and s5ied o%t Jeri9ho+ / And at the end of seven days they 9ame to Yoh%sh%a in the 9am5 and said to him& YAHWEH has .(;

de,ivered the ho,e ,and into o%r hand& and the inhabitants thereof are me,ted ith fear be9a%se of %s+ A And it 9ame to 5ass after that& that Yoh%sh%a rose %5 in the mornin8 and a,, Yisrae, ith him& and they Go%rneyed from Shittim& and Yoh%sh%a and a,, Yisrae, ith him 5assed the YardanJ and Yoh%sh%a as ei8hty$t o years o,d hen he 5assed the Yardan ith Yisrae,+ '( And the 5eo5,e ent %5 from Yardan on the tenth day of the first month& and they en9am5ed in ?i,8a, at the eastern 9orner of Jeri9ho+ '' And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ke5t the 1assover in ?i,8a,& in the 5,ains of Jeri9ho& on the fo%rteenth day at the month& as it is ritten in the ,a of 7osheh+ '. And the manna 9eased at that time on the morro of the 1assover& and there as no more manna for the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and they ate of the 5rod%9e of the ,and of 0anaan+ '* And Jeri9ho as entire,y 9,osed a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& no one 9ame o%t or ent in+ ': And it as in the se9ond month& on the first day of the month& that YAHWEH said to Yoh%sh%a& Rise %5& beho,d " have 8iven Jeri9ho into yo%r hand ith a,, the 5eo5,e thereofJ and a,, yo%r fi8htin8 men sha,, 8o ro%nd the 9ity& on9e ea9h day& th%s sha,, yo% do for siB days+ '; And the 5riests sha,, b,o %5on tr%m5ets& and hen yo% sha,, hear the so%nd of the tr%m5et& a,, the 5eo5,e sha,, 8ive a 8reat sho%tin8& that the a,,s of the 9ity sha,, fa,, do nJ a,, the 5eo5,e sha,, 8o %5 every man a8ainst his o55onent+ '= And Yoh%sh%a did so a99ordin8 to a,, that YAHWEH had 9ommanded him+ '> And on the seventh day they ent ro%nd the 9ity seven times& and the 5riests b,e %5on tr%m5ets+ '/ And at the seventh ro%nd& Yoh%sh%a said to the 5eo5,e& Sho%t& for YAHWEH has de,ivered the ho,e 9ity into o%r hands+ 'A <n,y the 9ity and a,, that it 9ontains sha,, be a99%rsed to YAHWEH& and kee5 yo%rse,ves from the a99%rsed thin8& ,est yo% make the 9am5 of Yisrae, a99%rsed and tro%b,e it+ .( B%t a,, the si,ver and 8o,d and brass and iron sha,, be 9onse9rated to YAHWEH& they sha,, 9ome into the treas%ry of YAHWEH+ .' And the 5eo5,e b,e %5on tr%m5ets and made a 8reat sho%tin8& and the a,,s of Jeri9ho fe,, do n& and a,, the 5eo5,e ent %5& every man strai8ht before him& and they took the 9ity and %tter,y destroyed a,, that as in it& both man and oman& yo%n8 and o,d& oB and shee5 and ass& ith the ed8e of the s ord+ .. And they b%rned the ho,e 9ity ith fireJ on,y the vesse,s of si,ver and 8o,d& and brass and iron& they 5%t into the treas%ry of YAHWEH+ .* And Yoh%sh%a s ore at that time& sayin8& 0%rsed be the man ho b%i,ds Jeri9hoJ he sha,, ,ay the fo%ndation thereof in his first$born& and in his yo%n8est son sha,, he set %5 the 8ates thereof+ .: And A9han the son of 0armi& the son of Iabdi& the son of Ierah& son of Yah%dah& dea,t trea9hero%s,y in the a99%rsed thin8& and he took of the a99%rsed thin8 and hid it in the tent& and the an8er of YAHWEH as kind,ed a8ainst Yisrae,+ .; And it as after this hen the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had ret%rned from b%rnin8 Jeri9ho& Yoh%sh%a sent men to s5y o%t a,so Ai& and to fi8ht a8ainst it+ .= And the men ent %5 and s5ied o%t Ai& and they ret%rned and said& Cet not a,, the 5eo5,e 8o %5 ith yo% to Ai& on,y ,et abo%t three tho%sand men 8o %5 and smite the 9ity& for the men thereof are b%t fe + .> And Yoh%sh%a did so& and there ent %5 ith him of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, abo%t three tho%sand men& and they fo%8ht a8ainst the men of Ai+ ./ And the batt,e as severe a8ainst Yisrae,& and the men of Ai smote thirty$siB men of Yisrae,& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, f,ed from before the men of Ai+ .A And hen Yoh%sh%a sa this thin8& he tore his 8arments and fe,, %5on his fa9e to the 8ro%nd before YAHWEH& he& ith the e,ders of Yisrae,& and they 5%t d%st %5on their heads+ *( And Yoh%sh%a said& Why < YAHWEH didst yo% brin8 this 5eo5,e over the Yardan# hat sha,, " say after the Yisrae,ites have t%rned their ba9ks a8ainst their enemies# *' No therefore a,, the 0anaanites& inhabitants of the ,and& i,, hear this thin8& and s%rro%nd %s and 9%t off o%r name+ *. And YAHWEH said to Yoh%sh%a& Why dost yo% fa,, %5on yo%r fa9e# rise& 8et yo% off& for the .(=

Yisrae,ites have sinned& and taken of the a99%rsed thin8J " i,, no more be ith them %n,ess they destroy the a99%rsed thin8 from amon8st them+ ** And Yoh%sh%a rose %5 and assemb,ed the 5eo5,e& and bro%8ht the Drim by the order of YAHWEH& and the tribe of Yah%dah as taken& and A9han the son of 0armi as taken+ *: And Yoh%sh%a said to A9han& 2e,, me my son& hat hast yo% done& and A9han said& " sa amon8st the s5oi, a 8ood,y 8arment of Shinar and t o h%ndred sheke,s of si,ver& and a ed8e of 8o,d of fifty sheke,s ei8htJ " 9oveted them and took them& and beho,d they are a,, hid in the earth in the midst of the tent+ *; And Yoh%sh%a sent men ho ent and took them from the tent of A9han& and they bro%8ht them to Yoh%sh%a+ *= And Yoh%sh%a took A9han and these %tensi,s& and his sons and da%8hters and a,, be,on8in8 to him& and they bro%8ht them into the va,,ey of A9hor+ *> And Yoh%sh%a b%rned them there ith fire& and a,, the Yisrae,ites stoned A9han ith stones& and they raised over him a hea5 of stones& therefore did he 9a,, that 5,a9e the va,,ey of A9hor& so YAHWEH@s an8er as a55eased& and Yoh%sh%a after ard 9ame to the 9ity and fo%8ht a8ainst it+ */ And YAHWEH said to Yoh%sh%a& 3ear not& neither be yo% dismayed& beho,d " have 8iven into yo%r hand Ai& her kin8 and her 5eo5,e& and yo% sha,, do %nto them as yo% didst to Jeri9ho and her kin8& on,y the s5oi, thereof and the 9att,e thereof sha,, yo% take for a 5rey for yo%rse,vesJ ,ay an amb%sh for the 9ity behind it+ *A So Yoh%sh%a did a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH& and he 9hose from amon8st the sons of ar thirty tho%sand va,iant men& and he sent them& and they ,ay in amb%sh for the 9ity+ :( And he 9ommanded them& sayin8& When yo% sha,, see %s e i,, f,ee before them ith 9%nnin8& and they i,, 5%rs%e %s& yo% sha,, then rise o%t of the amb%sh and take the 9ity& and they did so+ :' And Yoh%sh%a fo%8ht& and the men of the 9ity ent o%t to ard Yisrae,& not kno in8 that they ere ,yin8 in amb%sh for them behind the 9ity+ :. And Yoh%sh%a and a,, the Yisrae,ites fei8ned themse,ves earied o%t before them& and they f,ed by the ay of the i,derness ith 9%nnin8+ :* And the men of Ai 8athered a,, the 5eo5,e ho ere in the 9ity to 5%rs%e the Yisrae,ites& and they ent o%t and ere dra n a ay from the 9ity& not one remained& and they ,eft the 9ity o5en and 5%rs%ed the Yisrae,ites+ :: And those ho ere ,yin8 in amb%sh rose %5 o%t of their 5,a9es& and hastened to 9ome to the 9ity and took it and set it on fire& and the men of Ai t%rned ba9k& and beho,d the smoke of the 9ity as9ended to the skies& and they had no means of retreatin8 either one ay or the other+ :; And a,, the men of Ai ere in the midst of Yisrae,& some on this side and some on that side& and they smote them so that not one of them remained+ := And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, took 7e,osh kin8 of Ai a,ive& and they bro%8ht him to Yoh%sh%a& and Yoh%sh%a han8ed him on a tree and he died+ :> And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ret%rned to the 9ity after havin8 b%rned it& and they smote a,, those that ere in it ith the ed8e of the s ord+ :/ And the n%mber of those that had fa,,en of the men of Ai& both man and oman& as t e,ve tho%sandJ on,y the 9att,e and the s5oi, of the 9ity they took to themse,ves& a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH to Yoh%sh%a+ :A And a,, the kin8s on this side Yardan& a,, the kin8s of 0anaan& heard of the evi, hi9h the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had done to Jeri9ho and to Ai& and they 8athered themse,ves to8ether to fi8ht a8ainst Yisrae,+ ;( <n,y the inhabitants of ?ibeon ere 8reat,y afraid of fi8htin8 a8ainst the Yisrae,ites ,est they sho%,d 5erish& so they a9ted 9%nnin8,y& and they 9ame to Yoh%sh%a and to a,, Yisrae,& and said %nto them& We have 9ome from a distant ,and& no therefore make a 9ovenant ith %s+ ;' And the inhabitants of ?ibeon over$rea9hed the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, made a 9ovenant ith them& and they made 5ea9e ith them& and the 5rin9es of the 9on8re8ation s ore %nto them& b%t after ard the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, kne that they ere nei8hbors to them and ere d e,,in8 amon8st them+ .(>

;. B%t the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, s,e them notJ for they had s orn to them by YAHWEH& and they be9ame he ers of ood and dra ers of ater+ ;* And Yoh%sh%a said to them& Why did yo% de9eive me& to do this thin8 to %s# and they ans ered him& sayin8& Be9a%se it as to,d to yo%r servants a,, that yo% had done to a,, the kin8s of the Amorites& and e ere 8reat,y afraid of o%r ,ives& and e did this thin8+ ;: And Yoh%sh%a a55ointed them on that day to he ood and to dra ater& and he divided them for s,aves to a,, the tribes of Yisrae,+ ;; And hen AdoniFedek kin8 of Jer%sa,em heard a,, that the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had done to Jeri9ho and to Ai& he sent to Hoham kin8 of Hebron and to 1iram kin8 at Jarm%th& and to Ja5hia kin8 of Ca9hish and to Deber kin8 of E8,on& sayin8& ;= 0ome %5 to me and he,5 me& that e may smite the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, and the inhabitants of ?ibeon ho have made 5ea9e ith the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ ;> And they 8athered themse,ves to8ether and the five kin8s of the Amorites ent %5 ith a,, their 9am5s& a mi8hty 5eo5,e n%mero%s as the sand of the sea shore+ ;/ And a,, these kin8s 9ame and en9am5ed before ?ibeon& and they be8an to fi8ht a8ainst the inhabitants of ?ibeon& and a,, the men of ?ibeon sent to Yoh%sh%a& sayin8& 0ome %5 H%i9k,y to %s and he,5 %s& for a,, the kin8s of the Amorites have 8athered to8ether to fi8ht a8ainst %s+ ;A And Yoh%sh%a and a,, the fi8htin8 5eo5,e ent %5 from ?i,8a,& and Yoh%sh%a 9ame s%dden,y to them& and smote these five kin8s ith a 8reat s,a%8hter+ =( And YAHWEH 9onfo%nded them before the 9hi,dren at Yisrae,& ho smote them ith a terrib,e s,a%8hter in ?ibeon& and 5%rs%ed them a,on8 the ay that 8oes %5 to Beth Horon %nto 7akkedah& and they f,ed from before the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ =' And hi,e they ere f,eein8& YAHWEH sent %5on them hai,stones from heaven& and more of them died by the hai,stones& than by the s,a%8hter of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ =. And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 5%rs%ed them& and they sti,, smote them in the road& 8oin8 on and smitin8 them+ =* And hen they ere smitin8& the day as de9,inin8 to ard evenin8& and Yoh%sh%a said in the si8ht of a,, the 5eo5,e& S%n& stand yo% sti,, %5on ?ibeon& and yo% moon in the va,,ey of AGa,on& %nti, the nation sha,, have reven8ed itse,f %5on its enemies+ =: And YAHWEH hearkened to the voi9e of Yoh%sh%a& and the s%n stood sti,, in the midst of the heavens& and it stood sti,, siB and thirty moments& and the moon a,so stood sti,, and hastened not to 8o do n a ho,e day+ =; And there as no day ,ike that& before it or after it& that YAHWEH hearkened to the voi9e of a man& for YAHWEH fo%8ht for Yisrae,+ 89 SONGS OF $RAISE
0HA12ER /A$$Yoh%sh%a@s Son8 of 1raise+ 2he Wars of Yisrae,+

' 2hen s5oke Yoh%sh%a this son8& on the day that YAHWEH had 8iven the Amorites into the hand of Yoh%sh%a and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and he said in the si8ht of a,, Yisrae,& . Yo% hast done mi8hty thin8s& < YAHWEH& yo% hast 5erformed 8reat deedsJ ho is ,ike %nto yo%# my ,i5s sha,, sin8 to yo%r name+ * 7y 8oodness and my fortress& my hi8h to er& " i,, sin8 a ne son8 %nto yo%& ith thanks8ivin8 i,, " sin8 to yo%& yo% are the stren8th of my sa,vation+ : A,, the kin8s of the earth sha,, 5raise yo%& the 5rin9es of the or,d sha,, sin8 to yo%& the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, sha,, reGoi9e in yo%r sa,vation& they sha,, sin8 and 5raise yo%r 5o er+ ; 2o yo%& < YAHWEH& did e 9onfideJ e said yo% are o%r AC7"?H2Y& for yo% ast o%r she,ter and stron8 to er a8ainst o%r enemies+ = 2o yo% e 9ried and ere not ashamed& in yo% e tr%sted and ere de,iveredJ hen e 9ried %nto yo%& yo% didst hear o%r voi9e& yo% didst de,iver o%r so%,s from the s ord& yo% didst sho %nto %s yo%r free .(/

%nmerited 5ardon& yo% didst 8ive %nto %s yo%r sa,vation& yo% didst reGoi9e o%r hearts ith yo%r stren8th+ > Yo% didst 8o forth for o%r sa,vation& ith yo%r arm yo% didst redeem yo%r 5eo5,eJ yo% didst ans er %s from the heavens of yo%r ho,iness& yo% didst save %s from ten tho%sands of 5eo5,e+ / 2he s%n and moon stood sti,, in heaven& and yo% didst stand in yo%r rath a8ainst o%r o55ressors and didst 9ommand yo%r G%d8ments over them+ A A,, the 5rin9es of the earth stood %5& the kin8s of the nations had 8athered themse,ves to8ether& they ere not moved at yo%r 5resen9e& they desired yo%r batt,es+ '( Yo% didst rise a8ainst them in yo%r an8er& and didst brin8 do n yo%r rath %5on themJ yo% didst destroy them in yo%r an8er& and 9%t them off in yo%r heart+ '' Nations have been 9ons%med ith yo%r f%ry& kin8doms have de9,ined be9a%se of yo%r rath& yo% didst o%nd kin8s in the day of yo%r an8er+ '. Yo% didst 5o%r o%t yo%r f%ry %5on them& yo%r rathf%, an8er took ho,d of themJ yo% didst t%rn their iniH%ity %5on them& and didst 9%t them off in their i9kedness+ '* 2hey did s5read a tra5& they fe,, therein& in the net they hid& their foot as 9a%8ht+ ': Yo%r hand as ready for a,, yo%r enemies ho said& 2hro%8h their s ord they 5ossessed the ,and& thro%8h their arm they d e,t in the 9ityJ yo% didst fi,, their fa9es ith shame& yo% didst brin8 their horns do n to the 8ro%nd& yo% didst terrify them in yo%r rath& and didst destroy them in yo%r an8er+ '; 2he earth tremb,ed and shook at the so%nd of yo%r storm over them& yo% didst not ithho,d their so%,s from death& and didst brin8 do n their ,ives to the 8rave+ '= Yo% didst 5%rs%e them in yo%r storm& yo% didst 9ons%me them in yo%r hir, ind& yo% didst t%rn their rain into hai,& they fe,, in dee5 5its so that they 9o%,d not rise+ '> 2heir 9ar9asses ere ,ike r%bbish 9ast o%t in the midd,e of the streets+ '/ 2hey ere 9ons%med and destroyed in yo%r an8er& yo% didst save yo%r 5eo5,e ith yo%r mi8ht+ 'A 2herefore o%r hearts reGoi9e in yo%& o%r so%,s eBa,t in yo%r sa,vation+ .( <%r ton8%es sha,, re,ate yo%r mi8ht& e i,, sin8 and 5raise yo%r ondro%s orks+ .' 3or yo% didst save %s from o%r enemies& yo% didst de,iver %s from those ho rose %5 a8ainst %s& yo% didst destroy them from before %s and de5ress them beneath o%r feet+ .. 2h%s sha,, a,, yo%r enemies 5erish < YAHWEH& and the i9ked sha,, be ,ike 9haff driven by the ind& and yo%r be,oved sha,, be ,ike trees 5,anted by the aters+ .* So Yoh%sh%a and a,, Yisrae, ith him ret%rned to the 9am5 in ?i,8a,& after havin8 smitten a,, the kin8s& so that not a remnant as ,eft of them+ .: And the five kin8s f,ed a,one on foot from batt,e& and hid themse,ves in a 9ave& and Yoh%sh%a so%8ht for them in the fie,d of batt,e& and did not find them+ .; And it as after ard to,d to Yoh%sh%a& sayin8& 2he kin8s are fo%nd and beho,d they are hidden in a 9ave+ .= And Yoh%sh%a said& A55oint men to be at the mo%th of the 9ave& to 8%ard them& ,est they take themse,ves a ayJ and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, did so+ .> And Yoh%sh%a 9a,,ed to a,, Yisrae, and said to the offi9ers of batt,e& 1,a9e yo%r feet %5on the ne9ks of these kin8s& and Yoh%sh%a said& So sha,, YAHWEH do to a,, yo%r enemies+ ./ And Yoh%sh%a 9ommanded after ard that they sho%,d s,ay the kin8s and 9ast them into the 9ave& and to 5%t 8reat stones at the mo%th of the 9ave+ .A And Yoh%sh%a ent after ard ith a,, the 5eo5,e that ere ith him on that day to 7akkedah& and he smote it ith the ed8e of the s ord+ *( And he %tter,y destroyed the so%,s and a,, be,on8in8 to the 9ity& and he did to the kin8 and 5eo5,e thereof as he had done to Jeri9ho+ *' And he 5assed from there to Cibnah and he fo%8ht a8ainst it& and YAHWEH de,ivered it into his hand& and Yoh%sh%a smote it ith the ed8e of the s ord& and a,, the so%,s thereof& and he did to it and to the kin8 thereof as he had done to Jeri9ho+ *. And from there he 5assed on to Ca9hish to fi8ht a8ainst it& and Horam kin8 of ?aFa ent %5 to assist the men of Ca9hish& and Yoh%sh%a smote him and his 5eo5,e %nti, there as none ,eft to him+ .(A

** And Yoh%sh%a took Ca9hish and a,, the 5eo5,e thereof& and he did to it as he had done to Cibnah+ *: And Yoh%sh%a 5assed from there to E8,on& and he took that a,so& and he smote it and a,, the 5eo5,e thereof ith the ed8e of the s ord+ *; And from there he 5assed to Hebron and fo%8ht a8ainst it and took it and %tter,y destroyed it& and he ret%rned from there ith a,, Yisrae, to Debir and fo%8ht a8ainst it and smote it ith the ed8e of the s ord+ *= And he destroyed every so%, in it& he ,eft none remainin8& and he did to it and the kin8 thereof as he had done to Jeri9ho+ *> And Yoh%sh%a smote a,, the kin8s of the Amorites from 4adesh$barnea to AFah& and he took their 9o%ntry at on9e& for YAHWEH had fo%8ht for Yisrae,+ */ And Yoh%sh%a ith a,, Yisrae, 9ame to the 9am5 to ?i,8a,+ *A When at that time Jabin kin8 of 0haFor heard a,, that Yoh%sh%a had done to the kin8s of the Amorites& Jabin sent to Jobat kin8 of 7idian& and to Caban kin8 of Shimron& to Je5ha, kin8 of A9hsha5h& and to a,, the kin8s of the Amorites& sayin8& :( 0ome H%i9k,y to %s and he,5 %s& that e may smite the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& before they 9ome %5on %s and do %nto %s as they have done to the other kin8s of the Amorites+ :' And a,, these kin8s hearkened to the ords of Jabin& kin8 of 0haFor& and they ent forth ith a,, their 9am5s& seventeen kin8s& and their 5eo5,e ere as n%mero%s as the sand on the sea shore& to8ether ith horses and 9hariots inn%merab,e& and they 9ame and 5it9hed to8ether at the aters of 7erom& and they ere met to8ether to fi8ht a8ainst Yisrae,+ :. And YAHWEH said to Yoh%sh%a& 3ear them not& for tomorro abo%t this time " i,, de,iver them %5 a,, s,ain before yo%& yo% sha,, ho%8h their horses and b%rn their 9hariots ith fire+ :* And Yoh%sh%a ith a,, the men of ar 9ame s%dden,y %5on them and smote them& and they fe,, into their hands& for YAHWEH had de,ivered them into the hands of the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,+ :: So the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 5%rs%ed a,, these kin8s ith their 9am5s& and smote them %nti, there as none ,eft of them& and Yoh%sh%a did to them as YAHWEH had s5oken to him+ :; And Yoh%sh%a ret%rned at that time to 0haFor and smote it ith the s ord and destroyed every so%, in it and b%rned it ith fire& and from 0haFor& Yoh%sh%a 5assed to Shimron and smote it and %tter,y destroyed it+ := 3rom there he 5assed to A9hsha5h and he did to it as he had done to Shimron+ :> 3rom there he 5assed to Ad%,am and he smote a,, the 5eo5,e in it& and he did to Ad%,am as he had done to A9hsha5h and to Shimron+ :/ And he 5assed from them to a,, the 9ities of the kin8s hi9h he had smitten& and he smote a,, the 5eo5,e that ere ,eft of them and he %tter,y destroyed them+ :A <n,y their booty and 9att,e the Yisrae,ites took to themse,ves as a 5rey& b%t every h%man bein8 they smote& they s%ffered not a so%, to ,ive+ ;( As YAHWEH had 9ommanded 7osheh so did Yoh%sh%a and a,, Yisrae,& they fai,ed not in anythin8+ ;' So Yoh%sh%a and a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, smote the ho,e ,and of 0anaan as YAHWEH had 9ommanded them& and smote a,, their kin8s& bein8 thirty and one kin8s& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, took their ho,e 9o%ntry+ ;. Besides the kin8doms of Sihon and <8 hi9h are on the other side Yardan& of hi9h 7osheh had smitten many 9ities& and 7osheh 8ave them to the Re%benites and the ?adites and to ha,f the tribe of 7anasseh+ ;* And Yoh%sh%a smote a,, the kin8s that ere on this side Yardan to the est& and 8ave them for an inheritan9e to the nine tribes and to the ha,f tribe of Yisrae,+ ;: 3or five years did Yoh%sh%a 9arry on the ar ith these kin8s& and he 8ave their 9ities to the Yisrae,ites& and the ,and be9ame tranH%i, from batt,e thro%8ho%t the 9ities of the Amorites and the 0anaanites+



0HA12ER A($$2he Edomites are Smitten by 0hittim+ 2he Cand is Divided& and the 5eo5,e have Rest+ Yoh%sh%a bein8 Advan9ed in Years EBhorts the 5eo5,e to <bserve a,, the Ca s of 7osheh& and then Dies+

' At that time in the fifth year after the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had 5assed over Yardan& after the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had rested from their ar ith the 0anaanites& at that time 8reat and severe batt,es arose bet een Edom and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim fo%8ht a8ainst Edom+ . And Abian%s kin8 of 0hittim ent forth in that year& that is in the thirty$first year of his rei8n& and a 8reat for9e ith him of the mi8hty men of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and he ent to Seir to fi8ht a8ainst the 9hi,dren of Esa%+ * And Hadad the kin8 of Edom heard of his re5ort& and he ent forth to meet him ith a heavy 5eo5,e and stron8 for9e& and en8a8ed in batt,e ith him in the fie,d of Edom+ : And the hand of 0hittim 5revai,ed over the 9hi,dren of Esa%& and the 9hi,dren of 0hittim s,e of the 9hi,dren of Esa%& t o and t enty tho%sand men& and a,, the 9hi,dren of Esa% f,ed from before them+ ; And the 9hi,dren of 0hittim 5%rs%ed them and they rea9hed Hadad kin8 of Edom& ho as r%nnin8 before them and they 9a%8ht him a,ive& and bro%8ht him to Abian%s kin8 of 0hittim+ = And Abian%s ordered him to be s,ain& and Hadad kin8 of Edom died in the forty$ei8hth year of his rei8n+ > And the 9hi,dren of 0hittim 9ontin%ed their 5%rs%it of Edom& and they smote them ith a 8reat s,a%8hter and Edom be9ame s%bGe9t to the 9hi,dren of 0hittim+ / And the 9hi,dren of 0hittim r%,ed over Edom& and Edom be9ame %nder the hand of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim and be9ame one kin8dom from that day+ A And from that time they 9o%,d no more ,ift %5 their heads& and their kin8dom be9ame one ith the 9hi,dren of 0hittim+ '( And Abian%s 5,a9ed offi9ers in Edom and a,, the 9hi,dren of Edom be9ame s%bGe9t and trib%tary to Abian%s& and Abian%s t%rned ba9k to his o n ,and& 0hittim+ '' And hen he ret%rned he rene ed his 8overnment and b%i,t for himse,f a s5a9io%s and fortified 5a,a9e for a roya, residen9e& and rei8ned se9%re,y over the 9hi,dren of 0hittim and over Edom+ '. "n those days& after the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had driven a ay a,, the 0anaanites and the Amorites& Yoh%sh%a as o,d and advan9ed in years+ '* And YAHWEH said to Yoh%sh%a& Yo% are o,d& advan9ed in ,ife& and a 8reat 5art of the ,and remains to be 5ossessed+ ': No therefore divide this ,and for an inheritan9e to the nine tribes and to the ha,f tribe of 7anasseh& and Yoh%sh%a rose %5 and did as YAHWEH had s5oken to him+ '; And he divided the ho,e ,and to the tribes of Yisrae, as an inheritan9e a99ordin8 to their divisions+ '= B%t to the tribe at Cevi he 8ave no inheritan9e& the offerin8s of YAHWEH are their inheritan9e as YAHWEH had s5oken of them by the hand of 7osheh+ '> And Yoh%sh%a 8ave 7o%nt Hebron to 0a,eb the son of Je5h%neh& one 5ortion above his brethren& as YAHWEH had s5oken thro%8h 7osheh+ '/ 2herefore Hebron be9ame an inheritan9e to 0a,eb and his 9hi,dren %nto this day+ 'A And Yoh%sh%a divided the ho,e ,and by ,ots to a,, Yisrae, for an inheritan9e& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded him+ .( And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 8ave 9ities to the Cevites from their o n inheritan9e& and s%b%rbs for their 9att,e& and 5ro5erty& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded 7osheh so did the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and they divided the ,and by ,ot hether 8reat or sma,,+ .' And they ent to inherit the ,and a99ordin8 to their bo%ndaries& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 8ave to Yoh%sh%a the son of N%n an inheritan9e amon8st them+ .. By the ord of YAHWEH did they 8ive to him the 9ity hi9h he reH%ired& 2imnath$sera9h in 7o%nt E5hraim& and he b%i,t the 9ity and d e,t therein+ .''

.* 2hese are the inheritan9es hi9h E,aFer the 5riest and Yoh%sh%a the son of N%n and the heads of the fathers of the tribes 5ortioned o%t to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, by ,ot in Shi,oh& before YAHWEH& at the door of the taberna9,e& and they ,eft off dividin8 the ,and+ .: And YAHWEH 8ave the ,and to the Yisrae,ites& and they 5ossessed it as YAHWEH had s5oken to them& and as YAHWEH had s orn to their an9estors+ .; And YAHWEH 8ave to the Yisrae,ites rest from a,, their enemies aro%nd them& and no man stood %5 a8ainst them& and YAHWEH de,ivered a,, their enemies into their hands& and not one thin8 fai,ed of a,, the 8ood hi9h YAHWEH had s5oken to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& yea YAHWEH 5erformed every thin8+ .= And Yoh%sh%a 9a,,ed to a,, the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, and he b,essed them& and 9ommanded them to serve YAHWEH& and he after ard sent them a ay& and they ent ea9h man to his 9ity& and ea9h man to his inheritan9e+ .> And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, served YAHWEH a,, the days of Yoh%sh%a& and YAHWEH 8ave them rest from a,, aro%nd them& and they d e,t se9%re,y in their 9ities+ ./ And it 9ame to 5ass in those days& that Abian%s kin8 of 0hittim died& in the thirty$ei8hth year of his rei8n& that is the seventh year of his rei8n over Edom& and they b%ried him in his 5,a9e hi9h he had b%i,t for himse,f& and Catin%s rei8ned in his stead fifty years+ .A And d%rin8 his rei8n he bro%8ht forth an army& and he ent and fo%8ht a8ainst the inhabitants of Britannia and 4ernania& the 9hi,dren of E,isha son of Javan& and he 5revai,ed over them and made them trib%tary+ *( He then heard that Edom had revo,ted from %nder the hand of 0hittim& and Catin%s ent to them and smote them and s%bd%ed them& and 5,a9ed them %nder the hand of the 9hi,dren of 0hittim& and Edom be9ame one kin8dom ith the 9hi,dren of 0hittim a,, the days+ *' And for many years there as no kin8 in Edom& and their 8overnment as ith the 9hi,dren of 0hittim and their kin8+ *. And it as in the t enty$siBth year after the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had 5assed the Yardan& that is the siBty$ siBth year after the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had de5arted from E8y5t& that Yoh%sh%a as o,d& advan9ed in years& bein8 one h%ndred and ei8ht years o,d in those days+ ** And Yoh%sh%a 9a,,ed to a,, Yisrae,& to their e,ders& their G%d8es and offi9ers& after YAHWEH had 8iven to a,, the Yisrae,ites rest from a,, their enemies ro%nd abo%t& and Yoh%sh%a said to the e,ders of Yisrae,& and to their G%d8es& Beho,d " am o,d& advan9ed in years& and yo% have seen hat YAHWEH has done to a,, the nations hom he has driven a ay from before yo%& for it is YAHWEH ho has fo%8ht for yo%+ *: No therefore stren8then yo%rse,ves to kee5 and to do a,, the ords of the ,a of 7osheh& not to deviate from it to the ri8ht or to the ,eft& and not to 9ome amon8st those nations ho are ,eft in the ,andJ neither sha,, yo% make mention of the name of their 8ods& b%t yo% sha,, 9,eave to YAHWEH yo%r AC7"?H2Y& as yo% have done to this day+ *; And Yoh%sh%a 8reat,y eBhorted the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, to serve YAHWEH a,, their days+ *= And a,, the Yisrae,ites said& We i,, serve YAHWEH o%r AC7"?H2Y a,, o%r days& e and o%r 9hi,dren& and o%r 9hi,dren@s 9hi,dren& and o%r seed for ever+ *> And Yoh%sh%a made a 9ovenant ith the 5eo5,e on that day& and he sent a ay the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and they ent ea9h man to his inheritan9e and to his 9ity+ */ And it as in those days& hen the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, ere d e,,in8 se9%re,y in their 9ities& that they b%ried the 9offins of the tribes of their an9estors& hi9h they had bro%8ht %5 from E8y5t& ea9h man in the inheritan9e of his 9hi,dren& the t e,ve sons of Ya9ob did the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, b%ry& ea9h man in the 5ossession of his 9hi,dren+ *A And these are the names of the 9ities herein they b%ried the t e,ve sons of Ya9ob& hom the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had bro%8ht %5 from E8y5t+ :( And they b%ried Re%ben and ?ad on this side Yardan& in Romia& hi9h 7osheh had 8iven to their 9hi,dren+ :' And Simeon and Cevi they b%ried in the 9ity 7a%da& hi9h he had 8iven to the 9hi,dren of Simeon& and the s%b%rb of the 9ity as for the 9hi,dren of Cevi+ .'.

:. And Yah%dah they b%ried in the 9ity of BenGamin o55osite Beth,ehem+ :* And the bones of "ssa9har and Ieb%,%n they b%ried in Iidon& in the 5ortion hi9h fe,, to their 9hi,dren+ :: And Dan as b%ried in the 9ity of his 9hi,dren in Eshtae,& and Na5hta,i and Asher they b%ried in 4adesh$na5hta,i& ea9h man in his 5,a9e hi9h he had 8iven to his 9hi,dren+ :; And the bones of Yose5h they b%ried in She9hem& in the 5art of the fie,d hi9h Ya9ob had 5%r9hased from Hamor& and hi9h be9ame to Yose5h for an inheritan9e+ := And they b%ried BenGamin in Jer%sa,em o55osite the Jeb%site& hi9h as 8iven to the 9hi,dren of BenGaminJ the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, b%ried their fathers ea9h man in the 9ity of his 9hi,dren+ :> And at the end of t o years& Yoh%sh%a the son of N%n died& one h%ndred and ten years o,d& and the time hi9h Yoh%sh%a G%d8ed Yisrae, as t enty$ei8ht years& and Yisrae, served YAHWEH a,, the days of his ,ife+ :/ And the other affairs of Yoh%sh%a and his batt,es and his re5roofs ith hi9h he re5roved Yisrae,& and a,, hi9h he had 9ommanded them& and the names of the 9ities hi9h the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, 5ossessed in his days& beho,d they are ritten in the book of the ords of Yoh%sh%a to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& and in the book of the ars of YAHWEH& hi9h 7osheh and Yoh%sh%a and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, had ritten+ :A And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, b%ried Yoh%sh%a in the border of his inheritan9e& in 2imnath$sera9h& hi9h as 8iven to him in 7o%nt E5hraim+ ;( And E,aFer the son of Aaron died in those days& and they b%ried him in a hi,, be,on8in8 to 1hineas his son& hi9h as 8iven him in 7o%nt E5hraim+ 91 ELDERS (UDGE YISRAEL
0HA12ER A'$$2he E,ders J%d8e Yisrae,+ 2hey drive o%t a,, the 0anaanites and "nherit the 1romised Cand+

' At that time& after the death of Yoh%sh%a& the 9hi,dren of the 0anaanites ere sti,, in the ,and& and the Yisrae,ites reso,ved to drive them o%t+ . And the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, asked of YAHWEH& sayin8& Who sha,, first 8o %5 for %s to the 0anaanites to fi8ht a8ainst them# and YAHWEH said& Yah%dah sha,, 8o %5+ * And the 9hi,dren of Yah%dah said to Simeon& ?o %5 ith %s into o%r ,ot& and e i,, fi8ht a8ainst the 0anaanites and e ,ike ise i,, 8o %5 ith yo%& in yo%r ,ot& so the 9hi,dren of Simeon ent ith the 9hi,dren of Yah%dah+ : And the 9hi,dren of Yah%dah ent %5 and fo%8ht a8ainst the 0anaanites& so YAHWEH de,ivered the 0anaanites into the hands of the 9hi,dren of Yah%dah& and they smote them in BeFek& ten tho%sand men+ ; And they fo%8ht ith AdonibeFek in BeFek& and he f,ed from before them& and they 5%rs%ed him and 9a%8ht him& and they took ho,d of him and 9%t off his th%mbs and 8reat toes+ = And AdonibeFek said& 2hree s9ore and ten kin8s havin8 their th%mbs and 8reat toes 9%t off& 8athered their meat %nder my tab,e& as " have done& so YAHWEH has reH%ited me& and they bro%8ht him to Jer%sa,em and he died there+ > And the 9hi,dren of Simeon ent ith the 9hi,dren of Yah%dah& and they smote the 0anaanites ith the ed8e of the s ord+ / And YAHWEH as ith the 9hi,dren of Yah%dah& and they 5ossessed the mo%ntain& and the 9hi,dren of Yose5h ent %5 to Bethe,& the same is C%F& and YAHWEH as ith them+ A And the 9hi,dren of Yose5h s5ied o%t Bethe,& and the at9hmen sa a man 8oin8 forth from the 9ity& and they 9a%8ht him and said %nto him& Sho %s no the entran9e of the 9ity and e i,, sho kindness to yo%+ '( And that man sho ed them the entran9e of the 9ity& and the 9hi,dren of Yose5h 9ame and smote the 0ity ith the ed8e of the s ord+ '' And the man ith his fami,y they sent a ay& and he ent to the Hittites and he b%i,t a 9ity& and he 9a,,ed the name thereof C%F& so a,, the Yisrae,ites d e,t in their 9ities& and the 9hi,dren at Yisrae, d e,t in their 9ities& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, served YAHWEH a,, the days of Yoh%sh%a& and a,, the days of the e,ders& ho had ,en8thened their days after Yoh%sh%a& and sa the 8reat ork of YAHWEH& hi9h he had 5erformed for Yisrae,+ .'*

'. And the e,ders G%d8ed Yisrae, after the death of Yoh%sh%a for seventeen years+ '* And a,, the e,ders a,so fo%8ht the batt,es of Yisrae, a8ainst the 0anaanites and YAHWEH drove the 0anaanites from before the 9hi,dren of Yisrae,& in order to 5,a9e the Yisrae,ites in their ,and+ ': And he a99om5,ished a,, the ords hi9h he had s5oken to Abraham& Yits9haH& and Ya9ob& and the oath hi9h he had s orn& to 8ive to them and to their 9hi,dren& the ,and of the 0anaanites+ '; And YAHWEH 8ave to the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, the ho,e ,and of 0anaan& as he had s orn to their an9estors& and YAHWEH 8ave them rest from those aro%nd them& and the 9hi,dren of Yisrae, d e,t se9%re,y in their 9ities+ '= B,essed be YAHWEH for ever& amen& and amen+ '> Stren8then yo%rse,ves& and ,et the hearts of a,, yo% that tr%st in YAHWEH be of 8ood 9o%ra8e+ 2HE END




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