Props List: Actual Headphones

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Props list

Headphones: I am going to be using headphones in my images due to my magazine being music related. By using these headphones it will promote my genre of pop music whilst showing that my images have dimension, giving my audience something other to look at than just the model. Colour: the colour of my headphones is purple. This will work well due to me having a colour scheme of purple throughout my magazine. This will show that I have considered not only the mise en scene within the image but also the colours within it, making my magazine look professional and well throughout. These headphones will be used by my two single models, Mattie and Sufia, on the day of their photo shoot. I have decided to use Maddie as she will be wearing monochrome, meaning only black and white clothing. Therefore with the addition of the headphones, this will bring some colour into my images making them standout and eye catching whilst also reminding my audience of the type of magazine they are reading, pop music. I have also chosen Sufia due to the convenience of her being on the same day as Maddie but also because her make-up will be quite plain and minimal therefore by using the headphones it will make my images standout

Actual headphones

Blocks (white and black): I am going to be using blocks in my photo shoot with Maddie. Maddie will be wearing monochrome (white and black clothing) therefore by using the same coloured blocks it will show that I can successful create a theme in my images but also will show that I am understanding of the current fashion treats .To elaborate, Although black and white could be said to be boring and uninteresting I think this will would well in my magazine due to these colouring being on tread in the fashion industry at the moment. As I already know my audience are very much so interested in fashion, therefore I would expect them to be knowledgeable of the current fashion treats, therefore making this image attractive to them and therefore making them attracted to the magazine.

Photo taken by me at location

Props list
Window: I am going to be using a window frame within some of my images with the girl band COOL GIRLS including Holly, Vicki and Daisy. Daisy will be looking through the window with a shocked but happy look on her face. The colour of the window is white which should mean that the focus will be on the model. White also has connotations of purity, therefore linking back to the audience. As I know my audience will most likely attend school which they might find boring, therefore I hope that the window will elicit the idea of being free, making the magazine come across as an escape for my audiences stressful lives. The window could also elicit the idea of being trapped due to the model being behind it, this would suggest that the magazine understands the audiences situation (of being in school) thus making them feels that the magazine understands their situation

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