Its Kind of A Funny Story

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Fade In: INT. GEORGE MURY HOSPITAL (CLAY'S ROOM) Hospital is quiet.

Nothing to be heard of but the repetative sound of a bird pecking at the side of Clay Hart's bed side window. A cold wind from the slightly cracked open window brushes the door open inch by inch. The pitter patter of rain starts to fall down on the window now, producing a leak. Camera focuses on alarm clock while the 30 in the 2:30 pm symbol turns into 2:31. CLAY HART (Hands are gripping his sheet, while he waves his hands in the air.) Ohh Doc! Doc! I'm having the munchies again! Doctor! His rambling goes on for another five minutes until Doctor Ralph walks in with a cup of water in one hand and an airplane sized pretzels in the other. DOCTOR RALPH (Juggling the cup of water and pretzels in both hands while attempting to awaken him self from his midnight nap, he uses his left hand to rub his eyes.) This is the fourth time in the last siz hours you have called for me. I understand this isn't the most plesent place to be sleeping butCLAY HART (Rolling his eyes while scratching at his sheets he starts to yell.) Don't tell me what I am and ain't going through you son of a gun! I'm a grown man! Shocked and also nervous, Doctor Ralph throws down the pretzels near Clay's hands and sets the water on his bed side table. DOCTOR RALPH Please. There's no need to yell. We, at George Mury don't want people to be disturbed by all the comosition your stirring up.

2. CLAY HART The only reason why I'm yelling is because I'm not getting treated to my needs! That's what I came here for... Right! Doctor Ralph, now in total dismay, turns on the help symbol that is placed above Clay's head, out of reach for one who is sitting. DOCTOR RALPH (Holding down the button with his right hand, he looks down at Clay) Now. I am going to have you transported to a different section of the hospital. This place is a bit louder and more suitable for you. CLAY HART What? Will find a few more heroin addicts like myself there? I've been put in an akward situation living here. My family's left me and I'm charged for killing someone under the influence of drugs. But now there considering me ill and not charging me because I have "Affluenza". What are they calling me crazy or someDOCTOR RALPH Please. I do not need a life biography on your damn life. Almost as he say "damn life" Travis Wendley walks in with a smile that is supposedly to signify that he's so called "happy" to see Clay Hart. The man who nearly destroyed half the hospital, trying to find some sort of drug. TRAVIS WENDLEY Now you guys. I heard you two yelling all the way across the hospital where I was taking care of a patient with problems just like yourself, Clay Hart. Clay Hart, now with a frown that is nearly drooping down his face like a depressed clown would look after getting tomatoes thrown at him after a half ass performance of the old, "Grab the Rabbit Out of the Hat" performance.

3. CLAY HART (Still staring a Doctor Ralph, he clenches is fists in fury.) You said I have a damn life. But. I don't. Sure I struggle with drug addiction and suffer from bipolar disease but I make one hell of a show when it comes to impressing someone. TRAVIS WENDLEY Oh! You don't need to impress us. We're your best friends. CLAY HART No your not. Doctor Ralph is my care taker and you just sit around this hospital doing nothing but being yourself. Travis, now shocked to his core, unbelieving to what Clay said, goes on a rant. TRAVIS WENDLEY Oh! No! You did not just go there. I myself have worked my ass off for you. I've tried tried to keep you off the drugs and I have tried my hardest to keep you in shape and to get you through rehab so you can get back to the "ordinary" world. This isn't some bull establishment that just holds you captive until you've completed your first hour of rehab. And you know who made that possible! Me! Travis shakes his head off and stares into the dark abyss of Clay Harts puppils. Travis fists starts to shake and his head releases beads of sweat. DOCTOR RALPH I think it's better if you leave now, Travis. We'll transport Clay tomorrow morning. Both of them walk out and camera slowly zooms away to show the full snapshot of the hospital, with only Clay Hart's light on.

4. INT. GEORGE MURY HOSPITAL (MORNING) Camera is on Travis Hart's weary eyes and tired face. He rubs his left eye, then his right. He looks up at the ceiling and lay's up! CLAY HART Hey! Where am I? DOCTOR RALPH Your in the new section of the hospital now. Now you can make as much noise as you want without distrbing anyone else. Clay looks around, embrassing the his new surroundings. He looks to where his bed side table should be but nothing is there. CLAY HART Where's all my stuff. Where is it! DOCTOR RALPH Now, now. No need to get upset. All you stuff is in that cabnet over there. More space for more items. Clay looks over to where the cabnet sits. Its hinges that hold the swinging doors open are corroding with rust. CLAY HART But I like my old side table better. DOCTOR RALPH We'll get you that later today. We had to push your bed through the hospital when you were sleeping and we thought it was best if we just keep your side table in the old room for the next patient. But if you would like to swap the two out, be my guest. Doctor Ralph now stands up, pushes his hair farther back behind his ears and walks out. INT. GEORGE MURY CAFETERIA (MORNING) As Clay Hart sits at his table alone, he stares out into the open where one of his friend, Mark Apeals, walks over to him.

5. MARK APEALS Hey! Clay-y! How are you? I heard you last night. Everything okay? CLAY HART Yes, thank you. Just the same old crappy service if you know what I mean. Shaking his head, Mark sits down and opens his apple sauce. In doing so, he opens it with his sporks that does more than open it. Bits of the apple sauce flys on to the counter. MARK APEALS Oops. My bad. I didn't mean it. Truly! CLAY HART Yeah, I know. Hey! Give me the update on your side of the west wing. I moved from the north wing to the east wing because Doctor Ralph and Travis Wendley thought it would be best. MARK APEALS For sure! Consider your complaints and audible you sound ever now and then, I don't blame them. CLAY HART (Smiling, he rubs his soft peach fuzz that stands high on his chin.) Well your not much quieter than I. They both smile and give each other a soft punch and return back to eating. After another ten minutes of silence between them, Clay looks over to his right where he notices a blond headed woman, around the age of 22, same age as Clay, eats alone. CLAY HART (CONT'D) Hey, Mark. I'm gonna head over there to that pretty woman. MARK APEALS Alright, just don't screw your chances again. CLAY HART That woman was out of my league. But at least I tried. But, once I felt-

6. MARK APEALS Just please... We're best friends and you know what you did. Your lucky she only broke her arm. Ignoring Mark's remarks, he get up out of his seat, releasing a long, ear bleeding screetch. The blondy turns around, making direct eye contact with Clay. His cheeks get red and he all of the sudden feels heat tremble down his body. CLAY HART Hey! I mean... hey. LAUREL SMITH Heh. Hi. My names Laurel. Clay is now sitting down next to her, attempting not to squeek another chair. CLAY HART My names Clay. Nice to meet you. How long... if you don't mind me asking, have you been a patient here. I've been here for about three months. LAUREL SMITH Ha! No problem, I've been here for about a month but my doctor recommends me to stay in my own room when I eat. I have a bipolar disorder. CLAY HART Yeah. Well, I know we've only talked for about a minute but I'm here for heroin. I have a reaction to this damn devil that set me off on a crazy rampage. Never killed anyone butBefore he can finish, Doctor Ralph grabs his shoulder. DOCTOR RALPH Come here. We've talked about not discussing your problem with strangers. I'm sorry Ms. Smith. Disgusted, Laurel rolls her eyes and pulls out a pack of mints, trying to look totally disinterested in the doctor.

7. LAUREL SMITH No. He's fine. Not bothering me unlike you. DOCTOR RALPH Well. If you need me just give me a ring andLAUREL SMITH Okay. Bye. Doctor Ralph, turning towards Clay, looks at him in the eyes. DOCTOR RALPH If you damn near touch Ms. Smith you 6'8 lump ofLAUREL SMITH Please. Without another word, Doctor Ralph walks away, through the sliding doors and out to where the public garden is being tended by hospital gardener. LAUREL SMITH (CONT'D) Really rude if you ask me. Is he always like this to you? I mean he's never like that to me. CLAY HART Yeah. He hurts me but I guess I deserve it. I've hurt quite a few people myself if you ask me. LAUREL SMITH No one ever deserves that sort of treatment. No matter what you did. I know what ever you did wasn't intentional. CLAY HART And I would say your correct if it was the truth. Awhile ago. There's a long pause until Clay starts to talk again.

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