Script Project 1

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script project Written by lifelp96

Fade In: EXT. SUBURBAN HOUSE DAY A huge suburban neighborhood outlies the city. A noise comes from a giant red and white house as screams and shouts are heard. INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE 3 young children, 2 girls and 1 boy are sitiing down at the kitchen table. The young girl is an infant dressed in a bright pink onesie with a tail on the back resembling a flamingo, and the other a teenager. She has jet black hair and bright green eyes, she is very short for her age and looking maybe 12 years of age. She is wearing black jeans and a torn Ramones t-shirt, tapping away at her cell phone. There is also 1 boy, a 6 year old, brown-haired blue-eyed with a dark blue sweater and straight jeans, playing with a truck while running around the room. The mom sits across the table from them as they are all yelling excited as the dad comes into the kitchen sleepy eyed and droopy they start all yelling and screaming because of their mothers announcement that they are going to the amazon for the summer on a "mountain retreat" that she has planned for their week off elementary/middle school. The father hugs the mother, she hands him a cup of steaming black coffee and he proceeds to sit down at the table. MOTHER honey. i have decided we need to go somewhere new this break. I decided to take us to the rocky mountains for a nice family retreat. The father looked down in dissapoint ment at first, but then looked up and smiled with a obviously fake grin on his face. e FATHER Ok kids, since we will be at the amazon for a week we need to make plannings in advance to what we are going to do every day. YOUNG BOY Do we get to see deer and bears!! ROAR!! INFANT GIRL dada! dada! i want to see tha animals!!!

2. FATHER Alright calm down calm down dont worry kids, im sure we will see plenty of monkeys, I heard that the mountains are littered with cat aswell INFANT GIRL Yay dada! Kitty say meow! FATHER alright kids, im going to start packing my bags, honey please help them get ready aswell MOTHER Ok honey, I will be in about 20 minutes to come pack my things. The Father smiles and proceeds out of the kitchen and down a long cooridor. INT. BEDROOM The father walks into the bedroom, and instead of getting his things to pack he sits down on the bed and lets out a deep sigh. As he sitting on the bed flashes of his children falling a cliff fill his mind, then a bear mauling them to pieces infront of his eyes, he quickly gets up and walks to the closet. He reaches his hand into one of the coats hung up in the closet and pulls out a pack of Maroloboro Ciggaretes. He proceeds to close the closet door, slip the ciggaretes into his pocket and walks outside of the room. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET-DAY The father is seen smoking ciggaretes on the curb of the street, his face is dark and gloomy. As he throws his ciggarete down the mother emerges from the house with a frustated face MOTHER Honey, what else do we need to pack, i already got her stuff butwell well well,your back on the smoking thing again! inspite of the 100's of dollars we spent on things to help you quit smoking a. Jesus honey, i thought you were done with this.

3. FATHER I saw the kids, them, dieing, crushed by an anaconda snake right in front of my eyes. MOTHER omg, honey, dont be paranoid about this trip, i know you havent been feeling the greatest latley and i really appreciate your change but this is not the way to deal with your problems! FATHER alright, i guess your right, i am clean, it was a stupid things to do. The mother puts a finger to his lips and takes the pack of ciggaretes and the lighter and throws them in the gutter on the side of the rode. INT.FRONT OF HOUSE-DAY The mother, the father, are waitin are sitting outside leaning against the teal blue car. Inside the car is the infant strapped in the car and the 6 year old is sitting in the middle. The mothers arms are crossed in frustration as the teenage girl slowly pulls a trunk of stuff through the door. They drive away into the sunset and conversation is heard between the mother and the older daughter EXT.LARGE AIRPORT-DAY The family is rushing towards the gate and demand for their boarding passes and their bags to be taken away. MOTHER 5 To Colorodo Please, under Pinkman. STEWARTESS Alright, i see you all, have a safe flight.


The plane was only built for ten people, at the most. The turbulance was at an all time high. They were just as worried about their own lives as they were their luggage. The family is all sitting in 1 row, the kids are asleep, the father is reading a newspaper, the older daughter appears to be in the bathroom and the mother. The mother closes her eyes and falls asleep on her husbands shoulder. EXT. SMALL MOUNTAIN AIRPORT The fanily slowly emerges the plane with all of them with confused faces except for the mother with a huge grin on her bright pink face. The pilot pulled the bags out from the bottom of the plane and motioned us outside of the 1 room airport. When the family went outside the only person in sight is a plump man with rosy cheeks, he is wearing a striped blue polo, big khaki pants and tan beret. GUIDE Hey! I am your guide ronald! i hope you like the mountain retreat! MOTHER Come on kids lets get on the bus, and bring your bags. The children looked at ronald in disgust and proceeded to walk towards the ronald's double decker blue bus. INT. BUS-DAY The children were sorting through their luggage to make sure that everything was still intact after their plane ride. As they drove through the switchback cliffs of the Rocky Mountains they had to be mindful of falling out of their seats or bumping into one another frequently. And, the mother would not stop looking out the window (MORE)

5. MOTHER (CONT'D) and holding onto her teenage daughter sternly whenever they hit a turn. The teenage daughter felt this as uncomfortable and scooted away to sit with her younger brother. Even though deep down she knew she was only trying to protect her, but she had to keep a certain reputation when it came to parents. Because of her attitude, it made her mother very sad for losing a real relationship with her daughter who seemed disconnected to her and only connected to technology. The mothers eyes light up with fear when the mother sees the bus turn it take the wrong turn and break through the side railings leading them all to fall down the cliff. (CONT'D) The buss is completley destoryed in the wreckage and is lying between two spruce trees. A hand starts to pull out from under the wreckage and a body pulls out from under the overturned bus. It is the Mother, her whole family appears to be dead as she peers under the ruins. She clasped her hands over her mouth and begins to scream and cry. EXT. MOUNTAIN FORESTS The landscape is a never ending forest with the only thing peaking out are huge snow capped mountains towering above the clouds to show that she is lost. (CONT'D) (CONT'D)

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