Modeling Osmosis Lab

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MODELING OSMOSIS (LAB) PROBLEM: Which way will water flow when a raw egg is placed in 250ml of vinegar?

HYPOTHESIS: If a raw egg is placed in vinegar (water) and left for four days, then the water molecules will flow into the egg from an area of high concentration through the membrane into an area of low concentration causing the egg to expand. THEORY: Osmosis is the diffusion of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. I think the water will flow into the egg because when vinegar and an egg-shell come in contact they create a chemical reaction and the egg-shell dissolves. There is 95% of water in the vinegar outside of the egg, whereas inside the egg there is only 75% of water. This means the water molecules will transfer through the membrane into the egg as the vinegar outside has a higher concentration level. PROCEDURE: 1. Measure circumference of a raw egg using string and a ruler in cm. 2. Place egg in beaker and fill with 250 mL of vinegar. 3. Record observations. 4. Measure circumference for 4 days and record observations. DATA/OBSERVATIONS: DAYS 1 CIRCUMFERENCE (cm) 14 LIQUID LEVEL (ml) 300P OBSERVATIONS 50ml displaced Bubbles collecting on the shell/ surface of the egg. Yellow tone to it Squishy Foam surrounding it Partly transparent (see yolk moving around)



275(Before taken out) 250(after taken out) 260(before taken out) 200(after taken out



18 CIRCUMFERENCE cm 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 2 DAYS MEASURED 3 14 16.5 17.1



AVERAGE EXPANSION IN cm 3.2 3.1 3 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 GROUP 2 PERIOD 4 7TH GRADE 2.7 3.1 3


CONCLUSION: In this lab, we studied the affects of Osmosis. To test this, we left an egg in vinegar for four days. The high concentration of vinegar traveled through the permeable membrane into the egg of low concentration. Our egg then absorbed the water molecules and

expanded 3.1cm. My groups egg expanded 0.1cm more than the class average, and 0.4cm more than the average of the seventh grade. I hypothesized that the water molecules will transfer through the vinegar into the egg. My hypothesis was 100% correct. ANALYSIS: 1. What caused the eggshell to dissolve? The raw egg shell dissolved by the second day it was in vinegar. The shell dissolved because of the acid inside the vinegar, and then this also created a chemical reaction.

2. Period 7 Group 3s egg expanded by 4.5 cm after 4 days, compared to Group 7, which expanded 1.1 cm. Compare the results of these two groups. What was the difference in expansion? What was the rate (distance/time) of expansion in 4 days? Explain the discrepancy in data. Why did these groups get different results? Group 3s egg expanded 3.4cm more than group 7 after four days. On average group 3s egg expanded 1.125cm per day, whereas group 7s egg expanded 0.275cm per day. A possible reason why they were so different in expansion is because of how big they were before placed in the vinegar. One egg could have more water molecules inside than the other. 3. Why do cells need water? Cells need water to control their temperature level, to help the cell stay in the same shape and size, and to recycle bad and good parts of the cell.

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