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Abril Alvarez Professor Filbeck English 114B 2/22/2014 Dystopia (The fall of new leaders) Martin Luther king assassin for having a dream, Bunchy Carder killed for wanting to work together as equal, Rosa Parks incarcerated for wanting to stand up for her rights, Albert Einstein kicked out of school for asking the right questions society, oppressing each other in order to maintain what we call progress. But can the progress that is spoken of today be the progress humanity is really desirable for? History made throughout years, oppressing leaders that couldve done more for the community, people that couldve helped everyone move forward as a whole through life without the necessity of having rivers run down made up of tears and pain of all those who we categorized as less we decided are the other half of the better. Changing humanitys comfortable knowledge has always been a problem throughout history and because of this riots and rebels are born, all hell is lose over earth and heaven, leaders fight against entire societies at times to break labels and profit justice. This is something that continues to occur today. This situation is perfectly demonstrated by Violet, abandoned to die a slow death for believing resistance was humanitys salvation a character in the world of the Feed written by M.T. Anderson a novel in which humanity has exceeded all kinds of technology so much that robots are made of humans, walking computers and digital minds. In this book society rejects the idea of thinking like humans, and when Violet displays a new version of life, of the feed, people that surround her start making her the outcast and her attempt of creating an option for humanity shatters a long with her life. Today we do the same, society oppresses new leaders that offer a


challenge to the system that runs how society works and oppress these leaders that can offer a new chance in the development that humanity needs in order to escalate as a whole.

People cant work without their tech

People are helpless without the feed yet being aware that corporations are in control of everything that goes on their heads, of course, everyone is like, da da da, evil corporations, oh theyre so bad, we all say that, and we all know they control everything. I mean, its not great, because who knows what evil shit theyre up to. Everyone feels bad about that. But theyre the only way to get all this stuff, and its no good getting pissy about it. Because theyre still going to control everything whether you like it or not (Anderson 48) this society is fixated in redemption and apathetic it knows they are being control yet they forfit everything to something that s unnecessary just for the consumption. and theres an exception who thinks that the feed can be controlled to use as minimum as possible she knows how it feels to be in the other side, she knows how to function without the feed, she can see the distruction that corporations have provided for society and she can see how they work with the promise of consumption rather with the progress of humanity. She knows that society is at its peak in which their existence is at risk and that in order to change it they must be able to resist the feed. Todays society, like in the Feeds, is becoming completely dependent on technology and what it has to offer. Kids now use Google for everything books are never opened, encyclopedias have been forgotten. Today we focus on how we


can have more and more instead of looking for options. Technology brings benefits to the table but along with those they bring a list of things that have been replaced by it and negative impacts on humanity. Emily Manke a writer of the and the outreach coordinator stated eye contact, phone skills, conversations, special awareness and attention span are five social skills that technology is impacting by this technology can be a dreadful issue. According to Manke, society needs to unplug from technology, and plug into the present world around them if they ever hope to find success in the workplace. In which these are problems that in the world of the feed is completely noticeable. Their society is far more advanced and highly equipped in a single chip that controls the human brain equalizing them with robots, depending so much on it that it is considered another organ of the body. Spoiled by what was meant to be good: People were really excited when they first came out with feeds. It was all da da da, this big educational thing, da da da, your child will have the advantage, encyclopedias at their fingertips, closer than their fingertips, etc . . . Its more now, Its not so much about the educational stuff but more regarding the fact that everything that goes on, goes on the feed. (Titus Pg. 48) We see this on a daily basis in which technology is built to help its users. smart phones help you Google things faster, the kindle helps you read in just a click, the GPS is designed to help you get to places faster, little by little we start developing on these gadgets so much that our basic knowledge starts to minimize into keyboards and screens. Runned by technology we can clearly see how by trying to


progress, Violets society failed in keeping humanity, they gave them too much good making the near thought of learning a new basic principle a virus towards the knowledge that they already contain. o People cant function without their digitals knowing that the gov. can control these things. Knowing that the government controls and even their being records of them violating the privacy of media users society continues to use these technologies when there are other methods in which they can get the same type of necessary access. In a way we are giving uo our freedom in exchange of the latest phone or Ipods. This is a very bad thing because we are so helpless we need to know whats going on with our friends, who has what and who dosent for the fear of missing out on something that goes on.

Scared of being without tech

People dont want to miss out on whats happening and people try so hard to be part of society that they do exactly what society wants them to do. In the book society works with the feed, they like what the feed wants them to like by manipulating their emotions driving them to be a more similar and easier person to read. Being obsessed with the latest activities the feed can easily and they are obsessed with what they have access. People go with what people want instead of what it should have been.


o Today we do this by degrading people who dont have what we have. We dont allow ourselves to think and work like other people do who dont have the access and the privilege of what we have. Then we deny this people the right to be and have fun just like us, who knows maybe throughout time weve oppressed people who couldve given us the cure for cancer or the solution for global warming. After all will comes from every individual it cannot be learned from any book or article.

Society destroying hope How does society come together to shatter those who know and want better.
Violet has the advantage by having a will of her own, knowing that people can function without technology just fine. She starts understanding hoe the feed works like unbridling a riddle violet learns how the feed works and what the principals are for corporations that work with it. She starts becoming a threat to corporations who know what they have to lose after all; all it takes is a single person to stand so other people start to stand along their side. In our world society is controlled by a greater power which in our case is the gov. this can work for the good or for the worse unfortunately its turned for the worse plenty times throughout history. People have been killed and tortured because they dare to challenge the system with another option; society has been the ones who deliver the message of power by doing all the killings and neglections. People are scared of believing there is another way that they continue to oppress those who have tried to do better for society. perhaps leaders have had to go


through a lot to accomplish their believes but today many have exceeded their accomplishments giving us a better pillar in which we stand today. society knows what they can lose so they kill the hope

what couldve been

Violet shows us an intellectual response towards the feed, that in order to resist it you must understand it but actually understand it, she showed us that the feed works in strategy and how it maintained its flow, she resisted it by working exactly the same way that the feed works she became the point in a million perhaps she happened to be a bigger threat to corporations than what met the eye. Out of her a whole society couldve been born. People couldve been humans once again but her strength wasnt enough against it all perhaps society was long from gone, they lost a leader who attempted to make paradise in a fallen building When she started to become ill she was frozen, frozen in her own body with only her screams of help stuck in her head. A jail within, she lost the fight while the world kept going.

people like these have made a difference

o People like Albert Einstein who opened a word of endless numbers was oppressed by schools who thought he didnt have enough to be in it, Joan of Arc broke societies tradition they had over woman, cesar Chavez helped farm workers have equality, Jackie Robinson won segregation for African American in the media, Roberta Menchu fought for human rights


in third world countries, people like these people created difference to humanity and people like these were strong enough to fight against everyone who stood against them In the book violet defies the Feed by creating a challenge; she understands that the Feed works in a very basic connecting way by categorizing people and working towards lessoning the verity of people for beneficial purposes. Violet decides she will not be part of a world that is helpless without the feed, that cannot function without being controlled by corporations Im not going to let them catalog me. Im going to become invisible.(pg 98) She is an outcast, because she is different from society she displays a completely different picture than what people are normally used to. The way in which Violet thinks is in a whole other level she can displays a sense of understandment for the feed that others cannot Like them never telling you that its a republic and not a democracy. Its something that makes me angry, what people dont know about these days. Because of the feed, were raising a nation of idiots. Ignorant, self-centered idiots(pg 113) violet has clearly been in the "other side enough to know that it is possible to survive and know more without the feed, like it is easier to be a walking digit. She understands the loss in humanity that the corporations have ruined in humanity. The way in which violet think is much like the way Albert Einstein was and presented himself. He believed that the system in which schools taught were in a complete unbalanced branch in where they showed you what they wanted you to know rather what you should know. A leader who gave society more than anyone has ever done a genius marked as a rotten apple I wanted to learn what I wanted to know, but they wanted me to learn for the exam. . . I felt that my thirst for knowledge was being strangled by my teachers; grades were their only measurement. How can a teacher understand youth in such a system?... Einstein believed that


the system was incorrect; it left brains desirable of knowledge to feel the actual sense of understanding and learning what life actually needed. I fear of the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots. Is it true? Are the world improvements leading us to our mere dooms? In the world of Violet humanity is soon to be extinct, brains are dead nature is a myth can it be possible that Violet couldve been the new leader who helped humanity from being extinct therefore becoming an issue to corporations who received data from her feed. What people are normally used too is their own sacred personal space which makes it hard to learn new ways and continue moving forward. Precisely because of that many people make the discovery of new intelligence harder to detect: Oh, sorry. I thought it was good to use stupid, long words that no one can understand. Calista laughed and looked backwards, going, Shhh. Shell hear you and have an alphoduffinFletcher(Calista and Loga pg 164) Violet is rejected like a virus by the people who surrounded her and even held as an idiot for her intelligence, Corporations reject pleads from a young girl who is in the bloom of her life, were sorry. . . we dont feel that you would be a reliable investment at this time. . . SorryIm afraid youll just have to work with the feed the way it is.(PG 247 FeedTech) they decide it is best to let her die. The way in which she dies can be a symbol in were the Feed announces his victory towards her resistance. What better way to win than by letting your enemy die within a cell that is being controlled by the same thing you try to reject yet cannot live without. Violet lives in her dead body listening and seeing what her feed wants her to yet not allowed to die without first making her a witness of how the world goes on without her and continues to rely on


the Feed. Perhaps the fear of the Feed knowing that Violet couldve been the beginning of something new, the beginning of actual life, made Violet be a threat that was not worth keeping alive. Too much was being lost if people realized that the Feed could be lived without. We see things like this happen all the time when our leaders are assassin for wanting to be equal, for wanting power for the people, for wanting to have normal lives and treated like normal human beings. Leaders that have spoken out and in return shown by greater powers that no matter how much they preach or scream or resist there will always be a much bigger hand that has the control of snatching them at any time they desire. Unfortunately for Violets world no difference was made with her death, she died in vain with the salvation of no one Violet was the new uprising she was the new tomorrow she was the new leader just like the ones who have made a difference in history in the real world. Society oppresses leaders by rejecting new ideas of living as a whole. We deny our addictions and our flaws by replacing them with more and more of the same problems, the progression we state we have is the very bate to our extinction.

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