False Friends

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Spanish False Friends

actual actualmente arena argumento asistir atender avisar bala barro bizarro boda campo carpeta carta casual colegio collar complexin compromiso conductor conservatorio constipacin constiparse contestar corneta corresponder crapuloso crudo decepcin decepcionar delito desgracia despertar destituido discusin disgusto divertir duelo educado embarazada emocionante en absoluto espada xito fbrica current currently sand plot to attend, be present to serve, take care of to warn bullet mud brave wedding countryside, field folder letter accidental school necklace physiological build promise, obligation driver music academy cold to catch a cold to answer bugle to match drunken raw disappointment to disappoint crime mistake, misfortune to wake up removed from office argument displeasure to have a good time grief polite pregnant thrilling, exciting not at all,absolutely not sword success factory facilidad firmar ftil ganga hurtar ignorar ilusin informal largo lectura librera mayor minorista molestar nudo once parada parcela pariente particular preservativo presumir pretender probar quieto rape ratn real realizar recorder remover restar resumir revolver ropa sano sensible simpata simptico sopa suburbio suceso tabla taller tpico vicioso ease to sign trivial, insignificant bargain to steal to not know optimism, excitement irresponsible long reading bookshop bigger, older retail, retailer to bother, to annoy knot eleven stop plot of land relative, relation private condom to show off to try to try still, motionless monkfish mouse royal to make real to remember, remind to stir to subtract to summarise to turn over clothing healthy sensitive affection, kindness nice, friendly soup slum event plank workshop clich depraved

http://spanish.about.com/cs/vocabulary/a/obviouswrong_4.htm http://www.miguelmllop.com/glos/index.php

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