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November 19th, 2013

To Whom It May Concern, In my capacity as pastor of the Canadian Reformed Ch rch!s "rince #eor$e Mission in "rince #eor$e, %&C&, I have 'no(n )ee*+nn Mo(bray for appro,imate-y fo r years& . rin$ that time I have $otten to 'no( )ee*+nn (e--, thro $h her re$ -ar participation in ch rch f nctions and $atherin$s, thro $h her service as secretary of the +(ana C- b /a (ee'-y chi-dren!s %ib-e st dy and activity $ro p0, as (e-- as thro $h re$ -ar personacontact& I have come to 'no( )ee*+nn as a personab-e, carin$ individ a-& 1he has a $reat sense of h mo r, she is friend-y and easy to $et a-on$ (ith, she comm nicates (e--, and she e,hibits an e,emp-ary (or' ethic and has a drive to s cceed& )ee*+nn has sho(n $reat persona- stren$th and persistence in facin$ cha--en$es and overcomin$ obstac-es in her -ife, and brin$s (ith her a (i--in$ness to -earn and a drive to s cceed& I have no hesitation in providin$ a persona- reference for )ee*+nn& I be-ieve she (o -d be an asset to any or$ani2ation, and that she (o -d brin$ a positive impact to the (or'p-ace, both in terms of the effort she (i-- e,pend in $ettin$ the 3ob done, as (e-- as in he-pin$ to b i-d a so-id team& If yo have any f rther 4 estions abo t this -etter of reference, fee- free to contact me& My phone n mber is /2500 562*9572, and my emai- address is pastor3im8p$ch rch&ca& 1incere-y,

"astor 9im Witteveen "rince #eor$e, %&C&

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