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Hirschi IB Magnet IBMYP unit planner

Unit title
Teacher(s) Subject and grade level Time frame and duration

Le Petit Prince de Saint Exupery

faust French 3IB or 4IB One full semester (other lessons in between)

Stage 1: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question

Area of interaction focus
!hich area of interaction will be our focus" !h# have we chosen this"

Significant concept(s)
!hat are the big ideas" !hat do we want our students to retain for #ears into the future"

Human Ingenuity

$ow do %eo%le get ac&uainted with a language of another culture b# learning their structure'$ow do %eo%le learn from the %assage of time and literature

!P unit question
$ow do %eo%le communicate and learn about cultural differences from other countries through the reading of classic literature (also a re&uirement for $( students in IB)

!hat tas)(s) will allow students the o%%ortunit# to res%ond to the unit &uestion" !hat will constitute acce%table evidence of understanding" $ow will students show what the# have understood"

Basicall# the following learning activities ha%%en during the reading and translating of the French novel* each da# students (and I )ee% trac) of who has read that da# so that I can give them a grade for reading and translating) read a %aragra%h and translate it using the vocabular# list I gave them %rior to the cha%ter reading The other students are allowed to hel% if the student seem to be struggling The students learn vocabular#+ e,%ressions+ idioms+ sentence s#nta,+ %ronunciation and grammar One of the most useful e,ercises in language ac&uisition These readings also generate discussions+ sometimes in French sometimes in -nglish about the themes of the boo) This e,ercise hel%s the students with %a%er .+ %a%er /+ and the internal assessments The discussions hel% with the %re%aration of the oral+ but for the s%ea)ing a%%roach of the language
!hich s%ecific 012 objectives will be addressed during this unit"

3ommunicate information+ ideas+ and o%inions

4emonstrate com%rehension of s%ecific factual information and attitudes e,%ressed in s%o)en and written conte,ts Identif# main ideas and su%%orting details and draw conclusions from s%o)en and written tests 5nderstand and a%%ro%riatel# use structures and vocabular# 6e&uest and %rovide information in both s%o)en and written conte,ts -ngage activel# in an oral %roduction using com%rehensible %ronunciation and intonation Ta)e %art in formal and informal communications

!hich 012 assessment criteria will be used"

Oral communication 3riterion 7* s%ea)ing and listening8message and interaction 3riterion B* s%ea)ing8language !riting 3riterion 3* writing8message and organi9ation 3riterion 4* !riting8language 6eading com%rehension 3riterion -* 6eading com%rehension

Stage #: $ac%&ard planning: fro" t'e assess"ent to t'e learning acti(ities t'roug' inquiry
!hat )nowledge and'or s)ills (from the course overview) are going to be used to enable the student to res%ond to the unit &uestion" !hat (if an#) state+ %rovincial+ district+ or local standards's)ills are to be addressed" $ow can the# be un%ac)ed to develo% the significant conce%t(s) for stage ."

The students will take notes on the multiple words of French colours, and learn about adjectives and their placement in the French structure. They will eventually create a project that will use the colours as adjectives when they also learn about clothing. TE !" #$, %, &, '$, %, ($, %, )$, %, &, *$, %

Approac'es to learning
$ow will this unit contribute to the overall develo%ment of subject8s%ecific and general a%%roaches to learning s)ills"

Organi9ation* students will ta)e notes and use a com%osition boo) and a folder The com%osition boo) will contain all notes ta)en in class as well as e,ercises+ dialogues+ %aragra%hs+ letters+ journal entries+ and

general %ractices of the language The folder will be used for all handouts given in class+ as well as graded wor) The folder cannot leave the classroom Students are encouraged to use the teacher:s website to get more %ractice+ new version of lessons+ and e,ercises and games to learn better The students can also use the website to see all lesson %lans for each da# of the wee)+ and find out when a test is coming u% 3ollaboration* students will do %air wor) and multi%le %artner %ractices 3ommunication* students will identif# the language com%onents+ will %ractice reading strategies (such as identif# cognates) and %erform dramatic %resentations (s)its+ dialogues+ short %la#s) 6eflection* students be videota%ed on occasion and will be able to see themselves s%ea) the targeted language+ and be able to reflect on their %erformances Thin)ing* students will brainstorm+ com%are and contrast+ %lan and a%%l# for creative writing %ieces ;ew this #ear (/<.4) to hel% students stud# from home+ but also to hel% the %rocess of s%ecial education students to get notes ver# &uic)l# and more easil#* i ta)e %ictures of the class notes for each da# and u% load them onto m# website I have received ver# %ositive res%onses from students I have now se%arated the %ictures b# class level !e also have a Faceboo) grou% where students can %ost interesting French cultural articles+ or %ictures The# can also %ost hel% for stud#ing+ such as =ui9let sets (which gives them e,tra credit) =ui9let has become a ver# useful tool for students to stud# and review Students who create the lesson review receive e,tra credit

Learning experiences
$ow will students )now what is e,%ected of them" !ill the# see e,am%les+ rubrics+ tem%lates" $ow will students ac&uire the )nowledge and %ractise the s)ills re&uired" $ow will the# %ractise a%%l#ing these" 4o the students have enough %rior )nowledge" $ow will we )now"

*eac'ing strategies
$ow will we use formative assessment to give students feedbac) during the unit" !hat different teaching methodologies will we em%lo#" $ow are we differentiating teaching and learning for all" $ow have we made %rovision for those learning in a language other than their mother tongue" $ow have we considered those with s%ecial educational needs"

Students will read and com%rehend different literature %ieces+ also re&uired for $( students Students will brainstorm+ com%are and contrast cultural differences Students will %ractice a variet# of listening+ s%ea)ing+ reading and writing activities according to models %rovided b# the teacher and her website Students will write and memori9e s)its+ dialogues+ and short %la#s+ then give a dramatic %erformance to be video ta%ed b# the teacher or %eers+ and finall# give %ositive criticism of ta%ed version

Teacher will %rovide on8going feedbac) (verbal and written comments and minor grades) Teacher will give a note based unit e,am Teacher will model and %rovide o%%ortunities to %ractice the language in the four different s)ills Teacher will %rovide visuals Teacher will follow modifications as re&uired

!hat resources are available to us" $ow will our classroom environment+ local environment and'or the communit# be used to facilitate students: e,%eriences during the unit"

Te,tboo)s available in the classroom* 3:est a toi> French is fun 4iscovering French

Teachers website with multi%le lin)s for different lessons+ as well as all lesson %lans from class in ?!ord@ 34:s+ 4A4:s+ Aideo ta%es+ trans%arencies+ %rojection of notes and lin)s French8-nglish dictionaries (hard boo)s and lin) on teacher:s website) French verb boo)s S#non#m French boo)s IB conference material boo)s and files The Internet -as# French readers boo)s French classics (Bules Aernes novels+ Saint -,u%er#+ Aictor $ugo+ 7le,andre 4umas) =ui9let !eebl# com

,ngoing reflections and e(aluation

In %eeping an ongoing record, consider t'e follo&ing questions- *'ere are furt'er sti"ulus questions at t'e end of t'e .Planning for teac'ing and learning/ section of MYP: From principles into practiceStudents and teac'ers
!hat did we find com%elling" !ere our disci%linar# )nowledge's)ills challenged in an# wa#" !hat in&uiries arose during the learning" !hat+ if an#+ e,tension activities arose" $ow did we reflectCboth on the unit and on our own learning" !hich attributes of the learner %rofile were encouraged through this unit" !hat o%%ortunities were there for student8initiated action"

Possi0le connections
$ow successful was the collaboration with other teachers within m# subject grou% and from other subject grou%s" !hat interdisci%linar# understandings were or could be forged through collaboration with other subjects"

!ere students able to demonstrate their learning" $ow did the assessment tas)s allow students to demonstrate the learning objectives identified for this unit" $ow did I ma)e sure students were invited to achieve at all levels of the criteria descri%tors" 7re we %re%ared for the ne,t stage"

1ata collection
$ow did we decide on the data to collect" !as it useful"

The sim%le e,ercise of having students read and translate a classic %iece of literature on a regular basis is a ver# com%lete and useful assessment It can generate a lot of sim%le grades* the reading %art+ the translating %art+ the ta)ing notes on vocab %art+ the %ossibilit# of giving short &ui99es or even more advanced tests (e,am%le I do is a dictee of the vocabular#* I read and the# write+ then the# translate ) This e,ercise can also hel% them in %utting thoughts into their writing in a foreign language Often we have to remind the students that there needs to be content with the writing B# reading and discussing classic literature the students are forced to thin) at a higher level than the language itself

Figure #' MYP unit planner

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