SAP FiCo Configure Guide

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Configuration of FICO Modules

Confidential Page 1
SAF: SAF: SAF: SAF: S SS Sysrems and ysrems and ysrems and ysrems and A AA Applicarion pplicarion pplicarion pplicarion F FF Froducrs in Dara Frocessing roducrs in Dara Frocessing roducrs in Dara Frocessing roducrs in Dara Frocessing

Whar is SAF R/3 Whar is SAF R/3 Whar is SAF R/3 Whar is SAF R/3

A series of highly inregrared core Lusiness applicarion modules for Lusiness processing
A ser of modules rhar implemenr mulrinarional Lesr Lusiness pracrices
Clienr/server sofrvare rhar processes Lusiness rransacrions
R/3 srands for Real Time Three Tier Archirecrure

The Hisrory The Hisrory The Hisrory The Hisrory

SAF is founded in 1972 Ly Wellenreurher, Hopp, Hecror, and Flarrner & Tchira. The firsr module
for Finance (FI) vas developed for Narurin (an IBM cusromer). The firsr cusromer for SAF vas
Imperial Chemical Indusrries (ICI). R2 Mainframe Lased package virh more rhan 2000 sires. R3
Clienr/Server 3-Tier Archirecrure Lased inrroduced in 1992. More rhan 44,500 insrallarions for
R3 across 50 counrries

Characre Characre Characre Characrerisrics of SAF risrics of SAF risrics of SAF risrics of SAF

Incorporares 30 years of experience virh inrernarional orienrarion
Rich in funcrionaliry and highly configuraLle
righr inregrarion across modules
Minimum dara redundancy, maximum dara consisrency
Advanced planning and oprimizarion

SAF Mod SAF Mod SAF Mod SAF Modules ules ules ules - -- - Ar a Glance Ar a Glance Ar a Glance Ar a Glance

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 2

FI FI FI FI : : : : - -- - Finance Finance Finance Finance
CO CO CO CO : : : : - -- - Conrrolling Conrrolling Conrrolling Conrrolling

Finance Finance Finance Finance Conrrolling Conrrolling Conrrolling Conrrolling
01 01 01 01 Basic Serrings Basic Serrings Basic Serrings Basic Serrings 01 01 01 01 Basic Serrings for Conrrolling Basic Serrings for Conrrolling Basic Serrings for Conrrolling Basic Serrings for Conrrolling
02 02 02 02 General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger 02 02 02 02 Cosr Elemenr Accounring Cosr Elemenr Accounring Cosr Elemenr Accounring Cosr Elemenr Accounring
03 03 03 03 Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle 03 03 03 03 Cosr Cenrre Accounring Cosr Cenrre Accounring Cosr Cenrre Accounring Cosr Cenrre Accounring
04 04 04 04 Accounrs ReceivaLles Accounrs ReceivaLles Accounrs ReceivaLles Accounrs ReceivaLles 04 04 04 04 Inrernal order Inrernal order Inrernal order Inrernal order
05 05 05 05 Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring 05 05 05 05 Frofir Cenrre Accounring Frofir Cenrre Accounring Frofir Cenrre Accounring Frofir Cenrre Accounring
06 06 06 06 Closing producers Closing producers Closing producers Closing producers 06 06 06 06 FrofiraLiliry Analysis FrofiraLiliry Analysis FrofiraLiliry Analysis FrofiraLiliry Analysis

Basic Serrings Basic Serrings Basic Serrings Basic Serrings
Define Company
Define Company Code
Assign Company Code ro Company
Define Business Area
Define Funcrional Area

Finance Finance Finance Finance Modules Modules Modules Modules

This module is designed for auromared managemenr and exrernal reporring of general ledger, This module is designed for auromared managemenr and exrernal reporring of general ledger, This module is designed for auromared managemenr and exrernal reporring of general ledger, This module is designed for auromared managemenr and exrernal reporring of general ledger,
accounrs receivaLle, accounrs payaLle, and orher suL accounrs receivaLle, accounrs payaLle, and orher suL accounrs receivaLle, accounrs payaLle, and orher suL accounrs receivaLle, accounrs payaLle, and orher suL- -- -ledger accounrs. ledger accounrs. ledger accounrs. ledger accounrs.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 3

Organizarion Srrucrure Organizarion Srrucrure Organizarion Srrucrure Organizarion Srrucrure

Group Company (in
SAP it is called as

Company Code

Company Code

Company Code
Business Area Business Area Business Area
Functional Area
Functional Area
Functional Area
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 4
Basic Serrings Basic Serrings Basic Serrings Basic Serrings

Crearion of Company Crearion of Company Crearion of Company Crearion of Company
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Enrerprise Srrucrure Enrerprise Srrucrure Enrerprise Srrucrure Enrerprise Srrucrure Definirion Definirion Definirion Definirion Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Define Company Define Company Define Company Define Company
Selecr rhe Nev Enrries
Give rhe Company IBS
Name: Indian Business Solurions limired
Company: Smallesr organizarional unir for vhich individual financial sraremenrs can Le dravn up
according ro rhe relevanr commercial lav. A company can consisr of one or more company codes. All
company codes virhin a company musr use rhe same rransacrion charr of accounrs and rhe same fiscal
year Lreakdovn. The company code currencies, on rhe orher hand, can Le differenr. A company code
has one local currency in vhich irs rransacrion figures are recorded.
Crearion of Company Code Crearion of Company Code Crearion of Company Code Crearion of Company Code
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Enrerprise Srrucrure Enrerprise Srrucrure Enrerprise Srrucrure Enrerprise Srrucrure Definiri Definiri Definiri Definirion on on on Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Define, Copy, Delere, Check Define, Copy, Delere, Check Define, Copy, Delere, Check Define, Copy, Delere, Check
Company Code Company Code Company Code Company Code

Give rhe Company Code: IBS
Descriprion: India Lusiness Solurions
Give rhe Address, Currency, Counrry and Save
Company Code: The smallesr organizarional unir for vhich a complere self-conrained ser of accounrs
can Le dravn up for rhe purposes of exrernal reporring. The process of exrernal reporring involves
recording all relevanr rransacrions and generaring all supporring documenrs required for financial
sraremenrs (Lalance sheers, profir and loss sraremenrs and so on.)
Assignmenr of Company Code ro Company Assignmenr of Company Code ro Company Assignmenr of Company Code ro Company Assignmenr of Company Code ro Company

SFRO Enrerprise Srrucrure Assignmenr Financial Accounring Assign Company Code ro

Selecr Fosirion Lurron
Give your Company Code IBS IBS IBS IBS and assign ro Company

C CC Crearion of Business Area rearion of Business Area rearion of Business Area rearion of Business Area
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 5
SFRO Enrerprise Srrucrure Definirion Financial Accounring Define Business Area
Selecr nev Enrries
Give rhe Lusiness Area: HYD
Descriprion: Business Area for HYD
Save Save Save Save
Business Area: Business Area: Business Area: Business Area: Organizarional unir of financial accounring rhar represenrs a separare area of
operarions or responsiLiliries virhin an organizarion and ro vhich value changes recorded in
Financial Accounring can Le allocared. Business areas are used in exrernal segmenr reporring (over
and aLove company codes) Lased on rhe significanr areas of operarion (for example, producr lines) of a
Lusiness enrerprise. A segmenr is an isolared area of acriviry.
All essenrial Lalance sheer irems, such as fixed assers, receivaLles, payaLles, and invenrories, and all
irems of rhe profir and loss sraremenr can Le assigned direcrly ro a Lusiness area. The Lalance sheer
irems for Lanks, capiral, and raxes, hovever, cannor Le direcrly assigned ro Lusiness areas. They need
ro Le assigned manually. This means rhar Lusiness area financial sraremenrs cannor Le dravn up for
commercial and rax lav. Business area Lalance sheers and income sraremenrs are used only for
inrernal reporring purposes.
The sysrem derermines rhe appropriare Lusiness area from informarion such as rhe marerial, planr, or
cosr cenrer ve enrer in a Lusiness rransacrion like a goods movemenr. Assignmenrs ve make
(Lerveen cosr cenrers and Lusiness areas for example) or rhe comLinarion of informarion ve specify
(a planr and a parricular division for example) are rhe Lasis on vhich rhe sysrem derermines rhe
appropriare Lusiness area.
Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (OB29) Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (OB29) Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (OB29) Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (OB29)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (Mainrain Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (Mainrain Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (Mainrain Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (Mainrain
Shorrened Fiscal Year) Shorrened Fiscal Year) Shorrened Fiscal Year) Shorrened Fiscal Year)

Selecr rhe Nev Enrries
Give fiscal year Varianr IB and Selecr rhe Calendar year Check Box
Normal periods are 12 and Special periods 4
Save Save Save Save

Assign Company Code ro Fiscal Year Varianr (OB37) Assign Company Code ro Fiscal Year Varianr (OB37) Assign Company Code ro Fiscal Year Varianr (OB37) Assign Company Code ro Fiscal Year Varianr (OB37)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Assign Company Code ro a Fiscal Year Assign Company Code ro a Fiscal Year Assign Company Code ro a Fiscal Year Assign Company Code ro a Fiscal Year
Varianr Varianr Varianr Varianr

Selecr rhe Fosirion Lurron
Give rhe fiscal year varianr assigns and Save Save Save Save
Char of Accounrs Char of Accounrs Char of Accounrs Char of Accounrs

Chart of Accounts
Group Chart of Accounts
-Group level reporting purposes
Operational Chart of Accounts
for day to day operations of the
Country Specific Chart of
Accounts According to the
Country Specific Law
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 6

Define Charr of Accounrs Define Charr of Accounrs Define Charr of Accounrs Define Charr of Accounrs
Farh: Farh: Farh: Farh: - -- - SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs Masrer Masrer Masrer Masrer
Records Records Records Records Frepararions Frepararions Frepararions Frepararions Edir Charr of Accounrs Lisr Edir Charr of Accounrs Lisr Edir Charr of Accounrs Lisr Edir Charr of Accounrs Lisr

Selecr rhe Nev enrries
Give rhe Char of accounrs : IBS IBS IBS IBS
Descriprion: Charr of Accounrs for: IBS IBS IBS IBS
Lengrh of GL Accounr NumLer: 06 06 06 06
Conrrolling inregrarion : Manual crearion of Cosr Elemenrs Manual crearion of Cosr Elemenrs Manual crearion of Cosr Elemenrs Manual crearion of Cosr Elemenrs

Save Save Save Save

The charr of accounrs is a varianr vhich conrains rhe srrucrure and rhe Lasic informarion aLour
general ledger accounrs.

Informarion ro Le given in Charr of Accounrs: Mainrenance Language, Lengrh of GL Accounr
NumLer, Manual or auromaric crearion of cosr elemenrs, Group charr of accounrs erc.

Charrs of accounrs can have rhree differenr funcrions in rhe sysrem:
Operaring charr of accounrs Operaring charr of accounrs Operaring charr of accounrs Operaring charr of accounrs
The operaring charr of accounrs conrains rhe G/L accounrs rhar you use for posring in your
company code during daily acriviries. Financial Accounring and Conrrolling Lorh use rhis
charr of accounrs.
You have ro assign an operaring charr of accounrs ro a company code.
Group charr of accounrs Group charr of accounrs Group charr of accounrs Group charr of accounrs
The group charr of accounrs conrains rhe G/L accounrs rhar are used Ly rhe enrire corporare
group. This allovs rhe company ro provide reporrs for rhe enrire corporare group.
The assigning of a corporare group charr of accounrs ro a company code is oprional.
Counrry Counrry Counrry Counrry- -- -specific charr of accounrs specific charr of accounrs specific charr of accounrs specific charr of accounrs
The counrry-specific charr of accounrs conrains rhe G/L accounrs needed ro meer rhe
counrry's legal requiremenrs. This allovs you ro provide sraremenrs for rhe counrry's legal
The assigning of a counrry-specific charr of accounrs ro a company code is oprional
Inregrarion Inregrarion Inregrarion Inregrarion
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 7
The operaring charr of accounrs is shared Ly Financial Accounring as vell as Conrrolling. The
accounrs in a charr of accounrs can Le Lorh expense or revenue accounrs in Financial Accounring and
cosr or revenue elemenrs in cosr/revenue accounring.

Assign Company Code ro Charr of Accounrs (OB62) Assign Company Code ro Charr of Accounrs (OB62) Assign Company Code ro Charr of Accounrs (OB62) Assign Company Code ro Charr of Accounrs (OB62)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records
Frepararions Frepararions Frepararions Frepararions Assign Company Code ro Charr of Accounrs Assign Company Code ro Charr of Accounrs Assign Company Code ro Charr of Accounrs Assign Company Code ro Charr of Accounrs
Selecr rhe posirion Lurron
Give rhe charr of Accounrs, assign and Save

Define Accounr Groups (OBD4) Define Accounr Groups (OBD4) Define Accounr Groups (OBD4) Define Accounr Groups (OBD4)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financ Financ Financ Financial Accounring ial Accounring ial Accounring ial Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records
Frepararions Frepararions Frepararions Frepararions Define Accounr Groups Define Accounr Groups Define Accounr Groups Define Accounr Groups

Char of Char of Char of Char of
Accounrs Accounrs Accounrs Accounrs
Accounr Accounr Accounr Accounr
Group Group Group Group
Name Name Name Name From NumLer From NumLer From NumLer From NumLer To NumLer To NumLer To NumLer To NumLer
IBS IBS IBS IBS SHAR SHAR SHAR SHAR Share Capiral Share Capiral Share Capiral Share Capiral 100000 100000 100000 100000 100099 100099 100099 100099
IBS IBS IBS IBS RESL RESL RESL RESL Reverse & Surplus Reverse & Surplus Reverse & Surplus Reverse & Surplus 100100 100100 100100 100100 100199 100199 100199 100199
IBS IBS IBS IBS CL&O CL&O CL&O CL&O Currenr liaLiliries & orhers Currenr liaLiliries & orhers Currenr liaLiliries & orhers Currenr liaLiliries & orhers 100200 100200 100200 100200 100299 100299 100299 100299
IBS IBS IBS IBS TERL TERL TERL TERL Term LiaLiliries Term LiaLiliries Term LiaLiliries Term LiaLiliries 100300 100300 100300 100300 100399 100399 100399 100399
IBS IBS IBS IBS LTL LTL LTL LTL Long Term LiaLiliries Long Term LiaLiliries Long Term LiaLiliries Long Term LiaLiliries 100400 100400 100400 100400 100499 100499 100499 100499
IBS IBS IBS IBS FIXD FIXD FIXD FIXD Fixed Assers Fixed Assers Fixed Assers Fixed Assers 200000 200000 200000 200000 200099 200099 200099 200099
IBS IBS IBS IBS Acc.D Acc.D Acc.D Acc.D Acc. Depreciarion Acc. Depreciarion Acc. Depreciarion Acc. Depreciarion 200100 200100 200100 200100 200199 200199 200199 200199
IBS IBS IBS IBS INVS INVS INVS INVS Invesrmenrs Invesrmenrs Invesrmenrs Invesrmenrs 200200 200200 200200 200200 200299 200299 200299 200299
IBS IBS IBS IBS CAOT CAOT CAOT CAOT Currenr Assers & Orhers Currenr Assers & Orhers Currenr Assers & Orhers Currenr Assers & Orhers 200300 200300 200300 200300 200399 200399 200399 200399
IBS IBS IBS IBS SALE SALE SALE SALE Sales Sales Sales Sales 300000 300000 300000 300000 300099 300099 300099 300099
IBS IBS IBS IBS OTHI OTHI OTHI OTHI Orher Income Orher Income Orher Income Orher Income 300100 300100 300100 300100 300199 300199 300199 300199
IBS IBS IBS IBS FURH FURH FURH FURH Furchases Furchases Furchases Furchases 400000 400000 400000 400000 400099 400099 400099 400099
IBS IBS IBS IBS DIRE DIRE DIRE DIRE Direcr Expenses Direcr Expenses Direcr Expenses Direcr Expenses 400100 400100 400100 400100 400199 400199 400199 400199
IBS IBS IBS IBS ADMN ADMN ADMN ADMN Admn. Expenses Admn. Expenses Admn. Expenses Admn. Expenses 400200 400200 400200 400200 400299 400299 400299 400299
IBS IBS IBS IBS DEF DEF DEF DEF Depreciarion Depreciarion Depreciarion Depreciarion 40030 40030 40030 400300 00 0 400399 400399 400399 400399
IBS IBS IBS IBS INT INT INT INT Inreresr Inreresr Inreresr Inreresr 400400 400400 400400 400400 400499 400499 400499 400499
Save Save Save Save
Define Rerained Earnings Accounr (OB53) Define Rerained Earnings Accounr (OB53) Define Rerained Earnings Accounr (OB53) Define Rerained Earnings Accounr (OB53)

SFRO Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring GL Accounrs Masrer Records
Frepararions Define Rerained Earnings Accounr
Give rhe charr of Accounrs N001
Give rhe Frofir & Loss : X
Give GL Masrer : 100100 and Save
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 8

UndisrriLured Frofir ve vill rransfer ro rhe Reverse and Surplus Accounr

Define Fosring Feriod Varianr (OBBO) Define Fosring Feriod Varianr (OBBO) Define Fosring Feriod Varianr (OBBO) Define Fosring Feriod Varianr (OBBO)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Define Varianrs for Define Varianrs for Define Varianrs for Define Varianrs for
Open Fosring Feriods Open Fosring Feriods Open Fosring Feriods Open Fosring Feriods

Selecr rhe Nev Enrries
Give rhe posring Feriod varianr: - IBS IBS IBS IBS
Descriprion: - Fosring Feriod Varianr for IBS IBS IBS IBS
Save Save Save Save

Assign Varianrs ro Company Code (OBBF) Assign Varianrs ro Company Code (OBBF) Assign Varianrs ro Company Code (OBBF) Assign Varianrs ro Company Code (OBBF)
Farh: SFRO Farh: SFRO Farh: SFRO Farh: SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Fo Fo Fo Fosring Feriods sring Feriods sring Feriods sring Feriods Assign Varianrs ro Assign Varianrs ro Assign Varianrs ro Assign Varianrs ro
Company Code Company Code Company Code Company Code
Selecr rhe Fosirion Lurron
Give rhe Company Code: IBS IBS IBS IBS
Assign rhe Fosring period Varianr: IBS IBS IBS IBS
Save Save Save Save

Open & Close Fosring Feriods (OB52) Open & Close Fosring Feriods (OB52) Open & Close Fosring Feriods (OB52) Open & Close Fosring Feriods (OB52)
Farh: Farh: Farh: Farh: - -- - SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Open & Close Open & Close Open & Close Open & Close
Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods
To define rhe periods rhose are open for posrings.
N001 +( all rhe
01 2007 12 2007 13 2007 16 2007

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 9
Define Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7) Define Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7) Define Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7) Define Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Header Documenr Header Documenr Header Documenr Header Define Documenr Define Documenr Define Documenr Define Documenr
Types Types Types Types

Selecr rhe documenr rype SA
Selecr derails Lurron and give rhe company Code
Selecr change inrervals Lurron and inserr inrerval Lurron give rhe numLer ranges
NumLer range 01
Fiscal year: 2007 from numLer 000001 ro 100000
Save & Close Save & Close Save & Close Save & Close

Define Tolerance Groups for GL Accounrs (OBAO) Define Tolerance Groups for GL Accounrs (OBAO) Define Tolerance Groups for GL Accounrs (OBAO) Define Tolerance Groups for GL Accounrs (OBAO)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring Bus Bus Bus Business Transacrions iness Transacrions iness Transacrions iness Transacrions Open Irem Open Irem Open Irem Open Irem
Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Differences Clearing Differences Clearing Differences Clearing Differences Define Tolerance Groups for GL Accounrs Define Tolerance Groups for GL Accounrs Define Tolerance Groups for GL Accounrs Define Tolerance Groups for GL Accounrs

Selecr rhe Nev Enrries
Give rhe Company Code IBS
Descriprion: Tolerance for IBS
Nore: Nore: Nore: Nore: - -- - don'r give rhe Tolerance Group don'r give rhe Tolerance Group don'r give rhe Tolerance Group don'r give rhe Tolerance Group
Save Save Save Save

Define Tolerance Gr Define Tolerance Gr Define Tolerance Gr Define Tolerance Groups for Employees (OBA4) oups for Employees (OBA4) oups for Employees (OBA4) oups for Employees (OBA4)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Open Irem Open Irem Open Irem Open Irem
Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Differences Clearing Differences Clearing Differences Clearing Differences Define Tolerance Groups for Employees Define Tolerance Groups for Employees Define Tolerance Groups for Employees Define Tolerance Groups for Employees

Selecr rhe Nev Enrries
Give rhe Company Code: IBS
Amounr Fer documenr: 999999999
Amounr per Open Irem Accounr: 999999999
Cash Discounr: - 5.00
Save Save Save Save

Define Field Srarus Varianr Define Field Srarus Varianr Define Field Srarus Varianr Define Field Srarus Varianr

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Line Irem Line Irem Line Irem Line Irem Conrrols Conrrols Conrrols Conrrols Mainrain Field Mainrain Field Mainrain Field Mainrain Field
Srarus Varianrs Srarus Varianrs Srarus Varianrs Srarus Varianrs
Selecr rhe Field Srarus Varianr 0001 0001 0001 0001
Selecr Copy as Lurron
Give Field Srarus Varianr Name : IBS IBS IBS IBS
Descriprion : Field Srarus Varianr for IBS IBS IBS IBS
Save Save Save Save

Assign Company Code ro Field Srarus Varianr (OBC5) Assign Company Code ro Field Srarus Varianr (OBC5) Assign Company Code ro Field Srarus Varianr (OBC5) Assign Company Code ro Field Srarus Varianr (OBC5)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Line Irem Line Irem Line Irem Line Irem Conrrols Conrrols Conrrols Conrrols Assign Company Assign Company Assign Company Assign Company
Code ro Code ro Code ro Code ro Field Srarus Varianr Field Srarus Varianr Field Srarus Varianr Field Srarus Varianr
Selecr rhe posirion Lurron
Give rhe Company Code: IBS IBS IBS IBS
Assign field srarus Varianr: IBS ro Company Code Assign field srarus Varianr: IBS ro Company Code Assign field srarus Varianr: IBS ro Company Code Assign field srarus Varianr: IBS ro Company Code
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 10
Save Save Save Save

Enrer GloLal Faramerers (OBY6) Enrer GloLal Faramerers (OBY6) Enrer GloLal Faramerers (OBY6) Enrer GloLal Faramerers (OBY6)
SFRO Financial Accounring FAGS Company Code Enrer GloLal Faramerers

And Selecr rhe Check Box

Save Save Save Save

General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring

The cenrral rask of G/L accounring is ro provide a comprehensive picrure for exrernal accounring and
accounrs. Recording all Lusiness rransacrions (primary posrings as vell as serrlemenrs from inrernal
accounring) in a sofrvare sysrem rhar is fully inregrared virh all rhe orher operarional areas of a
company ensures rhar rhe accounring dara is alvays complere and accurare.
The GL Masrer Can Le creared in Three Levels The GL Masrer Can Le creared in Three Levels The GL Masrer Can Le creared in Three Levels The GL Masrer Can Le creared in Three Levels

General Ledger Masrer
Charr of Accounrs level

Company Code Level Cenrral Level
a) Accounrs Group
L) Shorr rexr
c) Long Texr

a) Currency
L) Sorr key
c) Field Srarus Group
Borh rhe fields are
availaLle in cenrral level
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 11
Crea Crea Crea Crearion of GL Masrer Cenrrally (FS00) rion of GL Masrer Cenrrally (FS00) rion of GL Masrer Cenrrally (FS00) rion of GL Masrer Cenrrally (FS00)

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Individual Frocessing Individual Frocessing Individual Frocessing Individual Frocessing
Cenrrally Cenrrally Cenrrally Cenrrally
Selecr rhe Nev Enrries
Give rhe GL Accounr: 100000
Give rhe Company Code: IBS : IBS : IBS : IBS
Give rhe Accounr Group: Share Capiral Share Capiral Share Capiral Share Capiral, Shor Texr: Share Capiral Accounr Share Capiral Accounr Share Capiral Accounr Share Capiral Accounr
Long Texr: Share Capiral : Share Capiral : Share Capiral : Share Capiral
Selecr rhe Conrrol dara Selecr rhe Conrrol dara Selecr rhe Conrrol dara Selecr rhe Conrrol dara
Selecr rhe line irem display Check Lox
Give rhe Sorr Key 001 001 001 001
Selecr rhe Creare/Lank/Inreresr raL Selecr rhe Creare/Lank/Inreresr raL Selecr rhe Creare/Lank/Inreresr raL Selecr rhe Creare/Lank/Inreresr raL
Field Srarus Group: G001 : G001 : G001 : G001
Crearion GL Masrer (SBI Currenr Accounr) Crearion GL Masrer (SBI Currenr Accounr) Crearion GL Masrer (SBI Currenr Accounr) Crearion GL Masrer (SBI Currenr Accounr)
Selecr rhe Nev Enrries
Give rhe GL Accounr: 200300 200300 200300 200300
Give rhe Company Code: IBS : IBS : IBS : IBS
Give rhe Accounr Group: SBI Currenr Accounr SBI Currenr Accounr SBI Currenr Accounr SBI Currenr Accounr Shor Texr: SBI Currenr Accounr SBI Currenr Accounr SBI Currenr Accounr SBI Currenr Accounr
Long Texr: : : : SBI Currenr Accounr
Selecr rhe Conrrol dara Selecr rhe Conrrol dara Selecr rhe Conrrol dara Selecr rhe Conrrol dara
Selecr rhe line irem display Check Lox
Give rhe Sorr Key 001 001 001 001
Selecr rhe Creare/Lank/Inreresr raL Selecr rhe Creare/Lank/Inreresr raL Selecr rhe Creare/Lank/Inreresr raL Selecr rhe Creare/Lank/Inreresr raL
Field Srarus Group: G005 : G005 : G005 : G005
Selecr Relevanr ro Cash Flov Check Lox and Save Selecr Relevanr ro Cash Flov Check Lox and Save Selecr Relevanr ro Cash Flov Check Lox and Save Selecr Relevanr ro Cash Flov Check Lox and Save


Fosring of GL Transacrion (F Fosring of GL Transacrion (F Fosring of GL Transacrion (F Fosring of GL Transacrion (F- -- -02) 02) 02) 02)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Orhers Orhers Orhers Orhers General General General General
Fosri Fosri Fosri Fosring ng ng ng

Give rhe Documenr dare, Fosring Dare, Company Code: IBS, Currency: INR INR INR INR
Give rhe posring key: 40
Give rhe GL Accounr: 200300 (SBI Currenr Accounr) Enrer
Give Amounr: INR 100000
Texr: Share applicarion money
Give rhe posring key: 50
GL Accounr: 100000(Share Capiral Accounr) Enrer
Amounr ' Amounr ' Amounr ' Amounr '
Texr + Texr + Texr + Texr +
Enrer Enrer Enrer Enrer
From Menu Documenr Simulare and Save

Display Documenr (FB03) Display Documenr (FB03) Display Documenr (FB03) Display Documenr (FB03)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Display Display Display Display

From menu Documenr Display

Display GL Accounr (FS10N Display GL Accounr (FS10N Display GL Accounr (FS10N Display GL Accounr (FS10N) )) )
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 12
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger Accounr Accounr Accounr Accounr Display Balances Display Balances Display Balances Display Balances
Give rhe GL Accounr NumLer 200300
Company Code: IBS
Fiscal year : 2007
Execure Execure Execure Execure

To make a defaulr Line Layour (FB00) To make a defaulr Line Layour (FB00) To make a defaulr Line Layour (FB00) To make a defaulr Line Layour (FB00)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger Envi Envi Envi Environmenr ronmenr ronmenr ronmenr User Faramerers User Faramerers User Faramerers User Faramerers
Ediring Oprions Ediring Oprions Ediring Oprions Ediring Oprions
We can decide vhar dara is displayed in rhis line Ly specifying rhe line layour. We can define several
varianrs for line layour. When displaying a documenr, ve can svirch Lerveen rhe varianrs. We can
define our ovn varianr Ly selecring from Currenr Display Varianr.
Selecr rhe Change layour Lurron
Selecr rhe Hidden fields
Selecr rhe lefr arrov
Selecr copy Lurron
Save rhe Lay our

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 13
Display/ Changes ro GL Masrer Records (FS04) Display/ Changes ro GL Masrer Records (FS04) Display/ Changes ro GL Masrer Records (FS04) Display/ Changes ro GL Masrer Records (FS04)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial A Financial A Financial A Financial Accounring ccounring ccounring ccounring General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Display Changes Display Changes Display Changes Display Changes
Cenrrally Cenrrally Cenrrally Cenrrally
Give rhe GL Accounr NumLer 200300
Give rhe Company Code: IBS
Selecr rhe Change Lurron and change fields vhar ever you vanr
Save Save Save Save

Blocking & UnLlocking of GL Accounr (FS00) Blocking & UnLlocking of GL Accounr (FS00) Blocking & UnLlocking of GL Accounr (FS00) Blocking & UnLlocking of GL Accounr (FS00)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Display Changes Display Changes Display Changes Display Changes
Cenrrally Cenrrally Cenrrally Cenrrally
From Menu GL Accounr Block/UnLlock

Blocked for Crearion
Blocked for Fosring
Blocked for Flanning
Blocked for Fosring (in Company Code)
If you vanr unLlock rhe GL Masrer please uncheck rhe all rhe aLove selecrions

Farked Documenrs Farked Documenrs Farked Documenrs Farked Documenrs

You can park dara relaring ro cusromer, vendor, G/L, and asser accounrs. There is an addirional fasr
enrry funcrion for G/L accounrs. For assers, you can only enrer acquisirions. In addirion, you can park
rax informarion and special G/L indicarors, alrhough you cannor park special G/L indicarors for Lills
of exchange and dovn paymenrs

SAF provides rvo rransacrions for documenr parking: The srandard rransacrion and rhe single screen
rransacrion (Enjoy).
Documenr parking is linked ro rhe accounr display and reporring funcrions in Financial Accounring.
You can:
Display parked documenrs in rhe documenr journal
Display parked documenrs in rhe line irem display
Farking a GL Documenr Farking a GL Documenr Farking a GL Documenr Farking a GL Documenr (F (F (F (F- -- -65) 65) 65) 65)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Farked Documenr Farked Documenr Farked Documenr Farked Documenr
Give rhe Documenr dare, Fosring Dare, Company Code: IBS, Currency: INR INR INR INR
Give rhe posring key: 40
Give rhe GL Accounr: 200300 (SBI Currenr Accounr) Enrer
Give Amounr: INR 100000
Texr: Share applicarion money
Give rhe posring key: 50
GL Accounr: 100000(Share Capiral Accounr) Enrer
Amounr ' Amounr ' Amounr ' Amounr '
Texr + Texr + Texr + Texr +
Enrer Enrer Enrer Enrer
From Menu From Menu From Menu From Menu Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Farking Farking Farking Farking

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 14
Display Farked Documenrs pending for approval and release (FBV3) Display Farked Documenrs pending for approval and release (FBV3) Display Farked Documenrs pending for approval and release (FBV3) Display Farked Documenrs pending for approval and release (FBV3)
Accounrin Accounrin Accounrin Accounring g g g Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Farked Documenrs Farked Documenrs Farked Documenrs Farked Documenrs
Display Display Display Display


Fosr/Delere Farked Documenrs pending for approval and release (FBV0) Fosr/Delere Farked Documenrs pending for approval and release (FBV0) Fosr/Delere Farked Documenrs pending for approval and release (FBV0) Fosr/Delere Farked Documenrs pending for approval and release (FBV0)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Farked Documenrs Farked Documenrs Farked Documenrs Farked Documenrs
Fosr/Delere Fosr/Delere Fosr/Delere Fosr/Delere
(To change rhe amounr DouLle Click rhe amounr
To change rhe dare Selecr Documenr Header Burron
To change rhe GL Accounr Delere Line Irem and re-enrer rhe nev GL accounr Line Irem)

Reversals Reversals Reversals Reversals
If you have enrered an incorrecr documenr, you can reverse ir, rhereLy also clearing rhe open irems.
A documenr can only Le reversed if:
Ir conrains no cleared irems
Ir conrains only cusromer, vendor, and G/L accounr irems
Ir vas posred virh Financial Accounring
All enrered values (such as Lusiness area, cosr cenrer, and rax code) are srill valid
Documenrs from SD can Le reversed virh a credir memo. Documenrs from MM musr Le reversed
virh funcrions in rhar componenr Lecause rhe reversal funcrion in FI does nor reverse all rhe values
required. For more informarion on reversals in SD and MM, see rhe documenrarion for rhose
You generally posr rhe reversal documenr in rhe same posring period as rhe corresponding original
documenr. If rhe posring period of rhe source documenr has already Leen closed, you have ro enrer a
dare rhar falls in an open posring period (for example, rhe currenr one) in rhe Fosring dare field.

Individual Reversal

Reversal of
Mass Reversal

Cleared Item

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 15
Crearion of Reversal Reason for Individual Reversal Crearion of Reversal Reason for Individual Reversal Crearion of Reversal Reason for Individual Reversal Crearion of Reversal Reason for Individual Reversal
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring Bu Bu Bu Business Transacrions siness Transacrions siness Transacrions siness Transacrions Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr
Reversal Reversal Reversal Reversal Define Reasons for Reversal Define Reasons for Reversal Define Reasons for Reversal Define Reasons for Reversal

(Reversal Reason is '03' 'Acrual Reversal in Currenr Feriod' & Selecr Alrernarive Fosring Dare)

The reversal Reason vill specify rhe vhy rhe documenr is reversing

Documenr Reversal Documenr Reversal Documenr Reversal Documenr Reversal Individual Reversal (FB08) Individual Reversal (FB08) Individual Reversal (FB08) Individual Reversal (FB08)

Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Documenr Reverse Individual

Selecr Display Lefore Reversal

Reversal of Reversal (F Reversal of Reversal (F Reversal of Reversal (F Reversal of Reversal (F- -- -02) 02) 02) 02)
Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Documenr Enrry Orhers General
From Menu Fosr virh Reference
Give rhe documenr NumLer
Fiscal year 2007
Selecr rhe check Lox general rhe Reversal posring

Mass Reversal (F.80) Mass Reversal (F.80) Mass Reversal (F.80) Mass Reversal (F.80)
Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Documenr Reverse Mass Reversal

Cleared Irem Reversal Cleared Irem Reversal Cleared Irem Reversal Cleared Irem Reversal Reser & Reverse (FBRA) Reser & Reverse (FBRA) Reser & Reverse (FBRA) Reser & Reverse (FBRA)
Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Documenr Reser Cleared Irems
(Selecr 'Reserring & Reverse')

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 16
Foreign Currency Serrings Foreign Currency Serrings Foreign Currency Serrings Foreign Currency Serrings
In Financial Accounring, ve have ro specify for each of rhe company codes, in vhich currency
ledgers should Le managed. This currency is rhe narional currency of rhe company code, rhar is, rhe
local currency (or company code currency). From a company code viev, all orher currencies are rhen
foreign currencies.
The ledgers can Le managed in rvo parallel currencies in addirion ro rhe local currency, for example,
group currency or hard currency. Group currency is used in rhe consolidared financial sraremenrs.
Hard Currency or Counrry-specific second currency used in counrries virh high rares of inflarion.
GloLal company Currency: Currency used for an inrernal rrading parrner.
GloLal company currency is defined vhen defining rhe company rhar is assigned ro rhe company

Exchange Rare Types (OB07) Exchange Rare Types (OB07) Exchange Rare Types (OB07) Exchange Rare Types (OB07)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO General Serrin General Serrin General Serrin General Serrings gs gs gs Currencies Currencies Currencies Currencies Check Exchange Rare Types Check Exchange Rare Types Check Exchange Rare Types Check Exchange Rare Types

Exchange Rare Type: - Key used ro define exchange rares in rhe sysrem.
For each currency pair ve can define differenr exchange rares.
The differenr exchange rares are used for rhe purposes of Valuarion, Conversion, Translarion,
Flanning erc.
Srandard Translarion ar Bank Buying rare G Type
Srandard Translarion ar Bank selling rare B Type
Average rare M Type
Hisrorical exchange rare - 1003

Define Translarion Rarios for Currency Transacrions (OBBS) Define Translarion Rarios for Currency Transacrions (OBBS) Define Translarion Rarios for Currency Transacrions (OBBS) Define Translarion Rarios for Currency Transacrions (OBBS)
SFRO General Serrings Currencies Define Translarion Rarios for Currency Transacrions
(Define Rarios for G Type, B Type and M Type)
Translarion Rario: The (consisrenr) relarionship Lerveen rhe monerary unirs of rvo foreign

Enrer Exchange Rares (O Enrer Exchange Rares (O Enrer Exchange Rares (O Enrer Exchange Rares (OB08) B08) B08) B08)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO General Serrings General Serrings General Serrings General Serrings Currencies Currencies Currencies Currencies Enrer Exchange Rares Enrer Exchange Rares Enrer Exchange Rares Enrer Exchange Rares
(Enrer Exchange Rares for G Type, B Type and M Type)

Ser Defaulr Exchange Rare Type for Documenr Type SA (OBA7) Ser Defaulr Exchange Rare Type for Documenr Type SA (OBA7) Ser Defaulr Exchange Rare Type for Documenr Type SA (OBA7) Ser Defaulr Exchange Rare Type for Documenr Type SA (OBA7)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Header Documenr Header Documenr Header Documenr Header Overviev Overviev Overviev Overviev
(In Documenr Type specify rhe Defaulr Exchange Rare Type)

Foreign Exchange Revaluarion Foreign Exchange Revaluarion Foreign Exchange Revaluarion Foreign Exchange Revaluarion
G Type Bank Buying
Open Irem
Non Open Irem
B Type Bank Selling
Open Irem
Non Open Irem
We can creare differenr valuarion merhods for valuing foreign currency. For each valuarion merhod,
ve have ro define:
Faramerers for rhe valuarion procedure
Faramerers for exchange rare dererminarion
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 17

Define Valuarion Merhods (OB59) Define Valuarion Merhods (OB59) Define Valuarion Merhods (OB59) Define Valuarion Merhods (OB59)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Closing Closing Closing Closing Valuaring Valuaring Valuaring Valuaring
Foreign Curr Foreign Curr Foreign Curr Foreign Currency Valuarion ency Valuarion ency Valuarion ency Valuarion Define Valuarion Merhods Define Valuarion Merhods Define Valuarion Merhods Define Valuarion Merhods

(Define 4 merhods namely B Type Open Irem, B Type Non Open Irem, G Type Open Irem and G
Type Non Open Irem & Selecr 'Exchange Rare Type from Invoice Reference' for Open Irem Type &
Selecr 'Derermine Rare Type from Accounr Balance' for Non Open Irem Type)
Valuarion Merhod : A unique key derermining foreign currency valuarion merhod.

Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for Foreign Currency Valuarion (OBA1) Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for Foreign Currency Valuarion (OBA1) Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for Foreign Currency Valuarion (OBA1) Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for Foreign Currency Valuarion (OBA1)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Closing Valuaring Closing Valuaring Closing Valuaring Closing Valuaring
Foreign Currency Valuarion Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for Foreign Currency Valuarion Foreign Currency Valuarion Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for Foreign Currency Valuarion Foreign Currency Valuarion Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for Foreign Currency Valuarion Foreign Currency Valuarion Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for Foreign Currency Valuarion

(Specify rhe GL Accounrs of FC Loan, Forex Loss and Forex Gain in 'Exchange Rare difference in
Open Irems' KDF as vell as in 'Exchange Rare difference in FC Balances' KDB and Specify 'Exchange
Rare Difference Key' ro Le arrached ro rhe FC Loan Accounr in rhe nexr srep)

Arrach rhe 'Exchange Rare Difference Key' in FC Loan Accounr (FS00)

Forex Run on Closing Dare (F.05) Forex Run on Closing Dare (F.05) Forex Run on Closing Dare (F.05) Forex Run on Closing Dare (F.05)

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accou Financial Accou Financial Accou Financial Accounring nring nring nring GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs Feriodic Frocessing Feriodic Frocessing Feriodic Frocessing Feriodic Frocessing Closing Closing Closing Closing Valuare Valuare Valuare Valuare
Valuarion of Open Irems in Foreign Currency Valuarion of Open Irems in Foreign Currency Valuarion of Open Irems in Foreign Currency Valuarion of Open Irems in Foreign Currency
(Specify Valuarion Merhod & Selecr 'Balance Sheer Frepararion Valuarion' for year end valuarion
posrings. rhe enrries vill Le posred auromarically.)

Inreresr Calcularions Inreresr Calcularions Inreresr Calcularions Inreresr Calcularions
S Type Balance Inreresr Calcularion (for GL Accounrs)
o Is applied ro rhe enrire Lalance of a GL or Cusromer Accounr, applying a parricular
inreresr rare for a specified period of rime
F Type Irem Inreresr Calcularion (for Cusromers & Vendors)
o Inreresr on arrears is applied ro individual irems in accounrs receivaLle or accounrs
payaLle. A cerrain inreresr rare is applied ro rhe irems rhar are srill open or unpaid ar
a specified dare.

Inreresr calcularion configurarion: Inreresr calcularion configurarion: Inreresr calcularion configurarion: Inreresr calcularion configurarion:
Inreresr Inreresr Inreresr Inreresr calcularion Indicaror calcularion Indicaror calcularion Indicaror calcularion Indicaror
o Inreresr calcularion rypes ser Lasic paramerers used in calcularion. To calculare
inreresr for an accounr (GL, Cusromer, Vendor), rhe masrer dara for rhar accounr musr
include rhe inreresr calcularion indicaror rhar applies. Each inreresr ID musr Le
assigned an inreresr calcularion rype, indicaring vherher ir is used for Lalance inreresr
calcularion or irem inreresr calcularion.
General rerms General rerms General rerms General rerms
o General rerms specify furrher paramerers aLour hov each inreresr calcularion
indicaror vorks.
o Here ve specify inreresr calcularion ID, inreresr calcularion frequency, serrlemenr
day, calendar rype (G rype for rupee loans & F rype for FC loans).
Define reference inreresr rares Define reference inreresr rares Define reference inreresr rares Define reference inreresr rares
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 18
o Define reference inreresr rare ID, 'effecr from dare' and 'currency'
Time dependenr rerms Time dependenr rerms Time dependenr rerms Time dependenr rerms
o Time-Lased rerms ser validiry dares and relarionships ro inreresr rares. Here ve
specify inreresr calcularion ID, currency, valid from, sequence numLer (1&2), rerm
(credir inreresr Lalance inreresr calcularion for 1 & deLir inreresr Lalance inreresr
calcularion for 2) and reference inreresr rare ID.
Inreresr rares Inreresr rares Inreresr rares Inreresr rares
o Inreresr rares esraLlish reference inreresr rares rhar inreresr calcularions can Le ried ro.
Here ve specify Reference inreresr rare ID, valid from and inreresr rare.
Accoun Accoun Accoun Accounr dererminarion r dererminarion r dererminarion r dererminarion
o Accounr dererminarion esraLlishes vhich accounrs rhe resulrs of an inreresr
calcularion vill Le posred ro.

Define Inreresr Calcularion Types (OB46) Define Inreresr Calcularion Types (OB46) Define Inreresr Calcularion Types (OB46) Define Inreresr Calcularion Types (OB46)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Bank Bank Bank Bank
Acc Acc Acc Accounr Inreresr Calcularion ounr Inreresr Calcularion ounr Inreresr Calcularion ounr Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Calcularion GloLal Serrings Inreresr Calcularion GloLal Serrings Inreresr Calcularion GloLal Serrings Inreresr Calcularion GloLal Serrings Define Inreresr Calcularion Define Inreresr Calcularion Define Inreresr Calcularion Define Inreresr Calcularion
Types Types Types Types

Give rhe inreresr Calcularion indicaror : R1
Name : Balance inreresr Cal. Term
Give Calcularion Type : S( Balance Inreresr Calcularion )
S SS Save ave ave ave

Frepare Accounr Balance Inreresr Calcularion (OBAA) Frepare Accounr Balance Inreresr Calcularion (OBAA) Frepare Accounr Balance Inreresr Calcularion (OBAA) Frepare Accounr Balance Inreresr Calcularion (OBAA)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Bank Bank Bank Bank
Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Calcularion GloLal Serrings Inreresr Calcularion GloLal Serrings Inreresr Calcularion GloLal Serrings Inreresr Calcularion GloLal Serrings Frepare Accounr Balance Frepare Accounr Balance Frepare Accounr Balance Frepare Accounr Balance
Inreresr Calcula Inreresr Calcula Inreresr Calcula Inreresr Calcularion rion rion rion
Give rhe Inreresr Calcularion Indicaror : R1
Give rhe Inreresr Calcularion Freq : 01
Give rhe Calendar Type : G
Selecr Balance plus Inreresr Calcularion Check Lox
Save Save Save Save
Define Inreresr Reference Rares (OBAC) Define Inreresr Reference Rares (OBAC) Define Inreresr Reference Rares (OBAC) Define Inreresr Reference Rares (OBAC)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounr Financial Accounr Financial Accounr Financial Accounring ing ing ing General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Bank Bank Bank Bank
Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Calcularion Define Inreresr Reference Rares Define Inreresr Reference Rares Define Inreresr Reference Rares Define Inreresr Reference Rares
Selecr rhe Nev Enrries
Give rhe Ref inreresr Rare : R2
Long Texr : Ref. inreresr rare rype
Shorr Texr : Ref. inreresr rare rype
Dare : 01-01-2007
Currency : INR and Save Save Save Save

Define Time Dependanr Terms (OB81) Define Time Dependanr Terms (OB81) Define Time Dependanr Terms (OB81) Define Time Dependanr Terms (OB81)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Business Transacrions Bank Bank Bank Bank
Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Calcularion De De De Define Time Dependanr Terms fine Time Dependanr Terms fine Time Dependanr Terms fine Time Dependanr Terms
Enrer Inreresr Values (OB83) Enrer Inreresr Values (OB83) Enrer Inreresr Values (OB83) Enrer Inreresr Values (OB83)

SFRO Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions Bank
Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Calcularion Enrer Inreresr Values
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 19
Selecr rhe Nev Enrries Lurron
Give rhe Ref. Inreresr rype: XX
Give rhe Effecrive : 01/01/2007
Give rhe Inreresr Rare : 10%

Crearion of 2 GL Masrers Crearion of 2 GL Masrers Crearion of 2 GL Masrers Crearion of 2 GL Masrers
TC: FS00
1. 1. 1. 1. SBI Term Loan Accounrs SBI Term Loan Accounrs SBI Term Loan Accounrs SBI Term Loan Accounrs A/c group ( long rerm liaLiliries ) A/c group ( long rerm liaLiliries ) A/c group ( long rerm liaLiliries ) A/c group ( long rerm liaLiliries )
Field srarus Group: G005
Selecr Relevanr ro Cash Flov Check Box
Give rhe Inreresr Calcularion Indicaror: XX

2. Inreresr Accounr- Accounr Group ( Inreresr Accounr)
Field srarus Group: G001
Save Save Save Save

Assignmenr of Accounrs for Auromaric Inreresr Fosrings (OBV2) Assignmenr of Accounrs for Auromaric Inreresr Fosrings (OBV2) Assignmenr of Accounrs for Auromaric Inreresr Fosrings (OBV2) Assignmenr of Accounrs for Auromaric Inreresr Fosrings (OBV2)
SFRO Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions Bank
Accounr Inreresr Calcularion Inreresr Fosring Frepare GL Accounr Balance Inreresr Calcularion

(Accounr SymLol Currency GL Accounr
0002 INR Inreresr Accounr NumLer (Expense)
2000 + +++++++++
0001 INR Inreresr Accounr NumLer (Income)
1000 + +++++++++)

Term Loan Receipr Term Loan Receipr Term Loan Receipr Term Loan Receipr TC: F TC: F TC: F TC: F- -- -02 02 02 02

DeLir: Bank Accounr
Credir: Term Loan Accounr
Term Loan Repaymenr Term Loan Repaymenr Term Loan Repaymenr Term Loan Repaymenr TC: F TC: F TC: F TC: F- -- -02 02 02 02

DeLir: Term Loan Accounr
Credir: SBI Currenr Accounr

Inreresr Calcularion Run (F.52) Inreresr Calcularion Run (F.52) Inreresr Calcularion Run (F.52) Inreresr Calcularion Run (F.52)

Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Feriodic Frocessing Inreresr
Calcularion Balances
Give rhe Charr of Accounrs: IBS
Give GL Accounr NumLer: ( SBI Term Loan Accounr)
Give rhe Company Code: IBS
Give rhe calcularion period: 01/01/2007 ro 31/05/2007
Selecr rhe Srandard Inreresr Calcularion Check Lox
Selecr updare Masrer Records Check Lox Selecr updare Masrer Records Check Lox Selecr updare Masrer Records Check Lox Selecr updare Masrer Records Check Lox
Give rhe Session Name
Give rhe Fosring dara of rhe Session
From menu Execure in Background

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 20

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 21
FI FI FI FI- -- -Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle
The Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle applicarion componenr records and adminisrers accounring dara for all vendors.
Ir is also an inregral parr of rhe purchasing sysrem: Deliveries and invoices are managed according ro
vendors. The sysrem auromarically makes posrings in response ro rhe operarive rransacrions. In rhe
same vay, rhe sysrem supplies rhe Cash Managemenr applicarion componenr virh figures from
invoices in order ro oprimize liquidiry planning.
FayaLles are paid virh rhe paymenr program. The paymenr program supporrs all srandard paymenr
merhods (such as checks and rransfers) in prinred form as vell as in elecrronic form (dara medium
exchange on disk and elecrronic dara inrerchange). This program also covers counrry-specific
paymenr merhods.
If necessary, dunning norices can Le creared for oursranding receivaLles (for example, ro receive
paymenr for a credir memo). The dunning program supporrs rhis funcrion.
Fosrings made in Accounrs FayaLle are simulraneously recorded in rhe General Ledger vhere
differenr G/L accounrs are updared Lased on rhe rransacrion involved (payaLles and dovn paymenrs,
for example). The sysrem conrains due dare forecasrs and orher srandard reporrs rhar you can use ro
help you moniror open irems.
You can design Lalance confirmarions, accounr sraremenrs, and orher forms of reporrs ro suir your
requiremenrs in Lusiness correspondence virh vendors. There are Lalance lisrs, journals, Lalance
audir rrails and orher inrernal evaluarions availaLle for documenring rransacrions in Accounrs FayaLle.
Vendo Vendo Vendo Vendor Masrer Dara r Masrer Dara r Masrer Dara r Masrer Dara
Business rransacrions are posred ro accounrs and managed using rhose accounrs. You musr creare a
masrer record for each accounr rhar you require. The masrer record conrrols hov Lusiness
rransacrions are recorded and processed Ly rhe sysrem.
Specificarions you make in masrer records are used:
As defaulr values vhen you posr irems ro rhe accounr. For example, rhe rerms of paymenr you
specify in rhe masrer record are defaulred for documenr enrry.
For processing Lusiness rransacrions For insrance, Lank derails and rhe paymenr merhods
(check or Lank rransfer, for example) are required for auromaric paymenrs.
For vorking virh masrer records. You can prevenr cerrain users from accessing an accounr Ly
serring up aurhorizarion groups.
Reconciliarion accounrs are managed implicirly using SuL Ledger Open Irem funcrion.

Fosring Keys Fosring Keys Fosring Keys Fosring Keys

Vendor DeLir: 25, Vendor Credir: 31
Documenr Types Documenr Types Documenr Types Documenr Types
KR Vendor Invoice,
KZ Vendor Faymenr
KA Vendor Documenr (Transfers/Reversals)
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 22

AF (Vendor Accounrs) is a SuLsidiary Ledger of Sundry Credirors. Sundry Credirors is a
Reconciliarion Accounr under Currenr LiaLiliries.

Basic Serrings for Accounrs FayaLle Basic Serrings for Accounrs FayaLle Basic Serrings for Accounrs FayaLle Basic Serrings for Accounrs FayaLle

a) a) a) a) Crearion of Vendor Accounr Groups like FI Vendors (Services), MM Vendors (Marerials) and Crearion of Vendor Accounr Groups like FI Vendors (Services), MM Vendors (Marerials) and Crearion of Vendor Accounr Groups like FI Vendors (Services), MM Vendors (Marerials) and Crearion of Vendor Accounr Groups like FI Vendors (Services), MM Vendors (Marerials) and
One One One One- -- -rime Vendors virh Reconc rime Vendors virh Reconc rime Vendors virh Reconc rime Vendors virh Reconciliarion Accounr Field mandarory. iliarion Accounr Field mandarory. iliarion Accounr Field mandarory. iliarion Accounr Field mandarory.
L) L) L) L) Crearion of NumLer Range Groups and NumLers for Vendors. Crearion of NumLer Range Groups and NumLers for Vendors. Crearion of NumLer Range Groups and NumLers for Vendors. Crearion of NumLer Range Groups and NumLers for Vendors.
c) c) c) c) Assignmenr of NumLer Range Group ro Vendor Accounr Group Assignmenr of NumLer Range Group ro Vendor Accounr Group Assignmenr of NumLer Range Group ro Vendor Accounr Group Assignmenr of NumLer Range Group ro Vendor Accounr Group
d) d) d) d) Crearion of GL Masrers ( Invenrory Rav Marerials Crearion of GL Masrers ( Invenrory Rav Marerials Crearion of GL Masrers ( Invenrory Rav Marerials Crearion of GL Masrers ( Invenrory Rav Marerials Currenr Assers ) Currenr Assers ) Currenr Assers ) Currenr Assers )
a. a. a. a. (Sundry Credirors (Sundry Credirors (Sundry Credirors (Sundry Credirors Currenr LiaLiliries) Currenr LiaLiliries) Currenr LiaLiliries) Currenr LiaLiliries)
e) e) e) e) Define Tolerance Groups for Vendors and Cusromers Define Tolerance Groups for Vendors and Cusromers Define Tolerance Groups for Vendors and Cusromers Define Tolerance Groups for Vendors and Cusromers
f) f) f) f) Crearion of Vendor Masrer. Crearion of Vendor Masrer. Crearion of Vendor Masrer. Crearion of Vendor Masrer.
g) g) g) g) Documenr Types and NumLer Ranges for KR, KZ and KA. Documenr Types and NumLer Ranges for KR, KZ and KA. Documenr Types and NumLer Ranges for KR, KZ and KA. Documenr Types and NumLer Ranges for KR, KZ and KA.
h) h) h) h) Furchase Invoice Fosiring Furchase Invoice Fosiring Furchase Invoice Fosiring Furchase Invoice Fosiring
i) i) i) i) Display rhe Vendor Line irem Lalances Display rhe Vendor Line irem Lalances Display rhe Vendor Line irem Lalances Display rhe Vendor Line irem Lalances

Define Vendor Accounr Groups (OBD3) Define Vendor Accounr Groups (OBD3) Define Vendor Accounr Groups (OBD3) Define Vendor Accounr Groups (OBD3)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accou Financial Accou Financial Accou Financial Accounring nring nring nring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs
Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Define Accounr Groups Define Accounr Groups Define Accounr Groups Define Accounr Groups
virh Screen Layour (Vendors) virh Screen Layour (Vendors) virh Screen Layour (Vendors) virh Screen Layour (Vendors)

Selecr rhe Nev Enrries
Give rhe Vendor Group: NASD
Descriprion: Domesric Vendors for NAS
DouLle Click rhe Company Code Dara
DouLle Click rhe Accounr Managemenr
Make ir reconciliarion accounr is required enrry and Cash managemenr Suppress

The Vendor Accounr Group conrrols The Vendor Accounr Group conrrols The Vendor Accounr Group conrrols The Vendor Accounr Group conrrols

The numLer ranges of rhe accounrs, rhe srarus of rhe fields in rhe masrer record and vherher rhe
accounr is a one rime vendor

One One One One- -- -rime Vendor: rime Vendor: rime Vendor: rime Vendor:

Vendors vho have a Lusiness rransacrion only once are called one-rime vendors. You creare
collecrive masrer record for one-rime vendors. The complere derails of rhe Vendor vill Le given ar
rhe rime of Invoice Fosring. (While crearing rhe group a 'One-rime Vendor Group' should Le

Creare NumLer Ranges for Vendor Accounrs (XKN1) Creare NumLer Ranges for Vendor Accounrs (XKN1) Creare NumLer Ranges for Vendor Accounrs (XKN1) Creare NumLer Ranges for Vendor Accounrs (XKN1)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaL Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaL Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaL Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle le le le Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs
Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Creare NumLer Ranges for Creare NumLer Ranges for Creare NumLer Ranges for Creare NumLer Ranges for
Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs

Give rhe Company Code: NAS
Selecr rhe Change Inrervals Burron
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 23
Selecr rhe inserr inrervals Lurron
Give rhe numLer rangers
02 2007 100000 300000

Assign NumLer Ranges ro Vendor Accounr Groups (OBAS) Assign NumLer Ranges ro Vendor Accounr Groups (OBAS) Assign NumLer Ranges ro Vendor Accounr Groups (OBAS) Assign NumLer Ranges ro Vendor Accounr Groups (OBAS)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs
Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Vendor Masrer Records Assign NumLer Assign NumLer Assign NumLer Assign NumLer Ranges for Ranges for Ranges for Ranges for
Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs

Selecr rhe Fosirion Burron
Give rhe Vendor Accounrs Group and Assign rhe NumLer range


Define Tolerance Groups for Vendors (OBA3) Define Tolerance Groups for Vendors (OBA3) Define Tolerance Groups for Vendors (OBA3) Define Tolerance Groups for Vendors (OBA3)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Business Business Business Business
Trans Trans Trans Transacrions acrions acrions acrions Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs Manual Ourgoing Faymenrs Manual Ourgoing Faymenrs Manual Ourgoing Faymenrs Manual Ourgoing Faymenrs Define Tolerances (Vendors) Define Tolerances (Vendors) Define Tolerances (Vendors) Define Tolerances (Vendors)

Selecr rhe Nev enrries Lurron
Give rhe Company Code : IBS IBS IBS IBS
Save Save Save Save

Tolerances: Rules rhar define accepraLle differences during posring
Tolerance Groups for Vendors:
The rolerances are used for differences in paymenr and residual irems vhich can occur during
paymenr serrlemenr. We can specify rhe rolerances under one or more rolerance groups. Allocare a
Tolerance Group ro each Vendor via rhe masrer record. For each Tolerance Group ve specify:
1. Tolerances up ro vhich differences in paymenr are posred auromarically ro expense or
revenue accounr vhen clearing open irems.
2. The handling of rhe rerms of paymenr for residual irems, if rhey are ro Le posred during
Employee Tolerances also can Le specified. Employee Tolerance is used ro conrrol rhe Upper limirs
for posring procedures (Fosring Aurhorizarions) and Fermirred Faymenr Differences. While clearing,
rhe lover limir of rhe 2 vill Le raken.

Crearion of Vendor Masrer Crearion of Vendor Masrer Crearion of Vendor Masrer Crearion of Vendor Masrer (XK01) (XK01) (XK01) (XK01)

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Mainrain Cenrrally Mainrain Cenrrally Mainrain Cenrrally Mainrain Cenrrally
Creare Creare Creare Creare

(The accounr group is enrered on rhe inirial creare screen. In FI, once rhe vendor accounr is creared,
irs accounr group cannor Le changed.
Give Reconciliarion Accounr NumLer, Sorr Key 012 Vendor Name, Faymenr Terms, Tolerance Group
& Selecr 'Check DouLle Invoicing')

Line irem display and open irem managemenr are alvays preser ro on" for every vendor accounr.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 24
A complere Vendor Accounr consisrs of 3 segmenrs 1. General Dara ar rhe clienr level 2. Company
code segmenr and 3. Furchasing Organizarion segmenr

General dara consisrs Address, Conrrol dara, Faymenr rransacrions erc. The accounr numLer is
assigned ro rhe Vendor ar rhe clienr level. This ensures rhar rhe accounr numLer for a Vendor is rhe
same for all company codes and sales areas.

Company dara consisrs of Accounring informarion, Faymenr rransacrions, Correspondence,
Insurance, Wirhholding rax erc.

Nore: If MM creares rheir segmenr of rhe masrer record and rhen FI creares rheir segmenrs of rhe
masrer record, rhere is rhe risk of crearing incomplere or duplicare masrer records. To find and
correcr rhese incomplere accounrs, ve can run reporr RFKKAG00 and make rhe necessary

Crearion of duplicare accounrs can Le prevenred Ly:
Using rhe march code Lefore crearing a nev accounr
Svirching on auromaric duplicarion check

Imporranr Fields
Search Irem: Should Le filled virh a shorr version of rhe vendor name according ro company
rules/desires. An addirional search field also can Le filled up.
Group Key: Vendors vho Lelong ro one corporare group can Le Lundled rogerher Ly a user-
defined group key. This group key can Le used for running reporrs, rransacrion processing or
for march codes.
Accounring clerk: The accounring clerk's name has ro Le srored under an ID and rhis ID can
Le enrered in rhe vendor masrer record of rhe accounr he or she is responsiLle for. The
accounring clerk's name is rhen prinred on correspondence and rhis ID is used ro sorr
dunning and paymenr proposal lisrs.

Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7) Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7) Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7) Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7)

SFRO Financial Accounring FAGS -Documenr Documenr Header Overviev
Selecr rhe documenr rype : KR
Selecr rhe derails Burron
Selecr rhe NumLer Range Informarion Lurron
Give rhe Company Code: IBS
Sleer rhe change inrervals Lurron
Give rhe NumLer ranges and Save
Same vay for all rhe NumLer rages
(Define Documenr NumLer Ranges for Doc Types KR, KZ & KA)

Furchase Invoice Fosring (F Furchase Invoice Fosring (F Furchase Invoice Fosring (F Furchase Invoice Fosring (F- -- -43) 43) 43) 43)

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Fina Fina Fina Financial Accounring ncial Accounring ncial Accounring ncial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Orher Orher Orher Orher Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice
General General General General
Give rhe Doc. Dare, Company Code: IBS and Currency INR
Fosring Key: 31
Give rhe Vendor Accounrs NumLer: 1000001
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 25
Give rhe Amounr: 100000
Texr: Vendor Invoice posring
Fosring key 40
Accounrs NumLer: 200100 (Invenrory Rav Marerial)
Amounr ' Texr +
Documenr simulare and Save

Vendor Accounr Display (FBL1N) virh Open Irem, Cleared Irem and Special GL Irem derails Vendor Accounr Display (FBL1N) virh Open Irem, Cleared Irem and Special GL Irem derails Vendor Accounr Display (FBL1N) virh Open Irem, Cleared Irem and Special GL Irem derails Vendor Accounr Display (FBL1N) virh Open Irem, Cleared Irem and Special GL Irem derails

Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounr Display/Change Line Irems

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 26

Vendor Accounr Display (FK10N) Vendor Accounr Display (FK10N) Vendor Accounr Display (FK10N) Vendor Accounr Display (FK10N)

Give rhe Vendor NumLer: 200001
Give rhe Company Code: IBS
Fiscal Year: 2007

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 27
Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs
Define House Bank and Assign GL Accounr NumLer for rhe Accounr ID Define House Bank and Assign GL Accounr NumLer for rhe Accounr ID Define House Bank and Assign GL Accounr NumLer for rhe Accounr ID Define House Bank and Assign GL Accounr NumLer for rhe Accounr ID (FI12) (FI12) (FI12) (FI12)
SFRO Financial Accounring Bank Accounring Bank Accounrs Define House Banks
Give rhe Company Code ..

House Banks: Bank ID, Bank Accounr, Accounr ID and GL Accounr NumLer

Crearion of Check Lors (FCHI) Crearion of Check Lors (FCHI) Crearion of Check Lors (FCHI) Crearion of Check Lors (FCHI)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounr Financial Accounr Financial Accounr Financial Accounring ing ing ing Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Feriodic Frocessing Feriodic Frocessing Feriodic Frocessing Feriodic Frocessing Faymenrs Faymenrs Faymenrs Faymenrs
(suL menu) (suL menu) (suL menu) (suL menu) Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion NumLer Ranges NumLer Ranges NumLer Ranges NumLer Ranges

Give rhe Faying Company Code: IBS
Give rhe House Bank : SBI
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 28
Give rhe House Bank Accounr ID: SBICC
Selecr change Lurron and Selecr Creare Lurron
Give rhe Check lor NumLer: 101
Give rhe Check NumLers: 100000 ro 200000
Save Save Save Save
(Selecr 'Non-Sequenrial' for manual paymenrs & don'r selecr for Auromaric Faymenr Frogram)

Ourgoing Faymenr virh clearing (F Ourgoing Faymenr virh clearing (F Ourgoing Faymenr virh clearing (F Ourgoing Faymenr virh clearing (F- -- -53) 53) 53) 53)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring A AA Accounrs FayaLle ccounrs FayaLle ccounrs FayaLle ccounrs FayaLle Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Ourgoing Faymenr Ourgoing Faymenr Ourgoing Faymenr Ourgoing Faymenr
Fosr Fosr Fosr Fosr

Manual Check Updaring (FCH5) Manual Check Updaring (FCH5) Manual Check Updaring (FCH5) Manual Check Updaring (FCH5)

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion
Creare Creare Creare Creare Manual Checks Manual Checks Manual Checks Manual Checks
(Enrer Faymenr Documenr NumLer, House Bank & Bank ID and Check NumLer) and Enrer
Give rhe Check NumLer and Save and Save and Save and Save

Display Check Regisrer (FCHN) Display Check Regisrer (FCHN) Display Check Regisrer (FCHN) Display Check Regisrer (FCHN)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion
Display Display Display Display Check Regisrer Check Regisrer Check Regisrer Check Regisrer
Give rhe paying Company Code : IBS
House Bank : SBI
Give rhe Bank Accounr ID : SBICC
Execure Execure Execure Execure

Check Encashmenr Dare (FCH6) Check Encashmenr Dare (FCH6) Check Encashmenr Dare (FCH6) Check Encashmenr Dare (FCH6)

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion
Change Change Change Change Addirional Info/Cash Addirional Info/Cash Addirional Info/Cash Addirional Info/Cash
Give rhe paying Company Code: IBS
House Bank : SBI
Give rhe Bank Accounr ID : SBICC Enrer Enrer Enrer Enrer
Give rhe Check encashmenr Dare: 30/05/2007
Save Save Save Save

Define Void Reason Codes (FCHV) Define Void Reason Codes (FCHV) Define Void Reason Codes (FCHV) Define Void Reason Codes (FCHV)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Business Business Business Business
Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs Auromaric Ourgoing Auromaric Ourgoing Auromaric Ourgoing Auromaric Ourgoing Faymenrs Faymenrs Faymenrs Faymenrs Faymenr Media Faymenr Media Faymenr Media Faymenr Media Check Check Check Check
Managemenr Managemenr Managemenr Managemenr Define Void Reason Codes Define Void Reason Codes Define Void Reason Codes Define Void Reason Codes
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 29

Give rhe Reason: 01
Give rhe Void Reason Code: Ripped during Frinring
Reserved for Frinr Frograms: Fage overflov
Save Save Save Save

Unused Checks Cancellarion (FCH3) Unused Checks Cancellarion (FCH3) Unused Checks Cancellarion (FCH3) Unused Checks Cancellarion (FCH3)

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accou Financial Accou Financial Accou Financial Accounring nring nring nring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion
Void Void Void Void Unused Checks Unused Checks Unused Checks Unused Checks
Give rhe paying Company Code: IBS
Give rhe House Bank : SBI
Give rhe Accounr ID : SBICC
Give rhe Check NumLer : 100000
Give rhe Void Reason Code : 01 : 01 : 01 : 01
Selecr Void and Save Selecr Void and Save Selecr Void and Save Selecr Void and Save

Issued Checks Cancellarion (FCH8) Issued Checks Cancellarion (FCH8) Issued Checks Cancellarion (FCH8) Issued Checks Cancellarion (FCH8)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Environmenr Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion Check Informarion
Void Void Void Void Cancel Faymenr Cancel Faymenr Cancel Faymenr Cancel Faymenr
Give Check NumLer, Void Reason Code, Documenr Reversal Reason and Selecr 'Cancel Faymenr'
Resulr: Resers rhe cleared irem, Cancels rhe Check and Reverses rhe Faymenr

Dovn Faymenrs ro Vendors Dovn Faymenrs ro Vendors Dovn Faymenrs ro Vendors Dovn Faymenrs ro Vendors

You normally enrer and posr dovn paymenrs made or received dovn paymenrs made or received dovn paymenrs made or received dovn paymenrs made or received afrer rhe amounr is deLired or
credired ro your Lank accounr and is shovn on your Lank sraremenr.
Dovn paymenrs can Le processed in rvo vays
Fosring a Dovn Faymenr virhour a Dovn Faymenr Requesr, Fosring a Dovn Faymenr virh a Dovn
Faymenr Requesr and Orher Funcrions: Dovn Faymenrs
Special GL Transacrion
Special G/L rransacrions are special rransacrions in accounrs receivaLle and accounrs payaLle rhar are
displayed separarely in rhe general ledger and rhe suL ledger. This may Le necessary for reporring or
for inrernal reasons. For example, dovn paymenrs musr nor Le Lalanced virh receivaLles and
payaLles for goods and services. Consequenrly, rhey are rreared as special G/L rransacrions in rhe
General Ledger (FI-GL) Accounrs FayaLle (FI-AF) and Accounrs ReceivaLle (FI-AR) applicarion
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 30
Special G/L rransacrions are special rransacrions in accounrs receivaLle and accounrs payaLle rhar are
displayed separarely in rhe general ledger and rhe suL ledger. This is achieved Ly posring ro
alrernarive reconciliarion accounrs, insread of posring ro rhe reconciliarion accounrs for receivaLles
and payaLles.

The folloving special G/L rransacrions are availaLle:
1. Dovn paymenrs and dovn paymenr requesrs
2. Bills of exchange receivaLle, Lills of exchange payaLle and checks/Lills of exchange
3. Bank Lills, Faymenr requesrs, Guaranrees, Reserves for Lad deLr and Securiry deposirs
Configurarion Serrings Configurarion Serrings Configurarion Serrings Configurarion Serrings
Creare Special GL Accounr 'Advance ro Vendors (Reconciliarion Accou Creare Special GL Accounr 'Advance ro Vendors (Reconciliarion Accou Creare Special GL Accounr 'Advance ro Vendors (Reconciliarion Accou Creare Special GL Accounr 'Advance ro Vendors (Reconciliarion Accounr)' under Currenr nr)' under Currenr nr)' under Currenr nr)' under Currenr
Assers Assers Assers Assers
Creare Link Lerveen 'S/Credirors' and 'Advance ro Vendors' (Special GL Indicaror: A) Creare Link Lerveen 'S/Credirors' and 'Advance ro Vendors' (Special GL Indicaror: A) Creare Link Lerveen 'S/Credirors' and 'Advance ro Vendors' (Special GL Indicaror: A) Creare Link Lerveen 'S/Credirors' and 'Advance ro Vendors' (Special GL Indicaror: A)
Dovn Faymenr Fosring Dovn Faymenr Fosring Dovn Faymenr Fosring Dovn Faymenr Fosring
Furchase Invoice Fosring Furchase Invoice Fosring Furchase Invoice Fosring Furchase Invoice Fosring
Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr
Clearing of Clearing of Clearing of Clearing of Normal Irem Normal Irem Normal Irem Normal Irem

Crearion of GL Masrer Crearion of GL Masrer Crearion of GL Masrer Crearion of GL Masrer Advance from Vendors Advance from Vendors Advance from Vendors Advance from Vendors FS00 FS00 FS00 FS00
Give rhe Company Code: IBS and GL Accounr NumLer: 200105 (Selecr rhe Creare Burron)
A/c Group: Currenr Assers & Orhers
Descriprion: Advance from Vendors
Reconciliarion Accounr: - Vendors, Vendors, Vendors, Vendors, Sorr Key: 012 and Filed Srarus Group: G067 Sorr Key: 012 and Filed Srarus Group: G067 Sorr Key: 012 and Filed Srarus Group: G067 Sorr Key: 012 and Filed Srarus Group: G067
Save Save Save Save

Link Lerveen S/Credirors and Advance ro Vendors (OBYR) Link Lerveen S/Credirors and Advance ro Vendors (OBYR) Link Lerveen S/Credirors and Advance ro Vendors (OBYR) Link Lerveen S/Credirors and Advance ro Vendors (OBYR)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Business Business Business Business
Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Dovn Faymenr made Dovn Faymenr made Dovn Faymenr made Dovn Faymenr made Define Alrernarive Reconciliarion Define Alrernarive Reconciliarion Define Alrernarive Reconciliarion Define Alrernarive Reconciliarion Accounr for Dovn Accounr for Dovn Accounr for Dovn Accounr for Dovn
Faymenrs Faymenrs Faymenrs Faymenrs
DouLle Click Special GL Indicaror : A ( Dovn Faymenr on Currenr Assers)


Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 31

Serup Company Code for Faymenr Transacrion (To avoid Shorr Dump Error vhile posring Dovn Serup Company Code for Faymenr Transacrion (To avoid Shorr Dump Error vhile posring Dovn Serup Company Code for Faymenr Transacrion (To avoid Shorr Dump Error vhile posring Dovn Serup Company Code for Faymenr Transacrion (To avoid Shorr Dump Error vhile posring Dovn
Faymenrs) Faymenrs) Faymenrs) Faymenrs)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaL Accounrs ReceivaL Accounrs ReceivaL Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle le and Accounrs FayaLle le and Accounrs FayaLle le and Accounrs FayaLle Business Business Business Business
Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenrs Auromaric Ourgoing Faymenrs Auromaric Ourgoing Faymenrs Auromaric Ourgoing Faymenrs Auromaric Ourgoing Faymenrs Faymenr merhod/Bank Faymenr merhod/Bank Faymenr merhod/Bank Faymenr merhod/Bank
selecrion for Faymenr Frogram selecrion for Faymenr Frogram selecrion for Faymenr Frogram selecrion for Faymenr Frogram Serup all Company Codes for Faymenr Transacrions Serup all Company Codes for Faymenr Transacrions Serup all Company Codes for Faymenr Transacrions Serup all Company Codes for Faymenr Transacrions

Give rhe Company Code: IBS IBS IBS IBS
Give Give Give Give Faying Company Code: IBS IBS IBS IBS
Selecr rhe Maxi. Cash Discounr Check Box
Save Save Save Save

Dovn Faymenr Fosring (F Dovn Faymenr Fosring (F Dovn Faymenr Fosring (F Dovn Faymenr Fosring (F- -- -48) 48) 48) 48)

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr
Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr
Give rhe Documenr Dare: 30/05/2007
Give rhe Company Code: IBS, Currency INR
Give Bank Accounr: 200100 and Give Special GL Indicaror A"
Amounr: 100000 and Give rhe Vendor numLer 200001
Texr: Advance paymenr ro Vendor
Selecr Display Documenr over Viev Lurron Amounr ' and Texr + documenr simulare and Save

Furchase Invoic Furchase Invoic Furchase Invoic Furchase Invoice Fosring (F e Fosring (F e Fosring (F e Fosring (F- -- -43) 43) 43) 43)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Orher Orher Orher Orher Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice
General General General General
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 32
Give rhe Doc. Dare, Company Code: IBS and Currency INR
Fosring Key: 31
Give rhe Vendor Accounrs NumLer: 1000001
Give rhe Amounr: 100000
Texr: Vendor Invoice posring
Fosring key 40
Accounrs NumLer: 200100 (Invenrory Rav Marerial)
Amounr ' Texr +
Documenr simulare and Save Save Save Save

Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL Accounr ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL Accounr ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL Accounr ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL Accounr ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr
(F (F (F (F- -- -54) 54) 54) 54)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr
Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing
Give rhe Documenr Dare: 30/05/2007, Company Code: IBN and Currency: INR IBN and Currency: INR IBN and Currency: INR IBN and Currency: INR
Give rhe Vendor Accounr: 100001
Selecr rhe Frocess Dovn paymenr Lurron
Give rhe Transfer Amounr: 100000
Documenr Simulare and Save

Clearing of Normal Irem (F Clearing of Normal Irem (F Clearing of Normal Irem (F Clearing of Normal Irem (F- -- -44) 44) 44) 44)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs Accounrs Accounrs Accounrs Clear Clear Clear Clear
Give rhe Vendor NumLer: 1000001
Selecr rhe process Open Irems Lurrons, douLle click Lorh rhe line irems From Menu Documenr
Simulare and save

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 33
Exrended Wirhholding Tax (TDS) Exrended Wirhholding Tax (TDS) Exrended Wirhholding Tax (TDS) Exrended Wirhholding Tax (TDS)

In Accounrs FayaLle, rhe vendor is rhe person suLjecr ro rax, and rhe company code is oLligared ro
deducr virhholding rax and pay rhis over ro rhe rax aurhoriries on rheir (rhe vendor's) Lehalf.

Ar rhe rime of Invoice Fosring Ar rhe rime of Invoice Fosring Ar rhe rime of Invoice Fosring Ar rhe rime of Invoice Fosring
Service Charges A/c. Dr. 100000
To Conrracrors A/c. 98000
To TDS A/c. 2000

Ar rhe rime of Advance Faymenr Fosring Ar rhe rime of Advance Faymenr Fosring Ar rhe rime of Advance Faymenr Fosring Ar rhe rime of Advance Faymenr Fosring
Conrracrors A/c. Dr. 100000
To Bank A/c. 98000
To TDS A/c. 2000

Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax
Wirh exrended virhholding rax, you can process virhholding rax from Lorh rhe vendor and cusromer
In Accounrs FayaLle, rhe vendor is rhe person suLjecr ro rax, and rhe company code is oLligared ro
deducr virhholding rax and pay rhis over ro rhe rax aurhoriries on rhe vendor's Lehalf. In Accounrs
ReceivaLle, rhe company code irself is suLjecr ro rax, and rhe cusromers rhar do Lusiness virh rhis
company code deducr virhholding rax and pay rhis over ro rhe rax aurhoriries on rhe company code's
Lehalf. In Lorh cases, rhe Lusiness parrner of rhe person/enriry suLjecr ro rax deducrs rhe rax and pays
ir over ro rhe rax aurhoriries.
Wirhholding rax is calculared and posred ro rhe appropriare virhholding rax accounrs ar differenr
srages, depending on rhe legal requiremenrs in each counrry. As a rule, virhholding rax is posred ar
rhe same rime rhar rhe paymenr is posred, in orher vords rhe ourgoing paymenr (Accounrs FayaLle)
or incoming paymenr (Accounrs ReceivaLle), is reduced Ly rhe virhholding rax amounr.
Classic and Exrended Wirhholding Tax Funcrions Classic and Exrended Wirhholding Tax Funcrions Classic and Exrended Wirhholding Tax Funcrions Classic and Exrended Wirhholding Tax Funcrions
Individual Funcrions Individual Funcrions Individual Funcrions Individual Funcrions Classic Classic Classic Classic
Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax
Exrended Exrended Exrended Exrended
Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax
Wirhholding rax on ourgoing paymenr X XX X X XX X
Wirhholding rax on incoming paymenr X XX X
Wirhholding rax posring ar rime of paymenr X XX X X XX X
Wirhholding rax posring ar rime of invoice X XX X
Wirhholding rax posring on parrial paymenr X XX X
NumLer of virhholding raxes for each documenr
Max. 1 Max. 1 Max. 1 Max. 1 Several Several Several Several
Ner amounr X XX X X XX X
Modified ner amounr X XX X
Gross amounr X XX X X XX X
Tax amounr X XX X
Wirhholding rax Lase:
Modified rax amounr X XX X
Rounding rule X XX X
Cash discounr considered X XX X
Accumularion X XX X
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 34
Individual Funcrions Individual Funcrions Individual Funcrions Individual Funcrions Classic Classic Classic Classic
Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax
Exrended Exrended Exrended Exrended
Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax
Minimum/maximum amounrs and exemprion limirs X XX X
NumLer assignmenr on documenr posring
(cerrificare numLering)
Calcularion formulas X XX X X XX X
Counrry Counrry Counrry Counrry- -- -Specific Requiremenrs Specific Requiremenrs Specific Requiremenrs Specific Requiremenrs
Due ro legal requiremenrs, rhe folloving counrries use exrended virhholding rax exrended virhholding rax exrended virhholding rax exrended virhholding rax:
America America America America Europe and Africa Europe and Africa Europe and Africa Europe and Africa Asia/Facific Asia/Facific Asia/Facific Asia/Facific
Argenrina Unired Kingdom India
Brazil Slovakia The Fhilippines
Chile Turkey Sourh Korea
ColomLia Thailand

Check rhe Wirh Holding Tax Counrries Check rhe Wirh Holding Tax Counrries Check rhe Wirh Holding Tax Counrries Check rhe Wirh Holding Tax Counrries

SFRO Financial Accounring FAGS Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Basic
Serrings Check Wirhholding Tax Counrries
Selecr rhe Fosirion Burron
Give rhe Counrry IN (Check and Save)

Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Invoice Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Invoice Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Invoice Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Invoice Fosring

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax
Calcularion Calcularion Calcularion Calcularion Wirhholding Tax Type Wirhholding Tax Type Wirhholding Tax Type Wirhholding Tax Type Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Invoice Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Invoice Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Invoice Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Invoice Fosring

(Give a name for Type & Descriprion like 2% TDS on Conrracrors Invoice Fosring
Base Amounr Selecr 'Gross'
Rounding Rules Selecr 'Wirhholding Tax Commercial Rounding'
Selecr 'Fosr Wirhholding Tax amounr'
Accumularion Type Selecr 'No Accumularion'
Conrrol Dara Selecr 'Wirhholding Tax Base Manual' (This should nor Le selecred vhile
crearing rhe Type for Faymenr Fosring)
Selecr 'No Cerrificare NumLering')
Save Save Save Save

Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Faymenr Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Faymenr Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Faymenr Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Faymenr Fosring

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Wirhholding Wirhholding Wirhholding Wirhholding Tax Tax Tax Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax
Calcularion Calcularion Calcularion Calcularion Wirhholding Tax Type Wirhholding Tax Type Wirhholding Tax Type Wirhholding Tax Type Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Faymenr Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Faymenr Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Faymenr Fosring Define Wirhholding Tax Type for Faymenr Fosring

(Give a name for Type & Descriprion like 2% TDS on Conrracrors Invoice Fosring
Base Amounr Selecr 'Gross'
Rounding Rules Selecr 'Wirhholding Tax Commercial Rounding'
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 35
Cash Discounr Selecr 'Cash Discounr Fre-virhholding rax'
Selecr 'Fosr Wirhholding Tax amounr'
Accumularion Type Selecr 'No Accumularion'
Do Nor Selecr 'Wirhholding Tax Base Manual' (This should Le selecred vhile crearing rhe
Type for Invoice Fosring)
Selecr 'No Cerrificare NumLering')
Save Save Save Save

Define Wirhholding Tax Codes Define Wirhholding Tax Codes Define Wirhholding Tax Codes Define Wirhholding Tax Codes

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring - -- - FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax
Calcularion Calcularion Calcularion Calcularion Wirhholding Tax Codes Wirhholding Tax Codes Wirhholding Tax Codes Wirhholding Tax Codes Define Wirhholding Tax Codes Define Wirhholding Tax Codes Define Wirhholding Tax Codes Define Wirhholding Tax Codes

(Wirhholding Tax Code: Give a Code
Base Amounr Fercenrage SuLjecr ro Tax: 100%
Calcularion Wirhholding Tax Rare: Give rhe applicaLle Rare
Fosrings Fosring Indicaror: 1 (Srandard Fosring Bank/Vendor/Cusromer Line Irem
Save Save Save Save

Define Formulas f Define Formulas f Define Formulas f Define Formulas for calcularing Wirhholding Tax or calcularing Wirhholding Tax or calcularing Wirhholding Tax or calcularing Wirhholding Tax

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax
Calcularion Calcularion Calcularion Calcularion Wirhholding Tax Codes Wirhholding Tax Codes Wirhholding Tax Codes Wirhholding Tax Codes Define formulas for calcularing Wirhholding Tax Define formulas for calcularing Wirhholding Tax Define formulas for calcularing Wirhholding Tax Define formulas for calcularing Wirhholding Tax

(Give Wirhholding Tax Type & Code
Valid from: Give rhe dare (Fiscal Year srarr dare)
Selecr rhe Line creared and douLle click 'Formulas for calcularing Wirhholding Tax'
'To' Base amounr: Rs. 999999999
Wirhholding Tax: Give rhe applicaLle Rare)
Save Save Save Save

Assign Wirhholding Tax Types ro Company Codes Assign Wirhholding Tax Types ro Company Codes Assign Wirhholding Tax Types ro Company Codes Assign Wirhholding Tax Types ro Company Codes

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financi Financi Financi Financial Accounring al Accounring al Accounring al Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax
Company Code Company Code Company Code Company Code Assign Wirhholding Tax Types ro Company Codes Assign Wirhholding Tax Types ro Company Codes Assign Wirhholding Tax Types ro Company Codes Assign Wirhholding Tax Types ro Company Codes

(Assign all rhe Wirhholding rax Types ro Company Code)

Acrivare Exrended Wirhholding Tax Acrivare Exrended Wirhholding Tax Acrivare Exrended Wirhholding Tax Acrivare Exrended Wirhholding Tax

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring FAGS FAGS FAGS FAGS Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax
Company Code Company Code Company Code Company Code Acrivare Exrended Wirhholding Tax Acrivare Exrended Wirhholding Tax Acrivare Exrended Wirhholding Tax Acrivare Exrended Wirhholding Tax

Selecr rhe Fosirion Lurron
Give rhe Company Code: IBS : IBS : IBS : IBS
Acrivare rhe Exrended virh holding Tax check Box
Save Save Save Save

Define Accounrs for Wirhholding Tax ro Le paid o Define Accounrs for Wirhholding Tax ro Le paid o Define Accounrs for Wirhholding Tax ro Le paid o Define Accounrs for Wirhholding Tax ro Le paid over (OBWW) ver (OBWW) ver (OBWW) ver (OBWW)

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 36
SFRO Financial Accounring FAGS Wirhholding Tax Exrended Wirhholding Tax
Fosrings Accounrs for Wirhholding Tax Define Accounrs for Wirhholding Tax ro Le paid over

(Assign TDS on Conrracrors, TDS on Renr, TDS on Inreresr erc. open irem managed accounrs creared
under Currenr LiaLiliries ro rhe respecrive Tax Type and Code)

Assigning Wirhholding Tax Codes in Vendor Masrer (XK02) Assigning Wirhholding Tax Codes in Vendor Masrer (XK02) Assigning Wirhholding Tax Codes in Vendor Masrer (XK02) Assigning Wirhholding Tax Codes in Vendor Masrer (XK02)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Mainrain Cenrrally Mainrain Cenrrally Mainrain Cenrrally Mainrain Cenrrally
Change Change Change Change
Select Account
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 37


Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 38
Give rhe Wirhholding Tax Code
Save Save Save Save

Vendor Sraremenr of Accounr Vendor Sraremenr of Accounr Vendor Sraremenr of Accounr Vendor Sraremenr of Accounr
Assign Frograms for Correspondence (OB78) Assign Frograms for Correspondence (OB78) Assign Frograms for Correspondence (OB78) Assign Frograms for Correspondence (OB78)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs Vendor Accounrs
Line Irems Line Irems Line Irems Line Irems Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Carryour and Che Carryour and Che Carryour and Che Carryour and Check Correspondence Serrings ck Correspondence Serrings ck Correspondence Serrings ck Correspondence Serrings Assign Assign Assign Assign
Frograms for Correspondence Frograms for Correspondence Frograms for Correspondence Frograms for Correspondence

(Selecr 'SAF06' Accounr Sraremenr, Copy As and Arrach rhe Sraremenr Type ro Company Code &

Requesr for Correspondence (FB12) Requesr for Correspondence (FB12) Requesr for Correspondence (FB12) Requesr for Correspondence (FB12)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounr Correspondence Requesr
(Selecr 'SAF06', Give Vendor A/c. No. & specify sraremenr period. Selecr 'Conrinue')

Mainrain Sraremenr (F.64) Mainrain Sraremenr (F.64) Mainrain Sraremenr (F.64) Mainrain Sraremenr (F.64)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs FayaLle Accounr Accounr Accounr Accounr Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence
Mainrain Sraremenr Mainrain Sraremenr Mainrain Sraremenr Mainrain Sraremenr
(Correspondence: SAF06, Company Code: XYZ, Accounr Type: K, Execure and DouLle click
anyvhere on rhe reporr & rhe sraremenr is displayed)

Terms of Faymenr & Cash Discounrs Terms of Faymenr & Cash Discounrs Terms of Faymenr & Cash Discounrs Terms of Faymenr & Cash Discounrs
Mainrain Terms of Faymenr (OBB8) Mainrain Terms of Faymenr (OBB8) Mainrain Terms of Faymenr (OBB8) Mainrain Terms of Faymenr (OBB8)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounr Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounr Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounr Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle s FayaLle s FayaLle s FayaLle Business Business Business Business
Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Ourgoing Invoices/Credir Memos Ourgoing Invoices/Credir Memos Ourgoing Invoices/Credir Memos Ourgoing Invoices/Credir Memos Mainrain Terms of Faymenr Mainrain Terms of Faymenr Mainrain Terms of Faymenr Mainrain Terms of Faymenr

Terms of paymenr are condirions esraLlished Lerveen Lusiness parrners ro serrle rhe paymenr of
invoices. The condirions define rhe invoice paymenr due dare and rhe cash discounr offered for early
serrlemenr of rhe invoice.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 39

Give rhe Faymenr Merhods and Save

Define Accounrs for Cash Discounrs raken (OBXU) Define Accounrs for Cash Discounrs raken (OBXU) Define Accounrs for Cash Discounrs raken (OBXU) Define Accounrs for Cash Discounrs raken (OBXU)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Business Business Business Business
Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Ourgoing Ourgoing Ourgoing Ourgoing Faymenrs Faymenrs Faymenrs Faymenrs Ourgoing Faymenr GloLal Serrings Ourgoing Faymenr GloLal Serrings Ourgoing Faymenr GloLal Serrings Ourgoing Faymenr GloLal Serrings Define Accounrs for Define Accounrs for Define Accounrs for Define Accounrs for
Cash Discounrs raken Cash Discounrs raken Cash Discounrs raken Cash Discounrs raken

Define Accounrs for Cash Discounrs granred (OBXT) Define Accounrs for Cash Discounrs granred (OBXT) Define Accounrs for Cash Discounrs granred (OBXT) Define Accounrs for Cash Discounrs granred (OBXT)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Business Business Business Business
Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Incoming Faymenrs Incoming Faymenrs Incoming Faymenrs Incoming Faymenrs Incoming Faymenr GloLal Serrings Incoming Faymenr GloLal Serrings Incoming Faymenr GloLal Serrings Incoming Faymenr GloLal Serrings Define Accounrs for Define Accounrs for Define Accounrs for Define Accounrs for
Cash Discounrs granred Cash Discounrs granred Cash Discounrs granred Cash Discounrs granred

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 40

Faymenr Differences Faymenr Differences Faymenr Differences Faymenr Differences
Define Reason Codes for Faymenr Differences ( Define Reason Codes for Faymenr Differences ( Define Reason Codes for Faymenr Differences ( Define Reason Codes for Faymenr Differences (
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle Business Business Business Business
Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Incoming F Incoming F Incoming F Incoming Faymenrs aymenrs aymenrs aymenrs Incoming Faymenr GloLal Serrings Incoming Faymenr GloLal Serrings Incoming Faymenr GloLal Serrings Incoming Faymenr GloLal Serrings over paymenr/under over paymenr/under over paymenr/under over paymenr/under
paymenrs paymenrs paymenrs paymenrs Define Reason Codes Define Reason Codes Define Reason Codes Define Reason Codes
Give rhe Company Code: IBS : IBS : IBS : IBS
Define rhe Reason Codes

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 41

Auromaric Faymenr Frogram (FBZF) Auromaric Faymenr Frogram (FBZF) Auromaric Faymenr Frogram (FBZF) Auromaric Faymenr Frogram (FBZF)
Every company needs some vay ro pay rheir vendors. The auromaric paymenr program is a rool rhar
vill help users manage payaLles. Accounrs payaLle invoices have ro Le paid on rime ro receive
possiLle discounrs.

Hov rhe Faymenr Frogram Works Hov rhe Faymenr Frogram Works Hov rhe Faymenr Frogram Works Hov rhe Faymenr Frogram Works
Furpose Furpose Furpose Furpose
Wirh rhe paymenr program you can process inrernarional paymenr rransacrions involving your
cusromers and vendors.
Frerequisires Frerequisires Frerequisires Frerequisires
The Faymenr Merhods, House Banks, and Forms you use musr Le defined or adapred Lefore rhe
paymenr run is execured.
If rhe aLove-menrioned sreps are ro Le carried our auromarically, rhe paymenr program requires rhe
folloving informarion:
Rules according ro vhich ir can derermine rhe open irems ro Le paid and, if expedienr, group
rhem rogerher for paymenr. For example, you can specify grace periods for incoming irems,
vhich are raken inro considerarion vhen calcularing rhe due dare.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 42
Specificarions for selecring rhe payee. You can enrer an alrernarive payee in your
cusromer/vendor's masrer record or in rhe documenr irself.
Rules used Ly rhe paymenr program ro selecr rhe paymenr merhods. You can specify paymenr
merhods via your cusromer or vendor's masrer record or via rhe open irems, or you can have
rhe paymenr program selecr rhem using specified rules.
Rules used Ly rhe paymenr program ro selecr rhe house Lank from vhich rhe paymenr is
made. House Lanks are Lanks vhere your company (company code) mainrains accounrs. You
can specify a house Lank in your cusromer/vendor's masrer record or in rhe line irem, or you
can have rhe paymenr program selecr ir using specified rules.
Specificarions for auromaric posrings. The paymenr program requires informarion such as
documenr rypes, posring keys and accounrs, in order ro carry our rhe auromaric posrings.
Frocess Flov Frocess Flov Frocess Flov Frocess Flov
The program processes open irems in rhree sreps (see rhe figure Frocessing Open Irems):
1. Ir derermines rhe open irems ro Le paid and creares a proposal lisr. You can process rhe
proposal lisr on-line. Among orher rhings, you can change paymenr merhods or Lanks, Llock
irems, or cancel paymenr Llocks.
2. The paymenr program carries our paymenr using rhe proposal lisr. The paymenr run includes
only rhe open irems conrained in rhe proposal lisr. The paymenr program posrs documenrs
and provides rhe dara for rhe form prinrour and for crearing rhe dara carriers, rhe paymenr
advice nores and rhe paymenr summaries.
3. Ir uses rhe prinr program ro prinr rhe forms and creare rhe dara carriers.
Faymenr merhods Faymenr merhods Faymenr merhods Faymenr merhods
The paymenr merhod specifies rhe procedure, such as check, rransfer or Lill of exchange, Ly vhich
paymenrs are made.
The folloving paymenr merhods are usual in Accounrs FayaLle and Accounrs ReceivaLle:
Faymenr Merhods in rhe Sysrem Faymenr Merhods in rhe Sysrem Faymenr Merhods in rhe Sysrem Faymenr Merhods in rhe Sysrem
Accounrs payaLle Accounrs payaLle Accounrs payaLle Accounrs payaLle Accounrs receivaLle Accounrs receivaLle Accounrs receivaLle Accounrs receivaLle
Check Bank collecrion
Transfer Bank Direcr DeLir
Fosral giro rransfer Refund Ly check
Bills of Exchange Refund Ly Lank
Check/Lill of exchange

Bank Lills
Bill of exchange
paymenr requesr
You define rhe paymenr merhods in rvo sreps:
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 43
1. You firsr make all rhe specificarions rhar are required for each paymenr merhod in each
counrry. This is necessary for all rhe paymenr merhods used Ly your organizarion in each
counrry. If you have companies (company codes) in Germany, France and rhe USA for
example, you define rhe paymenr merhod 'check' for each counrry.
2. You rhen define rhe paymenr merhods you use for each company code. When in rhis
Configurarion funcrion, you also specify rhe condirions of rheir use.

For more informarion, see Nores for rhe Faymenr Merhod
House Banks House Banks House Banks House Banks
The Lanks virh vhich your company (company code) mainrains a Lank accounr are referred ro as
house Lanks.
You define rhese Lanks in rhe sysrem under a house Lank key (Lank ID). You srore rhe accounrs rhar
you mainrain ar rhese Lanks under an accounr ID. For each Lank accounr, you creare a G/L accounr in
rhe SAF sysrem.
Bank masrer dara is srored cenrrally in rhe SAF sysrem. This includes address dara and orher conrrol
dara, such as rhe SWIFT code. You require Lank masrer dara for your house Lanks and for your
cusromer or vendor's Lanks. By specifying rhe counrry and a counrry-specific key, such as rhe Lank
numLer or rhe SWIFT code, you esraLlish rhe connecrion Lerveen your house Lanks and rhe Lank
masrer dara (see rhe figure Lelov). The Lank derails are required for prinring rhe paymenr forms.
Forms Forms Forms Forms
Various programs are availaLle for prinring paymenr forms. In some cases, rhe prinr programs are
counrry-specific. You specify rhe program ro use for a paymenr merhod vhen you make rhe counrry
specificarions for rhe paymenr merhod. See Counrry-Specific Definirions for rhe Faymenr Merhod:
Graphic (4) (4) (4) (4) rhis prevenrs rhe paymenr program from selecring rhe vrong prinr program vhen
prinring is carried our.
You also specify a name for rhe prinr joL in prinr adminisrrarion, under vhich rhe dara for rhe
paymenr rransfer is srored remporarily. See Counrry-Specific Definirions for rhe Faymenr Merhod:
Graphic (4) (4) (4) (4)
To ensure rhar rhe programs prinr rhe forms correcrly, rhe sysrem specifies vhich dara is prinred in
vhich posirion. The form layour is defined virh SAF Scripr. You specify rhe name of rhe defined
paymenr form vhen you make rhe company code specificarions for rhe paymenr merhod. See rhe
figure Lelov, (1) (1) (1) (1). You also derermine hov many invoice irems can Le prinred our in rhe parr of rhe
form vhich serves as rhe nore ro rhe payee. See rhe figure Lelov, (2) (2) (2) (2). If more irems are ro Le paid
rhan can Le lisred on a form, you specify vherher
The serrings are divided inro rhe folloving caregories:
All company codes All company codes All company codes All company codes
Inrer-company paymenr relarionships
The company code(s) rhar process paymenrs
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 44
Cash discounrs
Tolerance days for paymenrs
The cusromer and vendor rransacrions ro Le processed
Faying company codes Faying company codes Faying company codes Faying company codes
Minimum amounrs for incoming and ourgoing paymenrs
Forms for paymenr advice and EDI (Elecrronic Dara Inrerchange)
Bill of Exchange paramerers
Faymenr merhods / counrry Faymenr merhods / counrry Faymenr merhods / counrry Faymenr merhods / counrry
Merhods of paymenrs such as Cheque, Bank Transfer erc.
Define rhe Lasic requiremenrs and specificarions for each paymenr merhod
Creare a Cheque, Lank rransfer, Lill of exchange, erc.
Masrer record requiremenrs, i.e. address required
Documenr rypes for posrings
Frinr programs
Fermirred currencies
Faymenr merhods / company code Faymenr merhods / company code Faymenr merhods / company code Faymenr merhods / company code
Define for each paymenr merhod and company code
Minimum and maximum paymenr amounrs
Wherher paymenrs aLroad and foreign currencies are alloved
Grouping oprions
Bank oprimizarion
Forms for paymenr media
Bank Dererm Bank Dererm Bank Dererm Bank Dererminarion inarion inarion inarion
These componenrs need ro Le raken inro considerarion vhen selecring rhe paying house Lank .
Ranking order (per pmr merhod, define, 1. vhich house Lank should Le considered for
paymenr firsr, second, rhird, erc., 2. Currency, 3. Bill of exchange)
Accounrs & Amounrs (per house Lank and paymenr merhod comLinarion, define, 1. The
offser accounr ro rhe suL-ledger posring, 2. Clearing accounrs for Lills of exchange 3. The
availaLle amounr of funds in each Lank)
Charges (Assess addirional Lank charges for incoming and ourgoing paymenrs, Used virh Lills
of exchange, Addirional auromaric posring configurarion)
Value dare (per house Lank and paymenr merhod comLinarion, value dare is . 1. Used virh
cash managemenr and forecasr 2. The numLer of days unril value dare" plus rhe posring dare)
Sreps Sreps Sreps Sreps

Ser up all company Codes for paymenr Transacrions
Ser paying Company Code for Faymenr Transacrion
Ser up Faymenrs for Counrry for paymenr Transacrions
Ser up Faymenr merhods for Company Code
Ser up Banks Dererminarion for Faymenr Transacrions

Ser up all company Codes for paymenr Transacrions Ser up all company Codes for paymenr Transacrions Ser up all company Codes for paymenr Transacrions Ser up all company Codes for paymenr Transacrions

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 45

Give rhe Sending rhe Company Code Give rhe Sending rhe Company Code Give rhe Sending rhe Company Code Give rhe Sending rhe Company Code
Give rhe Faying Company Code Give rhe Faying Company Code Give rhe Faying Company Code Give rhe Faying Company Code
Selecr rhe max Cash Discounr Check Box Selecr rhe max Cash Discounr Check Box Selecr rhe max Cash Discounr Check Box Selecr rhe max Cash Discounr Check Box
Save Save Save Save

Ser paying Company Code for AFF Ser paying Company Code for AFF Ser paying Company Code for AFF Ser paying Company Code for AFF

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 46

Minimum amounr for incoming paymenr : :: : Rs.100
Minimum amounr for ourgoing paymenr : Rs.100
Form for rhe Faymenr Advice` : F110_D_AVIS
Texr ID : ST
Lerrer header : F110_HEADER
Foorer Texr : F100_FOOTER

Separare Faymenr for each Faymenr Re Separare Faymenr for each Faymenr Re Separare Faymenr for each Faymenr Re Separare Faymenr for each Faymenr Reference ference ference ference
This indicaror means rhar only invoices and credir memos vhich have rhe same paymenr reference
can Le serrled virh one paymenr
When dividing up paymenrs Ly reference numLer, you should nore rhar an ourgoing paymenr cannor
Le generared for paymenr references vhich only refer ro credir memos.
When paymenrs are made Ly paymenr reference, offserring Lerveen cusromers and vendors does nor
usually occur, unless rhe paymenr reference in a cusromer line irem Lecomes rhe same as rhe paymenr
reference in a vendor line irem as a resulr of a change in rhe documenr.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 47

Ser Faymenr Merhods in Counrry Ser Faymenr Merhods in Counrry Ser Faymenr Merhods in Counrry Ser Faymenr Merhods in Counrry

Faymenr Merhods for Company code level
Indicaror: One Faymenr per Irem! Indicaror: One Faymenr per Irem! Indicaror: One Faymenr per Irem! Indicaror: One Faymenr per Irem!
Causes open irems vhich conrain rhis paymenr merhod ro Le paid individually.
Us Us Us Use ee e
All irems, for vhich rhe paymenr merhod paymenr merhod paymenr merhod paymenr merhod so indicared is enrered explicirly, are paid individually. If
rhe paymenr merhod is nor specified explicirly Lur is insread selecred Ly rhe paymenr program,
several irems can Le paid rogerher.
Indicaror: Faymenr per Due Day Indicaror: Faymenr per Due Day Indicaror: Faymenr per Due Day Indicaror: Faymenr per Due Day
Indicaror vhich specifies rhar only irems rhar are due on rhe same day vill Le paid virh a single
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 48
Use Use Use Use
The due dare of rhe paid irems (rhe same for all of rhem) is srored in rhe header record of rhe
paymenr. This dare can Le referred ro in rhe paymenr medium prinr and in rhe dara medium
exchange, in order, for example, ro pass on an individual run dare ro rhe Lank for every paymenr.
Special fearures Special fearures Special fearures Special fearures
If rhe due dare of an irem is earlier rhan rhe posring dare of rhe paymenr run, ir is replaced Ly rhe
paymenr run posring dare. This ensures rhar all irems vhich are overdue on rhe posring dare are paid
virh a single paymenr.
The Laseline dare for derermining rhe value dare is rhe due dare of rhe paymenr and nor, as vas
previously rhe case, rhe posring dare of rhe paymenr.
Even rhough rhe roral irems ro Le paid may give a credir Lalance, vhich vould require an ourgoing
paymenr, ir is possiLle rhar rhere is a deLir Lalance for cerrain due dares. In rhis case, rhe irems due on
rhar dare are paid rogerher virh rhe irems from rhe nexr availaLle due dare.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 49

Crearion of Check Lors (FCHI) Crearion of Check Lors (FCHI) Crearion of Check Lors (FCHI) Crearion of Check Lors (FCHI)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Feriodic Frocessing Faymenrs
From Menu Environmenr Check Informarion NumLer Ranges
Give rhe Faying Co.Code : IBS
House Bank : SBI
Give rhe Bank Accounr ID : SBICC
Selecr Change Lurron
Selecr rhe Creare Lurron
Give Check lor numLer: 101
From NumLer: 100000 ro 200000
Nore: Don'r Check on 'Non-Sequenrial' (Should Le sequenrial for rhe paymenr program)
Save Save Save Save
Faymenr Run (F110) Faymenr Run (F110) Faymenr Run (F110) Faymenr Run (F110)
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 50
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Feriodic Frocessing Faymenrs
(4 sreps ro rhe paymenr process:
Faramerers Faramerers Faramerers Faramerers: In rhis srep, rhe folloving quesrions are asked and ansvered
Who is going ro Le paid!
Whar paymenr merhods vill Le used!
When vill rhey Le paid!
Which company codes vill Le considered!
Hov are rhey going ro Le paid!
Froposal Froposal Froposal Froposal: Once rhe paramerers have Leen specified, rhe proposal run is scheduled and ir produces a
lisr of Lusiness parrners and open invoices rhar are due for paymenr. Invoices can Le Llocked or
unLlocked for paymenr.
Frogram Frogram Frogram Frogram: Once rhe paymenr lisr has Leen verified, rhe paymenr run is scheduled. A paymenr
documenr is creared and rhe general ledger and suL-ledger accounrs are updared.
Frinr Frinr Frinr Frinr: The accounring funcrions are complered and a separare prinr program is scheduled ro generare
rhe paymenr media.)

Run Dare: Currenr Dare
Idenrificarion: ABC (any)
Click 'Faramerers' TaL
Company Code: XYZ
Faymenr Merhod: D
Nexr Faymenr Dare: Currenr Dare+1
Vendor Accounr: Give Range

Click 'Addirional Log' TaL
Vendor Accounr: Give Range
Check on 'Due Dare Check'
Check on 'Faymenr merhod selecrion in all cases'
Save & Back

Click 'Schedule Froposal'
Selecr 'Srarr Immediarely'
Targer: BBY
'Enrer' rill Faymenr Froposal has Leen creared

Click 'Edir Froposal' Click 'Edir Froposal' Click 'Edir Froposal' Click 'Edir Froposal'
Selecr Line Irems Selecr Line Irems Selecr Line Irems Selecr Line Irems
Click 'Reallocare'
Faymenr Merhod: D
House Bank: UTI
A/c. ID: UTI1
Save & Back

Click 'Frinrour/Dara Medium'
Frogram: RFFOUS_C
Varianr: D
Environmenr Mainrain Varianr
Frogram Run Dare: Currenr Dare+1 (Nexr Faymenr Dare menrioned in rhe Frogram)
Idenrificarion: ABC
Faying Company Code: XYZ
Faymenr Merhod: D
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 51
Business Area: XYZH
House Bank: UTI
A/c. ID: UTI1
Currency Key: INR
Frinr Conrrol:-
Selecr 'Frinr Checks' Selecr 'Frinr Immediarely'
Selecr 'Frinr Faymenr Summary' Selecr 'Frinr Immediarely'
No. of Sample Frinrours: 0
No. of irems in Faymenr Summary: 9999
Save & Back Arrov rvice

Click 'Faymenr Run' TaL
Selecr 'Srarr Immediarely'
'Enrer' rill Faymenr Run is carried our
Click 'Schedule Frinr' TaL
Selecr 'Srarr Immediarely'
JoL Name:
'Enrer' rill Faymenr Run is carried our
Sysrem Services Ourpur Conrroller (SF01)
Selecr rhe irem in rhe reporr
Click 'Display Conrenrs' Icon
Reporr can Le vieved.

Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle
The Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle applicarion componenr records and adminisrers accounring dara of all
cusromers. Ir is also an inregral parr of sales managemenr.
All posrings in Accounrs ReceivaLle are also recorded direcrly in rhe General Ledger. Differenr G/L
accounrs are updared depending on rhe rransacrion involved (for example, receivaLles, dovn
paymenrs, and Lills of exchange). The sysrem conrains a range of rools rhar you can use ro moniror
open irems, such as accounr analyses, alarm reporrs, due dare lisrs, and a flexiLle dunning program.
The correspondence linked ro rhese rools can Le individually formulared ro suir your requiremenrs.
This is also rhe case for paymenr norices, Lalance confirmarions, accounr sraremenrs, and inreresr
calcularions. Incoming paymenrs can Le assigned ro due receivaLles using user-friendly screen
funcrions or Ly elecrronic means such as EDI and dara relecommunicarion.
The paymenr program can auromarically carry our direcr deLiring and dovn paymenrs.
There are a range of rools availaLle for documenring rhe rransacrions rhar occur in Accounrs
ReceivaLle, including Lalance lisrs, journals, Lalance audir rrails, and orher srandard reporrs. When
draving up financial sraremenrs, rhe irems in foreign currency are revalued, cusromers vho are also
vendors are lisred, and rhe Lalances on rhe accounrs are sorred Ly remaining life.
Accounrs receivaLle is nor only one of rhe Lranches of accounring rhar forms rhe Lasis of adequare
and orderly accounring. Ir also provides rhe dara required for effecrive credir managemenr, (as a
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 52
resulr of irs close inregrarion virh rhe Sales and DisrriLurion componenr), as vell as imporranr
informarion for rhe oprimizarion of liquidiry planning, (rhrough irs link ro Cash Managemenr).
To process receivaLles-relared dispure cases, for example, paymenr reducrions, you can use rhe
componenr SAF Dispure Managemenr SAF Dispure Managemenr SAF Dispure Managemenr SAF Dispure Managemenr.

Fosring Keys Fosring Keys Fosring Keys Fosring Keys
Cusromer DeLir: 01, Cusromer Credir: 15
S/DeLrors Bill of Exchange DeLir: 09, S/DeLrors Bill of Exchange Credir: 19

Documenr Types Documenr Types Documenr Types Documenr Types

DR Cusromer Invoice, DZ Cusromer Faymenr, DA Cusromer Documenr (Transfers/Reversals)
AR (Cusromer Accounrs) is a SuLsidiary Ledger of Sundry DeLrors & Sundry DeLrors is a
Reconciliarion Accounr under Currenr Assers.

Basic Serrings for Accounrs ReceivaLles Basic Serrings for Accounrs ReceivaLles Basic Serrings for Accounrs ReceivaLles Basic Serrings for Accounrs ReceivaLles

a) a) a) a) Crearion of Cusromer Accounr Groups like FI Cusromers and SD Crearion of Cusromer Accounr Groups like FI Cusromers and SD Crearion of Cusromer Accounr Groups like FI Cusromers and SD Crearion of Cusromer Accounr Groups like FI Cusromers and SD Cusromers virh Cusromers virh Cusromers virh Cusromers virh
Reconciliarion Accounr Field mandarory. Reconciliarion Accounr Field mandarory. Reconciliarion Accounr Field mandarory. Reconciliarion Accounr Field mandarory.
L) L) L) L) Crearion of NumLer Range Groups and NumLers for Cusromers. Crearion of NumLer Range Groups and NumLers for Cusromers. Crearion of NumLer Range Groups and NumLers for Cusromers. Crearion of NumLer Range Groups and NumLers for Cusromers.
c) c) c) c) Assignmenr of NumLer Range Group ro Cusromer Accounr Group. Assignmenr of NumLer Range Group ro Cusromer Accounr Group. Assignmenr of NumLer Range Group ro Cusromer Accounr Group. Assignmenr of NumLer Range Group ro Cusromer Accounr Group.
d) d) d) d) Crearion of GL Masrer Crearion of GL Masrer Crearion of GL Masrer Crearion of GL Masrer
a. a. a. a. Sundry DeLrors Sundry DeLrors Sundry DeLrors Sundry DeLrors
L. L. L. L. Sales Accounrs Sales Accounrs Sales Accounrs Sales Accounrs
e) e) e) e) Crearion of Cusromer Masre Crearion of Cusromer Masre Crearion of Cusromer Masre Crearion of Cusromer Masrer. r. r. r.
f) f) f) f) Documenr Types and NumLer Ranges for KR, KZ and KA. Documenr Types and NumLer Ranges for KR, KZ and KA. Documenr Types and NumLer Ranges for KR, KZ and KA. Documenr Types and NumLer Ranges for KR, KZ and KA.
g) g) g) g) Cusromer Invoice Fosring Cusromer Invoice Fosring Cusromer Invoice Fosring Cusromer Invoice Fosring
h) h) h) h) Display rhe Cusromer line irems Display rhe Cusromer line irems Display rhe Cusromer line irems Display rhe Cusromer line irems

Crearion of Cusromer Accounr Groups (OBD2) Crearion of Cusromer Accounr Groups (OBD2) Crearion of Cusromer Accounr Groups (OBD2) Crearion of Cusromer Accounr Groups (OBD2)

SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Cusromer Accounrs Cusromer Accounrs Cusromer Accounrs Cusromer Accounrs
Masr Masr Masr Masrer Records er Records er Records er Records Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Masrer Records Define Accounr Groups Define Accounr Groups Define Accounr Groups Define Accounr Groups
virh Screen Layours (Cusromers) virh Screen Layours (Cusromers) virh Screen Layours (Cusromers) virh Screen Layours (Cusromers)
Selecr rhe Nev Enrries
(Creare FI Cusromer Group & SD Cusromer Group and save
Company Code Dara Accounr Managemenr Reconciliarion Accounr Required Enrry and cash
managemenr Group is Suppress)

Creare NumLer Ranges for Cusromer Accounrs (XDN1) Creare NumLer Ranges for Cusromer Accounrs (XDN1) Creare NumLer Ranges for Cusromer Accounrs (XDN1) Creare NumLer Ranges for Cusromer Accounrs (XDN1)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Cusromer Accounrs Cusromer Accounrs Cusromer Accounrs Cusromer Accounrs
Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Creare NumLer Ranges Creare NumLer Ranges Creare NumLer Ranges Creare NumLer Ranges
for Cusromer Accounrs for Cusromer Accounrs for Cusromer Accounrs for Cusromer Accounrs

The Cusromer Accounr Group conrrols
The numLer ranges of rhe accounrs, rhe srarus of rhe fields in rhe masrer record and vherher rhe
accounr is a one rime cusromer.
Give rhe Company Code: IBS
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 53
Selecr rhe Change Inrervals Lurron
Selecr rhe inserr inrervals Lurron
Give rhe NumLer ranges and Save Save Save Save

Assign NumLer Ranges ro Cusromer Accounr Groups (OBAR) Assign NumLer Ranges ro Cusromer Accounr Groups (OBAR) Assign NumLer Ranges ro Cusromer Accounr Groups (OBAR) Assign NumLer Ranges ro Cusromer Accounr Groups (OBAR)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Cusromer Accounrs Cusromer Accounrs Cusromer Accounrs Cusromer Accounrs
Masr Masr Masr Masrer Records er Records er Records er Records Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Masrer Records Frepararions for crearing Cusromer Masrer Records Assign NumLer Ranges Assign NumLer Ranges Assign NumLer Ranges Assign NumLer Ranges
ro Cusromer Accounr Groups ro Cusromer Accounr Groups ro Cusromer Accounr Groups ro Cusromer Accounr Groups
Selecr rhe posirion Lurron
Give rhe Cusromers Accounr Group: XYZ
Assign rhe NumLer range: 02
Save Save Save Save

Crearion of Cusromer Masrer (XD01) Crearion of Cusromer Masrer (XD01) Crearion of Cusromer Masrer (XD01) Crearion of Cusromer Masrer (XD01)
Accounri Accounri Accounri Accounring ng ng ng Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Masrer Records Mainrain Mainrain Mainrain Mainrain
Cenrrally Cenrrally Cenrrally Cenrrally Creare Creare Creare Creare
Give rhe Cusromer Accounr Group: IBS Cusromers Group
Give rhe Company Code: IBS
Descriprion: Cusromer Name (XYZ Limired) and selecr Nexr Screen Lurron Nexr Screen Lurron Nexr Screen Lurron Nexr Screen Lurron Selecr Company Code
Dara Burron - Give Reconciliarion Accounr NumLer,
Give rhe Sorr Key
Save Save Save Save

Line irem display and open irem managemenr are alvays preser ro on" for every cusromer accounr.

A complere Cusromer Accounr consisrs of 3 segmenrs 1. General Dara ar rhe clienr level 2. Company
code segmenr and 3. Sales Area segmenr

General dara consisrs Address, Conrrol dara, Faymenr rransacrions erc. The accounr numLer is
assigned ro rhe Cusromer ar rhe clienr level. This ensures rhar rhe accounr numLer for a cusromer is
rhe same for all company codes and sales areas.
Company dara consisrs Accounring informarion, Faymenr rransacrions, Correspondence, Insurance,
Wirhholding rax erc.

Nore: If SD creares rheir segmenr of rhe masrer record and rhen FI creares rheir segmenrs of rhe
masrer record, rhere is rhe risk of crearing incomplere or duplicare masrer records. To find and
correcr rhese incomplere accounrs, ve can run reporr RFDKAG00 and make rhe necessary
Crearion of duplicare accounrs can Le prevenred Ly:
Using rhe march code Lefore crearing a nev accounr
Svirching on auromaric duplicarion check
Imporranr Fields Imporranr Fields Imporranr Fields Imporranr Fields
Search Irem: Should Le filled virh a shorr version of rhe cusromer name according ro
company rules/desires. An addirional search field also can Le filled up.
Group Key: Cusromers vho Lelong ro one corporare group can Le Lundled rogerher Ly a user-
defined group key. This group key can Le used for running reporrs, rransacrion processing or
for march codes.
Accounring clerk: The accounring clerk's name has ro Le srored under an ID and rhis ID can
Le enrered in rhe cusromer masrer record of rhe accounr he or she is responsiLle for. The
accounring clerk's name is rhen prinred on correspondence and rhis ID is used ro sorr
dunning and paymenr proposal lisrs.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 54

Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7) Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7) Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7) Documenr Types & NumLer Ranges (OBA7)
SFRO Financial Accounring FAGS Documenr Documenr Header Overviev

Selecr rhe documenr rype: DR Cusromer Invoice
Selecr rhe documenr rype: DA Cusromer Documenr
Selecr rhe documenr rype: DZ Cusromer Faymenr
Selecr rhe Documenr rype and Selecr rhe Derails Lurron
Selecr rhe NumLer range informarion Give rhe Company Code Selecr rhe change inrervals
Lurron selecr rhe inserr inrervals Lurron
(Give NumLer Ranges for Documenr Types DR, DZ and DA)
Save Save Save Save

Sale Invoice Fosring (F Sale Invoice Fosring (F Sale Invoice Fosring (F Sale Invoice Fosring (F- -- -22) 22) 22) 22)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Orher Orher Orher Orher
Invoice General Invoice General Invoice General Invoice General
Give rhe Doc. Dare, Company Code: IBS and Currency INR
Fosring Key: 01
Give rhe Cusromer Accounrs NumLer: 1000001
Give rhe Amounr: 100000
Texr: Cusromer Invoice Fosring
Fosring key 50
Accounrs NumLer: 300000 (Sales Accounr)
Amounr ' Texr +
Documenr simulare and Save Save Save Save

Display Cusromer Accounr (FBL5N) virh Open Irem, Cleared Irem and Special GL Irem derails Display Cusromer Accounr (FBL5N) virh Open Irem, Cleared Irem and Special GL Irem derails Display Cusromer Accounr (FBL5N) virh Open Irem, Cleared Irem and Special GL Irem derails Display Cusromer Accounr (FBL5N) virh Open Irem, Cleared Irem and Special GL Irem derails
Accounri Accounri Accounri Accounring ng ng ng Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounr Accounr Accounr Accounr Display/Change Line Display/Change Line Display/Change Line Display/Change Line
Irems Irems Irems Irems

Give rhe Cusromer Accounr NumLer: 100000
Give rhe company Code : IBS
Fiscal year : 2007

Execure Execure Execure Execure

Display Cusromer Accounr (FD10N) Display Cusromer Accounr (FD10N) Display Cusromer Accounr (FD10N) Display Cusromer Accounr (FD10N)

Incoming Faymenr Fo Incoming Faymenr Fo Incoming Faymenr Fo Incoming Faymenr Fosring (F sring (F sring (F sring (F- -- -28) 28) 28) 28)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Incoming Incoming Incoming Incoming
Faymenr Faymenr Faymenr Faymenr

Give rhe Documenr Dare : 04/06/2007 Give rhe Documenr Dare : 04/06/2007 Give rhe Documenr Dare : 04/06/2007 Give rhe Documenr Dare : 04/06/2007
Company Code: IBS Company Code: IBS Company Code: IBS Company Code: IBS
Give rhe GL Accounr NumLer : 200300 Give rhe GL Accounr NumLer : 200300 Give rhe GL Accounr NumLer : 200300 Give rhe GL Accounr NumLer : 200300
Amounr : 100000 Amounr : 100000 Amounr : 100000 Amounr : 100000
Texr is incoming paymenr Texr is incoming paymenr Texr is incoming paymenr Texr is incoming paymenr
Give rhe Cusromer Give rhe Cusromer Give rhe Cusromer Give rhe Cusromer accounr and selecr rhe process open irem Lurron accounr and selecr rhe process open irem Lurron accounr and selecr rhe process open irem Lurron accounr and selecr rhe process open irem Lurron
Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Simulare and Save Simulare and Save Simulare and Save Simulare and Save
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 55

Dovn Faymenrs from Cusromers Dovn Faymenrs from Cusromers Dovn Faymenrs from Cusromers Dovn Faymenrs from Cusromers

Creare Special GL Accounr 'Advances from Cusromers (Reconciliarion Accounr)' under Creare Special GL Accounr 'Advances from Cusromers (Reconciliarion Accounr)' under Creare Special GL Accounr 'Advances from Cusromers (Reconciliarion Accounr)' under Creare Special GL Accounr 'Advances from Cusromers (Reconciliarion Accounr)' under
Currenr LiaLiliries Currenr LiaLiliries Currenr LiaLiliries Currenr LiaLiliries
Creare Link Lerveen S/DeLrors' and 'Advances Creare Link Lerveen S/DeLrors' and 'Advances Creare Link Lerveen S/DeLrors' and 'Advances Creare Link Lerveen S/DeLrors' and 'Advances from Cusromers' (Special GL Indicaror: A) from Cusromers' (Special GL Indicaror: A) from Cusromers' (Special GL Indicaror: A) from Cusromers' (Special GL Indicaror: A)
Dovn Faymenr Receipr Fosring Dovn Faymenr Receipr Fosring Dovn Faymenr Receipr Fosring Dovn Faymenr Receipr Fosring
Sale Invoice Fosring Sale Invoice Fosring Sale Invoice Fosring Sale Invoice Fosring
Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr Transfer of Dovn Faymenr from Special GL ro Normal irem Ly clearing Special GL Accounr
Clearing of Normal Irem Clearing of Normal Irem Clearing of Normal Irem Clearing of Normal Irem

Link Lerveen S/DeLrors and Advances from Cusromers Link Lerveen S/DeLrors and Advances from Cusromers Link Lerveen S/DeLrors and Advances from Cusromers Link Lerveen S/DeLrors and Advances from Cusromers (OBXR) (OBXR) (OBXR) (OBXR)
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Business Business Business Business
Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Dovn Faymenrs Received Dovn Faymenrs Received Dovn Faymenrs Received Dovn Faymenrs Received Define Reconciliarion Accounrs for Cusromer Dovn Define Reconciliarion Accounrs for Cusromer Dovn Define Reconciliarion Accounrs for Cusromer Dovn Define Reconciliarion Accounrs for Cusromer Dovn
Faymenrs Faymenrs Faymenrs Faymenrs

Assign rhe Reconciliarion Accounr ro Special GL Accounr

Save Save Save Save
Cusromer dovn Faymenr Fosring (F Cusromer dovn Faymenr Fosring (F Cusromer dovn Faymenr Fosring (F Cusromer dovn Faymenr Fosring (F- -- -29) 29) 29) 29)

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 56
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr
Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr Dovn Faymenr

Give rhe Documenr Dare: 30/05/2007
Give rhe Company Code: IBS, Currency INR
Give Bank Accounr: 200100 and Give Special GL Indicaror A"
Amounr: 100000 and Give rhe Cusromer Accounr numLer 300001
Texr: Advance paymenr from Cusromer
Selecr Display Documenr over Viev Lurron Amounr ' and Texr + documenr simulare
and Save Save Save Save
(Special GL Indicaror 'A')

Sale Invoice Fo Sale Invoice Fo Sale Invoice Fo Sale Invoice Fosring (F sring (F sring (F sring (F- -- -22) 22) 22) 22)
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Documenr Enrry Orher Orher Orher Orher
Invoice General Invoice General Invoice General Invoice General

Give rhe Doc. Dare, Company Code: IBS and Currency INR
Fosring Key: 01
Give rhe Cusromer Accounrs NumLer: 1000001
Give rhe Amounr: 100000
Texr: Cusromer Invoice Fosring
Fosring key 50
Accounrs NumLer: 300000 (Sales Accounr)
Amounr ' Texr +
Documenr simulare and Save Save Save Save

Transfer of Advance from Special GL ro Normal Ly clearing Special GL (F Transfer of Advance from Special GL ro Normal Ly clearing Special GL (F Transfer of Advance from Special GL ro Normal Ly clearing Special GL (F Transfer of Advance from Special GL ro Normal Ly clearing Special GL (F- -- -39) Dovn Faymenr 39) Dovn Faymenr 39) Dovn Faymenr 39) Dovn Faymenr
Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle Documenr Enrry Dovn Faymenr
Transfer amounr and save

Clearing of Normal Irem (F Clearing of Normal Irem (F Clearing of Normal Irem (F Clearing of Normal Irem (F- -- -32) 32) 32) 32)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle Accounr Clear

Dunning Dunning Dunning Dunning
Sysrem defined reminder lerrers
Dunning Area: Sourh, Norrh, Easr, Wesr
Dunning Levels: 4 (Maximum levels 9)
Dunning Frequency: 10/20/30 days
Grace Feriod: 3/4/5 days

The Dunning Frogram serrings are divided inro rhe folloving caregories:
Dunning Frocedure
o Define rhe key for rhe dunning procedure ro Le used
o Give a descriprion for rhe dunning procedure
o Define dunning inrerval in days
o Specify minimum days in arrears afrer vhich a dunning norice vill Le senr
o Grace period per line irem
o Inreresr calcularion indicaror for calcularion of dunning inreresr
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 57
Dunning levels (Each irem ro Le dunned gers a dunning level according ro irs days in arrears)
o Define minimum numLer of days, referring ro rhe due dare of ner paymenr, ro reach a
cerrain dunning level
o Define vherher inreresr is ro Le calculared
o Define prinr paramerers
o Define dunning charges, depending on rhe dunning level
o Dunning charges can Le eirher a fixed amounr or a percenrage of rhe dunned amounr
o A minimum amounr for rhe dunning charges can Le ser
Minimum amounrs
o Define minimum amounr or percenrage of rhe overdue irems ro reach a dunning level
o Minimum amounr ro Le reached in order ro calculare inreresr per dunning level
Dunning rexrs
o Define rhe name of rhe form rhar vill Le used ar each dunning level
o Company code dara
o Sorr fields
o Sender derails
o Dunning areas
o Dunning keys (A dunning key derermines rhar rhe line irem can only Le dunned virh
resrricrions or is ro Le displayed separarely on rhe dunning norice. By assigning
dunning keys ro cerrain irems ve can prevenr rhese irems from exceeding a cerrain
dunning level.)
o Dunning Llock reasons ( A dunning Llock prevenrs accounrs and irems ro Le dunned)
o Inreresr
o Dunning grouping

Define Dunning Areas (OB61) Define Dunning Areas (OB61) Define Dunning Areas (OB61) Define Dunning Areas (OB61)
SFRO Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Business Transacrions
Dunning Basic Serrings for Dunning Define Dunning Areas
(F5, Company Code: XYZ, Area: leave Llank, Texr: Dunning Area for XYZ)

Define Dunning Frocedure (FBMF) Define Dunning Frocedure (FBMF) Define Dunning Frocedure (FBMF) Define Dunning Frocedure (FBMF)
SFRO Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Business Transacrions
Dunning Dunning Frocedure Define Dunning Frocedures
(Selecr 'Nev Frocedure'
Name: XYZ Texr: Dunning Frocedure for XYZ
Dunning Inrerval: 10 days
NumLer of Dunning Levels: 4 (max)
Line Irem Grace Feriod: 3 days
Selecr 'Srandard Transacrion Dunning'
Reference Dunning Frocedure: XYZ
Reference Inreresr Indicaror: Irem Inreresr calcularion key if any

Selecr 'Dunning Texr' Burron (ignore rhe varning message & enrer)
Co. Code: XYZ
Selecr 'Cusromer' & Enrer

Selecr 'Nev Company Code' Burron
Give: XYZ & Enrer
Selecr 'Separare Norice per Dunning Level'
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 58
Back arrov rvice & say 'Yes' ro rhe message 'Dara ro Le saved!'

Selecr 'Dunning Texr' Burron once again
Co. Code: XYZ
Selecr 'Cusromer' & Enrer
[Open one more session virh FBMF & DouLle Click 0001 Sysrem defined Dunning Frocedure
Selecr 'Dunning Texr' Burron and give Co. Code: 0001
Selecr 'Cusromer' & Enrer]
Copy rhe Forms from here and Fasre in XYZ's FBMF
Selecr Back Arrov
Selecr 'Dunning Levels' Burron & specify inreresr serrings if any
Selecr 'Charges' Burron ro specify Dunning Charges if any
Save, Ignore rhe varning message & Enrer)

Assignmenr of Dunning Frocedure in rhe Cusromer Masrer (XD02) Assignmenr of Dunning Frocedure in rhe Cusromer Masrer (XD02) Assignmenr of Dunning Frocedure in rhe Cusromer Masrer (XD02) Assignmenr of Dunning Frocedure in rhe Cusromer Masrer (XD02)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle Masrer Records Mainrain Cenrrally
(In Company Code Dara Correspondence TaL Assign Dunning Frocedure)

Dunning Run (F150) Dunning Run (F150) Dunning Run (F150) Dunning Run (F150)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle Feriodic Frocessing Dunning

Sreps in Dunning Run
Mainrain Faramerers (specify rhe accounrs and documenrs rhar are ro Le considered in rhe
dunning run)
Froposal Run
Ediring Froposal
Frinring Dunning Norices

(Run on: Currenr Dare
Idenrificarion: XYZ1 (any)
Selecr 'Faramerers' TaL
Dunning Dare: Currenr Dare
Documenrs Fosred up ro: Currenr Dare
Company Code: XYZ
Cusromer A/c. No.: Give rhe range & Save & Selecr Back Arrov

Selecr 'Schedule' Burron
Srarr Dare: Currenr Dare
Selecr 'Srarr Immediarely'
Ourpur Device: LF01 & Selecr Schedule Burron
Till you ger complere message keep on enrering

Selecr 'Dunning Frinrour' Burron
Selecr 'Frinr' Burron
Till you ger complere message keep on enrering

Selecr 'Sample Frinrour' Burron
Cusromer NumLer: Give Range & Selecr Frinr Burron
Till you ger complere message keep on enrering

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 59
Selecr 'Individual Dunning Norice' Burron
Ourpur Device: LF01 & Selecr Conrinue Burron
Co. Code: XYZ & Give Cusromer Range
Selecr Frinrour Burron)

Nore: Dunning Level complered vill Le updared in Cusromer Masrer Record.

Sales Tax Sales Tax Sales Tax Sales Tax
Inpur Tax or Furchase Tax Inpur Tax or Furchase Tax Inpur Tax or Furchase Tax Inpur Tax or Furchase Tax
Base 100
2% Tax 2
Invenrory RM 102
Ourpur Tax or Sales Tax Ourpur Tax or Sales Tax Ourpur Tax or Sales Tax Ourpur Tax or Sales Tax
Base Frice 100 Sales Accounr
4% ST 4 ST FayaLle Accounr

Define Calcularion Frocedure (OBQ3) Define Calcularion Frocedure (OBQ3) Define Calcularion Frocedure (OBQ3) Define Calcularion Frocedure (OBQ3)
SFRO Financial Accounring FAGS Tax on Sales/Furchases Basic Serrings Check Calcularion
DouLle click 'Define Frocedures'
(F5, Frocedure: TaxXYZ [any], Desc: Sales Tax India & Save
Selecr rhe Record Creared
DouLle click 'Conrrol Dara' & Selecr 'Nev Enrries'
Srep: 1
Condirion Type: BASB Base Amounr
Srep: 2
Condirion Type: MWVS Inpur Tax
From: 1 To: 1
Accounr Key: VST Inpur Tax
Srep: 3
Condirion Type: MWAS Ourpur Tax
From: 1 To: 1
Accounr Key: MWS Ourpur Tax

Assign Counry ro Calcularion Frocedure Assign Counry ro Calcularion Frocedure Assign Counry ro Calcularion Frocedure Assign Counry ro Calcularion Frocedure
SFRO Financial Accounring FAGS Tax on Sales/Furchases Basic Serrings Assign Counry ro
Calcularion Frocedure
(For Counrry 'IN' arrach rhe procedure 'TaxXYZ')

Define Tax Codes for Sales & Furchases (FTXF) Define Tax Codes for Sales & Furchases (FTXF) Define Tax Codes for Sales & Furchases (FTXF) Define Tax Codes for Sales & Furchases (FTXF)
SFRO Financial Accounring FAGS Tax on Sales/Furchases Calcularion Define Tax Codes for
Sales and Furchases
(For Inpur Tax For Inpur Tax For Inpur Tax For Inpur Tax
Counrry: IN & Enrer
Tax Code: V1 [Any] Desc: 2% Inpur Tax
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 60
Tax Type: 'V' Inpur Tax & Enrer
Inpur Tax: 2% (Give Inpur Tax Rare)
Deacrivare rhe Ourpur Tax Line & Save)
(For Ourpur Tax For Ourpur Tax For Ourpur Tax For Ourpur Tax
Counrry: IN & Enrer
Tax Code: A1 (Any) Desc: 4% Ourpur Tax
Tax Type: 'A' Ourpur Tax & Enrer
Ourpur Tax: 4% (Give Ourpur Tax Rare)
Deacrivare rhe Inpur Tax Line & Save)

Define Tax Accounrs (OB40) Define Tax Accounrs (OB40) Define Tax Accounrs (OB40) Define Tax Accounrs (OB40)
SFRO Financial Accounring FAGS Tax on Sales/Furchases Fosring Define Tax Accounrs
(DouLle click 'VST' Inpur Tax key
Charr of Accounrs: XYZ & Save
Give rhe GL Accounr NumLer ro vhich Inpur Tax should go: Invenrory-RM A/c.
Selecr Back Arrov & DouLle click 'MWS' key for Ourpur Tax
Charr of Accounrs: XYZ
Check On 'Tax Code vise' & Save
Tax Code: A1 Accounr NumLer: ST FayaLle A/c.)

Assign Sales Tax Code in Cusromer Masrer (XD02) Assign Sales Tax Code in Cusromer Masrer (XD02) Assign Sales Tax Code in Cusromer Masrer (XD02) Assign Sales Tax Code in Cusromer Masrer (XD02)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLle Masrer Records Mainrain Cenrrally
(General Dara Burron Conrrol Dara TaL Tax Code1: A1 rhe defined rax code)

A AA Assign Sales Tax Code in GL Accounr Sales (FS00) ssign Sales Tax Code in GL Accounr Sales (FS00) ssign Sales Tax Code in GL Accounr Sales (FS00) ssign Sales Tax Code in GL Accounr Sales (FS00)
Conrrol Dara TaL Tax Caregory: ' (All Tax Codes alloved)
Check on 'Fosring virhour Tax alloved'

Fosring of Sale Transacrion in FI (F Fosring of Sale Transacrion in FI (F Fosring of Sale Transacrion in FI (F Fosring of Sale Transacrion in FI (F- -- -22) 22) 22) 22)
The Enrry vill Le
Cusromer A/c. Dr. 1,04,000/-
To Sales 1,00,000/-
To ST FayaLle 4,000/-

Asser Accounring Overviev Asser Accounring Overviev Asser Accounring Overviev Asser Accounring Overviev
Furpose Furpose Furpose Furpose
The Asser Accounring (FI-AA) componenr is used for managing and supervising fixed assers virh rhe
SAF R/3 Sysrem. In SAF R/3 Financial Accounring, ir serves as a suLsidiary ledger ro rhe FI General
Ledger, providing derailed informarion on rransacrions involving fixed assers.
Implemenrarion Considerarions Implemenrarion Considerarions Implemenrarion Considerarions Implemenrarion Considerarions
The R/3 Asser Accounring componenr is inrended for inrernarional use in many counrries,
irrespecrive of rhe narure of rhe indusrry. This means, for example, rhar no counrry-specific valuarion
rules are hard-coded in rhe sysrem. You give rhis componenr irs counrry-specific and company-
specific characrer virh rhe serrings you make in Cusromizing. To minimize rhe rime and energy
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 61
involved in Cusromizing, counrry-specific defaulrs are provided in rhe srandard sysrem vhere
The Implemenrarion Guide (IMG) provides rhe necessary funcrions for rhis in Asser Accounring.
Inregrarion Inregrarion Inregrarion Inregrarion
As a resulr of rhe inregrarion in rhe R/3 Sysrem, Asser Accounring (FI-AA) rransfers dara direcrly ro
and from orher R/3 componenrs. For example, ir is possiLle ro posr from rhe Marerials Managemenr
(MM) componenr direcrly ro FI-AA. When an asser is purchased or produced in-house, you can
direcrly posr rhe invoice receipr or goods receipr, or rhe virhdraval from rhe varehouse, ro assers in
rhe Asser Accounring componenr. Ar rhe same rime, you can pass on depreciarion and inreresr
direcrly ro rhe Financial Accounring (FI) and Conrrolling (CO) componenrs. From rhe Flanr
Mainrenance (FM) componenr, you can serrle mainrenance acriviries rhar require capiralizarion ro

Inregrar Inregrar Inregrar Inregrarion of Asser Accounring ion of Asser Accounring ion of Asser Accounring ion of Asser Accounring
Fearures Fearures Fearures Fearures
The Asser Accounring componenr consisrs of rhe folloving parrs:
Tradirional asser accounring
Frocessing leased assers
Frepararion for consolidarion
Informarion Sysrem
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 62
Tradirional asser accounring encompasses rhe enrire liferime of rhe asser from purchase order or rhe
inirial acquisirion (possiLly managed as an asser under consrrucrion) rhrough irs reriremenr. The
sysrem calculares, ro a large exrenr auromarically, rhe values for depreciarion, inreresr, insurance and
orher purposes Lerveen rhese rvo poinrs in rime, and places rhis informarion ar your disposal in
varied form using rhe Informarion Sysrem. There is a reporr for depreciarion forecasring and
simularion of rhe developmenr of asser values.
The sysrem also offers special funcrions for leased assers, and assers under consrrucrion. The sysrem
enaLles you ro manage values in parallel currencies using differenr rypes of valuarion. These fearures
simplify rhe process of preparing for rhe consolidarion of mulri-narional group concerns. The Flanr
Mainrenance (FM) componenr offers funcrions for rhe rechnical managemenr of assers in rhe form of
funcrional locarions and as equipmenr. The Treasury (TR) componenr offers special funcrions for
managing financial assers
Flov of Asser Flov of Asser Flov of Asser Flov of Asser Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring
Accounr Accounr Accounr Accounr
dererminarion dererminarion dererminarion dererminarion
Asser Class Asser Class Asser Class Asser Class Asser masrers Asser masrers Asser masrers Asser masrers SuL Asser masrers SuL Asser masrers SuL Asser masrers SuL Asser masrers
Furchases Furchases Furchases Furchases

Sales Sales Sales Sales

Frofir on Sales of Frofir on Sales of Frofir on Sales of Frofir on Sales of
Assers Assers Assers Assers

Scrap and Scrap and Scrap and Scrap and
Depreciarion Depreciarion Depreciarion Depreciarion

Acc. depreciarion Acc. depreciarion Acc. depreciarion Acc. depreciarion
Land Land Land Land

Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings

Flanr & Flanr & Flanr & Flanr &
Machinery Machinery Machinery Machinery

Furnirure & Furnirure & Furnirure & Furnirure &
Fixrures Fixrures Fixrures Fixrures

Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles

Capiral Work in Capiral Work in Capiral Work in Capiral Work in
progress progress progress progress

Free hold Land Free hold Land Free hold Land Free hold Land
Less hold Land Less hold Land Less hold Land Less hold Land

Facrory Luildings Facrory Luildings Facrory Luildings Facrory Luildings
Non Non Non Non- -- - Facrory Facrory Facrory Facrory
Luildings Luildings Luildings Luildings

Depr Depr Depr Depr A AA A
Depr Depr Depr Depr B BB B
Depr Depr Depr Depr C CC C

Indigenous Indigenous Indigenous Indigenous
Imporred Imporred Imporred Imporred

Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion - -- -1 11 1
Expansion Expansion Expansion Expansion - -- -2 22 2

Machinery Machinery Machinery Machinery

Moror Moror Moror Moror

Rules in Asser Accounring Rules in Asser Accounring Rules in Asser Accounring Rules in Asser Accounring

1. 1. 1. 1. SuL Asser Masrer has ro Le creare virh reference ro Main Asser Masrer
2. 2. 2. 2. Main Asser Masrer is ro Le creare virh reference ro Asser Class
3. 3. 3. 3. In Asser Class ve specify Accounr Dererminarion
4. 4. 4. 4. For Accounr dererminarion ve assign GL A/c Lased on rhe Narure of Transacrions

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 63

Basic Serrings Basic Serrings Basic Serrings Basic Serrings

Copy Reference charr of Depreciarion Areas Copy Reference charr of Depreciarion Areas Copy Reference charr of Depreciarion Areas Copy Reference charr of Depreciarion Areas
Charrs of depreciarion Charrs of depreciarion Charrs of depreciarion Charrs of depreciarion. The charr of depreciarion is a lisr of depreciarion areas depreciarion areas depreciarion areas depreciarion areas arranged according ro
Lusiness and legal requiremenrs. The charr of depreciarion enaLles you ro manage all rules for rhe
valuarion of assers in a parricular counrry or economic region.
Farh: Farh: Farh: Farh: Spro Financial Accounring Asser accounring organizarion Srrucrures Copy Ref charr of
Depreciarion / Depreciarion Areas

DouLle Click Copy Ref Charr of Depreciarion

From Menu Organizarion oLjecr Copy Business oLjecr

Selecr Back arrov

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 64

Selecr Fosirion Lurron
Give rhe Charr of Depreciarion TSR TSR TSR TSR

Save Save Save Save

Selec Selec Selec Selecr Lack Arrov r Lack Arrov r Lack Arrov r Lack Arrov

DouLle Click copy Delere Depreciarion Areas

Give rhe Charr of Depreciarion TSR TSR TSR TSR

Delere rhe Depreciarion orher rhan 01 (Book Depreciarion)
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 65

Go on press Enrer & Save rill Lelov message

Crearion of Zero Tax Code for Furchases / Crearion of Zero Tax Code for Furchases / Crearion of Zero Tax Code for Furchases / Crearion of Zero Tax Code for Furchases / Sales Sales Sales Sales TC: FTXF TC: FTXF TC: FTXF TC: FTXF
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 66

Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring GloLal Serrings Financial Accounring GloLal Serrings Financial Accounring GloLal Serrings Financial Accounring GloLal Serrings Tax on Sales / Tax on Sales / Tax on Sales / Tax on Sales /
Furchases Furchases Furchases Furchases calcularions calcularions calcularions calcularions Define Tax Codes on Sales & Furchases Define Tax Codes on Sales & Furchases Define Tax Codes on Sales & Furchases Define Tax Codes on Sales & Furchases

Selecr Lack arrov

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 67

Enrer Enrer Enrer Enrer
Make ir our pur rax as 0 Make ir our pur rax as 0 Make ir our pur rax as 0 Make ir our pur rax as 0

Save Save Save Save

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 68

Assign Tax Code Company Code for Non Assign Tax Code Company Code for Non Assign Tax Code Company Code for Non Assign Tax Code Company Code for Non TaxaLle Transacrions TC: OBCL TaxaLle Transacrions TC: OBCL TaxaLle Transacrions TC: OBCL TaxaLle Transacrions TC: OBCL
In rhis acriviry you define an incoming and ourgoing rax code for each company code, ro Le used for
posring non-raxaLle rransacrions ro rax-relevanr accounrs. Transacrions posred like rhis are, for
example, goods issue delivery, goods movemenr, goods receipr purchase order, goods receipr
producrion order, order accounring.
Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring GloLal Serrings Financial Accounring GloLal Serrings Financial Accounring GloLal Serrings Financial Accounring GloLal Serrings Tax on Sales and Tax on Sales and Tax on Sales and Tax on Sales and
purchases purchases purchases purchases F FF Fosrings osrings osrings osrings Assign Tax Code for Non Assign Tax Code for Non Assign Tax Code for Non Assign Tax Code for Non TaxaLle Transacrions TaxaLle Transacrions TaxaLle Transacrions TaxaLle Transacrions

Assign Charr of Depreciarion ro Company Code TC: OAOB Assign Charr of Depreciarion ro Company Code TC: OAOB Assign Charr of Depreciarion ro Company Code TC: OAOB Assign Charr of Depreciarion ro Company Code TC: OAOB

Farh: Farh: Farh: Farh: - -- - Spro Spro Spro Spro Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure Assign Charr of Assign Charr of Assign Charr of Assign Charr of
Depreciarion ro Co. Code Depreciarion ro Co. Code Depreciarion ro Co. Code Depreciarion ro Co. Code

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 69

S S S Specify rhe Accounr Dererminarion pecify rhe Accounr Dererminarion pecify rhe Accounr Dererminarion pecify rhe Accounr Dererminarion

The key of an accounr dererminarion musr Le srored in rhe asser class asser class asser class asser class asser class. In rhis vay, rhe
accounr dererminarion links an asser masrer record ro rhe general ledger accounrs ro Le posred for an
accounring rransacrion using rhe asser class.
You specify rhe general ledger accounrs ro Le posred for rhe individual accounring rransacrions in
larer implemenrarion acriviries. You can specify various accounrs for each depreciarion area depreciarion area depreciarion area depreciarion area ro Le
simulraneously posred ro.
Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure - -- - Asser Classes Asser Classes Asser Classes Asser Classes
Specify Accounr Dererminarions Specify Accounr Dererminarions Specify Accounr Dererminarions Specify Accounr Dererminarions
Selecr Nev Enrries

Creare Screen Layour Rules Creare Screen Layour Rules Creare Screen Layour Rules Creare Screen Layour Rules
Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure - -- - Asser Classes Asser Classes Asser Classes Asser Classes Creare Creare Creare Creare
Screen Layour Rules Screen Layour Rules Screen Layour Rules Screen Layour Rules
Screen layour for mainraining asser masrer dara.
Using rhe screen layour rule, you can define:
vhich fields are required, oprional and suppressed
rhe mainrenance level in rhe asser hierarchy
Which fields are copied, vhen crearing an asser using anorher asser masrer record as a
You can define screen layour rules for general masrer dara and for depreciarion paramerers virhin
depreciarion areas.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 70

Define NumLer Range Informarion Define NumLer Range Informarion Define NumLer Range Informarion Define NumLer Range Informarion
Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Farh: Spro Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure Org. Srrucrure - -- - Asser Classes Asser Classes Asser Classes Asser Classes Creare NumLer Range Creare NumLer Range Creare NumLer Range Creare NumLer Range
Inrervals Inrervals Inrervals Inrervals

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 71

Define Asser Class Define Asser Class Define Asser Class Define Asser Class
The asser class is rhe mosr imporranr crireria for srrucruring fixed assers from an accounring poinr of
viev. Every asser has ro Le assigned ro exacrly one asser class. The asser class is used ro assign rhe
assers (and rheir Lusiness rransacrions) ro rhe correcr general ledger accounrs. Several asser classes can
use rhe same accounr assignmenr. You can see rhar ir is possiLle ro make finer disrincrions ar rhe level
of rhe asser class rhan ar rhe level of rhe general ledger accounrs.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 72

For All rhe Asser Class you have creare asser Class For All rhe Asser Class you have creare asser Class For All rhe Asser Class you have creare asser Class For All rhe Asser Class you have creare asser Class

Crearion of As Crearion of As Crearion of As Crearion of Asser Class for Asser under Consrrucrions ser Class for Asser under Consrrucrions ser Class for Asser under Consrrucrions ser Class for Asser under Consrrucrions

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 73

Specifies rhar rhe assers under consrrucrion in rhis asser class are managed virh virh virh virh rhe oprion for final
line irem serrlemenr ro receiving assers or cosr cenrers.

Derermine Depreciarion Areas in rhe Derermine Depreciarion Areas in rhe Derermine Depreciarion Areas in rhe Derermine Depreciarion Areas in rhe Asser Class TC: OAYZ Asser Class TC: OAYZ Asser Class TC: OAYZ Asser Class TC: OAYZ
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 74
SFRO SFRO SFRO SFRO Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Valuarion Valuarion Valuarion Valuarion Derermine Depreciarion Areas Derermine Depreciarion Areas Derermine Depreciarion Areas Derermine Depreciarion Areas
in rhe Asser Class in rhe Asser Class in rhe Asser Class in rhe Asser Class

Derermine Depreciarion Areas in rhe Asser Class Derermine Depreciarion Areas in rhe Asser Class Derermine Depreciarion Areas in rhe Asser Class Derermine Depreciarion Areas in rhe Asser Class
Generally, rhe assers in an asser class use rhe same depreciarion rerms (depreciarion key, useful
life). Therefore, you do nor have ro mainrain rhe depreciarion rerms in rhe asser masrer
record. Insread, rhey can Le defaulr values from rhe asser class.
In rhis srep, you derermine rhe depreciarion rerms rhar are ro Le used in your asser classes. Depending
on rhe definirion in rhe screen layour conrrol used, rhese depreciarion rerms are offered eirher as
oprional or mandarory defaulrs vhen you creare an asser.
For each asser class, you can mainrain as many charrs of depreciarion virh rheir depreciarion areas as
you need. This allovs you ro use rhe asser class in all counrries Lelonging ro rhe clienr.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 75

Same vay for rhe Remaining Asser Class
Crearion of GL Accounrs Crearion of GL Accounrs Crearion of GL Accounrs Crearion of GL Accounrs
1) Land Accounrs
2) Buildings Accounrs A/c Group : Fixed Assers
3) Flanr & Machinery Field Srarues varianr : G067
4) Furnirure & Fixrures Sorr key : 018
5) Vehicles
6) Capiral Work in Frogress
a) Accumulared Depreciarion on Buildings
L) Accumulared Depreciarion on Flanr & Machinery
c) Accumulared Depreciarion on Furnirure & Fixrures
d) Accumulared Depreciarion on Vehicles
(Accounr group: Acc. Depreciarion, field Srarues group: (G067)

Asser Sales : Field Srarus Group: G052 (Group: Orher Income)
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 76
Frofir on Asser Sales : Field Srarus Group: G001 (Group: Orher Income)
Loss on Asser Sales : Field Srarus Group: G001 (Group: Admn)
Loss due ro Scrapping : Field Srarus Group: G001 (Group: Admn)
Depreciarion : Field Srarus Group: G001 (Group: Depreciarion)
Crearion of GL Masrer Crearion of GL Masrer Crearion of GL Masrer Crearion of GL Masrer
TC TC TC TC: FS00 : FS00 : FS00 : FS00

Configuration of FICO Modules
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Configuration of FICO Modules
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Assignmenr of GL Accounrs Assignmenr of GL Accounrs Assignmenr of GL Accounrs Assignmenr of GL Accounrs
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 79
Spro Spro Spro Spro Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Inregrarion virh rhe General Ledger Inregrarion virh rhe General Ledger Inregrarion virh rhe General Ledger Inregrarion virh rhe General Ledger Assign Assign Assign Assign
GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs GL Accounrs
Selecr rhe Charr of Depreciarion: TSR Selecr rhe Charr of Depreciarion: TSR Selecr rhe Charr of Depreciarion: TSR Selecr rhe Charr of Depreciarion: TSR

DouLle Click Accounr Dererminarion

In rhis srep, you specify rhe Lalance sheer accounrs, special reserve accounrs, and rhe depreciarion
accounrs for Asser Accounring.

DouLle Click Balance Sheer Accounrs
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 80

DouLle Click Depreciarion
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 81

We have ro assign rhe GL Accounrs ro All Asser Class

Define Documenr Types for posring of Depreciarion Define Documenr Types for posring of Depreciarion Define Documenr Types for posring of Depreciarion Define Documenr Types for posring of Depreciarion
Spro Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Inregrarion Wirh GL Fosr Depreciarion ro
General Ledger Specify Documenr rypes for Fosring of Depreciarion
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 82

DouLle Click Define Documenr rypes

Selecr derails Burron
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 83

Selecr NumLer Range Informarion

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 84
Selecr Change Inrervals

Save Save Save Save

Specify rhe Inrervals & Fosring Rules Specify rhe Inrervals & Fosring Rules Specify rhe Inrervals & Fosring Rules Specify rhe Inrervals & Fosring Rules
Spro Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Inregrarion Wirh GL Fosr Depreciarion ro
General Ledger Specify Inrervals & Fosring Rules

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 85

Selecr rhe Monrhly Fosrings Lurron
Smoorhing (deprec. for pasr) vhen posring depreciarion Smoorhing (deprec. for pasr) vhen posring depreciarion Smoorhing (deprec. for pasr) vhen posring depreciarion Smoorhing (deprec. for pasr) vhen posring depreciarion
If you ser rhis indicaror, rhe depreciarion posring program calculares rhe periodic depreciarion ro Le
posred Ly disrriLuring rhe remaining depreciarion ro Le posred equally over rhe remaining periods of
rhe fiscal year.
Orhervise rhe sysrem calculares in each period (Lased on rhe roral annual depreciarion) rhe amounr
of depreciarion rhar musr Le posred from rhe srarr of rhe fiscal year ro rhe currenr period. The
depreciarion already posred is rhen suLrracred from rhis amounr. If roo lirrle or roo much depreciarion
has Leen posred in previous periods, rhe sysrem eirher makes up or reverses rhe difference in full
during rhe nexr depreciarion posring run using rhe carch-up merhod (depreciarion for pasr periods in
a lump sum).
Specify rounding of Ner Look values (or) Depreciarion Specify rounding of Ner Look values (or) Depreciarion Specify rounding of Ner Look values (or) Depreciarion Specify rounding of Ner Look values (or) Depreciarion TC: OAY0 TC: OAY0 TC: OAY0 TC: OAY0
Spro Spro Spro Spro Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Valuarion Valuarion Valuarion Valuarion Amounr Specificarion (Company Amounr Specificarion (Company Amounr Specificarion (Company Amounr Specificarion (Company
Code / Code / Code / Code /Depreciarion Area) Depreciarion Area) Depreciarion Area) Depreciarion Area) Specify Accounr Assignmenr rypes for Accounr Assignmenr OLjecr Specify Accounr Assignmenr rypes for Accounr Assignmenr OLjecr Specify Accounr Assignmenr rypes for Accounr Assignmenr OLjecr Specify Accounr Assignmenr rypes for Accounr Assignmenr OLjecr
Specify rounding of Ner Look value and Depreciarion Specify rounding of Ner Look value and Depreciarion Specify rounding of Ner Look value and Depreciarion Specify rounding of Ner Look value and Depreciarion
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 86

Selecr Auromarically Calculared Depreciarion
Selecr Arirhmeric Rounding

Define Screen Layour for Asser Masrer D Define Screen Layour for Asser Masrer D Define Screen Layour for Asser Masrer D Define Screen Layour for Asser Masrer Dara ara ara ara
Farh: Spro Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Masrer Dara Screen layour Define
Screen Layour for Asser Masrer Dara
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 87

Selecr Capiralizarion dare is required
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 88
Main Asser numLer
SuL Asser NumLer
Selecr Copy Lurron
Make ir Business Area Required Filed and Selecr Main Asser numLer, SuL Asser numLer Check Lox,
Copy Check Loxes
The Same Frocedures follovs for all rhe orher Fixed Assers
Define Screen Layour for Asser Depreciarion Areas Define Screen Layour for Asser Depreciarion Areas Define Screen Layour for Asser Depreciarion Areas Define Screen Layour for Asser Depreciarion Areas TC: A021 TC: A021 TC: A021 TC: A021
Farh is same Farh is same Farh is same Farh is same

Save Save Save Save
Depr Depr Depr Depreciarion eciarion eciarion eciarion
1. 1. 1. 1. Define Base Merhods Define Base Merhods Define Base Merhods Define Base Merhods
2. 2. 2. 2. Define Declining Balance Merhods Define Declining Balance Merhods Define Declining Balance Merhods Define Declining Balance Merhods
3. 3. 3. 3. Define Mulrilevel Merhods Define Mulrilevel Merhods Define Mulrilevel Merhods Define Mulrilevel Merhods
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 89
4. 4. 4. 4. Mainrain Feriod Conrrol Merhods Mainrain Feriod Conrrol Merhods Mainrain Feriod Conrrol Merhods Mainrain Feriod Conrrol Merhods
5. 5. 5. 5. Mainrain Depreciarion Key Mainrain Depreciarion Key Mainrain Depreciarion Key Mainrain Depreciarion Key
All rhe Depreciarion merhods vill Le assigned ro Depreciarion key
Define Base Merhods Define Base Merhods Define Base Merhods Define Base Merhods
Spro Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Depreciarion Valuarion merhod
Depreciarion key Calcularion merhods Define Lase merhod
Selecr 0014 (Ordinary Depreciarion)

Selecr Derails Burron
Define Declining Balance Merhod Define Declining Balance Merhod Define Declining Balance Merhod Define Declining Balance Merhod (TC: AFAMD) (TC: AFAMD) (TC: AFAMD) (TC: AFAMD)
Spro Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Depreciarion Valuarion merhod
Depreciarion key Calcularion merhods Define Declining Balance Merhod
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 90

Define mulrilevel merhod Define mulrilevel merhod Define mulrilevel merhod Define mulrilevel merhod
Spro Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Depreciarion Valuarion merhod
Depreciarion key Calcularion merhods Define Mulrilevel merhod

DouLle Click on Levels Lurron
Selecr Nev Enrries

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 91

Selecr Lack arrov
Selecr nexr Enrry Lurron

Selecr levels Lurron
DouLle Click Levels Lurron Selecr Nev Enrries Lurron
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 92

Save Save Save Save
Define Feriod Define Feriod Define Feriod Define Feriodic Conrrol Merhod TC: AFAMF ic Conrrol Merhod TC: AFAMF ic Conrrol Merhod TC: AFAMF ic Conrrol Merhod TC: AFAMF
Farh is same Farh is same Farh is same Farh is same
Selecr Nev Enrries Selecr Nev Enrries Selecr Nev Enrries Selecr Nev Enrries

Save Save Save Save

Mainrain Depreciarion keys Mainrain Depreciarion keys Mainrain Depreciarion keys Mainrain Depreciarion keys
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 93
Define mulrilevel merhod Define mulrilevel merhod Define mulrilevel merhod Define mulrilevel merhod
Spro Financial Accounring Asser Accounring Depreciarion Valuarion merhod
Depreciarion key Mainrain Depreciarion key

Give Depreciarion key TSRS
Selecr rhe check Loxes (period conrrol according ro fiscal year)
Depreciarion ro rhe Day
DouLle click assignmenr of Calcularion Merhods
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 94

Selecr Lack arrov 3 rimes Selecr rhe Depreciarion area Selecr Acrive Lurron

Mainrain depreciarion keys Ly assigning calcularion merhods ro rhem. You can divide rhe
durarion of depreciarion inro several phases. When you enrer a changeover merhod for one of
rhese phases, rhe sysrem changes over ro rhe nexr phase as soon as rhe evenr specified in rhe
changeover merhod has occurred. The sysrem rhen uses rhe depreciarion calcularion rhar is
specified in rhe calcularion merhod for rhis phase.

Crearion of Asser masrer Crearion of Asser masrer Crearion of Asser masrer Crearion of Asser masrer
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 95
Farh: Accounring Financial Accounring Fixed Assers Creare Assers

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 96

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 97

Crearion of SuL Asser Masrer Crearion of SuL Asser Masrer Crearion of SuL Asser Masrer Crearion of SuL Asser Masrer AS11 AS11 AS11 AS11
Farh: - Accounring Financial Accounring Fixed Assers Assers Creare SuL numLer
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 98

Furchase of Assers (Fosring of rransacrion) TC: Furchase of Assers (Fosring of rransacrion) TC: Furchase of Assers (Fosring of rransacrion) TC: Furchase of Assers (Fosring of rransacrion) TC: - -- - F FF F- -- -90 90 90 90

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 99
Fosring of Asser Fosring of Asser Fosring of Asser Fosring of Asser

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 100

SuL Asser vise & year vise reporr SuL Asser vise & year vise reporr SuL Asser vise & year vise reporr SuL Asser vise & year vise reporr AW01N (Asser Explorer) AW01N (Asser Explorer) AW01N (Asser Explorer) AW01N (Asser Explorer)

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Fixed Assers Fixed Assers Fixed Assers Fixed Assers Assers Assers Assers Assers Asser Explorer Asser Explorer Asser Explorer Asser Explorer

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 101

Depreciarion Fosring Depreciarion Fosring Depreciarion Fosring Depreciarion Fosring
Farh: Accounring Financial Accounring Fixed Assers Feriod Frocessing Depreciarion Run

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 102

Configuration of FICO Modules
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Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 104

Asser has ro Le creared in advance. Don'r forger ro flag posr capiralizarion Flag" in inirial
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 105
For informarion on a specific field, Lur rhe cursor on rhis field and click F1

This rransacrion is used ro capiralize an asser for a fiscal year in vhich rhe asser vas nor originally
capiralized. This posring, hovever, is ro Le made for a fiscal year rhar is already closed. This process
vould generally rake place as parr of a governmenr rax audir

Fosr Capiralizarion Fosr Capiralizarion Fosr Capiralizarion Fosr Capiralizarion TC: ABNAN TC: ABNAN TC: ABNAN TC: ABNAN

Farh: Accounring Financial Accounring Fixed Assers Fosring ABNAN - Fosr-Capiralizarion

Before you srarr rhis rransacrion, a nev asser has ro Le creared. Follov BFF AS01 Creare Asser for
more derailed informarion. The only deviarion is rhar in Creare Asser Inirial screen Creare Asser Inirial screen Creare Asser Inirial screen Creare Asser Inirial screen, you have selecr
Fosr Fosr Fosr Fosr- -- -capiralizarion capiralizarion capiralizarion capiralizarion Ly using rhe selecrion indicaror: .

Example Example Example Example

Be sure ro enrer rhe capiralizarion dare in rhe pasr in rhe masrer dara screen. The capiralizarion dare
musr Le in a closed fiscal year.

Complere rhe resr of rhe Creare Asser Masrer Dara serup as explained in BFF AS01 Creare Asser.

Nov you are ready ro perform a posr capiralizarion of an asser:
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 106

SAF Easy Access SAF Easy Access SAF Easy Access SAF Easy Access

DouLle Click on ABNAN Fosr Capiralizarion"
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 107

Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr- -- -Capiralizarion Capiralizarion Capiralizarion Capiralizarion

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 108

1 11 1. .. . Updare rhe folloving required required required required and oprional oprional oprional oprional fields:

Field Name Field Name Field Name Field Name Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion R/O/ R/O/ R/O/ R/O/
Values Values Values Values
Exisring asser Descriprion of Exisring
R Enrer value in Exisring asser.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 200008
Amounr posred Toral amounr ro Le posred
ro an asser
R Enrer value in Amounr posred.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 500
Documenr Dare Dare rhe rransacrion
R Enrer value in Documenr
Example: Example: Example: Example: 10/13/03
Fosring Dare Dare rhar rhe Lusiness
rransacrion occurred
R Enrer value in Fosring Dare.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 10/13/2003
Orig. val. dar Original valuarion dare in
rhe pasr
R Enrer value in Orig. val. dar.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 01/01/2002
Texr Descriprion of rhe
capiralizarion acriviry.
R Enrer value in Texr.
Example: Example: Example: Example: BFF for posr-

2 22 2. .. . Click raL Lurron Addirional derails Addirional derails Addirional derails Addirional derails .

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 109

Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr- -- -Capiralizarion Capiralizarion Capiralizarion Capiralizarion

3. 3. 3. 3. Updare rhe folloving required required required required and oprional oprional oprional oprional fields:

Field Name Field Name Field Name Field Name Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion R/O/ R/O/ R/O/ R/O/
Values Values Values Values
Feriod NumLer idenrifying a fiscal
O Enrer value in Feriod.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 10
Documenr rype Code idenrifying rhe
merhod rhar rhe sysrem
uses ro process rhe
R Enrer value in Documenr rype.
Example: Example: Example: Example: AA (defaulred Ly
sysrem )
Offserring accr Offserring accr. used during
rhe capiralizarion posring
R Enrer value in Offserring accr.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 62515001
Trans. rype Descriprion of Trans. rype. O Enrer value in Trans. rype.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 400 Fosr-
Reference Documenr numLer of rhe
O Enrer value in Reference.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 110
Assignmenr Addirional line irem
reference field.
O Enrer value in Assignmenr.

4. 4. 4. 4. Click raL Lurron Nore Nore Nore Nore .
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 111

Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr- -- -Capiralizarion Capiralizarion Capiralizarion Capiralizarion

5. 5. 5. 5. Enrer any nores vhich descriLe rhe asser posring.
6. 6. 6. 6. Click Simulare Simulare Simulare Simulare Burron .
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 112

Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr- -- -Capiralizarion Capiralizarion Capiralizarion Capiralizarion

7. 7. 7. 7. Reviev informarion.

This shovs rhe sysrem vill Lack up rhe capiralizarion of rhe asser ro rhe specified
capiralizarion dare. You norice rhere is also posring made ro rhe Accumulared
Depreciarion accounr.

8. 8. 8. 8. Click Save Save Save Save Burron .
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 113

The sysrem could display rhe message, managing enriry nor Lalanced." Verify rhar for
every dollar going ro one profir cenrer rhere is a Credir going ro rhe same profir cenrer.

Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr Enrer Asser Transacrion: Fosr- -- -Capiralizarion Capiralizarion Capiralizarion Capiralizarion

10. 10. 10. 10. Click Back Back Back Back Burron unril you reach rhe SAF main menu.
11. 11. 11. 11. The sysrem rask is complere.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 114

Transfer Asser virhin Company Code Transfer Asser virhin Company Code Transfer Asser virhin Company Code Transfer Asser virhin Company Code TC: ABUMN TC: ABUMN TC: ABUMN TC: ABUMN

AccounringFinancial Accounring Fixed Assers FosringTransfer ABUMN Transfer
virhin Company Code

DouLle Click on ABUMN Transfer virhin Company code.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 115

Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 116
3 33 3. .. . Updare rhe folloving Required Required Required Required/Oprional/Choice Oprional/Choice Oprional/Choice Oprional/Choice fields:

Field Name Field Name Field Name Field Name Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion R/O/ R/O/ R/O/ R/O/
Values Values Values Values
Asser NumLer vhich idenrifies
rhe asser Leing rransferred.
R Enrer value in Asser.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 200000
Documenr Dare Dare rhe rransacrion
R Enrer value in Documenr
Example: Example: Example: Example: 10/07/2033
Fosring Dare Dare rhar rhe Lusiness
rransacrion occurred.
R Enrer value in Fosring Dare.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 10/07/2003
Asser val. dare Dare used ro derermine rhe
value of rhe asser..
R Enrer value in Asser val. dare.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 10/07/2003
Texr Descriprion of vhy rhe
rransfer is raking place.
O Enrer value in Texr.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 200000 (Ass class
2000 ro 2000002 (Ass
Class 2100
Exisring asser Indicaror vhich specifies
rhar rhe values vill Le
rransferred ro a differenr
asser virhin rhe same
company code.
C Enrer value in Exisring asser.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 200002 2
Nev asser Indicaror vhich specifies
rhar rhe values vill Le
rransferred ro a nev asser
virhin rhe specified
company code.
C Enrer value in Nev asser.

Alrhough ir is possiLle ro creare a nev asser using rhis rransacrion, ir is Lerrer ro creare
rhe nev asser using rhe rransacrion AS01-Creare Asser Lecause rhere are more fields
rhar can Le populared using rhar rransacrion.
4 44 4. .. . Click raL Lurron Addirional derails Addirional derails Addirional derails Addirional derails .
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 117

Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code

5 55 5. .. . Updare rhe folloving required required required required and oprional oprional oprional oprional fields:

Field Name Field Name Field Name Field Name Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion R/O/ R/O/ R/O/ R/O/
Values Values Values Values
Feriod Fiscal period vhen rhe
rransfer vill occur.
R Enrer value in Feriod.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 10

You.can eirher rransfer rhe full value of rhe asser or a parrial value. To rransfer a parrial
amounr, complere Sreps 4 6. Orhervise, skip ro Srep 7.

6 66 6. .. . Click raL Lurron Farrial rransfer Farrial rransfer Farrial rransfer Farrial rransfer .

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 118

Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code

7 77 7. .. . Updare rhe folloving required required required required and oprional oprional oprional oprional fields:

Field Name Field Name Field Name Field Name Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion R/O/ R/O/ R/O/ R/O/
Values Values Values Values
Fercenrage rare Fercenrage of acquisirion
purchase cosr Leing
rransferred or rerired
R Enrer value in Fercenrage rare.
Example: Example: Example: Example: 50.00
8 88 8. .. . Click radio Lurron From cur.yr.acq From cur.yr.acq From cur.yr.acq From cur.yr.acq .

9 99 9. .. . Click Simulare Simulare Simulare Simulare Burron .

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 119

Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code Enrer Asser Transacrion: Transfer virhin Company Code

10 10 10 10. .. . Click Save Save Save Save Burron .
10. 10. 10. 10. Click Back Back Back Back Lurron unril you ger ro rhe SAF main menu.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 120

Asser Transfer our side Company Code (Inrer Company Transfer) Asser Transfer our side Company Code (Inrer Company Transfer) Asser Transfer our side Company Code (Inrer Company Transfer) Asser Transfer our side Company Code (Inrer Company Transfer)
Farh: Accounring Financial Accounring Fixed Assers Fosring Transfer Inrer company
Asser Transfer

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 121

Selecr Simulare Lurron

Check rhe line Irems


Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 122
Closing of Fiscal year Closing of Fiscal year Closing of Fiscal year Closing of Fiscal year
Open Nev Year Open Nev Year Open Nev Year Open Nev Year

Configuration of FICO Modules
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Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 124
Depreciarion Forecasr Depreciarion Forecasr Depreciarion Forecasr Depreciarion Forecasr
Accounring Financial Accounring Fixed Assers Informarion Sysrem Reporrs on Asser
Accounring Depreciarion forecasr Depreciarion on Capiral Assers Depreciarion Simularion

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 125

Financial Sraremenr Version (FSV) Financial Sraremenr Version (FSV) Financial Sraremenr Version (FSV) Financial Sraremenr Version (FSV)

Summary, Schedules and Accounrs

We define a financial sraremenr version in 2 sreps:
1. Enrer in rhe direcrory of financial sraremenr versions
2. Define hierarchy levels and assign accounrs
Each version musr have rhe folloving special irems:
1. Assers
2. LiaLiliries
3. Frofir
4. Loss
5. Frofir and Loss resulrs
6. Accounrs nor assigned
The ABAF/4 program RFBILA00 calculares rhe Lalance sheer profir/loss from rhe assers and liaLiliries
rorals and enrers rhe resulr in rhe Balance sheer resulrs profir/loss" irem. The profir and loss
sraremenr resulrs are derermined from all accounrs nor assigned ro eirher assers or liaLiliries, and are
enrered in rhe proper irem.

1. A financial sraremenr version consisrs of a maximum of 10 hierarchy levels
a. Assign irems ro each level. The sysrem calculares a roral/suLroral for each irem vhich
is rhen displayed vhen rhe program is run.
L. Assign rexrs ro each irem.
c. Assign rhe accounrs vhose Lalance and accounr name are ro Le lisred ro rhe lovesr

Define Financial Sraremenr Version Define Financial Sraremenr Version Define Financial Sraremenr Version Define Financial Sraremenr Version
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 126

SFROFinancial Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions Closing
Documenring Define Financial Sraremenr Version

Selecr rhe Nev Enrries
Give rhe Financial Sraremenr Version: XYZ
Name: Balance sheer & Frofir and loss Accounr
Check on Irem keys auro"
Charr of Accounrs: XYZ
Click 'Financial Sraremenr Irems' Lurron
DouLle click 'No rexr exisrs: Assers'
Irem: Assers & Enrer
DouLle click 'No rexr exisrs: LiaLiliries'
Irem: LiaLiliries & Enrer
Keep rhe cursor on 'XYZ' Balance Sheer & Frofir and loss Accounr
Click 'Creare irems' Lurron
Expendirure & Enrer
Keep rhe cursor on rhe irem vhich is ro Le changed
Keep rhe cursor on Assers
Click 'Selecr +/-' Lurron (F9)
Keep rhe cursor on rhe irem afrer vhich you vanr ro place, i.e. 'LiaLiliries'
Click 'Reassign' Lurron
Selecr 'Same level' Radio Lurron & Enrer
Keep rhe cursor on 'Income' & Flace ir afrer 'Expendirure' & Save

To creare Schedules:
Keep rhe cursor on 'LiaLiliries' & Fress 'Creare irems' Lurron
Give rhe heads you vanr
Repear rhe same for 'Assers' & Save

To assign Accounrs:
Keep rhe cursor on 'Share Capiral'
Click 'Assign Accounrs' Lurron
Give rhe range for rhe Accounrs & Check on Dr. Cr. Enrer
Repear rhe same for orher schedules

To check all Accounrs assigned or nor:
Click 'Check' Burron (Crrl+F5)
Selecr 'Non-assigned Accounrs' & Enrer
Reporr can Le vieved if rhere are any non-assigned accounrs
Save rhe version and open one more session ro viev rhe Lalance sheer for defining rexrs

Viev Balance Sheer (S_ALR_87012284) Viev Balance Sheer (S_ALR_87012284) Viev Balance Sheer (S_ALR_87012284) Viev Balance Sheer (S_ALR_87012284)

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger Informarion Sysrem Informarion Sysrem Informarion Sysrem Informarion Sysrem GL Reporrs GL Reporrs GL Reporrs GL Reporrs
Balance Sheer/F&L Accounr/Cash Flovs Balance Sheer/F&L Accounr/Cash Flovs Balance Sheer/F&L Accounr/Cash Flovs Balance Sheer/F&L Accounr/Cash Flovs General General General General Acrual/Acrual Comparisons Acrual/Acrual Comparisons Acrual/Acrual Comparisons Acrual/Acrual Comparisons Balance Balance Balance Balance
Sheer/Frofi Sheer/Frofi Sheer/Frofi Sheer/Frofir & Loss Sraremenr r & Loss Sraremenr r & Loss Sraremenr r & Loss Sraremenr

Reporrs Reporrs Reporrs Reporrs
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 127

To Viev Charr of Accounrs (S_ALR_87012326) To Viev Charr of Accounrs (S_ALR_87012326) To Viev Charr of Accounrs (S_ALR_87012326) To Viev Charr of Accounrs (S_ALR_87012326)
Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Informarion Sysrem General Ledger Reporrs
Masrer Dara Charr of Accounrs Charr of Accounrs

Trial Balance (S_ALR_87012310) Trial Balance (S_ALR_87012310) Trial Balance (S_ALR_87012310) Trial Balance (S_ALR_87012310)
Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Informarion Sysrem General Ledger Reporrs
Accounr Balances Korea Trial Balance Sourh Korea

Ledger for Balance Audir Trial (S_F99_41000327) Ledger for Balance Audir Trial (S_F99_41000327) Ledger for Balance Audir Trial (S_F99_41000327) Ledger for Balance Audir Trial (S_F99_41000327)
Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Feriodic Frocessing Closing Documenr
Balance Audir Trial All Accounrs General Ledger from rhe Documenr File

Balance Sheer (S_ALR_87012284) Balance Sheer (S_ALR_87012284) Balance Sheer (S_ALR_87012284) Balance Sheer (S_ALR_87012284)
Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Informarion Sysrem GL Reporrs Balance
Sheer/F&L Accounr/Cash Flovs General Acrual/Acrual Comparisons Balance Sheer/Frofir &
Loss Sraremenr

Drilldovn Reporr F&L Drilldovn Reporr F&L Drilldovn Reporr F&L Drilldovn Reporr F&L
Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Informarion Sysrem GL Reporrs Balance
Sheer/F&L Accounr/Cash Flovs General Acrual/Acrual Comparisons Acrual/Acrual comparison
for year

Vendors Lisr (S_ALR_87012086) Vendors Lisr (S_ALR_87012086) Vendors Lisr (S_ALR_87012086) Vendors Lisr (S_ALR_87012086)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Informarion Sysrem Reporrs for Accounrs
FayaLle Accounring Masrer Dara Vendor Lisr

Vendor Age Analysis (S_ Vendor Age Analysis (S_ Vendor Age Analysis (S_ Vendor Age Analysis (S_ALR_87012085) ALR_87012085) ALR_87012085) ALR_87012085)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Informarion Sysrem Reporrs for Accounrs
FayaLle Accounring Vendor Irems Vendor Faymenr Hisrory virh Open Irem Sorred Lisr

Lisr of Dovn Faymenrs ro Vendors (S_ALR_87012105) Lisr of Dovn Faymenrs ro Vendors (S_ALR_87012105) Lisr of Dovn Faymenrs ro Vendors (S_ALR_87012105) Lisr of Dovn Faymenrs ro Vendors (S_ALR_87012105)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Informarion Sysrem Reporrs for Accounrs
FayaLle Accounring Vendor Irems Lisr of Dovn Faymenrs open ar key dare - Vendors

Vendors Ledger (S_ALR_87012103) Vendors Ledger (S_ALR_87012103) Vendors Ledger (S_ALR_87012103) Vendors Ledger (S_ALR_87012103)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Informarion Sysrem Reporrs for Accounrs
FayaLle Accounring Vendor Irems Lisr of Vendor Line Irems

Cusromer Balance Confirmarion Cusromer Balance Confirmarion Cusromer Balance Confirmarion Cusromer Balance Confirmarion
Farh: Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs ReceivaLles Feriodic Frocessing Frinr
Correspondence Balance Confirmarion Frinr Lerrers
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 128

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 129

Vendors Balance Confirmarion Vendors Balance Confirmarion Vendors Balance Confirmarion Vendors Balance Confirmarion

Farh: Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Feriodic Frocessing Frinr
Correspondence Balance Confirmarion Frinr Lerrers

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 130

Closing Operarions Closing Operarions Closing Operarions Closing Operarions - -- - Inrroducri Inrroducri Inrroducri Inrroducrion on on on
Furpose Furpose Furpose Furpose
Closing operarions are periodic rasks and can Le suLdivided in FI as follovs:
Day-end closing
Monrh-end closing
Year-end closing
The closing operarions componenr helps you prepare and carry our rhe acriviries required for day-
end, monrh-end, and year-end closing. For rhis purpose, rhe sysrem provides a series of srandard
reporrs rhar you can use ro generare evaluarions and analyses direcrly from all of rhe posred accounr
Lalance. The sysrem helps you carry our rhe folloving:
(Time-Lased) accruals/deferrals of expenses and revenues
Crearing rhe Lalance sheers and F&L sraremenrs
Documenr rhe posring dara
Frerequisires Frerequisires Frerequisires Frerequisires
To carry our rhe closing operarions in G/L accounring, you firsr need ro carry our rhe closing
operarions in rhe suLledger accounring areas you are using. These include:
Accounrs receivaLle and accounrs payaLle accounring
Invenrory accounring
Asser accounring
Fayroll accounring

Frocess Flov Frocess Flov Frocess Flov Frocess Flov
Day Day Day Day- -- -End Closing End Closing End Closing End Closing
Day-end closing includes all rhe acriviries required ar rhe end of rhe day ro check rhar all of rhe
Lusiness rransacrions posred on rhar day have Leen correcrly processed.
No No No No addirional posrings are required for day-end closing.
You can use rhe folloving evaluarions for day-end closing and for documenring rhe posring dara:
Correspondence virh Lusiness parrners
Documenr journal
Evaluarion of rhe documenrs rhar have nor Leen posred
Compacr journal

Day Day Day Day- -- -End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix) End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix) End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix) End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix)
Monrh Monrh Monrh Monrh- -- -End Closing End Closing End Closing End Closing
Monrh-end closing comprises all rhe acriviries involved in closing a posring period.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 131
You can carry our rhe folloving acriviries as parr of monrh-end closing:
Open and close posring periods
You close one or more posring periods in rhe pasr for posring, and permir posring ro Le made ro
one or more currenr or furure posring periods.

Creare exrernal reporrs
You can use reporr programs ro creare rhe folloving reporrs, for example:
Balance sheer/F&L sraremenr
Advance rerurn for rax on sales and purchases
Reporr in accordance virh rhe German foreign rrade regularions

Documenr rhe posring dara
This includes rhe folloving reporrs:
Compacr journal
Balance audir rrail
Accounring reconciliarion
Accounr Lalances
Open irem lisr

Carry our inrernal evaluarions, such as exrracrs for dovnsrream applicarions

Reorganize and archive documenrs

Monrh Monrh Monrh Monrh- -- -End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix) End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix) End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix) End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix)
Year Year Year Year- -- -End Closing End Closing End Closing End Closing
Year-end closing is splir inro rvo phases:
Ar rhe Leginning of rhe nev fiscal year, you open nev posring periods and carry forvard rhe
Lalances from rhe previous year.
You rhen prepare and creare rhe financial sraremenrs, documenr rhe Lusiness rransacrions
using rhe Lalance audir rrail, and archive rhose documenrs you no longer need online.

The firsr posring in rhe fiscal year auromarically opens rhar fiscal year. You musr, hovever, have
opened rhe relevanr posring period firsr.
The SAF Sysrem offers a range of reporrs virh vhich you can carry forvard Lalances inro rhe nev
fiscal year. During rhis process, rhe profir and loss accounrs are carried forvard ro one or more
rerained earnings accounrs. The Lalances of rhe Lalance sheer accounrs are simply carried forvard
inro rhe nev fiscal year. You do nor have ro creare special opening financial sraremenrs.
Any posrings you make in rhe old fiscal year auromarically adjusr rhe relevanr carry-forvard Lalance.
You do nor have ro close rhe old fiscal year and carry our rhe closing posrings Lefore opening rhe nev
fiscal year.
As virh monrh-end closing, you can creare all rhe exrernal reporrs required, documenr rhe posring
dara, and carry our rhe inrernal evaluarions.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 132
Year Year Year Year- -- -End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix) End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix) End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix) End Closing: Checklisr (see Appendix)
Day Day Day Day- -- -End Closing: Checklisr End Closing: Checklisr End Closing: Checklisr End Closing: Checklisr
Documenr and check rhe posring dara
The folloving reporrs are availaLle as examples:

Reporr Reporr Reporr Reporr Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion
RFBNUM00 Gaps in Documenr NumLer Assignmenr
RFBNUM10 Invoice NumLers Allocared Tvice
RFVBER00 Oursranding Fosring Dara
RFBELJ00 Compacr Documenr Journal
RFEFOJ00 Line Irem Journal

Monrh Monrh Monrh Monrh- -- -End Closing: Checklisr End Closing: Checklisr End Closing: Checklisr End Closing: Checklisr
Assers Assers Assers Assers
Fixed Assers
- Execure rhe depreciarion run and updare rhe Larch inpur session (SAF FI-AA)

Curr Curr Curr Currenr Assers enr Assers enr Assers enr Assers
- GR/IR clearing accounr clarify any differences and correcr rhem if necessary (SAF LO-MM)
- Clear rhe GR/IR clearing accounr (SAF FI)
Frerequisire: Accounrs have already Leen mainrained Ly MM
- Feriod closing program (SAF LO-MM)
- Serrle rhe vork in process (SAF FI-CO)
- Fosr rhe reconciliarion ledger (SAF FI-CO)

ReceivaLles and Orher Asser Irems ReceivaLles and Orher Asser Irems ReceivaLles and Orher Asser Irems ReceivaLles and Orher Asser Irems
- Check vherher all rhe Lilling documenrs have Leen posred (SAF LO-SD)
- Valuare rhe foreign currency for rhe open irems (SAF FI), see also FayaLles
- Valuare rhe foreign currency for rhe Lalances (SAF FI + SAF FI-TR)
- Regroup rhe open irems (SAF FI), see also FayaLles

Accruals and Deferrals
- Fosr accruals/deferrals (SAF FI-TR + SAF FI)

LiaLiliries and Ovner's Equiry


Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 133
- Fayroll accounring (SAF HR)
- Valuare rhe foreign currency for rhe open irems (SAF FI), see also ReceivaLles
- Valuare rhe foreign currency for rhe Lalances (SAF FI+SAF FI-TR), regroup rhe open irems (SAF
FI), see also ReceivaLles
Accruals and Deferrals
- Fosr accruals/deferrals (SAF FI)

Addirional Tasks (SAF FI)
- Fosr accruals/deferrals (SAF FI)
Check vherher rhe accrual/deferral documenrs have ro Le reversed
- Carry our recurring enrries and updare rhe Larch inpur session (SAF FI)
- Reconcile cosr of sales accounring/period accounring/profir cenrer ledger (SAF FI/SAF FI-CO)
- Close rhe posring period (SAF FI)
- Run rhe reconciliarion program (SAFF190)
This program checks rhe documenrs and rransacrion figures in rhe R/3 Sysrem. You can only
execure rhis run if you do nor inrend ro carry our any posrings for rhe period, orhervise
reconciliarion differences vill occur. You can schedule rhe joL ro run in rhe Lackground.

Frinring Reporrs and Norificarions:
- Balance sheers and F&L sraremenrs
- Advance rerurn for rax on sales and purchases
- German foreign rrade regularions (Z4, Z5A)
- EC sales lisr (quarrerly)
- EXTRASTAT declararions (SAF LO-SD)
- INTRASTAT declararions (SAF LO-MM)
- Accounr Lalances (SAF FI)
- Journals (SAF FI)
Inrernal Closing (SAF FI-CO)
Inrernal order and projecr-relared rasks:
- Transfer posrings, surcharges, projecr inreresr calcularion, serrlemenr

Froducr and producrion-relared rasks:
- Release a srandard cosr esrimare, perform invenrory cosring, rransfer posrings, surcharges
Variance calcularion, resulrs analysis, and serrlemenr

Cosr cenrer-relared rasks:
- Transfer posring, disrriLurion, assessmenr, acriviry allocarion, rransfer key figures, cosr cenrer
variance, price calcularion
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 134

Resulrs-relared rasks
- Evaluare acrual posrings, rransfer exrernal dara, disrriLurion, assessmenr, rransfer Lalance sheer
irems ro FCA
Year Year Year Year- -- -End Closing: Checklisr End Closing: Checklisr End Closing: Checklisr End Closing: Checklisr
Fixed Assers
- Serrle rhe AuC (SAF FI-AA)
- Execure rhe depreciarion run and updare rhe Larch inpur session (SAF FI-AA)
- Run rhe fiscal year change in Asser Accounring (SAF FI-AA)
This process creares rhe Lalance carryforvards for Asser Accounring. We recommend rhar you
execure rhis run on rhe firsr day of rhe nev fiscal year. Nore: Ly rhis rime, you should have
complered year-end closing for Asser Accounring for rhe previous year.
- Carry our invenrory posrings (RAFERB00)

Currenr Assers
Invenrories Invenrories Invenrories Invenrories
- GR/IR clearing accounr clarify differences and correcr rhem if necessary (SAF LO-MM)
- Clear rhe GR/IR clearing accounr (SAF FI)
Frerequisire: The accounrs have already Leen mainrained Ly MM
- Regroup rhe GR/IR clearing accounr (SAF FI)
Frerequisire: The accounrs have Leen mainrained in rhe sysrem (SAF LO-MM) and cleared (SAF
Nore: you firsr have ro run rhe foreign currency valuarion for rhe open irems
- Feriod closing program (SAF LO-MM)
- Serrle rhe vork in process (SAF FI-CO)
- Fosr rhe reconciliarion ledger (SAF FI-CO)
- Make an invenrory of and posr rhe invenrory differences (SAF LO-MM)
- Valuare rhe invenrory (SAF LO-MM)
- Fosr rhe valuarion difference manually (SAF FI)
- Marerial ledger (SAF LO-MM)

ReceivaLles and Orher Asser Irems
- Check vherher all rhe Lilling documenrs have Leen posred (SAF LO-SD)
- Clarify rhe open irems and differences
Wrire off rhe differences (manually) (SAF FI)
Adjusr rhe individual values (SAF FI)
Adjusr rhe flar-rare values (SAF FI)
- Valuare rhe foreign currency for rhe open irems (SAF FI), see also FayaLles
- Regroup rhe receivaLles (for example, runrime inrervals) (SAF FI), see also FayaLles
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 135
- Frinr rhe Lalance confirmarions (SAF FI)
- Serrle rhe reLare (SAF LO-SD), accruals, if necessary
- Calculare rhe inreresr for inreresr-Learing receivaLles (SAF FI)
- Valuare rhe foreign currency for rhe Lalances (SAF FI + SAF FI-TR)
- Reconcile rhe cash journal/prinr our rhe journal (SAF FI)

Accruals and Deferrals
- Fosr accruals/deferrals (SAF FI + SAF FI-TR)

LiaLiliries and Ovner's Equiry
- Leave reserve (SAF HR) posr manually in FI
- Accruals for reLares, discounrs, and commissions (SAF LO-SD)
- Fayroll accounring (SAF HR)
- Valuare rhe foreign currency for rhe open irems (SAF FI), see also ReceivaLles
- Valuare rhe foreign currency for rhe Lalances (SAF FI + SAF FI-TR)
- Regroup rhe payaLles (for example, runrime inrervals) (SAF FI), see also ReceivaLles

Accruals and Deferrals
- Fosr accruals/deferrals (SAF FI)

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Addirional Tasks (SAF FI)
- Fosr accruals/deferrals (SAF FI)
- Check vherher rhe accrual/deferral documenrs have ro Le reversed
- Carry our recurring enrries and updare rhe Larch inpur session (SAF FI)
- Carry forvard rhe Lalance
- Check rhe Lalances carried forvard againsr rhe closing Lalances of rhe previous year
- Srarr carrying forvard rhe Lalance, if necessary (SAF FI)
- Reconcile cosr of sales accounring/period accounring/profir cenrer ledger (SAF FI/SAF FI-CO)
- Reconcile rhe asser hisrory sheer and accounr Lalances
- Close Asser Accounring (SAF FI-AA)
- Close rhe posring period (SAF FI)
- Run rhe reconciliarion program (SAFF190)
This program checks rhe documenrs and rransacrion figures in rhe R/3 Sysrem. You can only
execure rhis run if you do nor inrend ro carry our any posrings for rhe period, orhervise
reconciliarion differences vill occur. You can schedule rhe joL ro run in rhe Lackground.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 136
- Balance audir rrail (SAF FI)

Frinring Reporrs and Norificarions:
- Asser hisrory sheer (SAF FI-AA)
- Balance sheers and F&L sraremenrs (monrhly and annual reporrs)
- Advance rerurn for rax on sales and purchases (monrhly norificarion and annual rax rerurn)
- German foreign rrade regularions (Z4, Z5A)
- EC sales lisr (quarrerly)
- EXTRASTAT declararions (SAF LO-SD)
- INTRASTAT declararions (SAF LO-MM)

Inrernal Closing (SAF FI-CO)
Inrernal order and projecr Inrernal order and projecr Inrernal order and projecr Inrernal order and projecr- -- -relared rasks: relared rasks: relared rasks: relared rasks:
- Transfer posrings, surcharges, projecr inreresr calcularion, serrlemenr

Froducr and producrion Froducr and producrion Froducr and producrion Froducr and producrion- -- -relared rasks: relared rasks: relared rasks: relared rasks:
- Release srandard cosr esrimare, perform invenrory cosring, rransfer posrings, surcharges, variance
calcularion, resulrs analysis, and serrlemenr

Cosr cenrer Cosr cenrer Cosr cenrer Cosr cenrer- -- -relared rasks: relared rasks: relared rasks: relared rasks:
- Transfer posring, disrriLurion, assessmenr, acriviry allocarion, rransfer key figures, cosr cenrer
variance, price calcularion

Resulrs Resulrs Resulrs Resulrs- -- -relared relared relared relared rasks rasks rasks rasks
- Evaluare acrual posrings, rransfer exrernal dara, disrriLurion, assessmenr, rransfer Lalance sheer
irems ro FCA

Financial year Closing Frocedure Financial year Closing Frocedure Financial year Closing Frocedure Financial year Closing Frocedure

Monrh Monrh Monrh Monrh- -- -end closing acriviries (Frepararory acriviries) end closing acriviries (Frepararory acriviries) end closing acriviries (Frepararory acriviries) end closing acriviries (Frepararory acriviries)
HR Fayroll posring 57
MM Mainrain GR/IR clearing accounr 12-13
Marerial valuarions 14-15
Close marerial ledger 17
Close marerial masrer 18-19
SD - Goods issues/invoices(Verify rhar all posrings for rhe period have Leen generared)
FI Accrual/Deferral posrings 44-45
Recurring Enrries 46
Depreciarion posring 5
Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Feriodic Frocessing Inreresr
Calcularion Balances (F.52)
AuC serrlemenr 48
Close old period & open nev period 63
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 137
CO - Cosr Cenrers: 51
- Impured cosrs, DisrriLurion and assessmenr, indirecr acriviry allocarion, Calculare acrual
acriviry prices and updare allocarions
Inrernal Orders: 47, 50
- Overheads
- Serrlemenr (For exrernal serrlemenr ro AA or FI, re-open appropriare GL A/cs)
Froducrion orders: 49
- Overheads
- WIF calcularion
- Variance calcularion
- Serrlemenr
FrofiraLiliry Analysis: 52
- Cosr cenrer assessmenrs
- Acriviry Lased cosring
- Allocarions
Lock old posring period for Conrrolling rransacrions 53

Monrh Monrh Monrh Monrh- -- -end closing acriviries (Financial cl end closing acriviries (Financial cl end closing acriviries (Financial cl end closing acriviries (Financial closing) osing) osing) osing)
FI - Re-open periods for adjusrmenrs 63
CO/FI reconciliarion posrings (Cross-company code, cross-Lusiness area and cross-funcrional
area flovs virhin CO are posred ro FI) 54-55
Foreign currency open irem valuarion 39
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs receivaLle Feriodic Frocessing Closing
Valuare Valuarion of Open Irems in Foreign Currency (
Foreign currency Lalance sheer accounr valuarion 43
Accounring Financial Accounring GL Accounrs Feriodic Frocessing Closing Valuare
Valuarion of Open Irems in Foreign Currency (F.05)
FI/FCA Balance sheer adjusrmenr 67-70
FI/CO-FA Frofir and loss adjusrmenr 71
Final closing of posring periods 63
Final Reporring:
- Compacr documenr journal 72
- Financial sraremenrs 2-4
- Taxes on sales/purchases 82
- Balance audir rrial 74-75

Year Year Year Year- -- -end closing acriviries (Frepararory acriviries) end closing acriviries (Frepararory acriviries) end closing acriviries (Frepararory acriviries) end closing acriviries (Frepararory acriviries)

In addirion ro rhe regular monrh-end closing acriviries for rhe final period of rhe fiscal year ro Le
closed, rhe acriviries ro Le performed for year-end closing process include:
MM - Fhysical invenrory procedure (Year-end or as required) 26
Invenrory valuarions lovesr value dererminarion, LIFO, FIFO (Afrer closing rhe posrings in
MM for rhe fiscal year) 20-25
CO - FF Marerial valuarion from nev marerial cosr esrimares 16
FI - FI - Open nev fiscal year 63
AR/AF Balance confirmarions 29-30
AA Fiscal year change 8
FI Balance carryforvard 64
AA Valuarions & Capiral invesrmenr suLsidies (afrer AA posrings complered for fiscal year)
AA Year-end closing 9-10
AR/AF Close fiscal year 63
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 138

Year Year Year Year- -- -end closing acriviries (Financial closing) end closing acriviries (Financial closing) end closing acriviries (Financial closing) end closing acriviries (Financial closing)
FI - Analyze GR/IR posrings 27
Regroup receivaLles/payaLles 41
General adjusrmenrs
Final fiscal year closing 63
GL Accounr Lalances old fiscal year ro nev fiscal year (Reconcile carry forvard Lalances
virh prior year final Lalances)
FI/CO/AA Final reporring (same as monrhly + Accounr Lalances year-end)
AA Asser hisrory sheer 11
Accumulared Lalance audir rrial 76-79

Year End Closing Check List
Acriviry Acriviry Acriviry Acriviry Menu Farh Menu Farh Menu Farh Menu Farh Trans Trans Trans Trans
1. Execure a Balance Sheer
Informarion Sysrems Informarion Sysrems Informarion Sysrems Informarion Sysrems Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring
Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger
Informarion Sysrem Informarion Sysrem Informarion Sysrem Informarion Sysrem Balance Sheer Balance Sheer Balance Sheer Balance Sheer


Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Informarion sysrem Informarion sysrem Informarion sysrem Informarion sysrem
General LedgerReporrs General LedgerReporrs General LedgerReporrs General LedgerReporrs Balance Balance Balance Balance
Sheer/Frofir and Loss Sraremenr/Cash Flov Sheer/Frofir and Loss Sraremenr/Cash Flov Sheer/Frofir and Loss Sraremenr/Cash Flov Sheer/Frofir and Loss Sraremenr/Cash Flov
General General General General Acrual/Acrual Comparisons Acrual/Acrual Comparisons Acrual/Acrual Comparisons Acrual/Acrual Comparisons
Balance Sheer/F+L Balance Sheer/F+L Balance Sheer/F+L Balance Sheer/F+L

2. Execure a Balance Sheer Drill Dovn
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Informarion sysre Informarion sysre Informarion sysre Informarion sysrem m m m
General LedgerReporrs General LedgerReporrs General LedgerReporrs General LedgerReporrs Balance Balance Balance Balance
Sheer/Frofir and Loss Sraremenr/Cash Flov Sheer/Frofir and Loss Sraremenr/Cash Flov Sheer/Frofir and Loss Sraremenr/Cash Flov Sheer/Frofir and Loss Sraremenr/Cash Flov
General General General General .. .. .. ..
3. Frocess Depreciarion Run Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
Depreciarion run Depreciarion run Depreciarion run Depreciarion run Execure Execure Execure Execure
4. Frocess Revaluarion Acco Acco Acco Accounring unring unring unring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
Revaluarion for rhe Lalance sheer Revaluarion for rhe Lalance sheer Revaluarion for rhe Lalance sheer Revaluarion for rhe Lalance sheer Fosr Fosr Fosr Fosr
revaluarion revaluarion revaluarion revaluarion
5. AA Fiscal Year Change Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal
year change year change year change year change
6. AA Fiscal Year Close Accounr
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Year Year Year Year- -- -
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 139
end closing end closing end closing end closing Accounr reconciliarion Accounr reconciliarion Accounr reconciliarion Accounr reconciliarion
7. AA Fiscal Year Close Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Ye Ye Ye Year ar ar ar- -- -
end closing end closing end closing end closing Execure Execure Execure Execure
8. Asser Balances Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Info sysrem Info sysrem Info sysrem Info sysrem Reporrs on Reporrs on Reporrs on Reporrs on
Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Balance Sheer Balance Sheer Balance Sheer Balance Sheer
Explanarions Explanarions Explanarions Explanarions Inrernarional Inrernarional Inrernarional Inrernarional Asser Asser Asser Asser
Balance Balance Balance Balance


9. Asser Lalances Ly Asser Class Ac Ac Ac Accounring counring counring counring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Info sysrem Info sysrem Info sysrem Info sysrem Reporrs on Reporrs on Reporrs on Reporrs on
Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Balances Asser Balances Asser Balances Asser Balances Asser Asser Asser Asser
Balances Balances Balances Balances Ly Asser Class Ly Asser Class Ly Asser Class Ly Asser Class

10. Froduce Asser Hisrory Sheer Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Info sysrem Info sysrem Info sysrem Info sysrem Reporrs Reporrs Reporrs Reporrs on on on on
Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Balance Sheer Balance Sheer Balance Sheer Balance Sheer
Explanarions Explanarions Explanarions Explanarions Inrernarional Inrernarional Inrernarional Inrernarional Asser Asser Asser Asser
Hisrory Sheer Hisrory Sheer Hisrory Sheer Hisrory Sheer
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Fixed assers Info sysrem Info sysrem Info sysrem Info sysrem Reporrs on Reporrs on Reporrs on Reporrs on
Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Balance Sheer Balance Sheer Balance Sheer Balance Sheer
Explanarions Explanarions Explanarions Explanarions Counrry Specifics Counrry Specifics Counrry Specifics Counrry Specifics . .. .


11. Fosr Individual Value Adjusrmenr

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
Accounrs receivaLle Accounrs receivaLle Accounrs receivaLle Accounrs receivaLle Documenr enrry Documenr enrry Documenr enrry Documenr enrry
Orher Orher Orher Orher Inrern. rrans. posring Inrern. rrans. posring Inrern. rrans. posring Inrern. rrans. posring Wirhour Wirhour Wirhour Wirhour
clearing clearing clearing clearing
12. Wriring-Off DouLrful ReceivaLles Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
Accounrs receivaLle Accounrs receivaLle Accounrs receivaLle Accounrs receivaLle Documenr enrry Documenr enrry Documenr enrry Documenr enrry
Orher Orher Orher Orher Inrern. rrans. psring Inrern. rrans. psring Inrern. rrans. psring Inrern. rrans. psring Wirh Wirh Wirh Wirh
clearing clearing clearing clearing
13. Foreign Currency Open Irem

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
ClosingValuare ClosingValuare ClosingValuare ClosingValuare Valuarion of Open Valuarion of Open Valuarion of Open Valuarion of Open
Irems in Foreign Currency Irems in Foreign Currency Irems in Foreign Currency Irems in Foreign Currency
14. Fosring Accruals/Deferrals Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
Closing Closing Closing Closing Valuare Valuare Valuare Valuare Enrer Enrer Enrer Enrer
Accrual/Deferral Doc. Accrual/Deferral Doc. Accrual/Deferral Doc. Accrual/Deferral Doc.
15. Fosring Accrual/Deferral Reversal Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
C CC Closing losing losing losing Valuare Valuare Valuare Valuare Reverse Reverse Reverse Reverse
Accrual/Deferral Documenr Accrual/Deferral Documenr Accrual/Deferral Documenr Accrual/Deferral Documenr
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 140
16. Generare Recurring Enrry Fosring Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
Recurring Enrries Recurring Enrries Recurring Enrries Recurring Enrries Execure Execure Execure Execure
17. Define fiscal year varianrs

IMG IMG IMG IMG Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Financial Financial Financial
Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (Mainrain Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (Mainrain Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (Mainrain Mainrain Fiscal Year Varianr (Mainrain
Shorrened Fisc. Year) Shorrened Fisc. Year) Shorrened Fisc. Year) Shorrened Fisc. Year)
18. Allocare fiscal year varianr ro a
company code
IMG IMG IMG IMG Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Financial Financial Financial
Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
Assi Assi Assi Assign Company Code ro a Fiscal Year gn Company Code ro a Fiscal Year gn Company Code ro a Fiscal Year gn Company Code ro a Fiscal Year
Varianr Varianr Varianr Varianr
19. Define Varianrs for Open Fosring

IMG IMG IMG IMG Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Financial Financial Financial
Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr
Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Define Varianrs for Define Varianrs for Define Varianrs for Define Varianrs for
Open Fosring Feriods Open Fosring Feriods Open Fosring Feriods Open Fosring Feriods
20. Allocare Fosring Feriod Varianr ro
Company Code

IMG IMG IMG IMG Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Financial Financial Financial
Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Accounring GloLal Serrings Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr
Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Fosring Feriods Assign Varianrs ro Assign Varianrs ro Assign Varianrs ro Assign Varianrs ro
Company Code Company Code Company Code Company Code
21. Open and Close Fosring Feriods

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Environme Environme Environme Environmenr nr nr nr
Currenr serrings Currenr serrings Currenr serrings Currenr serrings Open and Close Fosring Open and Close Fosring Open and Close Fosring Open and Close Fosring
Feriods Feriods Feriods Feriods
22. Carry Forvard Balance ro Nev
Fiscal Year
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
Closing Closing Closing Closing Carry Forvard Carry Forvard Carry Forvard Carry Forvard Balances Balances Balances Balances
23. Define Rerained Earning accounr IMG IMG IMG IMG Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring Financial Accounring General General General General
Ledger Accounring Ledger Accounring Ledger Accounring Ledger Accounring Business Business Business Business
Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Closing Closing Closing Closing Carrying Carrying Carrying Carrying
Forvard Forvard Forvard Forvard Define Rerained Rarnings Define Rerained Rarnings Define Rerained Rarnings Define Rerained Rarnings
Accounr Accounr Accounr Accounr
24. Run Compacr Documenr

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Informarion sysrem Informarion sysrem Informarion sysrem Informarion sysrem
General L General L General L General Ledger Reporrs edger Reporrs edger Reporrs edger Reporrs Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr
General General General General Compacr Documenr Journal Compacr Documenr Journal Compacr Documenr Journal Compacr Documenr Journal

25. Run Monrhly Balance Audir
Trail for Open Irem Accounrs

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
Closing Closing Closing Closing Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Balance audir rrail Balance audir rrail Balance audir rrail Balance audir rrail
Open irem accounr Open irem accounr Open irem accounr Open irem accounrs s s s Open Irem Open Irem Open Irem Open Irem
Accounr Balance Audir Trail from rhe Accounr Balance Audir Trail from rhe Accounr Balance Audir Trail from rhe Accounr Balance Audir Trail from rhe
Documenr File Documenr File Documenr File Documenr File

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 141

Acriviry Acriviry Acriviry Acriviry Menu Farh Menu Farh Menu Farh Menu Farh Trans Trans Trans Trans
26. Run Monrhly Balance Audir Trail
for Orher Accounrs

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
Closing Closing Closing Closing Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Balance audi Balance audi Balance audi Balance audir r r r
rrail rrail rrail rrail All accounrs All accounrs All accounrs All accounrs General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger General Ledger
from rhe Documenr File from rhe Documenr File from rhe Documenr File from rhe Documenr File

27. Creare Exrracr for Accumulared
Open Irem Balance Audir Trail

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
Closing Closing Closing Closing Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Balance audir Balance audir Balance audir Balance audir
rrail rrail rrail rrail Open irem a Open irem a Open irem a Open irem accounrs ccounrs ccounrs ccounrs From From From From
Lalance audir rrail Lalance audir rrail Lalance audir rrail Lalance audir rrail Exrracr for Exrracr for Exrracr for Exrracr for
Accumulared Open Irem Audir Trail Accumulared Open Irem Audir Trail Accumulared Open Irem Audir Trail Accumulared Open Irem Audir Trail

28. Run Accumulared Open Irem
Balance Audir Trail

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
Closing Closing Closing Closing Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Balance audir Balance audir Balance audir Balance audir
rrail rrail rrail rrail Open i Open i Open i Open irem accounrs rem accounrs rem accounrs rem accounrs From From From From
Lalance audir rrail Lalance audir rrail Lalance audir rrail Lalance audir rrail Accrs Derailed Accrs Derailed Accrs Derailed Accrs Derailed
Lisring from Open Irem Accounr Lisring from Open Irem Accounr Lisring from Open Irem Accounr Lisring from Open Irem Accounr
Accumulared Audir Trail Accumulared Audir Trail Accumulared Audir Trail Accumulared Audir Trail

29. Creare Exrracr for Accumulared
Balance Audir Trail for Orher

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Feriodic processin Feriodic processin Feriodic processin Feriodic processing g g g
Closing Closing Closing Closing Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Balance audir Balance audir Balance audir Balance audir
rrail rrail rrail rrail All accounrs All accounrs All accounrs All accounrs From Lalance From Lalance From Lalance From Lalance
audir rrail audir rrail audir rrail audir rrail Exrracr for rhe Accumulared Exrracr for rhe Accumulared Exrracr for rhe Accumulared Exrracr for rhe Accumulared
Hisrorical Balance Audir Trail Hisrorical Balance Audir Trail Hisrorical Balance Audir Trail Hisrorical Balance Audir Trail

30. Run Accumulared Balance Audir
Trail for Orher Accounrs

Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring Financial accounring
General ledger General ledger General ledger General ledger Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing Feriodic processing
Closing Closing Closing Closing Documenr Documenr Documenr Documenr Balance audir Balance audir Balance audir Balance audir
rrail rrail rrail rrail All accounrs All accounrs All accounrs All accounrs From Lalance From Lalance From Lalance From Lalance
audir rrail audir rrail audir rrail audir rrail Accounr Derails from Accounr Derails from Accounr Derails from Accounr Derails from
Hisrorical Accumulared Balance Audir Hisrorical Accumulared Balance Audir Hisrorical Accumulared Balance Audir Hisrorical Accumulared Balance Audir
Trail Trail Trail Trail

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 142

Cross Company Code Transacrions Cross Company Code Transacrions Cross Company Code Transacrions Cross Company Code Transacrions

A cross company code rransacrion involves 2 or more company codes in one Lusiness rransacrion. For
a cross company code rransacrion, rhe sysrem vill posr a separare documenr in each of rhe company
codes involved.

Examples for cross company code rransacrions are:
One company code makes purchases for orher company codes (Cenrral Frocuremenr)
One company code pays for orher company codes (Cenrral Faymenr)
One company code sells goods ro orher company code

Creare Clearing Accounrs in each of rhe company codes. The Clearing Accounrs may Le GL
Accounrs, Cusromer or Vendor Accounrs.
Configure rhe Auromaric Fosrings for Cross Company Code Transacrions Ly assigning
Clearing Accounrs for Lorh rhe company codes.

Crearion of Clearing Accounrs in Lorh rhe Company Codes (FS00)
In Company Code # 1 In Company Code # 2
Accounr Group Currenr Assers Currenr LiaLiliries
Balance Sheer Accounr Balance Sheer Accounr
Shorr Texr Clearing virh CC2 Clearing virh CC1
Long Texr Clearing virh Company Code 2 Clearing virh Company Code 1
Accounr Currency INR INR
Only Bal in Local Currency Only Bal in Local Currency
Line Irem Display Line Irem Display
Sorr Key 001 001
Field Srarus Group G001 G001
Fosr Auromarically Only Fosr Auromarically Only

Configure Auromaric Fosrings for Cross Company Code Transa Configure Auromaric Fosrings for Cross Company Code Transa Configure Auromaric Fosrings for Cross Company Code Transa Configure Auromaric Fosrings for Cross Company Code Transacrions (OBYA) crions (OBYA) crions (OBYA) crions (OBYA)

SFRO Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions Frepare Cross
Company Code Transacrions

Company Code 1: Give CC1
Company Code 2: Give CC2 & Enrer

Under Fosred in: Company Code 1 Cleared againsr: Company Code 2
ReceivaLle FayaLle
DeLir Fosring Key: 40 Credir Fosring Key: 50
Accounr DeLir: Clearing A/c virh CC2 Accounr Credir: Clearing A/c virh CC2

Under Fosred in: Company Code 2 Cleared againsr: Company Code 1
ReceivaLle FayaLle
DeLir Fosring Key: 40 Credir Fosring Key: 50
Accounr DeLir: Clearing A/c virh CC1 Accounr Credir: Clearing A/c virh CC1

Cross Company Code Invoice Fosring (FB60) Cross Company Code Invoice Fosring (FB60) Cross Company Code Invoice Fosring (FB60) Cross Company Code Invoice Fosring (FB60)
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 143
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Documenr Enrry Invoice

Display Cross Display Cross Display Cross Display Cross Company Code Documenr (FBU3) Company Code Documenr (FBU3) Company Code Documenr (FBU3) Company Code Documenr (FBU3)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Documenr Cross CC Transacrion

Reverse Cross Company Code Documenr (FBU8) Reverse Cross Company Code Documenr (FBU8) Reverse Cross Company Code Documenr (FBU8) Reverse Cross Company Code Documenr (FBU8)
Accounring Financial Accounring Accounrs FayaLle Documenr Cross CC Transacrion

Inregrarion Inregrarion Inregrarion Inregrarion

MM FI Inregrarion MM FI Inregrarion MM FI Inregrarion MM FI Inregrarion
Marerial Managemenr ro Finance Marerial Managemenr ro Finance Marerial Managemenr ro Finance Marerial Managemenr ro Finance
In rhis srep, you enrer rhe sysrem serrings for Invenrory Managemenr and Invoice Verificarion
rransacrions for auromaric posrings ro G/L accounrs.
You can rhen check your serrings using a simularion funcrion.
Under Furrher informarion Furrher informarion Furrher informarion Furrher informarion rhere is a lisr of rransacrions in Marerials Managemenr and rheir
Whar are auromaric posrings! Whar are auromaric posrings! Whar are auromaric posrings! Whar are auromaric posrings!
Fosrings are made ro G/L accounrs auromarically in rhe case of Invoice Verificarion and Invenrory
Managemenr rransacrions relevanr ro Financial and Cosr Accounring.
Fosring lines are creared in rhe folloving accounrs in rhe case of a goods issue for a cosr cenrer:
Srock accounr
Consumprion accounr
Hov does rhe sysrem find rhe relevanr accounrs! Hov does rhe sysrem find rhe relevanr accounrs! Hov does rhe sysrem find rhe relevanr accounrs! Hov does rhe sysrem find rhe relevanr accounrs!
When enrering rhe goods movemenr, rhe user does nor have ro enrer a G/L accounr, since rhe R/3
Sysrem auromarically finds rhe accounrs ro vhich posrings are ro Le made using rhe folloving dara:
Charr of accounrs of rhe company code Charr of accounrs of rhe company code Charr of accounrs of rhe company code Charr of accounrs of rhe company code
If rhe user enrers a company code or a planr vhen enrering a rransacrion, rhe R/3 Sysrem
derermines rhe charr of accounrs vhich is valid for rhe company code.
You musr define rhe auromaric accounr dererminarion individually for each charr of accounrs.
Valuarion grouping code of rhe valuarion area Valuarion grouping code of rhe valuarion area Valuarion grouping code of rhe valuarion area Valuarion grouping code of rhe valuarion area
If rhe auromaric accounr dererminarion virhin a charr of accounrs is ro run differenrly for cerrain
company codes or planrs (valuarion areas), assign differenr valuarion grouping codes ro rhese
valuarion areas.
You musr define rhe auromaric accounr dererminarion individually for every valuarion grouping
code virhin a charr of accounrs. Ir applies ro all valuarion areas vhich are assigned ro rhis
valuarion grouping code.
If rhe user enrers a company code or a planr vhen enrering a rransacrion, rhe sysrem derermines
rhe valuarion area and rhe valuarion grouping code.
Transacrion/evenr key (inrernal processing key) Transacrion/evenr key (inrernal processing key) Transacrion/evenr key (inrernal processing key) Transacrion/evenr key (inrernal processing key)
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 144
Fosring rransacrions are predefined for rhose invenrory managemenr and invoice verificarion
rransacrions relevanr ro accounring. Fosring records, vhich are generalized in rhe value srring,
are assigned ro each relevanr movemenr rype in invenrory managemenr and each rransacrion in
invoice verificarion. These conrain keys for rhe relevanr posring rransacrion (for example,
invenrory posring and consumprion posring) insread of acrual G/L accounr numLers.
You do nor have ro define rhese rransacrion keys, rhey are derermined auromarically from rhe
rransacrion (invoice verificarion) or rhe movemenr rype (invenrory managemenr). All you have ro
do is assign rhe relevanr G/L accounr ro each posring rransacrion.
Accounr grouping Accounr grouping Accounr grouping Accounr grouping (only for offserring enrries, consignmenr liaLiliries, and price differences)
Since rhe posring rransacrion 'Offserring enrry for invenrory posring' is used for differenr
rransacrions (for example, goods issue, scrapping, physical invenrory), vhich are assigned ro
differenr accounrs (for example, consumprion accounr, scrapping, expense/income from invenrory
differences), ir is necessary ro divide rhe posring rransacrion according ro a furrher key: accounr
grouping code.
An accounr grouping is assigned ro each movemenr rype in invenrory managemenr vhich uses
rhe posring rransacrion 'Offserring enrry for invenrory posring'.
Under rhe posring rransacrion 'Offserring enrry for invenrory posring', you musr assign G/L
accounrs for every accounr grouping, rhar is, assign G/L accounrs.
If you vish ro posr price differences ro differenr price difference accounrs in rhe case of goods
receiprs for purchase orders, goods receiprs for orders, or orher movemenrs, you can define
differenr accounr grouping codes for rhe rransacrion key.
Using rhe accounr grouping, you can also have differenr accounrs for consignmenr liaLiliries and
pipeline liaLiliries.
Valuarion class of marerial or (in case of splir valuarion) rhe valuarion rype Valuarion class of marerial or (in case of splir valuarion) rhe valuarion rype Valuarion class of marerial or (in case of splir valuarion) rhe valuarion rype Valuarion class of marerial or (in case of splir valuarion) rhe valuarion rype
The valuarion class allovs you ro define auromaric accounr dererminarion rhar is dependenr on
rhe marerial. for example: you posr a goods receipr of a rav marerial ro a differenr srock accounr
rhan if rhe goods receipr vere for rrading goods, even rhough rhe user enrers rhe same rransacrion
for Lorh marerials.
You can achieve rhis Ly assigning differenr valuarion classes ro rhe marerials and Ly assigning
differenr G/L accounrs ro rhe posring rransacrion for every valuarion class.
If you do nor vanr ro differenriare according ro valuarion classes you do nor have ro mainrain a
valuarion class for a rransacrion.
Requiremenrs Requiremenrs Requiremenrs Requiremenrs
Before you mainrain auromaric posrings, you musr oLrain rhe folloving informarion:
1. Valuarion level ( planr planr planr planr or company code company code company code company code)
EsraLlish vherher rhe marerials are valuared ar planr or ar company code level
When valuarion is ar planr level, rhe valuarion area valuarion area valuarion area valuarion area corresponds ro a planr.
When valuarion is ar company code level, rhe valuarion area corresponds ro a company code.
Define valuarion level Define valuarion level Define valuarion level Define valuarion level
2. Charr of accounrs and valuarion grouping code per valuarion area
Find our vherher rhe valuarion grouping code is acrive.
Acrivare splir valuarion Acrivare splir valuarion Acrivare splir valuarion Acrivare splir valuarion
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 145
If ir is nor acrive, derermine rhe charr of accounrs assigned ro each valuarion area (via rhe
company code).
If ir is acrive, derermine rhe charr of accounrs and rhe valuarion grouping code assigned ro each
valuarion area.
Group valuarion areas Group valuarion areas Group valuarion areas Group valuarion areas
You musr define a separare accounr dererminarion process for charr of accounrs and each
valuarion grouping code.
3. Valuarion class per marerial rype
If you vish ro differenriare rhe accounr dererminarion process for specific rransacrions according
ro valuarion classes, find our vhich valuarion classes are possiLle for each marerial rype.
Define valuarion classes Define valuarion classes Define valuarion classes Define valuarion classes
4. Accounr grouping for offserring enrries ro srock accounrs
Under Define accounr grouping for movemenr rypes Define accounr grouping for movemenr rypes Define accounr grouping for movemenr rypes Define accounr grouping for movemenr rypes, derermine for vhich movemenr rypes an
accounr grouping is defined for rhe rransacrion/evenr keys GGB (offserring enrry ro srock
posring), KON (consignmenr liaLiliries) and FRD (price differences).
Defaulr serrings Defaulr serrings Defaulr serrings Defaulr serrings
G/L accounr assignmenrs for rhe charrs of accounrs INT INT INT INT and rhe valuarion grouping code 0001 0001 0001 0001 are
SAF srandard.
Acriviries Acriviries Acriviries Acriviries
1. Creare accounr keys for each charr of accounrs and each valuarion grouping code for rhe
individual posring rransacrions. To do so, proceed as follovs:
a) Call up rhe acriviry Configure Auromaric Fosrings Configure Auromaric Fosrings Configure Auromaric Fosrings Configure Auromaric Fosrings.
The R/3 sysrem firsr checks vherher rhe valuarion areas are correcrly mainrained. If, for
example, a planr is nor assigned ro a company code, a dialog Lox and an error message
From rhis Lox, choose Conrinue (nexr enrry) ro conrinue rhe check.
Choose Cancel ro end rhe check.
The configurarion menu Auromaric posrings appears.
L) Choose Goro - Accounr assignmenr.
A lisr of posring rransacrions in Marerials Managemenr appears. For furrher derails of rhe
individual rransacrions, see Furrher informarion Furrher informarion Furrher informarion Furrher informarion.
The Accounr dererminarion indicaror shovs vherher auromaric accounr dererminarion is
defined for a rransacrion.
c) Choose a posring rransacrion.
A Lox appears for rhe firsr posring rransacrion. Here you can enrer a charr of accounrs.
You can enrer rhe folloving dara for each rransacrion:
Rules for accounr numLer assignmenrs
Wirh Goro - Rules you can enrer rhe facrors on vhich rhe accounr numLer assignmenrs
- deLir/credir indicaror
- general grouping (= accounr grouping)
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 146
- valuarion grouping
- valuarion class
Fosring keys for rhe posring lines
Normally you do nor have ro change rhe posring keys. If you vish ro use nev posring
keys, you have ro define rhem in rhe Cusromizing sysrem of Financial Accounring.
Accounr numLer assignmenrs
You musr assign G/L accounrs for each rransacrion/evenr key (excepr KBS). You can
assign rhese accounrs manually or copy rhem from anorher charr of accounrs via Edir -
If you vanr ro differenriare posring rransacrions (e.g. invenrory posrings) according ro
valuarion classes, you musr make an accounr assignmenr for each valuarion class.
Using rhe posring rransacrion 'Offserring enrry for invenrory posring', you have ro make
an accounr assignmenr for each accounr grouping
If rhe rransacrion FRD (price differences) is also dependenr on rhe accounr grouping, you
musr creare rhree accounr assignmenrs:
- an accounr assignmenr virhour accounr grouping
- an accounr assignmenr virh accounr grouping FRF
- an accounr assignmenr virh accounr grouping FRA
If rhe rransacrion KON (consignmenr and pipeline liaLiliries) is also dependenr on rhe
accounr grouping, you musr creare rvo accounr assignmenrs:
- an accounr assignmenr virhour accounr grouping (consignmenr)
- an accounr assignmenr virh accounr grouping (pipeline)
d) Save your serrings.
2. Then check your serrings virh rhe simularion funcrion.
Wirh rhe simularion funcrion, you can simulare rhe folloving:
Invenrory Managemenr rransacrions
Invoice Verificarion rransacrions
When you enrer a marerial or valuarion class, rhe R/3 sysrem derermines rhe G/L accounrs vhich
are assigned ro rhe corresponding posring rransacrions. Depending on rhe configurarion, rhe SAF
sysrem checks vherher rhe G/L accounr exisrs
In rhe simularion you can compare rhe field selecrion of rhe movemenr rype virh rhar of rhe
individual accounrs and make any correcrions.
If you vanr ro prinr rhe simularion, choose Simularion - Reporr.
To carry our rhe simularion, proceed as follovs:
a) Choose Serrings ro check rhe simularion defaulrs for
- rhe applicarion area (Invoice Verificarion or Invenrory Managemenr)
- rhe inpur mode (marerial or valuarion class)
- accounr assignmenr
Insrrucrions Insrrucrions Insrrucrions Insrrucrions
L) Choose Goro - Simularion.
The screen for enrering simularion dara appears.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 147
c) Depending on rhe valuarion level, enrer a planr or a company code on rhe screen.
d) When you simulare Invenrory Managemenr rransacrions, goods movemenrs are
simulared. The R/3 sysrem suggesrs rhe firsr movemenr rype for simularion. If several
movemenrs are possiLle virh rhis movemenr rype, you can selecr a line.
When you simulare Invoice Verificarion rransacrions, a lisr appears on rhe screen of rhe
possiLle rransacrion rypes. Selecr a line.
e) Then choose Goro - Accounr assignmenrs.
A lisr appears of rhe posring lines vhich can Le creared Ly rhe selecred rransacrion. For
each posring line, rhe G/L accounr for rhe deLir posring as vell as rhe G/L accounr for rhe
credir posring are displayed.
f) From rhis screen, choose Goro - Movemenr+ ro ger a lisr of rhe posring lines for rhe
nexr movemenr rype or rransacrion rype.
If you vork virh valuarion classes, choose Goro - Valuarion class+ ro receive rhe
simularion for rhe nexr valuarion class. This funcrion is nor possiLle vhen simularing virh
marerial numLers.
Choose Goro - Check screen layour ro compare rhe movemenr rype virh rhe G/L
accounrs derermined Ly rhe sysrem and make any necessary correcrions.
Nore Nore Nore Nore
The simularion funcrion does NOT oLviare rhe need for a rrial posring!
Furrher nores Furrher nores Furrher nores Furrher nores
The folloving lisr shovs rhe individual rransacrions virh examples of hov rhey are used. The
rransacrion/evenr key is specified in Lrackers.
Agency Lusiness: income (AG1) Agency Lusiness: income (AG1) Agency Lusiness: income (AG1) Agency Lusiness: income (AG1)
This rransacrion can Le used in agency Lusiness for income deriving from commission (e.g. del
credere commission). The accounr key is used in rhe calcularion schemas for agency Lusiness ro
derermine rhe associared revenue accounrs.
Agency Lusiness: rurnover (AG2) Agency Lusiness: rurnover (AG2) Agency Lusiness: rurnover (AG2) Agency Lusiness: rurnover (AG2)
This rransacrion can Le used in agency Lusiness if rurnover (Lusiness volume) posrings are
acrivared in Cusromizing for rhe paymenr rypes. The accounr key is specified in Cusromizing for
rhe Lilling rype.
Agency Lusiness: expense (AG3) Agency Lusiness: expense (AG3) Agency Lusiness: expense (AG3) Agency Lusiness: expense (AG3)
This rransacrion can Le used in agency Lusiness for commission expenses. The accounr key is used
in rhe calcularion schemas for agency Lusiness ro derermine rhe associared expense accounrs.
Expense/revenue from consumprion o Expense/revenue from consumprion o Expense/revenue from consumprion o Expense/revenue from consumprion of consignmenr marerial (AKO) f consignmenr marerial (AKO) f consignmenr marerial (AKO) f consignmenr marerial (AKO)
This rransacrion is used in Invenrory Managemenr in rhe case of virhdravals from consignmenr
srock or vhen consignmenr srock is rransferred ro ovn srock if rhe marerial is suLjecr ro srandard
price conrrol and rhe consignmenr price differs from rhe srandard price.
Expendirure/income from rransfer posring (AUM) Expendirure/income from rransfer posring (AUM) Expendirure/income from rransfer posring (AUM) Expendirure/income from rransfer posring (AUM)
This rransacrion is used for rransfer posrings from one marerial ro anorher if rhe complere value of
rhe issuing marerial cannor Le posred ro rhe value of rhe receiving marerial. This applies Lorh ro
marerials virh srandard price conrrol and ro marerials virh moving average price conrrol. Frice
differences can arise for marerials virh moving average price if srock levels are negarive and rhe
srock value Lecomes unrealisric as a resulr of rhe posring. Transacrion AUM can Le used
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 148
irrespecrive of vherher rhe rransfer posring involves a rransfer Lerveen planrs. The
expendirure/income is added ro rhe receiving marerial.
Frovisions for suLsequenr (end Frovisions for suLsequenr (end Frovisions for suLsequenr (end Frovisions for suLsequenr (end- -- -of of of of- -- -period reLare) serrlemenr period reLare) serrlemenr period reLare) serrlemenr period reLare) serrlemenr (BO1) (BO1) (BO1) (BO1)
If you use rhe 'suLsequenr serrlemenr' funcrion virh regard ro condirions (e.g. for period-end
volume-Lased reLares), provisions for accrued income are ser up vhen goods receiprs are recorded
againsr purchase orders if rhis is defined for rhe condirion rype.
Income from suLsequenr serrlemenr (BO2) Income from suLsequenr serrlemenr (BO2) Income from suLsequenr serrlemenr (BO2) Income from suLsequenr serrlemenr (BO2)
The reLare income generared in rhe course of 'suLsequenr serrlemenr' (end-of-period reLare
serrlemenr) is posred via rhis rransacrion.
Income from suLsequenr serrlemenr afrer acrual serrlemenr (BO3) Income from suLsequenr serrlemenr afrer acrual serrlemenr (BO3) Income from suLsequenr serrlemenr afrer acrual serrlemenr (BO3) Income from suLsequenr serrlemenr afrer acrual serrlemenr (BO3)
If a goods receipr occurs afrer serrlemenr accounring has Leen effecred for a reLare arrangemenr,
no furrher provisions for accrued reLare income can Le managed Ly rhe 'suLsequenr serrlemenr'
faciliry. No posrings should Le made ro rhe accounr normally used for such provisions. As an
alrernarive, you can use rhis rransacrion ro posr provisions for accrued reLare income ro a separare
accounr in cases such as rhe one descriLed.
Supplemenrary enrry for srock (BSD) Supplemenrary enrry for srock (BSD) Supplemenrary enrry for srock (BSD) Supplemenrary enrry for srock (BSD)
This accounr is posred vhen closing enrries are made for a cumularion run. This accounr is a
supplemenrary accounr ro rhe srock accounr, rhar is, rhe srock accounr is added ro ir ro derermine
rhe srock value rhar vas calculared via rhe cumularion. In rhe process, rhe various valuarion areas
(for example, commercial, rax), rhar are used in rhe Lalance sheer are raxed separarely.
Change in srock (BSV) Change in srock (BSV) Change in srock (BSV) Change in srock (BSV)
Changes in srocks are posred in Invenrory Managemenr ar rhe rime goods receiprs are recorded or
suLsequenr adjusrmenrs made virh regard ro suLconrracr orders.
If rhe accounr assigned here is defined as a cosr elemenr, you musr specify a preliminary accounr
assignmenr for rhe accounr in rhe raLle of auromaric accounr assignmenr specificarion
(Cusromizing for Conrrolling) in order ro Le aLle ro posr goods receiprs againsr suLconrracr
orders. In rhe srandard sysrem, cosr cenrer SC-1 is defined for rhis purpose.
Srock posring (BSX) Srock posring (BSX) Srock posring (BSX) Srock posring (BSX)
This rransacrion is used for all posrings ro srock accounrs. Such posrings are effecred, for example:
In invenrory managemenr in rhe case of goods receiprs ro ovn srock and goods issues
from ovn srock
In invoice verificarion, if price differences occur in connecrion virh incoming invoices
for marerials valuared ar moving average price and rhere is adequare srock coverage
In order serrlemenr, if rhe order is assigned ro a marerial virh moving average price and
rhe acrual cosrs ar rhe rime of serrlemenr vary from rhe acrual cosrs ar rhe rime of
goods receipr
Because rhis rransacrion is dependenr on rhe valuarion class, ir is possiLle ro manage marerials
virh differenr valuarion classes in separare srock accounrs.
Caurion Caurion Caurion Caurion
Take care ro ensure rhar:
A srock accounr is nor used for any rransacrion orher rhan BSX
Fosrings are nor made ro rhe accounr manually
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 149
The accounr is nor changed in rhe producrive sysrem Lefore all srock has Leen Looked our
of ir
Orhervise differences vould arise Lerveen rhe roral srock value of rhe marerial masrer records
and rhe Lalance on rhe srock accounr.
Accounr dererminarion of valuared sales order srock and projecr srock Accounr dererminarion of valuared sales order srock and projecr srock Accounr dererminarion of valuared sales order srock and projecr srock Accounr dererminarion of valuared sales order srock and projecr srock
Nore rhar for valuared sales order srock and projecr srock (special srock E and Q) and for rhe
rransacrion/evenr keys BSX BSX BSX BSX andGBB GBB GBB GBB, you musr mainrain an accounr dererminarion ro avoid
receiving varning messages vhen enrering dara (purchase order or rransfer posring) for valuared
During dara enrry, rhe sysrem arremprs ro execure a provisional accounr dererminarion for GBB
for valuared srock. The sysrem vill only replace rhe provisional accounr dererminarion for GBB
virh rhe correcr accounr dererminarion for rhe srock accounr (BSX), in rhe Lackground, if you
enrer rhe dara for valuared srock ar a larer poinr in rime.
Revaluarion of orher consumprion (COC) Revaluarion of orher consumprion (COC) Revaluarion of orher consumprion (COC) Revaluarion of orher consumprion (COC)
This rransacrion/evenr key is required for rhe revaluarion of consumprion in Acrual
Cosring/Marerial Ledger.
Revaluarion of consumprion valuares single-level consumprion using rhe acrual prices derermined
in rhe Acrual Cosring/Marerial Ledger applicarion. This revaluarion can eirher rake place in rhe
accounr vhere rhe original posrings vere made, or in a header accounr.
The header accounr is derermined using rhe rransacrion/evenr key COC COC COC COC.
Del credere (DEL) Del credere (DEL) Del credere (DEL) Del credere (DEL)
Transacrion/evenr key for rhe paymenr/invoice lisr documenrs in Furchasing. The accounr key is
needed in rhe calcularion schema for paymenr/serrlemenr processing ro derermine rhe associared
revenue accounrs.
Small differences, Marerials Managemenr (DIF) Small differences, Marerials Managemenr (DIF) Small differences, Marerials Managemenr (DIF) Small differences, Marerials Managemenr (DIF)
This rransacrion is used in Invoice Verificarion if you define a rolerance for minor differences and
rhe Lalance of an invoice does nor exceed rhe rolerance.
Furchase accounr(EIN), purchase offserring accounr (EKG), freighr purchase accounr (FRE) Furchase accounr(EIN), purchase offserring accounr (EKG), freighr purchase accounr (FRE) Furchase accounr(EIN), purchase offserring accounr (EKG), freighr purchase accounr (FRE) Furchase accounr(EIN), purchase offserring accounr (EKG), freighr purchase accounr (FRE)
These rransacrions are used only if Furchase Accounr Managemenr Furchase Accounr Managemenr Furchase Accounr Managemenr Furchase Accounr Managemenr is acrive in rhe company code.
Nore Nore Nore Nore
Due ro special legal requiremenrs, rhis funcrion vas developed specially for cerrain counrries
(Belgium, Spain, Forrugal, France, Iraly, and Finland).
Before you use rhis funcrion, check vherher you need ro use ir in your counrry.
Freighr clearing (FR1), provision f Freighr clearing (FR1), provision f Freighr clearing (FR1), provision f Freighr clearing (FR1), provision for freighr charges (FR2), cusroms dury clearing (FR3), provision or freighr charges (FR2), cusroms dury clearing (FR3), provision or freighr charges (FR2), cusroms dury clearing (FR3), provision or freighr charges (FR2), cusroms dury clearing (FR3), provision
for cusroms dury (FR4) for cusroms dury (FR4) for cusroms dury (FR4) for cusroms dury (FR4)
These rransacrions are used ro posr delivery cosrs (incidenral procuremenr cosrs) in rhe case of
goods receiprs againsr purchase orders and incoming invoices. Which rransacrion is used for
vhich delivery cosrs depends on rhe condirion rypes defined in rhe purchase order.
You can also enrer your ovn rransacrions for delivery cosrs in condirion rypes.
Exrernal service (FRL) Exrernal service (FRL) Exrernal service (FRL) Exrernal service (FRL)
The rransacrion is used for goods and invoice receiprs in connecrion virh suLconrracr orders.
If rhe accounr assigned here is defined as a cosr elemenr, you musr specify a preliminary accounr
assignmenr for rhe accounr in rhe raLle of auromaric accounr assignmenr specificarion
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 150
(Cusromizing for Conrrolling) in order ro Le aLle ro posr goods receiprs againsr suLconrracr
orders. In rhe srandard sysrem, cosr cenrer SC-1 is defined for rhis purpose.
Exrernal service, delivery cosrs (FRN) Exrernal service, delivery cosrs (FRN) Exrernal service, delivery cosrs (FRN) Exrernal service, delivery cosrs (FRN)
This rransacrion is used for delivery cosrs (incidenral cosrs of procuremenr) in connecrion virh
suLconrracr orders.
If rhe accounr assigned here is defined as a cosr elemenr, you musr specify a preliminary accounr
assignmenr for rhe accounr in rhe raLle of auromaric accounr assignmenr specificarion
(Cusromizing for Conrrolling) in order ro Le aLle ro posr goods receiprs againsr suLconrracr
orders. In rhe srandard sysrem, cosr cenrer SC-1 is defined for rhis purpose.
Offserring enrry for srock posring (GBB) Offserring enrry for srock posring (GBB) Offserring enrry for srock posring (GBB) Offserring enrry for srock posring (GBB)
Offserring enrries for srock posrings are used in Invenrory Managemenr. They are dependenr on
rhe accounr grouping ro vhich each movemenr rype is assigned. The folloving accounr groupings
are defined in rhe srandard sysrem:

AUA: for order serrlemenr
AUF: for goods receiprs for orders (virhour accounr assignmenr)
and for order serrlemenr if AUA is nor mainrained
AUI: SuLsequenr adjusrmenr of acrual price from cosr cenrer direcrly
ro marerial (virh accounr assignmenr)
BSA: for inirial enrry of srock Lalances
INV: for expendirure/income from invenrory differences
VAX: for goods issues for sales orders virhour
accounr assignmenr oLjecr (rhe accounr is nor a cosr elemenr)
VAY: for goods issues for sales orders virh
accounr assignmenr oLjecr (accounr is a cosr elemenr)
VBO: for consumprion from srock of marerial provided ro vendor
VBR: for inrernal goods issues (for example, for cosr cenrer)
VKA: for sales order accounr assignmenr
(for example, for individual purchase order)
VKF: for projecr accounr assignmenr (for example, for individual FO)
VNG: for scrapping/desrrucrion
VQF: for sample virhdravals virhour accounr assignmenr
VQY: for sample virhdravals virh accounr assignmenr
ZOB: for goods receiprs virhour purchase orders (mvr rype 501)
ZOF: for goods receiprs virhour producrion orders
(mvr rypes 521 and 531)
You can also define your ovn accounr groupings. If you inrend ro posr goods issues for cosr
cenrers (mvr rype 201) and goods issues for orders (mvr rype 261) ro separare consumprion
accounrs, you can assign rhe accounr grouping ZZZ ro movemenr rype 201 and accounr grouping
YYY ro movemenr rype 261.

Configuration of FICO Modules
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Caurion Caurion Caurion Caurion
If you use goods receiprs virhour a purchase order in your sysrem (movemenr rype 501), you have
ro check ro vhich accounrs rhe accounr groupings are assigned ZOB ZOB ZOB ZOB
If you expecr invoices for rhe goods receiprs, and rhese invoices can only Le posred in
Accounring, you can enrer a clearing accounr (similar ro a GR/IR clearing accounr rhough
virhour open irem managemenr), vhich is cleared in Accounring vhen you posr rhe vendor
Nore rhar rhe goods movemenr is valuared virh rhe valuarion price of rhe marerial if no exrernal
amounr has Leen enrered.
As no accounr assignmenr has Leen enrered in rhe srandard sysrem, rhe assigned accounr is nor
defined as a cosr elemenr. If you assign a cosr elemenr, you have ro enrer an accounr assignmenr
via rhe field selecrion or mainrain an auromaric accounr assignmenr for rhe cosr elemenr.
Accounr dererminarion of valuared sales order srock and projecr srock Accounr dererminarion of valuared sales order srock and projecr srock Accounr dererminarion of valuared sales order srock and projecr srock Accounr dererminarion of valuared sales order srock and projecr srock
Nore rhar for valuared sales order srock and projecr srock (special srock E and Q) and for rhe
rransacrion/evenr keys BSX BSX BSX BSX andGBB GBB GBB GBB, you musr mainrain an accounr dererminarion ro avoid
receiving varning messages vhen enrering dara (purchase order or rransfer posring) for valuared
During dara enrry, rhe sysrem arremprs ro execure a provisional accounr dererminarion for GBB
for valuared srock. The sysrem vill only replace rhe provisional accounr dererminarion for GBB
virh rhe correcr accounr dererminarion for rhe srock accounr (BSX), in rhe Lackground, if you
enrer rhe dara for valuared srock ar a larer poinr in rime.
Furchase order virh accounr assignmenr (KBS) Furchase order virh accounr assignmenr (KBS) Furchase order virh accounr assignmenr (KBS) Furchase order virh accounr assignmenr (KBS)
You cannor assign rhis rransacrion/evenr key ro an accounr. Ir means rhar rhe accounr assignmenr
is adopred from rhe purchase order and is used for rhe purpose of derermining rhe posring keys
for rhe goods receipr.
Exchange Rare Differences Marerials Managemenr(AVR) (KDG) Exchange Rare Differences Marerials Managemenr(AVR) (KDG) Exchange Rare Differences Marerials Managemenr(AVR) (KDG) Exchange Rare Differences Marerials Managemenr(AVR) (KDG)
When you carry our a revaluarion of single-level consumprion in rhe marerial ledger for an
alrernarive valuarion run, rhe exchange rare difference accounrs of rhe marerials are credired virh
rhe exchange rare differences rhar are ro Le assigned ro rhe consumprion.
Exchange rare differences in rhe case of open irems (KDM) Exchange rare differences in rhe case of open irems (KDM) Exchange rare differences in rhe case of open irems (KDM) Exchange rare differences in rhe case of open irems (KDM)
Exchange rare differences in rhe case of open irems arise vhen an invoice relaring ro a purchase
order is posred virh a differenr exchange rare ro rhar of rhe goods receipr and rhe marerial cannor
Le deLired or credired due ro srandard price conrrol or srock undercoverage/shorrage.
Differences due ro exchange rare rounding, Marerials Managemenr (KDR) Differences due ro exchange rare rounding, Marerials Managemenr (KDR) Differences due ro exchange rare rounding, Marerials Managemenr (KDR) Differences due ro exchange rare rounding, Marerials Managemenr (KDR)
An exchange rare rounding difference can arise in rhe case of an invoice made our in a foreign
currency. If a difference arises vhen rhe posring lines are rranslared inro local currency (as a
resulr of rounding), rhe sysrem auromarically generares a posring line for rhis rounding difference.
Exchange Rare Differences from Lover Levels (KDV) Exchange Rare Differences from Lover Levels (KDV) Exchange Rare Differences from Lover Levels (KDV) Exchange Rare Differences from Lover Levels (KDV)
In mulri-level periodic serrlemenr in rhe marerial ledger, some of rhe exchange rare differences
rhar have Leen posred during rhe period in respecr of rhe rav marerials, semifinished producrs
and cosr cenrers performing rhe acriviry used in rhe manufacrure of a semifinished or finished
producr are deLired or credired ro rhar semifinished or finished producr.
Consignmenr liaLiliries (KON) Consignmenr liaLiliries (KON) Consignmenr liaLiliries (KON) Consignmenr liaLiliries (KON)
Configuration of FICO Modules
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Consignmenr liaLiliries arise in rhe case of virhdravals from consignmenr srock or from a
pipeline or vhen consignmenr srock is rransferred ro ovn srock.
Depending on rhe serrings for rhe posring rules for rhe rransacrion/evenr key KON, ir is possiLle
ro vork virh or virhour accounr modificarion. If you vork virh accounr modificarion, rhe
folloving modificarions are availaLle in rhe srandard sysrem:
None for consignmenr liaLiliries
FIF for pipeline liaLiliries
Offserring enrry for price differences in cosr oLjecr hierarchies (KTR) Offserring enrry for price differences in cosr oLjecr hierarchies (KTR) Offserring enrry for price differences in cosr oLjecr hierarchies (KTR) Offserring enrry for price differences in cosr oLjecr hierarchies (KTR)
The conrra enrry for price difference posrings (rransacrion FRK) arising rhrough serrlemenr via
marerial accounr dererminarion is carried our virh rransacrion KTR.
Accruals and deferrals accounr (marerial ledger) (LKW) Accruals and deferrals accounr (marerial ledger) (LKW) Accruals and deferrals accounr (marerial ledger) (LKW) Accruals and deferrals accounr (marerial ledger) (LKW)
If rhe process of marerial price dererminarion in rhe marerial ledger is nor accompanied Ly
revaluarion of closing srock, rhe price and exchange rare differences rhar should acrually Le
applied ro rhe srock value are conrra-posred ro accounrs virh rhe rransacrion/evenr key LKW.
If, on rhe orher hand, price dererminarion in rhe marerial ledger is accompanied Ly revaluarion of
rhe closing srock, rhe price and exchange rare differences are posred ro rhe srock accounr (i.e. rhe
srock is revalued).
Frice Difference from Exploded WIF (Lar.) (FRA) Frice Difference from Exploded WIF (Lar.) (FRA) Frice Difference from Exploded WIF (Lar.) (FRA) Frice Difference from Exploded WIF (Lar.) (FRA)
If you use rhe WIF revaluarion of rhe marerial ledger, rhe price variances of rhe exploded WIF
srock of an acriviry rype or a Lusiness process are posred ro rhe price differences accounr virh
rransacrion/evenr key FRA.
Differences (AVR Frice) (FRC) Differences (AVR Frice) (FRC) Differences (AVR Frice) (FRC) Differences (AVR Frice) (FRC)
In rhe alrernarive valuarion run in rhe marerial ledger, some of rhe variances rhar accrue inreresr
in rhe cosr cenrers, are rransfer posred ro rhe semifinished or finished producr.
Frice differences (FRD) Frice differences (FRD) Frice differences (FRD) Frice differences (FRD)
Frice differences arise for marerials valuared ar srandard price in rhe case of all movemenrs and
invoices virh a value rhar differs from rhe srandard price. Examples: goods receiprs againsr
purchase orders (if rhe FO price differs from rhe srandard pricedardpreis), goods issues in respecr
of vhich an exrernal amounr is enrered, invoices (if rhe invoice price differs from rhe FO price
and rhe srandard price).
Frice differences can also arise in rhe case of marerials virh moving average price if rhere is nor
enough srock ro cover rhe invoiced quanriry. In rhe case of goods movemenrs in rhe negarive
range, rhe moving average price is nor changed. Insread, any price differences arising are posred
ro a price difference accounr.
Depending on rhe serrings for rhe posring rules for rransacrion/evenr key FRD, ir is possiLle ro
vork virh or virhour accounr modificarion. If you use accounr modificarion, rhe folloving
modificarions are availaLle in rhe srandard sysrem:
None for goods and invoice receiprs againsr purchase orders
FRF for goods receiprs againsr producrion orders and
order serrlemenr
FRA for goods issues and orher movemenrs
FRU for rransfer posrings (price differences in rhe case
of exrernal amounrs)
Configuration of FICO Modules
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Frice Differences (Marerial Ledger, AVR) (FRG) Frice Differences (Marerial Ledger, AVR) (FRG) Frice Differences (Marerial Ledger, AVR) (FRG) Frice Differences (Marerial Ledger, AVR) (FRG)
When you carry our a revaluarion of single-level consumprion in rhe marerial ledger during rhe
alrernarive valuarion run, rhe price difference accounrs of rhe marerials are credired virh rhe
price differences rhar are ro Le assigned ro rhe consumprion.
Frice differences in cosr oLjecr hierarchies (FRK) Frice differences in cosr oLjecr hierarchies (FRK) Frice differences in cosr oLjecr hierarchies (FRK) Frice differences in cosr oLjecr hierarchies (FRK)
In cosr oLjecr hierarchies, price differences occur Lorh for rhe assigned marerials virh srandard
price and for rhe accounrs of rhe cosr oLjecr hierarchy. In rhe course of serrlemenr for cosr oLjecr
hierarchies afrer serrlemenr via marerial accounr dererminarion, rhe price differences are posred
via rhe rransacrion FRK.
Frice Difference from Exploded WIF (Mar.) (FRM) Frice Difference from Exploded WIF (Mar.) (FRM) Frice Difference from Exploded WIF (Mar.) (FRM) Frice Difference from Exploded WIF (Mar.) (FRM)
If you use rhe WIF revaluarion of rhe marerial ledger, rhe price and exchange rare differences of
rhe exploded WIF srock of a marerial are posred ro rhe price difference accounr virh
rransacrion/evenr key FRM.
Frice differences, producr cosr collecror (FRF) Frice differences, producr cosr collecror (FRF) Frice differences, producr cosr collecror (FRF) Frice differences, producr cosr collecror (FRF)
During serrlemenr accounring virh regard ro a producr cosr collecror in reperirive manufacruring,
price differences are posred virh rhe rransacrion FRF in rhe case of rhe valuared sales order srock.
This rransacrion is currenrly used in rhe folloving insrances only:
- Froducrion cosr collecror in Release 4.0
- Froducr cosr collecror in IS Auromorive Release 2.0 (producr cosr collecror in connecrion virh
Offserring enr Offserring enr Offserring enr Offserring enrry: price differences, producr cosr collecror (FRQ) ry: price differences, producr cosr collecror (FRQ) ry: price differences, producr cosr collecror (FRQ) ry: price differences, producr cosr collecror (FRQ)
The offserring (conrra) enrry ro price difference posrings (rransacrion FRF) in rhe course of
serrlemenr accounring virh respecr ro a producr cosr collecror in reperirive manufacruring in rhe
case of rhe valuared sales order srock is carried our via rransacrion FRQ.
This rransacrion is currenrly used in rhe folloving insrances only:
- Froducrion cosr collecror in Release 4.0
- Froducr cosr collecror in IS Auromorive Release 2.0 (producr cosr collecror in connecrion virh
Frice Differences from Lover Levels (FRV) Frice Differences from Lover Levels (FRV) Frice Differences from Lover Levels (FRV) Frice Differences from Lover Levels (FRV)
In mulri-level periodic serrlemenr in rhe marerial ledger, some of rhe price differences posred
during rhe period in respecr of rhe rav marerials, semifinished producrs, and cosr cenrers
performing rhe acriviry used in a semifinished or finished producr, are rransfer posred ro rhar
semifinished or finished producr.
Frice differences for marerial ledger (FRY) Frice differences for marerial ledger (FRY) Frice differences for marerial ledger (FRY) Frice differences for marerial ledger (FRY)
In rhe course of serrlemenr in rhe marerial ledger, price differences from rhe marerial ledger are
posred virh rhe rransacrion FRY.
Expense and revenue from revaluarion (rerroacrive pricing, RAF) Expense and revenue from revaluarion (rerroacrive pricing, RAF) Expense and revenue from revaluarion (rerroacrive pricing, RAF) Expense and revenue from revaluarion (rerroacrive pricing, RAF)
This rransacrion/evenr key is used in Invoice Verificarion virhin rhe framevork of rhe
revaluarion of goods and services supplied for vhich serrlemenr has already raken place. Any
difference amounrs derermined are posred ro rhe accounrs assigned ro rhe rransacrion/evenr key
RAF (rerroacrive pricing) as expense or revenue.
Ar rhe rime of rhe revaluarion, rhe amounrs derermined or porrions rhereof) are posred neirher ro
marerial srock accounrs nor ro price difference accounrs. The full amounr is alvays posred ro rhe
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 154
'Expense from Revaluarion' or 'Revenue from Revaluarion' accounr. The offserring (conrra)
enrry is made ro rhe relevanr vendor accounr.
Invoi Invoi Invoi Invoice reducrions in Logisrics Invoice Verificarion (RKA) ce reducrions in Logisrics Invoice Verificarion (RKA) ce reducrions in Logisrics Invoice Verificarion (RKA) ce reducrions in Logisrics Invoice Verificarion (RKA)
This rransacrion/evenr key is used in Logisrics Invoice Verificarion for rhe inrerim posring of price
differences in rhe case of invoice reducrions.
If a vendor invoice is reduced, rvo accounring documenrs are auromarically creared for rhe
invoice documenr. Wirh rhe firsr accounring documenr, rhe amounr invoiced is posred in rhe
vendor line. An addirional line is generared on rhe invoice reducrion accounr ro parrially offser
rhis amounr. Wirh rhe second accounring documenr, rhe invoice reducrion is posred in rhe form
of a credir memo from rhe vendor. The offserring enrry ro rhe vendor line is rhe invoice reducrion
accounr. Hence rhe invoice reducrion accounr is alvays Lalanced off Ly rvo accounring
documenrs virhin one rransacrion.
Frovision for delivery cosrs (RUE) Frovision for delivery cosrs (RUE) Frovision for delivery cosrs (RUE) Frovision for delivery cosrs (RUE)
Frovisions are creared for accrued delivery cosrs if a condirion rype for provisions is enrered in
rhe purchase order. They musr Le cleared manually ar rhe rime of invoice verificarion.
Taxes i Taxes i Taxes i Taxes in case of rransfer posring GI/GR (TXO) n case of rransfer posring GI/GR (TXO) n case of rransfer posring GI/GR (TXO) n case of rransfer posring GI/GR (TXO)
This rransacrion/evenr key is only relevanr ro Brazil (nora fiscal).
Revenue/expense from revaluarion (UMB) Revenue/expense from revaluarion (UMB) Revenue/expense from revaluarion (UMB) Revenue/expense from revaluarion (UMB)
This rransacrion/evenr key is used Lorh in Invenrory Managemenr and in Invoice Verificarion if
rhe srandard price of a marerial has Leen changed and a movemenr or an invoice is posred ro rhe
previous period (ar rhe previous price).
Expendirure/income from revaluarion (UMD) Expendirure/income from revaluarion (UMD) Expendirure/income from revaluarion (UMD) Expendirure/income from revaluarion (UMD)
This accounr is rhe offserring accounr for rhe BSD accounr. Ir is posred during rhe closing enrries
for rhe cumularion run of rhe marerial ledger and has ro Le defined for rhe same valuarion areas.
Unplanned delivery cosrs (UFF) Unplanned delivery cosrs (UFF) Unplanned delivery cosrs (UFF) Unplanned delivery cosrs (UFF)
Unplanned delivery cosrs are delivery cosrs (incidenral procuremenr cosrs) rhar vere nor planned
in a purchase order (e.g. freighr, cusroms dury). In rhe SAF posring rransacrion in Logisrics
Invoice Verificarion, insread of disrriLuring rhese unplanned delivery cosrs among all invoice
irems as hirherro, you have rhe oprion of posring rhem ro a special accounr. A separare rax code
can Le used for rhis accounr.
Inpur rax, Furchasing (VST) Inpur rax, Furchasing (VST) Inpur rax, Furchasing (VST) Inpur rax, Furchasing (VST)
Transacrion/evenr key for rax accounr dererminarion virhin rhe 'suLsequenr serrlemenr' faciliry
for deLir-side serrlemenr rypes. The key is needed in rhe serrlemenr schema for rax condirions.
Inflarion posring (WGB) Inflarion posring (WGB) Inflarion posring (WGB) Inflarion posring (WGB)
Transacrion/evenr key rhar posrs inflarion posrings ro a differenr accounr, virhin rhe handling of
inflarion process for rhe period-end closing.
Goods issue, revaluarion (inflarion) (WGI) Goods issue, revaluarion (inflarion) (WGI) Goods issue, revaluarion (inflarion) (WGI) Goods issue, revaluarion (inflarion) (WGI)
This rransacrion/evenr key is used if already-posred goods issues have ro Le revaluared folloving
rhe dererminarion of a nev marker price virhin rhe framevork of inflarion handling.
Goods receipr, revaluarion (inflarion) (WGR) Goods receipr, revaluarion (inflarion) (WGR) Goods receipr, revaluarion (inflarion) (WGR) Goods receipr, revaluarion (inflarion) (WGR)
This rransacrion/evenr key is used if already-effecred rransfer posrings have ro Le revaluared
folloving rhe dererminarion of a nev marker price virhin rhe framevork of inflarion handling.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 155
This rransacrion is used for rhe receiving planr, vhereas rransacrion WGI (goods receipr,
revaluarion (inflarion)) is used for rhe planr ar vhich rhe goods are issued.
WIF from Frice Differences (Inrernal Acriviry) (WFA) WIF from Frice Differences (Inrernal Acriviry) (WFA) WIF from Frice Differences (Inrernal Acriviry) (WFA) WIF from Frice Differences (Inrernal Acriviry) (WFA)
When you use rhe WIF revaluarion of rhe marerial ledger, rhe price variances from rhe acrual
price calcularion rhar are ro Le assigned ro rhe WIF srock, an acriviry rype or a Lusiness process
are posred ro rhe WIF accounr for acriviries.
WIF from Frice Differences (Marerial) (WFM) WIF from Frice Differences (Marerial) (WFM) WIF from Frice Differences (Marerial) (WFM) WIF from Frice Differences (Marerial) (WFM)
When you use rhe WIF revaluarion of rhe marerial ledger, rhe price and exchange rare
differences rhar are ro Le assigned ro rhe WIF srock of a marerial are posred ro rhe WIF accounr
for marerial.
GR/IR clearing (WRX) GR/IR clearing (WRX) GR/IR clearing (WRX) GR/IR clearing (WRX)
Fosrings ro rhe GR/IR clearing accounr occur in rhe case of goods and invoice receiprs againsr
purchase orders. For more on rhe GR/IR clearing accounr, refer ro rhe SAF LiLrary
(documenrarion MM Marerial Valuarion MM Marerial Valuarion MM Marerial Valuarion MM Marerial Valuarion).
Caurion Caurion Caurion Caurion
You musr ser rhe Balances in local currency only Balances in local currency only Balances in local currency only Balances in local currency only indicaror for rhe GR/IR clearing accounr ro
enaLle rhe open irems ro Le cleared. For more on rhis ropic, see rhe field documenrarion.
GR/IR clearing for marerial ledger (WRY) GR/IR clearing for marerial ledger (WRY) GR/IR clearing for marerial ledger (WRY) GR/IR clearing for marerial ledger (WRY)
This rransacrion/evenr key is nor used from Release 4.0 onvards.
Frior ro 4.0, ir vas used for posrings ro rhe GR/IR clearing accounr if rhe marerial ledger vas
acrive. As of Release 4.0, rhe rransacrion is no longer necessary, since posrings ro rhe GR/IR
accounr in parallel currencies are possiLle.
Cusromers vho used rhe rransacrion WRY prior ro Release 4.0 musr make a rransfer posring from
rhe WRY accounr ro rhe WRX accounr in order ro ensure rhar rhe final Lalance on rhe WRY
accounr is zero.

Marerial Types Marerial Types Marerial Types Marerial Types

ROH Rav Marerial
ERSA Srores & Spares
VERF Fackaging Marerial
FERT Finished Goods
HALB Semi Finished Goods
HAWA Traded Goods
DIEN Services

Vievs Vievs Vievs Vievs
Basic Viev, Furchase Viev, Froducrion Viev, Sales Viev, Qualiry Viev, Accounring Viev, Cosring
Viev, MRF Viev, Flanr Viev erc.

Crearion of Marerial Masrer (MM01) Crearion of Marerial Masrer (MM01) Crearion of Marerial Masrer (MM01) Crearion of Marerial Masrer (MM01)
Logisrics Marerial Managemenr Marerial Masrer Marerial Creare General Immediarely

Accounring Vievs (MM03) Accounring Vievs (MM03) Accounring Vievs (MM03) Accounring Vievs (MM03)
Fields: 1) Valuarion Caregory 2) Valuarion Class 3) Frice Conrrol
Valuarion Caregory: Barch Classificarion & Average
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 156
Valuarion Class: For Rav Marerial Indigenous and Imporred

Rules: Rules: Rules: Rules:
The Marerial Masrer is ro Le creared vrr Marerial Type
In rhe Marerial Masrer ve assign rhe Valuarion Class
For Valuarion Class ve assign rhe GL Masrers Lased on rhe rype of Transacrion

Frice Conrrol Frice Conrrol Frice Conrrol Frice Conrrol
SFRO Marerial Managemenr Valuarion & Accounr Assignmenr Define Frice Conrrol for
Marerial Types
S 'Srandard Frice', vill Le used for 'Finished Goods'
V 'Moving Average', vill Le used for 'orher rhan Finished Goods'


1. Furchase Requisirion No FI Enrry
2. Enquiry, Quorarion and Frice Comparison No FI Enrry
3. Furchase Order No FI Enrry
4. Furchase Order Release Frocedure No FI Enrry
5. Goods Receipr (Will Le raken vrr FO) -
Invenrory RM Local A/c. Dr (BS CA) BSX
To GR/IR Clearing A/c. (BS CL) WRX
6. Invoice Verificarion
GR/IR Clearing A/c. Dr (BS CL) WRX
To Vendor A/c. (BS CL) F.O.
7. Consumprion
RM Consumprion Local A/c. Dr (F&L Dr) GBB-VBR
To Invenrory RM Local A/c. (BS CA) BSX
8. Froducrion Receipr
Invenrory FG A/c. Dr (BS CA) BSX
To Increase/Decrease in Srocks FG (F&L Cr) GBB-ZOB
9. FG Delivery
Increase/Decrease in Srocks FG Dr (F&L Cr) GBB-VAX
To Invenrory FG (BS CA) BSX
10. Billing SD Area

FI MM Inregrarion Serrings (OBYC) FI MM Inregrarion Serrings (OBYC) FI MM Inregrarion Serrings (OBYC) FI MM Inregrarion Serrings (OBYC)
SFRO Marerial Managemenr Valuarion and Accounr Assignmenr Accounr Dererminarion
Accounr Dererminarion virhour Wizard Configure Auromaric Fosrings (OMWB)
Cancel rhe exisring Flanr
Selecr 'Accounr Assignmenr' Burron (OBYC)
SD FI Inregrarion SD FI Inregrarion SD FI Inregrarion SD FI Inregrarion

1. Enquiry/Quorarion No FI Enrry
2. Sales Order No FI Enrry
3. Delivery Wirhour FGI & Wirh FGI
Increase/Decrease in Srocks A/c. Dr GBB VAX
To Invenrory FG BSX
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 157
4. Billing -
Farry A/c. Dr SO
Commission A/c. Dr ERS
To Sales Exporr A/c. ERL
To Freighr Collecrion A/c. ERF

Fricing Frocedure VK11 Fricing Frocedure VK11 Fricing Frocedure VK11 Fricing Frocedure VK11 Condirion Type: KOFI Condirion Type: KOFI Condirion Type: KOFI Condirion Type: KOFI
Marerial ERS
Region ro Region ERL
Tax Code ERF

SD FI Inregrarion (VKOA) SD FI Inregrarion (VKOA) SD FI Inregrarion (VKOA) SD FI Inregrarion (VKOA)
SFRO Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions
Inregrarion Sales and DisrriLurion Frepare Revenue Accounr Dererminarion
DouLle Click 003 Marerial Group Accounr Key
Applicarion Area: V Sales/DisrriLurion
Condirion Type: KOFI
Accounr Assignmenr Goods Accounr Key
Trading Goods ERL Revenue
Finished Goods ERS Sales Deducrions
Services ERF Freighr Revenue

Conrrolling Conrrolling Conrrolling Conrrolling

Basic Serrings

Mainrain Conrrolling Area (OKKF)
Mainrain Versions
Mainrain NumLer Ranges for Conrrolling Documenrs (KANK)

Cosr Elemenr Accounring

Creare Frimary Cosr Elemenr in FI and CO
Creare Secondary Cosr Elemenr:
Crearion of GL Accounr & Cosr Elemenr ar FI Level (FS00)
Crearion of Cosr Elemenr ar CO Level (KA01)
Auromaric Crearion of Cosr Elemenr (OKB2)
Creare Cosr Elemenr Group (KAH1)

Cosr Cenrer Accounring

Creare Cosr Cenrer (KS01)
Creare Cosr Cenrer Group (KSH1)
Fosr rhe Transacrion in FI (F-02)
To ger Cosr Cenrer vise Reporr (KSB1)
To See CO Documenr NumLers (KSB5)
Reposr Line Irems (KB61):
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 158
Reposr Cosrs (KB11N):
Flanning Cosr Cenrer vise (KF06)
To Viev rhe Reporr Flanned, Acrual and Variance (S_ALR_87013611)
Crearion of Secondary Cosr Elemenr (KA06)
Crearion of Assessmenr Cycle (S_ALR_87005742)
Execurion of Assessmenr Cycle (KSU5)

Inrernal Orders

Crearion of Order Types (KOT2_OFA)
Crearion of Nev Field Srarus Group vhere Cosr Cenrer and Inrernal Order Lorh are mandarory Fields
Crearion of GL Masrer and Cosr Elemenr (FS00)
Crearion of Inrernal Orders (KO01)
Crearion of Inrernal Order Group (KOH1)
Fosring of Transacrion (F-02)
To Viev Inrernal Order Reporr (KOB1)
Reposr Line Irems (KB61)
Reposr Cosrs (KB11N)
Flanning Inrernal Order vise (KFF6)
To Viev Flan/Acrual/Variance Reporr (S_ALR_87012993)
Crearion of Bank Term Loan A/c. under Secured Loans (FS00)
Crearion of 'Forex Gain/Loss A/c' under Admn Expenses (FS00)
Crearion of Valuarion Merhod (OB59)
Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for FC Valuarion (OBA1)
Assignmenr of 'Exchange Rare Difference Key' in GL Masrer (FS00)
Crearion of SuL Asser (AS11)
Mainrain Allocarion Srrucrure
Mainrain Serrlemenr Frofile
Crearion of Order Type (KOT2_OFA)
Assign Elemenr Group KOAO (KANK)
Crearion of Inrernal Order (KO01)
Assign Order in rhe Cosr Elemenr (KA02)
Fosring of Bank Term Loan (F-02)
Enrer Exchange Rare in Forex TaLle
Forex Loan Revaluarion Run (F.05)
To See Inrernal Order Reporr (KOB1)
Execurion of Inrernal Order Serrlemenr (KO88)

Frofir Cenrer Accounring

Ser Conrrolling Area
Mainrain Conrrolling Area Serrings
Crearion of Dummy Frofir Cenrer (KE59)
Ser Conrrol Faramerers for Acrual Dara
Mainrain Flan Versions
Crearion of Frofir Cenrer (KE51)
Assignmenr of Frofir Cenrer in Cosr Cenrer (KS02)
Crearion of Sales A/c. and Revenue Cosr Elemenr (FS00)
Auromaric Accounr Assignmenrs for Revenue Elemenrs (OKB9)
Derivarion Rule for Assignmenr of Balance Sheer irems ro Frofir Cenrer (3KEH)
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 159
(Where Business Area = Frofir Cenrer)
Derivarion Rule for Finding rhe Frofir Cenrer
Define NumLer Ranges for Local Documenrs (GB02)
Flanning of F&L irems for Frofir Cenrers (7KE1)
Flanning Balance Sheer Accounrs (7KE3)
Frofir Cenrer Flan/Acrual/Variance F&L irems (S_ALR_87013326)
Frofir Cenrer Flan/Acrual/Variance Balance Sheer irems (S_ALR_87013336)

FrofiraLiliry Analysis

Creare Operaring Concern
Assign Conrrolling Area ro Operaring Concern
Creare NumLer Ranges for acrual posrings in FA
Acrivarion of FA
Mapping of SD Condirion rypes ro COFA Value Fields
Mainrain FA Transfer Srrucrure for Direcr Fosrings
Change Field Srarus Group ro make FrofiraLiliry Segmenr mandarory
Define Form for FrofiraLiliry Reporrs
Creare FrofiraLiliry Reporr
Execure rhe FrofiraLiliry Reporr

Overviev of Conrrolling Overviev of Conrrolling Overviev of Conrrolling Overviev of Conrrolling
Conrrolling provides you virh informarion for managemenr decision-making. Ir facilirares
coordinarion, moniroring and oprimizarion of all processes in an organizarion. This involves
recording Lorh rhe consumprion of producrion facrors and rhe services provided Ly an organizarion.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 160
As vell as documenring acrual evenrs, rhe main rask of conrrolling is planning. You can derermine
variances Ly comparing acrual dara virh plan dara. These variance calcularions enaLle you ro conrrol
Lusiness flovs.
Income sraremenrs such as, conrriLurion margin accounring, are used ro conrrol rhe cosr efficiency of

Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 161
Slide 2

Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura
Controlling provides you with information for management
decision-making. It facilitates coordination, monitoring and
optimization of all processes in an organization. This involves
recording both the consumption of production factors and the
services provided by an organization.
As well as documenting actual events, the main task of controlling
is planning. You can determine variances by comparing actual data
with plan data. These variance calculations enable you to control
business flows.
Income statements such as, contribution margin accounting, are
used to control the cost efficiency of individual areas of an
organization, as well as the entire organization.
Controlling (CO) and Financial Accounting (FI) are independent
components in the SAP system. The data flow between the two
components takes place on a regular basis.

Organizarion in Conrrolling Organizarion in Conrrolling Organizarion in Conrrolling Organizarion in Conrrolling
Use Use Use Use
Using rhe SAF sysrem, you can define each of rhe organizarional unirs in your organizarion from rhe
perspecrive of an SAF applicarion componenr.
In rhe Financial Accounring (FI) componenr, you can define rhe organizarional unirs for accounring
in rhe Conrrolling (CO) componenr under conrrolling aspecrs.
The SAF sysrem has direcr links Lerveen inrernal and exrernal accounring. This means rhar FI and
CO organizarional unirs are relared.
Inregrarion Inregrarion Inregrarion Inregrarion
You assign organizarional unirs from rhe Financial Accounring componenr ro rhe unirs in rhe
Conrrolling componenr. This enaLles you ro rransfer posrings relevanr ro cosr accounring on ro
Conrrolling. The folloving secrions descriLe rhe organizarional unirs in orher componenrs, vhich
have cross-componenr relarionships ro unirs in Conrrolling. You cannor define rhese organizarional
unirs separarely from one anorher.
Cross-componenr relarionships exisr Lerveen rhe folloving organizarional unirs in inrernal and
exrernal accounring:
Company code in rhe Financial Accounring componenr (FI)
Business area in rhe Financial Accounring componenr (FI)
Conrrolling area in rhe Conrrolling componenr (CO)

Configuration of FICO Modules
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Configuration of FICO Modules
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Slide 3

Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura
Scope of Modules
Basic Settings
Cost Centre Accounting
Internal Order
Profit Centre Accounting
Profitability Analysis
Overview of Product Costing

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 164
Slide 4

Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura
Flow Chart of Controlling
Cost Centre
Internal Order
Profit Centre
Company. Code
Profitability Analysis Product Costing
Controlling Area
Controlling Area

The Conrrolling area may Le same as company or ir can Le ar company code level also
When are using rhe Cross company code posring rhe Charr rhe accounrs should Le rhe same for all
company codes
The conrrolling are can assign more rhan more rhan one company code
In Basic serrings of rhe conrrolling are ve vill creare rhe numLer ranges and Flanning Version for rhe
Fiscal year. The use of numLer ranges in conrrolling are ro rransfer rhe posring from FI ro do rhe
Reposring, disrriLurion, assessmenr virh in rhe Conrrolling area and Flanning version ro do rhe
Flanning according ro rhe fiscal year

Configuration of FICO Modules
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Slide 5
Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura
Cost Centre Accounting
Cost Centre Accounting is used to analyze the overhead costs
according to where they were incurred with the organization
You use Cost Center Accounting for controlling purposes within
your organization. The costs incurred by your organization should
be transparent. This enables you to check the profitability of
individual functional areas and provide decision-making data for
management. This requires that all costs be assigned according to
their source. However, source-related assignment is especially
difficult for overhead costs. Cost Center Accounting lets you
analyze the overhead costs according to where they were incurred
within the organization
Dividing an organization into cost centers allows you to follow
several goals, depending on the cost accounting method.

Fearures Fearures Fearures Fearures
Enrering acrual cosrs Enrering acrual cosrs Enrering acrual cosrs Enrering acrual cosrs
Frimary cosrs can Le rransferred ro Cosr Accounring from orher componenrs, for example, Marerials
Managemenr (MM), Asser Accounring (AA), Fayroll Accounring (FY).Addirional cosrs and ourlay
cosrs are recorded using rhe accrual merhod.
Allocaring acrual cosrs Allocaring acrual cosrs Allocaring acrual cosrs Allocaring acrual cosrs
You can use various merhods ro furrher allocare rhe acrual cosrs you have recorded, according ro rheir
source. The R/3 Sysrem disringuishes Lerveen rransacrion-Lased allocarions, vhich occur virhin one
period, and period-Lased allocarions, vhich occur ar period end.
Flanning acriviries and cosrs Flanning acriviries and cosrs Flanning acriviries and cosrs Flanning acriviries and cosrs
You can use planning ro define organizarional rargers and carry our regular cosr-effecriveness checks.
Variances can Le calculared Ly comparing rhe acrual cosrs and acriviries virh rhe plan values. These
variances serve as a conrrol signal, vhich helps you ro correcr Lusiness processes, vhen required. .. .
You can plan cosrs and acriviries ro derermi You can plan cosrs and acriviries ro derermi You can plan cosrs and acriviries ro derermi You can plan cosrs and acriviries ro derermine allocarion (acriviry) prices. ne allocarion (acriviry) prices. ne allocarion (acriviry) prices. ne allocarion (acriviry) prices.
Allocaring plan cosrs Allocaring plan cosrs Allocaring plan cosrs Allocaring plan cosrs
All acrual allocarions rhar occur for cosr cenrers can also Le planned (for example, disrriLurion,
assessmenr, indirecr acriviry allocarion).
Enrering plan and acrual srarisrical key figures Enrering plan and acrual srarisrical key figures Enrering plan and acrual srarisrical key figures Enrering plan and acrual srarisrical key figures
Srarisrical key figures are used as rhe Lasis for rhe indirecr allocarion merhods, as vell as for
evaluarions in rhe informarion sysrem (for example, employees, relephones).
Acriviry Accounring Acriviry Accounring Acriviry Accounring Acriviry Accounring
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 166
Acriviry Accounring uses rhe acriviry produced Ly a cosr cenrer as rhe rracing facror for rhe cosrs. You
can use acriviries ro measure rhe operaring rare or rhe rare of capaciry urilizarion for a cosr cenrer. The
rarger cosrs of rhe cosr cenrer refer ro rhe acriviry ourpur.
Depending on rhe source of rhe cosrs, rhe acriviries of a cosr cenrer are divided inro various acriviry
rypes (for example, for rhe Work cenrer cosr cenrer: Repair hours or AssemLly hours.
Informarion sysrem Informarion sysrem Informarion sysrem Informarion sysrem
The informarion sysrem provides rools virh vhich you can analyze rhe cosr flovs rhar have occurred
in your organizarion. You can carry our srandard recurring evaluarions, and creare special reporrs for
unique rasks or siruarions.
Slide 6

Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura
Internal Orders
Internal orders are normally used to plan, collect, and settle the costs of
internal jobs and tasks. The SAP system enables you to monitor your
internal orders throughout their entire life-cycle; from initial creation,
through the planning and posting of all the actual costs, to the final
settlement and archiving
Internal order management is the most detailed operational level of cost
and activity accounting. It can be used for:
Cost monitoring, for example, where costs need to be looked at from
object-related aspects, unlike in Cost Element Accounting or Cost Center
Assisting decision-making, when you need to decide between in-house
production and external procurement

Fearures of Inrernal Orders Fearures of Inrernal Orders Fearures of Inrernal Orders Fearures of Inrernal Orders
Inrernal orders are rvo rypes 1) Real orders 2) Srarisrical Orders. Real orders are serrled againsr rhe
cosr oLjecr and srarisrical order only for informarion
You can use masrer dara ro assign cerrain characrerisrics ro your inrernal orders, vhich enaLles you ro
conrrol vhich Lusiness rransacrions can Le used virh rhe inrernal order.
Inrernal order planning Inrernal order planning Inrernal order planning Inrernal order planning enaLles you ro roughly esrimare rhe cosrs of a joL Lefore rhe order srarrs and
ro make an exacr calcularion ar a larer dare. You can choose Lerveen various planning approaches ro
compare rhe effecriveness of differenr merhods.
You can assign and manage Ludgers for inrernal orders.
You apply rhe acrual cosrs incurred Ly a joL ro your inrernal orders using acrual posrings. In Financial
Accounring, you can assign primary cosr posrings (such as rhe procuremenr of exrernal acriviries and
exrernal deliveries) direcrly ro inrernal orders.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 167
In period period period period- -- -end closing end closing end closing end closing you can use various differenr allocarion merhods (for example, overhead
cosring) ro allocare cosrs Lerveen differenr areas of Cosr Accounring.
Order serrle Order serrle Order serrle Order serrlemenr menr menr menr enaLles you ro rransfer rhe cosrs incurred Ly an order ro rhe appropriare receivers.
The informarion sysrem for inrernal orders enaLles you ro rrack planned and assigned cosrs on your
orders in each srage of rhe order life-cycle. You can archive inrernal orders rhar you no longer
require. See Archiving.

Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura
Profit Center Accounting
Profit Center Accounting (EC-PCA) lets you determine profits and
losses by profit center using either period accounting or the
cost-of-sales approach. It also lets you analyze fixed capital and
so-called statistical key figures (number of employees, square
meters, and so on) by profit center. Consequently, you can calculate
all key figures commonly used in cost accounting (return on
investment, cash flow, sales per employee, and so on).
A profit center is a management-oriented organizational unit used
for internal controlling purposes. Dividing your company up into
profit centers allows you to analyze areas of responsibility and to
delegate responsibility to decentralized units, thus treating them as
companies within the company
The profit center differs from a cost center in that cost centers
merely represent the units in which capacity costs arise, whereas the
person in charge of the profit center is responsible for its balance of
costs and revenues.

Fearures : Fearures : Fearures : Fearures :- -- -The main aim of Frofir Cenrer Accounring is ro derermine profir for inrernal areas of
responsiLiliry. Ir lers you derermine profirs and losses using eirher period accounring or rhe cosr-of-
sales approach.
EC-FCA lers you ser up your profir cenrers according ro producr (producr lines, divisions),
geographical facrors (regions, offices or producrion sires) or funcrion (producrion, sales). You need ro
make rhe serrings in Basic Funcrions in order ro divide rhe company inro inrernal areas of
responsiLiliry. You divide you Lusiness inro profir cenrers Ly assigning rhe profir cenrers ro rhe
various masrer dara rhar is relevanr for profirs (marerials, cosr cenrers, orders, projecrs, sales orders,
assers, cosr oLjecrs and profiraLiliry segmenrs). This lers you ser up Frofir Cenrer Accounring in a vay
rhar meers your company's requiremenrs regardless of vhar secror of indusrry your company is in
(machinery, chemicals, services, and so on) or vhar form of manufacruring you employ (reperirive
manufacruring, make-ro-order producrion, conrinuous flov producrion).
Every profir cenrer is assigned ro rhe organizarional unir Conrrolling area. The profir cenrers in a
company code Lelong ro a srandard profir cenrer hierarchy rhar is also assigned ro rhe conrrolling
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 168
All profir-relevanr Lusiness rransacrions are updared in rhe profir cenrer hierarchy according ro G/L
accounr ar rhe same rime rhey are processed in rhe original module of rhe SAF sysrem. This ensures
rhar rhe enrire flov of goods and services virhin a company is rransformed in goods and services
relarionships Lerveen profir cenrers. This is rrue Lorh virh acrual posrings and in planning.
You can also rransfer rhe Lalances and Lalance changes of cerrain Lalance sheer accounrs ro profir
cenrers in real-rime or periodically.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 169

Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura
Profitability Analysis
Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) enables you to evaluate market segments,
which can be classified according to products, customers, orders or any
combination of these, or strategic business units, such as sales
organizations or business areas, with respect to your company's profit or
contribution margin.
The aim of the system is to provide your sales, marketing, product
management and corporate planning departments with information to
support internal accounting and decision-making.
Two forms of Profitability Analysis are supported: costing-based and
Costing-based Profitability Analysis is the form of profitability analysis
that groups costs and revenues according to value fields and costing-based
valuation approaches, both of which you can define yourself. It guarantees
you access at all times to a complete, short-term profitability report.
Account-based Profitability Analysis is a form of profitability analysis
organized in accounts and using an account-based valuation approach.
The distinguishing characteristic of this form is its use of cost and revenue
elements. It provides you with a profitability report that is permanently
reconciled with financial accounting.

Fearures : Fearures : Fearures : Fearures :- -- -
CO-FA, you can define your masrer dara, rhe Lasic srrucrures of rhis form of profiraLiliry analysis.
This includes Lorh unirs you vanr ro evaluare (characrerisrics) and rhe caregories in vhich you
analyze values. In cosring-Lased CO-FA, you define 'value fields' in vhich ro srore your dara for
analysis. In accounr-Lased CO-FA, rhe values are srrucrured Ly accounr.
The acrual posrings represenr rhe mosr imporranr source of informarion in CO-FA. You can rransfer
Lorh sales orders and Lilling documenrs from rhe Sales and DisrriLurion (SD) applicarion componenr
ro CO-FA in real-rime. In addirion, an inrerface program is availaLle ro ler you rransfer exrernal dara
ro rhe R/3 Sysrem. You can also rransfer cosrs from cosr cenrers, orders and projecrs, as vell as cosrs
and revenues from direcr posrings (G/L accounr posrings in FI, orders received in MM, and so on) or
serrle cosrs from CO ro profiraLiliry segmenrs.
In cosring-Lased CO-FA, you can valuare incoming sales orders or Lilling documenrs ro auromarically
derermine anricipared sales deducrions or cosrs. You can also revaluare your dara periodically ro
adjusr rhe inirial, real-rime valuarion or add rhe acrual cosrs of goods manufacrured.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 170

Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura
Profitability Analysis 2
You can also use both of these types of CO-PA simultaneously.

In CO-FA Flanning, you can creare a sales and profir plan. Whereas Lorh rypes of FrofiraLiliry
Analysis can receive acrual dara in parallel, rhere is no common source of planning dara.
Consequenrly, you alvays plan eirher in accounrs (accounr-Lased CO-FA) or in value fields (cosring-
Lased CO-FA). In cosring-Lased CO-FA you can use auromaric valuarion ro calculare planned
revenues, sales deducrions and cosrs of goods manufacrured Lased on rhe planned sales quanriry.
The manual planning funcrion lers you define planning screens for your organizarion. Wirh rhis you
can display reference dara in planning, calculare formulas, creare forecasrs, and more. Flanning can Le
performed ar any degree of derail. For example, you can plan ar a higher level, and have rhis dara
disrriLured rop-dovn auromarically.
In auromaric planning, you can copy and revaluare acrual or planning dara for a large numLer of
profiraLiliry segmenrs ar once. You can also rransfer planned sales quanriries from (cosring-Lased)
CO-FA ro Sales and Operarions Flanning (SOF) for rhe purpose of crearing a producrion plan rhere.
The Informarion Sysrem lers you inreracrively analyze exisring dara from a profiraLiliry srandpoinr
using rhe funcrions of rhe drilldovn reporring rool. There you can navigare rhrough a
mulridimensional 'dara cuLe' using a numLer of differenr funcrions (such as drilldovn or svirching
hierarchies). The sysrem displays dara in eirher value fields or accounrs, depending on rhe currenrly
acrive rype of FrofiraLiliry Analysis and rhe rype ro vhich rhe reporr srrucrure is assigned. (Each
reporr srrucrure is assigned ro eirher cosring-Lased or accounr-Lased CO-FA.)

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 171
Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura
Product Cost Controlling
The component CO-PC-IS (Product Cost Controlling Information System)
provides an extensive and powerful range of reports for the
following areas:
Product Cost Planning
Cost Object Controlling with the subcomponents
Product Cost by Period
Product Cost by Order
Product Cost by Sales Order
Costs for Intangible Goods and Services
Actual Costing / Material Ledger
You can use the Information System to evaluate the data generated in
the respective components. The information system provides reports
for both standard and specialized analysis purposes.
The information system is a part of Product Cost Planning, the application
component Cost Object Controlling, and Actual Costing / Material Ledger.

Fearures Fearures Fearures Fearures
The srandard serup of rhe Froducr Cosr Conrrolling Informarion Sysrem is a srrucrured reporr lisr
from vhich you can choose rhe reporrs you need.
The srandard reporrs provided in rhe R/3 Sysrem are presenred in a srrucrure predefined Ly SAF. You
can change rhis srrucrure ro suir your ovn needs, and add your ovn cusrom reporrs.
The documenrarion for rhe Froducr Cosr Conrrolling Informarion Sysrem is orienred around rhe
srrucrure of rhe SAF menu. This ensures easy access ro rhe desired informarion in rhe documenrarion,
as navigaring rhrough rhe documenrarion mirrors navigaring rhrough rhe menu.
The informarion sysrem is a parr of Froducr Cosr Flanning, rhe applicarion componenr Cosr OLjecr
Conrrolling, and Acrual Cosring / Marerial Ledger.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 172

Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura
Purpose of Product Cost Planning
You can use Product Cost Planning to do the following:
To calculate the non-order-related cost of goods manufactured and
cost of goods sold for each product unit
To establish how the costs are broken down for each product, and to
calculate the value added for each step of the production process (
Concept of Cost Rollup)
To optimize the cost of goods manufactured through comparison
costing ( Product Cost Controlling Information System)
To provide basic information for other R/3 applications, for
To establish standards with which to assess production
efficiency in Cost Object Controlling
To update prices in the material master record and in
Profitability analysis
Lower price limits for Sales and Distribution

Use Use Use Use
Overhead cosrs are cosrs rhar can only Le assigned ro rhe process order indirecrly, such as elecrriciry
cosrs or general srorage cosrs.
Overhead cosrs are assigned ro rhe process order Ly vay of overhead surcharges, or rhey are
derermined in Acriviry-Based Cosring (see also Dynamic Templare Allocarion in Acrual). They are
updared in rhe order under rhe cosr elemenrs defined in rhe cosring sheer.
Frocess Flov
A cosring varianr is defined in Cusromizing for each order rype and planr. The cosring varianr refers
ro a valuarion varianr, vhich refers ro a cosring sheer. The cosring sheer derermines vhar overhead
surcharges are assigned ro rhe order.
The cosring sheer specifies:
To vhich direcr cosrs surcharges are applied
Under vhich condirions a surcharge is calculared
Hov high, depending on rhese condirions, rhe surcharge percenrage is
Which oLjecr (for example, a cosr cenrer) is credired under vhich cosr elemenr during acrual posrings

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 173
Over view of Controlling Owner of the document :
Srinivasa Rao Thotakura
Features -of Product Cost Planning
The following graphic illustrates the aims of Product Cost Planning,
which are:
Calculation of the cost of goods manufactured (COGM) and the cost of goods sold (COGS)
of a product
Analysis of the costing results using the various reports available
Provision of information for other SAP applications

The folloving raLle descriLes rhe reporrs virh vhich you can analyze rhe cosring resulrs:
Cosr componenr splir Cosr componenr splir Cosr componenr splir Cosr componenr splir
A viev of rhe cosrs of a marerial cosr esrimare Lroken dovn inro cosr groups, such as marerial cosrs,
producrion cosrs, and overhead cosrs. Iremizarion Iremizarion Iremizarion Iremizarion
Derailed informarion aLour rhe cosrs conrained in a marerial cosr esrimare or Lase oLjecr cosr esrimare
Iremizarion Ly cosr elemenr Iremizarion Ly cosr elemenr Iremizarion Ly cosr elemenr Iremizarion Ly cosr elemenr
Derailed informarion aLour rhe cosrs conrained in a marerial cosr esrimare or Lase oLjecr cosr
esrimare, sorred Ly cosr elemenr
Cosred mulrilevel BOM Cosred mulrilevel BOM Cosred mulrilevel BOM Cosred mulrilevel BOM
Quick overviev of rhe BOM and cosrs of a marerial cosr esrimare or Lase oLjecr cosr esrimare in
hierarchical form
Farrner cosr componenr splir Farrner cosr componenr splir Farrner cosr componenr splir Farrner cosr componenr splir
Overviev of rhe value added porrions of organizarional unirs (parrners) in relarion ro rhe roral cosrs of
a marerial

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 174

Basic Serrings for Conrrolling Basic Serrings for Conrrolling Basic Serrings for Conrrolling Basic Serrings for Conrrolling

Mainrain Conrrolling Area (OKKF) Mainrain Conrrolling Area (OKKF) Mainrain Conrrolling Area (OKKF) Mainrain Conrrolling Area (OKKF)

SFRO Conrrolling General Conrrolling Organizarion Mainrain Conrrolling Area
(Assignmenr Conrrol Conrrolling Area same as Company Code, Check on 'Acriviry Type', Check
on 'Frofir Cenrer' & Assign ro Company Code)

Selecr Acrivare Componenrs Lurron
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 175

Selecr Assign company Code Lurron Selecr Assign company Code Lurron Selecr Assign company Code Lurron Selecr Assign company Code Lurron assign rhe company codes and save assign rhe company codes and save assign rhe company codes and save assign rhe company codes and save

Mainrain Versions Mainrain Versions Mainrain Versions Mainrain Versions
SFRO Conrrolling General Conrrolling Organizarion Mainrain Versions

Selecr Flan/Acrual Version, 0
Selecr rhe 'Serrings Ly Fiscal Year'
Gives rhe Conrrolling area
Give rhe fiscal year 2007 and Save

Mainrain NumLer Ranges for Conrrolling Documenrs (KA Mainrain NumLer Ranges for Conrrolling Documenrs (KA Mainrain NumLer Ranges for Conrrolling Documenrs (KA Mainrain NumLer Ranges for Conrrolling Documenrs (KANK) NK) NK) NK)
SFRO Conrrolling General Conrrolling Organizarion Mainrain NumLer Ranges for
Conrrolling Documenrs
Creare Group 'Conrrolling Area for XYZ' virh Inrerval 1 ro 100000 and Assign rhe Elemenr Group
Give rhe Conrrolling Area: IBS
Selecr rhe group's Lurron
Selecr rhe NumLer Range informarion
COIN: COIN: COIN: COIN: - -- - CO rhrough Fosrings from FI CO rhrough Fosrings from FI CO rhrough Fosrings from FI CO rhrough Fosrings from FI
RKIU: RKIU: RKIU: RKIU: - -- - Acrual Overhead Assessmenr Acrual Overhead Assessmenr Acrual Overhead Assessmenr Acrual Overhead Assessmenr
RKF1: RKF1: RKF1: RKF1:- -- - Flanning Frimary Cosr Flanning Frimary Cosr Flanning Frimary Cosr Flanning Frimary Cosr
RKU1: Reposr Cosr RKU1: Reposr Cosr RKU1: Reposr Cosr RKU1: Reposr Cosr
RKU3 RKU3 RKU3 RKU3 Reposr Co line Irems Reposr Co line Irems Reposr Co line Irems Reposr Co line Irems

DouLle click rhe NumLer ranges from menu Edir assign Elemenr Groups
Save Save Save Save
Cosr Elemenr Accounring (CO Cosr Elemenr Accounring (CO Cosr Elemenr Accounring (CO Cosr Elemenr Accounring (CO- -- -OM OM OM OM- -- -CEL) CEL) CEL) CEL)
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 176
Cosr and Revenue Elemenr Accounring provides you virh an overviev of rhe cosrs and revenues rhar
occur in an organizarion. Mosr of rhe values are moved auromarically from Financial Accounring ro
Conrrolling. Cosr and Revenue Elemenr Accounring only calculares cosrs vhich eirher do nor have
anorher expense or only one expense in Financial Accounring.
If needed, reconciliarion of rhe values in Financial Accounring and Conrrolling rakes place in Cosr
and Revenue Elemenr Accounring.
For more informarion, see rhe SAF LiLrary under Financials Conrrolling Cosr Elemenr

Frimary Cosr Elemenr Frimary Cosr Elemenr Frimary Cosr Elemenr Frimary Cosr Elemenr: Cosr Elemenr & Revenue Elemenr (Income & Expendirure in GL)
Secondary Cosr Elemenr Secondary Cosr Elemenr Secondary Cosr Elemenr Secondary Cosr Elemenr: For Apporrionmenr (Assessmenr) from one Cosr Cenrer ro orher Cosr

Crearion of GL Accounr & Cosr Elemenr ar FI Level (FS00) Crearion of GL Accounr & Cosr Elemenr ar FI Level (FS00) Crearion of GL Accounr & Cosr Elemenr ar FI Level (FS00) Crearion of GL Accounr & Cosr Elemenr ar FI Level (FS00)

Environmenr Edir Cosr Elemenr, give Validiry Dares & Cosr Elemenr Caregory '1' Frimary Cosrs /
Cosr Reducing Revenues, Field Srarus Group G004 Cosr Accounrs

Crearion of Cosr Elemenr ar CO Level (KA01) Crearion of Cosr Elemenr ar CO Level (KA01) Crearion of Cosr Elemenr ar CO Level (KA01) Crearion of Cosr Elemenr ar CO Level (KA01)

Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Elemenr Accounring Masrer Dara Cosr Elemenr
Individual Frocessing Creare Frimary

Auromaric Crearion of Cosr Elemenr (OKB2) Auromaric Crearion of Cosr Elemenr (OKB2) Auromaric Crearion of Cosr Elemenr (OKB2) Auromaric Crearion of Cosr Elemenr (OKB2)

SFRO Conrrolling Cosr Elemenr Accounring Masrer Dara Cosr Elemenrs Auromaric
Crearion of Frimary/Secondary Cosr Elemenr Make Defaulr Serrings

Creare Cosr Elemenr Group (KAH1) Creare Cosr Elemenr Group (KAH1) Creare Cosr Elemenr Group (KAH1) Creare Cosr Elemenr Group (KAH1)
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Elemenr Accounring Masrer Dara Cosr Elemenr Group

Cosr Cenrer Accounring Cosr Cenrer Accounring Cosr Cenrer Accounring Cosr Cenrer Accounring
Cosr Cenrer Accounring (CO Cosr Cenrer Accounring (CO Cosr Cenrer Accounring (CO Cosr Cenrer Accounring (CO- -- -OM OM OM OM- -- -CCA) CCA) CCA) CCA)
You use Cosr Cenrer Accounring for conrrolling purposes virhin your organizarion. Ir is useful for a
source-relared assignmenr of overhead cosrs ro rhe locarion in vhich rhey occurred.
For more informarion, see rhe SAF LiLrary under Financials Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer
Acriviry Acriviry Acriviry Acriviry- -- -Based Based Based Based- -- -A AA Accounring (CO ccounring (CO ccounring (CO ccounring (CO- -- -OM OM OM OM- -- -ABC) ABC) ABC) ABC)
Acriviry-Based Cosring analyzes cross-deparrmenral Lusiness processes. The goals of rhe vhole
organizarion and rhe oprimizarion of Lusiness flovs are priorirized.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 177
For more informarion, see rhe SAF LiLrary under Financials Conrrolling Acriviry-Based
Creare Cosr Cenrer (KS01) Creare Cosr Cenrer (KS01) Creare Cosr Cenrer (KS01) Creare Cosr Cenrer (KS01)
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer Accounring Masrer Dara Cosr Cenrer Individual
Frocessing Creare
(Give a Cosr Cenrer Caregory, 'F' Froducrion Cosr Cenrer, 'H' Service Cosr Cenrer)

Creare Cosr Cenrer Group (KSH1) Creare Cosr Cenrer Group (KSH1) Creare Cosr Cenrer Group (KSH1) Creare Cosr Cenrer Group (KSH1)
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer Accounring Masrer Dara Cosr Cenrer Group Creare

To ger Cosr Cenrer vise Reporr (KSB1) To ger Cosr Cenrer vise Reporr (KSB1) To ger Cosr Cenrer vise Reporr (KSB1) To ger Cosr Cenrer vise Reporr (KSB1)
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer Accounring Informarion Sysrem Reporrs for Cosr Cenrer
Accounring Line Irems Cosr Cenrers: Acrual Line Irems

To See CO Documenr NumLers (KSB5) To See CO Documenr NumLers (KSB5) To See CO Documenr NumLers (KSB5) To See CO Documenr NumLers (KSB5)
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer Accounring Informarion Sysrem Reporrs for Cosr Cenrer
Accounring Line Irems CO Documenrs: Acrual Cosrs

Reposr Line Irems (KB61) Reposr Line Irems (KB61) Reposr Line Irems (KB61) Reposr Line Irems (KB61): For rransferring values from one Cosr Cenrer ro orher Cosr Cenrers, FI
Documenr is rhe Lase, Assign Elemenr Group RKU3 in KANK
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer Accounring Acrual Fosrings Reposr Line Irems Enrer

Reposr Cosrs (KB11N) Reposr Cosrs (KB11N) Reposr Cosrs (KB11N) Reposr Cosrs (KB11N): When a nev Cosr Cenrer is creared (FI Documenr nor required, Cosr Elemenr
is rhe Lase ro Fosr ro a nevly creared Cosr Cenrer or Deparrmenr), Assign Elemenr Group RKU1 in
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer Accounring Acrual Fosrings Manual Fosring of Cosrs

Flanni Flanni Flanni Flanning Cosr Cenrer vise (KF06) ng Cosr Cenrer vise (KF06) ng Cosr Cenrer vise (KF06) ng Cosr Cenrer vise (KF06): To Flan Fixed Cosrs Cosr Elemenr vise in each Cosr Cenrer,
Assign Elemenr Group RKF1 in KANK
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer Accounring Flanning Cosr & Acriviry Inpurs Change

To Viev rhe Reporr Flanned, Acrual and To Viev rhe Reporr Flanned, Acrual and To Viev rhe Reporr Flanned, Acrual and To Viev rhe Reporr Flanned, Acrual and Variance (S_ALR_87013611) Variance (S_ALR_87013611) Variance (S_ALR_87013611) Variance (S_ALR_87013611)
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer Accounring Informarion Sysrem Reporrs for Cosr Cenrer
Accounring Flan/Acrual Comparisons Cosr Cenrers Acrual/Flan/Variance
DisrriLurion DisrriLurion DisrriLurion DisrriLurion
Amounrs and quanriries of one or more sender oLjecrs are disrriLured ro one or more receiver oLjecrs,
from service cosr cenrers ro producrion cosr cenrers, for example. The deLir and credir posrings for
rhe disrriLurion occur under rhe original accounr/original cosr elemenr virh vhich rhe amounrs and
quanriries are posred ar rhe sender. The informarion of rhe original accounr/original cosr elemenr
remains inracr remains inracr remains inracr remains inracr.
The disrriLurion can Le carried our virh acrual and plan dara.
Assessmenr Assessmenr Assessmenr Assessmenr
The assessmenr vorks in rhe same vay as rhe disrriLurion. Hovever, virh rhe assessmenr, rhe deLir
and credir posrings do nor occur under rhe original accounr or rhe original cosr elemenr Lur under an
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 178
assessmenr accounr or an assessmenr cosr elemenr. The informarion of rhe original accounr/original
cosr elemenr is losr is losr is losr is losr.
The assessmenr can Le carried our virh acrual and plan dara.
Secondary Cosr Elemenrs Secondary Cosr Elemenrs Secondary Cosr Elemenrs Secondary Cosr Elemenrs is used ro allocare cosrs for inrernal acriviries.
Secondary cosr elemenrs do nor correspond ro any G/L accounr in Financial Accounring. They are
used only in Conrrolling and consequenrly cannor Le defined in FI as an accounr.
Sreps for Assessmenr Sreps for Assessmenr Sreps for Assessmenr Sreps for Assessmenr

Creare Secondary Cosr Elemenr
Assign Elemenr Group RKIU (Acrual Overhead Assessmenr)
Creare Assessmenr Cycle
Execure Assessmenr Cycle

Crearion of Secondary Cosr Elemenr (KA06 Crearion of Secondary Cosr Elemenr (KA06 Crearion of Secondary Cosr Elemenr (KA06 Crearion of Secondary Cosr Elemenr (KA06) )) )
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Elemenr Accounring Masrer Dara Cosr Elemenr Individual
Frocessing Creare Secondary
(Name: Service ro Froducrion, Cosr Elemenr Caregory: '42' Assessmenr)

Crearion of Assessmenr Cycle (S_ALR_87005742) Crearion of Assessmenr Cycle (S_ALR_87005742) Crearion of Assessmenr Cycle (S_ALR_87005742) Crearion of Assessmenr Cycle (S_ALR_87005742)
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer Accounring Feriod End Closing Currenr Serrings Define
Creare Acrual Assessmenr
Give Cycle Name
Check on 'Irerarive' Inrerdependenr Transfers
Arrach Segmenr: Service ro Froducrion
Assessmenr Cosr Elemenr: Give 'Secondary Cosr Elemenr' NumLer
Sender Rule: Fosred Amounrs
Selecr 'Acrual Values'
Receiver Rule: Fixed Fercenrages
In 'Sender/Receiver' TaL give Sender and Receiver Cosr Cenrer Derails
In 'Receiver Tracing Facror' TaL give rhe Forrions of Apporrionmenr

Execu Execu Execu Execurion of Assessmenr Cycle (KSU5) rion of Assessmenr Cycle (KSU5) rion of Assessmenr Cycle (KSU5) rion of Assessmenr Cycle (KSU5)
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer Accounring Feriod End Closing Single Funcrions
Allocarions Assessmenr
Give Feriod, Selecr Tesr Run & Derailed Lisrs and Give rhe Cycle Name creared
See rhe Reporr rhrough 'Receiver' as vell as 'Sender' Burrons
Deselecr Tesr Run and Execure
Inrernal Orders (CO Inrernal Orders (CO Inrernal Orders (CO Inrernal Orders (CO- -- -OM OM OM OM- -- -OFA) OFA) OFA) OFA)
You use inrernal orders ro collecr and conrrol according ro rhe joL rhar incurred rhem. You can assign
Ludgers for rhese joLs, vhich rhe sysrem monirors, ro ensure rhar rhey are nor exceeded.
To Knov
Vehicle vise Cosrs
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 179
Telephone vise Cosrs
RM Consumprion for a parricular Froducrion Order
ExhiLirion Cosrs

Sreps: Sreps: Sreps: Sreps:
Crearion of Order Types Crearion of Order Types Crearion of Order Types Crearion of Order Types
Crearion of Nev Field Srarus Group vhere C Crearion of Nev Field Srarus Group vhere C Crearion of Nev Field Srarus Group vhere C Crearion of Nev Field Srarus Group vhere Cosr Cenrer and Inrernal Order Lorh are osr Cenrer and Inrernal Order Lorh are osr Cenrer and Inrernal Order Lorh are osr Cenrer and Inrernal Order Lorh are
mandarory Fields mandarory Fields mandarory Fields mandarory Fields
Crearion of Inrernal Orders Crearion of Inrernal Orders Crearion of Inrernal Orders Crearion of Inrernal Orders
Crearion of Inrernal Order Groups Crearion of Inrernal Order Groups Crearion of Inrernal Order Groups Crearion of Inrernal Order Groups
Viev Inrernal Order Reporr Viev Inrernal Order Reporr Viev Inrernal Order Reporr Viev Inrernal Order Reporr
Reposr Line Irems Reposr Line Irems Reposr Line Irems Reposr Line Irems
Reposr Cosrs Reposr Cosrs Reposr Cosrs Reposr Cosrs
Flanning Inrernal Order vise Flanning Inrernal Order vise Flanning Inrernal Order vise Flanning Inrernal Order vise
Viev Flan/Acrual/Variance Reporr Viev Flan/Acrual/Variance Reporr Viev Flan/Acrual/Variance Reporr Viev Flan/Acrual/Variance Reporr

Crearion of Order Crearion of Order Crearion of Order Crearion of Order Types (KOT2_OFA) Types (KOT2_OFA) Types (KOT2_OFA) Types (KOT2_OFA)
SFRO Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Order Masrer Dara Define Order Types
Order Caregory: 01 'Inrernal Order Conrrolling'
Order Type: Veh (any) Order Type for Vehicles
Flanning Frofile: 000001 'General Flan Frofile'
OLjecr Class: Overhead Cosrs
Check on 'Release Immediarely' & Save
Assign Order Type 'Veh' ro 'Orders: Exrernal NumLers Check Box' & Save
Selecr Back Arrov & Save once again

Crearion of Nev Field Srarus Group vhere Cosr Cenrer and Inrernal Order Lorh are mandarory Field Crearion of Nev Field Srarus Group vhere Cosr Cenrer and Inrernal Order Lorh are mandarory Field Crearion of Nev Field Srarus Group vhere Cosr Cenrer and Inrernal Order Lorh are mandarory Field Crearion of Nev Field Srarus Group vhere Cosr Cenrer and Inrernal Order Lorh are mandarory Fields ss s
SFRO Financial Accounring FAGS Documenr Line Irem Conrrols Mainrain Field Srarus
Selecr G004 Cosr Accounrs, Copy as G002 and give name: Cosr Accounrs CC & IO mandarory, Enrer
& Save
DouLle Click Addirional Accounr Assignmenrs of G002 and make
'CO/FF Order' Field: Required Enrry
'Quanriry': Oprional

Crearion of GL Masrer and Cosr Elemenr (FS00) Crearion of GL Masrer and Cosr Elemenr (FS00) Crearion of GL Masrer and Cosr Elemenr (FS00) Crearion of GL Masrer and Cosr Elemenr (FS00)
Creare 'Vehicle Fuel' Accounr virh 'G002' (Cosr Acrs CC & IO) as Field Srarus Group

Crearion of Inrernal Orders (KO01) Crearion of Inrernal Orders (KO01) Crearion of Inrernal Orders (KO01) Crearion of Inrernal Orders (KO01)
Accounring Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Masrer Dara Special Funcrions Order Creare
Order Type: Veh & Enrer
Internal order
Real Orders (Settlement Profile will be required
only for Real Orders) which we cab settle against
the cost objective)
Statistical Orders: Statistical Orders only for
Information purposes

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 180
Order: Give a Vehicle NumLer
OLjecr Class: Overhead
Conrrol Dara TaL
Sysrem Srarus: REL (Release)
Check on 'Srarisrical Order'
Creare as many Orders as required in rhe aLove vay

Crearion of Inrernal Order Group (KOH1) Crearion of Inrernal Order Group (KOH1) Crearion of Inrernal Order Group (KOH1) Crearion of Inrernal Order Group (KOH1)
Accounring Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Masrer Dara Order Group Creare

Fosring of Transacrion (F Fosring of Transacrion (F Fosring of Transacrion (F Fosring of Transacrion (F- -- -02) 02) 02) 02)
Sysrem vill ask for 'Cosr Cenrer' and 'Inrernal Order' vhile Fosring rhe Transacrion

To Viev Inrernal Order Reporr (KOB1) To Viev Inrernal Order Reporr (KOB1) To Viev Inrernal Order Reporr (KOB1) To Viev Inrernal Order Reporr (KOB1)
Accounring Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Informarion Sysrems Reporrs for Inrernal Orders
Line Irems Orders: Acrual Line Irems
Give Order No. & Execure

Reposr Line Irems (KB61) Reposr Line Irems (KB61) Reposr Line Irems (KB61) Reposr Line Irems (KB61)
Accounring Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Acrual Fosrings Reposr Line Irems Enrer
Give rhe FI Documenr NumLer & rhrough Nev Accounr Assignmenr Reposr ro orher cosr cenrer and
orher order.

Reposr Cosrs (KB11N) Reposr Cosrs (KB11N) Reposr Cosrs (KB11N) Reposr Cosrs (KB11N)
Accounring Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Acrual Fosrings Manual Reposring of Cosrs Enrer
Selecr Screen Varianr: Cosr Cenrer/Order/Fer.No.
Give rhe derails of Old Cosr Cenrer, Old Order, Cosr Elemenr, Nev Cosr Cenrer, Nev Order erc.

Flanning Inrernal Order vise (KFF6) Flanning Inrernal Order vise (KFF6) Flanning Inrernal Order vise (KFF6) Flanning Inrernal Order vise (KFF6)
Accounring Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Flanning Cosr & Acriviry Inpurs Change
Version: 0, Give Cosr Elemenr Range, Selecr 'Form Based' as vell as 'Overviev Screen' and Flan Cosrs
for rhe required Cosr Elemenrs.

To Viev Flan/Acrual/Variance Reporr (S_ALR_87012993) To Viev Flan/Acrual/Variance Reporr (S_ALR_87012993) To Viev Flan/Acrual/Variance Reporr (S_ALR_87012993) To Viev Flan/Acrual/Variance Reporr (S_ALR_87012993)
Accounring Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Informarion Sysrem Reporrs for Inrernal Orders
Flan Acrual Comparisons Orders: Acrual/Flan/Variance
Give Feriod, Flan Version and Order & Execure

Real Orders Real Orders Real Orders Real Orders
Foreign Exchange Revaluarion:
Loan raken in USD 1000 g 45/- 45000/-
As on 31.03.2004 1000 g 50/- 50000/-
Forex Loss 5000/-
GL Enrry
Forex Loss A/c. Dr. 5000
To FC Loan A/c. 5000

CO Enrry Through Inrernal (Real) Order rhe Loss vill Le posred ro rhe Asser.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 181
Sreps: Sreps: Sreps: Sreps:
Creare Accounrs Required Bank Term Loan A/c. & Forex Frofir/Loss A/c.
Crearion of Valuarion Merhod
Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for FC Valuarion
Assignmenr of Exchange Rare Difference Key in GL Masrer
Crearion of a SuL Asser (For Forex Gain/Loss on rhe Asser)
Mainrain Allocarion Srrucrure
Mainrain Serrlemenr Frofile
Crearion of Order Type
Assign Elemenr Group KOAO
Crearion of Inrernal Order
Assign Order in rhe Cosr Elemenr (in Forex Gain/Loss A/c.)
Fosring of FC Term Loan
Enrer Exchange Rare in Forex TaLle
Forex Loan Revaluarion Run
Execurion of Inrernal Order Serrlemenr

Crearion of Bank Term Loan A/c. under Secured Loans (FS00) Crearion of Bank Term Loan A/c. under Secured Loans (FS00) Crearion of Bank Term Loan A/c. under Secured Loans (FS00) Crearion of Bank Term Loan A/c. under Secured Loans (FS00)
Bank Term Loan A/c. A/c Currency: USD Field Srarus Group: G005
Deselecr only Balances in Local Currency
Crearion of 'Forex Gain/Loss A/c' under Crearion of 'Forex Gain/Loss A/c' under Crearion of 'Forex Gain/Loss A/c' under Crearion of 'Forex Gain/Loss A/c' under Admn Expenses (FS00) Admn Expenses (FS00) Admn Expenses (FS00) Admn Expenses (FS00)
Forex Gain/Loss A/c. INR Only Balances in Local Currency
Field Srarus Group: G002 (CC&IO Mandarory) Save
Cosr Elemenr Caregory: 1 (Frimary Cosrs/Cosr Reducing Revenues)
Defaulr Cosr Cenrer Assignmenr: Give a Cosr Cenrer

Crearion of Crearion of Crearion of Crearion of Valuarion Merhod (OB59) Valuarion Merhod (OB59) Valuarion Merhod (OB59) Valuarion Merhod (OB59)
SFRO Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions Closing
Valuaring Define Valuarion Merhods
Give a name for Valuarion Merhod: XYZ1 Desc: FC Valuarion for XYZ
Selecr 'Alvays Valuare' Doc Type: SA
DeLir Balance Exchange Rare Type: B
Credir Balance Exchange Rare Type: B
Selecr 'Derermine Rare Type from Accounr Balance'

Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for FC Valuarion (OBA1) Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for FC Valuarion (OBA1) Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for FC Valuarion (OBA1) Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for FC Valuarion (OBA1)
(Defining Exchange Rare Difference Key)
SFRO Financial Accounring General Ledger Accounring Business Transacrions Closing
Valuaring Frepare Auromaric Fosrings for FC Valuarion
DouLle click 'Exchange Rare Difference in FC Balances' KDB
Exchange Rare Difference Key: ABC (any)
Expense A/c.: GL A/c. of 'Forex Gain/Loss'
E/R Gains A/c.: GL A/c. of 'Forex Gain/Loss'

Assignmenr of 'Exchange Rare Difference Key' in GL Masrer (FS00) Assignmenr of 'Exchange Rare Difference Key' in GL Masrer (FS00) Assignmenr of 'Exchange Rare Difference Key' in GL Masrer (FS00) Assignmenr of 'Exchange Rare Difference Key' in GL Masrer (FS00)
In Bank Term Loan A/c. under Conrrol Dara TaL Assign Exc Rare Dif Key 'ABC'

Crearion of SuL Asser (AS11) Crearion of SuL Asser (AS11) Crearion of SuL Asser (AS11) Crearion of SuL Asser (AS11)
Asser: Give rhe Main Asser NumLer Desc: Forex Gain/Loss on Asser
Capiralized on: 31.03.2004
Depreciarion Area TaL Ord Depreciarion Srarr Dare: 01.04.2004
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 182

Mainrain Allocarion Srrucrure Mainrain Allocarion Srrucrure Mainrain Allocarion Srrucrure Mainrain Allocarion Srrucrure
SFRO Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Acrual Fosrings Serrlemenr Mainrain Allocarion Srrucrure
Selecr 'A1' CO Allocarion Srrucrure
In 'Assignmenrs' Selecr 30 Orher Cosrs
In 'Source' From Cosr Elemenr: Give 'Forex Gain/Loss A/c.'
In 'Serrlemenr Cosr Elemenrs' Receiver: 'FXA' Fixed Asser
Check on 'By Cosr Elemenr'

Mainrain Serrlemenr Frofile Mainrain Serrlemenr Frofile Mainrain Serrlemenr Frofile Mainrain Serrlemenr Frofile
SFRO Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Acrual Fosrings Serrlemenr Mainrain Serrlemenr Frofile
Serrlemenr Frofile: IO Desc: Fixed Asser Serrlemenr Frofile for XYZ
Allocarion Srrucrure: 'A1' CO Allocarion Srrucrure
Valid Receiver Fixed Asser: '1' Can Le Serrled
Orher Faramerers Doc Type: AA Max No of DisrriLurion Rules: 999
Indicarors Check on '% Serrlemenr'
Check on 'Equivalence NumLers'
Check on 'Amounr Serrlemenr'

Crearion of Order Type (KOT2_OFA) Crearion of Order Type (KOT2_OFA) Crearion of Order Type (KOT2_OFA) Crearion of Order Type (KOT2_OFA)
SFRO Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Order Masrer Dara Define Order Types
Order Caregory: '01' Inrernal Order Conrrolling & Enrer
Order Type: FCLV (any) Foreign Currency Revaluarion
Serrlemenr Frofile: IO
Flanning Frofile: 000001
OLjecr Class: Overheads
Release Immediarely & Save
In 'Assign/Change Inrervals' Assign Order Type 'FCLV' ro 'Orders'

Assign Elemenr Group KOAO (KANK) Assign Elemenr Group KOAO (KANK) Assign Elemenr Group KOAO (KANK) Assign Elemenr Group KOAO (KANK)
Assign 'KOAO' ro 'Conrrolling Area for XYZ'

Crearion of Inrernal Order (KO01) Crearion of Inrernal Order (KO01) Crearion of Inrernal Order (KO01) Crearion of Inrernal Order (KO01)
Order Type: FCLV Foreign Currency Revaluarion
Order: Bank Term Loan Desc: Bank Term Loan Revaluarion
Serrlemenr Rule Caregory: FXA Fixed Asser Serrlemenr Receiver: SuL Asser No.
Fercenrage: 100 Save & Enrer rhe Message

Assign Order in rhe Cosr Elemenr (KA02) Assign Order in rhe Cosr Elemenr (KA02) Assign Order in rhe Cosr Elemenr (KA02) Assign Order in rhe Cosr Elemenr (KA02)
Cosr Elemenr: Forex Gain/Loss A/c. & Enrer
Defaulr Accounr Assignmenr TaL Order: Bank Term Loan Save

Fosring of Bank Term Loan (F Fosring of Bank Term Loan (F Fosring of Bank Term Loan (F Fosring of Bank Term Loan (F- -- -02) 02) 02) 02)
Fosr Loan Receipr in USD virh user given Rare

Enrer Exchange Rare in Forex TaLle Enrer Exchange Rare in Forex TaLle Enrer Exchange Rare in Forex TaLle Enrer Exchange Rare in Forex TaLle
SFRO General Serrings Currencies Enrer Exchange Rares

Forex Loan Revaluarion Run (F.05) Forex Loan Revaluarion Run (F.05) Forex Loan Revaluarion Run (F.05) Forex Loan Revaluarion Run (F.05)
Accounring Financial Accounring General Ledger Feriodic Frocessing Closing Valuare FC
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 183
Co. Code: XYZ Evaluarion Key Dare: 31.03.2004
Valuarion Merhod: XYZ1
Selecrions TaL Check on 'Valuare GL A/c. Balances' GL A/c.: Bank Term Loan
Fosring Check on 'Balance Sheer Frepararion Valuarion'
Check on 'Crearing Fosrings'
Execure & Documenr vill Le Fosred.

To See Inrernal Order Reporr (KOB1) To See Inrernal Order Reporr (KOB1) To See Inrernal Order Reporr (KOB1) To See Inrernal Order Reporr (KOB1)
Inrernal Order: Bank Term Loan
Fosring Dare: 01.01.2004 ro 31.03.2004 & Execure

Execurion of Inrernal Order Serrlemenr (KO88) Execurion of Inrernal Order Serrlemenr (KO88) Execurion of Inrernal Order Serrlemenr (KO88) Execurion of Inrernal Order Serrlemenr (KO88)
Accounring Conrrolling Inrernal Orders Feriod End Closing Single Funcrions Serrlemenr
Individual Frocessing
Order Name: Bank Term Loan
Serrlemenr Feriod: 12 Fiscal: 2003 Frocess Type: Auromaric
Selecr 'Tesr Run'
Selecr 'Check Transacrion Dara' & Execure & See rhe Reporr
Back Remover Tesr Run Execure

To see rhe Asser Value updarion go ro Reporr S_ALR_87011965

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 184
Frofir Cenrer Accounring Frofir Cenrer Accounring Frofir Cenrer Accounring Frofir Cenrer Accounring
Frofir Cenrer Accounring (EC Frofir Cenrer Accounring (EC Frofir Cenrer Accounring (EC Frofir Cenrer Accounring (EC- -- -FCA) FCA) FCA) FCA)
Frofir Cenrer Accounring evaluares rhe profir or loss of individual, independenr areas virhin an
organizarion. These areas are responsiLle for rheir cosrs and revenues.
Frofir Cenrer Accounring is a srarisrical accounring componenr in rhe SAF sysrem. This means rhar ir
rakes place on a srarisrical Lasis ar rhe same rime as rrue accounring. In addirion ro cosrs and revenues,
you can display key figures, such as, Rerurn on invesrmenr, vorking capiral or cash flov on a profir
For more informarion, see rhe SAF LiLrary under Financials EC-Enrerprise Conrrolling EC-
Frofir Cenrer Accounring

If rhe company codes use differenr operarional charr of accounrs, inrer company code conrrolling can
nor Le performed
To Knov Froducr vise FrofiraLiliry or ro Knov Area vise FrofiraLiliry ve vill use rhe Frofir Cenrre

Frofir Cenrre vill Le updared Lased on rhe Derivarion Rules


Expendirure rhrough Cosr Cenrers
Income rhrough Revenue Accounr Auromaric Assignmenrs
Balance sheer irems Through rhe Business Area

A Frofir Cenrer can have one or more Cosr Cenrers
In FCA, Fosrings vill Le done rhrough DERIVATION RULES
Frofir Cenrer and Business Area vill Le assigned in Cosr Cenrer

FCA FCA FCA FCA Froducr vise Srrucrure (Sales Accounrs Froducr vise Froducr vise Srrucrure (Sales Accounrs Froducr vise Froducr vise Srrucrure (Sales Accounrs Froducr vise Froducr vise Srrucrure (Sales Accounrs Froducr vise): ): ): ):

Company Code
Business Area
Profit Centre 1 Profit Centre 2
Profit Centre 3
Cost Centre Cost Centre
Cost Centre
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 185

Configurarion Serring for Frofir Cenrre Accounring

Ser Conrrolling Area Ser Conrrolling Area Ser Conrrolling Area Ser Conrrolling Area
SFRO Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Basic Serrings Ser Conrrolling Area

Mainrain Conrrolling Area Serr Mainrain Conrrolling Area Serr Mainrain Conrrolling Area Serr Mainrain Conrrolling Area Serrings ings ings ings
SFRO Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Basic Serrings Conrrolling Area Serrings
Mainrain Conrrolling Area Serrings
Selecr 'Eliminarion of Inrernal Business'
FC Local Currency: '20' Conrrolling Area Currency
Selecr 'Srore Transacrion Currency'
Valuarion Viev: Legal Valuarion

Crearion of Dummy Frofir Cenrer (KE59) Crearion of Dummy Frofir Cenrer (KE59) Crearion of Dummy Frofir Cenrer (KE59) Crearion of Dummy Frofir Cenrer (KE59)
SFRO Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Masrer Dara Frofir Cenrer Creare Dummy
Frofir Cenrer

Ser Conrrol Faramerers for Acrual Dara Ser Conrrol Faramerers for Acrual Dara Ser Conrrol Faramerers for Acrual Dara Ser Conrrol Faramerers for Acrual Dara
SFRO Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Basic Serrings Conrrolling Area Serrings
Acrivare Direcr Fosrings Ser Conrrol Faramerers for Acrual Dara
Nev Enrries Check on 'Line Irem' and 'Online Transfer'

Mainrain Flan Versions Mainrain Flan Versions Mainrain Flan Versions Mainrain Flan Versions
SFRO Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Basic Serrings Conrrolling Area Serrings
Acrivare Direcr Fosrings Flan Versions Mainrain Flan Versions
Selecr '0' Flan/Acrual Version
In 'Serrings for FC Accounring' Year: 2003
Selecr 'Online Transfers' and 'Line Irems'
Exchange Rare Type: 'B' Bank Selling

Crearion of Frofir Cenrer (KE51) Crearion of Frofir Cenrer (KE51) Crearion of Frofir Cenrer (KE51) Crearion of Frofir Cenrer (KE51)
Accounring Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Masrer Dara Frofir Cenrer Individual
Frocessing Creare
Company Code
Business Area as Profit Centre Business Area as Profit Centre

Business Area as Profit Centre

Cost Centre1
Cost Centre2
Cost Centre3
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 186

Assignmenr of Frofir Cenrer in Cosr Cenrer (KS02) Assignmenr of Frofir Cenrer in Cosr Cenrer (KS02) Assignmenr of Frofir Cenrer in Cosr Cenrer (KS02) Assignmenr of Frofir Cenrer in Cosr Cenrer (KS02)
Accounring Conrrolling Cosr Cenrer Accounring Masrer Dara Cosr Cenrer Individual
Frocessing Change
In Cosr Cenrer, Selecr 'Masrer Dara' Burron and Assign Frofir Cenrer

Crearion of Sales A/c. and Revenue Cosr Elemenr (FS00) Crearion of Sales A/c. and Revenue Cosr Elemenr (FS00) Crearion of Sales A/c. and Revenue Cosr Elemenr (FS00) Crearion of Sales A/c. and Revenue Cosr Elemenr (FS00)
'Sales Froducr 1' Accounr under Sales Group Field Srarus Group: G001
Environmenr Edir Cosr Elemenr Cosr Elemenr Caregory: '11' Revenues

Auromaric Accounr Assignmenrs for Revenue Elemenrs (OKB9) Auromaric Accounr Assignmenrs for Revenue Elemenrs (OKB9) Auromaric Accounr Assignmenrs for Revenue Elemenrs (OKB9) Auromaric Accounr Assignmenrs for Revenue Elemenrs (OKB9)
SFRO Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Acrual Fosrings Mainrain Auromaric
Assignmenr of Revenue Elemenrs
Nev Enrries Co. Code: XYZ Cosr Elemenr: Sales Froducr 1 A/c. No.
Accounr Assignmenr: '2' Business Area Mandarory ''
Save rhe record & DouLle click 'Derails per Business Area/Valuarion Area'
Nev Enrries Business Area: Give Business Area
Frofir Cenrer: Give Frofir Cenrer for Froducr 1

Derivarion Rule for Assignmenr of Balance Sheer irems ro Frofir Cenrer (3KEH) Derivarion Rule for Assignmenr of Balance Sheer irems ro Frofir Cenrer (3KEH) Derivarion Rule for Assignmenr of Balance Sheer irems ro Frofir Cenrer (3KEH) Derivarion Rule for Assignmenr of Balance Sheer irems ro Frofir Cenrer (3KEH)
(Where Business Area = Frofir Cenrer) (Where Business Area = Frofir Cenrer) (Where Business Area = Frofir Cenrer) (Where Business Area = Frofir Cenrer)
SFRO Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Acrual Fosrings Choose Addirional Balance Sheer
and F&L Accounrs Choose Accounrs
Nev Enrries Accounr From: 100000 To: 299999
Defaulr Frofir Cenrer: Frofir Cenrer for Froducr 1
Transferring Balance Sheer Irems in Real Transferring Balance Sheer Irems in Real Transferring Balance Sheer Irems in Real Transferring Balance Sheer Irems in Real- -- -rime rime rime rime
Use Use Use Use
The folloving Lalance sheer irems can Le rransferred online in real-rime:
D Marerial srocks
D Assers
D Work in process
D Orher Lalance sheer irems (rransacrion rransacrion rransacrion rransacrion- -- -Lased only Lased only Lased only Lased only)
The sysrem posrs Lalance posrings direcrly ro Frofir Cenrer Accounring from online posrings vhich
direcrly affecr rhe Lalances of assers, marerials and vork in process. If you have line irems in Frofir
cenrer Accounring, rhe sysrem updares a profir cenrer documenr for each reference documenr (e.g.
MM or FI documenr).
Inregrarion Inregrarion Inregrarion Inregrarion
In order ro rransfer assers online ro Frofir Cenrer Accounring, you musr Le using rhe componenr
Assers Accounring (FI-AA).
In order ro rransfer marerial srocks online ro Frofir Cenrer Accounring, you musr Le using rhe
componenr Marerials Managemenr (MM).
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 187
In order ro rransfer vork in process online ro Frofir Cenrer Accounring, you musr Le using resulrs
analysis in rhe componenr Froducr Cosr Conrrolling (CO-FC).
Frerequisires Frerequisires Frerequisires Frerequisires
You firsr need ro enrer rhe accounrs you vanr ro rransfer ro Frofir Cenrer Accounring in rhe
Cusromizing rransacrion for Lalance sheer and profir and loss accounrs.
In addirion, you need ro run each program once ro creare rhe opening Lalance for marerials, vork in
process and assers from rhe source applicarion (see Transferring Balance Sheer Irems Feriodically).
For furrher informarion, see:
Feriod Closing Acriviries for Marerial Srocks
Feriod Closing Acriviries for Work in Frocess
Feriod Closing Acriviries for Assers

If you have also creared asser accounrs as srarisrical cosr elemenrs (rype 90) ro updare invesrmenr
orders, you musr srill rrear rhese rhe same vay as normal Lalance sheer accounrs. Updaring in
realrime in Frofir Cenrer Accounring is only possiLle if you have enrered rhe accounrs as addirional
Lalance sheer accounrs and F&L accounrs in Cusromizing.
You musr posr rhe opening Lalance for orher Lalance sheer irems ro rransfer online Ly crearing rhe
documenrs manually, as rransfer reporrs cannor Le carried our here. You also have ro assign a defaulr
profir cenrer ro each of rhe accounrs in quesrion in Cusromizing for Frofir cenrer Accounring. When
posring in FI, hovever, you can ser a differenr profir cenrer manually. You can also define derivarion
rules for finding rhe profir cenrer, vhere no profir cenrer has Leen ser for a posring. See Derivarion
Rules for Finding rhe Frofir Cenrer in rhe Implemenrarion Guide (IMG) for Frofir Cenrer
Accounring. You can find more informarion on derivarion srraregy in rhe documenrarion for
FrofiraLiliry Analysis (CO-FA) under.
Characrerisric Derivarion

When you assign dovn paymenrs ro a vork Lreakdovn srrucrure elemenr, rhe sysrem finds rhe profir
cenrer ro vhich ir is assigned. Ir can rherefore make sense ro rransfer dovn paymenrs online.
Fearures Fearures Fearures Fearures
Afrer you have creared rhe opening Lalance, rhe sysrem alvays rransfers rhe difference Lerveen rhe
nev Lalance and rhe previous Lalance. You can find rhe currenr Lalance from rhe opening Lalance
and rhe changes rransferred online.
Ar rhe end of rhe year, you need ro carry forvard rhe Lalances for rhe Lalance sheer irems rhar vere
posred in realrime ro Frofir Cenrer Accounring.
The sysrem assigns vork in process ro profir cenrers Ly raking rhe assignmenr of open producrion
order, projecrs, sales orders erc. (see Frofir Cenrer Assignmenrs ).
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 188
The sysrem assigns assers ro profir cenrers indirecrly, via assigned inrernal orders or cosr cenrers (see
Assigning Assers). The program rransfers rhe acquisirion and producr cosrs, as vell as cumulared value
The sysrem assigns marerial srocks Ly raking rhe assignmenr in rhe marerial masrer record, in rhe
planr segmenr (see Assigning Marerials).
If you run a manual rransfer, rhe sysrem overvrires any corresponding dara rhar vas already
rransferred ro Frofir Cenrer Accounring. For example, if cerrain marerial srocks have already Leen
rransferred in real-rime and you vanr ro run a periodic rransfer for rhe same period, rhe sysrem firsr
deleres rhe dara rhar vas already rransferred. When rhis happens, you lose rhe informarion on rhe
invenrory posring documenrs for each rransacrion. The periodic rransfer programs only creare one
posring per oLjecr rhar conrains rhe Lalance from rhe previous period (or rhe difference ro rhis
Lalance for vork in process).
Derivarion Rule for Finding rhe Frofir Cenrer Derivarion Rule for Finding rhe Frofir Cenrer Derivarion Rule for Finding rhe Frofir Cenrer Derivarion Rule for Finding rhe Frofir Cenrer
SFRO Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Acrual Fosrings Choose Addirional Balance
Sheer and F&L Accounrs Derivarion Rule for Finding rhe Frofir Cenrer from Menu 'Srraregy
Display Change

Selecr 'Creare Srep' Burron
Derivarion Rule: Business Area ro Frofir Cenrer Assignmenr
Under 'Source', Selecr Drop Dovn Menu (Under RACCT)
Selecr 'GSBER' Business Area & Save
Selecr 'Mainrain Rule Values' Burron
Selecr 'On/Off' Burron (Source Fields On/Off) Crrl+F4
From Accounr To Accounr Business Area Frofir Cenrer
100000 299999 HYD Froducr 1
100000 299999 MUM Froducr 2

Define NumLer Ranges for Local Documenrs (GB02) Define NumLer Ranges for Local Documenrs (GB02) Define NumLer Ranges for Local Documenrs (GB02) Define NumLer Ranges for Local Documenrs (GB02)

SFRO Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Acrual Fosrings Basic Serrings Acrual Define
NumLer Ranges for Local Documenrs
Selecr 'Mainrain Groups' Burron
Check on 'Acrual Doc from Direcr Fosring virh GB01'
Group Inserr Co. Code: XYZ Enrer
Texr: Acrual Documenrs for XYZ
Year: 2003 From NumLer: 1 To NumLer: 100000 Enrer & Save

The same vay Check on 'Flanned Doc from Direcr Fosring virh GB01'
Inrerval Mainrain Co. Code: XYZ Selecr 'Inrerval' Burron
Year: 2003 From NumLer: 100001 To NumLer: 200000 Enrer & Save

Flanning of F&L irems for Frofir Cenrers (7KE1) Flanning of F&L irems for Frofir Cenrers (7KE1) Flanning of F&L irems for Frofir Cenrers (7KE1) Flanning of F&L irems for Frofir Cenrers (7KE1)
Accounring Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Flanning Cosr/Revenues Change
Version: '0' Flan/Acrual Version
Feriod From: Monrh To: Monrh Fiscal: 2003
Frofir Cenrer: Froducr 1
Accounr NumLers: 100000 To 499999
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 189
Enrry Selecr 'Form Based'
Selecr 'Overviev Screen' & Flan as desired

Flanning Balance Sheer Accounrs (7KE3) Flanning Balance Sheer Accounrs (7KE3) Flanning Balance Sheer Accounrs (7KE3) Flanning Balance Sheer Accounrs (7KE3)
Accounring Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Flanning Balance Sheer Accounrs Change
Flan as desired in rhe aLove vay

Frofir Cenrer Flan/Acrual/Variance F&L irems ( Frofir Cenrer Flan/Acrual/Variance F&L irems ( Frofir Cenrer Flan/Acrual/Variance F&L irems ( Frofir Cenrer Flan/Acrual/Variance F&L irems (S_ALR_87013326) S_ALR_87013326) S_ALR_87013326) S_ALR_87013326)
Accounring Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Informarion Sysrem Reporrs for Frofir
Cenrer Accounring Inreracrive Reporring Frofir Cenrer Group: Flan/Acrual/Variance
Give Feriod, Frofir Cenrer & Execure Reporr can Le vieved
From Reporring Screen use 'Call up Reporr' oprion for orher Reporrs & Vouchers.

Frofir Cenrer Flan/Acrual/Variance Balance Sheer irems (S_ALR_87013336) Frofir Cenrer Flan/Acrual/Variance Balance Sheer irems (S_ALR_87013336) Frofir Cenrer Flan/Acrual/Variance Balance Sheer irems (S_ALR_87013336) Frofir Cenrer Flan/Acrual/Variance Balance Sheer irems (S_ALR_87013336)
Accounring Conrrolling Frofir Cenrer Accounring Informarion Sysrem Reporrs for Frofir
Cenrer Accounring Inreracrive Reporring Frofir Cenrer Group: Balance Sheer Accounrs:

FrofiraLiliry Analysis FrofiraLiliry Analysis FrofiraLiliry Analysis FrofiraLiliry Analysis

To knov rhe Frofir Froducr vise, Cusromer vise, Sales Org. vise and Flanr vise, Hence ir is
called a 'Dara CuLe'
Dara vill flov from MM, FF, SD and FI
'Operaring Concern' is ro Le creared
The srrucrure ve follov is 'Co. Code = Conrrolling Area = Operaring Concern'

In Operaring Concern: In Operaring Concern: In Operaring Concern: In Operaring Concern:
FrofiraLiliry Segmenr (Dara Srrucrure) Characrerisrics & Value Fields
Characrerisrics: Froducr, Cusromer, Sales Organizarion, Flanr
Value Fields: Sales, Cosr of Goods Manufacrured, Freighr, Quanriry, Frice
In FrofiraLiliry Analysis, sales and cosrs are analyzed Ly profiraLiliry segmenr. FrofiraLiliry segmenrs
are made up of comLinarions of characrerisric values. You can use rhe rransacrions for rhis role ro
mainrain characrerisric values and ro arrange rhe characrerisric values for a given characrerisric in a
hierarchical relarionship. Furrhermore, you can use rhese rransacrions ro specify derivarion rules,
vhich enaLle you ro derermine characrerisric values using orher characrerisrics.

Acriviries in FrofiraLiliry Analy Acriviries in FrofiraLiliry Analy Acriviries in FrofiraLiliry Analy Acriviries in FrofiraLiliry Analysis sis sis sis
Mainraining characrerisric values and characrerisrics hierarchies
Mainraining derivarion rules
FrofiraLiliry Analysis (CO FrofiraLiliry Analysis (CO FrofiraLiliry Analysis (CO FrofiraLiliry Analysis (CO- -- -FA) FA) FA) FA)
An oLjecr virhin FrofiraLiliry Analysis ro vhich cosrs and revenues are assigned.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 190
A profiraLiliry segmenr corresponds ro a marker segmenr. You can calculare rhe profiraLiliry of a
profiraLiliry segmenr Ly comparing irs sales revenues againsr irs cosrs.
The applicarion CO-FA lers you analyze rhe profiraLiliry of segmenrs of your marker - srrucrured
according ro producrs, cusromers, orders, and summarizarions of rhese and orher characrerisrics - and
organizarional unirs such as company codes or Lusiness areas. The aim is ro provide your sales,
markering, planning, and managemenr organizarions virh decision-supporr from a marker marker marker marker- -- -or or or orienred ienred ienred ienred
vievpoinr vievpoinr vievpoinr vievpoinr.
A profiraLiliry segmenr in an operaring concern is defined Ly a comLinarion of characrerisric values.
Characrerisrics can Le conceprs already availaLle in rhe SAF Sysrem (cusromer, producr, sales
organizarion, and so on), or you can define your ovn conceprs (such as 'order size class').
Example Example Example Example
FrofiraLiliry segmenr 1: Froducr 'Frod-1132'/ Cusromer '100267'
FrofiraLiliry segmenr 2: Indusrry 'Chemicals'/ Counrry 'USA'/ Froducr group 'LaLorarory
Hov rhe profiraLiliry Analysis vill updare

Sreps: Sreps: Sreps: Sreps:
a) Crearion of Operaring Concern
L) Assign Conrrolling Area ro Operaring Concern
c) Creare NumLer Ranges for acrual posrings in FrofiraLiliry Analysis
d) Acrivarion of FrofiraLiliry Analysis
e) Mapping of SD Condirion rypes ro COFA Value Fields
f) Mainrain FA Transfer Srrucrure for Direcr Fosrings
g) Change Field Srarus Group ro make FrofiraLiliry Segmenr mandarory
h) Define Form for FrofiraLiliry Reporrs
i) Creare FrofiraLiliry Reporr
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 191

Operaring Concern Operaring Concern Operaring Concern Operaring Concern
An operaring concern represenrs an organizarional unir in your company for vhich rhe sales marker
has a uniform srrucrure. Ir is rhe valuarion level for FrofiraLiliry Analysis (CO-FA).

The operaring Concern Consisr of Characrerisrics and Value fields
Chara Chara Chara Characrerisrics crerisrics crerisrics crerisrics
Characrerisrics are rhe crireria in FrofiraLiliry Analysis (CO-FA) according ro vhich you can analyze
your operaring resulrs and perform differenriared sales and profir planning. The comLinarion of rhe
values for rhe characrerisrics in an operaring concern is called a FrofiraLiliry Segmenr. Value

Value Fields Value Fields Value Fields Value Fields

Value fields are only required in cosring-Lased FrofiraLiliry Analysis. These are rhe fields rhar conrain
rhe currency amounrs and quanriries rhar you vanr ro analyze in CO-FA. They represenr rhe
srrucrure of your cosrs and revenues
There are rvo rypes of value fields:
Value fields rhar conrain amounrs in currencies are also referred ro as 'amounr fields'. All
amounr fields in a single line irem use rhe same currency.
Operating Concern
Characteristics-(for Accounting based
Profitability Analysis)
Value fields Costing Based
Profitability Analysis
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 192
Value fields rhar conrain quanriries are referred ro as 'quanriry fields'.
Each quanriry field is assigned a field conraining a unir of measure. Consequenrly, each
quanriry field in a line irem can use a differenr unir.
Value fields can Le caregorized according ro hov and vhen rhey are defined:
Fredefined value fields Fredefined value fields Fredefined value fields Fredefined value fields
Value fields rhar are used frequenrly are predefined in rhe srandard R/3 Sysrem. These include
fields such as revenue, sales quanriry, incoming freighr, ourgoing freighr, and orhers. You can
selecr rhose predefined value fields rhar you vish ro rransfer inro your ovn operaring concern.
User User User User- -- -defined defined defined defined value fields value fields value fields value fields
In addirion ro rhe predefined value fields, you can also define your ovn value fields. You
define rhese in rhe field caralog independenr of any clienr or operaring concern and can
larer add rhem ro your operaring concerns. You creare value fields in Cusromizing under
Srrucrures Operaring Concern Mainrain value fields.
FrofiraLiliry Analysis (CO FrofiraLiliry Analysis (CO FrofiraLiliry Analysis (CO FrofiraLiliry Analysis (CO- -- -FA) FA) FA) FA)
An oLjecr virhin FrofiraLiliry Analysis ro vhich cosrs and revenues are assigned.
A profiraLiliry segmenr corresponds ro a marker segmenr. You can calculare rhe profiraLiliry of a
profiraLiliry segmenr Ly comparing irs sales revenues againsr irs cosrs.
A profiraLiliry segmenr in an operaring concern is defined Ly a comLinarion of characrerisric values.
Characrerisrics can Le conceprs already availaLle in rhe SAF Sysrem (cusromer, producr, sales
organizarion, and so on), or you can define your ovn conceprs (such as 'order size class').
Cosring Cosring Cosring Cosring- -- -Based FrofiraLiliry Analysis Based FrofiraLiliry Analysis Based FrofiraLiliry Analysis Based FrofiraLiliry Analysis
This rype of FrofiraLiliry Analysis is primarily designed ro ler you analyze profir quickly for rhe
purpose of sales managemenr. Irs main fearures are, firsrly, rhe use of value fields ro group cosr and
revenue elemenrs, and, secondly, auromaric calcularion of anricipared or accrual dara (valuarion). The
advanrage of rhis merhod is rhar dara is alvays up-ro-dare and rherefore provides an effecrive
insrrumenr for conrrolling sales.
Accounr Accounr Accounr Accounr- -- -Based FrofiraLiliry Analysis Based FrofiraLiliry Analysis Based FrofiraLiliry Analysis Based FrofiraLiliry Analysis
This rype of FrofiraLiliry Analysis enaLles you ro reconcile cosr and financial accounring ar any rime
using accoun accoun accoun accounrs rs rs rs. In conrrasr ro cosring-Lased FrofiraLiliry Analysis, rhis rype uses cosr and revenue
elemenrs, vhich gives you a unified srrucrure for all of accounring.
The sysrem posrs all revenues and cosrs ro Lorh Financial Accounring and FrofiraLiliry Analysis ar rhe
same rime and using rhe same valuarion merhod. This means rhar rhe cosr of sales is posred ro
FrofiraLiliry Analysis ar rhe poinr of goods issue

Creare Operaring Concern (KEA0) Creare Operaring Concern (KEA0) Creare Operaring Concern (KEA0) Creare Operaring Concern (KEA0)
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 193
SFRO Conrrolling FrofiraLiliry Analysis Srrucrures Define Operaring Concern Mainrain
Operaring Concern
Operaring Concern: XYZ1 (Should Le of 4 digirs) Operaring Concern for XYZ
Selecr 'Cosring Based' & 'Accounr Based'
ArrriLures TaL
Operaring Concern Currency: INR
Selecr Co. Code Currency
Selecr Operaring Concern Currency, Frofir Cenrer Valuarion
Selecr Co. Code Currency, Frofir Cenrer Valuarion
Fiscal Year Varianr: V3 & Save
In Dara Srrucrure TaL
Selecr and arrach rhe Fields KUNWE (Ship ro Farry) and MATKL (Marerial Group)
In Value Fields TaL
Selecr & Arrach rhe Fields VV010, VV140
Save & Acrivare rhe Dara Srrucrure

Assign Conrrolling Area ro Operaring Concern Assign Conrrolling Area ro Operaring Concern Assign Conrrolling Area ro Operaring Concern Assign Conrrolling Area ro Operaring Concern
SFRO Enrerprise Srrucrure Assignmenr Conrrolling Assign Conrrolling Area ro Operaring

Crearion of NumLer Ranges for Acrual Fosrings Crearion of NumLer Ranges for Acrual Fosrings Crearion of NumLer Ranges for Acrual Fosrings Crearion of NumLer Ranges for Acrual Fosrings in FA in FA in FA in FA
SFRO Conrrolling FrofiraLiliry Analysis Flovs of Acrual Values Inirial Sreps Define NumLer
Ranges for Acrual Fosrings

Acrivarion of FrofiraLiliry Analysis (KEKE) Acrivarion of FrofiraLiliry Analysis (KEKE) Acrivarion of FrofiraLiliry Analysis (KEKE) Acrivarion of FrofiraLiliry Analysis (KEKE)
SFRO Conrrolling FrofiraLiliry Analysis Flovs of Acrual Values Acrivare FrofiraLiliry Analysis
Go ro Conrrolling Area XYZ and give Acrive Srarus: 4 (Componenr Acrive for Borh Types of
FrofiraLiliry Analysis, Cosring Based & Accounr Based)
Acrivarion can Le verified in OKKF

Mapping of SD Condirion Types ro COFA Value Fields Mapping of SD Condirion Types ro COFA Value Fields Mapping of SD Condirion Types ro COFA Value Fields Mapping of SD Condirion Types ro COFA Value Fields
For Assigning Value Fields: For Assigning Value Fields: For Assigning Value Fields: For Assigning Value Fields:
SFRO Conrrolling FrofiraLiliry Analysis Flovs of Acrual Values Transfer Billing Documenrs
Assign Value Fields
DouLle click 'Mainrain Assignmenr of SD Condirion Types ro COFA Value Fields'
Operaring Concern: idea (Operaring Concern IDES vorld vide) & Enrer
Warch rhe Value Fields and Assign rhe same Fields in Your Company Code in Real Time.

For Assigning Qry Fields: For Assigning Qry Fields: For Assigning Qry Fields: For Assigning Qry Fields:
SFRO Conrrolling FrofiraLiliry Analysis Flovs of Acrual Values Transfer Billing Documenrs
Assign Quanriry Fields
Warch rhe Srrucrure and Copy in your Company Code in Real Time.

Direcr Fosrings from MM/FI (KEI2) Direcr Fosrings from MM/FI (KEI2) Direcr Fosrings from MM/FI (KEI2) Direcr Fosrings from MM/FI (KEI2)
SFRO Conrrolling FA Flovs of Acrual Values Direcr Fosrings from FI/MM Mainrain FA
Transfer Srrucrure for Direcr Fosrings
Selecr Srrucrure FI & DouLle click 'Assignmenr Lines'
Selecr '5 Sales' & DouLle click 'Source'
Cosr Elemenr From Accounr: 300000 To: 399999

DouLle click Value Fields & Selecr Nev Enrries
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 194
Quanriry/Value Field: Value Field: VV010
Fixed/VariaLle: '2' VariaLle amounrs & Save & Back Arrov

Selecr '20 RM/Service Marerial' & DouLle click 'Source'
Elemenr from: 400000 To: 499999

DouLle click 'Value Fields' & Nev Enrries
Give Value Field, 2, VV140 & Save

Change Field Srarus Group ro make FrofiraLiliry Segmenr ma Change Field Srarus Group ro make FrofiraLiliry Segmenr ma Change Field Srarus Group ro make FrofiraLiliry Segmenr ma Change Field Srarus Group ro make FrofiraLiliry Segmenr mandarory ndarory ndarory ndarory
SFRO Financial Accounring FAGS Documenr Line Irem Conrrols Mainrain Field Srarus
For G001 & G004 in Addirional Accounr Assignmenrs make 'FrofiraLiliry Segmenr' Required Enrry.

Crearion of Flanr Crearion of Flanr Crearion of Flanr Crearion of Flanr
SFRO Enrerprise Srrucrure Definirion Logisrics General Define, Copy, Check Flanr (Creare
Flanr XYZ)

Crearion of Srorage Locarion (OX09) Crearion of Srorage Locarion (OX09) Crearion of Srorage Locarion (OX09) Crearion of Srorage Locarion (OX09)
SFRO Enrerprise Srrucrure Definirion Marerial Managemenr Mainrain Srorage Locarion
(Creare Srorage Locarion XYZ)

Assignmenr of Flanr ro Assignmenr of Flanr ro Assignmenr of Flanr ro Assignmenr of Flanr ro Company Code (OX18) Company Code (OX18) Company Code (OX18) Company Code (OX18)
SFRO Enrerprise Srrucrure Assignmenr Logisrics General Assign Flanr ro Company Code

Acrivarion of Marerial Managemenr Area (OMSY) Acrivarion of Marerial Managemenr Area (OMSY) Acrivarion of Marerial Managemenr Area (OMSY) Acrivarion of Marerial Managemenr Area (OMSY)
SFRO Logisrics-General Marerial Masrer Basic Serrings Mainrain Company Codes for Marerial
Managemenr (Give Year & Feriod)

Crearion of Marerial Masrer (MM01) Crearion of Marerial Masrer (MM01) Crearion of Marerial Masrer (MM01) Crearion of Marerial Masrer (MM01)
Creare FG Marerial Finished Goods

Crearion of Sales Organizarion Crearion of Sales Organizarion Crearion of Sales Organizarion Crearion of Sales Organizarion
SFRO Enrerprise Srrucrure Definirion Sales & DisrriLurion Define, Copy, Delere Sales
Organizarion (Creare XYZ Sales Org for XYZ)

Assigning Sales Organizarion ro Company Code Assigning Sales Organizarion ro Company Code Assigning Sales Organizarion ro Company Code Assigning Sales Organizarion ro Company Code
SFRO Enrerprise Srrucrure Assignmenr Sales & DisrriLurion Assign Sales Org ro Company

Crearion of Cusromer Masrer (XD01) Crearion of Cusromer Masrer (XD01) Crearion of Cusromer Masrer (XD01) Crearion of Cusromer Masrer (XD01)
A/c. Group: Bill ro Farry (Creare S/DeLrors Reconciliarion Accounr in FS00)
Feriod Feriod Feriod Feriod- -- -End Closing in FrofiraLiliry Analysis End Closing in FrofiraLiliry Analysis End Closing in FrofiraLiliry Analysis End Closing in FrofiraLiliry Analysis
Technical name: SAF_CO_FA_FEREND
Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 195
Differenr rransacrions are required in order ro perform period-end closing. These rransacrions are
linked Ly a logical dependency (for example, a logical dependency exisrs Lerveen 'Transferring Cosr
Cenrer Cosrs' and 'Building Summarizarion Levels'). You can use rhe Schedule Manager ro moniror
rhe srarus of period-end closing and rhe order in vhich ir occurs.
Acriviries in Fr Acriviries in Fr Acriviries in Fr Acriviries in FrofiraLiliry Analysis ofiraLiliry Analysis ofiraLiliry Analysis ofiraLiliry Analysis
Transferring cosr cenrer cosrs using assessmenr or indirecr acriviry allocarion
Feriodic adjusrmenr Ly means of revaluarion and rop-dovn disrriLurion
Building summarizarion levels
Execuring reporrs in Lackground processing
Use of rhe Schedule Manager
Transacrion Fosring (F Transacrion Fosring (F Transacrion Fosring (F Transacrion Fosring (F- -- -02) 02) 02) 02)

Reporr Fainrer Reporr Fainrer Reporr Fainrer Reporr Fainrer
Reporrs: Crearion of Form
User User User User- -- -Defined Reporrs Defined Reporrs Defined Reporrs Defined Reporrs
Furpose Furpose Furpose Furpose
The small numLer of srandard reporrs cannor, of course, cover all your reporring needs in Frofir
Cenrer Accounring. They are inrended ro Le a Lase vhich you can Luild upon ro creare a complere ser
of reporrs using rhe Reporr Wrirer, rhe Reporr Fainrer, and Drilldovn Reporring.
Fearures Fearures Fearures Fearures
The rools for defining reporrs in Frofir Cenrer Accounring are rhe Reporr Fainrer and Drildovn
Reporring (for rhe difference Lerveen rhese rvo rools, see Drilldovn Reporring vs Reporr Fainrer
For more informarion, see
Defining your ovn Reporrs virh rhe Reporr Fainrer.
Defining your ovn Reporrs virh Drilldovn Reporring.
Drilldovn Reporring or Reporr Fainrer Reporrs! Drilldovn Reporring or Reporr Fainrer Reporrs! Drilldovn Reporring or Reporr Fainrer Reporrs! Drilldovn Reporring or Reporr Fainrer Reporrs!
Drilldovn reporring is useful for flexiLle online analysis of profir cenrer reporr dara.
You can eirher creare a reporr ad hoc or using a form. In a form, you use a graphical reporr srrucrure
as rhe Lasis for your reporr. The sysrem displays rhe rovs and columns exacrly as rhey vill appear in
rhe finished reporr. From a rechnical vievpoinr, rhe same rool is used for rhis purpose as for rhe
definirion of Reporr Fainrer reporrs (see Lelov).
In a drilldovn reporr, you can navigare freely virhin a dara cuLe. This means rhar you can change rhe
drilldovn characrerisrics and ser individual values for characrerisrics.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 196
You can find derailed informarion on hov ro use rhis rool in rhe corresponding documenrarion in CA
- Cross-Applicarion Componenrs under CA Drilldovn Reporring.
For specific informarion on Frofir Cenrer Accounring, see
D Srandard Drilldovn Reporring in Frofir Cenrer Accounring
D User-defined Reporrs virh Drilldovn Reporring.
Drilldovn reporring is also used in orher componenrs, such as CO-FA and FS.
Ir is possiLle ro use rhe FC applicarion inSighr ro presenr drilldovn reporrs. For furrher informarion,
see Connecrion ro insighr for SAF R/3.
SAF Inrerviev Quesrions SAF Inrerviev Quesrions SAF Inrerviev Quesrions SAF Inrerviev Quesrions

Enrerprise Srrucrure Enrerprise Srrucrure Enrerprise Srrucrure Enrerprise Srrucrure

1) Whar are rhe various organizarional assignmenrs ro a company c 1) Whar are rhe various organizarional assignmenrs ro a company c 1) Whar are rhe various organizarional assignmenrs ro a company c 1) Whar are rhe various organizarional assignmenrs ro a company code! ode! ode! ode!

Company Code is a legal enriry for vhich financial sraremenrs like Frofir and Loss and Balance Sheers
are generared. Flanrs are assigned ro rhe company code, Furchasing organizarion is assigned ro rhe
company code, and Sales organizarion is assigned ro rhe company code.

2) Whar is rhe relarion Lerveen a Conrrolling Areas and a Company codes! 2) Whar is rhe relarion Lerveen a Conrrolling Areas and a Company codes! 2) Whar is rhe relarion Lerveen a Conrrolling Areas and a Company codes! 2) Whar is rhe relarion Lerveen a Conrrolling Areas and a Company codes!

A Conrrolling area can have rhe folloving 2 rype of relarionship virh a Company code
a. Single Company code relarion
L. Cross Company code relarion

This means rhar one single conrrolling area can Le assigned ro several differenr company codes.
Conrrolling Area can have a one is ro one relarionship or a one is ro many relarionship virh differenr
company codes.

Conrrolling Area is rhe umLrella under vhich all conrrolling acriviries of Cosr Cenrer Accounring,
Froducr Cosring, Frofir Cenrer and FrofiraLiliry Analysis are srored.

In a similar vay Company Codes is rhe umLrella for Finance acriviries.

3) Hov many Charr of Accounrs can a Company code have! 3) Hov many Charr of Accounrs can a Company code have! 3) Hov many Charr of Accounrs can a Company code have! 3) Hov many Charr of Accounrs can a Company code have!

A single Company code can have only one Charr of Accounr assigned ro ir. The Charr of Accounrs is
norhing Lur rhe lisr of General Ledger Accounrs.

4) Whar are rhe oprions in SAF vhen ir comes ro Fiscal years! 4) Whar are rhe oprions in SAF vhen ir comes ro Fiscal years! 4) Whar are rhe oprions in SAF vhen ir comes ro Fiscal years! 4) Whar are rhe oprions in SAF vhen ir comes ro Fiscal years!

Fiscal year is norhing Lur rhe vay financial dara is srored in rhe sysrem. You have 12 periods in SAF
and also four special periods. These periods are srored in vhar is called rhe fiscal year varianr.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 197

There are rvo rypes of Fiscal Year Varianr
Calender Year Jan-Dec, April -March
Year Dependenr Fiscal Year.

5) Whar is a year dependenr fiscal year varianr! 5) Whar is a year dependenr fiscal year varianr! 5) Whar is a year dependenr fiscal year varianr! 5) Whar is a year dependenr fiscal year varianr!

In a year dependenr fiscal year varianr rhe numLer of days in a monrh are nor as per rhe
calendar monrh. Ler us rake an example:- For rhe year 2005 rhe period January ends on 29
FeL ends on 27
, March ends on 29. For rhe year 2006 January ends on 30
, FeL ends on 26
March ends on 30
. This is applicaLle ro many counrries especially USA. Ever year rhis fiscal
year varianr needs ro Le configured.

6) Hov does posring happen in 6) Hov does posring happen in 6) Hov does posring happen in 6) Hov does posring happen in MM (Marerials Managemenr) during special periods! MM (Marerials Managemenr) during special periods! MM (Marerials Managemenr) during special periods! MM (Marerials Managemenr) during special periods!

There is no posring vhich happens from MM in special periods. Special periods are only
applicaLle for rhe FI module. They are required for making any addirional posring such as
closing enrries, provisions. Which happen during quarrer end or year end!

7) Hov many currencies can Le configured for a company code! 7) Hov many currencies can Le configured for a company code! 7) Hov many currencies can Le configured for a company code! 7) Hov many currencies can Le configured for a company code!

A company code can have 3 currencies in roral. One vhich is called rhe local currency (ie
company code currency) and 2 parallel currencies can Le configured.

When you do rhar rhe sysrem has rhe flexiLiliry ro reporr in rhe differenr currencies.

8) Do you require configuring addirional ledger for parallel currencies! 8) Do you require configuring addirional ledger for parallel currencies! 8) Do you require configuring addirional ledger for parallel currencies! 8) Do you require configuring addirional ledger for parallel currencies!

In case 2 currencies are configured. (Company code currency and a parallel currency) rhere is
no need for an addirional ledger. In case rhe rhird parallel currency is configured and is
differenr rhan rhe second currency rype, you need ro configure addirional ledger.

9) If rhere are rvo company codes virh differenr charr of acc 9) If rhere are rvo company codes virh differenr charr of acc 9) If rhere are rvo company codes virh differenr charr of acc 9) If rhere are rvo company codes virh differenr charr of accounrs hov can you consolidare ounrs hov can you consolidare ounrs hov can you consolidare ounrs hov can you consolidare
rheir acriviries! rheir acriviries! rheir acriviries! rheir acriviries!

In rhis case you eirher need ro vrire an ABAF programme or you need ro implemenr rhe
Special Consolidarion Module of SAF. If Lorh rhe company codes use rhe same charr of
accounrs rhen srandard SAF reporrs give you rhe consolidare figure.


Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 198
10) Give some examples of GL accounrs rhar should Le posred auromarically rhrough rhe 10) Give some examples of GL accounrs rhar should Le posred auromarically rhrough rhe 10) Give some examples of GL accounrs rhar should Le posred auromarically rhrough rhe 10) Give some examples of GL accounrs rhar should Le posred auromarically rhrough rhe
sysrem and hov is rhis defined in rhe sysrem. sysrem and hov is rhis defined in rhe sysrem. sysrem and hov is rhis defined in rhe sysrem. sysrem and hov is rhis defined in rhe sysrem.

Srock and Consumprion accounrs are insrances of GL accounrs rhar should Le auromarically
posred ro. In rhe GL accounr masrer record, a check Lox exisrs vherein rhe auromaric posring
oprion is selecred called Fosr Auromarically Only"

11) Whar is a Accounr group and vhere all is ir used! 11) Whar is a Accounr group and vhere all is ir used! 11) Whar is a Accounr group and vhere all is ir used! 11) Whar is a Accounr group and vhere all is ir used!

An Accounr group conrrols rhe dara rhar needs ro Le enrered ar rhe rime of crearion of a
masrer record. Accounr groups exisr for rhe definirion of a GL accounr, Vendor and Cusromer
masrer. Ir Lasically conrrols rhe fields vhich pop up during masrer dara crearion.

12) Whar is a field srarus group! 12) Whar is a field srarus group! 12) Whar is a field srarus group! 12) Whar is a field srarus group!

Field srarus groups conrrol rhe fields vhich come up vhen rhe user does rhe rransacrions. The
oprions availaLle is one can have rhe fields only for display or one can suppress ir or make ir
mandarory. So rhere are rhree oprions Lasically. The field srarus group is srored in rhe FI GL

13) Whar is rhe purpose of a Documenr rype" in SAF! 13) Whar is rhe purpose of a Documenr rype" in SAF! 13) Whar is rhe purpose of a Documenr rype" in SAF! 13) Whar is rhe purpose of a Documenr rype" in SAF!

A Documenr rype is specified ar rhe Header level during rransacrion enrry and serves rhe
folloving purposes:
Ir defines rhe NumLer range for documenrs
Ir conrrols rhe rype of accounrs rhar can Le posred ro eg Assers, Vendor, Cusromer,
Normal GL accounr
Documenr rype ro Le used for reversal of enrries
Wherher ir can Le used only for Barch inpur sessions

14) Whar is a Financial Sraremenr Version! 14) Whar is a Financial Sraremenr Version! 14) Whar is a Financial Sraremenr Version! 14) Whar is a Financial Sraremenr Version!

An FSV (Financial Sraremenr Version) is a reporring rool and can Le used ro depicr rhe
manner in vhich rhe final accounrs like Frofir and Loss Accounr and Balance Sheer needs ro
Le exrracred from SAF. Ir is freely definaLle and mulriple FSV's can Le defined for generaring
rhe ourpur for various exrernal agencies like Banks and orher srarurory aurhoriries.

15) Hov are inpur and ourpur raxes raken care of in SAF! 15) Hov are inpur and ourpur raxes raken care of in SAF! 15) Hov are inpur and ourpur raxes raken care of in SAF! 15) Hov are inpur and ourpur raxes raken care of in SAF!

A rax procedure is defined for each counrry and rax codes are defined virhin rhis. There is
flexiLiliry ro eirher expense our rhe Tax amounrs or capiralize rhe same ro Srocks.

16) Whar are Validarions and SuLsrirurions! 16) Whar are Validarions and SuLsrirurions! 16) Whar are Validarions and SuLsrirurions! 16) Whar are Validarions and SuLsrirurions!

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 199
Validarions/SuLsrirurions in SAF are defined for each funcrional area eg Assers, Conrrolling
erc ar rhe folloving levels
1. Documenr level
2. Line irem level
These need ro Le specifically acrivared and serring rhem up are complex and done only vhen
ir is really needed. Ofren help of rhe rechnical ream is raken ro do rhar.

17) Is ir possiLle ro mainrain planr vise differenr GL codes! 17) Is ir possiLle ro mainrain planr vise differenr GL codes! 17) Is ir possiLle ro mainrain planr vise differenr GL codes! 17) Is ir possiLle ro mainrain planr vise differenr GL codes!

The valuarion group code should Le acrivared. The valuarion grouping code is mainrained per
planr and is configured in rhe MM module. Accounr codes should Le mainrained per
valuarion grouping code afrer doing rhis configurarion.

18) Is Business area 18) Is Business area 18) Is Business area 18) Is Business area ar company code Level! ar company code Level! ar company code Level! ar company code Level!

No. Business area is ar clienr level. Which means orher company codes can also posr ro rhe
same Lusiness area.

19) Whar are rhe differenr scenarios under vhich a Business Area or a Frofir Cenrer may Le 19) Whar are rhe differenr scenarios under vhich a Business Area or a Frofir Cenrer may Le 19) Whar are rhe differenr scenarios under vhich a Business Area or a Frofir Cenrer may Le 19) Whar are rhe differenr scenarios under vhich a Business Area or a Frofir Cenrer may Le
defined! defined! defined! defined!

This quesrion is usually very dispuraLle. Bur Lorh Business Areas and Frofir cenrers are
creared for inrernal reporring. Each has irs ovn pros and cons Lur many companies novadays
go for Frofir cenrer as rhere is a feeling rhar Lusiness area enhancemenrs vould nor Le
supporred Ly SAF in furure versions.

There are rypical monrh end procedures vhich need ro Le execured for Lorh of rhem and
many rimes reconciliarion mighr Lecome a Lig issue. A rypical challenge in Lorh of rhem is in
cases vhere you do nor knov rhe Business Area or Frofir Cenrer of rhe rransacrion ar rhe rime
of posring.

20) Whar are rhe proLlems faced vhen a Business area is configured! 20) Whar are rhe proLlems faced vhen a Business area is configured! 20) Whar are rhe proLlems faced vhen a Business area is configured! 20) Whar are rhe proLlems faced vhen a Business area is configured!

The proLlem of splirring of accounr Lalance is more perrinenr in case of rax accounrs.

21) Is ir possiLle ro defaulr 21) Is ir possiLle ro defaulr 21) Is ir possiLle ro defaulr 21) Is ir possiLle ro defaulr cerrain values for parricular fields! For e.g. company code. cerrain values for parricular fields! For e.g. company code. cerrain values for parricular fields! For e.g. company code. cerrain values for parricular fields! For e.g. company code.

Yes ir is possiLle ro defaulr for cerrain fields vhere a paramerer id is presenr. Go ro rhe inpur
field ro vhich you vanr ro make defaulrs. Fress F1, and rhen click rechnical info push Lurron.
This opens a vindov rhar displays rhe corresponding paramerer id (if one has Leen allocared
ro rhe field) in rhe field dara secrion. Enrer rhis paramerer id using rhe folloving parh on SAF
Easy access screen Sysrem User profile Ovn dara. Click on paramerer raL. Enrer rhe
paramerer id code and enrer rhe value you require ro defaulr. Save rhe user serrings.
Configuration of FICO Modules
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22) Which is rhe defaulr exchange rare rype vhich is picked up for all SAF rransacrions! 22) Which is rhe defaulr exchange rare rype vhich is picked up for all SAF rransacrions! 22) Which is rhe defaulr exchange rare rype vhich is picked up for all SAF rransacrions! 22) Which is rhe defaulr exchange rare rype vhich is picked up for all SAF rransacrions!

The defaulr exchange rare rype picked up for all SAF rransacrions is M (average rare)

23) Is ir possiLle ro configure rhe sysrem ro pick up a differenr exchange rare rype for a 23) Is ir possiLle ro configure rhe sysrem ro pick up a differenr exchange rare rype for a 23) Is ir possiLle ro configure rhe sysrem ro pick up a differenr exchange rare rype for a 23) Is ir possiLle ro configure rhe sysrem ro pick up a differenr exchange rare rype for a
parricular rransacrion! parricular rransacrion! parricular rransacrion! parricular rransacrion!

Yes ir is possiLle. In rhe documenr rype definirion of GL, you need ro arrach a differenr
exchange rare rype.

24) Whar are rhe Cusromizing prerequisires for documenr clearing! 24) Whar are rhe Cusromizing prerequisires for documenr clearing! 24) Whar are rhe Cusromizing prerequisires for documenr clearing! 24) Whar are rhe Cusromizing prerequisires for documenr clearing!

Accounr musr Le managed on rhe open irem managemenr. This rick is rhere in rhe General
Ledger Masrer Record called Open Irem Managemenr. Ir helps you ro manage your accounrs
in rerms of cleared and uncleared irems. A rypical example vould Le GR/IR Accounr in
SAF(Goods Received/Invoice Received Accounr)

25) Explain rhe imporrance of rhe GR/IR clearing accounr. 25) Explain rhe imporrance of rhe GR/IR clearing accounr. 25) Explain rhe imporrance of rhe GR/IR clearing accounr. 25) Explain rhe imporrance of rhe GR/IR clearing accounr.

GR/IR is an inrerim accounr. In legacy sysrem if rhe goods are received and rhe invoice is nor
received rhe provision is made, in SAF ar rhe Goods receipr Ir passes rhe accounring enrry
deLiring rhe Invenrory and crediring rhe GR/IR Accounr .SuLsequenrly vhen an invoice is
recd rhis GR/IR accounr is deLired and rhe Vendor accounr is credired. Thar vay rill rhe rime
rhar rhe invoice is nor received rhe GR/Ir is shovn as uncleared irems.

26) Hov many numLers of line irems in one single enrry you can have! 26) Hov many numLers of line irems in one single enrry you can have! 26) Hov many numLers of line irems in one single enrry you can have! 26) Hov many numLers of line irems in one single enrry you can have!

No of line irems in one documenr you can accommodare is 999 lines.

27) In Assignmenr Field in rhe Documenr you ger some reference, vhich comes from vhere! 27) In Assignmenr Field in rhe Documenr you ger some reference, vhich comes from vhere! 27) In Assignmenr Field in rhe Documenr you ger some reference, vhich comes from vhere! 27) In Assignmenr Field in rhe Documenr you ger some reference, vhich comes from vhere!

This is on rhe Lasis of Sorr key enrered in rhe masrer.

28) Hov do you mainrain rhe numLer range in Froducrion environmenr! By crearing in 28) Hov do you mainrain rhe numLer range in Froducrion environmenr! By crearing in 28) Hov do you mainrain rhe numLer range in Froducrion environmenr! By crearing in 28) Hov do you mainrain rhe numLer range in Froducrion environmenr! By crearing in
Froducrion or Ly rransp Froducrion or Ly rransp Froducrion or Ly rransp Froducrion or Ly rransporr! orr! orr! orr!

NumLer range is ro Le creared in rhe producrion clienr. You can rransporr ir also Ly vay of
requesr Lur crearing in rhe producrion clienr is more advisaLle

29) In cusromizing company code producrive means vhar! Whar ir denores! 29) In cusromizing company code producrive means vhar! Whar ir denores! 29) In cusromizing company code producrive means vhar! Whar ir denores! 29) In cusromizing company code producrive means vhar! Whar ir denores!

Configuration of FICO Modules
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Once rhe company code is live rhis check Lox helps prevenr delerion of many programmes
accidenrally. This check Lox is acrivared jusr Lefore go live.

Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle Accounrs ReceivaLle and Accounrs FayaLle

30) Ar vhar level are rhe cusromer and vendor code srored in SAF! 30) Ar vhar level are rhe cusromer and vendor code srored in SAF! 30) Ar vhar level are rhe cusromer and vendor code srored in SAF! 30) Ar vhar level are rhe cusromer and vendor code srored in SAF!

The cusromer and vendor code are ar rhe clienr level. Thar means any company code can use
rhe cusromer and vendor code Ly exrending rhe company code viev.

31) Hov are Vendor Invoice paymenrs made! 31) Hov are Vendor Invoice paymenrs made! 31) Hov are Vendor Invoice paymenrs made! 31) Hov are Vendor Invoice paymenrs made!

Vendor paymenrs can Le made in rhe folloving manner:
Manual paymenrs virhour rhe use of any ourpur medium like cheques erc
Auromaric Faymenr program rhrough cheques, Wire rransfers, DME erc.

32) Hov do you configure rhe auromaric paymenr program! 32) Hov do you configure rhe auromaric paymenr program! 32) Hov do you configure rhe auromaric paymenr program! 32) Hov do you configure rhe auromaric paymenr program!

The folloving are rhe sreps for configuring rhe auromaric paymenr program:-
Srep 1 Ser up rhe folloving:
Co. code for Faymenr rransacrion
Define sending and paying company code.
Tolerance days for payaLle
Minimum % for cash discounr
Maximum cash discounr
Special GL rransacrions ro Le paid
Srep 2 Ser up rhe folloving:
Faying company code for paymenr rransacrion
Minimum amounr for ourgoing paymenr
No exchange rare diff
Separare paymenr for each ref

Bill/exch paymenr
Form for paymenr advice
Srep 3 Ser up rhe folloving:
Faymenr merhod per counrry
Wherher Ourgoing paymenr
Check or Lank rransfer or B/E
Wherher alloved for personnel paymenr
Required masrer dara
Doc rypes
Faymenr medium programs
Currencies alloved
Srep 4 Ser up rhe folloving:
Configuration of FICO Modules
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Faymenr merhod per company code for paymenr rransacrions
Ser up per paymenr merhod and co. code
The minimum and maximum amounr.
Wherher paymenr per due day
Bank oprimizarion Ly Lank group or Ly posral code or no oprimizarion
Wherher foreign currency alloved
Cusromer/Vendor Lank aLroad alloved
Arrach rhe paymenr form check
Wherher paymenr advice required
Srep 5 Ser up rhe folloving:
Bank Dererminarion for Faymenr Transacrions
Rank rhe house Lanks as per rhe folloving
Faymenr merhod, currency and give rhem ranking nos
Ser up house Lank suL accounr (GL code)
AvailaLle amounrs for each Lank
House Lank, accounr id, currency, availaLle amounr
Value dare specificarion

33) Where do you arrach rhe check paymenr form! 33) Where do you arrach rhe check paymenr form! 33) Where do you arrach rhe check paymenr form! 33) Where do you arrach rhe check paymenr form!

Ir is arrached ro rhe paymenr merhod per company code.

Faymenr rerms for cusromer masrer can Le mainrained ar rvo places i.e. accounring viev and
rhe sales viev.

34) Which is rhe paymenr rerm vhich acrually gers defaulred in rransacrion! 34) Which is rhe paymenr rerm vhich acrually gers defaulred in rransacrion! 34) Which is rhe paymenr rerm vhich acrually gers defaulred in rransacrion! 34) Which is rhe paymenr rerm vhich acrually gers defaulred in rransacrion!

The paymenr rerm in rhe accounring viev of rhe cusromer masrer comes inro picrure if rhe
rransacrion originares from rhe FI module. If an FI invoice is posred (FB70) ro rhe cusromer,
rhen rhe paymenr rerms is defaulred from rhe accounring viev of rhe cusromer masrer.

The paymenr rerm in rhe sales viev of rhe cusromer masrer comes inro picrure if rhe
rransacrion originares from rhe SD module. A sales order is creared in rhe SD module. The
paymenr rerms are defaulred in rhe sales order from rhe sales viev of rhe cusromer masrer.

Faymenr rerms for vendor masrer can Le mainrained ar rvo places i.e. accounring viev and
rhe purchasing viev.

35) Which is rhe paymenr rerm vhich acrually gers defaulred in rransacrion! 35) Which is rhe paymenr rerm vhich acrually gers defaulred in rransacrion! 35) Which is rhe paymenr rerm vhich acrually gers defaulred in rransacrion! 35) Which is rhe paymenr rerm vhich acrually gers defaulred in rransacrion!

The paymenr rerm in rhe accounring viev of rhe vendor masrer comes inro picrure if rhe
rransacrion originares from rhe FI module. If an FI invoice is posred (FB60) ro rhe Vendor,
rhen rhe paymenr rerms is defaulred from rhe accounring viev of rhe vendor masrer.

Configuration of FICO Modules
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The paymenr rerm in rhe purchasing viev of rhe vendor masrer comes inro picrure if rhe
rransacrion originares from rhe MM module. A purchase order is creared in rhe MM module.
The paymenr rerms are defaulred in rhe purchase order from rhe purchasing viev of rhe
vendor masrer.

36) Explain rhe enrire process of Invoice verificarion from GR ro Invoice verificarion in SAF 36) Explain rhe enrire process of Invoice verificarion from GR ro Invoice verificarion in SAF 36) Explain rhe enrire process of Invoice verificarion from GR ro Invoice verificarion in SAF 36) Explain rhe enrire process of Invoice verificarion from GR ro Invoice verificarion in SAF
virh accounring enr virh accounring enr virh accounring enr virh accounring enrries! ries! ries! ries!

A goods receipr in SAF for purchased marerial is prepared referring a purchase order.

When goods receipr is posred in SAF rhe accounring enrry passed is:-

Invenrory accounr DeLir
GR/IR accounr credir

A GR/IR (vhich is Goods receipr/Invoice receipr) is a provision accounr vhich provides for
rhe liaLiliry for rhe purchase. The rares for rhe valuarion of rhe marerial are picked up from
rhe purchase order.

When rhe invoice is Looked in rhe sysrem rhrough Logisrics invoice verificarion rhe enrry
passed is as follovs:-

GR/IR accounr deLir
Vendor credir

37) Hov are Tolerances for Invoice verificarion defined! 37) Hov are Tolerances for Invoice verificarion defined! 37) Hov are Tolerances for Invoice verificarion defined! 37) Hov are Tolerances for Invoice verificarion defined!

The folloving are insrances of rolerances rhar can Le defined for Logisric Invoice Verificarion.
c. Small Differences
d. Moving Average Frice variances
e. Quanriry variances
f. Frice variances

Based on rhe clienr requiremenr, rhe rransacrion can Le Blocked" or Fosred virh a
Warning" in rhe evenr of rhe Tolerances Leing exceeded.

Tolerances are norhing Lur rhe differences Lerveen invoice amounr and paymenr amounr or
differences Lerveen goods receipr amounr and invoice amounr vhich is accepraLle ro rhe

38) Can ve change rhe reco accounr in rhe vendor masrer! If so, and hov! Whar is rhe 38) Can ve change rhe reco accounr in rhe vendor masrer! If so, and hov! Whar is rhe 38) Can ve change rhe reco accounr in rhe vendor masrer! If so, and hov! Whar is rhe 38) Can ve change rhe reco accounr in rhe vendor masrer! If so, and hov! Whar is rhe
impacr on rhe old Lalance! impacr on rhe old Lalance! impacr on rhe old Lalance! impacr on rhe old Lalance!

Configuration of FICO Modules
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Reconciliarion accounr can Le changed in rhe vendor masrer provided rhar aurhoriry ro
change has Leen configured. Also any change you make ro rhe reconciliarion accounr is
prospecrive and nor rerrospecrive. The old irems and Lalances do nor reflecr rhe nev accounr
only rhe nev rransacrions reflecr rhe accounr.

Bank Accounring: Bank Accounring: Bank Accounring: Bank Accounring:

39) Hov is Bank Reconciliarion handled in SAF! 39) Hov is Bank Reconciliarion handled in SAF! 39) Hov is Bank Reconciliarion handled in SAF! 39) Hov is Bank Reconciliarion handled in SAF!

Inirially rhe paymenr made ro a Vendor is posred ro an inrerim Lank clearing accounr.
SuLsequenrly, vhile performing reconciliarion, an enrry is posred ro rhe Main Bank accounr.
You can do Lank reconciliarion eirher manually or elecrronically.

Fixed Assers Fixed Assers Fixed Assers Fixed Assers

40) Whar are rhe organizarional assignmenrs in asser accounring! 40) Whar are rhe organizarional assignmenrs in asser accounring! 40) Whar are rhe organizarional assignmenrs in asser accounring! 40) Whar are rhe organizarional assignmenrs in asser accounring!

Charr of depreciarion is rhe highesr node in Asser Accounring and rhis is assigned ro rhe
company code.
Under rhe Charr of depreciarion all rhe depreciarion calcularions are srored

41) Explain rhe imporrance of asser classes. Whar asser classes are rhere! 41) Explain rhe imporrance of asser classes. Whar asser classes are rhere! 41) Explain rhe imporrance of asser classes. Whar asser classes are rhere! 41) Explain rhe imporrance of asser classes. Whar asser classes are rhere!

The asser class is rhe main crirerion for classifying assers. Every asser musr Le assigned ro only
one asser class. Examples of asser class are Flanr& Machinery, Furnirure Fixrures, and
Compurers erc. The asser class also conrains rhe Gl accounrs vhich are deLired vhen any asser
is procured. Ir also conrains rhe gl accounrs for depreciarion calcularion, scrapping erc

Whenever you creare an asser masrer you need ro menrion rhe asser class for vhich you are
crearing rhe required asser. In rhis manner vhenever any asser rransacrion happens rhe gl
accounrs arrached ro rhe asser class is auromarically picked up and rhe enrry passed.

You can also specify cerrain conrrol paramerers and defaulr values for depreciarion calcularion
and orher masrer dara in each asser class.

42) Hov is depreciarion keys defined! 42) Hov is depreciarion keys defined! 42) Hov is depreciarion keys defined! 42) Hov is depreciarion keys defined!

The specificarions and paramerers rhar rhe sysrem requires ro calculare depreciarion amounrs
are enrered in Calcularion merhods. Calcularion merhods replace rhe inrernal calcularion key
of rhe depreciarion key. Depreciarion keys are defaulred in Asser Masrer from rhe asser class.

43) Whar sreps do you have ro rake inro accounr ro ensure rhar inregrarion inro rhe general 43) Whar sreps do you have ro rake inro accounr ro ensure rhar inregrarion inro rhe general 43) Whar sreps do you have ro rake inro accounr ro ensure rhar inregrarion inro rhe general 43) Whar sreps do you have ro rake inro accounr ro ensure rhar inregrarion inro rhe general
ledger for rhe depreciarion posring run vorks! ledger for rhe depreciarion posring run vorks! ledger for rhe depreciarion posring run vorks! ledger for rhe depreciarion posring run vorks!
Configuration of FICO Modules
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For each depreciarion area and company code, specify rhe folloving:

rhe frequency of posring depreciarion(monrhly, quarrerly erc)
CO accounr assignmenr (cosr cenrer)
For each company code you musr define a documenr rype for auromaric depreciarion
posring only: This documenr rype requires irs ovn exrernal numLer range.
You also need ro specify rhe accounrs for posring. (Accounr dererminarion)
To ensure consisrency Lerveen Asser Accounring and Financial Accounring, you musr
process rhe Larch inpur session creared Ly rhe posring reporr.

If you fail ro process rhe Larch inpur session, an error message vill appear ar rhe nexr
posring run. The depreciarion calcularion is a monrh end process vhich is run in Larches
and rhen once rhe Larch inpur is run rhe sysrem posrs rhe accounring enrries inro Finance.

44) Hov you change fisc 44) Hov you change fisc 44) Hov you change fisc 44) Hov you change fiscal year in Asser Accounring! al year in Asser Accounring! al year in Asser Accounring! al year in Asser Accounring!

rhe fiscal year change program opens nev annual value fields for each asser. I e nexr year
The earliesr you can srarr rhis program is in rhe lasr posring period of rhe currenr year.
You have ro run rhe fiscal year change program for your vhole company code.
You can only process a fiscal year change in a suLsequenr year if rhe previous year has
already Leen closed for Lusiness.

Take care nor ro confuse rhe fiscal year change program virh year-end closing for accounring
purposes. This fiscal year change is needed only in Asser Accounring for various rechnical

45) Is ir possiLle ro have depreciarion calculared ro rhe day! 45) Is ir possiLle ro have depreciarion calculared ro rhe day! 45) Is ir possiLle ro have depreciarion calculared ro rhe day! 45) Is ir possiLle ro have depreciarion calculared ro rhe day!

Yes ir is possiLle. You need ro svirch on rhe indicaror Dep ro rhe day in rhe depreciarion key

46) Is ir possiLle ro configure rhar no capiralizarion Le posred in rhe suLsequenr years! 46) Is ir possiLle ro configure rhar no capiralizarion Le posred in rhe suLsequenr years! 46) Is ir possiLle ro configure rhar no capiralizarion Le posred in rhe suLsequenr years! 46) Is ir possiLle ro configure rhar no capiralizarion Le posred in rhe suLsequenr years!

Yes ir is possiLle. You need ro ser ir in rhe depreciarion key configurarion.

47) Hov are Capiral WIF and Assers accounred for in SAF! 47) Hov are Capiral WIF and Assers accounred for in SAF! 47) Hov are Capiral WIF and Assers accounred for in SAF! 47) Hov are Capiral WIF and Assers accounred for in SAF!

Capiral WIF is referred ro as Assers under Consrrucrion in SAF and are represenred Ly a
specific Asser class. Usually depreciarion is nor charged on Capiral WIF. All cosrs incurred on
Luilding a capiral asser can Le Looked ro an Inrernal Order and rhrough rhe serrlemenr
procedure can Le posred onro an Asser under Consrrucrion. SuLsequenrly on rhe acrual
readiness of rhe asser for commercial producrion, rhe Asser under Consrrucrion gers
capiralized ro an acrual asser.
Configuration of FICO Modules
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48) Whar is rhe purpose of defining inrernal orders! 48) Whar is rhe purpose of defining inrernal orders! 48) Whar is rhe purpose of defining inrernal orders! 48) Whar is rhe purpose of defining inrernal orders!

Inrernal Orders are Lasically used for rracking of cosrs, vhich are proposed ro Le incurred
over on a shorr rerm Lasis and rime rracking is nor of much essence.Eg an Adverrisemenr
campaign. Sales Fromorion and ExhiLirion expenses erc.

FI FI FI FI- -- -MM MM MM MM- -- -SD Inregrarion SD Inregrarion SD Inregrarion SD Inregrarion

49) Hov do you go aLour serring rhe FI MM accounr dererminarion! 49) Hov do you go aLour serring rhe FI MM accounr dererminarion! 49) Hov do you go aLour serring rhe FI MM accounr dererminarion! 49) Hov do you go aLour serring rhe FI MM accounr dererminarion!

FI MM serrings are mainrained in rransacrion code OBYC. Wirhin rhese rhere are various
rransacrion keys ro Le mainrained like BSX, WRX, GBB, FRD erc. In each of rhese rransacrion
keys you specify rhe GL accounr vhich gers auromarically passed ar rhe rime of enrry.
Fev examples could Le: BSX- Srands for Invenrory Fosring DeLir
GBB-Srands for Goods Issue/Scrapping/delivery of goods erc
FRD- Srands for Frice Differences.

50) Ar vhar level 50) Ar vhar level 50) Ar vhar level 50) Ar vhar level are rhe FI are rhe FI are rhe FI are rhe FI- -- -MM, FI MM, FI MM, FI MM, FI- -- -SD accounr dererminarion serrings ! SD accounr dererminarion serrings ! SD accounr dererminarion serrings ! SD accounr dererminarion serrings !

They are ar rhe charr of accounrs level.

51) Whar are rhe addirional serrings required vhile mainraining or crearing rhe GL codes for 51) Whar are rhe addirional serrings required vhile mainraining or crearing rhe GL codes for 51) Whar are rhe addirional serrings required vhile mainraining or crearing rhe GL codes for 51) Whar are rhe addirional serrings required vhile mainraining or crearing rhe GL codes for
Invenrory accounrs! Invenrory accounrs! Invenrory accounrs! Invenrory accounrs!

In rhe Invenrory GL accounrs (Balance sheer) you should svirch on rhe 'Fosr auromarically
only' rick. Ir is also advisaLle ro mainrain rhe aforesaid serring for all FI-MM accounrs and FI-
SD accounrs. This helps in preserving rhe sancriry of rhose accounrs and prevenrs from having
any difference Lerveen FI and MM, FI and SD.

52) Hov do you configure FI 52) Hov do you configure FI 52) Hov do you configure FI 52) Hov do you configure FI- -- -SD accounr dererminarion! SD accounr dererminarion! SD accounr dererminarion! SD accounr dererminarion!

The FI-SD accounr dererminarion happens rhrough an access sequence. The sysrem goes
aLour finding accounrs from more specific crireria ro less specific crireria.

Thus firsr ir vill access and look for rhe comLinarion of Cusromer accounrs assignmenr grp/
Marerial accounr assignmenr grp/ Accounr key. If ir does nor find accounr for rhe firsr
comLinarion ir vill look for Cusromer accounr assignmenr grp and accounr key comLinarion.
Furrher if ir does nor find accounrs for rhe firsr 2 crireria's rhen ir vill
Look for Marerial accounr assignmenr grp/Accounr key. If ir does nor find accounrs for rhe all
earlier crireria's rhen finally ir vill look for Accounr key and assign rhe GL code.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 207
Thus posring of Sales Invoices inro FI are affecred on rhe Lasis of a comLinarion of Sales
organizarion, Accounr rype, or Cusromer and Marerial Accounr assignmenr groups and
folloving are rhe oprions availaLle.

a. Cusromer AAG/Marerial AAG/Accounr rype
L. Marerial AAG/Accounr rype
c. Cusromer AAG/Accounr rype

For each of rhis oprion you can define a Gl accounr. Thus rhe sysrem uses rhis gl accounr ro
auromarically pass rhe enrries.

53) Whar is Valuarion and Accounr assignmenr in SAF! 53) Whar is Valuarion and Accounr assignmenr in SAF! 53) Whar is Valuarion and Accounr assignmenr in SAF! 53) Whar is Valuarion and Accounr assignmenr in SAF!

This is acrually rhe link Lerveen Marerials Managemenr and Finance.
The valuarion in SAF can Le ar rhe planr level or rhe company code level. If you define
valuarion ar rhe planr level rhen you can have differenr prices for rhe same marerial in rhe
various planrs. If you keep ir ar rhe company code level you can have only price. Across all
Valuarion also involves rhe Frice Conrrol .Each marerial is assigned ro a marerial rype in
Marerials Managemenr and every marerial is valuared eirher in Moving Average Frice or
Srandard Frice in SAF. These are rhe rvo rypes of price conrrol availaLle.

54) Whar is Valuarion Class! 54) Whar is Valuarion Class! 54) Whar is Valuarion Class! 54) Whar is Valuarion Class!

The Valuarion Class in rhe Accounring 1 Viev in Marerial Masrer is rhe main link Lerveen
Marerial Masrer and Finance. This Valuarion Class along virh rhe comLinarion of rhe
rransacrion keys (BSX, WRX, GBB, and FRD) defined aLove derermines rhe GL accounr
during posring.
We can group rogerher differenr marerials virh similar properries Ly valuarion class. Eg Rav
marerial, Finsihed Goods, Semi Finished

We can define rhe folloving assignmenrs in cusromizing:

All marerials virh same marerial rype are assigned ro jusr one valuarion class.
Differenr marerials virh rhe same marerial rype can Le assigned ro differenr valuarion classes.
Marerials virh differenr marerial rypes are assigned ro a single valuarion class.

55) Can ve change rhe valuarion class in rhe marerial masrer once ir is assigned! 55) Can ve change rhe valuarion class in rhe marerial masrer once ir is assigned! 55) Can ve change rhe valuarion class in rhe marerial masrer once ir is assigned! 55) Can ve change rhe valuarion class in rhe marerial masrer once ir is assigned!

Once a marerial is assigned ro a valuarion class in rhe marerial masrer record, ve can change ir
only if rhe srocks for rhar marerial are nil. If rhe srock exisrs for rhar marerial, rhen ve cannor
change rhe valuarion class. In such a case, if rhe srock exisrs, ve have ro rransfer rhe srocks or
issue rhe srocks and make rhe srock nil for rhe specific valuarion class. Then only ve vill Le
aLle ro change rhe valuarion class.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 208

If rhe marerial is assigned a moving average price in rhe marerial masrer and rhe srock of such
marerial is issued, rhen does rhe moving average price change in rhe marerial masrer!

The moving average price in rhe case of goods issue remains unchanged. Goods issue is alvays
valuared ar rhe currenr moving average price. Consequenrly, a goods issue reduces rhe roral
quanriry and rhe roral value in relarion ro rhe price and rhe moving price remains unchanged.

If rhe ansver ro rhe aLove quesrion is 'Yes', rhen lisr rhe scenario in vhich rhe moving
average price of rhe marerial in rhe marerial masrer changes vhen rhe goods are issued.

The moving average price in rhe marerial masrer changes in rhe scenario of Splir
Valuarion. If rhe marerial is suLjecr ro splir valuarion, rhe marerial is managed as
Several parrial srocks and each parrial srock is valuared separarely.

In splir valuarion, rhe marerial virh valuarion header record vill have 'v' moving average
price. This is vhere rhe individual srocks of a marerial are managed cumularively .Here rvo
valuarion rypes are creared, one valuarion rype can have 'v' (MAF) and rhe orher valuarion
rype can have 's'(srandard price).

In rhis case, vhenever rhe goods are issued from rhe respecrive valuarion rypes, alvays rhe
MAF for rhe valuarion header changes.

56) Whar is rhe accounring enrry in rhe financial Looks of accounrs vhen rhe goods are 56) Whar is rhe accounring enrry in rhe financial Looks of accounrs vhen rhe goods are 56) Whar is rhe accounring enrry in rhe financial Looks of accounrs vhen rhe goods are 56) Whar is rhe accounring enrry in rhe financial Looks of accounrs vhen rhe goods are
received in unresrricred use srock! received in unresrricred use srock! received in unresrricred use srock! received in unresrricred use srock! Also menrion rhe serrings ro Le done in rhe 'Auromaric Also menrion rhe serrings ro Le done in rhe 'Auromaric Also menrion rhe serrings ro Le done in rhe 'Auromaric Also menrion rhe serrings ro Le done in rhe 'Auromaric
posrings' in SAF for rhe specific G/L accounrs. posrings' in SAF for rhe specific G/L accounrs. posrings' in SAF for rhe specific G/L accounrs. posrings' in SAF for rhe specific G/L accounrs.

On receipr of rhe goods in unresrricred-use srock, rhe Invenrory accounr is deLired and rhe
GR/IR accounr gers credired. In rhe cusromizarion, in rhe auromaric posrings, rhe Invenrory
G/L accounr is assigned ro rhe Transacrion evenr key BSX and rhe GR/IR accounr is assigned
ro rhe Transacrion evenr key WRX.

If a marerial has no marerial code in SAF, can you defaulr rhe G/L accounr in Furchase order
or ir has ro Le manually enrered.

If a marerial has no marerial code in SAF, ve can srill, defaulr rhe G/L accounr virh rhe help
of marerial groups. We can assign rhe valuarion class ro a marerial group and rhen in FI-
auromaric posring, ve can assign rhe relevanr G/L accounr in rhe Transacrion evenr key. The
assignmenr of a valuarion class ro a marerial group enaLles rhe sysrem ro derermine differenr
G/L accounrs for rhe individual marerial groups.

57) Whar is rhe procedure in SAF for inirial srock upload 57) Whar is rhe procedure in SAF for inirial srock upload 57) Whar is rhe procedure in SAF for inirial srock upload 57) Whar is rhe procedure in SAF for inirial srock uploading! Menrion rhe accounring enrries ing! Menrion rhe accounring enrries ing! Menrion rhe accounring enrries ing! Menrion rhe accounring enrries
also. also. also. also.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 209
Inirial srock uploading in SAF from rhe legacy sysrem is done virh invenrory movemenr rype
Marerial valuared ar srandard price: For a marerial valuared ar srandard price, rhe inirial enrry
of invenrory dara is valuared on rhe Lasis

Of srandard price. If you enrer an alrernarive value ar rhe rime of 561, rhen rhe sysrem posrs
rhe difference ro rhe price difference accounr.
Marerial valuared ar moving average price: The inirial enrry of invenrory dara is valuared as
follovs: If you enrer a value vhen enrering inirial dara, rhe quanriry enrered is valuared ar
rhis price. If you do nor enrer a value vhen enrering inirial dara, rhen rhe quanriry enrered is
valuared ar rhe MAF presenr in rhe marerial masrer.

The accounring enrries are: Invenrory accounr is deLired and Invenrory Hisrorical upload
accounr is credired.

Logisrics Invoice Verificarion Logisrics Invoice Verificarion Logisrics Invoice Verificarion Logisrics Invoice Verificarion

58) Can you assign mulriple G/L accounrs in rhe Furchase order for rhe same line irem! 58) Can you assign mulriple G/L accounrs in rhe Furchase order for rhe same line irem! 58) Can you assign mulriple G/L accounrs in rhe Furchase order for rhe same line irem! 58) Can you assign mulriple G/L accounrs in rhe Furchase order for rhe same line irem!

Yes, ve can assign mulriple G/L accounrs in rhe Furchase order for rhe same line irem. The
cosrs can Le allocared on a % or quanriry Lasis. If rhe parrial goods receipr and parrial invoice
receipr has raken place, rhen rhe parrial invoice amounr can Le disrriLured proporrionally, i.e.
evenly among rhe accounr assigned irems of a Furchase order or rhe parrial invoice amounr
can Le disrriLured on a progressive fill-up Lasis, i.e. rhe invoiced amounr is allocared ro rhe
individual accounr assignmenr irems one afrer rhe orher.

59 59 59 59) Whar is Credir memo and suLsequenr deLir in Logisrics Invoice verificarion! ) Whar is Credir memo and suLsequenr deLir in Logisrics Invoice verificarion! ) Whar is Credir memo and suLsequenr deLir in Logisrics Invoice verificarion! ) Whar is Credir memo and suLsequenr deLir in Logisrics Invoice verificarion!

The rerm credir memo refers ro rhe credir memo from rhe vendor. Therefore posring a credir
memo alvays leads ro a deLir posring on rhe vendor accounr. Credir memos are used if rhe
quanriry invoiced is higher rhan rhe quanriry received or if parr of rhe quanriry vas rerurned.
Accounring enrries are: vendor accounr is deLired and GR/IR accounr is credired.

SuLsequenr deLir: If a rransacrion has already Leen invoiced and addirional cosrs are invoiced
larer, rhen suLsequenr deLir is necessary. In rhis case you can deLir rhe marerial virh
addirional cosrs, i.e. GR/IR accounr deLir and Vendor accounr credir. When enrering rhe
SuLsequenr deLir, if rhere is no sufficienr srock coverage, only rhe porrion for rhe availaLle
srock gers posred ro rhe srock accounr and Resr is posred ro rhe price difference accounr.

60) Whar do you mean Ly Invoice parking, Invoice saving and Invoice confirmarion! 60) Whar do you mean Ly Invoice parking, Invoice saving and Invoice confirmarion! 60) Whar do you mean Ly Invoice parking, Invoice saving and Invoice confirmarion! 60) Whar do you mean Ly Invoice parking, Invoice saving and Invoice confirmarion!
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 210

Invoice parking: The funcrionaliry vherein ve can save rhe LIV (Logisrics Invoice Verificarion)
documenr as Farked, so rhar rhe documenr gers creared in SAF, Lur irs srarus is parked.

The advanrage is vherein ve jusr vanr ro creare rhis documenr in daraLase and ve are nor concerned
vherher rhe enrries are Lalanced or nor, correcr/ incorrecr. The accounring documenr is nor creared
vhen rhe invoice is in rhe Farked mode.

We can larer on recrify rhe Farked invoice.

Invoice saving: This is also called Invoice processing or Invoice posring. The accounring documenr gers
creared vhen rhe invoice is posred in SAF.

Invoice confirmarion: There is no rerminology in SAF as Invoice confirmarion.

61) Whar are planned delivery cosrs and unplanned delivery cosrs! Whar is rhe Lasis on vhich rhe 61) Whar are planned delivery cosrs and unplanned delivery cosrs! Whar is rhe Lasis on vhich rhe 61) Whar are planned delivery cosrs and unplanned delivery cosrs! Whar is rhe Lasis on vhich rhe 61) Whar are planned delivery cosrs and unplanned delivery cosrs! Whar is rhe Lasis on vhich rhe
apporrion apporrion apporrion apporrionmenr is done! menr is done! menr is done! menr is done!

Flanned delivery cosrs: are enrered ar rhe rime of Furchase order. Ar goods receipr, a provision is posred
ro rhe freighr or cusroms clearing accounr.

e.g. FRE is rhe accounr key for freighr condirion, hence rhe sysrem can posr rhe freighr charges ro rhe
relevanr freighr revenue accounr and FR3 is rhe accounr key for Cusroms dury, hence rhe sysrem can posr
rhe cusroms dury ro rhe relevanr G/L accounr.

These accounr keys are assigned ro rhe specific condirion rypes in rhe MM Fricing schema.
In rerms of Invoice verificarion: If rhe freighr vendor and rhe marerial vendor is rhe same: rhen ve can
choose rhe oprion: Goods service irems + planned delivery cosrs.
If rhe freighr vendor is differenr from rhe marerial vendor: rhen for crediring only rhe delivery cosrs, ve
can choose rhe oprion: Flanned delivery cosrs.
Unplanned delivery cosrs: are rhe cosrs vhich are nor specified in rhe Furchase order and are only
enrered vhen you enrer rhe invoice.

Unplanned delivery cosrs are eirher uniformly disrriLured among rhe irems or posred ro a separare G/L

For a marerial suLjecred ro Moving average price, rhe unplanned delivery cosrs are posred ro rhe srock
accounr provided sufficienr srock coverage exisrs.

For a marerial suLjecred ro Srandard price, rhe unplanned delivery cosrs are posred ro rhe Frice difference

FI Monrh End Closing Acriviries FI Monrh End Closing Acriviries FI Monrh End Closing Acriviries FI Monrh End Closing Acriviries
62) Define rhe Monrh End Closing Acriviries in Finance 62) Define rhe Monrh End Closing Acriviries in Finance 62) Define rhe Monrh End Closing Acriviries in Finance 62) Define rhe Monrh End Closing Acriviries in Finance
1. Recurring Documenrs.
a) Creare Recurring documenrs
L) Creare Barch Inpur for Fosring Recurring Documenrs
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 211
c) Run rhe Barch Inpur Session
2. Fosring Accruals or Frovisions enrries ar monrh end

3. Managing rhe GR/IR Accounr-Run rhe GR/Ir Auromaric Clearing

4. Foreign Currency Open Irem Revaluarion-Revalue Open Irems in AR.AF

5. Mainrain Exchange Rares

6. Run Balance Sheers Run Financial Sraremenr Version

7. Reclassify FayaLles and ReceivaLles if necessary

8. Run rhe Depreciarion Calcularion

9. Fiscal Year Change of Asser Accounring if ir is year end

10. Run rhe Bank Reconciliarion

11. Open Nexr Accounring Feriod

Whar is rhe funcrion of Accounr Groups vearher Le in GL or AF or AR! Whar is rhe funcrion of Accounr Groups vearher Le in GL or AF or AR! Whar is rhe funcrion of Accounr Groups vearher Le in GL or AF or AR! Whar is rhe funcrion of Accounr Groups vearher Le in GL or AF or AR!

a) Accounr group conrrols inrerval of accounrs under group. Field srarus of company code viev in gl
masrer crearion (fs00)

(2) W (2) W (2) W (2) Whar is rhe fundamenral Lehind Field Srarus Groups har is rhe fundamenral Lehind Field Srarus Groups har is rhe fundamenral Lehind Field Srarus Groups har is rhe fundamenral Lehind Field Srarus Groups - -- - vhere all assignmenrs vhere all assignmenrs vhere all assignmenrs vhere all assignmenrs - -- - vhar for used vhar for used vhar for used vhar for used - -- - masrer masrer masrer masrer
dara level assignmenrs dara level assignmenrs dara level assignmenrs dara level assignmenrs

a) FSG is Lundle of predefined requiremenrs ar rhe rime of documenr posring ro parricular accounr. FSG
conrrols fields srarus of documenr ar rhe rime of posring like suppress, require and oprional

(3) Whar configurarions are reqd for Exrended Wirhholding rax (3) Whar configurarions are reqd for Exrended Wirhholding rax (3) Whar configurarions are reqd for Exrended Wirhholding rax (3) Whar configurarions are reqd for Exrended Wirhholding rax

a) Wrax rype, Wrax code, formulas for vrax calcularion, assign vrax rypes ro company code, acrivare
vrax, assign rax codes ro vrax accounrs and vrax rype & vrax code assign ro vendor masrer.

(4) Whar aLour rhe posring periods !! vhar configs (4) Whar aLour rhe posring periods !! vhar configs (4) Whar aLour rhe posring periods !! vhar configs (4) Whar aLour rhe posring periods !! vhar configs -- -- -- -- you need ro explain rhe screen! you need ro explain rhe screen! you need ro explain rhe screen! you need ro explain rhe screen!

a) Ir conrrols periods of posring in vhich u vanr ro enrer rransacrions . In rhar screen u give posring
period varianr , accounr group for allov posring , accounr inrerval and period year u vanr ro allov for
posring .

(5) Whar config is v.r.r. rhe field srarus varianr. If he is asking aLr a rhing.. you vuld need ro explain rhe (5) Whar config is v.r.r. rhe field srarus varianr. If he is asking aLr a rhing.. you vuld need ro explain rhe (5) Whar config is v.r.r. rhe field srarus varianr. If he is asking aLr a rhing.. you vuld need ro explain rhe (5) Whar config is v.r.r. rhe field srarus varianr. If he is asking aLr a rhing.. you vuld need ro explain rhe
full screen configs, assignm full screen configs, assignm full screen configs, assignm full screen configs, assignmenrs, usage erc. of rhar..... enrs, usage erc. of rhar..... enrs, usage erc. of rhar..... enrs, usage erc. of rhar.....

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 212
A) FSV is Lundle of field srarus groups. FSG is Lundle of predefined requiremenrs ar rhe rime of documenr
posring ro parricular accounr. FSG conrrols fields srarus of documenr ar rhe rime of posring like suppress,
require and oprional

(6) Tax code configs and Accounr code assignmenrs (6) Tax code configs and Accounr code assignmenrs (6) Tax code configs and Accounr code assignmenrs (6) Tax code configs and Accounr code assignmenrs -- -- -- -- if you have done if you have done if you have done if you have done
any rax procedures configs : rhar is raxes on sales or purchases any rax procedures configs : rhar is raxes on sales or purchases any rax procedures configs : rhar is raxes on sales or purchases any rax procedures configs : rhar is raxes on sales or purchases

A) define procedures, assign procedure ro counrry, define rax codes, assign accounr for rax posrings

(7) Te (7) Te (7) Te (7) Tell me rhe srrucrure of FI and CO in SAF : i.e. rhe enrerprise srrucr ll me rhe srrucrure of FI and CO in SAF : i.e. rhe enrerprise srrucr ll me rhe srrucrure of FI and CO in SAF : i.e. rhe enrerprise srrucr ll me rhe srrucrure of FI and CO in SAF : i.e. rhe enrerprise srrucr

a) GL; company code; conrrolling area
under GL charr of accounr, accounr groups and gl masrers
suL ledger accounr Lorh accounrs payaLle and recivaLles
asser accounring
in CO conrrolling area , cosr elemenrs, cosr cenrers , profir cenrers,

(8) MM enrries (8) MM enrries (8) MM enrries (8) MM enrries -- -- -- -- flov Ar rhe rime of GR, GI, INV. VERIFICATION and Faymenrs flov Ar rhe rime of GR, GI, INV. VERIFICATION and Faymenrs flov Ar rhe rime of GR, GI, INV. VERIFICATION and Faymenrs flov Ar rhe rime of GR, GI, INV. VERIFICATION and Faymenrs

A) if GR srock a/c Dr
To gr/ir a/c
IR gr/ir a/c Dr
To vendor a/c
Faymenr vendor a/c Dr
To Lank a/c invoice verify virh

reference of purchase requisirion, Furchase order , goods receipr , invoice receipr , paymenr rerms and
agreemenr Lerveen vendor and company.

(9) SD enrries

A) cusromer a/c Dr
To srock a/c

Bank A/c Dr
To cusromer a/c

(10) Tell me aLr rhe auromaric accounr assignmners (10) Tell me aLr rhe auromaric accounr assignmners (10) Tell me aLr rhe auromaric accounr assignmners (10) Tell me aLr rhe auromaric accounr assignmners -- -- -- -- MM inregrarion MM inregrarion MM inregrarion MM inregrarion

A) auromaric accounr assignmenrs on Lasis of valuarion area ,valuarion modifier,Valuarion class and
valuarion grouping code

(11) Tell me aLr rhe Revenue accounr dererminarion (11) Tell me aLr rhe Revenue accounr dererminarion (11) Tell me aLr rhe Revenue accounr dererminarion (11) Tell me aLr rhe Revenue accounr dererminarion - -- - SD inrergrarion SD inrergrarion SD inrergrarion SD inrergrarion

A) Revenue accounr dererminarion on rhe Lasis of applicarion ,
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 213
condirion rype , sales org , charr of a/c , accounr assignmenr group
and accounring key.

(12) Whar rypes of cosr elemenr are rhere - purposes - some cosr
elemenr carerories in each rype!
A) primary cosr elemenrs C car 1,11 and 12
Secondary cosr elemenrs C car 43 ,41 and 31

(13) Whar is rhe main inregraring elemenr Lerveen FI and CO (13) Whar is rhe main inregraring elemenr Lerveen FI and CO (13) Whar is rhe main inregraring elemenr Lerveen FI and CO (13) Whar is rhe main inregraring elemenr Lerveen FI and CO -- -- -- -- cosr elemenr cosr elemenr cosr elemenr cosr elemenr

A) primary cosr elemenr

(14) Differnece Lerveen rhe funcrionaliries of Accounr Group and field srarus group (14) Differnece Lerveen rhe funcrionaliries of Accounr Group and field srarus group (14) Differnece Lerveen rhe funcrionaliries of Accounr Group and field srarus group (14) Differnece Lerveen rhe funcrionaliries of Accounr Group and field srarus group

Accounr group conrrols inrerval of accounrs under group Field srarus of company codeviev in gl masrer
crearion (fs00)

FSG conrrols fields srarus of documenr ar rhe rime of posring like suppress, require and oprional

(15)'''''Whar is rhe r (15)'''''Whar is rhe r (15)'''''Whar is rhe r (15)'''''Whar is rhe r- -- -code for closing cosring periods code for closing cosring periods code for closing cosring periods code for closing cosring periods
okp1 okp1 okp1 okp1
Wherher conrrolling area and company code are in a 1:1 relarionship or a 1:n relarionship, rhe numLer of
posring periods posring periods posring periods posring periods in Lorh conrrolling area and company code(s) musr Le idenrical. Hovever, special periods special periods special periods special periods
may vary.
(16)FI has ro Le closed firsr aand rhen only CO (16)FI has ro Le closed firsr aand rhen only CO (16)FI has ro Le closed firsr aand rhen only CO (16)FI has ro Le closed firsr aand rhen only CO

(17) Charr of accounrs config-- auromaric crearion of cosr elemenr! Financial accounring; general
ledger accounring; generalledger; masrer records; prepararions ; edir charr of accounr lisr
auromaric crearion of cosr elemenr- FS00 ( KA01)

(18) Financial Sraremenr Versoin (18) Financial Sraremenr Versoin (18) Financial Sraremenr Versoin (18) Financial Sraremenr Versoin -- -- -- -- purpose erc. purpose erc. purpose erc. purpose erc.

A) for exrernal reporring and fulfill counrry legal requiremenrs

(19) NumLer ranges -- FBN1

(20) Auromaric paymenr run (20) Auromaric paymenr run (20) Auromaric paymenr run (20) Auromaric paymenr run -- -- -- -- full screen full screen full screen full screen -- -- -- -- applicarion menu applicarion menu applicarion menu applicarion menu - -- - every field every field every field every field

A) paramerers, proposal , edir proposal , paymenr run and prinr our.

(21) Config for AFF

Configuration of FICO Modules
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(22) miro -- Logisrics Invoice Verificarion --vhar for ers..
A) ers; sales deducrions

(23) Dovnpaymenrs; Lorh AF and AR

A) special gl rransacrions rransacrion rype -A

(24) Difference Lerveen DisrriLurion and Assessmenr cycle... in CCA in CO! (24) Difference Lerveen DisrriLurion and Assessmenr cycle... in CCA in CO! (24) Difference Lerveen DisrriLurion and Assessmenr cycle... in CCA in CO! (24) Difference Lerveen DisrriLurion and Assessmenr cycle... in CCA in CO!

A) Lorh are allocarion merhods Lur disrriLurion allocare only primary cosr elemenrs and assessmenr
does Lorh primary and secondarycosr elemenrs.

(25) Inrernal Order Types if you pur rhis (25) Inrernal Order Types if you pur rhis (25) Inrernal Order Types if you pur rhis (25) Inrernal Order Types if you pur rhis

A) invesrmenr orders, overhead orders, accrual orders and order virh revenue

(26) Serrlemenr of Inrernal Orders (26) Serrlemenr of Inrernal Orders (26) Serrlemenr of Inrernal Orders (26) Serrlemenr of Inrernal Orders

Configs as ro allocarionsrrucrure, serrlemenr cosr elemenrs config erc. disr passes rhe enrries Ly cosr
elemenr and hence looses rhe rracking ar rhe source Lur assessmenr passes rhe enrry v.r.r. rhe assessmenr
cosr ele ir dr and crs rhe same SCE and hence .... rhe oririanl value in rhe FCE is srored Lur rhe roral
vlaue Lecomes ZERO

(27) Business Area conceprs and COMF CODE AND BA relarions

A) Business Area used for segmenr level reporring .CO code for exrernal reporring Lur Lusiness area
alvays independenr .

(28) Funcrional areas -- cosr of sales accounring

(29) '''' RF/RW ; allocared rrail Lal -- BUSINESS AREA WISE glr0
-- FI for CO -- ccss

30) Depreciarion Keys

A) assign ro asser masrer

31) asser masrer, charr of depn, asser clases, accounr dererminarions

A) requiremenrs for configure asser accounring

(32) Credir mgr FD32 (SEE SEOM CONFIGS) (AND STUDY FD32)

A) manage credir limirs of cusromers in a company code

(33) Feriodic Frocessing -- FOR GL, AR, AF

(34) Recurring enrrie ; Accounr Assigmenr models erc.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 215

(35) Srrucrure of cosr cenres

a) descriprion, person responsiLle, depr , srd hierarchy, funcrional area and profir cenrer

(36) Accounrs config -- cash discounr raken accounr, losr accounr, forex gain or loss accounrs,

A) accounr receivaLle and payaLle ; Lusiness rransacrions; our going / in coming paymenrs
gloLal serrings; define accounrs for cashdiscounr raken/ losr

(37) Crearion of Doc rypes


(38) Validarions and SuLsrirures ; Validarions -- cash accounr 0
SuLsriruesion -- if COST CENTER =1, FC -- ABCD

(39) Tolerance Groups

A) In SAF ve vill Tolerance for rhe folloving posring s AF GL AR
40) Auromaric clearin confius GloLal Serrings,

GL, AR, AF,some CEA, CCA, IO

(41) ASAF Merhodology C sreps

A) projecr prepararion , Llue prinr , realizarion , final prepararion and go&live

(42) Imporrance of srage of projecr

(43) Transporr Srraregy ; SE10

(44) Whar servers... Hov you rransporred.. hov much ream .Hov Lig
hov complex are rhe processes
A) developmenr , qualiry/resring and producrion servers

(45) TaLles .... Minimum TaLles

(46) Hov vill you find a raLle ; (46) Hov vill you find a raLle ; (46) Hov vill you find a raLle ; (46) Hov vill you find a raLle ; SE85, F1 SE85, F1 SE85, F1 SE85, F1- -- -F9, ST05 rrace F9, ST05 rrace F9, ST05 rrace F9, ST05 rrace

(47) Dara Transfer Frocedures -- BDCS ,CATT and LSMW

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 216
(48) Go Live and Curover plan

(49) Funcrionals Specificarions.... and your role virih ABAFer ;
logic, vhar raLles, vhar should Le inpur, vhar should Le ourpur ,
ourpur formar

(51) Reconciliaroin Ledger Reconciliaroin Ledger Reconciliaroin Ledger Reconciliaroin Ledger

A) Ir reconcile dara Lerveen fi and co. ir require vhen u assign more rhan one comany code ro one
conrrolling area.
Whar is rhe srage vhen ve inregrare MM & SD virh FI! Whar is rhe srage vhen ve inregrare MM & SD virh FI! Whar is rhe srage vhen ve inregrare MM & SD virh FI! Whar is rhe srage vhen ve inregrare MM & SD virh FI!

A) When cross module posrings incur
2 Whar orher rhings (exclude rhe field srarus varianr) make rhe searing of Documenr layour!

3 vhar is rhe diff. Of Accounr Assignmenr Module & Sample Documenr!

A) In AAM u can change all rhing vhar ve have enrer Lur sample documenr like remplare u can change
amounr only here.

4 Whar is Frofir Cenrer & Cosr Cenrer! If ve vanr ro implemenr FC rhen cosr cenrer is required ro
mainrain or ve vanr ro implemenr CC accounring rhe Frofir Cenrer is required ro mainrain!

A) Frofir cenrer for inrernal reporring purpose and cosr cenrer for vhere cosrs are incur. Yes cc is
required for co-pc and co-pca is nor compulsory for co-cca.

5 Whar is hard currency!

A) Some currencies have high inflarion effecr in rhar counrries rhey use some orher currency for
calcularion purpose. Thar orher currency ve called hard currency for rhar counrry.

6 Hov you given rhe planning dara in COFA module!

A) Through user menu in profiraLiliry analysis

7 vhar is rhe deprecarion Area! Can a deprecarion key assign ro mulriple deprecarion area!

A) Deprecarion area is vhar rype of dep ve vanr ro calculare like Look dep or special dep. yes a dep key
assign ro more rhan dep area.

8 Hov many deprecarion keys in SAF!

A) numLer of dep keys ve can mainrain

10 Whar is rhe accounring enrry ar rhe rime of delivery (FGI) & our going Lilling!

A) cusromer a/c Dr
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 217
To marerial srock a/c

11 vhar is rhe config sreps for inreresr calcularion!

A) mainrain inreresr calcularion rypes, define reference inreresr rares, define rime dependenr rerms,
enrer inreresr values and prepare gl Lalance inreresr calcularions

13 vhar is rhe accounring enrry of deprecarion run in SAF!

A) depreciarion a/c Dr
To accumulared depreciarion a/c

16 Hov a sale comes in F.A.!

A) Value fields mapping virh SD condirion rypes

18 vhar rhe diff. In parrial & residual paymenr!

parrial parrial parrial parrial- -- - ir leaves rhe original invoice amounr and creares nev line irem for incoming amounr.
Residual Residual Residual Residual- -- - ir clears original invoice virh incoming amounr and creare nev line irem for remaining
oursranding amounr.
Case #0002 Case #0002 Case #0002 Case #0002
This is a MM cusromisarion. There you have ro do douLle invoice check As acrive. This is a MM cusromisarion. There you have ro do douLle invoice check As acrive. This is a MM cusromisarion. There you have ro do douLle invoice check As acrive. This is a MM cusromisarion. There you have ro do douLle invoice check As acrive.
Once you do rhar, vhile Once you do rhar, vhile Once you do rhar, vhile Once you do rhar, vhile doing rhe F doing rhe F doing rhe F doing rhe F- -- -43, if you enrer rhe same invoice NumLer again, sysrem vill give 43, if you enrer rhe same invoice NumLer again, sysrem vill give 43, if you enrer rhe same invoice NumLer again, sysrem vill give 43, if you enrer rhe same invoice NumLer again, sysrem vill give
error message. error message. error message. error message.

vhenever rhe vendor invoice is Leing enrered in f-43 screen , rhe folloving errors are raking place.if ve
give 2 differenr documenr dares and keep rhe same reference numLer,SAF is posring rhe Invoice virhour
giving an error message rhar rhe reference numLer has already Leen used.any ideas on rhis of hov ro
make rhe validarion ar reference numLer field!

Case#0003 Case#0003 Case#0003 Case#0003
1. I have successfully configured Asser Accounring 1. I have successfully configured Asser Accounring 1. I have successfully configured Asser Accounring 1. I have successfully configured Asser Accounring
2 22 2. I vas aLle ro purchase rhe asser . . I vas aLle ro purchase rhe asser . . I vas aLle ro purchase rhe asser . . I vas aLle ro purchase rhe asser .
In F In F In F In F- -- -90 iam aLle ro clear rhe firsr screen, in rhe second screen (i.e) in add vendor irem afrer enrering rhe 90 iam aLle ro clear rhe firsr screen, in rhe second screen (i.e) in add vendor irem afrer enrering rhe 90 iam aLle ro clear rhe firsr screen, in rhe second screen (i.e) in add vendor irem afrer enrering rhe 90 iam aLle ro clear rhe firsr screen, in rhe second screen (i.e) in add vendor irem afrer enrering rhe
amounr , psrky and rhe asser accounr numLer rhe error is You cannor posr ro asser in company code 0014 amounr , psrky and rhe asser accounr numLer rhe error is You cannor posr ro asser in company code 0014 amounr , psrky and rhe asser accounr numLer rhe error is You cannor posr ro asser in company code 0014 amounr , psrky and rhe asser accounr numLer rhe error is You cannor posr ro asser in company code 0014
fiscal fiscal fiscal fiscal year 2006 rhe Diagnosis is ' a fiscal year change has nor yer Leen performed in Asser accounring for year 2006 rhe Diagnosis is ' a fiscal year change has nor yer Leen performed in Asser accounring for year 2006 rhe Diagnosis is ' a fiscal year change has nor yer Leen performed in Asser accounring for year 2006 rhe Diagnosis is ' a fiscal year change has nor yer Leen performed in Asser accounring for
company code 0014' company code 0014' company code 0014' company code 0014'
The procedure is' Check rhe asser value dare' I have even rried using AJRW and AJAB. so pls rell The procedure is' Check rhe asser value dare' I have even rried using AJRW and AJAB. so pls rell The procedure is' Check rhe asser value dare' I have even rried using AJRW and AJAB. so pls rell The procedure is' Check rhe asser value dare' I have even rried using AJRW and AJAB. so pls rell
me rhe solurion as hov ro slov me rhe solurion as hov ro slov me rhe solurion as hov ro slov me rhe solurion as hov ro slove ir. e ir. e ir. e ir.

Have u rried rhe same rransacrion virh posring dare afrer you have
done AJRW.

For ex. if you have done AJRW on 10rh april, Sysrem vill give same error if you are doing any
rransacrions dared prior ro 10rh. You can do so afrer 10rh april(posring dare). As you mighr Le doing rhe
rransacrion having posring dare prior ro doing AJRW vhich vill give you rhe same error.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 218
Try doing rransacrion virh posring dare afrer AJRW.

Re: Sreps of Inregrarion

Flease follov rhis.
FI-MM inregrarion: OBYC
1. crearing FO- No FIMM inregrarion
2. Goods receipr: DR Srcok, CR: GR/IR
3. Invocie Receipr: DR: GR/IR, CR: vendor
4. Faymenr: DR: vendor, CR: Bank

FI-SD inregrarion: VKOA
1. Sales order: No FI enrries
2. Goods Issue: CR: Srock, DR: COGS
3. Billing: DR Cusromer, CR: revenue
4. FAymenr: CR: cusromer, DR: Lank

Trading Farrners (Urgenr) Trading Farrners (Urgenr) Trading Farrners (Urgenr) Trading Farrners (Urgenr)

Trading parrner is normally used ro conrrol(paymenr/rransacrion) vendor/cusromer Lusiness virh rhe
group. Somerhing like group/inrer group Lusiness. You have ro go ro masrer record. for eg, in cusromer
masrer, go ro CONTROL DATA raL so see Acccounr Conrrol, in vhich you have provide rrading parrner

In Business Terms Trading parrner is your Lusiness parrner virhin Group virh vhom you are doing
Lusiness.In order ro idenrify Inrer Company rransacrions Trading parrner field is used.

You need ro define all rhe Group Companies as company in SAF and all rhe defined Companies vill Le
availaLle for selecrion in Trading parrner field.

Trading parrner can Le defaulred in GL, Cusromer or Vendor Masrer.If you need you can populare rrading
parrner ar Documenr level roo Ly doing serrings in Documenr Type Masrer in T Code OBA7.

Indicaror: Business area financial sraremenrs required! Indicaror: Business area financial sraremenrs required! Indicaror: Business area financial sraremenrs required! Indicaror: Business area financial sraremenrs required!

Indicaror rhar a Lalance sheer and/or a F&L is ro Le creared per Lusiness area for inrernal purposes.
If rhe indicaror is ser, rhen rhe 'Business area' field is alvays ready for inpur, regardless of rhe field
conrrol of rhe posring keys and of rhe accounrs vhen you enrer documenrs. This indicaror resulrs in
required enrries in rhe Conrrolling (CO), Marerials Managemenr (MM), and Sales and DisrriLurion (SD)

Case#1 Case#1 Case#1 Case#1
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 219
I hav made posring in a gl accounr virhour acrivaring OI manage. nov i vanr ro acrivare OI managemenr
rhe sysrem is givig me follving error ' Accounr Lalance = 0 Lur open irems exisr in rhe accounr' ' The
dara conrains error, you cannor save '
Solurion Solurion Solurion Solurion
The prerequisire for svirching on open irem mgr is rhar accounr should have zero Lalance.
Bur some rimes error comes vhile saving masrer record even if accounr Lalance is zero. As per OSS, one
possiLle reason for rhis is if any documenrs vere reversed during rhe year. OSS suggesrs ro change rhis
error message ro Warning in cusromizarion and rhen save Masrer record
Case#2 Case#2 Case#2 Case#2
Flease ler me knov, is ir essenrial ro have rechnical knovledge along virh Funcrional Knovledge for a
Sap Fucrional Consulranr!
Solurion Solurion Solurion Solurion
Yes, ir is essennrial ro have rechnical knovledge along virh Funcrional knovledge. Ir is imporranr in
many vays like if you vanr ro have some reporrs rhen you musr Le knoving rhar vhich raLles are
updared, vhere line irems are going, erc. Orher rhing is ro undersrand SAF properly means hov SAF
vork and hov can you ger more effecrive reporring.
Case#3 Case#3 Case#3 Case#3

He is having a cusromer name 'X'. He has already dunned 2 rimes. and No responce.The company policy
is only ro dun 4 rimes.While rhe 3rd dunning rime, rhe finance manager is asking nor ro dunn 3rd
dunning Lecause ir vill conrain some rough language.Thar cusromer is an old one and dun 2nd dunning
as his rhird.
Kindly suggesr me hov ro do rhe configurarion! Ir should shov 3rd dunning and rhe vords should Le as
2nd dunning.
Solurion Solurion Solurion Solurion

Remove rhe dunning informarion from Cusromer Masrer or give Dunning informarion as Dunning levels
and dare as of Firsr Dunning.

I rhink rhis is rhe only masrer vhich is updared vhile dunning.
Bur please pur efforrs for resring and if possiLle rry ro do such scenarious in rhe qualiry server.

Case#4 Case#4 Case#4 Case#4
FBL3N shovs rvo open line irems for a parricular vendor. Bur, vhen I rry ro clear rhis vendor accounr
via F-44, ir only displays one line irem. Any ideas vhy vould a line irem nor shov up in f-44 if ir appears
in fLl3n!
Someone suggesred check our rhe paymenr proposals...mayLe a paymenr is sruck rhere...nor sure hov ro
do rhar....please advice.
If paymenr enrry is done Ly special gl rhen ir nor shovs in f-44 clearing vendor screen.You have ro Lring
rhar enrry in normal gl & rhen clear.check & reply if any proLlem.
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 220

Type of Currnecy Type of Currnecy Type of Currnecy Type of Currnecy

Group currency Group currency Group currency Group currency
Group currency is rhe currency vhich is specified in rhe clienr raLle or vhich is ro Le enrered rhere.

Hard currency Hard currency Hard currency Hard currency
Hard currency is a counrry-specific second currency vhich is used in counrries virh high inflarion.

D DD DI II In nn nd dd de ee ex xx x L LL La aa as ss se ee ed dd d c cc cu uu ur rr rr rr re ee en nn nc cc cy yy y
Index-Lased currency is a counrry-specific ficririous currency vhich isrequired in some counrries virh
high inflarion for exrernal reporring (forexample, rax rerurns).

D DD DG GG Gl ll lo oo oL LL La aa al ll l c cc co oo om mm mp pp pa aa an nn ny yy y c cc cu uu ur rr rr rr re ee en nn nc cc cy yy y

GloLal company currency is rhe currency vhich is used for an inrernal
rrading parrner.For rhe addirional currencies, define rhe folloving dara:

Currency rype Currency rype Currency rype Currency rype

The currency rype specifies rhe role of rhe addirional currency. An
example of rhis vould Le rhe group currency.

Exchange rare rype for rranslarion

The exchange rare rype derermines vhich exchange rare srored in rhe
sysrem is used for calcularing rhe addirional amounr fields. As virh rhe
local currency, you can use rhe exchange rare rype M (average
exchange rare) or any orher exchange rare rype.

Base currency for rranslarion
The amounrs in rhe addirional currencies can Le calculared Lased on
rhe documenr currency or on rhe local currency.

Dare for rranslarion
For rranslaring amounrs, rhe exchange rare can Le derermined
according ro rhe rranslarion dare, rhe documenr dare or rhe posring

Addirional acriviries:-
The group currency musr Le srored in rhe clienr.

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 221

Derails shoving imporranr TaLles in SAF Derails shoving imporranr TaLles in SAF Derails shoving imporranr TaLles in SAF Derails shoving imporranr TaLles in SAF

TaLle Name
Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion Descriprion Imporranr Fields Imporranr Fields Imporranr Fields Imporranr Fields
Financial Financial Financial Financial
Accounring Accounring Accounring Accounring

FBAS FBAS FBAS FBAS Financial Accounring Basis" Financial Accounring Basis" Financial Accounring Basis" Financial Accounring Basis"
BKFF Accounring Documenr Header MANDT / BUKRS / BELNR / GJAHR
BSEG Accounring Documenr Segmenr MANDT / BUKRS / BELNR / GJAHR /
BSIF Index for Vendor Validarion of
DouLle Documenrs
BVOR Inrer Company Fosring Frocedure MANDT / BVORG / BUKRS / GJAHR /
EBKFF Accounring Documenr Header (docs
from Exrernal Sysrems)
FRUN Run Dare of a Frogram MANDT / FRGID
KLFA Cusromer / Vendor Linking MANDT / NKULI / NBUKR / NKOAR /
KNB4 Cusromer Faymenr Hisrory MANDT / KUNNR / BUKRS
KNB5 Cusromer Masrer Dunning Dara MANDT / KUNNR / BUKRS / MABER
KNBK Cusromer Masrer Bank Derails MANDT / KUNNR / BANKS / BANKL /
KNC1 Cusromer Masrer Transacrion
KNC3 Cusromer Masrer Special GL
Transacrions Figures
LFB5 Vendor Masrer Dunning Dara MANDT / LIFNR / BUKRS / MABER
LFBK Vendor Masrer Bank Derails MANDT / LIFNR / BANKS / BANKL /
LFC1 Vendor Masrer Transacrion Figures MANDT / LIFNR / BUKRS / GJHAR
LFC3 Vendor Masrer Special GL
Transacrions Figures
VBKFF Documenr Header for Documenr
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 222
FBASCORE FBASCORE FBASCORE FBASCORE Financial Accounring General Financial Accounring General Financial Accounring General Financial Accounring General
Services Basis" Services Basis" Services Basis" Services Basis"

KNB1 Cusromer Masrer (Company Code) MANDT / KUNNR / BUKRS
LFA1 Vendor Masrer (General Secrion) MANDT / LIFNR
LFB1 Vendor Masrer (company Code
SKA1 G/L Accounr Masrer (Charr of
SKAT G/L Accounr Masrer (Charr of
Accounrs Descriprion)
MAHNS Accounrs Blocked Ly Dunning
MHNK Dunning Dara (Accounr Enrries) MANDT / LAUFD / LAUFI / KOART /

FI FI FI FI- -- -GL GL GL GL- -- -GL (FBS) GL (FBS) GL (FBS) GL (FBS) General Ledger Accounring: Basic General Ledger Accounring: Basic General Ledger Accounring: Basic General Ledger Accounring: Basic
Funcrions Funcrions Funcrions Funcrions- -- - G/L Accounrs G/L Accounrs G/L Accounrs G/L Accounrs

SKAS G/L Accounr Masrer (Charr of
Accounrs Key Word lisr)
SKB1 G/L Accounr Masrer (Company
FI FI FI FI- -- -GL GL GL GL- -- -GL (FBSC) GL (FBSC) GL (FBSC) GL (FBSC) General Ledger Accounring: Basic General Ledger Accounring: Basic General Ledger Accounring: Basic General Ledger Accounring: Basic
Funcrions Funcrions Funcrions Funcrions - -- - R/3 Cusromizing for G/L R/3 Cusromizing for G/L R/3 Cusromizing for G/L R/3 Cusromizing for G/L
Accounrs Accounrs Accounrs Accounrs

FIGLREF Serrings for G/L Fosring Reporrs MANDT
TSAKR Creare G/L accounr virh reference MANDT / BUKRS / SAKNR
FI FI FI FI- -- -GL GL GL GL- -- -GL (FFE) GL (FFE) GL (FFE) GL (FFE) General Ledger Accounring: Basic General Ledger Accounring: Basic General Ledger Accounring: Basic General Ledger Accounring: Basic
Funcrions Funcrions Funcrions Funcrions - -- - Fasr Dara Enrry Fasr Dara Enrry Fasr Dara Enrry Fasr Dara Enrry

KOMU Accounr Assignmenr Templares for
G/L Accounr irems
Accounrs ReceivaLle: Basic Accounrs ReceivaLle: Basic Accounrs ReceivaLle: Basic Accounrs ReceivaLle: Basic
Funcrions Funcrions Funcrions Funcrions - -- - Cusromers Cusromers Cusromers Cusromers

KNKA Cusromer Masrer Credir
Managemenr : Cenrral Dara
KNKK Cusromer Masrer Credir
Managemenr : Conrrol Area Dara
KNKKF1 Credir Managemenr : FI Srarus dara MANDT / LOGSYS / KUNNR / KKBER /
RFRR Accounring Dara A/R and A/F
Informarion Sysrem
D) D) D) D)
Bank Accounring: Faymenr Bank Accounring: Faymenr Bank Accounring: Faymenr Bank Accounring: Faymenr
Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions General Secrions General Secrions General Secrions General Secrions

Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 223
FAYR Faymenr Medium File MANDT / ZBUKR / HBKID / HKTID /
FCEC Fre-numLered Check MANDT / ZBUKR / HBKID / HKTID /
FI FI FI FI- -- -BL BL BL BL- -- -FT FT FT FT- -- -
Bank Accounring: Faymenr Bank Accounring: Faymenr Bank Accounring: Faymenr Bank Accounring: Faymenr
Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Transacrions Auromaric Faymenrs Auromaric Faymenrs Auromaric Faymenrs Auromaric Faymenrs

F111G GloLal Serrings for Faymenr
Frogram for Faymenr Requesrs
FDZA Cash Managemenr Line Irems in
Faymenr Requesrs
FAYRQ Faymenr Requesrs MANDT / KEYNO
FI FI FI FI- -- -AA AA AA AA- -- -AA (AA) AA (AA) AA (AA) AA (AA) Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions
Masrer Dara Masrer Dara Masrer Dara Masrer Dara

ANKA Asser Classes: General Dara MANDT / ANLKL
ANKF Asser Classes: Fld Conr Dpndnr on
Charr of Depreciarion
ANKT Asser Classes: Descriprion MANDT / SFRAS / ANLKL
ANKV Asser Classes: Insurance Types MANDT / ANLKL / VRSLFD
ANLA Asser Masrer Record Segmenr MANDT / BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2
ANLB Depreciarion Terms MANDT / BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 /

ANLU Asser Masrer Record User Fields .INCLUDE / MANDT / BUKRS / ANLN1
ANLW InsuraLle Values (Year Dependenr) MANDT / BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 /
ANLX Asser Masrer Record Segmenr MANDT / BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2
ANLZ Time Dependenr Asser Allocarions MANDT / BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 /
FI FI FI FI- -- -AA AA AA AA- -- -AA (AA2) AA (AA2) AA (AA2) AA (AA2) Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions
Masrer Dara Masrer Dara Masrer Dara Masrer Dara 2.0

FI FI FI FI- -- -AA AA AA AA- -- -AA (AB) AA (AB) AA (AB) AA (AB) Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions Asser Accounring: Basic Funcrions
Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring Asser Accounring

ANEK Documenr Header Asser Fosring MANDT / BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 /
ANEF Asser Line Irems MANDT / BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 /
ANEV Asser Dovnpymr Serrlemenr MANDT / BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 /
ANKB Asser Class: Depreciarion Area MANDT / ANLKL / AFAFL / AFABE /
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 224
ANLC Asser value Fields MANDT / BUKRS / ANLN1 / ANLN2 /
ANLH Main Asser NumLer MANDT / BUKRS / ANLN1
ANLF Asser Feriodic Values MANDT / BUKRS / GJAHR / FERAF /
Special Furpose Ledger: Validarion, Special Furpose Ledger: Validarion, Special Furpose Ledger: Validarion, Special Furpose Ledger: Validarion,
SuLsrirurion and Rules SuLsrirurion and Rules SuLsrirurion and Rules SuLsrirurion and Rules

GB03 Validarion / SuLsrirurion User VALUSER
GB92 SuLsrirurions MANDT / SUBSTID
GB93 Validarion MANDT / VALID
Conrrolling Conrrolling Conrrolling Conrrolling

AUSF Characrerisric Values MANDT / OBJEK / ATINN / ATZHL /
CO CO CO CO- -- -KBAS KBAS KBAS KBAS Overhead Cosr Conrrolling Overhead Cosr Conrrolling Overhead Cosr Conrrolling Overhead Cosr Conrrolling
A132 Frice per Cosr Cenrer MANDT / KAFFL / KSCHL / KOKRS /
A136 Frice per Conrrolling Area MANDT / KAFFL / KSCHL / KOKRS /
A137 Frice per Counrry / Region MANDT / KAFFL / KSCHL / KOKRS /
COSC CO OLjecrs: Assignmenr of Original
Cosring Sheers
CSSK Cosr Cenrer / Cosr Elemenr MANDT / VERSN / KOKRS / GJAHR /
CSSL Cosr Cenrer / Acriviry Type MANDT / KOKRS / KOSTL / LSTAR /

CO CO CO CO- -- -KBASCORE KBASCORE KBASCORE KBASCORE Overhead Cosr Conrrolling: General Overhead Cosr Conrrolling: General Overhead Cosr Conrrolling: General Overhead Cosr Conrrolling: General
Services Services Services Services

CSKA Cosr Elemenrs (Dara Dependenr on
Charr of Accounrs)
CSKB Cosr Elemenrs (Dara Dependenr on
Conrrolling Area)
CSKS Cosr Cenrer Masrer Dara MANDT / KOKRS / KOSTL / DATBI
Overhead Cosr Conrrolling Overhead Cosr Conrrolling Overhead Cosr Conrrolling Overhead Cosr Conrrolling
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 225
COBK CO OLjecr: Documenr Header MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR
COEJ CO OLjecr: Line Irems (Ly Fiscal
COEJL CO OLjecr: Line Irems for Acriviry
Types (Ly Fiscal Yr)
COEJR CO OLjecr: Line Irems for SKF (Ly
Fiscal Year)
COEJT CO OLjecr: Line Irems for Frices (Ly
Fiscal Year)
COEF CO OLjecr: Line Irems (Ly Feriod) MANDT / KOKRS / BELNR / BUZEI
COEFL CO OLjecr: Line Irems for Acriviry
Types (Ly Feriod)
COEFR CO OLjecr: Line Irems for SKF (Ly
COEFT CO OLjecr: Line Irems for Frices (Ly
COKA CO OLjecr: Conrrol Dara for Cosr
COKL CO OLjecr: Conrrol Dara for
Acriviry Types
COKF CO OLjecr: Conrrol Dara for
Frimary Flanning
COKR CO OLjecr: Conrrol Dara for
Srarisrical Key Figures
COKS CO OLjecr: Conrrol Dara for
Secondary Flanning
Cosr Elemenr Accounring Cosr Elemenr Accounring Cosr Elemenr Accounring Cosr Elemenr Accounring
(Reconciliarion Led (Reconciliarion Led (Reconciliarion Led (Reconciliarion Ledger) ger) ger) ger)

COFI01 OLjecr TaLle for Reconciliarion
Ledger COFIT
COFI02 Transacrion Dependenr Fields for
Reconciliarion Ledger
COFIF Single Flan Irems for Reconciliarion
COFIS Acrual Line Irems for Reconciliarion

CO CO CO CO- -- -OM OM OM OM- -- -CCA CCA CCA CCA Cosr Cenrer Accounring (Cosr Cosr Cenrer Accounring (Cosr Cosr Cenrer Accounring (Cosr Cosr Cenrer Accounring (Cosr
Accounring Flanning RK Accounring Flanning RK Accounring Flanning RK Accounring Flanning RK- -- -S) S) S) S) Whar Whar Whar Whar
is RK is RK is RK is RK- -- -S SS S

A138 Frice per Company Code MANDT / KAFFL / KSCHL / KOKRS /
Configuration of FICO Modules
Confidential Page 226
A139 Frice per Frofir Cenrer MANDT / KAFFL / KSCHL / KOKRS /
Overhead Orders: Applicarion Overhead Orders: Applicarion Overhead Orders: Applicarion Overhead Orders: Applicarion
Developmenr R/3 Cosr Accounring Developmenr R/3 Cosr Accounring Developmenr R/3 Cosr Accounring Developmenr R/3 Cosr Accounring
Serrlemenr Serrlemenr Serrlemenr Serrlemenr

AUAA Serrlemenr Documenr: Receiver
AUAB Serrlemenr Documenr: DisrriLurion
AUAI Serrlemenr Rules per Depreciarion
AUAK Documenr Header for Serrlemenr MANDT / BELNR
AUAO Documenr Segmenr: CO OLjecrs ro
Le Serrled
AUAV Documenr Segmenr: Transacrions MANDT / BELNR / LFDNR
COBRA Serrlemenr Rule for Order
COBRB DisrriLurion Rules Serrlemenr Rule
Order Serrlemenr
Overhead Orders: Cosr Accounring Overhead Orders: Cosr Accounring Overhead Orders: Cosr Accounring Overhead Orders: Cosr Accounring
Orders Orders Orders Orders

AUFK Order Masrer Dara MANDT / AUFNR
AUFLAY0 Enrriry TaLle: Order Layours MANDT / LAYOUT
EC EC EC EC- -- -FCA (KE1) FCA (KE1) FCA (KE1) FCA (KE1)
Frofir Cenrer Accounring Frofir Cenrer Accounring Frofir Cenrer Accounring Frofir Cenrer Accounring
CEFC Frofir Cenrer Masrer Dara TaLle MANDT / FRCTR / DATBI / KOKRS
CEFCT Texrs for Frofir Cenrer Masrer Dara MANDT / SFRAS / FRCTR / DATBI /
CEFC_BUKRS Assignmenr of Frofir Cenrer ro a
Company Code
GLFCC EC-FCA: Transacrion ArrriLures MANDT / OBJNR
GLFCO EC-FCA: OLjecr TaLle for Accounr
Assignmenr Elemenr

(KE1C) (KE1C) (KE1C) (KE1C)
FCA Basic Serrings: Cusromizing for FCA Basic Serrings: Cusromizing for FCA Basic Serrings: Cusromizing for FCA Basic Serrings: Cusromizing for
Frofir Cenrer Accounring Frofir Cenrer Accounring Frofir Cenrer Accounring Frofir Cenrer Accounring

A141 Dependenr on Marerial and
Receiver Frofir Cenrer
A142 Dependenr on Marerial MANDT / KAFFL / KSCHL / WERKS /
A143 Dependenr on Marerial Group MANDT / KAFFL / KSCHL / WERKS /

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