Feedback Form

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Training Evaluation Sheet

We are always keen to receive your views on the training we deliver. The feedback you give allows us to continually adapt training to better suit your needs. We would appreciate it if you could spend a few minutes filling in this form before you leave (please hand it to the trainer when youve finished). All feedback will be treated in the strictest of confidence. Title of training course: _________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Name of Trainer(s): ______________________________________________________________________ Room: _________________ Degree Course: _________________________________

Poor Overall er!ict Training "tructure Training Content "ession #engt$ Trainer(s) Pace of Training Exercises % &ames ' $a! fun ' learnt somet$ing useful '(m gla! ' came )$at !i! *ou li+e a,out t$e course1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Excellent/ Useful " " " " " " " " " "

)$at !o *ou t$in+ coul! ,e im.rove!-

Outline / t$ings t$at *ou 0ill ta+e 0it$ *ou/$ave learnt in t$is session

Do *ou $ave an* suggestions for ne0 sessions- ('f so1 .lease give !etails an! if *ou 0oul! li+e to ,e contacte! a,out t$is i!ea .lease inclu!e *our email a!!ress)

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