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Procedure: To be done with each trial: 1. Label a boiling tube R, weigh and record its mass. 2.

Label a boiling tube P, weigh it with a boiling chip and record the mass. 3. Separately measure out the respective weights of zinc and iodide. Add these to the R tube 4. Measure out the required amount of acetic acid using a graduated cylinder and add it to the R tube. 5. Vigorously swirl the R tube until it turns clear and returns to room temperature. 6. Decant the solution from R into the P tube. 7. Wash the metal in R with acetic acid and add the wash solution to P. Do this three times. 8. Rinse the granular zinc in R three times with regular tap water. 9. Dry the R tube over a Bunsen burner to remove excess moisture. Then record the mass. 10. Heat the P tube over a Bunsen burner, swirling constantly, until a white solid forms. 11. When the P tube cools, cork it and place it in a bag of desiccant to avoid absorption of water. 12. Once completely cooled, weigh the P tube containing zinc iodide. 13. Once all the trials have been completed, compile data and plot a graph of reacting zinc vs reacting iodine.

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