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Lab 1.5.

3: Challenge Router Configuration (Instructor Version)

Topology iagra!

"##ressing Table
e$ice R1 R/ %C1 %C/ Interface +a,-, &,-,-, +a,-, &,-,-, .IC .IC I% "##ress &ubnet 'as( efault )ate*ay .-" .-" .-" .-"

Learning 0b1ecti$es
Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to: ubnet an a!!"ess space #i$en "e%ui"ements. &ssi#n app"op"iate a!!"esses to inte"faces an! !ocument. 'able a netwo"( acco"!in# to the )opolo#y *ia#"am. +"ase the sta"tup confi#u"ation an! "eloa! a "oute" to the !efault state. ,e"fo"m basic confi#u"ation tas(s on a "oute". 'onfi#u"e an! acti$ate e"ial an! +the"net inte"faces. )est an! $e"ify confi#u"ations. -eflect upon an! !ocument the netwo"( implementation.

.n this lab acti$ity, you will !esi#n an! apply an ., a!!"essin# scheme fo" the topolo#y shown in the )opolo#y *ia#"am. /ou will be #i$en one class ' a!!"ess that you must subnet to p"o$i!e a lo#ical a!!"essin# scheme fo" the netwo"(. /ou must fi"st cable the netwo"( as shown befo"e the confi#u"ation can be#in. 0nce the netwo"( is cable!, confi#u"e each !e$ice with the app"op"iate basic confi#u"ation comman!s. )he "oute"s will then be "ea!y fo" inte"face a!!"ess confi#u"ation acco"!in# to you" ., a!!"essin# scheme. 1hen the confi#u"ation is complete, use the app"op"iate .0 comman!s to $e"ify that the netwo"( is wo"(in# p"ope"ly. .ote: Use classful subnettin# fo" this lab.

&ll contents a"e 'opy"i#ht 2 199232004 'isco ystems, .nc. &ll "i#hts "ese"$e!. )his !ocument is 'isco ,ublic .nfo"mation.

,a#e 1 of 5

''5& +6plo"ation -outin# ,"otocols an! 'oncepts: .nt"o!uction to -outin# an! ,ac(et 7o"wa"!in#

8ab 1.5.3: 'hallen#e -oute" 'onfi#u"ation

Tas( 1: &ubnet the "##ress &pace.

&tep 1: 23a!ine the net*or( re4uire!ents. /ou ha$e been #i$en the a!!"ess space to use in you" netwo"( !esi#n. )he netwo"( consists of the followin# se#ments: )he netwo"( connecte! to "oute" -1 will "e%ui"e enou#h ., a!!"esses to suppo"t 20 hosts. )he netwo"( connecte! to "oute" -2 will "e%ui"e enou#h ., a!!"esses to suppo"t 20 hosts. )he lin( between "oute" -1 an! "oute" -2 will "e%ui"e ., a!!"esses at each en! of the lin(.

:.ote: -emembe" that the inte"faces of netwo"( !e$ices a"e also host ., a!!"esses an! a"e inclu!e! in the abo$e a!!"essin# scheme.; &tep /: Consi#er the follo*ing 4uestions *hen creating your net*or( #esign. <ow many subnets a"e nee!e! fo" this netwo"(= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 1hat is the subnet mas( fo" this netwo"( in !otte! !ecimal fo"mat= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1hat is the subnet mas( fo" the netwo"( in slash fo"mat= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 924 <ow many usable hosts a"e the"e pe" subnet= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 30 &tep 3: "ssign subnet*or( a##resses to the Topology iagra!. 1. &ssi#n the fi"st subnet :lowest subnet; to the netwo"( attache! to -1. 2. &ssi#n the secon! subnet to the lin( between -1 an! -2. 3. &ssi#n the thi"! subnet to the netwo"( attache! to -2.

Tas( /:

eter!ine Interface "##resses.

&tep 1: "ssign appropriate a##resses to the #e$ice interfaces. 1. &ssi#n the fi"st $ali! host a!!"ess in fi"st subnet to the 8&5 inte"face on -1. 2. &ssi#n the last $ali! host a!!"ess in fi"st subnet to ,'1. 3. &ssi#n the fi"st $ali! host a!!"ess in secon! subnet to the 1&5 inte"face on -1. 4. &ssi#n the last $ali! host a!!"ess in secon! subnet to the 1&5 inte"face on -2. 5. &ssi#n the fi"st $ali! host a!!"ess in thi"! subnet to the 8&5 inte"face of -2. 6. &ssi#n the last $ali! host a!!"ess in thi"! subnet to ,'2. 5ote: )he fou"th :hi#hest; subnet is not "e%ui"e! in this lab.

&ll contents a"e 'opy"i#ht 2 199232004 'isco ystems, .nc. &ll "i#hts "ese"$e!. )his !ocument is 'isco ,ublic .nfo"mation.

,a#e 2 of 5

''5& +6plo"ation -outin# ,"otocols an! 'oncepts: .nt"o!uction to -outin# an! ,ac(et 7o"wa"!in#

8ab 1.5.3: 'hallen#e -oute" 'onfi#u"ation

&tep /: ocu!ent the a##resses to be use# in the table pro$i#e# un#er the Topology iagra!.

Tas( 3: %repare the .et*or(

&tep 1: Cable a net*or( that is si!ilar to the one in the Topology iagra!. /ou can use any cu""ent "oute" in you" lab as lon# as it has the "e%ui"e! inte"faces as shown in the topolo#y. &tep /: Clear any e3isting configurations on the routers.

Tas( 5: %erfor! 6asic Router Configurations.

,e"fo"m basic confi#u"ation of the -1 an! -2 "oute"s acco"!in# to the followin# #ui!elines: 1. 'onfi#u"e the "oute" hostname. 2. *isable *5 loo(up. 3. 'onfi#u"e an +?+' mo!e passwo"!. 4. 'onfi#u"e a messa#e@of@the@!ay banne". 5. 'onfi#u"e a passwo"! fo" console connections. 6. 'onfi#u"e a passwo"! fo" A)/ connections.

Tas( 5: Configure an# "cti$ate &erial an# 2thernet "##resses.

&tep 1: Configure the router interfaces. 'onfi#u"e the inte"faces on the -1 an! -2 "oute"s with the ., a!!"esses f"om you" netwo"( !esi#n. 1hen you ha$e finishe!, be su"e to sa$e the "unnin# confi#u"ation to the 5A-&B of the "oute". &tep /: Configure the %C interfaces. 'onfi#u"e the +the"net inte"faces of ,'1 an! ,'2 with the ., a!!"esses an! !efault #ateways f"om you" netwo"( !esi#n.

Tas( 7: Verify the Configurations.

&nswe" the followin# %uestions to $e"ify that the netwo"( is ope"atin# as e6pecte!. 7"om the host attache! to -1, is it possible to pin# the !efault #ateway= >>>>>>>>>> 7"om the host attache! to -2, is it possible to pin# the !efault #ateway= >>>>>>>>>> 7"om the "oute" -1, is it possible to pin# the e"ial 09090 inte"face of -2= >>>>>>>>>> 7"om the "oute" -2, is it possible to pin# the e"ial 09090 inte"face of -1= >>>>>>>>>> &nswe"s: &ll answe"s shoul! be yes. )he answe" to the abo$e %uestions shoul! be yes. .f any of the abo$e pin#s faile!, chec( you" physical connections an! confi#u"ations. .f necessa"y, "efe" to 8ab 1.5.2, CDasic -oute" 'onfi#u"ation.E 1hat is the status of the 7ast+the"net 090 inte"face of -1= >>>>>>>>>>>>> 1hat is the status of the e"ial 09090 inte"face of -1= >>>>>>>>>>>>>
&ll contents a"e 'opy"i#ht 2 199232004 'isco ystems, .nc. &ll "i#hts "ese"$e!. )his !ocument is 'isco ,ublic .nfo"mation. ,a#e 3 of 5

''5& +6plo"ation -outin# ,"otocols an! 'oncepts: .nt"o!uction to -outin# an! ,ac(et 7o"wa"!in#

8ab 1.5.3: 'hallen#e -oute" 'onfi#u"ation

1hat is the status of the 7ast+the"net 090 inte"face of -2= >>>>>>>>>>>>> 1hat is the status of the e"ial 09090 inte"face of -2= >>>>>>>>>>>>> &ll inte"faces shoul! be up an! up.

&ll contents a"e 'opy"i#ht 2 199232004 'isco ystems, .nc. &ll "i#hts "ese"$e!. )his !ocument is 'isco ,ublic .nfo"mation.

,a#e 4 of 5

''5& +6plo"ation -outin# ,"otocols an! 'oncepts: .nt"o!uction to -outin# an! ,ac(et 7o"wa"!in#

8ab 1.5.3: 'hallen#e -oute" 'onfi#u"ation

1hat "outes a"e p"esent in the "outin# table of -1= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ' ' is !i"ectly connecte!, e"ial09090 is !i"ectly connecte!, 7ast+the"net090

1hat "outes a"e p"esent in the "outin# table of -2= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ' ' is !i"ectly connecte!, 7ast+the"net090 is !i"ectly connecte!, e"ial09090

Tas( 8: Reflection
&"e the"e any !e$ices on the netwo"( that cannot pin# each othe"= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -1 cannot pin# the 7ast+the"net inte"face on -2. 1hat is missin# f"om the netwo"( that is p"e$entin# communication between these !e$ices= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> &fte" "ea!in# the chapte" te6t, the stu!ent shoul! be able to state that this netwo"( is missin# eithe" static o" !ynamic "outin# :o" bothF;.

Tas( 9:

ocu!ent the Router Configurations.

-unnin# confi#u"ation -outin# table umma"y of status info"mation fo" each inte"face

0n each "oute", captu"e the followin# comman! output to a te6t :.t6t; file an! sa$e fo" futu"e "efe"ence.

&ll contents a"e 'opy"i#ht 2 199232004 'isco ystems, .nc. &ll "i#hts "ese"$e!. )his !ocument is 'isco ,ublic .nfo"mation.

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