Complaint For Legal Separation - 2003

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RICARDO M. REYES, Defendant x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x

COMPLAINT Plaintiff, through the undersigned ounsel, and to this !onora"le Court, #ost respe tfull$ states that: 1. Plaintiff is of legal age, #arried to defendant %i ardo &. %e$es, Filipino

iti'en, (ith residen e and postal address at )*+ & ,inle$ %oad, -ista %eal, .rg$. .atasan, Co##on(ealth /venue, Que'on Cit$, (here she #a$ "e served (ith su##ons and pro ess of this !onora"le Court0 2. 1efendant is li2e(ise of legal age, Filipino iti'en, (ith residen e and postal address at )13 4verest %oad, & ,inle$ !ill, .rg$. Pasong Puti2, 5aguig Cit$, (here he #a$ "e served (ith su##ons and pro ess of this !onora"le Court0 *. Plaintiff is legall$ #arried to the defendant on 6une 2+, 2003 in the Cit$ of &anila0 ertified op$ of their &arriage Contra t issued "$ the National Statisti s 7ffi e is hereto atta hed as /nne8 9A: hereof and (as #ade as integral part of the Co#plaint0 ;. 5hat, out of the #arriage, t(o <2= hildren (ere "orn, na#el$, /rnold %e$es, no( four $ears old and (as "orn on 6une 12, 200> and 6ani e %e$es, (ho (as "orn on 1e e#"er 1*, 20110 ertified opies of their Certifi ate of Live .irth are hereto atta hed as /nne8 B;

+. 7n 1e e#"er 2*, 201*, plaintiff in identall$ found a letter in her hus"and?s ta"le at ho#e. 5his letter, (ritten "$ her hus"and, parts of this letter is @uoted as follo(s: 9A love (hat happened last (ee2, hope to see $ou again #$ love.: 5his letter (as signed "$ ertain %a hel0 op$ of the aforesaid letter is hereto atta hed as /nne8 C and (as #ade as integral part hereof0 B. 5hat "e ause of this letter, plaintiff #ade suspi ions. 7n 6anuar$ B, 201;, (hile her hus"and (as in the provin e, for so#e "usiness, she (ent to his offi e. She i##ediatel$ he 2s his ta"le and a"inet, and (ent over his re ords and do u#ent. Plaintiff found another letter. 5his letter, apparentl$, a#e fro# the (o#an he (as tal2ing to in his letter. 5he #aterial ontent of this letter ard is @uoted as follo(s: 95han2 $ou, A had a ni e da$. Cive #e a ring soon.:. Cop$ of the aforesaid letter is hereto atta hed as /nne8 9D: and (as #ade as an integral part hereof0 D. 7n 6anuar$ 1+, 201;, a personal friend of the plaintiff na#ed Sarah Ceroni#o infor#ed her that she sa( plaintiff?s hus"and in Pasa$ Cit$, (ith a (o#an, around 2+ $ears old, "eautiful, long-legged and #orena, and that her hus"and telephone and infor# the latter (hat she sa(0 3. 5hat, fro# that ti#e, plaintiff reali'ed as to (h$ her hus"and (as a ting strangel$ for the last three #onths. !e al(a$s a#e late at night and "us$ doing things (hi h she haven?t o"served "efore. !e (as al(a$s on ellphone, onversing or te8ting0 >. Confronted (ith this situation, on 1e e#"er +, 201*, plaintiff de ided to follo( her hus"and pretending that she (ill go shopping. At (as a"out 2:00 o? lo 2 in the afternoon plaintiff sa( her hus"and together (ith a (o#an, and that, the$ "oth "oarded plaintiff hus"and?s ar and (ent inside -i toria Court in Pasa$ Cit$0 10. Sho 2ed and trau#ati'ed of (hat she has found out, plaintiff ould not do so#ething other than to r$ and pitied herself so #u h so to point of she ending her o(n life0 11. 5hat, "e ause of su h "etra$al and infidelit$ of her hus"and despite the love and devotion she sho(ed hi# and their fa#il$, plaintiff de ided to leave their fa#il$ a"ode, "ringing (ith her their t(o <2= #inor hildren, and no( te#poraril$ live (ith her parents0 12. 5hat, plaintiff and the defendant presentl$ o(n t(o par els of land, (ith i#prove#ents e8isting thereon overed "$ 5ransfer Certifi ate of 5itle Nos. 12*; and *;+B, and the first propert$ serves as their fa#il$ ho#e0 op$ of the afore#entioned and his lad$ o#panion (as a"out to enter Sofitel. Plaintiff?s friend i##ediatel$ alled her through a

5ransfer Certifi ates of 5itle are hereto atta hed as /nne8es 94: and 9F: and (ere #ade as integral part hereof0 1*. Finall$, plaintiff de ided to per#anentl$ separate her hus"and, hen e the filing of the su"Ee t o#plaint for legal separation. WHEREFORE, pre#ises onsidered, it is #ost respe tfull$ pra$ed unto this

!onora"le Court that, after due noti e and hearing, Eudg#ent "e rendered as follo(s: a. Cranting this o#plaint for Legal Separation under the Fa#il$ Code on the ground of se8ual Anfidelit$. ". /(arding to the plaintiff, legal ustod$ of their t(o <2= #inor hildren0 . a 1issolving the regi#e of propert$ and distri"uting these propert$ in

ordan e (ith the e8isting la(s. 7ther relief Eust and e@uita"le in the pre#ises are li2e(ise pra$ed for. Que'on Cit$, 6anuar$ 2*, 201;.

ASTIG AND ANGAS LAW OFFICES No. 0210 5a#"u ho Street, Que'on Cit$ 5elefa8: *;+-BD3>. .$: ATTY. TIGASIN T. ASTIG A.P No. 12*;+BF01.0+.1*FQC P5% No. DB+;*2F01.0+.1*FQC &CL4 Co#plian e No. A-G12*;+ Per Certifi ation dated /pril 2>, 201*

REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) QUEZON CITY) . . !ERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF NON"FORUM SHOPPING A, Loreta %e$es, of legal age, do here"$ state that: 1. A a# the plaintiff in this present ase0 2. A have read its ontents and affir# that the$ are true and orre t to the "est of #$ on(n personal 2no(ledge0 *. A attest to the authenti it$ of the anne8es thereof0 ;. A here"$ ertif$ that there is no other ase o##en ed or pending "efore an$ ourt involving the sa#e parties and the sa#e issue0 +. Should A learn of su h a ase, A shall notif$ the ourt (ithin five <+= da$s fro# #$ noti e. AN HA5N4SS H!4%47F, A have signed this instru#ent on 6anuar$ 2*, 201;.

Loreta %e$es /ffiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to "efore #e this 2*rd da$ of 6anuar$ 201; in Que'on Cit$, Philippines, affiant having e8hi"ited to #e her professional driver?s li ense, )/2*;+B, issued 6anuar$ 11, 200>, to e8pire 1e . 11, 201;0 her Co##unit$ 5a8 Certifi ate nu#"ered 12*;+B, issued on Nove#"er 1+, 2012 at Cit$, Philippines.

A##$. P%&'()(* N*#+,(* Notar$ Pu"li for Pasa$ Cit$ Intil 1e e#"er *1, 201; Co##ission No. &-1;*1 P5% No. 000021110 1F0*F1*0 Pasa$ Cit$ Lifeti#e A.P No. 2*;+1B, Pasa$ Cit$, %oll No. B+;**2 1o . No. JJJJJJJJJ Page No. JJJJJJJJJ .oo2 No. JJJJJJJJJ

Series of 201;

REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES NATIONAL CAPITAL JUDICIAL REGION REGIONAL TRIAL COURT QUEZON CITY BRANCH -. LORETA A. REYES, Plaintiff -versusRICARDO M. REYES, Defendant x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x Civil Case No. Q-0210010 For: Legal Separation

ANSWER 14F4N1/N5, through the undersigned ounsel, and to this !onora"le Court, "$ (a$ of /ns(er to the Co#plaint, #ost respe tfull$ avers that: 1. 1efendant /1&A5S the allegations ontained in paragraphs 1, 2, * and ; of the Co#plaint0 2. 1efendant spe ifi all$ 14NA4S the allegations ontained in paragraphs + and B of the Co#plaint for la 2 of personal 2no(ledge, the truth of the #atter "eing those ontained in the /ffir#ative 1efenses herein"elo( stated0 *. 1efendant spe ifi all$ 14NA4S the allegations ontained in paragraph D of

the Co#plaint for la 2 of personal 2no(ledge ;. 1efendant spe ifi all$ 14NA4S the allegations ontained in paragraph 3 for

la 2 of personal 2no(ledge0 +. 1efendant partiall$ /1&A5S the allegations ontained in paragraph > of the Co#plaint, onl$ in so far as to the fa t that on 1e e#"er +, 201*, she (as then together (ith a (o#an a"out to enter -i toria Court in Pasa$ Cit$, su"Ee t to @ualifi ation herein "elo( stated0

B. 1efendant spe ifi all$ 14NA4S the allegations ontained in paragraphs 10 and 11 of the Co#plaint for la 2 of personal 2no(ledge D. Co#plaint0 -as and "$ (a$ of /ffir#ative 1efenses3. 14F4N1/N5 here"$ reiterates the allegations ontained in the pre eding paragraphs and further avers that: >. allegations onEe tures0 10. 5hat, defendant in this ase is a poli e offi er and presentl$ assigned in the Anvestigating Init of the Pasa$ Cit$ Poli e 1istri t (ith offi e address at &. %e$es Street, Pasa$ Cit$0 11. 5hat, defendant together (ith other #e#"ers of the Anvestigation Init are presentl$ investigating ri#e involving illegal transa tions of prohi"ited drugs proliferating in the vi init$ of Pasa$ Cit$ and adEoining ities0 1*. 5hat, on 1e e#"er +, 201* at around 2:00 o? lo 2 in the afternoon, he (as a o#panied "$ SP72 &arissa .. Car ia and SP7* Carlos 5. Cru', and (as then tailing a #an and a (o#an posing as hus"and and (ife, "ut (ere a tuall$ engaged in the selling and distri"ution of prohi"ited drugs0 5hat, said suspe ts, after sensing that the$ (ere "eing follo(ed, i##ediatel$ entered -i toria Court in Pasa$ Cit$, o#panions to follo( said suspe ts0 Infortunatel$, defendant and his o#panions lost sights of said suspe ts (hen the$ entered the afore#entioned esta"lish#ent, onstraining the# to i##ediatel$ leave the pla e0 5hat, even "efore their #arriage, plaintiff (ell-2ne( the nature of profession of the defendant and engage in the investigation of heinous ri#es and su h other ri#es involving drugs0 !en e, there is no truth to all the allegations ontained in the Co#plaint, the allegations ontained therein has no fa tual "asis and "ased solel$ on heresa$, spe ulations and onEe tures. Cop$ of a Certifi ation issued "$ the Pasa$ Cit$ Poli e 1istri t dated 1e e#"er 2, 201* and /ffidavits of Hitnesses, na#el$, SP72 &arissa onstraining defendant and his t(o <2= Plaintiff has no valid ause of a tion as against the defendants, the 1efendant /1&A5S the allegations ontained in paragraph 12 of the

ontained therein "eing purel$ "ased on heresa$, spe ulations and

Car ia and SP7* Carlos 5. Cru' are hereto atta hed as /nne8es 9/:, 9.: and 9C: hereof and (ere #ade as integral part hereof0 WHEREFORE, pre#ises onsidered, defendant #ost respe tfull$ pra$s that the su"Ee t Co#plaint BE DISMISSED for utter la 2 of #erit. 7ther relief Eust and e@uita"le in the pre#ises are li2e(ise pra$ed for. Que'on Cit$, 6anuar$ 2+, 201;.

CRUZ AND SALAZAR LAW OFFICES No. 1*> &ala2as Street, 1ili#an, Que'on Cit$ 5elefa8: *;+-BD3>. .$: ATTY. ARNULFO /. SALAZAR A.P No. *;+BDF01.0+.1*FQC P5% No. BD3>10>F01.0+.1*FQC &CL4 Co#plian e No. A-G+;*21 Per Certifi ation dated /pril 21, 201*

REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) QUEZON CITY) . . !ERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF NON"FORUM SHOPPING A, %i ardo %e$es, after having "een dul$ s(orn in a ordan e (ith la(, deposes and states that: 1. A a# the defendant in the instant ase of Legal Separation0 2. A have read the foregoing o#plaint and the allegations therein are true and orre t of #$ o(n 2no(ledge andFor "ased on authenti re ords on hand0 *. A attest to the authenti it$ of the anne8es thereof. %i ardo %e$es 1efendant

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to "efore #e this 2+th da$ of 6anuar$ 201; in Que'on Cit$, Philippines, affiant having e8hi"ited to #e her professional driver?s li ense, )/2*;+B, issued 6anuar$ 11, 2012, to e8pire 1e . 11, 201+0 her Co##unit$ 5a8 Certifi ate nu#"ered 12*;+B, issued on 6anuar$ 0B, 201; at Que'on Cit$, Philippines.

A##$. P%&'()(* N*#+,(* Notar$ Pu"li for Pasa$ Cit$ Intil 1e e#"er *1, 201; Co##ission No. &-1;*1 P5% No. 000021110 1F0*F1*0 Pasa$ Cit$ Lifeti#e A.P No. 2*;+1B, Pasa$ Cit$, %oll No. B+;**2 1o . No. JJJJJJJJJ Page No. JJJJJJJJJ .oo2 No. JJJJJJJJJ Series of 201;

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