If Sentences Mixed

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CHOOSE THE CORRECT TENSE OF THE VERB FOR EACH SENTENCE 1. If I...(be) you, I would never talk to him again. 2. If he.(study) enough, he could have passed the exam. 3. She would have been in Paris now if there...(be) no delay ! 4. If I see him today, I ....(tell) him to bring my books back. 5. What would you do if you.(see) a snake in the classroom? 6. If he...(break/not) his left leg, he could have played football in the match this evening. 7. If water is heated up to 100 centigrade, it ..(boil). 8. My father..(kill) me if I..(fail) my courses! 9. If I (see) the president now, I would tell him to stop the war. 10. If you.(not/study) hard, you will fail for sure! 11. She may forgive you if you(go) and .(talk) to her. 12. If he had not smoked too much, he...(be) alive now. 13. If you (do) that again, I will have to call the police! 14. Where would you like to live if you ..(have) the chance to choose? 15. If I..(be) you, I would sit and study now for the tomorrows exam! 16. If they ..(not/drink) so much alcohol, they would not have had that terrible accident. But it is too late now! 17. If you put some water into a freezer, it.(freeze). 18. She will buy me a pair of sneakers if she(go) shopping today. 19. If you had put some sun cream on, your shoulders(not/be) so sun burnt now. 20. If she.(be) in London now, she would be visiting the Madam Tussauds museum.

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