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Human Resource Management

1.1 Meaning. Human resource management (HRM, or simply HR) is the management of an organization's workforce, or human resources. It is responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of employees, while also overseeing organizational leadership and culture and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws. In circumstances where employees desire and are legally authorized to hold a collective bargaining agreement, HR will also serve as the company's primary liaison with the employees' representatives (usually a labor union). 1.2 History HR spawned from the human relations movement, which began in the early 20th century due to work by Frederick Taylor (1856-1915). Taylor explored what he termed "scientific management" (later referred to by others as "Taylorism"), striving to improve economic efficiency in manufacturing jobs. He eventually keyed in on one of the principal inputs into the manufacturing processlaborsparking inquiry into workforce productivity.[1] The movement was formalized[when?] following the research of Elton Mayo and others, whose Hawthorne studies (1924-1932) serendipitously documented how stimuli unrelated to financial compensation and working conditionsattention and engagementyielded more productive workers.[2] Contemporaneous work by Abraham Maslow, Kurt Lewin, Max Weber (18641920), Frederick Herzberg, and David McClelland (1917-1998) formed the basis for studies in organizational behavior and organizational theory, giving room for an applied discipline.

1.3 Birth and evolution of the discipline By the time enough theoretical evidence existed to make a business case for strategic workforce management, changes in the business landscape ( la Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller) and in public policy (a l Sidney and

Beatrice Webb, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal) had transformed the employer-employee relationship, and the discipline was formalized as "industrial and labor relations". In 1913, one of the oldest known professional HR associationsthe Chartered Institute of Personnel and Developmentwas founded in England as the Welfare Workers' Association, then changed its name a decade later to the Institute of Industrial Welfare Workers, and again the next decade to Institute of Labour Management before settling upon its current name.[3] Likewise in the United States, the world's first institution of higher education dedicated to workplace studiesthe School of Industrial and Labor Relationswas formed at Cornell University in 1945.[4] During the latter half of the 20th century, union membership declined significantly, while workforce management continued to expand its influence within organizations. "Industrial and labor relations" began being used to refer specifically to issues concerning collective representation, and many companies began referring to the profession as "personnel administration". In 1948, what would later become the largest professional HR associationthe Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)was founded as the American Society for Personnel Administration (ASPA).[5] Nearing the 21st century, advances in transportation and communications greatly facilitated workforce mobility and collaboration. Corporations began viewing employees as assets rather than as cogs in a machine. "Human resources management", consequently, became the dominant term for the functionthe ASPA even changing its name to SHRM in 1998.[5] "Human capital management" is sometimes used synonymously with HR, although human capital typically refers to a more narrow view of human resources; i.e., the knowledge the individuals embody and can contribute to an organization. Likewise, other terms sometimes used to describe the field include "organizational management", "manpower management", "talent management", "personnel management", and simply "people management".

2.Human Resource Department

Departments are the entities organizations form to organize people, reporting relationships, and work in a way that best supports the accomplishment of the

organization's goals. Departments are usually organized by functions such as human resources, marketing, administration, and sales. But, a department can be organized in any way that makes sense for the customer. Departments can also be organized by customer, by product, or by region of the world.

The forward thinking human resource department is devoted to providing effective policies, procedures, and people-friendly guidelines and support within companies. Additionally, the human resource function serves to make sure that the company mission, vision, values or guiding principles, the company metrics, and the factors that keep the company guided toward success are optimized.

The most common Human Resource jobs that are grouped in the Human Resource Department are the Human Resources Director, Human Resources Generalist, and Human Resources Assistant. Additionally, some organizations have a Vice President of Human Resources and employees who are organized around providing a specific component of Human Resource services including compensation, training, organization development, and safety. 2.1 Objective There are also some objectives for which HRM performs its aforesaid functions in an organization. Some of the objectives are as follows:

1. To achieve the organizational goals and objectives. 2. To ensure employee satisfaction at every level. 3. To instill team spirit in employees. 4. To explore employees capabilities for performing a given job. 5. To ensure maintaining the quality of work life.

6. To respect the employees as individuals and also respect their individual career goals. 7. To equip the employees with proper resources. 8. To keep the employees motivated. 9. To encourage the feeling of organizational loyalty in employees. 10. To ensure a positive environment of mutual trust and understanding in the organization.

2.2 Importance For small businesses and large conglomerates alike, the human resources or personnel function can be helpful for much more than simply processing payroll or handling the open enrollment season once a year. Human resources plays an essential role in developing a company's strategy as well as handling the employee-centered activities of an organization
1.Human Capital Value

Having an in-house human resources function is important. An in-house human resources staff or a human resources expert on staff can increase the understanding of how important human capital is to the company's bottom line. For small businesses, in particular, human capital is critical because so many smaller firms have employees who perform cross-functional duties. With a smaller workforce, if just one person leaves, it leaves the company with a huge gap to fill and a potential threat to the company's profitability.

2.Budget Control

Human resources curbs excessive spending through developing methods for trimming workforce management costs, which includes negotiating better rates for benefits such as health care coverage. In addition, human resources ensures competitive and realistic wage-setting based on studying the labor market, employment trends and salary analysis based on job functions. As

some small businesses have budget constraints, this human resources function is especially helpful.

3.Conflict Resolution

Workplace conflict is inevitable, given the diversity of personalities, work styles, backgrounds and levels of experience among employees. A human resources manager or a staff person specially trained to handle employee relations matters can identify and resolve conflict between two employees or a manager and employee and restore positive working relationships.

4.Training and Development

Human resources conducts needs assessments for the organization's current workforce to determine the type of skills training and employee development necessary for improving skills and qualifications. Companies in the beginning or growth phases can benefit from identifying training needs for existing staff. It's much less expensive than the cost to hire additional staff or more qualified candidates. In addition, it's a strategy that also can reduce turnover and improve employee retention.

5.Employee Satisfaction

Human resources specialists usually are charged with the responsibility of determining the level of employee satisfaction -- often an ambiguous measurement at best. With carefully designed employee surveys, focus groups and an exit interview strategy, human resources determines what underlies employee dissatisfaction and addresses those issues to motivate employees.

6.Cost Savings

The cost to hire new or replacement workers, including training and ramp-up time, can be exorbitant for employers, especially small businesses. With a wellconstructed recruitment and selection process, the human resources function

can minimize expenses regarding advertising job postings, training new employees and enrolling new employees in benefits plans.

7.Performance Improvement

Human resources develops performance management systems. Without a human resources staff person to construct a plan that measures performance, employees can wind in jobs that aren't suitable for their skills and expertise. Additionally, employees whose performance falls below the employer's expectations can continue on the payroll, thereby creating wasted money on low-performing employees.

8.Sustaining Business

Through succession planning that human resources develops, the company identifies employees with the promise and requisite capabilities to eventually transition into leadership roles with the company. This is an important function as it can guarantee the organization's stability and future success.

9.Corporate Image

Businesses want to be known as the "employer of choice." Employers of choice are the companies that receive recognition for the way they treat employees; they are the companies for whom people want to work. Becoming an employer of choice means human resources balances recruiting the most qualified applicants, selecting the most suitable candidates and retaining the most talented employees.

10.Steadfast Principles

Human resources ensures the workforce embraces the company's philosophy and business principles. From the perspective of a small business, creating a cohesive work environment is imperative. The first opportunity human

resources has to accomplish this is through wise hiring decisions that identify desirable professional traits, as well as orientation and on-boarding programs.

2.3 Functions of Human Resource Department

A typical Human Resource Department is carries out the following functions:
1.Manpower Planning

It involves the planning for the future and finding out how many employees will be needed in the future by the business and what types of skills manpower planningshould they possess. It depends on the following factors The number of people leaving the job The projected growth in sales of the business Technological changes Productivity level of the workers

2.Job analysis and Job description

HR Department is also involved in designing the Job analysis and Job description for the prospective vacancies. A job analysis is the process used to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job. Job descriptions are written statements that describe the: duties, responsibilities, most important contributions and outcomes needed from a position, required qualifications of candidates, and

reporting relationship and co-workers of a particular job.

3.Determining wages and salaries

HR Department is also involved in conducting market surveys and determining the wages and salaries for different position in an organization. These decision may be taken in consultation with top management and the Finance department.
4.Recruitment and Selection

One of the most important jobs HR department is to recruit the best people for the organization. This is of crucial importance as the success of any organization depend on the quality of its workforce. Details regarding the recruitment and selection procedure can be found here.

5.Performance Apprasial

Once the employees are recruited , the HR Department has to review their performance on a regular basis through proper performance appraisals. Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information about the relative worth of an employee. The focus of the performance appraisal is measuring and improving the actual performance of the employee and also the future potential of the employee. Its aim is to measure what an employee does. On the basis of performance appraisal the HR Department will set up an action plan for each employee. If the employees needs any training then he provided that.

6.Training and Development

HR department is constantly keeping a watch over the employees of the organisation. In order to improve the efficiency level of the employees they traininghave go undergo regular trainings and development programmes. All trainings and development needs are carried out by this department. Training

might include on the job or off the job training. Find more information on training here.

7.Employee welfare and motivation

Happy employees mean a healthy organization. HR Department conducts various employee welfare activities which might include employees get together, annual staff parties etc. HR department also reviews organizational policies and its impact on the motivation of the employees.

8.Addressing employees grievances

HR department is the link between the workers and the management. Employees grievances related work environment are usually entertained and resolved by the HR Department.

9.Labour management relations

For the smooth operation of any organization, it is crucial to have good labour management relations. HR department has to ensure that these labour_unrest relations are cordial. In case of any labour-management conflict the HR Department will play a vital role in bringing both management parties to the negotiation table and resolving the issue.

10.Implementing organizational policies

HR Department has to coordinate with line manager and see that the organizational policies are being implemented in a proper manner. Disciplinary action can be initiated against employees who are not following organizational rules and regulations. All these actions are conceived and implemented by the HR department.

11.Dismissal and redundancy

HR Department has to take firm actions against employees who are not following the organizational code of conduct, rules and regulations. This can result in the dismissal of the employee. Sometimes, an organization may no more require the services of an employee. The employee may be made redundant. HR Department has to see that organizational and government regulations are being followed in this process.

3.Advantages and Disadvantages

As the owner of a small business, the time might come when you face the decision of whether to add a dedicated human resources department, either on an in-house or outsourced basis. According to management consultant Ethan A. Winning, as a general rule, when a company reaches 50 employees, the HR role needs to be handled by more than one individual. Adding an HR department offers advantages as well as possible disadvantages.

3.1 Advantages
1.Relieving Burden

As your small business grows and you continue to add employees and possibly even additional locations, it becomes increasingly difficult to micromanage each aspect of your business. By adding a human resources department, you won't need to be as directly involved in time-consuming tasks such as recruiting, benefits administration and developing and implementing personnel policies and procedures. Instead, you can focus more on big-picture items such as increasing revenues and gaining market share.

2.Maintaining Compliance

Businesses must ensure they are in compliance with the large number of rules and regulations that govern personnel relations and management. Human resources professionals possess the expertise in areas such as discriminatory practices and compensation laws. This prevents you from breaking regulations that you might not have even known existed. In the process, you can avoid costly fines and possibly even lawsuits while preserving the good reputation of your business.

3.2 Disadvantages
1.Relinquishing Control

A disadvantage of adding a human resources department is that it requires you to relinquish control regarding how your business operates. Other individuals now have the responsibility for making important decisions in key areas, including hiring and personnel relations. If you bring outsiders into your organization or even outsource human resources functions, you face the risk that these individuals will not fully adapt to the nuances of your business and end up making decisions that are not in your organization's best interests.

2.Time and Money

It takes time to successfully implement a human resources department. It will likely take a while to hire the staff or to locate the right firm if you prefer to outsource the function. There is also likely to be a learning curve while the new department gets up to speed, as well as a lengthy adjustment period for you and your employees. Depending on how large an HR department you add, it could represent a significant cost to your business.

4.1 History Wipro started as a vegetable oil company in 1947 from an old millfounded by Azim Premji's father. When his father died in 1966, Azim, agrad

uate in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, took on theleadership of the company at the age 21. He repositioned it and transformed Wipro (Western India Vegetable Products Ltd) into a consumer goodscompany that produced hydrogenated cooking oils/fat company, laundry soap, wax and tin containers and later set up Wipro Fluid Power tomanufactur e hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders in 1975. At that time, it was valued at $2million.In 1977, when IBM was asked to leave India, Wipro entered theinfor mation technology sector. In 1979, Wipro began developing its owncomputers and in 1981, started selling the finished product. This was the first in a string of products that would make Wipro one of India's first computer makers. The company licensed technology from Sentinel Computers in the United States and began building India's first mini-computers. Wipro hired managers who were computer savvy, and strong on business experience. In 1980 Wipro moved in software development and started developing customized software packages for their hardware customers. This expanded their IT business and subsequently invented the first Indian 8086 chip. Since 1992, Wipro began to grow its roots off shore in United States and by2000 Wipro Ltd ADRs were listed on the New York Stock Exchange.With over 25 years in the Information Technology business, Wipro Te chnologies is the largest outsourced R & D Services provider and one of the pioneers in the remote delivery of IT services. Being a global provider of consulting, IT Services, outsourced R&D, infrastructure outsourcing andbusi ness process services, we deliver technology-driven business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of our Global 2000 customers. Wipro today employs 96,000 people in over 50 countries. A career at Wipro means to learn and grow continuously, opportunities to work on the latest technologies alongside the finest minds in the industry, competitive salaries, stock options and excellent benefits. 4.2 Board of Directors

Azim H Premji Chairman,Wipro Ltd.

Executive Directors Girish S Paranjape

Independent Directors Ashok S Ganguly

Suresh S Senapaty

William Arthur Owens

Suresh Vaswani

B C Prabhakar

P M Sinha

Jagdish N Sheth

5.HR Strategy of WIPRO

5.1 Recruitment Recruitment refers to the process of screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm, or for a vacancy in a volunteer based organization or community group. While generalistmanagers or administ

rators can undertake some components of therecruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations and companies oftenretain professional recruiters or outsource some of the process torecruit ment agencies. External recruitment is the process of attracting and selecting employees from outside the organization. A.Internal Sources :Promotions and Transfer Job postings Employee Referrals B.External Sources :Advertisement Employment Agencies On campus Recruitment Employment exchanges Education and training institute The exciting world of Wipro Technologies, India is looking at hiringcan didates with expertise in areas like-

-Human Resource / Recruitment/ Training,Finance/ Accounts / Auditing,Marketing /Sales / Business Development,Microsoft, Mainframe &Internet Technologies,Functional & Domain Consultant-CRM / SCM/ ERP / JDE,Enterprise Security

-Testing Services,Legal / Law,Wireless Services / Switching Systems,Independent Verification &Validation-Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)-Banking / Finance / Securities/ Insurance,TISP Solutions OSS / BSS

WIPRO recruitment process :-

WIPRO recruitment process consists of three rounds.

Round 1 : Written test

This section will have 15 questions related to synonyms,antonyms, Analogies, SC, Prepositions and reading comprehension.

This sections will have 15 questions related to aptitudetopics like Time & Work, Time & Distance, Blood Relations, SeriesCompletion, Puzzles, Calendars, Clocks, Percentages, Ratio proportions,Ages, Pipes and Cisterns etc.

This section will have 20 questions related to basictechnical concepts from C, C ++, Java, Linux, UNIX, DBMS, SQL,Programming fundamentals, Hardware, Soft ware Engineering, MicroProcessors etc. Candidates are informed to brush up t heir technicalskills which were covered in their regular academic curriculum.
Round 2: Technical Interview

This is a major elimination round. Candidates should be thorough withtheir basic technical skills to clear this round. Candidates are here byinfor med to be prepared with their core subjects.
Round 3: HR Interview

Candidates can expect basic HR interview questions like Tell me about yourself, Why should I hire you, Why only WIPRO, What is SIX sigma level.Candidates will be tested in their communication and vocabulary during technical and HR interviews.
Round 4: Placement

Upon Joining, the incumbent shall be given an employee code number by Manager(HR) and he shall fill up the joining forms and shall submit the same to the Manager(HR) for further course of action.

Wipro recruit 40%employees from campus recruitment. Another popular source for Wipros Recruitment is the Online Placement through NSR (National Skill Registry).

5.2 Training The term training refers to the acquisition of knowledge,skills and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training & Development of individuals is a key focus area at Wipro. Our Talent Transformation Division handles this. For those with less than one year of experience a well-structured induction training program is conducted. This will cover all aspects of software development skills that are required. As a PCMM Level 5 organization, there is also high focus onCompetency Develo pment. Talent Transformation has a mandate toprovide technical & business skill training based on the departmental and divisional need. All employees are eligible to take training based on the competency gap identified or Project need. In addition to class room training one can take e-Learning with outwaiting for class room training. Compliance and Regulatory training is an important aspect in todays regulated environment and is often implemented as part of corporate initiatives. All large companies have mandatory trainings be it in the field of Environment, Health & Safety, Ethics, Risk-Management, Finance, Law, etc.

Wipro Training Model

Components 1.Rapid Learning :-

At Wipro, we know how critical time is for fulfilling training needs and hence we have developed competency in the area of Rapid Learning. An emerging form of content development, Rapid Learning helps to develop content in a short span of time using various tools; the content delivery can be both synchronous as well as asynchronous. Wipro has strategic partnerships with leading technology providers to help you choose the tool that suits your requirement best. Based on research conducted in this area, Rapid Content Development can be used for any of the following content areas: Critical Training when the training requirement is critical and must be addressed immediately Minor change when the difference between what is known and what is new is minimal Short shelf life when the content in question has a very short shelf life

Frequent updates when the content needs to be updated frequently.

2.Process Training

Large enterprises keep updating their processes to improve the efficacies of their systems. Business process training is typically a part of any organizations overall change management plan. Wipro provides Process Training in several fields including HR, Quality, Operation, Payroll, Recruitment, and more. For a meaningful transition of the process, quality training is extremely critical. Understanding the complexities involved in rolling out these process trainings, we bring you quick solutions that help deliver effective training for your organization. The components of process training are: 1.Analyze 2.Inform 3.Involve 4.Support

5.3 Performance Appraisal

Appraisal System

Are your people developing and performing as fast as your business moves? Are you measuring the pace of your people and tracking it? In order to answer your Performance related questions, Wipro offers an integrated end-to-end Performance Management Solution. This solution is based on global people processes drawn from best practices and helps organizations streamline their performance evaluation processes.

Wipros ePerformance Management solution not only helps youestablish the b est practices in Performance Management, like 360degreeappraisal, MBO, etc, but enables reduced Performance Management cycle time without compromising on the sub-processes which are so critical to yourHR values, like Work Planning Conference, Work Plan establishment,Devel opment plans and Objective setting, Interim Review, Overall evaluation, detecting Performance deficiencies, Tracking, Documentation and Archiving. Once reviewed by HR dept. Assistant (HR) updates the records for each employee score in the database.

5.4 Promotion
Higher you go. Heavier you get

A promotion is the advancement of an employee's rank or position in an organizational hierarchy system. Promotion may be an employee's reward for good performance i.e. positive appraisal. Before a company promotes an employee to a particular position it ensures that the person is able to handle the added responsibilities by screening the employee with interviews and tests and giving them training or on-the-job experience.As per Guidelines for supervisory employees promotion/up gradation, applicable to the present

year, Manager (HR) prepares the list of eligible employees. Simultaneously, V P (HR) also asks for recommendations from HODs. A comprehensive list is then prepared by Manager (HR) and submitted to the EPPP which is announced by the Site President, for Executive and Manager family, and by the Group President (MSD), for Leader Family.
Bases of Promotion Seniority :-

Seniority simply depends upon how long the employees is doing job with the company. The length of service and talent are both interrelated with each other. It is based on the tradition of respect for older people. It creates a sense of security among employees and avoids conflict arising from promotion decision.
Merit :-

Merit implies the knowledge, skill and performance records of an employee. It helps to motivate competent employee to work hard and acquire new skills. It helps to attract and retain young and promising employees in the organization. On the above basis, promotion of employees is done in Wipro. Wipro also prompt employee by conducting different case studies on different aspects of Information Technology. Working at Wipro is very comparative & to get promotion required smart work and projection.

5.5 Compensation Compensation is a systematic approach to providing monetary value to employees in exchange for work performed. Compensation may achieve several purposes assisting in recruitment, job performance, and job satisfaction. Wages and salaries structure is very vital for the retention of the employees as due to stiff competition, if proper salary is not given then the employees will go to those organization offering higher salaries. Jivraj Tea Ltd is actively

involved in retaining good manpower in the organization by providing proper salary and incentive methods.Wipro runs 50 offices in India.It has a branch office in USA, Canada, Europe, Middle east, Africa etc.

Payscale of Employee at Wipro Employee Class No of Employees Salary (Rs/Month)

A+ class A class B+ class B class Technician Zero Level

128 1240 33000 22000 4000 3440

150000 120000 60000 40000 35000 10000

5.6 Employee Welfare According to the Oxford dictionary, employee welfare or labour welfare means the efforts to make life worth living for workmen. Labour Welfare means anything done for the comfort and improvement, intellectual or social, of the employees over and governmental , which is not a necessity of the industry.
Welfare Activities :1.Education

Wipro has its own institute, where the education is given to the employees children absolutely free. The school has classes from JR. kg to class-XII in English medium. Free transportation facility is also provided to them.

Companys philosophy is Nobody should die without fund.Company believes its responsibility towards health services to provideto the employees go beyond the statutory provision. Being thepetroche mical industry and some of their process are consideredHazardous. Company recognises the importance of goodoccupational health services. Therefore, at t he manufacturing sites,

they have well equipped, full fledged medical centre, which are manned round the clock.

Company has its own township at different location in Bangalore. If house is available, the new employees are allotted the house otherwise the company can also hire house. All the maintenance in houses provided to employees by company is done by the company.

The company gives canteen facility under which food is provided to the employees but it is not compulsory for them. They get the allowance in their salary. The Contract Cell at Wipro invites tenders and the Contract cell signs detailed agreement with the contractor. The operation of the canteen is given on the contract.
5.Sports -

To motivate the employees of the company organises different sports tournaments i.e. Cricket, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton Etc.
6.Recreation activities -

For the recreation of the employee, company organized gets to gather once in a year with their family. And also arranged short distance picnic. For picnic they get Rs. 100/- and free transportation once in a year.
7.Club Membership

The purpose of the club membership is to meet the othermembers of the indu strial community and interact with them forrelation personnel leisure. This facility is provided only to the SMC and above.
8.Insurance Policy

Wipro provides personal accident insurance policy of Rs.100000 for employees. Premium of the company is half pay by employee and other will pay by Wipro.

6.Reference www.wipro .in The Wipros Founder by N. k. Astana

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