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P.O Box 20, Mae Hong Son, 58,000 Thailand. Phone & fax: (66)53 611 573, Email:

Date: October 12, 2009

Statement No. 05/09

The Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) has announced its position in regard to
Burma’s forthcoming 2010 General as follows:

1. The KNPP had already made known its rejection of the spurious results of Burma’s
2008 referendum on the SPDC’s Constitution. The results did not reflect the true
will of the voters as claimed by Burma’s military regime. The Constitution was
adopted by force to legitimize and secure the military dictatorship’s rule.

2. Furthermore, we foresee that the general election which is scheduled to take place in
2010 will not produce an Assembly (Parliament) composed of genuine representatives
of the electorate.

3. What is more, the voice and mandate of the elected representatives will be limited
under the undemocratic 2008 Constitution and the newly formed government will
not serve the interests of the entire people of Burma, but will rubber-stamp policies
to favor the elite military generals and their cronies. The rights of the ethnic people
for self-determination and protection of our customs and culture will be further
endangered by this so-called Parliament.

4. The Karenni is a member of the Ethnic Nationalities Council (ENC), and as a

representative of the Karenni people the KNPP states that it is fully committed to,
and will comply with, the ENC's principles regarding the 2010 election, as
formulated during its last executive committee held on June 8 - 12, 2009.

Central Executive Committee

Karenni National Progressive Party

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