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Design of Roof (Pratt) truss

Design Data:Plan length of the building l = Plan depth of the building w = Height of the building excluding pitched roof h = Dead weight of ! "heet" = Dead weight of purlin"'fixture" and fal"e roofing "("tem = *pan of the tru"" = Height of the tru"" = *pacing of tru""e" = /i1e load on pitched roof ,5or pitched roof ha1ing "lope 20 0 - = Di"tance between the nodal point",purlin location"- on top rafter = Wind coefficients:.1 ,ri". coefficient a""uming 50 (ear" of de"ign life- = .2 ,a""uming terrain categor( 2- = .3 = 1.0 ,topograph( factor6a"ic wind "peed 2b = 7nternal wind pre""ure coefficient !pi ,6uilding" with low permeabilit(- = *lope of the pitched roof in degree" = 10.13m 5.72m 3.35m 0.13#$%"&m 0.)5#$%"&m 5.)+m 1.00m 3.30m 0.55#$%"&m 0.+7m 1.00 1.00 1.00 50.00m%"ec 0.20 20

Load Calculations:Dead /oad of roof = Dead load/m run on rafter = /i1e /oad = Li#e load/m run on rafter = Calculation of Wind Load:""uming the building i" "ituated in 2i3a(awada' the ba"ic wind "peed i" = De"ign wind "peed' 28 = .1 .2 .3 2b = De"ign wind pre""ure' Pd = 0.9:282 = Wind Load on (alls:;he wind load' < / acting normal to the indi1idual "urface" i" gi1en b( < / = ,!pe = !pi - :Pd 4xpo"ed area of the wall per frame normal to the wind direction' = 11.&)s'm 0.20 50.00m%"ec 50.00m%"ec 1.%&!"/s'm 0.50#$%"&m 1.91 !"/m 0.55#$%"&m 1.$1%!"/m

""uming building" with low degree of permeabilit('the internal pre""ure coefficient ! pi =

5or the propo"ed building' h%w = l%w =

0.50599) 1.770+7+

5rom table ) of 7* 075>>Part>3?1+05'the external wind pre""ure coefficient" are a" gi1en below?> <ind angle in degree" 0 +0 !pe <indward /eeward 0.7 >0.3 0.7 >0.3 >0.5 >0.5 >0.5 >0.5 !pi 0.20 >0.20 0.20 >0.20 ;otal wind load in #$ <indward /eeward <indward /eeward 0.5 >0.5 $.*9% -$.*9% 0.+ >0.1 1 .9+1 -1.)%9 >0.7 >0.7 -11.)1+ -11.)1+ >0.3 >0.3 - .9,, - .9,, ,!pe>!pi-

Wind Load on Roofs:4xpo"ed area of each "lope of roof' per frame i" 9.) s'm

5rom table 5 of 7* 075>>Part>3?1+05'the external wind pre""ure coefficient" are a" gi1en below?> <ind angle in degree" 0 +0 !pe <indward /eeward >0.7 >0.5 >0.7 >0.5 >0.0 >0.9 >0.0 >0.9 !pi 0.20 >0.20 0.20 >0.20 ;otal wind load in #$ <indward /eeward <indward /eeward >0.+ >0.7 -1+.&1 -1&.1** >0.5 >0.3 -,.*+ - .++$ >1 >0.0 -1 . ) -11.%)$ >0.9 >0.) -$.),) -%.,$ ,!pe>!pi-

Concentrated loads on nodes :Dead load at intermediate node point" = ,corre"ponding to purlin location"*uperimpo"ed load at intermediate node point" = ,corre"ponding to purlin location"<ind load at intermediate node point" on windward "ide = <ind load at intermediate node point" on leeward "ide = 2ertical component of wind load on windward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" 2ertical component of wind load on leeward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" 2ertical component of wind load @ at ridge = Hori8ontal component of wind load on windward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" Hori8ontal component of wind load on leeward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" Hori8ontal component of wind load @ at ridge = 1.75#$


>2.)1#$ >1.)5#$ >2.29#$


>1.01#$ >0.02#$



Load com-inations :i) 1.%DL . 1.%LL 2ertical load windward = 2ertical load leeward = 2ertical load at ridge = ii) 1.%DL . 1.%LL.1.&%WL 2ertical load windward = 2ertical load leeward = 2ertical load at ridge = Hori8ontal load windward = Hori8ontal load leeward = Hori8ontal load at ridge = *., !" +.)9!" +.**!" -&.$*!" -&.%&!" -&.1)!" ,<indward "ide%.1*!" %.1*!" %.1*!"

;he re"ult" of anal("i" u"ing *; DD.Pro.2007 are a" gi1en below ?>

Design of Roof (Pratt) truss

Design Data:Plan length of the building l = Plan depth of the building w = Height of the building excluding pitched roof h = Dead weight of ! "heet" = Dead weight of purlin"'fixture" and fal"e roofing "("tem = *pan of the tru"" = Height of the tru"" = *pacing of tru""e" = /i1e load on pitched roof ,5or pitched roof ha1ing "lope 20 0 - = Di"tance between the nodal point",purlin location"- on top rafter = Wind coefficients:.1 ,ri". coefficient a""uming 50 (ear" of de"ign life- = .2 ,a""uming terrain categor( 2- = .3 = 1.0 ,topograph( factor6a"ic wind "peed 2b = 7nternal wind pre""ure coefficient !pi ,6uilding" with low permeabilit(- = *lope of the pitched roof in degree" =

Load Calculations:Dead /oad of roof = Dead load/m run on rafter = /i1e /oad = Li#e load/m run on rafter = Calculation of Wind Load:""uming the building i" "ituated in 2i3a(awada' the ba"ic wind "peed i" = De"ign wind "peed' 28 = .1 .2 .3 2b = De"ign wind pre""ure' Pd = 0.9:282 = Wind Load on (alls:;he wind load' < / acting normal to the indi1idual "urface" i" gi1en b( < / = ,!pe = !pi - :Pd 4xpo"ed area of the wall per frame normal to the wind direction' =

""uming building" with low degree of permeabilit('the internal pre""ure coefficient ! pi =

5or the propo"ed building' h%w = l%w =

0.50599)3357 1.770+7+021

5rom table ) of 7* 075>>Part>3?1+05'the external wind pre""ure coefficient" are a" gi1en below?> <ind angle in degree" 0 +0 !pe <indward 0.7 0.7 >0.5 >0.5 /eeward >0.3 >0.3 >0.5 >0.5 !pi 0.20 >0.20 0.20 >0.20 ,!pe>!pi<indward 0.5 0.+ >0.7 >0.3 ;otal wind load in #$ /eeward <indward >0.5 $.*9% >0.1 1 .9+1 >0.7 -11.)1+ >0.3 - .9,,

Wind Load on Roofs:4xpo"ed area of each "lope of roof' per frame i" 5rom table 5 of 7* 075>>Part>3?1+05'the external wind pre""ure coefficient" are a" gi1en below?> <ind angle in degree" 0 +0 !pe <indward >0.7 >0.7 >0.0 >0.0 /eeward >0.5 >0.5 >0.9 >0.9 !pi 0.20 >0.20 0.20 >0.20 ,!pe>!pi<indward >0.+ >0.5 >1 >0.9 ;otal wind load in #$ /eeward <indward >0.7 -1+.&1 >0.3 -,.*+ >0.0 -1 . ) >0.) -$.),)

Concentrated loads on nodes :Dead load at intermediate node point" = ,corre"ponding to purlin location"*uperimpo"ed load at intermediate node point" = ,corre"ponding to purlin location"<ind load at intermediate node point" on windward "ide = <ind load at intermediate node point" on leeward "ide = 2ertical component of wind load on windward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" 2ertical component of wind load on leeward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" 2ertical component of wind load @ at ridge = Hori8ontal component of wind load on windward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" Hori8ontal component of wind load on leeward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" Hori8ontal component of wind load @ at ridge = 2.93#$


>3.92#$ >2.17#$ >3.)0#$


>2.72#$ >1.2)#$



Load com-inations :i) 1.%DL . 1.%LL 2ertical load windward = 2ertical load leeward = 2ertical load at ridge = ii) 1.%DL . 1.%LL.1.&%WL 2ertical load windward = 2ertical load leeward = 2ertical load at ridge = Hori8ontal load windward = Hori8ontal load leeward = Hori8ontal load at ridge = ;he re"ult" of anal("i" u"ing *; DD.Pro.2007 are a" gi1en below ?> .11!" %.% !" .$+!" -1.* !" -&., !" -&.*%!" ,.)$!" ,.)$!" ,.)$!"

23C415" 50 463 4R722

1.)+ A)B>10 1%2CD 1.)+ A)B>10 1%2CD
1 9


1.00 A3B>3 1%)CD

1.)0 A)B>7CD

1.)0 A)B>7 1%)CD

1.)0 A)B>7CD

1.)0 A)B>7CD



0orce(Case-11) in !" 29.)0 10.00 17.70 27.+0 1.0+ 1.11 1.00

"ature of force

1>>+ +>>7 7>>10 10>>5 1>>2 2>>3 3>>)

;op chord ;op chord ;op chord ;op chord 6ottom chord 6ottom chord 6ottom chord

;en"ion ;en"ion ;en"ion ;en"ion ;en"ion ;en"ion !ompre""ion

)>>5 +>>2 7>>3 10>>) +>>3 10>>3

6ottom chord 2ertical" 2ertical" 2ertical" Diagonal" Diagonal"

1.12 0.52 9.)+ 0.50 7.0+ +.)1

!ompre""ion !ompre""ion !ompre""ion !ompre""ion ;en"ion ;en"ion

10.13m 5.72m 3.35m 0.13#$%"&m 0.)5#$%"&m 5.)+m 1.00m 3.30m 0.55#$%"&m 1.)9m 1.00 1.00 1.00 50.00m%"ec 0.20 20

25.9299 91.+1075 1509.797


2).5 0.75

50.25 150.59+) 50.3 59.90059 215.25

0.50#$%"&m 33.25 1.91 !"/m 0.55#$%"&m 1.$1%!"/m 1250.93 1)7.222+ )1.0901 39.7039 50.25 215.201)

50.00m%"ec 50.00m%"ec 1.%&!"/s'm

11.&)s'm 0.20

;otal wind load in #$ /eeward -$.*9% -1.)%9 -11.)1+ - .9,,

9.) s'm

;otal wind load in #$ /eeward -1&.1** - .++$ -11.%)$ -%.,$

,<indward "ide-


Design of Roof truss

Design Data :-.. Plan length of the building l = Plan depth of the building w = Height of the building excluding pitched roof h = Dead weight of ! "heet" = Dead weight of purlin"'fixture" and fal"e roofing "("tem = *pan of the tru"" = Height of the tru"" = *pacing of tru""e" = /i1e load on pitched roof ,5or pitched roof ha1ing "lope 1) 0 - = Di"tance between the nodal point",purlin location"- on top rafter = Wind coefficients:.1 ,ri". coefficient a""uming 50 (ear" of de"ign life- = .2 ,a""uming terrain categor( 2- = .3 = 1.0 ,topograph( factor6a"ic wind "peed 2b = 7nternal wind pre""ure coefficient !pi ,6uilding" with low permeabilit(- = *lope of the pitched roof in degree" =

Load Calculations:Dead /oad of roof = Dead load/m run on rafter = /i1e /oad = Li#e load/m run on rafter = Calculation of Wind Load:""uming the building i" "ituated in 2i3a(awada' the ba"ic wind "peed i" = De"ign wind "peed' 28 = .1 .2 .3 2b = De"ign wind pre""ure' Pd = 0.9:282 = Wind Load on (alls:;he wind load' < / acting normal to the indi1idual "urface" i" gi1en b( < / = ,!pe = !pi - :Pd 4xpo"ed area of the wall per frame normal to the wind direction' =

""uming building" with low degree of permeabilit('the internal pre""ure coefficient ! pi =

5or the propo"ed building' h%w = l%w =

0.309519)+2) 1.079+109+++

5rom table ) of 7* 075>>Part>3?1+05'the external wind pre""ure coefficient" are a" gi1en below?> <ind angle in degree" 0 +0 !pe <indward 0.7 0.7 >0.5 >0.5 /eeward >0.25 >0.25 >0.5 >0.5 !pi 0.20 >0.20 0.20 >0.20 ,!pe>!pi<indward 0.5 0.+ >0.7 >0.3 ;otal wind load in #$ /eeward <indward >0.)5 9.&% 1,1 >0.05 1).*9,%1 >0.7 -1*.),%$ >0.3 -%. +*%&+

Wind Load on Roofs:4xpo"ed area of each "lope of roof' per frame i" 5rom table 5 of 7* 075>>Part>3?1+05'the external wind pre""ure coefficient" are a" gi1en below?> <ind angle in degree" 0 +0 !pe <indward >0.00 >0.00 >0.75 >0.75 /eeward >0.) >0.) >0.9 >0.9 !pi 0.20 >0.20 0.20 >0.20 ,!pe>!pi<indward >1.00 >0.90 >0.+5 >0.55 /eeward >0.9 >0.2 >0.0 >0.) ;otal wind load in #$ <indward -+*.*$+$% -*&.+*)$, -*$.+9,$+ -1). &$%

Concentrated loads on nodes :Dead load at intermediate node point" = ,corre"ponding to purlin location"*uperimpo"ed load at intermediate node point" = ,corre"ponding to purlin location"<ind load at intermediate node point" on windward "ide = <ind load at intermediate node point" on leeward "ide = 2ertical component of wind load on windward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" 2ertical component of wind load on leeward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" 2ertical component of wind load @ at ridge = Hori8ontal component of wind load on windward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" Hori8ontal component of wind load on leeward "ide@ = intermediate nodal point" Hori8ontal component of wind load @ at ridge = 2.3)#$


>9.)9#$ >).70#$ -).*,!"

- .) !"

-%. )!" -1.%)!"



Load com-inations :i) 1.%DL . 1.%LL 2ertical load windward = 2ertical load leeward = 2ertical load at ridge = ii) 1.%DL . 1.%LL.1.&%WL 2ertical load windward = 2ertical load leeward = 2ertical load at ridge = Hori8ontal load windward = Hori8ontal load leeward = Hori8ontal load at ridge = ;he re"ult" of anal("i" u"ing *; DD.Pro.2007 are a" gi1en below ?> &.9$!" *.)9!" 1.$ !" -1.%)!" -1.1)!" -&.*&!" ,.%)!" ,.%)!" ,.%)!"



0orce(Case-11) in !" 29.)0 10.00 17.70 27.+0 1.0+ 1.11 1.00 1.12 0.52 9.)+ 0.50 7.0+ +.)1

"ature of force

1>>+ +>>7 7>>10 10>>5 1>>2 2>>3 3>>) )>>5 +>>2 7>>3 10>>) +>>3 10>>3

;op chord ;op chord ;op chord ;op chord 6ottom chord 6ottom chord 6ottom chord 6ottom chord 2ertical" 2ertical" 2ertical" Diagonal" Diagonal"

;en"ion ;en"ion ;en"ion ;en"ion ;en"ion ;en"ion !ompre""ion !ompre""ion !ompre""ion !ompre""ion !ompre""ion ;en"ion ;en"ion

23.33m 12.)3m 3.01m 0.13#$%"&m 0.)5#$%"&m 12.20m 1.52m 3.30m 0.97#$%"&m 1.29m 1.00 0.+0 1.00 50.00m%"ec 0.20 1)

25.9299 91.+1075 1509.797


2).5 0.75

50.25 150.59+) 50.3 59.90059 215.25

0.50#$%"&m 33.25 1.91 !"/m 0.97#$%"&m *.*11!"/m 1250.93 1)7.222+ )1.0901 39.7039 50.25 215.201)

50.00m%"ec )+.00m%"ec 1. !"/s'm

1*.%,s'm 0.20

;otal wind load in #$ /eeward -$.1 $,%+9 -&.9&% 1,1 -1*.),%$+9 -%. +*%&*)


;otal wind load in #$ /eeward -1,.9+% , -%.9,$ 9 -*+.91+9) -11.9%)9$


,<indward "ide-

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