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The Founding of Rome

Numito and Amulius,

Numito and Amulius, brothers and distant descendants of Aeneas (son of Anchises and Aphrodite, and survivor of the sack of Troy who wandered for seven years before settling in Italy), inherited the kingdom of Alba Longa.

Amulius slew his brother

Rather than share the rule of the kingdom, Amulius slew his brother, and his brother's sons; and then forced his daughter to become a Vestal Virgin so that she would not bear any children who might kill him to take over the kingdom.

Amulius daughter

Although Amulius forced his daughter to become a Vestal Virgin She became pregnant anyway and gave birth to twin sons, Romulus and Remus.

The Twins

King Amulius imprisoned her and ordered his servants to drown the twins. The servants placed the twins in a basket and tossed it into the Tiber River.

The Wolf and the Bird

The basket washed ashore where it was found by a she-wolf, who suckled them with her own milk. A friendly bird also fed them by placing crumbs into their mouths.

The Growing Kids

A herdsman eventually came across them and took them into his home to raise. When they were grown they found out the true story of their birth, raised an army of herdsmen, attacked, and killed Amulius.

The Building of the Town

They then returned to the scene of their rescue by the Tiber River, and began plans to build a town there. They could not decide who of them should rule, so they asked the gods for a sign. They each awaited an answer from the gods on a different one of the seven hills there. Remus saw the first sign; six vultures in a line flying overhead. Romulus then saw twelve vultures in a line flying overhead, and thereby claimed kingship for himself. Remus disagreed, claiming kingship by virtue of seeing the first sign. The disagreement escalated, and ended only when Romulus slew his brother. He then established the new town, naming it Rome after himself.

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