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UDE, Mathematik: Numerical Mathematics for Engineers (ISE) (W 13/14)

Problemsheet No 1
Problem 1.1 Compute the oating-point-representation of x = (76.2)10 and x = (0.0752)10 for p = 2 and t = 10 Problem 1.2 In order to compute (71.32)10 + (6.463)10 (58.91)10 (57.32)10 p = 8 and t = 6.

1. determine the binary representation (6 digits) of these numbers, 2. compute the binary result, 3. round and transform back. Problem 1.3 Consider the parabola dened as p(x) := x(w x) with an unknown parameter . By a measurement it is known that p(d) = q . 1. Derive a formula for h := p( w 2 ) as h = H (d, q, w ) 2. Assume the following values: d = 2 (exactly) , q = 1.96(1 + r), w = 100(1 + t)

with small relative errors r, t. Derive an exact formula for the resulting relative error in h. 3. Obtain a rst order estimate for the resulting relative error. Problem 1.4 In the context of friction and movement the function f : [0, 1] [0, /2[ R, f (s, t) := s cos(t) + s sin(t)

occurs. Compute a rst order estimate for the relative error of f for the data s = 0.6, |rs | 0.01 Problem 1.5 Consider the algebraic equation xn + ax 1 = 0, where a > 0 , n N> 1 . t = /3, |rt | 0.05.

1. Show htat tis equation has exactly one positive root z (a). 2. Obtain a formula for the condition number of z (a) and bounds for it. Problem 1.6 Derive safe algorithms to evaluate the following expressions for small |x|: 1x 1 1+x 1+x

1 + x2

1 x2

1 cos(x) . x

Give examples demonstrating the validity of your solutions. Please note: In the exam you may use one sheet of size din A4 with informations only. For computations you may use a simple pocket calculator (no programming or computer algebra facilities).

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