Hitler and Nazi Germany

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Junior Cert History- 3rd Year

Early career

Austrian Blamed Jews for art failure in Vienna Dispatch rider in German army. 2 Iron crosses. Wounded twice. Joined Nazi party as gov spy. Became leader. Munich Putsch. Trial and Jail (Mein Kampf)

Hitlers Ideas

Superior Aryan Race must be kept clean. Lebensraum Jews undermining Germany Anti-Communist Abolish Versailles Weimar weak

Why Nazism became popular.

Weak governments Economic problems Great depression Popular policies on Versailles, Communism, Jews. Violence. SA Brownshirts (Rohm) SS and Gestapo (Himmler) Propaganda Hitlers personality (speeches)

Becoming a dictator

More popular in 1930s. Elected Chancellor in 1933. SA and SS beat up opponents Reichstag fire = banned socialists Enabling law = rule by decree Banned all other parties. Became Fuhrer (leader).


Goebbles was minister in charge Strict censorship Mass rallies Olympic games Books burned and rewritten Hitler Youth. League of German Maidens (BDM)

Successes at home

6 million found jobs in 3 years Autobahns Volkswagen Rearmament

The Jews

Anti-Semitism Nuremberg laws (no citizenship, no intermarriage, star of David) Crystal Night Ghettoes Final Solution.

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