Initial Design Considerations

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Mechanical Design Department Design Standards & Practices

Initial Design Considerations

Initial Design Considerations.............................................................................................1 Drawing Layout (General Assemblies)....................................................................... Drawing Layout (System!"ell Layouts)......................................................................# $asic Design Practices..................................................................................................% $earing Applications....................................................................................................&

215466380.doc Rev date Nov. 21, 2002

Mechanical Design Department Design Standards & Practices

Drawing Layout (General Assemblies)

1. The general assembly should have a m n mum o! t"o v e"s but #re!erably three. Th s " ll #rov de the sho# " th a clear # cture o! the des gn. $! necessary nclude add t onal sheets or other v e"s. 2. The general assembly dra" ng must be dra"n to scale, th s " ll be the master !or chec% ng the des gn and creat ng the deta ls. 3. &rov de all the necessary re!erence d mens ons on the general assembly, re!er to stat on assembly gu del nes. 'e.g. he ght o! #art, he ght o! tool, stro%e o! tool, etc.( These d mens ons must be ver ! ed dur ng the val dat on #rocedure. 4. $! necessary nclude notes on the e)#lanat ons o! !unct ons or !or other #ert nent n!ormat on. 5. *l"ays sho" the #arts that are be ng assembled n the assembly dra" ng. 6. *l"ays sho" the #os t ons o! mov ng #arts n the general assembly to ensure there are no nter!erences. +. Re!erence other assembl es n #hantom to #rov de a clearer # cture on the !unct on o! the assembly. ', th the names and dra" ng numbers o! the assembl es ncluded( 8. *ssembly dra" ngs should be !ull scale "hen ever #ract cal. -. .se sect on v e"s "hen necessary !or clar ty. 10. /on0t clutter the general assembly " th unnecessary l nes. Ty# cally you should not sho" any more than t"o com#onents dee#. The #ur#ose o! the general assembly s to commun cate a clear understand ng o! the assembly. 11. 1ho" scre"s, do"els, ! tt ngs, sensors etc. "henever t s !elt there may be nter!erence. 12. $t s also m#ortant that the geometry be created us ng three 'better !our( dec mal #laces even ! the d mens on " ll only a##ear " th t"o dec mal #laces. ' .e. .3+5 not .38(. 13. /eta ls should only sho" enough v e"s to #rov de a clear # cture o! the deta l. 14. 2nsure the deta ls are not cluttered. 15. $n *uto3*/ !ollo" the *T1 layer ng standards at all t mes.

215466380.doc Rev date Nov. 21, 2002

Mechanical Design Department Design Standards & Practices

Drawing Layout (System/Cell Layouts)

1. $t s the res#ons b l ty o! the 4echan cal /es gn 5rou# to nclude the n!ormat on outl ned n the 6 ne 6ayout.doc, !ound n 6ayout 5u del nes 7 e)am#les, on the 1ystem layout dra" ng. 8urther note on /uct ng, 9unct on bo)es and ma n electr cal #anel. a. The n!ormat on, n *utocad, res de on a layer labeled :/uct; n the overall system layout '000( or ! necessary on sheet <2 o! th s layout. 1heet <2 may be a s m#l ! ed vers on o! the ma n layout that only sho"s a #hantom outl ne, or a converted 1, em#ty cell, o! each cell. b. The duct layout " ll be develo#ed " th the ass stance o! the 2lectr cal /es gner and " ll be ma nta ned by the 4echan cal /es gner. The 2lectr cal /es gner " ll be res#ons ble !or order ng all duct ng. c. *s changes or rev s ons occur t s the res#ons b l ty o! the 4echan cal /es gner to u#date the layout and n!orm the 2lectr cal /es gner o! any changes. The duct symbols can be !ound n the #ull do"n menu n *utocad.

2. 3ell layouts " ll nclude the n!ormat on outl ned n the 3ell 6ayout.doc, !ound n 6ayout 5u del nes 7 e)am#les. 3ell 6ayouts done n *uto3*/, " ll e)clude any unnecessary l ne "or% that " ll clutter the dra" ng 'e.g. most h dden l nes, all !asteners and most centerl nes(. 3. The cell layout must nclude guard ng, e ther *T1 standard guard ng or #urchased guard ng. The cell guard ng " ll come !rom ts o"n assembly dra" ng, re!er to the 4echan cal *ssembly 1tructure. 8or *T1 guard ng " ll sho" #anel=door s >es and locat ons. /eta l dra" ngs are not re?u red !or *T1 guard ng. $! the cell s be ng guarded " th #urchase guard ng the des gner must re?u s t on the mater al. 4. @unct on bo)es must be sho"n n the cell layout. The mechan cal des gner s to obta n the actual s >e !rom the electr cal des gner a dra" ng o! the actual enclosure to be used. Th s s to ensure the cell has stayed " th n the ma) mum l m ts !or sh ## ng. 1h ## ng 3ons derat ons.doc 5. The locat on and s >e o! the duct ng must be sho"n n the cell layout. 6. 1ho" the locat on o! the valve ban%s and a rl ne #re#arat on e?u #ment. 1ymbols !or these com#onents are acce#table. +. Aalloon any th rd #arty e?u #ment "h ch s not ballooned n other assembl es 'e.g. bo"l !eeders, "elders, etc.(. 8. 1ho" o#erators ! a##l cable. -. B#erators control #anels " ll be sho"n n the cell layout. 215466380.doc Rev date Nov. 21, 2002 3

Mechanical Design Department Design Standards & Practices

10. Aalloon all assembl es and #rov de the assembly number and descr #t on n the AB4 on the dra" ng. 11. *ll stat on=cell descr #t ons must nclude a >one, cell and a stat on number. Th s number " ll a##ear on the dra" ng and the dra" ng reg ster. Re!er to 4echan cal Number ng Area%do"n.doc !or com#lete gu del ne. The add t on o! th s number " ll ta%e u# valuable s#ace " th n our dra" ng descr #t on so be br e! " th your descr #t on. 8or systems that do not have >ones the >one number s one. $t s m#ortant the number ng be cons stent " th the electr cal dra" ngs. 3hec% th s dur ng your rev e" o! the $=B. Th s number " ll be lam nated to the tool ng !or dent ! cat on.

Basic Design Practices

1. Cee# the des gn s m#le. 2. .se standard *T1 hard"are, 1tandard &roducts and 1tandard /es gns "herever #oss ble '"here a##l cable(. $! a mod ! cat on s re?u red to a standard #roduct deta ls o! the change must de documented n the 9ob documentat on. 3. 3hec% the des gn l brar es !or reusable des gns. 4. 3ommerc al #roducts should be used "henever #oss ble. $n most cases th s " ll reduce the cost o! the tool ng and m#rove rel ab l ty. 5. Bn h gh s#eed a##l cat ons des gn the tool ng " th shoc% absorbers or cush on ng dev ces. 6. &er shable tool ng should be des gned as nserts that can be eas ly re#laced. +. /es gn n lubr cat on ! tt ngs and grease grooves "here necessary. 3hec% assembly !or lubr cat on access. 8. /o"els are #re!erred over Ceys '#oc%ets( !or #os t on ng change over tool ng. /o"els are chea#er !or locat ng #arts, but do"els do not ta%e load ng as "ell as #oc%ets. 4ater al select on must be cons dered "hen us ng do"els and #oc%et ng s #re!erred "hen load ng ncreases. -. /es gn serv ceab l ty nto assembl es. 3ons der both ease o! setDu# !or *T1 and ease o! re#a r !or the customer. 3om#onents that may "ear should be eas ly access ble !or change. 10. /es gn rel ab l ty nto assembl es. &oc%et ng or do"el ng such tems as sto# bloc%s, #unches, cyl nder mounts, etc. " ll ensure accurate assembly s?uareness and #os t on ng o! the tool ng "h ch could a!!ect the !unct on. Cee# n m nd the 215466380.doc Rev date Nov. 21, 2002 4

Mechanical Design Department Design Standards & Practices

tool " ll be d sassembled !rom t me to t me and reassemble must be easy and accurate. 11. /es gn access b l ty nto the assembly. 8lo" controls, sensors, sto#s, etc. must be access ble !or ad9ustments. 12. $nclude sensors and mount ng brac%ets n the des gn. 13. 3alculate the cycle t me o! the tool to ensure t s "ell " th n the re?u red mach ne cycle. .se the *T1 t m ng chart !or determ n ng mach ne cycle t me. 14. 2nsure that the actuators are s >ed to handle the loads at the re?u red cycle t me. $t may be necessary to nvolve other des gn #ersonnel to calculate th s. ' .e. motor s >es, etc.( 15. 1#r ngs should not be com#ressed more than 1=2 o! the r length 'chec% manu!acturers recommendat ons(. .se stoc% s#r ngs and nclude s#r ng data n your A.B.4. / e s#r ngs do not com#ress the same amount as com#ress on s#r ngs. 1ee the catalogue !or d e s#r ng data. 16. * note should be #laced on the assembly dra" ng that ncludes s#r ng !orces, stro%es, loads etc. 1+. /o not reta n # vot # ns by #ress ! t. .se 3Dcl #s, set scre"s or reta n ng #lates. 18. /o not bury scre"s under other tool ng. Th s " ll only add to !rustrat on "hen try ng to d sassemble the tool ng. 1-. 3learance holes that mount "eldments to the tables should be 1 standard clearance hole s >e larger than the actual !astener re?u red to mount the assembly ' .e. 410 clearance hole !or an 48 !astener(. 20. 3yl nders should al"ays have !loat ng cou#l ngs '8esto !le) ble connectors, TD nuts(. 21. $nclude an a##ro#r ate amount o! e)tra stro%e n sl des !or ad9ustment 'ad9ustment n e ther d rect on(. 22. Rev e" your des gn !or !le) ng and load ng. $t may be necessary to nvolve other des gn #ersonnel to analy>e th s. 23. 2nsure the des gn !ollo"s correct ergonom c standards. 4a%e the des gn com!ortable to use, ma nta n and re#a r. 1ee E/es gn !or 2rgonom csE. 24. 2nsure the des gn !ollo"s the Fealth and 1a!ety standards. 1ee :/es gn !or 1a!ety;. 25. Rev e" the accuracy o! the a##l cat on to ensure the tool can accommodate the accuracy re?u rements. The tolerance o! tool must match the a##l cat on n accuracy. 26. ,hen handl ng or # c% ng a customer #art, use the h gh accuracy !eatures on the #art. 215466380.doc Rev date Nov. 21, 2002 5

Mechanical Design Department Design Standards & Practices

2+. *ll &allets and d al nests must be numbered. The standard des gn s a tag made !rom 1=16; 5ravo#ly, '"h te( !astened " th a <2 ) 1=4 dr ve r vet or a <4D40 ) 1=4 &h l #s head mach ne scre". Th s des gn should cover most a##l cat ons ho"ever there may be cases "here an alternat ve s re?u red. The dra" ng ! le can be located through the 1ol d,or%s !eature #allet under 8GH*T1 /es gnsH1, 8eature &alletH&allet &artsH4 sc. &arts. 28. $! an assembly re?u res a sh ll or tool !or setu# #ur#oses nclude the des gn and deta l o! th s tool " th the assembly. 8ollo" $1B #rocedure. 2-. &rov de ta##ed holes !or l !t ng heavy tool ng by crane or !or%l !t. 30. *ll angular and #rec s on ad9ustable sto# scre"s should have s#her cal ends and be hardened. 31. /o"el holes n bases to be trans!erred to tableto# at assembly should be ! rst dr lled 1=2mm or 1=32; unders >e o! do"el. 32. *ll &allets and d al nests re?u re 344 ns#ect ons '1ee $1B #rocedure 200.2-( 33. ,hen us ng 6 near Aear ng ra ls, ensure the ra l s #oc%eted dee# enough to clear !or the cham!er. The ra l should never be #oc%eted to a tolerance length" se. Ra ls are never to e)act measurements n the length. The #oc%et should have clearance on both ends. 34. , th h gh tor?ue a##l cat ons '#ulley dr ves, gear dr ves etc.( use :transtor?ue; ta#er loc% bush ngs. 35. $nclude n the des gns, "hen re?u red, cable trac%s, cable trac% mounts and order the mater als. The select on o! cable trac% " ll re?u re n#ut !rom the 2lectr cal /es gner. Iou " ll need to %no" the cable s >es, ?uant ty o! cable n the trac%, ?uant ty o! a r l nes n the trac%, bend rad us o! the cable etc. 36. ,hen attach ng a hose bet"een a grease e9ector and a needle, m n m >e the chance o! grease dr ## ng a!ter e9ect ng by the !ollo" ng methodsG a( use nylon re n!orced hydraul c hose. b( use small d ameter hose '1=8; or J; $/(. c( %ee# hose length to a m n mum. 3+. ,hen us ng a 3amco $nde)er the des gner must clearly label numer cally the nests on the d al #late that s to be mounted on the 3amco. 38. $nstruct ons !or mount ng=mach n ng d al #lates to camco nde)er " th overload clutch are as !ollo"sG 4ount d al #late to nde)er d rectly us ng all mount ng holes. Trans!er one do"el through #late and nto nde)er. ,hen su##ort ng the under s de o! the d al the d al #late should have "ear #lates. The d al #late must be mach ned n these locat ons to #rov de an accurate he ght !or the "ear #lates.

215466380.doc Rev date Nov. 21, 2002

Mechanical Design Department Design Standards & Practices

4ach ne d al #late "h le attached to nde)er. 3ycle nde)er nto #os t on !or mach n ng. The d al #late must be mach ned n the locat on o! all d al nests to #rov de an accurate he ght. $nstall clutch assembly to nde)er " th the d al #late '"ear #late on bottom, clutch on to#( Trans!er the t"o '2( e) st ng do"el holes !rom the "ear #late nto the d al #late. NoteG The do"els that are ncluded " th the "ar #late " ll be re?u red !or assembly. / sassemble nde)er, d al #late and clutch. Fave d al #late #lated.

3-. $nstruct ons !or assembly 4ount "ear #late to d al #late us ng e) st ng do"els only. The threaded holes n the "ear #late are used to remove the "ear #late. &lace d al #late " th "ear #late on the nde)er. $nstall the clutch to the nde)er. NoteG The d al #late cannot be scre"ed to the nde)er Bverload clutches are seldom used 'other than customer re?uest(, the reason be ng, that by the t me the overload clutch engages, the damage s usually done(. 3ams and #ro) m ty s" tches are used to sense the d"ell and the nde) o! the camco. These are a standard #roduct. '#lease see standard #roduct manual(

40. ,hen des gn ng gr ##er ! ngers !or the *T1 gr ##ers, the #oc%et !or locat ng the ! nger to the gr ##er should be cleared belo" the mount ng hole. The ! nger should datum o!! the shoulder above the mount ng hole.

Bearing Applications
1. * bush ng length should be at least 1 1=2 t mes the d stance the load s o!!set. The length o! a bush ng should also be 1 1=2 t mes the d ameter 'or " dth( o! the sl d ng member. 2. & vot # ns that carry an o!!set load should be avo ded. 3. Rad al bear ngs should be a #ress ! t to the sha!t or the $./. o! the bear ng. Aear ng tolerances are automat cally created us ng the bear ng tolerance macro ns de our 3*/ so!t"are #rograms. 4. 8or h gh s#eed or h gh load rotary mot ons use some style o! rad al ball bear ng. 5. There are several ty#es o! l near bear ngs ava lable. Ae sure the bear ng ty#e matches the a##l cat on. 6. ,hen us ng l near ball bear ngs and sha!t ng 'Thomson, Aarden, and standard ty#e( al"ays use t"o bear ngs. Th s style o! bear ng has a great amount o! a) al=rotat onal movement "hen us ng only one. 215466380.doc Rev date Nov. 21, 2002 +

Mechanical Design Department Design Standards & Practices

+. $n the case "here bush ngs and locat ng # ns have been used !or locat on #ur#oses ' .e.G change over #late on a #allet( the amount o! # n engagement to the bush ng " ll a!!ect the d !! culty n "h ch the #late s removed !rom the # ns. Bne # n should be round and the other should be d amond sha#ed. The # n engagement should also be m n mal. 8. Ae sure to chec% the ty#es o! load ng "hen us ng rad al ball bear ngs. ' .e.G a) al, rad al( $t may be necessary to use an angular or a style o! bear ng. -. $! a h gh load, h gh #rec s on l near bear ng s re?u red use 1T*R style ra l bear ngs. 10. *l"ays order bear ngs " th seals or sh elds ! the bear ng s e)#osed or not lubr cated

215466380.doc Rev date Nov. 21, 2002

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