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Heartfelt thanks to those who support me Here I am in the quandary of where to begin in thanking people. I realize that I am indebted to so many people who encouraged me and share their knowledge. I am grateful to all. Our topic of the report was CONSUMER BEHAVIOR REGAR ING GSM CE!!U!AR "HONES V#S C MA CE!!U!AR "HONES . I thoroughly enjoyed with many fine people of na! "angal! #antoshgarh! I highly thankful to Dr. Anoop K Sharma $Sr% !e&turer 'n Commer&e( for their moral support that influences us in the completion of the report. I appreciate the contribution of each and hope that I am accurately incorporated their considerable knowledge. $ast but not the least I am also thankful to our parents and friends who pro%ided me with their full cooperation for successfully completion of my project. &nd I thank The Almighty who is always with me.

'ajni (umari

I am lucky that I got an opportunity for making the project report on )ele communication companies from my own interest. *ase study has been carried out to study the present scenario of the *+,& technology. I %isited the %arious concerns for two months and prepare our project report on the topic CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR REGARDING GSM CELLULAR PHONES V/S CDMA CELLULAR PHONES* and the study is di%ided into %arious chapters to get knowledge. I also considered some published material on the particular topic as well as about the concern. )his helps me in boosting up my confidence and determination! which will help me to face the situation in coming years. )his report is written account of what I learnt and e-perienced during my sur%ey. I wish! those going through it will not only find it readable but also get as useful Information. )he main limitation that I e-perienced was that I did not get the full and correct Information from the market! as many of the respondents did not answer to my .uestionnaire correctly completely.

Page No.

Acknowledgement Preface Introduction to GSM 1.1 Meaning of GSM 1.2 !i"tor# of GSM 1.% GSM Growt& in India 1.' GSM (Pla#er" in Pun(ab) Introduction to )*MA 2.1 Meaning of )*MA 2.2 !i"tor# of )*MA 2.% )*MA Segment ,verview 2.' )*MA Growt& *river" 2. )*MA ,/erator" % S0,1 Anal#"i" of 1elecom Indu"tr# ' Growt& of GSM 2 )*MA till 233+ .1 ,b(ective of 4e"earc& .2 Sco/e of t&e Stud#

(i) (ii) (iv) ( ) ($) (11) (1$) (2 ) (2$) (2+) (2-) (2.) (%1) (%.) ('1) ('%) ('')

b) c) d) e) f) g) &) i) () k) l) m)

o) /) 5)


r) ") t) u) v) w) 8)

.% 4e"earc& Met&odolog# .' Anal#"i" and Inter/retation . )onclu"ion ba"ed on "urve# conducted .$ 4ecommendation .+ 6imitation of t&e "tud# 7ibliogra/&# Anne8ure

(' ) ('+) ( .) ($3) ($2)

List o Charts
Chart no. /. 2. 1. 7. H!a"in# 0#, growth in India *+,& operator subscriber 3ase 0rowth of 0#, 4 *+,& )ill 2556 *omparati%e &nalysis of ,obile #ubscriber Pa#! no. /1 12 71 789:8


Introduction To GSM

;0lobal #ystem for ,obile<

Chapter 1.1 Meaning of G.S.M

;0lobal #ystem for ,obile< )he 0lobal #ystem for ,obile *ommunications ;0#,= originally from 0rouped #pecial ,obile< is the most popular standard for mobile phones in the world. 0#, ser%ice is used by o%er 2 billion people across more than 2/2 countries and territories.>/?>2? the ubiquity of the 0#, standard makes international roaming %ery common between mobile phone operators! enabling subscribers to use their phones in many parts of the world. 0#, differs significantly from its predecessors in that both signaling and speech channels are +igital call quality! which means that it is considered a second generation ;20< mobile phone system. )his fact has also meant that data communication was built into the system from the 1rd 0eneration @artnership @roject ;10@@<.

Chapter1.2 History of GSM

)he de%elopment and success of 0#, has been an outstanding e-ample of international enterprises in action. 3elow you will find a brief history of 0#,! describing how it all comes about and how the &ssociation was born! has grown and e%ol%ed. Ae also include the many people who contribute to the associationBs tremendous growth and highlight the major achie%ements and milestones along the way. )his history is complete from /8C6 through /886! a further update will be a%ailable in due courses. )he ultimate out come of the battle for dominance between these two competing cellular data transmission technologies may lie more in their history then their respecti%e merits ton understands the current pre%alence of 0#,! one need of a foundation in the forces that con%erged to push one technology ahead of their other.

13 One of the most contentions battles being waged in the wireless infrastructure industry is the debate o%er the efficient use and allocation of finite airwa%es. Dor se%eral year! the wordBs two methods E*ode +i%ision ,ultiple &ccess ;*+,&< and 0lobal #ystem for ,obile *ommunications ;0#,< Eha%e di%ided the wireless world into opposing camps ltimately! the emergence of a *+,& is relati%ely new! and the network is not as mature as 0#,. *+,& cannot offer antinational roaming! a large 0#, ad%antage.

The E ro!Asian a"ternati#e$ GSM

&nalyst consider .ualcommBs major competiti%e disad%antage to be its lack of access to the Furopean market now controlled by global system for mobile communications ;0#,<. )he wireless world is now di%ided into 0#, ; much of western Furope < and *+,& ; north &merica and parts of &sia <. 3ad timings may ha%e pre%ented the e%olution of one! single global wireless standard. Gust two years before *+,&Bs /88: introduction in Hong (ong! Furopean carriers and manufacturers chose to support the first a%ailable digital technology E )ime di%ision multiple access ;)+,&<. 0#, uses )+,& as its core technology. )herefore! since the majority of wireless users are in Furope and &sia! 0#, has taken the worldwide lead as the technology of choice.

11 ,obile handset manufacturers ultimately split into two camps! as ,otorola! lucent and "e-tel chose *+,&! and "okia and Fricsson e%entually pushed these companies out and dominant 0#, players.

A%#antages of GSM$
0#, is already used worldwide with o%er 7:5 million subscribers. International roaming permits subscribers to use one phone throughout Aestern Furope. *+,& will work in &sia! but not Drance! 0ermany! the .(. and other popular Furopean destinations. 0#, is mature! ha%ing started in the mid9C5s. )his maturity means a more stable network with robust features. *+,& is still building its network. 0#,Bs maturity means engineers cut their teeth on the technology! creating an unconscious preference. )he a%ailability of subscriber identity modules! which are smart card that pro%ide secure data encryption gi%e 0#, m9commerce ad%antages.


0#, has the highest cellular mobile subscriber base! worldwide ;6HI< crossed one billion in Deb. 2557. one billion of the worlds /.: billion of mobile

12 phones are of the 0#, system ;fi-ed phones world9wide are /.2 billion<. 0#, ser%ices are a%ailable in 25H countries with a total of H/H 0#, networks. In India! we ha%e 61 0#, networks in 2555 stations with 2H9million subscriber base ;by 255:! total mobile connections are likely to e-ceed total fi-ed line connections in India<. & total of 1H5 billion short message ser%ices ;#,#< messages were sent through 0#, networks in the year 2552.

A"$anta#!s o GSM

0#, is matureJ this maturity means a more stable network with robust features.

$ess signal deterioration inside buildings.

&bility to use repeaters.

)alktime is generally higher in 0#, phones due to the pulse nature of transmission.

)he a%ailability of #ubscriber Identity ,odules allows users to switch networks and handsets at will.


0#, co%ers %irtually all parts of the world so international roaming is not a problem.

)he much bigger number of subscribers globally creates a better network effect for 0#, handset makers! carriers and end users.

)ools for unlocking 0#, phones are widely a%ailable. ,eaning it is easier to keep the same phone and go with another carrier using the same technology.

GSM O$!ra%% E i&i!n&'

(or S)*s&ri*!r (or op!rators

6ow co"t 9ntr# !and"et 0ide )&oice and availabilit# of &and"et Internal 4oaming 9a"# Sub"cri/tion

9conomie" of "cale due to dominant market "&are in India )&oice of multi/le vendor" )a/e8 o/timi:ation 6ower "ub"criber ac5ui"ition co"t Seamle"" intero/erabilit#


Chapt!r + ,.GSM In In"ia

)he subscriber growth saw a phenomenal increase from 2552 onwards. )his was

1 ,ainly due to lowered call tariffs and full9scale implementation of #,# ser%ices all o%er India. +ecember 2552! where India touched the /5 million mark could be +efined as a milestone for Indian wireless industry. #ubscriber growth continued from 2552951 and there were close to 22 million #ubscribers as of +ecember 2551. )wo main elements for this phenomenal growth are /. $owered call tariffs 4 2. Dree incoming calls *onsumers who were once reluctant to subscribe to mobile subscriptions founded feasible and con%enient to a%ail as now there was hardly any difference between the monthly bills compared to fi-ed line! and mobility was definitely a crucial element. )he abo%e phenomena in India is taking shape because of the presence of huge ,iddle class population. On an estimate there are some 155 to 1:5 million people belonging to this group in India. nlike a car or a tele%ision set ;where one is enough in the family< with the lowered call tariffs it became possible e%en for family members to own a mobile phone each.


K 3rand "ame= &I')F$ K "etwork= 0#, 855! /C55! 0@'#! F+0F K "etwork *o%erage= /6 )elecom circles K #ubscriber base= 6!5H2!771 ;,ay 2557< K ,arket #hare= 2HI K &'@ ;,ar. 51957<= C!7 L

K #ubscriptions= @ost @aid! @re @aid


3harti was the first mobile operator operational in India. IndiaBs first 0#, based phone call was made on &irtel network.

K 3rand "ame= H )*H K "etwork= 0#, 855! 0#, /C55! 0@'#! F+0F K "etwork *o%erage= /7 )elecom *ircles K #ubscriber base= M : million K ,arket #hare= 25I K &'@
;,ar. 51957<= 8!8 Furo ;Highest in 0#, segment<

K #ubscriptions= @ost @aid! @re @aid


K 3rand "ame= #@I*F K "etwork= 0#, 855! /C55! 0@'#! F+0F K "etwork *o%erage= 2 )elecom circles K #ubscriber base= N 7 million K ,arket #hare= /5I K &'@
1Mar. 2-02345 C!5:

K #ubscriptions= @ost @aid! @re @aid


BSNL Mo*i%!
K 3rand "ame= 3#"$ K "etwork= 0#, 855! /C55! 0@'# K "etwork *o%erage= 22 )elecom circles K #ubscriber base= N 2 million K ,arket #hare= 28I K &'@
;,ar. 51957<= 6!C:

K #ubscriptions= @ost @aid! @re @aid


Chapt!r 0,.3 GSM ) G"o-a" Syste. for Mo-i"e /o.. ni/ation * +"ayer in + n0a-. AI4196 7SN6 !;1)! SPI)9 1.A('TEL$

23 &s we spread wings to e-pand our capabilities and e-plore new horizons! the fundamental focus remains unchanged= seek out the best technology in the world and put it at the ser%ice of our ultimate user= our customer.

#unil 3harti ,ittal ;*hairman and 0roup ,anaging +irector<

3harti )ele9%entures limited was incorporated on Guly 6!/88: for promoting in%estments in telecommunications ser%ices. Its subsidiaries operate telecom ser%ices across India. 3harti )ele9%entures is IndiaBs leading pri%ate sector pro%ider of telecommunications ser%ices based on a strong customer base consisting of appro-imately 8.7H million total customers which constitute! appro-imately C.6 million mobile and appro-imately 6H:!555 fi-ed line customers as of #eptember 15!2557.

3usiness strategy=
3harti )ele9%entures strategic objecti%e is )o capitalize on the growth opportunities that the company belie%es are a%ailable in the Indian

telecommunications market and consolidate its position to be the leading integrated telecommunications ser%ices pro%ider in key markets in India! with a focus on pro%iding mobile ser%ices. )he company has de%eloped the following strategies to achie%e its strategic objecti%e= Docus on ma-imizing re%enue and margins.

21 *apture ma-imum telecommunications re%enue potential with minimum geographical co%erage. Offer multiple telecommunications ser%ices to pro%ide customers with a one9stop shop solution. @osition itself to tap data transmission opportunities and offer ad%anced mobile data ser%ices. Docus on satisfying and retaining customers by ensuring high le%el of customer satisfaction. $e%erage strengths of its strategic and financial partnersJ and Fmphasize on human resources de%elopment to achie%e operational efficiencies.

3harti )ele9%entures current businesses include ,obile ser%ices Di-ed line "ational and international long distance ser%ices O9#&)! internet ser%ices and network solutions


*ompetiti%e strengths=
3harti )ele9%entures belie%es that the following elements will contribute to the companyBs success as an integrated telecommunication ser%ices pro%ider in India and will pro%ide the company with a solid foundation to e-ecute its business strategy= "ationwide footprint E as of #eptember 15!2557! appro-imately 8:I of IndiaBs total mobile subscribers resided in the companyBs se%enteen mobile circles. )hese /6 circles collecti%ely accounted for appro-imately :HI of IndiaBs landmass. Docus on telecommunications to enable the company to better anticipate industry trends and capitalize on new telecommunications related business opportunities. )he strong brand name recognition and a reputation for offering high quality ser%ice to its customers. .uality management team with %ision and pro%en e-ecution skills.

2. S+(CE $
#pice telecom the brand name of spice communications limited is presently operating cellular phone ser%ices in the states of @unjab and (arnataka. *onsidered as one of the best pro%iders of mobile telephony in India! spice is a

2% :/=78 joint %enture between spice corp. ;India< E the flagship company of ,9corp. 0lobal group that first introduced India to mobile phone ser%ices and has interests in the field of telecommunications! office automation and information technology and +I#)&*O, ;Hong (ong< a company with o%er 25 years of e-perience in mobile communication which was responsible for bringing mobile telephony to Hong (ong along with Hutchison telecom.

$aunched o%er si- years ago under the brand name of spice the companyBs cellular ser%ices ha%e already built up a strong customer base of o%er 6!55!555 in two of IndiaBs most challenging and lucrati%e markets E @unjab and (arnataka. +uring the course of time spice has assumed the position of a market leader in both the circles of its operation. In both the circles spice retains its leadership position and continues to grow at a fast pace. 'ecently! spice @unjab added another feather in its cap by being declared the number one operator for ha%ing the highest number of international roaming partnerships in o%er /H8 countries. +uring the course of time spice has assumed the position of a market leader in both the circles of its operation. In both the circles spice retains its leadership position and continues to grow at a fast pace. 'ecently! spice @unjab added another feather in its cap by being declared the number one operator ha%ing the highest number of international roaming partnerships in o%er /H8 countries. )oday! spice has distribution strengths of o%er :555 retail points in e%ery comer of @unjab. #pice has further introduced inno%ati%e tariff packages tailor E made

2' to e-tend its reach to more than :!55!555 subscribers in @unjab! co%ering 81I of urban population! with support from a strong operational and billing network. In (arnataka spice has undertaken a large cellular infrastructure project that in%ol%es an //55 km optic fiber cable backbone catering to the needs of customers all o%er the state. )he companyBs roll out plan is on target as it has co%ered 85I of district headquarters within a span of four years of operation. &t present the ser%ice is operational in 7H key towns P cities with co%erage of more than 855 %illages.

Aork force and in%estment=

)he company has a consolidated workforce of around 275 employees from di%erse educational and cultural backgrounds. Out of these H5I are professionally qualified. #pice has in%ested a sum of 's. /!H/H crores on its operations in @unjab.

1. H,TCH$
Hutchison telecom! one of the worldBs leading cellular ser%ice pro%iders! brings hutch to you. Ae are known for our inno%ati%e approach and world9class technology. Our goal is to pro%ide you superior products and ser%ices! anytime and anywhere.

*orporate profile=
Hutchison established its presence in India in /887! through a joint %enture with ma- India limited. In /88:! Hutchison ma- telecom became the first operator in India to launch its cellular ser%ice. )oday! Hutchison is the one of the largest pro%iders of cellular ser%ices in India with presence in all the major regions E orange in ,umbai and hutch in +elhi! (arnataka! &ndhra @radesh! *hennai! (olkata! 0ujarat! Haryana! 'ajasthan! ;F<! @ ;A<! rest of 3engal and @unjab. @

It is also the countryBs largest roaming operator! with a more e-tensi%e network in India and around the world than any other operator. It is a part of the Hong (ong based multinational conglomerate Hutchison Aampum limited! a fortune :55 company! and one of the largest companies listed on the Hong (ong stock e-change. Its operations span 7/ countries across the &sia pacific region! Furope and the &mericas. Hutchison affiliates jointly account for the largest number of cellular subscribers in India numbering o%er H million.

2. BSNL $
On October /! 2555 the department of telecom operations! 0o%ernment of India became a corporation and was christened 3harat #anchar "igam $imited ;3#"$<. )oday! 3#"$ is the "o. / telecommunications company and the largest

2$ public sector undertaking of India with authorized share capital of Q 1H55 million and net worth of Q /1.C: billion. It has a network of o%er 7: million lines co%ering :555 towns with o%er 1: million telephone connections. Aith largest digital switching technology like O*3! FA#+! &RF9/5! DF)FR! "F* etc. and widespread transmission network including #OH system up to 2.: gbps. +A+, system up to C5 gbps! web telephony! +I&#! O@"! 3roadband and more than 7!55!555 data customers! 3#"$ continues to ser%e this great nation its responsibilities include impro%ement of the already impeccable quality of telecom ser%ices! e-pansion of telecom network! introduction of new telecom ser%ices in all %illages and instilling confidence among its customers. 3#"$ has managed to shoulder these responsibilities remarkably and deftly. )oday! with o%er 7: million line capacity! 88.8I of its e-change digital! nation wide network management 4 sur%eillance system ;",##< to control telecom traffic and o%er 7!55!555 route kms of network! 3harat #anchar "igam $td. Is name to reckon with in the world of connecti%ity. &long with its %ast customer base! 3#"$Bs financial and asset bases too are %ast and strong. *onsider the figures! as they speak %olumes on 3#"$Bs standing= )he telephone infrastructure alone is worth about 's. /!55!555 crore ; # Q 2/.2 billion< )urno%er of 's. 2:!555 crore ; # Q :.2 billion<


*onclusion of the topic is that maturity of customers is using &irtel ser%ices because of its good network co%erage a%ailability and reliability of ser%ices and effecti%e *ustomers care support. I also come to know that majority of people ha%e post paid connection because there is no any hidden cost in%ol%ed in it. ,ostly customers ha%e facing the problem with companies &irtel! #pice! Hutch! and 3#"$ because of their network problem faced by them. +istortion and delay in %alue added ser%ices from these reasons customers are not using these ser%ices. ,ostly customers ha%e considered &irtel is one of the best ser%ices pro%ided in Himachal 4 @unjab Sone because other fast and efficient ser%ices.




;*ode di%ision multiple access<

Chapt!r + 6., M!anin# o C.D.M.A

;*ode di%ision multiple access< *ode di%ision multiple access ;*+,&< is a form of multiple-ing and a method of multiple access that di%ides up a radio channel not by time! nor by frequency ;as in frequency9di%ision multiple access<! but instead by using different pseudo9random code sequences for each user. *+,& is a form of Tspread9spectrumT signaling! since the modulated coded signal has a much higher bandwidth than the data being communicated. *+,& also refers to digital cellular telephony systems that make use of this multiple access scheme! such as those pioneered by .ualcomm! and A9*+,& by the International )elecommunication nion or I) .

%3 *+,& has been used in many communications and na%igation systems! including the 0lobal @ositioning #ystem and in the Omni)'&*# satellite system for transportation logistics.

Chapt!r 6.6 Histor' o CDMA

*ode +i%ision ,ultiple &ccess ;*+,&< is both a modulation &nd multiple access schemes. 'esearches started e%en from /8:5Bs *laude #hannon and 'obert @ierce had pro%ided *+,& framework in /878. +e9'osa9'ogoff defined the direct sequence spread spectrum method in /8:5. 'ake recei%er was first patented by @rice and 0reen in /8:H *ellular spread9spectrum application was suggested by *ooper and "ettleton in /86C. I#98:! the narrow band *+,& mobile network! has been standardized in /881 and commercial networks were introduced

%1 in /88:. 10 wideband *+,& systems! such as *+,&2555 in .#. and Furopean A*+,& de%eloped from /885s and still ongoing.

Chapt!r 6.CDMA S!#m!nt o$!r$i!.

@resent #tandard= *+,& 2555 / #tarted in ,arch 2551 Offered by H operators $0 and #amsung hold majority de%ice ,arket share #treaming media options


&lways on internet connecti%ity U //7 kbps

Chapt!r 6.3

CDMA "ri$!rs

"ationwide roaming 3undled internet facility *+,& phones come with a data port where consumers can connect to internet at /7kbps Fasy subscription a%ailability! starting from Furo /5 only Huge %ariety of content


Online bill %iew #,# based ser%ice acti%ations &ggressi%e launch

)here was a big debate in India just before the launch of *+,& ser%ices that will it #ucceed or notV 'ecent trends re%eal that *+,& is here to stay! but that doesnWt mean that it is going to o%erpower 0#,. "ationwide roaming helped to boost subscribe base! option of connecting to internet using a simple data cable pro%ed as a catalyst in promoting *+,& ser%ices in India. )he call tariffs o%er *+,& were initially lower as compared to 0#, but today *+,& and 0#, call tariffs are moreo%er same. )he calls are tariffed again on the distance parameter! which is already e-plained earlier. 'eliance Infocomm was the first pri%ate operator to start with the *+,& ser%ices in India. Howe%er! 3#"$ and ,)"$ offered *+,& before 'eliance they were unable to tap subscribers. 'elianceBs strategic alliance with $0 and #amsung to offer their handsets along with their subscriptions pro%ed to be a catalyst in the process. )ata Indicomm! which was the second pri%ate operator to offer *+,& ser%ices initially! failed to attract consumers but since early 2557! it has re%i%ed its strategy and has been able to gain some market share.





CDMA Op!rator S)*s&ri*!r Bas!

Chapt!r 6.7 CDMA OPERA/ERS


3rand "ame= 'I,9 'eliance India ,obile "etwork= *+,& 25559/"etwork *o%erage= /C )elecom circles #ubscriber base= M H!C million ,arket #hare= C5I &'@ ;,ar. 51957<= Furo /1 #ubscriptions= @ost @aid! @re @aid

$ate +hirubhai &mbani built 'eliance from scratch to be in the reckoning for a place in the global fortune :55 lists the achie%ement is e%en more significant due to the fact! that the entire growth was achie%ed in an organic manner and in a span of just 2: years. +huribhai was not just firmly rooted in traditional Indian %alues! but was also a quintessentially modern man E the man of the new millennium. )his was clearly reflected in his passion for mega9sized projects! the most ad%anced technology and highest le%el of producti%ity.

%$ )he corporate philosophy he followed was short simple and succinct9 )hink big. )hink differently. )hink fast. )hink ahead. &im for the best. He inspired the 'eliance team to do better than the best not only in India but also in the world. +hirubhai &mbani! Dounder 4 *hairman of the 'eliance 0roup! had an acute sense that education alone empowers people. He was the great communicator. He communicated to inspire! to guide! to educate and to moti%ate. He employed telephone as a powerful tool to achie%e these goals. He used telephone to defeat distance! to compress time and to remain abreast of e%ents. He was acutely aware of the power of information and communication. He would often say= make the tool of infocomm a%ailable to people at an affordable cost! they will o%ercome the handicaps of illiteracy and lack of mobility. He wanted a telephone call to be cheaper than a postcard. )his! he belie%ed! would transform e%ery home! empower e%ery Indian! remo%e the roadblocks to opportunity and demolish the barriers that di%ide our society. +huribhai &mbani was of the con%iction that infocomm would energize enterprises! gal%anize go%ernance! make li%elihood an enjoyment! learning an e-perience! and li%ing an e-citement. 'eliance infocomm is a fascinating outcome of this con%iction. It is a major initiati%e to translate his inspiring dream into reality.


I"DO*O,, 3 #I"F## 'eliance Infocomm will offer a complete range of telecom ser%ices! co%ering mobile and fi-ed line telephony including broadband! national and international long distance ser%ices! data ser%ices and wide range of %alue added ser%ices and application that will enhance producti%ity of enterprises and indi%iduals. 'eliance India ,obile! the first of infocommXs initiati%es was launched on +ecember 2C! 2552 the 65th birthday of the 'eliance group founder! #h. +hirubhai H. &mbani. )his makes the beginning of 'elianceBs dream of ushering in the digital re%olution in India by becoming a major catalyst in impro%ing quality of life and changing the face of India. Its aim to achie%e this by putting the power of information and communication in the hand of the people of India at affordable costs. 'eliance Infocomm will e-tend its efforts beyond the traditional %alue chain to de%elop and deploy telecom solution for IndiaBs farmers! businesses! hospitals! go%ernment and public sector organizations.


)he 'eliance 0roup founded by +hirubhai H. &mbani ;/81292552< is IndiaWs largest business house with total re%enues of o%er 's 88!555 crore ; #Q 22.H billion<! cash profit of 's /2!:55 crore ; #Q 2.C billion<! net profit of 's H!255 crore ; #Q /.7 billion< and e-ports of 's /:!855 crore ; #Q 1.H billion<. )he 0roupWs acti%ities span e-ploration and production ;F4@< of oil and gas! refining and marketing! petrochemicals ;polyester! polymers! and intermediates<! te-tiles! financial ser%ices and insurance! power! telecom and infocom initiati%es. )he 0roup e-ports its products to more than /55 countries the world o%er. 'eliance emerged as IndiaWs ,ost &dmired 3usiness House! for the third successi%e year in a )"# ,ode sur%ey for 2551. 'eliance 0roup re%enue is equi%alent to about 1.:I of IndiaWs 0+@. )he 0roup contributes nearly /5I of the countryWs indirect ta- re%enues and o%er HI of IndiaWs e-ports. &n in%estor family of o%er 1./ million 9 IndiaBs largest! trusts reliance. 'eliance Industries $td. 9 IndiaWs largest pri%ate sector company 'eliance Industries $imited ;'I$< is IndiaWs largest pri%ate sector company on all major financial parameters with gross turno%er of 's 67!7/C crore ; #Q /6 billion<! cash profit of 's 8!/86 crore ; #Q 2./ billion<! net profit of 's :!/H5 crore ; #Q /.2 billion<! net worth of 's 17!7:2 crore ; #Q 6.8 billion< and total assets of 's 6/!/:6 crore ; #Q /H.1 billion<. 'I$ emerged as the only Indian company in the list of global companies that create most %alue for their shareholders! published by Dinancial )imes based on a global sur%ey and research conducted by @rice water house *oopers in 2557. 'I$ features in the Dorbes 0lobal list of worldWs 755 best big companies and in D) 0lobal :55 list of worldWs largest companies. 'I$ emerged as the W3est ,anaged *ompanyW in India in a study by 3usiness )oday and &.). (earney in 2551. )he company emerged WIndiaWs biggest wealth creatorW in the pri%ate sector o%er a :9year period in a study by 3usiness )oday 9 #tern #tewart in 2557. 'I$ alone accounts for= /6 per cent of the total profits of the pri%ate sector in India 6 per cent of the profits of the entire corporate sector in India H per cent of the total market capitalization in India Aeightage of /: per cent in the 3#F #enseAeightage of /2 per cent in the "ifty Inde.


One out of e%ery four in%estors in India is a 'eliance shareholder. Aith globally competiti%e capital and operating cost positions! 'eliance 0roup dominates the rapidly growing Indian market deri%ing o%er C5I of its re%enues from the domestic market. ')$ pro%ides *ellular #er%ices in 6 )elecom *ircles encompassing 25 #tates of India and two )I. ')$Ws subscriber in India are more than /71C88H6 up to Gan 255H International 'oaming was implemented from /st +ecember 2551 in all ')$ circles! e-cept &ssam and "orth Fast where there is a restriction on international roaming. 'oaming with more than 155 operators across the globe has been opened up through sponsor network using the signaling and billing solution from 'oam ware.


3rand "ame= )&)& or )&)& Indicom "etwork= *+,& 25559/"etwork *o%erage= H )elecom circles #ubscriber base= M 2 million ,arket #hare= C E /5I &'@ ;,ar. 51957<= Furo /59/2 #ubscriptions= @ost @aid! @re @aid


)ata )eleser%ices is part of the I"' H7!1:5 *rore ; #Q/7.1 billion< )ata 0roup! that has o%er 85 companies! o%er 2/5!555 employees and more than 2./H million shareholders. Aith an in%estment of o%er I"' 8!555 *rore ; #Q 2 billion< in )elecom! the 0roup has a formidable presence across the telecom %alue chain. )he )ata 0roup plans an additional in%estment of around I"' 8555P9 *rore ; #Q 2 billion< in this sector in the ne-t two years. )ata )eleser%ices spearheads the 0roupWs presence in the telecom sector. Incorporated in /88H! )ata )eleser%ices was the first to launch *+,& mobile ser%ices in India with the &ndhra @radesh circle. #tarting with the major acquisition of Hughes ) ;India< $imited >now renamed )ata )eleser%ices ;,aharashtra< $imited? in +ecember 2552! the company has swung into e-pansion mode. )ata )eleser%ices operates in 25 circles i.e. &ndhra @radesh! *hennai! 0ujarat! (arnataka! +elhi! ,aharashtra! ,umbai! )amil "adu! Orissa! 3ihar! 'ajasthan! @unjab! Haryana! Himachal @radesh! ttar @radesh ;F<! ttar @radesh ;A<! (erala! (olkata! ,adhya @radesh and Aest 3engal. )he company has a customer base of o%er 1 million. )he in%estment in the company as of ,arch 2557 totals I"' :88: *rore ; #Q /255 million<. Ha%ing pioneered the *+,& 10/- technology platform in India! )ata )eleser%ices has established a robust and reliable telecom infrastructure that ensures quality in its ser%ices. It has partnered with ,otorola! Fricsson! $ucent and F*I )elecom for the deployment of a reliable! technologically ad%anced network. )he company! which heralded con%ergence technologies in the Indian telecom sector! is today the market leader in the fi-ed wireless telephony market with a customer base of /.C million. )ata )eleser%icesW bouquet of telephony ser%ices includes ,obile ser%ices! Di-ed Aireless @hones! @ublic 3ooth )elephony! and Aireline ser%ices. Other ser%ices include %alue added ser%ices like %oice portal! roaming! post9paid Internet ser%ices! 19way conferencing! group calling! Ai9Di Internet ser%ices and data ser%ices. )ata )eleser%ices has recently! marked its entry into the @repaid segment by launching /55 I #acchai )rue @aid! across all its e-isting 25 circles. Aith the latest initiati%e! )ata Indicom has opened up new frontiers for the Indian prepaid customers by offering /9second pulse and /55 I talktime on )rue @aid.


)he company will be shortly launching a new ser%ice for *orporate called @ush9 )o9)alkY ;first across the world to partner with .ualcomm for 3'FA *hat<. )his ser%ice will be a%ailable for the masses across the country. )ata Indicom has also launched a collection of /555 mobile games one of the largest collections of mobile games in the world. )he company has launched prepaid DA@ and public phone booths! new handsets! e-pand Ai9Di across public hotspots! new %oice 4 data ser%ices such as 3'FA games! picture messaging! polyphonic ring tones! interacti%e applications like news! cricket! astrology! etc. )ata )eleser%ices has a strong workforce of ::55. )he company is in the process of recruiting personnel for its new circles and will create more than 25!555 jobs by ,arch 255:! which will include /5!555 indirect jobs through outsourcing of its manpower needs. )oday! the company ser%es more than 1 million customers in o%er C27 towns. Aith an ambitious rollout plan both within e-isting circles and across new circles! )ata )eleser%ices will offer world9class technology and user9friendly ser%ices to o%er /555 cities in 25 circles by ,arch 255:.


Chapt!r S8O/ Ana%'sis o /!%!&om In")str'

Huge wireless subscriber potential Dastest growing mobile market in the world *onsumers are ready to pay for cutting edge ser%ices 0o%ernment proposes to hike D+I limit in )elecom to 67I nified license regime

$owest call tariffs in the world ,arket strongly regulated by 0o%ernment body E 0o%erning both I#@ and )elecom sectors )oo many authorities ruling the sector Huge potential for low end and cheap handsets Aide scale *onsumer churn in )elecom and I#@ Aide spread O&# deployment is restricted due to language and literacy problems @rimarily a %oice based market


)o offer %alue added ser%ices on 0#,! *+,& and I@ $anguage independent ser%ices ,obile ,arketing concepts *ontent influenced buy local culture and 0lobal success stories ,9*ommerce nified messaging platforms

Doreign in%estment in form of equity or technology

$ow cost ser%ice pro%iders E no possibility of breaking e%en in short term Aeak I@' protection #oftware and digital content @iracy @olitical instability 'egulatory interference


Chapt!r + 3 o GSM : CDMA /i%% 622;



Chapt!r + 7., O*<!&ti$! o th! R!s!ar&h

)o make a comparati%e study of 0#, 4 *+,& mobile ser%ice in Himachal 4 @unjab as well as in India. )o study and analysis the positioning and strategy of leading ser%ice pro%ider of telecom industry in Himachal 4 @unjab. )o analysis the consumer perception about leading ser%ice pro%ider of telecom industry. )o study and analysis the market share of ,ajor player in ser%ice pro%ider. )o analysis the factor that affect in choosing the ser%ice. )o analysis the major ser%ices uses by consumer. )o analysis the #atisfaction le%el of consumer from there ser%ice pro%ider. )o collect the suggestion of *onsumer regarding there ser%ice pro%ider.


Chapt!r 7.6 S&op! o th! St)"'

#cope defines the units to be co%ered and the practical implications of the study. )o get good results there must be a specific area and a respondent to which yours study is concerned. )here fore we co%ered following areas for our study9 na "angal #antoshgarh I met the peoples of all ages groups with any type of demographical profiles because mobile is today a ser%ice which is used by e%eryone for con%enience of the study. I di%ided the respondents in following segments. #tudents 3usinessman #er%iceman Zouth

In the study we ha%e included the following ser%ice pro%ider9 GSM &irtel 3#"$ Hutch #pice

CDMA 'eliance infocom )ata indicom )he finding of the sur%ey will be useful for the abo%e mentioned ser%ice pro%iders. )hey will be able to know about where they stand in the market and how to reposition themsel%es to gain a differential ad%antaged.


Chapt!r + 7.R!s!ar&h M!tho"o%o#'

Samp%in# D!si#n #ampling design is a definite plan! which is determined before any data are actually collected for obtaining a sample from a gi%en population. I ha%e used con%enience9sampling techniques. In this type of sampling technique data is collected as per the con%enience of the researcher. Samp%in# )nit & decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit before selecting sample sampling unit of my study includes #tudents 3usinessman #er%iceman Zouth Samp%! Si=! #ample size refers to the number of times to be selected from the uni%erse to constitute a sample. It should be optimum and must lead to the population so that it leads to reliable results. In our study the sample size of respondent I ha%e /:5 peoples.

Data Co%%!&tion M!tho" I ha%e used primary as well as secondary data in my study. Primar' Data to collect consumerBs response. S!&on"ar' Data to study the positioning strategy of leading players in telecom industry. Data &o%%!&tion Instr)m!nt & structured schedule was administered for primary data collection. Dor secondary data collection %arious magazines! newspapers and Internet were used for study.

Chapt!r + 7.3
Ana%'sis an" int!rpr!tation
./. +o you ha%e a mobileV

Mo*i%! S)*s&ri*!r
/H5 /75 /25 /55 C5 H5 75 25 5 Zes "o #eries/

In my sur%ey of /:5 peoples I find that 8HI people ha%e mobile and rest of 7I ha%e no mobile. #o I can say that today all most people ha%e mobile.

.2. Ahich ser%ice you are usingV

Mar9!t Shar!

*+,& HI 0#, *+,& 0#, 87I

3y the analysis of the market I come to know that 87I peoples are using 0#, #er%ice. &nd the rest 7I using *+,&. #o I can say that 0#, is ruling our telecom market. &bout H5 million mobile subscribers as on Guly 255:! of which 76 million are 0#,.

.1.;a< Ahich *ompanies ser%ice you are usingV &ns. In 0#, ser%ice.

#pice /6I

&irtel 1CI

Hutch 11I

&irtel 3#"$ Hutch #pice

3#"$ /2I

3y the analysis of market I come to know that &irtel is leading in the market with the market share of 1CI. Hutch is at second place with the market share of 11I. &nd the other two major players #pice and 3#"$ ha%e market share of /6I 4 /2I respecti%ely.


.1.;b< &ns I" *+,& ser%ice[[[.

)&)& 11I 'eliance H6I

'eliance )&)&

In case of *+,& ser%ice pro%ider in @unjab there are only two major player are in the telecom market these are 'eliance with H6I share in the market. )&)& Indicom with 11I share in the market. #o I can say that 'eliance is leading in the @unjab in *+,& market.

.7. &re you prepaid or postpaid userV

Pospai" : Pr!pai" S)*s&ri*!r

@ostpaid 26I @repaid @ostpaid @repaid 61I

@repaid is a big phenomenon in India. &lthough detailed statistics are not a%ailable for each operator but on an estimate H5965I of the subscribers ;of all the Operators< are prepaid customers. )he reasons for prepaid being so successful in India are= K+uring the days when incoming calls were not free! it was difficult to control the Indi%idual e-pense limit which prepaid easily sol%ed. K)o a%ail a postpaid connection one needed documentation like address proof etc. K'oaming on prepaid further boosted the prepaid subscriber base.

$ K)eenage users whose parents wanted them to e-ercise restrain! founded easier )o gi%e them prepaid connections. K'etail channels earned good commission selling prepaid coupons to consumers and therefore! they in%ested more on promoting prepaid. R!s!ar&h Sa's @repaid mobile ser%ice in both case 0#, 4 *+,& ha%e a great share in the market. In my research I ha%e found that the 61I of the mobile are using the *onnection of prepaid basis and the rest 26I peoples are using the post paid *onnections. 3ut one another thing I ha%e find that those peoples are the hea%y user of the mobile is prefer to the *+,& connection.

.:. Ahy you choose this ser%iceV

&ns .

(a&tor E !&t in &hoos!in# A &onn!&tion




1I :I 7I /6I


*ost #er%ice 'eg conn 'eloded %alue *hoice &d%ertisment Driends Damily

)here are many factors which affect the preference the preference of the customer in choosing a particular mobile ser%ice these is the following factors. *ost #er%ice 'egular connecti%ity 'eloaded with fi-ed %alue *hoice of handset &d%ertisement Driends 4 peer groups &mong all these factors I ha%e realized that the customer is affected most by

the ser%ice of the ser%ice pro%ider then after the cost customer ga%e preference to the cost and then after this customer ga%e preference to the regular connecti%ity and there is also a big effect of friends 4 pear groups on customer choice. Other factor ha%e also effect on the consumer choosing but they ha%e little bit less effecti%e.

.H.Drom how long you are using mobile ser%iceV

. &ns



1 to H

H to /2

,ore than / year

In my sur%ey I ha%e find that the most of the peoples are using mobile from more than one year.

.6 Ahich ser%ice attract you moreV &ns.


Attr!&tion in S!r$i&!s

7I 1I /5I


HI 17I





#,# ,,# 0@'# Internet 'oam ser%ice )ariff plan O&# Handset *us *are &ny Other

&s shown in this chart I ha%e also studded that which ser%ice attract the *ustomer more and we ha%e found that the most liked ser%ice by the customer is #,# ser%ice and the other ser%ices are also attract the customer like 0@'#! 'oam ser%ice! )ariff plans! *ustomer care and Internet etc.. 3ut other ser%ices like O&#! Handset choice less attract the customer.

.C. ,ark the point on scale indicating the o%erall satisfaction le%elV

$1 &ns.

C)stom!r Satis a&tion L!$!%







Oery @oor

S&a%!s o Satis a&tion

In the scaling of the satisfaction le%el i found the following results.


/. F-cellent 2. 0ood 1. &%erage 7. @oor :. Oery @oor

< 2<

2+< -<


Chapt!r + 7.7



Consumer is a king

+ro-"e. an% /o.p"aints of C sto.ers$

Problem relating to delivery:

Some cu"tomer" face /roblem" relating to deliver#. 1&e /roblem i" non=time deliver# and becau"e of t&at /roblem it /ut "tre"" on cu"tomer" to take info /roduct" of "ome ot&er brand". Problem relating to replacement:

Some cu"tomer face /roblem" relating to re/lacement of "/are /art" becau"e of t&i" t&e# never give" order of mobile to t&e main dealer or di"tributor> w&ic& will al"o affected t&e goodwill of t&e di"tributor or dealer. And cu"tomer" and di"tributor" /lace t&e order of "ome ot&er brand" or "witc& to ot&er tec&nolog# cellular /&one". Complaints relating to schemes?

Mo"tl# cu"tomer" &ave t&e "ame com/laint" regarding t&e "c&eme". @ir"tl#> t&e# donAt get t&e information about new "c&eme" of t&e /roduct". Secondl#> t&e "c&eme" material i" not /rovided to t&em in time.


Chapt!r + 7.>.R!&omm!n"ation
)here is a large untapped market which is around ::I of the total population especially in rural market there fore the marketers should try to penetrate the rural market. )o co%er the rural market marketers should educate the rural peoples about the ser%ices! which are pro%ided by the ser%ice pro%ider. &nd market should realized the rural peoples the need and the benefits of the telecommunication so that they attract toward their ser%ices. ,ost of the ser%ice user is prefer the best ser%ices and they shift to the company! which pro%ide them better ser%ice than other. #o it is the big weapon for the ser%ice pro%ider that in order to increase their market share they ha%e to pro%ide the more as well as better ser%ices than the other *ompetitors. )he other thing! which influences the ser%ice user more! is the cost of the ser%ice. Indian consumer is %ery cost concisions and like to prefer the #er%ices which are more economical for them so ser%ice pro%ider should try to pro%ide the ser%ices at the minimum cost. )he other thing I found that the family 4 friends of a consumer are also effects the choice of the consumer about choosing a particular #er%ice of a ser%ice pro%ider. &d%ertisements ha%e a huge effect on the perception of the consumer about the ser%ice of a particular ser%ice pro%ider.

&d%ertisement helps in creating a brand image of the company in the mind of the consumer so it effect their choice about the ser%ice. Other thing which I ha%e found that the hea%y user would like to prefer the post paid connection and the light user like to choose the prepaid *onnection. I ha%e also find that the 0#, ser%ice in popular among peoples those are using mobile for general purpose and the business class like to use the *+,& mobile ser%ice. #,# ser%ice is the most popular ser%ice among the mobile users and other ser%ices like 'oaming ser%ice! )ariff plans! customer care and 0@'# ser%ices are also %ery popular in the mobile users. @resent ser%ice user of mobile are looking almost satisfied from the ser%ices that they are getting from their ser%ice pro%ider. )he new tariff plans which are launched time to time by the telecom companies are become %ery popular these days.


Chapt!r + 7.;
)he respondent may be biased while gi%ing their %iews. )he project study is limited to na! "angal! and #antoshgarh and hence generalization of findings cannot be done. It is difficult to measure! e-actly! the ad%ertisement effecti%eness in quantitati%e term.



Princi/le of Marketing 4e"earc& Met&odolog# = by C.R. Kothari Internet 0eb"ite"

= = = =

By +hi"ip 3ot"er


$A st %y on /ons .er response to4ar%s ser#i/es pro#i%e% By GSM5 C6MA .o-i"e /o.panies in + n0a777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777


Na.e$ Age$ O// pation$ +hone No. $ A%%ress$

1) *o #ou &ave a mobileB C9S N, 2) 0&ic& "ervice #ou are u"ingB GSM )*MA %) 0&ic& com/anie" "ervice #ou are u"ingB

I. II. III. ID. Airtel 7SN6 !utc& S/ice

I. 4eliance II. 1A1A Indicom

$. ') Are #ou /re/aid or /o"t/aid u"erB

) 0&# #ou c&oo"e t&i" "erviceB I. II. III. ID. D. DI. DII. DIII. )o"t Service 4egular )onnectivit# 4eloaded wit& fi8ed value )&oice of &and"et Adverti"ement @riend" or Pear grou/" @amil#

$) (A). !ow man# member" of #our famil# are u"ing MobileB

(7). 0&ic& Service t&e# are u"ingB GSM )*MA 7ot& +) @rom &ow long #ou are u"ing Mobile "erviceB I. 3=% Mont&" II. %=$ Mont&" III. $=12 Mont&" ID. More t&en one #ear

+3 -) 0&ic& Service Attract #ou moreB I. SMS II. MMS III. GP4S ID. Internet D. 4oaming Service DI. 1ariff Plan" DII. DAS (value added Service) DIII. !and"et IE. )u"tomer care E. An# ot&er

.) Mark t&e /oint on "cale indicating t&e overall "ati"faction levelB 98cellent Good Average Poor Der# /oor

13) An# "ugge"tion recommended b# #ouB ======================================================================================================= =======================================================================================================

F( than9 yo for yo r 9in% /ooperation: #a" a-"e inp ts an% ti.eG



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