What Is Discipleship Session 2 v4 1

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What is Discipleship? 1. Discipleship Meaning

General Explanation. The word discipleship describes the relationship of a teacher and one being taught. The teacher represents a mature Christian who possesses a strong understanding of the Word of God and imparts that understanding to another. And the one being taught is called a disciple. Alternative Explanation. Discipleship can also be described as one Disciple (w/ a stronger and more mature foundation in Christ) pouring into the life of another Disciple (w/ a less mature understanding of the Word of God). Summary. Christian Discipleship is the act of teaching and learning about Christ, following Him, and in the process becoming more like Him.

What is Discipleship?

2. Teacher & Mentor Meaning

Teacher Meaning. A person who educates, instructs, informs or imparts into others a concept, thought, practical guidelines or methodology for the purpose of learning, comprehending or applying.
Synonyms Educator, Instructor, Professor, Scholar, Adviser, Disciplinarian, Mentor*.

Mentor Meaning. An influential sponsor or supporter; a wise and trusted guide, counselor or teacher. Jesus & the Holy Spirit. Jesus is our ultimate teacher, example, role model and the Holy Spirit is our ultimate guide. Summary. A Christian Teacher/Mentor is a mature Disciple that informs and imparts the Word of God into the life of a growing believer. The Christian Teacher/Mentor has no ulterior motives or need for self-promotion; they desire to promote Gods Word, impart Gods wisdom, consistently point the growing believer towards the great teacher - Jesus and to encourage the believer to embrace the advice of their personal mentor The Holy Spirit!

What is Discipleship? 3. Disciple Meaning

The Greek word mathetes translated disciple means to be "a learner." And the Greek word akoloutheo means to follow. So a disciple is a person who is a student of any particular teaching or philosophy.

4. Christian Disciple.
A Christian disciple is described as:

Someone who is a pupil, a learner of the doctrines of Jesus Christ. One who embraces and assists in spreading the teaching of Jesus Christ. And a follower of Jesus Christ.

What is Discipleship? Contd 5. Christians Should Embrace Being a Disciple. By giving our lives to Christ, we all are symbolically saying that we desire to be a Christian disciple, which means we inherently become students, followers and advocates of the teachings of Jesus.
Go therefore and make disciples...teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. Matthew 28:18-20 KJV If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:31-32 KJV

A new commandment I give you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you... By this all people will know that you are my disciples... John 13:34-35 KVJ
Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ 1 Corinthians 11:1 KJV Therefore encourage one another and build one another up... 1 Thess. 5:11 KJV And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works Hebrews 10:24 KJV

What is Discipleship? Contd 6. Internalize, Understand, Devote & Become. In the process of discipleship, the teacher will assist the disciple with developing and maturing spiritually, learning about Christ, the Christian life and the Word of God. And through the reinforcement of discipleship, the new believer can: Internalize those teachings, Truly understand them, Devote themselves to them, And become more like Christ

What is Discipleship? Contd 7. Learners & Doers! The bible instructs us to strike a balance, as it admonishes us in James 1:22, [to] be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. So as the disciple understands the requisite balance of learning and doing, they develop into mature Christians who know how to apply what they have learned from the word of God to their everyday lives.

The Great Commission A Call to Make Disciples

8. Jesus said to his disciples in Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV), All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to very end of the age.
There are many Christians that live a full life and never know that there is something called the "Great Commission". This very serious call to action is something that every Christian should embrace. Understanding the Great Commission places instant purpose on every believer's life the moment they are made aware of this significant directive from Jesus.

Many fall into a state of hopelessness, not because life is so hard, but because they perceive that there is no clear or definable purpose for their life. Many spend lifetimes in search of what the church calls the "Will of God for Your Life", when in fact being a true follower of Jesus makes up a significant percentage of the Will of God for your life. In short, being a Disciple of Jesus Christ is the foundation for whatever God eventually calls you to do!

What are the Expectations for a Disciple?

To Spread the Gospel of Grace! To Make More Disciples! To Believe & Execute the Power that Jesus Gave You!
To Win & Triumph Over ALL Manner of Evil!

To Follow Christ & To Be a Living Example of Him To Love Others To Abide in His Word & To Know the Truth of His Word To Be a World Changer
To Change & Renew Your Mind, To Be a Difference Maker, To Enhance Your Family, To Impact Your Community, To Overcome Your Enemies Through Love, To Win Souls for Kingdom, To Promote Positive Social Change, To Inspire By Demonstrating Excellence, To Advance Your Church, To Preach the Gospel of Grace to All Whom God Places in Your Path

Who are the Disciples?

Learner, Student
Christian, Believer, Follower Apostle, Bishop, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher

Goal Spread the Gospel & Make More Disciples Purpose Go Serve To the New Believer, Growing Believer Possess the Word of God Unbeliever
Hear from the Holy Spirit Be Kingdom Focused Must Believe Have Faith in the Finish Work Love


Must Haves

Goal, Purpose & Core
The Goal of the Learner & the Purpose of the Believer are to be Disciples. And it doesnt matter what you may be called to do, at the core should be a Disciple of Jesus Christ.

Go Serve & Make Disciples

Jesus gave, served, taught, healed, invested, sowed, and sacrificed for others; likewise the disciple should also. Go Serve, Spread the Gospel of Grace and Make More Disciples!!!


It is Time to Grow the Kingdom!

Teachers/Mentors & Disciples


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