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Chronic lung disease

A condition in which damaged tissue

in a newborn baby's lungs causes breathing and health problems.

What causes

chronic lung disease?

Being born early (prematurely). - A premature baby's lungs may not be fully developed.

This makes the baby likely to have infections, swelling, and fluid buildup that can lead to chronic lung disease. Injury to the lungs from the forced breathing and high concentrations of oxygen that accompany treatment with a ventilator. Inherited abnormalities that affect lung development. A heart condition that is known as a patent ductus arteriosus.

Ductus Arteriosus Blood Vessel Pulmonary Artery



Fluid in the lungs. Premature babies may be born with

fluid in their lungs. Some babies who are born prematurely or at full-term by cesarean section develop fluid buildup in their lungs. In rare cases, a newborn breathes meconium into the lungs during delivery. Infections. Premature babies are more likely to get lung infections, particularly respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Lack of nourishment. Newborns who are not able to get the proper nutrients, particularly vitamin A, are more likely to develop chronic lung disease.

What are the


The most common first symptom of chronic lung

disease is difficulty breathing. Grunts or breathes rapidly. Flares the nostrils. Uses the neck, chest, and abdominal muscles to breathe. This can look like your baby is "sucking in" air between or under the ribs (retractions). Wheezes, which is a high-pitched sound that occurs with breathing. Tires easily during and after feeding. Has pale, gray, or blotchy skin, especially on the tongue, lips, earlobes, and nail beds.

How is chronic

lung disease diagnosed?

The diagnosis is confirmed when one of the

following is present: The baby needs extra oxygen for at least 28 days after birth. At 36 weeks of gestational age, the baby needs more oxygen than is present in ordinary air.

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