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From: Robert Vannerson Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 8:24 AM To: 'board' Cc: 'Doug Roper'; 'roads';

'' Subject: Copies of FPLOA Equipment Fluid Analysis FPLOA Board, After Mr. Skaris very serious accusations last Saturday, voiced against myself and other RAC members, our directors and our former employees, I am obligated to furnish you with this first of many documents proving what he claimed was false. The first of which was his claim the equipment had not been properly serviced and also claiming a letter from 4Rivers proving his accusations. Yesterday I talked to a representative from ALS, the fluids test lab in Phoenix, AZ and asked them to send me all of the test records they had on both pieces of our equipment. These attached reports and the dates for each service matches exactly the date JC gave when he serviced each piece of equipment and as I recorded in JDLink for a permanent electronic record for the association when I was RAC Chairman. Here is what the attached file contains: First attachment FPLOA Fluid Test Pages 1 3: A list of every fluid test the test lab in AZ has on both the 772 Grader and the 644 Loader. You will notice that their files go back until April 2012, which means that CM was aware of all the abnormal tests BEFORE they sold the grader to FPLOA. Pagers 4 & 5: These reports show in detail every test they ran on the engine oil on the 772 grader, including the dates the samples were taken and the dates they ran the test, including showing total hours on the machine and the operating hours on that oil change. Note the Sept 2013 oil sample was drawn by JC on Sept 4th when he last serviced the grader, but was not submitted to the lab by 4R until the 12th of Nov 2013, which is when the grader was there for service. Pages 6 9: These are the reports for each system that have abnormal tests on the grader, and show problems in these areas ever since it was purchased and before. On page 6, note the transmission fluid had never been changed since new until we had it changed in November, 2012 and it has been abnormal ever since. Note that in Nov 2012 it was abnormal at 45.3 but was normal at 45.8 in April 2012 before we were sold the machine, when 40 is the high end of the viscosity range. The same thing on page 7 for the Hydraulic System, it had never been changed, and was abnormal when we were sold the machine, was still way above when we had it checked in Oct 2012 when Phil thought the wrong fluid was put in it. Although that test showed it normal, and then every test thereafter shows it abnormal. The test report on page 8 for the Tandem Case oil, which also has never been changed and was abnormal the only time it was checked in April of 2012, before we bought the

machine. Page 9 is the test where 4R found water and sand in the Circle Drive oil in Nov. 2013, which is very strange since it was change on the 4000 hour service under our PM agreement. In addition, if you remember, Mark Lewis claimed in two RAC meetings in Sept 2012, that CM had completely gone over the grader, serviced it and changed all fluids and filters, this series of reports show that was not true. Page 10: This shows the last 3 fluid analysis report for the Engine Oil samples JC sent in after he started servicing the 644 loader. Notice he changed the oil earlier than 250 hours in the spring and summer when it was so dusty, to protect the engine, and all reports are normal. Page 11: This is the diesel fuel sample report that 4R took from the grader when it was in their shop in Nov 2013. Note it had a moderate level of particulate contamination in this sample, which is 5 times above the allowable limit, which shows why JC and Dave had to clean the fuel pre-filter so often to keep the loader running correctly. Page 12: This is probably the most important proof that the association has always had documentation that all service and fluid sampling had been completed, by noting that samples submitted for testing has also been returned by email to in addition to JD. While Pam Anderson was our manager, she was printing them out and placing every one of those reports in the RAC files. Second Attachment 4Rivers Letter Reply This letter is self-explanatory and contains my comments in blue. This letter must be retracted as it is false and not in the best interest of the association. Third Attachment Output Data772 This is a copy of the permanent record of our grader services as recorded in JDLink and is the exact copy of what was in the RAC office files, and that was given to Mr. Roper at the second turnover meeting at his house. It was later sent to him again in an email and in an email to Mr. Crabtree when he took over as RAC Chairman when Mr. Roper resigned. Ladies and Gentleman, the type of lies you allowed to be made at last Saturday meeting has to stop! It is not in the best interest of the association, and since it was perpetrated by an association officer and allowed by the board majority it places the association at great risk legally. Please use better judgment in the future if these sorts of accusations are brought to your attention. Now that I know the accusations made, in addition to these I have just presented, I have documentation refuting every claim and will provide those to the board and Mr. Skaris in a private face to face meeting when I return to the park. Bob Vannerson Former RAC Chairman

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