Social Groups

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Social Groups Caleb Carpenter Skater Boy character Scruffy looking Careless Rude Injury Prone Uneducated Frowned

Frowned upon in society

This is how we have represented our character in our sequence, as a backwards young teen who loves skating, which is somewhat challenging the stereotype.

This is how skaters are stereotypically seen in society, as cool hipster individuals.

This is how skaters are presented in films, like Josh Sandoval in Dragon Slayer (2011)

Kevin Melton Incompetent and Backwards character Dumb Lethargic Happy to watch the world go by No ambitions no future Doesnt understand much Looked down upon

This is how we have presented our dumb character Kevin in our sequence. He is a character who stays inside and doesnt really socialise, mainly because he lacks the social skills for it.

This is how a dumb teenager is seen in society, as a person who is seen to have no future, no ambitions and someone who in life will go nowhere.

This is the way that dumb teenagers are presented in films, as a backwards character but one you cannot help but love. (Kevin and Perry Go Large)

Rhys Walsh Nerd Gamer character Loves games Spends a lot of time on games Stays in his room Hates the outside Prefers his own company Frustrated very easily

In our film, Rhys is presented as definitely the stereotype in some aspects, as he is frustrated at the game in the scene, but overall I dont think it challenges the stereotype because most nerd gamers have the same easily identifiable characteristics.

In society, nerd gamers are seen as not very sociable people, who would much rather be one their own in their room than at a party with others. Often the centre of bullying and is seen as not a good character to be.

This is how nerds are presented in films, especially comedy. Is the joke of the group, made fun out of for their nature and particularly the way they dress e.g. Mclovin SuperBad)

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