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Ariadna Lugo Sample Syllabus !

Contemporary World History, The Great Wars in the 20th Century and their Impacts HIS002

Schedule: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 9:50 am Location: To be announced Instructor: Ariadna Lugo H. Length of the course: 5 classes of 50 min each for a length of 13 weeks. Pre-required courses: English 2 or 3 and HIS 001 Ancient History Description of the course: This course is part of the Bi-Cultural and Partial English Immersion Program at a private institution in Mexico that allows student at an intermediate level (or slightly lower) to enroll to a content-based class. This course discusses the Great Wars that modern History has undergone during the 20th century: Word War I and World War II. This course exposes students not only to the most important facts about what originated such conflicts, but also analyzes the impacts on society pre, while and post war. The objective of this course is for students to gain not only knowledge about these historical events but also analyze them with a critical eye so they can develop critical thinking, problem-solving, effective communication and cooperative learning skills. This course has a high content of written reflections that allows student practice different types of writing styles. Although the course is not intended to teach English, but it is oriented to recycle, reinforce and practice English, since it is the language of instruction. New language features can also be taught or clarified when necessary. Instructional Strategies: This course integrates Language skills. It uses content and task based approaches. It promotes communication through group work and pair work. There is not a textbook assigned to this class; therefore, authentic material such as magazine articles, videos, official websites, as well as some history books are used as source of information. Discussions, unreal scenarios, self-reflection, debates, and point of view presentations are used to promote critical thinking. Placement: Students who scored between 450 and 500 TOEFL points in their last institutional test, or those enrolled in English level 3 or 4 during the previous semester. Course Materials: Videos and audios from the Internet, for example:, History Channel,, etc. Articles from several printed sources such as Magazines, newspaper articles, etc. Course Requirements: Complete a minimum of 80% attendance during the semester. The course requires active and relevant participation as well as a minimum of 90% of homework completed. The passing grade is 70 out of 100. Evaluation Strategies: This course will have four written test about the most important historical developments. These tests will contain cloze, multiple choice, direct questions items, etc. The written exams, although not specifically designed to

Ariadna Lugo Sample Syllabus !

evaluate their English proficiency, but they contain a section for audio and reading comprehension evaluation. The course also provides students with the opportunity to be evaluated through short presentations, and some role pay activities. They also have reflection papers in a way of comparing and contrasting events, narrating a succession of events, expressing personal point of view providing arguments, etc. This course also allows students to self and peer evaluate their work. Grammar is not the main focus in this course, but a certain percentage of their reflection papers and presentations grades are based on their accuracy in the language. Evaluation Criteria:
Historical Facts Exam 40% (individual) Presentation of an interesting or unknown event 30% (team presentations) Reflection Paper 30% (individual) Total: 100% Historical Facts Exam 40% (individual) Debate 30% (team presentations) Reflection Paper 30% (individual) Total: 100% Presentation of an invention 50% (team presentations) Reflection Paper 50% (individual) Total: 100% Historical Facts 20% Final Research Paper 40% (team work) Final Research Presentation 40% (team work)

1st Partial Exam 25%

2nd Partial Exam 25%

3rd Partial Exam 10% Final Exam 40%

General Schedule: Week 1. Unit 1 The World Before World War I Introductions and class policies Overview of pre-war world conditions Conflict leading to War The Beginning of World War I Conflicts among nations War beginning: events between 1914 - 1918 Social Impacts during the war The End of World War Worlds conditions post-war Social impacts in the world Development of Art, Culture and Literature post-war

Week 2

Unit 2

Week 3

Unit 3

Week 4

1st Partial Evaluation Presentations preparation and delivery Exam

Ariadna Lugo Sample Syllabus !

Week 5 Unit 4 Preparation and delivery of reflection paper. World Pre-World War II Events that lead to World War II The creation of a peace League The Beginning of World War II Beginning of the War The mastermind behind the conflict Social impact of WWII The World Post-World War II Conditions after WWII Social impact on the world Development of Art, Culture and Literature post-War

Week 6

Unit 5

Week 7

Unit 6

Week 8

2nd Partial Evaluation Debate Reflection paper Exam Unit 7 Technology and Science During WWI Weapon Development Inventions for daily life Technology and Science During WWII Weapon Development Inventions for daily life

Week 9

Week 10

Unit 8

Week 11

3rd Partial Evaluation Preparation of own inventions Presentation of own inventions Reflection paper Unit 9 In Memory A tour through the WWII Museum website (New Orleans, LA) A tour through the Holocaust Museum (Washington, DC) A tour through a WWI or II of choice. Final facts exam Final projects presentation

Week 12

Week 13

Final Evaluation

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