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Nicholas Carle Mrs. Gardner English 10 HON, 1.

12 September 2013 Sonnet 26 Analysis In Sonnet 26 states, Loves respect mustnt be in a written embassage: but through his verse, love strongly knits, a sweet respect, Is how one love it. The intriguing theme exemplifies ones respect should be returned if he shows a meaningful feeling of devotion to her, even if the appearance of ones personality may be week. William Shakespeare captures ones devotion someone can show to a lover. In an epic sonnet of metaphors and sensory detail, the question remains stagnant as a written sonnet desperately is asking for her sweet respect in return for his. Shakespeares language in his context gives a sense of one sidedness to the story. The repetitive ask for love is never answered back so we get an unsure sense of the outcome. The sonnets context in the opening lines vassalage written embassage portray that he will devote his entire self to her. He shows his personality in the context of writing effectively, not to show off his talent but show of his duty and devotion toward her. The beginning question within the text portrays the main theme of the sonnet and foreshadows the final desperation he has for her. The desperation for receiving respect in the concluding lines tattered loving, sweet respect, shows his last desperate chance to prove his hidden personality. Together, they tell that if you are desperate enough for love than love should be returned back as a kind respect. Furthermore, Shakespeares desperate want for love is shown through his talents of writing sonnets. Since the poem is told through the words of only one person, the outcome of the question will never be known. Thereby Shakespeare intentionally never answers the question, so the outcome of convincing her to return his desperate love could be interpreted differently. Shakespeares effective way of writing, by leaving a question for everyone to interpret different is a reason why much of his work is still interpreted today.

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