Objective:: Kell H.S. Junior Football Program: Coach, 5 - 6 Grade Teams

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Brett Gillespie 4998 Sunshine Court NW 30102 Acworth Ga (404) 422 8!"8 #$illespie!


(o o#tain an occupation or position in the sportin$ in)ustr* an) e+perience success #* utili,in$ &* s-ills o. #usiness/ &ana$e&ent an) &* a#ilit* to wor- well with others'

Work Experience:
! 4 3 01 2lite (ourna&ent Base#all 1ar-/ 3arietta/ GA4 Groun)s Crew5 6iel) &aintenance Saro (e+tile Co&pan*/ 3erchan)ise 3art/ Atlanta/ GA4 Bar (en)er an) $eneral e&plo*ee/ #e7era$e ser7ice to all custo&ers8 ph*sical la#or in the show roo&' 9one* Ba-e) 9a&/ Woo)stoc-/ GA4 Cashier/ Stoc- help/ 1hone sales Sports Ara&a/ 1h*sical Con)itionin$5S-ills Center/ :oswell/ GA4 9elpe) .ellow athletes in trainin$ 6un 6are/ ;ennesaw/ GA4 Chaperon entrance an) sa.et* into ri)es5acti7ities .or chil)ren
Kell H.S. Junior Football Program: Coach, 5th-6th grade teams

1apa <ohn=s 1i,,a/ Atlanta/ GA4 Sales o. pi,,a an) pro)uction o. pi,,a at 7arious e7ents in the Geor$ia 0o&e/ Worl) Con$ress Centre/ an) Centennial >l*&pic 1ar-

Sports Experience:

9i$h School Sports4 3 *ear 7arsit* letter&en in 6oot#all/ also wrestle) an) pla*e) #ase#all Chosen as a 1er&anent Captain .or ;ell 9i$h School 6oot#all/ 3arietta/ GA (wo ti&e All Count* o..ensi7e line&an Selecte) to three/ 1st tea& all state tea&s Co## Count* 6oot#all Clu# #est o..ensi7e line&an (2010 2011) Selecte) as a starter to pla* in the Co## Count* Senior Bowl :ecei7e) a scholarship to pla* .oot#all at North Green7ille ?ni7ersit* 1la*e) 0i7ision 11 .oot#all .or North Green7ille ?ni7ersit* .or two *ears

;ennesaw State ?ni7ersit*/ ;ennesaw/ GA4 Currentl* enrolle)/ 6inishin$ un)er$ra)uate )e$ree in Sports 3ana$e&ent ;ell 9i$h School/ 3arietta/ GA4 Colle$e 1reparator* 0iplo&a/ 20011' @ participate) in 6oot#all/ Base#all an) Wrestlin$/ also in7ol7e) in 6ellowship o. Christian Athletes/ Shop o. the Aon$horn/ 9ori,on Base#all lea$ue (special nee)s pro$ra&)/ an) 9oli)a* .or 9ope'

3* participation in colle$iate athletics/ as well as &* e)ucation/ has $i7en &e the a#ilit* to perse7ere )urin$ )i..icult challen$es/ co&&unicate an) participate with others/ an) has $i7en &e lea)ership a#ilities to $ui)e not onl* &*sel. #ut others/ to the ne+t le7el'

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