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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - MEDIA CONTACT: Bethany Dorobiala, (651) 296-5956

Senator Carla Nelson

District 26 Honored to serve Olmsted County

Office: 117 State Office Bldg., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155

March 7, 2014 For Immediate Release

Assistant Minority Leader Senator Carla Nelson Introduces Stamp Out Bullying Legislation (SF2411)
(St. Paul, Minn) "Bullying is a serious issue. Schools must be places of safety where students are free from bullying and able to concentrate on learning," said Sen. Carla Nelson, R-Rochester. Sen. Nelson said that superintendents, school board members, principals, teachers, parents and students have all expressed desires to stamp out bullying and wish to see locally driven policies and not a state driven unfunded mandate. Stamp Out Bullying (SF2411) is a result of those conversations, added Sen. Nelson, a former Rochester teacher. "Stamp Out Bullying is modeled after A++ rated legislation ( and the North Dakota model called for by Attorney General Lori Swanson. It has already received support from the Minnesota Association of School Boards. Sen. Nelson said, "For any policy to be successful, it must be able to be implemented by our school districts, retain local control and not become an unfunded mandate. While school policies cannot stop all bullying, they can create a culture opposed to bullying. Let's work together to help our schools be the bastion of safety where every child is free to maximize their learning potential and become the prepared leaders of tomorrow we so desperately need," concluded Sen. Nelson. ###

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