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Culture Monster


Chouinard, the influential L.A. art college, is re isited online

January 4,
2012 I

Chouinard Art Institute has co!e to life for the third ti!e in "# $ears %% this ti!e on the &e', (here the high o erhead costs that e entuall$ san) the original, highl$ influential school in *"+, and 'lunted an atte!-ted re i al during the 2000s no longer (ill 'e a factor. The Chouinard .oundation (e'site is de oted to telling the stor$ and docu!enting the influence of the art college /-ictured0 that a (ar (ido( na!ed Nel'ert Mur-h$ Chouinard /-ronounced shuh%nard0 launched near do(nto(n L.A. in 1921, continuing for !ore than 1# $ears until it (as contentiousl$ consu!ed in the creation of CalArts. The Chouinard alu!ni roster includes Ro'ert Ir(in, Ed Ruscha, Larr$ 2ell, Allen Ru--ers'erg, Holl$(ood costu!e designer Edith Head, gra-hic artist 3ohn 4an IIa!ers eld /designer of 5The Endless Su!!er5 fil! -oster and the 2eatles6 5Magical M$ster$ Tour5 and the Rolling Stones6 5E7ile on Main Street5 al'u! co ers0 and the 5Nine Old Men,5 the cre( of ani!ators (ho -la$ed ital roles in the triu!-h of &alt 8isne$. The site offers ideos, ne(s articles and historical 'ac)ground on Chouinard6s initial run and the acti ities of the Chouinard .oundation, (hich 'egan i!-ro'a'l$ in *""" after 8a e Tour9e, an artist, guitarist and construction co!-an$ o(ner, 'ought Nel'ert Chouinard6s *"#+ ho!e in South :asadena as a fi7er%u--er (ithout )no(ing !uch a'out her, then 'eca!e enthralled (ith the notion of restoring her legac$ along (ith her for!er do!icile. To!9e and the late Ro'ert :erine, an Orange Count$ designer and Chouinard alu! (ho created ad ertising gra-hics that hel-ed -ush .ender guitars to (orld do!inance, started the foundation and in ,##; o-ened a ne( Chouinard in a restored, *"#*% intage 'ric) 'uilding in South :asadena. Mone$ -ro'le!s forced it to close in ,##<, 'ut the foundation re!ained acti e, running art courses through 2009 in -artnershi- (ith LA.6s 8e-art!ent of Recreation and :ar)s.

6:30 am

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