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LESSON PLAN: WWII, Biography, EDUC 460 Presentation Course: Social Studies 20 or 30 Unit: nationalism, ideologies Title: Roy

Mogalki A Case Study in using Biography to teach History; An Intro to World War II Date:

Big Idea/Essential questions: What can we learn about History, specifically WWII, from the reading of biographies? Whose voice is missing?

Learning Objectives: (Program of Studies) - Students will see that Biography can be used to learn about history - Students will begin to formulate questions surrounding the causes and outcomes of WWII - Students will begin to learn about Canadas roles and contributions to WWII - Students will begin to see the beginning of, and evolution of modern liberalism in Canada through the foundations of the welfare state beginning in WWII - Students will begin to examine how nationalism contributed to the outbreak of WWII - Students will analyze ideas and information form multiple sources - Compare and contrast historical narratives - Use research tools and methods to investigate historical issues - Use appropriate sources and cite sources correctly - Students understand that using biography represents one voice what voice is missing?

Students will know... and be able to... - That Biography is a legitimate tool for learning history use biographies to ascertain historical information - Canada was involved in WWII and be able to name some of the ways in which Canada and Canadians were involved - The leaders of Germany, Italy, Russia and Canada during WWII and their political and economic ideology -

Cross- curricular connections: ELA biography books/ series

Pre-assessment: What is a Biography? Who are Biographies written about? Are they a legitimate tool for learning about history?

Materials/ Resources and Websites: - teacher will provide groups with sheets with guiding questions for their research - hard copies of biographies - computers for research ( book library or bring in laptops/ iPads) - Participatory Learning: Learner Activities Students give their understanding of biography Resources

Time 2 min

Instructor Activities Introduce Biography- What is it? Read biography What can we learn from that? What questions do we have? Where do we want to go deeper? Introduce activity

10-12 min 5 min

Students brain storm ideas/ questions arising from biography

2 min 30-40 min

Students work in groups on Biography scavenger hunt Report back to class

Guiding question handouts

20 min (5 min each) 2-5 minutes Summary

Students answer questions

Pauley, Bruce. Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini: Totalitarianism in the Twentieth Century

114- 126 min Procedure: 1. Intro/ Pre-assessment questions 2.Read Case study biography 3. Class brainstorm What can we learn? What questions do we have? 4. Introduce activity 5. Divide students into groups to research one person each 6. Each group reports back to class on research subject 7. Teacher Summary/ Review

Assignment: Students will be put into groups and assigned a historical figure (Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini or William Lyon Mackenzie King). Using biographies, students will research these leaders, their political

ideology, economic ideology, use of nationalism and their role in the Second World War using the following guiding questions. WLMK Who was he? What was Limited liability warfare? Why was this important? Wha-t considerations did he give to nationalism (English/ French/ Aboriginal) in his administration during WWII? Political and economic ideology? Hitler - Who was Hitler? What party did he lead? What were the roots of his popularity leading to his control of Germany? How did he use nationalism to his advantage? What was his political and economic ideology? How did he view the other leaders? Mussolini What country did he lead? What party did he lead? What were the roots of his popularity? How did he use nationalism to his advantage? What was his political and economic ideology? How did he view the other leaders? Stalin - What country did he lead? What party did he lead? What were the roots of his popularity/ control of government? How did he maintain his control? How did he use nationalism to his advantage? What was his political and economic ideology? How did he view the other leaders? Assessment: - Formative (through teacher observation and answers given by students) are groups working together to research these leaders and answer guiding questions? Are they beginning to make connections between leaders, nationalism, ideology, and WWII?

Differentiation: - Research and write short biography about a short period of a persons life - Could make activity longer and groups do more research and come up with a more in-depth presentation on their research subject. Could have a debate where students then have to portray those ideologies. - Create a video biography of a person

Lesson Summary: Who were the leaders (names, countries, parties, ideologies)? How can we begin to see nationalism and ideology influencing Europe and Canada prior to and during WWII? What are the pros and cons of using biography?

Teacher Reflection:

What worked well/what needs revision:

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