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Curriculum Timeline

Avery Finch

MONDAY 3/24 12:00 12:30 Circle Time 12:30 1:15 Math and Snack 1:15 2:00 Centers; Guided Reading Groups 2:00 2:45 Science

TUESDAY 3/25 11:50 12:00 Circle Time 12:00 12:30 Writing 12:30 1:15 Math and Snack 1:15 2:00 Centers; Guided Reading Groups

WEDNESDAY 3/26 11:50 12:30 Writing 12:30 12:45 Circle Time 12:45 1:30 Math and Snack 1:30 1:55 LIBRARY

THURSDAY 3/27 12:00 12:30 Circle Time 12:30 1:15 Math and Snack 1:15 2:00 Centers; Guided Reading Groups 2:00 2:45 Science: Introduce Science Journals Walk through Science Journals and explain how students will use them. Students add title and illustration to front covers. 2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

FRIDAY 3/28 11:50 12:00 Circle Time 12:00 12:40 Writing 12:40 1:20 Math and Snack 1:20 2:00 Centers; Guided Reading Groups

2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

2:00 2:45 Science: Introducing Hermit Crab Unit Read a few pages of What Has Ten Legs? and let students guess what animal well be investigating. Show picture/video of hermit crabs and elicit student responses. Start KWL chart. 2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

1:55 2:45 Centers; Guided Reading Groups

2:00 2:45 Science: Hermit Crab Care Read rest of chapter on hermit crabs in What Has Ten Legs? As a class, write a chart detailing hermit crabs needs and expectations for their care.

2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

Curriculum Timeline

Avery Finch

Curriculum Timeline

Avery Finch

MONDAY 3/31 8:30 8:45 Arrival and Morning Message 8:45 9:30 PREP: GYM

TUESDAY 4/1 8:30 8:40 Arrival 8:45 8:55 Morning Message and Song of the Week: The Five Senses by Dr. Jean 8:55 9:30 Journals 9:30 10:15 Reading: Informational Text Features Read Hermit Crabs (Binns) and add to KWL chart. Look at diagrams in book and discuss their purpose. Students label hermit crab diagrams in Science Journals. 10:15 11:00 LUNCH AND RECESS 11:00 11:45 PREP: ART

WEDNESDAY 4/2 8:30 8:45 Arrival and Morning Message 8:45 9:30 PREP: GYM

THURSDAY 4/3 8:30 8:45 Arrival and Morning Message 8:45 9:30 PREP: MUSIC

FRIDAY 4/4 8:30 8:40 Arrival 8:40 8:55 Morning Message and Song of the Week: The Five Senses by Dr. Jean 8:55 9:30 Journals 9:30 10:15 CLASS GAMES with Coach Michelle

9:30 9:40 Song of the Week: The Five Senses by Dr. Jean 9:40 10:15 Journals

9:30 9:40 Song of the Week: The Five Senses by Dr. Jean 9:40 10:15 NUTRITION

9:30 9:40 Song of the Week: The Five Senses by Dr. Jean 9:40 10:15 Reading: Is This a House for Hermit Crab? Read Is This a House? (McDonald) and add to KWL chart. On a chart, list the homes the crab found, and discuss why each did or did not work. 10:15 11:00 LUNCH AND RECESS 11:00 11:15 Cool-down: Moving Day (Kalan)

10:15 11:00 LUNCH AND RECESS 11:00 11:15 Cool-down: Moving Day (Kalan)

10:15 11:00 LUNCH AND RECESS 11:00 11:45 PREP: ART

10:15 11:00 LUNCH AND RECESS 11:00 11:45 PREP: TECHNOLOGY

Curriculum Timeline

Avery Finch

MONDAY 3/31 11:15-12:00 Reading: What Scientists Do Read What is a Scientist? As a class, discuss, record, and define scientists methods on chart.

TUESDAY 4/1 11:45-11:50 Cool-down: Moving Day (Kalan)

WEDNESDAY 4/2 11:45 11:50 Cool-down: Moving Day (Kalan)

THURSDAY 4/3 11:15 12:00 Writing: This is NOT a House for Hermit Crab! Review Is This a House? and chart. Discuss why hermit crabs need shells. Students draw and write about one thing that is not a house for a hermit crab, and one that is (worksheet). 12:00 12:30 Circle Time

FRIDAY 4/4 11:45 11:50 Cool-down: Moving Day (Kalan)

12:00 12:30 Circle Time

11:50 12:00 Circle Time

11:50 12:30 Writing: Observation Model observation page in Science Journal. Using magnifying glasses, students observe individual crabs at their tables. 12:30 12:45 Circle Time

11:50 12:00 Circle Time

12:30 1:15 Math Snack

12:00 12:30 Writing: What Scientists Do (I) Review What is a Scientist? and What Scientists Do chart. Students choose one method to illustrate and describe: question, predict, or observe.

12:30 1:15 Math: Crabby Math Students write number sentences under pictures of (crabby) addition stories. Students write a sentence (with words) telling the story of one of the addition problems. Snack

12:00 12:40 Reading: Whats in the Box? Read aloud Whats in the Box? Discuss and chart the role of senses in observation.

Curriculum Timeline

Avery Finch

MONDAY 3/31 1:15 2:00 Centers Math: write and erase counting cards Literacy Art: assemble and decorate crab body Listening: Sharing a Shell Guided Reading Groups

TUESDAY 4/1 12:30 1:15 Math Snack

WEDNESDAY 4/2 12:45 1:30 Math: Predicting What Our Hermit Crabs Like to Eat Review KWL chart and What Has Ten Legs? Students survey the class: What do you think our hermit crabs will most like to eat? Students graph results and write an evaluative sentence about their data. Snack

THURSDAY 4/3 1:15 2:00 Centers; Guided Reading Groups

FRIDAY 4/4 12:40 1:20 Math: Making Ten Feet Read aloud One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab. Discuss the number of legs each creature has. Students use Creature Cards (Scholastic resource) to make groups of animals with ten feet between them. Snack

2:00 2:45 Science: Questions, predictions, and observations Review Hermit Crab Care chart. At their tables, students write one question and one prediction in their Science Journals (page 1) while, one at a time, table groups join a teacher to observe all five crabs in the tank (5-6 min. each). Ask guiding questions to encourage careful observation.

1:15 2:00 Centers; Guided Reading Groups

1:30 1:55 LIBRARY

2:00 2:45 Science: What Our Hermit Crabs Like to Eat As a class, students observe hermit crabs eating and use graphic organizers to record how many crabs are eating each type of food. Students write a sentence about their data.

1:20 2:00 Centers; Guided Reading Groups

Curriculum Timeline

Avery Finch

MONDAY 3/31 2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

TUESDAY 4/1 2:00 2:45 Science: Observing At their tables, students observe and draw their hermit crabs in their Science Journals (page 2). Students may label their illustrations. 2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

WEDNESDAY 4/2 1:55 2:45 Centers; Guided Reading Groups

THURSDAY 4/3 2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

FRIDAY 4/4 2:00 2:45 Science: Observing with Our Senses Review What is a Scientist? and What Scientists Do chart. Students observe the hermit crabs and record data from four senses. 2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

Curriculum Timeline

Avery Finch

MONDAY 4/7 8:30 8:45 Arrival and Morning Message 8:45 9:30 PREP: GYM

TUESDAY 4/8 8:30 8:40 Arrival 8:40 8:55 Morning Message and Song of the Week: Five Little Crabs by Dr. Jean 8:55 9:30 Journals: Observations Students record observations in their Science Journals. 9:30 10:15 Reading: A House for Hermit Crab Read A House for Hermit Crab. Discuss why hermit crabs have shells. Students decorate their own shells.

WEDNESDAY 4/9 8:30 8:45 Arrival and Morning Message 8:45 9:30 PREP: GYM

THURSDAY 4/10 8:30 8:45 Arrival and Morning Message 8:45 9:30 PREP: MUSIC

FRIDAY 4/11 8:30 8:40 Arrival 8:40 8:55 Morning Message and Song of the Week: Five Little Crabs by Dr. Jean 8:55 9:30 Journals: Observations Students record observations in their Science Journals. 9:30 10:15 Reading: Reflection and Share-Out Review KWL chart. Highlight any questions we still have, and make plans for finding answers. Students share favorite observations from their Science Journals. 10:15 11:00 LUNCH AND RECESS 11:00 11:45 PREP: ART

9:30 9:40 Song of the Week: Five Little Crabs by Dr. Jean 9:40 10:15 Reading: Outgrowing Review KWL chart. Discuss why hermit crabs change shells. Discuss the concept of outgrowing. As a class, brainstorm and chart examples of outgrowing something in our own lives. 10:15 11:00 LUNCH AND RECESS 11:00 11:15 Cool-down: Moving Day

9:30 9:40 Song of the Week: Five Little Crabs by Dr. Jean 9:40 10:15 Reading: The Hermit Crab Read The Hermit Crab (Goodrich). Discuss fiction vs. nonfiction. As a class, make a Venn diagram to compare and contrast The Hermit Crab and A House for Hermit Crab (Carle). 10:15 11:00 LUNCH AND RECESS 11:00 11:45 PREP: ART

9:30 9:40 Song of the Week: Five Little Crabs by Dr. Jean 9:40 10:15 Journals

10:15 11:00 LUNCH AND RECESS 11:00 11:45 PREP: ART

10:15 11:00 LUNCH AND RECESS 11:00 11:15 Cool-down: Moving Day

Curriculum Timeline

Avery Finch

MONDAY 4/7 11:15-12:00 Writing: Outgrowing Review KWL and Outgrowing charts and discuss why hermit crabs change shells. Students write about a time they outgrew something. 12:00 12:30 Circle Time

TUESDAY 4/8 11:45-11:50 Cool-down: Moving Day

WEDNESDAY 4/9 11:45 11:50 Cool-down: Moving Day

THURSDAY 4/10 11:15 12:00 Writing: Observations Students record observations in their Science Journals.

FRIDAY 4/11 11:45 11:50 Cool-down: Moving Day

11:50 12:00 Circle Time

11:50 12:30 Writing: A House for Me Review A House for Hermit Crab and discuss why hermit crabs have shells. Students write about the shells they decorated (A House for Me), including both description and function. 12:30 12:45 Circle Time

12:00 12:30 Circle Time

11:50 12:00 Circle Time

12:30 1:15 Math: Comparing to Shells Students compare objects around the room to a large shell. Students cut out pictures of those objects and group (glue) them according to whether they are longer or shorter than the shell. Snack

12:00 12:30 Writing: What Scientists Do (II) Review What is a Scientist? and What Scientists Do chart. Students choose one method to illustrate and describe: record, communicate, or ask more questions.

12:30 1:15 Math: Measuring with Blocks Students measure pictures of crabs with blocks, then record each crabs height in a graph. Students write a sentence about their data. Snack

12:00 12:40 Writing: Hermit Crabs Can/Have/Are Review all weve learned about crabs. Students write 13 things hermit crabs can, have, and are.

Curriculum Timeline

Avery Finch

MONDAY 4/7 1:15 2:00 Centers Math: crab skip counting puzzles Literacy: letter blends Art Listening: What Lives in a Shell? Guided Reading Groups

TUESDAY 4/8 12:30 1:15 Math: Comparing and Measuring Crabs Students measure five pictures of hermit crabs with small cubes and record the height of each crab on a graph and in tally marks. Snack

WEDNESDAY 4/9 12:45 1:30 Math: Comparing, Ordering, and Measuring Shells Students order five shells by size and glue them to a paper. Students measure the shells with small cubes and record their heights. Students write a sentence about their data. Snack

THURSDAY 4/10 1:15 2:00 Centers; Guided Reading Groups

FRIDAY 4/11 12:40 1:20 Math: Measuring with Shells Students measure and record the length of different objects in the classroom, using a large shell as the nonstandard unit of measure. Snack

2:00 2:45 Science: Hermit Crab Races Day 1 Students watch and record results of several hermit crab races on the rug.

1:15 2:00 Centers; Guided Reading Groups

1:30 1:55 LIBRARY

2:00 2:45 Science: Writing We Are Scientists As a group, look at photos of the past two weeks. Review methods we used. Each student writes caption for photo of him/herself. 2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

1:20 2:00 Centers; Guided Reading Groups

2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

2:00 2:45 Science: Hermit Crab Races Day 2 Students watch and record results of several hermit crab races on the rug. 2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

1:55 2:45 Centers; Guided Reading Groups

2:00 2:45 Science: Reading We Are Scientists Read We Are Scientists. Discuss what we learned and how; what we would do differently or the same. 2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

2:45 3:00 Pack-Up and Dismissal

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