Oke Reflection 5

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Reflection 5: Tuesday- February 18, 2014 Today I came in later, to be a part of the literacy block.

When I arrived to the classroom the students were lining up for gym. Then it was the teachers planning period, during this time I organized the students previous benchmark tests. I organized and alphabetized the math, literacy, and science tests for each student into a binder for the teacher. Next it was time to pick the students up and take them to lunch. After lunch, we came back to the room and it was science time. During science, the students read along with the teacher a few pages in their science book and then they had a discussion on it. The students were learning about the solar system and the teacher allowed a couple of students to come up at a time and one pretend to be the Earth and one pretend to be the sun and demonstrate the orbiting of the sun around the Earth. The students seemed to really enjoy this activity and were engaged. Next it was time for recess and the students had indoor recess again. The students played games and went to different centers. I also watched the class for the teacher during this time while she ran some errands in the school. When the teacher came back she sent me for some more supplies she needed. When I came back, it was reading time. The students read along in their literacy book called Journeys, a story called, Mr. Tanens Tie Trouble. Then the teacher asked questions after the story about the main character, setting, problem/conflict, solution, and other characteristics. I walked around and monitored and assisted the students as needed. The teacher wrote their answers on the board. Then they went to their literacy centers and I lead a reading group during this time. During the reading group I had the students take turns reading a page each and I would help them with any words they did not know or understand. Then I asked them different questions

about the book such as the main idea and supporting details. It was then time for me to leave and I watched the class a few more minutes while the teacher left the room and then I left. Overall I had another good day besides what seems to be the normal behavioral issues that the teacher faces daily. Every day the teacher and the students seem to be more comfortable with me and the more responsibilities I seem to get to have. The students were better today than I expected them to be since they have been off of school for so many school days due to the snow!

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