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Submitted to : Prof. Srinivas Gunta

Approach to the Project and Data Sources

Industry Analysis
- Analyzing the health care industry in India -Will give us an idea about the industry attractiveness and how industry has evolved over the years -Would be helpful in how Apollo has tapped the industry potential and would give us insights into future prospects

Competitor Analysis
Comparing financial data of listed competitors -Relating financial data with industry analysis - Comparing qualitative and quantitative data of both listed and non listed competitors - Would help in analysis of corporate strategy of Apollo in comparison to competitors

Financial Data and Timeline Analysis

Inferring Corporate Strategy

Analysis of Corporate Strategy

- Financial data to - From the timeline - Analyzing the - Based on the assess the assessing the inferred corporate analysis of companies possible corporate strategy Corporate strategy performance over strategy -Assessing the and future industry the years - How the corporate impact of corporate and competitive - Making a timeline strategy has strategy on the scenario predicting of most important evolved over the companys the future of Apollo events in company years performance hospitals history (would - Seeing alignment - Relevance of the - Our include JVs, of corporate corporate strategy recommendations if alliances, growth, strategy with given the industry any diversification) companys vision analysis done - Conclusion of - Combining and mission previously complete analysis timeline and - Strategy in - Comparing financial data to context of strategy with analyze impact of Emerging market respect to important events on - Assessing the role competitors Date Sources companies of leadership Industry Analysis: ICRA Reports, CII Reports, KPMG Report || Competitor Analysis: Annual Reports of companies, performance

Conclusi on & Future Predictio n

Market Line Reports || Financial Data and Timeline: Annual reports and company website, MoneyControl || Corporate Strategy: Articles in FT, Business line and ET related to company

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