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Flex3D Unfolding

Lantek Automatizacin S. L. Spanish Headquarter:

Parque Tecnolgico de lava C/ Albert Einstein, Edificio Lantek 01510 Miano - lava Tel. +34 - 945 298705 - Fax. +34 - 945 298714 E-mail:

Description Technical features: a) Construction options b) Unfolding options 1 1 3 4


Lantek F l e x 3 D U n f o l d i n g
L a n t e k F l ex 3 D U n f o l d i n g i s a s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n f r o m the Lantek Flex3D family of products for 3D part design and automatic unfolding. The result is the unfolded part in 2D. L a n t e k F l ex 3 D U n f o l d i n g i s a s ta n d - a l o n e a p p l i c a t i o n and no additional software is needed to work with it. EASY, FLEXIBLE DESIGN With Lantek Flex3D Unfolding , the design of any part in 3 D i s m a d e s i m p l e . Sta r t i n g f r o m a s o l i d b a s e , t h e d i ff e r e n t f a c e s a r e a d d e d t o f o r m t h e c o m p l e t e pa r t . Once the part has been designed, the unfolding is immediate and automatic. The application has a powerful help system with detailed explanations of each one of the options, so that the user may resolve any doubts quickly and simply. Dynamic coordinate system specifically for boxes. Real viewing of the part. Powerful 2D design module. Automatic unfolding. Possibility of unfolding (transfer from 3D to 2D geometry) in DXF or MEC format (Lanteks own format for integration with Lantek Expert ).

Te c h n i c a l features


Flex3D Unfolding


Creation of the base face from 2D geometry

or parameters introduced by the user.

Parametrisable addition of any type of face to o o Independent displacements at both Independent chamfers at each end Independent rounding radius for Different angle for each one of the Multiple options for dimensioning Face types which grow outwards, Automatic rectangular or semi-

the base face: ends of the added face. of the added face. o o faces. o the faces. o o circular cutaways. Creation of faces at 0 and 180. Creation of multiple faces from one profile. inwards or exactly to the edge. each one of the faces.



Flex3D Unfolding

Construction options

Creation of extrusions. Creation of faces from 2D geometry. Cutting of extrusions. C r e a t i o n o f s ta n d a r d h o l e s o r d e s i g n o f t h e i r geometry in 2D. Possibility of creating dies for holes. St a n d a r d s t a m p i n g l i b r a r y. P o s s i b i l i t y o f c r e a t i n g stamping dies.

Rounding (filleting) of the parts in 3D. Automatic mitring (diagonal, 90, 2D geometry) on two superimposed faces. This utility allows two superimposed faces to be separated. Lengthening and shortening of 2 faces, o At a set value. o To a parallel plane. o To a n o n - pa r a l l e l p l a n e , w i t h a n d without reference. o To a vertex. o Lengthening and shortening of 2 faces until they meet.


Flex3D Unfolding


Unfolding options

Automatic unfolding of the part based on its own unfolding algorithm, which depends on: o The K factor. o A technology table which can be configured by the user, in accordance with thickness, radius, and the machine. The unfolding provided by Lantek Flex3D Unfolding is totally configurable. There are two output formats: o Unfolding of geometry to DXF format file, completely user-configurable from the program (type of line, colour) o Direct unfolding to Lantek Expert s data base (MEC). No need to create intermediate f i l e s . T h e s y s t e m a l l o w s t h e 2 D g e o m e t r y o b ta i n e d to be directly transferred to the CAM cutting or punching system.



Flex3D Unfolding


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